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Ruby and Jekyll

The Jekyll project calls itself a "blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby." At its core, Jekyll is a very simple set of technologies for building websites. Simplicity is what gives Jekyll its power: using Jekyll you will never have to learn about database backends, complicated server installations, or any of the myriad processes involved with most monolithic website technologies. Many prominent technical bloggers use Jekyll as their blogging platform.

Like many of the open source technologies in heavy usage at GitHub, Jekyll was originally developed by Tom Preson Warner, one of the cofounders of GitHub, and Nick Quaranto, of 37 Signals, though there are now thousands of contributors to the Jekyll codebase. Unsurprisingly, the strength of the Jekyll tool comes not from the brilliance of the original developers or the brilliance of the idea, but the way those original developers cultivated community and involvement among their users.

Learning and Building with Jekyll

In this chapter we will investigate the structure of a Jekyll blog, illustrating the few major technology pieces involved. Once we have familiarized ourselves with Jekyll, we will then create a Jekyll blog from scratch using the command-line tools. Then we will write a Ruby program that scrapes a blog-like website and converts the scraped information into a new Jekyll blog.

What Is Jekyll?

Jekyll specifies a file structure format: conform to this format and Jekyll will compile your files into HTML. Jekyll builds on top of two proven tools: Markdown, a markup language that is surprisingly readable and expressive, and Liquid Markup, a simple programming language that gives you just enough components to build modern web pages requiring conditionals and loops, but safe enough that you can run untrusted pages on public servers. With these two technologies and agreement on a layout structure, Jekyll can build very complicated websites paradoxically without requiring a complicated structure of files and technologies.

Jekyll works natively with GitHub because a Jekyll blog is stored as a Git repository. When you push files into GitHub from a repository GitHub recognizes as a Jekyll site, GitHub automatically rebuilds the site for you. Jekyll is an open source generator and defines a format for your source files, a format other tools can easily understand and operate upon. This means you can build your own tools to interact with a Jekyll blog. Combining an open source tool like Jekyll with a well-written API like the GitHub API makes for some powerful publishing tools.

Operating Jekyll Locally

To really use Jekyll, you’ll need the jekyll gem. As we explain in [appendix], we could install a ruby gem using this command:

$ gem install jekyll

There are two issues with installing this way. The first is that any commands we run inside the command line are lost to us and the world (other than in our private shell history file). The second is that if we are going to publish any of our sites to GitHub, we will want to make sure we are matching the exact versions of Jekyll and its dependencies so that a site that works on our local laptop also works when published into GitHub. If you don’t take care of this, you’ll occasionally get an email like this from GitHub:

 The page build failed with the following error:

 page build failed

 For information on troubleshooting Jekyll see
 If you have any questions please contact GitHub Support.

The fix for these two issues is a simple one. You’ve probably seen other chapters using a Gemfile to install Ruby libraries. Instead of using a manual command like bundle to install from the command line, let’s put this dependency into the Gemfile. Then, anyone else using this repository can run the command bundle install and install the correct dependencies. And instead of using the jekyll gem directly, use the github-pages gem, which synchronizes your Jekyll gem versions with those on GitHub. If you do get the preceding email, run the command bundle update to make sure that everything is properly set up and synchronized and generally this will reproduce the issues on your local setup, which is a much faster place to fix them:

$ printf "gem 'github-pages' >> Gemfile
$ bundle install

Creating and managing your dependencies inside a Gemfile is the smart way to get your Jekyll tool synced with the version running on GitHub.

Now we are ready to create a Jekyll blog.

Jekyll Blog Quick Start

We have our required tools installed, so let’s create a simple blog. Run these commands:

$ jekyll new myblog
$ cd myblog

The jekyll new command creates the necessary structure for a minimal Jekyll blog. Taking a look inside the directory, you’ll see a few files that comprise the structure of a basic Jekyll blog.

The jekyll new command installs two CSS files: one for the blog (main.css) and one for syntax highlighting (syntax.css). Remember, you are in full control of this site; the main.css file is simply boilerplate, which you can completely throw away if it does not suit your needs. The syntax file helps when including code snippets and contains syntax highlighting CSS that prettifies many programming languages.

Installation of a new blog comes with a .gitignore file as well that contains one entry: _site. When you use the Jekyll library to build your site locally, all files are by default built into the _site directory. This .gitignore file prevents those files from being included inside your repository as they are overwritten by the Jekyll command on GitHub when your files are pushed up to GitHub.


The jekyll new command does not create or initialize a new Git repository for you with your files. If you want to do this, you will need to use the git init command. The Jekyll initialization command does create the proper structure for you to easily add all files to a Git repository; just use git add .; git commit and your .gitignore file will be added and configure your repository to ignore unnecessary files like the _site directory.

All your blog posts are stored in the _posts directory. Jekyll sites are not required to have a _posts directory (you can use Jekyll with any kind of static site) but if you do include files in this directory Jekyll handles them in a special way. If you look in the _posts directory now, you see that the Jekyll initialization command has created your first post for you, something like _posts/2014-03-03-welcome-to-jekyll.Markdown. These posts have a special naming format: the title of the post (with any whitespace replaced with hyphens) trailed by the date and then an extension (either .Markdown or .md for Markdown files, or .textile for Textile).

Your new Jekyll blog also comes with a few HTML files: an index.html file, which is the starting point for your blog, and several layout files, which are used as wrappers when generating your content. If you look in the _layouts directory, notice there is a file named default.html and another named post.html. These files are the layout files, files that are wrapped around all generated content, like those from your Markdown-formatted blog posts. For example, the post.html file is wrapped around the generated content of each file stored inside the _posts directory. First, the markup content is turned into HTML and then the layout wrapper is applied. If you look inside each of the files inside the _layouts directory, you will see that each contains a placeholder with {{ content }}. This placeholder is replaced with the generated content from other files.

These placeholders are actually a markup language on their own: Liquid Markup. Liquid Markup was developed and open sourced by Liquid Markup arose from a desire to have a safe way to host programmatic constructs (like loops and variables) inside a template, without exposing the rendering context to a full-fledged programming environment. Shopify wanted to create a way for untrusted users of its public-facing systems to upload dynamic content but not worry that the markup language would permit malicious activity; for example, given a full-fledged embedded programming language, Shopify would open itself to attack if a user wrote code to open network connections to sites on its internal networks. Templating languages like PHP or ERB (embedded Ruby templates, popular with the Ruby on Rails framework) allow fully embedded code snippets, and while this is very powerful when you have full control over your source documents, it can be dangerous to provide a mechanism where that embedded code could look like system("rm -rf /"). Liquid Markup provides many of the benefits of embedded programming templates, without the dangers. We will show several examples of Liquid Markup and how they work later in the chapter.

