Usage: Click on index.html or visit my github page ###Part 1: Optimize PageSpeed Insights score for index.html
- Minifying CSS and JS files, provided by PageSpeed;
- Using JS to load small CSS file instead of blocking critical rendering process;
- Making all the GA JS asynchronous because they need not to be executed right away or waiting for certain resources;
- Minimizing the images used because there is no chance it will be that large on the front page;
- Moving non-critical JS files to the end;
- Giving "pring.css" a media tag;
- Removing third-party font because they block the pipeline and are not worth the cost;
###Part 2: Optimize Frames per Second in pizza.html
- Promoted the sliding pizzas to different layers so only they are repainted each time, trade painting off with layouts;
- Reduced the sliding pizzas number to a reasonable one (depending on how large the window is);
- Stored the values inside an array so there are way fewer forced layout invalidation;
- Switch to getElementById and getElementsByClassName instead of queryBySelector;
- Calculating the phase information first for there are always only 5 phases at a certain scroll position;