diff --git a/shared/examplecheck.gradle b/shared/examplecheck.gradle
index 9463ea1c8f7..ed913dcc1c0 100644
--- a/shared/examplecheck.gradle
+++ b/shared/examplecheck.gradle
@@ -67,9 +67,8 @@ def tagList = [
"SmartDashboard", "Shuffleboard", "Sendable", "DataLog",
/* --- Controls --- */
- "Exponential Profile", "PID", "State-Space", "Ramsete", "Path Following", "Trajectory",
- "SysId", "Simulation", "Trapezoid Profile", "Profiled PID", "Odometry", "LQR",
- "Pose Estimator",
+ "Exponential Profile", "PID", "State-Space", "Path Following", "Trajectory", "SysId",
+ "Simulation", "Trapezoid Profile", "Profiled PID", "Odometry", "LQR", "Pose Estimator",
/* --- Hardware --- */
"Analog", "Ultrasonic", "Gyro", "Pneumatics", "I2C", "Duty Cycle", "PDP", "DMA", "Relay",
diff --git a/wpilibNewCommands/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj2/command/RamseteCommand.java b/wpilibNewCommands/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj2/command/RamseteCommand.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 23ec61c6227..00000000000
--- a/wpilibNewCommands/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj2/command/RamseteCommand.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-package edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command;
-import static edu.wpi.first.util.ErrorMessages.requireNonNullParam;
-import edu.wpi.first.math.controller.PIDController;
-import edu.wpi.first.math.controller.RamseteController;
-import edu.wpi.first.math.controller.SimpleMotorFeedforward;
-import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Pose2d;
-import edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.ChassisSpeeds;
-import edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.DifferentialDriveKinematics;
-import edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds;
-import edu.wpi.first.math.trajectory.Trajectory;
-import edu.wpi.first.util.sendable.SendableBuilder;
-import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Timer;
-import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
-import java.util.function.Supplier;
- * A command that uses a RAMSETE controller ({@link RamseteController}) to follow a trajectory
- * {@link Trajectory} with a differential drive.
- *
- *
The command handles trajectory-following, PID calculations, and feedforwards internally. This
- * is intended to be a more-or-less "complete solution" that can be used by teams without a great
- * deal of controls expertise.
- *
- *
Advanced teams seeking more flexibility (for example, those who wish to use the onboard PID
- * functionality of a "smart" motor controller) may use the secondary constructor that omits the PID
- * and feedforward functionality, returning only the raw wheel speeds from the RAMSETE controller.
- *
- *
This class is provided by the NewCommands VendorDep
- */
-public class RamseteCommand extends Command {
- private final Timer m_timer = new Timer();
- private final boolean m_usePID;
- private final Trajectory m_trajectory;
- private final Supplier m_pose;
- private final RamseteController m_follower;
- private final SimpleMotorFeedforward m_feedforward;
- private final DifferentialDriveKinematics m_kinematics;
- private final Supplier m_speeds;
- private final PIDController m_leftController;
- private final PIDController m_rightController;
- private final BiConsumer m_output;
- private DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds m_prevSpeeds = new DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds();
- private double m_prevLeftSpeedSetpoint; // m/s
- private double m_prevRightSpeedSetpoint; // m/s
- private double m_prevTime;
- /**
- * Constructs a new RamseteCommand that, when executed, will follow the provided trajectory. PID
- * control and feedforward are handled internally, and outputs are scaled -12 to 12 representing
- * units of volts.
- *
- * Note: The controller will *not* set the outputVolts to zero upon completion of the path -
- * this is left to the user, since it is not appropriate for paths with nonstationary endstates.
- *
- * @param trajectory The trajectory to follow.
- * @param pose A function that supplies the robot pose - use one of the odometry classes to
- * provide this.
- * @param controller The RAMSETE controller used to follow the trajectory.
- * @param feedforward The feedforward to use for the drive.
- * @param kinematics The kinematics for the robot drivetrain.
- * @param wheelSpeeds A function that supplies the speeds of the left and right sides of the robot
- * drive.
- * @param leftController The PIDController for the left side of the robot drive.
- * @param rightController The PIDController for the right side of the robot drive.
- * @param outputVolts A function that consumes the computed left and right outputs (in volts) for
- * the robot drive.
- * @param requirements The subsystems to require.
- * @deprecated Use LTVUnicycleController instead.
- */
- @Deprecated(since = "2025", forRemoval = true)
- @SuppressWarnings("this-escape")
- public RamseteCommand(
- Trajectory trajectory,
- Supplier pose,
- RamseteController controller,
- SimpleMotorFeedforward feedforward,
- DifferentialDriveKinematics kinematics,
- Supplier wheelSpeeds,
- PIDController leftController,
- PIDController rightController,
- BiConsumer outputVolts,
- Subsystem... requirements) {
- m_trajectory = requireNonNullParam(trajectory, "trajectory", "RamseteCommand");
- m_pose = requireNonNullParam(pose, "pose", "RamseteCommand");
- m_follower = requireNonNullParam(controller, "controller", "RamseteCommand");
- m_feedforward = feedforward;
- m_kinematics = requireNonNullParam(kinematics, "kinematics", "RamseteCommand");
- m_speeds = requireNonNullParam(wheelSpeeds, "wheelSpeeds", "RamseteCommand");
- m_leftController = requireNonNullParam(leftController, "leftController", "RamseteCommand");
- m_rightController = requireNonNullParam(rightController, "rightController", "RamseteCommand");
- m_output = requireNonNullParam(outputVolts, "outputVolts", "RamseteCommand");
- m_usePID = true;
- addRequirements(requirements);
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a new RamseteCommand that, when executed, will follow the provided trajectory.