Lastly, your Jekyll directory has a special file called _config.yml. This is the Jekyll configuration file. Peering into it, you’ll see it is very basic:

name: Your New Jekyll Site
markdown: redcarpet
highlighter: pygments

We only have three lines to contend with and they are simple to understand: the name of our site, the Markdown parser used by our Jekyll command, and whether to use pygments to do syntax highlighting.

To view this site locally run this command:

$ jekyll serve

This command builds the entirety of your Jekyll directory, and then starts a mini web server to serve the files up to you. If you then visit http://localhost:4000 in your web browser, you will see something on the front page of your site and a single blog post listed in the index, as shown in A bare Jekyll site.

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Figure 1. A bare Jekyll site

Clicking into the link inside the "Blog Posts" section, you will then see your first post, as in A sample post.

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Figure 2. A sample post

Our Jekyll initialization command created this new post for us. This page is backed by the Markdown file inside the _posts directory we saw earlier:

layout: post
title:  "Welcome to Jekyll!"
date:   2014-03-03 12:56:40
categories: jekyll update

You’ll find this post in your _posts directory—edit this post and rebuild (or run with the -w switch) to see your changes! To add new posts, simply add a file in the _posts directory that follows the convention: YYYY-MM-DD-name-of-post.ext.

Jekyll also offers powerful support for code snippets:

{% highlight ruby %}
def print_hi(name)
  puts "Hi, #{name}"
#=> prints 'Hi, Tom' to STDOUT.
{% endhighlight %}

Check out the Jekyll docs for more info on how to get the most out of Jekyll. File all bugs/feature requests at Jekyll’s GitHub repo.

Hopefully you agree that this is a fairly intuitive and readable alternative to raw HTML. This simplicity and readability is one of the major benefits of using Jekyll. Your source files maintain a readability that allows you to focus on the content itself, not on the technology that will eventually make them beautiful. Let’s go over this file and investigate some of the important pieces.

YFM: YAML Front Matter

The first thing we see in a Jekyll file is the YAML Front Matter (YFM):

layout: post
title:  "Welcome to Jekyll!"
date:   2014-03-03 12:56:40
categories: jekyll update

YFM is a snippet of YAML ("YAML Aint Markup Language") delimited by three hyphens on both the top and bottom. YAML is a simple structured data serialization language used by many open source projects instead of XML. Many people find it more readable and editable by humans than XML. The YFM in this file shows a few configuration options: a layout, the title, the date, and a list of categories.

The layout specified references one of the files in our _layouts directory. If you don’t specify a layout file in the YFM, then Jekyll assumes you want to use a file called default.html to wrap your content. You can easily imagine adding your own custom layout files to this directory and then overriding them in the YFM. If you look at this file, you see that it manually specifies the post layout.

The title is used to generate the <title> tag and can be used anywhere else you need it inside your template using the double-braces syntax from Liquid Markup: {{ page.title }}. Notice that any variable from the _config.yml file is prefixed with the site. namespace, while variables from your YFM are prefixed with page. Though the title matches the filename (after replacing spaces with hyphens), changing the title in the YFM does not affect the name of the URL generated by Jekyll. If you want to change the URL, you need to rename the file itself. This is a nice benefit if you need to slightly modify the title and don’t want to damage preexisting URLs.

The date and categories are two other variables included in the YFM. They are completely optional and strangely unused by the structure and templates created by default using the Jekyll initializer. They do provide additional context to the post, but are only stored in the Markdown file and not included inside the generated content itself. The categories list is often used to generate an index file of categories with a list of each post included in a category. If you come from a Wordpress background, you’ll likely have used categories. These are generated dynamically from the MySQL database each time you request a list of them, but in Jekyll this file is statically generated. If you wanted something more dynamic, you could imagine generating a JSON file with these categories and files, and then building a JavaScript widget that requests this file and then does something more interactive on the client side. Jekyll can take any template file and convert it to JSON (or any other format)—you are not limited to just generating HTML files.

YFM is completely optional. A post or page can be rendered into your Jekyll site without any YFM inside it. Without YFM, your page is rendered using the defaults for those variables, so make sure the default template, at the very least, is what you expect will wrap around all pages left with unspecified layouts.

One important default variable for YFM is the published variable. This variable is set to true by default. This means that if you create a file in your Jekyll repository and do not manually specify the published setting, it will be published automatically. If you set the variable to false, the post will not be published. With private repositories you can keep the contents of draft posts entirely private until writing has completed by making sure published is set to false. Unfortunately, not all tools that help you create Jekyll Markdown files remember to set the published variable explicitly inside of YFM, so make sure you check before committing the file to your repository if there is something you don’t yet want published.

Jekyll Markup

Going past the YFM, we can start to see the structure of Markdown files. Markdown files can be, at their simplest, just textual information without any formatting characters. In fact, if your layout files are well done, you can definitely create great blog posts without any fancy formatting, just pure textual content.

But with a few small Markdown additions, you can really make posts shine. One of the first Markdown components we notice is the backtick character, which is used to wrap small spans of code (or code-ish information, like filenames in this case). As you use more and more Markdown, you’ll find Markdown to be insidiously clever in the way it provides formatting characters without the onerous weight that HTML requires to offer the same explicit formatting.

Links can be specified using [format][link], where link is the fully qualified URL (like ""), or a reference to a link at the bottom of the page. In our page we have two references, keyed as jekyll-gh and jekyll; we can then use these inside our page with syntax like [Jekyll’s GitHub repo][jekyll-gh]. Using references has an additional benefit in that you can use the link more than once by its short name.

Though not offered in the sample, Markdown provides an easy way to generate headers of varying degrees. To add a header, use the character, and repeat the character to build smaller headers. These delimiters simply map to the H tag; two hash characters () turns into an <h2> tag. Building text enclosed by <h3> tags looks like # Some Text. You can optionally match the same number of hash symbols at the end of the line if you find it more expressive (# Some Text #), but you don’t have to.

Markdown offers easy shortcuts for most HTML elements: numbered and unordered lists, emphasis, and more. And, if you cannot find a Markdown equivalent, you can embed normal HTML right next to Markdown formatting characters. The best way to write Markdown is to keep a Markdown cheat sheet near you when writing. John Gruber from Daring Fireball invented Markdown, and his site has a more in-depth description of the how and why of Markdown.

Using the Jekyll Command

Running jekyll --help will show you the options for running Jekyll. You already saw the jekyll serve command, which builds the files into the _site directory and then starts a web server with its root at that directory. If you start to use this mechanism to build your Jekyll sites then there are a few other switches you’ll want to learn about.

