For more information, see the README
- [ADDED] Ability to skip the transaction failed screen by calling
- [ADDED] Support for Colombian Peso and Croatian Kuna currencies -
- [ADDED] Spanish translations for US Merchants
- [ADDED] Dedicated error code for handling invalid decimal values for currencies -
- [FIXED] Unable to select a customer contact on Successful transaction on the devices from Android 10 (API 29)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Updates about technical stack
- Minimum Material component is upgraded to 1.2.0
- Minimum AppCompat is upgraded to 1.2.0
- [IMPROVEMENT] Miscellaneous bug fixes and enhancements
- [UPCOMING] Dropping the support for Android 5 (API 22) and below.
- [UPCOMING] Next SDK version will require Java 8
- [IMPROVEMENT] Refreshed SumUp Brand Design Language for the buttons and landscape mode
- [FIXED] A crash that occurred when the integrator App was killed by Android System while being in the background
- [FIXED] A misbehavior causing the SumUp SDK to remain in a loading state when it is brought back from the background during payment processing.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Updates about technical stack:
- Introduces Constraint layout - version 1.1.0 and above is supported
- Introduces Moshi - version 1.6.0 and above supported
- Introduces Coroutines - version 1.3.3 and above supported
- Upgraded to Proguard 6.2.2
- [IMPROVEMENT] Miscellaneous bug fixes and enhancements
- [ADDED] Support for Brazilian Pin+ Cless Card Reader
- [ADDED] On top of establishing the Bluetooth connection via the “Connect” button, it is now also possible to do it by tapping on the card reader image
- [IMPROVEMENT] Refreshed SumUp Brand Design Language for color and typography
- [FIXED] “Forgot password” button was broken in the previous release and is now clickable
- [FIXED] A crash that can occur when updating the firmware of the Card Reader
- [IMPROVEMENT] Update technical stack:
- Raises targetSdkVersion to API 29 - it is still possible to target API 28
- Updates the Android Gradle Plugin to version 4.4.1
- Introduces Kotlin - Version 1.3.10 and above is needed
- [IMPROVEMENT] Miscellaneous bug fixes and enhancements
[CHANGED] The SumUp SDK is migrated to AndroidX. Please make sure to migrate your project to AndroidX before including SumUp SDK 3.3.0 and future SDK versions.
[CHANGED] Package requires minor edit.
Please note, this applies to ALL REFERENCES in the package.
[CHANGED] SumUp ‘Payments Link’ (formerly Mobile Payments/SMS) product has been removed from the SDK. Should you wish to still use Payments Links in your integration, please get in touch here
[ADDED] Introduction of in-app Bluetooth troubleshooting guide for Air Card Reader
[IMPROVEMENT] Enhanced UI for reader selection during selection & setup
[IMPROVEMENT] The SDK is now 15% lighter with footprint of approximately 4M
[FIXED] Fixed screen rotation issue in landscape mode for Tablets running Android 7.0 and above
[FIXED] Remove permissions which became obsolete (e.g.
) -
prefixes to resources (issue #96)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Security improvements
- [IMPROVEMENT] Security improvements
- [IMPROVEMENT] New styles for SumUp UI screens
- [IMPROVEMENT] Adds Google Location Service library support. See README for required changes
- [IMPROVEMENT] Minor bug fixes and enhancements on the Bluetooth scanning and connection
- [IMPROVEMENT] Adjust back button behavior during ongoing transaction issue 67
- [ADDED] Adds support for the SumUp 3G reader
- [FIXED] Fix support for 64 bits to align with the Play Store requirements issue 80 issue 81
- [FIXED] Missing index parameter to string issue 61
- [UPCOMING] SDK 3.3.0 will migrate to AndroidX. As a consequence of this migration, minimum
will be raised to 28. See README for more info
- [FIXED] A crash that can occur when pressing "Back" button in the success screen
- [FIXED] Minimum required targetSdkVersion - set to API 24 from 3.0.0
- [Added] Adds
method to retrieve the data of the current logged in merchant account - [Added] Adds
method to retrieve if an account is currently logged in - [IMPROVEMENT] Switch from otto to greenrobot EventBus
- [IMPROVEMENT] Avoid dead thread warning when closing bluetooth connection
- [FIXED] Handles "NOT_ALLOWED" error code correctly (issue highlighted in issue 57)
- [FIXED] A crash that can occur when back button is pressed while connecting to the card reader
- [FIXED] A crash that can occur when calling Payment Settings while connection to the card reader is ongoing
- [FIXED] A crash that can occur when the host app for the SDK is brought to the background while a transaction is ongoing
- [IMPROVEMENT] Raises targetSdkVersion to API 27 - it is still possible to target API 24 and above with a Gradle ResolutionStrategy (see example in build.gradle)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Removes unnecessary
permission - [FIXED] A compilation problem highlighted in issue 32 - Workaround described there is no longer necessary
- [FIXED] A crash that can occur when establishing a Bluetooth connection with the card reader
- [API CHANGE] Removes fields and methods deprecated in previous versions
- [API CHANGE] Deprecates passing affiliateKey in SumUpPayment. Now it's only required to pass it to SumUpLogin
- [ADDED] Adds support for new european country -
- [FIXED] A crash that can occur while scanning for a device to setup
- [FIXED] A freeze than can occur after a successful setup, and before starting a checkout
- [FIXED] A crash that can occur when cancelling a checkout
- [ADDED] Enforces TLS 1.2 for Android devices running between Android 4.4.4 and Android 4.1 - Mandatory update by May 2018 if supporting Android 4.4.4 and below