- * Performs no PID control and calculates no feedforwards; outputs are the raw wheel speeds from
- * the RAMSETE controller, and will need to be converted into a usable form by the user.
- *
- * @param trajectory The trajectory to follow.
- * @param pose A function that supplies the robot pose - use one of the odometry classes to
- * provide this.
- * @param follower The RAMSETE follower used to follow the trajectory.
- * @param kinematics The kinematics for the robot drivetrain.
- * @param outputMetersPerSecond A function that consumes the computed left and right wheel speeds.
- * @param requirements The subsystems to require.
- * @deprecated Use LTVUnicycleController instead.
- */
- @Deprecated(since = "2025", forRemoval = true)
- @SuppressWarnings("this-escape")
- public RamseteCommand(
- Trajectory trajectory,
- Supplier pose,
- RamseteController follower,
- DifferentialDriveKinematics kinematics,
- BiConsumer outputMetersPerSecond,
- Subsystem... requirements) {
- m_trajectory = requireNonNullParam(trajectory, "trajectory", "RamseteCommand");
- m_pose = requireNonNullParam(pose, "pose", "RamseteCommand");
- m_follower = requireNonNullParam(follower, "follower", "RamseteCommand");
- m_kinematics = requireNonNullParam(kinematics, "kinematics", "RamseteCommand");
- m_output =
- requireNonNullParam(outputMetersPerSecond, "outputMetersPerSecond", "RamseteCommand");
- m_feedforward = null;
- m_speeds = null;
- m_leftController = null;
- m_rightController = null;
- m_usePID = false;
- addRequirements(requirements);
- }
- @Override
- public void initialize() {
- m_prevTime = -1;
- var initialState = m_trajectory.sample(0);
- m_prevSpeeds =
- m_kinematics.toWheelSpeeds(
- new ChassisSpeeds(
- initialState.velocityMetersPerSecond,
- 0,
- initialState.curvatureRadPerMeter * initialState.velocityMetersPerSecond));
- m_prevLeftSpeedSetpoint = m_prevSpeeds.leftMetersPerSecond;
- m_prevRightSpeedSetpoint = m_prevSpeeds.rightMetersPerSecond;
- m_timer.restart();
- if (m_usePID) {
- m_leftController.reset();
- m_rightController.reset();
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void execute() {
- double curTime = m_timer.get();
- if (m_prevTime < 0) {
- m_output.accept(0.0, 0.0);
- m_prevTime = curTime;
- return;
- }
- var targetWheelSpeeds =
- m_kinematics.toWheelSpeeds(
- m_follower.calculate(m_pose.get(), m_trajectory.sample(curTime)));
- double leftSpeedSetpoint = targetWheelSpeeds.leftMetersPerSecond;
- double rightSpeedSetpoint = targetWheelSpeeds.rightMetersPerSecond;
- double leftOutput;
- double rightOutput;
- if (m_usePID) {
- double leftFeedforward = m_feedforward.calculate(m_prevLeftSpeedSetpoint, leftSpeedSetpoint);
- double rightFeedforward =
- m_feedforward.calculate(m_prevRightSpeedSetpoint, rightSpeedSetpoint);
- leftOutput =
- leftFeedforward
- + m_leftController.calculate(m_speeds.get().leftMetersPerSecond, leftSpeedSetpoint);
- rightOutput =
- rightFeedforward
- + m_rightController.calculate(
- m_speeds.get().rightMetersPerSecond, rightSpeedSetpoint);
- } else {
- leftOutput = leftSpeedSetpoint;
- rightOutput = rightSpeedSetpoint;
- }
- m_output.accept(leftOutput, rightOutput);
- m_prevSpeeds = targetWheelSpeeds;
- m_prevTime = curTime;
- }
- @Override
- public void end(boolean interrupted) {
- m_timer.stop();
- if (interrupted) {
- m_output.accept(0.0, 0.0);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public boolean isFinished() {
- return m_timer.hasElapsed(m_trajectory.getTotalTimeSeconds());
- }
- @Override
- public void initSendable(SendableBuilder builder) {
- super.initSendable(builder);
- builder.addDoubleProperty("leftVelocity", () -> m_prevSpeeds.leftMetersPerSecond, null);
- builder.addDoubleProperty("rightVelocity", () -> m_prevSpeeds.rightMetersPerSecond, null);
- }
diff --git a/wpilibNewCommands/src/main/native/cpp/frc2/command/RamseteCommand.cpp b/wpilibNewCommands/src/main/native/cpp/frc2/command/RamseteCommand.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e0da8c8eaa4..00000000000
--- a/wpilibNewCommands/src/main/native/cpp/frc2/command/RamseteCommand.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "frc2/command/RamseteCommand.h"
-using namespace frc2;
-using kv_unit = units::compound_unit>;
- frc::Trajectory trajectory, std::function pose,
- frc::RamseteController controller,
- frc::SimpleMotorFeedforward feedforward,
- frc::DifferentialDriveKinematics kinematics,
- std::function wheelSpeeds,
- frc::PIDController leftController, frc::PIDController rightController,
- std::function output,
- Requirements requirements)
