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JavaScript and the Git Data API

Applications utilizing the GitHub API will typically reside inside a server. You are not limited, however, to accessing the API from within server-side programming languages exclusively. The GitHub API works perfectly well from within a web browser context as well, and the UI to your application comes for free if you know a little HTML. In this chapter we discuss how to use the unofficial JavaScript client library to access the GitHub API and build a single-page application (SPA), which we host entirely on GitHub.

The main weakness of JavaScript has always been testability. Mainly due to the asynchronous nature of JavaScript, writing tests has never been easy; polling for changes when a callback returns was until recently the best way to test nonlinear code. But recent toolkits like AngularJS and promise-based libraries have made testing not only easy, but elegant as well. Building applications on top of third-party services makes testing even more important than it already was, and we’ll make sure to add testing to our application to verify the functionality works as we expect.

JavaScript should be generally accessible to most people who know other imperative programming languages. There is one feature, however, that can be challenging: the callback function. In JavaScript, functions are first-class objects, meaning they can be passed as arguments to other functions and stored as the value of a variable. You will find callbacks everywhere in JavaScript programming. Callbacks make debugging and understanding JavaScript code more challenging at times. As we stated earlier, writing code that includes tests makes understanding the entire picture easier, and we will do that in this chapter to further explain sections where necessary function callbacks may initially look confusing.

Building a Coffee Shop Database on GitHub

Like many software developers, I suffer from an almost disturbing obsession with coffee. Perhaps it is really my family that suffers: when we travel to a new city, I drag my wife and children through questionable neighborhoods just to find the perfect brew and complementary gluten-free desserts.

Google Maps is a great help on these quests, in that it will find me a coffee shop and reviews, but the granularity of information about that coffee shop is often poor and limited in scope. Do they offer rice milk as a dairy-free alternative? What special details should I know when considering a place? Many guidance and mapping applications exist, but if they don’t fit my own personalized informational niche, I might miss a unique experience. With such a pressing and dire problem in front of us, let’s use the GitHub API to solve it.

We’ll build a coffee shop single-page web app that allows anyone to add information on coffee shops, information that is flexible and dynamic, and search and filter through that information about a coffee shop. All files, such as the HTML, images, and JavaScript will be hosted on GitHub. And we’ll be using the GitHub API to allow contributors to add data to our database, a database we will also host on GitHub. And as GitHub developers write code with tests, we will write tests to validate our JavaScript code as well as the expectations we have of the GitHub API.

More specifically, we’ll use these technologies:

You don’t need to know these technologies in advance of working on this chapter.

Set Up

To create our app, let’s first create our main web page and push it into our repository:

$ mkdir
$ cd
$ git init
$ git checkout -b gh-pages
$ printf "<html>\n<body>Hello from</body>\n</html>\n" > index.html
$ git commit -m "Add starting point index.html" -a
$ git config push.default gh-pages

Notice that we created a new repository, and then created and entered the gh-pages branch. We’ll do all our work there. And by using the git config command, we specified that we want the default push branch to be gh-pages. This allows us to use git push to push our branch up instead of the longer git push origin gh-pages.

Mapping Hostnames

Once we publish these files into GitHub inside a repository we can connect the repository to a real hostname. There are two steps to take to do this:

  • Add a CNAME file that tells GitHub under which server name this service should resolve.

  • Set up DNS records so that the hostname maps to the correct IP address at GitHub.

Imagine you have the hostname If you map this repository to a subdomain called coffeetech, then you would do something like this:

$ echo '' > CNAME
$ git commit -m "Added CNAME mapping" -a
$ git push

Remember that you need to wait about 10 minutes before GitHub regenerates its database to establish the connection between your gh-pages site and the mapping on their frontend servers. This is only the first time you connect a repository to a hostname; you will see subsequent changes almost instantaneously.

Generally it takes several hours to even a few days to propagate DNS settings out into the wild, so make sure you choose and set up a hostname far in advance if your site has to be live by a certain point.

Now we can install the libraries needed for this application.

Adding the Support Libraries

As we mentioned, we will use the GitHub.js library, AngularJS, and Bootstrap. Let’s add those to our project now. Using whatever editor you prefer, edit the index.html file to look like this:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> // (1)
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bootstrap.min.css"></link>
<body ng-app> // (2)
<div class="container">
{{'Welcome to'}} // (3)
<script src="angular.js"></script>
<script src="github.js"></script>

I am assuming you have a firm grasp on most HTML concepts, but a few of the advanced topics are included here:

  1. The meta tag makes our page work well with mobile browsers and enables the responsive features of Bootstrap.

  2. The ng-app attribute in the body tag tells AngularJS to initialize and compile our page from the body tag downward.

  3. The {{ }} (double brackets) are an AngularJS two-way data binding directive. You’ll see two-way data binding in action very soon if it is not already familiar. Adding this code here sanity checks whether AngularJS is working for us; if we see "Welcome to" without the braces then we know AngularJS is loading and working properly. If we see the braces, then there is some error in our setup to resolve. Two-way data binding solves a significant pain point when building JS apps: marshalling data back and forth between network events, into HTML and out of HTML forms. AngularJS does all this heavy lifting for you. In a moment we’ll show how to use two-way data binding as it was intended by defining a variable on the AngularJS scope. We then access the variable using the same {{ }} data binding directives.

Then, download the necessary files locally using these commands. We include AngularJS, GitHub.js, and Bootstrap CSS:

$ wget
$ wget
$ wget

Now we are ready to use the GitHub library inside our SPA.

An AngularJS Application Using GitHub.js

Now let’s implement a coffeetech.js file, which is where we will build our single-page application functionality. Create a new file called coffeetech.js in the root of your repository:

var mod = angular.module( 'coffeetech', [] ) // (1)
mod.controller( 'GithubCtrl', function( $scope ) { // (2)
  var github = new Github({} ); // (3)
  var repo = github.getRepo( "gollum", "gollum" ); // (4) function(err, repo) { // (5)
    $scope.repo = repo;
    $scope.$apply(); // (6)
  1. Define a module named "coffeetech." Save a reference to the module we will use next in defining a controller, a smaller bundle of functions. Modules are an AngularJS feature for grouping related functionality, and we will keep all our code for this application inside this module.

  2. We define a controller called GithubCtrl that bundles up functions and data. When we use the controller syntax, we name the controller, and then define a function with at least a single parameter: the scope object. I think of scope as the "world" available to the controller. The controller knows only of data and functions defined on its scope, and AngularJS does its magic as long as your functions or variables are defined on the scope.

  3. We create a new Github() object using the constructor. This constructor can take user credentials, but for now, we can just create it without those since we are accessing a public repository.

  4. Once we have our github object, we call the method getRepo() with an owner and a name. This returns our repository object.

  5. To actually load the data for this repository object, we call the show method and pass it a callback that uses the two parameters err and repo to handle errors or otherwise provide us with details of the repository specified. In this case we are using the Gollum wiki public repository to display some sample data.

