From b71c7ae714c24cf0c77bca35fd971d4e490f8ef4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mayur Patel <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 12:02:08 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] S-111472 Introduce new slim images (#228)

* S-111472 Introduce new slim images

- Add new mount points for drivers
- Modify wrapper files to include drivers in classpath
- Introduce new slim tag which will not have any thirdparty db drivers except postgresql

* Build and push slim images

* Update commit method to push slim files

* S-111472 support slim for Deploy images and remove skip_vulnerable_libs

* S-111472 fixing DB and MQ configuration for the Deploy


Co-authored-by: Vedran Pugar <>
---                                  |  7 +-
 applejack/                          | 15 ++-
 .../conf/products/central-configuration.yml   |  1 -
 .../conf/products/deploy-task-engine.yml      |  3 +-
 applejack/conf/products/xl-deploy.yml         |  3 +-
 applejack/conf/products/xl-release.yml        |  2 +-
 applejack/                         | 33 ++++---
 .../dockerfiles/deploy-task-engine/install.j2 | 28 ++++--
 templates/dockerfiles/install.j2              | 33 +++++--
 .../bin/{ =>}      | 14 ++-
 .../common/bin/         | 92 ++++++++++++++-----
 .../common/modify-wrapper-linux-conf.gawk     | 11 +++
 .../bin/                | 50 +++++++++-
 13 files changed, 226 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)
 rename templates/resources/common/bin/{ =>} (89%)

diff --git a/ b/
index 0d8a236ce..0f4620dc0 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ def applejack():
 @applejack.command(help="Render the templates")
 @click.option('--commit', '-c', is_flag=True, help="Commit and tag the generated Dockerfiles.")
-@click.option('--skip_vulnerable_libs', '-s', is_flag=True, help="Remove from the image vulnerable libraries.")
 def render(**kwargs):
     renderer = Renderer(kwargs)
     for product in (kwargs['product'] or all_product_configs()):
@@ -75,9 +74,11 @@ def build(**kwargs):
         builder = ImageBuilder(kwargs, product_conf)
         for target_os in (kwargs['target_os'] or target_systems(product_conf)):
             print("Building Docker image for %s %s" % (product_conf['name'], target_os))
-            image_id = builder.build_docker_image(target_os)
+            image_id = builder.build_docker_image(target_os, is_slim=False)
+            slim_image_id = builder.build_docker_image(target_os, is_slim=True)
             if kwargs['push']:
-                builder.push_image(image_id, target_os)
+                builder.push_image(image_id, target_os, is_slim=False)
+                builder.push_image(slim_image_id, target_os, is_slim=True)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/applejack/ b/applejack/
index 4a2fe4497..f1a5f8558 100644
--- a/applejack/
+++ b/applejack/
@@ -34,13 +34,18 @@ def convert_build_logs(generator):
                 elif "error" in j:
                     raise Exception(j["error"])
-    def build_docker_image(self, target_os):
+    def build_docker_image(self, target_os, is_slim):
         client = docker.from_env()
+        if is_slim:
+            docker_file = str(Path(target_os) / "Dockerfile.slim").replace('\\', '/')
+        else:
+            docker_file = str(Path(target_os) / "Dockerfile").replace('\\', '/')
         generator =
             nocache=not self.use_cache,
             pull=not self.use_cache,
             path=str(target_path(self.product_conf['name'], self.image_version)),
-            dockerfile=str(Path(target_os) / "Dockerfile").replace('\\', '/'),
+            dockerfile=docker_file,
         for line in self.convert_build_logs(generator):
@@ -56,6 +61,8 @@ def build_docker_image(self, target_os):
         image = client.images.get(image_id)
         repo = "%s/%s" % (self.registry, self.repository)
