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#backwpup-stats{clear:left}}@media screen and (min-width:64em){#backwpup-page .backwpup-floated-postbox{width:362px}#backwpup-page .wizardbox{width:225px;min-height:225px}#backwpup-page .backwpup-max-width{max-width:800px}body[class*="_backwpupabout"] #backwpup-page .backwpup-welcome{max-width:none}}.progressbar{margin-top:20px;height:auto;background:#f6f6f6 url('../../assets/images/progressbarhg.jpg')}.progressbar #progresssteps{background-color:#007fb6}.progressbar .bwpu-progress{background-color:#1d94cf;color:#fff;padding:5px 0;text-align:center}#documentation_content p{font-size:14px;line-height:20px;color:#333}#documentation_content h3{padding:7px 0;font-size:22px}#documentation_content h4{padding:7px 0;font-size:18px}#documentation_content img.size-full{border:10px #f6f6f6 solid}#wpfooter #footer-left,#wpfooter #footer-right{overflow:hidden}#wpfooter #footer-left #footer-thankyou{clear:both;display:block;padding-top:0.5em}#wpfooter #footer-left .backwpup-get-pro{display:inline-block;line-height:25px}#wpfooter #footer-upgrade .backwpup-update-footer{display:block;line-height:25px}#wpfooter .inpsyde_logo{background:url('../images/inpsyde.png') no-repeat;display:inline-block;margin-right:15px;margin-top:5px;line-height:25px;height:25px;width:80px;text-indent:-9999em;text-decoration:none}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/images/current.png b/assets/images/current.png
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
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old mode 100755
new mode 100644
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old mode 100755
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old mode 100755
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old mode 100755
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old mode 100755
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old mode 100755
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old mode 100755
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old mode 100755
new mode 100644
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old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/assets/images/hgbtred.png b/assets/images/hgbtred.png
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
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old mode 100755
new mode 100644
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old mode 100755
new mode 100644
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old mode 100755
new mode 100644
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old mode 100755
new mode 100644
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old mode 100755
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old mode 100755
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old mode 100755
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old mode 100755
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diff --git a/assets/images/inpsyde.png b/assets/images/inpsyde.png
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/assets/images/odd.png b/assets/images/odd.png
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
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old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/assets/images/tickhover.png b/assets/images/tickhover.png
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/assets/images/tickodd.png b/assets/images/tickodd.png
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/assets/js/general.min.js b/assets/js/general.min.js
index fcea9106..f8c35bd3 100644
--- a/assets/js/general.min.js
+++ b/assets/js/general.min.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-jQuery(document).ready(function(a){backwpup_htmlspecialchars=function(a){return jQuery("").text(a).html()},a.fn.backwpupDelayKeyup=function(b){var c=0;return a(this).keyup(function(){clearTimeout(c),c=setTimeout(b,200)}),a(this)},backwpup_tb_position=function(){var b=a("#TB_window"),c=a(window).width(),d=a(window).height(),e=720
if ( ! empty( $item['info'] ) ) {
@@ -327,14 +276,13 @@ function column_file( $item ) {
if ( current_user_can( 'backwpup_backups_download' ) && ! empty( $item['downloadurl'] ) ) {
// Check if downloader class exists
try {
- $factory = new BackWPup_Destination_Downloader_Factory( $this->dest );
- $factory->create();
// If we're still here, the downloader exists
$actions['download'] = "jobid . "\" data-destination=\"" . esc_attr( $this->dest ) . "\" data-file=\"" . esc_attr( $item['file'] ) . "\" data-local-file=\"" . esc_attr( $item['filename'] ) . "\" data-nonce=\"" . wp_create_nonce( 'download-backup_' . $this->jobid ) . "\" data-url=\"" . wp_nonce_url( $item['downloadurl'],
- 'download-backup_' . $this->jobid ) . "\" class=\"backup-download-link thickbox\">" . __( 'Download', 'backwpup' ) . "";
+ 'download-backup_' . $this->jobid ) . "\" class=\"backup-download-link thickbox\">" . __( 'Download',
+ 'backwpup' ) . "";
} catch ( BackWPup_Factory_Exception $e ) {
$actions['download'] = "jobid ) . "\">" . __( 'Download', 'backwpup' ) . "";
+ 'download-backup_' . $this->jobid ) . "\">" . __( 'Download', 'backwpup' ) . "";
@@ -350,26 +298,12 @@ function column_file( $item ) {
return $r;
- /**
- * The folder Column
- *
- * @param $item
- *
- * @return string
- */
- function column_folder( $item ) {
+ public function column_folder( $item ) {
return esc_attr( $item['folder'] );
- /**
- * The size Column
- *
- * @param $item
- *
- * @return string
- */
- function column_size( $item ) {
+ public function column_size( $item ) {
if ( ! empty( $item['filesize'] ) && $item['filesize'] != - 1 ) {
return size_format( $item['filesize'], 2 );
@@ -378,24 +312,13 @@ function column_size( $item ) {
- /**
- * The time Column
- *
- * @param $item
- *
- * @return string
- */
- function column_time( $item ) {
+ public function column_time( $item ) {
return sprintf( __( '%1$s at %2$s', 'backwpup' ),
date_i18n( get_option( 'date_format' ), $item['time'], true ),
date_i18n( get_option( 'time_format' ), $item['time'], true ) );
- /**
- *
- */
public static function load() {
//Create Table
@@ -469,8 +392,9 @@ function ( \BackWPup_Download_File_Interface $obj ) use ( $filename ) {
} else {
// If the file doesn't exist, fallback to old way of downloading
// This is for destinations without a downloader class
- $dest = strtoupper( str_replace( 'download', '', self::$listtable->current_action() ) );
+ $dest = strtoupper( str_replace( 'download', '', self::$listtable->current_action() ) );
if ( ! empty( $dest ) && strstr( self::$listtable->current_action(), 'download' ) ) {
+ /** @var BackWPup_Destinations $dest_class */
$dest_class = BackWPup::get_destination( $dest );
try {
@@ -514,9 +438,6 @@ function ( \BackWPup_Download_File_Interface $obj ) use ( $filename ) {
- /**
- * Output css
- */
public static function admin_print_styles() {
@@ -538,12 +459,6 @@ public static function admin_print_styles() {
@@ -602,8 +514,9 @@ public static function page() {
' . esc_attr( $archivename ) . '' . esc_attr( BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'archiveformat' ) ) . '
' . esc_html__( 'Preview: ', 'backwpup' ) . '' . esc_attr( $archivename ) . '' . esc_attr( BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'archiveformat' ) ) . '
echo "" . esc_attr__( 'Replacement patterns:', 'backwpup' ) . "
echo esc_attr__( '%d = Two digit day of the month, with leading zeros', 'backwpup' ) . '
diff --git a/inc/class-page-settings.php b/inc/class-page-settings.php
index cac11332..eb3a7e7d 100644
--- a/inc/class-page-settings.php
+++ b/inc/class-page-settings.php
@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ public static function page() {
diff --git a/inc/functions.php b/inc/functions.php
index 2cf904cc..201e5e6e 100644
--- a/inc/functions.php
+++ b/inc/functions.php
@@ -162,54 +162,6 @@ function backwpup_wpdb() {
return $wpdb;
- * Sanitizes a filename, replacing whitespace with dashes.
- *
- * @since 3.5.0
- *
- * @param string $filename The filename to be sanitized.
- *
- * @return string The sanitized filename
- */
-function backwpup_sanitize_file_name( $filename ) {
- $special_chars = array(
- '?',
- '[',
- ']',
- '/',
- '\\',
- '=',
- '<',
- '>',
- ':',
- ';',
- ',',
- "'",
- '"',
- '&',
- '$',
- '#',
- '*',
- '(',
- ')',
- '|',
- '~',
- '`',
- '!',
- '{',
- '}',
- '%',
- '+',
- chr( 0 ),
- );
- $filename = preg_replace( "#\x{00a0}#siu", ' ', $filename );
- $filename = str_replace( $special_chars, '', $filename );
- return $filename;
* Remove Invalid Characters from Directory Name
@@ -252,4 +204,4 @@ function remove_invalid_characters_from_directory_name( $directory ) {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/backwpup-de_DE.mo b/languages/backwpup-de_DE.mo
index 3546d1c1..487249e2 100644
Binary files a/languages/backwpup-de_DE.mo and b/languages/backwpup-de_DE.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/backwpup-de_DE.po b/languages/backwpup-de_DE.po
index da5ebf9d..f8b13b98 100644
--- a/languages/backwpup-de_DE.po
+++ b/languages/backwpup-de_DE.po
@@ -1,177 +1,214 @@
-# Translation of BackWPup Pro
-# Copyright (C) 2017 Inpsyde GmbH
-# This file is distributed under the same license BackWPup Pro package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: BackWPup Pro\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup-pro\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-06-11 14:05:59+00:00\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-13 11:10+0200\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: \n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
-"Language: de_DE\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.8\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-09-17 08:51+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-09-18 09:25+0200\n"
+"Language: de_DE\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 2.1.1\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: ../inc/Pro\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;esc_html__;esc_attr__;esc_html_e;esc_attr_e;_x;esc_html_x;esc_attr_x\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: autoupdate.php\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: class-license-menu.php\n"
+#: class-license-menu.php:392
+#: class-license-menu.php:396
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1100
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1089
+msgid "Save Changes"
+msgstr "Änderungen speichern"
+#: class-license-menu.php:418
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:52
+msgid "API Key"
+msgstr "API Key"
-#: backwpup.php:275 inc/class-page-backups.php:276
+#: backwpup.php:275
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:276
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:243
+#: backwpup.php:286
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:286
msgid "Folder"
msgstr "Ordner"
#: backwpup.php:276
+#: backwpup.php:287
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:287
msgid "Backup to Folder"
msgstr "Backup in Ordner"
#: backwpup.php:291
+#: backwpup.php:302
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:302
msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-Mail"
#: backwpup.php:292
+#: backwpup.php:303
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:303
msgid "Backup sent via email"
msgstr "Backup als E-Mail versendet"
#: backwpup.php:307
+#: backwpup.php:318
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:318
msgid "FTP"
msgstr "FTP"
#: backwpup.php:308
+#: backwpup.php:319
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:319
msgid "Backup to FTP"
msgstr "Backup zu FTP"
-#: backwpup.php:323 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:445
+#: backwpup.php:323
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:445
+#: backwpup.php:334
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:334
msgid "Dropbox"
msgstr "Dropbox"
-#: backwpup.php:324 inc/class-page-about.php:519
+#: backwpup.php:324
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:519
+#: backwpup.php:335
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:335
msgid "Backup to Dropbox"
msgstr "Backup in die Dropbox"
-#: backwpup.php:339 inc/class-destination-s3.php:41
+#: backwpup.php:339
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:41
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:42
+#: backwpup.php:350
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:350
msgid "S3 Service"
msgstr "S3 Service"
#: backwpup.php:340
+#: backwpup.php:351
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:351
msgid "Backup to an S3 Service"
msgstr "Backup zu einem S3 Service"
#: backwpup.php:360
+#: backwpup.php:371
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:371
msgid "MS Azure"
msgstr "MS Azure"
#: backwpup.php:361
+#: backwpup.php:372
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:372
msgid "Backup to Microsoft Azure (Blob)"
msgstr "Backup zu Microsoft Azure (Blob)"
#: backwpup.php:376
+#: backwpup.php:387
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:387
msgid "RSC"
msgstr "RSC"
-#: backwpup.php:377 inc/class-page-about.php:524
+#: backwpup.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:524
+#: backwpup.php:388
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:388
msgid "Backup to Rackspace Cloud Files"
msgstr "Backup in die Rackspace Cloud"
#: backwpup.php:396
+#: backwpup.php:407
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:407
msgid "SugarSync"
msgstr "SugarSync"
-#: backwpup.php:397 inc/class-page-about.php:539
+#: backwpup.php:397
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:539
+#: backwpup.php:408
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:408
msgid "Backup to SugarSync"
msgstr "Backup zu SugarSync"
#: backwpup.php:422
+#: backwpup.php:433
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:433
msgid "PHP Version %1$s is to low, you need Version %2$s or above."
-msgstr ""
-"Du nutzt die veraltete PHP Version %1$s. Es wird aber mindestens die Version "
-"%2$s benötigt."
+msgstr "Du nutzt die veraltete PHP Version %1$s. Es wird aber mindestens die Version %2$s benötigt."
#: backwpup.php:432
+#: backwpup.php:443
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:443
msgid "Missing function \"%s\"."
msgstr "Fehlende Funktion \"%s\"."
#: backwpup.php:443
+#: backwpup.php:454
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:454
msgid "Missing class \"%s\"."
msgstr "Fehlende Klasse \"%s\"."
#: backwpup.php:562
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup requires PHP version %$1s with spl extension or greater and "
-"WordPress %$2s or greater."
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup benötigt PHP Version %$1s oder höher mit spl Erweiterung und "
-"WordPress %$2s oder höher."
-#: inc/Pro/Restore/LogDownloader/DownloaderFactory.php:62
-msgid "Download Log"
-msgstr "Log herunterladen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:40
-msgid "Auth Code:"
-msgstr "Auth Code:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:49
-msgid "Get auth code"
-msgstr "Hole Authentifizierungscode"
+#: backwpup.php:573
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:573
+msgid "BackWPup requires PHP version %$1s with spl extension or greater and WordPress %$2s or greater."
+msgstr "BackWPup benötigt PHP Version %$1s oder höher mit spl Erweiterung und WordPress %$2s oder höher."
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:51
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:81
msgid "Create Account"
msgstr "Konto erstellen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:56
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:414
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:424
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:30
-msgid "Login:"
-msgstr "Anmelden:"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:57
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:101
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:425
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:31
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:83 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:45
msgid "Authenticated!"
msgstr "Authentifiziert!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:60
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:436
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:56
-msgid "Folder:"
-msgstr "Ordner:"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:76
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:45
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:134
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:456
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:45
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65 inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:182
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:171 inc/class-destination-folder.php:49
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:104 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:83
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:112 inc/class-destination-s3.php:198
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:182
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:171
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:104
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:112
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:198
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:229
msgid "Number of files to keep in folder."
msgstr "Anzahl der Dateien, die im Ordner bleiben sollen."
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:82
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:51 inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:75
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:51
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:75
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:148
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:461
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:56
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70 inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:187
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:187
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:65
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:183 inc/class-destination-folder.php:57
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:118 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:89
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:118 inc/class-destination-s3.php:214
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:183
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:57
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:89
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:214
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:104
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:462
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:245
msgid "Do not delete files while syncing to destination!"
-msgstr ""
-"Lösche keine Dateien, während sie mit dem Zielort synchronisiert werden!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:190
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to Dropbox …"
-msgstr "%d. Versuche, Dateien mit Dropbox zu synchronisieren …"
+msgstr "Lösche keine Dateien, während sie mit dem Zielort synchronisiert werden!"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:209
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:390
@@ -188,121 +225,49 @@ msgstr "%s verfügbar in deiner Dropbox"
msgid "Not Authenticated with Dropbox!"
msgstr "Nicht mit Dropbox authentifiziert!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:234
-msgid "Retrieving file list from Dropbox"
-msgstr "Empfange Dateiliste von Dropbox"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:250
-msgid "Upload changed files to Dropbox"
-msgstr "Lade geänderte Datei in die Dropbox"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:303
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Dropbox"
-msgstr "Datei %s zu Dropbox hochgeladen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:342
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Dropbox"
-msgstr "Weitere Datei %s zu Dropbox hochgeladen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:368
-msgid "Folder %s deleted from Dropbox"
-msgstr "Ordner %s aus Dropbox gelöscht"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:392
-msgid "File %s deleted from Dropbox"
-msgstr "Datei %s aus Dropbox gelöscht"
#. translators: the $1 is the error message
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:405
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:458
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:458
msgid "Dropbox API: %s"
msgstr "Dropbox-API: %s"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:16
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:18 inc/class-destination-email.php:39
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:18
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:39
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:29
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:30 inc/class-destination-email.php:52
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:30
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:52
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:56
msgid "Send test email"
msgstr "Test-E-Mail senden"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:21
-msgid "Absolute path to folder for backup files:"
-msgstr "Absoluter Pfad zu Ordner für Backup-Dateien:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:43
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:451
-msgid "Oldest files will be deleted first."
-msgstr "Älteste Dateien werden zuerst gelöscht."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:108
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to folder …"
-msgstr "%d. Versuche, Dateien mit Ordner zu synchronisieren …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:117
-msgid "Retrieving file list from folder"
-msgstr "Rufe Datei-Liste vom Ordner ab"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:128
-msgid "Copy changed files to folder"
-msgstr "Kopiere geänderte Dateien in den Ordner"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:152
-msgid "File %s copied"
-msgstr "Datei %s kopiert"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:166
-msgid "Delete not existing files from folder"
-msgstr "Lösche nicht existierende Dateien aus dem Ordner"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:179
-msgid "Extra file %s copied"
-msgstr "Weitere Datei %s kopiert"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:203
-msgid "File %s deleted from folder"
-msgstr "File %s aus Ordner gelöscht"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:315
-msgid "Empty folder %s deleted"
-msgstr "Leerer Ordner %s gelöscht"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:29
-msgid "Hostname:"
-msgstr "Hostname:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:35 inc/class-destination-email.php:124
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:35
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:124
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:56
msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Port:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:41 inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:23
-msgid "Username:"
-msgstr "Benutzername:"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:47
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:20
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:126 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:33
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:126
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:33
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Passwort:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:53
-msgid "Folder on server:"
-msgstr "Ordner auf dem Server:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:70
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:60
-msgid "Maximum number of backup files to keep in folder:"
-msgstr "Maximale Anzahl an Backup-Dateien im Ordner:"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive-downloader.php:88
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php:64
#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:55
#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:89
#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:63
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive-downloader.php:102
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:122
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:137
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php:104
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:107
msgid "File could not be opened for writing."
msgstr "Kann die Zieldatei nicht zum Schreiben öffnen."
@@ -311,420 +276,130 @@ msgstr "Kann die Zieldatei nicht zum Schreiben öffnen."
#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:79
#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:100
#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:69
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive-downloader.php:74
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:78
msgid "Could not write data to file."
msgstr "Kann nicht in die Datei schreiben."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:76
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:395
-msgid ""
-"Looks like you haven’t set up any API keys yet. Head over to Settings | API-Keys and get Google Drive all set up, then come back "
-msgstr ""
-"Sieht so aus, als hättest du bis jetzt noch keine API-Schlüssel erstellt. "
-"Gehe zu Einstellungen | API-Schlüssel und setze die "
-"Verbindung zu Google Drive auf, dann komm hierhin zurück."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:93 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:72
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:93
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:72
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Anmelden"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:97
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:419
-msgid "Authenticate"
-msgstr "Authentifizieren"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:99
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:415
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:78
msgid "Not authenticated!"
msgstr "Nicht authentifiziert!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:106
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:429
-msgid "Reauthenticate"
-msgstr "Neu authentifizieren"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:112
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:141 inc/class-destination-folder.php:27
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:82 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:66
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:95 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:81
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:141
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:82
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:66
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:95
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:81
msgid "Backup settings"
msgstr "Backup-Einstellungen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:117
-msgid "Folder in Google Drive"
-msgstr "Ordner in Google Drive"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:125
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:162 inc/class-destination-folder.php:40
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:95 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:91
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:162
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:40
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:95
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:91
msgid "File Deletion"
msgstr "Dateilöschung"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:136
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:109
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:173 inc/class-destination-folder.php:51
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:106 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:85
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:114 inc/class-destination-s3.php:201
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:173
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:51
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:106
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:85
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:114
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:201
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:100
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Files belonging to this job are now tracked. Old "
-"backup archives which are untracked will not be automatically deleted."
-msgstr ""
-"Warnung: Dateien, die zu diesem Job gehören, werden jetzt "
-"getracked. Alte Backup Archive, die nicht getrackt sind, werden nicht "
-"automatisch gelöscht."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:160
-msgid ""
-"Consider using trash to delete files. If trash is not enabled, files will be "
-"deleted permanently."
-msgstr ""
-"Überlege dir, den Papierkorb zu nutzen, um Dateien zu löschen. Bei "
-"deaktiviertem Papierkorb werden Dateien unwiderruflich gelöscht."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:226
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:269
-msgid "GDrive: Authenticated."
-msgstr "GDrive: Authentifiziert."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:231
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:274
-msgid "GDrive: No refresh token received. Try to Authenticate again!"
-msgstr ""
-"GDrive: Keinen Refresh-Token erhalten. Versuche, dich erneut zu "
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:245
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:284
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:307
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:334
-msgid "GDrive API: %s"
-msgstr "GDrive API: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:655
-msgid "One file deleted from Google Drive"
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Google Drive"
-msgstr[0] "Eine Datei von Google Drive gelöscht"
-msgstr[1] "%d Dateien von Google Drive gelöscht"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:682
-msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to Google Drive …"
-msgstr "%d. Versuche, das Backup zu Google Drive zu senden …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:699
-msgid "Uploading to Google Drive …"
-msgstr "Upload zu Google Drive …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:767
-msgid "Could not create resumable file transfer to Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-"Konnte wiederaufnehmbaren Datentransfer zu Google Drive nicht erstellen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:818
-msgid "Can not resume transfer backup to Google Drive!"
-msgstr "Kann den Backup-Transfer zu Google Drive nicht fortsetzen!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:890
-msgid "Error transfering file chunks to %s."
-msgstr "Fehler beim Übertragen von Datei-Teilen zu %s."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:891
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:935
-msgid "Google Drive"
-msgstr "Google Drive"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:232
+msgid "Warning: Files belonging to this job are now tracked. Old backup archives which are untracked will not be automatically deleted."
+msgstr "Warnung: Dateien, die zu diesem Job gehören, werden jetzt getracked. Alte Backup Archive, die nicht getrackt sind, werden nicht automatisch gelöscht."
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:903
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:470
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:228 inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:261
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:673 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:275
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:292 inc/class-destination-s3.php:825
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:228
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:261
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:673
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:275
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:292
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:825
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:940
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:905
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:843
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:958
msgid "Can not open source file for transfer."
msgstr "Kann die Quelldatei nicht für den Transfer öffnen."
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:922
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:432 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:290
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:432
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:290
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:263
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:924
msgid "Backup transferred to %s"
msgstr "Backup übertragen zu %s"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:928
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:438
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:930
msgid "Uploaded file size and local file size don't match."
msgstr "Größen der lokalen und der hochgeladenen Datei sind nicht identisch."
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:934
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:450
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:444
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:936
msgid "Error transfering backup to %s."
msgstr "Fehler beim Übertragen des Backups zu %s."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:948
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1308
-msgid "Google Drive API: %s"
-msgstr "Google Drive API: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1087
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to Google Drive …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Versuche, Dateien mit Google Drive zu synchronisieren …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1101
-msgid "Syncing changed files to Google Drive"
-msgstr "Synchronisiere geänderte Dateien mit Google Drive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1144
-msgid "File %s updated on Google Drive"
-msgstr "Datei %s auf Google Drive aktualisiert"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1170
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Google Drive"
-msgstr "Datei %s zu Google Drive hochgeladen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1194
-msgid "File %s moved to trash in Google Drive"
-msgstr "Datei %s in den Papierkorb von Google Drive verschoben"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1202
-msgid "File %s deleted permanently in Google Drive"
-msgstr "Datei %s unwiderruflich aus Google Drive gelöscht"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1263
-msgid "Extra file %s updated on Google Drive"
-msgstr "Weitere Datei %s auf Google Drive aktualisiert"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1293
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Google Drive"
-msgstr "Weitere Datei %s auf Google Drive hochgeladen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:27
-msgid "Amazon Glacier"
-msgstr "Amazon Glacier"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:31
-msgid "Select a region:"
-msgstr "Wähle eine Region:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:33
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:235
-msgid "Amazon Glacier Region"
-msgstr "Amazon Glacier Region"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:34
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:236
-msgid "US Standard"
-msgstr "USA Standard"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:35
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:237
-msgid "US West (Northern California)"
-msgstr "USA West (Nord Kalifornien)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:36
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:238
-msgid "US West (Oregon)"
-msgstr "USA West (Oregon)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:37
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:239
-msgid "EU (Ireland)"
-msgstr "EU (Irland)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:38
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:240
-msgid "EU (Germany)"
-msgstr "EU (Deutschland)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:39
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:241
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
-msgstr "Asien Pazifik(Tokyo)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:40
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:242
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
-msgstr "Asien Pazifik (Seoul)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:41
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"
-msgstr "Asien Pazifik (Mumbai)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:42
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:244
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
-msgstr "Asien Pazifik (Sydney)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:43
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:245
-msgid "South America (Sao Paulo)"
-msgstr "Südamerika (Sao Paulo)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:44
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:246
-msgid "China (Beijing)"
-msgstr "China (Beijing)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:50
-msgid "Amazon Access Keys"
-msgstr "Amazon Zugriffsschlüssel"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54 inc/class-destination-s3.php:90
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:90
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:121
msgid "Access Key"
msgstr "Zugriffsschlüssel"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61 inc/class-destination-s3.php:104
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:104
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:135
msgid "Secret Key"
msgstr "Geheimschlüssel"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:69
-msgid "Vault"
-msgstr "Tresor"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:73
-msgid "Vault selection"
-msgstr "Tresorauswahl"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:85
-msgid "Create a new vault"
-msgstr "Neuen Tresor erstellen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:92
-msgid "Glacier Backup settings"
-msgstr "Glacier Backup Einstellungen"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:96
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:76 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:105
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:105
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:184
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:215
msgid "File deletion"
msgstr "Dateilöschung"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:108
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:264
-msgid ""
-"Number of files to keep in folder. (Archives deleted before 3 months after "
-"they have been stored may cause extra costs when deleted.)"
-msgstr ""
-"Anzahl der im Ordner verbleibenden Dateien. (Archive, die vor Ablauf von 3 "
-"Monaten gelöscht werden, können zusätzliche Kosten verursachen.)"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:166
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:448 inc/class-destination-s3.php:353
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:448
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:353
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:359
msgid "Missing access key!"
msgstr "Der Zugriffsschlüssel (Access Key) fehlt!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168 inc/class-destination-s3.php:355
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:355
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:361
msgid "Missing secret access key!"
msgstr "Der geheime Zugangsschlüssel (Secret Access Key) fehlt!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:172
-msgid "No vault found!"
-msgstr "Kein Tresor gefunden!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:211
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:299
-msgid "Vault %1$s created."
-msgstr "Tresor %1$s erstellt."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:213
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:301
-msgid "Vault %s could not be created."
-msgstr "Tresor %s konnte nicht erstellt werden."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:234
-msgid "Select an Amazon Glacier region:"
-msgstr "Wähle Amazon Glacier Region:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:243
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
-msgstr "Asien Pazifik (Singapur)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:248
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:19
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:125
-msgid "Access Key:"
-msgstr "Zugangsschlüssel (Access Key):"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:250
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:130
-msgid "Secret Key:"
-msgstr "Geheimschlüssel:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:252
-msgid "Vault:"
-msgstr "Tresor:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:261
-msgid "New Vault:"
-msgstr "Neuer Tresor:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:341
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:458
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:477
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:520
-msgid "AWS API: %s"
-msgstr "AWS API: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:366
-msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to Amazon Glacier …"
-msgstr "%d. Versuche, Backup-Datei zu Amazon Glacier zu senden …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:379
-msgid "Connected to Glacier vault \"%1$s\" with %2$d archives and size of %3$d"
-msgstr ""
-"Verbunden mit Glacier-Vault \"%1$s\" mit %2$d Archiven und einer Größe von "
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:381
-msgid "Glacier vault \"%s\" does not exist!"
-msgstr "Glacier Tresor \"%s\" existiert nicht!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:387
-msgid "Starting upload to Amazon Glacier …"
-msgstr "Upload zu Amazon Glacier wird gestartet …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:440
-msgid "Archive ID: %s"
-msgstr "Archiv ID: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:446 inc/class-destination-s3.php:954
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:446
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:954
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:972
msgid "Backup transferred to %s."
msgstr "Backup übertragen zu %s."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:451 inc/Pro/class-pro.php:130
-msgid "Glacier"
-msgstr "Glacier"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:510
-msgid "Cannot delete archive from %s."
-msgstr "Kann das Archiv aus %s nicht löschen."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:514
-msgid "One file deleted on vault."
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on vault"
-msgstr[0] "Eine Datei aus Tresor entfernt."
-msgstr[1] "%d Dateien aus Tresor entfernt"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:17
-msgid "Account Name:"
-msgstr "Kontoname/ Benutzername:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:21
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:38
-msgid "Container:"
-msgstr "Container:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:28
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:47
-msgid "Create container:"
-msgstr "Container erstellen:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:30
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:49
-msgid "Folder in container:"
-msgstr "Ordner im Container:"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:99
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:128
msgid "MS Azure container \"%s\" created."
@@ -735,11 +410,6 @@ msgstr "MS Azure Container \"%s\" erstellt."
msgid "MS Azure container create: %s"
msgstr "MS Azure Container erstellen: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:119
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files with Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Versuche, Dateien mit Microsoft Azure (Blob) zu synchronisieren …"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:144
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:237
msgid "MS Azure container \"%s\" does not exist!"
@@ -750,252 +420,200 @@ msgstr "MS Azure Container \"%s\" existiert nicht!"
msgid "Connected to MS Azure container \"%s\"."
msgstr "Verbunden mit MS Azure container \"%s\"."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:154
-msgid "Retrieving file list from MS Azure."
-msgstr "Rufe Dateiliste von MS Azure ab."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:170
-msgid "Upload changed files to MS Azure."
-msgstr "Upload der geänderten Dateien zu MS Azure."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:182
-msgid "File %s uploaded to MS Azure."
-msgstr "Datei %s zu MS Azure hochgeladen."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:208
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to MS Azure."
-msgstr "Weitere Datei %s zu MS Azure hochgeladen."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:221
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on MS Azure."
-msgstr "Lösche nicht existierende Dateien auf MS Azure."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:224
-msgid "File %s deleted from MS Azure."
-msgstr "Datei %s von MS Azure gelöscht."
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:233
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:296 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:352
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:296
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:352
msgid "Microsoft Azure API: %s"
msgstr "Microsoft Azure API: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:26
-msgid "API Key:"
-msgstr "API-Schlüssel:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:29
-msgid "Select region:"
-msgstr "Region wählen:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:30 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:63
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:30
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:63
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:65
msgid "Rackspace Cloud Files Region"
msgstr "Rackspace Cloud Dateien Region"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:66
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:66
msgid "Dallas (DFW)"
msgstr "Dallas (DFW)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:67
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:67
msgid "Chicago (ORD)"
msgstr "Chicago (ORD)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:68
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:68
msgid "Sydney (SYD)"
msgstr "Sydney (SYD)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:69
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:69
msgid "London (LON)"
msgstr "London (LON)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:70
msgid "Northern Virginia (IAD)"
msgstr "Nord Virginia (IAD)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:71
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:71
msgid "Hong Kong (HKG)"
msgstr "Hong Kong (HKG)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:158
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:158
msgid "Rackspace Cloud container \"%s\" created."
msgstr "Rackspace Cloud Container\"%s\" erstellt."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120 inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:172
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:292 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:162
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:277 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:317
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:172
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:292
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:162
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:277
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:317
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:362
msgid "Rackspace Cloud API: %s"
msgstr "Rackspace Cloud API: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:149
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files to Rackspace cloud …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Versuche, Dateien mit Rackspace Cloud zu synchronisieren …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:169
-msgid "Connected to Rackspace cloud files container %s."
-msgstr "Verbunden mit Rackspace Cloud Datei-Container %s."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:183
-msgid "Retrieving files list from Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Rufe Dateiliste von Rackspace Cloud ab."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:214
-msgid "Upload changed files to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Upload der geänderten Dateien zur Rackspace Cloud."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:232
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Datei %s zur Rackspace Cloud hochgeladen."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:265
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Weitere Datei %s zur Rackspace Cloud hochgeladen."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:278
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Lösche nicht existierende Dateien von Rackspace Cloud."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:282
-msgid "File %s deleted from Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "File %s von Rackspace Cloud gelöscht."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:31
-msgid "Select a S3 service:"
-msgstr "Wähle einen S3 Service:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:32 inc/class-destination-s3.php:53
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:53
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:54
msgid "Amazon S3 Region"
msgstr "Amazon S3 Region"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:40 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1072
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:40
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1072
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1118
msgid "Amazon S3: US Standard"
msgstr "Amazon S3: USA Standard"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:45 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1076
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1076
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1122
msgid "Amazon S3: US West (Northern California)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: USA Westen (Nord Kalifornien)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:53 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1080
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:53
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1080
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1126
msgid "Amazon S3: US West (Oregon)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: USA Westen (Oregon)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:58 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1084
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:58
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1084
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1130
msgid "Amazon S3: EU (Ireland)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: EU (Irland)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:63 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1088
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:63
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1088
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1134
msgid "Amazon S3: EU (London)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: EU (London)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:68 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1092
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:68
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1092
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1138
msgid "Amazon S3: EU (Germany)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: EU (Deutschland)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:73 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1096
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:73
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1096
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1142
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asien-Pazifik (Mumbai)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:78 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1100
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:78
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1100
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1146
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asien-Pazifik (Tokyo)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:83 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1104
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1104
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1150
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asien-Pazifik (Seoul)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:88 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1108
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:88
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1108
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1154
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asien-Pazifik (Singapur)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:93 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1112
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:93
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1112
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1158
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asien-Pazifik (Sydney)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:98 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1116
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1116
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1162
msgid "Amazon S3: South America (Sao Paulo)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Südamerkia (Sao Paulo)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:103 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1120
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:103
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1120
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1166
msgid "Amazon S3: China (Beijing)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: China (Beijing)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:108 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1124
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1124
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1170
msgid "Google Storage: EU"
msgstr "Google Speicher: EU"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:113 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1128
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:113
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1128
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1174
msgid "Google Storage: USA"
msgstr "Google Speicher: USA"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:118 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1132
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1132
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1178
msgid "Google Storage: Asia"
msgstr "Google Speicher: Asien"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:123 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1136
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:123
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1136
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1182
msgid "Dream Host Cloud Storage"
msgstr "Dream Host Cloud Speicher"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:138
-msgid "Bucket:"
-msgstr "Bucket:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:158
-msgid "New Bucket:"
-msgstr "Neues Bucket:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:161
-msgid "Folder in bucket:"
-msgstr "Ordner im Bucket:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:278
-msgid "Bucket %1$s created in %2$s."
-msgstr "Bucket %1$s in %2$s erstellt."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:285 inc/class-destination-s3.php:514
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:285
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:514
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:520
msgid " %s is not a valid bucket name."
msgstr " %s ist kein gültiger Bucketname."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:353
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files to S3 Service …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Versuche, Dateien mit dem S3 Service zu synchronisieren …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:383 inc/class-destination-s3.php:785
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:383
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:785
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:803
msgid "Connected to S3 Bucket \"%1$s\" in %2$s"
msgstr "Verbunden mit S3 Bucket \"%1$s\" in %2$s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:391 inc/class-destination-s3.php:790
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:391
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:790
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:808
msgid "S3 Bucket \"%s\" does not exist!"
msgstr "Amazon S3 Bucket \"%s\" existiert nicht!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:405
-msgid "Retrieving file list from S3."
-msgstr "Rufe Dateiliste von S3 ab."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:471
-msgid "Upload changed files to S3."
-msgstr "Upload der geänderten Dateien zu S3."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:521
-msgid "File %s uploaded to S3."
-msgstr "Datei %s zu S3 hochgeladen."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:576
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to S3."
-msgstr "Weitere Datei %s zu S3 hochgeladen."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:599
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on S3"
-msgstr "Lösche nicht existierende Dateien von S3"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:612
-msgid "File %s deleted from S3."
-msgstr "Datei %s von S3 gelöscht."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:623 inc/class-destination-s3.php:564
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:850 inc/class-destination-s3.php:918
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:977 inc/class-destination-s3.php:988
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:623
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:564
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:850
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:918
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:977
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:988
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:570
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:868
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:936
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:995
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1006
msgid "S3 Service API: %s"
msgstr "S3 Service API: %s"
@@ -1004,11 +622,6 @@ msgstr "S3 Service API: %s"
msgid "Email address:"
msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:24
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:82
-msgid "Sugarsync authenticate!"
-msgstr "Sugarsync Authentifizierung!"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:26
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:38
@@ -1023,1003 +636,393 @@ msgstr "SugarSync-Konto erstellen"
msgid "Delete Sugarsync authentication!"
msgstr "Lösche SugarSync Authentifizierung!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:34
-msgid "Root:"
-msgstr "Hauptverzeichnis:"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:41
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:64
msgid "No Syncfolders found!"
msgstr "Keine Sync-Ordner gefunden!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-export-jobs.php:12 inc/Pro/class-export-jobs.php:23
-msgid "Export"
-msgstr "Export"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:35
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:35
msgid "Settings for database check"
msgstr "Einstellungen für den Datenbank Check"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:27
-msgid "Check only WordPress Database tables"
-msgstr "Teste nur die WordPress Datenbanktabellen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:54
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:54
msgid "Try to repair defect table"
msgstr "Versuche, defekte Tabelle zu reparieren"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:108
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:108
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:60
msgid "Settings for database backup"
msgstr "Einstellungen für das Datenbank Backup"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:92
-msgid "Backup only WordPress Database tables"
-msgstr "Nur die WordPress Datenbanktabellen sichern"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:112
-msgid "Database connection"
-msgstr "Datenbankverbindung"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:116
-msgid "Use WordPress database connection."
-msgstr "Nutze WordPress-Datenbankverbindung."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:120
-msgid "Host:"
-msgstr "Host (Server):"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:123
-msgid "User:"
-msgstr "Benutzer:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:130
-msgid "Charset:"
-msgstr "Charset:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:141
-msgid "Database:"
-msgstr "Datenbank:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:64
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:64
msgid "Tables to backup"
msgstr "Zu sicherende Tabellen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:66
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:66
msgid "all"
msgstr "alle"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:141 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:67
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:103 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:73
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:57 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:329
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:404 inc/class-page-settings.php:848
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:141
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:67
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:103
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:73
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:57
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:329
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:404
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:848
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:837
msgid "none"
msgstr "keine"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:169
-msgid "Database Backup type"
-msgstr "Datenbank Backup Typ"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
-msgid "SQL File (with mysqli)"
-msgstr "SQL-Datei (mit mysqli)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:174
-msgid "SQL File (with mysqldump) "
-msgstr "SQL-Datei (mit mysqldump) "
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:175
-msgid "XML File (phpMyAdmin schema)"
-msgstr "XML-Datei (phpMyAdmin Schema)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:181
-msgid "Path to mysqldump file"
-msgstr "Pfad zur mysqldump Datei"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:190
-msgid ""
-"Path to mysqldump file, so a backup can be made with it. If it is correct "
-"and shell_exec is active, the backup will be generated with a "
-"system command. If shell_exec ist not active, this is disabled"
-msgstr ""
-"Pfad zur MySQL-Dump-Datei zum Erstellen eines Backups. Wenn diese in Ordnung "
-"ist und shell_exec aktiviert wurde, wird ein Backup per "
-"Systembefehl generiert. Wenn shell_exec nicht aktiviert wurde, ist "
-"dieser Befehl deaktiviert"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:91
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:91
msgid "Backup file name"
msgstr "Backup Dateiname"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:99
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:99
msgid "Backup file compression"
msgstr "Backup Datei Kompression"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:105 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:107
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:75 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:77
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:59 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:61
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:105
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:107
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:75
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:77
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:59
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:61
msgid "GZip"
msgstr "GZip"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:159
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:159
msgid "%d. Try to backup database …"
msgstr "%d. Versuche, die Datenbank zu sichern …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
msgid "Connected to database %1$s on %2$s"
msgstr "Mit Datenbank %1$s auf %2$s verbunden"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:187
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:187
msgid "No tables to backup."
msgstr "Keine Tabellen zu sichern."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:210
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:210
msgid "Backup database table \"%s\" with \"%s\" records"
msgstr "Sichere Datenbank-Tabelle „%s“ mit „%s“ Einträgen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:250
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:250
msgid "MySQL backup file not created"
msgstr "MySQL-Sicherungsdatei nicht erstellt"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:580
-msgid "Added database backup \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
-msgstr "Datenbank-Backup \"%1$s\" mit %2$s zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:767
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:767
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:260
msgid "Database backup done!"
msgstr "Datenbank-Backup fertig!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:601
-msgid "%d. Try to backup MySQL system …"
-msgstr "%d. Versuche, das MySQL-System zu sichern …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:608
-msgid ""
-"Executing of system commands not allowed. Please use backup with mysqli."
-msgstr ""
-"Ausführung von Systembefehlen nicht erlaubt. Bitte nutze Backup mit mysqli."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:613
-msgid "%s file not in open basedir of PHP."
-msgstr "Datei %s nicht im open basedir von PHP."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:618
-msgid "%s file not found. Please correct the path for the mysqldump file."
-msgstr ""
-"Datei %s nicht gefunden. Bitte korrigiere den Pfad für die mysqldump-Datei."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:702
-msgctxt "Executed exec() command"
-msgid "CLI Exec: %s"
-msgstr "CLI Exec: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:712
-msgid "Usage error."
-msgstr "Benutzungsfehler."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:713
-msgid ""
-"MySQL Server Error. This could be an issue with permissions. Try using "
-"database backup with mysqli."
-msgstr ""
-"Fehler des MySQL-Servers. Dies könnte ein Problem mit Berechtigungen sein. "
-"Versuche ein Datenbank-Backup mit mysqli."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:714
-msgid "Error during consistency checks."
-msgstr "Fehler während Konsistenzprüfung."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:715
-msgid "Not enough memory."
-msgstr "Nicht genug Speicher."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:716
-msgid "Error during writing of SQL backup file."
-msgstr "Fehler beim Schreiben der SQL-Backup-Datei."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:717
-msgid "Illegal table"
-msgstr "Ungültige Tabelle"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:722
-msgid "mysqldump returned: (%d) %s"
-msgstr "mysqldump hat zurückgegeben: (%d) %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:735
-msgid "Can not create mysql backup with mysqldump command"
-msgstr "Keine Datenbanksicherung mit System-Kommando mysqldump möglich"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:474
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:474
msgid "Compressing file …"
msgstr "Komprimiere Datei …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:481
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:481
msgid "Compressing done."
msgstr "Komprimierung erledigt."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:764 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:254
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:764
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:254
msgid "Added database dump \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
msgstr "Datenbank-Dump \"%1$s\" mit %2$s zur Backup Datei Liste hinzugefügt"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:782
-msgid "%d. Try to backup database as XML …"
-msgstr "%d. Versuche, Datenbank als XML zu sichern …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:799 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:141
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:799
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:141
msgid "Can not open target file for writing."
msgstr "Kann die Zieldatei nicht zum Schreiben öffnen."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:832 inc/class-mysqldump.php:100
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:832
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:100
msgid "Cannot init MySQLi database connection"
msgstr "MySQLi Datenbank-Verbindung kann nicht initialisiert werden"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:838 inc/class-mysqldump.php:105
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:838
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:105
msgid "Setting of MySQLi connection timeout failed"
-msgstr ""
-"Einstellung der MySQLi Verbindungs-Zeitüberschreitung ist fehlgeschlagen"
+msgstr "Einstellung der MySQLi Verbindungs-Zeitüberschreitung ist fehlgeschlagen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:844 inc/class-mysqldump.php:110
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:844
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:110
msgid "Cannot connect to MySQL database %1$d: %2$s"
msgstr "Kann keine Verbindung zur Datenbank %1$d herstellen: %2$s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:852
-msgctxt "Database Charset"
-msgid "Cannot set DB charset to %s"
-msgstr "Kann Datenbank-Zeichenkodierung nicht auf %s setzen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:860 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:874
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:922 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:941
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:984 inc/class-mysqldump.php:153
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:165 inc/class-mysqldump.php:259
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:268 inc/class-mysqldump.php:288
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:297 inc/class-mysqldump.php:317
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:323 inc/class-mysqldump.php:368
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:400 inc/class-mysqldump.php:437
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:860
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:874
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:922
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:941
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:984
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:153
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:165
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:259
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:268
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:288
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:297
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:317
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:323
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:368
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:400
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:437
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:500
msgid "Database error %1$s for query %2$s"
msgstr "Datenbankfehler %1$s für die Abfrage (Query) %2$s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:881
-msgid "No tables for XML backup"
-msgstr "Keine Tabellen für XML Sicherung"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:917
-msgid "Dump database create view \"%s\""
-msgstr "Dump Datenbank Backup erstellt View \"%s\""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:935
-msgid "Backup database structure \"%s\" to XML"
-msgstr "Backup der Datenbankstruktur \"%s\" als XML"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:977
-msgid "Backup table \"%s\" data to XML"
-msgstr "Sichere Daten der Tabelle \"%s\" als XML"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:1045
-msgid "Added database XML dump \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
-msgstr ""
-"Datenbank XML Dump \"%1$s\" mit %2$s zur Backup Datei Liste hinzugefügt"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:1048
-msgid "Database XML backup done!"
-msgstr "Datenbank XML Backup erstellt!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-file.php:19
-msgid "Backup WordPress main files"
-msgstr "Backup der Wordpress Hauptdateien"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-file.php:23
-msgid "Backup blog content folder"
-msgstr "Backup des Blog-Content Ordners"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-file.php:27
-msgid "Backup blog plugins"
-msgstr "Backup der Blog-Plugins"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-file.php:31
-msgid "Backup blog themes"
-msgstr "Backup der Blog-Themes"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-file.php:35
-msgid "Backup blog uploads folder"
-msgstr "Backup der Blog-Uploads Ordner"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
-msgid "Items to export:"
-msgstr "Zu exportierendes Item:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:49
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:49
msgid "All content"
msgstr "Gesamter Inhalt"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:50
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:50
msgid "Posts"
msgstr "Beiträge"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:51
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:51
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Seiten"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:13
-msgid "Nothing to configure"
-msgstr "Nichts zu konfiguieren"
-#. Translators: $1 is the name of the plugin
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-restore.php:164
-msgid "%s › Restore"
-msgstr "%s › Restore"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:27
-msgid "E-mail address is required."
-msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse wird benötigt."
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:43
-msgid "support@backwpup.com"
-msgstr "support@backwpup.com"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:51
-msgid "Message has been sent to support. We will get back to you shortly."
-msgstr ""
-"Deine Nachricht wurde zum Support gesendet. Wir kommen in Kürze auf dich "
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:84
-msgid "Contact BackWPup Support"
-msgstr "Kontaktiere den BackWPup Support"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:86
-msgid ""
-"Fill out the form below to contact BackWPup support. We will get back to you "
-"as soon as possible."
-msgstr ""
-"Fülle das Formular unten aus, um den BackWPup Support zu kontaktieren. Wir "
-"werden so schnell wie möglich auf dich zurückkommen."
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:94
-msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Name:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:112
-msgid "E-mail adress:"
-msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:122
-msgid "Subject:"
-msgstr "Betreff:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:131
-msgid "Message:"
-msgstr "Nachricht:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:140
-msgid "Send debug info:"
-msgstr "Sende Debug Info:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:149
-msgid "Select log to attach"
-msgstr "Wähle Protokoll als Anhang aus"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:184
-msgid "Log folder not readable."
-msgstr "Protokollordner nicht lesbar."
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:191
-msgid "Send Message"
-msgstr "Nachricht senden"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:221 inc/class-page-jobs.php:172
+#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:221
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:172
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:228
msgid "Job ID: %d"
msgstr "Auftrags-ID: %d"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:227
-msgid "1 error"
-msgid_plural "%d errors"
-msgstr[0] "Ein Fehler"
-msgstr[1] "%d Fehler"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:233
-msgctxt "1 error and 1 warning"
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "und"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:236
-msgid "1 warning"
-msgid_plural "%d warnings"
-msgstr[0] "Eine Warnung"
-msgstr[1] "%d Warnungen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:241
-msgid "no errors"
-msgstr "Keine Fehler"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:150
-msgid "No BackWPup Wizard Session found!"
-msgstr "Keine BackWPup-Assistent-Sitzung gefunden!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:163 inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:423
-msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Abbrechen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:200 inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:418
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:451
-msgid "Next ›"
-msgstr "Nächster Durchlauf ›"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:216 inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:414
-msgid "‹ Previous"
-msgstr "< Vorheriger Durchlauf"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:307
-msgctxt "Plugin Name"
-msgid "%s › Wizards"
-msgstr "%s › Assistenten"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:331 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:211
+#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:331
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:211
msgid "Start wizard"
msgstr "Starte Assistenten"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:346
-msgctxt "Plugin Name"
-msgid "%s Wizard:"
-msgstr "%s Assistent:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:426
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "Zurück zur Übersicht"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:131 inc/class-page-about.php:549
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:131
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:549
msgid "Backup to Amazon Glacier"
msgstr "Backup zu Amazon Glacier"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:151
-msgid "GDrive"
-msgstr "GDrive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:152 inc/class-page-about.php:544
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:152
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:544
msgid "Backup to Google Drive"
msgstr "Backup zu Google Drive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:217 inc/Pro/class-pro.php:218
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:333
-msgid "Wizards"
-msgstr "Assistenten"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:253
-msgid "Support"
-msgstr "Support"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:254
-msgid "Contact Support"
-msgstr "Kontaktiere Support"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:285 inc/Pro/class-pro.php:286
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:345 views/pro/restore/steps/step4_top.php:2
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:285
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:286
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:345
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step4_top.php:2
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:293
msgid "Restore"
msgstr "Restore"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:368
-msgid ""
-"If you are experiencing issues, the debug information shown below can help "
-"us to better investigate and solve it for you."
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn du Probleme feststellst, hilft uns die Debug Info, die du unten siehst, "
-"das Problem besser zu verstehen und für dich zu lösen."
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:374
-msgid ""
-"If you already have a support ticket open with BackWPup, then you can simply "
-"click the copy button below to copy the debug information, and paste it into "
-"a response to your ticket."
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn du bereits ein Supportticket bei BackWPup offen hast, dann kannst du "
-"einfach den Kopierbutton unten klicken, um die Debug Info zu kopieren und "
-"sie in eine Antwort deines Tickets einzufügen."
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:381
-msgid ""
-"If you have not yet opened a ticket, you may contact us directly by clicking here."
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn du noch kein Ticket geöffnet hast, kannst du uns direkt kontaktieren, "
-"indem du hier klickst."
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:45
-msgid "Hash key"
-msgstr "Hash Key"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:46
-msgid ""
-"Hash Key for BackWPup. It will be used to have hashes in folder and file "
-"names. It must at least 6 chars long."
-msgstr ""
-"Hash Key für BackWPup. Es wird für Hashes in Ordner- und Dateinamen "
-"verwendet und muss mindestens 6 Zeichen lang sein."
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:49
-msgid "Hash key:"
-msgstr "Hash Key:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:73
-msgid "Dropbox API Keys"
-msgstr "Dropbox API Keys"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:74
-msgid ""
-"If you want to set your own Dropbox API Keys, you can do it here. Leave "
-"empty for default."
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn du deinen eigenen Dropbox API Schlüssel setzen willst, kannst du es "
-"hier tun. Lass es leer für Standard-Einstellungen."
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:77
-msgid "Full Dropbox App key:"
-msgstr "Gesamter Dropbox App Key:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:88
-msgid "Full Dropbox App secret:"
-msgstr "Gesamte Dropbox App Secret:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:100
-msgid "Sandbox App key:"
-msgstr "Sandbox App Key:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:111
-msgid "Sandbox App secret:"
-msgstr "Sandbox App Secret:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:131
-msgid "SugarSync API Keys"
-msgstr "SugarSync API Keys"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:132
-msgid ""
-"If you want to set your own SugarSync API keys you can do that here. Leave "
-"empty for default."
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn du deinen eigenen SugarSync API Schlüssel setzen willst, kannst du es "
-"hier tun. Lass es leer für Standard-Einstellungen."
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:135
-msgid "Access Key ID:"
-msgstr "Access Key ID (Zugangsschlüssel-ID):"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:143
-msgid "Private Access Key:"
-msgstr "Private Access Key:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:154
-msgid "App ID:"
-msgstr "App ID:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:175
-msgid "Google API Keys"
-msgstr "Google API Keys"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:179
-msgid "Client ID:"
-msgstr "Client ID:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:191
-msgid "Client secret:"
-msgstr "Client Secret:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:202
-msgid "Redirect URIs:"
-msgstr "Redirect URIs:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:206
-msgid "Add this URI in a new line to the field."
-msgstr "Füge diese URI in einer neuen Zeile zum Feld hinzu."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:15
-msgid "Create a job"
-msgstr "Job erstellen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:16
-msgid "Choose a job"
-msgstr "Job auswählen"
#. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:17 inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:27 inc/class-admin.php:510
-#: inc/class-admin.php:531 inc/class-help.php:17 inc/class-help.php:22
-#: inc/class-job.php:412 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:15
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:15 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:15
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:15 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:15
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:651 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:262 inc/class-page-settings.php:1134
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:17
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:27
+#: inc/class-admin.php:510
+#: inc/class-admin.php:531
+#: inc/class-help.php:17
+#: inc/class-help.php:22
+#: inc/class-job.php:412
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:15
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:651
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:262
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1134
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1123
msgid "http://backwpup.com"
msgstr "https://backwpup.de"
#. Author URI of the plugin/theme
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:19 inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:29 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:17
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:17 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:17
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:17
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:19
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:29
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:17
msgid "http://inpsyde.com"
msgstr "http://inpsyde.com"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:41
-msgid "Job Types"
-msgstr "Auftragstypen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:41
-msgid "Select a task for your job."
-msgstr "Wähle eine Aufgabe für deinen Auftrag."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:61
-msgid "Archive Settings"
-msgstr "Archiveinstellungen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:62
-msgid "Settings for the Backup Archive"
-msgstr "Einstellungen für das Backup Archiv"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:67 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:473
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:67
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:473
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:127
msgid "Destinations"
msgstr "Zielordner"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:68
-msgid "Where would you like to store the backup file?"
-msgstr "Wo möchtest du die Backup-Datei speichern?"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:82 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:314
-msgid "Scheduling"
-msgstr "Planung"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:82
-msgid "When would you like to start the job?"
-msgstr "Wann soll der Auftrag gestartet werden?"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:254 inc/class-page-editjob.php:400
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:254
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:400
msgid "This job is a …"
msgstr "Dieser Auftrag ist ein …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:255
-msgid "Select one or more tasks for your backup job."
-msgstr "Wähle zusätzliche Aufgaben für deinen Backup-Auftrag."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:257 inc/class-page-editjob.php:403
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:257
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:403
msgid "Job tasks"
msgstr "Auftragsdetails"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:315
-msgid "Activate scheduling"
-msgstr "Aktiviere Planung"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:320 inc/class-page-editjob.php:686
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:320
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:686
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:754
msgid "Scheduler"
msgstr "Planer"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:324 inc/class-page-editjob.php:691
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:126 inc/class-page-logs.php:166
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:324
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:691
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:126
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:166
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typ"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:330 inc/class-page-editjob.php:696
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:696
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "Stunde"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:333 inc/class-page-editjob.php:699
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:333
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:699
msgid "Minute"
msgstr "Minute"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:337 inc/class-page-editjob.php:703
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:337
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:703
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "monatlich"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:339 inc/class-page-editjob.php:705
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:339
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:705
msgid "on"
msgstr "an"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:349 inc/class-page-editjob.php:715
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:349
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:715
msgid "weekly"
msgstr "wöchentlich"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:351 inc/class-page-editjob.php:717
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:351
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:717
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:824
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Sonntag"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:352 inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:352
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:825
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Montag"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:353 inc/class-page-editjob.php:719
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:353
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:719
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:826
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Dienstag"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:354 inc/class-page-editjob.php:720
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:354
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:720
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:827
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Mittwoch"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:355 inc/class-page-editjob.php:721
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:355
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:721
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:828
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Donnerstag"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:356 inc/class-page-editjob.php:722
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:356
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:722
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:829
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Freitag"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:357 inc/class-page-editjob.php:723
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:357
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:723
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:830
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Samstag"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:367 inc/class-page-editjob.php:733
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:733
msgid "daily"
msgstr "täglich"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:377 inc/class-page-editjob.php:743
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:743
msgid "hourly"
msgstr "stündlich"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:402 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:426 inc/class-page-editjob.php:429
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:402
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:426
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:429
msgid "Backup type"
msgstr "Backup Typ"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:409
-msgid "Sync file by file to destination"
-msgstr "Synchronisiere Datei für Datei zum Zielverzeichnis"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:413 inc/class-page-editjob.php:437
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:413
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:437
msgid "Create a backup archive"
msgstr "Backup-Archiv erstellen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:420
-msgid "Select a compression type for the backup archive"
-msgstr "Wähle einen Kompressionstyp für das Backup-Archiv"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:423
-msgid "Archive compression type"
-msgstr "Archiv Kompressionstyp"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:426 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481 inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:426
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
msgid "Zip"
msgstr "Zip"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:427
-msgid ""
-"PHP Zip functions will be used if available (memory lees). Else PCLZip Class "
-"will used."
-msgstr ""
-"PHP Zip Funktionen werden verwendent, sofern verfügbar (speicherschonend). "
-"Ansonsten wird PCLZip Class verwendet."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:430 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:441
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:449
-msgid "Disabled because missing PHP function."
-msgstr "Aufgrund fehlender PHP Funktion deaktiviert."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:433 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:434
-msgid "Tar (fast and memory less) uncompressed"
-msgstr "Tar (schnell und speicherschonend) unkomprimiert"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:433 inc/class-page-editjob.php:486
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:433
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:486
msgid "Tar"
msgstr "Tar"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:437 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:438
-msgid "A tared and GZipped archive (fast and memory less)"
-msgstr "Ein .tar und .gz Archiv (schnell und schlank)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:437 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:488 inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:437
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:488
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
msgid "Tar GZip"
msgstr "Tar GZip"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:444 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:494 inc/class-page-editjob.php:497
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:444
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:494
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:497
msgid "Tar BZip2"
msgstr "Tar BZip2"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:445
-msgid "A tared and BZipped archive (fast and memory less)"
-msgstr "Ein .tar und .bz Archiv (schnell und schlank)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:470
-msgid "Where to store the files"
-msgstr "Wo die Dateien abgelegt werden"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:661
-msgid "Wizard: %1$s"
-msgstr "Assistent: %1$s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:680
-msgid "New job %s generated."
-msgstr "Neuer Auftrag %s erstellt."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:692
-msgid "Create Job"
-msgstr "Erstelle Auftrag"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:717 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:718
-msgid "Database Backup and XML Export (Daily)"
-msgstr "Datenbanksicherung und XML Export (täglich)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:735 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:736
-msgid "Database Check (Weekly)"
-msgstr "Datenbanküberprüfung (wöchentlich)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:745 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:746
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:745
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:746
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:107
msgid "Backup uploads folder"
msgstr "Uploads Verzeichnis sichern"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:760 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:761
-msgid "Backup all files"
-msgstr "Sicherung aller Dateien"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:775
-msgid "Essential files + list of plugins"
-msgstr "Wichtige Dateien und Pluginliste"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:776
-msgid "Backup essential files and folders, plus a list of installed plugins."
-msgstr ""
-"Backup von wichtigen Dateien und Ordner, plus einer Liste von installierten "
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:791 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:792
-msgid "Custom configuration"
-msgstr "Angepasste Konfiguration"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:14
-msgid "XML job import"
-msgstr "XML Auftragsimport"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:15
-msgid "Wizard for importing BackWPup jobs from an XML file"
-msgstr "Assistent zum Importieren von BackWPup Aufträgen aus einer XML Datei"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:32 inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:101
-msgid "Import"
-msgstr "Import"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:45
-msgid "Import File"
-msgstr "Import-Datei"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:45
-msgid "Upload XML job file for import"
-msgstr "Lade XML-Auftragsdatei zum Importieren hoch"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:46
-msgid "Select items to import"
-msgstr "Wähle Items für den Import"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:46
-msgid "Select which job should be imported or overwritten."
-msgstr "Wähle einen Auftrag, der importiert oder überschrieben werden soll."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:67
-msgid ""
-"Please upload your BackWPup job XML export file and we’ll import the "
-"jobs into BackWPup."
-msgstr ""
-"Bitte lade deine BackWPup-Auftrags-XML-Export-Datei hoch und wir importieren "
-"sie in BackWPup."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:69
-msgid "Choose a file from your computer:"
-msgstr "Wähle eine Datei von deinem Computer:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:69
-msgid "Maximum size: %s"
-msgstr "Maximale Größe: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:92
-msgid "Import Jobs"
-msgstr "Importiere Aufträge"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:95
-msgid "Import Type"
-msgstr "Import-Typ"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:96
-msgid "No Import"
-msgstr "Kein Import"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:99
-msgid "Overwrite"
-msgstr "Überschreiben"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:99
-msgid "Append"
-msgstr "Anhängen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:114
-msgid "Import Config"
-msgstr "Konfiguration importieren"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:117
-msgid "Import BackWPup configuration"
-msgstr "Importiere BackWPup Konfiguration"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:142
-msgid ""
-"File is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error could "
-"also caused by uploads being disabled in your php.ini or by post_max_size "
-"being defined as smaller than upload_max_filesize in php.ini."
-msgstr ""
-"Datei ist leer. Bitte lade etwas Substanzielleres hoch. Dieser Fehler kann "
-"auch durch deaktivierte Uploads in der php.ini entstanden sein oder dadurch, "
-"dass post_max_size kleiner definiert sind als upload_max_filesize in php.ini."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:157
-msgid ""
-"The export file could not be found at %s
. This is likely due to "
-"an issue with permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"Die Exportdatei konnte nicht gefunden werden %s
. Das liegt "
-"möglicherweise an Problemen mit der Berechtigung."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:164
-msgid "Sorry, there has been a phrase error."
-msgstr "Sorry, es gab ein Problem mit dem Begriff."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:171
-msgid ""
-"This Export file (version %s) may not be supported by this version of the "
-msgstr ""
-"Die Export Datei (version %s) wird wahrscheinlich nicht von dieser Version "
-"des Importers unterstützt."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:177
-msgid "This is not a BackWPup XML file"
-msgstr "Das ist keine BackWPup XML-Datei"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:243
-msgid "Job %1$s with id %2$d imported"
-msgstr "Auftrag %1$s mit ID %2$d wurde importiert"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:251
-msgid "BackWPup config imported"
-msgstr "BackWPup Konfiguration wurde importiert"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:25
-msgid "System Test"
-msgstr "Systemtest"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:26
-msgid "Wizard to test if BackWPup can work properly"
-msgstr "Dieser Assistent testet, ob BackWPup problemlos arbeiten kann"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:39
-msgid "Run tests"
-msgstr "Starte die Tests"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:50
-msgid "Environment"
-msgstr "Voraussetzungen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:51
-msgid "System Environment"
-msgstr "Systemvoraussetzungen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:64
-msgid "Test if BackWPup can work without problems."
-msgstr "Teste, ob BackWPup problemlos funktioniert."
-#: inc/class-admin-notice.php:121 inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:152
+#: inc/class-admin-notice.php:121
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:152
msgid "Don't show again"
msgstr "Nicht wieder anzeigen"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:267 inc/class-help.php:24
+#: inc/class-admin.php:267
+#: inc/class-help.php:24
msgid "http://docs.backwpup.com"
msgstr "http://docs.backwpup.de"
@@ -2035,8 +1038,10 @@ msgstr "BackWPup Dashboard"
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "Dashboard"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:305 inc/class-adminbar.php:82
+#: inc/class-admin.php:305
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:82
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:216
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:215
msgid "Jobs"
msgstr "Aufträge"
@@ -2044,12 +1049,16 @@ msgstr "Aufträge"
msgid "Add new job"
msgstr "Neuer Auftrag"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:355 inc/class-adminbar.php:98
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:377 inc/class-page-settings.php:218
+#: inc/class-admin.php:355
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:98
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:218
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:219
msgid "Logs"
msgstr "Protokolle"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:380 inc/class-adminbar.php:106
+#: inc/class-admin.php:380
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:106
msgid "Backups"
msgstr "Backups"
@@ -2061,14 +1070,14 @@ msgstr "Einstellungen"
msgid "About"
msgstr "Über"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:453 inc/class-admin.php:460
+#: inc/class-admin.php:453
+#: inc/class-admin.php:460
msgid "Cheating, huh?"
msgstr "Mogeln, wie?"
#: inc/class-admin.php:510
msgid "Get BackWPup Pro now."
-msgstr ""
-"Wechsle jetzt zu BackWPup Pro."
+msgstr "Wechsle jetzt zu BackWPup Pro."
#: inc/class-admin.php:531
msgid "version %s"
@@ -2094,7 +1103,8 @@ msgstr "Jetzt läuft"
msgid "Abort!"
msgstr "Abbrechen!"
-#: inc/class-adminbar.php:90 inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:90
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
msgid "Add new"
msgstr "Erstellen"
@@ -2108,30 +1118,20 @@ msgid "Make BackWPup better!"
msgstr "Remote Job bei uns!"
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:108
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgid "https://inpsyde.com/en/jobs/?utm_source=BackWPup&utm_medium=Link&utm_campaign=BecomeAnInpsyder"
+msgstr "https://inpsyde.com/remote-jobs/?utm_source=BackWPup&utm_medium=Link&utm_campaign=WerdeInpsyder"
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:118
msgid "We want to make BackWPup even stronger and its support much faster."
msgstr "Wir wollen BackWPup noch besser machen und den Support viel schneller."
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:126
-msgid ""
-"This is why we are looking for a talented developer who can work remotely "
-"and support us in BackWPup"
-msgstr ""
-"Daher suchen wir unter anderem einen talentierten Entwickler/Supporter (m/"
-"w), der remote arbeiten kann und Lust hat uns bei BackWPup zu unterstützen"
+msgid "This is why we are looking for a talented developer who can work remotely and support us in BackWPup"
+msgstr "Daher suchen wir unter anderem einen talentierten Entwickler/Supporter (m/w), der remote arbeiten kann und Lust hat uns bei BackWPup zu unterstützen"
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:133
msgid "and other exciting WordPress projects at our VIP partner agency."
-msgstr ""
-"Weitere spannende WordPress Projekte warten in unserer WordPress VIP Agentur "
-"auf dich."
+msgstr "Weitere spannende WordPress Projekte warten in unserer WordPress VIP Agentur auf dich."
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:145
msgid "Apply now!"
@@ -2151,8 +1151,10 @@ msgctxt "%s = Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s for archive not found"
msgstr "Ordner %s für Archiv nicht gefunden"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:101 inc/class-create-archive.php:141
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:182 inc/class-mysqldump.php:133
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:101
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:141
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:182
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:133
msgid "Functions for gz compression not available"
msgstr "Funktionen für die Gzip-Kompression nicht verfügbar"
@@ -2181,7 +1183,9 @@ msgid "Cannot open archive file"
msgstr "Kann Archivdatei nicht öffnen"
#. translators: The $1 is the tecnical error string from pclzip.
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:233 inc/class-create-archive.php:518
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:233
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:518
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:524
msgid "PclZip archive add error: %s"
msgstr "Fehler beim Hinzufügen zum PclZip-Archive: %s"
@@ -2195,107 +1199,126 @@ msgctxt "File to add to archive"
msgid "File %s does not exist or is not readable"
msgstr "Datei %s existiert nicht oder ist nicht lesbar"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:351 inc/class-create-archive.php:378
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:582 inc/class-create-archive.php:591
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:351
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:378
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:582
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:591
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:357
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:384
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:588
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:597
msgid "This archive method can only add one file"
msgstr "Diese Archiv-Methode kann nur eine einzige Datei sichern"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:446
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:452
msgid "ZIP archive cannot be closed correctly"
msgstr "ZIP Archiv kann nicht korrekt geschlossen werden"
#. translators: the $1 is the name of the archive.
#. translators: $1 is the name of the archive.
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:477 inc/class-create-archive.php:494
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:477
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:494
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:611
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:483
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:500
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:617
msgid "Cannot add \"%s\" to zip archive!"
msgstr "\"%s\" kann dem ZIP-Archiv nicht hinzugefügt werden!"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:548
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:554
msgid "Folder name cannot be empty"
msgstr "Der Verzeichnisname darf nicht leer sein"
#. translators: $1 is the folder name
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:559
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:565
msgctxt "Folder path to add to archive"
msgid "Folder %s does not exist or is not readable"
msgstr "Verzeichnis %s existiert nicht oder ist nicht lesbar"
+#. translators. $1 is the status returned by a call to a ZipArchive method.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:643
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:649
msgctxt "Text of ZipArchive status Message"
msgid "ZipArchive returns status: %s"
msgstr "Das Zip-Archiv antwortet den Status: %s"
#. translators: $1 is the file name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:691
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:697
msgid "File name \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"Dateiname \"%1$s\" ist zu lang, um korrekt im %2$s Archiv zu speichern!"
+msgstr "Dateiname \"%1$s\" ist zu lang, um korrekt im %2$s Archiv zu speichern!"
#. translators: $1 is the file name to use in the archive.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:703
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:709
msgid "File path \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"Dateipfad \"%1$s\" ist zu lang, um korrekt in %2$s Archiv zu speichern!"
+msgstr "Dateipfad \"%1$s\" ist zu lang, um korrekt in %2$s Archiv zu speichern!"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:745
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:751
msgid "Cannot open source file %s for archiving. Writing an empty file."
-msgstr ""
-"Kann Quelldatei %s nicht zum Archivieren öffnen. Schreibe eine leere Datei."
+msgstr "Kann Quelldatei %s nicht zum Archivieren öffnen. Schreibe eine leere Datei."
#. translators: $1 is the name of the folder. $2 is the archive name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:807
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:813
msgid "Folder name \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"Verzeichnisname \"%1$s\" ist zu lang, um ihn korrekt im %2$s Archiv zu "
+msgstr "Verzeichnisname \"%1$s\" ist zu lang, um ihn korrekt im %2$s Archiv zu speichern!"
#. translators: $1 is the name of the folder. $2 is the archive name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:822
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:828
msgid "Folder path \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"Verzeichnispfad \"%1$s\" ist zu lang, um ihn korrekt im %2$s Archiv zu "
+msgstr "Verzeichnispfad \"%1$s\" ist zu lang, um ihn korrekt im %2$s Archiv zu speichern!"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:890
-msgid ""
-"If %s will be added to your backup archive, the archive will be too large "
-"for operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting "
-"the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn %s zum Backup-Archiv hinzugefügt wird, wird das Archiv zu groß für "
-"Operationen mit dieser PHP-Version sein. Du solltest diesen Auftrag in "
-"mehrere Aufträge aufteilen, die weniger Dateien je Auftrag haben."
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:968 inc/class-create-archive.php:969
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:896
+msgid "If %s will be added to your backup archive, the archive will be too large for operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
+msgstr "Wenn %s zum Backup-Archiv hinzugefügt wird, wird das Archiv zu groß für Operationen mit dieser PHP-Version sein. Du solltest diesen Auftrag in mehrere Aufträge aufteilen, die weniger Dateien je Auftrag haben."
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:968
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:969
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:974
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:975
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Unbekannt"
#. translators: $1 is the filename to add into the archive.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:1000
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:1006
msgid "Cannot open source file %s."
msgstr "Konnte Quelldatei %s zum Archivieren nicht öffnen."
#: inc/class-cron.php:74
+#: inc/class-cron.php:73
msgid "Aborted, because no progress for one hour!"
-msgstr ""
-"Abgebrochen, aufgrund keines Fortschrittes innerhalb der letzten Stunde!"
+msgstr "Abgebrochen, aufgrund keines Fortschrittes innerhalb der letzten Stunde!"
-#: inc/class-cron.php:108 inc/class-destination-folder.php:195
-#: inc/class-job.php:989 inc/class-job.php:1133 inc/class-job.php:1862
+#: inc/class-cron.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:195
+#: inc/class-job.php:989
+#: inc/class-job.php:1133
+#: inc/class-job.php:1862
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:446
+#: inc/class-cron.php:107
msgid "Could not open path: %s"
msgstr "Konnte diesen Pfad nicht öffnen: %s"
#: inc/class-decrypter.php:53
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:56
msgid "Cannot open the archive for reading."
msgstr "Das Archiv kann nicht zum Lesen geöffnet werden."
#: inc/class-decrypter.php:77
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:82
msgid "Cannot write the encrypted archive."
msgstr "Kann verschlüsseltes Archiv nicht erstellen."
#: inc/class-decrypter.php:182
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:162
msgid "Private key invalid."
msgstr "Privater Schlüssel ungültig."
@@ -2311,12 +1334,14 @@ msgstr "%s der Dateien hochladen"
msgid "Finishing upload session with a total of %s uploaded"
msgstr "Ende der Upload-Session mit insgesamt %s Hochgeladenen"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:76 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:28
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:28
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:43
msgid "Authentication"
msgstr "Authentifizierung"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:92 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:95
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:92
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:95
msgid "Delete Dropbox Authentication"
msgstr "Lösche Dropbox-Authentifizierung"
@@ -2329,16 +1354,8 @@ msgid "Get Dropbox App auth code"
msgstr "Hole Dropbox App Auth-Code"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:111
-msgid ""
-"A dedicated folder named BackWPup will be created inside of the Apps folder "
-"in your Dropbox. BackWPup will get read and write access to that folder "
-"only. You can specify a subfolder as your backup destination for this job in "
-"the destination field below."
-msgstr ""
-"Ein spezieller Ordner namens BackWPup wird innerhalb des App-Ordners in "
-"deiner Dropbox angelegt. BackWPup erhält Lese- und Schreibrechte "
-"ausschließlich für diesen Ordner. Du kannst einen Unterordner als dein "
-"Backup-Ziel im Feld \"Zielordner\" weiter unten benennen."
+msgid "A dedicated folder named BackWPup will be created inside of the Apps folder in your Dropbox. BackWPup will get read and write access to that folder only. You can specify a subfolder as your backup destination for this job in the destination field below."
+msgstr "Ein spezieller Ordner namens BackWPup wird innerhalb des App-Ordners in deiner Dropbox angelegt. BackWPup erhält Lese- und Schreibrechte ausschließlich für diesen Ordner. Du kannst einen Unterordner als dein Backup-Ziel im Feld \"Zielordner\" weiter unten benennen."
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:119
msgid "— OR —"
@@ -2353,33 +1370,16 @@ msgid "Get full Dropbox auth code "
msgstr "Hole gesamten Auth-Code von Dropbox "
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:131
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup will have full read and write access to your entire Dropbox. You "
-"can specify your backup destination wherever you want, just be aware that "
-"ANY files or folders inside of your Dropbox can be overridden or deleted by "
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup erhält uneingeschränkten Lese- und Schreibzugriff zu deiner "
-"gesamten Dropbox. Du kannst deinen Zielordner innerhalb deiner Dropbox frei "
-"wählen; bedenke jedoch, dass ALLE Dateien und Ordner in deiner Dropbox von "
-"BackWPup überschrieben oder gelöscht werden können."
+msgid "BackWPup will have full read and write access to your entire Dropbox. You can specify your backup destination wherever you want, just be aware that ANY files or folders inside of your Dropbox can be overridden or deleted by BackWPup."
+msgstr "BackWPup erhält uneingeschränkten Lese- und Schreibzugriff zu deiner gesamten Dropbox. Du kannst deinen Zielordner innerhalb deiner Dropbox frei wählen; bedenke jedoch, dass ALLE Dateien und Ordner in deiner Dropbox von BackWPup überschrieben oder gelöscht werden können."
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:145
msgid "Destination Folder"
msgstr "Zielordner"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:154
-msgid ""
-"Specify a subfolder where your backup archives will be stored. If you use "
-"the App option from above, this folder will be created inside of Apps/"
-"BackWPup. Otherwise it will be created at the root of your Dropbox. Already "
-"exisiting folders with the same name will not be overriden."
-msgstr ""
-"Benenne einen Unterordner, in dem deine Backup-Archive gespeichert werden "
-"sollen. Sofern du die App-Option von weiter oben benutzt, wird dieser Ordner "
-"innerhalb von Apps/BackWPup angelegt. Andernfalls wird er im Hauptordner "
-"deiner Dropbox angelegt. Bereits bestehende Ordner mit dem gleichen Namen "
-"werden nicht überschrieben."
+msgid "Specify a subfolder where your backup archives will be stored. If you use the App option from above, this folder will be created inside of Apps/BackWPup. Otherwise it will be created at the root of your Dropbox. Already exisiting folders with the same name will not be overriden."
+msgstr "Benenne einen Unterordner, in dem deine Backup-Archive gespeichert werden sollen. Sofern du die App-Option von weiter oben benutzt, wird dieser Ordner innerhalb von Apps/BackWPup angelegt. Andernfalls wird er im Hauptordner deiner Dropbox angelegt. Bereits bestehende Ordner mit dem gleichen Namen werden nicht überschrieben."
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:345
msgid "One file deleted from Dropbox"
@@ -2397,8 +1397,7 @@ msgstr "Hochladen zur Dropbox hat begonnen …"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:43
msgid "To email address (separate with commas for multiple addresses)"
-msgstr ""
-"Zu einer E-Mail-Adresse schicken (Für mehrere Adressen: Trenne mit Kommata)"
+msgstr "Zu einer E-Mail-Adresse schicken (Für mehrere Adressen: Trenne mit Kommata)"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:61
msgid "Send email settings"
@@ -2492,11 +1491,13 @@ msgstr "BackWPup-Archiv vom %1$s: %2$s"
msgid "Backup archive: %s"
msgstr "Backup Archiv: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:349 inc/class-destination-email.php:474
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:349
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:474
msgid "Error while sending email!"
msgstr "Fehler beim Senden der E-Mail!"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:354 inc/class-destination-email.php:476
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:354
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:476
msgid "Email sent."
msgstr "E-Mail gesendet."