  6. Once we have loaded the repository data, we need to call $apply to tell AngularJS a change has occurred to data stored within the scope variable. As we mentioned before, AngularJS knows only about functions and data defined on its scope. The show function is defined on the GitHub object, and any changes are not tracked by AngularJS, so we need to use $apply().

GitHub.js handles making the proper request to GitHub for us, and AngularJS handles putting the results into our web page. To modify our HTML to use this data, we change index.html to look like the following:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bootstrap.min.css"></link>
<body ng-app="coffeetech"> (1)
<div class="container" ng-controller="GithubCtrl">
{{ repo }} (2)
<script src="angular.js"></script>
<script src="github.js"></script>
<script src="coffeetech.js"></script> (3)
  1. Change the ng-app reference to use the module we defined in our coffeetech.js file.

  2. Remove our data binding to the Welcome to CoffeeTech string and replace it with a binding to the variable repo (by default AngularJS will filter complex objects and convert them to JSON).

  3. Add a reference to our coffeetech.js file beneath our other JS references.

If you load this up in your browser, you will see something like The whole messy JSON.

btwg 09in01
Figure 1. The whole messy JSON

That is a lot of data. AngularJS’s JSON filter pretty-printed it for us, but this is a bit too much. Let’s change the HTML to reduce some noise:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bootstrap.min.css"></link>
<body ng-app="coffeetech">
<div class="container" ng-controller="GithubCtrl">
<div>Subscriber count: {{ repo.subscribers_count }}</div>
<div>Network count: {{ repo.network_count }}</div>
<script src="github.js"></script>
<script src="coffeetech.js"></script>

We can filter this information by modifying the HTML to show just a few vital pieces of information from the repository JSON. Let’s display the subscriber_count and the network_count. Now we see something more palatable (Pulling out what we want).

btwg 09in02
Figure 2. Pulling out what we want

We’ve just extracted the subscriber and network count from the Gollum repository hosted on GitHub using the GitHub API and placed it into our single-page app.

Visualize Application Data Structure

We are going to be building a coffee shop database. We want to use Git as our datastore, but Git and its associated tools (either command-line tools or GitHub) don’t offer the same features as a standard relational database. So, we need to think and plan how we will structure our data inside our repository to make it easily searchable.

This application allows us to search coffee shops. These coffee shops will be, for the most part, in larger cities. If we keep all the data stored as JSON files named after the city, we can keep data located in a file named after the city, and then either use geolocation on the client side to retrieve a set of the data, or ask the user to choose their city manually.

If we look at the GitHub.js JavaScript documentation on GitHub we can see that there are some options for us to pull content from a repository. We’ll store a data file in JSON named after the city inside our repository and retrieve this from that repository. It looks like the calls we need to use are github.getRepo( username, reponame ), and once we have retrieved the repository, repo.contents( branch, path, callback ).

Now that we have a barebones application let’s pause and make sure we are building something we can refactor and maintain long term. This means adding tests to our project.

Making Our App Testable

Testing not only builds better code by making us think clearly about how our code will be used from the outside, but makes it easier for an outsider (meaning other team members) to use our code. Testing facilitates "social coding."

We’ll use a JavaScript testing tool called "Karma." Karma simplifies writing JavaScript unit tests. We need to first install the tool, then write a test or two. Karma can easily be installed using npm (installation of which is documented in [appendix]):

$ npm install karma -g
$ wget

The angular-mocks.js file makes it easy to mock out Angular dependencies in our tests.

Then, create a file called karma.config.js and enter the following contents:

module.exports = function(config) {
    basePath: '',
    frameworks: ['jasmine'],
    files: [ // (1)
    reporters: ['progress'],
    port: 9876,
    colors: true,
    logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
    autoWatch: true,
    browsers: ['Chrome'], // (2)
    captureTimeout: 60000,
    singleRun: false

This is more or less a default Karma configuration file.

  1. The files section specifying the load order of our JavaScript implementations and the test scripts. You can see a few of the files we’ve added specified directly and wildcards to cover the remaining files.

  2. Note also that we’ve specified Chrome as our test browser (so you should have it installed), which is a safe bet because it works on just about any desktop platform you might be running. Know that you can always choose Safari or Firefox if you want Karma to test inside those as well. Karma will start a new instance of each browser specified and run your tests inside a test harness in those browsers.

To write the test, let’s clarify what we want our code to do:

  • When a user first visits the application, we should use the geolocation features of their browser to determine their location.

  • Pull a file from our repository that contains general latitude and longitude locations of different cities.

  • Iterate over the list of cities and see if we are within 25 miles of any of the cities. If so, set the current city to the first match.

  • If we found a city, load the JSON data file from GitHub.

Concretely, let’s assert that we load the list of cities and have two of them, then we load a matching city named "Portland," a city that has three shops available.

We’ll use an ng-init directive, which is the mechanism to tell AngularJS we want to call the function specified when the controller has finished loading. We’ll call this function init so let’s test it.

First, we will write the setup code for an AngularJS test written using the Jasmine test framework. Jasmine is a "behavior-driven JavaScript" library that provides functions to group and create expectation-based tests. Within the Jasmine framework are "matchers" that allow for the most common assertions (comparing a variety of expected types to the resultant types from function calls) and the ability to define your own custom matchers. Jasmine also gives you the ability to "spy" on functions, which is another way of saying Jasmine can intercept function calls to validate that those calls were made in the way you anticipate. It is easiest to explain the power of Jasmine by showing the elegance of the tests themselves, so let’s do that now:

describe( "GithubCtrl", function() {
    var scope = undefined; // (1)
    var ctrl = undefined;
    var gh  = undefined;
    var repo = undefined;
    var geo = undefined;

    beforeEach( module( "coffeetech" ) ); // (2)

    beforeEach( inject( function ($controller, $rootScope ) { // (3)
            generateMockGeolocationSupport(); // (4)
            scope = $rootScope.$new(); // (5)
            ctrl = $controller( "GithubCtrl",
         { $scope: scope, Github: gh, Geo: geo } ); // (6)
        } )
  1. We declare our variables at the top of the function. If we did not do this, JavaScript would silently define them inside the functions the first time the variable is used. Then our variables would be different inside our setup code and the actual tests.

  2. We load our coffeetech module into our tests using the module method inside a beforeEach call, code that is executed before our tests run.

  3. inject is the AngularJS way to provide our before functions with the $controller and $rootScope objects, which we use to set up our tests.

  4. We will be creating two functions that generate the mock objects required for our tests. We’ll discuss these two functions in a bit.

  5. scope is the AngularJS convention for the object into which all functionality and state is stored. We create a new scope using the AngularJS utility function $rootScope.$new() and store a reference to this scope so we can test functionality we’ve implemented in our actual code.