- : m_trajectory(std::move(trajectory)),
- m_pose(std::move(pose)),
- m_controller(controller),
- m_feedforward(feedforward),
- m_kinematics(std::move(kinematics)),
- m_speeds(std::move(wheelSpeeds)),
- m_leftController(std::make_unique(leftController)),
- m_rightController(std::make_unique(rightController)),
- m_outputVolts(std::move(output)),
- m_usePID(true) {
- AddRequirements(requirements);
- frc::Trajectory trajectory, std::function pose,
- frc::RamseteController controller,
- frc::DifferentialDriveKinematics kinematics,
- std::function
- output,
- Requirements requirements)
- : m_trajectory(std::move(trajectory)),
- m_pose(std::move(pose)),
- m_controller(controller),
- m_feedforward(0_V, units::unit_t{0}),
- m_kinematics(std::move(kinematics)),
- m_outputVel(std::move(output)),
- m_usePID(false) {
- AddRequirements(requirements);
-void RamseteCommand::Initialize() {
- m_prevTime = -1_s;
- auto initialState = m_trajectory.Sample(0_s);
- m_prevSpeeds = m_kinematics.ToWheelSpeeds(
- frc::ChassisSpeeds{initialState.velocity, 0_mps,
- initialState.velocity * initialState.curvature});
- m_timer.Restart();
- if (m_usePID) {
- m_leftController->Reset();
- m_rightController->Reset();
- }
-void RamseteCommand::Execute() {
- auto curTime = m_timer.Get();
- if (m_prevTime < 0_s) {
- if (m_usePID) {
- m_outputVolts(0_V, 0_V);
- } else {
- m_outputVel(0_mps, 0_mps);
- }
- m_prevTime = curTime;
- return;
- }
- auto targetWheelSpeeds = m_kinematics.ToWheelSpeeds(
- m_controller.Calculate(m_pose(), m_trajectory.Sample(curTime)));
- if (m_usePID) {
- auto leftFeedforward =
- m_feedforward.Calculate(m_prevSpeeds.left, targetWheelSpeeds.left);
- auto rightFeedforward =
- m_feedforward.Calculate(m_prevSpeeds.right, targetWheelSpeeds.right);
- auto leftOutput =
- units::volt_t{m_leftController->Calculate(
- m_speeds().left.value(), targetWheelSpeeds.left.value())} +
- leftFeedforward;
- auto rightOutput =
- units::volt_t{m_rightController->Calculate(
- m_speeds().right.value(), targetWheelSpeeds.right.value())} +
- rightFeedforward;
- m_outputVolts(leftOutput, rightOutput);
- } else {
- m_outputVel(targetWheelSpeeds.left, targetWheelSpeeds.right);
- }
- m_prevSpeeds = targetWheelSpeeds;
- m_prevTime = curTime;
-void RamseteCommand::End(bool interrupted) {
- m_timer.Stop();
- if (interrupted) {
- if (m_usePID) {
- m_outputVolts(0_V, 0_V);
- } else {
- m_outputVel(0_mps, 0_mps);
- }
- }
-bool RamseteCommand::IsFinished() {
- return m_timer.HasElapsed(m_trajectory.TotalTime());
-void RamseteCommand::InitSendable(wpi::SendableBuilder& builder) {
- Command::InitSendable(builder);
- builder.AddDoubleProperty(
- "leftVelocity", [this] { return m_prevSpeeds.left.value(); }, nullptr);
- builder.AddDoubleProperty(
- "rightVelocity", [this] { return m_prevSpeeds.right.value(); }, nullptr);
diff --git a/wpilibNewCommands/src/main/native/include/frc2/command/RamseteCommand.h b/wpilibNewCommands/src/main/native/include/frc2/command/RamseteCommand.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a15f548830..00000000000
--- a/wpilibNewCommands/src/main/native/include/frc2/command/RamseteCommand.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#pragma once
-#include "frc2/command/Command.h"
-#include "frc2/command/CommandHelper.h"
-#include "frc2/command/Requirements.h"
-namespace frc2 {
- * A command that uses a RAMSETE controller to follow a trajectory
- * with a differential drive.
- *
- * The command handles trajectory-following, PID calculations, and
- * feedforwards internally. This is intended to be a more-or-less "complete
- * solution" that can be used by teams without a great deal of controls
- * expertise.
- *
- *
Advanced teams seeking more flexibility (for example, those who wish to
- * use the onboard PID functionality of a "smart" motor controller) may use the
- * secondary constructor that omits the PID and feedforward functionality,
- * returning only the raw wheel speeds from the RAMSETE controller.
- *
- * This class is provided by the NewCommands VendorDep
- *
- * @see RamseteController
- * @see Trajectory
- */
-class RamseteCommand : public CommandHelper {
- public:
- /**
- * Constructs a new RamseteCommand that, when executed, will follow the
- * provided trajectory. PID control and feedforward are handled internally,
- * and outputs are scaled -12 to 12 representing units of volts.
- *
- * Note: The controller will *not* set the outputVolts to zero upon
- * completion of the path - this is left to the user, since it is not
- * appropriate for paths with nonstationary endstates.
