Alfred Telemetry integrates Alfresco and Micrometer, an application metrics facade that supports numerous monitoring systems.
To learn more about Micrometer’s capabilities, please refer to its reference documentation , in particular the concepts section.
This Alfresco Platform extension offers:
- the flexibility to setup and define custom metrics very easily.
- a wide range of out of the box instrumentation
Alfred Telemetry auto-configures a composite MeterRegistry
and adds a registry to the composite for each of the supported implementations that it finds on the classpath.
Having a dependency on micrometer-registry-{system}
in your runtime classpath is enough for
Alfred Telemetry to configure the registry.
Alfred Telemetry uses Micrometers global static registry as composite
. This allows consumers of the library to expose metrics through the static Micrometer API. (E.g.Metrics.counter(...)
Most registries share common features. For instance, you can disable a particular registry even if the Micrometer registry implementation is on the classpath. For instance, to disable Jmx:
With Alfred Telemetry installed as an extension in the Alfresco Platform, you can inject MeterRegistry
in your
components and register metrics:
<bean id="alfred-telemetry.SampleBean" class="eu.xenit.alfred.telemetry.manual.SampleBean">
<constructor-arg ref="meterRegistry"/>
public class SampleBean {
private final Counter counter;
public SampleBean(MeterRegistry registry) {
this.counter = registry.counter("received.messages");
public void handleMessage(String message) {
// handle message implementation
Alfred Telemetry also configures built-in instrumentation (i.e. MeterBinder
implementations) that
you can control via configuration.
As mentioned before, Alfred Telemetry adds all MeterRegistry
implementations that it finds on the classpath
to the global registry. Alfred Telemetry only supports monitoring systems included in this section.
Metrics will not be exposed to the monitoring system if the version of the additional Micrometer module is incompatible with the version of the Micrometer core module.
If this happens, a warning will be printed in the Alfresco logs:micrometer-registry-graphite version ('1.1.0') is incompatible with the micrometer-core version ('1.0.6') and will not be registered
Control Property: alfred.telemetry.export.graphite.enabled
By default, metrics are exported to Graphite running on your local machine. The Graphite server host and port to use can be provided using:
Additional Graphite configuration:
# The interval at which metrics are sent to Graphite. The duration can be provided in a simple format (5s, 1m, ...)
# or in an ISO8601 compliant format (PT5S, PT1M, ... see java.time.Duration#parse(CharSequence))
# Applies the tag value of a set of common tags as a prefix
If you want Graphite support in your Alfresco docker image, you'll also need to add the following in your build.gradle:
alfrescoSM "io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-graphite:${version}"
Control Property: alfred.telemetry.export.jmx.enabled
Control Property: alfred.telemetry.export.prometheus.enabled
Prometheus expects to scrape or poll individual app instances for
metrics. Alfred Telemetry provides an endpoint available at /alfresco/s/alfred/telemetry/prometheus
to present a Prometheus scrape with the appropriate format.
If the micrometer-registry-prometheus module is not available on the classpath, requests to the endpoint will result in a HTTP Status code 404
Additional Prometheus configuration:
# The maximum number of concurrent requests the Prometheus endpoint should handle. Once the maximum number of
# requests is being processed, the response for new requests will have status code 503.
The Tomcat metrics bindings will provide several tomcat metrics.
Control Property: alfred.telemetry.binder.tomcat.enabled
Metrics provided
Name |
tomcat.cache.access |
tomcat.cache.hit |
tomcat.connections.config.max |
tomcat.connections.current |
tomcat.connections.keepalive.current | | | | | |
tomcat.servlet.error |
tomcat.servlet.request |
tomcat.servlet.request.max |
tomcat.threads.busy |
tomcat.threads.config.max | | |
tomcat.sessions.alive.max |
tomcat.sessions.created |
tomcat.sessions.expired |
tomcat.sessions.rejected |
tomcat.threads.current |
The JVM metrics bindings will provide several jvm metrics.
Control Property: alfred.telemetry.binder.jvm.enabled
Metrics provided
Name |
jvm.buffer.count |
jvm.buffer.memory.used | |
jvm.classes.loaded |
jvm.classes.unloaded | | |
jvm.gc.memory.allocated |
jvm.gc.memory.promoted |
jvm.memory.committed |
jvm.memory.max |
jvm.memory.used |
jvm.threads.daemon | |
jvm.threads.peak |
There are multiple metrics that can be separately toggled.
The uptime metrics bindings will provide system uptime metrics.
Control Property: alfred.telemetry.binder.uptime.enabled
Metrics provided
Name |
process.uptime |
process.start.time |
The processor metrics bindings will provide system processor metrics.
Control Property: alfred.telemetry.binder.processor.enabled
Metrics provided
Name |
system.load.average.1m |
system.cpu.usage |
system.cpu.count |
process.cpu.usage |
The file descriptor metrics bindings will provide system file descriptor metrics.