  6. We pass in the mocked objects (created by the mocked function calls) as well as the scope object and instantiate a controller object. This controller uses the scope to define functions and data, and since we have a reference to it, we can call those functions and inspect that data and assert our implementation is correct.

Now, let’s write an actual test:

    describe( "#init", function() { // (1)
        it( "should initialize, grabbing current city", function() { // (2)
            scope.init(); // (3)
            expect( geo.getCurrentPosition ).toHaveBeenCalled(); // (4)
            expect( gh.getRepo ).toHaveBeenCalled();
            expect( ).toHaveBeenCalled();
            expect( scope.cities.length ).toEqual( 2 ); // (5)
            expect( ).toEqual( "portland" );
            expect( scope.shops.length ).toEqual( 3 );
  1. Describe functions are used to group tests defined inside it functions. Since we are testing the init function, it seems logical to use an identifier called #init.

  2. describe blocks group tests while it blocks actually specify code that is run as a test.

  3. Our controller code begins with an init call, so we mimic that inside our test to set up the controller state.

  4. We assert that our code uses the various interfaces we defined on our injected objects: getCurrentPosition on the geo object, and read on the repository object.

  5. Then we assert that the data is properly loaded. Our test verifies that there are two cities, that a default city has been loaded and the name of the default city is equal to the string "portland". In addition, the test verifies there are three shops loaded for the default city. Behind the scenes in our implementation we will load these via JSON, but all we care about is that the interface and data matches our expectations.

This syntax initially can look confusing if you have never written Jasmine tests for JavaScript, but it actually solves a lot of problems in an elegant way. Most importantly, Jasmine provides a spyOn function that will intercept a call to it, and then allow you to assert that it was called. Any place in our tests you see toHaveBeenCalled() is an assertion that spyOn provides to us proving that a call was made.

Now we can implement the two mocking functions vital for the test. Put them in between the beforeEach( module( "coffeetech" ) ) line and the beforeEach( inject( ... ) ) functions to provide proper visibility to Karma:

beforeEach( module( "coffeetech" ) );

function generateMockGeolocationSupport( lat, lng ) { // (1)
    response = ( lat && lng ) ?
        { coords: { lat: lat, lng: lng } } :
  { coords: CITIES[0] };
    geo = { getCurrentPosition: function( success, failure ) { // (2)
        success( response );
    } };
    spyOn( geo, "getCurrentPosition" ).andCallThrough(); // (3)

function generateMockRepositorySupport() { // (4)
    repo = { read: function( branch, filename, cb ) { // (5)
        cb( undefined,
      JSON.stringify( filename == "cities.json" ?
              CITIES : PORTLAND ) );
    } };
    spyOn( repo, "read" ).andCallThrough();

    gh = new Github({});
    spyOn( gh, "getRepo" ).andCallFake( function() { // (6)
        return repo;
    } );

beforeEach( inject( function ($controller, $rootScope ) {
  1. We first implement the generateMockLocation function.

  2. Mock location involves creating a geo object that has a single function getCurrentPosition, which is a function that calls back into a success callback function provided. This exactly matches the native browser support for Geolocation, which has the same function defined.

  3. We then spyOn the function so we can assert that it was called in our actual tests.

  4. Next, we implement generateMockRepositorySupport.

  5. Again, we implement a mock object: this one to provide a method called read. This function matches the function of the same name contained in the API provided by the JavaScript GitHub.js library. Just like in the previous mock, we spyOn the function so we can validate it was called. However, this is not the "top-level" repository object—this is the object returned from the call to getRepo. We will take this mock object and return it from the getRepo call.

  6. We spy on the getRepo call, and then return our next mock object, the repository object. This object is used to retrieve the actual information using the read call.

Now that we have a set of tests, run the test suite from the command line and watch them fail:

$ karma start karma.conf.js
Chrome 32.0.1700 (Mac OS X 10.9.1) GithubCtrl #init should initialize,
          grabbing current city FAILED
  Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module...:
  Error: [$injector:nomod] Module 'coffeetech' is not available!
    You either misspelled the module name or forgot to load it.
    If registering a module ensure that you specify the
    dependencies as the second argument.

We now need to provide some test fixtures.

Test Data

We need to build our support fixtures, data files that have test data. Add the fixtures-cities.js file into the same directory as your other code:

var CITIES = [{
    name: "portland",
    latitude: 45,
    longitude: 45
}, {
    name: "seattle",
    latitude: 47.662613,
    longitude: -122.323837

And the fixtures-portland.js file:

var PORTLAND = [{
    "name": "Very Good Coffee Shop",
    "latitude": 45.52292,
    "longitude": -122.643074
}, {
    "name": "Very Bad Coffee Shop",
    "latitude": 45.522181,
    "longitude": -122.63709
}, {
    "name": "Mediocre Coffee Shop",
    "latitude": 45.520437,
    "longitude": -122.67846


Then, add the coffeetech.js file. We’ll focus just on the setup code and the changes to the init function for now:

var mod = angular.module( 'coffeetech', [] );

mod.factory( 'Github', function() {  // // (1)
    return new Github({});

mod.factory( 'Geo', [ '$window', function( $window ) {  // // (2)
    return $window.navigator.geolocation;
} ] );

mod.factory( 'Prompt', [ '$window', function( $window ) {
    return $window.prompt;
} ] );

mod.controller( 'GithubCtrl', [ '$scope', 'Github', 'Geo', 'Prompt',  // // (3)
        function( $scope, ghs, Geo, Prompt ) {
    $scope.messages = []

    $scope.init = function() { // // (4)
        $scope.getCurrentLocation( function( position ) {
            $scope.latitude = position.coords.latitude;
            $scope.longitude = position.coords.longitude;
            $scope.repo = ghs.getRepo( "xrd", "" );  // // (5)
            $ "gh-pages", "cities.json",
	      function(err, data) {  // // (6)
                $scope.cities = JSON.parse( data );  // // (7)
                // Determine our current city
                $scope.detectCurrentCity();  // // (8)

                // If we have a city, get it
                if( $ ) {

                $scope.$apply(); // // (9)
  1. We extract the GitHub library into an AngularJS factory. This allows us to inject our mocked GitHub object inside our tests; if we had placed the GitHub instance-creation code inside our controller, we would not have been able to easily mock it out in our tests.

  2. We extract the geolocation support into an AngularJS factory. As we did with the GitHub library mock, we can now inject a fake one into our tests.

  3. Our new controller "injects" the various objects we need. We have extracted the GitHub API object and a Geo object into dependencies, and this syntax finds the proper objects and provides them to our controller. You’ll also notice a slightly different syntax for creating the controller: controller( "CtrlName", [ 'dependency1', 'dependency2', function( dependency1, dependency2 ) {} ] );. This style works even if JavaScript minification were to occur; the previous incarnation we saw would not have survived this process because AngularJS would not have known the dependency name after it had been mangled by a minimizer.

