thirdweb's Solana SDK for Browser, Node and React Native
Install the latest version of the SDK with either npm
or yarn
npm install @thirdweb-dev/sdk
yarn add @thirdweb-dev/sdk
The first thing to do to get started with Solana using thirdweb is to deploy a program. You can do this via the Dashboard, or via the SDK with the following snippet:
import { ThirdwebSDK } from "@thirdweb-dev/sdk/solana";
// First, we instantiate the SDK and connect to Solana devnet
const sdk = ThirdwebSDK.fromNetwork("devnet");
// Next, we pass in a keypair to the SDK (you can generate this or use your own)
// You can also generate one, using Kepair.generate() from @solana/web3.js
const keypair = Keypair.fromSecretKey(...)
// Finally, we can deploy a new NFT Collection program
const address = await sdk.deployer.createNftCollection({
name: "My Collection",
Once we have a deployed program, we can access it using the SDK to read and write data to the program:
// Here, we pass in the address of our deployed program
const program = await sdk.getNFTCollection(address);
// And now we can read data off our program, like getting all the NFTs from our collection
const nfts = await program.getAll();
// Or we can write data/send transactions to our program, like minting a new NFT
const mintAddress = await{
name: "New NFT",
const nft = await program.get(mintAddress);
You can learn more about thirdweb and the Solana SDK with the following resources: