List of C libraries to power your project. To add libraries to the list either create a issue of submit a pull request.
- glibc GNU C Library
- libm GNU Mathematics Library
- GSL GNU Scientific Library
- OpenSSL OpenSSL SSL/TLS Library
- Glib GNOME low-level system library
- libuv Multi-platform asynchronous I/O library
- libevent Asynchronous event notification library
- libSSH2 SSH2 client library
- zlib Compression and archive library
- libcURL Multiprotocol file transfer library
- readline Simple commandline interface library
- libgit2 Git core library
- libsodium Crypto library
- Haru Cross platform PDF library
- Jansson Encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data
- libqrencode QR code library
- BerkeleyDB Berkeley database engine
- libxml2 XML library
- libpng Official PNG reference library
- libjpeg Widely used C library for reading and writing JPEG image
- libxo Generate text, XML, JSON, and HTML output
- libffi Foreign-function interface to call library functions at runtime
- libCello Higher level programming in C
- libwebsockets Lightweight websocket clients and servers
- libinjection SQL injection library
- libwebsockets C websocket library
- libpuzzle The Puzzle library is designed to quickly find visually similar images
- libbson Useful routines related to building, parsing, and iterating BSON documents
- libtorrent Bittorrent client library
- libzmq Client interface to ZeroMQ message queue protocol