@@ -2505,14 +1506,11 @@ msgid "BackWPup archive sending TEST Message"
msgstr "BackWPup Archiv sendet TEST Nachricht"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:462
-msgid ""
-"If this message reaches your inbox, sending backup archives via email should "
-"work for you."
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn dich diese Nachricht erreicht, funktioniert das Senden der "
-"Sicherungsarchive per E-Mail."
+msgid "If this message reaches your inbox, sending backup archives via email should work for you."
+msgstr "Wenn dich diese Nachricht erreicht, funktioniert das Senden der Sicherungsarchive per E-Mail."
#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:96
msgid "File could not be opened for reading."
msgstr "Die Datei kann nicht zum Lesen geöffnet werden."
@@ -2527,6 +1525,7 @@ msgstr[0] "Eine Sicherungsdatei gelöscht"
msgstr[1] "%d Sicherungsdateien gelöscht"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:81
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:104
msgid "Cannot open FTP file for download."
msgstr "Kann die Datei auf dem FTP Server nicht zum Herunterladen öffnen."
@@ -2538,7 +1537,8 @@ msgstr "FTP-Server und -Anmeldung"
msgid "FTP server"
msgstr "FTP-Server"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:63 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:46
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:63
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:46
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Benutzername"
@@ -2558,7 +1558,8 @@ msgstr "FTP spezifische Einstellungen"
msgid "Timeout for FTP connection"
msgstr "Zeitüberschreitung bei der FTP-Verbindung"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:137 inc/class-page-logs.php:288
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:137
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:288
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "Sekunden"
@@ -2606,9 +1607,7 @@ msgstr "Kann nicht mit expliziter SSL-FTP zum Server verbinden: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:468
msgid "PHP function to connect with explicit SSL-FTP to server does not exist!"
-msgstr ""
-"PHP-Funktion für die Verbindung mit expliziter SSL-FTP zum Server existiert "
+msgstr "PHP-Funktion für die Verbindung mit expliziter SSL-FTP zum Server existiert nicht!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:483
msgid "Connected to FTP server: %s"
@@ -2618,8 +1617,10 @@ msgstr "Verbunden mit dem FTP-Server: %s"
msgid "Cannot connect to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "Kann nicht mit dem FTP-Server verbinden: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:503 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:523
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:546 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:603
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:503
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:523
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:546
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:603
msgid "FTP client command: %s"
msgstr "FTP-Client-Befehl: %s"
@@ -2627,10 +1628,14 @@ msgstr "FTP-Client-Befehl: %s"
msgid "FTP server response: %s"
msgstr "FTP-Server-Antwort: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:520 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:531
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:534 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:549
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:552 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:607
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:612 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:619
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:520
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:531
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:534
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:549
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:552
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:607
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:612
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:619
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:624
msgid "FTP server reply: %s"
msgstr "Antwort des FTP-Servers: %s"
@@ -2672,11 +1677,8 @@ msgid "Backup transferred to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "Backup übertragen zum FTP-Server: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:735
-msgid ""
-"FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created! Parent directory may be not writable."
-msgstr ""
-"FTP-Ordner \"%s\" kann nicht erstellt werden! Parent-Verzeichnis ist nicht "
+msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created! Parent directory may be not writable."
+msgstr "FTP-Ordner \"%s\" kann nicht erstellt werden! Parent-Verzeichnis ist nicht beschreibbar."
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:753
msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created!"
@@ -2702,11 +1704,13 @@ msgstr "Zugriffsschlüssel"
msgid "Blob container"
msgstr "Blob Container"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:48 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:48
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:76
msgid "Container selection"
msgstr "Containerauswahl"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:59 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:88
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:88
msgid "Create a new container"
msgstr "Neuen Container erstellen"
@@ -2716,8 +1720,7 @@ msgstr "Ordner im Container"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:215
msgid "%d. Try sending backup to a Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Versuche, das Backup zu Microsoft Azure (Blob) zu senden …"
+msgstr "%d. Versuche, das Backup zu Microsoft Azure (Blob) zu senden …"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:244
msgid "Starting upload to MS Azure …"
@@ -2741,15 +1744,13 @@ msgstr "Kein Container gefunden!"
msgid "Rack Space Cloud Keys"
msgstr "Rack Space Cloud Keys"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:52
-msgid "API Key"
-msgstr "API Key"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:59
msgid "Select region"
msgstr "Wähle Region"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:99 inc/class-destination-s3.php:171
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:99
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:171
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:202
msgid "Folder in bucket"
msgstr "Ordner im Bucket"
@@ -2792,118 +1793,130 @@ msgid "A container could not be found!"
msgstr "Kein Container gefunden!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:47
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:48
msgid "Select a S3 service"
msgstr "Wähle einen S3 Service"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:67
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:68
msgid "Or a S3 Server URL"
msgstr "Oder eine S3 Server URL"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:84
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:115
msgid "S3 Access Keys"
msgstr "S3 Zugriffsschlüssel"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:114
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:145
msgid "S3 Bucket"
msgstr "S3 Bucket"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:120
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:151
msgid "Bucket selection"
msgstr "Bucket Auswahl"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:149
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:180
msgid "Create a new bucket"
msgstr "Neues Bucket erstellen"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:165
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:196
msgid "S3 Backup settings"
msgstr "S3 Backup Einstellungen"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:222
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:86
msgid "Multipart Upload"
msgstr "Multipart Upload"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:233
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:98
msgid "Use multipart upload for uploading a file"
msgstr "Benutze Multipart Upload zum Hochladen der Datei"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:236
-msgid ""
-"Multipart splits file into multiple chunks while uploading. This is "
-"necessary for displaying the upload process and to transfer bigger files. "
-"Works without a problem on Amazon. Other services might have issues."
-msgstr ""
-"Multipart splittet den Upload in mehrere Teile auf. Dies ist notwendig, um "
-"den Uploadprozess anzuzeigen und um große Dateien hochzuladen. Funktioniert "
-"ohne Probleme mit Amazon. Bei anderen Services kann es Probleme geben."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:246
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:252
msgid "Amazon specific settings"
msgstr "Amazon spezifische Einstellungen"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:251 inc/class-destination-s3.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:251
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:263
msgid "Amazon: Storage Class"
msgstr "Amazon: Speicherklasse"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:260
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:266
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Standard"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:264
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:270
msgid "Standard-Infrequent Access"
msgstr "Standard-Infrequent Access"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:272
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:278
msgid "Reduced Redundancy"
msgstr "Reduzierte Redundanz"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:280
-msgid "Server side encryption"
-msgstr "Serverseitige Verschlüsselung"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:291
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:297
msgid "Save files encrypted (AES256) on server."
msgstr "Speichere verschlüsselte Dateien (AES256) auf Server."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:361
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:367
msgid "No bucket found!"
msgstr "Kein Bucket gefunden!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:511
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:517
msgid "Bucket %1$s created."
msgstr "Bucket %1$s erstellt."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:693
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:699
msgid "Storage Class: %s"
msgstr "Speicherklasse: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:728
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:734
msgid "Cannot delete backup from %s."
msgstr "Kann das Backup auf %s nicht löschen."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:740
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:746
msgid "One file deleted on S3 Bucket."
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on S3 Bucket"
msgstr[0] "Eine Datei im S3-Bucket gelöscht."
msgstr[1] "%d Dateien im S3-Bucket gelöscht"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:762
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:777
msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to S3 Service …"
msgstr "%d. Versuche, ein Backup zum S3-Service zu senden …"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:799
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:817
msgid "Checking for not aborted multipart Uploads …"
msgstr "Prüfe auf nicht abgebrochene Multipart Uploads …"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:812
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:830
msgid "Upload for %s aborted."
msgstr "Upload für %s abgebrochen."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:818
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:836
msgid "Starting upload to S3 Service …"
msgstr "Upload zum S3 Service hat begonnen …"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:970
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:988
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to S3! (%1$d) %2$s"
msgstr "Backup kann nicht zu Amazon S3 übertragen werden! (%1$d) %2$s"
@@ -2965,8 +1978,7 @@ msgstr "SugarSync API: %s"
#: inc/class-download-file.php:135
msgid "Invalid file name, seems file include invalid characters."
-msgstr ""
-"Ungültiger Dateiname, anscheinend enthält die Datei ungültige Erweiterungen."
+msgstr "Ungültiger Dateiname, anscheinend enthält die Datei ungültige Erweiterungen."
#: inc/class-easycron.php:179
msgid "EasyCron.com API returns (%s): %s"
@@ -2977,14 +1989,8 @@ msgid "EasyCron"
msgstr "EasyCron"
#: inc/class-easycron.php:189
-msgid ""
-"Here you can setup your EasyCron.com API key to use this "
-msgstr ""
-"Hier kannst du deinen EasyCron.com API key einrichten, "
-"um diesen Dienst zu nutzen."
+msgid "Here you can setup your EasyCron.com API key to use this service."
+msgstr "Hier kannst du deinen EasyCron.com API key einrichten, um diesen Dienst zu nutzen."
#: inc/class-easycron.php:192
msgid "Api key:"
@@ -2995,12 +2001,8 @@ msgid "Trigger WordPress Cron:"
msgstr "Rufe WordPress Cron:"
#: inc/class-easycron.php:203
-msgid ""
-"If you check this box, a cron job will be created on EasyCron that all 5 "
-"Minutes calls the WordPress cron."
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn diese Checkbox aktiv ist, wird bei EasyCron ein Cronauftrag erstellt, "
-"der alle 5 Minuten den WordPress Cron aufruft."
+msgid "If you check this box, a cron job will be created on EasyCron that all 5 Minutes calls the WordPress cron."
+msgstr "Wenn diese Checkbox aktiv ist, wird bei EasyCron ein Cronauftrag erstellt, der alle 5 Minuten den WordPress Cron aufruft."
#: inc/class-file.php:142
msgid "Folder %1$s not allowed, please use another folder."
@@ -3008,9 +2010,7 @@ msgstr "Ordner %1$s ist nicht erlaubt, bitte wähle einen anderen Ordner."
#: inc/class-file.php:147
msgid "Folder %1$s is not in open basedir, please use another folder."
-msgstr ""
-"Verzeichnis %1$s ist nicht innerhalb von open basedir, bitte benutze ein "
-"anderes Verzeichnis."
+msgstr "Verzeichnis %1$s ist nicht innerhalb von open basedir, bitte benutze ein anderes Verzeichnis."
#: inc/class-file.php:153
msgid "Cannot create folder: %1$s"
@@ -3021,12 +2021,8 @@ msgid "Folder \"%1$s\" is not writable"
msgstr "Ordner \"%1$s\" ist nicht beschreibbar"
#: inc/class-file.php:195
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup will not backup folders and its sub folders when this file is "
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup wird Backup Ordner und seine Unterordner nicht sichern, wenn diese "
-"Datei enthalten ist."
+msgid "BackWPup will not backup folders and its sub folders when this file is inside."
+msgstr "BackWPup wird Backup Ordner und seine Unterordner nicht sichern, wenn diese Datei enthalten ist."
#: inc/class-help.php:15
msgid "Plugin Info"
@@ -3034,21 +2030,12 @@ msgstr "Plugin Info"
#: inc/class-help.php:17
msgctxt "Plugin name and link; Plugin Version"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s version %2$s. A project by Inpsyde GmbH"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s Version %2$s. Ein Projekt von Inpsyde "
+msgid "%1$s version %2$s. A project by Inpsyde GmbH."
+msgstr "%1$s Version %2$s. Ein Projekt von Inpsyde GmbH."
#: inc/class-help.php:18
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is a free software, and you "
-"are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions."
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup erhältst du OHNE JEDWEDE GARANTIE. Dies ist eine freie Software "
-"(quelloffen, im Sinne von Open Source) und du bist eingeladen, sie unter "
-"bestimmten Bedingungen weiterzugeben."
+msgid "BackWPup comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is a free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions."
+msgstr "BackWPup erhältst du OHNE JEDWEDE GARANTIE. Dies ist eine freie Software (quelloffen, im Sinne von Open Source) und du bist eingeladen, sie unter bestimmten Bedingungen weiterzugeben."
#: inc/class-help.php:21
msgid "For more information:"
@@ -3136,12 +2123,15 @@ msgstr "[INFO] BackWPup Auftrag: %1$s"
msgid "[INFO] Runs with user: %1$s (%2$d) "
msgstr "[INFO] Läuft mit Benutzer: %1$s (%2$d) "
-#: inc/class-job.php:444 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:323
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:282 inc/class-page-jobs.php:291
+#: inc/class-job.php:444
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:323
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:282
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:291
msgid "Not scheduled!"
msgstr "Nicht geplant!"
-#: inc/class-job.php:448 inc/class-job.php:458
+#: inc/class-job.php:448
+#: inc/class-job.php:458
msgid "[INFO] Cron: %s; Next: %s "
msgstr "[INFO] Cron: %s; Nächster: %s "
@@ -3218,23 +2208,20 @@ msgid "Could not write log file"
msgstr "Kann nicht in die Log-Datei schreiben"
#: inc/class-job.php:532
-msgid ""
-"No destination correctly defined for backup! Please correct job settings."
-msgstr ""
-"Es wurde kein Ziel für Backups richtig definiert! Bitte überprüfe die "
+msgid "No destination correctly defined for backup! Please correct job settings."
+msgstr "Es wurde kein Ziel für Backups richtig definiert! Bitte überprüfe die Auftragseinstellungen."
#: inc/class-job.php:628
msgid "Cannot write progress to working file. Job will be aborted."
-msgstr ""
-"Kann Fortschritt nicht in die Arbeitsdatei schreiben. Auftrag wird "
+msgstr "Kann Fortschritt nicht in die Arbeitsdatei schreiben. Auftrag wird abgebrochen."
-#: inc/class-job.php:700 inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
+#: inc/class-job.php:700
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
msgid "WARNING:"
msgstr "WARNUNG:"
-#: inc/class-job.php:709 inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+#: inc/class-job.php:709
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
msgid "ERROR:"
msgstr "FEHLER:"
@@ -3260,23 +2247,17 @@ msgid_plural "%d old logs deleted"
msgstr[0] "Eine alte Log-Datei gelöscht"
msgstr[1] "%d alte Log-Dateien gelöscht"
-#: inc/class-job.php:1012 inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
-msgid ""
-"Job has ended with errors in %s seconds. You must resolve the errors for "
-"correct execution."
-msgstr ""
-"Auftrag mit Fehlern in %s Sekunden beendet. Du musst die Fehler für eine "
-"korrekte Ausführung beheben."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1012
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+msgid "Job has ended with errors in %s seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution."
+msgstr "Auftrag mit Fehlern in %s Sekunden beendet. Du musst die Fehler für eine korrekte Ausführung beheben."
#: inc/class-job.php:1014
-msgid ""
-"Job finished with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct "
-msgstr ""
-"Auftrag mit Warnungen in %s Sekunden beendet. Bitte behebe die Warnungen für "
-"eine korrekte Ausführung."
+msgid "Job finished with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct execution."
+msgstr "Auftrag mit Warnungen in %s Sekunden beendet. Bitte behebe die Warnungen für eine korrekte Ausführung."
-#: inc/class-job.php:1016 inc/class-page-jobs.php:788
+#: inc/class-job.php:1016
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:788
msgid "Job done in %s seconds."
msgstr "Auftrag erledigt in %s Sekunden."
@@ -3322,275 +2303,270 @@ msgid "Compressing files as %s. Please be patient, this may take a moment."
msgstr "Komprimiere Dateien als %s. Bitte habe einen Moment Geduld."
#: inc/class-job.php:1543
+#: inc/class-job.php:1544
msgid "Adding Extra files to Archive"
msgstr "Extradateien zum Archiv hinzufügen"
-#: inc/class-job.php:1554 inc/class-job.php:1614
+#: inc/class-job.php:1554
+#: inc/class-job.php:1614
+#: inc/class-job.php:1555
+#: inc/class-job.php:1626
msgid "Cannot create backup archive correctly. Aborting creation."
-msgstr ""
-"Backup Archiv kann nicht korrekt angelegt werden. Anlegeprozess abgebrochen."
+msgstr "Backup Archiv kann nicht korrekt angelegt werden. Anlegeprozess abgebrochen."
#: inc/class-job.php:1570
+#: inc/class-job.php:1571
msgid "Archiving Folder: %s"
msgstr "Archiviere Verzeichnis: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:1624
+#: inc/class-job.php:1636
msgid "Backup archive created."
msgstr "Backup wurde erstellt."
#: inc/class-job.php:1638
-msgid ""
-"The Backup archive will be too large for file operations with this PHP "
-"Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple "
-"jobs with less files each."
-msgstr ""
-"Das Backup Archiv wird zu groß für Operationen mit dieser PHP Version. Du "
-"solltest die Sicherung in mehrere Backup-Aufträge mit weniger Dateien je "
-"Auftrag aufteilen."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1650
+msgid "The Backup archive will be too large for file operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
+msgstr "Das Backup Archiv wird zu groß für Operationen mit dieser PHP Version. Du solltest die Sicherung in mehrere Backup-Aufträge mit weniger Dateien je Auftrag aufteilen."
#: inc/class-job.php:1641
+#: inc/class-job.php:1653
msgid "Archive size is %s."
msgstr "Archivgröße ist %s."
#: inc/class-job.php:1644
+#: inc/class-job.php:1656
msgid "%1$d Files with %2$s in Archive."
msgstr "%1$d Dateien mit %2$s in Archiven."
#: inc/class-job.php:1677
+#: inc/class-job.php:1689
msgid "No encryption key was provided. Aborting encryption."
msgstr "Es wurde kein Schlüssel eingegeben. Verschlüsselung wird abgebrochen."
#: inc/class-job.php:1684
+#: inc/class-job.php:1696
msgid "%d. Trying to encrypt archive …"
msgstr "%d. Versuche Archiv zu verschlüsseln …"
#: inc/class-job.php:1694
+#: inc/class-job.php:1706
msgid "Cannot open the archive for reading. Aborting encryption."
-msgstr ""
-"Das Archiv kann nicht zum Lesen geöffnet werden. Verschlüsselung wird "
+msgstr "Das Archiv kann nicht zum Lesen geöffnet werden. Verschlüsselung wird abgebrochen."
#: inc/class-job.php:1700
+#: inc/class-job.php:1712
msgid "Cannot write the encrypted archive. Aborting encryption."
-msgstr ""
-"Das verschlüsselte Archiv kann nicht erstellt werden. Verschlüsselung wird "
+msgstr "Das verschlüsselte Archiv kann nicht erstellt werden. Verschlüsselung wird abgebrochen."
#: inc/class-job.php:1757
+#: inc/class-job.php:1769
msgid "Encrypted %s of data."
msgstr "Verschlüsselt %s der Daten."
#: inc/class-job.php:1761
+#: inc/class-job.php:1773
msgid "Unable to delete unencrypted archive."
msgstr "Unverschlüsseltes Archiv kann nicht gelöscht werden."
#: inc/class-job.php:1765
+#: inc/class-job.php:1777
msgid "Unable to rename encrypted archive."
msgstr "Verschlüsseltes Archiv kann nicht umbenannt werden."
#: inc/class-job.php:1770
+#: inc/class-job.php:1782
msgid "Archive has been successfully encrypted."
msgstr "Archiv wurde erfolgreich verschlüsselt."
#: inc/class-job.php:1819
+#: inc/class-job.php:1831
msgctxt "Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s does not exist"
msgstr "Verzeichnis %s existiert nicht"
#: inc/class-job.php:1825
+#: inc/class-job.php:1837
msgctxt "Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s is not readable"
msgstr "Ordner \"%s\" ist nicht lesbar"
#: inc/class-job.php:1848
+#: inc/class-job.php:1860
msgid "Link \"%s\" not following."
msgstr "Link \"%s\" folgt nicht."
#: inc/class-job.php:1850
+#: inc/class-job.php:1862
msgid "File \"%s\" is not readable!"
msgstr "Datei \"%s\" ist nicht lesbar!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1854
-msgid ""
-"File size of “%s” cannot be retrieved. File might be too large and will not "
-"be added to queue."
-msgstr ""
-"Dateigröße von „%s“ kann nicht abgefragt werden. Die Datei könnte zu groß "
-"sein und wird nicht zur Warteschlange hinzugefügt."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1866
+msgid "File size of “%s” cannot be retrieved. File might be too large and will not be added to queue."
+msgstr "Dateigröße von „%s“ kann nicht abgefragt werden. Die Datei könnte zu groß sein und wird nicht zur Warteschlange hinzugefügt."
#: inc/class-job.php:1937
+#: inc/class-job.php:1949
msgid "%d. Trying to generate a manifest file …"
msgstr "%d. Versuche eine Manifest-Datei zu generieren …"
#: inc/class-job.php:1993
+#: inc/class-job.php:2005
msgid "You may have noticed the manifest.json file in this archive."
-msgstr ""
-"Du wirst vielleicht die manifest.json Datei in diesem Archiv bemerkt haben."
+msgstr "Du wirst vielleicht die manifest.json Datei in diesem Archiv bemerkt haben."
#: inc/class-job.php:1994
-msgid ""
-"manifest.json might be needed for later restoring a backup from this archive."
-msgstr ""
-"manifest.json könnte für die spätere Wiederherstellung ein Backup von diesem "
-"Archiv benötigen."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2006
+msgid "manifest.json might be needed for later restoring a backup from this archive."
+msgstr "manifest.json könnte für die spätere Wiederherstellung ein Backup von diesem Archiv benötigen."
#: inc/class-job.php:1995
-msgid ""
-"Please leave manifest.json untouched and in place. Otherwise it is safe to "
-"be ignored."
-msgstr ""
-"Bitte lasse die manifest.json unberührt an ihrem Platz. Du kannst sie "
-"ansonsten einfach ignorieren."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2007
+msgid "Please leave manifest.json untouched and in place. Otherwise it is safe to be ignored."
+msgstr "Bitte lasse die manifest.json unberührt an ihrem Platz. Du kannst sie ansonsten einfach ignorieren."
#: inc/class-job.php:2005
+#: inc/class-job.php:2017
msgid "Added manifest.json file with %1$s to backup file list."
msgstr "Die manifest.json Datei mit %1$s zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt."
#: inc/class-job.php:2044
+#: inc/class-job.php:2056
msgid "Wrong BackWPup JobID"
msgstr "Falsche BackWPup Auftrags-ID"
#: inc/class-job.php:2057
+#: inc/class-job.php:2069
msgid "A BackWPup job is already running"
msgstr "Es läuft bereits ein BackWPup-Auftrag"
#: inc/class-job.php:2439
+#: inc/class-job.php:2451
msgid "exec command is not active."
msgstr "exec command ist nicht aktiv."
#: inc/class-job.php:2444
+#: inc/class-job.php:2456
msgid "mysqldump binary not found."
msgstr "mysqldump binary wurde nicht gefunden."
#: inc/class-job.php:2470
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGHUP: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2482
+msgctxt "SIGHUP: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Hangup detected on controlling terminal or death of controlling process"
-msgstr ""
-"Aufhängen von Controllingterminal erkannt oder Controllingprozess ausgefallen"
+msgstr "Aufhängen von Controllingterminal erkannt oder Controllingprozess ausgefallen"
#: inc/class-job.php:2474
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGINT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2486
+msgctxt "SIGINT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Interrupt from keyboard"
msgstr "Interrupt von Keyboard"
#: inc/class-job.php:2478
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGQUIT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2490
+msgctxt "SIGQUIT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Quit from keyboard"
msgstr "Quit von Keyboard"
#: inc/class-job.php:2482
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGILL: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2494
+msgctxt "SIGILL: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Illegal Instruction"
msgstr "Unerlaubte Anweisung"
#: inc/class-job.php:2486
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGABRT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2498
+msgctxt "SIGABRT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Abort signal from abort(3)"
msgstr "Abortsignal von Abbruch(3)"
#: inc/class-job.php:2490
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGBUS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2502
+msgctxt "SIGBUS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Bus error (bad memory access)"
msgstr "Bus Error (schlechter Speicherzugang)"
#: inc/class-job.php:2494
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGFPE: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2506
+msgctxt "SIGFPE: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Floating point exception"
msgstr "Floating Point Ausnahme"
#: inc/class-job.php:2498
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSEGV: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2510
+msgctxt "SIGSEGV: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Invalid memory reference"
msgstr "Ungültige Speicherreferenz"
#: inc/class-job.php:2502
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGTERM: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2514
+msgctxt "SIGTERM: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Termination signal"
msgstr "Beendigungssignal"
#: inc/class-job.php:2506
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSTKFLT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2518
+msgctxt "SIGSTKFLT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Stack fault on coprocessor"
msgstr "Stack Fault auf Co-Prozessor"
#: inc/class-job.php:2510
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGUSR1: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2522
+msgctxt "SIGUSR1: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "User-defined signal 1"
msgstr "Benutzerdefiniertes Signal 1"
#: inc/class-job.php:2514
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGUSR2: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2526
+msgctxt "SIGUSR2: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "User-defined signal 2"
msgstr "Benutzerdefiniertes Signal 2"
#: inc/class-job.php:2518
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGURG: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2530
+msgctxt "SIGURG: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Urgent condition on socket"
msgstr "Urgent Condition auf Socket"
#: inc/class-job.php:2522
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGXCPU: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2534
+msgctxt "SIGXCPU: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "CPU time limit exceeded"
msgstr "CPU Zeitlimit überschritten"
#: inc/class-job.php:2526
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGXFSZ: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2538
+msgctxt "SIGXFSZ: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "File size limit exceeded"
msgstr "Dateigrößenlimit überschritten"
#: inc/class-job.php:2530
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGPWR: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2542
+msgctxt "SIGPWR: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Power failure"
msgstr "Netzausfall"
#: inc/class-job.php:2534
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSYS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2546
+msgctxt "SIGSYS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Bad argument to routine"
msgstr "Bad Argument bei Routine"
#: inc/class-job.php:2541
+#: inc/class-job.php:2553
msgid "Signal \"%1$s\" (%2$s) is sent to script!"
msgstr "Signal \"%1$s\" (%2$s) wurde zum Script gesandt!"
-#: inc/class-job.php:2575 inc/class-job.php:2588
+#: inc/class-job.php:2575
+#: inc/class-job.php:2588
+#: inc/class-job.php:2587
+#: inc/class-job.php:2600
msgid "System: %s"
msgstr "System: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:2603
+#: inc/class-job.php:2615
msgid "Exception caught in %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "Ausnahme eingefangen in %1$s: %2$s"
@@ -3626,12 +2602,14 @@ msgstr "Tabelle %1$s ist ein View. Nicht geprüft."
msgid "Table %1$s is not a MyISAM/InnoDB table. Not checked."
msgstr "Tabelle %1$s ist keine MyISAM/InnoDB Tabelle. Nicht geprüft."
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:124 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:127
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:124
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:127
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:129
msgid "Result of table check for %1$s is: %2$s"
msgstr "Ergebnis der Tabellenprüfung für %1$s ist: %2$s"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:135 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:137
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:135
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:137
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:139
msgid "Result of table repair for %1$s is: %2$s"
msgstr "Ergebnis der Tabellenreparatur für %1$s ist: %2$s"
@@ -3685,12 +2663,8 @@ msgid "Extra folders to backup"
msgstr "Weitere Verzeichnisse sichern"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:118
-msgid ""
-"Separate folder names with a line-break or a comma. Folders must be set with "
-"their absolute path!"
-msgstr ""
-"Trenne Verzeichnisnamen mit einer neuen Zeile oder einem Komma. Die "
-"Verzeichnisse müssen mit ihrem absoluten Pfad angegeben werden!"
+msgid "Separate folder names with a line-break or a comma. Folders must be set with their absolute path!"
+msgstr "Trenne Verzeichnisnamen mit einer neuen Zeile oder einem Komma. Die Verzeichnisse müssen mit ihrem absoluten Pfad angegeben werden!"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:123
msgid "Exclude from backup"
@@ -3709,12 +2683,8 @@ msgid "Exclude files/folders from backup"
msgstr "Dateien/Verzeichnisse nicht mitsichern"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:136
-msgid ""
-"Separate file / folder name parts with a line-break or a comma. For example /"
-msgstr ""
-"Trenne Dateien / Verzeichnisse mit einer neuen Zeile oder einem Komma. Zum "
-"Beispiel: /logs/,.log,.tmp"
+msgid "Separate file / folder name parts with a line-break or a comma. For example /logs/,.log,.tmp"
+msgstr "Trenne Dateien / Verzeichnisse mit einer neuen Zeile oder einem Komma. Zum Beispiel: /logs/,.log,.tmp"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:141
msgid "Special options"
@@ -3725,39 +2695,23 @@ msgid "Include special files"
msgstr "Bestimmte Dateien einbeziehen"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:147
-msgid ""
-"Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd, favicon."
-"ico, and Web.config from root if it is not included in backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Sichere wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd und "
-"favicon.ico vom Hauptverzeichnis, wenn es nicht in der Sicherung enthalten "
+msgid "Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd, favicon.ico, and Web.config from root if it is not included in backup."
+msgstr "Sichere wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd und favicon.ico vom Hauptverzeichnis, wenn es nicht in der Sicherung enthalten ist."
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:151
msgid "Use one folder above as WP install folder"
msgstr "Einen Ordner über diesem als WP Installations-Ordner festlegen"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:154
-msgid ""
-"Use one folder above as WordPress install folder! That can be helpful, if "
-"you would backup files and folder that are not in the WordPress installation "
-"folder. Or if you made a \"Giving WordPress Its Own Directory"
-"\" installation. Excludes must be configured again."
-msgstr ""
-"Einen Ordner über diesem als WordPress Installations-Ordner festlegen! Dies "
-"kann nützlich sein, wenn du Dateien und Ordner sichern willst, die nicht im "
-"WordPress Installations-Ordner liegen. Oder wenn du eine \"Gib WordPress ein "
-"eigenes Verzeichnis\" Installation gemacht hast. Ausschlüsse müssen "
-"erneut konfiguriert werden."
+msgid "Use one folder above as WordPress install folder! That can be helpful, if you would backup files and folder that are not in the WordPress installation folder. Or if you made a \"Giving WordPress Its Own Directory\" installation. Excludes must be configured again."
+msgstr "Einen Ordner über diesem als WordPress Installations-Ordner festlegen! Dies kann nützlich sein, wenn du Dateien und Ordner sichern willst, die nicht im WordPress Installations-Ordner liegen. Oder wenn du eine \"Gib WordPress ein eigenes Verzeichnis\" Installation gemacht hast. Ausschlüsse müssen erneut konfiguriert werden."
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:238
msgid "%d. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Versuche, eine Liste der Ordner für das Backup zu erstellen …"
+msgstr "%d. Versuche, eine Liste der Ordner für das Backup zu erstellen …"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:358 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:362
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:358
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:362
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:379
msgid "Added \"%s\" to backup file list"
msgstr "\"%s\" zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt"
@@ -3790,7 +2744,8 @@ msgstr "Ausgeschlossen durch .donotbackup Datei!"
msgid "XML export"
msgstr "XML Export"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:14 inc/class-page-about.php:474
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:14
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:474
msgid "WordPress XML export"
msgstr "WordPress XML Export"
@@ -3802,28 +2757,34 @@ msgstr "Objekte zum Exportieren"
msgid "XML Export file name"
msgstr "XML Export Datei Name"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:69 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:53
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:69
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:53
msgid "File compression"
msgstr "Dateikomprimierung"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:79 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:81
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:64 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:66
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:79
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:81
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:64
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:66
msgid "BZip2"
msgstr "BZip2"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:112
msgid "%d. Trying to create a WordPress export to XML file …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Versuche, einen WordPress-Export als XML-Datei zu erstellen …"
+msgstr "%d. Versuche, einen WordPress-Export als XML-Datei zu erstellen …"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:127
msgid "WP Export: Post type “%s” does not allow export."
msgstr "WP Export: Post-Type „%s“ erlaubt keinen Export."
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:172 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:186
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:215 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:236
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:269 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:289
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:378 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:387
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:172
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:186
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:215
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:236
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:269
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:289
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:378
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:387
msgid "WP Export file could not written."
msgstr "WP-Exportdatei konnte nicht geschrieben werden."
@@ -3847,23 +2808,18 @@ msgstr "XML FEHLER (%s): %s"
msgid "There was an error when reading this WXR file"
msgstr "Fehler beim Lesen der WXR Datei"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:444 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:451
-msgid ""
-"This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number"
-msgstr ""
-"Dies scheint keine WXR Datei zu sein. Fehlende/ungültige Versionsnummer"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:444
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:451
+msgid "This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number"
+msgstr "Dies scheint keine WXR Datei zu sein. Fehlende/ungültige Versionsnummer"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:460
msgid "WP Export file is a valid WXR file."
msgstr "WP Export-Datei ist eine gültige WXR Datei."
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:462
-msgid ""
-"WP Export file can not be checked, because no XML extension is loaded, to "
-"ensure the file verification."
-msgstr ""
-"Die WP Export Datei kann nicht überprüft werden, weil keine XML Extension "
-"geladen ist, die die Dateienverifikation gewährleistet."
+msgid "WP Export file can not be checked, because no XML extension is loaded, to ensure the file verification."
+msgstr "Die WP Export Datei kann nicht überprüft werden, weil keine XML Extension geladen ist, die die Dateienverifikation gewährleistet."
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:500
msgid "Added XML export \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list."
@@ -3883,9 +2839,7 @@ msgstr "Dateiname der Plugin-Liste"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:96
msgid "%d. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Versuche, eine Datei mit den Namen der installierten Plugins zu "
-"erstellen …"
+msgstr "%d. Versuche, eine Datei mit den Namen der installierten Plugins zu erstellen …"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:124
msgid "All plugin information:"
@@ -3905,8 +2859,7 @@ msgstr "Inaktive Plugins:"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:148
msgid "Added plugin list file \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list."
-msgstr ""
-"Plugin Listendatei \"%1$s\" mit %2$s zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt."
+msgstr "Plugin Listendatei \"%1$s\" mit %2$s zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt."
#: inc/class-message-box.php:89
msgid "Dismiss"
@@ -3937,7 +2890,8 @@ msgstr "Die Länge für Tabellen Backup ist nicht richtig gesetzt: %1$s"
msgid "Error while writing file!"
msgstr "Fehler beim Schreiben!"
-#: inc/class-option.php:176 inc/class-page-editjob.php:97
+#: inc/class-option.php:176
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:97
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
msgid "New Job"
msgstr "Neuer Auftrag"
@@ -3946,48 +2900,27 @@ msgstr "Neuer Auftrag"
msgid "Welcome to BackWPup Pro"
msgstr "Willkommen zu BackWPup Pro"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:372 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup’s job wizards make planning and scheduling your backup jobs a "
-msgstr ""
-"Die Assistenten in BackWPup machen das Planen und Terminieren deiner "
-"Sicherungen zu einem Spaziergang."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:372
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
+msgid "BackWPup’s job wizards make planning and scheduling your backup jobs a breeze."
+msgstr "Die Assistenten in BackWPup machen das Planen und Terminieren deiner Sicherungen zu einem Spaziergang."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:373 inc/class-page-about.php:386
-msgid ""
-"Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation "
-"including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage "
-"service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server. With a "
-"single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool "
-"like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
-msgstr ""
-"Benutze deine Backup-Archive, um deine gesamte WordPress-Installation zu "
-"sichern, einschließlich /wp-content/
. Lade sie zu einem "
-"externen Dienst hoch, wenn du deine Backups nicht auf demselben Server "
-"speichern möchtest. Mit einem einzigen Backup-Archiv kannst du deine "
-"Installation wiederherstellen. Benutze ein serverseitiges Tool wie "
-"phpMyAdmin, um deine Datenbanksicherung wiederherzustellen."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:373
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:386
+msgid "Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server. With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
+msgstr "Benutze deine Backup-Archive, um deine gesamte WordPress-Installation zu sichern, einschließlich /wp-content/
. Lade sie zu einem externen Dienst hoch, wenn du deine Backups nicht auf demselben Server speichern möchtest. Mit einem einzigen Backup-Archiv kannst du deine Installation wiederherstellen. Benutze ein serverseitiges Tool wie phpMyAdmin, um deine Datenbanksicherung wiederherzustellen."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:374
-msgid ""
-"Ready to set up a backup job? You can use the wizards or plan your backup in expert mode."
-msgstr ""
-"Bereit, einen Backup-Auftrag anzulegen? Benutze die Assistenten, oder plane dein Backup im Expertenmodus."
+msgid "Ready to set up a backup job? You can use the wizards or plan your backup in expert mode."
+msgstr "Bereit, einen Backup-Auftrag anzulegen? Benutze die Assistenten, oder plane dein Backup im Expertenmodus."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:384
msgid "Welcome to BackWPup"
msgstr "Willkommen bei BackWPup"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:387
-msgid ""
-"Ready to set up a backup job? Use one of the wizards to plan what you want "
-"to save."
-msgstr ""
-"Bereit, einen Backup-Auftrag anzulegen? Benutze einen der Assistenten, um "
-"deine Sicherung zu planen."
+msgid "Ready to set up a backup job? Use one of the wizards to plan what you want to save."
+msgstr "Bereit, einen Backup-Auftrag anzulegen? Benutze einen der Assistenten, um deine Sicherung zu planen."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:400
msgid "Save your database"
@@ -3998,33 +2931,17 @@ msgid "Save your database regularly"
msgstr "Sichere deine Datenbank regelmäßig"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:404
-msgid ""
-"With BackWPup you can schedule the database backup to run automatically. "
-"With a single backup file you can restore your database. You should set up a backup job, so you will never forget it. There is also "
-"an option to repair and optimize the database after each backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Mit BackWPup kannst du automatische Datenbank-Backups planen. Mit einer "
-"einzigen Backup-Datei kannst du die Datenbank wiederherstellen. Du solltest "
-"einen Backup-Auftrag einrichten, damit du es nie mehr "
-"vergisst. Es gibt auch eine Option, um die Datenbank nach jedem Backup zu "
-"reparieren und zu optimieren."
+msgid "With BackWPup you can schedule the database backup to run automatically. With a single backup file you can restore your database. You should set up a backup job, so you will never forget it. There is also an option to repair and optimize the database after each backup."
+msgstr "Mit BackWPup kannst du automatische Datenbank-Backups planen. Mit einer einzigen Backup-Datei kannst du die Datenbank wiederherstellen. Du solltest einen Backup-Auftrag einrichten, damit du es nie mehr vergisst. Es gibt auch eine Option, um die Datenbank nach jedem Backup zu reparieren und zu optimieren."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:409 inc/class-page-about.php:413
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:413
msgid "WordPress XML Export"
msgstr "WordPress-XML-Export"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:410
-msgid ""
-"You can choose the built-in WordPress export format in addition or exclusive "
-"to save your data. This works in automated backups too of course. The "
-"advantage is: you can import these files into a blog with the regular "
-"WordPress importer."
-msgstr ""
-"Du kannst das interne WordPress-Export-Format zusätzlich oder ausschließlich "
-"wählen, um deine Daten zu sichern. Das funktioniert natürlich auch in "
-"automatischen Backups. Der Vorteil: Du kannst diese Daten mit dem normalen "
-"WordPress-Importer-Plugin in einen Blog importieren."
+msgid "You can choose the built-in WordPress export format in addition or exclusive to save your data. This works in automated backups too of course. The advantage is: you can import these files into a blog with the regular WordPress importer."
+msgstr "Du kannst das interne WordPress-Export-Format zusätzlich oder ausschließlich wählen, um deine Daten zu sichern. Das funktioniert natürlich auch in automatischen Backups. Der Vorteil: Du kannst diese Daten mit dem normalen WordPress-Importer-Plugin in einen Blog importieren."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:418
msgid "Save all data from the webserver"
@@ -4035,39 +2952,26 @@ msgid "Save all files"
msgstr "Sichere alle Dateien"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:422
-msgid ""
-"You can backup all your attachments, also all system files, plugins and "
-"themes in a single file. You can create a job to update a "
-"backup copy of your file system only when files are changed."
-msgstr ""
-"Du kannst alle deine Anhänge sichern, ebenso alle Systemdateien, Plugins und "
-"Themes – in einer einzigen Datei. Du kannst einen Auftrag "
-"erstellen, um die Sicherungskopie nur dann zu aktualisieren, wenn sich "
-"tatsächlich eine Datei geändert hat."
+msgid "You can backup all your attachments, also all system files, plugins and themes in a single file. You can create a job to update a backup copy of your file system only when files are changed."
+msgstr "Du kannst alle deine Anhänge sichern, ebenso alle Systemdateien, Plugins und Themes – in einer einzigen Datei. Du kannst einen Auftrag erstellen, um die Sicherungskopie nur dann zu aktualisieren, wenn sich tatsächlich eine Datei geändert hat."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:427 inc/class-page-about.php:431
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:427
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:431
msgid "Security!"
msgstr "Sicherheit!"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:428
-msgid ""
-"By default everything is encrypted: connections to external services, local "
-"files and access to directories."
-msgstr ""
-"In der Grundeinstellung ist alles verschlüsselt: Verbindungen zu externen "
-"Diensten, lokale Dateien und der Zugriff auf die Verzeichnisse."
+msgid "By default everything is encrypted: connections to external services, local files and access to directories."
+msgstr "In der Grundeinstellung ist alles verschlüsselt: Verbindungen zu externen Diensten, lokale Dateien und der Zugriff auf die Verzeichnisse."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:436 inc/class-page-about.php:439
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:436
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:439
msgid "Cloud Support"
msgstr "Cloud-Support"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:440
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup supports multiple cloud services in parallel. This ensures backups "
-"are redundant."
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup unterstützt parallel mehrere Cloud-Dienste. Damit wird "
-"sichergestellt, dass du redundante Backups anlegen kannst."
+msgid "BackWPup supports multiple cloud services in parallel. This ensures backups are redundant."
+msgstr "BackWPup unterstützt parallel mehrere Cloud-Dienste. Damit wird sichergestellt, dass du redundante Backups anlegen kannst."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:446
msgid "Features / differences between Free and Pro"
@@ -4179,8 +3083,7 @@ msgstr "Differenzielle Sicherung geänderter Verzeichnisse in Dropbox"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:599
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to Rackspace Cloud Files"
-msgstr ""
-"Differenzielle Sicherung geänderter Verzeichnisse nach Rackspace Cloud Files"
+msgstr "Differenzielle Sicherung geänderter Verzeichnisse nach Rackspace Cloud Files"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:604
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to S3"
@@ -4223,33 +3126,47 @@ msgid "GET PRO"
msgstr "PRO KAUFEN"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:177
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:158
msgid "No files could be found. (List will be generated during next backup.)"
msgstr "Keine Dateien gefunden. (Liste wird beim nächsten Backup generiert.)"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:190 inc/class-page-backups.php:325
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:113 inc/class-page-jobs.php:177
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:151 inc/class-page-logs.php:232
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:190
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:325
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:113
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:177
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:151
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:232
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:168
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:274
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Löschen"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:230
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:203
msgid "Change destination"
msgstr "Ziel ändern"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:274 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:283
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347 inc/class-page-logs.php:163
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:274
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:283
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:163
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:241
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Zeit"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:275
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:242
msgid "File"
msgstr "Datei"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:277 inc/class-page-logs.php:167
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:277
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:167
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:244
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Größe"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:324
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:273
msgid ""
"You are about to delete this backup archive. \n"
" 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete."
@@ -4257,147 +3174,147 @@ msgstr ""
"Du bist dabei dieses Backup Archiv zu löschen. \n"
" 'Abbrechen' um zu stoppen, 'OK' um zu löschen."
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:334 inc/class-page-backups.php:337
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:330 inc/class-page-logs.php:234
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:779 inc/class-page-settings.php:790
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:334
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:337
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:234
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:779
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:790
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:281
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:285
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:768
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Herunterladen"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:311
msgid "?"
msgstr "?"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:390 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:321
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:384 inc/class-page-jobs.php:318
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:390
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:321
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:384
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:318
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:190
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:317
msgid "%1$s at %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s um %2$s"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:408 inc/class-page-backups.php:446
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:35 inc/class-page-jobs.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:408
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:446
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:35
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:331
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:369
msgid "Sorry, you don't have permissions to do that."
msgstr "Du hast nicht die notwendigen Berechtigungen für diese Aktion."
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:485
-msgid "Ops! Unfortunately the file doesn't exists. May be was deleted?"
-msgstr "Ups! Die Datei existiert nicht. Evtl. wurde sie gelöscht?"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:486
-msgid "404 - File Not Found."
-msgstr "404 - Datei wurde nicht gefunden."
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:488
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:408
msgid "« Go back"
msgstr "« Zurück"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:513
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:433
msgid "Backup Files"
msgstr "Backup-Dateien"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:581
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:489
msgid "%s › Manage Backup Archives"
msgstr "%s › Verwaltung von Sicherungsarchiven"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:593
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:501
msgid "Please wait …"
msgstr "Bitte warten …"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:596
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:504
msgid "Your download is being generated …"
msgstr "Dein Download wird generiert …"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:602 views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:15
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:602
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:15
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:510
msgid "Please enter your private key to decrypt your backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Bitte gib deinen privaten Schlüssel ein, um dein Backup zu entschlüsseln."
+msgstr "Bitte gib deinen privaten Schlüssel ein, um dein Backup zu entschlüsseln."
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:604 views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:17
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:604
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:17
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:512
msgid "The private key you entered was invalid. Please try again."
-msgstr ""
-"Der eingegebene private Schlüssel ist ungültig. Bitte versuche es nochmal."
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:607 inc/class-page-settings.php:753
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:784 views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:20
+msgstr "Der eingegebene private Schlüssel ist ungültig. Bitte versuche es nochmal."
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:607
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:753
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:784
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:20
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:515
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:742
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:773
msgid "Private Key"
msgstr "Privater Schlüssel"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:613 views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:25
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:613
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:25
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:522
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Senden"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:618
-msgid ""
-"Your download has been generated. It should begin downloading momentarily."
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:527
+msgid "Your download has been generated. It should begin downloading momentarily."
msgstr "Dein Download wurde generiert. Der Download sollte sofort beginnen."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:67
msgid "%s › Dashboard"
msgstr "%s › Dashboard"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:74 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:83
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:74
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:83
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Planning backups"
msgstr "Backups planen"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
-msgid ""
-"Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation "
-"including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage "
-"service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server."
-msgstr ""
-"Benutze deine Backup-Archive, um deine gesamte WordPress-Installation zu "
-"sichern, einschließlich /wp-content/
. Lade sie zu einem "
-"externen Dienst hoch, wenn du deine Backups nicht auf demselben Server "
-"speichern möchtest."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
+msgid "Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server."
+msgstr "Benutze deine Backup-Archive, um deine gesamte WordPress-Installation zu sichern, einschließlich /wp-content/
. Lade sie zu einem externen Dienst hoch, wenn du deine Backups nicht auf demselben Server speichern möchtest."
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:76 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:85
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:76
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:85
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Restoring backups"
msgstr "Backups wiederherstellen"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:77 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:86
-msgid ""
-"With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a "
-"tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
-msgstr ""
-"Mit einem einzigen Backup-Archiv kannst du deine Installation "
-"wiederherstellen. Benutze ein serverseitiges Tool wie phpMyAdmin, um deine "
-"Datenbanksicherung wiederherzustellen."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:77
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:86
+msgid "With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
+msgstr "Mit einem einzigen Backup-Archiv kannst du deine Installation wiederherstellen. Benutze ein serverseitiges Tool wie phpMyAdmin, um deine Datenbanksicherung wiederherzustellen."
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:78 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:87
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:78
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:87
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Ready to set up a backup job?"
msgstr "Bereit, einen Backup-Auftrag zu erstellen?"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79
-msgid ""
-"Use one of the wizards to plan a backup, or use expert mode"
-"a> for full control over all options."
-msgstr ""
-"Verwende einen der Assistenten, um dein Backup zu planen, oder den Expertenmodus für die volle Übersicht über alle Optionen."
+msgid "Use one of the wizards to plan a backup, or use expert mode for full control over all options."
+msgstr "Verwende einen der Assistenten, um dein Backup zu planen, oder den Expertenmodus für die volle Übersicht über alle Optionen."
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:89
-msgid ""
-"Please note: You are solely responsible for the security of your "
-"data; the authors of this plugin are not."
-msgstr ""
-"Bitte beachte: Für die Sicherheit deiner Daten bist du allein "
-"verantwortlich; die Autoren dieses Plugins sind es nicht."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:89
+msgid "Please note: You are solely responsible for the security of your data; the authors of this plugin are not."
+msgstr "Bitte beachte: Für die Sicherheit deiner Daten bist du allein verantwortlich; die Autoren dieses Plugins sind es nicht."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
-msgid ""
-"Use the short links in the First steps box to plan and "
-"schedule backup jobs."
-msgstr ""
-"Benutze die Schnellverweise in Erste Schritte, um einen "
-"Backup-Auftrag zu planen und zu terminieren."
+msgid "Use the short links in the First steps box to plan and schedule backup jobs."
+msgstr "Benutze die Schnellverweise in Erste Schritte, um einen Backup-Auftrag zu planen und zu terminieren."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:88
msgid "Add a new backup job and plan what you want to save."
-msgstr ""
-"Erstelle einen neuen Backup-Auftrag und plane deine "
+msgstr "Erstelle einen neuen Backup-Auftrag und plane deine Sicherung."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:96
msgid "First Steps"
@@ -4407,7 +3324,8 @@ msgstr "Erste Schritte"
msgid "Test the installation"
msgstr "Teste die Installation"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:101 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:104
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:101
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:104
msgid "Create a Job"
msgstr "Auftrag erstellen"
@@ -4428,11 +3346,8 @@ msgid "One click backup"
msgstr "Ein-Klick-Backup"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:117
-msgid ""
-"Generate a database backup of WordPress tables and download it right away!"
-msgstr ""
-"Generiere ein Datenbank-Backup der WordPress-Tabellen und lade es gleich "
+msgid "Generate a database backup of WordPress tables and download it right away!"
+msgstr "Generiere ein Datenbank-Backup der WordPress-Tabellen und lade es gleich herunter!"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:117
msgid "Download database backup"
@@ -4452,12 +3367,8 @@ msgid "RSS Error: %s"
msgstr "RSS Fehler: %s"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:132
-msgid ""
-"An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again "
-msgstr ""
-"Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten, der wahrscheinlich bedeutet, das der Feed "
-"Offline ist. Versuche es später erneut."
+msgid "An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again later."
+msgstr "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten, der wahrscheinlich bedeutet, das der Feed Offline ist. Versuche es später erneut."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:146
msgid "Untitled"
@@ -4501,14 +3412,12 @@ msgstr "Erstklassigem persönlichen Support auf backwpup.de."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:258
msgctxt "Pro teaser box"
msgid "Differential backups to Google Drive and other cloud storage service."
-msgstr ""
-"Differenzielle Backups zu Google Drive und anderen Cloud-Storage-Diensten."
+msgstr "Differenzielle Backups zu Google Drive und anderen Cloud-Storage-Diensten."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:259
msgctxt "Pro teaser box"
msgid "Easy-peasy wizards to create and schedule backup jobs."
-msgstr ""
-"Kinderleichte Assistenten zum Erstellen und Planen von Backup-Aufträgen."
+msgstr "Kinderleichte Assistenten zum Erstellen und Planen von Backup-Aufträgen."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
msgctxt "Pro teaser box, link text"
@@ -4529,7 +3438,8 @@ msgstr "Wechsle jetzt zu BackWPup Pro"
msgid "Next scheduled jobs"
msgstr "Nächste geplante Aufträge"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:284 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:284
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:164
msgid "Job"
msgstr "Auftrag"
@@ -4538,7 +3448,8 @@ msgstr "Auftrag"
msgid "working since %d seconds"
msgstr "in Arbeit seit %d Sekunden"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:309 inc/class-page-jobs.php:608
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:309
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:608
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "Abbrechen"
@@ -4586,7 +3497,8 @@ msgstr "Änderungen für Auftrag %s gesichert."
msgid "Jobs overview"
msgstr "Auftragsübersicht"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223 inc/class-page-jobs.php:181
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:181
msgid "Run now"
msgstr "Jetzt starten"
@@ -4594,7 +3506,9 @@ msgstr "Jetzt starten"
msgid "%1$s › Job: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s › Auftrag: %2$s"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:337 inc/class-page-settings.php:215
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:337
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:215
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:214
msgid "General"
msgstr "Allgemein"
@@ -4606,7 +3520,8 @@ msgstr "Planen"
msgid "To: %s"
msgstr "Nach: %s"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:387 inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:125
msgid "Job Name"
msgstr "Auftragsname"
@@ -4632,12 +3547,8 @@ msgid "Archive name"
msgstr "Archivname"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:448
-msgid ""
-"Note: In order for backup file tracking to work, %hash% must be "
-"included anywhere in the archive name."
-msgstr ""
-"Beachte: Damit das Backup File Tracking funktioniert, muss der "
-"Archivname mit %hash% beginnen."
+msgid "Note: In order for backup file tracking to work, %hash% must be included anywhere in the archive name."
+msgstr "Beachte: Damit das Backup File Tracking funktioniert, muss der Archivname mit %hash% beginnen."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:454
msgid "Replacement patterns:"
@@ -4703,44 +3614,40 @@ msgstr "%i = Zweistellige Minute"
msgid "%s = Two digit representation of the second"
msgstr "%s = Zweistellige Sekunde"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:475 inc/class-page-editjob.php:478
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:475
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:478
msgid "Archive Format"
msgstr "Archivformat"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:484
msgid "ZipArchive PHP class is missing, so BackWPUp will use PclZip instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Die ZipArchive PHP class fehlt, daher wird BackWPUp stattdessen PclZip "
+msgstr "Die ZipArchive PHP class fehlt, daher wird BackWPUp stattdessen PclZip verwenden."
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:491 inc/class-page-editjob.php:498
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:491
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:498
msgid "Disabled due to missing %s PHP function."
msgstr "Deaktiviert aufgrund fehlender %s PHP-Funktion."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:495
msgid "Not supported yet by the automatic restore functionality"
-msgstr ""
-"Dieses Archivformat wird noch nicht von der automatischen Restore-"
-"Funktion unterstützt"
+msgstr "Dieses Archivformat wird noch nicht von der automatischen Restore-Funktion unterstützt"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:506 inc/class-page-editjob.php:511
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:506
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:511
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:520
msgid "Encrypt Archive"
msgstr "Verschlüssele Archiv"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:524
-msgid ""
-"You must generate your encryption key in BackWPup Settings before you can "
-"enable this option."
-msgstr ""
-"Du musst deinen Verschlüsselungsschlüssel in den BackWPup Einstellungen "
-"generieren bevor du diese Option aktivieren kannst."
+msgid "You must generate your encryption key in BackWPup Settings before you can enable this option."
+msgstr "Du musst deinen Verschlüsselungsschlüssel in den BackWPup Einstellungen generieren bevor du diese Option aktivieren kannst."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:533
msgid "Job Destination"
msgstr "Zielordner des Auftrags"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:537 inc/class-page-editjob.php:540
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:537
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:540
msgid "Where should your backup file be stored?"
msgstr "Wo soll die Backup-Datei gespeichert werden?"
@@ -4753,12 +3660,8 @@ msgid "Send log to email address"
msgstr "Protokoll-Datei an E-Mail-Adresse senden"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:565
-msgid ""
-"Leave empty to not have log sent. Or separate with , for more than one "
-msgstr ""
-"Leer lassen, um kein Log zu senden. Für mehrere Empfänger: Trenne durch "
+msgid "Leave empty to not have log sent. Or separate with , for more than one receiver."
+msgstr "Leer lassen, um kein Log zu senden. Für mehrere Empfänger: Trenne durch Kommata."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:569
msgid "Email FROM field"
@@ -4774,15 +3677,14 @@ msgstr "Nur Fehler"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:580
msgid "Send email with log only when errors occur during job execution."
-msgstr ""
-"Sende eine E-Mail mit Protokoll nur, wenn während des Auftrags ein Fehler "
-"aufgetreten ist."
+msgstr "Sende eine E-Mail mit Protokoll nur, wenn während des Auftrags ein Fehler aufgetreten ist."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:591
msgid "Job Schedule"
msgstr "Auftragsplanung"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:595 inc/class-page-editjob.php:598
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:595
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:598
msgid "Start job"
msgstr "Auftrag starten"
@@ -4795,12 +3697,8 @@ msgid "with WordPress cron"
msgstr "mit WordPress Cron"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:615
-msgid ""
-"with EasyCron.com"
-msgstr ""
-"mit EasyCron.com"
+msgid "with EasyCron.com"
+msgstr "mit EasyCron.com"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:617
msgid "First setup API Key."
@@ -4811,29 +3709,23 @@ msgid "with a link"
msgstr "mit einem Link"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:627
-msgid ""
-"Copy the link for an external start. This option has to be activated to make "
-"the link work."
-msgstr ""
-"Kopiere den Link für einen externen Auftragsstart. Diese Option muss erst "
-"aktiviert werden, damit der Link funktioniert."
+msgid "Copy the link for an external start. This option has to be activated to make the link work."
+msgstr "Kopiere den Link für einen externen Auftragsstart. Diese Option muss erst aktiviert werden, damit der Link funktioniert."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:634
msgid "Start job with CLI"
msgstr "Auftrag per CLI starten"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:637
-msgid ""
-"Use WP-CLI to run jobs from commandline."
-msgstr ""
-"Benutze WP-CLI, um Aufträge von der "
-"Kommandozeile zu starten."
+msgid "Use WP-CLI to run jobs from commandline."
+msgstr "Benutze WP-CLI, um Aufträge von der Kommandozeile zu starten."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:642
msgid "Schedule execution time"
msgstr "Plane Ausführungszeit"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:646 inc/class-page-editjob.php:649
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:646
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:649
msgid "Scheduler type"
msgstr "Planungstyp"
@@ -4849,8 +3741,10 @@ msgstr "erweitert"
msgid "Minutes:"
msgstr "Minuten:"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:759 inc/class-page-editjob.php:772
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:784 inc/class-page-editjob.php:798
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:759
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:772
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:784
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:798
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:820
msgid "Any (*)"
msgstr "Alle (*)"
@@ -4924,10 +3818,8 @@ msgid "Save changes"
msgstr "Änderungen speichern"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:941
-msgid ""
-"Working as Cron schedule:"
-msgstr ""
-"Als Cron-Job ausführen:"
+msgid "Working as Cron schedule:"
+msgstr "Als Cron-Job ausführen:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:950
msgid "ATTENTION: Job runs every %d minutes!"
@@ -4953,7 +3845,8 @@ msgstr "Nächster Durchlauf"
msgid "Last Run"
msgstr "Letzter Durchlauf"
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:175 views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:45
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:175
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:45
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Bearbeiten"
@@ -4973,7 +3866,8 @@ msgstr "Nicht gebraucht oder eingestellt"
msgid "Running for: %s seconds"
msgstr "Läuft seit %s Sekunden"
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:280 inc/class-page-jobs.php:289
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:280
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:289
msgid "Cron: %s"
msgstr "Cron: %s"
@@ -5019,23 +3913,18 @@ msgstr "Der Auftrag \"%s\" mit dem Ziel \"%s\" ist nicht richtig konfiguriert"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:436
msgid "The job \"%s\" needs properly configured destinations to run!"
-msgstr ""
-"Der Aufrag \"%s\" benötigt vollständig konfigurierte Ziele, damit er "
-"ausgeführt werden kann!"
+msgstr "Der Aufrag \"%s\" benötigt vollständig konfigurierte Ziele, damit er ausgeführt werden kann!"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:454
-msgid ""
-"Job \"%s\" has started, but not responded for 10 seconds. Please check information."
-msgstr ""
-"Auftrag \"%s\" hat begonnen, aber seit 10 Sekunden nicht mehr geantwortet. "
-"Bitte überprüfe Information."
+msgid "Job \"%s\" has started, but not responded for 10 seconds. Please check information."
+msgstr "Auftrag \"%s\" hat begonnen, aber seit 10 Sekunden nicht mehr geantwortet. Bitte überprüfe Information."
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:459
msgid "Job \"%s\" started."
msgstr "Auftrag \"%s\" wurde gestartet."
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:471 inc/class-wp-cli.php:59
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:471
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:59
msgid "Job will be terminated."
msgstr "Auftrag wird beendet."
@@ -5076,12 +3965,8 @@ msgid "Job completed"
msgstr "Auftrag vollständig"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
-msgid ""
-"Job has done with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct "
-msgstr ""
-"Auftrag wurde mit Warnungen in %s Sekunden erledigt. Bitte behebe diese für "
-"eine korrekte Ausführung."
+msgid "Job has done with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct execution."
+msgstr "Auftrag wurde mit Warnungen in %s Sekunden erledigt. Bitte behebe diese für eine korrekte Ausführung."
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:138
msgid "No Logs."
@@ -5129,9 +4014,7 @@ msgstr "Logdatei nicht gefunden!"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:39
msgid "Please enter a public key first, or generate a key pair."
-msgstr ""
-"Bitte gib zuerst den öffentlichen Schlüssel ein oder generiere ein Schlüssel-"
+msgstr "Bitte gib zuerst den öffentlichen Schlüssel ein oder generiere ein Schlüssel-Paar."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:40
msgid "Please enter your private key."
@@ -5146,12 +4029,8 @@ msgid "Public key is invalid."
msgstr "Der öffentliche Schlüssel ist ungültig."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:43
-msgid ""
-"Please download the private key before continuing. If you do not save it "
-"locally, you cannot decrypt your backups later."
-msgstr ""
-"Bitte lade den privaten Schlüssel herunter bevor du weitermachst. Wenn du "
-"ihn nicht lokal speicherst, kannst du dein Backup später nicht entschlüsseln."
+msgid "Please download the private key before continuing. If you do not save it locally, you cannot decrypt your backups later."
+msgstr "Bitte lade den privaten Schlüssel herunter bevor du weitermachst. Wenn du ihn nicht lokal speicherst, kannst du dein Backup später nicht entschlüsseln."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:88
msgid "Settings reset to default"
@@ -5162,6 +4041,7 @@ msgid "Settings saved"
msgstr "Einstellungen gespeichert"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:210
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:209
msgid "%s › Settings"
msgstr "%s › Einstellungen"
@@ -5170,14 +4050,17 @@ msgid "Encryption"
msgstr "Verschlüsselung"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:219
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:220
msgid "Network"
msgstr "Netzwerk"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:220
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:221
msgid "API Keys"
msgstr "API-Keys"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:221
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:222
msgid "Information"
msgstr "Informationen"
@@ -5201,17 +4084,14 @@ msgstr "Adminbar"
msgid "Show BackWPup links in admin bar."
msgstr "BackWPup-Links in der Adminbar anzeigen."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:264 inc/class-page-settings.php:269
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:264
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:269
msgid "Folder sizes"
msgstr "Verzeichnisgrößen"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:277
-msgid ""
-"Display folder sizes in the files tab when editing a job. (Might increase "
-"loading time of files tab.)"
-msgstr ""
-"Ordnergrößen im Tab \"Dateien\" anzeigen, wenn ein Auftrag bearbeitet wird. "
-"(Kann die Ladezeit des Tab erhöhen.)"
+msgid "Display folder sizes in the files tab when editing a job. (Might increase loading time of files tab.)"
+msgstr "Ordnergrößen im Tab \"Dateien\" anzeigen, wenn ein Auftrag bearbeitet wird. (Kann die Ladezeit des Tab erhöhen.)"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:286
msgid "Security"
@@ -5221,26 +4101,18 @@ msgstr "Sicherheit"
msgid "Security option for BackWPup"
msgstr "Sicherheitseinstellungen für BackWPup"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:290 inc/class-page-settings.php:295
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:290
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:295
msgid "Protect folders"
msgstr "Ordner schützen"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:304
-msgid ""
-"Protect BackWPup folders ( Temp, Log and Backups ) with .htaccess"
-"code> and
-msgstr ""
-"Schütze BackWPup-Ordner (Temp, Log und Backups) mit den Dateien ."
und index.php
+msgid "Protect BackWPup folders ( Temp, Log and Backups ) with .htaccess
and index.php
+msgstr "Schütze BackWPup-Ordner (Temp, Log und Backups) mit den Dateien .htaccess
und index.php
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:321
-msgid ""
-"Every time BackWPup runs a backup job, a log file is being generated. Choose "
-"where to store your log files and how many of them."
-msgstr ""
-"Jedes Mal, wenn BackWPup einen Auftrag ausführt, wird eine Protokolldatei "
-"erzeugt. Wähle aus, wo und wie viele dieser Protokolldateien du speichern "
+msgid "Every time BackWPup runs a backup job, a log file is being generated. Choose where to store your log files and how many of them."
+msgstr "Jedes Mal, wenn BackWPup einen Auftrag ausführt, wird eine Protokolldatei erzeugt. Wähle aus, wo und wie viele dieser Protokolldateien du speichern möchtest."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:330
msgid "Log file folder"
@@ -5248,9 +4120,7 @@ msgstr "Protokolldateien-Ordner"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:340
msgid "You can use absolute or relative path! Relative path is relative to %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Du kannst absolute oder relative Pfade verwenden! Relativer Pfad ist relativ "
-"zu %s."
+msgstr "Du kannst absolute oder relative Pfade verwenden! Relativer Pfad ist relativ zu %s."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:356
msgid "Maximum log files"
@@ -5260,7 +4130,8 @@ msgstr "Maximale Protokolldateien"
msgid "Maximum log files in folder."
msgstr "Maximale Protokolldateien im Verzeichnis."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:367 inc/class-page-settings.php:370
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:370
msgid "Compression"
msgstr "Komprimierung"
@@ -5268,7 +4139,8 @@ msgstr "Komprimierung"
msgid "Compress log files with GZip."
msgstr "Komprimiere Protokolldateien mit Gzip."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387 inc/class-page-settings.php:392
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:392
msgid "Logging Level"
msgstr "Log Level"
@@ -5289,22 +4161,12 @@ msgid "Debug (not translated)"
msgstr "Debug (nicht übersetzt)"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:416
-msgid ""
-"Debug log has much more informations than normal logs. It is for support and "
-"should be handled carefully. For support is the best to use a not translated "
-"log file. Usage of not translated logs can reduce the PHP memory usage too."
-msgstr ""
-"Debug-Protokoll beinhaltet viel mehr Informationen als normale Protokolle. "
-"Es ist für den Support und sollte vorsichtig behandelt werden. Für den "
-"Support ist es am besten eine nicht übersetzte Protokoll-Datei zu verwenden. "
-"Die Verwendung von nicht übersetzten Protokollen kann die PHP-"
-"Speichernutzung reduzieren."
+msgid "Debug log has much more informations than normal logs. It is for support and should be handled carefully. For support is the best to use a not translated log file. Usage of not translated logs can reduce the PHP memory usage too."
+msgstr "Debug-Protokoll beinhaltet viel mehr Informationen als normale Protokolle. Es ist für den Support und sollte vorsichtig behandelt werden. Für den Support ist es am besten eine nicht übersetzte Protokoll-Datei zu verwenden. Die Verwendung von nicht übersetzten Protokollen kann die PHP-Speichernutzung reduzieren."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:429
msgid "There are a couple of general options for backup jobs. Set them here."
-msgstr ""
-"Es gibt einige allgemeine Optionen für Backup-Aufträge, die du hier "
-"einstellen kannst."
+msgstr "Es gibt einige allgemeine Optionen für Backup-Aufträge, die du hier einstellen kannst."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:437
msgid "Maximum number of retries for job steps"
@@ -5323,17 +4185,8 @@ msgid "seconds."
msgstr "Sekunden."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:464
-msgid ""
-"Job will restart before hitting maximum execution time. Restarts will be "
-"disabled on CLI usage. If ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
has been defined, "
-"WordPress Cron will be used for restarts, so it can take a while. 0 means no "
-msgstr ""
-"Der Auftrag wird neu gestartet, bevor die maximale Ausführungszeit erreicht "
-"wird. Neustarts sind bei CLI Nutzung deaktiviert. Wenn "
definiert wurde, wird der WordPress Cron für "
-"Neustarts verwendet, sodass der Auftrag länger dauern kann. 0 bedeutet keine "
-"maximale Ausführungszeit."
+msgid "Job will restart before hitting maximum execution time. Restarts will be disabled on CLI usage. If ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
has been defined, WordPress Cron will be used for restarts, so it can take a while. 0 means no maximum."
+msgstr "Der Auftrag wird neu gestartet, bevor die maximale Ausführungszeit erreicht wird. Neustarts sind bei CLI Nutzung deaktiviert. Wenn ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
definiert wurde, wird der WordPress Cron für Neustarts verwendet, sodass der Auftrag länger dauern kann. 0 bedeutet keine maximale Ausführungszeit."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:476
msgid "Key to start jobs externally with an URL"
@@ -5341,11 +4194,10 @@ msgstr "Schlüssel für den Start eines Auftrags über eine externe URL"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:484
msgid "Will be used to protect job starts from unauthorized person."
-msgstr ""
-"Wird verwendet, um Aufträge gegen unbefugte Starts von nicht autorisierten "
-"Personen zu schützen."
+msgstr "Wird verwendet, um Aufträge gegen unbefugte Starts von nicht autorisierten Personen zu schützen."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:492 inc/class-page-settings.php:497
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:492
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:497
msgid "Reduce server load"
msgstr "Reduziere Server-Auslastung"
@@ -5366,506 +4218,544 @@ msgid "maximum"
msgstr "Maximum"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:521
-msgid ""
-"This adds short pauses to the process. Can be used to reduce the CPU load."
-msgstr ""
-"Dies fügt kurze Pausen in den Auftragsablauf ein. Kann verwendet werden, um "
-"die CPU-Belastung zu reduzieren."
+msgid "This adds short pauses to the process. Can be used to reduce the CPU load."
+msgstr "Dies fügt kurze Pausen in den Auftragsablauf ein. Kann verwendet werden, um die CPU-Belastung zu reduzieren."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:530
msgid "Empty output on working"
msgstr "Leere Ausgabe beim Ausführen"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:535 inc/class-page-settings.php:546
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:535
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:546
msgid "Enable an empty Output on backup working."
msgstr "Aktiviere leere Ausgabe bei der Auftragsausführung."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:549
-msgid ""
-"This do an empty output on job working. This can help in some situations or "
-"can brake the working. You must test it."
-msgstr ""
-"Erstellt eine leere Ausgabe, wenn ein Auftrag ausgeführt wird. Dies kann in "
-"einigen Fällen helfen, damit ein Auftrag nicht abgebrochen wird. Du musst "
-"diese Option testen."
+msgid "This do an empty output on job working. This can help in some situations or can brake the working. You must test it."
+msgstr "Erstellt eine leere Ausgabe, wenn ein Auftrag ausgeführt wird. Dies kann in einigen Fällen helfen, damit ein Auftrag nicht abgebrochen wird. Du musst diese Option testen."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:558
msgid "Windows IIS compatibility"
msgstr "Windows IIS Kompatibilität"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:563 inc/class-page-settings.php:574
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:563
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:574
msgid "Enable compatibility with IIS on Windows."
msgstr "Ermögliche Kompatibilität mit IIS auf Windows."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:577
-msgid ""
-"There is a PHP bug (bug #43817), "
-"which is triggered on some versions of Windows and IIS. Checking this box "
-"will enable a workaround for that bug. Only enable if you are getting errors "
-"about “Permission denied” in your logs."
-msgstr ""
-"Es gibt einen PHP Bug (bug #43817"
-"a>), der auf einigen Versionen von Windows und IIS ausgelöst wird. Wenn du "
-"hier ein Häkchen setzt, wird ein Workaround für diesen Bug aktiviert. "
-"Aktiviere die Checkbox nur, wenn du “Permission denied” Fehler "
-"in deinen Protokollen hast."
+msgid "There is a PHP bug (bug #43817), which is triggered on some versions of Windows and IIS. Checking this box will enable a workaround for that bug. Only enable if you are getting errors about “Permission denied” in your logs."
+msgstr "Es gibt einen PHP Bug (bug #43817), der auf einigen Versionen von Windows und IIS ausgelöst wird. Wenn du hier ein Häkchen setzt, wird ein Workaround für diesen Bug aktiviert. Aktiviere die Checkbox nur, wenn du “Permission denied” Fehler in deinen Protokollen hast."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:593
msgid "Here you can set your keys for encrypting your backups."
-msgstr ""
-"Hier kannst du deine Schlüssel für die Backup-Verschlüsselung einstellen."
+msgstr "Hier kannst du deine Schlüssel für die Backup-Verschlüsselung einstellen."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:601
-msgid ""
-"If you select symmetric encryption (default), you can generate a 256-bit key "
-"by clicking Generate Key
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn du die symmetrische Verschlüsselung (default) wählst, kannst du einen "
-"256-bit Schlüssel generieren wenn du hier klickst Generiere Schlüssel"
+msgid "If you select symmetric encryption (default), you can generate a 256-bit key by clicking
Generate Key
+msgstr "Wenn du die symmetrische Verschlüsselung (default) wählst, kannst du einen 256-bit Schlüssel generieren wenn du hier klickst Generiere Schlüssel
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:611
-msgid ""
-"If you select asymmetric encryption (more secure), you must have an RSA "
-"public/private key pair. You would enter the public key in the Public "
field. If you do not have a key pair, click Generate Key "
and they will be generated for you."
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn du die asymmetrische Verschlüsselung (sicherer) wählst, benötigst du "
-"ein RSA öffentlich/privates Schlüssel-Paar. Du würdest den öffentlichen "
-"Schlüssel in das Feld Öffentlicher RSA-Schlüssel
eingeben. Wenn "
-"du kein Schlüssel-Paar hast, klicke hier Generiere ein Schlüssel Paar"
-"code> , sodass wir eines für dich generieren können."
+msgid "If you select asymmetric encryption (more secure), you must have an RSA public/private key pair. You would enter the public key in the
Public Key
field. If you do not have a key pair, click Generate Key Pair
and they will be generated for you."
+msgstr "Wenn du die asymmetrische Verschlüsselung (sicherer) wählst, benötigst du ein RSA öffentlich/privates Schlüssel-Paar. Du würdest den öffentlichen Schlüssel in das Feld Öffentlicher RSA-Schlüssel
eingeben. Wenn du kein Schlüssel-Paar hast, klicke hier Generiere ein Schlüssel Paar
, sodass wir eines für dich generieren können."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:621
-msgid ""
-"Note: You will be asked to download the keys for safe "
-"storage. We do not keep a copy of the private key, so if you lose this, your "
-"data cannot be decrypted!"
-msgstr ""
-"Hinweis: Du wirst gebeten werden die Schlüssel zur sicheren "
-"Verwahrung herunterzuladen. Wir werden keine Kopie des privaten Schlüssels "
-"speichern, sodass du deine Daten bei Verlust nicht mehr entschlüsseln kannst!"
+msgid "Note: You will be asked to download the keys for safe storage. We do not keep a copy of the private key, so if you lose this, your data cannot be decrypted!"
+msgstr "Hinweis: Du wirst gebeten werden die Schlüssel zur sicheren Verwahrung herunterzuladen. Wir werden keine Kopie des privaten Schlüssels speichern, sodass du deine Daten bei Verlust nicht mehr entschlüsseln kannst!"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:631
-msgid ""
-"You can also click Validate
to validate that you have the "
-"proper private key for the given public key."
-msgstr ""
-"Klicke hier Überprüfen
, um zu überprüfen, ob du den passenden "
-"privaten Schlüssel für den öffentlichen Schlüssel hast."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:641
-msgid "Encryption is a pro-only feature."
-msgstr "Verschlüsselung ist ein Feature der Pro-Version."
+msgid "You can also click Validate
to validate that you have the proper private key for the given public key."
+msgstr "Klicke hier Überprüfen
, um zu überprüfen, ob du den passenden privaten Schlüssel für den öffentlichen Schlüssel hast."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:645 inc/class-page-settings.php:999
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:645
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:999
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:988
msgid "https://backwpup.com"
msgstr "https://backwpup.de"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:646 inc/class-page-settings.php:1000
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:646
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1000
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:989
msgid "Get Pro"
msgstr "Pro-Version kaufen"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:654
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:642
msgid "Encryption Type"
msgstr "Verschlüsselungstyp"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:661
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:649
msgid "Symmetric (public key only)"
msgstr "Symmetrisch (nur öffentlicher Schlüssel)"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:667
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:655
msgid "Asymmetric (public and private key)"
msgstr "Asymmetrisch (öffentlicher und privater Schlüssel)"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:673 inc/class-page-settings.php:679
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:673
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:679
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:661
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:667
msgid "Encryption Key"
msgstr "Verschlüsselungsschlüssel"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:684
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:672
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Schlüssel"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:696
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:684
msgid "Click below to generate a random key."
msgstr "Klicke unten, um einen zufälligen Schlüssel zu generieren."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:699
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:687
msgid "Generate Key"
msgstr "Generiere Schlüssel"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:708 inc/class-page-settings.php:713
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:708
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:713
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:773
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:696
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:701
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:762
msgid "Public Key"
msgstr "Öffentlicher Schlüssel"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:716
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:704
msgid "RSA Public Key"
msgstr "Öffentlicher RSA-Schlüssel"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:728 inc/class-page-settings.php:729
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:728
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:729
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:716
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:717
msgid "Generate Key Pair"
msgstr "Generiere ein Schlüssel Paar"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:734
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:722
msgid "Validate Key"
msgstr "Überprüfe Schlüssel"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:735 inc/class-page-settings.php:759
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:735
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:759
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:723
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:748
msgid "Validate"
msgstr "Überprüfen"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:746
-msgid ""
-"Enter your private key below to validate it will work with the provided "
-"public key."
-msgstr ""
-"Gib deinen privaten Schlüssel unten ein, um zu überprüfen, ob er mit dem "
-"generierten öffentlichen RSA-Schlüssel funktioniert."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:735
+msgid "Enter your private key below to validate it will work with the provided public key."