- *
- * @param trajectory The trajectory to follow.
- * @param pose A function that supplies the robot pose - use one of
- * the odometry classes to provide this.
- * @param controller The RAMSETE controller used to follow the
- * trajectory.
- * @param feedforward A component for calculating the feedforward for the
- * drive.
- * @param kinematics The kinematics for the robot drivetrain.
- * @param wheelSpeeds A function that supplies the speeds of the left
- * and right sides of the robot drive.
- * @param leftController The PIDController for the left side of the robot
- * drive.
- * @param rightController The PIDController for the right side of the robot
- * drive.
- * @param output A function that consumes the computed left and right
- * outputs (in volts) for the robot drive.
- * @param requirements The subsystems to require.
- * @deprecated Use LTVUnicycleController instead.
- */
- [[deprecated("Use LTVUnicycleController instead.")]]
- RamseteCommand(frc::Trajectory trajectory, std::function pose,
- frc::RamseteController controller,
- frc::SimpleMotorFeedforward feedforward,
- frc::DifferentialDriveKinematics kinematics,
- std::function wheelSpeeds,
- frc::PIDController leftController,
- frc::PIDController rightController,
- std::function output,
- Requirements requirements = {});
- /**
- * Constructs a new RamseteCommand that, when executed, will follow the
- * provided trajectory. Performs no PID control and calculates no
- * feedforwards; outputs are the raw wheel speeds from the RAMSETE controller,
- * and will need to be converted into a usable form by the user.
- *
- * @param trajectory The trajectory to follow.
- * @param pose A function that supplies the robot pose - use one of
- * the odometry classes to provide this.
- * @param controller The RAMSETE controller used to follow the
- * trajectory.
- * @param kinematics The kinematics for the robot drivetrain.
- * @param output A function that consumes the computed left and right
- * wheel speeds.
- * @param requirements The subsystems to require.
- * @deprecated Use LTVUnicycleController instead.
- */
- [[deprecated("Use LTVUnicycleController instead.")]]
- RamseteCommand(frc::Trajectory trajectory, std::function pose,
- frc::RamseteController controller,
- frc::DifferentialDriveKinematics kinematics,
- std::function output,
- Requirements requirements = {});
- void Initialize() override;
- void Execute() override;
- void End(bool interrupted) override;
- bool IsFinished() override;
- void InitSendable(wpi::SendableBuilder& builder) override;
- private:
- frc::Trajectory m_trajectory;
- std::function m_pose;
- frc::RamseteController m_controller;
- frc::SimpleMotorFeedforward m_feedforward;
- frc::DifferentialDriveKinematics m_kinematics;
- std::function m_speeds;
- std::unique_ptr m_leftController;
- std::unique_ptr m_rightController;
- std::function m_outputVolts;
- std::function
- m_outputVel;
- frc::Timer m_timer;
- units::second_t m_prevTime;
- frc::DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds m_prevSpeeds;
- bool m_usePID;
-} // namespace frc2
diff --git a/wpilibcExamples/src/main/cpp/examples/examples.json b/wpilibcExamples/src/main/cpp/examples/examples.json
index ea40670bb0e..c0354003f2b 100644
--- a/wpilibcExamples/src/main/cpp/examples/examples.json
+++ b/wpilibcExamples/src/main/cpp/examples/examples.json
@@ -759,11 +759,10 @@
"name": "SimpleDifferentialDriveSimulation",
- "description": "Simulate a differential drivetrain and follow trajectories with RamseteController (non-command-based).",
+ "description": "Simulate a differential drivetrain and follow trajectories with LTV unicycle controller (non-command-based).",
"tags": [
"Differential Drive",
- "Ramsete",
"Path Following",
diff --git a/wpilibjExamples/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/examples.json b/wpilibjExamples/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/examples.json
index 3ed52e1bef9..d4b37d9d57f 100644
--- a/wpilibjExamples/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/examples.json
+++ b/wpilibjExamples/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/examples.json
@@ -650,11 +650,10 @@
"name": "SimpleDifferentialDriveSimulation",
- "description": "Simulate a differential drivetrain and follow trajectories with RamseteController (non-command-based).",
+ "description": "Simulate a differential drivetrain and follow trajectories with LTV unicycle controller (non-command-based).",
"tags": [
"Differential Drive",
- "Ramsete",
"Path Following",
diff --git a/wpimath/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/math/controller/LTVDifferentialDriveController.java b/wpimath/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/math/controller/LTVDifferentialDriveController.java
index c5b6defa0d1..f7ce380268f 100644
--- a/wpimath/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/math/controller/LTVDifferentialDriveController.java
+++ b/wpimath/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/math/controller/LTVDifferentialDriveController.java
@@ -28,11 +28,10 @@
* state-space, then interpolate between them with a lookup table to save computational resources.
* This controller has a flat hierarchy with pose and wheel velocity references and voltage
- * outputs. This is different from a Ramsete controller's nested hierarchy where the top-level
+ * outputs. This is different from a unicycle controller's nested hierarchy where the top-level
* controller has a pose reference and chassis velocity command outputs, and the low-level
* controller has wheel velocity references and voltage outputs. Flat hierarchies are easier to tune
- * in one shot. Furthermore, this controller is more optimal in the "least-squares error" sense than
- * a controller based on Ramsete.
+ * in one shot.