         for tag, _ in all_tags(target_os, self.image_version, self.product_conf['dockerfiles']['default']):
+            if is_slim:
+                tag += "-slim"
             print("Tag image with %s:%s" % (repo, tag))
             image.tag(repo, tag)
@@ -76,13 +83,15 @@ def convert_push_logs(generator):
                 if 'error' in j:
                     raise Exception(j['error'])
-    def push_image(self, image_id, target_os):
+    def push_image(self, image_id, target_os, is_slim):
         print("Pushing image with id %s to %s" % (image_id, self.registry))
         client = docker.from_env()
         image = client.images.get(image_id)
         print("image = %s" % image)
         for tag, _ in all_tags(target_os, self.image_version, self.product_conf['dockerfiles']['default']):
             repo = "%s/%s" % (self.registry, self.repository)
+            if is_slim:
+                tag += "-slim"
             for line in self.convert_push_logs(client.images.push(repo, tag=tag, stream=True)):
             print("Image %s with tag %s has been pushed to %s" % (image_id, tag, repo))
diff --git a/applejack/conf/products/central-configuration.yml b/applejack/conf/products/central-configuration.yml
index 395932ec7..db876faa8 100644
--- a/applejack/conf/products/central-configuration.yml
+++ b/applejack/conf/products/central-configuration.yml
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ context:
   product_description: Enterprise-scale Application Release Automation for any environment
   boot_conf: deployit.conf
   wrapper_conf: xlc-wrapper.conf.common
-  skip_vulnerable_libs: false
     - deploy-cluster.yaml
     - deploy-metrics.yaml
diff --git a/applejack/conf/products/deploy-task-engine.yml b/applejack/conf/products/deploy-task-engine.yml
index 03f6b3f5f..fb1b7e62a 100644
--- a/applejack/conf/products/deploy-task-engine.yml
+++ b/applejack/conf/products/deploy-task-engine.yml
@@ -27,10 +27,11 @@ context:
   product_description: Enterprise-scale Application Release Automation for any environment
   license_file: deployit-license.lic
   wrapper_conf: xld-wrapper.conf.common
-  skip_vulnerable_libs: false
   port: 8180
     - "${APP_HOME}/conf"
+    - "${APP_HOME}/driver/jdbc"
+    - "${APP_HOME}/driver/mq"
     - "${APP_HOME}/ext"
     - "${APP_HOME}/hotfix/lib"
     - "${APP_HOME}/hotfix/plugins"
diff --git a/applejack/conf/products/xl-deploy.yml b/applejack/conf/products/xl-deploy.yml
index bf8908e58..4ab2fb0bb 100644
--- a/applejack/conf/products/xl-deploy.yml
+++ b/applejack/conf/products/xl-deploy.yml
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ context:
   license_file: deployit-license.lic
   boot_conf: deployit.conf
   wrapper_conf: xld-wrapper.conf.common
-  skip_vulnerable_libs: false
     - xl-deploy.conf
@@ -46,6 +45,8 @@ context:
     - "${APP_HOME}/centralConfiguration"
     - "${APP_HOME}/conf"
+    - "${APP_HOME}/driver/jdbc"
+    - "${APP_HOME}/driver/mq"
     - "${APP_HOME}/export"
     - "${APP_HOME}/ext"
     - "${APP_HOME}/hotfix/lib"
diff --git a/applejack/conf/products/xl-release.yml b/applejack/conf/products/xl-release.yml
index 0d3955bb0..eb20e221f 100644
--- a/applejack/conf/products/xl-release.yml
+++ b/applejack/conf/products/xl-release.yml
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ context:
   license_file: xl-release-license.lic
   boot_conf: xl-release-server.conf
   wrapper_conf: xlr-wrapper-linux.conf
-  skip_vulnerable_libs: false
   - xl-release.conf
   port: 5516
@@ -34,6 +33,7 @@ context:
     - "${APP_ROOT}/bootstrap"
     - "${APP_HOME}/archive"
     - "${APP_HOME}/conf"
+    - "${APP_HOME}/driver/jdbc"
     - "${APP_HOME}/hotfix"
     - "${APP_HOME}/ext"
     - "${APP_HOME}/plugins"
diff --git a/applejack/ b/applejack/
index 8410177dd..46d734ac8 100644
--- a/applejack/
+++ b/applejack/
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ def __init__(self, commandline_args):
         self.commit = commandline_args['commit']