+msgstr "Gib deinen privaten Schlüssel unten ein, um zu überprüfen, ob er mit dem generierten öffentlichen RSA-Schlüssel funktioniert."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:749
-msgid ""
-"The private key will not be stored, so you must still securely store it "
-msgstr ""
-"Der private Schlüssel wird nicht gespeichert. Du musst ihn selber sicher "
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:738
+msgid "The private key will not be stored, so you must still securely store it yourself."
+msgstr "Der private Schlüssel wird nicht gespeichert. Du musst ihn selber sicher speichern."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:765
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:754
msgid "Your keys are being generated. Please hold a moment …"
-msgstr ""
-"Deine Schlüssel werden erstellt. Bitte hab einen Moment Geduld …"
+msgstr "Deine Schlüssel werden erstellt. Bitte hab einen Moment Geduld …"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:769
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:758
msgid "Here are your keys. Please store them in a safe location."
msgstr "Hier sind deine Schlüssel. Bitte lagere sie an einem sicheren Ort."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:794
-msgid ""
-"Please download at least your private key above, as we will not store this "
-"key, and if you lose it, your backups cannot be decrypted."
-msgstr ""
-"Bitte lade mindestens deinen privaten Schlüssel oben herunter, da wir ihn "
-"nicht speichern und du deine Backups im Falle eines Verlustes nicht "
-"entschlüsseln kannst."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:783
+msgid "Please download at least your private key above, as we will not store this key, and if you lose it, your backups cannot be decrypted."
+msgstr "Bitte lade mindestens deinen privaten Schlüssel oben herunter, da wir ihn nicht speichern und du deine Backups im Falle eines Verlustes nicht entschlüsseln kannst."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:797
-msgid ""
-"Click the button below to use these keys and paste the public key into the "
-"RSA public key field above."
-msgstr ""
-"Klicke den Button unten, um diese Schlüssel zu nutzen. Gib den öffentlichen "
-"RSA-Schlüssel in das Feld öffentlicher RSA-Schlüssel oben ein."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:786
+msgid "Click the button below to use these keys and paste the public key into the RSA public key field above."
+msgstr "Klicke den Button unten, um diese Schlüssel zu nutzen. Gib den öffentlichen RSA-Schlüssel in das Feld öffentlicher RSA-Schlüssel oben ein."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:801
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:790
msgid "Use These Keys"
msgstr "Nutze diese Schlüssel"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:812
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:801
msgid "Authentication for %s
msgstr "Authentifizierung für %s
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:819
-msgid ""
-"If you protected your blog with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess), or "
-"you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php, then use the authentication methods "
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn du deinen Blog mit einer HTTP Basic Authentifizierung (.htaccess) "
-"gesichert hast oder ein Plugin zur Sicherung von wp-cron.php nutzt, dann "
-"solltest du die Authentifizierungseinstellungen unten benutzen."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:835 inc/class-page-settings.php:840
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:808
+msgid "If you protected your blog with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess), or you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php, then use the authentication methods below."
+msgstr "Wenn du deinen Blog mit einer HTTP Basic Authentifizierung (.htaccess) gesichert hast oder ein Plugin zur Sicherung von wp-cron.php nutzt, dann solltest du die Authentifizierungseinstellungen unten benutzen."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:835
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:840
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:824
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:829
msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "Authentifizierungsmethode"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:852
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:841
msgid "Basic auth"
msgstr "Basic auth"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:856
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:845
msgid "WordPress User"
msgstr "WordPress Benutzer"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:860
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:849
msgid "Query argument"
msgstr "Query Argument"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:871
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:860
msgid "Basic Auth Username:"
msgstr "Basic Auth Benutzername:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:888
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:877
msgid "Basic Auth Password:"
msgstr "Basic Auth Passwort:"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:902 inc/class-page-settings.php:905
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:902
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:905
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:891
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:894
msgid "Select WordPress User"
msgstr "Wähle WordPress Benutzer"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:938
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:927
msgid "Query arg key=value:"
msgstr "Query Argumente Schlüssel=Wert:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:966
-msgid ""
-"Experiencing an issue and need to contact BackWPup support? Click the link "
-"below to get debug information you can send to us."
-msgstr ""
-"Du stellst ein Problem fest und möchtest den BackWPup Support kontaktieren? "
-"Klicke auf den Link unten, um die Debug Informationen zu erhalten, die du "
-"uns senden kannst."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:955
+msgid "Experiencing an issue and need to contact BackWPup support? Click the link below to get debug information you can send to us."
+msgstr "Du stellst ein Problem fest und möchtest den BackWPup Support kontaktieren? Klicke auf den Link unten, um die Debug Informationen zu erhalten, die du uns senden kannst."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:973 inc/class-page-settings.php:1068
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:973
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1068
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:962
msgid "Debug Info"
msgstr "Debug Info"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:977
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:966
msgid "Get Debug Info"
msgstr "Erhalte Debug Info"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:984
-msgid ""
-"You will find debug information below. Click the button to copy the debug "
-"info to send to support."
-msgstr ""
-"Du findest die Debug Informationen unten. Klick auf den Button, um die Debug "
-"Informationen zu kopieren und zum Support zu senden."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:973
+msgid "You will find debug information below. Click the button to copy the debug info to send to support."
+msgstr "Du findest die Debug Informationen unten. Klick auf den Button, um die Debug Informationen zu kopieren und zum Support zu senden."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1011
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1000
msgid "Copy Debug Info"
msgstr "Kopiere Debug Info"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1016
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1005
msgid "Debug info copied to clipboard."
msgstr "Debug Info in Zwischenablage kopiert."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1024
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1013
msgid "Could not copy debug info. You can simply press ctrl+C to copy it."
msgstr "Konnte Debug Info nicht kopieren. Drücke ctrl+C, um sie zu kopieren."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1077 inc/class-page-settings.php:1081
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1077
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1081
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1066
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1070
msgid "Setting"
msgstr "Einstellung"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1077 inc/class-page-settings.php:1081
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1077
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1081
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1066
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1070
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Wert"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1100
-msgid "Save Changes"
-msgstr "Änderungen speichern"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1105
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1094
msgid "Reset all settings to default"
msgstr "Alle Einstellungen zurücksetzen"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1126
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1115
msgid "WordPress version"
msgstr "WordPress-Version"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1131
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1120
msgid "BackWPup version"
msgstr "BackWPup-Version"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1135
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1124
msgid "Get pro."
msgstr "Pro-Version kaufen."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1137
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1126
msgid "BackWPup Pro version"
msgstr "BackWPup Pro Version"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1142
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1131
msgid "PHP version"
msgstr "PHP Version"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1152
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1141
msgid "MySQL version"
msgstr "MySQL-Version"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1156
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1145
msgid "cURL version"
msgstr "cURL-Version"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1160
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1149
msgid "cURL SSL version"
msgstr "cURL-SSL-Version"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1163
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1152
msgid "unavailable"
msgstr "unerreichbar"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1167
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1156
msgid "WP-Cron url"
msgstr "WP-Cron URL"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1171
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1160
msgid "Server self connect"
msgstr "Verbindung zum Server selbst"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1177
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1166
msgid "Not expected HTTP response:"
msgstr "Nicht erwartete HTTP-Antwort
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1178
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1167
msgid "Not expected HTTP response:
msgstr "Nicht erwartete HTTP-Antwort:
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1181
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1170
msgid "WP Http Error: %s"
msgstr "WP Http Fehler: %s
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1185
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1174
msgid "WP Http Error: %s
msgstr "WP Http Error: %s
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1189
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1178
msgid "Status-Code: %d"
msgstr "Status-Code: %d
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1191
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1180
msgid "Status-Code: %d
msgstr "Status-Code: %d
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1204
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1193
msgid "Content: %s"
msgstr "Inhalt: %s"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1206
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1195
msgid "Content: %s
msgstr "Inhalt: %s
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1211
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1200
msgid "Response Test O.K."
msgstr "Response Test O.K."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1220
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1209
msgid "Temp folder"
msgstr "Temp Verzeichnis"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1223
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1212
msgid "Temp folder %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "Temp Verzeichnis %s existiert nicht."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1228
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1217
msgid "Temporary folder %s is not writable."
msgstr "Temporärer Ordner %s ist nicht beschreibbar."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1236
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1225
msgid "Log folder"
msgstr "Protokoll-Ordner"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1242
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1231
msgid "Log folder %s does not exist."
msgstr "Protokoll-Ordner %s existiert nicht."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1247
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1236
msgid "Log folder %s is not writable."
msgstr "Protokoll-Ordner %s ist nicht beschreibbar."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1255
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1244
msgid "Server"
msgstr "Server"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1259
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1248
msgid "Operating System"
msgstr "Betriebssystem"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1263
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1252
msgid "PHP SAPI"
msgstr "PHP SAPI"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1267
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1256
msgid "Current PHP user"
msgstr "Aktueller PHP User"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1271
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1260
msgid "Function Disabled"
msgstr "Funktion deaktiviert"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1275
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1264
msgid "Maximum execution time"
msgstr "Max. Ausführungszeit"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1277 inc/class-page-settings.php:1284
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1277
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1284
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1266
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1273
msgid "%d seconds"
msgstr "%d Sekunden"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1282
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1271
msgid "BackWPup maximum script execution time"
msgstr "BackWPup Maximale Script-Ausführungszeit"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1289
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1278
msgid "Alternative WP Cron"
msgstr "Alternative WP Cron"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1291 inc/class-page-settings.php:1299
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1291
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1299
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1280
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1288
msgid "On"
msgstr "An"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1293 inc/class-page-settings.php:1301
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1293
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1301
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1282
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1290
msgid "Off"
msgstr "Aus"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1297
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1286
msgid "Disabled WP Cron"
msgstr "WP Cron abgeschaltet"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1305
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1294
msgid "CHMOD Dir"
msgstr "CHMOD Verzeichnis"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1313
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1302
msgid "Server Time"
msgstr "Server Zeit"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1318
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1307
msgid "Blog Time"
msgstr "Webseite Zeit"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1322
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1311
msgid "Blog Timezone"
msgstr "Webseite Zeitzone"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1326
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1315
msgid "Blog Time offset"
msgstr "Webseite Zeitversetzung"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1328
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1317
msgid "%s hours"
msgstr "%s Stunden"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1333
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1322
msgid "Blog language"
msgstr "Webseite Sprache"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1337
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1326
msgid "MySQL Client encoding"
msgstr "MySQL Client Encoding"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1341
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1330
msgid "PHP Memory limit"
msgstr "PHP Speicherlimit"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1345
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1334
msgid "WP memory limit"
msgstr "WordPress Speicherlimit"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1349
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1338
msgid "WP maximum memory limit"
msgstr "Maximales WordPress Speicherlimit"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1353
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1342
msgid "Memory in use"
msgstr "Speicher in Benutzung"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1359
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1348
msgid "Disabled PHP Functions:"
msgstr "Deaktivierte PHP Funktionen:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1364
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1353
msgid "Loaded PHP Extensions:"
msgstr "Geladene PHP Erweiterungen:"
@@ -5875,35 +4765,20 @@ msgid "We recommend to install the %1$s extension to generate %2$s archives."
msgstr "Wir empfehlen die %1$s Erweiterung, um %2$s Archive zu generieren."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:77
-msgid ""
-"You must run WordPress version %1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are "
-"using version %2$s now."
-msgstr ""
-"Um dieses Plugin nutzen zu können, benötigst du mindestens WordPress %1$s. "
-"Du verwendest derzeit die Version %2$s."
+msgid "You must run WordPress version %1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %2$s now."
+msgstr "Um dieses Plugin nutzen zu können, benötigst du mindestens WordPress %1$s. Du verwendest derzeit die Version %2$s."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:88
-msgid ""
-"We recommend to run a PHP version above %1$s to get the full plugin "
-"functionality. You are using version %2$s now."
-msgstr ""
-"Wir empfehlen eine PHP Version von %1$s oder höher, um die volle "
-"Funktionalität des Plugins nutzen zu können. Du nutzt Version %2$s."
+msgid "We recommend to run a PHP version above %1$s to get the full plugin functionality. You are using version %2$s now."
+msgstr "Wir empfehlen eine PHP Version von %1$s oder höher, um die volle Funktionalität des Plugins nutzen zu können. Du nutzt Version %2$s."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:100
-msgid ""
-"You must have the MySQLi extension installed and a MySQL server version of "
-"%1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %2$s now."
-msgstr ""
-"Um dieses Plugin nutzen zu können, muss die MySQLi Erweiterung und der MySQL "
-"Server der Version %1$s oder höher vorhanden sein. Du nutzt Version %2$s."
+msgid "You must have the MySQLi extension installed and a MySQL server version of %1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %2$s now."
+msgstr "Um dieses Plugin nutzen zu können, muss die MySQLi Erweiterung und der MySQL Server der Version %1$s oder höher vorhanden sein. Du nutzt Version %2$s."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:112
-msgid ""
-"PHP cURL extension must be installed to use the full plugin functionality."
-msgstr ""
-"Die cURL-Erweiterung für PHP muss installiert sein, um das Plugin in vollem "
-"Umfang zu nutzen."
+msgid "PHP cURL extension must be installed to use the full plugin functionality."
+msgstr "Die cURL-Erweiterung für PHP muss installiert sein, um das Plugin in vollem Umfang zu nutzen."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:136
msgctxt "Link to PHP manual"
@@ -5911,24 +4786,16 @@ msgid "Please disable the deprecated PHP safe mode."
msgstr "Bitte deaktiviere den veralteten PHP Safe-Mode."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:146
-msgid ""
-"We recommend to install the PHP FTP extension to use the FTP backup "
-msgstr ""
-"Wir empfehlen die PHP FTP-Erweiterung zu installieren, um FTP als Backup-"
-"Ziel nutzen zu können."
+msgid "We recommend to install the PHP FTP extension to use the FTP backup destination."
+msgstr "Wir empfehlen die PHP FTP-Erweiterung zu installieren, um FTP als Backup-Ziel nutzen zu können."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:164
msgid "The HTTP response test result is an error: \"%s\"."
msgstr "Das Ergebnis des HTTP-Response-Tests ist ein Fehler: \"%s\"."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:175
-msgid ""
-"The HTTP response test result is a wrong HTTP status: %s. It should be "
-"status 200."
-msgstr ""
-"Der HTTP-Response-Test hat einen falschen HTTP-Status ergeben: %s. Es sollte "
-"Status 200 sein."
+msgid "The HTTP response test result is a wrong HTTP status: %s. It should be status 200."
+msgstr "Der HTTP-Response-Test hat einen falschen HTTP-Status ergeben: %s. Es sollte Status 200 sein."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:193
msgid "Yeah!"
@@ -5940,21 +4807,15 @@ msgstr "Alle Tests fehlerfrei bestanden."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:220
msgid "WP-Cron seems to be broken. But it is needed to run scheduled jobs."
-msgstr ""
-"WP-Cron scheint beschädigt zu sein. Aber es wird benötigt, um Aufträge "
-"planmäßig ausführen zu können."
+msgstr "WP-Cron scheint beschädigt zu sein. Aber es wird benötigt, um Aufträge planmäßig ausführen zu können."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:239
msgid "There are errors. Please correct them, or BackWPup cannot work."
-msgstr ""
-"Es sind Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte behebe sie, damit BackWPup ordnungsgemäß "
+msgstr "Es sind Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte behebe sie, damit BackWPup ordnungsgemäß funktioniert."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:261
msgid "There are some warnings. BackWPup will work, but with limitations."
-msgstr ""
-"Es gibt keine Fehler, allerdings einige Warnungen. BackWPup funktioniert mit "
+msgstr "Es gibt keine Fehler, allerdings einige Warnungen. BackWPup funktioniert mit Einschränkungen."
#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:23
msgid "A job is already running."
@@ -6001,12 +4862,8 @@ msgid "Database restored successfully."
msgstr "Die Datenbank wurde erfolgreich wiederhergestellt."
#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:13
-msgid ""
-"Ops! There was an error during database restore. Please see the log for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Ups! Während der Wiederherstellung der Datenbank ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. "
-"Für nähere Informationen siehe bitte ins Log."
+msgid "Ops! There was an error during database restore. Please see the log for more information."
+msgstr "Ups! Während der Wiederherstellung der Datenbank ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Für nähere Informationen siehe bitte ins Log."
#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:17
msgid "Restoring: "
@@ -6020,432 +4877,35 @@ msgstr "EventSource konnte nicht gefunden werden. Fortsetzung nicht möglich."
msgid "Directories restored successfully."
msgstr "Wiederherstellung der Verzeichnisse erfolgreich."
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/CronController.php:80
-msgid "Every %d days"
-msgstr "Alle %s Tage"
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/FrontController.php:143
-msgid "%s needs your help"
-msgstr "%s benötigt deine Hilfe"
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/FrontController.php:144
-msgid "Help %s"
-msgstr "Hilf %s"
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:28
-msgid "Yes, I agree."
-msgstr "Ja, ich stimme zu."
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:45
-msgid "I have to think about that, ask me later."
-msgstr "Ich muss darüber nachdenken. Frage mich später noch einmal."
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:62
-msgid "Please no. Don't ask me again."
-msgstr "Nein. Bitte nicht noch einmal fragen."
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:84
-msgid "More info"
-msgstr "Weitere Infos"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:37
-msgid "Select Archive"
-msgstr "Wähle Archiv"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:38
-msgid "or"
-msgstr "oder"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:39
-msgid "Drop file here"
-msgstr "Lege Datei hier ab"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:42
-msgid "Supported archive format zip,tar,tar.gz,tar.bz2"
-msgstr "Unterstützte Archiv-Formate: zip,tar,tar.gz,tar.bz2"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_top.php:2
-msgid "Backup Upload"
-msgstr "Hochladen des Backups"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_top.php:5
-msgid ""
-"Welcome to BackWPup Restore. This tool helps you to restore a backup of your "
-"WordPress installation. Each step of the restore process will be explained "
-"in this box to get you quickly running."
-msgstr ""
-"Willkommen bei BackWPup Restore. Dieses Tool hilft dir, ein Backup deiner "
-"WordPress Installation wiederherzustellen. Jeder Schritt im Restore Prozess "
-"wird in dieser Box erklärt, damit du schnell vorankommst."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_top.php:10
-msgid ""
-"The first step is to upload a backup file. You can simply drag'n'drop a ZIP "
-"file of your backup into the box below or click on the `Select Archive` "
-"button and select the file using the file explorer."
-msgstr ""
-"Der erste Schritt ist, eine Backup-Datei hochzuladen. Du kannst per Drag & "
-"Drop ganz einfach eine zip-Datei deines Backups in die untenstehende Box "
-"ablegen oder den \"Wähle ein Archiv\"-Button klicken und über den Datei-"
-"Explorer eine Datei auswählen."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_top.php:14
-msgid ""
-"The upload of the file should start automatically and you will be lead to "
-"the next step."
-msgstr ""
-"Der Datei-Upload sollte automatisch starten und du wirst anschließend zum "
-"nächsten Schritt weitergeleitet."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_top.php:17
-msgid "Note: Only backups done with BackWPup can be restored."
-msgstr ""
-"Hinweis: Es können nur Backups wiederhergestellt werden, die mit BackWPup "
-"erstellt wurden."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:9
-msgid "Choose your restore strategy."
-msgstr "Wähle deine Restore Strategie."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:15
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:6
-msgid "Full Restore"
-msgstr "Vollständiges Restore"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:21
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:16
-msgid "Database Only"
-msgstr "Nur Datenbank"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:25
-msgid "Restore Database."
-msgstr "Datenbank wiederherstellen."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:31
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:54
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Weiter"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:37
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be a problem with the archive. It is neither an archive nor a "
-"SQL file. Try again and repeat the upload."
-msgstr ""
-"Es scheint ein Problem mit dem Archiv zu geben. Es handelt sich weder um ein "
-"Archiv, noch um eine SQL-Datei. Versuche es erneut und wiederhole das "
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:2
-msgid "Select Strategy"
-msgstr "Wähle Methode"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:4
-msgid ""
-"This page provides two options you can choose from. Your decision affects "
-"the behavior of the restore process and decides which files are going to be "
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:64
+msgid "Could not read data from source file."
msgstr ""
-"Diese Seite stellt zwei Optionen zur Verfügung. Dein Entscheidung "
-"beeinflusst das Verhalten des Wiederherstellungsprozesses und was genau "
-"wiederhergestellt werden soll."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:10
-msgid ""
-"This option restores everything. Your database as well as all files within "
-"the backup are restored. The backup usually holds files from your wp-"
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:69
+msgid "Could not write data into target file."
msgstr ""
-"Diese Option stellt alles wieder her. Es werden sowohl deine Datenbank als "
-"auch die Dateien, die sich im Backup befinden, wiederhergestellt. Das Backup "
-"enthält in der Regel Dateien aus deinem wp-content/
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:17
-msgid ""
-"The second option is a database only restore. Choosing this option will "
-"restore only the database dump. No files will be restored."
+#. translators: $1 is the path of the local file where the backup will be stored
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:141
+msgid "%s is a directory not a file."
msgstr ""
-"Die zweite Option ist ein Database Restore. Wenn du diese auswählst, wird "
-"nur die Datenbank wiederhergestellt und keine Dateien."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:20
-msgid ""
-"Note: Only Full Restore can be done, if everything is also "
-"included in the zip file. If your zip file is only including a database, "
-"then only a Database only restore can be made."
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:102
+msgid "Multipart splits file into multiple chunks while uploading.
This is necessary for displaying the upload process and to transfer bigger files.
Don't work with Google or Dreamhost."
msgstr ""
-"Hinweis: Ein Vollständiges Restore kann nur gemacht werden, "
-"wenn alles in der zip-Datei enthalten ist. Falls die zip-Datei nur die "
-"Datenbank enthält, kann lediglich ein Datenbank Restore durchgeführt werden."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:6
-msgid "Database Connection Settings."
-msgstr "Einstellungen für die Datenbankverbindung."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:13
-msgid "Database Host"
-msgstr "Datenbank Host"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:19
-msgid "Database Name"
-msgstr "Datenbank Name"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:25
-msgid "Database User"
-msgstr "Datenbank Nutzer"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:31
-msgid "Database Password"
-msgstr "Datenbank Passwort"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:39
-msgid "Database Charset"
-msgstr "Datenbank Charset"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:49
-msgid "Test Connection"
-msgstr "Verbindung testen"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_top.php:2
-msgid "Database Settings"
-msgstr "Datenbank Einstellungen"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_top.php:4
-msgid ""
-"Before the actually restore can take place you need to tell us some "
-"information about your database. Probably, these information are the same as "
-"your WordPress database. The restore will overwrite all information within "
-"this database. So make sure you choose the correct database."
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:575
+msgid "Seems is not possible to store your private key, be sure the directory %s is writable."
msgstr ""
-"Bevor ein Restore tatsächlich stattfinden kann, musst du ein paar Infos für "
-"deine WordPress Datenbank eingeben. Der Wiederhestellungsprozess wird die "
-"komplette Datenbank überschreiben. Stelle also sicher, dass du die richtigen "
-"Datenbank-Infos angibst."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_top.php:6
-msgid ""
-"You can use the Test Connection button below to test, you "
-"guessed it, your connection to the database.\n"
-"\t\t\t\tIf everything is fine a green message box will appear. Otherwise, a "
-"red message box will tell you more about the problem.\n"
-"\t\t\t\tYou can only continue when a working connection to the database "
-"could be established."
-msgstr ""
-"Du kannst den Verbindung Testen-Button weiter unten "
-"benutzen, um deine Datenbank-Verbindung zu testen.\n"
-"\t\t\t\tFalls alles in Ordnung ist, wird eine grüne Nachricht erscheinen. "
-"Andernfalls eine rote Nachricht, welche dir das Problem genauer beschreibt.\n"
-"\t\t\t\tDu kannst nur weitermachen, wenn die Datenbank-Verbindung "
-"hergestellt werden konnte."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_top.php:13
-msgid ""
-"Having trouble getting your database connection settings? Go to documentation to get more information."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:981
+msgid "Note: Would you like faster, more streamlined support? Pro users can contact BackWPup from right within the plugin."
msgstr ""
-"Hast du Probleme die Verbindung zur Datenbank herzustellen? Erfahre mehr in "
-"der Dokumentation."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step4_action.php:8
-msgid "Restore Progress."
-msgstr "Restore Fortschritt."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step4_action.php:20
-msgid "Start"
-msgstr "Beginnen"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step4_top.php:5
-msgid ""
-"You reached the last step. Now you're ready to restore the data. Simply "
-"press the Start button and the restore starts."
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:71
+msgid "Could not write data to file. Empty source file."
msgstr ""
-"Du hast den letzten Schritt erreicht. Jetzt bist du soweit, die Daten "
-"wiederherzustellen. Drücke einfach den Start-Button und die "
-"Wiederherstellung beginnt."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step5_top.php:2
-msgid "Success"
-msgstr "Wiederherstellung erfolgreich"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step5_top.php:5
-msgid "Your restore was successful and everything should be back to normal."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:452
+msgid "Preview: "
msgstr ""
-"Die Wiederherstellung war erfolgreich und alles sollte wieder normal laufen."
-#. Plugin Name of the plugin/theme
-msgid "BackWPup Pro"
-msgstr "BackWPup Pro"
-#. Description of the plugin/theme
-msgid "WordPress Backup Plugin"
-msgstr "WordPress Backup Plugin"
-#. Author of the plugin/theme
-msgid "Inpsyde GmbH"
-msgstr "Inpsyde GmbH"
-#~ msgid "Delete not existing files from Dropbox"
-#~ msgstr "Lösche nicht existierende Dateien von Dropbox"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "No logs could be found. If you want to attach a log, please run a job first."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Es konnten keine Logs gefunden werden. Wenn du eine Log-Datei anhängen "
-#~ "möchtest, bitte starte zuerst einen Job."
-#~ msgid "Disabled due to missing %s PHP class."
-#~ msgstr "Deaktiviert aufgrund fehlender %s PHP-Klasse."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Note: Would you like faster, more streamlined support? "
-#~ "Pro users can contact BackWPup from right within the plugin."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Hinweis: Benötigst du schnelleren, dedizierten Support? "
-#~ "Pro Nutzer können uns direkt aus dem Backend kontaktieren."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "To ensure that our releases are as bug-free as possible, we need you as a "
-#~ "beta tester!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Um sicherzustellen, dass unsere Releases so bugfrei wie möglich sind, "
-#~ "brauchen wir dich als Beta-Tester!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Get your 30% Independence Day discount for BackWPup Pro! Only available "
-#~ "until July 5th, 2017."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Hole jetzt deinen 30% Independence Day Rabatt für BackWPup Pro! Nur "
-#~ "erhältlich bis zum 05.07.2017."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Are you happy with BackWPup? If you are satisfied with our free plugin "
-#~ "and support, then please make us even happier and just take 30 seconds to "
-#~ "leave a positive rating. :) We would really appreciate that and it will "
-#~ "motivate our team to develop even more cool features for BackWPup!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Bist du glücklich mit BackWPup? Wenn du mit unserem freien Plugin und "
-#~ "unserem Support zufrieden bist, dann mach aus uns glücklich und gib uns "
-#~ "30 Sekunden deiner Zeit, um uns eine gute Bewertung zu hinterlassen. :) "
-#~ "Wir würden uns wirklich sehr darüber freuen, es würde uns motivieren, "
-#~ "noch coolere Features für BackWPup zu entwickeln!"
-#~ msgid "Make Us Happy and Give Your Rating"
-#~ msgstr "Mach uns glücklich und gib uns deine Bewertung"
-#~ msgid "https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup/reviews/"
-#~ msgstr "https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup/reviews/"
-#~ msgid "Save Now!"
-#~ msgstr "Jetzt Sparen!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "https://backwpup.com/?"
-#~ "utm_source=BackWPup&utm_campaign=IndependenceDay&utm_medium=Link"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "https://backwpup.de/?"
-#~ "utm_source=BackWPup&utm_campaign=IndependenceDay&utm_medium=Link"
-#~ msgid "Join Us as a Beta Tester"
-#~ msgstr "Mach mit und werde Beta-Tester"
-#~ msgid "https://backwpup.com/become-backwpup-beta-tester/"
-#~ msgstr "https://backwpup.de/wir-suchen-beta-tester-fuer-backwpup/"
-#~ msgid "ZIP archive cannot be closed correctly."
-#~ msgstr "ZIP-Archiv kann nicht korrekt geschlossen werden."
-#~ msgid "FTP: Login failure!"
-#~ msgstr "FTP: Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen!"
-#~ msgid "or set an S3 Server URL:"
-#~ msgstr "oder setze eine S3 Server URL:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You must run PHP version 5.2.6 or higher to use this plugin. You are "
-#~ "using version %s now."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Es wird die PHP Version 5.2.6 oder höher benötigt, um dieses Plugin "
-#~ "nutzen zu können. Du benutzt Version %s."
-#~ msgid "Blog charset"
-#~ msgstr "Webseiten Charset"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With the upcoming major release, BackWPup will be requiring PHP version "
-#~ "5.3 or higher."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "BackWPup stoppt die Unterstützung ab dem nächsten Release für die PHP "
-#~ "Version 5.2!"
-#~ msgid "Currently, you are running PHP version 5.2."
-#~ msgstr "Du benutzt aktuell die veraltete Version 5.2."
-#~ msgid "Please urgently read here!"
-#~ msgstr "Bitte dringend hier weiterlesen!"
-#~ msgid "Don't show again."
-#~ msgstr "Diese Nachricht nicht mehr anzeigen."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "BackWPup has determined, your installation is still running on the old "
-#~ "PHP 5.2 version."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "BackWPup hat festgestellt, deine Installation läuft noch auf der "
-#~ "veralteten PHP 5.2 Version."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "In order to ensure a fast and secure development for BackWPup, we will "
-#~ "most likely not support PHP version 5.2 in our next version."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Um eine weitere schnelle und sichere Weiterentwicklung für BackWPup "
-#~ "sicherzustellen, werden wir höchstwahrscheinlich mit der nächsten "
-#~ "BackWPup-Version PHP 5.2 nicht mehr unterstützen."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "No need to worry, your host can update your PHP version relatively "
-#~ "quickly and without any problems."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Kein Grund zur Sorge, dein Hoster kann relativ schnell und ohne Probleme "
-#~ "deine PHP-Version aktualisieren."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Otherwise you can continue to stay on this last version and do not update "
-#~ "the plugin in the future!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ansonsten kannst du aber gerne weiter auf dieser letzten Version bleiben "
-#~ "und zukünftig das Plugin NICHT aktualisieren!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If the response from PHP 5.2 users is surprisingly high, we will "
-#~ "eventually keep support for PHP 5.2 for a while."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ist die Resonanz von PHP 5.2 Nutzern überraschend hoch, werden wir PHP "
-#~ "5.2 eventuell für eine Weile weiter unterstützen."
-#~ msgid "Cheers!"
-#~ msgstr "Danke!"
-#~ msgid "Your BackWPup Team!"
-#~ msgstr "Dein BackWPup Team!"
-#~ msgid "contact us"
-#~ msgstr "kontaktiere uns hier"
-#~ msgid "If you would like to have PHP 5.2 supported, please %s."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Falls du aber gerne wünschst, dass die PHP 5.2 weiterhin unterstützt "
-#~ "wird, dann %s."
-#~ msgid "https://backwpup.com/php52/"
-#~ msgstr "https://backwpup.de/php52/"
-#~ msgid "Error while deleting file from Dropbox: %s"
-#~ msgstr "Fehler beim Löschen der Datei aus der Dropbox: %s"
-#~ msgid "To email address"
-#~ msgstr "Zu E-Mail-Adresse"
-#~ msgid "GreenQloud Storage Qloud"
-#~ msgstr "GreenQloud Storage Qloud"
diff --git a/languages/backwpup-de_DE_formal.mo b/languages/backwpup-de_DE_formal.mo
index 3432f571..63d51242 100644
Binary files a/languages/backwpup-de_DE_formal.mo and b/languages/backwpup-de_DE_formal.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/backwpup-de_DE_formal.po b/languages/backwpup-de_DE_formal.po
index 1e3c7464..5b696ac7 100644
--- a/languages/backwpup-de_DE_formal.po
+++ b/languages/backwpup-de_DE_formal.po
@@ -1,175 +1,215 @@
-# Translation of backwpup-pro in German
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the backwpup-pro package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: backwpup-pro\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup-pro\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-06-11 14:05:59+00:00\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-13 11:03+0200\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: \n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
-"Language: de\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.8\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-09-17 08:51+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-09-18 09:20+0200\n"
+"Language: de_DE\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 2.1.1\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: ../inc/Pro\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;esc_html__;esc_attr__;esc_html_e;esc_attr_e;_x;esc_html_x;esc_attr_x\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: autoupdate.php\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: class-license-menu.php\n"
+#: class-license-menu.php:392
+#: class-license-menu.php:396
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1100
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1089
+msgid "Save Changes"
+msgstr "Änderungen speichern"
+#: class-license-menu.php:418
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:52
+msgid "API Key"
+msgstr "API Key"
-#: backwpup.php:275 inc/class-page-backups.php:276
+#: backwpup.php:275
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:276
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:243
+#: backwpup.php:286
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:286
msgid "Folder"
msgstr "Ordner"
#: backwpup.php:276
+#: backwpup.php:287
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:287
msgid "Backup to Folder"
msgstr "Backup in Ordner"
#: backwpup.php:291
+#: backwpup.php:302
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:302
msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-Mail"
#: backwpup.php:292
+#: backwpup.php:303
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:303
msgid "Backup sent via email"
msgstr "Backup als E-Mail versendet"
#: backwpup.php:307
+#: backwpup.php:318
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:318
msgid "FTP"
msgstr "FTP"
#: backwpup.php:308
+#: backwpup.php:319
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:319
msgid "Backup to FTP"
msgstr "Backup zu FTP"
-#: backwpup.php:323 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:445
+#: backwpup.php:323
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:445
+#: backwpup.php:334
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:334
msgid "Dropbox"
msgstr "Dropbox"
-#: backwpup.php:324 inc/class-page-about.php:519
+#: backwpup.php:324
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:519
+#: backwpup.php:335
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:335
msgid "Backup to Dropbox"
msgstr "Backup in die Dropbox"
-#: backwpup.php:339 inc/class-destination-s3.php:41
+#: backwpup.php:339
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:41
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:42
+#: backwpup.php:350
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:350
msgid "S3 Service"
msgstr "S3 Service"
#: backwpup.php:340
+#: backwpup.php:351
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:351
msgid "Backup to an S3 Service"
msgstr "Backup zu einem S3 Service"
#: backwpup.php:360
+#: backwpup.php:371
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:371
msgid "MS Azure"
msgstr "MS Azure"
#: backwpup.php:361
+#: backwpup.php:372
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:372
msgid "Backup to Microsoft Azure (Blob)"
msgstr "Backup zu Microsoft Azure (Blob)"
#: backwpup.php:376
+#: backwpup.php:387
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:387
msgid "RSC"
msgstr "RSC"
-#: backwpup.php:377 inc/class-page-about.php:524
+#: backwpup.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:524
+#: backwpup.php:388
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:388
msgid "Backup to Rackspace Cloud Files"
msgstr "Backup in die Rackspace Cloud"
#: backwpup.php:396
+#: backwpup.php:407
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:407
msgid "SugarSync"
msgstr "SugarSync"
-#: backwpup.php:397 inc/class-page-about.php:539
+#: backwpup.php:397
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:539
+#: backwpup.php:408
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:408
msgid "Backup to SugarSync"
msgstr "Backup zu SugarSync"
#: backwpup.php:422
+#: backwpup.php:433
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:433
msgid "PHP Version %1$s is to low, you need Version %2$s or above."
-msgstr ""
-"Sie nutzen die veraltete PHP Version %1$s. Es wird aber mindestens die "
-"Version %2$s benötigt."
+msgstr "Sie nutzen die veraltete PHP Version %1$s. Es wird aber mindestens die Version %2$s benötigt."
#: backwpup.php:432
+#: backwpup.php:443
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:443
msgid "Missing function \"%s\"."
msgstr "Fehlende Funktion \"%s\"."
#: backwpup.php:443
+#: backwpup.php:454
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:454
msgid "Missing class \"%s\"."
msgstr "Fehlende Klasse \"%s\"."
#: backwpup.php:562
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup requires PHP version %$1s with spl extension or greater and "
-"WordPress %$2s or greater."
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup benötigt PHP Version %$1s oder höher mit spl Erweiterung und "
-"WordPress %$2s oder höher."
-#: inc/Pro/Restore/LogDownloader/DownloaderFactory.php:62
-msgid "Download Log"
-msgstr "Log herunterladen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:40
-msgid "Auth Code:"
-msgstr "Auth Code:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:49
-msgid "Get auth code"
-msgstr "Hole Authentifizierungscode"
+#: backwpup.php:573
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:573
+msgid "BackWPup requires PHP version %$1s with spl extension or greater and WordPress %$2s or greater."
+msgstr "BackWPup benötigt PHP Version %$1s oder höher mit spl Erweiterung und WordPress %$2s oder höher."
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:51
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:81
msgid "Create Account"
msgstr "Konto erstellen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:56
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:414
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:424
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:30
-msgid "Login:"
-msgstr "Anmelden:"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:57
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:101
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:425
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:31
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:83 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:45
msgid "Authenticated!"
msgstr "Authentifiziert!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:60
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:436
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:56
-msgid "Folder:"
-msgstr "Ordner:"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:76
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:45
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:134
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:456
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:45
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65 inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:182
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:171 inc/class-destination-folder.php:49
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:104 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:83
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:112 inc/class-destination-s3.php:198
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:182
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:171
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:104
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:112
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:198
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:229
msgid "Number of files to keep in folder."
msgstr "Anzahl der Dateien, die im Ordner behalten werden."
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:82
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:51 inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:75
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:51
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:75
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:148
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:461
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:56
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70 inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:187
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:187
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:65
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:183 inc/class-destination-folder.php:57
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:118 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:89
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:118 inc/class-destination-s3.php:214
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:183
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:57
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:89
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:214
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:104
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:462
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:245
msgid "Do not delete files while syncing to destination!"
msgstr "Keine Dateien im Sync-Zielverzeichnis löschen!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:190
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to Dropbox …"
-msgstr "%d. Versuche Dateien mit Dropbox zu synchronisieren …"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:209
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:390
msgid "Authenticated with Dropbox of user: %s"
@@ -185,121 +225,49 @@ msgstr "%s verfügbar in Ihrer Dropbox"
msgid "Not Authenticated with Dropbox!"
msgstr "Nicht mit Dropbox authentifiziert!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:234
-msgid "Retrieving file list from Dropbox"
-msgstr "Empfange Dateiliste von Dropbox"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:250
-msgid "Upload changed files to Dropbox"
-msgstr "Lade geänderte Datei in die Dropbox"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:303
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Dropbox"
-msgstr "Datei %s zu Dropbox hochgeladen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:342
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Dropbox"
-msgstr "Weitere Datei %s zu Dropbox hochgeladen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:368
-msgid "Folder %s deleted from Dropbox"
-msgstr "Ordner %s aus Dropbox gelöscht"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:392
-msgid "File %s deleted from Dropbox"
-msgstr "Datei %s aus Dropbox gelöscht"
#. translators: the $1 is the error message
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:405
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:458
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:458
msgid "Dropbox API: %s"
msgstr "Dropbox-API: %s"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:16
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:18 inc/class-destination-email.php:39
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:18
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:39
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:29
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:30 inc/class-destination-email.php:52
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:30
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:52
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:56
msgid "Send test email"
msgstr "Test-E-Mail senden"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:21
-msgid "Absolute path to folder for backup files:"
-msgstr "Absoluter Ordner-Pfad für Backup-Dateien:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:43
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:451
-msgid "Oldest files will be deleted first."
-msgstr "Älteste Dateien werden zuerst gelöscht."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:108
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to folder …"
-msgstr "%d. Versuche, Dateien mit Ordner zu synchronisieren …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:117
-msgid "Retrieving file list from folder"
-msgstr "Ruft Datei-Liste vom Ordner ab"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:128
-msgid "Copy changed files to folder"
-msgstr "Kopiere geänderte Dateien in den Ordner"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:152
-msgid "File %s copied"
-msgstr "Datei %s kopiert"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:166
-msgid "Delete not existing files from folder"
-msgstr "Lösche nicht existierende Dateien aus dem Ordner"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:179
-msgid "Extra file %s copied"
-msgstr "Weitere Datei %s kopiert"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:203
-msgid "File %s deleted from folder"
-msgstr "File %s aus Ordner gelöscht"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:315
-msgid "Empty folder %s deleted"
-msgstr "Leerer Ordner %s gelöscht"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:29
-msgid "Hostname:"
-msgstr "Hostname:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:35 inc/class-destination-email.php:124
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:35
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:124
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:56
msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Port:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:41 inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:23
-msgid "Username:"
-msgstr "Benutzername:"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:47
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:20
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:126 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:33
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:126
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:33
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Passwort:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:53
-msgid "Folder on server:"
-msgstr "Ordner auf dem Server:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:70
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:60
-msgid "Maximum number of backup files to keep in folder:"
-msgstr "Maximale Anzahl an Backup-Dateien im Ordner:"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive-downloader.php:88
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php:64
#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:55
#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:89
#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:63
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive-downloader.php:102
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:122
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:137
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php:104
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:107
msgid "File could not be opened for writing."
msgstr "Kann die Zieldatei nicht zum Schreiben öffnen."
@@ -308,418 +276,130 @@ msgstr "Kann die Zieldatei nicht zum Schreiben öffnen."
#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:79
#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:100
#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:69
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive-downloader.php:74
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:78
msgid "Could not write data to file."
msgstr "Daten konnten nicht in den Ordner geschrieben werden."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:76
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:395
-msgid ""
-"Looks like you haven’t set up any API keys yet. Head over to Settings | API-Keys and get Google Drive all set up, then come back "
-msgstr ""
-"Sieht so aus, als hätten Sie bis jetzt noch keine API-Schlüssel erstellt. "
-"Gehen Sie zu Einstellungen | API-Schlüssel und setzen Sie "
-"die Verbindung zu Google Drive auf, dann kommen Sie hierhin zurück."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:93 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:72
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:93
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:72
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Anmelden"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:97
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:419
-msgid "Authenticate"
-msgstr "Authentifizieren"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:99
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:415
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:78
msgid "Not authenticated!"
msgstr "Nicht authentifiziert!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:106
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:429
-msgid "Reauthenticate"
-msgstr "Neu authentifizieren"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:112
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:141 inc/class-destination-folder.php:27
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:82 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:66
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:95 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:81
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:141
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:82
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:66
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:95
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:81
msgid "Backup settings"
msgstr "Backup-Einstellungen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:117
-msgid "Folder in Google Drive"
-msgstr "Ordner in Google Drive"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:125
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:162 inc/class-destination-folder.php:40
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:95 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:91
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:162
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:40
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:95
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:91
msgid "File Deletion"
msgstr "Dateilöschung"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:136
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:109
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:173 inc/class-destination-folder.php:51
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:106 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:85
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:114 inc/class-destination-s3.php:201
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:173
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:51
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:106
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:85
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:114
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:201
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:100
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Files belonging to this job are now tracked. Old "
-"backup archives which are untracked will not be automatically deleted."
-msgstr ""
-"Warnung: Dateien, die zu diesem Auftrag gehören, werden "
-"jetzt getracked. Alte Backup Archive, die nicht getracked sind, werden nicht "
-"automatisch gelöscht."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:160
-msgid ""
-"Consider using trash to delete files. If trash is not enabled, files will be "
-"deleted permanently."
-msgstr ""
-"Ziehen Sie in Betracht, den Papierkorb zu nutzen, um Dateien zu löschen. Bei "
-"deaktiviertem Papierkorb werden Dateien unwiderruflich gelöscht."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:226
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:269
-msgid "GDrive: Authenticated."
-msgstr "GDrive: Authentifiziert."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:231
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:274
-msgid "GDrive: No refresh token received. Try to Authenticate again!"
-msgstr ""
-"GDrive: Keinen Refresh-Token erhalten. Versuchen Sie sich erneut zu "
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:245
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:284
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:307
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:334
-msgid "GDrive API: %s"
-msgstr "GDrive API: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:655
-msgid "One file deleted from Google Drive"
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Google Drive"
-msgstr[0] "Eine Datei von Google Drive gelöscht"
-msgstr[1] "%d Dateien von Google Drive gelöscht"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:682
-msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to Google Drive …"
-msgstr "%d. Versuche das Backup zu Google Drive zu senden …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:699
-msgid "Uploading to Google Drive …"
-msgstr "Upload zu Google Drive …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:767
-msgid "Could not create resumable file transfer to Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-"Konnte wiederaufnehmbaren Datentransfer zu Google Drive nicht erstellen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:818
-msgid "Can not resume transfer backup to Google Drive!"
-msgstr "Kann den Backup-Transfer zu Google Drive nicht fortsetzen!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:890
-msgid "Error transfering file chunks to %s."
-msgstr "Fehler beim Übertragen von Datei-Teilen zu %s."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:891
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:935
-msgid "Google Drive"
-msgstr "Google Drive"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:232
+msgid "Warning: Files belonging to this job are now tracked. Old backup archives which are untracked will not be automatically deleted."
+msgstr "Warnung: Dateien, die zu diesem Auftrag gehören, werden jetzt getracked. Alte Backup Archive, die nicht getracked sind, werden nicht automatisch gelöscht."
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:903
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:470
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:228 inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:261
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:673 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:275
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:292 inc/class-destination-s3.php:825
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:228
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:261
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:673
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:275
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:292
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:825
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:940
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:905
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:843
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:958
msgid "Can not open source file for transfer."
msgstr "Kann die Quelldatei für den Transfer nicht öffnen."
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:922
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:432 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:290
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:432
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:290
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:263
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:924
msgid "Backup transferred to %s"
msgstr "Backup übertragen zu %s"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:928
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:438
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:930
msgid "Uploaded file size and local file size don't match."
msgstr "Größen der lokalen und der hochgeladenen Datei sind nicht identisch."
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:934
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:450
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:444
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:936
msgid "Error transfering backup to %s."
msgstr "Fehler beim Übertragen des Backups zu %s."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:948
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1308
-msgid "Google Drive API: %s"
-msgstr "Google Drive API: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1087
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to Google Drive …"
-msgstr "%d. Versuche Dateien mit Google Drive zu synchronisieren …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1101
-msgid "Syncing changed files to Google Drive"
-msgstr "Synchronisiere geänderte Dateien mit Google Drive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1144
-msgid "File %s updated on Google Drive"
-msgstr "Datei %s auf Google Drive aktualisiert"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1170
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Google Drive"
-msgstr "Datei %s zu Google Drive hochgeladen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1194
-msgid "File %s moved to trash in Google Drive"
-msgstr "Datei %s in den Papierkorb bei Google Drive verschoben"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1202
-msgid "File %s deleted permanently in Google Drive"
-msgstr "Datei %s unwiderruflich gelöscht aus Google Drive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1263
-msgid "Extra file %s updated on Google Drive"
-msgstr "Weitere Datei %s auf Google Drive aktualisiert"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1293
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Google Drive"
-msgstr "Weitere Datei %s auf Google Drive hochgeladen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:27
-msgid "Amazon Glacier"
-msgstr "Amazon Glacier"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:31
-msgid "Select a region:"
-msgstr "Wählen Sie eine Region:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:33
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:235
-msgid "Amazon Glacier Region"
-msgstr "Amazon Glacier Region"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:34
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:236
-msgid "US Standard"
-msgstr "USA Standard"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:35
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:237
-msgid "US West (Northern California)"
-msgstr "USA Westen (Nord-Kalifornien)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:36
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:238
-msgid "US West (Oregon)"
-msgstr "USA Westen (Oregon)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:37
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:239
-msgid "EU (Ireland)"
-msgstr "EU (Irland)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:38
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:240
-msgid "EU (Germany)"
-msgstr "EU (Deutschland)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:39
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:241
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
-msgstr "Asien Pazifik (Tokyo)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:40
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:242
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
-msgstr "Asien Pazifik (Seoul)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:41
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"
-msgstr "Asien Pazifik (Mumbai)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:42
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:244
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
-msgstr "Asien Pazifik (Sydney)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:43
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:245
-msgid "South America (Sao Paulo)"
-msgstr "Südamerika (Sao Paulo)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:44
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:246
-msgid "China (Beijing)"
-msgstr "China (Beijing)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:50
-msgid "Amazon Access Keys"
-msgstr "Amazon Zugriffsschlüssel"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54 inc/class-destination-s3.php:90
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:90
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:121
msgid "Access Key"
msgstr "Zugangsschlüssel"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61 inc/class-destination-s3.php:104
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:104
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:135
msgid "Secret Key"
msgstr "Geheimschlüssel"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:69
-msgid "Vault"
-msgstr "Tresor"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:73
-msgid "Vault selection"
-msgstr "Tresorauswahl"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:85
-msgid "Create a new vault"
-msgstr "Neuen Tresor erstellen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:92
-msgid "Glacier Backup settings"
-msgstr "Glacier Backup-Einstellungen"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:96
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:76 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:105
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:105
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:184
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:215
msgid "File deletion"
msgstr "Dateilöschung"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:108
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:264
-msgid ""
-"Number of files to keep in folder. (Archives deleted before 3 months after "
-"they have been stored may cause extra costs when deleted.)"
-msgstr ""
-"Anzahl der im Ordner verbleibenden Dateien. (Archive, die vor Ablauf von 3 "
-"Monaten gelöscht werden, können zusätzliche Kosten verursachen.)"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:166
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:448 inc/class-destination-s3.php:353
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:448
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:353
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:359
msgid "Missing access key!"
msgstr "Der Zugangsschlüssel (Access Key) fehlt!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168 inc/class-destination-s3.php:355
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:355
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:361
msgid "Missing secret access key!"
msgstr "Der geheime Zugangsschlüssel (Secret Access Key) fehlt!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:172
-msgid "No vault found!"
-msgstr "Kein Tresor gefunden!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:211
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:299
-msgid "Vault %1$s created."
-msgstr "Tresor %1$s erstellt."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:213
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:301
-msgid "Vault %s could not be created."
-msgstr "Tresor %s konnte nicht erstellt werden."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:234
-msgid "Select an Amazon Glacier region:"
-msgstr "Wählen Sie die Amazon Glacier Region:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:243
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
-msgstr "Asien Pazifik (Singapur)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:248
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:19
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:125
-msgid "Access Key:"
-msgstr "Zugangsschlüssel (Access Key):"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:250
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:130
-msgid "Secret Key:"
-msgstr "Geheimschlüssel (Secret Key):"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:252
-msgid "Vault:"
-msgstr "Tresor:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:261
-msgid "New Vault:"
-msgstr "Neuer Tresor:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:341
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:458
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:477
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:520
-msgid "AWS API: %s"
-msgstr "AWS API: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:366
-msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to Amazon Glacier …"
-msgstr "%d. Versuche Backup-Datei zu Amazon Glacier zu senden …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:379
-msgid "Connected to Glacier vault \"%1$s\" with %2$d archives and size of %3$d"
-msgstr ""
-"Verbunden mit Glacier-Vault \"%1$s\" mit %2$d Archiven einer Größe von %3$d"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:381
-msgid "Glacier vault \"%s\" does not exist!"
-msgstr "Glacier Tresor \"%s\" existiert nicht!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:387
-msgid "Starting upload to Amazon Glacier …"
-msgstr "Upload zu Amazon Glacier wird gestartet …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:440
-msgid "Archive ID: %s"
-msgstr "Archiv-ID: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:446 inc/class-destination-s3.php:954
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:446
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:954
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:972
msgid "Backup transferred to %s."
msgstr "Backup übertragen zu %s."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:451 inc/Pro/class-pro.php:130
-msgid "Glacier"
-msgstr "Glacier"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:510
-msgid "Cannot delete archive from %s."
-msgstr "Kann das Archiv aus %s nicht löschen."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:514
-msgid "One file deleted on vault."
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on vault"
-msgstr[0] "Eine Datei aus Tresor entfernt."
-msgstr[1] "%d Dateien aus Tresor entfernt"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:17
-msgid "Account Name:"
-msgstr "Kontoname / Benutzername:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:21
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:38
-msgid "Container:"
-msgstr "Container:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:28
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:47
-msgid "Create container:"
-msgstr "Container erstellen:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:30
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:49
-msgid "Folder in container:"
-msgstr "Ordner im Container:"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:99
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:128
msgid "MS Azure container \"%s\" created."
@@ -730,11 +410,6 @@ msgstr "MS Azure Container \"%s\" erstellt."
msgid "MS Azure container create: %s"
msgstr "MS Azure Container erstellen: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:119
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files with Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Versuche Dateien mit Microsoft Azure (Blob) zu synchronisieren …"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:144
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:237
msgid "MS Azure container \"%s\" does not exist!"
@@ -745,252 +420,200 @@ msgstr "MS Azure Container \"%s\" existiert nicht!"
msgid "Connected to MS Azure container \"%s\"."
msgstr "Verbunden mit MS Azure container \"%s\""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:154
-msgid "Retrieving file list from MS Azure."
-msgstr "Rufe Dateiliste von MS Azure ab."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:170
-msgid "Upload changed files to MS Azure."
-msgstr "Upload der geänderten Dateien zu MS Azure."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:182
-msgid "File %s uploaded to MS Azure."
-msgstr "Datei %s zu MS Azure hochgeladen."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:208
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to MS Azure."
-msgstr "Weitere Datei %s zu MS Azure hochgeladen."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:221
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on MS Azure."
-msgstr "Lösche nicht existierende Dateien auf MS Azure."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:224
-msgid "File %s deleted from MS Azure."
-msgstr "Datei %s von MS Azure gelöscht."
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:233
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:296 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:352
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:296
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:352
msgid "Microsoft Azure API: %s"
msgstr "Microsoft Azure API: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:26
-msgid "API Key:"
-msgstr "API-Schlüssel:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:29
-msgid "Select region:"
-msgstr "Wählen Sie eine Region:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:30 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:63
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:30
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:63
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:65
msgid "Rackspace Cloud Files Region"
msgstr "Rackspace-Cloud-Verzeichnis"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:66
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:66
msgid "Dallas (DFW)"
msgstr "Dallas (DFW)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:67
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:67
msgid "Chicago (ORD)"
msgstr "Chicago (ORD)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:68
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:68
msgid "Sydney (SYD)"
msgstr "Sydney (SYD)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:69
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:69
msgid "London (LON)"
msgstr "London (LON)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:70
msgid "Northern Virginia (IAD)"
msgstr "Northern Virginia (IAD)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:71
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:71
msgid "Hong Kong (HKG)"
msgstr "Hong Kong (HKG)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:158
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:158
msgid "Rackspace Cloud container \"%s\" created."
msgstr "Rackspace Cloud Container\"%s\" erstellt."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120 inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:172
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:292 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:162
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:277 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:317
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:172
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:292
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:162
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:277
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:317
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:362
msgid "Rackspace Cloud API: %s"
msgstr "Rackspace Cloud API: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:149
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files to Rackspace cloud …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Versuche Dateien mit der Rackspace Cloud zu synchronisieren …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:169
-msgid "Connected to Rackspace cloud files container %s."
-msgstr "Verbunden mit Rackspace Cloud Datei-Container %s."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:183
-msgid "Retrieving files list from Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Rufe Dateiliste von Rackspace Cloud ab."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:214
-msgid "Upload changed files to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Upload der geänderten Dateien zur Rackspace Cloud."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:232
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Datei %s zur Rackspace Cloud hochgeladen."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:265
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Extra Datei %s zur Rackspace Cloud hochgeladen."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:278
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Lösche nicht existierende Dateien von Rackspace Cloud."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:282
-msgid "File %s deleted from Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "File %s von Rackspace Cloud gelöscht."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:31
-msgid "Select a S3 service:"
-msgstr "Wählen Sie einen S3 Service:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:32 inc/class-destination-s3.php:53
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:53
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:54
msgid "Amazon S3 Region"
msgstr "Amazon S3 Region"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:40 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1072
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:40
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1072
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1118
msgid "Amazon S3: US Standard"
msgstr "Amazon S3: US Standard"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:45 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1076
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1076
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1122
msgid "Amazon S3: US West (Northern California)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: US Westen (Nord-Kalifornien)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:53 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1080
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:53
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1080
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1126
msgid "Amazon S3: US West (Oregon)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: US Westen (Oregon)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:58 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1084
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:58
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1084
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1130
msgid "Amazon S3: EU (Ireland)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: EU (Irland)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:63 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1088
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:63
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1088
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1134
msgid "Amazon S3: EU (London)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: EU (London)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:68 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1092
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:68
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1092
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1138
msgid "Amazon S3: EU (Germany)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: EU (Deutschland)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:73 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1096
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:73
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1096
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1142
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asien Pazifik (Mumbai)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:78 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1100
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:78
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1100
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1146
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asien Pazifik (Tokyo)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:83 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1104
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1104
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1150
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asien Pazifik (Seoul)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:88 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1108
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:88
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1108
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1154
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asien Pazifik (Singapur)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:93 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1112
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:93
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1112
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1158
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asien Pazifik (Sydney)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:98 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1116
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1116
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1162
msgid "Amazon S3: South America (Sao Paulo)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Südamerika (Sao Paulo)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:103 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1120
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:103
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1120
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1166
msgid "Amazon S3: China (Beijing)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: China (Beijing)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:108 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1124
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1124
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1170
msgid "Google Storage: EU"
msgstr "Google Storage: EU"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:113 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1128
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:113
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1128
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1174
msgid "Google Storage: USA"
msgstr "Google Storage: USA"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:118 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1132
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1132
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1178
msgid "Google Storage: Asia"
msgstr "Google Storage: Asien"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:123 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1136
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:123
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1136
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1182
msgid "Dream Host Cloud Storage"
msgstr "Dream Host Cloud Storage"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:138
-msgid "Bucket:"
-msgstr "Bucket:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:158
-msgid "New Bucket:"
-msgstr "Neues Bucket:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:161
-msgid "Folder in bucket:"
-msgstr "Ordner im Bucket:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:278
-msgid "Bucket %1$s created in %2$s."
-msgstr "Bucket %1$s in %2$s erstellt."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:285 inc/class-destination-s3.php:514
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:285
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:514
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:520
msgid " %s is not a valid bucket name."
msgstr " %s ist kein gültiger Bucket-Name."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:353
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files to S3 Service …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Versuche Dateien mit dem S3 Service zu synchronisieren …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:383 inc/class-destination-s3.php:785
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:383
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:785
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:803
msgid "Connected to S3 Bucket \"%1$s\" in %2$s"
msgstr "Verbunden zum S3-Bucket \"%1$s\" in %2$s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:391 inc/class-destination-s3.php:790
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:391
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:790
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:808
msgid "S3 Bucket \"%s\" does not exist!"
msgstr "Amazon-S3-Bucket \"%s\" existiert nicht!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:405
-msgid "Retrieving file list from S3."
-msgstr "Rufe Dateiliste von S3 ab."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:471
-msgid "Upload changed files to S3."
-msgstr "Upload der geänderten Dateien zu S3."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:521
-msgid "File %s uploaded to S3."
-msgstr "Datei %s zu S3 hochgeladen."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:576
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to S3."
-msgstr "Weitere Datei %s zu S3 hochgeladen."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:599
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on S3"
-msgstr "Lösche nicht existierende Dateien von S3"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:612
-msgid "File %s deleted from S3."
-msgstr "Datei %s von S3 gelöscht."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:623 inc/class-destination-s3.php:564
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:850 inc/class-destination-s3.php:918
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:977 inc/class-destination-s3.php:988
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:623
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:564
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:850
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:918
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:977
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:988
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:570
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:868
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:936
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:995
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1006
msgid "S3 Service API: %s"
msgstr "S3 Service API: %s"
@@ -999,11 +622,6 @@ msgstr "S3 Service API: %s"
msgid "Email address:"
msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:24
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:82
-msgid "Sugarsync authenticate!"
-msgstr "Sugarsync Authentifizierung!"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:26
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:38
@@ -1018,1006 +636,393 @@ msgstr "SugarSync-Konto erstellen"
msgid "Delete Sugarsync authentication!"
msgstr "Lösche SugarSync Authentifizierung!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:34
-msgid "Root:"
-msgstr "Root:"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:41
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:64
msgid "No Syncfolders found!"
msgstr "Keine Sync-Ordner gefunden!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-export-jobs.php:12 inc/Pro/class-export-jobs.php:23
-msgid "Export"
-msgstr "Export"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:35
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:35
msgid "Settings for database check"
msgstr "Einstellungen für den Datenbank Check"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:27
-msgid "Check only WordPress Database tables"
-msgstr "Teste nur die WordPress-Datenbank-Tabellen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:54
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:54
msgid "Try to repair defect table"
msgstr "Versuche, definierte Tabellen zu reparieren"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:108
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:108
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:60
msgid "Settings for database backup"
msgstr "Einstellungen für das Datenbank-Backup"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:92
-msgid "Backup only WordPress Database tables"
-msgstr "Nur die WordPress-Datenbank-Tabellen sichern"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:112
-msgid "Database connection"
-msgstr "Datenbankverbindung"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:116
-msgid "Use WordPress database connection."
-msgstr "Nutze WordPress-Datenbankverbindung."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:120
-msgid "Host:"
-msgstr "Host (Server):"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:123
-msgid "User:"
-msgstr "Benutzer:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:130
-msgid "Charset:"
-msgstr "Charset:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:141
-msgid "Database:"
-msgstr "Datenbank:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:64
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:64
msgid "Tables to backup"
msgstr "Zu sichernde Tabellen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:66
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:66
msgid "all"
msgstr "alle"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:141 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:67
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:103 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:73
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:57 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:329
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:404 inc/class-page-settings.php:848
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:141
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:67
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:103
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:73
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:57
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:329
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:404
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:848
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:837
msgid "none"
msgstr "keine"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:169
-msgid "Database Backup type"
-msgstr "Datenbank Backup-Typ"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
-msgid "SQL File (with mysqli)"
-msgstr "SQL-Datei (mit mysqli)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:174
-msgid "SQL File (with mysqldump) "
-msgstr "SQL-Datei (mit mysqldump) "
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:175
-msgid "XML File (phpMyAdmin schema)"
-msgstr "XML-Datei (phpMyAdmin Schema)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:181
-msgid "Path to mysqldump file"
-msgstr "Pfad zur mysqldump Datei"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:190
-msgid ""
-"Path to mysqldump file, so a backup can be made with it. If it is correct "
-"and shell_exec is active, the backup will be generated with a "
-"system command. If shell_exec ist not active, this is disabled"
-msgstr ""
-"Pfad zur MySQL-Dump Datei zum Erstellen eines Backups. Wenn diese in Ordnung "
-"ist und shell_exec aktiviert wurde, wird ein Backup per "
-"Systembefehl generiert. Wenn shell_exec nicht aktiviert wurde, ist "
-"dieser Befehl deaktiviert"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:91
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:91
msgid "Backup file name"
msgstr "Backup-Datei-Name"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:99
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:99
msgid "Backup file compression"
msgstr "Backup-Datei-Kompression"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:105 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:107
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:75 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:77
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:59 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:61
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:105
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:107
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:75
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:77
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:59
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:61
msgid "GZip"
msgstr "GZip"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:159
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:159
msgid "%d. Try to backup database …"
msgstr "%d. Versuche, die Datenbank zu sichern …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
msgid "Connected to database %1$s on %2$s"
msgstr "Mit Datenbank %1$s auf %2$s verbunden"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:187
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:187
msgid "No tables to backup."
msgstr "Es gibt keine Tabellen zu sichern."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:210
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:210
msgid "Backup database table \"%s\" with \"%s\" records"
msgstr "Sichere Datenbank-Tabelle „%s“ mit „%s“ Einträgen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:250
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:250
msgid "MySQL backup file not created"
msgstr "MySQL-Sicherungsdatei nicht erstellt"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:580
-msgid "Added database backup \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
-msgstr "Datenbank-Backup \"%1$s\" mit %2$s zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:767
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:767
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:260
msgid "Database backup done!"
msgstr "Datenbank-Backup fertig!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:601
-msgid "%d. Try to backup MySQL system …"
-msgstr "%d. Versuche, das MySQL-System zu sichern …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:608
-msgid ""
-"Executing of system commands not allowed. Please use backup with mysqli."
-msgstr ""
-"Ausführung von Systembefehlen nicht erlaubt. Bitte nutzen Sie das Backup mit "
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:613
-msgid "%s file not in open basedir of PHP."
-msgstr "Datei %s nicht im open basedir von PHP."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:618
-msgid "%s file not found. Please correct the path for the mysqldump file."
-msgstr ""
-"Datei %s nicht gefunden. Bitte korrigieren Sie den Pfad für die mysqldump-"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:702
-msgctxt "Executed exec() command"
-msgid "CLI Exec: %s"
-msgstr "CLI Exec: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:712
-msgid "Usage error."
-msgstr "Usage-Fehler."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:713
-msgid ""
-"MySQL Server Error. This could be an issue with permissions. Try using "
-"database backup with mysqli."
-msgstr ""
-"Fehler des MySQL-Servers. Dies könnte ein Problem mit Berechtigungen sein. "
-"Versuchen Sie, ein Datenbank Backup mit mysqli zu nutzen."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:714
-msgid "Error during consistency checks."
-msgstr "Fehler während Konsistenzprüfung."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:715
-msgid "Not enough memory."
-msgstr "Nicht genug Speicher."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:716
-msgid "Error during writing of SQL backup file."
-msgstr "Fehler beim Schreiben der SQL-Backup-Datei."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:717
-msgid "Illegal table"
-msgstr "Ungültige Tabelle"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:722
-msgid "mysqldump returned: (%d) %s"
-msgstr "mysqldump hat zurückgegeben: (%d) %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:735
-msgid "Can not create mysql backup with mysqldump command"
-msgstr "Keine Datenbanksicherung mit System-Kommando mysqldump möglich"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:474
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:474
msgid "Compressing file …"
msgstr "Komprimiere Datei …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:481
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:481
msgid "Compressing done."
msgstr "Komprimierung erledigt."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:764 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:254
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:764
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:254
msgid "Added database dump \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
msgstr "Datenbank-Dump \"%1$s\" mit %2$s zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:782
-msgid "%d. Try to backup database as XML …"
-msgstr "%d. Versuche, Datenbank als XML zu sichern …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:799 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:141
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:799
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:141
msgid "Can not open target file for writing."
msgstr "Kann die Zieldatei nicht zum Schreiben öffnen."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:832 inc/class-mysqldump.php:100
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:832
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:100
msgid "Cannot init MySQLi database connection"
msgstr "MySQLi Datenbank-Verbindung kann nicht initialisiert werden"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:838 inc/class-mysqldump.php:105
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:838
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:105
msgid "Setting of MySQLi connection timeout failed"
-msgstr ""
-"Einstellung der MySQLi Verbindungs-Zeitüberschreitung ist fehlgeschlagen"
+msgstr "Einstellung der MySQLi Verbindungs-Zeitüberschreitung ist fehlgeschlagen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:844 inc/class-mysqldump.php:110
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:844
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:110
msgid "Cannot connect to MySQL database %1$d: %2$s"
msgstr "Kann keine Verbindung zur MySQL-Datenbank %1$d herstellen: %2$s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:852
-msgctxt "Database Charset"
-msgid "Cannot set DB charset to %s"
-msgstr "Kann Datenbank-Zeichensatz nicht auf %s setzen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:860 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:874
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:922 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:941
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:984 inc/class-mysqldump.php:153
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:165 inc/class-mysqldump.php:259
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:268 inc/class-mysqldump.php:288
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:297 inc/class-mysqldump.php:317
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:323 inc/class-mysqldump.php:368
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:400 inc/class-mysqldump.php:437
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:860
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:874
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:922
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:941
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:984
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:153
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:165
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:259
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:268
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:288
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:297
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:317
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:323
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:368
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:400
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:437
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:500
msgid "Database error %1$s for query %2$s"
msgstr "Datenbankfehler %1$s für die Abfrage (Query) %2$s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:881
-msgid "No tables for XML backup"
-msgstr "Es gibt keine Tabellen für einen XML-Backup"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:917
-msgid "Dump database create view \"%s\""
-msgstr "Datenbank Backup CREATE VIEW \"%s\""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:935
-msgid "Backup database structure \"%s\" to XML"
-msgstr "Backup der Datenbankstruktur \"%s\" für XML"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:977
-msgid "Backup table \"%s\" data to XML"
-msgstr "Sichere Daten der Tabelle \"%s\" als XML"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:1045
-msgid "Added database XML dump \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
-msgstr ""
-"XML-Datenbank-Dump \"%1$s\" mit %2$s zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:1048
-msgid "Database XML backup done!"
-msgstr "Datenbank XML-Backup erstellt!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-file.php:19
-msgid "Backup WordPress main files"
-msgstr "Backup der Wordpress-Hauptdateien"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-file.php:23
-msgid "Backup blog content folder"
-msgstr "Backup des Blog-Content-Ordners"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-file.php:27
-msgid "Backup blog plugins"
-msgstr "Backup der Blog-Plugins"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-file.php:31
-msgid "Backup blog themes"
-msgstr "Backup der Blog-Themes"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-file.php:35
-msgid "Backup blog uploads folder"
-msgstr "Backup der Blog-Uploads-Ordner"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
-msgid "Items to export:"
-msgstr "Zu exportierendes Item:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:49
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:49
msgid "All content"
msgstr "Gesamter Inhalt"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:50
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:50
msgid "Posts"
msgstr "Beiträge"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:51
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:51
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Seiten"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:13
-msgid "Nothing to configure"
-msgstr "Nichts zu konfiguieren"
-#. Translators: $1 is the name of the plugin
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-restore.php:164
-msgid "%s › Restore"
-msgstr "%s › Restore"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:27
-msgid "E-mail address is required."
-msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse wird benötigt."
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:43
-msgid "support@backwpup.com"
-msgstr "support@backwpup.com"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:51
-msgid "Message has been sent to support. We will get back to you shortly."
-msgstr ""
-"Die Nachricht wurde an den Support gesendet. Wir werden Sie in Kürze "
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:84
-msgid "Contact BackWPup Support"
-msgstr "BackWPup Support kontaktieren"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:86
-msgid ""
-"Fill out the form below to contact BackWPup support. We will get back to you "
-"as soon as possible."
-msgstr ""
-"Füllen Sie das Formular unten aus, um den BackWPup Support zu kontaktieren. "
-"Wir werden Ihnen so schnell wie möglich antworten."
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:94
-msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Auftragsname:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:112
-msgid "E-mail adress:"
-msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:122
-msgid "Subject:"
-msgstr "Betreff:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:131
-msgid "Message:"
-msgstr "Nachricht:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:140
-msgid "Send debug info:"
-msgstr "Debug Info senden:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:149
-msgid "Select log to attach"
-msgstr "Anzuhängendes Protokoll auswählen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:184
-msgid "Log folder not readable."
-msgstr "Verzeichnis %s ist nicht lesbar."
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:191
-msgid "Send Message"
-msgstr "Nachricht senden"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:221 inc/class-page-jobs.php:172
+#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:221
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:172
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:228
msgid "Job ID: %d"
msgstr "Auftrags-ID: %d"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:227
-msgid "1 error"
-msgid_plural "%d errors"
-msgstr[0] "1 Fehler"
-msgstr[1] "%d Fehler"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:233
-msgctxt "1 error and 1 warning"
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "und"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:236
-msgid "1 warning"
-msgid_plural "%d warnings"
-msgstr[0] "1 Warnung"
-msgstr[1] "%d Warnungen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:241
-msgid "no errors"
-msgstr "keine Fehler"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:150
-msgid "No BackWPup Wizard Session found!"
-msgstr "Keine BackWPup-Assistent-Sitzung gefunden!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:163 inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:423
-msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Abbrechen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:200 inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:418
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:451
-msgid "Next ›"
-msgstr "Nächster Durchlauf ›"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:216 inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:414
-msgid "‹ Previous"
-msgstr "< Vorheriger Durchlauf"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:307
-msgctxt "Plugin Name"
-msgid "%s › Wizards"
-msgstr "%s › Assistenten"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:331 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:211
+#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:331
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:211
msgid "Start wizard"
msgstr "Assistenten starten"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:346
-msgctxt "Plugin Name"
-msgid "%s Wizard:"
-msgstr "%s Assistent:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:426
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "Zurück zur Übersicht"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:131 inc/class-page-about.php:549
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:131
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:549
msgid "Backup to Amazon Glacier"
msgstr "Backup zu Amazon Glacier"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:151
-msgid "GDrive"
-msgstr "GDrive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:152 inc/class-page-about.php:544
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:152
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:544
msgid "Backup to Google Drive"
msgstr "Backup zu Google Drive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:217 inc/Pro/class-pro.php:218
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:333
-msgid "Wizards"
-msgstr "Assistenten"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:253
-msgid "Support"
-msgstr "Support"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:254
-msgid "Contact Support"
-msgstr "Support kontaktieren"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:285 inc/Pro/class-pro.php:286
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:345 views/pro/restore/steps/step4_top.php:2
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:285
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:286
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:345
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step4_top.php:2
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:293
msgid "Restore"
msgstr "Wiederherstellen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:368
-msgid ""
-"If you are experiencing issues, the debug information shown below can help "
-"us to better investigate and solve it for you."
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn Sie Issues erfahren, kann uns die untenstehende Debug Information "
-"helfen, das Problem schneller herauszufinden und für Sie zu lösen."
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:374
-msgid ""
-"If you already have a support ticket open with BackWPup, then you can simply "
-"click the copy button below to copy the debug information, and paste it into "
-"a response to your ticket."
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn Sie bereits ein Support Ticket bei BackWPup geöffnet haben, können Sie "
-"einfach auf den Copy Button unten klicken, um die Debug Information zu "
-"kopieren und sie als Antwort an Ihr Ticket anzuhängen."
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:381
-msgid ""
-"If you have not yet opened a ticket, you may contact us directly by clicking here."
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn Sie noch kein Ticket geöffnet haben, können Sie uns direkt "
-"kontaktieren, indem Sie hier klicken."
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:45
-msgid "Hash key"
-msgstr "Hash-Key"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:46
-msgid ""
-"Hash Key for BackWPup. It will be used to have hashes in folder and file "
-"names. It must at least 6 chars long."
-msgstr ""
-"Hash-Key für BackWPup. Es wird für Hashes in Ordner- und Dateinamen "
-"verwendet und muss mindestens 6 Zeichen lang sein."
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:49
-msgid "Hash key:"
-msgstr "Hash-Key:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:73
-msgid "Dropbox API Keys"
-msgstr "Dropbox API-Keys"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:74
-msgid ""
-"If you want to set your own Dropbox API Keys, you can do it here. Leave "
-"empty for default."
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn Sie Ihren eigenen Dropbox API-Schlüssel setzen möchten, können Sie es "
-"hier tun. Lassen Sie das Feld leer für Standard-Einstellungen."
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:77
-msgid "Full Dropbox App key:"
-msgstr "Voller Dropbox-App-Key:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:88
-msgid "Full Dropbox App secret:"
-msgstr "Voller Dropbox-App-Secret:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:100
-msgid "Sandbox App key:"
-msgstr "Sandbox-App-Key:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:111
-msgid "Sandbox App secret:"
-msgstr "Sandbox-App-Secret:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:131
-msgid "SugarSync API Keys"
-msgstr "SugarSync-API-Keys"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:132
-msgid ""
-"If you want to set your own SugarSync API keys you can do that here. Leave "
-"empty for default."
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn Sie Ihren eigenen SugarSync API-Schlüssel setzen möchten, können Sie es "
-"hier tun. Lassen Sie das Feld leer für Standard-Einstellungen."
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:135
-msgid "Access Key ID:"
-msgstr "Access-Key-ID (Zugangsschlüssel-ID):"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:143
-msgid "Private Access Key:"
-msgstr "Private-Access-Key:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:154
-msgid "App ID:"
-msgstr "App-ID:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:175
-msgid "Google API Keys"
-msgstr "Google-API-Keys"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:179
-msgid "Client ID:"
-msgstr "Client ID:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:191
-msgid "Client secret:"
-msgstr "Client Secret:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:202
-msgid "Redirect URIs:"
-msgstr "Redirect URIs:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:206
-msgid "Add this URI in a new line to the field."
-msgstr "Fügen Sie diese URI in einer neuen Zeile zum Feld hinzu."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:15
-msgid "Create a job"
-msgstr "Auftrag erstellen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:16
-msgid "Choose a job"
-msgstr "Auftrag auswählen"
#. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:17 inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:27 inc/class-admin.php:510
-#: inc/class-admin.php:531 inc/class-help.php:17 inc/class-help.php:22
-#: inc/class-job.php:412 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:15
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:15 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:15
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:15 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:15
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:651 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:262 inc/class-page-settings.php:1134
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:17
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:27
+#: inc/class-admin.php:510
+#: inc/class-admin.php:531
+#: inc/class-help.php:17
+#: inc/class-help.php:22
+#: inc/class-job.php:412
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:15
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:651
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:262
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1134
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1123
msgid "http://backwpup.com"
msgstr "https://backwpup.de"
#. Author URI of the plugin/theme
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:19 inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:29 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:17
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:17 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:17
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:17
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:19
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:29
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:17
msgid "http://inpsyde.com"
msgstr "http://inpsyde.com"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:41
-msgid "Job Types"
-msgstr "Auftragstypen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:41
-msgid "Select a task for your job."
-msgstr "Wählen Sie eine Aufgabe für Ihren Auftrag."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:61
-msgid "Archive Settings"
-msgstr "Archiveinstellungen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:62
-msgid "Settings for the Backup Archive"
-msgstr "Einstellungen für das Backup-Archiv"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:67 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:473
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:67
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:473
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:127
msgid "Destinations"
msgstr "Zielordner"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:68
-msgid "Where would you like to store the backup file?"
-msgstr "Wo wollen Sie die Backup-Datei speichern?"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:82 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:314
-msgid "Scheduling"
-msgstr "Planung"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:82
-msgid "When would you like to start the job?"
