A universal RA8876 graphics library for use with SPI and 8080 drivers for Teensy boards and variants.
Communication with the Teensy is accomplished using a 3/4 wire interface.
This library is designed for use with one of the following RA8876 drivers:
- https://github.com/wwatson4506/TeensyRA8876-8080 or:
- https://github.com/wwatson4506/TeensyRA8876-SPI
- Unzip TeensyRA8876-GFX-Common into the Arduino/libraries folder.
- Unzip TeensyRA8876-8080 or TeensyRA8876-SPI into the Arduino/libraries folder.
- Download ILI9341_fonts https://github.com/wwatson4506/ILI9341_fonts and install into the Arduino/libraries folder.
Pinouts are defined in the driver libraries.
Both 8080 Parallel and SPI libraries have a config file. Config files for 8080 and SPI are found in the driver libraries.
Are found in the driver libraries.
Major work on this library was done by the following PJRC forum members:
@mjs513, @KurtE, @MorganS, @rezo and @K7MDL (Keith).
They added functions to be compatible with other display libraries, performed a major rework and helped in debugging the code. The 8080 parallel FlexIO driver is based on work done by @rezo.
ER-TFTM-101-1 10.1" TFT from BuyDisplay:
- https://www.buydisplay.com/serial-spi-i2c-10-1-inch-tft-lcd-module-dislay-w-ra8876-optl-touch-panel
- https://www.buydisplay.com/download/ic/RA8876.pdf
PJRC Forum Threads:
- https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/58565-RA8876LiteTeensy-For-Teensy-T36-and-T40
- https://forum.pjrc.com/index.php?threads/ra8876-parallel-display-library-testing.75345/
- https://forum.pjrc.com/index.php?threads/recommendations-for-10-tft-display-with-touchscreen-for-teensy-4-1.75666/