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Setup Microsoft Azure AKS cluster

The scripts in this section will launch an AKS cluster, setup Azure Files for persistence, and configure a bastion host that you can login and start a Hyperledger Fabric network. The configuration file specifies the number and type of Azure VM instances and type of storage used by the AKS cluster, e.g., 3 VM instances are used by the default configuration.

Configure Azure account login

Install Azure CLI as described by the link.

Once your Azure account is setup, you can login by typing the command:

az login

Enter your account info in a pop-up browser window. Note that you may lookup your account details by using the Azure Portal, although it is not absolutely necessary since we use only Azure CLI scripts.

Start AKS cluster

Create and start the AKS cluster with all defaults:

cd ./az
./ create

This script accepts 2 parameters for you to specify a different Azure environment, e.g.,

./ create -n fab -r westus2

would create an AKS cluster with name prefix of fab, at the Azure location of westus2.

Wait 10 minutes for the cluster nodes to startup. When the cluster is up, it will print a line, such as:

You can use this command to login to the bastion VM instance and create a Hyperledger Fabric network in the AKS cluster. Note that the ssh keypair for accessing the bastion host is in your $HOME/.ssh folder, and named as and id_rsa. The script will generate a new keypair if these files do not exist already.

Note also that the scripts have set the security group such that the bastion host can be accessed by only your workstation's current IP address. If your IP address changes, you'll need to login to Azure to update the security rule, or simply re-run the script:

cd ./az
az login
./ fab westus2

Prepare AKS cluster and Azure File storage for Hyperledger Fabric

Log on to the bastion host, e.g., (your real host IP will be different):

After login, you'll notice that everything is automatically setup for you. You may verify the following configurations.

  • df command should show that an Azure File storage is already mounted at /mnt/share;
  • kubectl get pod,svc --all-namespaces should show you the Kubernetes system services and PODs;
  • ls ~ should show you that the latest code of this project is already downloaded at $HOME/fabric-operation.

Start and test Hyperledger Fabric network

Following steps will start and smoke test the default Hyperledger Fabric network with 2 peers, and 3 orderers using etcd raft consensus. You can learn more details about these commands here.

Create namespace for the network operator

cd ./fabric-operation/namespace
./ create

This command creates a namespace for the default Fabric operator company, netop1, and sets it as the default namespace. It also creates Kubernetes secret for accessing Azure Files storage for persistence. The option -t az specifies the working environment for Azure, and it is optional since the script will automatically detect the environment if it is not specified. You can verify this step using the following commands:

  • kubectl get namespaces should show a list of namespaces, including the new namespace netop1;
  • kubectl get secret should show that a secret named azure-secret is created;
  • kubectl config current-context should show that the default namespace is set to netop1.

Start CA server and create crypto data for the Fabric network

cd ../ca
./ start
# wait until 3 ca server and client PODs are in running state
./ bootstrap

This command starts 2 CA servers and a CA client, and generates crypto data according to the network specification, netop1.env. You can verify the result using the following commands:

  • kubectl get pods should list 3 running PODs: ca-server, tlsca-server, and ca-client;
  • ls /mnt/share/ should list folders containing crypto data, i.e., canet, cli, crypto, gateway, namespace, orderers, peers, and tool.

Generate genesis block and channel creation tx

cd ../msp
./ start
# wait until the tool POD is in running state
./ bootstrap

This command starts a Kubernetes POD to generate the genesis block and transaction for creating a test channel mychannel based on the network specification. You can verify the result using the following commands:

  • kubectl get pods should list a running POD tool;
  • ls /mnt/share/ should show the generated artifacts: etcdraft-genesis.block, mychannel.tx, mychannel-anchors.tx, and configtx.yaml.

Start Fabric network

cd ../network
./ start

This command starts the orderers and peers using the crypto and genesis block created in the previous steps. You can verify the network status using the following commands:

  • kubectl get pods should list 3 running orderers and 2 running peers;
  • kubectl logs orderer-2 should show that a raft leader is elected by all 3 orderer nodes;
  • kubectl logs peer-1 -c peer should show the logs of peer-1, that shows its successfully completed gossip communications with peer-0.
  • ls /mnt/share/ shows persistent storage of the orderer-0, similar to other orderer nodes;
  • ls /mnt/share/ shows persistent storage of the peer-0, similar to other peer nodes.

Smoke test of the Fabric network

cd ../network
./ test

This command creates the test channel mychannel, installs and instantiates a test chaincode, and then executes a transaction and a query to verify the working network. You can verify the result as follows:

  • The last result printed out by the test should be 90;
  • Orderer data folder, e.g., /mnt/share/ would show a block file added under the chain of a new channel chains/mychannel;
  • Peer data folder, e.g., /mnt/share/ would show a new chaincode mycc.1.0 added to the chaincodes folder, and a transaction block file created under ledgersData/chains/chains/mychannel.