Control Property: alfred.telemetry.binder.files.enabled
Metrics provided
Name |
---| |
process.files.max |
The cache metrics bindings will provide metrics for the Alfresco caches. These metrics are disabled by default.
Control Property: alfred.telemetry.binder.cache.enabled
Metrics are currently only available for following cache types:
(Enterprise only)org.alfresco.enterprise.repo.cluster.cache.HazelcastSimpleCache
(Enterprise only)
For cache beans with a type not specified in the above list
(e.g. org.alfresco.repo.cache.NullCache
, org.alfresco.repo.cache.TransactionalCache
no metrics will be available.
Metrics provided
Name | Available tags |
cache.size | cache:[*], type: [DefaultSimpleCache, InvalidatingCache, HazelcastSimpleCache] |
cache.gets | cache:[*], type: [DefaultSimpleCache, InvalidatingCache, HazelcastSimpleCache] |
cache.puts | cache:[*], type: [DefaultSimpleCache, InvalidatingCache, HazelcastSimpleCache] |
cache.evictions | cache:[*], type: [DefaultSimpleCache, InvalidatingCache, HazelcastSimpleCache] |
All cache metrics are tagged with following tags:
: the bean ID of the cachetype
: the simple class name of the cache
The data source metrics bindings will provide data source pool metrics.
Control Property: alfred.telemetry.binder.jdbc.enabled
The current implementation of this metrics binding expects the
bean to be of typeorg.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource
Metrics provided
Name | Available tags |
jdbc.connections.count | status:[active, idle] |
jdbc.connections.usage | |
jdbc.connections.max | |
jdbc.connections.min |
The ticket metrics bindings will provide ticket metrics.
Control Property: alfred.telemetry.binder.ticket.enabled
Metrics provided
Name | Available tags |
---|---| | status:[valid, expired] |
The status metrics bindings will provide a metric about Alfresco being in read-only mode.
Control Property: alfred.telemetry.binder.alfresco-status.enabled
Metrics provided
Name | Available tags |
alfresco.status.readonly |
The license metrics bindings will provide metrics about Alfresco license. Enterprise-only feature.
Control Property: alfred.telemetry.binder.license.enabled
Metrics provided
Name | Available tags | Comment |
license.valid | ||
license.users.max | ||
license.users | status:[current] | User needs to have logged in at least once | | ||
license.days | status:[remaining] | |
license.cluster.enabled | ||
license.encryption.enabled | ||
license.heartbeat.enabled |
Control property: alfred.telemetry.binder.alfresco-node.enabled
Name |
alfresco.node.maxTxnId |
alfresco.node.maxTxnCommitTime |
alfresco.node.maxNodeId |
alfresco.acl.maxChangeSetCommitTime |
alfresco.acl.maxChangeSetId |
The Cluster metrics will provide info about the amount of clusters setup. Enterprise-only feature the metric will not be there on Community.
Control Property: alfred.telemetry.binder.clustering.enabled
Metrics provided
Name | Available tags |
repository.cluster.nodes.count | : clustertype:[member, non-member, offline] |
Control Property: alfred.telemetry.binder.solr.tracking.enabled
Metrics provided
Name |
solr.tracking.maxTxnId |
solr.tracking.maxTxnCommitTime |
solr.tracking.maxChangeSetId |
solr.tracking.maxChangeSetCommitTime |
Solr sharding metrics are only available on Alfresco enterprise versions greater than 6.0.
Control Property:
:Enable solr sharding metrics
: This option is enabled by default. If this option is disabled, then it will always use a floc id of 1 for the output metrics folder. On a restart, alfresco always generates a new floc id which can be annoying (for example in Grafana)
Name | Available tags | Values |
solr.sharding.shards | floc:[*], storeRef:[workspace_SpacesStore, archive_SpacesStore] | |
solr.sharding.shardInstances | floc:[], storeRef:[workspace_SpacesStore, archive_SpacesStore], shard:[], instanceHost[*] | |
solr.sharding.lastIndexedChangeSetId | floc:[], storeRef:[workspace_SpacesStore, archive_SpacesStore], shard:[], instanceHost[*] | |
solr.sharding.lastIndexedTxId | floc:[], storeRef:[workspace_SpacesStore, archive_SpacesStore], shard:[], instanceHost[*] | |
solr.sharding.instanceMode | floc:[], storeRef:[workspace_SpacesStore, archive_SpacesStore], shard:[], instanceHost[*] | 0=ACTIVE, 1=PAUSED, 2=SILENT |
solr.sharding.master | floc:[], storeRef:[workspace_SpacesStore, archive_SpacesStore], shard:[], instanceHost[*] | |
solr.sharding.lastIndexedChangeSetCommitTime | floc:[], storeRef:[workspace_SpacesStore, archive_SpacesStore], shard:[], instanceHost[*] | 0=false, 1=true |
solr.sharding.lastIndexedTxCommitTime | floc:[], storeRef:[workspace_SpacesStore, archive_SpacesStore], shard:[], instanceHost[*] | |
solr.sharding.lastUpdated | floc:[], storeRef:[workspace_SpacesStore, archive_SpacesStore], shard:[], instanceHost[*] |
To register custom metrics, inject the meterRegistry
bean into your component, as shown in the following example:
<bean id="alfred-telemetry.SampleBean" class="eu.xenit.alfred.telemetry.manual.SampleBean">
<constructor-arg ref="meterRegistry"/>
public class SampleBean {
private final Counter counter;
public SampleBean(MeterRegistry registry) {
this.counter = registry.counter("received.messages");
public void handleMessage(String message) {
// handle message implementation
If you find that you repeatedly instrument a suite of metrics across components or applications, you may
encapsulate this suite in a
implementation. By default, metrics from all MeterBinder
beans will be automatically bound to the
global MeterRegistry
Micrometers static Metrics
class can also be used as an alternative to register custom metrics.
