Summary of changes to the source code.
Changes up to v0.3 are unrecorded.
Versions are dated as if released on the day of the last commit before the version tag (excluding change log edits).
v1.0 - 2016-07-12
Commit 06ed5305ba53235bf6079fa6b814d36367795cfd
This version includes all the changes and documentation made by the Summer 2016 team before reaching out to Dr. McMorran for the first time. The quantity and extent of the changes prompted us to skip v0.8 and v0.9 as intermediate stages: the program has been fast-forwarded to v1.0. Many minor differences are not listed below, hopefully being self-explanatory. Extra documentation is now available in a dedicated folder.
Main changes (various files):
- Added a standardized header to every source file, based on central_simulator.c (see below). Includes copyright notice and a reference to Dr. McMorran's thesis, as well as a (very) brief description of the file's purpose.
- Created "documentation" folder with info on the Gaussian-Schell model (GSM) implementation, along with a chart depicting the structure of the code. The documents should be revised and expanded with information from Dr. McMorran in the near future.
- Renamed most variables (including structure members) and functions. The new names are verbose and should be more helpful when trying to figure out what each bit of code does. Unused and duplicate variables have been deleted altogether. A fairly complete list of these modifications can be found in the documentation folder.
- Clarified which units are in use (see central_simulator.c). Most of the code now works in SI units. The existing exceptions are pointed out in comments, like in PhaseShifts.c. An important one: the user inputs the period of the gratings in nanometers, but the code converts it to meters.
- Removed any and all code that referred to electrons, since it hadn't been mantained adequately and the muonium simulation included lots of dangerous leftovers from it. In the future, the electron simulation could be implemented again, based on older versions and especially Dr. McMorran's original code. This should be done as carefully as possible, such that the simulations for different beam types remain independent, especially regarding GSM and phase shifts modeling.
- Added (again) an input parameter turning Van der Waals interactions on and off.
- Rotated the main plot 90 degrees clockwise by editing SimplePlot.cpp (commit bacbd7f). Now the horizontal axis refers to the z direction (beam propagation direction), while the vertical axis refers to the x direction (vertical direction). The beam propagates from left to right.
Other changes:
- Edited central_simulator.c header: detailed collaborator list moved to new file CREDITS, and ASCII diagram moved to INSTALL.
- Created file CREDITS to host detailed collaborator list previously on central_simulator.c.
- Removed double initialization of x_positions_array, formerly Grat3X (commit 98b7b25). Also, the functions in Gratings.c sometimes redefined arrays without need: this was fixed.
- Updated INSTALL, including command-line arguments.
- Rectified indent structures and if-else statements.
- Removed unused parameters from function definitions.
- Edited various comments.
v0.7 - 2016-06-21
Commit 663a437f54a43c88441e7b6c4a204903ba36610d
One-line summary: partial rewrite of function gp2, merge and correction of w and el functions and addition of timers.
Files: BeamParams.c, BeamParams.h, central_simulator.c, Gratings.c, Gratings.h, Misc.h
- Merged former functions w (that calculated the beamwidth) and el (that calculated the coherence width) into a single C function called calculate_width. The formulas for these parameters (found in McMorran 2008) are the same, except for a multiplicative factor that represents the initial value of the width being calculated. In the previous versions of the code, both widths were always assigned the same value (i.e., the beam was taken to be perfectly coherent), because the coefficient in the two functions was identical. The new function contains an extra parameter, which is used as the coefficient in the physical formula, so it returns the correct value for each parameter when correctly called.
- Updated function declarations and calls, and added explanatory comments. Notice that the formal arguments of function gp1 weren't changed, but a comment on their nomenclature was included.
Files: central_simulator.c, Gratings.c, Misc.h
- Renamed variables:
- w0 → initial_beamwidth
- el0 → initial_coherence_width
- r0 → initial_radius_of_wavefront_curvature
File: central_simulator.c, Gratings.c
- A timer was added inside each of the functions gp0, gp1 and gp2 to compute the time spent in each function call. The program prints both that information and a message indicating which iteration of the various for loops it is currently in.
File: central_simulator.c
- Added copyright notice to central simulator source code;
- Removed line int col = 2 (unused variable);
- Rewrote values in scientific notation.
