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-# Command line reference
-This document describes the `pgroll` CLI and its subcommands.
-The `pgroll` CLI offers the following subcommands:
-* [init](#init)
-* [start](#start)
-* [complete](#complete)
-* [rollback](#rollback)
-* [status](#status)
-* [migrate](#migrate)
-* [latest](#latest)
-* [pull](#pull)
-The `pgroll` CLI has the following top-level flags:
-* `--postgres-url`: The URL of the postgres instance against which migrations will be run.
-* `--schema`: The Postgres schema in which migrations will be run (default `"public"`).
-* `--pgroll-schema`: The Postgres schema in which `pgroll` will store its internal state (default: `"pgroll"`). One `--pgroll-schema` may be used safely with multiple `--schema`s.
-* `--lock-timeout`: The Postgres `lock_timeout` value to use for all `pgroll` DDL operations, specified in milliseconds (default `500`).
-* `--role`: The Postgres role to use for all `pgroll` DDL operations (default: `""`, which doesn't set any role).
-Each of these flags can also be set via an environment variable:
-The CLI flag takes precedence if a flag is set via both an environment variable and a CLI flag.
-### Init
-`pgroll init` initializes `pgroll` for first use.
-$ pgroll init
-This will create a new schema in the database called `pgroll` (or whatever value is specified with the `--pgroll-schema` switch).
-The tables and functions in this schema store `pgroll`'s internal state and are not intended to be modified outside of `pgroll` CLI.
-### Start
-`pgroll start` starts a `pgroll` migration:
-$ pgroll start sql/03_add_column.json
-This starts the migration defined in the `sql/03_add_column.json` file.
-After starting a migration there will be two schema versions in the database; one for the old schema before the migration (e.g. `public_02_create_table`) and one for the new version with the schema changes (e.g. `public_03_add_column`). Each of these schemas merely contains views on the tables in the `public` schema.
-#### Using `pgroll start` with the `--complete` flag
-A migration can be started and completed with one command by specifying the `--complete` flag:
-$ pgroll start sql/03_add_column.json --complete
-This is equivalent to running `pgroll start` immediately followed by `pgroll complete`.
-:warning: Using the `--complete` flag is appropriate only when there are no applications running against the old database schema. In most cases, the recommended workflow is to run `pgroll start`, then gracefully shut down old applications before running `pgroll complete` as a separate step.
-### Complete
-`pgroll complete` completes a `pgroll` migration, removing the previous schema and leaving only the latest schema.
-$ pgroll complete
-This completes the most recently started migration.
-Running `pgroll complete` when there is no migration in progress is a no-op.
-Completing a `pgroll` migration removes the previous schema version from the database (e.g. `public_02_create_table`), leaving only the latest version of the schema (e.g. `public_03_add_column`). At this point, any temporary columns and triggers created on the affected tables in the `public` schema will also be cleaned up, leaving the table schema in its final state. Note that the real schema (e.g. `public`) should never be used directly by the client as that is not safe; instead, clients should use the schemas with versioned views (e.g. `public_03_add_column`).
-:warning: Before running `pgroll complete` ensure that all applications that depend on the old version of the database schema are no longer live. Prematurely running `pgroll complete` can cause downtime of old application instances that depend on the old schema.
-### Rollback
-`pgroll rollback` rolls back the currently active migration.
-$ pgroll rollback
-This rolls back the currently active migration (an active migration is one that has been started but not yet completed).
-Rolling back a `pgroll` migration means removing the new schema version. The old schema version was still present throughout the migration period and does not require modification.
-Migrations cannot be rolled back once completed. Attempting to roll back a migration that has already been completed is a no-op.
-:warning: Before running `pgroll rollback` ensure that any new versions of applications that depend on the new database schema are no longer live. Prematurely running `pgroll rollback` can cause downtime of new application instances that depend on the new schema.
-### Migrate
-`pgroll migrate` applies all outstanding migrations from a directory to the target database.
-Assuming that migrations up to and including migration `40_create_enum_type` from the [example migrations](https://github.com/xataio/pgroll/tree/main/examples) directory have been applied, running:
-$ pgroll migrate examples/
-will apply migrations from `41_add_enum_column` onwards to the target database.
-If the `--complete` flag is passed to `pgroll migrate` the final migration to be applied will be completed. Otherwise the final migration will be left active (started but not completed).
-### Latest
-`pgroll latest` prints the latest schema version in either the target database or a local directory of migration files.
-By default, `pgroll latest` prints the latest version in the target database. Use the `--local` flag to print the latest version in a local directory of migration files instead.
-In both cases, the `--with-schema` flag can be used to prefix the latest version with the schema name.