         self.registry = commandline_args['registry']
         self.version = commandline_args['xl_version']
-        self.skip_vulnerable_libs = commandline_args['skip_vulnerable_libs']
         self.image_version = image_version(commandline_args['xl_version'], commandline_args['suffix'])
     def __render_jinja_template(self, templates_path, template_file, target_file, context):
@@ -29,19 +28,20 @@ def render(self, target_os, product_conf):
     def __generate_dockerfile(self, target_os, product_conf):
         target_path = self.__get_target_path(target_os, product_conf['name'])
-        context = self.__build_render_context(product_conf, target_os)
+        context = self.__build_render_context(product_conf, target_os, is_slim=False)
+        slim_context = self.__build_render_context(product_conf, target_os, is_slim=True)
         self.__render_jinja_template(Path('templates') / 'dockerfiles', product_conf['dockerfiles']['os'][target_os], target_path / 'Dockerfile', context)
+        self.__render_jinja_template(Path('templates') / 'dockerfiles', product_conf['dockerfiles']['os'][target_os], target_path / 'Dockerfile.slim', slim_context)
         print("Dockerfile template for '%s' rendered" % target_os)
-    def __build_render_context(self, product_conf, target_os):
+    def __build_render_context(self, product_conf, target_os, is_slim):
         context = dict(product_conf['context'])
         context['image_version'] = self.image_version
         context['xl_version'] = self.version
         context['registry'] = self.registry
-        if self.skip_vulnerable_libs:
-            context['skip_vulnerable_libs'] = self.skip_vulnerable_libs
         context['target_os'] = target_os
         context['today'] ='%Y-%m-%d')
+        context['is_slim'] = is_slim
         return context
     def __copy_render_resources(self, source_dir, product_conf, target_os):
@@ -60,8 +60,13 @@ def __copy_render_resources(self, source_dir, product_conf, target_os):
             elif p.is_file() and '.j2' in p.suffixes:
                 # Render J2 template
                 render_dest = dest_path / relative.parent / relative.stem
-                context = self.__build_render_context(product_conf, target_os)
+                context = self.__build_render_context(product_conf, target_os, is_slim=False)
                 self.__render_jinja_template(template_path, Path(source_dir) / relative, render_dest, context)
+                if == 'bin':
+                    render_slim_dest = dest_path / relative.parent / (relative.stem + '.slim')
+                    slim_context = self.__build_render_context(product_conf, target_os, is_slim=True)
+                    self.__render_jinja_template(template_path, Path(source_dir) / relative, render_slim_dest, slim_context)
             elif p.is_file():
                 p.copy(dest_path / relative)
@@ -88,12 +93,16 @@ def __git_commit_dockerfiles(self):
         for product_conf in all_product_configs():
             for target_os in target_systems(product_conf):
-                df = str(self.__get_target_path(target_os, product_conf['name']) / "Dockerfile")
-                print("Checking diff for %s" % df)
-                if df in diff:
-                    print("Adding modified %s" % df)
-                    changed = True
-                    repo.index.add([df])
+                dockerfile_paths = [
+                    str(self.__get_target_path(target_os, product_conf['name']) / "Dockerfile"),
+                    str(self.__get_target_path(target_os, product_conf['name']) / "Dockerfile.slim")
+                ]
+                for df in dockerfile_paths:
+                    print("Checking diff for %s" % df)
+                    if df in diff:
+                        print("Adding modified %s" % df)
+                        changed = True
+                        repo.index.add([df])