See section 8.7 in Controls Engineering in FRC for a derivation of the control law we used
* shown in theorem 8.7.4.
diff --git a/wpimath/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/math/controller/LTVUnicycleController.java b/wpimath/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/math/controller/LTVUnicycleController.java
index 8437eafac8e..dbe05f73ff7 100644
--- a/wpimath/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/math/controller/LTVUnicycleController.java
+++ b/wpimath/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/math/controller/LTVUnicycleController.java
@@ -24,9 +24,6 @@
* compute the controller gain is the nonlinear unicycle model linearized around the drivetrain's
* current state.
- *
This controller is a roughly drop-in replacement for {@link RamseteController} with more
- * optimal feedback gains in the "least-squares error" sense.
- *
See section 8.9 in Controls Engineering in FRC for a derivation of the control law we used
* shown in theorem 8.9.1.
diff --git a/wpimath/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/math/controller/RamseteController.java b/wpimath/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/math/controller/RamseteController.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 78e938fe8b1..00000000000
--- a/wpimath/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/math/controller/RamseteController.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-package edu.wpi.first.math.controller;
-import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Pose2d;
-import edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.ChassisSpeeds;
-import edu.wpi.first.math.trajectory.Trajectory;
- * Ramsete is a nonlinear time-varying feedback controller for unicycle models that drives the model
- * to a desired pose along a two-dimensional trajectory. Why would we need a nonlinear control law
- * in addition to the linear ones we have used so far like PID? If we use the original approach with
- * PID controllers for left and right position and velocity states, the controllers only deal with
- * the local pose. If the robot deviates from the path, there is no way for the controllers to
- * correct and the robot may not reach the desired global pose. This is due to multiple endpoints
- * existing for the robot which have the same encoder path arc lengths.
- *
- *
Instead of using wheel path arc lengths (which are in the robot's local coordinate frame),
- * nonlinear controllers like pure pursuit and Ramsete use global pose. The controller uses this
- * extra information to guide a linear reference tracker like the PID controllers back in by
- * adjusting the references of the PID controllers.
- *
- *
The paper "Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots: An Experimental Overview" describes a nonlinear
- * controller for a wheeled vehicle with unicycle-like kinematics; a global pose consisting of x, y,
- * and theta; and a desired pose consisting of x_d, y_d, and theta_d. We call it Ramsete because
- * that's the acronym for the title of the book it came from in Italian ("Robotica Articolata e
- * Mobile per i SErvizi e le TEcnologie").
- *
- *
See Controls
- * Engineering in the FIRST Robotics Competition section on Ramsete unicycle controller for a
- * derivation and analysis.
- */
-public class RamseteController {
- private final double m_b;
- private final double m_zeta;
- private Pose2d m_poseError = Pose2d.kZero;
- private Pose2d m_poseTolerance = Pose2d.kZero;
- private boolean m_enabled = true;
- /**
- * Construct a Ramsete unicycle controller.
- *
- * @param b Tuning parameter (b > 0 rad²/m²) for which larger values make convergence more
- * aggressive like a proportional term.
- * @param zeta Tuning parameter (0 rad⁻¹ < zeta < 1 rad⁻¹) for which larger values provide
- * more damping in response.
- * @deprecated Use LTVUnicycleController instead.
- */
- @Deprecated(since = "2025", forRemoval = true)
- public RamseteController(double b, double zeta) {
- m_b = b;
- m_zeta = zeta;
- }
- /**
- * Construct a Ramsete unicycle controller. The default arguments for b and zeta of 2.0 rad²/m²
- * and 0.7 rad⁻¹ have been well-tested to produce desirable results.
- *
- * @deprecated Use LTVUnicycleController instead.
- */
- @Deprecated(since = "2025", forRemoval = true)
- public RamseteController() {
- this(2.0, 0.7);
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if the pose error is within tolerance of the reference.
- *
- * @return True if the pose error is within tolerance of the reference.
- */
- public boolean atReference() {
- final var eTranslate = m_poseError.getTranslation();
- final var eRotate = m_poseError.getRotation();
- final var tolTranslate = m_poseTolerance.getTranslation();
- final var tolRotate = m_poseTolerance.getRotation();
- return Math.abs(eTranslate.getX()) < tolTranslate.getX()
- && Math.abs(eTranslate.getY()) < tolTranslate.getY()
- && Math.abs(eRotate.getRadians()) < tolRotate.getRadians();
- }
- /**
- * Sets the pose error which is considered tolerable for use with atReference().
- *
- * @param poseTolerance Pose error which is tolerable.
- */
- public void setTolerance(Pose2d poseTolerance) {
- m_poseTolerance = poseTolerance;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the next output of the Ramsete controller.
- *
- *
The reference pose, linear velocity, and angular velocity should come from a drivetrain
- * trajectory.
- *
- * @param currentPose The current pose.
- * @param poseRef The desired pose.
- * @param linearVelocityRefMeters The desired linear velocity in meters per second.
- * @param angularVelocityRefRadiansPerSecond The desired angular velocity in radians per second.
- * @return The next controller output.