If you are authoring and adjusting a page often, and switching back into your browser to see what it looks like, you’ll find utility in the -w switch ("watch"). This can be used to automatically regenerate the entire site if you make changes to any of the source files. If you edit a post file and save it, that file will be regenerated automatically. Without the -w switch you would need to kill the Jekyll server, and then restart it.

The Jekyll watch switch does reload all HTML and markup files, but does not reload the _config.yml file. If you make changes to it, you will need to stop and restart the server.

If you are running multiple Jekyll sites on the same laptop, you’ll quickly find that the second instance of jekyll serve fails because it cannot open port 4000. In this case, use jekyll --port 4010 to open port 4010 (or whatever port you wish to use instead).

Privacy Levels with Jekyll

Jekyll repositories on GitHub can be either public or private repositories. If your repository is public you can host public content generated from the Jekyll source files without publishing the source files themselves. Remember, as noted previously, that any file without publishing: false inside the YFM will be made public the moment you push it into your repository.


Jekyll does not support theming internally, but it is trivial to add any CSS files or entire CSS frameworks. You can also fork an existing Jekyll blog that has the theming you like. We will show how and where to add your own customized CSS later in the chapter.

Publishing on GitHub

Once you have your blog created, you can easily publish it to GitHub. There are two ways you can publish Jekyll blogs:

  • As a site

  • On a domain you own

GitHub offers free personal blogs that are hosted on the domain. And you can host any site with your own domain name with a little bit of configuration.

Using a Jekyll blog

To create a personal blog site, your Jekyll blog should be on the master branch of your Git repository. The repository should be named on GitHub. If everything is set up correctly you can then publish your Jekyll blog by adding a remote for GitHub and pushing your files up. If you use the hub tool (a command for interacting with Git and GitHub), you can go from start to finish with a few simple commands. Make sure to change the first line to reflect your username.

The hub tool was originally written in Ruby and as such could be easily installed using only gem install hub, but hub was recently rewritten in Go. Go has a somewhat more complicated installation process, so we won’t document it here. If you have the brew command installed for OS X, you can install hub with the brew install hub command. Other platforms vary, so check to determine the best way for your system.

Use these commands to install your hosted Jekyll blog:

$ export USERNAME=xrd
$ jekyll new $
$ cd $
$ git init
$ git commit -m "Initial checkin" -a
$ hub create  # You'll need to login here...
$ sleep $((10*60)) && open $

The second to the last line creates a repository on GitHub for you with the same name as the directory. That last line sleeps for 10 minutes while your site is provisioned on GitHub, and then opens the site in your browser for you. It can take ten minutes for GitHub to configure your site the first time, but subsequent content pushes will be reflected immediately.

Hosting On Your Own Domain

To host a blog on your own domain name, you need to use the gh-pages branch inside your repository. You need to create a CNAME file in your repository, and then finally establish DNS settings to point your domain to the GitHub servers.

The gh-pages branch

To work on the gh-pages branch, check it out and create the branch inside your repository:

$ git checkout -b gh-pages
$ rake post title="My next big blog post"
$ git add _posts
$ git commit -m "Added my next big blog post"
$ git push -u origin gh-pages

You will need to always remember to work on the gh-pages branch; if this repository is only used as a blog, then this probably is not an issue. Adding the -u switch will make sure that Git always pushes up the gh-pages branch whenever you do a push.

The CNAME file

The CNAME file is a simple text file with the domain name inside of it:

$ echo '' > CNAME
$ git add CNAME
$ git commit -m "Added CNAME"
$ git push

Once you have pushed the CNAME file to your repository, you can verify that GitHub thinks the blog is established correctly by visiting the admin page of your repository. An easy way to get there is using the github gem, which is no longer actively maintained but is still a useful command-line tool:

$ gem install github
$ github admin # Opens up

The github gem is a useful command-line tool, but unfortunately it is tied to an older version of the GitHub API, which means the documented functionality is often incorrect.

If your blog is correctly set up, you will see something like Settings for a Jekyll blog in the middle of your settings page.

btwg 0603
Figure 3. Settings for a Jekyll blog

GitHub has properly recognized the CNAME file and will accept requests made to that host on its servers. We are still not yet complete, however, in that we need to make sure the DNS is established for our site.

DNS settings

Generally, establishing DNS settings for your site is straightforward. It is easiest if you are setting up DNS with a subdomain as opposed to an apex domain. To be more concrete, an apex domain is a site like, while a subdomain would be

Setting up a blog on a subdomain is simple: create a CNAME record in DNS that points to

For an apex domain, things are slightly more complicated. You must create DNS A records to point to these IP addresses: and These are the IP addresses right now; there is always the possibility that GitHub could change these at some point in the future. For this reason, hosting on apex domains is risky. If GitHub needed to change its IP addresses (say during a denial-of-service attack), you would need to respond to this, and deal with the DNS propagation issues. If you instead use a subdomain, the CNAME record will automatically redirect to the correct IP even if it is changed by GitHub.[1]

Importing from Other Blogs

There are many tools that can be used to import an existing blog into Jekyll. As Jekyll is really nothing more than a file-layout convention, you just need to pull the relevant pieces (the post itself, and associated metadata like the post title, publishing date, etc.) and then write out a file with those contents. Jekyll blogs prefer Markdown, but they work fine with HTML content, so you can often convert a blog with minimal effort, and there are good tools that automate things for you.

From Wordpress

The most popular importer is the Wordpress importer. You will need the 'jekyll-import' gem. This gem is distributed separately from the core Jekyll gem, but will be installed if you use the github-pages gem inside your Gemfile and use the bundle command.

Importing with direct database access

Once you have the jekyll-import gem, you can convert a Wordpress blog using a command like this:

$ ruby -rubygems -e 'require "jekyll-import";{
      "dbname"   => "wordpress",
      "user"     => "hastie",
      "password" => "lanyon",
      "host"     => "localhost",
      "status"         => ["publish"]

This command will import from an existing Wordpress installation, provided that your Ruby code can access your database. This will work if you can log in to the server itself and run the command on the server, or if the database is accessible across the network (which is generally bad practice when hosting Wordpress!).

Note the status option: this specifies that imported pages and posts are published automatically. More specifically, the YAML for each file will specify published: true, which will publish the page or post into your blog. If you want to review each item individually, you can specify a status of private, which will export the pages into Jekyll but leave them unpublished. Remember that if your repository is public, posts marked as unpublished will not be displayed in the blog but can still be seen if someone visits your the repository for your blog on GitHub.

There are many more options than listed here. For example, by default, the Wordpress-Jekyll importer imports categories from your Wordpress database, but you can turn this off by specifying "categories" ⇒ false.