-#### Database
-Assuming that the [example migrations](https://github.com/xataio/pgroll/tree/main/examples) have been applied to the `public` schema in the target database, running:
-$ pgroll latest
-will print the latest version in the target database:
-The exact output will vary as the `examples/` directory is updated.
-#### Local
-Assuming that the [example migrations](https://github.com/xataio/pgroll/tree/main/examples) are on disk in a directory called `examples`, running:
-$ pgroll latest --local examples/
-will print the latest migration in the directory:
-The exact output will vary as the `examples/` directory is updated.
-### Status
-`pgroll status` shows the current status of `pgroll` within a given schema:
-$ pgroll status
- "Schema": "public",
- "Version": "27_drop_unique_constraint",
- "Status": "Complete"
-The status field can be one of the following values:
-* `"No migrations"` - no migrations have been applied in this schema yet.
-* `"In progress"` - a migration has been started, but not yet completed.
-* `"Complete"` - the most recent migration was completed.
-The `Version` field gives the name of the latest schema version.
-If a migration is `In progress` the schemas for both the latest version indicated by the `Version` field and the previous version will exist in the database.
-If a migration is `Complete` only the latest version of the schema will exist in the database.
-The top-level `--schema` flag can be used to view the status of `pgroll` in a different schema:
-$ pgroll status --schema schema_a
- "Schema": "schema_a",
- "Version": "01_create_tables",
- "Status": "Complete"
-### Pull
-`pgroll pull` pulls the complete schema history of applied migrations from the target database and writes the migrations to disk.
-Assuming that all [example migrations](https://github.com/xataio/pgroll/tree/main/examples) have been applied, running:
-$ pgroll pull migrations/
-will write the complete schema history as `.json` files to the `migrations/` directory:
-$ ls migrations/
-The command takes an optional `--with-prefixes` flag which will write each filename prefixed with its position in the schema history:
-$ ls migrations/
-The `--with-prefixes` flag ensures that files are sorted lexicographically by their time of application.
-If the directory specified as the required argument to `pgroll pull` does not exist, `pgroll pull` will create it.
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+# Command line reference
+The `pgroll` CLI has the following top-level flags:
+- `--postgres-url`: The URL of the postgres instance against which migrations will be run.
+- `--schema`: The Postgres schema in which migrations will be run (default `"public"`).
+- `--pgroll-schema`: The Postgres schema in which `pgroll` will store its internal state (default: `"pgroll"`). One `--pgroll-schema` may be used safely with multiple `--schema`s.
+- `--lock-timeout`: The Postgres `lock_timeout` value to use for all `pgroll` DDL operations, specified in milliseconds (default `500`).
+- `--role`: The Postgres role to use for all `pgroll` DDL operations (default: `""`, which doesn't set any role).
+Each of these flags can also be set via an environment variable:
+The CLI flag takes precedence if a flag is set via both an environment variable and a CLI flag.
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+title: Complete
+description: Complete a pgroll migration, removing the previous schema and leaving only the latest schema.
+## Command
+$ pgroll complete
+This completes the most recently started migration.
+Running `pgroll complete` when there is no migration in progress is a no-op.
+Completing a `pgroll` migration removes the previous schema version from the database (e.g. `public_02_create_table`), leaving only the latest version of the schema (e.g. `public_03_add_column`). At this point, any temporary columns and triggers created on the affected tables in the `public` schema will also be cleaned up, leaving the table schema in its final state. Note that the real schema (e.g. `public`) should never be used directly by the client as that is not safe; instead, clients should use the schemas with versioned views (e.g. `public_03_add_column`).
+ Before running `pgroll complete` ensure that all applications that depend on
+ the old version of the database schema are no longer live. Prematurely running
+ `pgroll complete` can cause downtime of old application instances that depend
+ on the old schema.
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+title: Init
+description: Initializes pgroll for first use.
+## Command
+$ pgroll init
+This will create a new schema in the database called `pgroll` (or whatever value is specified with the `--pgroll-schema` switch).
+The tables and functions in this schema store `pgroll`'s internal state and are not intended to be modified outside of `pgroll` CLI.
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+title: Latest
+description: Prints the latest schema version in either the target database or a local directory of migration files.
+## Command
+By default, `pgroll latest` prints the latest version in the target database. Use the `--local` flag to print the latest version in a local directory of migration files instead.
+In both cases, the `--with-schema` flag can be used to prefix the latest version with the schema name.
+### Database
+Assuming that the [example migrations](https://github.com/xataio/pgroll/tree/main/examples) have been applied to the `public` schema in the target database, running:
+$ pgroll latest
+will print the latest version in the target database:
+The exact output will vary as the `examples/` directory is updated.