         # If nothing changed, no commit/tag operation is needed.
         if not changed:
diff --git a/templates/dockerfiles/deploy-task-engine/install.j2 b/templates/dockerfiles/deploy-task-engine/install.j2
index 8a1539c9c..6b9662aac 100644
--- a/templates/dockerfiles/deploy-task-engine/install.j2
+++ b/templates/dockerfiles/deploy-task-engine/install.j2
@@ -7,21 +7,35 @@ COPY resources/{{ product }}-{{ xl_version }}.zip /tmp
 RUN mkdir -p ${APP_ROOT} && \
     unzip /tmp/{{ product }}-{{ xl_version }}.zip -d ${APP_ROOT} && \
     mv ${APP_ROOT}/{{ product }}-{{ xl_version }} ${APP_HOME} && \
-{% if skip_vulnerable_libs %}
-    rm ${APP_HOME}/lib/derby*.jar && \
-{% endif %}
+# Create directories for external drivers
+RUN mkdir -p ${APP_HOME}/driver/jdbc && \
+    mkdir -p ${APP_HOME}/driver/mq
+{%- if is_slim %}
+# Remove bundled drivers if slim
+RUN rm ${APP_HOME}/lib/derby*.jar
+{%- endif %}
 # Add bin/
-COPY resources/bin/ ${APP_HOME}/bin/
+{%- if is_slim %}
+COPY resources/bin/ ${APP_HOME}/bin/
+{%- else %}
+COPY resources/bin/ ${APP_HOME}/bin/
+{%- endif %}
 # Add jmx-exporter for prometheus
 COPY resources/jmx-exporter/jmx_prometheus_javaagent.jar ${APP_HOME}/lib/
 # Add (and run) Database driver download script
-COPY resources/bin/ /tmp
-RUN chmod ugo+x /tmp/ && \
-    /bin/sh /tmp/
+{%- if is_slim %}
+COPY resources/bin/ /tmp/
+{%- else %}
+COPY resources/bin/ /tmp/
+{%- endif %}
+RUN chmod ugo+x /tmp/ && \
+    /bin/sh /tmp/
 # Modify bin/ so that java becomes a child process of dumb-init
 RUN sed -i 's/^\($JAVACMD\)/exec \1/' ${APP_HOME}/bin/
diff --git a/templates/dockerfiles/install.j2 b/templates/dockerfiles/install.j2
index 792a328c0..3f7c993e2 100644
--- a/templates/dockerfiles/install.j2
+++ b/templates/dockerfiles/install.j2
@@ -9,22 +9,41 @@ RUN mkdir -p ${APP_ROOT} && \
     mv ${APP_ROOT}/{{ product }}-{{ xl_version }}-server ${APP_HOME} && \
     rm -fr ${APP_HOME}/serviceWrapper/ && \
     rm ${APP_HOME}/bin/.wrapper-env* ${APP_HOME}/bin/install-service* ${APP_HOME}/bin/uninstall-service* && \
-{%- if skip_vulnerable_libs %}
-    rm ${APP_HOME}/lib/derby*.jar && \
+    true
+# Create directories for external drivers
+RUN mkdir -p ${APP_HOME}/driver/jdbc && \
+    mkdir -p ${APP_HOME}/driver/mq
+{%- if is_slim %}
+# Remove bundled drivers if slim
+RUN rm ${APP_HOME}/lib/derby*.jar && \
     rm -fr ${APP_HOME}/derbyns/ && \
-{%- endif %}
+    {% if 'xl-release' in product -%}
+    rm ${APP_HOME}/lib/h2*.jar && \
+    {% endif -%}
+{%- endif %}
 # Add bin/
-COPY resources/bin/ ${APP_HOME}/bin/
+{%- if is_slim %}
+COPY resources/bin/ ${APP_HOME}/bin/
+{%- else %}
+COPY resources/bin/ ${APP_HOME}/bin/
+{%- endif %}
 # Add jmx-exporter for prometheus
 COPY resources/jmx-exporter/jmx_prometheus_javaagent.jar ${APP_HOME}/lib/
 # Add (and run) Database driver download script
-COPY resources/bin/ /tmp
-RUN chmod ugo+x /tmp/ && \
-    /bin/sh /tmp/ && \
+{%- if is_slim %}
+COPY resources/bin/ /tmp/
+{%- else %}
+COPY resources/bin/ /tmp/
+{%- endif %}
+RUN chmod ugo+x /tmp/ && \
+    /bin/sh /tmp/ && \
     # Modify bin/ so that java becomes a child process of dumb-init
     sed -i 's/^\($JAVACMD\)/exec \1/' ${APP_HOME}/bin/
diff --git a/templates/resources/common/bin/ b/templates/resources/common/bin/
similarity index 89%
rename from templates/resources/common/bin/