Importing from the Wordpress XML

Another alternative is to export the entire database as an XML file. Then, you can run the importer on that file:

ruby -rubygems -e 'require "jekyll-import";{
      "source" => "wordpress.xml",
      "no_fetch_images" => false,
      "assets_folder" => "assets"

This can be used to export files from a server you don’t maintain, but works with sites you do maintain and might be a more plausible option than running against a database.

To export the XML file, visit the export page on your Wordpress site. This is usually mapped to /wp-admin/export.php, so it will be something like (replacing “” with your blog’s name).

Like many free tools, there are definitely limitations to using this method of export. If your Wordpress site is anything beyond the simplest of Wordpress sites, then using this tool to import from Wordpress means you will lose much of the metadata stored inside your blog. This metadata can include pages, tags, custom fields, and image attachments.

If you want to keep this metadata, then you might consider another import option like Exitwp. Exitwp is a Python tool that provides a much higher level of fidelity between the original Wordpress site and the final Jekyll site, but has a longer learning curve and option set.

Exporting from Wordpress Alternatives

If you use another blog format other than Wordpress, chances are there is a Jekyll importer for it. Jekyll has dozens of importers, well documented on the Jekyll importer site.

For example, this command-line example from the importer site exports from Tumblr blogs:

$ ruby -rubygems -e 'require "jekyll-import";{
      "url"            => "",
      "format"         => "html", # (1)
      "grab_images"    => false,  # (2)
      "add_highlights" => false,  # (3)
      "rewrite_urls"   => false   # (4)

The Tumblr import plug-in has a few interesting options.

  1. Write out HTML; if you prefer to use Markdown use md.

  2. This importer will grab images if you provide a true value.

  3. Wrap code blocks (indented four spaces) in a Liquid Markup "highlight" tag if this is set to true.

  4. Write pages that redirect from the old Tumblr paths to the new Jekyll paths using this configuration option.

Exporting from Tumblr is considerably easier than Wordpress. The Tumblr exporter scrapes all public posts from the blog, and then converts to a Jekyll-compatible post format.

We’ve seen how we can use the importers available on to import. What if we have a nonstandard site we need to import?

Scraping Sites into Jekyll

Jekyll provides various importers that make it easy to convert an existing blog into a Jekyll blog. But if you have a nonstandard blog, or a site that is not a blog, you still have options for migrating it to Jekyll. The first option is to write your own importer by perusing the source of the Jekyll importers on GitHub. This is probably the right way to build an importer if you plan on letting others use it, as it will extend several Jekyll importer classes already available to make importing standard for other contributors.

Another option is to simply write out files in the simple format that is a Jekyll blog. This is much lazier than reading through the Jekyll tools and their libraries, of course. I started as a Perl programmer and always loved this quote from Larry Wall, the creator of Perl: "We will encourage you to develop the three great virtues of a programmer: laziness, impatience, and hubris." Let’s accept our inherent laziness and choose the second route. We’ll write some code to scrape a site and make a new Jekyll site from scratch, learning about the structure of a Jekyll blog through trial and error.

While living in Brazil in 2000 I built a site called, an early travel blog. At some point, I sadly lost the database and thought the site contents were completely gone. Almost by accident, I happened upon ByTravelers on, the Internet Archive. I found that almost all of the articles were listed there and available. Though the actual database is long gone, could we recover the data from the site using

Jekyll Scraping Tactics

We can start by looking at the structure of the archive presented on Go to, enter "" into the search box in the middle of the page, and then click "BROWSE HISTORY." You will see a calendar view that shows all the pages scraped by the Internet Archive for this site as shown in Calendar view of

btwg 0604
Figure 4. Calendar view of

In the middle of 2003 I took down the server, intending to upgrade it to another set of technologies, and never got around to completing this migration, and then lost the data. If we click the calendar item on June 6th, 2003, we will see a view of the data that was more or less complete at the height of the site’s functionality and data. There are a few broken links to images, but otherwise the site is functionally archived inside (Archive of on

btwg 0605
Figure 5. Archive of on

Taking the URL from our browser, we can use this as our starting point for scraping. Clicking around throughout the site, it becomes evident that each URL to a journal entry uses a standard format; in other words, indicates the 56th journal item stored on the site. With this knowledge in hand, we can iterate over the first hundred or so URLs easily.

Setting Up

A naive implementation of a scraper would be a single Ruby file in which the execution and functionality were contained all in one. However, if we expose the functionality as a class, and then instantiate the class in a separate file, we can also write tests that utilize and validate the same steps as the runner script. So, let’s take this smarter approach and create three files: the scraper class, the runner class (which instantiates and "runs" our scraper), and the test file (which instantiates and validates the functionality of our scraper).

First, the runner script:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require './scraper'

scraper =

Our barebones scraper class just looks like this:

class Scraper
  def run


We also need to have a manifest file, the Gemfile, where we will document our library dependencies:

source ""

gem "github-pages"
gem "rspec"

Then, install our gems using the command bundle. That installs the rspec tool, the Jekyll tool, and associated libraries.

Finally, we can create our test harness:

require './scraper'

describe "#run" do
  it "should run" do
    scraper =

Remember to run using the bundle exec rspec scraper_spec.rb command, which makes everything run inside the bundler context (and load our libraries from the Gemfile, instead of the default system gems):

$ bundle exec rspec scraper_spec.rb

Finished in 0.00125 seconds (files took 0.12399 seconds to load)
1 example, 0 failures

There is nothing we are explicitly testing yet, but our test harness displays that our code inside our tests will match closely the code we write inside our runner wrapper.

Scraping Titles

Let’s start with something simple: scraping the titles from the site. We’ll use Ruby to scrape the site; Ruby has some intuitive gems like mechanize that simplify building web clients. There is an API for the Internet archive, but I found it flakey and unreliable, so we’ll just scrape the site. Add these additional lines to the Gemfile using this command and then install the libraries:

$ echo "gem 'mechanize'" >> Gemfile
$ bundle

Now we can modify our scraper to use the mechanize gem and retrieve content from

require 'mechanize' # # (1)

class Scraper

  attr_accessor :root # # (2)
  attr_accessor :agent

  def initialize # # (3)
    @root = "" +
    "" # # (4)
    @agent =

  def run
    100.times do |i| # # (5)
      url = "#{@root}#{i}" # # (6)
      @agent.get( url ) do |page|
        puts "#{i} #{page.title}"

  1. Require the mechanize library.

  2. We use a Ruby method called attr_accessor, which creates a public instance variable. We can use variables created using attr_accessor by prefixing the variable name with an @ character. Instance variables are accessible outside the class as well.

