A high performance RTMP Server framework implementation
using SharpRtmp.Hosting;
using System;
using System.Net;
RtmpServer server = new RtmpServerBuilder()
await server.StartAsync();
using Autofac;
using SharpRtmp.Hosting;
namespace SharpRtmp.Example;
class Startup : IStartup
public void ConfigureServices(ContainerBuilder builder)
Build a server like this to support websocket-flv transmission
RtmpServer server = new RtmpServerBuilder()
.UseWebSocket(c =>
c.BindEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 8080);
SharpRtmp will scan your assembly and try to find classes that inherit from RtmpController
or WebSocketController
then register them into Harmonic, and map controller by url rtmp://<address>/<controller_name>/<streamName>
for rtmp and ws://<address>/<controller_name>/<streamName>
. the controller_name is controller class's name then remove the Controller
suffix, for example Living
is controller_name of LivingController
. once SharpRtmp found any class that inherts from RtmpController
or WebSocketController
, it will never register RtmpController
and WebSocketController
You can also inherit builtin classes LivingController
or WebSocketPlayController
, when Harmonic found a class that inherit from them, it will not register LivingController
and WebSocketPlayController
. When you want to custom streaming logic, you can create a class that inherits from LivingController
or WebSocketPlayController
public class MyLivingController : LivingController
public new uint CreateStream()
var stream = RtmpSession.CreateNetStream<MyLivingStream>();
return stream.MessageStream.MessageStreamId;
public class MyLivingStream : LivingStream
[RpcMethod(Name = "publish")]
public void Publish([FromOptionalArgument] string publishingName, [FromOptionalArgument] string publishingType)
if (...)
// your logic
base.Publish(publishingName, publishingType);
RtmpController and WebSocketController are two abstract basic controller, they are intended for serving video on rtmp protocol and websocket protocol. When a controller class inherit from RtmpController, it will become an rtmp controller, it will working on rtmp protocol, and supports every rtmp features. When a controller class inherit from WebSocketController, it will become a websocket controller, it can only send flv header and tags.
The RecordController
can record video, by default, it will save flv files into working_dir/Record
You can overrite the recording configuration by register you own configure class in Startup
class MyRecordConfiguration: RecordServiceConfiguration
public override string RecordPath { get; set; } = @"MyRecordPath";
public override string FilenameFormat { get; set; } = @"recorded-{streamName}";
class Startup : IStartup
public void ConfigureServices(ContainerBuilder builder)
builder.Register(c => new MyRecordConfiguration()).As<RecordServiceConfiguration>();
websocket protocol and rtmp protocol are running on two different controllers, so when you push vide to url: rtmp://
, the corresponding playing url for websocket is ws://
LivingController provides a simple living service, it recieves video or audio data and broadcast data to other plays.
RecordController supports video recording, and can be configured.
WebsocketPlayController supports two modes: lving mode and vod mode. when stream name in url is not in living, this controller will try to find a stream in recording folder, then play it.
NetConnection is responsible for managing all NetStreams, process some control messages, rpc support, handle connect
, createStream
and another command messages.
NetStream is created by NetConnection, it reperents a logic stream, all of RtmpController is NetStream.
MessageStream repersents a logic rtmp stream. Every message must be sent on a specific MessageStream.
Message will be break into chunks before sending to peer. chunks must be send on a ChunkStream, in a ChunkStream, every chunk must be sent one by one. that means you can't send a message concurrently on one ChunkStream, but message can be sent concurrently on some different ChunkStream.
RtmpSession is a bridge from NetStream to RtmpServer, controllers can access to it's own RtmpSession property to send message, or close connection or something else.
See rpc-docs
See api-docs
Harmonic uses autofac as the DI framework, you can register you own service in Startup
, and use it in your controller
class Startup : IStartup
public void ConfigureServices(ContainerBuilder builder)
builder.Register(c => new MyService()).AsSelf();
class MyController: LivingController
public MyController(MyService service)
To add your own custom message, you need to write a message class, then register the message class when you call UseSharpRtmp
for example:
static void Main(string[] args)
RtmpServer server = new RtmpServerBuilder()
.UseWebSocket(c =>
c.BindEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 8080);
.UseSharpRtmp(c => {
var tsk = server.StartAsync();
ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -f flv -vcodec h264 -acodec aac "rtmp://"
ffplay "rtmp://"
play flv stream using flv.js by websocket
<video id="player"></video>
if (flvjs.isSupported()) {
var player = document.getElementById('player');
var flvPlayer = flvjs.createPlayer({
type: 'flv',
url: "ws://"