- Remove Spark 2.2.x support
- Dynamically increase/decrease engine resource
- Table cache
- sessionPerRequest
- directQuery Auth
- set statement sql auth
- Stream callback
- Stream batch mode(for sink)
- MySQL Binlog datasource
- Delta plus
- Stream schema infer
- Kafka tool
- Adding new symbol
to execute command in MLSQL. - Grammar validate before really execute MLSQL script.
- PR-1011 Jython udf do not support null parameter
- PR-1010 Kill cannot kill job when sessionPerUser enabled
- PR-1000 System show jobs without stream jobs.
- Use streamJDBC instead of JDBC in stream sink.
- Use streamParquet instead of parquet in stream sink.
- MLSQL Console can be used with MLSQL Engine.
will be removed in next release. - Module
will be removed in next release.