key | description |
host | IP address or FQDN; it support IPv4 and IPv6. |
port | the telemetry port that configured at device. |
username | username if authentication is enabled at device. |
password | password if authentication is enabled at device. |
timeout | timeout for dialing a gRPC connection (unit is second). |
tlsConfig | TLS configuration parameters. |
key | description |
service | telemetry name based on the vendor. current supported services. |
output | the output can be a producer or a database that you already configured. |
path | The sensor path describes a YANG path or a subset of data definitions in a YANG model with a container. |
mode | streaming subscription mode: sample or on_change. |
sampleInterval | the data in sample mode must be sent once per sample interval in seconds. |
suppressRedundant | once it enabled the unchanged data sends every heartbeatInterval in on_change mode (vendor must support). |
heartbeatInterval | specifies the maximum allowable silent period in seconds (vendor must support). |
subscription | a subscription binds one or more sensor paths (Cisco). |
disabled | disable the sensor. |
key | description |
service | producer name: kafka or nsq |
config | depends on the producer |
key | description |
brokers | list of brokers |
topics | list of topics |
batchSize | size of batch |
batchTimeout | flush at least every batchTimeout |
maxAttempts | limit of how many attempts will be made before delivering the error |
keepAlive | keep-alive period for an active network |
compression | compression codec to compress Kafka messages (gzip, snappy, lz4) |
tlsConfig | TLS configuration parameters. |
protobuf | enable protobuf serialization |
key | description |
addr | |
topics | list of topics |
batchSize | size of batch |
batchTimeout | flush at least every batchTimeout |
key | description |
service | database name: influxdb |
config | depends on the database |
key | description |
server | server url |
bucket | name of the location where time series data is stored |
org | organization name |
token | authentication token |
batchSize | size of batch |
maxRetries | maximum count of retry attempts of failed writes |
timeout | HTTP request timeout |
service | description |
cisco.gnmi | Cisco gNMI plugin |
cisco.mdt | Cisco Model-Driven Telemetry plugin |
juniper.gnmi | Juniper gNMI |
juniper.jti | Juniper Junos Telemetry Interface plugin |
arista.gnmi | Arista gNMI |
key | description |
disabled | disable the status (including healthcheck) |
addr | status ip address and port (ip:port) |
tlsConfig | TLS configuration parameters. |
key | description |
enabled | enable shard (sharding of network devices) |
initializingShards | minimum number of available nodes required to start |
minimumShards | minimum number of available nodes required |
numberOfNodes | maximum number of nodes |
key | description |
service | service discovery name: consul, etcd or pseudo |
config | depends on the discovery |
key | description |
instances | list of instance's IP addresses |
probe | http or https |
path | healthcheck url path |
timeout | prob timeout |
interval | healthcheck time interval |
maxRetry | healthcheck maximum number of retries |
tlsConfig | TLS configuration parameters. |
key | description |
services | dial-out service configuration |
defaultOutput | default output |
tlsConfig | TLS configuration parameters. |
key | description |
username | username if authentication is enabled at device. |
password | password if authentication is enabled at device. |
timeout | timeout for dialing a gRPC connection (unit is second). |
tlsConfig | TLS configuration parameters. |
key | description |
watcherDisabled | disable watcher and switch to sighup mode |
bufferSize | shared buffer between telemetries |
outputBufferSize | output buffer (per producer or database) |
key | description |
enabled | enable or disable the TLS configuration. |
caFile | if caFile is empty, Panoptes uses the host's root CA set. |
certFile | the certficate file contain PEM encoded data. |
keyFile | the private key file contain PEM encoded data. |
insecureSkipVerify | it controls whether a client verifies the server's certificate chain and host name. |
key | description |
addr | server ip address and port (ip:port) |
workers | number of workers |