+### Local
+Assuming that the [example migrations](https://github.com/xataio/pgroll/tree/main/examples) are on disk in a directory called `examples`, running:
+$ pgroll latest --local examples/
+will print the latest migration in the directory:
+The exact output will vary as the `examples/` directory is updated.
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+title: Migrate
+description: Applies all outstanding migrations from a directory to the target database.
+## Command
+Assuming that migrations up to and including migration `40_create_enum_type` from the [example migrations](https://github.com/xataio/pgroll/tree/main/examples) directory have been applied, running:
+$ pgroll migrate examples/
+will apply migrations from `41_add_enum_column` onwards to the target database.
+If the `--complete` flag is passed to `pgroll migrate` the final migration to be applied will be completed. Otherwise the final migration will be left active (started but not completed).
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+title: Pull
+description: Pull the complete schema history of applied migrations from the target database and write the migrations to disk.
+## Command
+Assuming that all [example migrations](https://github.com/xataio/pgroll/tree/main/examples) have been applied, running:
+$ pgroll pull migrations/
+will write the complete schema history as `.json` files to the `migrations/` directory:
+$ ls migrations/
+The command takes an optional `--with-prefixes` flag which will write each filename prefixed with its position in the schema history:
+$ ls migrations/
+The `--with-prefixes` flag ensures that files are sorted lexicographically by their time of application.
+If the directory specified as the required argument to `pgroll pull` does not exist, `pgroll pull` will create it.
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+title: Rollback
+description: Roll back the currently active migration.
+## Command
+$ pgroll rollback
+This rolls back the currently active migration (an active migration is one that has been started but not yet completed).
+Rolling back a `pgroll` migration means removing the new schema version. The old schema version was still present throughout the migration period and does not require modification.
+Migrations cannot be rolled back once completed. Attempting to roll back a migration that has already been completed is a no-op.
+ Before running `pgroll rollback` ensure that any new versions of applications
+ that depend on the new database schema are no longer live. Prematurely running
+ `pgroll rollback` can cause downtime of new application instances that depend
+ on the new schema.
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+title: Start
+description: Start a pgroll migration
+## Command
+$ pgroll start sql/03_add_column.json
+This starts the migration defined in the `sql/03_add_column.json` file.
+After starting a migration there will be two schema versions in the database; one for the old schema before the migration (e.g. `public_02_create_table`) and one for the new version with the schema changes (e.g. `public_03_add_column`). Each of these schemas merely contains views on the tables in the `public` schema.
+### Using `pgroll start` with the `--complete` flag
+A migration can be started and completed with one command by specifying the `--complete` flag:
+$ pgroll start sql/03_add_column.json --complete
+This is equivalent to running `pgroll start` immediately followed by `pgroll complete`.
+ Using the `--complete` flag is appropriate only when there are no applications
+ running against the old database schema. In most cases, the recommended
+ workflow is to run `pgroll start`, then gracefully shut down old applications
+ before running `pgroll complete` as a separate step.
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+title: Status
+description: Show the current status of pgroll within a given schema.
+## Command
+$ pgroll status
+ "Schema": "public",
+ "Version": "27_drop_unique_constraint",
+ "Status": "Complete"
+The status field can be one of the following values:
+- `"No migrations"` - no migrations have been applied in this schema yet.
+- `"In progress"` - a migration has been started, but not yet completed.
+- `"Complete"` - the most recent migration was completed.
+The `Version` field gives the name of the latest schema version.
+If a migration is `In progress` the schemas for both the latest version indicated by the `Version` field and the previous version will exist in the database.
+If a migration is `Complete` only the latest version of the schema will exist in the database.
+The top-level `--schema` flag can be used to view the status of `pgroll` in a different schema:
+$ pgroll status --schema schema_a
+ "Schema": "schema_a",
+ "Version": "01_create_tables",
+ "Status": "Complete"
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"title": "Command-line Reference",
"href": "/cli",
- "file": "docs/cli.md"
+ "file": "docs/cli/README.md",
+ "items": [
+ {
+ "title": "Init",
+ "href": "/cli/init",
+ "file": "docs/cli/init.mdx"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Start",
+ "href": "/cli/start",
+ "file": "docs/cli/start.mdx"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Complete",
+ "href": "/cli/complete",
+ "file": "docs/cli/complete.mdx"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Rollback",
+ "href": "/cli/rollback",
+ "file": "docs/cli/rollback.mdx"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Status",
+ "href": "/cli/status",
+ "file": "docs/cli/status.mdx"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Migrate",
+ "href": "/cli/migrate",
+ "file": "docs/cli/migrate.mdx"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Latest",
+ "href": "/cli/latest",
+ "file": "docs/cli/latest.mdx"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Pull",
+ "href": "/cli/pull",
+ "file": "docs/cli/pull.mdx"
+ }
+ ]
"title": "Operations Reference",