  4. We extract the functionality into a function called init, which we can explicitly call from within our tests.

  5. Set the username and load the repository. If you are putting this into your own repository, modify this appropriately, but you can use these arguments until you do post this into your own repository.

  6. We use the read method to pull file contents from the repository. Notice that we use the gh-pages branch since we are storing our single-page app and all the data there.

  7. Once our data is returned to us, it is simply a string. We need to reconstitute this data to a JavaScript object using the JSON.parse method.

  8. After we retrieve our data from the repository, we can use the data inside the cities array to determine our current city.

  9. Since we are calling outside of AngularJS and returning inside a callback, we need to call scope.$apply() like we showed in prior examples.

We are now ready to write our geocoding implementation.

Geocoding Support

We’ll build functions to retrieve the data for a city from the GitHub API, find the location of the user using their browser’s Geolocation feature, use the user’s current location to determine what cities they are close to, implement a distance calculation function, load the city once close proximity cities are determined, and finally, add a function to query the user for their GitHub credentials and annotation data.

First, we can implement the city-loading functions:

$scope.retrieveCity = function() { // (1)
    $ "gh-pages", $ + ".json",
      function(err, data) {
        $scope.shops = JSON.parse( data );

$scope.loadCity = function( city ) { // (2)
    $ "gh-pages", city + ".json", function(err, data) {
        $scope.shops = JSON.parse( data );
  1. retrieveCity retrieves a list of shops in the same way we retrieved the list of cities by reading from the repository object. After loading the data into the scope, we need to call $apply() to notify Angular.

  2. loadCity uses the city name to load city data.

Next, we can implement the functionality to calculate distances between the current user and available cities:

$scope.getCurrentLocation = function( cb ) { // (1)
    if( undefined != Geo ) {
        Geo.getCurrentPosition( cb, $scope.geolocationError );
    } else {
        console.error('not supported');

$scope.geolocationError = function( error ) { // (2)
    console.log( "Inside failure" );

$scope.detectCurrentCity = function() {  // (3)
    // Calculate the distance from our current position and use
    // this to determine which city we are closest to and within
    // 25 miles
    for( var i = 0; i < $scope.cities.length; i++ ) {
        var dist = $scope.calculateDistance( $scope.latitude, // (4)
                                             $scope.cities[i].longitude );
        if( dist < 25 ) {
            $ = $scope.cities[i];

toRad = function(Value) { // (5)
    return Value * Math.PI / 180;

$scope.calculateDistance = function( latitude1,   // (6)
                                     longitude2 ) {
    R = 6371;
    dLatitude = toRad(latitude2 - latitude1);
    dLongitude = toRad(longitude2 - longitude1);
    latitude1 = toRad(latitude1);
    latitude2 = toRad(latitude2);
    a = Math.sin(dLatitude / 2) * Math.sin(dLatitude / 2) +
        Math.sin(dLongitude / 2) * Math.sin(dLongitude / 2) *
        Math.cos(latitude1) * Math.cos(latitude2);
    c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a));
    d = R * c;
    return d;
  1. We build a getCurrentLocation function we will call within our code. We use the injected Geo object that has our getCurrentPosition function (which inside our tests will be the mocked function, and inside our real code just layers an abstraction on top of the native browser interface).

  2. We need to provide an error callback to the getCurrentPosition call, so we implement that, which logs it to the console.

  3. Then we build detectCurrentCity; we will look over the list of cities and see if we are in one.

  4. We iterate over the list of cities and calculate whether they are within 25 miles of our current location. Each city is stored with its own latitude and longitude data. When we find a city, we store that in the scope as the official current city and exit the loop.

  5. To calculate distance, we need to build a radian conversion function.

  6. Finally, we build our distance calculation function.

At first glance, the calculate distance function looks confusing, no? This was code I developed after reading a post on geocoding using a stored procedure within the PostgreSQL database, and I converted the code to JavaScript. Unless you are a geocoding geek, how do we know this works as advertised? Well, let’s write some tests to prove it. Add these lines to the bottom of your coffeetech.spec.js, just within the last }); closing braces:

    describe( "#calculateDistance", function() {
        it( "should find distance between two points", function() {
            expect( parseInt(
          scope.calculateDistance( 14.599512,
           123.885437 ) * 0.61371 ) ).
      toEqual( 354 );

To build this test, I searched for "distance between Manila" and Google autocompleted my search to "Cebu." It says they are 338 miles apart. I then grabbed latitude and longitudes for those cities and built the preceding test. I expected my test to fail as my coordinates were going to be off by a few miles here or there. But the test showed that our distance was 571. Hmm, perhaps we calculated in kilometers, not miles? Indeed, I had forgotten this algorithm actually calculated the distance in kilometers, not miles. So, we need to multiply the result by 0.621371 to get the value in miles, which ends up being close enough to what Google reports the distance to be.

City Data

Let’s seed our application with some starting data and write out the cities.json file:

    "longitude": -122.67620699999999,
    "latitude": 45.523452,
    "name": "portland"
    "longitude": -122.323837,
    "latitude": 47.662613,
    "name": "seattle"

Now that we have our geocoding implementation complete and sample data in place, we can move on to acquiring credentials from the user.

Adding Login

If we want people to fork a repository on GitHub, we need to have them log in to GitHub. So, we need to ask for credentials:


$scope.annotate = function() {
    user = Prompt( "Enter your github username" )
    password = Prompt( "Enter your github password" )
    data = Prompt( "Enter data to add" );


We can now expose the new data inside the index.html file like so (omitting the obvious from the HTML):

<body ng-app="coffeetech">

<div class="container" ng-controller="GithubCtrl" ng-init="init()">


<h3 ng-show="city">Current city: {{}}</h3>

<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6"><h4>Shop Name</h4> </div>
<div class="col-md-6"><h4>Lat/Lng</h4> </div>
<div class="row" ng-repeat="shop in shops"> <!--(1)-->
<div class="col-md-6">   <!--(2)-->
{{ }}  <!--(3)-->
<div class="col-md-6"> {{ shop.latitude }} / {{ shop.longitude }} </div>
  1. ng-repeat is an AngularJS directive that iterates over an array of items. Here we use it to iterate over the items in our portland.json file and insert a snippet of HTML with our data interpolated from each item in the iteration.

  2. Bootstrap makes it easy to establish structure in our HTML. The col-md-6 class tells Bootstrap to build a column sized at 50% of our 12-column layout (the default for Bootstrap layouts). We set up two adjacent columns this way. And if we are inside a mobile device, it properly stacks these columns.

  3. Using AngularJS two-way data binding we insert the name of the shop.

Errors Already?

