This project currently contains 3 example feature files in the src/test/resources/cucumber folder.
- petstore-imperative.feature - "bare-bones" feature for defining the peststore API
- petstore-swagger.feature - same feature for defining the peststore API using some of the Swagger-specific vocabulary
- swaggerhub.feature - feature for the SwaggerHub REST API showing usage of Swagger constructs and Examples tables.
Run them with
mvn test
which will use JUnit to run them via the CucumberTest runner, output should be something in the line of
[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test (default-test) @ testserver-cucumber-samples ---
Running com.smartbear.readyapi.testserver.cucumber.CucumberTest
Feature: Petstore API
Scenario: Find pet by status # petstore-imperative.feature:3
Given the API running at # GenericRestStepDefs.theAPIRunningAt(String)
When a GET request to /pet/findByStatus is made # GenericRestStepDefs.aRequestToPathIsMade(String,String)
And the status parameter is test # GenericRestStepDefs.theParameterIs(String,String)
And the Accepts header is application/json # GenericRestStepDefs.theHeaderIs(String,String)
Then a 200 response is returned within 50ms # GenericRestStepDefs.aResponseIsReturnedWithin(int,int)
Scenario: Find pet by tags # petstore-imperative.feature:10
Given the API running at # GenericRestStepDefs.theAPIRunningAt(String)
When a GET request to /pet/findByTags is made # GenericRestStepDefs.aRequestToPathIsMade(String,String)
And the tags parameter is test # GenericRestStepDefs.theParameterIs(String,String)
And the request expects json # GenericRestStepDefs.theRequestExpects(String)
Then a 200 response is returned within 50ms # GenericRestStepDefs.aResponseIsReturnedWithin(int,int)
Scenario: Create pet with parameters # petstore-imperative.feature:17
Given the API running at # GenericRestStepDefs.theAPIRunningAt(String)
When a POST request to /pet is made # GenericRestStepDefs.aRequestToPathIsMade(String,String)
And name is doggies # GenericRestStepDefs.parameterIs(String,String)
And status is available # GenericRestStepDefs.parameterIs(String,String)
Then a 200 response is returned within 50ms # GenericRestStepDefs.aResponseIsReturnedWithin(int,int)
Scenario: Create pet with body # petstore-imperative.feature:24
Given the API running at # GenericRestStepDefs.theAPIRunningAt(String)
When a POST request to /pet is made # GenericRestStepDefs.aRequestToPathIsMade(String,String)
And the request body is # GenericRestStepDefs.theRequestBodyIs(String)
"name": "doggie",
"status": "available"
Then a 200 response is returned within 50ms # GenericRestStepDefs.aResponseIsReturnedWithin(int,int)
And the response body contains # GenericRestStepDefs.theResponseBodyContains(String)
Feature: Petstore API
reading from
Scenario: Find pet by status # petstore-swagger.feature:3
Given the Swagger definition at # GenericRestStepDefs.theSwaggerDefinitionAt(String)
When a request to findPetsByStatus is made # GenericRestStepDefs.aRequestToOperationIsMade(String)
And status is test # GenericRestStepDefs.parameterIs(String,String)
And the request expects json # GenericRestStepDefs.theRequestExpects(String)
Then a 200 response is returned within 500ms # GenericRestStepDefs.aResponseIsReturnedWithin(int,int)
Scenario: Find pet by tags # petstore-swagger.feature:10
Given the Swagger definition at # GenericRestStepDefs.theSwaggerDefinitionAt(String)
When a request to findPetsByTags is made # GenericRestStepDefs.aRequestToOperationIsMade(String)
And tags is test # GenericRestStepDefs.parameterIs(String,String)
And the request expects json # GenericRestStepDefs.theRequestExpects(String)
Then a 200 response is returned within 500ms # GenericRestStepDefs.aResponseIsReturnedWithin(int,int)
Scenario: Create pet with parameters # petstore-swagger.feature:17
Given the Swagger definition at # GenericRestStepDefs.theSwaggerDefinitionAt(String)
When a request to addPet is made # GenericRestStepDefs.aRequestToOperationIsMade(String)
And name is doggies # GenericRestStepDefs.parameterIs(String,String)
And status is available # GenericRestStepDefs.parameterIs(String,String)
Then a 200 response is returned within 500ms # GenericRestStepDefs.aResponseIsReturnedWithin(int,int)
