Node allows a developer to run javascript server-side and client-side. Run a node project by typing:
node <filename>
npm is a package manager. With the npm executable we will install packages that we've pulled from the npm database.
First we run init in order to initialize our node project. This creates a package.json file. This file describes our project and lists dependencies that others will need to install before they can run our project.
npm init
npm is a package manager. We install by typing:
npm install <package name>
First we create the project directory. In cmd navigate to where you will store your project.
cd ..\Desktop\bot_workshop
Next we must initialize the directory to use npm packages
npm init
Next we isntall the necessary npm packages, botbuilder and restify
npm install botbuilder --save
npm install restify --save
Take a look at package.json and verify that you understand what's going on
In order to communicate with our bot buds we will need to install BotFramework-emulator
The bots follow a client-server model. The bot is the server, and it responds to requests by the emulator which acts as the client.
- If our bot is communicated with through slack, then slack is the client. If through discord then ...
Dialog occurs in a waterfall structure through the "dialog array". When new dialogs are created they are added to the dialog stack. When a dialog finishes, the dialog which spawned it is resumed
An HTTP server responds to requests with responses. These requests are of a certain type, for example GET, POST, DELETE, etc...
Our HTTP server (restify) is listening for post requests made to /api/messages, and giving our bot connector the resonsibility to handle them.
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