- */
- public ChassisSpeeds calculate(
- Pose2d currentPose,
- Pose2d poseRef,
- double linearVelocityRefMeters,
- double angularVelocityRefRadiansPerSecond) {
- if (!m_enabled) {
- return new ChassisSpeeds(linearVelocityRefMeters, 0.0, angularVelocityRefRadiansPerSecond);
- }
- m_poseError = poseRef.relativeTo(currentPose);
- // Aliases for equation readability
- final double eX = m_poseError.getX();
- final double eY = m_poseError.getY();
- final double eTheta = m_poseError.getRotation().getRadians();
- final double vRef = linearVelocityRefMeters;
- final double omegaRef = angularVelocityRefRadiansPerSecond;
- // k = 2ζ√(ω_ref² + b v_ref²)
- double k = 2.0 * m_zeta * Math.sqrt(Math.pow(omegaRef, 2) + m_b * Math.pow(vRef, 2));
- // v_cmd = v_ref cos(e_θ) + k e_x
- // ω_cmd = ω_ref + k e_θ + b v_ref sinc(e_θ) e_y
- return new ChassisSpeeds(
- vRef * m_poseError.getRotation().getCos() + k * eX,
- 0.0,
- omegaRef + k * eTheta + m_b * vRef * sinc(eTheta) * eY);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the next output of the Ramsete controller.
- *
- *
The reference pose, linear velocity, and angular velocity should come from a drivetrain
- * trajectory.
- *
- * @param currentPose The current pose.
- * @param desiredState The desired pose, linear velocity, and angular velocity from a trajectory.
- * @return The next controller output.
- */
- public ChassisSpeeds calculate(Pose2d currentPose, Trajectory.State desiredState) {
- return calculate(
- currentPose,
- desiredState.poseMeters,
- desiredState.velocityMetersPerSecond,
- desiredState.velocityMetersPerSecond * desiredState.curvatureRadPerMeter);
- }
- /**
- * Enables and disables the controller for troubleshooting purposes.
- *
- * @param enabled If the controller is enabled or not.
- */
- public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
- m_enabled = enabled;
- }
- /**
- * Returns sin(x) / x.
- *
- * @param x Value of which to take sinc(x).
- */
- private static double sinc(double x) {
- if (Math.abs(x) < 1e-9) {
- return 1.0 - 1.0 / 6.0 * x * x;
- } else {
- return Math.sin(x) / x;
- }
- }
diff --git a/wpimath/src/main/native/include/frc/controller/LTVDifferentialDriveController.h b/wpimath/src/main/native/include/frc/controller/LTVDifferentialDriveController.h
index c07c1cef782..59b99f31594 100644
--- a/wpimath/src/main/native/include/frc/controller/LTVDifferentialDriveController.h
+++ b/wpimath/src/main/native/include/frc/controller/LTVDifferentialDriveController.h
@@ -27,12 +27,11 @@ namespace frc {
* between them with a lookup table to save computational resources.
* This controller has a flat hierarchy with pose and wheel velocity references
- * and voltage outputs. This is different from a Ramsete controller's nested
+ * and voltage outputs. This is different from a unicycle controller's nested
* hierarchy where the top-level controller has a pose reference and chassis
* velocity command outputs, and the low-level controller has wheel velocity
* references and voltage outputs. Flat hierarchies are easier to tune in one
- * shot. Furthermore, this controller is more optimal in the "least-squares
- * error" sense than a controller based on Ramsete.
+ * shot.
* See section 8.7 in Controls Engineering in FRC for a derivation of the
* control law we used shown in theorem 8.7.4.
diff --git a/wpimath/src/main/native/include/frc/controller/LTVUnicycleController.h b/wpimath/src/main/native/include/frc/controller/LTVUnicycleController.h
index 02f5271ad3e..c5825b3b30f 100644
--- a/wpimath/src/main/native/include/frc/controller/LTVUnicycleController.h
+++ b/wpimath/src/main/native/include/frc/controller/LTVUnicycleController.h
@@ -23,9 +23,6 @@ namespace frc {
* but the model used to compute the controller gain is the nonlinear unicycle
* model linearized around the drivetrain's current state.
- * This controller is a roughly drop-in replacement for RamseteController with
- * more optimal feedback gains in the "least-squares error" sense.
- *
* See section 8.9 in Controls Engineering in FRC for a derivation of the
* control law we used shown in theorem 8.9.1.
diff --git a/wpimath/src/main/native/include/frc/controller/RamseteController.h b/wpimath/src/main/native/include/frc/controller/RamseteController.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a31bc9ce1a..00000000000
--- a/wpimath/src/main/native/include/frc/controller/RamseteController.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#pragma once
-#include "frc/geometry/Pose2d.h"
-#include "frc/kinematics/ChassisSpeeds.h"
-#include "frc/trajectory/Trajectory.h"
-#include "units/angle.h"
-#include "units/angular_velocity.h"
-#include "units/length.h"
-#include "units/math.h"
-#include "units/velocity.h"
-namespace frc {
- * Ramsete is a nonlinear time-varying feedback controller for unicycle models
- * that drives the model to a desired pose along a two-dimensional trajectory.
- * Why would we need a nonlinear control law in addition to the linear ones we
- * have used so far like PID? If we use the original approach with PID
- * controllers for left and right position and velocity states, the controllers
- * only deal with the local pose. If the robot deviates from the path, there is
- * no way for the controllers to correct and the robot may not reach the desired
- * global pose. This is due to multiple endpoints existing for the robot which
- * have the same encoder path arc lengths.