Scenario: Get pet by ID # petstore-swagger.feature:24
Given the Swagger definition at # GenericRestStepDefs.theSwaggerDefinitionAt(String)
When a request to getPetById is made # GenericRestStepDefs.aRequestToOperationIsMade(String)
And id is 1234 # GenericRestStepDefs.parameterIs(String,String)
And the request expects json # GenericRestStepDefs.theRequestExpects(String)
Then a 404 response is returned within 500ms # GenericRestStepDefs.aResponseIsReturnedWithin(int,int)
And the response type is json # GenericRestStepDefs.theResponseTypeIs(String)
And the response contains a Server header # GenericRestStepDefs.theResponseContainsHeader(String)
Feature: SwaggerHub REST API
reading from
Background: # swaggerhub.feature:3
Given the Swagger definition at # GenericRestStepDefs.theSwaggerDefinitionAt(String)
Scenario: Default API Listing # swaggerhub.feature:6
When a request to searchApis is made # GenericRestStepDefs.aRequestToOperationIsMade(String)
Then the response is a list of APIs in APIs.json format # GenericRestStepDefs.theResponseIs(String)
Background: # swaggerhub.feature:3
Given the Swagger definition at # GenericRestStepDefs.theSwaggerDefinitionAt(String)
Scenario: Owner API Listing # swaggerhub.feature:10
When a request to getOwnerApis is made # GenericRestStepDefs.aRequestToOperationIsMade(String)
And owner is swagger-hub # GenericRestStepDefs.parameterIs(String,String)
Then the response is a list of APIs in APIs.json format # GenericRestStepDefs.theResponseIs(String)
Background: # swaggerhub.feature:3
Given the Swagger definition at # GenericRestStepDefs.theSwaggerDefinitionAt(String)
Scenario: API Version Listing # swaggerhub.feature:15
When a request to getApiVersions is made # GenericRestStepDefs.aRequestToOperationIsMade(String)
And owner is swagger-hub # GenericRestStepDefs.parameterIs(String,String)
And api is registry-api # GenericRestStepDefs.parameterIs(String,String)
Then the response is a list of API versions in APIs.json format # GenericRestStepDefs.theResponseIs(String)
And the response body contains # GenericRestStepDefs.theResponseBodyContains(String)
Scenario Outline: API Retrieval # swaggerhub.feature:25
When a request to getDefinition is made
And owner is <owner>
And api is <api>
And version is <version>
Then a 200 response is returned within 500ms
And the response type is json
And the response body contains
Background: # swaggerhub.feature:3
Given the Swagger definition at # GenericRestStepDefs.theSwaggerDefinitionAt(String)
Scenario Outline: API Retrieval # swaggerhub.feature:38
When a request to getDefinition is made # GenericRestStepDefs.aRequestToOperationIsMade(String)
And owner is swagger-hub # GenericRestStepDefs.parameterIs(String,String)
And api is registry-api # GenericRestStepDefs.parameterIs(String,String)
And version is 1.0.10 # GenericRestStepDefs.parameterIs(String,String)
Then a 200 response is returned within 500ms # GenericRestStepDefs.aResponseIsReturnedWithin(int,int)
And the response type is json # GenericRestStepDefs.theResponseTypeIs(String)
And the response body contains # GenericRestStepDefs.theResponseBodyContains(String)
"description":"The registry API for SwaggerHub"
Background: # swaggerhub.feature:3
Given the Swagger definition at # GenericRestStepDefs.theSwaggerDefinitionAt(String)
Scenario Outline: API Retrieval # swaggerhub.feature:39
When a request to getDefinition is made # GenericRestStepDefs.aRequestToOperationIsMade(String)
And owner is fehguy # GenericRestStepDefs.parameterIs(String,String)
And api is sonos-api # GenericRestStepDefs.parameterIs(String,String)
And version is 1.0.0 # GenericRestStepDefs.parameterIs(String,String)
Then a 200 response is returned within 500ms # GenericRestStepDefs.aResponseIsReturnedWithin(int,int)
And the response type is json # GenericRestStepDefs.theResponseTypeIs(String)
And the response body contains # GenericRestStepDefs.theResponseBodyContains(String)
"description":"A REST API for the Sonos platform"
13 Scenarios (13 passed)
71 Steps (71 passed)
Tests run: 84, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 6.776 sec - in com.smartbear.readyapi.testserver.cucumber.CucumberTest
Results :
Tests run: 84, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0