  3. When a method named initialize is defined for a class, this method is called right after object creation, so this is the appropriate place for us to initialize the member variables.

  4. Initialize the variables to default values. We store the root of the URL to the cached copy of here.

  5. Our run method runs the block inside 100 times.

  6. Our block starts by generating a URL to the specific page, retrieves the page, and then prints out the index in our loop plus the title of the page object.

Let’s run our scraper and see what happens now:

$ bundle exec ./run.rb
53 Read Journal Entries
54 Read Journal Entries
55 Read Journal Entries
56 Read Journal Entries
57 Internet Archive Wayback Machine
58 Internet Archive Wayback Machine

You can see that some of the entries have a generic "Internet Archive Wayback Machine" while some have "Read Journal Entries." will respond with a placeholder title when it does not have content from the site (as is the case with item #58, for example). We should ignore those pages that don’t have the string "Read Journal Entries" as the title (which tells us does have cached content from our site).

Now that we have all the content, we can start finding the important pieces inside and putting them into our Jekyll posts.

Refinining with Interactive Ruby

There are two things that make Mechanize immensely powerful as the foundation for a scraping tool: easy access to making HTTP calls, and a powerful searching syntax once you have a remote document. You’ve seen how Mechanize makes it simple to make a GET request. Let’s explore sifting through a massive document to get the important pieces of textual content. We can manually explore scraping using the Ruby IRB (interactive Ruby shell):

$ irb -r./scraper
2.0.0-p481 :001 > scraper =
 => #<Scraper:0x00000001e37ca8...>
2.0.0-p481 :002 > page = scraper.agent.get "#{scraper.root}#{56}"
 => #<Mechanize::Page {url #<URI::HTTP:0x00000001a85218...>

The first line invokes IRB and uses the -r switch to load the scraper library in the current directory. If you have not used IRB before, there are a few things to know that will make life easier. The IRB has a prompt, which indicates the version of Ruby you are using, and the index of the command you are running. IRB has a lot of features beyond what we will discuss here, but those indexes can be used to replay history and for job control, like many other types of shells. At the IRB prompt you can enter Ruby and IRB executes the command immediately. Once the command executes, IRB prints the result; the characters indicate the return value. When you are playing with Ruby, return values will often be complex objects: the return value when you use scraper.agent.get is a Mechanize Ruby object. This is a very large object, so printing it out takes a lot of real estate. We’ve abbreviated the majority of it here, and will do that for many complex objects to save space when discussing IRB.

The last command in IRB saves the HTTP GET request as a page object. Once we have the page, how do we extract information from it? Mechanize has a nice piece of syntactic sugar that makes it easy to search the DOM structure: the "/" operator. Let’s try it:

2.0.0-p481 :003 > page / "tr"
 => []

If our query path had found anything, we would have seen a return value with an array of Mechanize objects, but in this case we got back an empty array (which indicates nothing was found). Unfortunately, the paths vary when the document is loaded into a browser (the browser can customize the DOM or the server can send slightly different data to the client). But if we experiment with similar paths inside IRB, we will find what we need. It helps to jump back and forth between Chrome and IRB, examining the structure of the HTML inside Chrome and then testing a search path using IRB. Eventually, we come across this search path:

2.0.0-p481 :004 > items = page /  "table[valign=top] tr"
 => [#<Nokogiri::XML::Element:0xc05670 name="font"
      attributes=[#<Nokogiri::XML::Attr:0xc05328 name="size"
2.0.0-p481 :005 > items.length
 => 5
2.0.0-p481 :006 > items[0].text()
 => "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBeautiful Belize\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
2.0.0-p481 :005 > items[0].text().strip
 => "Beautiful Belize"

Eureka, we found the pattern that gives us our title. We had to jump around inside the results from the query, but we can correlate the text on the page inside the browser with different structures found using the query inside IRB. It is important to note that we have to strip whitespace from the title to make it presentable. We can incorporate this into our scraper code, but this is a good moment to think about how we can write tests to verify this works properly. And when we start writing tests, we open the door for another opportunity: caching to our HTTP requests.

Writing Tests and Caching

Were we to run our run.rb script again, we would notice that it prints the document title, then halts as it retrieves the content from the server, and then prints again, stopping and starting until complete. The content from does not change at all since the original site was scraped years ago, so there is no reason we need to get the latest content; content even several months stale will be the same as content retrieved a few moments ago. It seems like a good opportunity to put a caching layer between us and the code, reducing impact on and making our script run faster. In addition, if we structure our code to make retrieval and processing happen independently, we can write tests to verify the processing:

require 'mechanize'
require 'vcr' # # (1)
VCR.configure do |c| # # (2)
  c.cassette_library_dir = 'cached'
  c.hook_into :webmock

class Scraper

  attr_accessor :root
  attr_accessor :agent
  attr_accessor :pages # # (3)

  def initialize
    @root = "" +
    @agent =
    @pages = [] # # (4)

  def scrape
    100.times do |i|
        VCR.use_cassette("bt_#{i}") do # # (5)
          url = "#{@root}#{i}"
          @agent.get( url ) do |page|
            if page.title.eql? "Read Journal Entries" # # (6)
              pages << page
      rescue Exception => e
        STDERR.puts "Unable to scrape this file (#{i})"

  def process_title( row )
    row.strip # # (7)

  def run
    @pages.each do |page| # # (8)
      rows = ( page / "table[valign=top] tr" )
      puts process_title( rows[0].text() )

  1. We require the VCR gem: this gem intercepts HTTP requests, sending them out normally the first time, and caching all successive calls, completely transparent to the user.

  2. VCR must be configured when you use it: in this case we specify a directory where results will be cached, and tell it what mocking library we should use to store the cached results.

  3. We establish a new variable called pages. We will scrape all the pages into this array (and get them for free once the information is cached).

  4. Initialize the pages array here.

  5. To use the VCR recording feature, we wrap any code that makes HTTP requests inside a VCR block with a name specifying the cassette to save it under. In this case, we use a cassette named bt (for ByTravelers) with the index of the page. The first time we use the scraper to request the page, it is retrieved and stored inside the cache. Successive calls to the scraper get method are retrieved from the cached responses.

  6. We then look for any titles that look like pages archived into (using the title to differentiate) and if we find one, store that page into our pages array for later processing.

  7. We move the title processing into its own method called process_title. Here we use the information and remove any whitespace.

  8. Inside of run we now call scrape to load the pages, and then iterate over each page, searching inside them and processing the titles.