public class SampleBean {
private final Counter counter;
public SampleBean() {
this.counter = Metrics.counter("received.messages");
public void handleMessage(String message) {
// handle message implementation
Alfred Telemetry provides a metrics endpoint that can be used diagnostically to examine the metrics collected in Alfresco.
Navigating to /alfresco/s/alfred/telemetry/metrics
displays a list of available meter names. You can drill
down to view information about a particular meter by providing its name as a selector, e.g.
The name you use here should match the name used in the code, not the name after it has been naming-convention normalized for a monitoring system it is shipped to. In other words, if
appears asjvm_memory_max
in Prometheus because of its snake case naming convention, you should still usejvm.memory.max
as the selector when inspecting the meter in the metrics endpoint.
You can also add any number of tag=KEY:VALUE
query parameters to the end of the URL to dimensionally
drill down on a meter,
e.g. /alfresco/s/alfred/telemetry/metrics/jvm.memory.max?tag=area:nonheap
The reported measurements are the sum of the statistics of all meters matching the meter name and any tags that have been applied. So in the example above, the returned "Value" statistic is the sum of the maximum memory footprints of "Code Cache", "Compressed Class Space", and "Metaspace" areas of the heap. If you just wanted to see the maximum size for the "Metaspace", you could add an additional
, i.e./alfresco/s/alfred/telemetry/metrics/jvm.memory.max?tag=area:nonheap&tag=id:Metaspace
If you need to apply customizations to specific Meter instances you can use the
interface. By default, all
beans will be automatically applied
to the Config
of the global MeterRegistry
Common tags are generally used for dimensional drill-down on the operating environment like host,
instance, region, stack, etc. Commons tags are applied to all meters and can be
configured in alfresco-global.prooperties
as shown in the following example:
The example above adds region
and stack
tags to all meters with a value of us-east-1
and prod
The order of common tags is important if you are using Graphite. As the order of common tags cannot be guaranteed using this approach, Graphite users are advised to define a custom
Since ACS 6.1, Alfresco contains its own Micrometer metrics integration. This module allows integration between the Alfred Telemetry and Alfresco metrics.
With this integration, it is possible to:
- Write metrics exposed by the Alfred Telemetry module to the default Alfresco output
- Write metrics exposed by Alfresco to the outputs registered in the Alfred Telemetry module
An overview of the configurable parameters and their default value. These values can be overwritten in the
Enables integration between Alfred Telemetry and Alfresco Micrometer metrics. If enabled, all Alfresco metrics will automatically be written to the Alfred Telemetry registries. -
Since Alfresco 6.1, Alfresco itself provides a Micrometer meter registry. More specifically: Alfresco provides aPrometheusMeterRegistry
. With this property it is possible to indicate that Alfred Telemetry should use the registry provided by Alfresco as it's Prometheus registry.
The only advantage of using the default Alfresco registry is that metrics registered by Alfred Telemetry will be available in the Alfresco scrape endpoint (/alfresco/s/prometheus
). However this default registry is managed by Alfresco, hence that means no customizations like e.g. common tags are applied to the Prometheus metrics.
If the default Alfresco registry is used, the prometheus registry initialized by Alfred Telemetry must be disabled (alfred.telemetry.export.prometheus.enabled=false
is not compatible with this module.
Staring up Alfresco with thealfresco-metrics-integration
module and theServletMetricsFilter
not disabled, will result in following exception:2019-05-02 15:08:21,829 WARN [app.servlet.ServletMetricsFilter] [localhost-startStop-1] Could not initialize the application server metrics reporter: io.micrometer.core.instrument.composite.CompositeMeterRegistry cannot be cast to io.micrometer.prometheus.PrometheusMeterRegistry java.lang.ClassCastException: io.micrometer.core.instrument.composite.CompositeMeterRegistry cannot be cast to io.micrometer.prometheus.PrometheusMeterRegistry at
Therefore this module automatically disables the
metrics by setting following global property:metrics.tomcatMetricsReporter.enabled=false