This document assumes that the readers already have reasonable knowledge about the following things:
- Basic concepts of Object Oriented Programming: Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism.
- Ruby programming language's basic components such as keywords, data types, operators, programming flow controls.
- Good Ruby naming conventions and how to name classes, modules, methods, constants, variables meaningfully.
This document is not a full complete list about all the Ruby best practices. It requires a book.
This document is rather a reference to common implementation situations with common best practices.
Developers are encouraged to read more in Ruby books, more detailed documents after they finish with this document and can apply its main principles to their work.
####I. Method implementation
- Basic method definitions
Methods that receive no parameter: Do not use ( ) at the end of method names.
def some_method
# Do something
Methods that receive one parameter: Many developers like the idea of using a space between method name and single parameter. But using the ( ) is clearer.
def some_method(one_parameter)
# Do something
Methods that receive many parameters: Use ( )
def some_method(parameter_1, parameter_2, parameter_3)
# Do something
Ruby also allows methods to reveive arbitrary numbers of parameters. Use ( )
def some_method(*parameters)
# Do something
Additional read:
- Methods that receive parameters with default values.
- Statement 'alias'.
- Statement 'undef'.
Note: When you write a method that receives too many parameters, consider about using a Hash or a Struct or an object instead.
- Early Return principle
Avoid if-else if there is simple condition that allows early exit
Avoid nested if-else
- Break down long methods Break down repetitive code
Break down common functionalities
Break down with naming conventions to dynamically process conditional branches
- Use loop and dynamic programming to avoid repetitive code
####II. Logging
When to log Where to log How to log What to log
####III. Exception handling Two different types of exceptions: Recoverable and Non-recoverable (including when Recoveable exceptions become Non-recoverable exceptions)
Differences between Business Errors and System Errors
####VI. Test coverage