Operating Systems
Python version
PIP or Anaconda
Visual Studio Code
Using the Python REPL (Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop)
Basic Data types
Inspecting data types
Grouping data types
Numpy Review or Introduction
Pandas Hello world
Excel verses Pandas Terminology and example.
Panda data types
Data Frames
Review of Excel sheet
Steps to Reproduce with pandas.
Saving the data in different forms.
Check output in Excel.
Reading Simple created XLS into Pandas
Getting started with Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
Getting data set Penguins.
Exploring data set
clean up data functions
creating new columns
Group by
Basic EDA and Cleanup.
Data transformation
Definitions, description, and components.
Use cases for bar charts.
Load data
Explore and choose the data
Create a Bar plot
- Hands on Exercise
Definitions, description and components.
Use case for Histograms.
Load data
Explore and choose the data
Create a Histogram
- Hands on Exercise
Definitions and Components:
Use cases for line plots.
EDA and Setup of data.
Create Line plot
- Hands on Exercise
Definitions, description, and Components
Use cases for scatter plots.
EDA and Setup of data.
Create Scatter plot
- Hands-on Exercise:
Definitions, description, and Components:
Use cases for box plots.
EDA and Setup of data.
Create Box plot
- Hands-on Exercise:
Definitions, description, and Components:
Use cases for Heat Maps
EDA and Setup of data.
Create Heat map
- Hands-on Exercise:
Definitions and Significance:
Plotting Anscombe's Quartet.
EDA and selecting data
Picking the right Plot