NOTE: This library is still under active development, any suggestions and comments are greatly appreciated. It has been extensively tested with idealized and real atmosphere (ERA5 500 hPa) simulations.
- Python, numpy, scipy, pandas (Anaconda recommended)
- F90Nml
- netCDF4
This package includes the MPAS-Shallow Water dynamics under the Python-Fortran structure and its tangent linear and adjoint components [1].
Run the following commands to compile the package:
cd src
Successful compilation should have a
or module_sw_mpas.*.so
generated for future Python imports.
The example python scripts for the nonlinear forward (
), tangent linear (
), and adjoint (
) calculations can be found under the demo
If the scripts are to be executed under directories other than the demo
, simply modify the two lines at the top of each script
import sys
to the path of the source directory.
[1]: Tian, X. (2020). Evolutions of Errors in the Global Multiresolution Model for Prediction Across Scales - Shallow Water (MPAS-SW). Q. J. Royal Meteorol. Soc.,
[2]: Tian, X. and K. Ide (2021). Hurricane Predictability Analysis with Singular Vectors in the Multiresolution Global Shallow Water Model, J. Atmos. Sci.,