For our experiment, we use UCF101-24 and JHMDB dataset.
Specifically, we use UCF101v2 annotation from here.
You can download the rgb frames , optical flow and ground truth annotations from our Google drive.
(We get UCF101-24 v2 from here and JHMDB from here)
tar -zxvf UCF101_v2.tar
tar -zxvf JHMDB.tar
Create soft link:
ln -s $PATH_TO_UCF101 ./data/ucf24
ln -s $PATH_TO_JHMDB ./data/JHMDB
Please make the data folder like this:
|-- data
`-- |-- JHMDB
`-- |-- Frames
`-- |-- FlowBrox04
`-- |-- JHMDB-GT.pkl
`-- |-- ucf24
`-- |-- rgb-images
`-- |-- brox-images
`-- |-- UCF101v2-GT.pkl
For more details about the format of the pkl
files, please see