We need to install the VCR and webmock libraries, so add them to the Gemfile:

$ echo "gem 'vcr'" >> Gemfile
$ echo "gem 'webmock'" >> Gemfile
$ bundle

If we run our script using bundle exec ruby ./run.rb, we will see it print out the titles:

$ bundle exec ruby ./run.rb
Unable to scrape this file (14)
Unable to scrape this file (43)
Unable to scrape this file (47)
Unable to scrape this file (71)
Unable to scrape this file (94)
Unable to scrape this file (96)
Third day in Salvador
The Hill-Tribes of Northern Thailand
Passion Play of Oberammergau
"Angrezis in Bharat"
Cuba - the good and bad
South Africa

We print out the errors (when does not have a page for a particular URL). Note that as a side effect of caching, things work much faster. If we analyze the time we save using the time command, we see these results:

$ time bundle exec ruby ./run.rb # before VCR
real    0m29.907s
user    0m2.220s
sys     0m0.170s
$ time bundle exec ruby ./run.rb # after VCR
real    0m3.750s
user    0m3.474s
sys     0m0.194s

So, it takes an order of magnitude more time without caching. And, we get these cached responses for free, and inside our IRB sessions as well.

The titles look good, but the fourth one is a little worrisome. Looks like one of the users decided to enclose their title in double quotes. To control the formatting, it would be nice to clean that up. Let’s do that, and write tests to verify things work:

require './scraper'

describe "#run" do
  before :each  do
    @scraper =

  describe "#process_titles" do
    it "should correct titles with double quotes" do
      str = ' something " with a double quote'
      expect( @scraper.process_title( str ) ).to_not match( /"/ )

    it "should strip whitespace from titles" do
      str = '\n\n something between newlines \n\n'
      expect( @scraper.process_title( str ) ).to_not match( /^\n\n/ )


If we run this, we see one test pass and one test fail:

$ bundle exec rspec scraper_spec.rb


  1) #run #process_titles should correct titles with double quotes
     Failure/Error: expect( @scraper.process_title( ' something " with
     a double quote' ) ).to_not match( /"/ )
       expected "something \" with a double quote" not to match /"/
       @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
       +"something \" with a double quote"
     # ./scraper_spec.rb:10:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

Finished in 0.01359 seconds (files took 0.83765 seconds to load)
2 examples, 1 failure

Failed examples:

rspec ./scraper_spec.rb:9 # #run #process_titles should correct titles
with double quotes

To fix this test, let’s strip out the double quotes by changing one line in the scraper.rb file:


def process_title( row )
  row.strip.gsub( /"/, '' )


Now both tests pass. That line of code might be worrisome if you believe in defensive coding. If this function were called with a nil value, for example, it would crash. Even if we could guarantee that this situation would never occur from our calling context, it is better to make our method safe. Let’s make sure it works and write a test to prove it.

Add a test that asserts there is not an error when the argument to process_title is nil:

it "should not crash if the title is nil" do
  expect{ @scraper.process_title( nil ) }.to_not raise_error()

Running rspec scraper_spec.rb results in the following error, which we expect since we have not yet fixed the code:



  1) #run #process_titles should not crash if the title is nil
     Failure/Error: expect{ @scraper.process_title( nil ) }.to_not raise_error()
       expected no Exception, got #<NoMethodError: undefined method
     `strip' for nil:NilClass> with backtrace:
         # ./scraper.rb:38:in `process_title'
         # ./scraper_spec.rb:20:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'
         # ./scraper_spec.rb:20:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
     # ./scraper_spec.rb:20:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

Finished in 0.00701 seconds
5 examples, 1 failure

Failed examples:

rspec ./scraper_spec.rb:19 # #run #process_titles should not crash if the title
# is nil

We can fix it with this one simple change:


def process_title( row )
  row.strip.gsub( /"/, '' ) if row

Now we are in a position to write out the files for our actual posts.

Writing Jekyll Posts

With our titles in hand, we can generate an actual Jekyll post. To keep things simple each post will contain nothing beyond the titles for now, but we will quickly add other content. Getting the skeleton of a post established allows us to use the Jekyll command-line tools to troubleshoot our setup.

First, create a Git repository for our files. When the Jekyll tool runs, it generates all the files into a directory called _site so we should add a .gitignore file, which ignores this directory:

$ git init
$ mkdir _posts
$ echo "_site" >> .gitignore
$ git add .gitignore
$ git commit -m "Initial checkin"

Jekyll Markdown files are very simple: just a bit of YAML at the beginning, with text content following, formatted as Markdown. To generate Markdown posts, add a method called write to our scraper that writes out the processed information after we have retrieved and parsed the pages from

Jekyll posts are stored inside the _posts directory. As a convention, filenames are generated with the date and title, lowercased, converted to a string without any characters beyond a-z and the hyphen, and terminated by the extension (usually .md for Markdown). In order to properly generate the filename, we will need to scrape the date, so we will do that as well.

As a more concrete example, we want to take something like Cuba - the good and bad that happened on January 12th, 2001, and make a filename like Or, Mexico/Belize/Guatemala from the same date, and make it into the filename These conversions look like good places to write tests, so we can start there:

describe "#get_filename" do
  it "should take 'Cuba - the good and bad' on January 12th, 2001" +
      " and get a proper filename" do
    input = 'Cuba - the good and bad'
    date = "January 12th, 2001"
    output = ""
    expect( @scraper.get_filename( input, date ) ).to eq( output )

  it "should `Mexico/Belize/Guatemala` and get a proper filename" do
    input = "Mexico/Belize/Guatemala"
    date = "2001-01-12"
    output = ""
    expect( @scraper.get_filename( input, date ) ).to eq( output )

Let’s build the get_filename method. This method uses the handy Ruby DateTime.parse method to convert a string representation of a date into a date object, and then uses the strfmtime method to format that date into the format we want in our filename:

def get_filename( title, date )
  processed_date = DateTime.parse( date )
  processed_title = title.downcase.gsub( /[^a-z]+/, '-' )

If we run our tests now, we will see them both pass.

Now we can add to our scraper so that it can write out the posts:

def render( processed ) # # (1)
  processed['layout'] = 'post'
  rendered = "#{processed.to_yaml}---\n\n" # # (2)

def write( rendered, processed ) # # (3)
  Dir.mkdir( "_posts" ) unless File.exists?( "_posts" )
  filename = get_filename( processed['title'], processed['creation_date'] ) "_posts/#{filename}", "w+" ) do |f|
    f.write rendered

def process_creation_date( date )
  tuple = date.split( /last updated on:/ ) # # (4)
  rv = tuple[1].strip if tuple and tuple.length > 1

def run
  @pages.each do |page| # # (5)
    rows = ( page / "table[valign=top] tr" )
    processed = {}
    processed['title'] = process_title( rows[0].text() )
    processed['creation_date'] = process_creation_date( rows[3].text() ) # # (6)
    rendered = render( processed )
    write( rendered, processed )
  1. We define a render method. This takes the processed information (which arrives as a hash) and renders the information into the proper format: the YAML Front Matter (YFM) and then the body (which we don’t have yet). We then return the rendered string.