If you run this in your browser, you will not see the shops for our city displayed. Something is broken, so let’s investigate. I recommend using the Chrome browser to debug this, but you can use any browser and set of developer tools you like. For Chrome, right-clicking the page anywhere and selecting "Inspect Element" at the bottom (or by the keyboard shortcut "F12" or "Ctrl-Shift-I" on Windows or Linux or "Cmd-Opt-I" on Mac) will bring up the developer console. Then select the console window. Refresh the browser window, and you’ll see this in the console:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'select' of undefined

If you click the link to the right for GitHub.js, you’ll see something like An unexpected error.

btwg 09in03
Figure 3. An unexpected error

You see at the point of error that we are calling select on the tree. select appears to be a method defined on an underscore character. If you use JavaScript frequently, you’ll recognize that the underscore variable comes from the Underscore library, and select is a method that detects the first matching instance inside an array. Under the hood, the GitHub.js library is pulling the entire tree from the repository, then iterating over each item in the tree, then selecting the item from the tree that matches the name of the file we have requested. This is an important performance implication to consider; the GitHub API does not provide a way to directly request content by the path name. Instead, you pull a list of files and then request the file by the SHA hash, a two-step process that makes two (potentially lengthy) calls to the API.

How do we fix the error telling us select is undefined? Did we forget to include underscore.js? Reviewing the documentation on GitHub.js, we see that it states underscore.js and base64.js are required. We forgot to include them. Oops! To include these, run these commands from the console:

$ wget
$ wget

Then, add the libraries to your index.html so that the JavaScript includes look like this:


<script src="angular.js"></script>
<script src="underscore-min.js"></script>
<script src="base64.min.js"></script>
<script src="github.js"></script>
<script src="coffeetech.js"></script>

Now we can build out some faked data and start envisioning the structure of our data that will eventually come from our users.

Displaying (Soon-to-Be) User-Reported Data

So far we have built a database of cities and coffee shops in those cities. Google Maps or Apple Maps already provide this information. If we layer additional information on top of this data (like quirky information about the coffee shop), however, then we might have something that someone might find useful once they have found the coffee shop on their favorite mapping application.

So, to start, let’s add some fake data to our coffee shop information. Add a file called portland.json that looks like this:

      "information" : [
         "offers gluten free desserts",
         "free wifi",
         "accepts dogs"
      "longitude" : -122.643074,
      "latitude" : 45.52292,
      "name" : "Very Good Coffee Shop"
      "latitude" : 45.522181,
      "name" : "Very Bad Coffee Shop",
      "longitude" : -122.63709
      "name" : "Mediocre Coffee Shop",
      "latitude" : 45.520437,
      "longitude" : -122.67846

Notice that we added an array called information to our data set. We’ll use this to allow simple search. Add the search feature to our index.html:


<div class="container" ng-controller="GithubCtrl" ng-init="init()">


<input style="width: 20em;" ng-model="search"
       placeholder="Enter search parameters..."/> <!--(1)-->

<h3 ng-show="city">Current city: {{}}</h3>

<div class="row=">
<div class="col-md-6"><h4>Shop Name</h4> </div>
<div class="col-md-6"><h4>Lat/Lng</h4> </div>
<div class="row" ng-repeat="shop in shops | filter:search"> <!--(2)-->
<div class="col-md-6">
{{ }}

<div ng-show="search"> <!--(3)-->
<span ng-repeat="info in city.information">
<span class="label label-default"></span>

<div class="col-md-6">
<a target="_map" <!--(4)-->
   Open in map ({{shop.latitude}},{{shop.longitude}})
  1. We add a search box that binds to the search model in our scope.

  2. We add a filter on the data to display that searches through all data inside each item in our shops array.

  3. If we are searching (the model variable search is defined) then we show the extra information.

  4. We alter our lat/lng information to point to a Google Maps page.

Now if we type the word “gluten” in our search box, we filter out anything except shops that match that, and we see the information pieces formatted as labels underneath the shop name (Filtering coffee shops using the term gluten).

btwg 09in04
Figure 4. Filtering coffee shops using the term gluten

User-Contributed Data

Now that we have a functioning application, let’s allow people to add information themselves and help build our database. Just beneath the link to the map link, add a button that will allow us to annotate a coffee shop with extra information.

To make a contribution, users will fork the repository, make a change, and then issue a pull request from the fork to the original repository. Forking means we create a copy of the original repository in our GitHub account. All these steps are possible from within our webapp using the GitHub.js library. Of course, if someone is going to fork a repository into their account, we must ask the user to log in, so we will prompt them for their username and password. If you are grimacing at the thought of a webapp asking for GitHub credentials, don’t fret—we’ll find a safe way to achieve the same thing shortly.

The implementation we will use starts with adding an annotate button to our HTML:

<button ng-click="annotate(shop)">Add factoid</button>

Let’s add some tests. Add another file called coffeetech.annotate.spec.js with these contents:

describe( "GithubCtrl", function() {

    var scope = undefined, gh = undefined,
    	repo = undefined, prompter = undefined;

    function generateMockPrompt() {
        prompter = { prompt: function() { return "ABC" } }; // (1)
        spyOn( prompter, "prompt" ).andCallThrough();


    var PR_ID = 12345;
    function generateMockRepositorySupport() { // (2)
        repo = {
            fork: function( cb ) {
                cb( false );
            write: function( branch, filename, data, commit_msg, cb ) {
                cb( false );
            createPullRequest: function( pull, cb ) {
                cb( false, PR_ID );
            read: function( branch, filename, cb ) {
                cb( undefined,
		    JSON.stringify( filename == "cities.json" ?
		    		    CITIES : PORTLAND ) );
        spyOn( repo, "fork" ).andCallThrough();
        spyOn( repo, "write" ).andCallThrough();
        spyOn( repo, "createPullRequest" ).andCallThrough();
        spyOn( repo, "read" ).andCallThrough();

        gh = { getRepo: function() {} }; // (3)
        spyOn( gh, "getRepo" ).andCallFake( function() {
            return repo;
        } );
        ghs = { create: function() { return gh; } };


It looks similar to our previous tests where we mock out a bunch of items from the GitHub.js library.

  1. We added a mock prompt. We will be prompting the user for username, password, and the annotating data, and we will use the native browser prompt mechanism to do this.

  2. We added three new methods to our mock GitHub object: fork, write, and createPullRequest. We verify that these are called.

  3. When we call the getRepo function we want to spy on it so we can assure it is called, but we also want to return the fake repository we provide inside our test, and this syntax does that.

We have some setup code that is called in a before function to load the mock objects and establish a controller and scope for testing:


var $timeout;  // // (1)
beforeEach( inject( function ($controller, $rootScope, $injector ) {
    generateMockRepositorySupport();  // // (2)
    $timeout = $injector.get( '$timeout' );  // // (3)
    scope = $rootScope.$new();
    ctrl = $controller( "GithubCtrl",
       { $scope: scope,
         Github: ghs,
         '$timeout': $timeout,
         '$window': prompter } );
} ) );
  1. According to the documentation for fork in the GitHub.js library, this method can take a little time to return (as long as it takes for GitHub to complete our fork request, which is nondeterministic), so we need to set a timeout in our app and query for the new repository. If we are using AngularJS, we can ask it for a mocked and programmatic timeout interface, which we can control inside our tests.