-msgstr "Wann soll der Auftrag gestartet werden?"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:254 inc/class-page-editjob.php:400
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:254
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:400
msgid "This job is a …"
msgstr "Dieser Auftrag ist ein …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:255
-msgid "Select one or more tasks for your backup job."
-msgstr "Wählen Sie eine zusätzliche Aufgabe für Ihren Backup-Auftrag."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:257 inc/class-page-editjob.php:403
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:257
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:403
msgid "Job tasks"
msgstr "Auftragsdetails"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:315
-msgid "Activate scheduling"
-msgstr "Aktive Planung"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:320 inc/class-page-editjob.php:686
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:320
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:686
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:754
msgid "Scheduler"
msgstr "Planer"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:324 inc/class-page-editjob.php:691
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:126 inc/class-page-logs.php:166
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:324
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:691
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:126
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:166
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typ"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:330 inc/class-page-editjob.php:696
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:696
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "Stunde"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:333 inc/class-page-editjob.php:699
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:333
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:699
msgid "Minute"
msgstr "Minute"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:337 inc/class-page-editjob.php:703
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:337
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:703
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "monatlich"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:339 inc/class-page-editjob.php:705
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:339
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:705
msgid "on"
msgstr "An"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:349 inc/class-page-editjob.php:715
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:349
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:715
msgid "weekly"
msgstr "wöchentlich"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:351 inc/class-page-editjob.php:717
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:351
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:717
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:824
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Sonntag"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:352 inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:352
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:825
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Montag"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:353 inc/class-page-editjob.php:719
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:353
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:719
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:826
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Dienstag"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:354 inc/class-page-editjob.php:720
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:354
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:720
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:827
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Mittwoch"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:355 inc/class-page-editjob.php:721
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:355
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:721
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:828
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Donnerstag"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:356 inc/class-page-editjob.php:722
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:356
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:722
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:829
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Freitag"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:357 inc/class-page-editjob.php:723
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:357
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:723
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:830
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Samstag"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:367 inc/class-page-editjob.php:733
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:733
msgid "daily"
msgstr "täglich"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:377 inc/class-page-editjob.php:743
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:743
msgid "hourly"
msgstr "stündlich"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:402 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:426 inc/class-page-editjob.php:429
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:402
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:426
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:429
msgid "Backup type"
msgstr "Backup Typ"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:409
-msgid "Sync file by file to destination"
-msgstr "Synchronisiere Datei für Datei zum Zielverzeichnis"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:413 inc/class-page-editjob.php:437
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:413
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:437
msgid "Create a backup archive"
msgstr "Backup-Archiv erstellen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:420
-msgid "Select a compression type for the backup archive"
-msgstr "Wählen Sie einen Kompressions-Typ für das Backup-Archiv"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:423
-msgid "Archive compression type"
-msgstr "Archiv-Kompressions-Typ"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:426 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481 inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:426
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
msgid "Zip"
msgstr "Zip"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:427
-msgid ""
-"PHP Zip functions will be used if available (memory lees). Else PCLZip Class "
-"will used."
-msgstr ""
-"PHP Zip-Funktionen wird verwendent, sofern verfügbar (memory lees). "
-"Ansonsten wird PCLZip Class verwendet."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:430 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:441
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:449
-msgid "Disabled because missing PHP function."
-msgstr "Aufgrund fehlender PHP Funktion deaktiviert."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:433 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:434
-msgid "Tar (fast and memory less) uncompressed"
-msgstr "Tar (schnell und speicherschonend) unkomprimiert"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:433 inc/class-page-editjob.php:486
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:433
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:486
msgid "Tar"
msgstr "Tar"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:437 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:438
-msgid "A tared and GZipped archive (fast and memory less)"
-msgstr "Ein .tar und .gz Archiv (schnell und schlank)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:437 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:488 inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:437
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:488
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
msgid "Tar GZip"
msgstr "Tar GZip"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:444 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:494 inc/class-page-editjob.php:497
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:444
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:494
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:497
msgid "Tar BZip2"
msgstr "Tar BZip2"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:445
-msgid "A tared and BZipped archive (fast and memory less)"
-msgstr "Ein .tar und .bz Archiv (schnell und schlank)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:470
-msgid "Where to store the files"
-msgstr "Wo die Dateien abgelegt werden"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:661
-msgid "Wizard: %1$s"
-msgstr "Assistent: %1$s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:680
-msgid "New job %s generated."
-msgstr "Neuer Auftrag %s erstellt."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:692
-msgid "Create Job"
-msgstr "Erstelle Auftrag"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:717 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:718
-msgid "Database Backup and XML Export (Daily)"
-msgstr "Datenbanksicherung und XML-Export (täglich)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:735 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:736
-msgid "Database Check (Weekly)"
-msgstr "Datenbanküberprüfung (wöchentlich)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:745 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:746
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:745
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:746
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:107
msgid "Backup uploads folder"
msgstr "Uploads-Verzeichnis sichern"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:760 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:761
-msgid "Backup all files"
-msgstr "Sicherung aller Dateien"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:775
-msgid "Essential files + list of plugins"
-msgstr "Wichtige Dateien und Pluginliste"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:776
-msgid "Backup essential files and folders, plus a list of installed plugins."
-msgstr ""
-"Backup von wichtigen Dateien und Ordner, plus einer Liste von installierten "
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:791 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:792
-msgid "Custom configuration"
-msgstr "Angepasste Konfiguration"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:14
-msgid "XML job import"
-msgstr "XML-Auftrag-Import"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:15
-msgid "Wizard for importing BackWPup jobs from an XML file"
-msgstr "Assistent zum Importieren von BackWPup Aufträgen aus einer XML-Datei"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:32 inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:101
-msgid "Import"
-msgstr "Import"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:45
-msgid "Import File"
-msgstr "Import-Datei"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:45
-msgid "Upload XML job file for import"
-msgstr "XML-Arbeitsauftrags-Datei zum Importieren hochladen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:46
-msgid "Select items to import"
-msgstr "Wählen Sie Items für den Import"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:46
-msgid "Select which job should be imported or overwritten."
-msgstr ""
-"Wählen Sie einen Auftrag, der importiert oder überschrieben werden soll."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:67
-msgid ""
-"Please upload your BackWPup job XML export file and we’ll import the "
-"jobs into BackWPup."
-msgstr ""
-"Bitte laden Sie Ihre BackWPup-Auftrags-XML-Export-Datei hoch und wir "
-"importieren sie in BackWPup."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:69
-msgid "Choose a file from your computer:"
-msgstr "Wählen Sie eine Datei von Ihrem Computer:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:69
-msgid "Maximum size: %s"
-msgstr "Maximale Größe: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:92
-msgid "Import Jobs"
-msgstr "Importiere Aufträge"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:95
-msgid "Import Type"
-msgstr "Import-Typ"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:96
-msgid "No Import"
-msgstr "Kein Import"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:99
-msgid "Overwrite"
-msgstr "Überschreiben"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:99
-msgid "Append"
-msgstr "Anhängen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:114
-msgid "Import Config"
-msgstr "Konfiguration importieren"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:117
-msgid "Import BackWPup configuration"
-msgstr "Importiere BackWPup Konfiguration"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:142
-msgid ""
-"File is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error could "
-"also caused by uploads being disabled in your php.ini or by post_max_size "
-"being defined as smaller than upload_max_filesize in php.ini."
-msgstr ""
-"Datei ist leer. Bitte laden Sie etwas mit Inhalt hoch. Dieser Fehler kann "
-"begründet sein, weil Uploads in der php.ini oder durch post_max_size kleiner "
-"definiert sind als upload_max_filesize in php.ini."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:157
-msgid ""
-"The export file could not be found at %s
. This is likely due to "
-"an issue with permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"Die Export-Datei konnte nicht gefunden werden %s
. Das liegt "
-"möglicherweise an Problemen mit der Berechtigung."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:164
-msgid "Sorry, there has been a phrase error."
-msgstr "Sorry, es gab ein Problem mit dem Begriff."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:171
-msgid ""
-"This Export file (version %s) may not be supported by this version of the "
-msgstr ""
-"Die Export-Datei (version %s) wird wahrscheinlich nicht von dieser Version "
-"des Importers unterstützt."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:177
-msgid "This is not a BackWPup XML file"
-msgstr "Das ist keine BackWPup XML-Datei"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:243
-msgid "Job %1$s with id %2$d imported"
-msgstr "Auftrag %1$s mit ID %2$d wurde importiert"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:251
-msgid "BackWPup config imported"
-msgstr "BackWPup Konfiguration wurde importiert"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:25
-msgid "System Test"
-msgstr "System Test"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:26
-msgid "Wizard to test if BackWPup can work properly"
-msgstr "Dieser Assistent testet, ob BackWPup problemlos arbeiten kann"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:39
-msgid "Run tests"
-msgstr "Tests starten"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:50
-msgid "Environment"
-msgstr "Voraussetzungen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:51
-msgid "System Environment"
-msgstr "System Voraussetzungen"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:64
-msgid "Test if BackWPup can work without problems."
-msgstr "Testen Sie, ob BackWPup problemlos funktioniert."
-#: inc/class-admin-notice.php:121 inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:152
+#: inc/class-admin-notice.php:121
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:152
msgid "Don't show again"
msgstr "Nicht wieder anzeigen"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:267 inc/class-help.php:24
+#: inc/class-admin.php:267
+#: inc/class-help.php:24
msgid "http://docs.backwpup.com"
msgstr "http://docs.backwpup.de"
@@ -2033,8 +1038,10 @@ msgstr "BackWPup Dashboard"
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "Dashboard"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:305 inc/class-adminbar.php:82
+#: inc/class-admin.php:305
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:82
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:216
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:215
msgid "Jobs"
msgstr "Aufträge"
@@ -2042,12 +1049,16 @@ msgstr "Aufträge"
msgid "Add new job"
msgstr "Neuer Auftrag"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:355 inc/class-adminbar.php:98
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:377 inc/class-page-settings.php:218
+#: inc/class-admin.php:355
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:98
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:218
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:219
msgid "Logs"
msgstr "Protokolle"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:380 inc/class-adminbar.php:106
+#: inc/class-admin.php:380
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:106
msgid "Backups"
msgstr "Backups"
@@ -2059,15 +1070,14 @@ msgstr "Einstellungen"
msgid "About"
msgstr "Über"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:453 inc/class-admin.php:460
+#: inc/class-admin.php:453
+#: inc/class-admin.php:460
msgid "Cheating, huh?"
msgstr "Mogeln, wie?"
#: inc/class-admin.php:510
msgid "Get BackWPup Pro now."
-msgstr ""
-"Wechseln Sie jetzt zu BackWPup Pro."
+msgstr "Wechseln Sie jetzt zu BackWPup Pro."
#: inc/class-admin.php:531
msgid "version %s"
@@ -2093,7 +1103,8 @@ msgstr "Jetzt läuft"
msgid "Abort!"
msgstr "Abbrechen!"
-#: inc/class-adminbar.php:90 inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:90
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
msgid "Add new"
msgstr "Erstellen"
@@ -2107,31 +1118,20 @@ msgid "Make BackWPup better!"
msgstr "Remote Jobs bei uns!"
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:108
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgid "https://inpsyde.com/en/jobs/?utm_source=BackWPup&utm_medium=Link&utm_campaign=BecomeAnInpsyder"
+msgstr "https://inpsyde.com/jobs/?utm_source=BackWPup&utm_medium=Link&utm_campaign=WerdeInpsyder"
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:118
msgid "We want to make BackWPup even stronger and its support much faster."
msgstr "Wir wollen BackWPup noch besser machen und den Support viel schneller."
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:126
-msgid ""
-"This is why we are looking for a talented developer who can work remotely "
-"and support us in BackWPup"
-msgstr ""
-"Daher suchen wir unter anderem einen talentierten Entwickler/Supporter (m/"
-"w), der remote arbeiten kann, und Lust hat uns bei BackWPup tatkräftig zu "
+msgid "This is why we are looking for a talented developer who can work remotely and support us in BackWPup"
+msgstr "Daher suchen wir unter anderem einen talentierten Entwickler/Supporter (m/w), der remote arbeiten kann, und Lust hat uns bei BackWPup tatkräftig zu unterstützen"
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:133
msgid "and other exciting WordPress projects at our VIP partner agency."
-msgstr ""
-"Weitere spannende WordPress Projekte warten in unserer WordPress VIP Agentur "
-"auf Sie."
+msgstr "Weitere spannende WordPress Projekte warten in unserer WordPress VIP Agentur auf Sie."
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:145
msgid "Apply now!"
@@ -2151,8 +1151,10 @@ msgctxt "%s = Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s for archive not found"
msgstr "Ordner %s für Archiv nicht gefunden"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:101 inc/class-create-archive.php:141
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:182 inc/class-mysqldump.php:133
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:101
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:141
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:182
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:133
msgid "Functions for gz compression not available"
msgstr "Die Funktionen für die Gzip-Kompression sind nicht verfügbar"
@@ -2181,7 +1183,9 @@ msgid "Cannot open archive file"
msgstr "Kann Archivdatei nicht öffnen"
#. translators: The $1 is the tecnical error string from pclzip.
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:233 inc/class-create-archive.php:518
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:233
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:518
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:524
msgid "PclZip archive add error: %s"
msgstr "Fehler beim Hinzufügen zum PclZip-Archiv: %s"
@@ -2195,107 +1199,126 @@ msgctxt "File to add to archive"
msgid "File %s does not exist or is not readable"
msgstr "Datei %s existiert nicht oder ist nicht lesbar"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:351 inc/class-create-archive.php:378
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:582 inc/class-create-archive.php:591
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:351
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:378
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:582
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:591
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:357
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:384
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:588
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:597
msgid "This archive method can only add one file"
msgstr "Diese Archiv-Methode kann nur eine einzige Datei sichern"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:446
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:452
msgid "ZIP archive cannot be closed correctly"
msgstr "ZIP Archiv kann nicht richtig geschlossen werden"
#. translators: the $1 is the name of the archive.
#. translators: $1 is the name of the archive.
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:477 inc/class-create-archive.php:494
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:477
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:494
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:611
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:483
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:500
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:617
msgid "Cannot add \"%s\" to zip archive!"
msgstr "\"%s\" kann dem ZIP-Archiv nicht hinzugefügt werden!"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:548
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:554
msgid "Folder name cannot be empty"
msgstr "Der Verzeichnisname darf nicht leer sein"
#. translators: $1 is the folder name
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:559
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:565
msgctxt "Folder path to add to archive"
msgid "Folder %s does not exist or is not readable"
msgstr "Verzeichnis %s existiert nicht oder ist nicht lesbar"
+#. translators. $1 is the status returned by a call to a ZipArchive method.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:643
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:649
msgctxt "Text of ZipArchive status Message"
msgid "ZipArchive returns status: %s"
msgstr "Das Zip-Archiv liefert den Status: %s"
#. translators: $1 is the file name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:691
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:697
msgid "File name \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"Dateiname \"%1$s\" ist zu lang, um korrekt im %2$s Archiv zu speichern!"
+msgstr "Dateiname \"%1$s\" ist zu lang, um korrekt im %2$s Archiv zu speichern!"
#. translators: $1 is the file name to use in the archive.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:703
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:709
msgid "File path \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"Dateipfad \"%1$s\" ist zu lang, um korrekt in %2$s Archiv zu speichern!"
+msgstr "Dateipfad \"%1$s\" ist zu lang, um korrekt in %2$s Archiv zu speichern!"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:745
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:751
msgid "Cannot open source file %s for archiving. Writing an empty file."
-msgstr ""
-"Kann Quelldatei %s nicht zum Archivieren öffnen. Erstelle eine leere Datei."
+msgstr "Kann Quelldatei %s nicht zum Archivieren öffnen. Erstelle eine leere Datei."
#. translators: $1 is the name of the folder. $2 is the archive name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:807
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:813
msgid "Folder name \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"Verzeichnisname \"%1$s\" ist zu lang, um ihn im %2$s Archiv korrekt zu "
+msgstr "Verzeichnisname \"%1$s\" ist zu lang, um ihn im %2$s Archiv korrekt zu speichern!"
#. translators: $1 is the name of the folder. $2 is the archive name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:822
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:828
msgid "Folder path \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"Verzeichnispfad \"%1$s\" ist zu lang um ihn korrekt im %2$s Archiv zu "
+msgstr "Verzeichnispfad \"%1$s\" ist zu lang um ihn korrekt im %2$s Archiv zu speichern!"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:890
-msgid ""
-"If %s will be added to your backup archive, the archive will be too large "
-"for operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting "
-"the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn %s zum Backup-Archiv hinzugefügt wird, wird das Archiv zu groß für "
-"Operationen mit dieser PHP-Version sein. Sie sollten den Auftrag in mehrere "
-"Aufträge mit weniger Dateien je Auftrag aufteilen."
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:968 inc/class-create-archive.php:969
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:896
+msgid "If %s will be added to your backup archive, the archive will be too large for operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
+msgstr "Wenn %s zum Backup-Archiv hinzugefügt wird, wird das Archiv zu groß für Operationen mit dieser PHP-Version sein. Sie sollten den Auftrag in mehrere Aufträge mit weniger Dateien je Auftrag aufteilen."
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:968
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:969
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:974
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:975
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Unbekannt"
#. translators: $1 is the filename to add into the archive.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:1000
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:1006
msgid "Cannot open source file %s."
msgstr "Konnte Quelle %s nicht öffnen."
#: inc/class-cron.php:74
+#: inc/class-cron.php:73
msgid "Aborted, because no progress for one hour!"
-msgstr ""
-"Abgebrochen, aufgrund keines Fortschrittes innerhalb der letzten Stunde!"
+msgstr "Abgebrochen, aufgrund keines Fortschrittes innerhalb der letzten Stunde!"
-#: inc/class-cron.php:108 inc/class-destination-folder.php:195
-#: inc/class-job.php:989 inc/class-job.php:1133 inc/class-job.php:1862
+#: inc/class-cron.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:195
+#: inc/class-job.php:989
+#: inc/class-job.php:1133
+#: inc/class-job.php:1862
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:446
+#: inc/class-cron.php:107
msgid "Could not open path: %s"
msgstr "Konnte Pfad %s nicht öffnen"
#: inc/class-decrypter.php:53
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:56
msgid "Cannot open the archive for reading."
msgstr "Das Archiv kann nicht zum Lesen geöffnet werden."
#: inc/class-decrypter.php:77
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:82
msgid "Cannot write the encrypted archive."
msgstr "Konnte das verschlüsselte Archiv nicht erstellen."
#: inc/class-decrypter.php:182
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:162
msgid "Private key invalid."
msgstr "Privater Schlüssel ist ungültig."
@@ -2311,12 +1334,14 @@ msgstr "%s der Daten hochgeladen"
msgid "Finishing upload session with a total of %s uploaded"
msgstr "Beende Upload-Session mit in Summe %s hochgeladenen Dateien"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:76 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:28
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:28
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:43
msgid "Authentication"
msgstr "Authentifizierung"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:92 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:95
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:92
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:95
msgid "Delete Dropbox Authentication"
msgstr "Lösche Dropbox-Authentifizierung"
@@ -2329,16 +1354,8 @@ msgid "Get Dropbox App auth code"
msgstr "Hole Auth-Code für Apps-Ordner in Dropbox"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:111
-msgid ""
-"A dedicated folder named BackWPup will be created inside of the Apps folder "
-"in your Dropbox. BackWPup will get read and write access to that folder "
-"only. You can specify a subfolder as your backup destination for this job in "
-"the destination field below."
-msgstr ""
-"Ein spezieller Ordner namens BackWPup wird innerhalb des Apps-Ordners in "
-"deiner Dropbox angelegt. BackWPup erhält Lese- und Schreibrechte "
-"ausschließlich für diesen Ordner. Sie können einen Unterordner als Ihr "
-"Backup-Ziel im Feld \"Zielordner\" weiter unten benennen."
+msgid "A dedicated folder named BackWPup will be created inside of the Apps folder in your Dropbox. BackWPup will get read and write access to that folder only. You can specify a subfolder as your backup destination for this job in the destination field below."
+msgstr "Ein spezieller Ordner namens BackWPup wird innerhalb des Apps-Ordners in deiner Dropbox angelegt. BackWPup erhält Lese- und Schreibrechte ausschließlich für diesen Ordner. Sie können einen Unterordner als Ihr Backup-Ziel im Feld \"Zielordner\" weiter unten benennen."
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:119
msgid "— OR —"
@@ -2353,33 +1370,16 @@ msgid "Get full Dropbox auth code "
msgstr "Holen den Auth-Code für gesamte Dropbox "
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:131
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup will have full read and write access to your entire Dropbox. You "
-"can specify your backup destination wherever you want, just be aware that "
-"ANY files or folders inside of your Dropbox can be overridden or deleted by "
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup erhält uneingeschränkten Lese- und Schreibzugriff zu Ihrer gesamten "
-"Dropbox. Sie können Ihren Zielordner innerhalb Ihrer Dropbox frei wählen; "
-"bedenken Sie jedoch, dass ALLE Dateien und Ordner in Ihrer Dropbox von "
-"BackWPup überschrieben oder gelöscht werden können."
+msgid "BackWPup will have full read and write access to your entire Dropbox. You can specify your backup destination wherever you want, just be aware that ANY files or folders inside of your Dropbox can be overridden or deleted by BackWPup."
+msgstr "BackWPup erhält uneingeschränkten Lese- und Schreibzugriff zu Ihrer gesamten Dropbox. Sie können Ihren Zielordner innerhalb Ihrer Dropbox frei wählen; bedenken Sie jedoch, dass ALLE Dateien und Ordner in Ihrer Dropbox von BackWPup überschrieben oder gelöscht werden können."
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:145
msgid "Destination Folder"
msgstr "Zielordner"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:154
-msgid ""
-"Specify a subfolder where your backup archives will be stored. If you use "
-"the App option from above, this folder will be created inside of Apps/"
-"BackWPup. Otherwise it will be created at the root of your Dropbox. Already "
-"exisiting folders with the same name will not be overriden."
-msgstr ""
-"Benennen Sie einen Unterordner, in dem Ihre Backwup-Archive gespeichert "
-"werden sollen. Sofern Sie die App-Option von weiter oben benutzen, wird "
-"dieser Ordner innerhalb von Apps/BackWPup angelegt. Andernfalls wird er im "
-"Hauptordner Ihrer Dropbox angelegt. Bereits bestehende Ordner mit dem "
-"gleichen Namen werden nicht überschrieben."
+msgid "Specify a subfolder where your backup archives will be stored. If you use the App option from above, this folder will be created inside of Apps/BackWPup. Otherwise it will be created at the root of your Dropbox. Already exisiting folders with the same name will not be overriden."
+msgstr "Benennen Sie einen Unterordner, in dem Ihre Backwup-Archive gespeichert werden sollen. Sofern Sie die App-Option von weiter oben benutzen, wird dieser Ordner innerhalb von Apps/BackWPup angelegt. Andernfalls wird er im Hauptordner Ihrer Dropbox angelegt. Bereits bestehende Ordner mit dem gleichen Namen werden nicht überschrieben."
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:345
msgid "One file deleted from Dropbox"
@@ -2491,11 +1491,13 @@ msgstr "BackWPup-Archiv vom %1$s: %2$s"
msgid "Backup archive: %s"
msgstr "Backup-Archiv: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:349 inc/class-destination-email.php:474
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:349
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:474
msgid "Error while sending email!"
msgstr "Fehler beim Senden der E-Mail!"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:354 inc/class-destination-email.php:476
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:354
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:476
msgid "Email sent."
msgstr "E-Mail gesendet."
@@ -2504,14 +1506,11 @@ msgid "BackWPup archive sending TEST Message"
msgstr "BackWPup-Archiv sendet TEST-Nachricht"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:462
-msgid ""
-"If this message reaches your inbox, sending backup archives via email should "
-"work for you."
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn Sie diese Nachricht erreicht, funktioniert das Senden der "
-"Sicherungsarchive per E-Mail."
+msgid "If this message reaches your inbox, sending backup archives via email should work for you."
+msgstr "Wenn Sie diese Nachricht erreicht, funktioniert das Senden der Sicherungsarchive per E-Mail."
#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:96
msgid "File could not be opened for reading."
msgstr "Die Datei konnte nicht zum Lesen geöffnet werden."
@@ -2526,9 +1525,9 @@ msgstr[0] "Eine Sicherungsdatei gelöscht"
msgstr[1] "%d Sicherungsdateien gelöscht"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:81
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:104
msgid "Cannot open FTP file for download."
-msgstr ""
-"Die Datei auf dem FTP Server kann nicht zum Herunterladen geöffnet werden."
+msgstr "Die Datei auf dem FTP Server kann nicht zum Herunterladen geöffnet werden."
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:46
msgid "FTP server and login"
@@ -2538,7 +1537,8 @@ msgstr "FTP-Server und -Anmeldung"
msgid "FTP server"
msgstr "FTP-Server"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:63 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:46
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:63
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:46
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Benutzername"
@@ -2558,7 +1558,8 @@ msgstr "FTP-Einstellungen"
msgid "Timeout for FTP connection"
msgstr "Zeitüberschreitung bei der FTP-Verbindung"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:137 inc/class-page-logs.php:288
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:137
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:288
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "Sekunden"
@@ -2606,9 +1607,7 @@ msgstr "Kann nicht mit expliziter SSL-FTP zum Server verbinden: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:468
msgid "PHP function to connect with explicit SSL-FTP to server does not exist!"
-msgstr ""
-"PHP-Funktion für die Verbindung mit expliziter SSL-FTP zum Server existiert "
+msgstr "PHP-Funktion für die Verbindung mit expliziter SSL-FTP zum Server existiert nicht!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:483
msgid "Connected to FTP server: %s"
@@ -2618,8 +1617,10 @@ msgstr "Verbunden mit dem FTP-Server: %s"
msgid "Cannot connect to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "Kann nicht mit dem FTP-Server verbinden: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:503 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:523
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:546 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:603
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:503
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:523
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:546
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:603
msgid "FTP client command: %s"
msgstr "FTP-Client-Befehl: %s"
@@ -2627,10 +1628,14 @@ msgstr "FTP-Client-Befehl: %s"
msgid "FTP server response: %s"
msgstr "FTP-Server-Antwort: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:520 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:531
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:534 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:549
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:552 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:607
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:612 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:619
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:520
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:531
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:534
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:549
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:552
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:607
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:612
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:619
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:624
msgid "FTP server reply: %s"
msgstr "Antwort des FTP-Servers: %s"
@@ -2672,11 +1677,8 @@ msgid "Backup transferred to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "Backup-Archiv übertragen zum FTP-Server: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:735
-msgid ""
-"FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created! Parent directory may be not writable."
-msgstr ""
-"FTP-Ordner \"%s\" kann nicht erstellt werden! Das Eltern-Verzeichnis könnte "
-"schreibgeschützt sein."
+msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created! Parent directory may be not writable."
+msgstr "FTP-Ordner \"%s\" kann nicht erstellt werden! Das Eltern-Verzeichnis könnte schreibgeschützt sein."
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:753
msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created!"
@@ -2702,11 +1704,13 @@ msgstr "Zugangsschlüssel (Access Key)"
msgid "Blob container"
msgstr "Blob Container"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:48 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:48
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:76
msgid "Container selection"
msgstr "Container Auswahl"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:59 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:88
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:88
msgid "Create a new container"
msgstr "Neuen Container erstellen"
@@ -2716,8 +1720,7 @@ msgstr "Ordner im Container"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:215
msgid "%d. Try sending backup to a Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Versuche, das Backup zu Microsoft Azure (Blob) zu senden …"
+msgstr "%d. Versuche, das Backup zu Microsoft Azure (Blob) zu senden …"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:244
msgid "Starting upload to MS Azure …"
@@ -2741,15 +1744,13 @@ msgstr "Kein Container gefunden!"
msgid "Rack Space Cloud Keys"
msgstr "Rack Space Cloud Keys"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:52
-msgid "API Key"
-msgstr "API Key"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:59
msgid "Select region"
msgstr "Wähle Region"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:99 inc/class-destination-s3.php:171
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:99
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:171
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:202
msgid "Folder in bucket"
msgstr "Ordner im Bucket"
@@ -2792,118 +1793,130 @@ msgid "A container could not be found!"
msgstr "Kein Container gefunden!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:47
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:48
msgid "Select a S3 service"
msgstr "Wähle einen S3 Service"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:67
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:68
msgid "Or a S3 Server URL"
msgstr "Oder eine S3 Server URL"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:84
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:115
msgid "S3 Access Keys"
msgstr "S3 Zugangsschlüssel"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:114
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:145
msgid "S3 Bucket"
msgstr "S3 Bucket"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:120
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:151
msgid "Bucket selection"
msgstr "Bucket-Auswahl"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:149
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:180
msgid "Create a new bucket"
msgstr "Neues Bucket erstellen"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:165
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:196
msgid "S3 Backup settings"
msgstr "S3 Backup-Einstellungen"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:222
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:86
msgid "Multipart Upload"
msgstr "Multipart-Upload"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:233
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:98
msgid "Use multipart upload for uploading a file"
msgstr "Benutze Multipart-Upload zum Hochladen der Datei"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:236
-msgid ""
-"Multipart splits file into multiple chunks while uploading. This is "
-"necessary for displaying the upload process and to transfer bigger files. "
-"Works without a problem on Amazon. Other services might have issues."
-msgstr ""
-"Multipart splittet den Upload in mehrere Teile auf. Dies ist notwendig für "
-"die Fortschrittsanzeige und um große Dateien hochzuladen. Funktioniert ohne "
-"Probleme mit Amazon. Bei anderen Services können Fehler auftreten."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:246
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:252
msgid "Amazon specific settings"
msgstr "Amazon spezifische Einstellungen"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:251 inc/class-destination-s3.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:251
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:263
msgid "Amazon: Storage Class"
msgstr "Amazon: Storage Class"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:260
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:266
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Standard"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:264
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:270
msgid "Standard-Infrequent Access"
msgstr "Standard-Seltene-Benutzung"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:272
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:278
msgid "Reduced Redundancy"
msgstr "Reduzierte Redundanz"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:280
-msgid "Server side encryption"
-msgstr "Serverseitige Verschlüsselung"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:291
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:297
msgid "Save files encrypted (AES256) on server."
msgstr "Speichere verschlüsselte Dateien (AES256) auf Server."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:361
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:367
msgid "No bucket found!"
msgstr "Kein Bucket gefunden!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:511
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:517
msgid "Bucket %1$s created."
msgstr "Bucket %1$s erstellt."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:693
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:699
msgid "Storage Class: %s"
msgstr "Speicher-Klasse: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:728
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:734
msgid "Cannot delete backup from %s."
msgstr "Kann das Backup auf %s nicht löschen."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:740
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:746
msgid "One file deleted on S3 Bucket."
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on S3 Bucket"
msgstr[0] "Eine Datei im S3-Bucket gelöscht."
msgstr[1] "%d Dateien im S3-Bucket gelöscht"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:762
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:777
msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to S3 Service …"
msgstr "%d. Versuche, ein Backup zum S3-Service zu senden …"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:799
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:817
msgid "Checking for not aborted multipart Uploads …"
msgstr "Prüfe auf nicht abgebrochene Multipart-Uploads …"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:812
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:830
msgid "Upload for %s aborted."
msgstr "Upload für %s abgebrochen."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:818
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:836
msgid "Starting upload to S3 Service …"
msgstr "Upload zum S3-Service begonnen …"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:970
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:988
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to S3! (%1$d) %2$s"
msgstr "Backup kann nicht zu Amazon-S3 übertragen werden! (%1$d) %2$s"
@@ -2976,14 +1989,8 @@ msgid "EasyCron"
msgstr "EasyCron"
#: inc/class-easycron.php:189
-msgid ""
-"Here you can setup your EasyCron.com API key to use this "
-msgstr ""
-"Hier erhalten Sie Ihren EasyCron.com API-Key, um diesen "
-"Dienst zu nutzen."
+msgid "Here you can setup your EasyCron.com API key to use this service."
+msgstr "Hier erhalten Sie Ihren EasyCron.com API-Key, um diesen Dienst zu nutzen."
#: inc/class-easycron.php:192
msgid "Api key:"
@@ -2994,23 +2001,16 @@ msgid "Trigger WordPress Cron:"
msgstr "Rufe WordPress Cron:"
#: inc/class-easycron.php:203
-msgid ""
-"If you check this box, a cron job will be created on EasyCron that all 5 "
-"Minutes calls the WordPress cron."
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn diese Checkbox aktiviert ist, wird bei EasyCron ein Cronjob erstellt, "
-"der alle 5 Minuten den WordPRess Cron aufruft."
+msgid "If you check this box, a cron job will be created on EasyCron that all 5 Minutes calls the WordPress cron."
+msgstr "Wenn diese Checkbox aktiviert ist, wird bei EasyCron ein Cronjob erstellt, der alle 5 Minuten den WordPRess Cron aufruft."
#: inc/class-file.php:142
msgid "Folder %1$s not allowed, please use another folder."
-msgstr ""
-"Ordner %1$s ist nicht erlaubt, bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Ordner aus."
+msgstr "Ordner %1$s ist nicht erlaubt, bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Ordner aus."
#: inc/class-file.php:147
msgid "Folder %1$s is not in open basedir, please use another folder."
-msgstr ""
-"Verzeichnis %1$s ist nicht innerhalb von open basedir, bitte benutzen Sie "
-"ein anderes Verzeichnis."
+msgstr "Verzeichnis %1$s ist nicht innerhalb von open basedir, bitte benutzen Sie ein anderes Verzeichnis."
#: inc/class-file.php:153
msgid "Cannot create folder: %1$s"
@@ -3021,12 +2021,8 @@ msgid "Folder \"%1$s\" is not writable"
msgstr "Ordner \"%1$s\" ist nicht beschreibbar"
#: inc/class-file.php:195
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup will not backup folders and its sub folders when this file is "
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup wird Ordner und Unterordner nicht sichern, wenn diese Datei "
-"enthalten ist."
+msgid "BackWPup will not backup folders and its sub folders when this file is inside."
+msgstr "BackWPup wird Ordner und Unterordner nicht sichern, wenn diese Datei enthalten ist."
#: inc/class-help.php:15
msgid "Plugin Info"
@@ -3034,21 +2030,12 @@ msgstr "Plugin-Info"
#: inc/class-help.php:17
msgctxt "Plugin name and link; Plugin Version"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s version %2$s. A project by Inpsyde GmbH"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s Version %2$s. Ein Projekt von Inpsyde "
+msgid "%1$s version %2$s. A project by Inpsyde GmbH."
+msgstr "%1$s Version %2$s. Ein Projekt von Inpsyde GmbH."
#: inc/class-help.php:18
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is a free software, and you "
-"are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions."
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup erhalten Sie OHNE JEDWEDE GARANTIE. Dies ist freie Software "
-"(quelloffen, im Sinne von Open Source) und Sie sind eingeladen, sie unter "
-"bestimmten Bedingungen weiterzugeben."
+msgid "BackWPup comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is a free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions."
+msgstr "BackWPup erhalten Sie OHNE JEDWEDE GARANTIE. Dies ist freie Software (quelloffen, im Sinne von Open Source) und Sie sind eingeladen, sie unter bestimmten Bedingungen weiterzugeben."
#: inc/class-help.php:21
msgid "For more information:"
@@ -3136,12 +2123,15 @@ msgstr "[INFO] BackWPup Auftrag: %1$s"
msgid "[INFO] Runs with user: %1$s (%2$d) "
msgstr "[INFO] Läuft mit Benutzer: %1$s (%2$d) "
-#: inc/class-job.php:444 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:323
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:282 inc/class-page-jobs.php:291
+#: inc/class-job.php:444
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:323
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:282
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:291
msgid "Not scheduled!"
msgstr "Nicht geplant!"
-#: inc/class-job.php:448 inc/class-job.php:458
+#: inc/class-job.php:448
+#: inc/class-job.php:458
msgid "[INFO] Cron: %s; Next: %s "
msgstr "[INFO] Cron: %s; Nächster: %s "
@@ -3218,23 +2208,20 @@ msgid "Could not write log file"
msgstr "Kann nicht in die Log-Datei schreiben"
#: inc/class-job.php:532
-msgid ""
-"No destination correctly defined for backup! Please correct job settings."
-msgstr ""
-"Es wurde kein korrektes Backupziel definiert! Bitte überprüfe die "
+msgid "No destination correctly defined for backup! Please correct job settings."
+msgstr "Es wurde kein korrektes Backupziel definiert! Bitte überprüfe die Auftragseinstellungen."
#: inc/class-job.php:628
msgid "Cannot write progress to working file. Job will be aborted."
-msgstr ""
-"Kann Fortschritt nicht in die Arbeitsdatei schreiben. Auftrag wird "
+msgstr "Kann Fortschritt nicht in die Arbeitsdatei schreiben. Auftrag wird abgebrochen."
-#: inc/class-job.php:700 inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
+#: inc/class-job.php:700
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
msgid "WARNING:"
msgstr "WARNUNG:"
-#: inc/class-job.php:709 inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+#: inc/class-job.php:709
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
msgid "ERROR:"
msgstr "FEHLER:"
@@ -3260,23 +2247,17 @@ msgid_plural "%d old logs deleted"
msgstr[0] "Eine alte Log-Datei gelöscht"
msgstr[1] "%d alte Log-Dateien gelöscht"
-#: inc/class-job.php:1012 inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
-msgid ""
-"Job has ended with errors in %s seconds. You must resolve the errors for "
-"correct execution."
-msgstr ""
-"Auftrag mit Fehlern in %s Sekunden beendet. Für eine korrekte Ausführung "
-"müssen Sie die Fehler beheben."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1012
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+msgid "Job has ended with errors in %s seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution."
+msgstr "Auftrag mit Fehlern in %s Sekunden beendet. Für eine korrekte Ausführung müssen Sie die Fehler beheben."
#: inc/class-job.php:1014
-msgid ""
-"Job finished with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct "
-msgstr ""
-"Auftrag mit Warnungen in %s Sekunden beendet. Bitte beheben Sie für eine "
-"korrekte Ausführung die Warnungen."
+msgid "Job finished with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct execution."
+msgstr "Auftrag mit Warnungen in %s Sekunden beendet. Bitte beheben Sie für eine korrekte Ausführung die Warnungen."
-#: inc/class-job.php:1016 inc/class-page-jobs.php:788
+#: inc/class-job.php:1016
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:788
msgid "Job done in %s seconds."
msgstr "Auftrag in %s Sekunden erledigt."
@@ -3322,278 +2303,270 @@ msgid "Compressing files as %s. Please be patient, this may take a moment."
msgstr "Komprimiere Dateien als %s. Bitte haben Sie einen Moment Geduld."
#: inc/class-job.php:1543
+#: inc/class-job.php:1544
msgid "Adding Extra files to Archive"
msgstr "Weitere Dateien zum Archiv hinzufügen"
-#: inc/class-job.php:1554 inc/class-job.php:1614
+#: inc/class-job.php:1554
+#: inc/class-job.php:1614
+#: inc/class-job.php:1555
+#: inc/class-job.php:1626
msgid "Cannot create backup archive correctly. Aborting creation."
-msgstr ""
-"Backup-Archiv kann nicht korrekt angelegt werden. Anlegeprozess abgebrochen."
+msgstr "Backup-Archiv kann nicht korrekt angelegt werden. Anlegeprozess abgebrochen."
#: inc/class-job.php:1570
+#: inc/class-job.php:1571
msgid "Archiving Folder: %s"
msgstr "Archiviere Verzeichnis: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:1624
+#: inc/class-job.php:1636
msgid "Backup archive created."
msgstr "Backup-Archiv wurde erstellt."
#: inc/class-job.php:1638
-msgid ""
-"The Backup archive will be too large for file operations with this PHP "
-"Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple "
-"jobs with less files each."
-msgstr ""
-"Das Backup-Archiv wird zu groß für Operationen mit dieser PHP Version sein. "
-"Sie sollten die Sicherung in mehrere Backup-Aufträge mit weniger Dateien je "
-"Auftrag aufteilen."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1650
+msgid "The Backup archive will be too large for file operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
+msgstr "Das Backup-Archiv wird zu groß für Operationen mit dieser PHP Version sein. Sie sollten die Sicherung in mehrere Backup-Aufträge mit weniger Dateien je Auftrag aufteilen."
#: inc/class-job.php:1641
+#: inc/class-job.php:1653
msgid "Archive size is %s."
msgstr "Archivgröße ist %s."
#: inc/class-job.php:1644
+#: inc/class-job.php:1656
msgid "%1$d Files with %2$s in Archive."
msgstr "%1$d Dateien mit %2$s in Archiven."
#: inc/class-job.php:1677
+#: inc/class-job.php:1689
msgid "No encryption key was provided. Aborting encryption."
-msgstr ""
-"Es wurde kein Verschlüsselungsschlüssel eingegeben. Die Verschlüsselung wird "
+msgstr "Es wurde kein Verschlüsselungsschlüssel eingegeben. Die Verschlüsselung wird abgebrochen."
#: inc/class-job.php:1684
+#: inc/class-job.php:1696
msgid "%d. Trying to encrypt archive …"
msgstr "%d. Versuche Archiv zu verschlüsseln …"
#: inc/class-job.php:1694
+#: inc/class-job.php:1706
msgid "Cannot open the archive for reading. Aborting encryption."
-msgstr ""
-"Das Archiv kann nicht zum Lesen geöffnet werden. Verschlüsselung wird "
+msgstr "Das Archiv kann nicht zum Lesen geöffnet werden. Verschlüsselung wird abgebrochen."
#: inc/class-job.php:1700
+#: inc/class-job.php:1712
msgid "Cannot write the encrypted archive. Aborting encryption."
-msgstr ""
-"Das verschlüsselte Archiv kann nicht erstellt werden. Verschlüsselung wird "
+msgstr "Das verschlüsselte Archiv kann nicht erstellt werden. Verschlüsselung wird abgebrochen."
#: inc/class-job.php:1757
+#: inc/class-job.php:1769
msgid "Encrypted %s of data."
msgstr "Verschlüsselt %s der Daten."
#: inc/class-job.php:1761
+#: inc/class-job.php:1773
msgid "Unable to delete unencrypted archive."
msgstr "Das verschlüsselte Archiv kann nicht gelöscht werden."
#: inc/class-job.php:1765
+#: inc/class-job.php:1777
msgid "Unable to rename encrypted archive."
msgstr "Verschlüsseltes Archiv kann nicht umbenannt werden."
#: inc/class-job.php:1770
+#: inc/class-job.php:1782
msgid "Archive has been successfully encrypted."
msgstr "Archiv wurde erfolgreich verschlüsselt."
#: inc/class-job.php:1819
+#: inc/class-job.php:1831
msgctxt "Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s does not exist"
msgstr "Verzeichnis %s existiert nicht"
#: inc/class-job.php:1825
+#: inc/class-job.php:1837
msgctxt "Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s is not readable"
msgstr "Ordner \"%s\" ist nicht lesbar"
#: inc/class-job.php:1848
+#: inc/class-job.php:1860
msgid "Link \"%s\" not following."
msgstr "Link \"%s\" folgt nicht."
#: inc/class-job.php:1850
+#: inc/class-job.php:1862
msgid "File \"%s\" is not readable!"
msgstr "Datei \"%s\" ist nicht lesbar!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1854
-msgid ""
-"File size of “%s” cannot be retrieved. File might be too large and will not "
-"be added to queue."
-msgstr ""
-"Dateigröße von „%s“ kann nicht abgefragt werden. Die Datei könnte zu groß "
-"sein und wird nicht zur Warteschlange hinzugefügt."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1866
+msgid "File size of “%s” cannot be retrieved. File might be too large and will not be added to queue."
+msgstr "Dateigröße von „%s“ kann nicht abgefragt werden. Die Datei könnte zu groß sein und wird nicht zur Warteschlange hinzugefügt."
#: inc/class-job.php:1937
+#: inc/class-job.php:1949
msgid "%d. Trying to generate a manifest file …"
msgstr "%d. Versuche eine Manifest-Datei zu generieren …"
#: inc/class-job.php:1993
+#: inc/class-job.php:2005
msgid "You may have noticed the manifest.json file in this archive."
-msgstr ""
-"Wahrscheinlich werden Sie die manifest.json-Datei in diesem Archiv bemerkt "
+msgstr "Wahrscheinlich werden Sie die manifest.json-Datei in diesem Archiv bemerkt haben."
#: inc/class-job.php:1994
-msgid ""
-"manifest.json might be needed for later restoring a backup from this archive."
-msgstr ""
-"manifest.json könnte für das spätere Wiederherstellen des Backups aus diesem "
-"Archiv benötigt werden."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2006
+msgid "manifest.json might be needed for later restoring a backup from this archive."
+msgstr "manifest.json könnte für das spätere Wiederherstellen des Backups aus diesem Archiv benötigt werden."
-#: inc/class-job.php:1995
-msgid ""
-"Please leave manifest.json untouched and in place. Otherwise it is safe to "
-"be ignored."
-msgstr ""
-"Bitte lassen Sie die manifest.json unberührt an ihrem Platz. Sie können sie "
-"ansonsten einfach ignorieren."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1995
+#: inc/class-job.php:2007
+msgid "Please leave manifest.json untouched and in place. Otherwise it is safe to be ignored."
+msgstr "Bitte lassen Sie die manifest.json unberührt an ihrem Platz. Sie können sie ansonsten einfach ignorieren."
#: inc/class-job.php:2005
+#: inc/class-job.php:2017
msgid "Added manifest.json file with %1$s to backup file list."
msgstr "Die manifest.json Datei mit %1$s zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt."
#: inc/class-job.php:2044
+#: inc/class-job.php:2056
msgid "Wrong BackWPup JobID"
msgstr "Falsche BackWPup JobID"
#: inc/class-job.php:2057
+#: inc/class-job.php:2069
msgid "A BackWPup job is already running"
msgstr "Es läuft bereits ein BackWPup-Auftrag"
#: inc/class-job.php:2439
+#: inc/class-job.php:2451
msgid "exec command is not active."
msgstr "exec command ist nicht aktiv."
#: inc/class-job.php:2444
+#: inc/class-job.php:2456
msgid "mysqldump binary not found."
msgstr "mysqldump binary wurde nicht gefunden."
#: inc/class-job.php:2470
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGHUP: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2482
+msgctxt "SIGHUP: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Hangup detected on controlling terminal or death of controlling process"
-msgstr ""
-"Hangup auf dem Controlling-Terminal entdeckt oder Kontrollprozess abgestürzt"
+msgstr "Hangup auf dem Controlling-Terminal entdeckt oder Kontrollprozess abgestürzt"
#: inc/class-job.php:2474
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGINT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2486
+msgctxt "SIGINT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Interrupt from keyboard"
msgstr "Unterbrechung durch Keyboard"
#: inc/class-job.php:2478
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGQUIT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2490
+msgctxt "SIGQUIT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Quit from keyboard"
msgstr "Beendigung durch Keyboard"
#: inc/class-job.php:2482
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGILL: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2494
+msgctxt "SIGILL: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Illegal Instruction"
msgstr "Unberechtigte Anweisung"
#: inc/class-job.php:2486
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGABRT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2498
+msgctxt "SIGABRT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Abort signal from abort(3)"
msgstr "Abbruchsignal von Abbruch(3)"
#: inc/class-job.php:2490
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGBUS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2502
+msgctxt "SIGBUS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Bus error (bad memory access)"
msgstr "Bus-Error (schlechter Speicherzugriff)"
#: inc/class-job.php:2494
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGFPE: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2506
+msgctxt "SIGFPE: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Floating point exception"
msgstr "Floating-Point-Exception"
#: inc/class-job.php:2498
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSEGV: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2510
+msgctxt "SIGSEGV: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Invalid memory reference"
msgstr "Ungültige Speicherreferenz"
#: inc/class-job.php:2502
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGTERM: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2514
+msgctxt "SIGTERM: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Termination signal"
msgstr "Beendigungssignal"
#: inc/class-job.php:2506
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSTKFLT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2518
+msgctxt "SIGSTKFLT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Stack fault on coprocessor"
msgstr "Stack Fault auf Ko-Prozessor"
#: inc/class-job.php:2510
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGUSR1: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2522
+msgctxt "SIGUSR1: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "User-defined signal 1"
msgstr "Nutzerdefiniertes Signal 1"
#: inc/class-job.php:2514
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGUSR2: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2526
+msgctxt "SIGUSR2: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "User-defined signal 2"
msgstr "Nutzerdefiniertes Signal 2"
#: inc/class-job.php:2518
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGURG: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2530
+msgctxt "SIGURG: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Urgent condition on socket"
msgstr "Urgent Condition auf Socket"
#: inc/class-job.php:2522
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGXCPU: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2534
+msgctxt "SIGXCPU: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "CPU time limit exceeded"
msgstr "CPU Zeitbegrenzung überschritten"
#: inc/class-job.php:2526
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGXFSZ: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2538
+msgctxt "SIGXFSZ: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "File size limit exceeded"
msgstr "Dateigrößenbeschränkung überschritten"
#: inc/class-job.php:2530
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGPWR: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2542
+msgctxt "SIGPWR: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Power failure"
msgstr "Power Ausfall"
#: inc/class-job.php:2534
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSYS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2546
+msgctxt "SIGSYS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Bad argument to routine"
msgstr "Bad Argument bei Routine"
#: inc/class-job.php:2541
+#: inc/class-job.php:2553
msgid "Signal \"%1$s\" (%2$s) is sent to script!"
msgstr "Signal \"%1$s\" (%2$s) wurde zum Script gesandt!"
-#: inc/class-job.php:2575 inc/class-job.php:2588
+#: inc/class-job.php:2575
+#: inc/class-job.php:2588
+#: inc/class-job.php:2587
+#: inc/class-job.php:2600
msgid "System: %s"
msgstr "System: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:2603
+#: inc/class-job.php:2615
msgid "Exception caught in %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "Ausnahme eingefangen in %1$s: %2$s"
@@ -3629,12 +2602,14 @@ msgstr "Tabelle %1$s ist ein View. Nicht geprüft."
msgid "Table %1$s is not a MyISAM/InnoDB table. Not checked."
msgstr "Tabelle %1$s ist keine MyISAM/InnoDB Tabelle. Nicht geprüft."
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:124 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:127
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:124
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:127
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:129
msgid "Result of table check for %1$s is: %2$s"
msgstr "Ergebnis der Tabellenprüfung für %1$s ist: %2$s"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:135 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:137
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:135
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:137
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:139
msgid "Result of table repair for %1$s is: %2$s"
msgstr "Ergebnis der Tabellenreparatur für %1$s ist: %2$s"
@@ -3688,12 +2663,8 @@ msgid "Extra folders to backup"
msgstr "Weitere Verzeichnisse sichern"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:118
-msgid ""
-"Separate folder names with a line-break or a comma. Folders must be set with "
-"their absolute path!"
-msgstr ""
-"Trennen Sie Verzeichnisnamen mit einer neuen Zeile oder einem Komma. Die "
-"Verzeichnisse müssen mit ihrem absoluten Pfad angegeben werden!"
+msgid "Separate folder names with a line-break or a comma. Folders must be set with their absolute path!"
+msgstr "Trennen Sie Verzeichnisnamen mit einer neuen Zeile oder einem Komma. Die Verzeichnisse müssen mit ihrem absoluten Pfad angegeben werden!"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:123
msgid "Exclude from backup"
@@ -3712,12 +2683,8 @@ msgid "Exclude files/folders from backup"
msgstr "Dateien/Verzeichnisse nicht mitsichern"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:136
-msgid ""
-"Separate file / folder name parts with a line-break or a comma. For example /"
-msgstr ""
-"Trennen Sie Dateien / Verzeichnisse mit einer neuen Zeile oder einem Komma. "
-"Zum Beispiel: /logs/,.log,.tmp"
+msgid "Separate file / folder name parts with a line-break or a comma. For example /logs/,.log,.tmp"
+msgstr "Trennen Sie Dateien / Verzeichnisse mit einer neuen Zeile oder einem Komma. Zum Beispiel: /logs/,.log,.tmp"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:141
msgid "Special options"
@@ -3728,39 +2695,23 @@ msgid "Include special files"
msgstr "Bestimmte Dateien einschließen"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:147
-msgid ""
-"Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd, favicon."
-"ico, and Web.config from root if it is not included in backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Sichere wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd und "
-"favicon.ico vom Hauptverzeichnis, wenn es nicht in der Sicherung enthalten "
+msgid "Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd, favicon.ico, and Web.config from root if it is not included in backup."
+msgstr "Sichere wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd und favicon.ico vom Hauptverzeichnis, wenn es nicht in der Sicherung enthalten ist."
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:151
msgid "Use one folder above as WP install folder"
msgstr "Einen Ordner höher als WP-Installations-Ordner festlegen"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:154
-msgid ""
-"Use one folder above as WordPress install folder! That can be helpful, if "
-"you would backup files and folder that are not in the WordPress installation "
-"folder. Or if you made a \"Giving WordPress Its Own Directory"
-"\" installation. Excludes must be configured again."
-msgstr ""
-"Einen Ordner höher als WordPress-Installations-Ordner festlegen! Dies kann "
-"nützlich sein, wenn Sie Dateien und Ordner sichern wollen, die nicht im "
-"WordPress-Installations-Ordner liegen. Oder wenn Sie eine Installation wie "
-"hier beschrieben gemacht haben. Ausschlüsse müssen erneut "
-"konfiguriert werden."
+msgid "Use one folder above as WordPress install folder! That can be helpful, if you would backup files and folder that are not in the WordPress installation folder. Or if you made a \"Giving WordPress Its Own Directory\" installation. Excludes must be configured again."
+msgstr "Einen Ordner höher als WordPress-Installations-Ordner festlegen! Dies kann nützlich sein, wenn Sie Dateien und Ordner sichern wollen, die nicht im WordPress-Installations-Ordner liegen. Oder wenn Sie eine Installation wie hier beschrieben gemacht haben. Ausschlüsse müssen erneut konfiguriert werden."
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:238
msgid "%d. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Versuche, eine Liste der zu sichernden Ordner zu erstellen …"
+msgstr "%d. Versuche, eine Liste der zu sichernden Ordner zu erstellen …"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:358 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:362
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:358
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:362
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:379
msgid "Added \"%s\" to backup file list"
msgstr "\"%s\" zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt"
@@ -3793,7 +2744,8 @@ msgstr "Ausgeschlossen durch .donotbackup Datei!"
msgid "XML export"
msgstr "XML-Export"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:14 inc/class-page-about.php:474
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:14
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:474
msgid "WordPress XML export"
msgstr "WordPress-XML-Export"
@@ -3805,28 +2757,34 @@ msgstr "Objekte zum Exportieren"
msgid "XML Export file name"
msgstr "XML-Export-Dateiname"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:69 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:53
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:69
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:53
msgid "File compression"
msgstr "Dateikomprimierung"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:79 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:81
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:64 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:66
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:79
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:81
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:64
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:66
msgid "BZip2"
msgstr "BZip2"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:112
msgid "%d. Trying to create a WordPress export to XML file …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Versuche, einen WordPress-Export als XML-Datei zu erstellen …"
+msgstr "%d. Versuche, einen WordPress-Export als XML-Datei zu erstellen …"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:127
msgid "WP Export: Post type “%s” does not allow export."
msgstr "WP Export: Post-Type „%s“ erlaubt keinen Export."
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:172 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:186
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:215 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:236
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:269 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:289
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:378 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:387
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:172
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:186
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:215
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:236
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:269
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:289
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:378
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:387
msgid "WP Export file could not written."
msgstr "WP-Exportdatei konnte nicht geschrieben werden."
@@ -3850,23 +2808,18 @@ msgstr "XML FEHLER (%s): %s"
msgid "There was an error when reading this WXR file"
msgstr "Fehler beim Lesen der WXR Datei"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:444 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:451
-msgid ""
-"This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number"
-msgstr ""
-"Dies scheint keine WXR Datei zu sein. Fehlende /ungültige Versionsnummer"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:444
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:451
+msgid "This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number"
+msgstr "Dies scheint keine WXR Datei zu sein. Fehlende /ungültige Versionsnummer"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:460
msgid "WP Export file is a valid WXR file."
msgstr "WP-Export-Datei ist eine gültige WXR Datei."
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:462
-msgid ""
-"WP Export file can not be checked, because no XML extension is loaded, to "
-"ensure the file verification."
-msgstr ""
-"Die WP-Export-Datei kann nicht überprüft werden, weil die XML-Extension für "
-"PHP nicht geladen ist."
+msgid "WP Export file can not be checked, because no XML extension is loaded, to ensure the file verification."
+msgstr "Die WP-Export-Datei kann nicht überprüft werden, weil die XML-Extension für PHP nicht geladen ist."
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:500
msgid "Added XML export \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list."
@@ -3886,8 +2839,7 @@ msgstr "Dateiname der Plugin-Liste"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:96
msgid "%d. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Versuche, eine Liste der installierten Plugins zu erstellen …"
+msgstr "%d. Versuche, eine Liste der installierten Plugins zu erstellen …"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:124
msgid "All plugin information:"
@@ -3907,8 +2859,7 @@ msgstr "Inaktive Plugins:"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:148
msgid "Added plugin list file \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list."
-msgstr ""
-"Plugin Listendatei \"%1$s\" mit %2$s zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt."
+msgstr "Plugin Listendatei \"%1$s\" mit %2$s zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt."
#: inc/class-message-box.php:89
msgid "Dismiss"
@@ -3939,7 +2890,8 @@ msgstr "Die Länge für Tabellen-Backup ist nicht richtig gesetzt: %1$s"
msgid "Error while writing file!"
msgstr "Fehler beim Schreiben!"
-#: inc/class-option.php:176 inc/class-page-editjob.php:97
+#: inc/class-option.php:176
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:97
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
msgid "New Job"
msgstr "Bitte geben Sie einen Namen ein"
@@ -3948,49 +2900,27 @@ msgstr "Bitte geben Sie einen Namen ein"
msgid "Welcome to BackWPup Pro"
msgstr "Willkommen bei BackWPup Pro"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:372 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup’s job wizards make planning and scheduling your backup jobs a "
-msgstr ""
-"Die Assistenten in BackWPup machen das Planen und Terminieren Ihrer "
-"Sicherungen zu einem Spaziergang."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:372
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
+msgid "BackWPup’s job wizards make planning and scheduling your backup jobs a breeze."
+msgstr "Die Assistenten in BackWPup machen das Planen und Terminieren Ihrer Sicherungen zu einem Spaziergang."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:373 inc/class-page-about.php:386
-msgid ""
-"Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation "
-"including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage "
-"service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server. With a "
-"single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool "
-"like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
-msgstr ""
-"Benutzen Sie Ihre Backup-Archive, um Ihre gesamte WordPress-Installation zu "
-"sichern, einschließlich /wp-content/
. Laden Sie sie zu einem "
-"externen Dienst hoch, wenn Sie Ihre Backups nicht auf demselben Server "
-"speichern möchten. Mit einem einzigen Backup-Archiv können Sie Ihre "
-"Installation wiederherstellen. Benutzen Sie ein serverseitiges Tool wie "
-"phpMyAdmin, um Ihre Datenbanksicherung wiederherzustellen."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:373
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:386
+msgid "Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server. With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
+msgstr "Benutzen Sie Ihre Backup-Archive, um Ihre gesamte WordPress-Installation zu sichern, einschließlich /wp-content/
. Laden Sie sie zu einem externen Dienst hoch, wenn Sie Ihre Backups nicht auf demselben Server speichern möchten. Mit einem einzigen Backup-Archiv können Sie Ihre Installation wiederherstellen. Benutzen Sie ein serverseitiges Tool wie phpMyAdmin, um Ihre Datenbanksicherung wiederherzustellen."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:374
-msgid ""
-"Ready to set up a backup job? You can use the wizards or plan your backup in expert mode."
-msgstr ""
-"Bereit, einen Backup-Auftrag anzulegen? Benutzen Sie "
-"die Assistenten, oder planen Sie ihr Backup im "
+msgid "Ready to set up a backup job? You can use the wizards or plan your backup in expert mode."
+msgstr "Bereit, einen Backup-Auftrag anzulegen? Benutzen Sie die Assistenten, oder planen Sie ihr Backup im Expertenmodus."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:384
msgid "Welcome to BackWPup"
msgstr "Willkommen bei BackWPup"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:387
-msgid ""
-"Ready to set up a backup job? Use one of the wizards to plan what you want "
-"to save."
-msgstr ""
-"Bereit, einen Backup-Auftrag anzulegen? Benutzen Sie einen der Assistenten, "
-"um Ihre Sicherung zu planen."
+msgid "Ready to set up a backup job? Use one of the wizards to plan what you want to save."
+msgstr "Bereit, einen Backup-Auftrag anzulegen? Benutzen Sie einen der Assistenten, um Ihre Sicherung zu planen."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:400
msgid "Save your database"
@@ -4001,33 +2931,17 @@ msgid "Save your database regularly"
msgstr "Sichern Sie Ihre Datenbank regelmäßig"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:404
-msgid ""
-"With BackWPup you can schedule the database backup to run automatically. "
-"With a single backup file you can restore your database. You should set up a backup job, so you will never forget it. There is also "
-"an option to repair and optimize the database after each backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Mit BackWPup können Sie automatische Datenbank-Backups planen. Mit einer "
-"einzigen Backup-Datei können Sie Ihre Datenbank wiederherstellen. Sie "
-"sollten einen Backup-Auftrag einrichten, damit Sie es "
-"nie mehr vergessen. Es gibt auch eine Option, um die Datenbank anschließend "
-"zu reparieren und zu optimieren."
+msgid "With BackWPup you can schedule the database backup to run automatically. With a single backup file you can restore your database. You should set up a backup job, so you will never forget it. There is also an option to repair and optimize the database after each backup."
+msgstr "Mit BackWPup können Sie automatische Datenbank-Backups planen. Mit einer einzigen Backup-Datei können Sie Ihre Datenbank wiederherstellen. Sie sollten einen Backup-Auftrag einrichten, damit Sie es nie mehr vergessen. Es gibt auch eine Option, um die Datenbank anschließend zu reparieren und zu optimieren."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:409 inc/class-page-about.php:413
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:413
msgid "WordPress XML Export"
msgstr "WordPress-XML-Export"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:410
-msgid ""
-"You can choose the built-in WordPress export format in addition or exclusive "
-"to save your data. This works in automated backups too of course. The "
-"advantage is: you can import these files into a blog with the regular "
-"WordPress importer."
-msgstr ""
-"Sie können das interne WordPress-Export-Format zusätzlich oder "
-"ausschließlich wählen, um Ihre Daten zu sichern. Das funktioniert natürlich "
-"auch in automatischen Backups. Der Vorteil: Sie können dieses Format mit dem "
-"normalen WordPress-Importer-Plugin importieren."
+msgid "You can choose the built-in WordPress export format in addition or exclusive to save your data. This works in automated backups too of course. The advantage is: you can import these files into a blog with the regular WordPress importer."
+msgstr "Sie können das interne WordPress-Export-Format zusätzlich oder ausschließlich wählen, um Ihre Daten zu sichern. Das funktioniert natürlich auch in automatischen Backups. Der Vorteil: Sie können dieses Format mit dem normalen WordPress-Importer-Plugin importieren."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:418
msgid "Save all data from the webserver"
@@ -4038,39 +2952,26 @@ msgid "Save all files"
msgstr "Sichern Sie alle Dateien"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:422
-msgid ""
-"You can backup all your attachments, also all system files, plugins and "
-"themes in a single file. You can create a job to update a "
-"backup copy of your file system only when files are changed."
-msgstr ""
-"Sie können all Ihre Anhänge sichern, ebenso alle Systemdateien, Plugins und "
-"Themes – in einer einzigen Datei. Sie können einen Auftrag erstellen, um die Sicherungskopie nur dann zu aktualisieren, "
-"wenn sich tatsächlich eine Datei geändert hat."
+msgid "You can backup all your attachments, also all system files, plugins and themes in a single file. You can create a job to update a backup copy of your file system only when files are changed."
+msgstr "Sie können all Ihre Anhänge sichern, ebenso alle Systemdateien, Plugins und Themes – in einer einzigen Datei. Sie können einen Auftrag erstellen, um die Sicherungskopie nur dann zu aktualisieren, wenn sich tatsächlich eine Datei geändert hat."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:427 inc/class-page-about.php:431
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:427
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:431
msgid "Security!"
msgstr "Sicherheit!"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:428
-msgid ""
-"By default everything is encrypted: connections to external services, local "
-"files and access to directories."
-msgstr ""
-"In der Grundeinstellung ist alles verschlüsselt: Verbindungen zu externen "
-"Diensten, lokale Dateien und der Zugriff auf die Verzeichnisse."
+msgid "By default everything is encrypted: connections to external services, local files and access to directories."
+msgstr "In der Grundeinstellung ist alles verschlüsselt: Verbindungen zu externen Diensten, lokale Dateien und der Zugriff auf die Verzeichnisse."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:436 inc/class-page-about.php:439
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:436
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:439
msgid "Cloud Support"
msgstr "Cloud-Support"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:440
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup supports multiple cloud services in parallel. This ensures backups "
-"are redundant."
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup unterstützt mehrere Cloud-Dienste parallel. Damit wird "
-"sichergestellt, dass Sie redundante Backups anlegen können."
+msgid "BackWPup supports multiple cloud services in parallel. This ensures backups are redundant."
+msgstr "BackWPup unterstützt mehrere Cloud-Dienste parallel. Damit wird sichergestellt, dass Sie redundante Backups anlegen können."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:446
msgid "Features / differences between Free and Pro"
@@ -4225,33 +3126,47 @@ msgid "GET PRO"
msgstr "PRO KAUFEN"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:177
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:158
msgid "No files could be found. (List will be generated during next backup.)"
msgstr "Keine Dateien gefunden. (Liste wird beim nächsten Backup generiert.)"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:190 inc/class-page-backups.php:325
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:113 inc/class-page-jobs.php:177
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:151 inc/class-page-logs.php:232
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:190
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:325
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:113
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:177
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:151
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:232
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:168
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:274
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Löschen"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:230
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:203
msgid "Change destination"
msgstr "Ziel ändern"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:274 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:283
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347 inc/class-page-logs.php:163
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:274
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:283
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:163
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:241
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Zeit"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:275
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:242
msgid "File"
msgstr "Datei"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:277 inc/class-page-logs.php:167
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:277
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:167
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:244
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Größe"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:324
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:273
msgid ""
"You are about to delete this backup archive. \n"
" 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete."
@@ -4259,149 +3174,147 @@ msgstr ""
"Sie sind dabei dieses Backup-Archiv zu löschen. \n"
" 'Abbrechen' um zu stoppen, 'OK' um zu löschen."
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:334 inc/class-page-backups.php:337
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:330 inc/class-page-logs.php:234
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:779 inc/class-page-settings.php:790
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:334
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:337
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:234
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:779
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:790
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:281
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:285
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:768
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Herunterladen"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:311
msgid "?"
msgstr "?"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:390 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:321
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:384 inc/class-page-jobs.php:318
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:390
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:321
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:384
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:318
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:190
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:317
msgid "%1$s at %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s um %2$s"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:408 inc/class-page-backups.php:446
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:35 inc/class-page-jobs.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:408
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:446
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:35
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:331
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:369
msgid "Sorry, you don't have permissions to do that."
msgstr "Sie haben nicht die notwendigen Berechtigungen für diese Aktion."
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:485
-msgid "Ops! Unfortunately the file doesn't exists. May be was deleted?"
-msgstr "Ups! Die Datei existiert nicht. Evtl. wurde sie gelöscht?"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:486
-msgid "404 - File Not Found."
-msgstr "404 - Datei wurde nicht gefunden."
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:488
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:408
msgid "« Go back"
msgstr "« Zurück"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:513
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:433
msgid "Backup Files"
msgstr "Backup-Dateien"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:581
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:489
msgid "%s › Manage Backup Archives"
msgstr "%s › Verwaltung von Backup-Archiven"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:593
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:501
msgid "Please wait …"
msgstr "Bitte warten Sie …"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:596
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:504
msgid "Your download is being generated …"
msgstr "Ihr Download wird generiert …"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:602 views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:15
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:602
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:15
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:510
msgid "Please enter your private key to decrypt your backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Bitte geben Sie Ihren privaten Schlüssel ein, um Ihr Backup zu entschlüsseln."
+msgstr "Bitte geben Sie Ihren privaten Schlüssel ein, um Ihr Backup zu entschlüsseln."
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:604 views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:17
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:604
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:17
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:512
msgid "The private key you entered was invalid. Please try again."
-msgstr ""
-"Der eingegebene private Schlüssel ist ungültig. Bitte versuchen Sie es "
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:607 inc/class-page-settings.php:753
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:784 views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:20
+msgstr "Der eingegebene private Schlüssel ist ungültig. Bitte versuchen Sie es nochmal."
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:607
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:753
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:784
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:20
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:515
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:742
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:773
msgid "Private Key"
msgstr "Private Key"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:613 views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:25
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:613
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:25
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:522
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Senden"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:618
-msgid ""
-"Your download has been generated. It should begin downloading momentarily."
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:527
+msgid "Your download has been generated. It should begin downloading momentarily."
msgstr "Ihr Download wurde generiert. Der Download sollte sofort beginnen."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:67
msgid "%s › Dashboard"
msgstr "%s › Dashboard"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:74 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:83
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:74
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:83
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Planning backups"
msgstr "Backups planen"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
-msgid ""
-"Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation "
-"including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage "
-"service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server."
-msgstr ""
-"Benutzen Sie Ihre Backup-Archive, um Ihre gesamte WordPress-Installation zu "
-"sichern, einschließlich /wp-content/
. Laden Sie sie zu einem "
-"externen Dienst hoch, wenn Sie Ihre Backups nicht auf demselben Server "
-"speichern möchten."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
+msgid "Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server."
+msgstr "Benutzen Sie Ihre Backup-Archive, um Ihre gesamte WordPress-Installation zu sichern, einschließlich /wp-content/
. Laden Sie sie zu einem externen Dienst hoch, wenn Sie Ihre Backups nicht auf demselben Server speichern möchten."
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:76 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:85
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:76
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:85
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Restoring backups"
msgstr "Backups wiederherstellen"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:77 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:86
-msgid ""
-"With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a "
-"tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
-msgstr ""
-"Mit einem einzigen Backup-Archiv können Sie Ihre Installation "
-"wiederherstellen. Benutzen Sie ein serverseitiges Tool wie phpMyAdmin, oder "
-"ein Plugin wie Adminer, um Ihre Datenbanksicherung wiederherzustellen."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:77
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:86
+msgid "With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
+msgstr "Mit einem einzigen Backup-Archiv können Sie Ihre Installation wiederherstellen. Benutzen Sie ein serverseitiges Tool wie phpMyAdmin, oder ein Plugin wie Adminer, um Ihre Datenbanksicherung wiederherzustellen."
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:78 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:87
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:78
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:87
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Ready to set up a backup job?"
msgstr "Bereit, einen Backup-Auftrag zu erstellen?"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79
-msgid ""
-"Use one of the wizards to plan a backup, or use expert mode"
-"a> for full control over all options."
-msgstr ""
-"Verwenden Sie einen der Assistenten, um Ihr Backup zu planen, oder den Expertenmodus für die volle Übersicht über alle Optionen."
+msgid "Use one of the wizards to plan a backup, or use expert mode for full control over all options."
+msgstr "Verwenden Sie einen der Assistenten, um Ihr Backup zu planen, oder den Expertenmodus für die volle Übersicht über alle Optionen."
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:89
-msgid ""
-"Please note: You are solely responsible for the security of your "
-"data; the authors of this plugin are not."
-msgstr ""
-"Bitte beachten Sie: Für die Sicherheit Ihrer Daten sind Sie allein "
-"verantwortlich; die Autoren dieses Plugins sind es nicht."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:89
+msgid "Please note: You are solely responsible for the security of your data; the authors of this plugin are not."
+msgstr "Bitte beachten Sie: Für die Sicherheit Ihrer Daten sind Sie allein verantwortlich; die Autoren dieses Plugins sind es nicht."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
-msgid ""
-"Use the short links in the First steps box to plan and "
-"schedule backup jobs."
-msgstr ""
-"Benutzen Sie die Schnellverweise in Erste Schritte, um "
-"einen Backup-Auftrag zu planen und zu terminieren."
+msgid "Use the short links in the First steps box to plan and schedule backup jobs."
+msgstr "Benutzen Sie die Schnellverweise in Erste Schritte, um einen Backup-Auftrag zu planen und zu terminieren."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:88
msgid "Add a new backup job and plan what you want to save."
-msgstr ""
-"Erstellen Sie einen Backup-Auftrag und planen Sie Ihre "
+msgstr "Erstellen Sie einen Backup-Auftrag und planen Sie Ihre Sicherung."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:96
msgid "First Steps"
@@ -4411,7 +3324,8 @@ msgstr "Erste Schritte"
msgid "Test the installation"
msgstr "Die Installation testen"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:101 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:104
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:101
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:104
msgid "Create a Job"
msgstr "Auftrag erstellen"
@@ -4432,11 +3346,8 @@ msgid "One click backup"
msgstr "Ein-Klick-Backup"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:117
-msgid ""
-"Generate a database backup of WordPress tables and download it right away!"
-msgstr ""
-"Generieren Sie ein Datenbank-Backup der WordPress-Tabellen und laden Sie es "
-"gleich herunter!"
+msgid "Generate a database backup of WordPress tables and download it right away!"
+msgstr "Generieren Sie ein Datenbank-Backup der WordPress-Tabellen und laden Sie es gleich herunter!"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:117
msgid "Download database backup"
@@ -4456,12 +3367,8 @@ msgid "RSS Error: %s"
msgstr "RSS Fehler: %s"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:132
-msgid ""
-"An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again "
-msgstr ""
-"Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten, der wahrscheinlich bedeutet, das der Feed "
-"offline ist. Versuchen Sie es später erneut."
+msgid "An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again later."
+msgstr "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten, der wahrscheinlich bedeutet, das der Feed offline ist. Versuchen Sie es später erneut."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:146
msgid "Untitled"
@@ -4505,14 +3412,12 @@ msgstr "Erstklassigem persönlichen Support auf backwpup.de."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:258
msgctxt "Pro teaser box"
msgid "Differential backups to Google Drive and other cloud storage service."
-msgstr ""
-"Differenzielle Backups zu Google Drive und anderen Cloud-Storage-Diensten."
+msgstr "Differenzielle Backups zu Google Drive und anderen Cloud-Storage-Diensten."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:259
msgctxt "Pro teaser box"
msgid "Easy-peasy wizards to create and schedule backup jobs."
-msgstr ""
-"Kinderleichte Assistenten zum Erstellen und Planen von Backup-Aufträgen."
+msgstr "Kinderleichte Assistenten zum Erstellen und Planen von Backup-Aufträgen."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
msgctxt "Pro teaser box, link text"
@@ -4533,7 +3438,8 @@ msgstr "Wechseln Sie jetzt zu BackWPup Pro"
msgid "Next scheduled jobs"
msgstr "Nächste geplante Aufträge"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:284 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:284
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:164
msgid "Job"
msgstr "Auftrag"
@@ -4542,7 +3448,8 @@ msgstr "Auftrag"
msgid "working since %d seconds"
msgstr "in Arbeit seit %d Sekunden"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:309 inc/class-page-jobs.php:608
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:309
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:608
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "Abbrechen"
@@ -4590,7 +3497,8 @@ msgstr "Änderungen für den Auftrag %s gesichert."
msgid "Jobs overview"
msgstr "Auftragsübersicht"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223 inc/class-page-jobs.php:181
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:181
msgid "Run now"
msgstr "Jetzt starten"
@@ -4598,7 +3506,9 @@ msgstr "Jetzt starten"
msgid "%1$s › Job: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s › Auftrag: %2$s"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:337 inc/class-page-settings.php:215
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:337
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:215
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:214
msgid "General"
msgstr "Allgemein"
@@ -4610,7 +3520,8 @@ msgstr "Planen"
msgid "To: %s"
msgstr "Ziel: %s"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:387 inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:125
msgid "Job Name"
msgstr "Auftragsname"
@@ -4636,12 +3547,8 @@ msgid "Archive name"
msgstr "Archivname"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:448
-msgid ""
-"Note: In order for backup file tracking to work, %hash% must be "
-"included anywhere in the archive name."
-msgstr ""
-"Bedenken Sie: Damit das Backup-Datei-Tracking funktioniert, muss "
-"der Archivname mit %s beginnen."
+msgid "Note: In order for backup file tracking to work, %hash% must be included anywhere in the archive name."
+msgstr "Bedenken Sie: Damit das Backup-Datei-Tracking funktioniert, muss der Archivname mit %s beginnen."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:454
msgid "Replacement patterns:"
@@ -4707,44 +3614,40 @@ msgstr "%i = Zweistellige Minute"
msgid "%s = Two digit representation of the second"
msgstr "%s = Zweistellige Sekunde"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:475 inc/class-page-editjob.php:478
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:475
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:478
msgid "Archive Format"
msgstr "Archiv Format"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:484
msgid "ZipArchive PHP class is missing, so BackWPUp will use PclZip instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Die ZipArchive PHP class fehlt, daher wird BackWPUp stattdessen PclZip "
+msgstr "Die ZipArchive PHP class fehlt, daher wird BackWPUp stattdessen PclZip verwenden."
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:491 inc/class-page-editjob.php:498
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:491
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:498
msgid "Disabled due to missing %s PHP function."
msgstr "Deaktiviert aufgrund fehlender %s PHP-Funktion."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:495
msgid "Not supported yet by the automatic restore functionality"
-msgstr ""
-"Dieses Archivformat wird noch nicht von der automatischen Restore-"
-"Funktion unterstützt"
+msgstr "Dieses Archivformat wird noch nicht von der automatischen Restore-Funktion unterstützt"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:506 inc/class-page-editjob.php:511
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:506
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:511
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:520
msgid "Encrypt Archive"
msgstr "Verschlüssele Archiv"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:524
-msgid ""
-"You must generate your encryption key in BackWPup Settings before you can "
-"enable this option."