  2. We use the to_yaml method on our hash. This method appears when we include the yaml library using require 'yaml' (not displayed here, but easy to add to the scraper.rb file and present in the samples on GitHub).

  3. The write method writes the rendered content to disk. It makes sure the _posts directory is available, and if not, creates it. It then writes out the file using our get_filename method to get the path, prefixed with the _posts directory.

  4. process_creation_date takes a piece from the scraped page and breaks it apart by the string “last updated on:” and uses the second item in the resultant array.

  5. Inside our run method we now build out the processed hash, finding the date and title using rows from the query path we used before.

  6. Once we have our processed array, we can "render" it and then write out the rendered string to our filesystem.

If we generate the posts by calling bundle exec ruby ./run.rb we will see our posts generated into the _posts directory. Choosing a random one, they look like this:

title: Beautiful Belize
creation_date: '2003-03-23'
layout: post

As you can see, for now, posts are nothing more than the YFM, but this is still a perfectly valid Jekyll post.

Now let’s use the jekyll command-line tool to start looking at our posts and to troubleshoot any issues with our Jekyll repository.

Using the Jekyll Command-Line Tool

Taking a moment to add our files to the Git repository, we can then take a look at our site using the jekyll command-line tool. Using the command-line tool locally will spot check our new content as we will see errors immediately (rather than getting notification emails from GitHub after publishing there). Errors can occur if our scraper does not correctly process the HTML retrieved from and subsequently generates incorrect Markdown content, for example.

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Make this into a Jekyll site"
$ jekyll serve --watch
Configuration file: none
            Source: /home/xrdawson/bytravelers
       Destination: /home/xrdawson/bytravelers/_site
     Build Warning: Layout 'post' requested in _posts/2000-05-23-third-day-in...
     Build Warning: Layout 'post' requested in _posts/2000-08-28-the-hill-tri...
 Auto-regeneration: enabled for '/home/xrdawson/bytravelers'
Configuration file: none
    Server address:
  Server running... press ctrl-c to stop.

So, we see a few problems already. First, we don’t have a layout for "post." And, there is no configuration file. Let’s fix these problems.

Add a file called _config.yml to the root directory:

name: Online travel information
markdown: redcarpet
highlighter: pygments

Remember, the jekyll tool does not reload the configuration file automatically, so we should restart the tool by hitting Ctrl-C and restarting.

Then, create a directory called _layouts, and place a file called post.html inside it with these contents:

layout: default

<h1>{{ page.title }}</h1>

{{ content }}

The post.html layout file is very simple: we use Liquid Markup tags to write out the title of the site (contained in an object called page, which our template has access to) and then the content itself, which is the rendered output from the post page.

We also need to create a "default" layout, so create this inside the _layouts directory with the filename default.html:



{{ content }}


This file is almost pure HTML, with only the {{ content }} tag. When we specify default as the layout inside YAML for a Markdown file, the Markdown text is converted to HTML, and then this layout file is wrapped around it. You can see that the initial post files specify the post layout, which is wrapped around the content, then the post.html layout file specifies the default.html layout, which is wrapped around the entire contents.

When we add these files, the Jekyll tool will notice the filesystem has changed and regenerate files. We now have generated posts, but we don’t have a master index file, so let’s add this now.

Master Index File with Liquid Markup

We now have the posts generated properly, but we don’t have an entry page into the blog. We can create an file, which just displays an index of all the blog posts:

layout: default


Crowd sourced travel information.


{% for post in site.posts %}
<a href="{{ post.url }}"><h2> {{ post.title }} </h2></a>
{{ post.content | strip_html | truncatewords: 40 }}
<em>Posted on {{ | date_to_string }}</em>
{% endfor %}

Notice that the file combines Markdown (the single # character converts into an H1 tag) with regular HTML. You are free to mix regular HTML inside of Markdown files when there is not a Markdown equivalent.

Output tags use double braces surrounding the content ({{ site.title }}) while logic tags use a brace and percent symbol ({% if site.title %}). As you might expect, output tags place some type of visible output into the page, and logic tags perform some logic operation, like conditionals or loops.

The preceding template has both output and logic tags. We see a logic tag in the form of {% for …​ %}, which loops over each post. Jekyll will process the entire posts directory and provide it to pages inside the site.posts variable, and the for logic tag allows us to iterate over them. If we use a {% for …​ %} tag we need to "close" the tag with a matching {% endfor %} tag. Inside of our for loop we have several output tags: {{ post.url }} outputs the post URL associated with a post, for example. We also have filters, which are methods defined to process data. One such filter is the strip_html filter, which you might guess strips out HTML text, converting it to escaped text. This is necessary when your text could include HTML tags. You’ll also notice that filters can be "chained"; we process the body with the strip_html filter and then truncate the text by 40 characters using the truncatewords:40 filter.

If we open http://localhost:4000 in our browser, we will see a simple index page with the titles of our posts, like The Index Page, for a naked Jekyll blog.

btwg 06in01
Figure 6. The Index Page, for a naked Jekyll blog

This index page lists every post: let’s make it display only the last 10 posts. Copy the file to a file named Then, change the {% for post in site.posts %} tag to {% for post in site.posts | limit:10 %}.

Each post has an associated page that is generated by Jekyll. Clicking any of the links displays the post, which is right now just the title. We can now add the rest of the pages from our scraper.

Scraping Body and Author

Use IRB to find the author and body content. Start by searching for the author information:

2.0.0-p481 :037 > rows[2].to_s
=> "<tr>\n<td align=\"center\">\n\n\n\n<font size=\"+1\">author:..."
2.0.0-p481 :038 > ( rows[2] / "td font" )[0].text()
=> "author: \n\nMD \n\n\nread more from this author | \nsee maps from this..."
2.0.0-p481 :039 > author = ( rows[2] / "td font" )[0].text()
=> "author: \n\nMD \n\n\nread more from this author | \nsee maps from this..."
2.0.0-p481 :040 > author =~ /author:\s+\n\n([^\s]+)\n\n/
=> 0
2.0.0-p481 :041 > $1
=> "MD"

We start by looking at the second row and converting it to raw HTML. We see there is a string author:, which is a likely place to reference the author. This string is wrapped by a font tag and a td tag, so we can use these search queries to eliminate extra information. Then, we convert the HTML to text using the text() method and use a regular expression to pull out the text after the author: string. If a regular expression matches and has a captured expression, it will be held in the global variable $1. There is more than one way to get this information, of course.