  2. We generate our mocked GitHub method calls and spies, and we follow that by mocking our prompt calls.

  3. As mentioned earlier, we need to get $timeout, and we can use the injector to retrieve the mocked one AngularJS provides for testing using this call.

Now we can write our tests for the annotate function:

describe( "#annotate", function() {  // (1)
    it( "should annotate a shop", function() { = PORTLAND
        var shop = { name: "A coffeeshop" }
        scope.annotate( shop ); // (2)
        expect( scope.shopToAnnotate ).toBeTruthy();// (3)
        expect( prompter.prompt.calls.length ).toEqual( 3 );
        expect( scope.username ).not.toBeFalsy();
        expect( scope.annotation ).not.toBeFalsy();

        expect( repo.fork ).toHaveBeenCalled(); // (4)
        expect( scope.waiting.state ).toEqual( "forking" ); // (5)
        $timeout.flush();// (6)

        expect( scope.forkedRepo ).toBeTruthy(); // (7)
        expect( ).toHaveBeenCalled();
        expect( repo.write ).toHaveBeenCalled();
        expect( repo.createPullRequest ).toHaveBeenCalled();
        expect( scope.waiting.state ).toEqual( "annotated" );
        $timeout.flush();// (8)

        expect( scope.waiting ).toBeFalsy();

  1. We create a new describe block to organize our tests, calling it #annotate. We then implement one it function, which is the single test we are creating: "annotate a shop."

  2. After setting up the preconditions that our scope object should have a city selected, and creating a shop to annotate, we then call our annotate method.

  3. Once we have called annotate, our code should request our credentials for the GitHub API, and then ask us for the information to use in annotating the shop. If this were happening in the browser, we would get three prompts. Our test mocks out the prompt object here, and we should therefore see three calls made to our mocked prompt object. We also validate some state we should see on the scope object like holding a username and annotation for usage later.

  4. We should then see the first of our GitHub API calls being made: GitHub.js should issue a request to fork the repository.

  5. We should then enter in our waiting state; we will tell the user we are waiting and our UI will use the scope.waiting.state to notify them of that.

  6. Once we have flushed the timeout that simulates completion of the fork, we will then see our code storing the result of the forked repo into the scope.

  7. Next, we can observe the other GitHub API calls that perform the annotation.

  8. We flush again to resolve the timeouts, and then finally, after everything is done, we should no longer be telling the user they are in a waiting state.

If you are still running Karma in the background, you’ll see the tests fail with:

Chrome 32.0.1700 (Mac OS X 10.9.1) GithubCtrl #annotate should
annotate a shop FAILED
         TypeError: Object #<Scope> has no method 'annotate'
             at null.<anonymous> (/.../coffeetech.spec.js:80:19)

Now, let’s implement this functionality in our coffeetech.js file. Add these lines to the bottom of the file, but before the last closing braces. The function annotate actually does two things: makes a fork of the repository for the user, and then adds annotation information to that repository using the GitHub API once the fork has completed:

$scope.annotate = function( shop ) { // (1)
    $scope.shopToAnnotate = shop;
    $scope.username = $window.prompt( "Enter your github username (not email!)" )
    pass = $window.prompt( "Enter your github password" )
    $scope.annotation = $window.prompt( "Enter data to add" ); // (2)
    gh = ghs.create( $scope.username, pass );  // (3)
    toFork = gh.getRepo( "xrd", "" ); // (4)
    toFork.fork( function( err ) {
        if( !err ) { // (5)
            $scope.notifyWaiting( "forking",
	      "Forking in progress on GitHub, please wait" );// (6)
            $timeout( $scope.annotateAfterForkCompletes, 10000 );// (7)
    } );

  1. We start by creating our annotation function. As we specified in our tests, this function takes a shop object, an object into which annotations about the shop are added.

  2. We prompt the user three times: username and password on GitHub, and the text they want to annotate. If this seems like a really bad way to do things, don’t worry, we’ll fix it in a moment.

  3. We create a new GitHub object with the username and password provided. We leave it as an exercise for the reader to contend with mistyped or incorrect credentials.

  4. The GitHub.js library allows you to create a repository object (meaning create a local reference to an existing repository) using the getRepo function. Once we have this, we can issue a fork to the repository.

  5. If we did not get an error, we still need to contend with the fact that forking takes a nondeterministic amount of time. So, we schedule a timeout in 10 seconds, which will check to make sure our request completed. As this operation is happening inside the browser, we have no way of registering for a notification, and as such, must poll GitHub to determine whether our fork has completed. In the real world, we probably would need to redo this request if we see it fail as this could just mean it was still pending on GitHub.

  6. We register a message using a key called "forking" which we can use inside our HTML template to display to the user that our fork has completed. We’ll build this function out soon; it basically stores the value and a string for display, and allows us to clear it when the message is no longer valid.

  7. Finally, we call the method annotateAfterForkCompletes, which adds data to our new forked repository once the process is fully complete.

Let’s now build the code to annotate our repository after the fork has completed:


$scope.annotateAfterForkCompletes = function() {// (1)
    $scope.forkedRepo = gh.getRepo( $scope.username, "" );
    $ "gh-pages", "cities.json", function(err, data) {
        if( err ) {
            $timeout( $scope.annotateAfterForkCompletes, 10000 );
        else {
            $scope.notifyWaiting( "annotating",
	      "Annotating data on GitHub" ); // (2)
            // Write the new data into our repository

            var newData = JSON.stringify( $scope.shops, stripHashKey, 2 ); // (3)
            $scope.forkedRepo.write('gh-pages', $ + '.json', // (4)
                                    'Added my quirky information',
                                    function(err) {
                if( !err ) {
                    // Annotate our data using a pull request
                    var pull = { // (5)
                        title: "Adding quirky information to " +
                        body: "Created by :" + $scope.username,
                        base: "gh-pages",
                        head: $scope.username + ":" + "gh-pages"
                    target = gh.getRepo( "xrd", "" ); // (6)
                    target.createPullRequest( pull,
		      function( err, pullRequest ) { // (7)
                        if( !err ) {
                            $scope.notifyWaiting( "annotated",
			      "Successfully sent annotation request" );// (8)
			      function() {
			       $scope.notifyWaiting( undefined )
			      }, 5000 );
                            $scope.$apply(); // (9)
                    } );
    } );

  1. Once we have verified the fork has completed, we need to get the new forked repository. We use the username provided to our code when the user logs in to build the repository object. We then read the cities.json file from the repository; if we retrieve this file successfully (we don’t see the err object evaluating to true) then we know we are ready to start editing data.

  2. We notify the UI that we are annotating and tell the user they will need to wait while the annotation request is in progress.

