Problem can be found in here!
Solution: Dynamic Programming
def maximalSquare(matrix: List[List[str]]) -> int:
prev = max_square_length = 0
row_length, col_length = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])
dp = [0] * col_length
for row in range(row_length):
for col in range(col_length):
tempt = dp[col]
if matrix[row][col] == "1":
if row != 0 and col != 0 and matrix[row-1][col-1] == "1":
dp[col] = min(dp[col], dp[col-1], prev) + 1
dp[col] = 1
max_square_length = max(max_square_length, dp[col])
dp[col] = 0
prev = tempt
return max_square_length * max_square_length