This plugin is known to be working with the lastest stable version of ttrss 1.7.9. for changes please use the 'dev' branch
- Obviously a working Tiny Tiny RSS installation
- Obviously(bis) a working Yourls installation
- php-curl installed on your environnement
- the will to shorten urls from tt-rss via yourls ;)
- Copy the yourls folder to your tt-rss plugins/ folder.
- Go to your tt-rss Preference page
- Under Plugins section enable yourls plugin
- A new pref pane will show up, named ... Yourls ;)
- In there you will have to enter :
- Yourls base URL in the form http://sho.rt
- Yourls API key from your installation of yourls
While on an article, you will see a Y shaped Yourls icon. Clicking on it will bring up a dialog with the shortened URL of the article link. Within the dialog icons to chare this shortened link via Facebook and/or Twitter will also be displayed.
ENJOY ! ;)
This plugin was originally posted on this forum thread and is initially the work of Beun (has to be said !)