A library of FileMaker functions for use with Xojo.
All functions are accessed by using the FM prefix, so to get the length of some text:
FM.Length("Hello, world.")
- Average
- Max
- Min
- Sum
- Base64Decode
- Base64Encode
- Date
- Day
- DayName
- DayOfWeek
- DayOfYear
- Month
- MonthName
- WeekOfYear
- Year
- Get.ApplicationVersion
- Get.CurrentDate
- Get.CurrentTime
- Get.CurrentTimestamp
- Get.DesktopPath
- Get.Device
- Get.DocumentsPath
- Get.DocumentsPathListing
- Get.PreferencesPath
- Get.ScreenHeight
- Get.ScreenScaleFactor
- Get.ScreenWidth
- Get.SystemDrive
- Get.SystemPlatform
- Get.SystemVersion
- Get.TemporaryPath
- Get.WindowContentHeight
- Get.WindowContentWidth
- Get.WindowHeight
- Get.WindowLeft
- Get.WindowTop
- Get.WindowWidth
- Evaluate
- Ceiling
- Int
- Ln
- Random
- Truncate
- Char
- Code
- Exact
- GetAsDate
- GetAsNumber
- GetAsText
- GetAsURLEncoded
- Left
- LeftValues
- LeftWords
- Length
- Lower
- Middle
- MiddleValues
- MiddleWords
- PatternCount
- Position
- Proper
- Quote
- Replace
- Right
- RightValues
- RightWords
- Substitute
- Trim
- TrimAll
- Upper
- ValueCount
- WordCount
- TextColor
- Degrees
- Pi
- Radians