This repository is a fork of Evmos v9.1.0. We expand on version v9.1.0 by adding functionalities that allow smart contracts to compute on encrypted data.
Evmos is a scalable, high-throughput Proof-of-Stake blockchain that is fully compatible and interoperable with Ethereum. It's built using the Cosmos SDK which runs on top of Tendermint Core consensus engine.
Note: Requires Go 1.18+
Please check the CHANGELOG to get the last version of the published (ready-to-use) docker image and check all the related dependencies.
Based on your objectives, here are some helpful suggestions.
- I just want to run fhEVM and see the node's logs.
So check this section please with a self-sufficient docker image.
- I want to run without building anything and see the node's configuration, how the FHE keys are generated and a few more details.
In this case, this section will help you to run the node, see the setup phase.
- I want to build the FhEVM from source using docker.
In this case, this section will help you to build the node and run it. This build take a few time to complete.
- I am a core developer 😎, I need to add some prints 😁 in the code
In this case, this following section is for you, good luck!
To build automatically the C library one can use the following commands:
make build_c_api_tfhe
This will clone tfhe-rs repository in work_dir folder and build the C api in work_dir/tfhe-rs/target/release.
If the developer has its own tfhe-rs repository the TFHE_RS_PATH env variable could be set in .env file.
Go-ethereum needs the tfhe.h header file located in go-ethereum/core/vm and the (linux) or libtfhe.dylib for (Mac) in go-ethereum/core/vm/lib.
cp work_dir/tfhe-rs/target/release/tfhe.h ../go-ethereum/core/vm
mkdir -p ../go-ethereum/core/vm/lib
# Mac
cp work_dir/tfhe-rs/target/release/libtfhe.dylib ../go-ethereum/core/vm/lib
# Linux
cp work_dir/tfhe-rs/target/release/ ../go-ethereum/core/vm/lib
# For linux set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to also
Why do we need to copy the header file and libtfhe?
In order to extend geth, we give access to all tfhe operations gathered in the lib c through pre-compiled smart contracts. One can check the file called tfhe.go in go-ethereum/core/vm to go deeper.
To use custom go-ethereum and ethermint repositories, clone them at the same level as evmos, make your changes and update the go.mod file accordingly:
-replace v1.10.19 => v0.1.10
+replace v1.10.19 => ../go-ethereum
-replace v0.19.3 => v0.1.2
+replace v0.19.3 => ../ethermint
Here is the hierarchy of folders:
├── evmos
│ └── work_dir
│ └── tfhe-rs
├── go-ethereum
├── ethermint
To build evmosd binary directly in your system.
make install
The binary is installed in your system go binary path (e.g. $HOME/go/bin). If needed update your PATH env variable to be able to run evmosd binary from anywhere.
LOCAL_BUILD_KEY_PATH="$HOME/.evmosd/zama/keys/network-fhe-keys" ./scripts/ v0.2.0
This script generates fhe keys and copy them to evmos HOME folder in $HOME/.evmosd/zama/keys/network-fhe-keys.
# jq is required
# in a new terminal run the fhevm-decryption-db
docker run -p 8001:8001
make clean-local-evmos
# must run ./ after
Use the faucet
# In evmos root folder
# Replace with your ethereum address
python3 0xa5e1defb98EFe38EBb2D958CEe052410247F4c80
Check if evmosd is linked with the right tfhe-rs C libray - Linux
ldd $HOME/go/bin/evmosd (0x00007ffdb6d73000) => /PATH_TO/tfhe-rs/target/release/ (0x00007fa87c3a7000) => /lib64/ (0x00007fa87c185000) => /lib64/ (0x00007fa87c165000) => /lib64/ (0x00007fa87c087000)
/lib64/ (0x00007fa87c9e5000)
If the user get:
evmosd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
For linux one solution is to update the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the compiled in tfhe-rs
Name | Type | Variable name | where it is defined |
go-ethereum | repository | - | directly in go.mod |
ethermint | repository | - | directly in go.mod |
tfhe-rs | repository | TFHE_RS_VERSION | Makefile/.env |
If the developer wants to build everything locally from sources, and run the e2e test, this build is the more adapted.
Name | Type | Variable name | where it is defined |
evmos | repository | LOCAL_BUILD | .env (set to true) |
go-ethereum | repository | - | directly in go.mod |
ethermint | repository | - | directly in go.mod |
tfhe-rs | repository | TFHE_RS_VERSION | Makefile/.env |
make build-docker
Here are the steps executed automatically
- Build a base image (or retrieve it from called zama-zbc-build.
- Check tfhe-rs is available in TFHE_RS_PATH (default is work_dir/tfhe-rs)
- In any case the custom version or the cloned (TFHE_RS_VERSION) one is copied into work_dir/tfhe-rs
- Clone go-ethereum and ethermint to work_dir (version are parsed from go.mod)
- Update go.mod to force use local repositories (related to the just above changes)
- Build a container called evmosnodelocal.
To only init and run the node:
make init-evmos-node
make run_evmos
# make stop_evmos
Docker ps output:
0bc6ae374153 evmosnodelocal evmosnodelocal0
422f83a0ea73 docker-compose_oracledb zbcoracledb
To execute the e2e test, here are the dependencies:
Name | Type | Variable name | where it is defined |
evmos | repository | LOCAL_BUILD | .env (set to true) |
fhevm-solidity | repository | FHEVM_SOLIDITY_VERSION | Makefile/.env |
fhevm-tfhe-cli | repository | FHEVM_TFHE_CLI_VERSION | Makefile/.env |
fhevm-decryptions-db | repository | FHEVM_DECRYPTIONS_DB_VERSION | Makefile/.env |
# without the previous init
make e2e-test
# or if evmos is already initialized.
make run_evmos
make run_e2e_test
make stop_evmos
Here are the steps executed automatically
- check you have all the needed repositories
- fhevm-tfhe-cli
- fhevm-solidity
- fhevm-decryptions-db
- init evmos node by calling /config/ file
- generate fhe keys using fhevm-tfhe-cli based on scripts/ script
- copy them at the right folder using scripts/ script
- start evmosnodelocal0 and oracledb (local build) using docker-compose/docker-compose.local.yml file
- run the e2e test
- start the test from fhevm-solidity
The fast way to run the e2e test locally using ready to use docker images
Name | Type | Variable name | where it is defined |
evmos | repository | LOCAL_BUILD | .env (set to false) | | docker image name | hard-coded | docker-compose.validator.yml |
Init evmos and run it:
make init-evmos-node
make run_evmos
# make stop_evmos
Docker ps output:
02b40fb0bdf7 evmosnode0
ac2073c0d6fc zbcoracledb
To execute the e2e test, here are the dependencies:
# if evmos is already initialized.
make run_evmos
make run_e2e_test
make stop_evmos
Name | Type | Variable name | where it is defined |
evmos | evmos | LOCAL_BUILD | .env | | docker image name | hard-coded | docker-compose.validator.yml |
oracle-db-service | docker image name | hard-coded | docker-compose.validator.yml |
fhevm-solidity | repository | FHEVM_SOLIDITY_VERSION | Makefile/.env |
fhevm-tfhe-cli | repository | FHEVM_TFHE_CLI_VERSION | Makefile/.env |
fhevm-decryptions-db | repository | FHEVM_DECRYPTIONS_DB_VERSION | Makefile/.env |
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