  3. JSON.stringify converts our annotated shop object into a JSON object. If you have used JSON.stringify before, you might not know about the other two parameters (beyond just the object you want to serialize) you can provide to this function. These two extra parameters allow us to filter the object and specify certain elements to ignore when serializing and how and if to indent the resultant JSON. So, we provide the stripHashKey function to remove the $$hashKey Angular tracking data, and an indentation count. The indentation count makes it much easier to read a pull request, because the diff’ing algorithm can diff line by line rather than as a long JSON string, which is how JSON.stringify serializes by default.

  4. We then write data back to the forked repository using the write function. If this succeeds, the error value will be undefined inside the callback function as the last parameter.

  5. If our error was undefined, we are in a position where we can make a pull request back to the original repository. To make a pull request, we create a pull request object we need to provide to the pull request method inside of GitHub.js.

  6. We then get a reference to the target of the pull request, the original repository.

  7. We then issue the pull request against the target. This takes the pull request specification object we created earlier, and a callback function that has an error code if the request failed, and otherwise, a pull request object.

  8. Once the request has succeeded, we can notify the UI that the annotation process has completed, and then issue a timeout to remove that from the UI after 5000 milliseconds, or 5 seconds.

  9. Any time we are inside a callback in a third-party library (like GitHub.js) we, as mentioned before, need to use $apply() to notify Angular that our scope object has changed.

We have three convenience methods to implement:


$scope.appendQuirkToShop = function() { // (1)
    if( undefined == $scope.shopToAnnotate.information ) {
        $scope.shopToAnnotate.information = [];
    $scope.shopToAnnotate.information.push( $scope.annotation );

function stripHashKey( key, value ) { // (2)
    if( key == "$$hashKey" ) {
        return undefined;
    return value;

$scope.notifyWaiting = function( state, msg ) { // (3)
    if( state ) {
        $scope.waiting = {};
        $scope.waiting.state = state;
        $scope.waiting.msg = msg;
    else {
        $scope.waiting = undefined;
  1. The appendQuirkToShop function creates an empty array if it is not yet defined and then adds the annotation to the list of annotations. We don’t want our code to crash if we try to add an annotation to an object for which there is an undefined array reference.

  2. We define a transformation function that we used with the JSON.stringify function. AngularJS adds a tracking attribute ($$hashKey) to our objects when we use the ng-repeat directive, and this function filters that out so that our pull request data is clean.

  3. notifyWaiting (obviously) notifies users. We create a waiting object, and then update the state (which our app will use to hide or display messages) and then a message itself. If we provide an empty message, we will clear the object, effectively removing the message from the UI.

Now we need to expose the status message in our UI by modifying the HTML:

<input class="ctinput" ng-model="search"
       placeholder="Enter search parameters..."/>

<h3 ng-show="city">Current city: {{}}</h3>

<div ng-show="waiting">

Accepting Pull Requests

When someone makes an annotation to a shop, the owner of the original repository gets a pull request notification on GitHub (Adding information through a pull request).

btwg 09in05
Figure 5. Adding information through a pull request

Now we can review changes through GitHub’s integrated online diff tool (Reviewing annotation pull request diffs from within GitHub).

btwg 09in06
Figure 6. Reviewing annotation pull request diffs from within GitHub

Here we see a clear "diff" of the changes our contributor made: they added an annotation that tells us "no turtles allowed." We might want to consider a different location the next time we have a date with Morla. The diff is clear in that the green information is easy to read, which is a benefit we get when we use the JSON.stringify function with the third parameter set to something other than undefined. Unfortunately, the first line differs only by the extra comma, but this is still a very readable diff.

Toward a Safe Login Implementation

If I saw this app in the wild I would never use it to submit data. The app asks for my GitHub username and password. Asking for my username and password implicitly asks me to trust the authors of this application. Trust in this case means that I trust them to not maliciously use my credentials for nefarious purposes, and also asks me to trust that they are not doing something stupid that would allow an attacker to insert themselves into the middle of the authentication process and steal my crendentials. GitHub is a large part of my online identity and I would never provide these crendentials to a web application.

Fortunately, we have an alternative to asking for passwords: OAuth.

When we use OAuth, our users enter their credentials directly into GitHub. If our users have turned on two-factor authentication, GitHub can still authenticate them (while our naive implementation could not be modified to accept this type of authentication process). Once we have entered our credentials, GitHub decides whether we are who we say we are, and then returns us to the application that requested access.

There are many benefits to using OAuth. GitHub provides the application with what is called an OAuth token that encapsulates exactly what services on GitHub we have access to, and whether that access is read-only or whether we can add data in a read-write manner. This means our requesting service can ask to modify only parts of our data within GitHub; this provides a much higher level of trust to users as they know the application cannot touch the more private parts within GitHub. Specifically, this means we could ask for access only to gists and not request access to our repositories. One important point about OAuth tokens is that they can be revoked. So, once a specific action has been taken, we can destroy the token and revoke access. With simple username and password access, the only way to revoke access is to change the password, which means any place you have saved that password (password managers or other applications that log in via username and password) need to update their settings as well. With OAuth we can revoke a single token at any time (and GitHub makes it easy to do this) without affecting access to other services.

Let’s modify our application to use OAuth.

Authentication Requires a Server

Up until now we have been able to publish all our files into GitHub, and they are hosted for us by GitHub. Sadly the authentication component cannot be hosted on GitHub. Somehow we need to safely authenticate our user into GitHub and retrieve an OAuth token. There is currently no way to do this strictly client side (using only static HTML and JavaScript running in the browser). Other authentication providers like Facebook do provide pure JavaScript login functionality in their SDKs, but GitHub, citing security concerns, has not released anything that does authentication purely on the client side as of yet.

Somehow we have to involve a server into our authentication process. The most obvious choice we have is to run a small authentication server, delegate authentication to it, and once authentication is completed, jump back in our application hosted on GitHub. We provide code (written in NodeJS, JavaScript for the server side) to do this in the associated repository for this chapter. But creating even a simple authentication system has a baseline of complexity that seems like overkill. If we could instead delegate this authentication to a third party, we could reduce a massive amount of code and complexity from our system.

Fixing Authentication with Firebase

Instead of writing our own server to manage authentication and talk to the GitHub API, we will delegate that authentication to Firebase. Firebase is a real-time communication toolset that integrates well with our choice of AngularJS. By far the simplest and safest option, Firebase offers AngularJS bindings (called "AngularFire") and an integrated GitHub authentication component (called "Simple Login"). Together they resolve the authentication issue for us, and keep all our code hosted on GitHub. Delegation of our authentication component is easy with Firebase: we just modify our existing GitHub application, provide the credentials and GitHub OAuth scope to Firebase, and then our application offloads user management to Firebase.

