This application is designed to ingest and visualize measurements from IoT devices.
The application follows a microservice architecture. Below is a high-level overview of the system architecture:
- use a dev container for development
- use a docker-compose file to run the application
- use a .env file to store environment variables
The application provides the following features:
- Feature 1: simulator to generate synthetic mqtt messages for testing purposes.
- Feature 2: async ingestion of mqtt messages into a time series database.
- Feature 3: using mqtt wildcards to subscribe to multiple topics.
- Feature 4: dashboard to visualize the ingested measurements.
The dashboard provides an overview of ingested measurements.
The database schema lets you ingest any measurement with any datatype you want.
To install and run this application, follow these steps:
- Build and start the application using Docker Compose:
docker-compose up --build
To use the application, navigate to the following URLs: http://localhost:3000/login - Grafana login page
default credentials:
- username: admin
- password: admin
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact.