PSyclone has both a User Guide and a Developers' Guide. The sources for these are contained in the "user_guide" and "developer_guide" directories, respectively.
PSyclone must be installed (see the top-level README file) before attempting to generate any documentation.
The documentation for PSyclone is created using Sphinx. Documentation can be created in a number of formats, such as html, latex and pdf. To see the options "cd" to either the "user_guide" or "developer_guide" directory and type "make" if on a linux system or run the "make.bat" script if on a windows system.
The dependencies required to build the documentation are listed in
the script (under extras_required
and can be installed automatically with:
pip install psyclone[doc]
For a development installation, run the following from the root of the repository:
pip install -e .[doc]
In both cases latexmk
is also required to be installed on
the system in order to generate the
pdf documentation.
The "" file contains a 'mind-map' view of the PSyclone project, used when determining development priorities. To view/edit this you will need freemind v.1.0.1.