-msgstr ""
-"Sie müssen Ihren Verschlüsselungsschlüssel in den BackWPup Einstellungen "
-"generieren bevor Sie diese Option aktivieren können."
+msgid "You must generate your encryption key in BackWPup Settings before you can enable this option."
+msgstr "Sie müssen Ihren Verschlüsselungsschlüssel in den BackWPup Einstellungen generieren bevor Sie diese Option aktivieren können."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:533
msgid "Job Destination"
msgstr "Zielordner des Auftrags"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:537 inc/class-page-editjob.php:540
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:537
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:540
msgid "Where should your backup file be stored?"
msgstr "Wo soll die Backup-Datei gespeichert werden?"
@@ -4757,12 +3660,8 @@ msgid "Send log to email address"
msgstr "Protokoll-Datei an E-Mail-Adresse senden"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:565
-msgid ""
-"Leave empty to not have log sent. Or separate with , for more than one "
-msgstr ""
-"Leer lassen, um kein Log zu senden. Oder trenne mehrere Empfänger durch "
+msgid "Leave empty to not have log sent. Or separate with , for more than one receiver."
+msgstr "Leer lassen, um kein Log zu senden. Oder trenne mehrere Empfänger durch Kommata."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:569
msgid "Email FROM field"
@@ -4778,15 +3677,14 @@ msgstr "Nur Fehler"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:580
msgid "Send email with log only when errors occur during job execution."
-msgstr ""
-"Sende eine E-Mail mit Protokoll nur, wenn während des Auftrags ein Fehler "
-"aufgetreten ist."
+msgstr "Sende eine E-Mail mit Protokoll nur, wenn während des Auftrags ein Fehler aufgetreten ist."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:591
msgid "Job Schedule"
msgstr "Auftragsplanung"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:595 inc/class-page-editjob.php:598
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:595
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:598
msgid "Start job"
msgstr "Auftrag starten"
@@ -4799,12 +3697,8 @@ msgid "with WordPress cron"
msgstr "mit WordPress Cron"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:615
-msgid ""
-"with EasyCron.com"
-msgstr ""
-"mit EasyCron.com"
+msgid "with EasyCron.com"
+msgstr "mit EasyCron.com"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:617
msgid "First setup API Key."
@@ -4815,29 +3709,23 @@ msgid "with a link"
msgstr "mit einem Link"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:627
-msgid ""
-"Copy the link for an external start. This option has to be activated to make "
-"the link work."
-msgstr ""
-"Kopieren Sie den Link für einen externen Auftragsstart. Diese Option muss "
-"erst aktiviert werden, damit der Link funktioniert."
+msgid "Copy the link for an external start. This option has to be activated to make the link work."
+msgstr "Kopieren Sie den Link für einen externen Auftragsstart. Diese Option muss erst aktiviert werden, damit der Link funktioniert."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:634
msgid "Start job with CLI"
msgstr "Auftrag per CLI starten"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:637
-msgid ""
-"Use WP-CLI to run jobs from commandline."
-msgstr ""
-"Benutzen Sie WP-CLI, um Aufträge von der "
-"Kommandozeile zu starten."
+msgid "Use WP-CLI to run jobs from commandline."
+msgstr "Benutzen Sie WP-CLI, um Aufträge von der Kommandozeile zu starten."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:642
msgid "Schedule execution time"
msgstr "Planen Sie die Ausführungszeit"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:646 inc/class-page-editjob.php:649
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:646
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:649
msgid "Scheduler type"
msgstr "Planungstyp"
@@ -4853,8 +3741,10 @@ msgstr "erweitert"
msgid "Minutes:"
msgstr "Minuten:"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:759 inc/class-page-editjob.php:772
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:784 inc/class-page-editjob.php:798
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:759
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:772
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:784
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:798
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:820
msgid "Any (*)"
msgstr "Alle (*)"
@@ -4928,11 +3818,8 @@ msgid "Save changes"
msgstr "Änderungen speichern"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:941
-msgid ""
-"Working as Cron schedule:"
-msgstr ""
-"Als Cron-Auftrag "
+msgid "Working as Cron schedule:"
+msgstr "Als Cron-Auftrag ausführen:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:950
msgid "ATTENTION: Job runs every %d minutes!"
@@ -4958,7 +3845,8 @@ msgstr "Nächster Durchlauf"
msgid "Last Run"
msgstr "Letzter Durchlauf"
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:175 views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:45
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:175
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:45
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Bearbeiten"
@@ -4978,7 +3866,8 @@ msgstr "Nicht gebraucht oder eingestellt"
msgid "Running for: %s seconds"
msgstr "Läuft seit %s Sekunden"
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:280 inc/class-page-jobs.php:289
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:280
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:289
msgid "Cron: %s"
msgstr "Cron: %s"
@@ -5024,23 +3913,18 @@ msgstr "Der Auftrag \"%s\" mit dem Ziel \"%s\" ist nicht richtig configuriert"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:436
msgid "The job \"%s\" needs properly configured destinations to run!"
-msgstr ""
-"Der Aufrag \"%s\" benötigt vollständig konfigurierte Ziele, damit er "
-"ausgeführt werden kann!"
+msgstr "Der Aufrag \"%s\" benötigt vollständig konfigurierte Ziele, damit er ausgeführt werden kann!"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:454
-msgid ""
-"Job \"%s\" has started, but not responded for 10 seconds. Please check information."
-msgstr ""
-"Auftrag \"%s\" hat begonnen, aber seit 10 Sekunden nicht mehr geantwortet. "
-"Bitte überprüfen Sie Information."
+msgid "Job \"%s\" has started, but not responded for 10 seconds. Please check information."
+msgstr "Auftrag \"%s\" hat begonnen, aber seit 10 Sekunden nicht mehr geantwortet. Bitte überprüfen Sie Information."
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:459
msgid "Job \"%s\" started."
msgstr "Auftrag \"%s\" wurde gestartet."
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:471 inc/class-wp-cli.php:59
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:471
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:59
msgid "Job will be terminated."
msgstr "Auftrag wird beendet."
@@ -5081,12 +3965,8 @@ msgid "Job completed"
msgstr "Auftrag vollständig"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
-msgid ""
-"Job has done with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct "
-msgstr ""
-"Auftrag wurde mit Warnungen in %s Sekunden erledigt. Bitte beheben Sie diese "
-"für eine korrekte Ausführung."
+msgid "Job has done with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct execution."
+msgstr "Auftrag wurde mit Warnungen in %s Sekunden erledigt. Bitte beheben Sie diese für eine korrekte Ausführung."
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:138
msgid "No Logs."
@@ -5134,9 +4014,7 @@ msgstr "Log-Datei nicht gefunden!"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:39
msgid "Please enter a public key first, or generate a key pair."
-msgstr ""
-"Bitte geben Sie zuerst den öffentlichen Schlüssel ein oder generieren Sie "
-"ein Schlüssel-Paar."
+msgstr "Bitte geben Sie zuerst den öffentlichen Schlüssel ein oder generieren Sie ein Schlüssel-Paar."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:40
msgid "Please enter your private key."
@@ -5151,13 +4029,8 @@ msgid "Public key is invalid."
msgstr "Der öffentliche Schlüssel ist ungültig."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:43
-msgid ""
-"Please download the private key before continuing. If you do not save it "
-"locally, you cannot decrypt your backups later."
-msgstr ""
-"Bitte laden Sie den privaten Schlüssel herunter bevor Sie weitermachen. Wenn "
-"Sie ihn nicht lokal speichern, können Sie Ihr Backup später nicht "
+msgid "Please download the private key before continuing. If you do not save it locally, you cannot decrypt your backups later."
+msgstr "Bitte laden Sie den privaten Schlüssel herunter bevor Sie weitermachen. Wenn Sie ihn nicht lokal speichern, können Sie Ihr Backup später nicht entschlüsseln."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:88
msgid "Settings reset to default"
@@ -5168,6 +4041,7 @@ msgid "Settings saved"
msgstr "Einstellungen gespeichert"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:210
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:209
msgid "%s › Settings"
msgstr "%s › Einstellungen"
@@ -5176,14 +4050,17 @@ msgid "Encryption"
msgstr "Verschlüsselung"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:219
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:220
msgid "Network"
msgstr "Netzwerk"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:220
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:221
msgid "API Keys"
msgstr "API-Schlüssel"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:221
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:222
msgid "Information"
msgstr "Informationen"
@@ -5207,17 +4084,14 @@ msgstr "Adminbar"
msgid "Show BackWPup links in admin bar."
msgstr "BackWPup-Links in der Adminbar anzeigen."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:264 inc/class-page-settings.php:269
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:264
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:269
msgid "Folder sizes"
msgstr "Verzeichnisgrößen"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:277
-msgid ""
-"Display folder sizes in the files tab when editing a job. (Might increase "
-"loading time of files tab.)"
-msgstr ""
-"Ordnergrößen im Tab Dateien anzeigen, wenn ein Auftrag bearbeitet wird. "
-"(Kann die Ladezeit des Tab erhöhen.)"
+msgid "Display folder sizes in the files tab when editing a job. (Might increase loading time of files tab.)"
+msgstr "Ordnergrößen im Tab Dateien anzeigen, wenn ein Auftrag bearbeitet wird. (Kann die Ladezeit des Tab erhöhen.)"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:286
msgid "Security"
@@ -5227,26 +4101,18 @@ msgstr "Sicherheit"
msgid "Security option for BackWPup"
msgstr "Sicherheitseinstellungen für BackWPup"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:290 inc/class-page-settings.php:295
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:290
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:295
msgid "Protect folders"
msgstr "Ordner schützen"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:304
-msgid ""
-"Protect BackWPup folders ( Temp, Log and Backups ) with .htaccess"
-"code> and
-msgstr ""
-"Schütze BackWPup-Verzeichnisse (Temp, Log und Backups) mit .htaccess"
-"code> und
+msgid "Protect BackWPup folders ( Temp, Log and Backups ) with .htaccess
and index.php
+msgstr "Schütze BackWPup-Verzeichnisse (Temp, Log und Backups) mit .htaccess
und index.php
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:321
-msgid ""
-"Every time BackWPup runs a backup job, a log file is being generated. Choose "
-"where to store your log files and how many of them."
-msgstr ""
-"Jedes Mal, wenn BackWPup einen Auftrag ausführt, wird eine Protokolldatei "
-"erzeugt. Wählen Sie aus, wo und wie viele dieser Protokolldateien Sie "
-"speichern möchten."
+msgid "Every time BackWPup runs a backup job, a log file is being generated. Choose where to store your log files and how many of them."
+msgstr "Jedes Mal, wenn BackWPup einen Auftrag ausführt, wird eine Protokolldatei erzeugt. Wählen Sie aus, wo und wie viele dieser Protokolldateien Sie speichern möchten."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:330
msgid "Log file folder"
@@ -5254,9 +4120,7 @@ msgstr "Protokolldateien-Ordner"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:340
msgid "You can use absolute or relative path! Relative path is relative to %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Sie können absolute oder relative Pfade verwenden! Relativer Pfad ist "
-"relativ zu %s."
+msgstr "Sie können absolute oder relative Pfade verwenden! Relativer Pfad ist relativ zu %s."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:356
msgid "Maximum log files"
@@ -5266,7 +4130,8 @@ msgstr "Maximale Log-Dateien"
msgid "Maximum log files in folder."
msgstr "Maximale Log-Dateien im Verzeichnis."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:367 inc/class-page-settings.php:370
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:370
msgid "Compression"
msgstr "Komprimierung"
@@ -5274,7 +4139,8 @@ msgstr "Komprimierung"
msgid "Compress log files with GZip."
msgstr "Komprimiere Logdateien mit GZip."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387 inc/class-page-settings.php:392
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:392
msgid "Logging Level"
msgstr "Log Level"
@@ -5295,22 +4161,12 @@ msgid "Debug (not translated)"
msgstr "Debug (nicht übersetzt)"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:416
-msgid ""
-"Debug log has much more informations than normal logs. It is for support and "
-"should be handled carefully. For support is the best to use a not translated "
-"log file. Usage of not translated logs can reduce the PHP memory usage too."
-msgstr ""
-"Debug-Protokoll beinhaltet viel mehr Informationen als normale Protokolle. "
-"Es ist für den Support und sollte vorsichtig behandelt werden. Für Support "
-"ist es am besten eine nicht übersetzte Protokoll-Datei zu verwenden. Die "
-"Verwendung von nicht übersetzten Protokoll-Dateien kann die PHP-"
-"Speichernutzung reduzieren."
+msgid "Debug log has much more informations than normal logs. It is for support and should be handled carefully. For support is the best to use a not translated log file. Usage of not translated logs can reduce the PHP memory usage too."
+msgstr "Debug-Protokoll beinhaltet viel mehr Informationen als normale Protokolle. Es ist für den Support und sollte vorsichtig behandelt werden. Für Support ist es am besten eine nicht übersetzte Protokoll-Datei zu verwenden. Die Verwendung von nicht übersetzten Protokoll-Dateien kann die PHP-Speichernutzung reduzieren."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:429
msgid "There are a couple of general options for backup jobs. Set them here."
-msgstr ""
-"Es gibt einige allgemeine Optionen für Backup-Aufträge, die Sie hier setzen "
+msgstr "Es gibt einige allgemeine Optionen für Backup-Aufträge, die Sie hier setzen können."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:437
msgid "Maximum number of retries for job steps"
@@ -5329,17 +4185,8 @@ msgid "seconds."
msgstr "Sekunden."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:464
-msgid ""
-"Job will restart before hitting maximum execution time. Restarts will be "
-"disabled on CLI usage. If ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
has been defined, "
-"WordPress Cron will be used for restarts, so it can take a while. 0 means no "
-msgstr ""
-"Der Auftrag wird neu gestartet, bevor die maximale Ausführungszeit erreicht "
-"wird. Neustarts sind bei CLI Nutzung deaktiviert. Wenn "
definiert wurde, wird der WordPress Cron für "
-"Neustarts verwendet, sodass der Auftrag länger dauern kann. 0 bedeutet keine "
-"maximale Ausführungszeit."
+msgid "Job will restart before hitting maximum execution time. Restarts will be disabled on CLI usage. If ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
has been defined, WordPress Cron will be used for restarts, so it can take a while. 0 means no maximum."
+msgstr "Der Auftrag wird neu gestartet, bevor die maximale Ausführungszeit erreicht wird. Neustarts sind bei CLI Nutzung deaktiviert. Wenn ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
definiert wurde, wird der WordPress Cron für Neustarts verwendet, sodass der Auftrag länger dauern kann. 0 bedeutet keine maximale Ausführungszeit."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:476
msgid "Key to start jobs externally with an URL"
@@ -5347,11 +4194,10 @@ msgstr "Schlüssel für den Start eines Auftrags über eine externe URL"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:484
msgid "Will be used to protect job starts from unauthorized person."
-msgstr ""
-"Wird verwendet, um Aufträge gegen unbefugte Starts von nicht autorisierten "
-"Personen zu schützen."
+msgstr "Wird verwendet, um Aufträge gegen unbefugte Starts von nicht autorisierten Personen zu schützen."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:492 inc/class-page-settings.php:497
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:492
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:497
msgid "Reduce server load"
msgstr "Reduziere Server-Auslastung"
@@ -5372,509 +4218,544 @@ msgid "maximum"
msgstr "maximum"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:521
-msgid ""
-"This adds short pauses to the process. Can be used to reduce the CPU load."
-msgstr ""
-"Dies fügt kurze Pausen in den Auftragsablauf ein. Kann verwendet werden, um "
-"die CPU-Belastung zu reduzieren."
+msgid "This adds short pauses to the process. Can be used to reduce the CPU load."
+msgstr "Dies fügt kurze Pausen in den Auftragsablauf ein. Kann verwendet werden, um die CPU-Belastung zu reduzieren."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:530
msgid "Empty output on working"
msgstr "Leere Ausgabe beim Ausführen"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:535 inc/class-page-settings.php:546
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:535
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:546
msgid "Enable an empty Output on backup working."
msgstr "Aktiviere leere Ausgabe bei der Auftragsausführung."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:549
-msgid ""
-"This do an empty output on job working. This can help in some situations or "
-"can brake the working. You must test it."
-msgstr ""
-"Erstellt eine leere Ausgabe, wenn ein Auftrag ausgeführt wird. Dies kann in "
-"einigen Fällen helfen, damit ein Auftrag nicht abgebrochen wird. Sie müssen "
-"diese Option testen."
+msgid "This do an empty output on job working. This can help in some situations or can brake the working. You must test it."
+msgstr "Erstellt eine leere Ausgabe, wenn ein Auftrag ausgeführt wird. Dies kann in einigen Fällen helfen, damit ein Auftrag nicht abgebrochen wird. Sie müssen diese Option testen."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:558
msgid "Windows IIS compatibility"
msgstr "Windows IIS Kompatibilität"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:563 inc/class-page-settings.php:574
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:563
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:574
msgid "Enable compatibility with IIS on Windows."
msgstr "Ermögliche Kompatibilität mit IIS auf Windows."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:577
-msgid ""
-"There is a PHP bug (bug #43817), "
-"which is triggered on some versions of Windows and IIS. Checking this box "
-"will enable a workaround for that bug. Only enable if you are getting errors "
-"about “Permission denied” in your logs."
-msgstr ""
-"Es gibt einen PHP-Bug (bug #43817"
-"a>), der auf einigen Versionen von Windows und IIS ausgelöst wird. Wenn Sie "
-"hier ein Häkchen setzen, wird ein Workaround für diesen Bug aktiviert. "
-"Aktivieren Sie diese Checkbox nur, wenn Sie “Permission denied” "
-"Fehler in Ihren Protokollen finden."
+msgid "There is a PHP bug (bug #43817), which is triggered on some versions of Windows and IIS. Checking this box will enable a workaround for that bug. Only enable if you are getting errors about “Permission denied” in your logs."
+msgstr "Es gibt einen PHP-Bug (bug #43817), der auf einigen Versionen von Windows und IIS ausgelöst wird. Wenn Sie hier ein Häkchen setzen, wird ein Workaround für diesen Bug aktiviert. Aktivieren Sie diese Checkbox nur, wenn Sie “Permission denied” Fehler in Ihren Protokollen finden."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:593
msgid "Here you can set your keys for encrypting your backups."
-msgstr ""
-"Hier könne Sie Ihre Schlüssel für die Backup-Verschlüsselung einstellen."
+msgstr "Hier könne Sie Ihre Schlüssel für die Backup-Verschlüsselung einstellen."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:601
-msgid ""
-"If you select symmetric encryption (default), you can generate a 256-bit key "
-"by clicking Generate Key
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn Sie die symmetrische Verschlüsselung (default) wählen, können Sie einen "
-"256-bit Schlüssel generieren wenn Sie hier klicken Generiere "
+msgid "If you select symmetric encryption (default), you can generate a 256-bit key by clicking Generate Key
+msgstr "Wenn Sie die symmetrische Verschlüsselung (default) wählen, können Sie einen 256-bit Schlüssel generieren wenn Sie hier klicken Generiere Schlüssel
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:611
-msgid ""
-"If you select asymmetric encryption (more secure), you must have an RSA "
-"public/private key pair. You would enter the public key in the Public "
field. If you do not have a key pair, click Generate Key "
and they will be generated for you."
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn Sie asymmetrische Verschlüsselung (sicherer) auswählen, müssen Sie über "
-"ein öffentliches/privates RSA-Schlüsselpaar verfügen. Sie würden den "
-"öffentlichen Schlüssel im Feld Öffentlicher RSA-Schlüssel
-"eingeben. Wenn Sie kein Schlüsselpaar haben, klicken Sie auf "
-"Generiere ein Schlüssel Paar
und wir werden eines für Sie generieren."
+msgid "If you select asymmetric encryption (more secure), you must have an RSA public/private key pair. You would enter the public key in the Public Key
field. If you do not have a key pair, click Generate Key Pair
and they will be generated for you."
+msgstr "Wenn Sie asymmetrische Verschlüsselung (sicherer) auswählen, müssen Sie über ein öffentliches/privates RSA-Schlüsselpaar verfügen. Sie würden den öffentlichen Schlüssel im Feld Öffentlicher RSA-Schlüssel
eingeben. Wenn Sie kein Schlüsselpaar haben, klicken Sie auf Generiere ein Schlüssel Paar
und wir werden eines für Sie generieren."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:621
-msgid ""
-"Note: You will be asked to download the keys for safe "
-"storage. We do not keep a copy of the private key, so if you lose this, your "
-"data cannot be decrypted!"
-msgstr ""
-"Hinweis: Sie werden gebeten die Schlüssel zur sicheren "
-"Verwahrung herunterzuladen. Wir werden keine Kopie des privaten Schlüssels "
-"speichern, sodass Sie Ihre Daten bei Verlust nicht mehr entschlüsseln können!"
+msgid "Note: You will be asked to download the keys for safe storage. We do not keep a copy of the private key, so if you lose this, your data cannot be decrypted!"
+msgstr "Hinweis: Sie werden gebeten die Schlüssel zur sicheren Verwahrung herunterzuladen. Wir werden keine Kopie des privaten Schlüssels speichern, sodass Sie Ihre Daten bei Verlust nicht mehr entschlüsseln können!"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:631
-msgid ""
-"You can also click Validate
to validate that you have the "
-"proper private key for the given public key."
-msgstr ""
-"Sie können auch auf Überprüfen
klicken, um zu überprüfen, ob "
-"Sie über den richtigen privaten Schlüssel für den angegebenen öffentlichen "
-"Schlüssel verfügen."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:641
-msgid "Encryption is a pro-only feature."
-msgstr "Verschlüsselung ist ein Feature der Pro-Version."
+msgid "You can also click Validate
to validate that you have the proper private key for the given public key."
+msgstr "Sie können auch auf Überprüfen
klicken, um zu überprüfen, ob Sie über den richtigen privaten Schlüssel für den angegebenen öffentlichen Schlüssel verfügen."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:645 inc/class-page-settings.php:999
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:645
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:999
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:988
msgid "https://backwpup.com"
msgstr "https://backwpup.de"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:646 inc/class-page-settings.php:1000
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:646
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1000
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:989
msgid "Get Pro"
msgstr "Pro-Version kaufen"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:654
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:642
msgid "Encryption Type"
msgstr "Verschlüsselungstyp"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:661
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:649
msgid "Symmetric (public key only)"
msgstr "Symmetrisch (nur öffentlicher Schlüssel)"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:667
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:655
msgid "Asymmetric (public and private key)"
msgstr "Asymmetrisch (öffentlicher und privater Schlüssel)"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:673 inc/class-page-settings.php:679
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:673
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:679
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:661
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:667
msgid "Encryption Key"
msgstr "Verschlüsselungsschlüssel"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:684
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:672
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Schlüssel"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:696
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:684
msgid "Click below to generate a random key."
msgstr "Klicken Sie unten, um einen zufälligen Schlüssel zu generieren."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:699
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:687
msgid "Generate Key"
msgstr "Generiere Schlüssel"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:708 inc/class-page-settings.php:713
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:708
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:713
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:773
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:696
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:701
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:762
msgid "Public Key"
msgstr "Öffentlicher Schlüssel"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:716
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:704
msgid "RSA Public Key"
msgstr "Öffentlicher RSA-Schlüssel"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:728 inc/class-page-settings.php:729
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:728
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:729
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:716
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:717
msgid "Generate Key Pair"
msgstr "Generiere ein Schlüssel Paar"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:734
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:722
msgid "Validate Key"
msgstr "Überprüfe Schlüssel"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:735 inc/class-page-settings.php:759
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:735
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:759
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:723
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:748
msgid "Validate"
msgstr "Überprüfen"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:746
-msgid ""
-"Enter your private key below to validate it will work with the provided "
-"public key."
-msgstr ""
-"Geben Sie Ihren privaten Schlüssel ein, um zu validieren, dass er mit dem "
-"bereitgestellten öffentlichen Schlüssel funktioniert."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:735
+msgid "Enter your private key below to validate it will work with the provided public key."
+msgstr "Geben Sie Ihren privaten Schlüssel ein, um zu validieren, dass er mit dem bereitgestellten öffentlichen Schlüssel funktioniert."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:749
-msgid ""
-"The private key will not be stored, so you must still securely store it "
-msgstr ""
-"Der private Schlüssel wird nicht gespeichert. Sie müssen ihn selber sicher "
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:738
+msgid "The private key will not be stored, so you must still securely store it yourself."
+msgstr "Der private Schlüssel wird nicht gespeichert. Sie müssen ihn selber sicher speichern."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:765
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:754
msgid "Your keys are being generated. Please hold a moment …"
-msgstr ""
-"Ihre Schlüssel werden erstellt. Bitte haben Sie einen Moment Geduld …"
+msgstr "Ihre Schlüssel werden erstellt. Bitte haben Sie einen Moment Geduld …"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:769
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:758
msgid "Here are your keys. Please store them in a safe location."
msgstr "Hier sind Ihre Schlüssel. Bitte lagern Sie sie an einem sicheren Ort."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:794
-msgid ""
-"Please download at least your private key above, as we will not store this "
-"key, and if you lose it, your backups cannot be decrypted."
-msgstr ""
-"Bitte laden Sie mindestens Ihren privaten Schlüssel oben herunter, da wir "
-"ihn nicht speichern und Sie Ihre Backups im Falle eines Verlustes nicht "
-"entschlüsseln können."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:783
+msgid "Please download at least your private key above, as we will not store this key, and if you lose it, your backups cannot be decrypted."
+msgstr "Bitte laden Sie mindestens Ihren privaten Schlüssel oben herunter, da wir ihn nicht speichern und Sie Ihre Backups im Falle eines Verlustes nicht entschlüsseln können."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:797
-msgid ""
-"Click the button below to use these keys and paste the public key into the "
-"RSA public key field above."
-msgstr ""
-"Klicken Sie den Button unten, um diese Schlüssel zu nutzen. Geben Sie den "
-"öffentlichen Schlüssel in das Feld RSA öffentlicher Schlüssel oben ein."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:786
+msgid "Click the button below to use these keys and paste the public key into the RSA public key field above."
+msgstr "Klicken Sie den Button unten, um diese Schlüssel zu nutzen. Geben Sie den öffentlichen Schlüssel in das Feld RSA öffentlicher Schlüssel oben ein."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:801
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:790
msgid "Use These Keys"
msgstr "Nutze diese Schlüssel"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:812
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:801
msgid "Authentication for %s
msgstr "Authentifizierung für %s
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:819
-msgid ""
-"If you protected your blog with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess), or "
-"you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php, then use the authentication methods "
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn Sie Ihren Blog mit einer HTTP-Basic-Authentifizierung (.htaccess) "
-"gesichert haben, oder ein Plugin benutzen, das die wp-cron.php sichert, dann "
-"sollten Sie die Authentifizierungseinstellungen unten benutzen."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:835 inc/class-page-settings.php:840
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:808
+msgid "If you protected your blog with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess), or you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php, then use the authentication methods below."
+msgstr "Wenn Sie Ihren Blog mit einer HTTP-Basic-Authentifizierung (.htaccess) gesichert haben, oder ein Plugin benutzen, das die wp-cron.php sichert, dann sollten Sie die Authentifizierungseinstellungen unten benutzen."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:835
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:840
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:824
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:829
msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "Authentifizierungsmethode"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:852
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:841
msgid "Basic auth"
msgstr "Basic Auth"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:856
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:845
msgid "WordPress User"
msgstr "WordPress Benutzer"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:860
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:849
msgid "Query argument"
msgstr "Query Argument"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:871
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:860
msgid "Basic Auth Username:"
msgstr "Basic Auth Benutzername:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:888
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:877
msgid "Basic Auth Password:"
msgstr "Basic Auth Passwort:"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:902 inc/class-page-settings.php:905
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:902
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:905
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:891
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:894
msgid "Select WordPress User"
msgstr "WordPress Benutzer auswählen"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:938
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:927
msgid "Query arg key=value:"
msgstr "Query-Argumente-Schlüssel = Wert:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:966
-msgid ""
-"Experiencing an issue and need to contact BackWPup support? Click the link "
-"below to get debug information you can send to us."
-msgstr ""
-"Haben Sie ein Issue entdeckt und möchten den BackWPup Support kontaktieren? "
-"Klicken Sie den unten stehenden Link, um die Debug Informationen zu "
-"erhalten, die Sie an uns schicken können."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:955
+msgid "Experiencing an issue and need to contact BackWPup support? Click the link below to get debug information you can send to us."
+msgstr "Haben Sie ein Issue entdeckt und möchten den BackWPup Support kontaktieren? Klicken Sie den unten stehenden Link, um die Debug Informationen zu erhalten, die Sie an uns schicken können."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:973 inc/class-page-settings.php:1068
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:973
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1068
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:962
msgid "Debug Info"
msgstr "Debug Info"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:977
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:966
msgid "Get Debug Info"
msgstr "Erhalten Sie die Debug Info"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:984
-msgid ""
-"You will find debug information below. Click the button to copy the debug "
-"info to send to support."
-msgstr ""
-"Sie finden die Debug Information unten. Klicken Sie den Button, um die Debug "
-"Info zu kopieren und an den Support schicken zu können."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:973
+msgid "You will find debug information below. Click the button to copy the debug info to send to support."
+msgstr "Sie finden die Debug Information unten. Klicken Sie den Button, um die Debug Info zu kopieren und an den Support schicken zu können."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1011
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1000
msgid "Copy Debug Info"
msgstr "Kopieren Sie die Debug Info"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1016
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1005
msgid "Debug info copied to clipboard."
msgstr "Debug Info wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1024
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1013
msgid "Could not copy debug info. You can simply press ctrl+C to copy it."
-msgstr ""
-"Konnte die Debug Info nicht kopieren. Drücken Sie ctrl+ C, um sie zu "
+msgstr "Konnte die Debug Info nicht kopieren. Drücken Sie ctrl+ C, um sie zu kopieren."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1077 inc/class-page-settings.php:1081
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1077
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1081
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1066
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1070
msgid "Setting"
msgstr "Einstellung"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1077 inc/class-page-settings.php:1081
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1077
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1081
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1066
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1070
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Wert"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1100
-msgid "Save Changes"
-msgstr "Änderungen speichern"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1105
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1094
msgid "Reset all settings to default"
msgstr "Alle Einstellungen zurücksetzen"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1126
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1115
msgid "WordPress version"
msgstr "WordPress-Version"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1131
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1120
msgid "BackWPup version"
msgstr "BackWPup-Version"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1135
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1124
msgid "Get pro."
msgstr "Pro-Version kaufen."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1137
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1126
msgid "BackWPup Pro version"
msgstr "BackWPup-Pro-Version"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1142
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1131
msgid "PHP version"
msgstr "PHP-Version"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1152
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1141
msgid "MySQL version"
msgstr "MySQL-Version"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1156
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1145
msgid "cURL version"
msgstr "cURL-Version"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1160
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1149
msgid "cURL SSL version"
msgstr "cURL-SSL-Version"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1163
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1152
msgid "unavailable"
msgstr "unerreichbar"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1167
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1156
msgid "WP-Cron url"
msgstr "WP-Cron URL"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1171
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1160
msgid "Server self connect"
msgstr "Verbindung zum Server selbst"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1177
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1166
msgid "Not expected HTTP response:"
msgstr "Nicht erwartete HTTP-Antwort:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1178
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1167
msgid "Not expected HTTP response:
msgstr "Nicht erwartete HTTP-Antwort:
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1181
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1170
msgid "WP Http Error: %s"
msgstr "WP Http Error: %s"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1185
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1174
msgid "WP Http Error: %s
msgstr "WP Http Error: %s
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1189
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1178
msgid "Status-Code: %d"
msgstr "Status-Code: %d"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1191
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1180
msgid "Status-Code: %d
msgstr "Status-Code: %d
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1204
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1193
msgid "Content: %s"
msgstr "Inhalt: %s"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1206
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1195
msgid "Content: %s
msgstr "Inhalt: %s
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1211
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1200
msgid "Response Test O.K."
msgstr "Response Test O.K."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1220
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1209
msgid "Temp folder"
msgstr "Temp Verzeichnis"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1223
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1212
msgid "Temp folder %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "Temp Verzeichnis %s existiert nicht."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1228
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1217
msgid "Temporary folder %s is not writable."
msgstr "Temporärer Ordner %s ist nicht beschreibbar."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1236
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1225
msgid "Log folder"
msgstr "Protokoll-Ordner"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1242
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1231
msgid "Log folder %s does not exist."
msgstr "Protokoll-Ordner %s existiert nicht."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1247
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1236
msgid "Log folder %s is not writable."
msgstr "Protokoll-Ordner %s ist nicht beschreibbar."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1255
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1244
msgid "Server"
msgstr "Server"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1259
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1248
msgid "Operating System"
msgstr "Betriebssystem"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1263
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1252
msgid "PHP SAPI"
msgstr "PHP SAPI"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1267
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1256
msgid "Current PHP user"
msgstr "Aktueller PHP user"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1271
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1260
msgid "Function Disabled"
msgstr "Funktion deaktiviert"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1275
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1264
msgid "Maximum execution time"
msgstr "Max. Ausführungszeit"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1277 inc/class-page-settings.php:1284
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1277
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1284
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1266
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1273
msgid "%d seconds"
msgstr "%d Sekunden"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1282
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1271
msgid "BackWPup maximum script execution time"
msgstr "BackWPup Maximale Script-Ausführungszeit"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1289
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1278
msgid "Alternative WP Cron"
msgstr "Alternative WP Cron"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1291 inc/class-page-settings.php:1299
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1291
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1299
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1280
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1288
msgid "On"
msgstr "Am"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1293 inc/class-page-settings.php:1301
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1293
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1301
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1282
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1290
msgid "Off"
msgstr "Aus"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1297
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1286
msgid "Disabled WP Cron"
msgstr "WP Cron abgeschaltet"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1305
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1294
msgid "CHMOD Dir"
msgstr "CHMOD Verzeichnis"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1313
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1302
msgid "Server Time"
msgstr "Server Zeit"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1318
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1307
msgid "Blog Time"
msgstr "Webseite Zeit"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1322
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1311
msgid "Blog Timezone"
msgstr "Webseite Zeitzone"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1326
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1315
msgid "Blog Time offset"
msgstr "Webseite Zeitversetzung"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1328
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1317
msgid "%s hours"
msgstr "%s Stunden"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1333
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1322
msgid "Blog language"
msgstr "Webseiten Sprache"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1337
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1326
msgid "MySQL Client encoding"
msgstr "MySQL Client Encoding"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1341
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1330
msgid "PHP Memory limit"
msgstr "PHP Memory Limit"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1345
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1334
msgid "WP memory limit"
msgstr "WordPress-Memory-Limit"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1349
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1338
msgid "WP maximum memory limit"
msgstr "Maximales WordPress-Memory-Limit"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1353
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1342
msgid "Memory in use"
msgstr "Speicher in Benutzung"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1359
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1348
msgid "Disabled PHP Functions:"
msgstr "Deaktivierte PHP Funktionen:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1364
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1353
msgid "Loaded PHP Extensions:"
msgstr "Geladene PHP Erweiterungen:"
@@ -5884,35 +4765,20 @@ msgid "We recommend to install the %1$s extension to generate %2$s archives."
msgstr "Wir empfehlen die %1$s Erweiterung, um %2$s Archive zu generieren."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:77
-msgid ""
-"You must run WordPress version %1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are "
-"using version %2$s now."
-msgstr ""
-"Um dieses Plugin nutzen zu können, benötigen Sie mindestens WordPress %1$s. "
-"Sie verwenden derzeit die Version %2$s."
+msgid "You must run WordPress version %1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %2$s now."
+msgstr "Um dieses Plugin nutzen zu können, benötigen Sie mindestens WordPress %1$s. Sie verwenden derzeit die Version %2$s."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:88
-msgid ""
-"We recommend to run a PHP version above %1$s to get the full plugin "
-"functionality. You are using version %2$s now."
-msgstr ""
-"Wir empfehlen eine PHP Version von %1$s oder höher, um die volle "
-"Funktionalität des Plugins nutzen zu können. Sie nutzen Version %2$s."
+msgid "We recommend to run a PHP version above %1$s to get the full plugin functionality. You are using version %2$s now."
+msgstr "Wir empfehlen eine PHP Version von %1$s oder höher, um die volle Funktionalität des Plugins nutzen zu können. Sie nutzen Version %2$s."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:100
-msgid ""
-"You must have the MySQLi extension installed and a MySQL server version of "
-"%1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %2$s now."
-msgstr ""
-"Um dieses Plugin nutzen zu können, muss die MySQLi Erweiterung und der MySQL "
-"Server der Version %1$s oder höher vorhanden sein. Sie nutzen Version %2$s."
+msgid "You must have the MySQLi extension installed and a MySQL server version of %1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %2$s now."
+msgstr "Um dieses Plugin nutzen zu können, muss die MySQLi Erweiterung und der MySQL Server der Version %1$s oder höher vorhanden sein. Sie nutzen Version %2$s."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:112
-msgid ""
-"PHP cURL extension must be installed to use the full plugin functionality."
-msgstr ""
-"Die cURL-Erweiterung für PHP muss installiert sein, um das Plugin im vollem "
-"Umfang zu nutzen."
+msgid "PHP cURL extension must be installed to use the full plugin functionality."
+msgstr "Die cURL-Erweiterung für PHP muss installiert sein, um das Plugin im vollem Umfang zu nutzen."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:136
msgctxt "Link to PHP manual"
@@ -5920,24 +4786,16 @@ msgid "Please disable the deprecated PHP safe mode."
msgstr "Bitte schalten Sie den veralteten PHP Safe-Mode ab."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:146
-msgid ""
-"We recommend to install the PHP FTP extension to use the FTP backup "
-msgstr ""
-"Wir empfehlen die PHP FTP Erweiterung zu installieren, um FTP als Backup-"
-"Ziel nutzen zu können."
+msgid "We recommend to install the PHP FTP extension to use the FTP backup destination."
+msgstr "Wir empfehlen die PHP FTP Erweiterung zu installieren, um FTP als Backup-Ziel nutzen zu können."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:164
msgid "The HTTP response test result is an error: \"%s\"."
msgstr "Das Ergebnis des HTTP-Response-Tests ist ein Fehler: \"%s\"."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:175
-msgid ""
-"The HTTP response test result is a wrong HTTP status: %s. It should be "
-"status 200."
-msgstr ""
-"Der HTTP-Response-Test hat einen falschen HTTP-Status ergeben: %s. Es sollte "
-"Status 200 sein."
+msgid "The HTTP response test result is a wrong HTTP status: %s. It should be status 200."
+msgstr "Der HTTP-Response-Test hat einen falschen HTTP-Status ergeben: %s. Es sollte Status 200 sein."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:193
msgid "Yeah!"
@@ -5949,21 +4807,15 @@ msgstr "Alle Tests fehlerfrei bestanden."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:220
msgid "WP-Cron seems to be broken. But it is needed to run scheduled jobs."
-msgstr ""
-"WP-Cron scheint beschädigt zu sein. Aber es wird benötigt, um Aufträge "
-"planmäßig ausführen zu können."
+msgstr "WP-Cron scheint beschädigt zu sein. Aber es wird benötigt, um Aufträge planmäßig ausführen zu können."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:239
msgid "There are errors. Please correct them, or BackWPup cannot work."
-msgstr ""
-"Es sind Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte beheben Sie diese, damit BackWPup "
-"ordnungsgemäß funktioniert."
+msgstr "Es sind Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte beheben Sie diese, damit BackWPup ordnungsgemäß funktioniert."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:261
msgid "There are some warnings. BackWPup will work, but with limitations."
-msgstr ""
-"Es gibt keine Fehler, allerdings einige Warnungen. BackWPup funktioniert mit "
+msgstr "Es gibt keine Fehler, allerdings einige Warnungen. BackWPup funktioniert mit Einschränkungen."
#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:23
msgid "A job is already running."
@@ -6010,12 +4862,8 @@ msgid "Database restored successfully."
msgstr "Die Datenbank wurde erfolgreich wiederhergestellt."
#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:13
-msgid ""
-"Ops! There was an error during database restore. Please see the log for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Ups! Während der Wiederherstellung der Datenbank ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. "
-"Für nähere Informationen sehen Sie bitte ins Log."
+msgid "Ops! There was an error during database restore. Please see the log for more information."
+msgstr "Ups! Während der Wiederherstellung der Datenbank ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Für nähere Informationen sehen Sie bitte ins Log."
#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:17
msgid "Restoring: "
@@ -6029,416 +4877,35 @@ msgstr "EventSource konnte nicht gefunden werden. Fortsetzung nicht möglich."
msgid "Directories restored successfully."
msgstr "Wiederherstellung der Verzeichnisse erfolgreich."
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/CronController.php:80
-msgid "Every %d days"
-msgstr "Alle %d Tage"
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/FrontController.php:143
-msgid "%s needs your help"
-msgstr "%s benötigt Ihre Hilfe"
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/FrontController.php:144
-msgid "Help %s"
-msgstr "Hilf %s"
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:28
-msgid "Yes, I agree."
-msgstr "Ja, ich stimme zu."
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:45
-msgid "I have to think about that, ask me later."
-msgstr "Ich muss darüber nachdenken, bitte später noch einmal fragen."
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:62
-msgid "Please no. Don't ask me again."
-msgstr "Bitte nicht. Nicht noch einmal fragen."
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:84
-msgid "More info"
-msgstr "Weitere Infos"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:37
-msgid "Select Archive"
-msgstr "Wähle Archiv"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:38
-msgid "or"
-msgstr "oder"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:39
-msgid "Drop file here"
-msgstr "Lege Datei hier ab"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:42
-msgid "Supported archive format zip,tar,tar.gz,tar.bz2"
-msgstr "Unterstützte Archiv-Formate: zip,tar,tar.gz,tar.bz2"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_top.php:2
-msgid "Backup Upload"
-msgstr "Hochladen des Backups"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_top.php:5
-msgid ""
-"Welcome to BackWPup Restore. This tool helps you to restore a backup of your "
-"WordPress installation. Each step of the restore process will be explained "
-"in this box to get you quickly running."
-msgstr ""
-"Willkommen bei BackWPup Restore. Dieses Tool hilft Ihnen, ein Backup Ihrer "
-"WordPress Installation wiederherzustellen. Jeder Schritt im Restore Prozess "
-"wird in dieser Box erklärt, damit Sie schnell vorankommen."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_top.php:10
-msgid ""
-"The first step is to upload a backup file. You can simply drag'n'drop a ZIP "
-"file of your backup into the box below or click on the `Select Archive` "
-"button and select the file using the file explorer."
-msgstr ""
-"Der erste Schritt ist, eine Backup-Datei hochzuladen. Sie können per Drag & "
-"Drop ganz einfach eine zip-Datei Ihres Backups in die untenstehende Box "
-"ablegen oder den \"Wähle ein Archiv\"-Button klicken und über den Datei-"
-"Explorer eine Datei auswählen."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_top.php:14
-msgid ""
-"The upload of the file should start automatically and you will be lead to "
-"the next step."
-msgstr ""
-"Der Datei-Upload sollte automatisch starten und Sie werden anschließend zum "
-"nächsten Schritt weitergeleitet."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_top.php:17
-msgid "Note: Only backups done with BackWPup can be restored."
-msgstr ""
-"Hinweis: Es können nur Backups wiederhergestellt werden, die mit BackWPup "
-"erstellt wurden."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:9
-msgid "Choose your restore strategy."
-msgstr "Wählen Sie Ihre Restore Strategie."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:15
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:6
-msgid "Full Restore"
-msgstr "Vollständiges Restore"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:21
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:16
-msgid "Database Only"
-msgstr "Nur Datenbank"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:25
-msgid "Restore Database."
-msgstr "Datenbank wiederherstellen."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:31
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:54
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Weiter"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:37
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be a problem with the archive. It is neither an archive nor a "
-"SQL file. Try again and repeat the upload."
-msgstr ""
-"Es scheint ein Problem mit dem Archiv zu geben. Es handelt sich weder um ein "
-"Archiv, noch um eine SQL-Datei. Versuchen Sie es erneut und wiederholen Sie "
-"das Hochladen."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:2
-msgid "Select Strategy"
-msgstr "Wähle Methode"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:4
-msgid ""
-"This page provides two options you can choose from. Your decision affects "
-"the behavior of the restore process and decides which files are going to be "
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:64
+msgid "Could not read data from source file."
msgstr ""
-"Diese Seite stellt zwei Optionen zur Verfügung. Dein Entscheidung "
-"beeinflusst das Verhalten des Wiederherstellungsprozesses und was genau "
-"wiederhergestellt werden soll."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:10
-msgid ""
-"This option restores everything. Your database as well as all files within "
-"the backup are restored. The backup usually holds files from your wp-"
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:69
+msgid "Could not write data into target file."
msgstr ""
-"Diese Option stellt alles wieder her. Es werden sowohl Ihre Datenbank als "
-"auch die Dateien, die sich im Backup befinden, wiederhergestellt. Das Backup "
-"enthält in der Regel Dateien aus Ihrem wp-content/
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:17
-msgid ""
-"The second option is a database only restore. Choosing this option will "
-"restore only the database dump. No files will be restored."
+#. translators: $1 is the path of the local file where the backup will be stored
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:141
+msgid "%s is a directory not a file."
msgstr ""
-"Die zweite Option ist ein Database Restore. Wenn Sie diese auswählen, wird "
-"nur die Datenbank wiederhergestellt und keine Dateien."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:20
-msgid ""
-"Note: Only Full Restore can be done, if everything is also "
-"included in the zip file. If your zip file is only including a database, "
-"then only a Database only restore can be made."
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:102
+msgid "Multipart splits file into multiple chunks while uploading.
This is necessary for displaying the upload process and to transfer bigger files.
Don't work with Google or Dreamhost."
msgstr ""
-"Hinweis: Ein Vollständiges Restore kann nur gemacht werden, "
-"wenn alles in der zip-Datei enthalten ist. Falls die zip-Datei nur die "
-"Datenbank enthält, kann lediglich ein Datenbank Restore durchgeführt werden."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:6
-msgid "Database Connection Settings."
-msgstr "Einstellungen für die Datenbankverbindung."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:13
-msgid "Database Host"
-msgstr "Datenbank Host"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:19
-msgid "Database Name"
-msgstr "Datenbank Name"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:25
-msgid "Database User"
-msgstr "Datenbank Nutzer"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:31
-msgid "Database Password"
-msgstr "Datenbank Passwort"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:39
-msgid "Database Charset"
-msgstr "Datenbank Charset"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:49
-msgid "Test Connection"
-msgstr "Verbindung testen"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_top.php:2
-msgid "Database Settings"
-msgstr "Datenbank Einstellungen"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_top.php:4
-msgid ""
-"Before the actually restore can take place you need to tell us some "
-"information about your database. Probably, these information are the same as "
-"your WordPress database. The restore will overwrite all information within "
-"this database. So make sure you choose the correct database."
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:575
+msgid "Seems is not possible to store your private key, be sure the directory %s is writable."
msgstr ""
-"Bevor ein Restore tatsächlich stattfinden kann, müssen Sie ein paar Infos "
-"für Ihre WordPress Datenbank eingeben. Der Wiederhestellungsprozess wird die "
-"komplette Datenbank überschreiben. Stellen Sie also sicher, dass Sie die "
-"richtigen Datenbank-Infos angibst."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_top.php:6
-msgid ""
-"You can use the Test Connection button below to test, you "
-"guessed it, your connection to the database.\n"
-"\t\t\t\tIf everything is fine a green message box will appear. Otherwise, a "
-"red message box will tell you more about the problem.\n"
-"\t\t\t\tYou can only continue when a working connection to the database "
-"could be established."
-msgstr ""
-"Sie können den Verbindung Testen-Button weiter unten "
-"benutzen, um Ihre Datenbank-Verbindung zu testen.\n"
-"\t\t\t\tFalls alles in Ordnung ist, wird eine grüne Nachricht erscheinen. "
-"Andernfalls eine rote Nachricht, welche Ihnen das Problem genauer "
-"\t\t\t\tSie können nur weitermachen, wenn die Datenbank-Verbindung "
-"hergestellt werden konnte."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_top.php:13
-msgid ""
-"Having trouble getting your database connection settings? Go to documentation to get more information."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:981
+msgid "Note: Would you like faster, more streamlined support? Pro users can contact BackWPup from right within the plugin."
msgstr ""
-"Haben Sie Probleme die Verbindung zur Datenbank herzustellen? Erfahren Sie "
-"mehr in der Dokumentation."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step4_action.php:8
-msgid "Restore Progress."
-msgstr "Restore Fortschritt."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step4_action.php:20
-msgid "Start"
-msgstr "Beginnen"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step4_top.php:5
-msgid ""
-"You reached the last step. Now you're ready to restore the data. Simply "
-"press the Start button and the restore starts."
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:71
+msgid "Could not write data to file. Empty source file."
msgstr ""
-"Sie haben den letzten Schritt erreicht. Jetzt sind Sie soweit die Daten "
-"wiederherzustellen. Drücken Sie einfach den Start-Button "
-"und die Wiederherstellung beginnt."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step5_top.php:2
-msgid "Success"
-msgstr "Wiederherstellung erfolgreich"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step5_top.php:5
-msgid "Your restore was successful and everything should be back to normal."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:452
+msgid "Preview: "
msgstr ""
-"Die Wiederherstellung war erfolgreich und alles sollte wieder normal laufen."
-#. Plugin Name of the plugin/theme
-msgid "BackWPup Pro"
-msgstr "BackWPup-Version"
-#. Description of the plugin/theme
-msgid "WordPress Backup Plugin"
-msgstr "Plugins sichern"
-#. Author of the plugin/theme
-msgid "Inpsyde GmbH"
-msgstr "Inpsyde GmbH"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "To ensure that our releases are as bug-free as possible, we need you as a "
-#~ "beta tester!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Um sicherzustellen, dass unsere Releases so bugfrei wie möglich sind, "
-#~ "brauchen wir Sie als Beta-Tester."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Get your 30% Independence Day discount for BackWPup Pro! Only available "
-#~ "until July 5th, 2017."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Holen Sie sich jetzt Ihren 30% Independence Day Rabatt für BackWPup Pro! "
-#~ "Nur verfügbar bis 05.07.2017."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Are you happy with BackWPup? If you are satisfied with our free plugin "
-#~ "and support, then please make us even happier and just take 30 seconds to "
-#~ "leave a positive rating. :) We would really appreciate that and it will "
-#~ "motivate our team to develop even more cool features for BackWPup!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Sind Sie glücklich mit BackWPup? Wenn Sie zufrieden mit unserem freien "
-#~ "Plugin und Support sind, machen Sie uns uns noch glücklicher und nehmen "
-#~ "Sie sich 30 Sekunden für eine positive Bewertung Zeit :) Wir würden das "
-#~ "sehr zu schätzen wissen. Es würde uns motivieren, noch bessere Features "
-#~ "für BackWPup zu entwickeln!"
-#~ msgid "Make Us Happy and Give Your Rating"
-#~ msgstr "Machen Sie uns glücklich und bewerten Sie uns"
-#~ msgid "https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup/reviews/"
-#~ msgstr "https://de.wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup/reviews/"
-#~ msgid "Save Now!"
-#~ msgstr "Jetzt sichern!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "https://backwpup.com/?"
-#~ "utm_source=BackWPup&utm_campaign=IndependenceDay&utm_medium=Link"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "https://inpsyde.com/jobs/?"
-#~ "utm_source=BackWPup&utm_medium=Link&utm_campaign=WerdeInpsyder"
-#~ msgid "Join Us as a Beta Tester"
-#~ msgstr "Machen Sie mit!"
-#~ msgid "https://backwpup.com/become-backwpup-beta-tester/"
-#~ msgstr "https://backwpup.de/wir-suchen-beta-tester-fuer-backwpup/"
-#~ msgid "ZIP archive cannot be closed correctly."
-#~ msgstr "ZIP-Archiv kann nicht korrekt geschlossen werden."
-#~ msgid "FTP: Login failure!"
-#~ msgstr "FTP: Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen!"
-#~ msgid "Disabled due to missing %s PHP class."
-#~ msgstr "Deaktiviert aufgrund fehlender %s PHP-Klasse."
-#~ msgid "or set an S3 Server URL:"
-#~ msgstr "oder setzen Sie eine S3 Server URL:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You must run PHP version 5.2.6 or higher to use this plugin. You are "
-#~ "using version %s now."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Es wird die PHP Version 5.2.6 oder höher benötigt, um dieses Plugin "
-#~ "nutzen zu können. Sie benutzen Version %s."
-#~ msgid "Blog charset"
-#~ msgstr "Webseiten Charset"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With the upcoming major release, BackWPup will be requiring PHP version "
-#~ "5.3 or higher."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "BackWPup stoppt die Unterstützung ab dem nächsten Release für die PHP "
-#~ "Version 5.2."
-#~ msgid "Currently, you are running PHP version 5.2."
-#~ msgstr "Sie benutzen aktuell die veraltete Version 5.2."
-#~ msgid "Please urgently read here!"
-#~ msgstr "Bitte dringend hier weiterlesen!"
-#~ msgid "Don't show again."
-#~ msgstr "Diese Nachricht nicht mehr anzeigen."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "BackWPup has determined, your installation is still running on the old "
-#~ "PHP 5.2 version."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "BackWPup hat festgestellt, Ihre Installation läuft noch auf der "
-#~ "veralteten PHP 5.2 Version."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "In order to ensure a fast and secure development for BackWPup, we will "
-#~ "most likely not support PHP version 5.2 in our next version."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Um eine weitere schnelle und sichere Weiterentwicklung für BackWPup "
-#~ "sicherzustellen, werden wir höchstwahrscheinlich mit der nächsten "
-#~ "BackWPup-Version PHP 5.2 nicht mehr unterstützen."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "No need to worry, your host can update your PHP version relatively "
-#~ "quickly and without any problems."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Kein Grund zur Sorge, Ihr Hoster kann relativ schnell und ohne Probleme "
-#~ "Ihre PHP-Version aktualisieren."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Otherwise you can continue to stay on this last version and do not update "
-#~ "the plugin in the future!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ansonsten können Sie gerne weiter auf dieser letzten Version bleiben und "
-#~ "zukünftig das Plugin NICHT aktualisieren!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If the response from PHP 5.2 users is surprisingly high, we will "
-#~ "eventually keep support for PHP 5.2 for a while."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ist die Resonanz von PHP 5.2 Nutzern überraschend hoch, werden wir PHP "
-#~ "5.2 eventuell für eine Weile weiter unterstützen."
-#~ msgid "Cheers!"
-#~ msgstr "Danke!"
-#~ msgid "Your BackWPup Team!"
-#~ msgstr "Ihr BackWPup Team!"
-#~ msgid "contact us"
-#~ msgstr "kontaktieren Sie uns hier"
-#~ msgid "If you would like to have PHP 5.2 supported, please %s."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Falls Sie aber gerne wünschen, dass die PHP 5.2 weiterhin unterstützt "
-#~ "wird, dann %s."
-#~ msgid "https://backwpup.com/php52/"
-#~ msgstr "https://backwpup.de/php52/"
-#~ msgid "Error while deleting file from Dropbox: %s"
-#~ msgstr "Fehler beim Löschen der Datei aus der Dropbox: %s"
-#~ msgid "To email address"
-#~ msgstr "Zu E-Mail-Adresse"
-#~ msgid "GreenQloud Storage Qloud"
-#~ msgstr "GreenQloud Storage Qloud"
diff --git a/languages/backwpup-es_ES.mo b/languages/backwpup-es_ES.mo
index 9c242a22..76146881 100644
Binary files a/languages/backwpup-es_ES.mo and b/languages/backwpup-es_ES.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/backwpup-es_ES.po b/languages/backwpup-es_ES.po
index 4883ae98..e22e7ab8 100644
--- a/languages/backwpup-es_ES.po
+++ b/languages/backwpup-es_ES.po
@@ -1,176 +1,215 @@
-# Translation of BackWPup Pro in Spanish (Spain)
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the BackWPup Pro package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: BackWPup Pro\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup-pro\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-06-11 14:05:59+00:00\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-13 10:03+0200\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: \n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
-"Language: es_ES\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-09-17 08:51+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-09-17 09:16+0200\n"
+"Language: es_ES\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.6\n"
-"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: esc_html__;esc_html_e\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: ../inc/Pro\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;esc_html__;esc_attr__;esc_html_e;esc_attr_e;_x;esc_html_x;esc_attr_x\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: autoupdate.php\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: class-license-menu.php\n"
+#: class-license-menu.php:392
+#: class-license-menu.php:396
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1100
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1089
+msgid "Save Changes"
+msgstr "Guardar Cambios"
+#: class-license-menu.php:418
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:52
+msgid "API Key"
+msgstr "API Key"
-#: backwpup.php:275 inc/class-page-backups.php:276
+#: backwpup.php:275
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:276
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:243
+#: backwpup.php:286
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:286
msgid "Folder"
msgstr "Carpeta"
#: backwpup.php:276
+#: backwpup.php:287
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:287
msgid "Backup to Folder"
msgstr "Respaldar a carpeta"
#: backwpup.php:291
+#: backwpup.php:302
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:302
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Email"
#: backwpup.php:292
+#: backwpup.php:303
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:303
msgid "Backup sent via email"
msgstr "Backup enviado via email"
#: backwpup.php:307
+#: backwpup.php:318
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:318
msgid "FTP"
msgstr "FTP"
#: backwpup.php:308
+#: backwpup.php:319
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:319
msgid "Backup to FTP"
msgstr "Respaldo a FTP"
-#: backwpup.php:323 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:445
+#: backwpup.php:323
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:445
+#: backwpup.php:334
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:334
msgid "Dropbox"
msgstr "DropBox"
-#: backwpup.php:324 inc/class-page-about.php:519
+#: backwpup.php:324
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:519
+#: backwpup.php:335
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:335
msgid "Backup to Dropbox"
msgstr "Respaldo a DropBox"
-#: backwpup.php:339 inc/class-destination-s3.php:41
+#: backwpup.php:339
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:41
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:42
+#: backwpup.php:350
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:350
msgid "S3 Service"
msgstr "S3 Servicio"
#: backwpup.php:340
+#: backwpup.php:351
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:351
msgid "Backup to an S3 Service"
msgstr "Respaldar a un servicio S3"
#: backwpup.php:360
+#: backwpup.php:371
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:371
msgid "MS Azure"
msgstr "MS Azure"
#: backwpup.php:361
+#: backwpup.php:372
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:372
msgid "Backup to Microsoft Azure (Blob)"
msgstr "Respaldar a Microsoft Azure (blob)"
#: backwpup.php:376
+#: backwpup.php:387
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:387
msgid "RSC"
msgstr "RackSpace"
-#: backwpup.php:377 inc/class-page-about.php:524
+#: backwpup.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:524
+#: backwpup.php:388
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:388
msgid "Backup to Rackspace Cloud Files"
msgstr "Respaldo a archivos de RackSpace Cloud"
#: backwpup.php:396
+#: backwpup.php:407
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:407
msgid "SugarSync"
msgstr "SugarSync"
-#: backwpup.php:397 inc/class-page-about.php:539
+#: backwpup.php:397
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:539
+#: backwpup.php:408
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:408
msgid "Backup to SugarSync"
msgstr "Respaldar a SugarSync"
#: backwpup.php:422
+#: backwpup.php:433
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:433
msgid "PHP Version %1$s is to low, you need Version %2$s or above."
msgstr "Versión PHP %1$s demasido baja, necesitas versión %2$s o superior."
#: backwpup.php:432
+#: backwpup.php:443
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:443
msgid "Missing function \"%s\"."
msgstr "Perdida la función \"%s\"."
#: backwpup.php:443
+#: backwpup.php:454
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:454
msgid "Missing class \"%s\"."
msgstr "Clase “%s” no encontrada."
#: backwpup.php:562
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup requires PHP version %$1s with spl extension or greater and "
-"WordPress %$2s or greater."
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup requiere versión PHP %$1s con extensión spl o superior y WordPress %"
-"$2s o superior."
-#: inc/Pro/Restore/LogDownloader/DownloaderFactory.php:62
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Download log"
-msgid "Download Log"
-msgstr "Descargar registro"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:40
-msgid "Auth Code:"
-msgstr "Código de autenticación:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:49
-msgid "Get auth code"
-msgstr "Obtener código de autenticación"
+#: backwpup.php:573
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:573
+msgid "BackWPup requires PHP version %$1s with spl extension or greater and WordPress %$2s or greater."
+msgstr "BackWPup requiere versión PHP %$1s con extensión spl o superior y WordPress %$2s o superior."
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:51
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:81
msgid "Create Account"
msgstr "Crear cuenta"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:56
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:414
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:424
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:30
-msgid "Login:"
-msgstr "Iniciar sesión:"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:57
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:101
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:425
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:31
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:83 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:45
msgid "Authenticated!"
msgstr "Identificado !"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:60
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:436
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:56
-msgid "Folder:"
-msgstr "Directorio:"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:76
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:45
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:134
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:456
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:45
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65 inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:182
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:171 inc/class-destination-folder.php:49
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:104 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:83
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:112 inc/class-destination-s3.php:198
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:182
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:171
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:104
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:112
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:198
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:229
msgid "Number of files to keep in folder."
msgstr "Número de archivos a mantener en carpeta."
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:82
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:51 inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:75
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:51
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:75
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:148
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:461
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:56
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70 inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:187
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:187
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:65
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:183 inc/class-destination-folder.php:57
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:118 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:89
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:118 inc/class-destination-s3.php:214
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:183
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:57
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:89
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:214
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:104
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:462
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:245
msgid "Do not delete files while syncing to destination!"
msgstr "No elimine los archivos durante la sincronización de destino!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:190
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to Dropbox …"
-msgstr "%d. Intenta sincronizar archivos a Dropbox …"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:209
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:390
msgid "Authenticated with Dropbox of user: %s"
@@ -186,121 +225,49 @@ msgstr "%s disponible en tu Dropbox"
msgid "Not Authenticated with Dropbox!"
msgstr "No autenticado con Dropbox!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:234
-msgid "Retrieving file list from Dropbox"
-msgstr "Recuperando la lista de archivos de Dropbox"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:250
-msgid "Upload changed files to Dropbox"
-msgstr "Cargar archivos cambiados a Dropbox"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:303
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Dropbox"
-msgstr "Archivo %s subido a Dropbox"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:342
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Dropbox"
-msgstr "Archivo adicional %s subido a Dropbox"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:368
-msgid "Folder %s deleted from Dropbox"
-msgstr "Carpeta %s eliminada de Dropbox"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:392
-msgid "File %s deleted from Dropbox"
-msgstr "Archivo %s eliminado de Dropbox"
#. translators: the $1 is the error message
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:405
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:458
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:458
msgid "Dropbox API: %s"
msgstr "DropBox API: %s"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:16
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:18 inc/class-destination-email.php:39
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:18
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:39
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Dirección de correo electrónico"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:29
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:30 inc/class-destination-email.php:52
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:30
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:52
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:56
msgid "Send test email"
msgstr "Enviar correo electrónico de test"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:21
-msgid "Absolute path to folder for backup files:"
-msgstr "Absoluter Pfad zum Ordner für Sicherungsdateien:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:43
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:451
-msgid "Oldest files will be deleted first."
-msgstr "Archivos antiguos serán eliminados primero."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:108
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to folder …"
-msgstr "%d. Intentar sincronizar archivos a la carpeta …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:117
-msgid "Retrieving file list from folder"
-msgstr "Empfange Dateiliste vom Ordner"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:128
-msgid "Copy changed files to folder"
-msgstr "Copie los archivos cambiados a la carpeta"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:152
-msgid "File %s copied"
-msgstr "Archivo %s copiado"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:166
-msgid "Delete not existing files from folder"
-msgstr "Elimina archivos no existentes de la carpeta"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:179
-msgid "Extra file %s copied"
-msgstr "Archivo adicional %s copiado"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:203
-msgid "File %s deleted from folder"
-msgstr "Archivo %s eliminado de la carpeta"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:315
-msgid "Empty folder %s deleted"
-msgstr "La carpeta vacía %s borrada"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:29
-msgid "Hostname:"
-msgstr "Hostname:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:35 inc/class-destination-email.php:124
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:35
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:124
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:56
msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Puerto:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:41 inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:23
-msgid "Username:"
-msgstr "Nombre de usuario:"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:47
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:20
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:126 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:33
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:126
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:33
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Contraseña:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:53
-msgid "Folder on server:"
-msgstr "Carpeta en el servidor:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:70
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:60
-msgid "Maximum number of backup files to keep in folder:"
-msgstr "Número máximo de archivos de respaldo para mantener en la carpeta:"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive-downloader.php:88
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php:64
#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:55
#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:89
#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:63
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive-downloader.php:102
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:122
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:137
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php:104
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:107
msgid "File could not be opened for writing."
msgstr "El archivo no se puede abrir para escribir."
@@ -309,421 +276,130 @@ msgstr "El archivo no se puede abrir para escribir."
#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:79
#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:100
#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:69
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive-downloader.php:74
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:78
msgid "Could not write data to file."
msgstr "No se pudo escribir el archivo de registro."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:76
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:395
-msgid ""
-"Looks like you haven’t set up any API keys yet. Head over to Settings | API-Keys and get Google Drive all set up, then come back "
-msgstr ""
-"Parece que aún no has configurado ninguna clave de API. Dirígete a Configuración | API-Keys y configure Google Drive, luego "
-"regrese aquí."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:93 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:72
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:93
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:72
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Identificación"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:97
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:419
-msgid "Authenticate"
-msgstr "Autentificación"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:99
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:415
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:78
msgid "Not authenticated!"
msgstr "No autentificado !"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:106
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:429
-msgid "Reauthenticate"
-msgstr "Reautenticarse"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:112
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:141 inc/class-destination-folder.php:27
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:82 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:66
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:95 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:81
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:141
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:82
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:66
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:95
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:81
msgid "Backup settings"
msgstr "Parámetros de respaldo"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:117
-msgid "Folder in Google Drive"
-msgstr "Carpeta en Google Drive"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:125
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:162 inc/class-destination-folder.php:40
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:95 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:91
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:162
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:40
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:95
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:91
msgid "File Deletion"
msgstr "Borrado de fichero"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:136
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:109
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:173 inc/class-destination-folder.php:51
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:106 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:85
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:114 inc/class-destination-s3.php:201
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:173
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:51
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:106
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:85
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:114
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:201
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:100
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Files belonging to this job are now tracked. Old "
-"backup archives which are untracked will not be automatically deleted."
-msgstr ""
-"Advertencia: Los archivos pertenecientes a este trabajo "
-"están ahora trackeados. Los archivos de copia de seguridad antiguos que no "
-"sean rastreados no seran borrados automáticamente."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:160
-msgid ""
-"Consider using trash to delete files. If trash is not enabled, files will be "
-"deleted permanently."
-msgstr ""
-"Considera usar basura para eliminar archivos. Si la papelera no está "
-"habilitada, los archivos se eliminarán de forma permanente."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:226
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:269
-msgid "GDrive: Authenticated."
-msgstr "GDrive: autenticado."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:231
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:274
-msgid "GDrive: No refresh token received. Try to Authenticate again!"
-msgstr ""
-"GDrive: no se recibió token de actualización. ¡Intenta autenticarte de nuevo!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:245
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:284
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:307
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:334
-msgid "GDrive API: %s"
-msgstr "API de GDrive: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:655
-msgid "One file deleted from Google Drive"
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Google Drive"
-msgstr[0] "Un archivo eliminado de Google Drive"
-msgstr[1] "%d archivos eliminados en Google Drive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:682
-msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to Google Drive …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Intenta enviar un archivo de copia de seguridad a Google Drive "
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:699
-msgid "Uploading to Google Drive …"
-msgstr "Subiendo a Google Drive …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:767
-msgid "Could not create resumable file transfer to Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-"No se pudo crear una transferencia de archivos reanudable a Google Drive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:818
-msgid "Can not resume transfer backup to Google Drive!"
-msgstr "¡No se puede reanudar la transferencia de respaldo a Google Drive!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:890
-msgid "Error transfering file chunks to %s."
-msgstr "Error al transferir fragmentos de archivos a %s."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:891
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:935
-msgid "Google Drive"
-msgstr "Google Drive"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:232
+msgid "Warning: Files belonging to this job are now tracked. Old backup archives which are untracked will not be automatically deleted."
+msgstr "Advertencia: Los archivos pertenecientes a este trabajo están ahora trackeados. Los archivos de copia de seguridad antiguos que no sean rastreados no seran borrados automáticamente."
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:903
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:470
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:228 inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:261
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:673 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:275
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:292 inc/class-destination-s3.php:825
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:228
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:261
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:673
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:275
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:292
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:825
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:940
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:905
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:843
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:958
msgid "Can not open source file for transfer."
msgstr "No se puede abrir el archivo de origen para la transferencia."
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:922
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:432 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:290
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:432
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:290
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:263
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:924
msgid "Backup transferred to %s"
msgstr "Respaldo transferido a %s"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:928
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:438
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:930
msgid "Uploaded file size and local file size don't match."
msgstr "Tamaño de archivo cargado y tamaño de archivo local no coinciden."
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:934
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:450
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:444
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:936
msgid "Error transfering backup to %s."
msgstr "Error transfiriendo copia de seguridad a %s."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:948
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1308
-msgid "Google Drive API: %s"
-msgstr "Google Drive API: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1087
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to Google Drive …"
-msgstr "%d. Intenta sincronizar archivos en Google Drive …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1101
-msgid "Syncing changed files to Google Drive"
-msgstr "Sincronización de archivos cambiados a Google Drive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1144
-msgid "File %s updated on Google Drive"
-msgstr "El archivo %s actualizado en Google Drive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1170
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Google Drive"
-msgstr "El archivo %s cargado en Google Drive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1194
-msgid "File %s moved to trash in Google Drive"
-msgstr "El archivo %s se movió a la papelera en Google Drive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1202
-msgid "File %s deleted permanently in Google Drive"
-msgstr "Archivo %s eliminado permanentemente en Google Drive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1263
-msgid "Extra file %s updated on Google Drive"
-msgstr "Archivo adicional %s actualizado en Google Drive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1293
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Google Drive"
-msgstr "Archivo adicional %s subido a Google Drive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:27
-msgid "Amazon Glacier"
-msgstr "Amazon Glacier"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:31
-msgid "Select a region:"
-msgstr "Seleccione una región:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:33
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:235
-msgid "Amazon Glacier Region"
-msgstr "Amazon Glacier Region"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:34
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:236
-msgid "US Standard"
-msgstr "US Standard"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:35
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:237
-msgid "US West (Northern California)"
-msgstr "US West (Northern California)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:36
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:238
-msgid "US West (Oregon)"
-msgstr "US West (Oregon)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:37
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:239
-msgid "EU (Ireland)"
-msgstr "EU (Ireland)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:38
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:240
-msgid "EU (Germany)"
-msgstr "EU (Germany)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:39
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:241
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
-msgstr "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:40
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:242
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
-msgstr "Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:41
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"
-msgstr "Asia Pacific (Mumba"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:42
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:244
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
-msgstr "Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:43
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:245
-msgid "South America (Sao Paulo)"
-msgstr "South America (Sao Paulo)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:44
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:246
-msgid "China (Beijing)"
-msgstr "China (Beijing)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:50
-msgid "Amazon Access Keys"
-msgstr "Llaves de acceso de Amazon"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54 inc/class-destination-s3.php:90
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:90
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:121
msgid "Access Key"
msgstr "Claves de acceso"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61 inc/class-destination-s3.php:104
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:104
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:135
msgid "Secret Key"
msgstr "Clave secreta"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:69
-msgid "Vault"
-msgstr "Vault"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:73
-msgid "Vault selection"
-msgstr "Selección de Vault"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:85
-msgid "Create a new vault"
-msgstr "Crear nuevo Vault"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:92
-msgid "Glacier Backup settings"
-msgstr "Configuración de Glacier Backup"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:96
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:76 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:105
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:105
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:184
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:215
msgid "File deletion"
msgstr "Borrado de fichero"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:108
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:264
-msgid ""
-"Number of files to keep in folder. (Archives deleted before 3 months after "
-"they have been stored may cause extra costs when deleted.)"
-msgstr ""
-"Número de archivos para mantener en la carpeta. (Los archivos eliminados "
-"antes de 3 meses después de su almacenamiento pueden causar costos "
-"adicionales cuando se eliminan)."
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:166
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:448 inc/class-destination-s3.php:353
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:448
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:353
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:359
msgid "Missing access key!"
msgstr "Claves de acceso no localizadas!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168 inc/class-destination-s3.php:355
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:355
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:361
msgid "Missing secret access key!"
msgstr "Claves secreta de acceso no localizada!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:172
-msgid "No vault found!"
-msgstr "¡No se encontró una Vault!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:211
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:299
-msgid "Vault %1$s created."
-msgstr "Vault %1$s creado."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:213
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:301
-msgid "Vault %s could not be created."
-msgstr "Vault %s no pudo ser creado."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:234
-msgid "Select an Amazon Glacier region:"
-msgstr "Seleccione una región de Amazon Glacier:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:243
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
-msgstr "Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:248
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:19
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:125
-msgid "Access Key:"
-msgstr "Clave de acceso:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:250
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:130
-msgid "Secret Key:"
-msgstr "Llave secreta:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:252
-msgid "Vault:"
-msgstr "Vault:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:261
-msgid "New Vault:"
-msgstr "Nuevo Vault:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:341
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:458
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:477
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:520
-msgid "AWS API: %s"
-msgstr "AWS API: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:366
-msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to Amazon Glacier …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Intentando enviar un archivo de copia de seguridad a Amazon Glacier "
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:379
-msgid "Connected to Glacier vault \"%1$s\" with %2$d archives and size of %3$d"
-msgstr "Connectado a Glacier vault “%1$s” con %2$d archivos y tamaño de %3$d"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:381
-msgid "Glacier vault \"%s\" does not exist!"
-msgstr "¡Glacier vault “% s” no existe!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:387
-msgid "Starting upload to Amazon Glacier …"
-msgstr "Iniciando carga a Amazon Glacier …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:440
-msgid "Archive ID: %s"
-msgstr "ID de archivo: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:446 inc/class-destination-s3.php:954
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:446
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:954
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:972
msgid "Backup transferred to %s."
msgstr "Respaldo transferido a %s."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:451 inc/Pro/class-pro.php:130
-msgid "Glacier"
-msgstr "Glacier"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:510
-msgid "Cannot delete archive from %s."
-msgstr "No se puede eliminar el archivo de %s."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:514
-msgid "One file deleted on vault."
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on vault"
-msgstr[0] "Un archivo borrado en Vault."
-msgstr[1] "%d archivos eliminados en Vault"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:17
-msgid "Account Name:"
-msgstr "Nombre de Cuenta:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:21
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:38
-msgid "Container:"
-msgstr "Contenedor:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:28
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:47
-msgid "Create container:"
-msgstr "Crear contenedor:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:30
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:49
-msgid "Folder in container:"
-msgstr "Carpeta en contenedor:"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:99
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:128
msgid "MS Azure container \"%s\" created."
@@ -734,10 +410,6 @@ msgstr "Contenedor Microsoft Azure \"%s\" se ha creado."
msgid "MS Azure container create: %s"
msgstr "Contenedor MS Azure creado : %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:119
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files with Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
-msgstr "%d. Trying to sync files with Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:144
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:237
msgid "MS Azure container \"%s\" does not exist!"
@@ -748,251 +420,200 @@ msgstr "Contenedor Microsoft Azure \"%s\" no existe!"
msgid "Connected to MS Azure container \"%s\"."
msgstr "Conectado a contenedor Microsoft Azure \"%s\"."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:154
-msgid "Retrieving file list from MS Azure."
-msgstr "Recuperando lista de archivos desde MS Azure."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:170
-msgid "Upload changed files to MS Azure."
-msgstr "Subir archivos modificados a MS Azure."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:182
-msgid "File %s uploaded to MS Azure."
-msgstr "Archivo %s subido a MS Azure."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:208
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to MS Azure."
-msgstr "Archivo extra %s subido a MS Azure."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:221
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on MS Azure."
-msgstr "Borrar archivos no existentes en MS Azure."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:224
-msgid "File %s deleted from MS Azure."
-msgstr "Archivo %s eliminado de MS Azure."
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:233
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:296 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:352
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:296
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:352
msgid "Microsoft Azure API: %s"
msgstr "Microsoft Azure API: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:26
-msgid "API Key:"
-msgstr "Clave API:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:29
-msgid "Select region:"
-msgstr "Seleccione región:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:30 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:63
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:30
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:63
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:65
msgid "Rackspace Cloud Files Region"
msgstr "Archivos de región de Rackspace Cloud"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:66
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:66
msgid "Dallas (DFW)"
msgstr "Dallas (DFW)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:67
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:67
msgid "Chicago (ORD)"
msgstr "Chicago (ORD)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:68
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:68
msgid "Sydney (SYD)"
msgstr "Sydney (SYD)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:69
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:69
msgid "London (LON)"
msgstr "London (LON)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:70
msgid "Northern Virginia (IAD)"
msgstr "Northern Virginia (IAD)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:71
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:71
msgid "Hong Kong (HKG)"
msgstr "Hong Kong (HKG)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:158
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:158
msgid "Rackspace Cloud container \"%s\" created."
msgstr "Contenedor Rackspace Cloud \"%s\" creado."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120 inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:172
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:292 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:162
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:277 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:317
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:172
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:292
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:162
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:277
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:317
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:362
msgid "Rackspace Cloud API: %s"
msgstr "Rackspase Cloud API : %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:149
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files to Rackspace cloud …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Intentando sincronizar archivos a la nube de Rackspace …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:169
-msgid "Connected to Rackspace cloud files container %s."