- *
- * Instead of using wheel path arc lengths (which are in the robot's local
- * coordinate frame), nonlinear controllers like pure pursuit and Ramsete use
- * global pose. The controller uses this extra information to guide a linear
- * reference tracker like the PID controllers back in by adjusting the
- * references of the PID controllers.
- *
- * The paper "Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots: An Experimental Overview"
- * describes a nonlinear controller for a wheeled vehicle with unicycle-like
- * kinematics; a global pose consisting of x, y, and theta; and a desired pose
- * consisting of x_d, y_d, and theta_d. We call it Ramsete because that's the
- * acronym for the title of the book it came from in Italian ("Robotica
- * Articolata e Mobile per i SErvizi e le TEcnologie").
- *
- * See section
- * on Ramsete unicycle controller for a derivation and analysis.
- */
-class WPILIB_DLLEXPORT RamseteController {
- public:
- using b_unit =
- units::compound_unit,
- units::inverse>>;
- using zeta_unit = units::inverse;
- /**
- * Construct a Ramsete unicycle controller.
- *
- * @param b Tuning parameter (b > 0 rad²/m²) for which larger values make
- * convergence more aggressive like a proportional term.
- * @param zeta Tuning parameter (0 rad⁻¹ < zeta < 1 rad⁻¹) for which larger
- * values provide more damping in response.
- * @deprecated Use LTVUnicycleController instead.
- */
- [[deprecated("Use LTVUnicycleController instead.")]]
- constexpr RamseteController(units::unit_t b,
- units::unit_t zeta)
- : m_b{b}, m_zeta{zeta} {}
- /**
- * Construct a Ramsete unicycle controller. The default arguments for
- * b and zeta of 2.0 rad²/m² and 0.7 rad⁻¹ have been well-tested to produce
- * desirable results.
- *
- * @deprecated Use LTVUnicycleController instead.
- */
- [[deprecated("Use LTVUnicycleController instead.")]]
- constexpr RamseteController()
- : RamseteController{units::unit_t{2.0},
- units::unit_t{0.7}} {}
- /**
- * Returns true if the pose error is within tolerance of the reference.
- */
- constexpr bool AtReference() const {
- const auto& eTranslate = m_poseError.Translation();
- const auto& eRotate = m_poseError.Rotation();
- const auto& tolTranslate = m_poseTolerance.Translation();
- const auto& tolRotate = m_poseTolerance.Rotation();
- return units::math::abs(eTranslate.X()) < tolTranslate.X() &&
- units::math::abs(eTranslate.Y()) < tolTranslate.Y() &&
- units::math::abs(eRotate.Radians()) < tolRotate.Radians();
- }
- /**
- * Sets the pose error which is considered tolerable for use with
- * AtReference().
- *
- * @param poseTolerance Pose error which is tolerable.
- */
- constexpr void SetTolerance(const Pose2d& poseTolerance) {
- m_poseTolerance = poseTolerance;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the next output of the Ramsete controller.
- *
- * The reference pose, linear velocity, and angular velocity should come from
- * a drivetrain trajectory.
- *
- * @param currentPose The current pose.
- * @param poseRef The desired pose.
- * @param linearVelocityRef The desired linear velocity.
- * @param angularVelocityRef The desired angular velocity.
- */
- constexpr ChassisSpeeds Calculate(
- const Pose2d& currentPose, const Pose2d& poseRef,
- units::meters_per_second_t linearVelocityRef,
- units::radians_per_second_t angularVelocityRef) {
- if (!m_enabled) {
- return ChassisSpeeds{linearVelocityRef, 0_mps, angularVelocityRef};
- }
- m_poseError = poseRef.RelativeTo(currentPose);
- // Aliases for equation readability
- const auto& eX = m_poseError.X();
- const auto& eY = m_poseError.Y();
- const auto& eTheta = m_poseError.Rotation().Radians();
- const auto& vRef = linearVelocityRef;
- const auto& omegaRef = angularVelocityRef;
- // k = 2ζ√(ω_ref² + b v_ref²)
- auto k = 2.0 * m_zeta *
- units::math::sqrt(units::math::pow<2>(omegaRef) +
- m_b * units::math::pow<2>(vRef));
- // v_cmd = v_ref cos(e_θ) + k e_x
- // ω_cmd = ω_ref + k e_θ + b v_ref sinc(e_θ) e_y
- return ChassisSpeeds{
- vRef * m_poseError.Rotation().Cos() + k * eX, 0_mps,
- omegaRef + k * eTheta + m_b * vRef * Sinc(eTheta) * eY};
- }
- /**
- * Returns the next output of the Ramsete controller.
- *
- * The reference pose, linear velocity, and angular velocity should come from
- * a drivetrain trajectory.
- *
- * @param currentPose The current pose.
- * @param desiredState The desired pose, linear velocity, and angular velocity
- * from a trajectory.
- */
- constexpr ChassisSpeeds Calculate(const Pose2d& currentPose,
- const Trajectory::State& desiredState) {
- return Calculate(currentPose, desiredState.pose, desiredState.velocity,
- desiredState.velocity * desiredState.curvature);
- }
- /**
- * Enables and disables the controller for troubleshooting purposes.
- *
- * @param enabled If the controller is enabled or not.
