- June 24, 23:00 PDT
- June 25, 00:00 MDT
- June 25, 02:00 EDT
- June 25, 03:00 ADT/BRT
- June 25, 06:00 UTC
- June 25, 07:00 BST
- June 25, 08:00 CEST
- June 25, 14:00 CST
- June 25, 15:00 JST/KST
Scene setting (10min)
- Goals and expectations for the workshop, i.e., finalizing the proposed IG Charter
Summary of the current status of Smart Cities - Use cases (30min)
- Heng QIAN: The Uniqueness of Smart City ICT (3min)
- Peter Lee: Smarter Suffolk (UK) case study (3min)
- Discussion & developing a list of the most important requirements for the Smart Cities use cases (24min)
Needs and possible solutions for Web-based Smart Cities (30min)
- Michael McCool: The Web of Things in the Smart City (3min)
- Sebastian Kaebisch: Standardized Service Orchestration in Smart City (3min)
- Discussion & developing a list of the most important requirements for Web-based Smart Cities (24min)
Cross-cutting issues for Smart Cities (30min)
- Mohammed Alghamdi: Cybersecurity threats on Smart cities (3min)
- Sisay Chala, Otilia Werner-Kytölä: Privacy-Aware Information Base in the Context of Smart Cities (3min)
- Discussion & developing a list of the most important requirements for Cross-cutting issues for Smart Cities (24min)
Wrap-up (20min)
- Summarize what are the missing requirements to be added to the proposed IG Charter
- June 25, 05:00 PDT
- June 25, 06:00 MDT
- June 25, 08:00 EDT
- June 25, 09:00 ADT/BRT
- June 25, 12:00 UTC
- June 25, 13:00 BST
- June 25, 14:00 CEST
- June 25, 20:00 CST
- June 25, 21:00 JST/KST
Scene setting (10min)
- Goals and expectations for the workshop, i.e., finalizing the proposed IG Charter
Summary of the current status of Smart Cities - Use cases (30min)
- Josh Lieberman: Socializing Urban Digital Twins (3min)
- Daihei Shiohama: Publishing WoT use case for Japan Smart Cities (3min)
- Discussion & developing a list of the most important requirements for the Smart Cities use cases (24min)
Summary of the current status of Smart Cities - Existing standards (15min)
- Jerome Blum: ECLASS as a standardized Taxonomy, Terminology and Semantic for Smart Cities (3min)
- Discussion & developing a list of the most important requirements for the Smart Cities standards (12min)
Needs and possible solutions for Web-based Smart Cities (35min)
- Andrea Cimmino: Shifting from smart cities to smart communities using Web technologies (3min)
- Jacqueline Lu: Transparency Interfaces for Everyday Places (3min)
- Dave McComb: Lessons Learned from Enterprise Ontologies to Smart Cities (3min)
- Discussion & developing a list of the most important requirements for Web-based Smart Cities (26min)
Cross-cutting issues for Smart Cities (15min)
- Deborah Dahl: Intelligent User Interfaces to Smart Cities (3min)
- Discussion & developing a list of the most important requirements for Cross-cutting issues for Smart Cities (12min)
Wrap-up (20min)
- Summarize what are the missing requirements to be added to the proposed IG Charter
- June 25, 18:00 PDT
- June 25, 19:00 MDT
- June 25, 21:00 EDT
- June 25, 22:00 ADT/BRT
- June 26, 02:00 BST
- June 26, 03:00 CEST
- June 26, 09:00 CST
- June 26, 10:00 JST/KST
Scene setting (10min)
- Goals and expectatins for the workshop, i.e., finalizing the proposed IG Charter
Summary of the current status of Smart Cities - Existing standards (15min)
- Clarissa Loureiro: Smart City Maturity Model for Developing Countries Scenarios (3min)
- Discussion & developing a list of the most important requirements for the Smart Cities standards (12min)
Cross-cutting issues for Smart Cities (30min)
- Baoping CHENG: Multimedia communication technology reshapes smart home life (3min)
- Kaz Ashimura: Data Governance for Smart Cities (3min)
- Discussion & developing a list of the most important requirements for Cross-cutting issues for Smart Cities (24min)
Wrap-up (30min)
- Summarize what are the missing requirements to be added to the proposed IG Charter