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The methods used in our submissions to the action spotting track in 2022 are described in the following paper.

In this section, we explain how to reproduce the main results from the paper.

You can also find a general overview of the 2022 SoccerNet challenges results in the following paper.


The instructions below assume that you have already set up the package and SoccerNet data, as described in the README. You should then be able to open a Python terminal and run the commands. They all require importing bin.spotting_challenge_commands, which maps to the bin/ file.

In order to run the commands below, you will need to define several paths. For your convenience, you can define them all in the bin/ file. You can also directly pass your paths in as arguments in the function calls below. These arguments are optional. If they are not explicitly provided, they will default to the values defined in bin/

Model zoo

You can skip the model training steps by downloading models from our model zoo. Since there are several models, we suggest downloading all of them at once using:

git clone  # requires git lfs

The instructions below include commands for either training the models from scratch or for directly running inference and evaluation using models downloaded from the zoo. If you would like to use the models from the zoo, the instructions assume that you have downloaded them into the models folder that is specified within bin/, which defaults to YOUR_MODELS_DIR.

Low memory setup

We recommend having 256GB of CPU memory available in general, though our code can also be tweaked to work with only 64GB. In order to experiment with a 64GB setup, set MEMORY_SETUP = MEMORY_SETUP_64GB in bin/, or pass memory_setup=MEMORY_SETUP_64GB as an extra input to the functions below that involve training models. This low memory configuration is still experimental and is significantly slower than our standard setup. It also does less shuffling of the input samples, which could affect its results, though in our initial experiments we have not noticed any detriment.


The nomenclature used below in the description of the experiments follows the definitions from our paper.

Experimental protocols

This section contains a brief summary of the different protocols we experimented with.

Challenge Validated protocol

The Challenge Validated protocol trains on both the training and test splits, runs validation on the validation split, and tests on the challenge split. It is useful for finding hyperparameters and for getting a general idea of performance before submitting results to the challenge server. However, we achieved better final results by using the Challenge protocol, given that it has more training data available: the Challenge protocol trains on all the labeled splits (training, validation, and test), has no validation step, and then tests on the challenge split.

Challenge protocol

The Challenge protocol trains on all the available labeled data (train, validation and test splits) and runs prediction over the challenge split. As such, when using this protocol, we do not have local labels available with which to evaluate its performance. The commands below will create, among other outputs, a zip file that contains a set of JSON files, which you then upload to the challenge server.

Test protocol

The Test protocol is the standard protocol used with the SoccerNet dataset, in which training is done using the training split, validation is done on the validation split, and testing is done on the test split. This protocol does not involve the challenge split, and is normally used in experiments for publications. When reporting results, we usually average the resulting metrics over 5 different training runs.

The paper related to our challenge submissions includes some results using the Test protocol in order to help explain the improvements obtained relative to our previous paper, which introduced our action spotting approach that uses dense detection anchors.

Feature pre-processing

Feature pre-processing is required in order to run the later commands.

from bin.spotting_challenge_commands import \
    command_resample_baidu, commands_normalize_resnet, print_commands

resample_command = command_resample_baidu()
# You can run the command with:
normalize_commands = commands_normalize_resnet()
# You can run the commands with:
# for command in normalize_commands:

Experiments using Combination×2 features

Challenge Validated protocol

from bin.spotting_challenge_commands import \
    commands_spotting_challenge_validated, print_commands, \

# Commands for running both training and testing:
baidu_two_challenge_validated_commands = commands_spotting_challenge_validated(

# Commands for running just testing with the models from the zoo:
baidu_two_challenge_validated_commands_zoo = \
        run_name=RUN_NAME_ZOO, do_train=False)

Challenge protocol

On the challenge set, the models resulting from running the commands below are expected to result in around 66 to 67 tight average-mAP and 76 to 77 loose average-mAP.

from bin.spotting_challenge_commands import \
    commands_spotting_challenge, print_commands, BAIDU_TWO_FEATURE_NAME, \

# Commands for running both training and testing:
baidu_two_challenge_commands = commands_spotting_challenge(

# Commands for running just testing with the models from the zoo:
baidu_two_challenge_commands_zoo = commands_spotting_challenge(
    run_name=RUN_NAME_ZOO, do_train=False)

Test protocol

In most of our experiments, we apply soft non-maximum suppression (Soft-NMS) as the post-processing step. However, within this particular experiment using the Test protocol, we vary the type of non-maximum suppression (NMS) used during post-processing. We experiment with three NMS strategies:

  • Soft-NMS (with a window size that was optimized to maximize tight average-mAP on the validation set)
  • Regular NMS (also with a window size that was optimized to maximize tight average-mAP on the validation set)
  • Regular NMS with a window size of 20 seconds

The commands for experimenting with different NMS approaches are generated by supplying the do_nms_comparison=True flag to the commands_spotting_test function, which generates the list of commands, as shown below.

from bin.spotting_challenge_commands import \
    commands_spotting_test, print_commands, BAIDU_TWO_FEATURE_NAME, \

# Commands for running both training and testing:
baidu_two_test_commands = commands_spotting_test(

# Commands for running just testing with the models from the zoo:
baidu_two_test_commands_zoo = commands_spotting_test(
    run_name=RUN_NAME_ZOO, do_train=False)

Experiments using ResNet features

Challenge Validated protocol

from bin.spotting_challenge_commands import \
    commands_spotting_challenge_validated, print_commands, \

# Commands for running both training and testing:
resnet_normalized_challenge_validated_commands = \

# Commands for running just testing with the models from the zoo:
resnet_normalized_challenge_validated_commands_zoo = \
        run_name=RUN_NAME_ZOO, do_train=False)

Challenge protocol

from bin.spotting_challenge_commands import \
    commands_spotting_challenge, print_commands, \

# Commands for running both training and testing:
resnet_normalized_challenge_commands = commands_spotting_challenge(

# Commands for running just testing with the models from the zoo:
resnet_normalized_challenge_commands_zoo = commands_spotting_challenge(
    run_name=RUN_NAME_ZOO, do_train=False)

Test protocol

from bin.spotting_challenge_commands import \
    commands_spotting_test, print_commands, \

# Commands for running both training and testing:
resnet_normalized_test_commands = commands_spotting_test(

# Commands for running just testing with the models from the zoo:
resnet_normalized_test_commands_zoo = commands_spotting_test(
    run_name=RUN_NAME_ZOO, do_train=False)

Experiments using Combination×2 + ResNet features

This section's models are expected to bring only a minor improvement relative to the models trained on only the Combination×2 features. By using the late fusion approach from the current section, we saw an average improvement of 0.8 in the tight average-mAP metric and 1.0 in the loose average-mAP metric, as presented in our paper.

We do feature fusion by combining the confidence scores resulting from models trained on two feature types: Combination×2 and ResNet. We run fusion on the confidence scores, but not on the temporal displacement predictions, as fusing the latter did not bring any improvement. The confidence scores are combined using a weighted average of their logits, which uses a single weight parameter. When running experiments for the Challenge protocol, which does not have a validation set available, we use the same parameter that was found from the Challenge Validated protocol. Thus, you should first run the commands below for the Challenge Validated protocol in order to find the weight parameter (by training the weighted averaging model for feature fusion). After that, you can then run the commands below for the Challenge protocol

Challenge Validated protocol

Assuming you have already produced the confidence scores for the Combination×2 and ResNet features with the Challenge Validated protocol (using the commands from previous sections), you can combine them using our weighted averaging approach with the commands below.

from bin.spotting_challenge_commands import \
    commands_spotting_challenge_validated_fusion, print_commands, RUN_NAME_ZOO

# Commands for running both validation (to find the fusion weight) and testing:
fusion_challenge_validated_commands = \

# Commands for running just testing, while reusing the
# fusion weight from the model zoo:
fusion_challenge_validated_commands_zoo = \
        run_name=RUN_NAME_ZOO, do_train=False)

Challenge protocol

Once you have trained the averaging model using the Challenge Validated protocol, and also produced the confidence scores on the Combination×2 and ResNet features using the commands from previous sections for the Challenge protocol, then you can combine them using our averaging approach with the commands below.

from bin.spotting_challenge_commands import \
    commands_spotting_challenge_fusion, print_commands, RUN_NAME_ZOO

# Note that this protocol does not involve a validation step. It reuses
# the fusion weight found in the Challenge Validated protocol above, since the
# Challenge protocol (used here) does not have a validation set.

# Standard commands for the Challenge protocol:
fusion_challenge_commands = commands_spotting_challenge_fusion()

# Commands for the Challenge protocol using features computed using the
# models from the zoo.
fusion_challenge_commands_zoo = commands_spotting_challenge_fusion(

Test protocol

In order to run the feature fusion experiment commands below, you should have first run the Test protocol experiments above, so that the confidence scores produced using the Combination×2 and ResNet features are available to serve as inputs to the fusion.

from bin.spotting_challenge_commands import \
    commands_spotting_test_fusion, print_commands, RUN_NAME_ZOO

# Commands for running both validation (to find the fusion weight) and testing:
fusion_test_commands = commands_spotting_test_fusion()

# Commands for running just testing, while reusing the
# fusion weight from the model zoo:
fusion_test_commands_zoo = commands_spotting_test_fusion(
    run_name=RUN_NAME_ZOO, do_train=False)