- If you don't already have access to a GitHub account, navigate to: https://github.com
- Click on sign up.
- Use an email of your choice to create an account.
- Login to your new account.
- Navigate to this link to create a new fork (must be logged into your github account).
- Accept the default values and click on "Create fork" which will take you to the forked repository in the browser.
- From your forked repository click on the "<> Code" button. Then click on the "Create codespace on main" button.
The following are pre-requisites before starting the labs:
- Linux Shell Terminal
- Azure CLI
- kubectl
- Helm
- Certbot
- Option 1: using WSL, install using:
sudo apt-get install certbot
- Option 2: using Docker command:
docker run -it --rm --name certbot \ -v "/etc/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt" \ -v "/var/lib/letsencrypt:/var/lib/letsencrypt" \ certbot/certbot certonly
- Option 1: using WSL, install using:
Login to Azure Portal with your credentials
Using Terminal login to Azure with this command:
az login
You should be prompted to login using browser:
To sign in, use a web browser to open the page https://microsoft.com/devicelogin and enter the code <provided> to authenticate.
Navigate to the device login link in a browser, enter the provided code, then enter your Azure username and password.
Return to the terminal and select your subscription from the list.
Install the following Azure CLI extensions:
az extension add -n ssh
az extension add -n azure-firewall
Register the following providers:
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Storage
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Compute
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Network
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Monitor
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.ManagedIdentity
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.KeyVault
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Kubernetes