Start client gateway service and use REST APIs to test chaincode

Refer gateway for more details on how to build and start a REST API service for applications to interact with one or more Fabric networks. The following commands can be used on the bastion host to start a gateway service that exposes a Swagger-UI.

cd ../service
# build the gateway service from source code, which creates executable 'gateway-linux'
make dist

# config and start gateway service for Azure
./ start

The last command started 2 PODs to run the gateway service, and created a load-balancer service with a publicly accessible port. The load-balancer port is automatically open to public, which is convenient for dev and test, although Azure recommends to add Ingress controllers for production use.

The URL of the load-balancer is printed by the script as, e.g.,

Copy and paste the URL (your actual URL will be different) into a Chrome web-browser, and use it to test the sample chaincode as described in gateway.

Build and start Dovetail chaincode and service

Refer dovetail for more details about Project Dovetail, which is a visual programming tool for modeling Hyperledger Fabric chaincode and client apps.

A Dovetail chaincode model, e.g., marble.json is a JSON file that implements a sample chaincode by using the TIBCO Flogo visual modeler. Use the following script to build and instantiate the chaincode.

# create chaincode package
cd ${HOME}/fabric-operation/msp
./ build-cds -m ../dovetail/samples/marble/marble.json

# install and instantiate chaincode
cd ../network
./ install-chaincode -n peer-0 -f marble_cc_1.0.cds
./ install-chaincode -n peer-1 -f marble_cc_1.0.cds
./ instantiate-chaincode -n peer-0 -c mychannel -s marble_cc -v 1.0 -m '{"Args":["init"]}'

You can send test transactions by using the Swagger UI of the gateway service, e.g., insert a new marble by posting the following transaction:

  "connection_id": "16453564131388984820",
  "type": "INVOKE",
  "chaincode_id": "marble_cc",
  "transaction": "initMarble",
  "parameter": [

By using the same Flogo modeling UI, we can also implement a client app, e.g., marble_client.json, that updates or queries the Fabric distributed ledger by using the marble chaincode. Use the following script to build and run a client app as a Kubernetes service.

# generate network config if skipped the previous gateway test
cd ${HOME}/fabric-operation/service
./ config

# build and start client using the generated network config
cd ../dovetail
./ config-app -m samples/marble_client/marble_client.json
./ start-app -m marble_client.json

The above command will start 2 instances of the marble-client and expose a load-balancer end-point for other applications to invoke the service. Once the script completes successfully, it will print out the service end-point as, e.g.,

access marble-client servcice at

You can use this end-point to update or query the blockchain ledger. marble.postman_collection.json contains a set of REST messages that you can import to Postman and invoke the marble-client REST APIs.

Stop the client app after tests complete:

./ stop-app -m marble_client.json

Stop Fabric network and cleanup persistent data

cd ../network
./ shutdown -d

This command shuts down orderers and peers, and the last argument -d means to delete all persistent data as well. If you do not use the argument -d, it would keep the test ledger file in the Azure Files storage, and so it can be loaded when the network restarts. You can verify the result using the following command.

  • kubectl get svc,pod should not list any running orderers or peers;
  • The orderers and peers' persistent data folder, e.g., /mnt/share/ would be deleted if the option -d is used.

Clean up all Azure processes and storage

You can exit from the bastion host, and clean up every thing created in Azure when they are no longer used, i.e.,

cd ./az
./ cleanup -n fab -r westus2

This will clean up the AKS cluster and the Azure Files storage created in the previous steps. Make sure that you supply the same parameters as that of the previous create command if they are different from the default values.


Use kubectl from localhost

If your local workstation has kubctl installed, and you want to execute kubectl commands directly from the localhost, instead of going through the bastion host, you can set the env,

export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/fabric-operation/az/config/config-fab.yaml

where the /path/to is the location of this project on your localhost, and config-fab.yaml is named after the ENV_NAME specified in The file is created for you when you execute create, and it is valid only while the AKS cluster is running.

You can then use kubectl commands against the Azure AKS cluster from your localhost directly, e.g.,

kubectl get pod,svc --all-namespaces

Set default Kubernetes namespace

The containers created by the scripts will use the name of a specified operating company, e.g., netop1, as the Kubernetes namespace. To save you from repeatedly typing the namespace in kubectl commands, you can set netop1 as the default namespace by using the following commands:

kubectl config view
kubectl config set-context netop1 --namespace=netop1 --cluster=fabAKSCluster --user=clusterUser_fabRG_fabAKSCluster
kubectl config use-context netop1

Note to replace the values of cluster and user in the second command by the corresponding output from the first command. This configuration is automatically done on the bastion host when the create script is called.