Next, we retrieve our body from the scraped page. Add a method called process_body and insert this into our processed hash:

def render( processed )
  processed['layout'] = 'post'
  filtered = processed.reject{ |k,v| k.eql?('body') } # # (1)
  rendered = "#{filtered.to_yaml}---\n\n" + # # (2)
    "### Written by: #{processed['author']}\n\n" +
 # # (3)
def process_body( paragraphs ) { |p| p.text() }.join "\n\n"

def run
  @pages.each do |page|
    rows = ( page / "table[valign=top] tr" )
    processed = {}
    processed['title'] = process_title( rows[0].text() ) # # (4)
    processed['creation_date'] = process_creation_date( rows[3].text() )
    processed['body'] = process_body( rows[4] / "p"  ) # # (5)
    author_text = ( rows[2] / "td font" )[0].text()
    processed['author'] = $1.strip if author_text =~ /author:\s+\n\n+(.+)\n\n+/
    rendered = render( processed )
    write( rendered, processed )
  1. We need to rewrite render slightly. There is no need for the entire body content of a post to be included in the YFM. We can filter this out using the reject method.

  2. Then, we append the author and body content to generate the new rendered output.

  3. Our process body is straightforward: we convert each node passed into text (using the text() method) and then rejoin them with double newlines. Markdown will properly format paragraphs if they are separated by two newlines.

  4. We then just need to invoke the process_body method and insert the results into our processed hash.

  5. Next, we use the query path we found in our IRB session to retrieve the author information, and insert it into our processed hash. The author name will then be inserted into our YFM automatically within the render method, and we will insert it into the post.

We can then run bundle exec ./run.rb to rewrite our post files.

Adding Images to Jekyll

Jekyll can host any binary files as well, and Markdown files can host the proper markup to include these assets. Let’s add the images from the original site:

def process_image( title )
  img = ( title / "img" )
  src = img.attr('src').text()
  filename = src.split( "/" ).pop

  output = "assets/images/"
  FileUtils.mkdir_p output unless File.exists? output
  full = File.join( output, filename )

  if not File.exists? full or not File.size? full
    root = ""
    remote = root + src
    # puts "Downloading #{full} from #{remote}"
    `curl -L #{remote} -o #{full}`


We use the venerable cURL to download our images. Our code makes it so that the file is only downloaded the first time. We use the -L switch to tell cURL to follow redirects, because these images URLs are transparently redirected inside the browser.

We need to customize our run method to invoke the process_image call: add processed['image'] = process_image( rows[0] ) after any of the other process methods.

I paid an artist for the images used on the original If you are using this technique to scrape images or text content from another site, make sure you are abiding by all local and international copyright laws.

Then, modify our post layout to include the image:

layout: default

<h1>{{ page.title }}</h1>

<img src="/assets/images/{{ page.image }}">

{{ content }}

Regenerating this page shows us a white background with an awkwardly juxtaposed colored image. Adding background colors to the entire site will help, so let’s now modify the CSS for our site.

Customizing Styling (CSS)

We used Bootstrap in [JavaScript] and will use it again here. We will also layer another CSS file on top of Bootstrap to customize the colors.

First, add a reference to Bootstrap and our custom CSS inside of the master layout file, default.html:


<link href="/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="/assets/css/site.css" rel="stylesheet">



{{ content }}


Then, download the Bootstrap CSS file into the proper folder:

$ mkdir assets/css
$ curl \ \
-o assets/css/bootstrap.min.css

Adding a CSS framework like Bootstrap helps things considerably, but we should match the original colors as well. Add a file called site.css into the assets/css directory:

body {
color: #000000;
background-color: #CCCC99;

a {
color: #603;

.jumbotron {
background-color: #FFFFCC;

With the Bootstrap library installed, we can slightly modify our default.html layout to make the site really stand out. Many Jekyll blogs are quite minimalistic and stark, but you are limited only by your imagination:

    <link href="/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="/assets/css/site.css" rel="stylesheet">


    <div class="container">
      <div class="jumbotron">
        Alternative travel information
      <div class='row>
        <div class='span12'>
          <div class="container">
            {{ content }}

If we reload, we will see a much prettier version of the site (Restoring the original colors and images).

btwg 0606
Figure 7. Restoring the original colors and images

We’ve now entirely scraped an old site and built a new Jekyll blog, so there is just one thing left to do: encourage and permit collaboration, which GitHub makes particularly easy.

Inviting Contributions with GitHub "Fork"

When you publish a Jekyll blog, the fact that it is a repository on GitHub makes it simple to manage and track changes. In addition, because forking is a button click away, you can ask people to contribute or make changes with very little friction. You might have seen the banner saying "Fork me on GitHub" on many a software project page hosted on GitHub. We can motivate others to participate in our blog using pull requests. Let’s add that as a final touch and invite people to make contributions the GitHub way. The GitHub blog first posted these banners, and we’ll use its code almost as is inside our default.html page, just changing the reference to our repository in the link tag:


  <a href="">
    <img style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border: 0;"
	   alt="Fork me on GitHub"

  <div class="container">
    <div class="jumbotron">
      Alternative travel information

Now anyone can fork our repository, add their own post to the _posts directory, and then issue a pull request asking us to incorporate the new post into our Jekyll blog.

Publishing Our Blog to GitHub

Like any other GitHub repository, we can then publish our blog using the same commands we saw with earlier repositories. Obviously you should change the username and blog name to suit your own needs:

$ export BLOG_NAME=xrd/
$ gem install hub
$ hub create $BLOG_NAME # You might need to login here
$ sleep $((10*60)) && open

And, don’t forget to set up DNS records and give yourself appropriate time to let those records propagate out.


We’ve explored the details of Jekyll, looking at the structure of a Jekyll blog. Liquid Markup is a powerful way to use programmatic constructs inside a Markdown file, and we documented the most important concepts around using this templating language. By investigating the internals of a Jekyll post, we explained the intricacies of YAML Front Matter (YFM) and how seamlessly you can mix and match HTML with Markdown syntax. Jekyll blogs can utilize their own custom CSS, and we’ve shown how easy it is to use a powerful complete library like Bootstrap layered underneath a site-specific small CSS file. And, we built a scraper application that retrieves a remote site in its entirety and converts it into the correct structure of a Jekyll blog. Even though this scraper application was built specifically for a particular site, by adding testing and properly structuring the components it should be evident how to reuse much of the scraper for anything else you want to quickly convert into a Jekyll blog.

In the next chapter we will continue looking at Jekyll by building an Android application that uses the Java GitHub API bindings and allows you to create Jekyll blog posts with the Git Data API.

1. This is all well documented on the GitHub blog.