First, we need to create a new GitHub application. In the top-right corner on, click on the "Account settings" link, and then navigate to the "Applications" link toward the bottom. Click the "Developer Applications" tab in the right center column and then click the "Register new application" button. Make sure "Authorization callback URL" is set to Then save the application by clicking the "Register application" button as shown in A new GitHub application for OAuth.

btwg 09in07
Figure 7. A new GitHub application for OAuth

Now, create an account on Firebase. Once you have done this, create a new app called "CoffeeTech" inside Firebase. The APP URL needs be unique, so use "coffeetech-<USERNAME>", replacing USERNAME with your GitHub username. Once you have created the app, click the "View Firebase" button. You’ll then see a settings screen, and click "Simple Login" and then "GitHub" as shown in Creating the Firebase hosted login.

btwg 09in08
Figure 8. Creating the Firebase hosted login

Then, copy your GitHub client ID and secret to the sections inside the Firebase Simple Login settings for the GitHub provider. Make sure the "enabled" checkbox is checked to enable the provider.

We’ve now established a login application on GitHub, configured it to use the Firebase service, and have properly configured Firebase to use that GitHub application. We want all functionality, especially external services, to be covered by tests, so we’ll write that test coverage next.

Testing Firebase

Since we load Firebase from its CDN, we first need to mock out the Firebase constructor using a simple shim. Put the following into a file called firebase-mock.js:

var Firebase = function (url) {

angular.module( 'firebase', [] );

To test our code, we make the following changes to our coffeetech-annotate.spec.js:

beforeEach( module( "coffeetech" ) );

var mockFirebase = mockSimpleLogin = undefined;
function generateMockFirebaseSupport() { // (1)
    mockFirebase = function() {};
    mockSimpleLogin = function() {
        return {
            '$login': function() {
                return { then: function( cb ) {
                    cb( { name: "someUser",
                          accessToken: "abcdefghi" } );
                } };

var $timeout;
beforeEach( inject( function ($controller, $rootScope, $injector ) {
    generateMockFirebaseSupport(); // (2)
    $timeout = $injector.get( '$timeout' );
    scope = $rootScope.$new();
    ctrl = $controller( "GithubCtrl",
       { $scope: scope,
         Github: ghs,
         '$timeout': $timeout,
         '$window': prompter,
         '$firebase': mockFirebase,
         '$firebaseSimpleLogin': mockSimpleLogin } ); // (3)
} ) );

describe( "#annotate", function() {
    it( "should annotate a shop", function() {
        scope.auth = mockSimpleLogin( mockFirebase() ); // (4) = PORTLAND
        var shop = { name: "A coffeeshop" }
        scope.annotate( shop );
        expect( prompter.prompt.calls.length ).toEqual( 1 ); // (5)
        expect( scope.shopToAnnotate ).toBeTruthy();
        expect( scope.username ).not.toBeFalsy();
        expect( scope.annotation ).not.toBeFalsy();

        expect( repo.fork ).toHaveBeenCalled();
        expect( scope.waiting.state ).toEqual( "forking" );

        expect( scope.forkedRepo ).toBeTruthy();
        expect( ).toHaveBeenCalled();
        expect( repo.write ).toHaveBeenCalled();
        expect( repo.createPullRequest ).toHaveBeenCalled();
        expect( scope.waiting.state ).toEqual( "annotated" );

        expect( scope.waiting ).toBeFalsy();
  1. We add a generateMockFirebaseSupport() function that creates the mock firebase and simple login objects.

  2. We call this method to initialize the mocks.

  3. In our test we use the $controller method instantiator to inject these mock objects instead of letting AngularJS inject the real ones. We should modify our other spec file as well now that we are changing the required injections for any controller.

  4. We change our #annotate test and create the auth object (normally created inside the initialization).

  5. We prompt only once for the data to annotate (we don’t need to prompt for username and password any longer).

Implementing Firebase Login

Now, add Firebase support to our AngularJS application. Add the references to the Firebase support libraries right after AngularJS is loaded:

<script src="angular.js"></script>
<script src=''></script>

We need to adjust our coffeetech.js file in a few ways. First, import the Firebase into our AngularJS module. Also, our original GitHub service expected username and password as parameters, but we are now using a slightly different signature for OAuth tokens:

var mod = angular.module( 'coffeetech', [ 'firebase' ] );

mod.factory( 'Github', function() {
    return {
        create: function(token) {
            return new Github( { token: token, auth: 'oauth' } );

When we instantiate our controller, we need to inject Firebase and FirebaseSimpleLogin and initialize them inside our init method:

mod.controller( 'GithubCtrl', [ '$scope', 'Github', 'Geo', '$window', '$timeout',
    '$firebase', '$firebaseSimpleLogin',
    function( $scope, ghs, Geo, $window, $timeout,
        $firebase, $firebaseSimpleLogin ) {

    $scope.init = function() {

        var ref = new Firebase( '' );
        $scope.auth = $firebaseSimpleLogin( ref );

        $scope.getCurrentLocation( function( position ) {
            $scope.latitude = position.coords.latitude;

Then, when we annotate, we need to provide the auth token returned from Firebase. But it is gratifying to see that little else needs to change in our flow:

$scope.annotate = function( shop ) {
    $scope.shopToAnnotate = shop;

    $scope.auth.$login( 'github', { scope: 'repo' } ).then(
      function( user ) { // (1)

        $ = user;
        $scope.username =;

        $scope.annotation = $window.prompt( "Enter data to add" ); // (2)

        if( $scope.annotation ) {
            gh = ghs.create( $ ); // (3)
            toFork = gh.getRepo( "xrd", "" );
            toFork.fork( function( err ) {
  1. We call the $login method on our auth object created using the Firebase SimpleLogin service. It returns a "promise," which is an interface that has a then() method that will be called if the $login() succeeds. then() calls our callback function, giving us a user object.

  2. We still need to prompt the user for one piece of information—the data to annotate. You can imagine other ways to get this information, using modal HTML5 dialogs, but this will work for us for right now. At least we are only prompting once instead of three times!

  3. Once we are ready to fork we need to create our user object using the token.

After we make these changes, we can click the "Add factoid" button and we’ll get a dialog like The final step in the permission flow for GitHub access using Firebase indicating we are logging in to GitHub (via the Firebase SimpleLogin).

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Figure 9. The final step in the permission flow for GitHub access using Firebase

After you authorize the application, the execution flow is identical to the prior authentication flow (using username and password). As an optimization we could check for previous logins before calling $login() again, but we don’t do that here, meaning the login dialog momentarily pops up each time we click the button.

Once users have logged in, they will be redirected to the application, and we’ll notify them that they have submitted a pull request with their contribution. Since their contribution is associated with their GitHub account, they will receive standard pull request notifications when their contribution is accepted, so we don’t need to implement that ourselves.


We’ve built an application in JavaScript that requires no server and provides users with a searchable coffee shop database that accepts contributions in a very safe and secure way using the Pull Request API. We were able to completely ignore all the administrative features of a data entry system, delegating all these to GitHub. Our single-page app permits us to focus on one thing: making a powerful and useful application.