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Alex Narvey edited this page May 12, 2022 · 5 revisions

Function description


This function add a menu item as a title. No action available for the user.


The settings dictionary contain all informations you can set to use this function. Here is a description of each.

Key Type Description
title Translatable string (see: Label translation) Item's title shown in the menu
computedTitle Name of the script in Application Support CustomScripts folder First line on stdout will be the title
optionalDisplay Boolean Will show the related item only if option key was pressed when Hello-IT menu was shown (supported in Hello-IT 1.4.0+)

Sample settings


More informations

Main implementation

The main implementation of this function is made in the Title plugin from the main project.

The default implementation use a simple MenuItem without any action. So the display will be grayed out, like inactive items.