Framework refactoring: modify the refresh loading principle, improve compatibility, and more in line with the Flutter specification
Add: List reverse support
Add: List horizontal support
Fix: RefreshCallback naming conflict issue issues#120
Modify: Some styles have no more status
Fix: Height is 0 after infinite loading is completed issues#123,issues#121
Optimization: Trigger refresh and load
Optimization: Infinite load trigger
Support: Child is SingleChildScrollView type
Fix: Quick rebound after list refresh or load issues#130
Fix: ClassicalFooter set bgColor is invalid issues#138
Fix: success is not reset when reset state
Fix: When onRefresh is null, empty attempt to report error issues#140
Fix: When no more, the icon still loading issues # 137, issues # 142
Fix: No delay using setState error
Fixed: When the dwell height and the trigger height are the same, the pullback height is fixed issues#149