rename to templates/resources/common/bin/
index bb2eb9704..06e134257 100644
--- a/templates/resources/common/bin/
+++ b/templates/resources/common/bin/
@@ -1,26 +1,36 @@
 set -e
+{%- if not is_slim %}
+{%- endif %}
 echo "Downloading DB drivers to ${APP_ROOT}/db-libs"
 mkdir ${APP_ROOT}/db-libs
+curl${POSTGRESQL_VERSION}.jar -o ${APP_ROOT}/db-libs/postgresql-${POSTGRESQL_VERSION}.jar -f
+{%- if not is_slim %}
 curl${MYSQL_VERSION}/mysql-connector-j-${MYSQL_VERSION}.jar -o ${APP_ROOT}/db-libs/mysql-connector-j-${MYSQL_VERSION}.jar -f
 curl${H2_VERSION}/h2-${H2_VERSION}.jar -o ${APP_ROOT}/db-libs/h2-${H2_VERSION}.jar -f
-curl${POSTGRESQL_VERSION}.jar -o ${APP_ROOT}/db-libs/postgresql-${POSTGRESQL_VERSION}.jar -f
 curl${MSSQL_VERSION}/mssql-jdbc-${MSSQL_VERSION}.jar -o ${APP_ROOT}/db-libs/mssql-jdbc-${MSSQL_VERSION}.jar -f
+{%- endif %}
+{%- if 'xl-release' not in product %}
 echo "Downloading MQ drivers to ${APP_ROOT}/mq-libs"
 mkdir ${APP_ROOT}/mq-libs
+{%- if not is_slim %}
+{%- endif %}
 curl${RABBIT_MQ_AMQP_VERSION}/amqp-client-${RABBIT_MQ_AMQP_VERSION}.jar -o ${APP_ROOT}/mq-libs/amqp-client-${RABBIT_MQ_AMQP_VERSION}.jar -f
 curl${RABBIT_MQ_JMS_VERSION}/rabbitmq-jms-${RABBIT_MQ_JMS_VERSION}.jar -o ${APP_ROOT}/mq-libs/rabbitmq-jms-${RABBIT_MQ_JMS_VERSION}.jar
+{%- if not is_slim %}
 curl${ACTIVE_MQ_VERSION}/activemq-client-jakarta-${ACTIVE_MQ_VERSION}.jar -o ${APP_ROOT}/mq-libs/activemq-client-jakarta-${ACTIVE_MQ_VERSION}.jar
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endif %}
diff --git a/templates/resources/common/bin/ b/templates/resources/common/bin/
index 4dd0ae79a..cff44fca3 100644
--- a/templates/resources/common/bin/
+++ b/templates/resources/common/bin/
@@ -19,52 +19,94 @@ function check_eula {
+check_files_exist() {
+    if ls $1 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+        return 1
+    else
+        return 0
+    fi
+{%- if 'xl-release' not in product %}
 function copy_mq_driver {
-      echo "Detected RabbitMQ configuration. Copying required drivers to the lib folder."
-      cp ${APP_ROOT}/mq-libs/rabbitmq-jms* ${APP_HOME}/lib
-      cp ${APP_ROOT}/mq-libs/amqp-client* ${APP_HOME}/lib
+      echo "Detected RabbitMQ configuration. Copying required drivers to the driver/mq folder."
+      cp ${APP_ROOT}/mq-libs/rabbitmq-jms* ${APP_HOME}/driver/mq
+      cp ${APP_ROOT}/mq-libs/amqp-client* ${APP_HOME}/driver/mq
-      echo "Detected ActiveMQ configuration. Copying required drivers to the lib folder."
-      cp ${APP_ROOT}/mq-libs/activemq* ${APP_HOME}/lib
+      echo "Detected ActiveMQ configuration. Copying required drivers to the driver/mq folder."
+      cp ${APP_ROOT}/mq-libs/activemq* ${APP_HOME}/driver/mq
       echo "MQ Provider could not be inferred from url '${XLD_TASK_QUEUE_DRIVER_CLASS_NAME}'"
+{%- endif %}
 function copy_db_driver {
   echo "Copying a database driver"
   case ${XL_DB_URL} in
-      cp ${APP_ROOT}/db-libs/h2* ${APP_HOME}/lib
+      {%- if is_slim %}
+      echo "h2 jdbc driver is not provided by default in the classpath, please make sure you provide one. Please refer readme for more details"
+      {%- else %}
+      if check_files_exist "${APP_HOME}/lib/h2*.jar"; then
+        if check_files_exist "${APP_HOME}/driver/jdbc/h2*.jar"; then
+          echo "Detected H2 configuration. Copying required drivers to the driver/jdbc folder."
