Releases: yeti-switch/yeti-web
Releases · yeti-switch/yeti-web
What's Changed
- 1516, do not raise error when Node return not found by @Ivanov-Anton in #1518
Full Changelog: 1.12.175...1.12.176
What's Changed
- fix RTP statistics links by @dmitry-sinina in #1513
- bug fix: for cdrs page, failed request when submit visible columns by @Ivanov-Anton in #1507
- fix float test when render routing tags by @Ivanov-Anton in #1514
- fix migration. refs #1512 by @dmitry-sinina in #1515
Full Changelog: 1.12.173...1.12.174
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 1.12.172...1.12.173
What's Changed
- bump rexml from v3.2.8 to v3.3.2 by @Ivanov-Anton in #1509
- allow to ContactEmailSender to create email log even when there is SMTP setting by @Ivanov-Anton in #1508
- fix admin cdr api relationships by @senid231 in #1510
Full Changelog: 1.12.171...1.12.172
What's Changed
- add CdrHttpBatch PGQ Processor, add data filters to CdrHttp/CdrHttpBatch PGQ Processors by @senid231 in #1503
- Realtime incoming registration node by @dmitry-sinina in #1506
- provisioning object validation by @senid231 in #1505
- rename file name of factories to be annotated by annotate gem by @Ivanov-Anton in #1504
Full Changelog: 1.12.170...1.12.171
What's Changed
- CDRs: remove old csv export by @dmitry-sinina in #1499
- Service Provisioning object creates PackageCounter by @senid231 in #1500
Full Changelog: 1.12.169...1.12.170
What's Changed
- fix SS status rendering improvements by @dmitry-sinina in #1498
Full Changelog: 1.12.168...1.12.169
What's Changed
- add stir/shaken number rewrites by @dmitry-sinina in #1497
Full Changelog: 1.12.167...1.12.168
What's Changed
- customer API: services and transactions filter by UUID by @dmitry-sinina in #1495
- identity validation by @dmitry-sinina in #1496
Full Changelog: 1.12.166...1.12.167