- */
- constexpr void SetEnabled(bool enabled) { m_enabled = enabled; }
- private:
- units::unit_t m_b;
- units::unit_t m_zeta;
- Pose2d m_poseError;
- Pose2d m_poseTolerance;
- bool m_enabled = true;
- /**
- * Returns sin(x) / x.
- *
- * @param x Value of which to take sinc(x).
- */
- static constexpr decltype(1 / 1_rad) Sinc(units::radian_t x) {
- if (units::math::abs(x) < 1e-9_rad) {
- return decltype(1 / 1_rad){1.0 - 1.0 / 6.0 * x.value() * x.value()};
- } else {
- return units::math::sin(x) / x;
- }
- }
-} // namespace frc
diff --git a/wpimath/src/test/java/edu/wpi/first/math/controller/RamseteControllerTest.java b/wpimath/src/test/java/edu/wpi/first/math/controller/RamseteControllerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index de76e528a09..00000000000
--- a/wpimath/src/test/java/edu/wpi/first/math/controller/RamseteControllerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-package edu.wpi.first.math.controller;
-import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertAll;
-import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
-import edu.wpi.first.math.MathUtil;
-import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Pose2d;
-import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Rotation2d;
-import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Twist2d;
-import edu.wpi.first.math.trajectory.TrajectoryConfig;
-import edu.wpi.first.math.trajectory.TrajectoryGenerator;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
-class RamseteControllerTest {
- private static final double kTolerance = 1 / 12.0;
- private static final double kAngularTolerance = Math.toRadians(2);
- @SuppressWarnings("removal")
- @Test
- void testReachesReference() {
- final var controller = new RamseteController(2.0, 0.7);
- var robotPose = new Pose2d(2.7, 23.0, Rotation2d.kZero);
- final var waypoints = new ArrayList();
- waypoints.add(new Pose2d(2.75, 22.521, Rotation2d.kZero));
- waypoints.add(new Pose2d(24.73, 19.68, new Rotation2d(5.846)));
- var config = new TrajectoryConfig(8.8, 0.1);
- final var trajectory = TrajectoryGenerator.generateTrajectory(waypoints, config);
- final double kDt = 0.02;
- final var totalTime = trajectory.getTotalTimeSeconds();
- for (int i = 0; i < (totalTime / kDt); ++i) {
- var state = trajectory.sample(kDt * i);
- var output = controller.calculate(robotPose, state);
- robotPose =
- robotPose.exp(
- new Twist2d(output.vxMetersPerSecond * kDt, 0, output.omegaRadiansPerSecond * kDt));
- }
- final var states = trajectory.getStates();
- final var endPose = states.get(states.size() - 1).poseMeters;
- // Java lambdas require local variables referenced from a lambda expression
- // must be final or effectively final.
- final var finalRobotPose = robotPose;
- assertAll(
- () -> assertEquals(endPose.getX(), finalRobotPose.getX(), kTolerance),
- () -> assertEquals(endPose.getY(), finalRobotPose.getY(), kTolerance),
- () ->
- assertEquals(
- 0.0,
- MathUtil.angleModulus(
- endPose.getRotation().getRadians() - finalRobotPose.getRotation().getRadians()),
- kAngularTolerance));
- }
diff --git a/wpimath/src/test/native/cpp/controller/RamseteControllerTest.cpp b/wpimath/src/test/native/cpp/controller/RamseteControllerTest.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c39cac31ba..00000000000
--- a/wpimath/src/test/native/cpp/controller/RamseteControllerTest.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "frc/MathUtil.h"
-#include "frc/controller/RamseteController.h"
-#include "frc/trajectory/TrajectoryGenerator.h"
-#include "units/math.h"
-#define EXPECT_NEAR_UNITS(val1, val2, eps) \
- EXPECT_LE(units::math::abs(val1 - val2), eps)
-static constexpr units::meter_t kTolerance{1 / 12.0};
-static constexpr units::radian_t kAngularTolerance{2.0 * std::numbers::pi /
- 180.0};
-TEST(RamseteControllerTest, ReachesReference) {
- frc::RamseteController controller{2.0 * 1_rad * 1_rad / (1_m * 1_m),
- 0.7 / 1_rad};
- frc::Pose2d robotPose{2.7_m, 23_m, 0_deg};
- auto waypoints = std::vector{frc::Pose2d{2.75_m, 22.521_m, 0_rad},
- frc::Pose2d{24.73_m, 19.68_m, 5.846_rad}};
- auto trajectory = frc::TrajectoryGenerator::GenerateTrajectory(
- waypoints, {8.8_mps, 0.1_mps_sq});
- constexpr units::second_t kDt = 20_ms;
- auto totalTime = trajectory.TotalTime();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < (totalTime / kDt).value(); ++i) {
- auto state = trajectory.Sample(kDt * i);
- auto [vx, vy, omega] = controller.Calculate(robotPose, state);
- static_cast(vy);
- robotPose = robotPose.Exp(frc::Twist2d{vx * kDt, 0_m, omega * kDt});
- }
- auto& endPose = trajectory.States().back().pose;
- EXPECT_NEAR_UNITS(endPose.X(), robotPose.X(), kTolerance);
- EXPECT_NEAR_UNITS(endPose.Y(), robotPose.Y(), kTolerance);
- EXPECT_NEAR_UNITS(frc::AngleModulus(endPose.Rotation().Radians() -
- robotPose.Rotation().Radians()),
- 0_rad, kAngularTolerance);