File: Gratings.c, Gratings.h
- Changed gp0, gp1 and gp2 function types to void (they do not return anything).
File: Gratings.c, PhaseShifts.c
- Replaced definition of pi by standard math.h library M_PI constant.
File: Gratings.c
- The sequence of if statements on lines 125 - 129 was rewritten as an if-else sequence;
- Line 269: equation rewritten to account for the case when d1 doesn't equal d2, folowing McMorran 2008 equation 18e;
- Equations in gp2 were rewritten: six new variables were created to make the code more readable and to be more consistent with McMorran 2008. They are argument_d, argument_f, argument_p, and argument_v, representing the arguments of the exponential functions 18b, c, d, and e, respectively, according to the numbering in the article. The two other variables (function_d and function_v) hold the value of the exponentials in 18b and 18e (lines 280 and 281). The former implementation had typos and included some obscure terms (i.e. G2_x) taken from the original IGOR PRO code, the origin and meaning of which is unclear. All these equations now match with the article.
Files: various
- Standardized indentation and block comments;
- Added variable explanations.
v0.6 - 2016-06-16
Commit 9fede859df7ec4bcda48c86f521227b0ff8394de
One-line summary: added info files, corrected math error in GSM simulation, and allowed choice of scale.
Files:,, INSTALL
- Added change log, coding conventions and installation instructions to the repository.
- Updated collaborator list and added reference to other info files.
File: central_simulator.c
- Commented a line that apparently forced usage of a regular scale in the simulation plot.
File: Gratings.c
- Corrected equations in lines 122 and 130 according to article in .
File: Makefile
- Changed standard ROOT path.
File: PhaseShifts.c
- Clarified indentation.
v0.5 - 2016-06-14
Commit e518c780e3f1bf5c5165599272aecc56e7440afe
One-line summary: Makefile update; minor commentary and indentation edits.
File: central_simulator.c
- Updated collaborator list.
File: Makefile
- Added -fext-numeric-literals flag to Makefile targets. This fixed a compiler error on g++-5.
- Eliminated obsolete comments from a past implementation;
- Changed ROOT path and added other options for developer convenience;
- Added comment about path where ROOT is installed (must be altered according to the user's system);
- Created 3 new targets for debugging;
- Incorporated existing (but inactive) debug flags into new targets;
- Updated "clean" target;
- Updated target description.
File: Misc.c
- Added comment to ixgenerator function (copied from central_simulator.c).
File: PhaseShifts.c
- Corrected mistake with commented variable initialization.
v0.4 - 2016-06-07
Commit 15041ff13e1f9e6d274aa64181e563c07ac30a0e
One-line summary: extensive comment cleanup (with some additions); minor changes in control-flow structures.
Files: central_simulator.c, BeamParams.c, BeamParams.h, Gratings.c, Gratings.h, Misc.c, Misc.h, PhaseShifts.c
- Cleaned up most comments on files listed above. Removed obsolete implementations that survived as comments, stripped ancient personal commentary and obscure bits of unused code, and generally deleted anything that wasn't meant to be final;
- Block comments were also reformatted based on agreed-upon conventions.
File: central_simulator.c
- Significant reformatted the initial comment section. Updated collaborator list, moved various comments there and standardized the block comment structure;
- Added function descriptions by Isaac Gewarges to the code. These were previously on a separate spreadsheet;
- As suggested in the code itself, replaced if statement nested inside an else by standard else-if sequence;
- Re-standardized indent structure inside the main function.
File: Misc.c
- Rewrote the function sinc with a different if-else structure;
- Rewrote nested if sequence as a single 'if' block.
File: Misc.h
- Removed commented variable initializations from parameter structure (actual initializations are on central_simulator.c).
v0.3 - 2016-06-02
Commit 2f25cd198c6595d801ff2745bce7926e9ff5da17
One-line summary: This is the code as it was before any modifications by the Summer 2016 team.
v0.2 - 2016-01-22
Commit acccdbe65a8d22abd2529660537077c17eae9463
One-line summary: This is the code as it was before any modifications by the Spring 2016 team.
v0.1 - 2015-11-19
Commit b6be3bb7186af70d75b90328c1654c0156946ffe
One-line summary: Original source before cleanup by Melanie Cornelius.