Share Content and Image to Facebook, twitter, Instagram, mail and to mobile number via sms.
- share content , url and image into social networtk like facebook, twitter, email, messanger and instagrtam
- used native iOS api
And here's some code! 👍
- facebook and twitter
// facebook
YZSocialShare.shareOn(serviceType:.facebook, text:"facebook", url:"",image:UIImage(named:"steve jobs"))
// twitter
YZSocialShare.shareOn(serviceType:.twitter, text:"twitter", url:"")
- mail and messanger (with attachment)
// mail with attchament
let attachment = (data: UIImagePNGRepresentation(UIImage(named:"steve jobs")),fileName:"steve.png") // create attachment
YZSocialShare.shareOnMail(recipients:"[email protected]", subject:"Test", body:"Hello", attachment:attachment)
// Messanger
YZSocialShare.shareOnMessanger(recipients:"9638527410","9632587410", subject:"Test", body:"Hello")
- instagram and other apps
// instagram
/* Add this key into plist file
YZSocialShare.shareOnInstagram(text:"my first post", image:UIImage(named:"steve jobs"))
// Other apps
YZSocialShare.shareOn(serviceType:.otherApps,text:"Yudiz",image:UIImage(named:"steve jobs"))