/* Team Leader: Go Hojin Team Member: Ahn Junyoung, Hong Seojun, Jang seowon, Park Yuna
Main Menu
1.Team Introduction team's goal: To implement smoothly
2.Team Requirements Main Menu
3.Detailed Requirements
a. Menu Screen_(Jang Seowon)
- Making a first screen of the game.
- There are buttons like settings, shop, achivements etc.
b. Settings Screen_(Go Hojin)
- Graphic settings, game play settings
- Save changes
- To set initial setting
c. Pre-game Preparation Screen_(Ahn Junyoung)
- Character customization options (e.g., skins, color selection)
- Multi-playing setting
d. Achivements Screen_(Yuna Park)
- Displaying Achievement Details
- Updating Progress
f.Shop Screen_(Ahn Junyoung)
- Displaying Product List
- Purchase and Payment System
4.Team Request Not yet.