Fixed: Sugarsync SSL message
Fixed: Job hang in some configurations
Fixed: RSS Feed in Dashboard
Added: EasyCron API to schedule job starts
Added: Message if job has not configured destinations
Added: Setting for log level and minimize log for normal output
Added: Email logfile to more than one receiver
Added: Creation of web.config for IIS Webserver
Added: Allow relative path to WP_CONTENT_DIR for logs and backups
Added: Prefer plugin translation loading from WP_LANG_DIR
Added: Option to move WordPress installation folder one folder up
Added: Ordering options for jobs page
Added: Added Google storage Bucket regions
Improved: Archive size check depends on PHP_INT_MAX
Improved: Excessive transient writes with job start urls
Improved: Authorisation settings for wp-cron.php
Improved: Folder checking with open basedir check
Improved: WP-CLI outputs
Improved: Role management. Administrators always have BackWPup capabilities
Improved: Unix Signals handling to caching more
Improved: fcgi handling to prevent signal 15 errors (thanks to
Updated: AWS SDK to Version 2.7.7 (PHP 5.3.3+)
Updated: MSAZURE SDK to Version 0.4.0-dev
Updated: Translations from
Removed: Server script file generation, please use WP-CLI
Fixed: Notice if BuddyPress is active
Fixed: VIEW generation on Database backups
PRO Fixed: Authentication for GDrive
PRO Fixed: Synchronisation with GDrive
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