+          cp ${APP_ROOT}/db-libs/h2* ${APP_HOME}/driver/jdbc
+        fi
+      else
+        echo "h2 jdbc driver is provided by default in the classpath"
+      fi
+      {%- endif %}
-      echo "Derby jdbc driver is provided by default in the classpath"
+      {%- if is_slim %}
+      echo "derby jdbc driver is not provided by default in the classpath, please make sure you provide one. Please refer readme for more details"
+      {%- else %}
+      echo "derby jdbc driver is provided by default in the classpath"
+      {%- endif %}
       echo "oracle jdbc driver is not provided by default in the classpath, please make sure you provide one. Please refer readme for more details"
-      cp ${APP_ROOT}/db-libs/mysql* ${APP_HOME}/lib
+      {%- if is_slim %}
+      echo "mysql jdbc driver is not provided by default in the classpath, please make sure you provide one. Please refer readme for more details"
+      {%- else %}
+      if check_files_exist "${APP_HOME}/driver/jdbc/mysql*.jar"; then
+        echo "Detected Mysql configuration. Copying required drivers to the driver/jdbc folder."
+        cp ${APP_ROOT}/db-libs/mysql* ${APP_HOME}/driver/jdbc
+      fi
+      {%- endif %}
-      cp ${APP_ROOT}/db-libs/postgresql* ${APP_HOME}/lib
+      if check_files_exist "${APP_HOME}/driver/jdbc/postgresql*.jar"; then
+        echo "Detected Postgresql configuration. Copying required drivers to the driver/jdbc folder."
+        cp ${APP_ROOT}/db-libs/postgresql* ${APP_HOME}/driver/jdbc
+      fi
-      cp ${APP_ROOT}/db-libs/mssql* ${APP_HOME}/lib
+      {%- if is_slim %}
+      echo "sqlserver jdbc driver is not provided by default in the classpath, please make sure you provide one. Please refer readme for more details"
+      {%- else %}
+      if check_files_exist "${APP_HOME}/driver/jdbc/mssql*.jar"; then
+        echo "Detected SQLServer configuration. Copying required drivers to the driver/jdbc folder."
+        cp ${APP_ROOT}/db-libs/mssql* ${APP_HOME}/driver/jdbc
+      fi
+      {%- endif %}
       echo "db2 jdbc driver is not provided by default in the classpath, please make sure you provide one. Please refer readme for more details"
-        echo "Database type could not be inferred from url '${XL_REPO_DB_URL}', supported db types are 'h2', 'derby', 'oracle', 'mysql', 'postgresql', 'sqlserver', 'db2'"
-        exit 1
-        ;;
+      echo "Database type could not be inferred from url '${XL_REPO_DB_URL}', supported db types are 'h2', 'derby', 'oracle', 'mysql', 'postgresql', 'sqlserver', 'db2'"
+      exit 1
+      ;;
@@ -76,11 +118,11 @@ function set_db_driver {
-      {% if new_derby %}
-        XL_DB_DRIVER="org.apache.derby.iapi.jdbc.AutoloadedDriver"
-      {% else %}
-        XL_DB_DRIVER="org.apache.derby.jdbc.AutoloadedDriver"
-      {% endif %}
+      {%- if new_derby %}
+      XL_DB_DRIVER="org.apache.derby.iapi.jdbc.AutoloadedDriver"
+      {%- else %}
+      XL_DB_DRIVER="org.apache.derby.jdbc.AutoloadedDriver"
+      {%- endif %}
@@ -244,12 +286,14 @@ function set_force_remove_missing_types {
-{% if 'central-config' not in product %}
-    check_eula
-    copy_db_driver
-    copy_mq_driver
-    store_license
-{% endif %}
+{%- if 'central-config' not in product %}
+{%- if 'xl-release' not in product %} 
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endif %}
diff --git a/templates/resources/common/modify-wrapper-linux-conf.gawk b/templates/resources/common/modify-wrapper-linux-conf.gawk
index 66669214c..efeef85e9 100755
--- a/templates/resources/common/modify-wrapper-linux-conf.gawk
