Avid Log Exchange (ALE) Parser written in pure JavaScript for use in the browser or from Node.js
Here's a JavaScript example of reading a file and outputting the JSON data retrieved from the parser
var ale;
fs.readFile("logexchange.ale", function (err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
ale = new AleParser(data);
// ale.column is available but is useless considering
// that ale.data will map to these columns for us
Here's a CoffeeScript example of using <input>
, File, and FileReader
to send an ALE into the parser on an HTML5 web page to POST ALE as JSON
class AleInputHandler
constructor: () ->
@input = $('input#ale-input')
@input.on 'change', @handle_ale
handle_ale: (evt) =>
reader = new FileReader()
reader.onloadend = (e) =>
if e.target.readyState == FileReader.DONE
ale = new AleParser(e.target.result)
$.post "/ingest_ale",
heading: ale.heading,
column: ale.column,
data: ale.data