-msgstr "Conectado a contenedor de archivos Rackspace %s."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:183
-msgid "Retrieving files list from Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Recuperando la lista de archivos de Rackspace Cloud."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:214
-msgid "Upload changed files to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Cargue los archivos cambiados a Rackspace Cloud."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:232
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Archivo %s subido a RackSpace Cloud."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:265
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Archivo extra %s cargado en Rackspace Cloud."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:278
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Eliminar archivos inexistentes en Rackspace Cloud."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:282
-msgid "File %s deleted from Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Fichero %s eliminado de Rackspace."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:31
-msgid "Select a S3 service:"
-msgstr "Seleccione un servicio S3:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:32 inc/class-destination-s3.php:53
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:53
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:54
msgid "Amazon S3 Region"
msgstr "Región Amazon S3"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:40 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1072
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:40
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1072
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1118
msgid "Amazon S3: US Standard"
msgstr "Amazon S3: US Standard"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:45 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1076
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1076
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1122
msgid "Amazon S3: US West (Northern California)"
msgstr "Amazon S3 : Oeste USA (Norte de California)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:53 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1080
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:53
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1080
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1126
msgid "Amazon S3: US West (Oregon)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Oeste de USA (Oregon)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:58 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1084
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:58
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1084
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1130
msgid "Amazon S3: EU (Ireland)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Europa (Irlanda)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:63 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1088
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:63
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1088
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1134
msgid "Amazon S3: EU (London)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Europa (Londres)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:68 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1092
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:68
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1092
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1138
msgid "Amazon S3: EU (Germany)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: EU (Alemania)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:73 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1096
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:73
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1096
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1142
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asia Pacífico (Mumbai)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:78 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1100
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:78
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1100
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1146
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asia Pacífico (Tokyo)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:83 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1104
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1104
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1150
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asia Pacífico (Seoul)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:88 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1108
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:88
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1108
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1154
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asia Pacífico (Singapur)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:93 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1112
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:93
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1112
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1158
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asia Pacífico (Sydney)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:98 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1116
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1116
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1162
msgid "Amazon S3: South America (Sao Paulo)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Sudamérica (Sao Paulo)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:103 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1120
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:103
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1120
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1166
msgid "Amazon S3: China (Beijing)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: China (Beijing)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:108 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1124
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1124
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1170
msgid "Google Storage: EU"
msgstr "Google Storage: EU"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:113 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1128
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:113
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1128
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1174
msgid "Google Storage: USA"
msgstr "Google Storage: USA"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:118 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1132
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1132
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1178
msgid "Google Storage: Asia"
msgstr "Google Storage: Asia"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:123 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1136
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:123
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1136
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1182
msgid "Dream Host Cloud Storage"
msgstr "Dream Host Cloud Storage"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:138
-msgid "Bucket:"
-msgstr "Bucket:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:158
-msgid "New Bucket:"
-msgstr "Nuevo Bucket:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:161
-msgid "Folder in bucket:"
-msgstr "Directorio en Bucket:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:278
-msgid "Bucket %1$s created in %2$s."
-msgstr "Cubo %1$s creado en %2$s ."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:285 inc/class-destination-s3.php:514
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:285
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:514
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:520
msgid " %s is not a valid bucket name."
msgstr " %s no es un nombre corecto de cubo."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:353
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files to S3 Service …"
-msgstr "%d. Intentando sincronizar archivos al Servicio S3 …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:383 inc/class-destination-s3.php:785
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:383
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:785
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:803
msgid "Connected to S3 Bucket \"%1$s\" in %2$s"
msgstr "Conectado a cubo S3 \"%1$s\" dans %2$s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:391 inc/class-destination-s3.php:790
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:391
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:790
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:808
msgid "S3 Bucket \"%s\" does not exist!"
msgstr "Cubo S3 \"%s\" no existe!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:405
-msgid "Retrieving file list from S3."
-msgstr "Recuperando lista de archivos desde S3."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:471
-msgid "Upload changed files to S3."
-msgstr "Subir archivos cambiados a S3."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:521
-msgid "File %s uploaded to S3."
-msgstr "Archivo %s subido a S3."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:576
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to S3."
-msgstr "Archivo extra %s subido a S3."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:599
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on S3"
-msgstr "Borrar archivo no existente en S3"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:612
-msgid "File %s deleted from S3."
-msgstr "Fichero %s eliminado de DropBox."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:623 inc/class-destination-s3.php:564
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:850 inc/class-destination-s3.php:918
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:977 inc/class-destination-s3.php:988
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:623
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:564
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:850
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:918
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:977
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:988
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:570
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:868
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:936
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:995
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1006
msgid "S3 Service API: %s"
msgstr "S3 Servicio API: %s"
@@ -1001,11 +622,6 @@ msgstr "S3 Servicio API: %s"
msgid "Email address:"
msgstr "Dirección de correo electrónico:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:24
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:82
-msgid "Sugarsync authenticate!"
-msgstr "Identificado en SugarSync !"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:26
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:38
@@ -1020,1009 +636,393 @@ msgstr "Crear una cuenta SugarSync"
msgid "Delete Sugarsync authentication!"
msgstr "Eliminar autentificación de SugarSync!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:34
-msgid "Root:"
-msgstr "Root:"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:41
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:64
msgid "No Syncfolders found!"
msgstr "No se han encontrado carpetas Sync!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-export-jobs.php:12 inc/Pro/class-export-jobs.php:23
-msgid "Export"
-msgstr "Exportar"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:35
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:35
msgid "Settings for database check"
msgstr "Parámetros de la comprobación de la base de datos"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:27
-msgid "Check only WordPress Database tables"
-msgstr "Verifique solo las tablas de la base de datos de WordPress"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:54
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:54
msgid "Try to repair defect table"
msgstr "Probar a reparar tabla defectuosa"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:108
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:108
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:60
msgid "Settings for database backup"
msgstr "Ajustes para copia de seguridad de base de datos"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:92
-msgid "Backup only WordPress Database tables"
-msgstr "Copia de seguridad solo tablas de WordPress"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:112
-msgid "Database connection"
-msgstr "Conexión a la base"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:116
-msgid "Use WordPress database connection."
-msgstr "Use la conexión de la base de datos de WordPress."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:120
-msgid "Host:"
-msgstr "Host:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:123
-msgid "User:"
-msgstr "Usuario:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:130
-msgid "Charset:"
-msgstr "Caracteres:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:141
-msgid "Database:"
-msgstr "Base de Datos:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:64
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:64
msgid "Tables to backup"
msgstr "Tablas para copia de seguridad"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:66
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:66
msgid "all"
msgstr "todo"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:141 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:67
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:103 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:73
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:57 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:329
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:404 inc/class-page-settings.php:848
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:141
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:67
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:103
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:73
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:57
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:329
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:404
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:848
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:837
msgid "none"
msgstr "ninguna"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:169
-msgid "Database Backup type"
-msgstr "Tipo de copia de seguridad"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
-msgid "SQL File (with mysqli)"
-msgstr "Archivo SQL (con mysqli)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:174
-msgid "SQL File (with mysqldump) "
-msgstr "Archivo SQL (con mysqldump) "
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:175
-msgid "XML File (phpMyAdmin schema)"
-msgstr "Archivo XML (esquema phpMyAdmin)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:181
-msgid "Path to mysqldump file"
-msgstr "Ruta a archivo mysqldump"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:190
-msgid ""
-"Path to mysqldump file, so a backup can be made with it. If it is correct "
-"and shell_exec is active, the backup will be generated with a "
-"system command. If shell_exec ist not active, this is disabled"
-msgstr ""
-"Ruta a archivo mysqldump, por lo tanto es posible hacer respaldo con él. Si "
-"es correcto y shell_exec está activo, el respaldo se generará con "
-"sistema de comandos. Si shell_exec no está activo, esto está "
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:91
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:91
msgid "Backup file name"
msgstr "Nombre del archivo de copia de seguridad"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:99
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:99
msgid "Backup file compression"
msgstr "Compresión del archivo de copia de seguridad"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:105 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:107
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:75 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:77
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:59 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:61
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:105
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:107
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:75
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:77
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:59
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:61
msgid "GZip"
msgstr "GZip"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:159
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:159
msgid "%d. Try to backup database …"
msgstr "%d. Prueba crear copia de seguridad de la base de datos …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
msgid "Connected to database %1$s on %2$s"
msgstr "Conectado de base de datos %1$s sur %2$s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:187
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:187
msgid "No tables to backup."
msgstr "Sin tablas para copia de seguridad."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:210
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:210
msgid "Backup database table \"%s\" with \"%s\" records"
msgstr "Copia de seguridad de la tabla “%s” con “%s” registros"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:250
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:250
msgid "MySQL backup file not created"
msgstr "Archivo copia seguridad MySQL no creado"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:580
-msgid "Added database backup \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
-msgstr ""
-"Copia de seguridad de la base de datos agregada “%1$s” con %2$s para hacer "
-"una copia de seguridad de la lista de archivos"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:767
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:767
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:260
msgid "Database backup done!"
msgstr "¡Copia de seguridad de la base de datos creada correctamente!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:601
-msgid "%d. Try to backup MySQL system …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Intenta hacer una copia de seguridad del sistema MySQL …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:608
-msgid ""
-"Executing of system commands not allowed. Please use backup with mysqli."
-msgstr ""
-"Ejecución de comandos del sistema no permitidos. Por favor, use la copia de "
-"seguridad con mysqli."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:613
-msgid "%s file not in open basedir of PHP."
-msgstr "%s archivo no en abierto basado en PHP."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:618
-msgid "%s file not found. Please correct the path for the mysqldump file."
-msgstr ""
-"%s archivo no encontrado. Por favor, corrija la ruta del archivo mysqldump."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:702
-msgctxt "Executed exec() command"
-msgid "CLI Exec: %s"
-msgstr "CLI Exec: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:712
-msgid "Usage error."
-msgstr "Error de uso."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:713
-msgid ""
-"MySQL Server Error. This could be an issue with permissions. Try using "
-"database backup with mysqli."
-msgstr ""
-"Error del servidor MySQL. Esto podría ser un problema con los permisos. "
-"Intente usar la copia de seguridad de la base de datos con mysqli."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:714
-msgid "Error during consistency checks."
-msgstr "Error durante las verificaciones de consistencia."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:715
-msgid "Not enough memory."
-msgstr "No hay memoria suficiente."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:716
-msgid "Error during writing of SQL backup file."
-msgstr "Error durante la escritura del archivo de copia de seguridad SQL."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:717
-msgid "Illegal table"
-msgstr "Mesa ilegal"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:722
-msgid "mysqldump returned: (%d) %s"
-msgstr "mysqldump devuelto: (%d) %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:735
-msgid "Can not create mysql backup with mysqldump command"
-msgstr ""
-"No se puede crear una copia de seguridad de mysql con el comando mysqldump"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:474
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:474
msgid "Compressing file …"
msgstr "Comprimiendo archivo …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:481
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:481
msgid "Compressing done."
msgstr "Compresión hecho."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:764 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:254
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:764
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:254
msgid "Added database dump \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
-msgstr ""
-"Añadido respaldo de DB \"%1$s\" con %2$s a la lista de ficheros a respaldar"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:782
-msgid "%d. Try to backup database as XML …"
-msgstr "%d. Intentar respaldar la base de datos como XML …"
+msgstr "Añadido respaldo de DB \"%1$s\" con %2$s a la lista de ficheros a respaldar"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:799 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:141
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:799
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:141
msgid "Can not open target file for writing."
msgstr "No se puede abrir el archivo de destino para escribir."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:832 inc/class-mysqldump.php:100
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:832
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:100
msgid "Cannot init MySQLi database connection"
msgstr "No se puede inicial la conexión a la base de datos MySQLi"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:838 inc/class-mysqldump.php:105
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:838
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:105
msgid "Setting of MySQLi connection timeout failed"
msgstr "Configuración de tiempo de espera MySQLi falló"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:844 inc/class-mysqldump.php:110
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:844
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:110
msgid "Cannot connect to MySQL database %1$d: %2$s"
msgstr "Imposible de contectar con base de datos MySQL %1$d: %2$s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:852
-msgctxt "Database Charset"
-msgid "Cannot set DB charset to %s"
-msgstr "Imposible seleccionar caracter de DB a %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:860 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:874
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:922 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:941
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:984 inc/class-mysqldump.php:153
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:165 inc/class-mysqldump.php:259
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:268 inc/class-mysqldump.php:288
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:297 inc/class-mysqldump.php:317
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:323 inc/class-mysqldump.php:368
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:400 inc/class-mysqldump.php:437
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:860
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:874
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:922
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:941
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:984
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:153
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:165
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:259
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:268
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:288
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:297
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:317
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:323
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:368
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:400
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:437
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:500
msgid "Database error %1$s for query %2$s"
msgstr "Error de DB %1$s para la consulta %2$s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:881
-msgid "No tables for XML backup"
-msgstr "Sin tablas para copia de seguridad XML"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:917
-msgid "Dump database create view \"%s\""
-msgstr "Respaldo de tabla de base de datos \"%s\""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:935
-msgid "Backup database structure \"%s\" to XML"
-msgstr ""
-"Hacer copia de seguridad de la estructura de base de datos \"%s\" a XML"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:977
-msgid "Backup table \"%s\" data to XML"
-msgstr "Copia de seguridad de la tabla de datos \"%s\" a XML"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:1045
-msgid "Added database XML dump \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
-msgstr ""
-"Añadido respaldo de DB \"%1$s\" con %2$s a la lista de ficheros a respaldar"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:1048
-msgid "Database XML backup done!"
-msgstr "¡Copia de seguridad de base de datos XML hecha!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-file.php:19
-msgid "Backup WordPress main files"
-msgstr "Copia de seguridad de los archivos principales de WordPress"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-file.php:23
-msgid "Backup blog content folder"
-msgstr "Carpeta de contenido del blog de respaldo"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-file.php:27
-msgid "Backup blog plugins"
-msgstr "Complementos de blog de respaldo"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-file.php:31
-msgid "Backup blog themes"
-msgstr "Temas de blog de respaldo"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-file.php:35
-msgid "Backup blog uploads folder"
-msgstr "Carpeta de carga de blog de respaldo"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
-msgid "Items to export:"
-msgstr "Artículos para exportar:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:49
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:49
msgid "All content"
msgstr "Todo el contenido"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:50
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:50
msgid "Posts"
msgstr "Artículos"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:51
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:51
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Páginas"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:13
-msgid "Nothing to configure"
-msgstr "Nada para configurar"
-#. Translators: $1 is the name of the plugin
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-restore.php:164
-msgid "%s › Restore"
-msgstr "%s › Restaurar"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:27
-msgid "E-mail address is required."
-msgstr "Se requiere dirección de correo electrónico."
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:43
-msgid "support@backwpup.com"
-msgstr "support@backwpup.com"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:51
-msgid "Message has been sent to support. We will get back to you shortly."
-msgstr ""
-"El mensaje ha sido enviado a soporte. Nos pondremos en contacto con usted en "
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:84
-msgid "Contact BackWPup Support"
-msgstr "Póngase en contacto con el BackWPup Support"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:86
-msgid ""
-"Fill out the form below to contact BackWPup support. We will get back to you "
-"as soon as possible."
-msgstr ""
-"Rellene el siguiente formulario para contactarse con el soporte de BackWPup. "
-"Nos pondremos en contacto con usted lo antes posible."
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:94
-msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Nombre del trabajo:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:112
-msgid "E-mail adress:"
-msgstr "Dirección de correo electrónico:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:122
-msgid "Subject:"
-msgstr "Tema:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:131
-msgid "Message:"
-msgstr "Mensaje:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:140
-msgid "Send debug info:"
-msgstr "Enviar información de depuración:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:149
-msgid "Select log to attach"
-msgstr "Seleccionar registro para adjuntar"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:184
-msgid "Log folder not readable."
-msgstr "Carpeta %s no se puede leer."
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:191
-msgid "Send Message"
-msgstr "Enviar mensaje"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:221 inc/class-page-jobs.php:172
+#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:221
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:172
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:228
msgid "Job ID: %d"
msgstr "ID trabajo: %d"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:227
-msgid "1 error"
-msgid_plural "%d errors"
-msgstr[0] "1 error"
-msgstr[1] "%d errores"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:233
-msgctxt "1 error and 1 warning"
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "y"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:236
-msgid "1 warning"
-msgid_plural "%d warnings"
-msgstr[0] "1 Advertencia"
-msgstr[1] "%d Advertencias"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:241
-msgid "no errors"
-msgstr "sin errores"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:150
-msgid "No BackWPup Wizard Session found!"
-msgstr "¡No se ha encontrado ninguna sesión de asistente de BackWPup!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:163 inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:423
-msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Cancelar"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:200 inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:418
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:451
-msgid "Next ›"
-msgstr "Siguiente ›"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:216 inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:414
-msgid "‹ Previous"
-msgstr "‹ Anterior"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:307
-msgctxt "Plugin Name"
-msgid "%s › Wizards"
-msgstr "%s › Wizards"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:331 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:211
+#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:331
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:211
msgid "Start wizard"
msgstr "Comenzar asistente"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:346
-msgctxt "Plugin Name"
-msgid "%s Wizard:"
-msgstr "%s Asistente:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:426
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "Volver a la visión general"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:131 inc/class-page-about.php:549
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:131
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:549
msgid "Backup to Amazon Glacier"
msgstr "Backup a Amazon Glacier"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:151
-msgid "GDrive"
-msgstr "GDrive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:152 inc/class-page-about.php:544
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:152
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:544
msgid "Backup to Google Drive"
msgstr "Backup a Google Drive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:217 inc/Pro/class-pro.php:218
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:333
-msgid "Wizards"
-msgstr "Asistentes"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:253
-msgid "Support"
-msgstr "Soporte"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:254
-msgid "Contact Support"
-msgstr "Soporte de contacto"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:285 inc/Pro/class-pro.php:286
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:345 views/pro/restore/steps/step4_top.php:2
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:285
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:286
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:345
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step4_top.php:2
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:293
msgid "Restore"
msgstr "Restaurar"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:368
-msgid ""
-"If you are experiencing issues, the debug information shown below can help "
-"us to better investigate and solve it for you."
-msgstr ""
-"Si tiene problemas, la información de depuración que se muestra a "
-"continuación puede ayudarnos a investigarlo mejor y a resolverlo por usted."
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:374
-msgid ""
-"If you already have a support ticket open with BackWPup, then you can simply "
-"click the copy button below to copy the debug information, and paste it into "
-"a response to your ticket."
-msgstr ""
-"Si ya tiene un ticket de soporte abierto con BackWPup, simplemente puede "
-"hacer clic en el botón de copiar a continuación para copiar la información "
-"de depuración y pegarla en una respuesta a su ticket."
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:381
-msgid ""
-"If you have not yet opened a ticket, you may contact us directly by clicking here."
-msgstr ""
-"Si aún no ha abierto un ticket, puede contactarnos directamente haciendo clic aquí."
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:45
-msgid "Hash key"
-msgstr "Clave hash"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:46
-msgid ""
-"Hash Key for BackWPup. It will be used to have hashes in folder and file "
-"names. It must at least 6 chars long."
-msgstr ""
-"Clave hash para BackWPup. Se usará para tener hashes en nombres de archivos "
-"y carpetas. Se debe por lo menos 6 caracteres de longitud."
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:49
-msgid "Hash key:"
-msgstr "Clave Hash:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:73
-msgid "Dropbox API Keys"
-msgstr "Dropbox API Keys"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:74
-msgid ""
-"If you want to set your own Dropbox API Keys, you can do it here. Leave "
-"empty for default."
-msgstr ""
-"Si quieres seleccionar tus propias claves API de Dropbox, puedes hacerlo "
-"aquí. Deja en blanco para hacerlo por defecto."
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:77
-msgid "Full Dropbox App key:"
-msgstr "Clave completo Dropbox app:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:88
-msgid "Full Dropbox App secret:"
-msgstr "Clave secreta completa Dropbox app:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:100
-msgid "Sandbox App key:"
-msgstr "Clave Sandbox app:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:111
-msgid "Sandbox App secret:"
-msgstr "Clave secreta Sandbox app:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:131
-msgid "SugarSync API Keys"
-msgstr "SugarSync API Keys"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:132
-msgid ""
-"If you want to set your own SugarSync API keys you can do that here. Leave "
-"empty for default."
-msgstr ""
-"Si quieres seleccionar tus propias claves API de SugarSync, puedes hacerlo "
-"aquí. Deja en blanco para hacerlo por defecto."
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:135
-msgid "Access Key ID:"
-msgstr "ID de Clave de Acceso:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:143
-msgid "Private Access Key:"
-msgstr "Private Access Key:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:154
-msgid "App ID:"
-msgstr "App ID:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:175
-msgid "Google API Keys"
-msgstr "Google API Keys"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:179
-msgid "Client ID:"
-msgstr "Cliente ID:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:191
-msgid "Client secret:"
-msgstr "Clave secreta de cliente:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:202
-msgid "Redirect URIs:"
-msgstr "Redireccionar URIs:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:206
-msgid "Add this URI in a new line to the field."
-msgstr "Añadir esta URI en una nueva linea al campo."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:15
-msgid "Create a job"
-msgstr "Crea un trabajo"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:16
-msgid "Choose a job"
-msgstr "Elige un trabajo"
#. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:17 inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:27 inc/class-admin.php:510
-#: inc/class-admin.php:531 inc/class-help.php:17 inc/class-help.php:22
-#: inc/class-job.php:412 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:15
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:15 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:15
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:15 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:15
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:651 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:262 inc/class-page-settings.php:1134
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:17
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:27
+#: inc/class-admin.php:510
+#: inc/class-admin.php:531
+#: inc/class-help.php:17
+#: inc/class-help.php:22
+#: inc/class-job.php:412
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:15
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:651
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:262
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1134
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1123
msgid "http://backwpup.com"
msgstr "https://backwpup.com"
#. Author URI of the plugin/theme
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:19 inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:29 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:17
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:17 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:17
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:17
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:19
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:29
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:17
msgid "http://inpsyde.com"
msgstr "http://inpsyde.com"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:41
-msgid "Job Types"
-msgstr "Tipos de trabajo"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:41
-msgid "Select a task for your job."
-msgstr "Selecciona una tarea para tu trabajo."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:61
-msgid "Archive Settings"
-msgstr "Ajustes de los Archivo"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:62
-msgid "Settings for the Backup Archive"
-msgstr "Configuraciones para el archivo de respaldo"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:67 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:473
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:67
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:473
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:127
msgid "Destinations"
msgstr "Destinos"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:68
-msgid "Where would you like to store the backup file?"
-msgstr "¿Dónde te gustaría almacenar el archivo de copia de seguridad?"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:82 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:314
-msgid "Scheduling"
-msgstr "Programación"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:82
-msgid "When would you like to start the job?"
-msgstr "Cuando quieres que empiece el tranajo?"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:254 inc/class-page-editjob.php:400
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:254
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:400
msgid "This job is a …"
msgstr "Este trabajo es un …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:255
-msgid "Select one or more tasks for your backup job."
-msgstr "Selecciona una o mñas tareas para el trabajo de respaldo."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:257 inc/class-page-editjob.php:403
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:257
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:403
msgid "Job tasks"
msgstr "Tareas de trabajo"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:315
-msgid "Activate scheduling"
-msgstr "Activar programación"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:320 inc/class-page-editjob.php:686
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:320
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:686
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:754
msgid "Scheduler"
msgstr "Programación"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:324 inc/class-page-editjob.php:691
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:126 inc/class-page-logs.php:166
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:324
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:691
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:126
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:166
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:330 inc/class-page-editjob.php:696
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:696
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "Hora"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:333 inc/class-page-editjob.php:699
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:333
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:699
msgid "Minute"
msgstr "Minuto"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:337 inc/class-page-editjob.php:703
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:337
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:703
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "mensual"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:339 inc/class-page-editjob.php:705
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:339
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:705
msgid "on"
msgstr "en"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:349 inc/class-page-editjob.php:715
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:349
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:715
msgid "weekly"
msgstr "semanalmente"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:351 inc/class-page-editjob.php:717
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:351
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:717
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:824
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Domingo"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:352 inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:352
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:825
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Lunes"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:353 inc/class-page-editjob.php:719
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:353
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:719
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:826
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Martes"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:354 inc/class-page-editjob.php:720
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:354
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:720
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:827
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Miércoles"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:355 inc/class-page-editjob.php:721
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:355
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:721
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:828
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Jueves"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:356 inc/class-page-editjob.php:722
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:356
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:722
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:829
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Viernes"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:357 inc/class-page-editjob.php:723
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:357
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:723
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:830
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Sábado"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:367 inc/class-page-editjob.php:733
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:733
msgid "daily"
msgstr "diario"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:377 inc/class-page-editjob.php:743
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:743
msgid "hourly"
msgstr "cada hora"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:402 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:426 inc/class-page-editjob.php:429
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:402
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:426
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:429
msgid "Backup type"
msgstr "Tipo de respaldo"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:409
-msgid "Sync file by file to destination"
-msgstr "Sincronizar archivo por archivo a destino"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:413 inc/class-page-editjob.php:437
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:413
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:437
msgid "Create a backup archive"
msgstr "Crear un archivo de respaldo"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:420
-msgid "Select a compression type for the backup archive"
-msgstr "Selecciona un tipo de compresión para el archivo de respaldo"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:423
-msgid "Archive compression type"
-msgstr "Archivo tipo de compresión"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:426 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481 inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:426
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
msgid "Zip"
msgstr "Zip"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:427
-msgid ""
-"PHP Zip functions will be used if available (memory lees). Else PCLZip Class "
-"will used."
-msgstr ""
-"Las funciones de PHP Zip se usarán si están disponibles (líneas de memoria). "
-"Se usará otra clase PCLZip."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:430 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:441
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:449
-msgid "Disabled because missing PHP function."
-msgstr "Deshabilitado porque falta la función PHP."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:433 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:434
-msgid "Tar (fast and memory less) uncompressed"
-msgstr "Tar (rápido y sin memoria) sin comprimir"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:433 inc/class-page-editjob.php:486
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:433
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:486
msgid "Tar"
msgstr "Tar"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:437 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:438
-msgid "A tared and GZipped archive (fast and memory less)"
-msgstr "Un archivo tar de formato GZipped (rápido y menos memoria)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:437 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:488 inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:437
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:488
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
msgid "Tar GZip"
msgstr "Tar GZip"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:444 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:494 inc/class-page-editjob.php:497
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:444
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:494
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:497
msgid "Tar BZip2"
msgstr "Tar BZip2"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:445
-msgid "A tared and BZipped archive (fast and memory less)"
-msgstr "Un archivo tar de formato BZipped (rápido y menos memoria)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:470
-msgid "Where to store the files"
-msgstr "Dónde almacenar los archivos"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:661
-msgid "Wizard: %1$s"
-msgstr "Asistente: %1$s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:680
-msgid "New job %s generated."
-msgstr "Nuevo trabajo %s generado."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:692
-msgid "Create Job"
-msgstr "Crear trabajo"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:717 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:718
-msgid "Database Backup and XML Export (Daily)"
-msgstr "Respaldo de base de datos y Exportación XML (diario)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:735 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:736
-msgid "Database Check (Weekly)"
-msgstr "Comprobación de la base de datos (semanal)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:745 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:746
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:745
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:746
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:107
msgid "Backup uploads folder"
msgstr "Carpeta de respaldo de subidas"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:760 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:761
-msgid "Backup all files"
-msgstr "Respalda todos los archivos"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:775
-msgid "Essential files + list of plugins"
-msgstr "Archivos esenciales + lista de complementos"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:776
-msgid "Backup essential files and folders, plus a list of installed plugins."
-msgstr ""
-"Archivos esenciales de respaldo y carpetas, más una lista de complementos "
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:791 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:792
-msgid "Custom configuration"
-msgstr "Configuración personalizada"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:14
-msgid "XML job import"
-msgstr "Importación de trabajo XML"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:15
-msgid "Wizard for importing BackWPup jobs from an XML file"
-msgstr "Asistente para importar trabajos de BackWPup desde un archivo XML"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:32 inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:101
-msgid "Import"
-msgstr "Importar"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:45
-msgid "Import File"
-msgstr "Importar archivo"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:45
-msgid "Upload XML job file for import"
-msgstr "Cargar archivo de trabajo XML para importar"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:46
-msgid "Select items to import"
-msgstr "Seleccionar elementos para importar"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:46
-msgid "Select which job should be imported or overwritten."
-msgstr "Selecciona qué trabajo debería de importarse o sobreescribirse."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:67
-msgid ""
-"Please upload your BackWPup job XML export file and we’ll import the "
-"jobs into BackWPup."
-msgstr ""
-"Por favor, sube tu archivo XML exportado del trabajo BackWPup y nosotros "
-"importaremos los trabajos en BackWPup."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:69
-msgid "Choose a file from your computer:"
-msgstr "Elige un archivo de tu ordenador:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:69
-msgid "Maximum size: %s"
-msgstr "Tamaño máximo: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:92
-msgid "Import Jobs"
-msgstr "Trabajos de importación"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:95
-msgid "Import Type"
-msgstr "Tipo de importación"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:96
-msgid "No Import"
-msgstr "Sin importar"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:99
-msgid "Overwrite"
-msgstr "Sobreescribir"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:99
-msgid "Append"
-msgstr "Anexar"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:114
-msgid "Import Config"
-msgstr "Importar configuración"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:117
-msgid "Import BackWPup configuration"
-msgstr "Importar configuración de BackWPup"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:142
-msgid ""
-"File is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error could "
-"also caused by uploads being disabled in your php.ini or by post_max_size "
-"being defined as smaller than upload_max_filesize in php.ini."
-msgstr ""
-"El archivo esta vacio Por favor carga algo más sustancial. Este error "
-"también podría deberse a que las cargas están deshabilitadas en php.ini o "
-"que se define como más grande que upload_max_filesize en php.ini."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:157
-msgid ""
-"The export file could not be found at %s
. This is likely due to "
-"an issue with permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"Archivo de exportación no se ha localizado en %s
. Suele ser "
-"debido a un problema con permisos."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:164
-msgid "Sorry, there has been a phrase error."
-msgstr "Disculpa, ha habido un error de frase."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:171
-msgid ""
-"This Export file (version %s) may not be supported by this version of the "
-msgstr ""
-"Este archivo de exportación (versión %s) puede no ser compatible con esta "
-"versión del importador."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:177
-msgid "This is not a BackWPup XML file"
-msgstr "Este no es un archivo de XML de BackWPup"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:243
-msgid "Job %1$s with id %2$d imported"
-msgstr "TRabajo %1$s con id %2$d se ha importado"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:251
-msgid "BackWPup config imported"
-msgstr "Configuración BackWPup imprtada"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:25
-msgid "System Test"
-msgstr "Comprobación de sistema"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:26
-msgid "Wizard to test if BackWPup can work properly"
-msgstr "Asistente para comprobar si BackWPup puede trabajar correctamente"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:39
-msgid "Run tests"
-msgstr "Ejecutar pruebas"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:50
-msgid "Environment"
-msgstr "Entorno"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:51
-msgid "System Environment"
-msgstr "Entorno de sistema"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:64
-msgid "Test if BackWPup can work without problems."
-msgstr "Probar si BackWPup puede funcionar sin problemas."
-#: inc/class-admin-notice.php:121 inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:152
+#: inc/class-admin-notice.php:121
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:152
msgid "Don't show again"
msgstr "No mostrar otra vez"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:267 inc/class-help.php:24
+#: inc/class-admin.php:267
+#: inc/class-help.php:24
msgid "http://docs.backwpup.com"
msgstr "http://docs.backwpup.com"
@@ -2038,8 +1038,10 @@ msgstr "Escritorio de BackWPup"
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "Escritorio"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:305 inc/class-adminbar.php:82
+#: inc/class-admin.php:305
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:82
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:216
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:215
msgid "Jobs"
msgstr "Trabajos"
@@ -2047,12 +1049,16 @@ msgstr "Trabajos"
msgid "Add new job"
msgstr "Añadir nuevo trabajo"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:355 inc/class-adminbar.php:98
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:377 inc/class-page-settings.php:218
+#: inc/class-admin.php:355
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:98
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:218
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:219
msgid "Logs"
msgstr "Logs"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:380 inc/class-adminbar.php:106
+#: inc/class-admin.php:380
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:106
msgid "Backups"
msgstr "Respaldos"
@@ -2064,14 +1070,14 @@ msgstr "Parámetros"
msgid "About"
msgstr "Acerca de"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:453 inc/class-admin.php:460
+#: inc/class-admin.php:453
+#: inc/class-admin.php:460
msgid "Cheating, huh?"
msgstr "Sientes engañado?"
#: inc/class-admin.php:510
msgid "Get BackWPup Pro now."
-msgstr ""
-"Obtén BackWPup Pro ahora."
+msgstr "Obtén BackWPup Pro ahora."
#: inc/class-admin.php:531
msgid "version %s"
@@ -2097,7 +1103,8 @@ msgstr "Ahora en curso"
msgid "Abort!"
msgstr "Abortar!"
-#: inc/class-adminbar.php:90 inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:90
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
msgid "Add new"
msgstr "Añadir nuevo"
@@ -2111,25 +1118,16 @@ msgid "Make BackWPup better!"
msgstr "¡Haz BackWPup mejor!"
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:108
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgid "https://inpsyde.com/en/jobs/?utm_source=BackWPup&utm_medium=Link&utm_campaign=BecomeAnInpsyder"
+msgstr "https://inpsyde.com/en/jobs/?utm_source=BackWPup&utm_medium=Link&utm_campaign=BecomeAnInpsyder"
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:118
msgid "We want to make BackWPup even stronger and its support much faster."
-msgstr ""
-"Queremos hacer BackWPup todavía más fuerte y su soporte mucho más rápido."
+msgstr "Queremos hacer BackWPup todavía más fuerte y su soporte mucho más rápido."
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:126
-msgid ""
-"This is why we are looking for a talented developer who can work remotely "
-"and support us in BackWPup"
-msgstr ""
-"Por eso estamos buscando un desarrollador con talento capaz de trabajar "
-"remótamente ayudándonos con BackWPup"
+msgid "This is why we are looking for a talented developer who can work remotely and support us in BackWPup"
+msgstr "Por eso estamos buscando un desarrollador con talento capaz de trabajar remótamente ayudándonos con BackWPup"
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:133
msgid "and other exciting WordPress projects at our VIP partner agency."
@@ -2153,8 +1151,10 @@ msgctxt "%s = Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s for archive not found"
msgstr "Carpetas %s para fichero no encontrada"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:101 inc/class-create-archive.php:141
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:182 inc/class-mysqldump.php:133
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:101
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:141
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:182
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:133
msgid "Functions for gz compression not available"
msgstr "Función para la compression gz no disponible"
@@ -2183,7 +1183,9 @@ msgid "Cannot open archive file"
msgstr "No es posible abrir fichero de archivo"
#. translators: The $1 is the tecnical error string from pclzip.
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:233 inc/class-create-archive.php:518
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:233
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:518
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:524
msgid "PclZip archive add error: %s"
msgstr "Fichero PclZipp añade error : %s"
@@ -2197,109 +1199,126 @@ msgctxt "File to add to archive"
msgid "File %s does not exist or is not readable"
msgstr "El archivo %s no existe o no se puede leer"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:351 inc/class-create-archive.php:378
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:582 inc/class-create-archive.php:591
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:351
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:378
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:582
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:591
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:357
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:384
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:588
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:597
msgid "This archive method can only add one file"
msgstr "Este método de archivo sólo puede añadir un fichero"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:446
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:452
msgid "ZIP archive cannot be closed correctly"
msgstr "El Archivo ZIP no se puede cerrar correctamente"
#. translators: the $1 is the name of the archive.
#. translators: $1 is the name of the archive.
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:477 inc/class-create-archive.php:494
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:477
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:494
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:611
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:483
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:500
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:617
msgid "Cannot add \"%s\" to zip archive!"
msgstr "Imposible añadir \"%s\" a archivo zip!"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:548
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:554
msgid "Folder name cannot be empty"
msgstr "Nombre de la carpeta no puede estar vacío"
#. translators: $1 is the folder name
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:559
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:565
msgctxt "Folder path to add to archive"
msgid "Folder %s does not exist or is not readable"
msgstr "Carpeta \"%s\" no existe o no se puede leer"
+#. translators. $1 is the status returned by a call to a ZipArchive method.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:643
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:649
msgctxt "Text of ZipArchive status Message"
msgid "ZipArchive returns status: %s"
msgstr "Archivo zip devuelve estado : %s"
#. translators: $1 is the file name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:691
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:697
msgid "File name \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"¡El nombre de archivo “%1$s” es demasiado largo para ser guardado "
-"correctamente en el archivo %2$s!"
+msgstr "¡El nombre de archivo “%1$s” es demasiado largo para ser guardado correctamente en el archivo %2$s!"
#. translators: $1 is the file name to use in the archive.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:703
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:709
msgid "File path \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"¡La ruta al archivo “%1$s” es demasiado largo para ser guardada "
-"correctamente en el archivo %2$s!"
+msgstr "¡La ruta al archivo “%1$s” es demasiado largo para ser guardada correctamente en el archivo %2$s!"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:745
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:751
msgid "Cannot open source file %s for archiving. Writing an empty file."
-msgstr ""
-"No se puede abrir el archivo de origen %s para archivar. Escribir un archivo "
+msgstr "No se puede abrir el archivo de origen %s para archivar. Escribir un archivo vacío."
#. translators: $1 is the name of the folder. $2 is the archive name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:807
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:813
msgid "Folder name \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"¡El nombre del directorio “%1$s” es demasiado largo para ser guardado "
-"correctamente en el archivo %2$s!"
+msgstr "¡El nombre del directorio “%1$s” es demasiado largo para ser guardado correctamente en el archivo %2$s!"
#. translators: $1 is the name of the folder. $2 is the archive name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:822
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:828
msgid "Folder path \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"¡La ruta al directorio “%1$s” es demasiado largo para ser guardada "
-"correctamente en el archivo %2$s!"
+msgstr "¡La ruta al directorio “%1$s” es demasiado largo para ser guardada correctamente en el archivo %2$s!"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:890
-msgid ""
-"If %s will be added to your backup archive, the archive will be too large "
-"for operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting "
-"the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
-msgstr ""
-"Si %s se añade a tu archivo de backup, el archivo será demasiado grande para "
-"operaciones con esta versión de PHP. Deberias considerar partir el trabajo "
-"de backup en multiples trabajas de menos tamaño cada uno."
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:968 inc/class-create-archive.php:969
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:896
+msgid "If %s will be added to your backup archive, the archive will be too large for operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
+msgstr "Si %s se añade a tu archivo de backup, el archivo será demasiado grande para operaciones con esta versión de PHP. Deberias considerar partir el trabajo de backup en multiples trabajas de menos tamaño cada uno."
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:968
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:969
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:974
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:975
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Desconocido"
#. translators: $1 is the filename to add into the archive.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:1000
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:1006
msgid "Cannot open source file %s."
msgstr "Imposible abrir ruta de fichero %s a archivo."
#: inc/class-cron.php:74
+#: inc/class-cron.php:73
msgid "Aborted, because no progress for one hour!"
msgstr "¡Abortado, dado que no ha habido progreso en una hora!"
-#: inc/class-cron.php:108 inc/class-destination-folder.php:195
-#: inc/class-job.php:989 inc/class-job.php:1133 inc/class-job.php:1862
+#: inc/class-cron.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:195
+#: inc/class-job.php:989
+#: inc/class-job.php:1133
+#: inc/class-job.php:1862
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:446
+#: inc/class-cron.php:107
msgid "Could not open path: %s"
msgstr "No se puede abrir la ruta: %s"
#: inc/class-decrypter.php:53
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:56
msgid "Cannot open the archive for reading."
msgstr "No se puede abrir el archivo para leer."
#: inc/class-decrypter.php:77
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:82
msgid "Cannot write the encrypted archive."
msgstr "Imposible crear fichero zip : %d."
#: inc/class-decrypter.php:182
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:162
msgid "Private key invalid."
msgstr "Clave privada no válida."
@@ -2315,12 +1334,14 @@ msgstr "Subiendo %s de datos"
msgid "Finishing upload session with a total of %s uploaded"
msgstr "Acabando sesión de subida con un total de %s subido"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:76 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:28
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:28
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:43
msgid "Authentication"
msgstr "Autentificación"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:92 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:95
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:92
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:95
msgid "Delete Dropbox Authentication"
msgstr "Borrar autenticación Dropbox"
@@ -2333,17 +1354,8 @@ msgid "Get Dropbox App auth code"
msgstr "Obtén el código de autorización de Dropbox App"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:111
-msgid ""
-"A dedicated folder named BackWPup will be created inside of the Apps folder "
-"in your Dropbox. BackWPup will get read and write access to that folder "
-"only. You can specify a subfolder as your backup destination for this job in "
-"the destination field below."
-msgstr ""
-"Un directorio dedicado llamado BackWPup será creado dentro del directorio "
-"Aplicaciones de Dropbox. BackWPup recibirà acceso de lectura y escritura "
-"para este directorio exclusivamente. Puedes especificar un subdirectorio "
-"como tu destino de copia de seguridad para este trabajo en el campo Destino "
-"aquí debajo."
+msgid "A dedicated folder named BackWPup will be created inside of the Apps folder in your Dropbox. BackWPup will get read and write access to that folder only. You can specify a subfolder as your backup destination for this job in the destination field below."
+msgstr "Un directorio dedicado llamado BackWPup será creado dentro del directorio Aplicaciones de Dropbox. BackWPup recibirà acceso de lectura y escritura para este directorio exclusivamente. Puedes especificar un subdirectorio como tu destino de copia de seguridad para este trabajo en el campo Destino aquí debajo."
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:119
msgid "— OR —"
@@ -2358,32 +1370,16 @@ msgid "Get full Dropbox auth code "
msgstr "Obtén código de autorización completo para Dropbox "
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:131
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup will have full read and write access to your entire Dropbox. You "
-"can specify your backup destination wherever you want, just be aware that "
-"ANY files or folders inside of your Dropbox can be overridden or deleted by "
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup tendrá acceso de lectura y escritura completo a tu Dropbox. Puedes "
-"especificar tu destinación de copia de seguridad donde quieras, sólo ten en "
-"cuenta que cualquier archivo o directorio dentro de tu Dropbox puede ser "
-"sobreescrito o borrado por BackWPup."
+msgid "BackWPup will have full read and write access to your entire Dropbox. You can specify your backup destination wherever you want, just be aware that ANY files or folders inside of your Dropbox can be overridden or deleted by BackWPup."
+msgstr "BackWPup tendrá acceso de lectura y escritura completo a tu Dropbox. Puedes especificar tu destinación de copia de seguridad donde quieras, sólo ten en cuenta que cualquier archivo o directorio dentro de tu Dropbox puede ser sobreescrito o borrado por BackWPup."
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:145
msgid "Destination Folder"
msgstr "Directorio de destino"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:154
-msgid ""
-"Specify a subfolder where your backup archives will be stored. If you use "
-"the App option from above, this folder will be created inside of Apps/"
-"BackWPup. Otherwise it will be created at the root of your Dropbox. Already "
-"exisiting folders with the same name will not be overriden."
-msgstr ""
-"Especifica un subdirectorio donde será guardada tu copi de seguridad. Si "
-"usas la opció App desde arriba, este directorio se creará dentro de Apps/"
-"BackWPup. Sino se creará en la raíz de tu Dropbox. Directorios existentes "
-"con el mismo nombre no serán sobreescritos."
+msgid "Specify a subfolder where your backup archives will be stored. If you use the App option from above, this folder will be created inside of Apps/BackWPup. Otherwise it will be created at the root of your Dropbox. Already exisiting folders with the same name will not be overriden."
+msgstr "Especifica un subdirectorio donde será guardada tu copi de seguridad. Si usas la opció App desde arriba, este directorio se creará dentro de Apps/BackWPup. Sino se creará en la raíz de tu Dropbox. Directorios existentes con el mismo nombre no serán sobreescritos."
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:345
msgid "One file deleted from Dropbox"
@@ -2401,9 +1397,7 @@ msgstr "Subiendo a Dropbox …"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:43
msgid "To email address (separate with commas for multiple addresses)"
-msgstr ""
-"Para dirección de correo electrónico (separado por comas para múltiples "
+msgstr "Para dirección de correo electrónico (separado por comas para múltiples direcciones)"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:61
msgid "Send email settings"
@@ -2419,8 +1413,7 @@ msgstr "MB"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:70
msgid "Maximum file size to be included in an email. 0 = unlimited"
-msgstr ""
-"Tamaño máximo para ser incluido en el correo electrónico. 0 = ilimitado"
+msgstr "Tamaño máximo para ser incluido en el correo electrónico. 0 = ilimitado"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:75
msgid "From email address"
@@ -2484,8 +1477,7 @@ msgstr "%d. Prueba enviar una copia de seguridad con email …"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:248
msgid "Backup archive too big to be sent by email!"
-msgstr ""
-"¡Copia de seguridad demasiado grande para ser enviada por correo electrónico!"
+msgstr "¡Copia de seguridad demasiado grande para ser enviada por correo electrónico!"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:255
msgid "Sending email to %s…"
@@ -2499,11 +1491,13 @@ msgstr "Fichero BackWPup desde %1$s: %2$s"
msgid "Backup archive: %s"
msgstr "Fichero backup: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:349 inc/class-destination-email.php:474
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:349
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:474
msgid "Error while sending email!"
msgstr "¡Error enviando correo electrónico!"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:354 inc/class-destination-email.php:476
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:354
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:476
msgid "Email sent."
msgstr "Correo electrónico enviado."
@@ -2512,14 +1506,11 @@ msgid "BackWPup archive sending TEST Message"
msgstr "Fichero BackWPup enviando un mensaje de PRUEBA"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:462
-msgid ""
-"If this message reaches your inbox, sending backup archives via email should "
-"work for you."
-msgstr ""
-"Si este mensaje llega a tu bandeja de entrada, significa que enviar copias "
-"de seguridad por correo electrónico funcionará."
+msgid "If this message reaches your inbox, sending backup archives via email should work for you."
+msgstr "Si este mensaje llega a tu bandeja de entrada, significa que enviar copias de seguridad por correo electrónico funcionará."
#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:96
msgid "File could not be opened for reading."
msgstr "El archivo no se pudo abrir para leer."
@@ -2534,6 +1525,7 @@ msgstr[0] "Un fichero de respaldo eliminado"
msgstr[1] "%d ficheros de respaldo eliminados"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:81
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:104
msgid "Cannot open FTP file for download."
msgstr "No se puede abrir el archivo FTP para la transferencia."
@@ -2545,7 +1537,8 @@ msgstr "Servidor FTP e identificación"
msgid "FTP server"
msgstr "FTP servidor"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:63 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:46
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:63
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:46
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Nombre de usuario"
@@ -2565,7 +1558,8 @@ msgstr "Parámetros específicos FTP"
msgid "Timeout for FTP connection"
msgstr "Tiempo de espera para conexión FTP"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:137 inc/class-page-logs.php:288
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:137
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:288
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "segundos"
@@ -2601,8 +1595,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%d ficheros eliminados de servidor FTP"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:433
msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to an FTP server …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Prueba a enviar una copia de seguridad a un FTP server …"
+msgstr "%d. Prueba a enviar una copia de seguridad a un FTP server …"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:450
msgid "Connected via explicit SSL-FTP to server: %s"
@@ -2624,8 +1617,10 @@ msgstr "Conectado al servidor FTP: %s"
msgid "Cannot connect to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "Imposible de conectar al servidor FTP: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:503 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:523
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:546 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:603
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:503
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:523
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:546
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:603
msgid "FTP client command: %s"
msgstr "Comando de cliente FTP: %s"
@@ -2633,10 +1628,14 @@ msgstr "Comando de cliente FTP: %s"
msgid "FTP server response: %s"
msgstr "Respuesta del servidor FTP: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:520 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:531
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:534 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:549
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:552 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:607
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:612 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:619
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:520
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:531
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:534
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:549
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:552
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:607
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:612
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:619
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:624
msgid "FTP server reply: %s"
msgstr "Responder servidor FTP: %s"
@@ -2678,8 +1677,7 @@ msgid "Backup transferred to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "Respaldo enviado a servidor FTP: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:735
-msgid ""
-"FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created! Parent directory may be not writable."
+msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created! Parent directory may be not writable."
msgstr "Carpeta FTP \"%s\" no se puede crear!."
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:753
@@ -2706,11 +1704,13 @@ msgstr "Clave de acceso"
msgid "Blob container"
msgstr "Contenedor tipo blob"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:48 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:48
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:76
msgid "Container selection"
msgstr "Selección de contenedor"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:59 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:88
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:88
msgid "Create a new container"
msgstr "Crear nuevo contenedor"
@@ -2720,8 +1720,7 @@ msgstr "Carpeta en contenedor"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:215
msgid "%d. Try sending backup to a Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Prueba enviando copia de seguridad a Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
+msgstr "%d. Prueba enviando copia de seguridad a Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:244
msgid "Starting upload to MS Azure …"
@@ -2745,15 +1744,13 @@ msgstr "Contenedor no encontrado!"
msgid "Rack Space Cloud Keys"
msgstr "Claves de Rackspase Cloud"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:52
-msgid "API Key"
-msgstr "Claves API"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:59
msgid "Select region"
msgstr "Seleccionar una región"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:99 inc/class-destination-s3.php:171
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:99
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:171
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:202
msgid "Folder in bucket"
msgstr "Carpeta en cubo"
@@ -2796,119 +1793,130 @@ msgid "A container could not be found!"
msgstr "Un contenedor no puede ser localizado!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:47
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:48
msgid "Select a S3 service"
msgstr "Selecciona un servicio S3"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:67
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:68
msgid "Or a S3 Server URL"
msgstr "O una URL de servidor S3"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:84
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:115
msgid "S3 Access Keys"
msgstr "Claves de acceso S3"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:114
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:145
msgid "S3 Bucket"
msgstr "Cubo S3 (Bucket)"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:120
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:151
msgid "Bucket selection"
msgstr "Selección de cubo (Bucket)"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:149
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:180
msgid "Create a new bucket"
msgstr "Crear un nuevo cubo (bucket)"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:165
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:196
msgid "S3 Backup settings"
msgstr "Parámetros S3"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:222
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:86
msgid "Multipart Upload"
msgstr "Subida multi-partes"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:233
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:98
msgid "Use multipart upload for uploading a file"
msgstr "Utiliza subida multi-partes para subir un fichero"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:236
-msgid ""
-"Multipart splits file into multiple chunks while uploading. This is "
-"necessary for displaying the upload process and to transfer bigger files. "
-"Works without a problem on Amazon. Other services might have issues."
-msgstr ""
-"Multiparte divide el archivo en múltiples partes mientras se sube. Esto es "
-"necesario para mostrar el proceso de suboda y para transferir archivos "
-"grandes. Funciona sin problemas en Amazon. Otros servicios pueden tener "
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:246
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:252
msgid "Amazon specific settings"
msgstr "Configuración específica para Amazon"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:251 inc/class-destination-s3.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:251
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:263
msgid "Amazon: Storage Class"
msgstr "Amazon: Clase de almacenamiento"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:260
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:266
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Standard"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:264
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:270
msgid "Standard-Infrequent Access"
msgstr "Acceso Standard Infrequente"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:272
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:278
msgid "Reduced Redundancy"
msgstr "Reducida la redundancia"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:280
-msgid "Server side encryption"
-msgstr "Encriptado del lado servidor"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:291
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:297
msgid "Save files encrypted (AES256) on server."
msgstr "Guardar archivos encriptados (AES256) en servidor."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:361
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:367
msgid "No bucket found!"
msgstr "Cubo no localizado!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:511
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:517
msgid "Bucket %1$s created."
msgstr "Se ha creado el bucket %1$s."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:693
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:699
msgid "Storage Class: %s"
msgstr "Storage Class: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:728
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:734
msgid "Cannot delete backup from %s."
msgstr "Imposible eliminar respaldo desde %s."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:740
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:746
msgid "One file deleted on S3 Bucket."
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on S3 Bucket"
msgstr[0] "Un fichero eliminado en Cubo S3."
msgstr[1] "%d ficheros eliminados en Cubo S3"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:762
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:777
msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to S3 Service …"
msgstr "%d. Prieba enviando copia de seguridad a S3 Service …"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:799
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:817
msgid "Checking for not aborted multipart Uploads …"
msgstr "Comprobación para multipart no abortado Uploads …"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:812
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:830
msgid "Upload for %s aborted."
msgstr "Subida para %s abortada."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:818
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:836
msgid "Starting upload to S3 Service …"
msgstr "Empezando subida a S3 Service …"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:970
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:988
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to S3! (%1$d) %2$s"
msgstr "Imposible transferir respaldo a S3! (%1$d) %2$s"
@@ -2970,9 +1978,7 @@ msgstr "SugarSync API: %s"
#: inc/class-download-file.php:135
msgid "Invalid file name, seems file include invalid characters."
-msgstr ""
-"Nombre de archivo no válido, parece que el archivo incluye carácteres "
+msgstr "Nombre de archivo no válido, parece que el archivo incluye carácteres inválidos."
#: inc/class-easycron.php:179
msgid "EasyCron.com API returns (%s): %s"
@@ -2983,14 +1989,8 @@ msgid "EasyCron"
msgstr "EasyCron"
#: inc/class-easycron.php:189
-msgid ""
-"Here you can setup your EasyCron.com API key to use this "
-msgstr ""
-"Aquí puedes configurar tu EasyCron.com API key para usar "
-"este servicio."
+msgid "Here you can setup your EasyCron.com API key to use this service."
+msgstr "Aquí puedes configurar tu EasyCron.com API key para usar este servicio."
#: inc/class-easycron.php:192
msgid "Api key:"
@@ -3001,12 +2001,8 @@ msgid "Trigger WordPress Cron:"
msgstr "Desencadenar WordPress Cron:"
#: inc/class-easycron.php:203
-msgid ""
-"If you check this box, a cron job will be created on EasyCron that all 5 "
-"Minutes calls the WordPress cron."
-msgstr ""
-"Si seleccionas esta opción, un trabajo de cron será creado en EasyCron que "
-"llama a WordPress cron cada 5 minutes."
+msgid "If you check this box, a cron job will be created on EasyCron that all 5 Minutes calls the WordPress cron."
+msgstr "Si seleccionas esta opción, un trabajo de cron será creado en EasyCron que llama a WordPress cron cada 5 minutes."
#: inc/class-file.php:142
msgid "Folder %1$s not allowed, please use another folder."
@@ -3025,12 +2021,8 @@ msgid "Folder \"%1$s\" is not writable"
msgstr "Carpeta \"%1$s\" no es escribible"
#: inc/class-file.php:195
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup will not backup folders and its sub folders when this file is "
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup no copiará directorios ni subdirectorios cuando este archivo está "
+msgid "BackWPup will not backup folders and its sub folders when this file is inside."
+msgstr "BackWPup no copiará directorios ni subdirectorios cuando este archivo está dentro."
#: inc/class-help.php:15
msgid "Plugin Info"
@@ -3038,21 +2030,12 @@ msgstr "Info de la extension (plug in)"
#: inc/class-help.php:17
msgctxt "Plugin name and link; Plugin Version"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s version %2$s. A project by Inpsyde GmbH"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s version %2$s. Un proyecto de Inpsyde "
-"GmbH. Desarrollado por Daniel "
+msgid "%1$s version %2$s. A project by Inpsyde GmbH."
+msgstr "%1$s version %2$s. Un proyecto de Inpsyde GmbH. Desarrollado por Daniel Hüsken."
#: inc/class-help.php:18
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is a free software, and you "
-"are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions."
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup viene con ABSOLTAMENTE NINGUNA GARANTÍA. Esto es software libre, "
-"eres libre de redistribuírlo bajo ciertas condiciones."
+msgid "BackWPup comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is a free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions."
+msgstr "BackWPup viene con ABSOLTAMENTE NINGUNA GARANTÍA. Esto es software libre, eres libre de redistribuírlo bajo ciertas condiciones."
#: inc/class-help.php:21
msgid "For more information:"
@@ -3140,12 +2123,15 @@ msgstr "[INFO]: Trabajo de BackWPup: %1$s"
msgid "[INFO] Runs with user: %1$s (%2$d) "
msgstr "[INFO] Se ejecuta con el usuario: %1$s (%2$d) "
-#: inc/class-job.php:444 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:323
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:282 inc/class-page-jobs.php:291
+#: inc/class-job.php:444
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:323
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:282
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:291
msgid "Not scheduled!"
msgstr "Sin programación !"
-#: inc/class-job.php:448 inc/class-job.php:458
+#: inc/class-job.php:448
+#: inc/class-job.php:458
msgid "[INFO] Cron: %s; Next: %s "
msgstr "[INFO] Cron: %s; Siguiente:%s "
@@ -3222,23 +2208,20 @@ msgid "Could not write log file"
msgstr "No se pudo escribir el archivo de registro"
#: inc/class-job.php:532
-msgid ""
-"No destination correctly defined for backup! Please correct job settings."
-msgstr ""
-"Destino no se ha definido correctamente para respaldo! Por favor corrija "
-"configuración del trabajo."
+msgid "No destination correctly defined for backup! Please correct job settings."
+msgstr "Destino no se ha definido correctamente para respaldo! Por favor corrija configuración del trabajo."
#: inc/class-job.php:628
msgid "Cannot write progress to working file. Job will be aborted."
-msgstr ""
-"No se puede escribir progreso en el archivo de trabajo. El trabajo será "
+msgstr "No se puede escribir progreso en el archivo de trabajo. El trabajo será abortado."
-#: inc/class-job.php:700 inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
+#: inc/class-job.php:700
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
msgid "WARNING:"
msgstr "ADVERTENCIA :"
-#: inc/class-job.php:709 inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+#: inc/class-job.php:709
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
msgid "ERROR:"
msgstr "ERROR:"
@@ -3264,23 +2247,17 @@ msgid_plural "%d old logs deleted"
msgstr[0] "Borrado un log antiguo"
msgstr[1] "%d logs antiguos borrados"
-#: inc/class-job.php:1012 inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
-msgid ""
-"Job has ended with errors in %s seconds. You must resolve the errors for "
-"correct execution."
-msgstr ""
-"Job mit Fehlern beendet in %s Sekunden. Sie müssen die Fehler für eine "
-"korrekte Ausführung beheben."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1012
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+msgid "Job has ended with errors in %s seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution."
+msgstr "Job mit Fehlern beendet in %s Sekunden. Sie müssen die Fehler für eine korrekte Ausführung beheben."
#: inc/class-job.php:1014
-msgid ""
-"Job finished with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct "
-msgstr ""
-"Trabajo finalizado con errores en %s segundos. Por favor resuélvelos para "
-"una correcta ejecución."
+msgid "Job finished with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct execution."
+msgstr "Trabajo finalizado con errores en %s segundos. Por favor resuélvelos para una correcta ejecución."
-#: inc/class-job.php:1016 inc/class-page-jobs.php:788
+#: inc/class-job.php:1016
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:788
msgid "Job done in %s seconds."
msgstr "Trabajo realizado en %s segundos."
@@ -3323,280 +2300,273 @@ msgstr "%d. Prueba creando copia de seguridad archivo …"
#: inc/class-job.php:1536
msgctxt "Archive compression method"
msgid "Compressing files as %s. Please be patient, this may take a moment."
-msgstr ""
-"Comprimiendo archivos como %s. Por favor sé paciente, esto puede tardar un "
+msgstr "Comprimiendo archivos como %s. Por favor sé paciente, esto puede tardar un momento."
#: inc/class-job.php:1543
+#: inc/class-job.php:1544
msgid "Adding Extra files to Archive"
msgstr "Añadiendo archivos extra al Archivo"
-#: inc/class-job.php:1554 inc/class-job.php:1614
+#: inc/class-job.php:1554
+#: inc/class-job.php:1614
+#: inc/class-job.php:1555
+#: inc/class-job.php:1626
msgid "Cannot create backup archive correctly. Aborting creation."
-msgstr ""
-"No se puede crear archivo de copia de seguridad correctamente. Abortando "
+msgstr "No se puede crear archivo de copia de seguridad correctamente. Abortando creación."
#: inc/class-job.php:1570
+#: inc/class-job.php:1571
msgid "Archiving Folder: %s"
msgstr "Archivando Directorio: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:1624
+#: inc/class-job.php:1636
msgid "Backup archive created."
msgstr "Creado fichero de respaldo."
#: inc/class-job.php:1638
-msgid ""
-"The Backup archive will be too large for file operations with this PHP "
-"Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple "
-"jobs with less files each."
-msgstr ""
-"El archivo de copia de seguridad es demasiado largo para esta versión de "
-"PHP. Debes considerar dividir el trabajo de la copia de seguridad en "
-"múltiples trabajos con menos archivos cada uno."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1650
+msgid "The Backup archive will be too large for file operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
+msgstr "El archivo de copia de seguridad es demasiado largo para esta versión de PHP. Debes considerar dividir el trabajo de la copia de seguridad en múltiples trabajos con menos archivos cada uno."
#: inc/class-job.php:1641
+#: inc/class-job.php:1653
msgid "Archive size is %s."
msgstr "Tamaño de archivo es %s."
#: inc/class-job.php:1644
+#: inc/class-job.php:1656
msgid "%1$d Files with %2$s in Archive."
msgstr "%1$d ficheros con %2$s en Archivo."
#: inc/class-job.php:1677
+#: inc/class-job.php:1689
msgid "No encryption key was provided. Aborting encryption."
msgstr "No se proporcionó ninguna clave de cifrado. Abortar el cifrado."
#: inc/class-job.php:1684
+#: inc/class-job.php:1696
msgid "%d. Trying to encrypt archive …"
msgstr "%d. Prueba encriptando copia de seguridad archivo …"
#: inc/class-job.php:1694
+#: inc/class-job.php:1706
msgid "Cannot open the archive for reading. Aborting encryption."
-msgstr ""
-"No se puede crear archivo de copia de seguridad correctamente. Abortando "
+msgstr "No se puede crear archivo de copia de seguridad correctamente. Abortando encriptación."
#: inc/class-job.php:1700
+#: inc/class-job.php:1712
msgid "Cannot write the encrypted archive. Aborting encryption."
msgstr "No se puede escribir en el archivo encriptado. Abortando encriptación."
#: inc/class-job.php:1757
+#: inc/class-job.php:1769
msgid "Encrypted %s of data."
msgstr "Subiendo %s de datos."
#: inc/class-job.php:1761
+#: inc/class-job.php:1773
msgid "Unable to delete unencrypted archive."
msgstr "No se puede eliminar el archivo no cifrado."
#: inc/class-job.php:1765
+#: inc/class-job.php:1777
msgid "Unable to rename encrypted archive."
msgstr "No se puede cambiar el nombre del archivo cifrado."
#: inc/class-job.php:1770
+#: inc/class-job.php:1782
msgid "Archive has been successfully encrypted."
msgstr "El archivo se ha cifrado correctamente."
#: inc/class-job.php:1819
+#: inc/class-job.php:1831
msgctxt "Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s does not exist"
msgstr "La carpeta %s no existe"
#: inc/class-job.php:1825
+#: inc/class-job.php:1837
msgctxt "Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s is not readable"
msgstr "Carpeta \"%s\" no permite su lectura"
#: inc/class-job.php:1848
+#: inc/class-job.php:1860
msgid "Link \"%s\" not following."
msgstr "No seguir enlace “%s”."
#: inc/class-job.php:1850
+#: inc/class-job.php:1862
msgid "File \"%s\" is not readable!"
msgstr "¡Fichero \"%s\" no se puede leer!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1854
-msgid ""
-"File size of “%s” cannot be retrieved. File might be too large and will not "
-"be added to queue."
-msgstr ""
-"Tamaño de archivo %s” no puede ser recuperado. El archivo puede ser "
-"demasiado largo y puede no se añadido a la cola."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1866
+msgid "File size of “%s” cannot be retrieved. File might be too large and will not be added to queue."
+msgstr "Tamaño de archivo %s” no puede ser recuperado. El archivo puede ser demasiado largo y puede no se añadido a la cola."
#: inc/class-job.php:1937
+#: inc/class-job.php:1949
msgid "%d. Trying to generate a manifest file …"
msgstr "%d. Prueba generando un manifest file …"
#: inc/class-job.php:1993
+#: inc/class-job.php:2005
msgid "You may have noticed the manifest.json file in this archive."
msgstr "Usted puede haber notado el archivo manifest.json en este archivo."
#: inc/class-job.php:1994
-msgid ""
-"manifest.json might be needed for later restoring a backup from this archive."
-msgstr ""
-"manifest.json podría ser necesaria para su posterior restauración de una "
-"copia de seguridad de este archivo."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2006
+msgid "manifest.json might be needed for later restoring a backup from this archive."
+msgstr "manifest.json podría ser necesaria para su posterior restauración de una copia de seguridad de este archivo."
#: inc/class-job.php:1995
-msgid ""
-"Please leave manifest.json untouched and in place. Otherwise it is safe to "
-"be ignored."
-msgstr ""
-"Por favor deje sin tocar manifest.json y en su sitio. De otro modo la "
-"seguridad será ignorada."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2007
+msgid "Please leave manifest.json untouched and in place. Otherwise it is safe to be ignored."
+msgstr "Por favor deje sin tocar manifest.json y en su sitio. De otro modo la seguridad será ignorada."
#: inc/class-job.php:2005
+#: inc/class-job.php:2017
msgid "Added manifest.json file with %1$s to backup file list."
-msgstr ""
-"Añadido manifest.json con %1$s a lista de archivos de copia de seguridad."
+msgstr "Añadido manifest.json con %1$s a lista de archivos de copia de seguridad."
#: inc/class-job.php:2044
+#: inc/class-job.php:2056
msgid "Wrong BackWPup JobID"
msgstr "ID de trabajo BackWPup erróneo"
#: inc/class-job.php:2057
+#: inc/class-job.php:2069
msgid "A BackWPup job is already running"
msgstr "Un trabajo de BackWPup esta en curso aún"
#: inc/class-job.php:2439
+#: inc/class-job.php:2451
msgid "exec command is not active."
msgstr "El comando exec no está activo."
#: inc/class-job.php:2444
+#: inc/class-job.php:2456
msgid "mysqldump binary not found."
msgstr "binary mysqldump no encontrado."
#: inc/class-job.php:2470
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGHUP: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2482
+msgctxt "SIGHUP: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Hangup detected on controlling terminal or death of controlling process"
-msgstr ""
-"Hangup detectado en el control de la terminal o la muerte del proceso de "
+msgstr "Hangup detectado en el control de la terminal o la muerte del proceso de control"
#: inc/class-job.php:2474
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGINT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2486
+msgctxt "SIGINT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Interrupt from keyboard"
msgstr "Interrupción del teclado"
#: inc/class-job.php:2478
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGQUIT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2490
+msgctxt "SIGQUIT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Quit from keyboard"
msgstr "Salir del teclado"
#: inc/class-job.php:2482
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGILL: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2494
+msgctxt "SIGILL: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Illegal Instruction"
msgstr "Instrucción ilegal"
#: inc/class-job.php:2486
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGABRT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2498
+msgctxt "SIGABRT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Abort signal from abort(3)"
msgstr "Cancelación de la señal del aborto (3)"
#: inc/class-job.php:2490
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGBUS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2502
+msgctxt "SIGBUS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Bus error (bad memory access)"
msgstr "Error de bus (mal acceso a la memoria)"
#: inc/class-job.php:2494
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGFPE: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2506
+msgctxt "SIGFPE: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Floating point exception"
msgstr "Excepción de punto flotante"
#: inc/class-job.php:2498
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSEGV: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2510
+msgctxt "SIGSEGV: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Invalid memory reference"
msgstr "Referencia de memoria no válida"
#: inc/class-job.php:2502
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGTERM: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2514
+msgctxt "SIGTERM: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Termination signal"
msgstr "Señal de terminación"
#: inc/class-job.php:2506
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSTKFLT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2518
+msgctxt "SIGSTKFLT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Stack fault on coprocessor"
msgstr "Error de pila en el coprocesador"
#: inc/class-job.php:2510
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGUSR1: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2522
+msgctxt "SIGUSR1: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "User-defined signal 1"
msgstr "Señal definida por el usuario 1"
#: inc/class-job.php:2514
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGUSR2: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2526
+msgctxt "SIGUSR2: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "User-defined signal 2"
msgstr "User-defined signal 2"
#: inc/class-job.php:2518
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGURG: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2530
+msgctxt "SIGURG: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Urgent condition on socket"
msgstr "Condición urgente en el socket"
#: inc/class-job.php:2522
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGXCPU: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2534
+msgctxt "SIGXCPU: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "CPU time limit exceeded"
msgstr "Límite de tiempo de CPU excedido"
#: inc/class-job.php:2526
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGXFSZ: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2538
+msgctxt "SIGXFSZ: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "File size limit exceeded"
msgstr "Excede el límite de tamaño de archivo"
#: inc/class-job.php:2530
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGPWR: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2542
+msgctxt "SIGPWR: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Power failure"
msgstr "FTP : Fallo de identificación"
#: inc/class-job.php:2534
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSYS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2546
+msgctxt "SIGSYS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Bad argument to routine"
msgstr "Mal argumento a la rutina"
#: inc/class-job.php:2541
+#: inc/class-job.php:2553
msgid "Signal \"%1$s\" (%2$s) is sent to script!"
msgstr "¡La señal “%1$s” (%2$s) se envía a la secuencia de comandos!"
-#: inc/class-job.php:2575 inc/class-job.php:2588
+#: inc/class-job.php:2575
+#: inc/class-job.php:2588
+#: inc/class-job.php:2587
+#: inc/class-job.php:2600
msgid "System: %s"
msgstr "Sistema: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:2603
+#: inc/class-job.php:2615
msgid "Exception caught in %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "Excepción sucedida en %1$s: %2$s"
@@ -3632,12 +2602,14 @@ msgstr "Tabla %1$s es una vista. Sin comprobar aún."
msgid "Table %1$s is not a MyISAM/InnoDB table. Not checked."
msgstr "Tabla %1$s no es una tabla MyISAM/InnoDB. Sin comprobar aún."
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:124 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:127
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:124
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:127
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:129
msgid "Result of table check for %1$s is: %2$s"
msgstr "Resultado de comprobación de la tabla para %1$s es: %2$s"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:135 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:137
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:135
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:137
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:139
msgid "Result of table repair for %1$s is: %2$s"
msgstr "Resultado de la reparación de la tabla para %1$s es: %2$s"
@@ -3691,12 +2663,8 @@ msgid "Extra folders to backup"
msgstr "Carpetas extras para respaldar"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:118
-msgid ""
-"Separate folder names with a line-break or a comma. Folders must be set with "
-"their absolute path!"
-msgstr ""
-"Separar nombres de carpetas con salto de línea o coma. Carpetas deberán "
-"seleccionarse con su ruta absoluta!"
+msgid "Separate folder names with a line-break or a comma. Folders must be set with their absolute path!"
+msgstr "Separar nombres de carpetas con salto de línea o coma. Carpetas deberán seleccionarse con su ruta absoluta!"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:123
msgid "Exclude from backup"
@@ -3715,12 +2683,8 @@ msgid "Exclude files/folders from backup"
msgstr "Excluir archivos/carpetas del respaldo"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:136
-msgid ""
-"Separate file / folder name parts with a line-break or a comma. For example /"
-msgstr ""
-"Separar partes de nombre de ficheros/carpeta con salto de línea o coma. Por "
-"ejemplo /logs/,.log,.tmp"
+msgid "Separate file / folder name parts with a line-break or a comma. For example /logs/,.log,.tmp"
+msgstr "Separar partes de nombre de ficheros/carpeta con salto de línea o coma. Por ejemplo /logs/,.log,.tmp"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:141
msgid "Special options"
@@ -3731,40 +2695,23 @@ msgid "Include special files"
msgstr "Incluir archivos especiales"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:147
-msgid ""
-"Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd, favicon."
-"ico, and Web.config from root if it is not included in backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Respaldar wp-config.php, robots.txt, .htaccess, .htpasswd y favicon.ico "
-"desde la raíz si éste no se incluye en la copia de seguridad."
+msgid "Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd, favicon.ico, and Web.config from root if it is not included in backup."
+msgstr "Respaldar wp-config.php, robots.txt, .htaccess, .htpasswd y favicon.ico desde la raíz si éste no se incluye en la copia de seguridad."
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:151
msgid "Use one folder above as WP install folder"
-msgstr ""
-"Uasr un directorio superior como directorio de instalación de WordPress"
+msgstr "Uasr un directorio superior como directorio de instalación de WordPress"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:154
-msgid ""
-"Use one folder above as WordPress install folder! That can be helpful, if "
-"you would backup files and folder that are not in the WordPress installation "
-"folder. Or if you made a \"Giving WordPress Its Own Directory"
-"\" installation. Excludes must be configured again."
-msgstr ""
-"Usar un directorio superior como directorio de instalación de WordPress. "
-"Esto puede ser de ayuda, si quieres copia de seguridad de archivos y "
-"directorios que no están en el directorio de instalación de WordPress. O si "
-"haces una instalación WordPress en su própio directorio”. "
-"Excluir debe ser configurado otra vez."
+msgid "Use one folder above as WordPress install folder! That can be helpful, if you would backup files and folder that are not in the WordPress installation folder. Or if you made a \"Giving WordPress Its Own Directory\" installation. Excludes must be configured again."
+msgstr "Usar un directorio superior como directorio de instalación de WordPress. Esto puede ser de ayuda, si quieres copia de seguridad de archivos y directorios que no están en el directorio de instalación de WordPress. O si haces una instalación WordPress en su própio directorio”. Excluir debe ser configurado otra vez."
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:238
msgid "%d. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Prueba haciendo una lista de directorios para copia de seguridad "
+msgstr "%d. Prueba haciendo una lista de directorios para copia de seguridad …"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:358 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:362
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:358
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:362
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:379
msgid "Added \"%s\" to backup file list"
msgstr "Añadido \"%s\" a la lista de archivos a respaldar"
@@ -3797,7 +2744,8 @@ msgstr "¡Excluido por archivo .donotbackup!"
msgid "XML export"
msgstr "Exportar XML"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:14 inc/class-page-about.php:474
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:14
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:474
msgid "WordPress XML export"
msgstr "Exportar XML WordPress"
@@ -3809,12 +2757,15 @@ msgstr "Elementos a exportar"
msgid "XML Export file name"
msgstr "Nombre del fichero a exportar XML"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:69 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:53
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:69
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:53
msgid "File compression"
msgstr "Compresión"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:79 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:81
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:64 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:66
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:79
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:81
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:64
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:66
msgid "BZip2"
msgstr "BZip2"
@@ -3826,10 +2777,14 @@ msgstr "%d. Prueba creando archivo de exportación WordPress XML …"
msgid "WP Export: Post type “%s” does not allow export."
msgstr "Exportación WordPress: Post type %s” no permite exportación."
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:172 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:186
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:215 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:236
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:269 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:289
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:378 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:387
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:172
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:186
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:215
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:236
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:269
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:289
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:378
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:387
msgid "WP Export file could not written."
msgstr "EL archivo de exportación WordPress no se puede escribir."
@@ -3853,9 +2808,9 @@ msgstr "XML ERROR (%s): %s"
msgid "There was an error when reading this WXR file"
msgstr "Hubo un error al leer archivo WXR"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:444 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:451
-msgid ""
-"This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:444
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:451
+msgid "This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number"
msgstr "No parece ser un archivo WXR, perdida/inválida versión número WXR"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:460
@@ -3863,17 +2818,12 @@ msgid "WP Export file is a valid WXR file."
msgstr "Archivo de exportación WP es un archivo válido WXR."
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:462
-msgid ""
-"WP Export file can not be checked, because no XML extension is loaded, to "
-"ensure the file verification."
-msgstr ""
-"Archivo de exportación WP no se puede comprobar, ya que no tiene extensión "
-"XML cargad que se pueda comprobar."
+msgid "WP Export file can not be checked, because no XML extension is loaded, to ensure the file verification."
+msgstr "Archivo de exportación WP no se puede comprobar, ya que no tiene extensión XML cargad que se pueda comprobar."
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:500
msgid "Added XML export \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list."
-msgstr ""
-"Añadida exportación XML \"%1$s\" con %2$s a la lista de archivos a respaldar."
+msgstr "Añadida exportación XML \"%1$s\" con %2$s a la lista de archivos a respaldar."
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:13
msgid "Plugins"
@@ -3889,9 +2839,7 @@ msgstr "Nombre del fichero de la lista de plugins"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:96
msgid "%d. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Prueba generando un archivo con nombres de plugins instalados "
+msgstr "%d. Prueba generando un archivo con nombres de plugins instalados …"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:124
msgid "All plugin information:"
@@ -3911,9 +2859,7 @@ msgstr "Plugins inactivos:"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:148
msgid "Added plugin list file \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list."
-msgstr ""
-"Añadido archivo de lista de plugins \"%1$s\" con %2$s a la lista de archivos "
-"de respaldo."
+msgstr "Añadido archivo de lista de plugins \"%1$s\" con %2$s a la lista de archivos de respaldo."
#: inc/class-message-box.php:89
msgid "Dismiss"
@@ -3934,21 +2880,18 @@ msgstr "El archivo de la copia de seguridad SQL no se puede abrir"
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:479
msgid "Start for table backup is not correctly set: %1$s"
-msgstr ""
-"El inicio para la copia de seguridad de la tabla no está configurado "
-"correctamente: %1$s"
+msgstr "El inicio para la copia de seguridad de la tabla no está configurado correctamente: %1$s"
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:483
msgid "Length for table backup is not correctly set: %1$s"
-msgstr ""
-"La longitud de la copia de seguridad de la tabla no está configurada "
-"correctamente: %1$s"
+msgstr "La longitud de la copia de seguridad de la tabla no está configurada correctamente: %1$s"
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:561
msgid "Error while writing file!"
msgstr "Error escribiendo fichero!"