+++ b/templates/resources/common/modify-wrapper-linux-conf.gawk
@@ -8,9 +8,20 @@
 # Move the other classpath entries up by one
 match($0, /^([0-9]+)=(.*)$/, a) {
   printf("%s.%d=%s\n", a[1], (a[2]+1), a[3]);
+  # Keep track of the last classpath number
+  last_classpath_number = a[2] + 1
+# Add the new classpath entries right after the last classpath entry
+  if (!added_new_classpath && last_classpath_number) {
+    printf("*\n", last_classpath_number + 1);
+    printf("*\n", last_classpath_number + 2);
+    added_new_classpath = 1  # Ensure this block only runs once
+  }
 # Count the number of additional JVM arguments
 /^*/ {
   additionals = additionals + 1
diff --git a/templates/resources/deploy-task-engine/bin/ b/templates/resources/deploy-task-engine/bin/
index 830cafa34..ceb6f482b 100644
--- a/templates/resources/deploy-task-engine/bin/
+++ b/templates/resources/deploy-task-engine/bin/
@@ -18,6 +18,14 @@ function check_eula {
+check_files_exist() {
+    if ls $1 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+        return 1
+    else
+        return 0
+    fi
 function copy_mq_driver {
@@ -37,13 +45,30 @@ function copy_mq_driver {
 function copy_db_driver {
   case ${XL_DB_URL} in
+    jdbc:h2:*)
+      XL_DB_DRIVER="org.h2.Driver"
+      {%- if is_slim %}
+      echo "h2 jdbc driver is not provided by default in the classpath, please make sure you provide one. Please refer readme for more details"
+      {%- else %}
+      if check_files_exist "${APP_HOME}/driver/jdbc/h2*.jar"; then
+        echo "Detected H2 configuration. Copying required drivers to the driver/jdbc folder."
+        cp ${APP_ROOT}/db-libs/h2* ${APP_HOME}/driver/jdbc
+      else
+        echo "h2 jdbc driver is provided by default in the classpath"
+      fi
+      {%- endif %}
+      ;;
       {% if new_derby != "true" %}
       {% else %}
       {% endif %}
-      echo "Derby jdbc driver is provided by default in the classpath"
+      {%- if is_slim %}
+      echo "derby jdbc driver is not provided by default in the classpath, please make sure you provide one. Please refer readme for more details"
+      {%- else %}
+      echo "derby jdbc driver is provided by default in the classpath"
+      {%- endif %}
@@ -51,15 +76,32 @@ function copy_db_driver {
-      cp ${APP_ROOT}/db-libs/mysql* ${APP_HOME}/lib
+      {%- if is_slim %}
+      echo "mysql jdbc driver is not provided by default in the classpath, please make sure you provide one. Please refer readme for more details"
+      {%- else %}
+      if check_files_exist "${APP_HOME}/driver/jdbc/mysql*.jar"; then
+        echo "Detected Mysql configuration. Copying required drivers to the driver/jdbc folder."
+        cp ${APP_ROOT}/db-libs/mysql* ${APP_HOME}/driver/jdbc
+      fi
+      {%- endif %}
-      cp ${APP_ROOT}/db-libs/postgresql* ${APP_HOME}/lib
+      if check_files_exist "${APP_HOME}/driver/jdbc/postgresql*.jar"; then
+        echo "Detected Postgresql configuration. Copying required drivers to the driver/jdbc folder."
+        cp ${APP_ROOT}/db-libs/postgresql* ${APP_HOME}/driver/jdbc
+      fi
-      cp ${APP_ROOT}/db-libs/mssql* ${APP_HOME}/lib
+      {%- if is_slim %}
+      echo "sqlserver jdbc driver is not provided by default in the classpath, please make sure you provide one. Please refer readme for more details"
+      {%- else %}
+      if check_files_exist "${APP_HOME}/driver/jdbc/mssql*.jar"; then
+        echo "Detected SQLServer configuration. Copying required drivers to the driver/jdbc folder."
+        cp ${APP_ROOT}/db-libs/mssql* ${APP_HOME}/driver/jdbc
+      fi
+      {%- endif %}