The latest source code for Zutilo is maintained on GitHub. Bugs can be reported by clicking on the "New Issue" button under the Issues section of the GitHub site. You can also check there to see if a bug you experience has already been reported by another user. Make sure to check the "closed" tab of the Issues section to see if the bug has already been addressed.
If you prefer, you may contact the author directly via email, using the contact information on the GitHub, but note that posting issues publicly may help others with the same problem.
Zotero version 5.0 introduced numerous backwards incompatible changes. Zutilo versions 2.x will maintain compatibility with Zotero 4.x and 5.x. Zutilo version 3.x will drop compatibility with Zotero 4.x (at whatever time seems appropriate).
When submitting bug reports, please include the following:
- Version of Zutilo used
- Version of Zotero used
- Step-by-step instructions to reproduce the bug
For Zotero Standalone, the version of Zutilo can be found in Tools->Addons
and the version of Zotero in Help->About Zotero
Additionally, if possible please provide any javascript errors that appear in the Error Console when the bug occurs. The Error Console can be opened from the Tools->Developer menu. Try to clear the output, reproduce the bug, and then check the Error Console to see if any messages related to Zutilo or Zotero appeared.
Feature requests may also be submitted by opening a new issue. If you would like to contribute a patch, please open a new issue before submitting your code. A description of the kinds of features that are appropriate for Zutilo can be found on the Zutilo wiki page. A roadmap of planned features is also available on the wiki.
New translations or improvements to existing translations are very welcome! Zutilo has used ( and ( for translation services, but these sites are not kept up to date with the latest files due to lack of interest by translators. If you would like to help with translation using one of these sites or another site, please get in touch!
When performning a translation, please translate all of the files in chrome/locale/<locale_name>/zutilo
except README.html
and all of the files in Extra/locale/<locale_name>
For text files like
, please try put each sentence on a new line so that the translation file corresponds line by line with the English version.