-#: inc/class-option.php:176 inc/class-page-editjob.php:97
+#: inc/class-option.php:176
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:97
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
msgid "New Job"
msgstr "Nuevo trabajo"
@@ -3957,48 +2900,27 @@ msgstr "Nuevo trabajo"
msgid "Welcome to BackWPup Pro"
msgstr "Bienvenido a BackWPup Pro"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:372 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup’s job wizards make planning and scheduling your backup jobs a "
-msgstr ""
-"Los asistentes de trabajo de BackWPup facilitan la planificación y "
-"programación de tus copias de seguridad."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:372
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
+msgid "BackWPup’s job wizards make planning and scheduling your backup jobs a breeze."
+msgstr "Los asistentes de trabajo de BackWPup facilitan la planificación y programación de tus copias de seguridad."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:373 inc/class-page-about.php:386
-msgid ""
-"Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation "
-"including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage "
-"service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server. With a "
-"single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool "
-"like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
-msgstr ""
-"Utiliza tus archivos de copia de seguridad para guardar tu instalación "
-"WordPress incluyendo /wp-content/
. Añádelos a un servicio de "
-"almazenamiento externo si no quieres guardar los archivos en el mismo "
-"servidor. Con un solo archivo de copia de seguridad puedes restaurar una "
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:373
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:386
+msgid "Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server. With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
+msgstr "Utiliza tus archivos de copia de seguridad para guardar tu instalación WordPress incluyendo /wp-content/
. Añádelos a un servicio de almazenamiento externo si no quieres guardar los archivos en el mismo servidor. Con un solo archivo de copia de seguridad puedes restaurar una instalación."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:374
-msgid ""
-"Ready to set up a backup job? You can use the wizards or plan your backup in expert mode."
-msgstr ""
-"Listo para crear un trabajo de copia de seguridad? Puedes "
-"usar asistentes o planificar tu copia de seguridad en "
-"modo experto."
+msgid "Ready to set up a backup job? You can use the wizards or plan your backup in expert mode."
+msgstr "Listo para crear un trabajo de copia de seguridad? Puedes usar asistentes o planificar tu copia de seguridad en modo experto."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:384
msgid "Welcome to BackWPup"
msgstr "Bienvenido a BackWPup"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:387
-msgid ""
-"Ready to set up a backup job? Use one of the wizards to plan what you want "
-"to save."
-msgstr ""
-"¿Listo para crear un trabajo de copia de seguridad? Utiliza los asistentes "
-"para planificar lo que quieres guardar."
+msgid "Ready to set up a backup job? Use one of the wizards to plan what you want to save."
+msgstr "¿Listo para crear un trabajo de copia de seguridad? Utiliza los asistentes para planificar lo que quieres guardar."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:400
msgid "Save your database"
@@ -4009,34 +2931,17 @@ msgid "Save your database regularly"
msgstr "Salvar tu base de datos regularmente"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:404
-msgid ""
-"With BackWPup you can schedule the database backup to run automatically. "
-"With a single backup file you can restore your database. You should set up a backup job, so you will never forget it. There is also "
-"an option to repair and optimize the database after each backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Con BackWPup puede programar la copia de seguridad de base de datos para que "
-"se ejecute automáticamente. Con un archivo de copia de seguridad solo puede "
-"restaurar la base de datos. Usted debe configurar una tarea "
-"(cron) de copia de seguridad a>, y nunca lo olvidarás. Hay también una "
-"opción para reparar y optimizar la base de datos después de cada copia de "
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:409 inc/class-page-about.php:413
+msgid "With BackWPup you can schedule the database backup to run automatically. With a single backup file you can restore your database. You should set up a backup job, so you will never forget it. There is also an option to repair and optimize the database after each backup."
+msgstr "Con BackWPup puede programar la copia de seguridad de base de datos para que se ejecute automáticamente. Con un archivo de copia de seguridad solo puede restaurar la base de datos. Usted debe configurar una tarea (cron) de copia de seguridad a>, y nunca lo olvidarás. Hay también una opción para reparar y optimizar la base de datos después de cada copia de seguridad."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:413
msgid "WordPress XML Export"
msgstr "Exportar WordPress XML"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:410
-msgid ""
-"You can choose the built-in WordPress export format in addition or exclusive "
-"to save your data. This works in automated backups too of course. The "
-"advantage is: you can import these files into a blog with the regular "
-"WordPress importer."
-msgstr ""
-"Puedes elegir el formato de exportación WordPress incorporado acumulado o "
-"exclusivo para guardar los datos. Esto funciona en copias de seguridad "
-"automatizadas también, por supuesto. La ventaja: se puede importar estos "
-"archivos en un blog con el importador normal de WordPress."
+msgid "You can choose the built-in WordPress export format in addition or exclusive to save your data. This works in automated backups too of course. The advantage is: you can import these files into a blog with the regular WordPress importer."
+msgstr "Puedes elegir el formato de exportación WordPress incorporado acumulado o exclusivo para guardar los datos. Esto funciona en copias de seguridad automatizadas también, por supuesto. La ventaja: se puede importar estos archivos en un blog con el importador normal de WordPress."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:418
msgid "Save all data from the webserver"
@@ -4047,39 +2952,26 @@ msgid "Save all files"
msgstr "Guardar todos los ficheros"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:422
-msgid ""
-"You can backup all your attachments, also all system files, plugins and "
-"themes in a single file. You can create a job to update a "
-"backup copy of your file system only when files are changed."
-msgstr ""
-"Puedes respaldar todos tus archivos y también tus archivos de sistema, "
-"plugins y temas en un solo archivo. Puedes crear un trabajo "
-"para actualizar una copia de respaldo de tu sistema de archivos solo cuando "
-"los archivos han cambiado."
+msgid "You can backup all your attachments, also all system files, plugins and themes in a single file. You can create a job to update a backup copy of your file system only when files are changed."
+msgstr "Puedes respaldar todos tus archivos y también tus archivos de sistema, plugins y temas en un solo archivo. Puedes crear un trabajo para actualizar una copia de respaldo de tu sistema de archivos solo cuando los archivos han cambiado."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:427 inc/class-page-about.php:431
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:427
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:431
msgid "Security!"
msgstr "Seguridad!"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:428
-msgid ""
-"By default everything is encrypted: connections to external services, local "
-"files and access to directories."
-msgstr ""
-"Por defecto todo está codificado: las conexiones a servicios externos, "
-"archivos locales y el acceso a los directorios."
+msgid "By default everything is encrypted: connections to external services, local files and access to directories."
+msgstr "Por defecto todo está codificado: las conexiones a servicios externos, archivos locales y el acceso a los directorios."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:436 inc/class-page-about.php:439
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:436
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:439
msgid "Cloud Support"
msgstr "Soporte Cloud"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:440
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup supports multiple cloud services in parallel. This ensures backups "
-"are redundant."
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup soporta multiples servicios de almacenaje en paralelo. Esto asegura "
-"que las copias de seguridad son redundantes."
+msgid "BackWPup supports multiple cloud services in parallel. This ensures backups are redundant."
+msgstr "BackWPup soporta multiples servicios de almacenaje en paralelo. Esto asegura que las copias de seguridad son redundantes."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:446
msgid "Features / differences between Free and Pro"
@@ -4163,8 +3055,7 @@ msgstr "Respaldar XML base de datos como esquema PHPMyAdmin"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:564
msgid "Database backup as mysqldump per command line"
-msgstr ""
-"Copia de seguridad de base de datos como mysqldump por línea de comandos"
+msgstr "Copia de seguridad de base de datos como mysqldump por línea de comandos"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:569
msgid "Database backup for additional MySQL databases"
@@ -4192,9 +3083,7 @@ msgstr "Respaldo diferencial de directorios cambiados a DropBox"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:599
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to Rackspace Cloud Files"
-msgstr ""
-"Copia de seguridad diferencial de directorios modificados en Rackspace Cloud "
+msgstr "Copia de seguridad diferencial de directorios modificados en Rackspace Cloud File"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:604
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to S3"
@@ -4237,34 +3126,47 @@ msgid "GET PRO"
msgstr "Pasar a versión PRO"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:177
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:158
msgid "No files could be found. (List will be generated during next backup.)"
-msgstr ""
-"No se localizan archivos (La lista se generará durante el siguiente respaldo)"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:190 inc/class-page-backups.php:325
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:113 inc/class-page-jobs.php:177
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:151 inc/class-page-logs.php:232
+msgstr "No se localizan archivos (La lista se generará durante el siguiente respaldo)"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:190
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:325
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:113
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:177
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:151
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:232
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:168
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:274
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Borrar"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:230
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:203
msgid "Change destination"
msgstr "Cambiar destino"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:274 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:283
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347 inc/class-page-logs.php:163
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:274
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:283
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:163
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:241
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Hora"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:275
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:242
msgid "File"
msgstr "Fichero"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:277 inc/class-page-logs.php:167
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:277
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:167
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:244
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Tamaño"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:324
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:273
msgid ""
"You are about to delete this backup archive. \n"
" 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete."
@@ -4272,148 +3174,147 @@ msgstr ""
"Vas a borrar este archivo de respaldo. \n"
" 'Cancelar' para parar , 'OK' para borrar."
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:334 inc/class-page-backups.php:337
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:330 inc/class-page-logs.php:234
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:779 inc/class-page-settings.php:790
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:334
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:337
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:234
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:779
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:790
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:281
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:285
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:768
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Descargar"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:311
msgid "?"
msgstr "?"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:390 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:321
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:384 inc/class-page-jobs.php:318
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:390
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:321
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:384
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:318
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:190
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:317
msgid "%1$s at %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s à %2$s"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:408 inc/class-page-backups.php:446
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:35 inc/class-page-jobs.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:408
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:446
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:35
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:331
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:369
msgid "Sorry, you don't have permissions to do that."
msgstr "Disculpa, no tienes permisos para realizarlo."
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:485
-msgid "Ops! Unfortunately the file doesn't exists. May be was deleted?"
-msgstr "Ops! Lamentablemente, el archivo no existe. ¿Tal vez fué eliminado?"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:486
-msgid "404 - File Not Found."
-msgstr "404 - Archivo no encontrado."
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:488
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:408
msgid "« Go back"
msgstr "« Atrás"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:513
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:433
msgid "Backup Files"
msgstr "Copia de seguridad de archivos"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:581
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:489
msgid "%s › Manage Backup Archives"
msgstr "%s › Gestión de archivos de respaldo"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:593
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:501
msgid "Please wait …"
msgstr "Por favor espere …"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:596
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:504
msgid "Your download is being generated …"
msgstr "Su descarga se está generando …"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:602 views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:15
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:602
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:15
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:510
msgid "Please enter your private key to decrypt your backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Por favor ingrese su clave privada para descifrar su copia de seguridad."
+msgstr "Por favor ingrese su clave privada para descifrar su copia de seguridad."
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:604 views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:17
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:604
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:17
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:512
msgid "The private key you entered was invalid. Please try again."
msgstr "La clave privada que ingresaste no era válida. Inténtalo de nuevo."
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:607 inc/class-page-settings.php:753
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:784 views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:20
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:607
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:753
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:784
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:20
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:515
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:742
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:773
msgid "Private Key"
msgstr "Private Access Key"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:613 views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:25
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:613
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:25
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:522
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Enviar"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:618
-msgid ""
-"Your download has been generated. It should begin downloading momentarily."
-msgstr ""
-"Su descarga ha sido generada. Debería comenzar a descargarse momentáneamente."
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:527
+msgid "Your download has been generated. It should begin downloading momentarily."
+msgstr "Su descarga ha sido generada. Debería comenzar a descargarse momentáneamente."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:67
msgid "%s › Dashboard"
msgstr "%s › Escritorio"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:74 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:83
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:74
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:83
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Planning backups"
msgstr "Planificando copias de seguridad"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
-msgid ""
-"Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation "
-"including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage "
-"service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server."
-msgstr ""
-"Utilice sus archivos de copia de seguridad para guardar toda su instalación "
-"de WordPress, incluido / wp-content / code>. Introdúzcalos en un "
-"servicio de almacenamiento externo si no desea guardar las copias de "
-"seguridad en el mismo servidor."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
+msgid "Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation including
. Push them to an external storage service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server."
+msgstr "Utilice sus archivos de copia de seguridad para guardar toda su instalación de WordPress, incluido / wp-content / code>. Introdúzcalos en un servicio de almacenamiento externo si no desea guardar las copias de seguridad en el mismo servidor."
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:76 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:85
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:76
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:85
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Restoring backups"
msgstr "Restaurando copias de seguridad"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:77 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:86
-msgid ""
-"With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a "
-"tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
-msgstr ""
-"Con un único archivo de copia de seguridad, puede restaurar una instalación. "
-"Use una herramienta como phpMyAdmin para restaurar sus archivos de respaldo "
-"de la base de datos."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:77
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:86
+msgid "With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
+msgstr "Con un único archivo de copia de seguridad, puede restaurar una instalación. Use una herramienta como phpMyAdmin para restaurar sus archivos de respaldo de la base de datos."
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:78 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:87
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:78
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:87
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Ready to set up a backup job?"
msgstr "¿Listo para configurar una tarea de respaldo?"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79
-msgid ""
-"Use one of the wizards to plan a backup, or use expert mode"
-"a> for full control over all options."
-msgstr ""
-"Utilice uno de los asistentes para planificar una copia de seguridad, o use "
-"el modo experto para tener un control total sobre todas "
-"las opciones."
+msgid "Use one of the wizards to plan a backup, or use expert mode for full control over all options."
+msgstr "Utilice uno de los asistentes para planificar una copia de seguridad, o use el modo experto para tener un control total sobre todas las opciones."
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:89
-msgid ""
-"Please note: You are solely responsible for the security of your "
-"data; the authors of this plugin are not."
-msgstr ""
-" Tenga en cuenta: usted es el único responsable de la seguridad de "
-"sus datos; los autores de este plugin no lo son. "
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:89
+msgid "Please note: You are solely responsible for the security of your data; the authors of this plugin are not."
+msgstr " Tenga en cuenta: usted es el único responsable de la seguridad de sus datos; los autores de este plugin no lo son. "
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
-msgid ""
-"Use the short links in the First steps box to plan and "
-"schedule backup jobs."
-msgstr ""
-"Utilice los enlaces cortos en el cuadro Primeros pasos "
-"para planificar y programar trabajos de copia de seguridad."
+msgid "Use the short links in the First steps box to plan and schedule backup jobs."
+msgstr "Utilice los enlaces cortos en el cuadro Primeros pasos para planificar y programar trabajos de copia de seguridad."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:88
msgid "Add a new backup job and plan what you want to save."
-msgstr ""
-" Añadir una nueva tarea de copia de seguridad y "
-"planifique lo que usted desea guardar."
+msgstr " Añadir una nueva tarea de copia de seguridad y planifique lo que usted desea guardar."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:96
msgid "First Steps"
@@ -4423,7 +3324,8 @@ msgstr "Primera etapa"
msgid "Test the installation"
msgstr "Probar la instalación"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:101 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:104
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:101
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:104
msgid "Create a Job"
msgstr "Crear un trabajo"
@@ -4444,11 +3346,8 @@ msgid "One click backup"
msgstr "Respaldo en un click"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:117
-msgid ""
-"Generate a database backup of WordPress tables and download it right away!"
-msgstr ""
-"Genarar un respaldo de base de datos de tablas de Wordpress y descargarlo "
+msgid "Generate a database backup of WordPress tables and download it right away!"
+msgstr "Genarar un respaldo de base de datos de tablas de Wordpress y descargarlo directamente!"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:117
msgid "Download database backup"
@@ -4468,12 +3367,8 @@ msgid "RSS Error: %s"
msgstr "Error RSS: %s"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:132
-msgid ""
-"An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again "
-msgstr ""
-"Se ha producido un error, lo que probablemente significa que la alimentación "
-"se ha reducido. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde."
+msgid "An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again later."
+msgstr "Se ha producido un error, lo que probablemente significa que la alimentación se ha reducido. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:146
msgid "Untitled"
@@ -4517,9 +3412,7 @@ msgstr "Soporte dedicado de primera clase en backwpup.com."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:258
msgctxt "Pro teaser box"
msgid "Differential backups to Google Drive and other cloud storage service."
-msgstr ""
-"Copias de seguridad diferenciales para Google Drive y otros servicios de "
-"almacenamiento en la nube."
+msgstr "Copias de seguridad diferenciales para Google Drive y otros servicios de almacenamiento en la nube."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:259
msgctxt "Pro teaser box"
@@ -4545,7 +3438,8 @@ msgstr "Get BackWPup Pro now"
msgid "Next scheduled jobs"
msgstr "Próximos trabajos programados"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:284 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:284
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:164
msgid "Job"
msgstr "Trabajo"
@@ -4554,7 +3448,8 @@ msgstr "Trabajo"
msgid "working since %d seconds"
msgstr "trabajando desde %d segundos"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:309 inc/class-page-jobs.php:608
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:309
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:608
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "Abandonar"
@@ -4602,7 +3497,8 @@ msgstr "Cambios para el trabajo %s guardados."
msgid "Jobs overview"
msgstr "Vista general de trabajos"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223 inc/class-page-jobs.php:181
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:181
msgid "Run now"
msgstr "Arrancar ahora"
@@ -4610,7 +3506,9 @@ msgstr "Arrancar ahora"
msgid "%1$s › Job: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s › Trabajo: %2$s"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:337 inc/class-page-settings.php:215
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:337
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:215
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:214
msgid "General"
msgstr "General"
@@ -4622,7 +3520,8 @@ msgstr "Programación"
msgid "To: %s"
msgstr "A: %s"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:387 inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:125
msgid "Job Name"
msgstr "Nombre del trabajo"
@@ -4648,12 +3547,8 @@ msgid "Archive name"
msgstr "Nombre de archivo"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:448
-msgid ""
-"Note: In order for backup file tracking to work, %hash% must be "
-"included anywhere in the archive name."
-msgstr ""
-"Note: Para que funcione el seguimiento de archivos de copia de "
-"seguridad, se debe incluir %hash% en cualquier parte del nombre del archivo."
+msgid "Note: In order for backup file tracking to work, %hash% must be included anywhere in the archive name."
+msgstr "Note: Para que funcione el seguimiento de archivos de copia de seguridad, se debe incluir %hash% en cualquier parte del nombre del archivo."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:454
msgid "Replacement patterns:"
@@ -4719,43 +3614,40 @@ msgstr "%i = Dos dígitos representan los minutos"
msgid "%s = Two digit representation of the second"
msgstr "%s = Dos dígitos representan los segundos"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:475 inc/class-page-editjob.php:478
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:475
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:478
msgid "Archive Format"
msgstr "Formato del archivo"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:484
msgid "ZipArchive PHP class is missing, so BackWPUp will use PclZip instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Falta la clase ZipArchive PHP, por lo que BackWPUp usará PclZip en su lugar."
+msgstr "Falta la clase ZipArchive PHP, por lo que BackWPUp usará PclZip en su lugar."
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:491 inc/class-page-editjob.php:498
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:491
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:498
msgid "Disabled due to missing %s PHP function."
msgstr "Deshabilitados debido a la falta de función PHP %s."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:495
msgid "Not supported yet by the automatic restore functionality"
-msgstr ""
-"No soportado todavía por la funcionalidad de restauración "
+msgstr "No soportado todavía por la funcionalidad de restauración automática"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:506 inc/class-page-editjob.php:511
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:506
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:511
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:520
msgid "Encrypt Archive"
msgstr "Encriptar archivo"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:524
-msgid ""
-"You must generate your encryption key in BackWPup Settings before you can "
-"enable this option."
-msgstr ""
-"Debe generar su clave de cifrado en Configuración de BackWPup antes de poder "
-"habilitar esta opción."
+msgid "You must generate your encryption key in BackWPup Settings before you can enable this option."
+msgstr "Debe generar su clave de cifrado en Configuración de BackWPup antes de poder habilitar esta opción."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:533
msgid "Job Destination"
msgstr "Destino de trabajo"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:537 inc/class-page-editjob.php:540
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:537
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:540
msgid "Where should your backup file be stored?"
msgstr "Donde debería de almacenarse tu fichero de respaldo?"
@@ -4768,12 +3660,8 @@ msgid "Send log to email address"
msgstr "Enviar log a la dirección de correo"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:565
-msgid ""
-"Leave empty to not have log sent. Or separate with , for more than one "
-msgstr ""
-"Déjelo vacío para que no se haya enviado el registro. O separe con, para más "
-"de un receptor."
+msgid "Leave empty to not have log sent. Or separate with , for more than one receiver."
+msgstr "Déjelo vacío para que no se haya enviado el registro. O separe con, para más de un receptor."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:569
msgid "Email FROM field"
@@ -4789,15 +3677,14 @@ msgstr "Sólo errores"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:580
msgid "Send email with log only when errors occur during job execution."
-msgstr ""
-"Enviar correo electrónico con registro solo cuando se producen errores "
-"durante la ejecución del trabajo."
+msgstr "Enviar correo electrónico con registro solo cuando se producen errores durante la ejecución del trabajo."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:591
msgid "Job Schedule"
msgstr "Programación de trabajo"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:595 inc/class-page-editjob.php:598
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:595
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:598
msgid "Start job"
msgstr "Comenzar trabajo"
@@ -4810,12 +3697,8 @@ msgid "with WordPress cron"
msgstr "con cron de Wordpress"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:615
-msgid ""
-"with EasyCron.com"
-msgstr ""
-"con EasyCron.com"
+msgid "with EasyCron.com"
+msgstr "con EasyCron.com"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:617
msgid "First setup API Key."
@@ -4826,29 +3709,23 @@ msgid "with a link"
msgstr "con un enlace"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:627
-msgid ""
-"Copy the link for an external start. This option has to be activated to make "
-"the link work."
-msgstr ""
-"Copia el enlace para un arranque externo. Etsa opción debe de activarse para "
-"hacer que el enlace funcione."
+msgid "Copy the link for an external start. This option has to be activated to make the link work."
+msgstr "Copia el enlace para un arranque externo. Etsa opción debe de activarse para hacer que el enlace funcione."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:634
msgid "Start job with CLI"
msgstr "Comenzar el trabajo con CLI"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:637
-msgid ""
-"Use WP-CLI to run jobs from commandline."
-msgstr ""
-"Usa WP-CLI para ejecutar trabajos desde la "
-"línea de comando."
+msgid "Use WP-CLI to run jobs from commandline."
+msgstr "Usa WP-CLI para ejecutar trabajos desde la línea de comando."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:642
msgid "Schedule execution time"
msgstr "Hora de ejecución programada"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:646 inc/class-page-editjob.php:649
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:646
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:649
msgid "Scheduler type"
msgstr "Tipo de programación"
@@ -4864,8 +3741,10 @@ msgstr "avanzado"
msgid "Minutes:"
msgstr "Minutos:"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:759 inc/class-page-editjob.php:772
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:784 inc/class-page-editjob.php:798
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:759
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:772
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:784
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:798
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:820
msgid "Any (*)"
msgstr "Todos (*)"
@@ -4939,11 +3818,8 @@ msgid "Save changes"
msgstr "Guardar cambios"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:941
-msgid ""
-"Working as Cron schedule:"
-msgstr ""
-"Trabajando como Cron programado :"
+msgid "Working as Cron schedule:"
+msgstr "Trabajando como Cron programado :"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:950
msgid "ATTENTION: Job runs every %d minutes!"
@@ -4969,7 +3845,8 @@ msgstr "Próxima ejecución"
msgid "Last Run"
msgstr "Ultima ejecución"
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:175 views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:45
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:175
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:45
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editar"
@@ -4989,7 +3866,8 @@ msgstr "No necesario o definido"
msgid "Running for: %s seconds"
msgstr "Ejecutando durante : %s segundos"
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:280 inc/class-page-jobs.php:289
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:280
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:289
msgid "Cron: %s"
msgstr "Cron: %s"
@@ -5035,23 +3913,18 @@ msgstr "El trabajo “%s” destino “%s” no está configurada correctamente"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:436
msgid "The job \"%s\" needs properly configured destinations to run!"
-msgstr ""
-"¡El trabajo “%s” necesita destinos configurados correctamente para "
+msgstr "¡El trabajo “%s” necesita destinos configurados correctamente para ejecutarse!"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:454
-msgid ""
-"Job \"%s\" has started, but not responded for 10 seconds. Please check information."
-msgstr ""
-"Trabajo “%s” ha comenzado, pero no respondió durante 10 segundos. Por favor, "
-"compruebe información."
+msgid "Job \"%s\" has started, but not responded for 10 seconds. Please check information."
+msgstr "Trabajo “%s” ha comenzado, pero no respondió durante 10 segundos. Por favor, compruebe información."
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:459
msgid "Job \"%s\" started."
msgstr "Trabajo \"%s\" comenzado."
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:471 inc/class-wp-cli.php:59
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:471
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:59
msgid "Job will be terminated."
msgstr "Trabajo será finalizado."
@@ -5092,12 +3965,8 @@ msgid "Job completed"
msgstr "Trabajo completado"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
-msgid ""
-"Job has done with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct "
-msgstr ""
-"Job mit Warnungen beendet in %s Sekunden. Bitte beheben Sie die Warnungen "
-"für eine korrekte Ausführung."
+msgid "Job has done with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct execution."
+msgstr "Job mit Warnungen beendet in %s Sekunden. Bitte beheben Sie die Warnungen für eine korrekte Ausführung."
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:138
msgid "No Logs."
@@ -5160,12 +4029,8 @@ msgid "Public key is invalid."
msgstr "La clave pública no es válida"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:43
-msgid ""
-"Please download the private key before continuing. If you do not save it "
-"locally, you cannot decrypt your backups later."
-msgstr ""
-"Descargue la clave privada antes de continuar. Si no lo guarda localmente, "
-"no podrá descifrar sus copias de seguridad más tarde."
+msgid "Please download the private key before continuing. If you do not save it locally, you cannot decrypt your backups later."
+msgstr "Descargue la clave privada antes de continuar. Si no lo guarda localmente, no podrá descifrar sus copias de seguridad más tarde."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:88
msgid "Settings reset to default"
@@ -5176,6 +4041,7 @@ msgid "Settings saved"
msgstr "Parámetros guardados"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:210
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:209
msgid "%s › Settings"
msgstr "%s › Configuraciones"
@@ -5184,14 +4050,17 @@ msgid "Encryption"
msgstr "Cifrado"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:219
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:220
msgid "Network"
msgstr "Network"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:220
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:221
msgid "API Keys"
msgstr "Claves API"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:221
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:222
msgid "Information"
msgstr "Información"
@@ -5215,17 +4084,14 @@ msgstr "Barra de administración"
msgid "Show BackWPup links in admin bar."
msgstr "Muestra enlaces de BackWPup en barra de administración."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:264 inc/class-page-settings.php:269
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:264
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:269
msgid "Folder sizes"
msgstr "Tamaños de carpeta"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:277
-msgid ""
-"Display folder sizes in the files tab when editing a job. (Might increase "
-"loading time of files tab.)"
-msgstr ""
-"Visualice los tamaños de las carpetas en la pestaña de archivos al editar un "
-"trabajo. (Podría aumentar el tiempo de carga de la pestaña de archivos)."
+msgid "Display folder sizes in the files tab when editing a job. (Might increase loading time of files tab.)"
+msgstr "Visualice los tamaños de las carpetas en la pestaña de archivos al editar un trabajo. (Podría aumentar el tiempo de carga de la pestaña de archivos)."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:286
msgid "Security"
@@ -5235,25 +4101,18 @@ msgstr "Seguridad"
msgid "Security option for BackWPup"
msgstr "Opción de seguridad para BackWPup"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:290 inc/class-page-settings.php:295
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:290
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:295
msgid "Protect folders"
msgstr "Proteger carpetas"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:304
-msgid ""
-"Protect BackWPup folders ( Temp, Log and Backups ) with
-"code> and
-msgstr ""
-"Proteger carpetas BackWPup ( Temp, Log y Respaldos ) con.htaccess"
-"code> y
+msgid "Protect BackWPup folders ( Temp, Log and Backups ) with .htaccess
and index.php
+msgstr "Proteger carpetas BackWPup ( Temp, Log y Respaldos ) con.htaccess
y index.php
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:321
-msgid ""
-"Every time BackWPup runs a backup job, a log file is being generated. Choose "
-"where to store your log files and how many of them."
-msgstr ""
-"Cada vez que BackWPup ejecuta una tarea de respaldo, se genera un archivo de "
-"registro. Elija dónde almacenar sus archivos de registro y cuántos de ellos."
+msgid "Every time BackWPup runs a backup job, a log file is being generated. Choose where to store your log files and how many of them."
+msgstr "Cada vez que BackWPup ejecuta una tarea de respaldo, se genera un archivo de registro. Elija dónde almacenar sus archivos de registro y cuántos de ellos."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:330
msgid "Log file folder"
@@ -5261,8 +4120,7 @@ msgstr "Carpeta de archivos de log"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:340
msgid "You can use absolute or relative path! Relative path is relative to %s."
-msgstr ""
-"¡Puedes usar la ruta absoluta o relativa! La ruta relativa es relativa a %s."
+msgstr "¡Puedes usar la ruta absoluta o relativa! La ruta relativa es relativa a %s."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:356
msgid "Maximum log files"
@@ -5272,7 +4130,8 @@ msgstr "Máximos archivos de registro"
msgid "Maximum log files in folder."
msgstr "Máximo de archivos de registro en la carpeta."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:367 inc/class-page-settings.php:370
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:370
msgid "Compression"
msgstr "Compresión"
@@ -5280,7 +4139,8 @@ msgstr "Compresión"
msgid "Compress log files with GZip."
msgstr "Comprimir archivos de log con GZip."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387 inc/class-page-settings.php:392
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:392
msgid "Logging Level"
msgstr "Nivel de registro"
@@ -5301,21 +4161,12 @@ msgid "Debug (not translated)"
msgstr "Debug (no traducido)"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:416
-msgid ""
-"Debug log has much more informations than normal logs. It is for support and "
-"should be handled carefully. For support is the best to use a not translated "
-"log file. Usage of not translated logs can reduce the PHP memory usage too."
-msgstr ""
-"El registro de depuración tiene mucha más información que los registros "
-"normales. Es para soporte y debe manejarse con cuidado. Para soporte, lo "
-"mejor es usar un archivo de registro no traducido. El uso de registros no "
-"traducidos también puede reducir el uso de la memoria PHP."
+msgid "Debug log has much more informations than normal logs. It is for support and should be handled carefully. For support is the best to use a not translated log file. Usage of not translated logs can reduce the PHP memory usage too."
+msgstr "El registro de depuración tiene mucha más información que los registros normales. Es para soporte y debe manejarse con cuidado. Para soporte, lo mejor es usar un archivo de registro no traducido. El uso de registros no traducidos también puede reducir el uso de la memoria PHP."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:429
msgid "There are a couple of general options for backup jobs. Set them here."
-msgstr ""
-"Hay un par de opciones genrales para trabajos de respaldos. Selecciónalas "
+msgstr "Hay un par de opciones genrales para trabajos de respaldos. Selecciónalas aquí."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:437
msgid "Maximum number of retries for job steps"
@@ -5334,16 +4185,8 @@ msgid "seconds."
msgstr "segundos."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:464
-msgid ""
-"Job will restart before hitting maximum execution time. Restarts will be "
-"disabled on CLI usage. If ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
has been defined, "
-"WordPress Cron will be used for restarts, so it can take a while. 0 means no "
-msgstr ""
-"La tarea se reiniciará antes de alcanzar el tiempo máximo de ejecución. Los "
-"reinicios se desactivarán en el uso de la CLI. Si se ha definido "
, WordPress Cron se usará para reinicios, por "
-"lo que puede llevar un tiempo. 0 significa sin máximo."
+msgid "Job will restart before hitting maximum execution time. Restarts will be disabled on CLI usage. If ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
has been defined, WordPress Cron will be used for restarts, so it can take a while. 0 means no maximum."
+msgstr "La tarea se reiniciará antes de alcanzar el tiempo máximo de ejecución. Los reinicios se desactivarán en el uso de la CLI. Si se ha definido ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
, WordPress Cron se usará para reinicios, por lo que puede llevar un tiempo. 0 significa sin máximo."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:476
msgid "Key to start jobs externally with an URL"
@@ -5353,7 +4196,8 @@ msgstr "Clave para comenzar trabajos externamente con una URL"
msgid "Will be used to protect job starts from unauthorized person."
msgstr "Se usará para proteger el trabajo de una persona no autorizada."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:492 inc/class-page-settings.php:497
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:492
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:497
msgid "Reduce server load"
msgstr "Reduce la carga del servidor"
@@ -5374,501 +4218,544 @@ msgid "maximum"
msgstr "máximo"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:521
-msgid ""
-"This adds short pauses to the process. Can be used to reduce the CPU load."
-msgstr ""
-"Esto agrega breves pausas al proceso. Se puede usar para reducir la carga de "
-"la CPU."
+msgid "This adds short pauses to the process. Can be used to reduce the CPU load."
+msgstr "Esto agrega breves pausas al proceso. Se puede usar para reducir la carga de la CPU."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:530
msgid "Empty output on working"
msgstr "Salida vacía en el trabajo"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:535 inc/class-page-settings.php:546
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:535
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:546
msgid "Enable an empty Output on backup working."
msgstr "Habilita un resultado vacío en el trabajo de copia de seguridad."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:549
-msgid ""
-"This do an empty output on job working. This can help in some situations or "
-"can brake the working. You must test it."
-msgstr ""
-"Esto hace una salida vacía en el trabajo. Esto puede ayudar en algunas "
-"situaciones o puede frenar el trabajo. Debes probarlo."
+msgid "This do an empty output on job working. This can help in some situations or can brake the working. You must test it."
+msgstr "Esto hace una salida vacía en el trabajo. Esto puede ayudar en algunas situaciones o puede frenar el trabajo. Debes probarlo."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:558
msgid "Windows IIS compatibility"
msgstr "Compatibilidad con Windows IIS"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:563 inc/class-page-settings.php:574
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:563
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:574
msgid "Enable compatibility with IIS on Windows."
msgstr "Habilite la compatibilidad con IIS en Windows."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:577
-msgid ""
-"There is a PHP bug (bug #43817), "
-"which is triggered on some versions of Windows and IIS. Checking this box "
-"will enable a workaround for that bug. Only enable if you are getting errors "
-"about “Permission denied” in your logs."
-msgstr ""
-"Existe un error de PHP (error #43817"
-"a>), que se desencadena en algunas versiones de Windows e IIS. Al marcar "
-"esta casilla, se habilitará una solución para ese error. Solo habilite si "
-"recibe errores sobre & ldquo; Permiso denegado & rdquo; en tus registros."
+msgid "There is a PHP bug (bug #43817), which is triggered on some versions of Windows and IIS. Checking this box will enable a workaround for that bug. Only enable if you are getting errors about “Permission denied” in your logs."
+msgstr "Existe un error de PHP (error #43817), que se desencadena en algunas versiones de Windows e IIS. Al marcar esta casilla, se habilitará una solución para ese error. Solo habilite si recibe errores sobre & ldquo; Permiso denegado & rdquo; en tus registros."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:593
msgid "Here you can set your keys for encrypting your backups."
msgstr "Aquí puede configurar sus claves para cifrar sus copias de seguridad."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:601
-msgid ""
-"If you select symmetric encryption (default), you can generate a 256-bit key "
-"by clicking Generate Key
-msgstr ""
-"Si selecciona el cifrado simétrico (predeterminado), puede generar una clave "
-"de 256 bits haciendo clic en Generate Key
+msgid "If you select symmetric encryption (default), you can generate a 256-bit key by clicking Generate Key
+msgstr "Si selecciona el cifrado simétrico (predeterminado), puede generar una clave de 256 bits haciendo clic en Generate Key
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:611
-msgid ""
-"If you select asymmetric encryption (more secure), you must have an RSA "
-"public/private key pair. You would enter the public key in the Public "
field. If you do not have a key pair, click Generate Key "
and they will be generated for you."
-msgstr ""
-"Si selecciona el cifrado asimétrico (más seguro), debe tener un par de "
-"claves pública / privada de RSA. Ingresaría la clave pública en el campo "
-"Clave pública
. Si no tiene un par de claves, haga clic en "
-"Generate Key Pair
y se generarán para usted."
+msgid "If you select asymmetric encryption (more secure), you must have an RSA public/private key pair. You would enter the public key in the Public Key
field. If you do not have a key pair, click Generate Key Pair
and they will be generated for you."
+msgstr "Si selecciona el cifrado asimétrico (más seguro), debe tener un par de claves pública / privada de RSA. Ingresaría la clave pública en el campo Clave pública
. Si no tiene un par de claves, haga clic en Generate Key Pair
y se generarán para usted."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:621
-msgid ""
-"Note: You will be asked to download the keys for safe "
-"storage. We do not keep a copy of the private key, so if you lose this, your "
-"data cannot be decrypted!"
-msgstr ""
-"Nota: se le pedirá que descargue las claves para un "
-"almacenamiento seguro. No guardamos una copia de la clave privada, por lo "
-"que si la pierde, ¡sus datos no podrán descifrarse!"
+msgid "Note: You will be asked to download the keys for safe storage. We do not keep a copy of the private key, so if you lose this, your data cannot be decrypted!"
+msgstr "Nota: se le pedirá que descargue las claves para un almacenamiento seguro. No guardamos una copia de la clave privada, por lo que si la pierde, ¡sus datos no podrán descifrarse!"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:631
-msgid ""
-"You can also click Validate
to validate that you have the "
-"proper private key for the given public key."
-msgstr ""
-"También puede hacer clic en Validate
para validar que tiene la "
-"clave privada adecuada para la clave pública dada."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:641
-msgid "Encryption is a pro-only feature."
-msgstr "El cifrado es una función pro."
+msgid "You can also click Validate
to validate that you have the proper private key for the given public key."
+msgstr "También puede hacer clic en Validate
para validar que tiene la clave privada adecuada para la clave pública dada."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:645 inc/class-page-settings.php:999
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:645
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:999
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:988
msgid "https://backwpup.com"
msgstr "https://backwpup.com"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:646 inc/class-page-settings.php:1000
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:646
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1000
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:989
msgid "Get Pro"
msgstr "Obtener la version pro"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:654
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:642
msgid "Encryption Type"
msgstr "Tipo de cifrado"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:661
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:649
msgid "Symmetric (public key only)"
msgstr "Simétrico (solo clave pública)"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:667
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:655
msgid "Asymmetric (public and private key)"
msgstr "Asimétrico (clave pública y privada)"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:673 inc/class-page-settings.php:679
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:673
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:679
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:661
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:667
msgid "Encryption Key"
msgstr "Clave de encriptación"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:684
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:672
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Llave"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:696
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:684
msgid "Click below to generate a random key."
msgstr "Haga clic a continuación para generar una clave aleatoria."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:699
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:687
msgid "Generate Key"
msgstr "Generar llave"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:708 inc/class-page-settings.php:713
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:708
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:713
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:773
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:696
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:701
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:762
msgid "Public Key"
msgstr "Llave pública"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:716
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:704
msgid "RSA Public Key"
msgstr "Clave pública RSA"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:728 inc/class-page-settings.php:729
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:728
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:729
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:716
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:717
msgid "Generate Key Pair"
msgstr "Generar par de claves"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:734
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:722
msgid "Validate Key"
msgstr "Validar clave"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:735 inc/class-page-settings.php:759
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:735
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:759
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:723
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:748
msgid "Validate"
msgstr "Validar"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:746
-msgid ""
-"Enter your private key below to validate it will work with the provided "
-"public key."
-msgstr ""
-"Ingrese su clave privada a continuación para validar que funcionará con la "
-"clave pública proporcionada."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:735
+msgid "Enter your private key below to validate it will work with the provided public key."
+msgstr "Ingrese su clave privada a continuación para validar que funcionará con la clave pública proporcionada."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:749
-msgid ""
-"The private key will not be stored, so you must still securely store it "
-msgstr ""
-"La clave privada no se almacenará, por lo que debe almacenarla de manera "
-"segura usted mismo."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:738
+msgid "The private key will not be stored, so you must still securely store it yourself."
+msgstr "La clave privada no se almacenará, por lo que debe almacenarla de manera segura usted mismo."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:765
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:754
msgid "Your keys are being generated. Please hold a moment …"
msgstr "Tus llaves se están generando. Por favor, espera un momento …"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:769
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:758
msgid "Here are your keys. Please store them in a safe location."
msgstr "Aquí están tus llaves. Por favor, guárdalas en un lugar seguro."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:794
-msgid ""
-"Please download at least your private key above, as we will not store this "
-"key, and if you lose it, your backups cannot be decrypted."
-msgstr ""
-"Descargue al menos su clave privada anterior, ya que no almacenaremos esta "
-"clave, y si la pierde, sus copias de seguridad no podrán descifrarse."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:783
+msgid "Please download at least your private key above, as we will not store this key, and if you lose it, your backups cannot be decrypted."
+msgstr "Descargue al menos su clave privada anterior, ya que no almacenaremos esta clave, y si la pierde, sus copias de seguridad no podrán descifrarse."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:797
-msgid ""
-"Click the button below to use these keys and paste the public key into the "
-"RSA public key field above."
-msgstr ""
-"Haga clic en el botón de abajo para usar estas teclas y pegue la clave "
-"pública en el campo de la clave pública RSA arriba."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:786
+msgid "Click the button below to use these keys and paste the public key into the RSA public key field above."
+msgstr "Haga clic en el botón de abajo para usar estas teclas y pegue la clave pública en el campo de la clave pública RSA arriba."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:801
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:790
msgid "Use These Keys"
msgstr "Usa estas teclas"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:812
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:801
msgid "Authentication for %s
msgstr "Autenticación para %s
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:819
-msgid ""
-"If you protected your blog with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess), or "
-"you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php, then use the authentication methods "
-msgstr ""
-"Si protegió su blog con autenticación básica HTTP (.htaccess), o si usa un "
-"complemento para proteger wp-cron.php, entonces use los métodos de "
-"autenticación a continuación."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:835 inc/class-page-settings.php:840
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:808
+msgid "If you protected your blog with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess), or you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php, then use the authentication methods below."
+msgstr "Si protegió su blog con autenticación básica HTTP (.htaccess), o si usa un complemento para proteger wp-cron.php, entonces use los métodos de autenticación a continuación."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:835
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:840
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:824
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:829
msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "Método de autentificación"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:852
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:841
msgid "Basic auth"
msgstr "Autorización básica"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:856
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:845
msgid "WordPress User"
msgstr "Usuario WordPress"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:860
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:849
msgid "Query argument"
msgstr "Argumento de consulta"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:871
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:860
msgid "Basic Auth Username:"
msgstr "Nombre de usuario de autenticación básica:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:888
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:877
msgid "Basic Auth Password:"
msgstr "Contraseña básica de autenticación:"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:902 inc/class-page-settings.php:905
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:902
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:905
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:891
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:894
msgid "Select WordPress User"
msgstr "Seleccionar usuario de WordPress"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:938
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:927
msgid "Query arg key=value:"
msgstr "Argumento consulta clave = valor:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:966
-msgid ""
-"Experiencing an issue and need to contact BackWPup support? Click the link "
-"below to get debug information you can send to us."
-msgstr ""
-"¿Tienes algún problema y necesitas contactar al soporte de BackWPup? Haga "
-"clic en el siguiente enlace para obtener información de depuración que puede "
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:955
+msgid "Experiencing an issue and need to contact BackWPup support? Click the link below to get debug information you can send to us."
+msgstr "¿Tienes algún problema y necesitas contactar al soporte de BackWPup? Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para obtener información de depuración que puede enviarnos."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:973 inc/class-page-settings.php:1068
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:973
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1068
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:962
msgid "Debug Info"
msgstr "Información de depuración"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:977
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:966
msgid "Get Debug Info"
msgstr "Obtener información de depuración"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:984
-msgid ""
-"You will find debug information below. Click the button to copy the debug "
-"info to send to support."
-msgstr ""
-"Encontrará información de depuración a continuación. Haga clic en el botón "
-"para copiar la información de depuración para enviarla a soporte."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:973
+msgid "You will find debug information below. Click the button to copy the debug info to send to support."
+msgstr "Encontrará información de depuración a continuación. Haga clic en el botón para copiar la información de depuración para enviarla a soporte."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1011
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1000
msgid "Copy Debug Info"
msgstr "Copiar depuración en"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1016
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1005
msgid "Debug info copied to clipboard."
msgstr "Información de depuración copiada en el portapapeles."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1024
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1013
msgid "Could not copy debug info. You can simply press ctrl+C to copy it."
-msgstr ""
-"No se pudo copiar la información de depuración. Simplemente puede presionar "
-"ctrl + C para copiarlo."
+msgstr "No se pudo copiar la información de depuración. Simplemente puede presionar ctrl + C para copiarlo."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1077 inc/class-page-settings.php:1081
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1077
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1081
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1066
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1070
msgid "Setting"
msgstr "Parámetros"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1077 inc/class-page-settings.php:1081
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1077
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1081
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1066
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1070
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Valor"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1100
-msgid "Save Changes"
-msgstr "Guardar cambios"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1105
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1094
msgid "Reset all settings to default"
msgstr "Todos los parámetros de nuevo por defecto"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1126
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1115
msgid "WordPress version"
msgstr "Versión WordPress"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1131
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1120
msgid "BackWPup version"
msgstr "Versión BackWPup"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1135
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1124
msgid "Get pro."
msgstr "Obtener la version pro."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1137
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1126
msgid "BackWPup Pro version"
msgstr "Versión BackWPup Pro"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1142
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1131
msgid "PHP version"
msgstr "Versión PHP"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1152
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1141
msgid "MySQL version"
msgstr "Versión MySQL"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1156
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1145
msgid "cURL version"
msgstr "versión cURL"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1160
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1149
msgid "cURL SSL version"
msgstr "versión cURL SSL"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1163
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1152
msgid "unavailable"
msgstr "no disponible"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1167
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1156
msgid "WP-Cron url"
msgstr "WP-Cron url"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1171
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1160
msgid "Server self connect"
msgstr "Auto-Conexión del servidor"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1177
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1166
msgid "Not expected HTTP response:"
msgstr "Respuesta HTTP no esperada:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1178
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1167
msgid "Not expected HTTP response:
msgstr "Respuesta HTTP no esperada:
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1181
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1170
msgid "WP Http Error: %s"
msgstr "WP Http Error: %s"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1185
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1174
msgid "WP Http Error: %s
msgstr "WP Http Error: %s
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1189
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1178
msgid "Status-Code: %d"
msgstr "Código de estado: %d"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1191
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1180
msgid "Status-Code: %d
msgstr "Código de estado: %d
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1204
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1193
msgid "Content: %s"
msgstr "Contenido: %s"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1206
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1195
msgid "Content: %s
msgstr "Contenido: %s
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1211
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1200
msgid "Response Test O.K."
msgstr "Puesta de Test O.K."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1220
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1209
msgid "Temp folder"
msgstr "Carpeta temp"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1223
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1212
msgid "Temp folder %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "La carpeta temporal %s no existe."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1228
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1217
msgid "Temporary folder %s is not writable."
msgstr "La carpeta temporal %s no se puede escribir."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1236
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1225
msgid "Log folder"
msgstr "Carpeta de archivos de log"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1242
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1231
msgid "Log folder %s does not exist."
msgstr "Carpeta %s no existe."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1247
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1236
msgid "Log folder %s is not writable."
msgstr "La carpeta de registro %s no se puede escribir."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1255
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1244
msgid "Server"
msgstr "Servidor"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1259
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1248
msgid "Operating System"
msgstr "Sistema operativo"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1263
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1252
msgid "PHP SAPI"
msgstr "PHP SAPI"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1267
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1256
msgid "Current PHP user"
msgstr "Actual usuario PHP"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1271
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1260
msgid "Function Disabled"
msgstr "Función desactivada"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1275
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1264
msgid "Maximum execution time"
msgstr "Tiempo máximo de ejecución"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1277 inc/class-page-settings.php:1284
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1277
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1284
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1266
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1273
msgid "%d seconds"
msgstr "%d segundos"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1282
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1271
msgid "BackWPup maximum script execution time"
msgstr "BackWPup tiempo máximo de ejecución de scripts"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1289
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1278
msgid "Alternative WP Cron"
msgstr "Altenativa WP Cron"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1291 inc/class-page-settings.php:1299
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1291
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1299
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1280
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1288
msgid "On"
msgstr "Encendido"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1293 inc/class-page-settings.php:1301
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1293
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1301
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1282
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1290
msgid "Off"
msgstr "Apagado"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1297
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1286
msgid "Disabled WP Cron"
msgstr "WP Cron desactivado"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1305
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1294
msgid "CHMOD Dir"
msgstr "CHMOD Dir"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1313
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1302
msgid "Server Time"
msgstr "Hora del servidor"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1318
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1307
msgid "Blog Time"
msgstr "Hora del blog"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1322
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1311
msgid "Blog Timezone"
msgstr "Zona horaria de blog"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1326
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1315
msgid "Blog Time offset"
msgstr "Offset de hora del blog"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1328
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1317
msgid "%s hours"
msgstr "%s horas"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1333
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1322
msgid "Blog language"
msgstr "Idioma del blog"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1337
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1326
msgid "MySQL Client encoding"
msgstr "Codificación del cliente MySQL"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1341
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1330
msgid "PHP Memory limit"
msgstr "Límite de memoria de PHP"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1345
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1334
msgid "WP memory limit"
msgstr "Límite de memoria de WP"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1349
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1338
msgid "WP maximum memory limit"
msgstr "Límite máximo de memoria de WordPress"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1353
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1342
msgid "Memory in use"
msgstr "Memoria en uso"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1359
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1348
msgid "Disabled PHP Functions:"
msgstr "Funciones PHP deshabilitadas:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1364
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1353
msgid "Loaded PHP Extensions:"
msgstr "Extensiones PHP cargadas:"
@@ -5878,62 +4765,37 @@ msgid "We recommend to install the %1$s extension to generate %2$s archives."
msgstr "Recomendamos instalar la extensión %1s para generar ficheros %2s."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:77
-msgid ""
-"You must run WordPress version %1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are "
-"using version %2$s now."
-msgstr ""
-"Debe ejecutar la versión de WordPress %1$s o superior para usar este "
-"complemento. Estás usando la versión %2$s ahora."
+msgid "You must run WordPress version %1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %2$s now."
+msgstr "Debe ejecutar la versión de WordPress %1$s o superior para usar este complemento. Estás usando la versión %2$s ahora."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:88
-msgid ""
-"We recommend to run a PHP version above %1$s to get the full plugin "
-"functionality. You are using version %2$s now."
-msgstr ""
-"Recomendamos usar PHP versión %1$s o superior para conseguir toda la "
-"funcionalidad de complemento. Estás usando la versión %2$s ahora."
+msgid "We recommend to run a PHP version above %1$s to get the full plugin functionality. You are using version %2$s now."
+msgstr "Recomendamos usar PHP versión %1$s o superior para conseguir toda la funcionalidad de complemento. Estás usando la versión %2$s ahora."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:100
-msgid ""
-"You must have the MySQLi extension installed and a MySQL server version of "
-"%1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %2$s now."
-msgstr ""
-"Debes de tener la extensión MySQLLi instalada y una version %1$s o superior "
-"de MySQL server para usar este complemento. Estás usando la versión %2$s "
+msgid "You must have the MySQLi extension installed and a MySQL server version of %1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %2$s now."
+msgstr "Debes de tener la extensión MySQLLi instalada y una version %1$s o superior de MySQL server para usar este complemento. Estás usando la versión %2$s ahora."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:112
-msgid ""
-"PHP cURL extension must be installed to use the full plugin functionality."
-msgstr ""
-"La extensión PHP cURL debe instalarse para usar la funcionalidad completa "
-"del complemento."
+msgid "PHP cURL extension must be installed to use the full plugin functionality."
+msgstr "La extensión PHP cURL debe instalarse para usar la funcionalidad completa del complemento."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:136
msgctxt "Link to PHP manual"
msgid "Please disable the deprecated PHP safe mode."
-msgstr ""
-"Por favor desactiva el desactualizado PHP safe mode."
+msgstr "Por favor desactiva el desactualizado PHP safe mode."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:146
-msgid ""
-"We recommend to install the PHP FTP extension to use the FTP backup "
-msgstr ""
-"Recomendamos instalar la extensión PHP FTP para usar destinos de respaldos "
-"en FTP."
+msgid "We recommend to install the PHP FTP extension to use the FTP backup destination."
+msgstr "Recomendamos instalar la extensión PHP FTP para usar destinos de respaldos en FTP."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:164
msgid "The HTTP response test result is an error: \"%s\"."
msgstr "Comprobación de respuesta HTTP genera un error “%s”."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:175
-msgid ""
-"The HTTP response test result is a wrong HTTP status: %s. It should be "
-"status 200."
-msgstr ""
-"El resultado de la prueba de respuesta HTTP es un estado HTTP incorrecto: "
-"%s. Debería ser el estado 200."
+msgid "The HTTP response test result is a wrong HTTP status: %s. It should be status 200."
+msgstr "El resultado de la prueba de respuesta HTTP es un estado HTTP incorrecto: %s. Debería ser el estado 200."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:193
msgid "Yeah!"
@@ -5945,9 +4807,7 @@ msgstr "Todas las comprobaciones se ha pasado con éxito."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:220
msgid "WP-Cron seems to be broken. But it is needed to run scheduled jobs."
-msgstr ""
-"Wp-Cron parece estar roto; pero es necesario para realizar trabajos "
+msgstr "Wp-Cron parece estar roto; pero es necesario para realizar trabajos programados."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:239
msgid "There are errors. Please correct them, or BackWPup cannot work."
@@ -6002,12 +4862,8 @@ msgid "Database restored successfully."
msgstr "Base de datos restaurada con éxito."
#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:13
-msgid ""
-"Ops! There was an error during database restore. Please see the log for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Ops! Hubo un error durante la restauración de la base de datos. Por favor, "
-"mira el registro para más información."
+msgid "Ops! There was an error during database restore. Please see the log for more information."
+msgstr "Ops! Hubo un error durante la restauración de la base de datos. Por favor, mira el registro para más información."
#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:17
msgid "Restoring: "
@@ -6021,499 +4877,35 @@ msgstr "No se encontró EventSource en el navegador. No puede continuar."
msgid "Directories restored successfully."
msgstr "Directorios restaurados con éxito."
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/CronController.php:80
-msgid "Every %d days"
-msgstr "Cada %d días"
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/FrontController.php:143
-msgid "%s needs your help"
-msgstr "%s necesita tu ayuda"
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/FrontController.php:144
-msgid "Help %s"
-msgstr "Ayuda %s"
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:28
-msgid "Yes, I agree."
-msgstr "Sí estoy de acuerdo."
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:45
-msgid "I have to think about that, ask me later."
-msgstr "Tengo que pensar en eso, pregúntame más tarde."
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:62
-msgid "Please no. Don't ask me again."
-msgstr "Por favor no. No me vuelvas a preguntar."
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:84
-msgid "More info"
-msgstr "Más información"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:37
-msgid "Select Archive"
-msgstr "Seleccionar archivo"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:38
-msgid "or"
-msgstr "o"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:39
-msgid "Drop file here"
-msgstr "Carpeta de archivos de log"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:42
-msgid "Supported archive format zip,tar,tar.gz,tar.bz2"
-msgstr "Formato de archivo compatible zip, tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_top.php:2
-msgid "Backup Upload"
-msgstr "Subida de respaldo"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_top.php:5
-msgid ""
-"Welcome to BackWPup Restore. This tool helps you to restore a backup of your "
-"WordPress installation. Each step of the restore process will be explained "
-"in this box to get you quickly running."
-msgstr ""
-"Bienvenido a BackWPup Restore. Esta herramienta te ayuda a restaurar una "
-"copia de seguridad de tu instalación de WordPress. Cada paso del proceso de "
-"restauración se explicará en este cuadro para que pueda ejecutarlo "
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_top.php:10
-msgid ""
-"The first step is to upload a backup file. You can simply drag'n'drop a ZIP "
-"file of your backup into the box below or click on the `Select Archive` "
-"button and select the file using the file explorer."
-msgstr ""
-"El primer paso es cargar un archivo de respaldo. Simplemente puede arrastrar "
-"y soltar un archivo ZIP de su copia de seguridad en el cuadro siguiente o "
-"hacer clic en el botón “Seleccionar archivo” y seleccionar el archivo "
-"utilizando el explorador de archivos."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_top.php:14
-msgid ""
-"The upload of the file should start automatically and you will be lead to "
-"the next step."
-msgstr ""
-"La carga del archivo debería comenzar automáticamente y se le guiará al "
-"próximo paso."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_top.php:17
-msgid "Note: Only backups done with BackWPup can be restored."
-msgstr ""
-"Nota: solo se pueden restaurar las copias de seguridad realizadas con "
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:9
-msgid "Choose your restore strategy."
-msgstr "Elija su estrategia de restauración."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:15
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:6
-msgid "Full Restore"
-msgstr "Restauración completa"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:21
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:16
-msgid "Database Only"
-msgstr "Base de Datos"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:25
-msgid "Restore Database."
-msgstr "Restaurar tu base de datos."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:31
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:54
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Continuar"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:37
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be a problem with the archive. It is neither an archive nor a "
-"SQL file. Try again and repeat the upload."
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:64
+msgid "Could not read data from source file."
msgstr ""
-"Parece que hay un problema con el archivo. No es un archivo ni un archivo "
-"SQL. Inténtalo de nuevo y repite la carga."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:2
-msgid "Select Strategy"
-msgstr "Seleccionar estrategia"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:4
-msgid ""
-"This page provides two options you can choose from. Your decision affects "
-"the behavior of the restore process and decides which files are going to be "
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:69
+msgid "Could not write data into target file."
msgstr ""
-"Esta página brinda dos opciones entre las que puede elegir. Su decisión "
-"afecta el comportamiento del proceso de restauración y decide qué archivos "
-"se van a restaurar."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:10
-msgid ""
-"This option restores everything. Your database as well as all files within "
-"the backup are restored. The backup usually holds files from your wp-"
+#. translators: $1 is the path of the local file where the backup will be stored
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:141
+msgid "%s is a directory not a file."
msgstr ""
-"Esta opción restaura todo. Su base de datos, así como todos los archivos "
-"dentro de la copia de seguridad se restaurarán. La copia de seguridad "
-"generalmente contiene archivos de su directorio wp-content/
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:17
-msgid ""
-"The second option is a database only restore. Choosing this option will "
-"restore only the database dump. No files will be restored."
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:102
+msgid "Multipart splits file into multiple chunks while uploading.
This is necessary for displaying the upload process and to transfer bigger files.
Don't work with Google or Dreamhost."
msgstr ""
-"La segunda opción es una restauración solo de base de datos. Elegir esta "
-"opción restaurará solo el volcado de la base de datos. No se restaurarán los "
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:20
-msgid ""
-"Note: Only Full Restore can be done, if everything is also "
-"included in the zip file. If your zip file is only including a database, "
-"then only a Database only restore can be made."
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:575
+msgid "Seems is not possible to store your private key, be sure the directory %s is writable."
msgstr ""
-"Nota: solo se puede hacer Restauración completa, si todo "
-"está también incluido en el archivo zip. Si su archivo zip solo incluye una "
-"base de datos, solo se puede realizar una restauración de base de "
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:6
-msgid "Database Connection Settings."
-msgstr "Configuración de conexión de base de datos."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:13
-msgid "Database Host"
-msgstr "Base de Datos"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:19
-msgid "Database Name"
-msgstr "Nombre de la base de datos"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:25
-msgid "Database User"
-msgstr "Usuario de la base de datos"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:31
-msgid "Database Password"
-msgstr "Contraseña de la base de datos"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:39
-msgid "Database Charset"
-msgstr "Charset de la base de datos"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:49
-msgid "Test Connection"
-msgstr "Conexión de prueba"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_top.php:2
-msgid "Database Settings"
-msgstr "Configuración de la base de datos"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_top.php:4
-msgid ""
-"Before the actually restore can take place you need to tell us some "
-"information about your database. Probably, these information are the same as "
-"your WordPress database. The restore will overwrite all information within "
-"this database. So make sure you choose the correct database."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:981
+msgid "Note: Would you like faster, more streamlined support? Pro users can contact BackWPup from right within the plugin."
msgstr ""
-"Antes de que la restauración en realidad pueda tener lugar, debe "
-"proporcionarnos cierta información sobre su base de datos. Probablemente, "
-"esta información es la misma que su base de datos de WordPress. La "
-"restauración sobrescribirá toda la información dentro de esta base de datos. "
-"Así que asegúrese de elegir la base de datos correcta."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_top.php:6
-msgid ""
-"You can use the Test Connection button below to test, you "
-"guessed it, your connection to the database.\n"
-"\t\t\t\tIf everything is fine a green message box will appear. Otherwise, a "
-"red message box will tell you more about the problem.\n"
-"\t\t\t\tYou can only continue when a working connection to the database "
-"could be established."
-msgstr ""
-"Puede usar el botón Conexión de prueba a continuación para "
-"probar, lo adivinó, su conexión a la base de datos.\n"
-"Si todo está bien, aparecerá un cuadro de mensaje verde. De lo contrario, un "
-"cuadro de mensaje rojo le dirá más sobre el problema.\n"
-"Solo puede continuar cuando se pueda establecer una conexión de trabajo a la "
-"base de datos."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_top.php:13
-msgid ""
-"Having trouble getting your database connection settings? Go to documentation to get more information."
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:71
+msgid "Could not write data to file. Empty source file."
msgstr ""
-"¿Tiene problemas para obtener la configuración de conexión de su base de "
-"datos? Vaya a la documentación para obtener más "
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step4_action.php:8
-msgid "Restore Progress."
-msgstr "Restaurar progreso."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step4_action.php:20
-msgid "Start"
-msgstr "Iniciar"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step4_top.php:5
-msgid ""
-"You reached the last step. Now you're ready to restore the data. Simply "
-"press the Start button and the restore starts."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:452
+msgid "Preview: "
msgstr ""
-"Llegaste al último paso. Ahora estás listo para restaurar los datos. "
-"Simplemente presione el botón Iniciar y se iniciará la "
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step5_top.php:2
-msgid "Success"
-msgstr "Éxito"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step5_top.php:5
-msgid "Your restore was successful and everything should be back to normal."
-msgstr "Tu restauración fue exitosa y todo debería volver a la normalidad."
-#. Plugin Name of the plugin/theme
-msgid "BackWPup Pro"
-msgstr "BackWPup Pro"
-#. Description of the plugin/theme
-msgid "WordPress Backup Plugin"
-msgstr "Plugin de backups para WordPress"
-#. Author of the plugin/theme
-msgid "Inpsyde GmbH"
-msgstr "Inpsyde GmbH"
-#~ msgid "Delete not existing files from Dropbox"
-#~ msgstr "Eliminar archivos no existentes de Dropbox"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "No logs could be found. If you want to attach a log, please run a job first."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "No se pueden encontrar registros. Si desea adjuntar un registro, primero ejecute un trabajo."
-#~ msgid "Disabled due to missing %s PHP class."
-#~ msgstr "Deshabilitados debido a la falta de clase PHP %s."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Note: Would you like faster, more streamlined support? "
-#~ "Pro users can contact BackWPup from right within the plugin."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Nota: ¿Desea un soporte más rápido y más sencillo? Los "
-#~ "usuarios profesionales pueden ponerse en contacto con BackWPup "
-#~ "directamente desde el complemento."
-#~ msgid "https://backwpup.com/become-backwpup-beta-tester/"
-#~ msgstr "https://backwpup.com/become-backwpup-beta-tester/"
-#~ msgid "FTP: Login failure!"
-#~ msgstr "FTP : Fallo de identificación!"
-#~ msgid "Blog charset"
-#~ msgstr "Sel. caracteres de blog"
-#, fuzzy
-#~| msgid "BackWPup News"
-#~ msgid "Your BackWPup Team!"
-#~ msgstr "Noticias de BackWPup"
-#~ msgid "https://backwpup.com/php52/"
-#~ msgstr "https://backwpup.com/php52/"
-#~ msgid "Error while deleting file from Dropbox: %s"
-#~ msgstr "Error mientras se borra archivo de Dropbox : %s"
-#~ msgid "Administrator"
-#~ msgstr "Administrador"
-#~ msgid "Oldest files will be deleted first. 0 = no deletion"
-#~ msgstr "Archivos antiguos serán borrado los primeros. 0= no borrado"
-#~ msgid "Safe Mode"
-#~ msgstr "Modo seguro"
-#~ msgid "(Oldest files will be deleted first.)"
-#~ msgstr "(Archivos antiguos serán eliminados primero.)"
-#~ msgid "Activate"
-#~ msgstr "Activar"
-#~ msgid "News"
-#~ msgstr "Noticias"
-#~ msgid "Could not connect to remote host. Please try again later."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "No se puede conectar con servidor remoto. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde, "
-#~ "por favor"
-#~ msgid "Loading Content ..."
-#~ msgstr "Cargando contenido ...."
-#~ msgid "Google Storage (Interoperable Access)"
-#~ msgstr "Google Storage (Acceso Interoperable)"
-#~ msgid "Hosteurope Cloud Storage"
-#~ msgstr "Hosteuropa Cloud Storage"
-#~ msgid "Dynamically loaded documentation"
-#~ msgstr "Documentación cargada dinámicamente "
-#~ msgid "ATTENTION: Job runs every %d hours!"
-#~ msgstr "ATENCION: El trabajo se ejecuta cada %d horas!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "PHP Zip functions will be used if available (needs less memory). "
-#~ "Otherwise the PCLZip class will be used."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Funciones de ZIp PHP serán usadas si están disponibles (necesitan menos "
-#~ "memoria). De otra manera la clase PCLZip será utilizada."
-#~ msgid "A tarballed, not compressed archive (fast and less memory)"
-#~ msgstr "Un archivo tar sin comprimir (rápido y menos memoria)"
-#~ msgid "A tarballed, GZipped archive (fast and less memory)"
-#~ msgstr "Un archivo tar GZipped (rápido y menos memoria)"
-#~ msgid "A tarballed, BZipped archive (fast and less memory)"
-#~ msgstr "Un archivo tar BZipped (rápido y menos memoria)"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "All images with -???x???. will be excluded. Use a plugin like Regenerate "
-#~ "Thumbnails to rebuild them after a restore."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Todas las imágenes con -???x???. serán excluídas. Use algún plugin como "
-#~ "Regenerate Tumbnails para reconstruirlas después de restaurar."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If the WordPress root folder is not included in this backup job, check "
-#~ "this option to additionally include wp-config.php, robots.txt, ."
-#~ "htaccess, .htpasswd and favicon.ico into the backup. Your wp-config.php "
-#~ "will be included even if you placed it in the parent directory of your "
-#~ "root folder."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si la carpeta raíz de WordPress no está incluido en esta tarea de "
-#~ "respaldo, marque esta opción para incluir adicionalmente wp-config.php, "
-#~ "robots.txt,. Htaccess,. Htpasswd y favicon.ico en la copia de seguridad. "
-#~ "Su wp-config.php se incluirá incluso si se coloca en el directorio "
-#~ "principal de la carpeta raíz."
-#~ msgid "%s Welcome"
-#~ msgstr "%s Bienvenido"
-#~ msgid "Heads up! You have updated from version 2.x"
-#~ msgstr "Atención! Has actualizado desde version 2.x"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please check your settings after updating from version "
-#~ "2.x:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Por favor comprueba tus parámetros después de "
-#~ "actualizar desde version 2.x:"
-#~ msgid "Dropbox authentication must be re-entered"
-#~ msgstr "Debes reintroducir identificación de Dropbox"
-#~ msgid "SugarSync authentication must be re-entered"
-#~ msgstr "Debes reintroducir identificación de SugarSync"
-#~ msgid "S3 Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Parámetros S3"
-#~ msgid "Google Storage is now a part of S3 service settings"
-#~ msgstr "Google Storage es ahora parte de configuración de servicio S3"
-#~ msgid "All your passwords"
-#~ msgstr "Todas tus contraseñas"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please go to your plugin page and active the license to have the "
-#~ "autoupdates enabled."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Por favor vete a tu página de plugins y activa la licencia para tener los "
-#~ "auto-actualizaciones activadas."
-#~ msgid "Maximum number of files to keep in folder."
-#~ msgstr "Número máximo de ficheros para guardar en carpeta"
-#~ msgid "Bucket %s could not be created."
-#~ msgstr "Cubo %s no puede ser creado."
-#~ msgid "https://marketpress.com/support/forum/plugins/backwpup-pro/"
-#~ msgstr "https://marketpress.com/support/forum/plugins/backwpup-pro/"
-#~ msgid "Pro Support"
-#~ msgstr "Soporte Pro"
-#~ msgid "http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup/"
-#~ msgstr "http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup/"
-#~ msgid "MarketPress"
-#~ msgstr "MarketPress"
-#~ msgid "http://marketpress.com/product/backwpup-pro/"
-#~ msgstr "http://marketpress.com/product/backwpup-pro/"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Important: before updating, please back "
-#~ "up your database and files with %2$s. For help with updates, visit the Updating "
-#~ "WordPress Codex page."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Importante: antes de actualizar, por favor respalda tu base de datos y archivos con %2$s. Para ayuda con "
-#~ "actualizaciones visita la página Updating WordPress Codex ."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Important: before installing this plugin, please back up your database and files with %2$s."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Importante: antes de instalar este complemento, por "
-#~ "favor respalda tus bases de datos y archivos con %2$s."
-#~ msgctxt "%s = Remote Code"
-#~ msgid "Could not connect to remote host, code %d. Please try again later."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Imposible conecta con servidor remoto, código %d. INténtalo mas tarde , "
-#~ "por favor."
-#~ msgid "Could not find content for this page. Please try again later."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "No se puede encontrar contenido en esta página. Inténtalo de nuevo más "
-#~ "tarde, por favor"
-#~ msgid "The HTTP response test get a false http status (%s)"
-#~ msgstr "Comprobación de respuesta HTTP obtiene un falso estado http (%s)"
-#~ msgid "seconds. 0 = disabled."
-#~ msgstr "segundos. 0 = deshabilitado."
-#~ msgid "Auto"
-#~ msgstr "Auto"
-#~ msgid "ZipArchive"
-#~ msgstr "Archivo ZIP"
-#~ msgid "PclZip"
-#~ msgstr "PclZip"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Auto = Uses PHP class ZipArchive if available; otherwise uses PclZip.
ZipArchive = Uses less memory, but many open files at a time.
PclZip = Uses more memory, but only 2 open files at a time."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Auto = Usa la clase ZipArchive de PHP si está disponible, de otro modo "
-#~ "usa PclZip.
ZipArchive = usa menos memoria, pero puede abrir más "
-#~ "fichero de un tiempo.
PclZip= Usa más memoria pero sólo abre dos "
-#~ "archivo de una vez."
diff --git a/languages/backwpup-fr_FR.mo b/languages/backwpup-fr_FR.mo
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/languages/backwpup-fr_FR.po b/languages/backwpup-fr_FR.po
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index d49fd5ff..d6c6e96f
--- a/languages/backwpup-fr_FR.po
+++ b/languages/backwpup-fr_FR.po
@@ -1,159 +1,228 @@
-# Translation of BackWPup Pro in French (France)
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the BackWPup Pro package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BackWPup Pro\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup-pro\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-29 20:00+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-05-29 20:02+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
-"Language: fr_FR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-29 20:00+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-05-29 20:02+0200\n"
+"Language: fr_FR\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.1\n"
-#: backwpup.php:333 inc/class-page-backups.php:271
+#: backwpup.php:333
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:271
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:243
+#: backwpup.php:286
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:286
msgid "Folder"
msgstr "Répertoire"
#: backwpup.php:334
+#: backwpup.php:287
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:287
msgid "Backup to Folder"
msgstr "Sauvegarder dans le répertoire"
#: backwpup.php:349
+#: backwpup.php:302
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:302
msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-Mail"
#: backwpup.php:350
+#: backwpup.php:303
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:303
msgid "Backup sent via email"
msgstr "Sauvegarder envoyée par E-mail"
#: backwpup.php:365
+#: backwpup.php:318
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:318
msgid "FTP"
msgstr "FTP"
#: backwpup.php:366
+#: backwpup.php:319
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:319
msgid "Backup to FTP"
msgstr "Sauvegarder vers le serveur FTP"
-#: backwpup.php:381 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:293
+#: backwpup.php:381
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:293
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:445
+#: backwpup.php:334
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:334
msgid "Dropbox"
msgstr "DropBox"
-#: backwpup.php:382 inc/class-page-about.php:517
+#: backwpup.php:382
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:517
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:519
+#: backwpup.php:335
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:335
msgid "Backup to Dropbox"
msgstr "Sauvegarder vers DropBox"
-#: backwpup.php:397 inc/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: backwpup.php:397
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:42
+#: backwpup.php:350
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:350
msgid "S3 Service"
msgstr "S3 Service"
#: backwpup.php:398
+#: backwpup.php:351
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:351
msgid "Backup to an S3 Service"
msgstr "Sauvegarder vers le service S3"
#: backwpup.php:416
+#: backwpup.php:371
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:371
msgid "MS Azure"
msgstr "MS Azure"
#: backwpup.php:417
+#: backwpup.php:372
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:372
msgid "Backup to Microsoft Azure (Blob)"
msgstr "Sauvegarder vers Microsoft Azure (blob)"
#: backwpup.php:432
+#: backwpup.php:387
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:387
msgid "RSC"
msgstr "RackSpace"
-#: backwpup.php:433 inc/class-page-about.php:522
+#: backwpup.php:433
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:522
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:524
+#: backwpup.php:388
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:388
msgid "Backup to Rackspace Cloud Files"
msgstr "Sauvegarder vers RackSpace Cloud"
#: backwpup.php:450
+#: backwpup.php:407
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:407
msgid "SugarSync"
msgstr "SugarSync"
-#: backwpup.php:451 inc/class-page-about.php:537
+#: backwpup.php:451
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:537
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:539
+#: backwpup.php:408
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:408
msgid "Backup to SugarSync"
msgstr "Sauvegarder vers SugarSync"
#: backwpup.php:470
+#: backwpup.php:433
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:433
msgid "PHP Version %1$s is to low, you need Version %2$s or above."
-msgstr ""
-"La version de PHP %1$s est trop ancienne, vous devez avoir la version %2$s "
-"ou supérieure."
+msgstr "La version de PHP %1$s est trop ancienne, vous devez avoir la version %2$s ou supérieure."
#: backwpup.php:477
+#: backwpup.php:443
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:443
msgid "Missing function \"%s\"."
msgstr "Il manque la fonction \"%s\"."
#: backwpup.php:486
+#: backwpup.php:454
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:454
msgid "Missing class \"%s\"."
msgstr "Il manque la classe \"%s\"."
-#: inc/class-admin.php:215 inc/class-help.php:24
+#: inc/class-admin.php:215
+#: inc/class-help.php:24
+#: inc/class-admin.php:267
msgid "http://docs.backwpup.com"
msgstr "http://docs.backwpup.comcom/"
#: inc/class-admin.php:215
+#: inc/class-admin.php:267
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentation"
#: inc/class-admin.php:227
+#: inc/class-admin.php:282
msgid "BackWPup Dashboard"
msgstr "Tableau de bord de BackWPup"
#: inc/class-admin.php:227
+#: inc/class-admin.php:282
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "Tableau de bord"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:243 inc/class-adminbar.php:82
+#: inc/class-admin.php:243
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:82
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-admin.php:305
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:215
msgid "Jobs"
msgstr "Opérations"
#: inc/class-admin.php:258
+#: inc/class-admin.php:330
msgid "Add new job"
msgstr "Ajouter une nouvelle opération"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:273 inc/class-adminbar.php:98
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:328 inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-admin.php:273
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:98
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:328
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-admin.php:355
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:219
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:377
msgid "Logs"
msgstr "Fichiers journaux"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:288 inc/class-adminbar.php:106
+#: inc/class-admin.php:288
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:106
+#: inc/class-admin.php:380
msgid "Backups"
msgstr "Sauvegardes"
#: inc/class-admin.php:303
+#: inc/class-admin.php:405
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres"
#: inc/class-admin.php:316
+#: inc/class-admin.php:425
msgid "About"
msgstr "A propos"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:331 inc/class-admin.php:337
+#: inc/class-admin.php:331
+#: inc/class-admin.php:337
+#: inc/class-admin.php:453
+#: inc/class-admin.php:460
msgid "Cheating, huh?"
msgstr "Vous trichez ?"
#: inc/class-admin.php:381
+#: inc/class-admin.php:510
msgid "Get BackWPup Pro now."
-msgstr ""
-"Obtenir BackWPup Pro maintenant."
+msgstr "Obtenir BackWPup Pro maintenant."
#: inc/class-admin.php:401
+#: inc/class-admin.php:531
msgid "version %s"
msgstr "version %s"
#: inc/class-admin.php:445
+#: inc/class-admin.php:576
msgid "Add BackWPup Role"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-admin.php:449
+#: inc/class-admin.php:581
msgid "— No additional role for BackWPup —"
msgstr ""
@@ -169,7 +238,8 @@ msgstr "En cours"
msgid "Abort!"
msgstr "Abandonner!"