- [IMPROVEMENT] Decoupled login from checkout - A SumUp account can be logged in independently of performing a checkout
- [ADDED] Adds support for Bulgarian lev, Chilean Peso, and Danish Krone -
, andCurrency.DKK
- [ADDED] Adds support for new european countries -
SumUpApi.openPaymentActivity(Activity activity, SumUpPayment payment, int requestCode)
is deprecated in favor ofSumUpApi.checkout(Activity activity, SumUpPayment payment, int requestCode)
SumUpPayment.productAmount(double) and SumUpPayment.tipAmount(double)
are deprecated in favor and SumUpPayment.tip(BigDecimal)
is deprecated in favor ofSumUpPayment.title(String)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Various bug fixes and enhancements around the Bluetooth scanning and connection
- [ADDED] Adds support for Czech koruna and Hungarian forint -
- [ADDED] Adds support for new european countries -
- [FIXED] Fixes conflict with Dagger 2 - Switched from Dagger 1 to Toothpick
- [IMPROVEMENT] Adds error code for duplicate foreign transaction id -
- [ADDED] Adds support for Norwegian krone -
- [ADDED] Adds support for new european countries -
- [IMPROVEMENT] Improves bluetooth reconnection to the card terminals
- [ADDED] Adds Bluetooth troubleshooting screen during setup
- [IMPROVEMENT] Improves UX in the receipt screen
- [ADDED] Adds
to optionally skip successful result screens - [ADDED] Supports adding a tip before a checkout with
- [ADDED] Adds
method to wake up your SumUp Card terminal in advance - [API CHANGE]
SumUpApi.openPaymentActivity(Activity activity, Class callbackActivity, SumUpPayment payment)
is deprecated. We encourage to switch toSumUpApi.openPaymentActivity(Activity activity, SumUpPayment payment, int requestCode)
introduced in SDK 1.55.1
- [ADDED] Supports Miura card terminals for payleven partners
- [IMPROVEMENT] Various bugfixes and enhancements
- [ADDED] Makes Payment Settings accessible
- [API CHANGE] Renames result code flag with value 1. The old name is deprecated -
- [IMPROVEMENT] Improves bluetooth discovery and connection stability
- [ADDED] Includes the upcoming SSL certificate - Certificate included in any previous SDK version will expire Friday, 24th Feb 2017
- [FIXED] Fixes misbehaviour in the rotation handling on the signature screen
- [ADDED] Support for Air and Air light terminals
is now deprecated and replaced byclearCardTerminalSettings
- [FIXED] Makes
public - [IMPROVEMENT] Refresh of the login screen UI
- [UPDATE] Raises targetSdkVersion to 23 - SDK will now request runtime permissions on API 23 level and up
- [UPDATE] Uses Vector support library - It is no longer required to set
generatedDensities = []
- [API CHANGE] ResultCode.ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED is returned if a runtime permission is denied by the user on API level 23+
- [ADDED] Adds support for swiss francs -
- [IMPROVEMENT] Complete redesign of the PIN+ reader’s setup flow
- [IMPROVEMENT] Improved bluetooth discovery and connection stability
dependency - [UPDATE] Replace
dependency withicepick
- [API CHANGE] Removes SumUpState.updateLocales() - SDK users no longer have to call this
- [API CHANGE] Adds use of vector drawables to reduce the size of the SDK - See README for required changes
- [ADDED] Adds user transparent background authentication - See README to get started
- [ADDED] Adds a contact picker to the receipt screen
- [IMPROVEMENT] Starting a payment with startActivityForResult is now the recommended way to start a payment - See README for more info
- [IMPROVEMENT] Adds TX Info object to response
- [IMPROVEMENT] No longer depends on NineOldAndroids and ListViewAnimations - Check your excludes
- [IMPROVEMENT] Support for API Level 23 - See README for required runtime permissions
- [IMPROVEMENT] Adds error code for network issues -
- [INCUBATING] It is now possible to call the SDK through a startActivityForResult pattern by calling
SumUpApi.openPaymentActivity(Activity activity, SumUpPayment payment, int requestCode)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Various bugfixes and enhancements
- [IMPROVEMENT] Encapsulates response flags in a static
(see README for more info) - [IMPROVEMENT] Encapsulates response code flags in a static
- [IMPROVEMENT] Changes currency enum from name of the currency to the ISO 4217 currency code -
- [IMPROVEMENT] Renames package of SumUpAPI and SumUpPayment classes -
import com.kaching.merchant.SumUpAPI
>import com.sumup.merchant.api.SumUpAPI
,import com.kaching.merchant.SumUpPayment
>import com.sumup.merchant.api.SumUpPayment
, andcom.kaching.merchant.SumUpState
- [IMPROVEMENT] Various bugfixes
- [FIXED] Fixed a bug that may lead to a crash in landscape mode
- [ADDED] Adds method to clear the current Pin+ settings -
- [IMPROVEMENT] Currency is now passed as an Enum -
- [IMPROVEMENT] Updates design to align with material design guidelines
- [FIXED] Fixes internal Proguard rules that may lead to a rare crash if Proguard is not enabled in the host app
- [HOTFIX] Solves an issue that may lead to a crash when not applying Proguard to the project
- [UPDATE] Raises minSdkVersion to 15
- [ADDED] Result Code for the transaction
- [ADDED] Support for landscape mode on tablets
- [IMPROVEMENT] Simplifies call to SumUpState object - SumUpState.Instance().updateLocales() > SumUpState.updateLocales()
- Changes API call from SumUpState.Instance().updateLocales() to SumUpState.updateLocales()
- Adds changelog
- ProGuard support
- Adds logout function
- Adds foreign transaction ID to sample app: Pass a unique identifier that will be associated with this transaction in the SumUp backend
- Reduces SDK footprint by 30%