Build ES module to CommonJs module for Node.js
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🤔 When ES module such as execa, node-fetch, file-type used in the Node.js project, we should compile them into CommonJs modules to ensure that they can work normally
👉 You can think that this plugin is to solve some NPM Packges released by sindresorhus 😅
🚧 The plugin only work in the vite build
Take execa, node-fetch and file-type as examples
- vite.config.js
import esmodule from 'vite-plugin-esmodule'
export default {
plugins: [
// `file-type` have exports condition in package.json
// this means that you have explicit specified the entry file
// 🌱 the purpose of this design is to eliminate the difference between Vite and Webpack
{ 'file-type': 'file-type/index.js' },
By default, the plugin use Webpack as build tools. You can specify Vite by options.vite
esmodule([...some-es-module], {
vite: true,
// or
vite: (config) => config,
- execa.js
import {execa} from 'execa';
const {stdout} = await execa('echo', ['unicorns']);
//=> 'unicorns'
See the test cases
modules: ES module name list
modules: (string | { [module: string]: string })[]
options?: WebpackOptions | ViteOptions
export interface WebpackOptions {
webpack?: true
| ((config: Configuration) => Configuration | void | Promise<Configuration | void>);
vite?: never;
export interface ViteOptions {
vite?: true
| ((config: UserConfig) => UserConfig | void | Promise<UserConfig | void>);
webpack?: never;
This plugin just wraps vite-plugin-optimizer