-#: inc/class-adminbar.php:90 inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:90
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
msgid "Add new"
msgstr "Ajouter"
@@ -180,702 +250,917 @@ msgstr "Lancer maintenant"
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:31
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:45
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "BackWPup jobs helper"
msgid "Make BackWPup better!"
msgstr "Aide sur les opérations BackWPup"
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:104
-msgid ""
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:108
+msgid "https://inpsyde.com/en/jobs/?utm_source=BackWPup&utm_medium=Link&utm_campaign=BecomeAnInpsyder"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:114
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:118
msgid "We want to make BackWPup even stronger and its support much faster."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:122
-msgid ""
-"This is why we are looking for a talented developer who can work remotely "
-"and support us in BackWPup"
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:126
+msgid "This is why we are looking for a talented developer who can work remotely and support us in BackWPup"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:129
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:133
msgid "and other exciting WordPress projects at our VIP partner agency."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:141
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:145
msgid "Apply now!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:148
#: inc/class-betatester-admin-notice.php:96
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:152
+#: inc/class-admin-notice.php:121
msgid "Don't show again"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:152
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:156
msgid "Work for Inpsyde"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-betatester-admin-notice.php:69
-msgid "Join us as beta tester!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-betatester-admin-notice.php:70
-msgid "https://backwpup.com/become-backwpup-beta-tester/"
-msgstr "https://backwpup.com/become-backwpup-beta-tester/"
-#: inc/class-betatester-admin-notice.php:77
-msgid ""
-"To ensure that our releases are as bug-free as possible, we need you as a "
-"beta tester!"
-msgstr ""
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:64
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:80
msgid "The file name of an archive cannot be empty."
msgstr "Le nom d'un fichier archive ne peut pas être vide."
+#. translators: $1 is the file path
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:72
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:89
msgctxt "%s = Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s for archive not found"
msgstr "Le répertoire %s pour les archives n'a pas été trouvé"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:78 inc/class-create-archive.php:110
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:123 inc/class-mysqldump.php:133
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:78
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:110
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:123
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:133
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:101
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:141
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:182
msgid "Functions for gz compression not available"
msgstr "Les fonctions pour la compression gz ne sont pas disponibles"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:85 inc/class-create-archive.php:129
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:85
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:129
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:195
msgid "Functions for bz2 compression not available"
msgstr "Les fonctions pour la compression bz2 ne sont pas disponibles"
+#. translators: $1 is a directory name
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:106
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:155
msgctxt "ZipArchive open() result"
msgid "Cannot create zip archive: %d"
msgstr "Création de l'archive zip impossible : %d"
+#. translators: the $1 is the type of the archive file
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:135
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:208
msgctxt "%s = file name"
msgid "Method to archive file %s not detected"
msgstr "La méthode pour archiver le fichier %s n'a pas été trouvée"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:140
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:215
msgid "Cannot open archive file"
msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier archive"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:155 inc/class-create-archive.php:349
+#. translators: The $1 is the tecnical error string from pclzip.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:155
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:349
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:233
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:524
msgid "PclZip archive add error: %s"
msgstr "Erreur d'ajout à l'archive PclZipp : %s"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:165
-msgid "ZIP archive cannot be closed correctly."
-msgstr "L'archive ZIP ne peut pas être finalisée correctement."
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:219
-msgid "File name cannot be empty"
-msgstr "Un nom de fichier ne peut pas être vide"
+#. translators: The $1 is the name of the file to add to the archive.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:228
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:326
msgctxt "File to add to archive"
msgid "File %s does not exist or is not readable"
msgstr "Le fichier \"%s\" n'existe pas ou n'est pas accessible! "
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:242 inc/class-create-archive.php:258
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:392 inc/class-create-archive.php:396
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:242
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:258
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:392
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:396
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:357
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:384
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:588
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:597
msgid "This archive method can only add one file"
msgstr "Cette méthode d'archivage ne peut ajouter qu'un fichier"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:247 inc/class-create-archive.php:263
-msgid "Cannot open source file %s to archive"
-msgstr "Impossible d'ajouter le fichier %s à l'archive"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:311
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:452
msgid "ZIP archive cannot be closed correctly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:329 inc/class-create-archive.php:338
+#. translators: the $1 is the name of the archive.
+#. translators: $1 is the name of the archive.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:329
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:338
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:407
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:483
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:500
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:617
msgid "Cannot add \"%s\" to zip archive!"
msgstr "Impossible d'ajouter \"%s\" à l'archive zip!"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:374
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:554
msgid "Folder name cannot be empty"
msgstr "Le nom du répertoire ne peut pas être vide"
+#. translators: $1 is the folder name
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:379
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:565
msgctxt "Folder path to add to archive"
msgid "Folder %s does not exist or is not readable"
msgstr "Le répertoire \"%s\" n'existe pas ou n'est pas accessible"
+#. translators. $1 is the status returned by a call to a ZipArchive method.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:429
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:649
msgctxt "Text of ZipArchive status Message"
msgid "ZipArchive returns status: %s"
msgstr "Zip a renvoyé le statut : %s"
+#. translators: $1 is the file name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:459
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:697
msgid "File name \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"Le nom de fichier \"%1$s\" est trop long pour être enregistrer correctement "
-"dans l'archive %2$s!"
+msgstr "Le nom de fichier \"%1$s\" est trop long pour être enregistrer correctement dans l'archive %2$s!"
+#. translators: $1 is the file name to use in the archive.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:462
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:709
msgid "File path \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"Le chemin vers \"%1$s\" est trop long pour être enregistrer correctement "
-"dans l'archive %2$s!"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:474
-msgid "Cannot open source file %s for archiving"
-msgstr "Impossible d'ajouter le fichier %s à l'archive"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:479 inc/class-create-archive.php:480
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:579 inc/class-create-archive.php:580
+msgstr "Le chemin vers \"%1$s\" est trop long pour être enregistrer correctement dans l'archive %2$s!"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:479
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:480
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:579
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:580
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:974
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:975
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Inconnu"
+#. translators: $1 is the name of the folder. $2 is the archive name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:570
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:813
msgid "Folder name \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"Le nom de répertoire \"%1$s\" est trop long pour être enregistrer "
-"correctement dans l'archive %2$s!"
+msgstr "Le nom de répertoire \"%1$s\" est trop long pour être enregistrer correctement dans l'archive %2$s!"
+#. translators: $1 is the name of the folder. $2 is the archive name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:573
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:828
msgid "Folder path \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"Le chemin vers \"%1$s\" est trop long pour être enregistrer correctement "
-"dans l'archive %2$s!"
+msgstr "Le chemin vers \"%1$s\" est trop long pour être enregistrer correctement dans l'archive %2$s!"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:654
-msgid ""
-"If %s will be added to your backup archive, the archive will be too large "
-"for operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting "
-"the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:896
+msgid "If %s will be added to your backup archive, the archive will be too large for operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-cron.php:69
+#: inc/class-cron.php:73
msgid "Aborted, because no progress for one hour!"
msgstr "Abandonné, car aucun changement en 1 heures!"
-#: inc/class-cron.php:101 inc/class-destination-folder.php:209
-#: inc/class-job.php:1003 inc/class-job.php:1141 inc/class-job.php:1740
+#: inc/class-cron.php:101
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:209
+#: inc/class-job.php:1003
+#: inc/class-job.php:1141
+#: inc/class-job.php:1740
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:445
+#: inc/class-cron.php:107
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:195
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:446
msgid "Could not open path: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:41 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:344
+#. translators: the $1 is the error message
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:41
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:344
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:253
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:405
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:458
msgid "Dropbox API: %s"
msgstr "DropBox API: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55 inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:51
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:51
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:93
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:72
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Login"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:59 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:28
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:28
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:43
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:76
msgid "Authentication"
msgstr "Authentification"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:61 inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:57
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:61
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:57
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:295
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:99
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:415
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:78
msgid "Not authenticated!"
msgstr "Non authentifié!"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:63
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:28
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:51
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:81
msgid "Create Account"
msgstr "Créer un compte"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:65 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:65
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:45
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:34
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:59
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:300
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:31
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:101
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:425
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:57
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:83
msgid "Authenticated!"
msgstr "Enregistré!"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:68
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:92
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:95
msgid "Delete Dropbox Authentication"
msgstr "Suppression de l'authentification Dropbox"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:75
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:102
msgid "App Access to Dropbox"
msgstr "Accès App à DropBox"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:78
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:110
msgid "Get Dropbox App auth code"
msgstr "Récupérer le code d'authentification App de Dropbox"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:79
-msgid ""
-"A dedicated folder named BackWPup will be created inside of the Apps folder "
-"in your Dropbox. BackWPup will get read and write access to that folder "
-"only. You can specify a subfolder as your backup destination for this job in "
-"the destination field below."
-msgstr ""
-"Un répertoire dédié nommé BackWPup sera créé dans le répertoire APPS de "
-"votre compte Dropbox. BackWPup aura des accès en lecture et en écriture sur "
-"ce répertoire uniquement. Vous pouvez définir un sous répertoire pour y "
-"déposer votre sauvegarde dans le champ destination ci-dessous."
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:111
+msgid "A dedicated folder named BackWPup will be created inside of the Apps folder in your Dropbox. BackWPup will get read and write access to that folder only. You can specify a subfolder as your backup destination for this job in the destination field below."
+msgstr "Un répertoire dédié nommé BackWPup sera créé dans le répertoire APPS de votre compte Dropbox. BackWPup aura des accès en lecture et en écriture sur ce répertoire uniquement. Vous pouvez définir un sous répertoire pour y déposer votre sauvegarde dans le champ destination ci-dessous."
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:84
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:119
msgid "— OR —"
msgstr "-- OU --"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:87
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:122
msgid "Full Access to Dropbox"
msgstr "Accès complet à Dropbox"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:90
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:130
msgid "Get full Dropbox auth code "
msgstr "Récupérer une authentification Dropbox complète"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:91
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup will have full read and write access to your entire Dropbox. You "
-"can specify your backup destination wherever you want, just be aware that "
-"ANY files or folders inside of your Dropbox can be overridden or deleted by "
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup aura un accès complet en lecture et en écriture à tout votre compte "
-"Dropbox. Vous pouvez définir un répertoire de destination pour votre "
-"sauvegarde, soyez averti que TOUS fichiers ou répertoires dans votre compte "
-"Dropbox peut être supprimés ou remplacés par BackWPup."
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:98 inc/class-destination-folder.php:29
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:49 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:66
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:95 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:81
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:131
+msgid "BackWPup will have full read and write access to your entire Dropbox. You can specify your backup destination wherever you want, just be aware that ANY files or folders inside of your Dropbox can be overridden or deleted by BackWPup."
+msgstr "BackWPup aura un accès complet en lecture et en écriture à tout votre compte Dropbox. Vous pouvez définir un répertoire de destination pour votre sauvegarde, soyez averti que TOUS fichiers ou répertoires dans votre compte Dropbox peut être supprimés ou remplacés par BackWPup."
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:29
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:66
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:95
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:81
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:68
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:112
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:141
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:82
msgid "Backup settings"
msgstr "Paramètres BackWPup"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:102
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:145
msgid "Destination Folder"
msgstr "Répertoire de destination"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:106
-msgid ""
-"Specify a subfolder where your backup archives will be stored. If you use "
-"the App option from above, this folder will be created inside of Apps/"
-"BackWPup. Otherwise it will be created at the root of your Dropbox. Already "
-"exisiting folders with the same name will not be overriden."
-msgstr ""
-"Définir un sous-répertoire où vos sauvegardes seront déposées. Si vous "
-"utilisez l'option App ci-dessus, ce répertoire sera créé dans le répertoire "
-"Apps/BackWPup. Sinon il sera créé à la racine de votre compte Dropbox. Les "
-"répertoires existants ave le même nom seront remplacés."
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:111 inc/class-destination-folder.php:39
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:59 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:91
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:154
+msgid "Specify a subfolder where your backup archives will be stored. If you use the App option from above, this folder will be created inside of Apps/BackWPup. Otherwise it will be created at the root of your Dropbox. Already exisiting folders with the same name will not be overriden."
+msgstr "Définir un sous-répertoire où vos sauvegardes seront déposées. Si vous utilisez l'option App ci-dessus, ce répertoire sera créé dans le répertoire Apps/BackWPup. Sinon il sera créé à la racine de votre compte Dropbox. Les répertoires existants ave le même nom seront remplacés."
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:111
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:39
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:91
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:81
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:125
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:162
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:40
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:95
msgid "File Deletion"
msgstr "Suppression de fichier"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:118 inc/class-destination-folder.php:46
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:66 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:83
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:112 inc/class-destination-s3.php:121
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:46
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:66
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:112
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:121
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:51
#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:43
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:90
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:323
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:45
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:73
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:73
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:134
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:456
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:45
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:182
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:76
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:229
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:171
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:104
msgid "Number of files to keep in folder."
msgstr "Nombre de fichiers à garder dans le répertoire."
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:120 inc/class-destination-folder.php:48
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:68 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:85
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:114 inc/class-destination-s3.php:123
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:120
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:48
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:68
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:85
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:114
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:123
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:100
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:92
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:109
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Files belonging to this job are now tracked. Old "
-"backup archives which are untracked will not be automatically deleted."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:124 inc/class-destination-folder.php:52
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:72 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:89
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:118 inc/class-destination-s3.php:127
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:136
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:109
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:232
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:173
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:51
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:106
+msgid "Warning: Files belonging to this job are now tracked. Old backup archives which are untracked will not be automatically deleted."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:124
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:52
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:89
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:127
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:104
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:54
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:48 inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:44
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:48
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:44
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:98
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:328
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:56
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:78
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:78
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:65
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:148
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:462
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:56
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:187
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:82
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:51
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:75
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:65
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:245
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:183
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:57
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:118
msgid "Do not delete files while syncing to destination!"
msgstr "Ne pas supprimer les fichies après l'envoi à la destination!"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:239
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:372
msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …"
msgstr "%d. Tentative d'envoi de fichiers vers Dropbox …"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:256
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:127
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:209
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:390
msgid "Authenticated with Dropbox of user: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:262
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:133
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:217
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:398
msgid "%s available on your Dropbox"
msgstr "%s de libre sur Dropbox"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:266
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:137
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:223
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:404
msgid "Not Authenticated with Dropbox!"
msgstr "Pas d'authentification avec DropBox!"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:270
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:408
msgid "Uploading to Dropbox …"
msgstr "Envoi vers DropBox commencé …"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:283 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:286
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:283
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:286
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:260
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:663
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:924
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:290
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:432
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:263
msgid "Backup transferred to %s"
msgstr "Sauvegarde envoyée vers %s"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:287
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:666
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:930
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:438
msgid "Uploaded file size and local file size don't match."
msgstr "Le fichier chargé et le fichier en local n'ont pas la même taille."
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:292
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:668
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:448
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:936
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:450
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:444
msgid "Error transfering backup to %s."
msgstr "Impossible d'envoyer la sauvegarde vers %s"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:337
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:345
msgid "One file deleted from Dropbox"
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Dropbox"
msgstr[0] "Un fichier supprimé sur DropBox"
msgstr[1] "%d fichiers supprimé sur Dropbox"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:520
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php:177
msgid "Beginning new file upload session"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:539
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php:199
msgid "Uploading %s of data"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:575
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php:244
msgid "Finishing upload session with a total of %s uploaded"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:38 inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:16
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:38
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:16
#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:18
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:39
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Adresse E-mail"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:41
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:43
msgid "To email address (separate with commas for multiple addresses)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:47 inc/class-destination-email.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:47
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:49
#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:29
#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:30
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:29
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:30
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:52
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:56
msgid "Send test email"
msgstr "Envoyer un courriel de test"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:61
msgid "Send email settings"
msgstr "Paramètres pour l'envoi des courriels"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:57
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:65
msgid "Maximum file size"
msgstr "Taille maximum du fichier"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:69
msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:60
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:70
msgid "Maximum file size to be included in an email. 0 = unlimited"
msgstr "Taille maximum pour envoyer par courriel. 0 = pas de limite"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:64
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:75
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Sender email address"
msgid "From email address"
msgstr "E-mail de l'emetteur"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:70
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:83
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Sender name"
msgid "From name"
msgstr "Nom de l'emetteur"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:92
msgid "Sending method"
msgstr "Méthode d'envoi du courriel"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:80
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:97
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Use site settings"
msgid "Use WordPress settings"
msgstr "Utilisation des paramètres du site"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:81
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:98
msgid "PHP: mail()"
msgstr "PHP:mail()"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:82
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:99
msgid "Sendmail"
msgstr "Sendmail"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:100
msgid "SMTP"
msgstr "SMTP"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:89
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:108
msgid "Sendmail path"
msgstr "Chemin de Sendmail"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:95
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:119
msgid "SMTP host name"
msgstr "Nom d'hôte SMTP"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:98 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:31
#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:21
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:35
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:124
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:56
msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Port:"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:102
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:136
msgid "SMTP secure connection"
msgstr "Connexion sécurisée SMTP"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:106 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:67
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:103 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:73
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:57 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:329
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:404 inc/class-page-settings.php:328
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:106
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:67
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:103
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:73
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:57
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:329
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:404
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:328
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:141
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:837
msgid "none"
msgstr "aucune"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:107
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:143
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:145
msgid "TLS"
msgstr "TLS"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:113
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:152
msgid "SMTP username"
msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur SMTP"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:120
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:162
msgid "SMTP password"
msgstr "Mot de passe SMTP"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:199
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:243
msgid "%d. Try to send backup with email …"
msgstr "%d. Tentative d'envoi de la sauvegarde par courriel…"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:204
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:248
msgid "Backup archive too big to be sent by email!"
msgstr "Fichier de sauvegarde trop volumineux pour être envoyé par courriel!"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:211
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:255
msgid "Sending email to %s…"
msgstr "Envoie du courriel à %s…"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:289
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:333
msgid "BackWPup archive from %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "L'archive BackWPup de %1$s: %2$s"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:292
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:336
msgid "Backup archive: %s"
msgstr "Archivage de: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:306 inc/class-destination-email.php:430
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:306
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:430
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:349
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:474
msgid "Error while sending email!"
msgstr "Erreur en envoyant le courriel!"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:312 inc/class-destination-email.php:432
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:312
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:432
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:354
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:476
msgid "Email sent."
msgstr "Courriel envoyé."
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:414
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:459
msgid "BackWPup archive sending TEST Message"
msgstr "BzckWPup archive envoie un message de TEST"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:417
-msgid ""
-"If this message reaches your inbox, sending backup archives via email should "
-"work for you."
-msgstr ""
-"Si vous trouvez ce message dans votre boite aux lettres, alors l'envoie des "
-"sauvegardes par courriel devrait fonctionner pour vous."
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:462
+msgid "If this message reaches your inbox, sending backup archives via email should work for you."
+msgstr "Si vous trouvez ce message dans votre boite aux lettres, alors l'envoie des sauvegardes par courriel devrait fonctionner pour vous."
#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:33
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:32
msgid "Folder to store backups in"
msgstr "Répertoire pour l'enregistrement des sauvegardes"
#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:229
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:219
msgid "One backup file deleted"
msgid_plural "%d backup files deleted"
msgstr[0] "Un fichier de sauvegarde supprimé"
msgstr[1] "%d fichiers de sauvegarde supprimés"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:23
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:46
msgid "FTP server and login"
msgstr "Serveur FTP et compte"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:50
msgid "FTP server"
msgstr "FTP server"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:36 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:46
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:36
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:46
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:63
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:42
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:71
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Mot de passe"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:53
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:87
msgid "Folder to store files in"
msgstr "Répertoire pour stocker les fichiers"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:79
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:128
msgid "FTP specific settings"
msgstr "Paramètres FTP spécifiques"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:133
msgid "Timeout for FTP connection"
msgstr "Délai d'attente pour la connexion FTP"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:87 inc/class-page-logs.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:87
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:257
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:466
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:288
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:137
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "secondes"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:91
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:141
msgid "SSL-FTP connection"
msgstr "Connexion SSL-FTP"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:94
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:148
msgid "Use explicit SSL-FTP connection."
msgstr "Utiliser une connexion SSL-FTP."
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:99
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:153
msgid "FTP Passive Mode"
msgstr "FTP en mode passif"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:101
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:158
msgid "Use FTP Passive Mode."
msgstr "Utiliser une connexion FTP en mode passif."
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:179
-msgid "FTP: Login failure!"
-msgstr "FTP : Échec d'authentification!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:203
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:433
msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to an FTP server …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Tentative d'envoi du fichier sauvegarde vers un serveur FTP …"
+msgstr "%d. Tentative d'envoi du fichier sauvegarde vers un serveur FTP …"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:209
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:450
msgid "Connected via explicit SSL-FTP to server: %s"
msgstr "Connexion sécurisée par SSL-FTP au serveur: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:211
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:458
msgid "Cannot connect via explicit SSL-FTP to server: %s"
msgstr "Impossible de se connecter par SSL-FTP au serveur: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:217
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:468
msgid "PHP function to connect with explicit SSL-FTP to server does not exist!"
-msgstr ""
-"La fonction PHP pour se connecter au serveur avec SSL-FTP n'existe pas!"
+msgstr "La fonction PHP pour se connecter au serveur avec SSL-FTP n'existe pas!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:225
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:483
msgid "Connected to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "Connecté au serveur FTP: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:227
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:491
msgid "Cannot connect to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "Impossible de se connecter au serveur FTP: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:234 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:242
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:258 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:305
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:234
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:242
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:258
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:305
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:503
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:523
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:546
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:603
msgid "FTP client command: %s"
msgstr "Commande client FTP: %s "
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:236
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:513
msgid "FTP server response: %s"
msgstr "Réponse du serveur FTP: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:240 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:245
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:248 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:261
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:263 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:308
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:310 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:314
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:240
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:245
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:248
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:261
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:263
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:310
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:314
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:316
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:520
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:531
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:534
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:549
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:552
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:607
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:612
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:619
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:624
msgid "FTP server reply: %s"
msgstr "Réponse du serveur FTP: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:263
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:552
msgid "Error getting SYSTYPE"
msgstr "Erreur en essayant d'avoir SYSTYPE"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:281
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:765
msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" created!"
msgstr "Répertoire FTP \"%s\" créé!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:285
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:753
msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created!"
msgstr "Le répertoire FTP \"%s\" ne peut pas être créé!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:296
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:590
msgid "FTP current folder is: %s"
msgstr "Le répertoire FTP actuel est : %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:607
msgid "Entering passive mode"
msgstr "Passage en mode passif"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:310
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:612
msgid "Cannot enter passive mode"
msgstr "Impossible de passer en mode passif"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:314
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:619
msgid "Entering normal mode"
msgstr "Passage en mode normal"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:316
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:624
msgid "Cannot enter normal mode"
msgstr "Impossible de passer en mode normal"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:320
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:631
msgid "Starting upload to FTP …"
msgstr "Début du chargement par FTP …"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:332
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:649
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to FTP server!"
msgstr "Impossible d'envoyer la sauvegarde vers le serveur FTP!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:337
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:656
msgid "Backup transferred to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "Sauvegarde envoyée vers le serveur FTP: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:344 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:271
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:289 inc/class-destination-s3.php:499
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:591 inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:653
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:344
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:271
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:289
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:499
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:591
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:653
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:468
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:226 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:259
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:226
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:259
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:292
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:905
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:470
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:228
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:261
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:275
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:843
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:958
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:673
msgid "Can not open source file for transfer."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:388
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:394
msgid "Cannot delete \"%s\" on FTP server!"
msgstr "Impossible d'effacer \"%s\" sur le serveur FTP!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:391
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:404
msgid "One file deleted on FTP server"
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on FTP server"
msgstr[0] "Un fichier supprimé sur le serveur FTP"
@@ -897,11 +1182,13 @@ msgstr "Clé d'accès"
msgid "Blob container"
msgstr "Contenu de type blob"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:48 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:48
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:76
msgid "Container selection"
msgstr "Sélection du contenu"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:59 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:88
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:88
msgid "Create a new container"
msgstr "Créer un nouveau contenu"
@@ -909,62 +1196,83 @@ msgstr "Créer un nouveau contenu"
msgid "Folder in container"
msgstr "Répertoire dans le contenu"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:76 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:105
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:114 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:96
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:105
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:114
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:96
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:96
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:215
msgid "File deletion"
msgstr "Suppression de fichier"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:128
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:99
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:99
msgid "MS Azure container \"%s\" created."
msgstr "Le contenant Microsoft Azure \"%s\" a été créé."
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:131
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:102
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:102
msgid "MS Azure container create: %s"
msgstr "Contenant MS Azure créé : %s"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:211
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:215
msgid "%d. Try sending backup to a Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Tentative d'envoi de la sauvegarde vers Microsoft Azure (Blob "
+msgstr "%d. Tentative d'envoi de la sauvegarde vers Microsoft Azure (Blob …"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:233
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:144
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:144
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:237
msgid "MS Azure container \"%s\" does not exist!"
msgstr "Le contenant Microsoft Azure \"%s\" n'existe pas!"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:237
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:148
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:148
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:241
msgid "Connected to MS Azure container \"%s\"."
msgstr "Connecté au contenant Microsoft Azure \"%s\"."
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:240
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:244
msgid "Starting upload to MS Azure …"
msgstr "Envoi vers MS Azure commencé …"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:292 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:348
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:292
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:348
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:233
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:233
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:296
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:352
msgid "Microsoft Azure API: %s"
msgstr "Microsoft Azure API: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:341
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:345
msgid "One file deleted on Microsoft Azure container."
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Microsoft Azure container."
msgstr[0] "Un fichier supprimé sur Microsoft Azure."
msgstr[1] "%d fichiers supprimés sur Microsoft Azure."
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:442
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:446
msgid "Missing account name!"
msgstr "Nom du compte non fourni!"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:444 inc/class-destination-s3.php:222
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:444
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:222
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:166
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:166
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:448
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:359
msgid "Missing access key!"
msgstr "Clé d'accès manquante!"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:448
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:452
msgid "No container found!"
msgstr "Aucun container trouvé!"
@@ -980,308 +1288,433 @@ msgstr "Clé API"
msgid "Select region"
msgstr "Sélectionner une région"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:63 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:65
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:63
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:65
#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:30
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:30
msgid "Rackspace Cloud Files Region"
msgstr "Rackspace Cloud Files Region"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:66 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:66
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31
msgid "Dallas (DFW)"
msgstr "Dallas (DFW)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:67 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:67
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32
msgid "Chicago (ORD)"
msgstr "Chicago (ORD)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:68 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:68
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33
msgid "Sydney (SYD)"
msgstr "Sydney (SYD)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:69 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:69
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34
msgid "London (LON)"
msgstr "London (LON)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:70 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35
msgid "Northern Virginia (IAD)"
msgstr "Northern Virginia (IAD)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:71 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:71
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36
msgid "Hong Kong (HKG)"
msgstr "Hong Kong (HKG)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:99 inc/class-destination-s3.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:99
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:202
msgid "Folder in bucket"
msgstr "Répertoire dans le panier"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:158 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:158
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116
msgid "Rackspace Cloud container \"%s\" created."
msgstr "Le contenant sur Rackspace Cloud \"%s\" créé."
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:162 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:274
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:314 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:359
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:170
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:162
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:274
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:314
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:359
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:170
#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:290
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:277
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:317
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:362
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:172
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:292
msgid "Rackspace Cloud API: %s"
msgstr "Rackspase Cloud API : %s"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:260
msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to Rackspace cloud …"
msgstr "%d. Tentative d'envoi de la sauvegarde vers Rackspace Cloud..."
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:271
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:274
msgid "Connected to Rackspace cloud files container %s"
msgstr "Connecté au contenant Rackspace \"%s\""
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:283
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:286
msgid "Upload to Rackspace cloud started …"
msgstr "Envoi vers RackSpace commencé..."
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:302
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:305
msgid "Backup File transferred to RSC://"
msgstr "Fichier de sauvegarde transféré vers RackSpace://"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:311
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to Rackspace cloud."
msgstr "Impossible d'envoyer la sauvegarde vers RackSpace."
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:353
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:356
msgid "One file deleted on Rackspace cloud container."
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Rackspace cloud container."
msgstr[0] "Un fichier supprimé sur Rackspace"
msgstr[1] "%d fichiers supprimés sur RackSpace"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:466
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:469
msgid "Missing username!"
msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur manquant!"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:468
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:471
msgid "Missing API Key!"
msgstr "Clé API manquante!"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:472
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:475
msgid "A container could not be found!"
msgstr "Un container ne peut pas être trouvé!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:48
msgid "Select a S3 service"
msgstr "Sélectionner un service S3"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:33 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:18
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:33
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:54
msgid "Amazon S3 Region"
msgstr "Amazon S3 Région"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:34 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:19
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:34
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:19
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:40
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1118
msgid "Amazon S3: US Standard"
msgstr "Amazon S3: US Standard"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:35 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:20
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:35
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:20
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1122
msgid "Amazon S3: US West (Northern California)"
msgstr "Amazon S3 : Ouest des Etats Unis (Nord de la Californie)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:36 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:21
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:36
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:21
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:53
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1126
msgid "Amazon S3: US West (Oregon)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Ouest des Etats Unis (Oregon)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:37 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:22
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:37
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:22
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:58
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1130
msgid "Amazon S3: EU (Ireland)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Europe (Irelande)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:38 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:23
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:38
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:23
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:68
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1138
msgid "Amazon S3: EU (Germany)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Europe (Allemagne)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:39 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:24
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:39
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:24
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:73
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1142
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:40 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:25
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:40
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:25
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:78
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1146
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:41 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:26
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:41
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:26
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1150
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asie et pacifique (Sydney)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:42 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:42
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:88
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1154
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asie et pacifique (Singapore)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:43 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:28
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:43
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:28
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:93
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1158
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asie et pacifique (Sydney)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:44 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:29
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:44
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:29
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1162
msgid "Amazon S3: South America (Sao Paulo)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Amérique du sud (Sao Paulo)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:45 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:30
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:45
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:30
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:103
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1166
msgid "Amazon S3: China (Beijing)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: China (Beijing)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:46 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:46
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:31
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1170
msgid "Google Storage: EU"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:47 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:47
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:32
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:113
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1174
msgid "Google Storage: USA"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:48 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:33
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:48
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:33
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1178
msgid "Google Storage: Asia"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:49 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:34
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:49
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:34
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:123
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1182
msgid "Dream Host Cloud Storage"
msgstr "Dream Host Cloud Storage"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:68
msgid "Or a S3 Server URL"
msgstr "Ou l'url d'un serveur S3"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:61
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:115
msgid "S3 Access Keys"
msgstr "Clé d'accès S3"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:65 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:65
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:121
msgid "Access Key"
msgstr "Clé d'accès"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:72 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:72
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:135
msgid "Secret Key"
msgstr "Clé secrète"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:80
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:145
msgid "S3 Bucket"
msgstr "Panier S3"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:84
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:151
msgid "Bucket selection"
msgstr "Sélction du panier"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:97
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:180
msgid "Create a new bucket"
msgstr "Créer un panier"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:104
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:196
msgid "S3 Backup settings"
msgstr "Paramètres S3"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:134
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:86
msgid "Multipart Upload"
msgstr "Toutes les parties ont été chargées"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:136
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:98
msgid "Use multipart upload for uploading a file"
msgstr "Utiliser un chargement en plusieurs parties pour le fichier"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:137
-msgid ""
-"Multipart splits file into multiple chunks while uploading. This is "
-"necessary for displaying the upload process and to transfer bigger files. "
-"Works without a problem on Amazon. Other services might have issues."
-msgstr ""
-"Découpe le fichier en plusieurs parties avant le téléchargement. C'est "
-"nécessaire pour pouvoir afficher l'avancement de l'envoi et pour transférer "
-"des fichiers plus gros. Fonctionne parfaitement avec Amazon, pas forcément "
-"avec les autres services."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:143
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:252
msgid "Amazon specific settings"
msgstr "Paramètres spécifique pour Amazon"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:147 inc/class-destination-s3.php:149
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:147
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:149
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:263
msgid "Amazon: Storage Class"
msgstr "Amazon: Storage Class"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:150
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:266
msgid "Standard"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:151
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:270
msgid "Standard-Infrequent Access"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:152
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:278
msgid "Reduced Redundancy"
msgstr "Diminuer la redondance"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:157
-msgid "Server side encryption"
-msgstr "Encodage du côté serveur"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:161
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:297
msgid "Save files encrypted (AES256) on server."
msgstr "Enregistrer le fichier encodé (AES256) sur le serveur."
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:224 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:224
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:361
msgid "Missing secret access key!"
msgstr "Clé secrète manquante!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:230
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:367
msgid "No bucket found!"
msgstr "Aucun panier trouvé!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:346
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:517
msgid "Bucket %1$s created."
msgstr "Le panier %1$s a été créé."
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:348 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:147
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:348
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:147
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:285
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:520
msgid " %s is not a valid bucket name."
msgstr "%s n'estpas un nom de panier correct."
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:389 inc/class-destination-s3.php:522
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:576 inc/class-destination-s3.php:610
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:670 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:337
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:389
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:522
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:576
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:610
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:670
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:337
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:623
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:570
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:868
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:936
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:995
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1006
msgid "S3 Service API: %s"
msgstr "S3 Service API: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:457
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:777
msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to S3 Service …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Tentative d'envoi du fichier sauvegarde vers le service S3 …"
+msgstr "%d. Tentative d'envoi du fichier sauvegarde vers le service S3 …"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:470 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:188
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:470
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:188
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:383
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:803
msgid "Connected to S3 Bucket \"%1$s\" in %2$s"
msgstr "Connecté au panier S3 \"%1$s\" dans %2$s"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:473 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:191
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:473
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:191
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:391
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:808
msgid "S3 Bucket \"%s\" does not exist!"
msgstr "Panier S3 \"%s\" n'existe pas!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:480
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:817
msgid "Checking for not aborted multipart Uploads …"
-msgstr ""
-"Vérification des chargements en plusieurs parties interrompus …"
+msgstr "Vérification des chargements en plusieurs parties interrompus …"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:486
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:830
msgid "Upload for %s aborted."
msgstr "Le chargement de %s est interrompu."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:492
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:836
msgid "Starting upload to S3 Service …"
msgstr "Envoi vers le service S3 commencé …"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:601 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:444
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:601
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:444
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:446
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:972
msgid "Backup transferred to %s."
msgstr "Sauvegarde envoyée vers %s."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:606
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:988
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to S3! (%1$d) %2$s"
msgstr "Impossible d'envoyer la sauvegarde vers le service S3! (%1$d) %2$s"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:634
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:699
msgid "Storage Class: %s"
msgstr "Storage Class: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:660
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:734
msgid "Cannot delete backup from %s."
msgstr "Impossible d'effacer la sauvegarde sur %s."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:664
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:746
msgid "One file deleted on S3 Bucket."
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on S3 Bucket"
msgstr[0] "Un fichier supprimé sur S3 Bucket"
@@ -1293,12 +1726,17 @@ msgstr "Compte Sugarsync"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:30
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:17
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:17
msgid "Email address:"
msgstr "Adresse E-mail:"
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:33 inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:29
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:33
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:29
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:20
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:126
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:126
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:47
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:20
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Mot de passe:"
@@ -1311,6 +1749,8 @@ msgstr "Authentifié chez SugarSync!"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:136
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:26
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:26
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
msgid "Create Sugarsync account"
msgstr "Créer un compte SugarSync"
@@ -1318,6 +1758,8 @@ msgstr "Créer un compte SugarSync"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:132
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:32
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:94
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:32
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:94
msgid "Delete Sugarsync authentication!"
msgstr "Suppression de l'authentification SugarSync!"
@@ -1331,6 +1773,7 @@ msgstr "Sélection du répertoire de synchronisation"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:64
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:41
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:41
msgid "No Syncfolders found!"
msgstr "Aucun répertoire de synchronisation trouvé!"
@@ -1339,37 +1782,45 @@ msgid "Folder in root"
msgstr "Répertoire dans le répertoire principal"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:230
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:233
msgid "%d. Try to send backup to SugarSync …"
msgstr "%d. Tentatives d'envoi de la sauvegarde vers SugarSync …"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:237
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:240
msgid "Authenticated to SugarSync with nickname %s"
msgstr "Authentifié chez SugarSync avec le compte %s"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:240
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:243
msgctxt "Available space on SugarSync"
msgid "Not enough disk space available on SugarSync. Available: %s."
msgstr "Pas assez d'espace disque disponible sur SugarSync. Libre : %s."
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:246
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:249
msgid "%s available at SugarSync"
msgstr "%s de libre chez SugarSync"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:253
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:256
msgid "Starting upload to SugarSync …"
msgstr "Début de l'envoi vers SugarSync …"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:263
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:266
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to SugarSync!"
msgstr "Impossible de transférer la sauvegarde vers SugarSync!"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:302
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:305
msgid "One file deleted on SugarSync folder"
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on SugarSync folder"
msgstr[0] "Un fichier supprimé sur SugarSync"
msgstr[1] "%d fichiers supprimés sur SugarSync"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:311
msgid "SugarSync API: %s"
msgstr "SugarSync API: %s"
@@ -1382,10 +1833,7 @@ msgid "EasyCron"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-easycron.php:189
-msgid ""
-"Here you can setup your EasyCron.com API key to use this "
+msgid "Here you can setup your EasyCron.com API key to use this service."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-easycron.php:192
@@ -1397,32 +1845,32 @@ msgid "Trigger WordPress Cron:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-easycron.php:203
-msgid ""
-"If you check this box, a cron job will be created on EasyCron that all 5 "
-"Minutes calls the WordPress cron."
+msgid "If you check this box, a cron job will be created on EasyCron that all 5 Minutes calls the WordPress cron."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-file.php:138
+#: inc/class-file.php:142
msgid "Folder %1$s not allowed, please use another folder."
-msgstr ""
-"Le répertoire %1$s n'est pas autorisé, merci de choisir un autre répertoire."
+msgstr "Le répertoire %1$s n'est pas autorisé, merci de choisir un autre répertoire."
#: inc/class-file.php:143
+#: inc/class-file.php:147
msgid "Folder %1$s is not in open basedir, please use another folder."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-file.php:149
+#: inc/class-file.php:153
msgid "Cannot create folder: %1$s"
msgstr "Impossible de créer le répertoire : %1$s"
#: inc/class-file.php:155
+#: inc/class-file.php:159
msgid "Folder \"%1$s\" is not writable"
msgstr "Le répertoire \"%1$s\" n'est pas accessible en écriture"
#: inc/class-file.php:191
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup will not backup folders and its sub folders when this file is "
+#: inc/class-file.php:195
+msgid "BackWPup will not backup folders and its sub folders when this file is inside."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-help.php:15
@@ -1431,20 +1879,12 @@ msgstr "Info extension"
#: inc/class-help.php:17
msgctxt "Plugin name and link; Plugin Version"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s version %2$s. A project by Inpsyde GmbH"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s version %2$s. Un projet de Inpsyde GmbH"
+msgid "%1$s version %2$s. A project by Inpsyde GmbH."
+msgstr "%1$s version %2$s. Un projet de Inpsyde GmbH."
#: inc/class-help.php:18
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is a free software, and you "
-"are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions."
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup est livré sans AUCUNE GARANTIE. C'est un logiciel libre, et vous "
-"êtes invités à le redistribuer sous certaines conditions."
+msgid "BackWPup comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is a free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions."
+msgstr "BackWPup est livré sans AUCUNE GARANTIE. C'est un logiciel libre, et vous êtes invités à le redistribuer sous certaines conditions."
#: inc/class-help.php:21
msgid "For more information:"
@@ -1459,498 +1899,535 @@ msgid "Manual"
msgstr "Manuel"
#: inc/class-install.php:84
+#: inc/class-install.php:90
msgid "BackWPup Admin"
msgstr "Administration BackWPup"
#: inc/class-install.php:98
+#: inc/class-install.php:105
msgid "BackWPup jobs checker"
msgstr "Vérification des opérations BackWPup"
#: inc/class-install.php:112
+#: inc/class-install.php:120
msgid "BackWPup jobs helper"
msgstr "Aide sur les opérations BackWPup"
#: inc/class-job.php:263
+#: inc/class-job.php:269
msgid "Starting job"
msgstr "Lacement de l'opération"
#: inc/class-job.php:278
+#: inc/class-job.php:284
msgid "Job Start"
msgstr "Début de l'opération"
#: inc/class-job.php:298
+#: inc/class-job.php:304
msgid "Creates manifest file"
msgstr "Création du fichier manifeste"
#: inc/class-job.php:320
+#: inc/class-job.php:326
msgid "Creates archive"
msgstr "Créer une archive"
#: inc/class-job.php:360
+#: inc/class-job.php:373
msgid "End of Job"
msgstr "Fin de l'opération"
#: inc/class-job.php:377
+#: inc/class-job.php:395
msgid "BackWPup log for %1$s from %2$s at %3$s"
msgstr "Fichier journal BackWPup pour %1$s de %2$s à %3$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:394
+#: inc/class-job.php:412
msgctxt "Plugin name; Plugin Version; plugin url"
msgid "[INFO] %1$s %2$s; A project of Inpsyde GmbH"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:395
+#: inc/class-job.php:413
msgctxt "WordPress Version; Blog url"
msgid "[INFO] WordPress %1$s on %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:396
+#: inc/class-job.php:414
msgid "Normal"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:399
+#: inc/class-job.php:417
msgid "Debug"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:402
+#: inc/class-job.php:420
msgid "(translated)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:404
+#: inc/class-job.php:422
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "[INFO] curl ver.: %1$s; %2$s"
msgid "[INFO] Log Level: %1$s %2$s"
msgstr "[INFO] Version curl : %1$s; %2$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:409
+#: inc/class-job.php:427
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job: %1$s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:412
+#: inc/class-job.php:430
msgid "[INFO] Runs with user: %1$s (%2$d) "
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:426 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:323
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:282 inc/class-page-jobs.php:291
+#: inc/class-job.php:426
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:323
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:282
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:291
+#: inc/class-job.php:444
msgid "Not scheduled!"
msgstr "Pas de programmation !"
-#: inc/class-job.php:430 inc/class-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-job.php:430
+#: inc/class-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-job.php:448
+#: inc/class-job.php:458
msgid "[INFO] Cron: %s; Next: %s "
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:433
+#: inc/class-job.php:451
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job start with link is active"
msgstr "[INFO] Opération BackWPup démarrée par URL"
#: inc/class-job.php:435
+#: inc/class-job.php:453
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job start with EasyCron.com"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:443
+#: inc/class-job.php:461
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup no automatic job start configured"
msgstr "[INFO] Pas d'opération BackWPup automatique de configurée"
#: inc/class-job.php:447
+#: inc/class-job.php:465
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started from wp-cron"
msgstr "[INFO] Opération BackWPup démarrée par wp-cron"
#: inc/class-job.php:449
+#: inc/class-job.php:467
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started manually"
msgstr "[INFO] Opération BackWPup démarrée manuellement"
#: inc/class-job.php:451
+#: inc/class-job.php:469
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started from external url"
msgstr "[INFO] Opération BackWPup démarrée par une URL externe"
#: inc/class-job.php:453
+#: inc/class-job.php:471
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started form commandline interface"
-msgstr ""
-"[INFO] Opération BackWPup démarrée par l'interface en ligne de commande"
+msgstr "[INFO] Opération BackWPup démarrée par l'interface en ligne de commande"
#: inc/class-job.php:462
+#: inc/class-job.php:480
msgid "[INFO] PHP ver.:"
msgstr "[INFO] version PHP:"
#: inc/class-job.php:463
+#: inc/class-job.php:481
msgid "[INFO] Maximum PHP script execution time is %1$d seconds"
msgstr "[INFO] Le temps d’exécution maximum d'un script est %1$d secondes"
#: inc/class-job.php:467
+#: inc/class-job.php:485
msgid "[INFO] Script restart time is configured to %1$d seconds"
msgstr "[INFO] Le temps de reprise du script est configuré à %1$d secondes"
#: inc/class-job.php:470
+#: inc/class-job.php:488
msgid "[INFO] MySQL ver.: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] Version MySQL: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:472
+#: inc/class-job.php:490
msgid "[INFO] Web Server: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] Serveur Web : %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:476
+#: inc/class-job.php:494
msgid "[INFO] curl ver.: %1$s; %2$s"
msgstr "[INFO] Version curl : %1$s; %2$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:478
+#: inc/class-job.php:496
msgid "[INFO] Temp folder is: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] Répertoire temporaire : %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:485
+#: inc/class-job.php:503
msgid "[INFO] Logfile is: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] Le fichier journal est : %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:492
+#: inc/class-job.php:510
msgid "[INFO] Backup file is: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] Fichier sauvegarde : %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:494
+#: inc/class-job.php:512
msgid "[INFO] Backup type is: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] Type de sauvegarde : %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:502
+#: inc/class-job.php:520
msgid "Could not write log file"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:514
-msgid ""
-"No destination correctly defined for backup! Please correct job settings."
-msgstr ""
-"Pas de cible définie pour la sauvegarde! Veuillez corriger les paramètres de "
+#: inc/class-job.php:532
+msgid "No destination correctly defined for backup! Please correct job settings."
+msgstr "Pas de cible définie pour la sauvegarde! Veuillez corriger les paramètres de l'opération."
#: inc/class-job.php:644
+#: inc/class-job.php:628
msgid "Cannot write progress to working file. Job will be aborted."
-msgstr ""
-"Impossible d'écrire l'avancement dans le fichier de travail. L'opération va "
-"être arrétée."
+msgstr "Impossible d'écrire l'avancement dans le fichier de travail. L'opération va être arrétée."
-#: inc/class-job.php:716 inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
+#: inc/class-job.php:716
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
+#: inc/class-job.php:700
msgid "WARNING:"
-#: inc/class-job.php:725 inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+#: inc/class-job.php:725
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+#: inc/class-job.php:709
msgid "ERROR:"
msgstr "ERREUR:"
#: inc/class-job.php:729
+#: inc/class-job.php:713
msgstr "DÉPRÉCIÉE :"
#: inc/class-job.php:732
+#: inc/class-job.php:716
msgstr "SIMPLE NOTE :"
#: inc/class-job.php:737
+#: inc/class-job.php:721
#: inc/class-job.php:985
+#: inc/class-job.php:972
msgid "Aborted by user!"
msgstr "Arrêté par l'utilisateur!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1019
+#: inc/class-job.php:1005
msgid "One old log deleted"
msgid_plural "%d old logs deleted"
msgstr[0] "Un ancien fichier de trace supprimé"
msgstr[1] "%d anciens fichiers de traces supprimés"
-#: inc/class-job.php:1026 inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
-msgid ""
-"Job has ended with errors in %s seconds. You must resolve the errors for "
-"correct execution."
-msgstr ""
-"L'opération s'est terminée avec des erreurs en %ssecondes. Vous devez "
-"corriger les erreurs pour une exécution correcte."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1026
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+#: inc/class-job.php:1012
+msgid "Job has ended with errors in %s seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution."
+msgstr "L'opération s'est terminée avec des erreurs en %ssecondes. Vous devez corriger les erreurs pour une exécution correcte."
#: inc/class-job.php:1028
-msgid ""
-"Job finished with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct "
-msgstr ""
-"L'opération s'est terminée avec des avertissements en %s seconds. Merci de "
-"les corriger pour une exécution correcte."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1014
+msgid "Job finished with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct execution."
+msgstr "L'opération s'est terminée avec des avertissements en %s seconds. Merci de les corriger pour une exécution correcte."
-#: inc/class-job.php:1030 inc/class-page-jobs.php:788
+#: inc/class-job.php:1030
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:788
+#: inc/class-job.php:1016
msgid "Job done in %s seconds."
msgstr "Opération effectuée en %s secondes."
#: inc/class-job.php:1074
+#: inc/class-job.php:1060
msgstr "SUCCES"
#: inc/class-job.php:1076
+#: inc/class-job.php:1062
msgid "WARNING"
#: inc/class-job.php:1079
+#: inc/class-job.php:1065
msgid "ERROR"
msgstr "ERREUR"
#: inc/class-job.php:1082
+#: inc/class-job.php:1068
msgid "[%3$s] BackWPup log %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "[%3$s] trace BackWPup%1$s: %2$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:1188
+#: inc/class-job.php:1180
msgid "Restart after %1$d seconds."
msgstr "Relancer après %1$d secondes."
#: inc/class-job.php:1190
+#: inc/class-job.php:1182
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Restart after %1$d seconds."
msgid "Restart after getting signal."
msgstr "Relancer après %1$d secondes."
#: inc/class-job.php:1363
+#: inc/class-job.php:1357
msgid "Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes."
msgstr "Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes."
#: inc/class-job.php:1461
+#: inc/class-job.php:1455
msgid "Step aborted: too many attempts!"
msgstr "Étape abandonnée : trop de tentatives !"
#: inc/class-job.php:1532
+#: inc/class-job.php:1528
msgid "%d. Trying to create backup archive …"
msgstr "%d. Tentative de création de l'archive..."
#: inc/class-job.php:1540
+#: inc/class-job.php:1536
msgctxt "Archive compression method"
msgid "Compressing files as %s. Please be patient, this may take a moment."
-msgstr ""
-"Compression des fichiers en %s. Merci d'être patient, cela peut prendre un "
-"certain temps."
+msgstr "Compression des fichiers en %s. Merci d'être patient, cela peut prendre un certain temps."
#: inc/class-job.php:1547
+#: inc/class-job.php:1544
msgid "Adding Extra files to Archive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1559 inc/class-job.php:1619
+#: inc/class-job.php:1559
+#: inc/class-job.php:1619
+#: inc/class-job.php:1555
+#: inc/class-job.php:1626
msgid "Cannot create backup archive correctly. Aborting creation."
msgstr "Impossible de créer la sauvegarde. L'opération est abandonnée."
#: inc/class-job.php:1575
+#: inc/class-job.php:1571
msgid "Archiving Folder: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:1629
+#: inc/class-job.php:1636
msgid "Backup archive created."
msgstr "Archive de sauvegarde créée."
#: inc/class-job.php:1643
-msgid ""
-"The Backup archive will be too large for file operations with this PHP "
-"Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple "
-"jobs with less files each."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1650
+msgid "The Backup archive will be too large for file operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:1646
+#: inc/class-job.php:1653
msgid "Archive size is %s."
msgstr "La taille de l'archive est de %s."
#: inc/class-job.php:1649
+#: inc/class-job.php:1656
msgid "%1$d Files with %2$s in Archive."
msgstr "%1$d fichiers avec %2$s à sauvegarder"
#: inc/class-job.php:1698
+#: inc/class-job.php:1831
#, fuzzy
-#| msgctxt "Folder name"
-#| msgid "Folder %s not exists"
msgctxt "Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s does not exist"
msgstr "Le répertoire %s n'existe pas"
#: inc/class-job.php:1703
+#: inc/class-job.php:1837
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Folder \"%s\" is not readable!"
msgctxt "Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s is not readable"
msgstr "Le répertoire \"%s\" n'est pas accessible! "
#: inc/class-job.php:1725
+#: inc/class-job.php:1860
msgid "Link \"%s\" not following."
msgstr "Le lien \"%s\" n'a pas été suivi."
#: inc/class-job.php:1727
+#: inc/class-job.php:1862
msgid "File \"%s\" is not readable!"
msgstr "Le fichier \"%s\" ne peut être lu!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1731
-msgid ""
-"File size of “%s” cannot be retrieved. File might be too large and will not "
-"be added to queue."
-msgstr ""
-"La taille du fichier \"%s\" ne peut pas être lue. Le fichier est peut-être "
-"trop grand et il ne sera pas ajouté à la sauvegarde."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1866
+msgid "File size of “%s” cannot be retrieved. File might be too large and will not be added to queue."
+msgstr "La taille du fichier \"%s\" ne peut pas être lue. Le fichier est peut-être trop grand et il ne sera pas ajouté à la sauvegarde."
#: inc/class-job.php:1814
+#: inc/class-job.php:1949
msgid "%d. Trying to generate a manifest file …"
msgstr "%d. Tentative de créer un fichier manifeste …"
#: inc/class-job.php:1870
+#: inc/class-job.php:2005
msgid "You may have noticed the manifest.json file in this archive."
msgstr "Vous avez noté la présence du manifeste .json dans la sauvegarde."
#: inc/class-job.php:1871
-msgid ""
-"manifest.json might be needed for later restoring a backup from this archive."
-msgstr ""
-"le manifeste .json peut être nécessaire pour une restauration ultérieure de "
-"cette sauvegarde."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2006
+msgid "manifest.json might be needed for later restoring a backup from this archive."
+msgstr "le manifeste .json peut être nécessaire pour une restauration ultérieure de cette sauvegarde."
#: inc/class-job.php:1872
-msgid ""
-"Please leave manifest.json untouched and in place. Otherwise it is safe to "
-"be ignored."
-msgstr ""
-"Merci de laisser le manifeste .json non modifié et à la même place. En "
-"d'autres termes, vous pouvez l'ignorer."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2007
+msgid "Please leave manifest.json untouched and in place. Otherwise it is safe to be ignored."
+msgstr "Merci de laisser le manifeste .json non modifié et à la même place. En d'autres termes, vous pouvez l'ignorer."
#: inc/class-job.php:1882
+#: inc/class-job.php:2017
msgid "Added manifest.json file with %1$s to backup file list."
-msgstr ""
-"Ajout du fichier manifeste .json avec %1$s à la liste des fichiers de la "
+msgstr "Ajout du fichier manifeste .json avec %1$s à la liste des fichiers de la sauvegarde."
#: inc/class-job.php:1921
+#: inc/class-job.php:2056
msgid "Wrong BackWPup JobID"
msgstr "Erreur d'identification d'opération BackWPup"
#: inc/class-job.php:1934
+#: inc/class-job.php:2069
msgid "A BackWPup job is already running"
msgstr "Une opération BackWPup est déjà en cours"
#: inc/class-job.php:2302
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGHUP: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2482
+msgctxt "SIGHUP: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Hangup detected on controlling terminal or death of controlling process"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2306
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGINT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2486
+msgctxt "SIGINT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Interrupt from keyboard"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2310
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGQUIT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2490
+msgctxt "SIGQUIT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Quit from keyboard"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2314
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGILL: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2494
+msgctxt "SIGILL: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Illegal Instruction"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2318
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGABRT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2498
+msgctxt "SIGABRT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Abort signal from abort(3)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2322
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGBUS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2502
+msgctxt "SIGBUS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Bus error (bad memory access)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2326
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGFPE: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2506
+msgctxt "SIGFPE: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Floating point exception"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2330
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSEGV: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2510
+msgctxt "SIGSEGV: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Invalid memory reference"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2334
+#: inc/class-job.php:2514
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Destinations"
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGTERM: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+msgctxt "SIGTERM: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Termination signal"
msgstr "Destinations"
#: inc/class-job.php:2338
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSTKFLT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2518
+msgctxt "SIGSTKFLT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Stack fault on coprocessor"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2342
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGUSR1: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2522
+msgctxt "SIGUSR1: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "User-defined signal 1"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2346
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGUSR2: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2526
+msgctxt "SIGUSR2: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "User-defined signal 2"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2350
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGURG: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2530
+msgctxt "SIGURG: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Urgent condition on socket"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2354
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGXCPU: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2534
+msgctxt "SIGXCPU: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "CPU time limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2358
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGXFSZ: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2538
+msgctxt "SIGXFSZ: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "File size limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2362
+#: inc/class-job.php:2542
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "FTP: Login failure!"
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGPWR: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+msgctxt "SIGPWR: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Power failure"
msgstr "FTP : Échec d'authentification!"
#: inc/class-job.php:2366
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSYS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2546
+msgctxt "SIGSYS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Bad argument to routine"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2373
+#: inc/class-job.php:2553
msgid "Signal \"%1$s\" (%2$s) is sent to script!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2407 inc/class-job.php:2420
+#: inc/class-job.php:2407
+#: inc/class-job.php:2420
+#: inc/class-job.php:2587
+#: inc/class-job.php:2600
msgid "System: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2435
+#: inc/class-job.php:2615
msgid "Exception caught in %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "Exception trouvée dans %1$s: %2$s"
@@ -1962,7 +2439,9 @@ msgstr "Vérification de la base (DB)"
msgid "Check database tables"
msgstr "Vérification des tables"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:35 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:35
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16
msgid "Settings for database check"
msgstr "Paramètre de la vérification de la base de données"
@@ -1978,7 +2457,9 @@ msgstr "Vérification des tables WordPress uniquement"
msgid "Repair"
msgstr "Réparation"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:54 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:54
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38
msgid "Try to repair defect table"
msgstr "Essai de réparation de la table"
@@ -1994,12 +2475,14 @@ msgstr "La table %1$s est une vue. Pas de vérification."
msgid "Table %1$s is not a MyISAM/InnoDB table. Not checked."
msgstr "La table %1$s n'est pas une table MyISAM/InnoDB. Pas de vérification."
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:124 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:127
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:124
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:127
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:129
msgid "Result of table check for %1$s is: %2$s"
msgstr "Le résultat de la vérification de la table %1$s est: %2$s"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:135 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:137
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:135
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:137
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:139
msgid "Result of table repair for %1$s is: %2$s"
msgstr "Le résultat de la réparation de la table %1$s est: %2$s"
@@ -2020,60 +2503,92 @@ msgstr "Sauvegardes de base de données"
msgid "Database backup"
msgstr "Sauvegarde de la base de données"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:60 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:60
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:108
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:108
msgid "Settings for database backup"
msgstr "Paramètre pour les dump de la base de données"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:64 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:64
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154
msgid "Tables to backup"
msgstr "Tables pour le dump"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:66 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:66
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156
msgid "all"
msgstr "tous"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:91 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:91
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195
msgid "Backup file name"
msgstr "Nom du fichier de sauvegarde"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:99 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:99
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201
msgid "Backup file compression"
msgstr "Compression du fichier"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:105 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:107
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:75 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:77
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:59 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:61
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:105
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:107
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:75
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:77
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:59
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:61
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
msgid "GZip"
msgstr "GZip"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:159 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:159
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475
msgid "%d. Try to backup database …"
msgstr "%d. Tentative de dump de la base de données …"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495
msgid "Connected to database %1$s on %2$s"
msgstr "Connexion à la base de données %1$s sur %2$s"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:187 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:187
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510
msgid "No tables to backup."
msgstr "Aucune table à sauvegarder."
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:210 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:210
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536
msgid "Backup database table \"%s\" with \"%s\" records"
msgstr "Sauvegarde de la table \"%s\" avec \"%s\" enregistrements"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:250 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:250
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576
msgid "MySQL backup file not created"
msgstr "La sauvegarde MySQL n'a pas été faite"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:254 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:763
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:254
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:763
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:764
msgid "Added database dump \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
msgstr "Ajout du dump \"%1$s\" avec %2$s a la liste des fichiers à sauvegarder"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:260 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:260
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:766
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:767
msgid "Database backup done!"
msgstr "Sauvegarde de la base de donnée réussie!"
@@ -2105,8 +2620,11 @@ msgstr "Sauvegarde des extensions"
msgid "Backup themes"
msgstr "Sauvegarde des thèmes"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:107 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:745
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:107
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:745
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:746
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:745
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:746
msgid "Backup uploads folder"
msgstr "Sauvegarde du répertoire des fichiers ajoutés (uploads) "
@@ -2115,12 +2633,8 @@ msgid "Extra folders to backup"
msgstr "Autres répertoires à sauvegarder"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:118
-msgid ""
-"Separate folder names with a line-break or a comma. Folders must be set with "
-"their absolute path!"
-msgstr ""
-"Séparer les noms des répertoires avec un retour à la ligne ou une virgule. "
-"Les répertoires doivent être défini avec leurs chemins absolus!"
+msgid "Separate folder names with a line-break or a comma. Folders must be set with their absolute path!"
+msgstr "Séparer les noms des répertoires avec un retour à la ligne ou une virgule. Les répertoires doivent être défini avec leurs chemins absolus!"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:123
msgid "Exclude from backup"
@@ -2132,21 +2646,15 @@ msgstr "Vignettes dans le répertoire de chargement"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:129
msgid "Don't backup thumbnails from the site's uploads folder."
-msgstr ""
-"Ne pas sauvegarder les fichiers vignettes (thumbnails) du répertoire des "
-"fichiers ajoutés."
+msgstr "Ne pas sauvegarder les fichiers vignettes (thumbnails) du répertoire des fichiers ajoutés."
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:133
msgid "Exclude files/folders from backup"
msgstr "Exclure des fichiers/répertoires de la sauvegarde"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:136
-msgid ""
-"Separate file / folder name parts with a line-break or a comma. For example /"
-msgstr ""
-"Séparer les noms des fichiers / répertoires par un retour à la ligne ou une "
-"virgule. Par exemple /logs/,.log,.tmp"
+msgid "Separate file / folder name parts with a line-break or a comma. For example /logs/,.log,.tmp"
+msgstr "Séparer les noms des fichiers / répertoires par un retour à la ligne ou une virgule. Par exemple /logs/,.log,.tmp"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:141
msgid "Special options"
@@ -2158,61 +2666,58 @@ msgstr "Inclure les fichiers spéciaux"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:147
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, .htaccess, .htpasswd and favicon.ico "
-#| "from root."
-msgid ""
-"Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd, favicon."
-"ico, and Web.config from root if it is not included in backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Sauvegarder wp-config.php, robots.txt, .htaccess, .htpasswd et favicon.ico "
-"depuis la racine."
+msgid "Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd, favicon.ico, and Web.config from root if it is not included in backup."
+msgstr "Sauvegarder wp-config.php, robots.txt, .htaccess, .htpasswd et favicon.ico depuis la racine."
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:151
msgid "Use one folder above as WP install folder"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:154
-msgid ""
-"Use one folder above as WordPress install folder! That can be helpful, if "
-"you would backup files and folder that are not in the WordPress installation "
-"folder. Or if you made a \"Giving WordPress Its Own Directory"
-"\" installation. Excludes must be configured again."
+msgid "Use one folder above as WordPress install folder! That can be helpful, if you would backup files and folder that are not in the WordPress installation folder. Or if you made a \"Giving WordPress Its Own Directory\" installation. Excludes must be configured again."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:237
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:238
msgid "%d. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Tentative de création de liste des répertoires à sauvegarder "
+msgstr "%d. Tentative de création de liste des répertoires à sauvegarder …"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:357 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:361
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:357
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:361
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:378
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:358
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:362
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:379
msgid "Added \"%s\" to backup file list"
msgstr "Ajout \"%s\" à la liste des fichiers à sauvegarder"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:384
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:385
msgid "No files/folder for the backup."
msgstr "Aucun fichier/répertoire à sauvegarder."
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:386
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:387
msgid "%1$d folders to backup."
msgstr "%1$d répertoires à sauvegarder."
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:434
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:435
msgid "Folder \"%s\" is not readable!"
msgstr "Le répertoire \"%s\" n'est pas accessible! "
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:494
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:495
msgid "Path as set by user (symlink?): %s"
msgstr "Chemin défini par l'utlisateur (lien symbolique ?) : %s"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:497
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:498
msgid "Exclude:"
msgstr "Exclure:"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:509
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:510
msgid "Excluded by .donotbackup file!"
msgstr "Exclus par le fichier marqueur .donotbackup!"
@@ -2220,7 +2725,9 @@ msgstr "Exclus par le fichier marqueur .donotbackup!"
msgid "XML export"
msgstr "Export XML"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:14 inc/class-page-about.php:472
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:14
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:472
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:474
msgid "WordPress XML export"
msgstr "Export XML WordPress"
@@ -2228,15 +2735,21 @@ msgstr "Export XML WordPress"
msgid "Items to export"
msgstr "Quoi exporter"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:49 inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:49
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28
msgid "All content"
msgstr "Tous les contenus"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:50 inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:50
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38
msgid "Posts"
msgstr "Articles"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:51 inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:51
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Pages"
@@ -2244,12 +2757,15 @@ msgstr "Pages"
msgid "XML Export file name"
msgstr "Nom du fichier de l'export XML"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:69 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:53
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:69
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:53
msgid "File compression"
msgstr "Compression"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:79 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:81
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:64 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:66
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:79
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:81
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:64
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:66
msgid "BZip2"
msgstr "BZip2"
@@ -2261,10 +2777,14 @@ msgstr "%d. Tentative d'export au format XML WordPress …"
msgid "WP Export: Post type “%s” does not allow export."
msgstr "WP Export : Le type d'article \"%s\" n'autorise pas l'export."
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:172 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:186
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:215 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:236
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:269 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:289
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:378 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:387
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:172
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:186
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:215
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:236
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:269
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:289
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:378
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:387
msgid "WP Export file could not written."
msgstr "L'export Wordpress ne peut pas être enregistré."
@@ -2288,12 +2808,10 @@ msgstr "ERREUR XML (%s): %s"
msgid "There was an error when reading this WXR file"
msgstr "Il s'est produit une erreur lors de la lecture du fichier WXR"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:444 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:451
-msgid ""
-"This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number"
-msgstr ""
-"Il semble que cela ne soit pas un fichier WXR, abscence ou erreur sur le "
-"numéro de version du fichier WXR"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:444
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:451
+msgid "This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number"
+msgstr "Il semble que cela ne soit pas un fichier WXR, abscence ou erreur sur le numéro de version du fichier WXR"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:460
msgid "WP Export file is a valid WXR file."
@@ -2301,29 +2819,24 @@ msgstr "L'export Wordpress est un fichier WXR valide."
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:462
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "WP Export file can not checked, because no XML extension loaded with the "
-#| "file can checked."
-msgid ""
-"WP Export file can not be checked, because no XML extension is loaded, to "
-"ensure the file verification."
-msgstr ""
-"L'export Wordpress ne peut pas être vérifié, car aucune extension XML n'est "
-"disponible pour la vérification."
+msgid "WP Export file can not be checked, because no XML extension is loaded, to ensure the file verification."
+msgstr "L'export Wordpress ne peut pas être vérifié, car aucune extension XML n'est disponible pour la vérification."
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:474 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:474
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741
msgid "Compressing file …"
msgstr "Compression du fichier …"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:481 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:481
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748
msgid "Compressing done."
msgstr "Compression terminée."
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:500
msgid "Added XML export \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list."
-msgstr ""
-"Ajout de l'export XML \"%1$s\" avec %2$s à la liste des fichiers à "
+msgstr "Ajout de l'export XML \"%1$s\" avec %2$s à la liste des fichiers à sauvegarder."
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:13
msgid "Plugins"
@@ -2339,9 +2852,7 @@ msgstr "Liste des fichiers de l'extension"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:96
msgid "%d. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Tentative de créer un fichier avec les noms des extensions "
-"installées …"
+msgstr "%d. Tentative de créer un fichier avec les noms des extensions installées …"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:124
msgid "All plugin information:"
@@ -2359,15 +2870,15 @@ msgstr "Extensions actives:"
msgid "Inactive plugins:"
msgstr "Extensions inactives:"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:141 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:798
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:141
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:798
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:799
msgid "Can not open target file for writing."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:148
msgid "Added plugin list file \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list."
-msgstr ""
-"Ajout de la liste des fichiers des extensions \"%1$s\" avec %2$s à la liste "
-"des fichiers à sauvegarder."
+msgstr "Ajout de la liste des fichiers des extensions \"%1$s\" avec %2$s à la liste des fichiers à sauvegarder."
#: inc/class-message-box.php:89
msgid "Dismiss"
@@ -2377,23 +2888,26 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "No MySQLi extension found. Please install it."
msgstr "Pas d'extension MySQLi de trouvée. Merci de l'installer."
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:100 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:831
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:100
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:831
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:832
msgid "Cannot init MySQLi database connection"
msgstr "Impossible de se connecter au serveur à la base de données MySQL"
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:105 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:837
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:105
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:837
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:838
msgid "Setting of MySQLi connection timeout failed"
msgstr "Le mise en place du timer de connexion a échoué."
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:110 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:843
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:110
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:843
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:844
msgid "Cannot connect to MySQL database %1$d: %2$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Impossible de se connecter au serveur à la base de données MySQL %1$d: %2$s"
+msgstr "Impossible de se connecter au serveur à la base de données MySQL %1$d: %2$s"
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:117
#, fuzzy
-#| msgctxt "Database Charset"
-#| msgid "Cannot set DB charset to %s"
msgctxt "Database Charset"
msgid "Cannot set DB charset to %s error: %s"
msgstr "Impossible de mettre le jeux de caractère à %s sur la base de données"
@@ -2402,28 +2916,38 @@ msgstr "Impossible de mettre le jeux de caractère à %s sur la base de données
msgid "Cannot open SQL backup file"
msgstr "Impossible d'ouvir le fichier de sauvegarde SQL"
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:153 inc/class-mysqldump.php:165
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:259 inc/class-mysqldump.php:268
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:288 inc/class-mysqldump.php:297
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:317 inc/class-mysqldump.php:323
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:368 inc/class-mysqldump.php:400
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:437 inc/class-mysqldump.php:500
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:859 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:873
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:921 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:940
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:153
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:165
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:259
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:268
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:288
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:297
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:317
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:323
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:368
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:400
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:437
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:500
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:859
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:873
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:921
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:940
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:983
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:860
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:874
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:922
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:941
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:984
msgid "Database error %1$s for query %2$s"
msgstr "Erreur base de données %1$s pour la requête %2$s"
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:479
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Start for table backup is not correctly set: %1$s "
msgid "Start for table backup is not correctly set: %1$s"
-msgstr ""
-"Le début de la sauvegarde des tables ne s'est pas déroulé correctement : %1$s"
+msgstr "Le début de la sauvegarde des tables ne s'est pas déroulé correctement : %1$s"
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:483
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Length for table backup is not correctly set: %1$s "
msgid "Length for table backup is not correctly set: %1$s"
msgstr "La taille pour la sauvegarde des tables n'est pas correcte : %1$s"
@@ -2431,319 +2955,339 @@ msgstr "La taille pour la sauvegarde des tables n'est pas correcte : %1$s"
msgid "Error while writing file!"
msgstr "Erreur d'ecriture du fichier!"
-#: inc/class-option.php:167 inc/class-page-editjob.php:97
+#: inc/class-option.php:167
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:97
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:383
+#: inc/class-option.php:176
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
msgid "New Job"
msgstr "Nouvelle opération"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:369
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:371
msgid "Welcome to BackWPup Pro"
msgstr "Bienvenue sur BackWPup Pro"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:370 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup’s job wizards make planning and scheduling your backup jobs a "
-msgstr ""
-"Les assistants d'opération de BackWPup's permettent de définir les "
-"planifications et les "
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:370
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:372
+msgid "BackWPup’s job wizards make planning and scheduling your backup jobs a breeze."
+msgstr "Les assistants d'opération de BackWPup's permettent de définir les planifications et les "
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:371 inc/class-page-about.php:384
-msgid ""
-"Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation "
-"including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage "
-"service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server. With a "
-"single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool "
-"like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
-msgstr ""
-"La sauvegarde peut être utilisée pour sauvegarder toute votre installation "
-"en incluant /wp-content/
. Envoyer la vers un service externe, "
-"si vous désirez que votre sauvegarde ne reste pas sur le même serveur. Avec "
-"un seul fichier de sauvegarde vous pouvez restaurer toute votre "
-"installation. Utiliser un outil comme phpMyAdmin pour restaurer la "
-"sauvegarde de votre base."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:371
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:384
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:373
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:386
+msgid "Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server. With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
+msgstr "La sauvegarde peut être utilisée pour sauvegarder toute votre installation en incluant /wp-content/
. Envoyer la vers un service externe, si vous désirez que votre sauvegarde ne reste pas sur le même serveur. Avec un seul fichier de sauvegarde vous pouvez restaurer toute votre installation. Utiliser un outil comme phpMyAdmin pour restaurer la sauvegarde de votre base."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:372
-msgid ""
-"Ready to set up a backup job? You can use the wizards or plan your backup in expert mode."
-msgstr ""
-"Prêt à définir une opération? Vous pouvez utilisez l'assistant ou le mode expert."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:374
+msgid "Ready to set up a backup job? You can use the wizards or plan your backup in expert mode."
+msgstr "Prêt à définir une opération? Vous pouvez utilisez l'assistant ou le mode expert."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:382
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:384
msgid "Welcome to BackWPup"
msgstr "Bienvenue à BackWPup"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:385
-msgid ""
-"Ready to set up a backup job? Use one of the wizards to plan what you want "
-"to save."
-msgstr ""
-"Prêt à définir une opération de sauvegarde? Utilisez l'un des assistants "
-"pour définir ce que vous voulez sauvegarder."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:387
+msgid "Ready to set up a backup job? Use one of the wizards to plan what you want to save."
+msgstr "Prêt à définir une opération de sauvegarde? Utilisez l'un des assistants pour définir ce que vous voulez sauvegarder."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:400
msgid "Save your database"
msgstr "Sauvegarder votre base de données"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:401
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:403
msgid "Save your database regularly"
msgstr "Sauvegarder votre base de données régulièrement"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:402
-msgid ""
-"With BackWPup you can schedule the database backup to run automatically. "
-"With a single backup file you can restore your database. You should set up a backup job, so you will never forget it. There is also "
-"an option to repair and optimize the database after each backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Avec BackWPup vous pouvez définir une automatisation de la sauvegarde de vos "
-"bases de données. Avec un seul fichier de sauvegarde, vous pouvez restaurer "
-"votre base de données. Vous devez définir une opération de "
-"sauvegarde, ainsi vous n'oublierez jamais . Il y a aussi une option pour "
-"réparer et optimiser la base de données après chaque sauvegarde."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:407 inc/class-page-about.php:411
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:404
+msgid "With BackWPup you can schedule the database backup to run automatically. With a single backup file you can restore your database. You should set up a backup job, so you will never forget it. There is also an option to repair and optimize the database after each backup."
+msgstr "Avec BackWPup vous pouvez définir une automatisation de la sauvegarde de vos bases de données. Avec un seul fichier de sauvegarde, vous pouvez restaurer votre base de données. Vous devez définir une opération de sauvegarde, ainsi vous n'oublierez jamais . Il y a aussi une option pour réparer et optimiser la base de données après chaque sauvegarde."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:407
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:411
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:413
msgid "WordPress XML Export"
msgstr "Export WordPress XML"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:408
-msgid ""
-"You can choose the built-in WordPress export format in addition or exclusive "
-"to save your data. This works in automated backups too of course. The "
-"advantage is: you can import these files into a blog with the regular "
-"WordPress importer."
-msgstr ""
-"Vous pouvez choisir le format interne d'export WordPress en plus ou "
-"seulement pour sauvegarder vos données. Cela fonctionne aussi dans les "
-"sauvegardes programmées. L'avantage en est : vous pouvez restaurer ces "
-"fichiers dans votre installation avec l'importateur WordPress."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:410
+msgid "You can choose the built-in WordPress export format in addition or exclusive to save your data. This works in automated backups too of course. The advantage is: you can import these files into a blog with the regular WordPress importer."
+msgstr "Vous pouvez choisir le format interne d'export WordPress en plus ou seulement pour sauvegarder vos données. Cela fonctionne aussi dans les sauvegardes programmées. L'avantage en est : vous pouvez restaurer ces fichiers dans votre installation avec l'importateur WordPress."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:416
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:418
msgid "Save all data from the webserver"
msgstr "Sauvegarder toutes les données depuis le serveur web"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:419
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:421
msgid "Save all files"
msgstr "Sauvegarder tous les fichiers"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:420
-msgid ""
-"You can backup all your attachments, also all system files, plugins and "
-"themes in a single file. You can create a job to update a "
-"backup copy of your file system only when files are changed."
-msgstr ""
-"Vous pouvez sauvegarder tous vos fichiers joints, ainsi que tous les "
-"fichiers systèmes, les extensions et les thémes dans un seul fichier. Vous "
-"pouvez créer une opération pour mettre à jour votre "
-"sauvegarde avec uniquement les fichiers qui ont été modifiés (différentiel)"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:425 inc/class-page-about.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:422
+msgid "You can backup all your attachments, also all system files, plugins and themes in a single file. You can create a job to update a backup copy of your file system only when files are changed."
+msgstr "Vous pouvez sauvegarder tous vos fichiers joints, ainsi que tous les fichiers systèmes, les extensions et les thémes dans un seul fichier. Vous pouvez créer une opération pour mettre à jour votre sauvegarde avec uniquement les fichiers qui ont été modifiés (différentiel)"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:425
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:427
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:431
msgid "Security!"
msgstr "Sécurité!"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:426
-msgid ""
-"By default everything is encrypted: connections to external services, local "
-"files and access to directories."
-msgstr ""
-"Par défaut tout est chiffré:connexions aux services externes, fichiers "
-"locaux et accès au répertoires."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:434 inc/class-page-about.php:437
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:428
+msgid "By default everything is encrypted: connections to external services, local files and access to directories."
+msgstr "Par défaut tout est chiffré:connexions aux services externes, fichiers locaux et accès au répertoires."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:434
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:437
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:436
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:439
msgid "Cloud Support"
msgstr "Support du cloud"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:438
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup supports multiple cloud services in parallel. This ensures backups "
-"are redundant."
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup supporte plusieurs services cloud en paralèlle. Cela permet d'avoir "
-"des sauvegardes redondantes."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:440
+msgid "BackWPup supports multiple cloud services in parallel. This ensures backups are redundant."
+msgstr "BackWPup supporte plusieurs services cloud en paralèlle. Cela permet d'avoir des sauvegardes redondantes."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:444
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:446
msgid "Features / differences between Free and Pro"
-msgstr ""
-"Fonctionnalités / différences entre la version gratuite et la version payante"
+msgstr "Fonctionnalités / différences entre la version gratuite et la version payante"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:449
msgid "Features"
msgstr "Fonctionnalités"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:448
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:450
msgid "FREE"
msgstr "GRATUIT"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:449
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:451
msgid "PRO"
msgstr "PRO"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:452
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:454
msgid "Complete database backup"
msgstr "Sauvegarde complète de la base de données"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:457
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:459
msgid "Complete file backup"
msgstr "Sauvegarde complète des fichiers"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:462
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:464
msgid "Database check"
msgstr "Vérification de la base de données"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:467
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:469
msgid "Data compression"
msgstr "Compression des données"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:477
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:479
msgid "List of installed plugins"
msgstr "Liste des extensions installées"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:482
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:484
msgid "Backup archives management"
msgstr "Gestion des archives de sauvegarde"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:487
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:489
msgid "Log file management"
msgstr "Gestion des fichiers journaux"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:492
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:494
msgid "Start jobs per WP-Cron, URL, system, backend or WP-CLI"
-msgstr ""
-"Démarer les opérations par WP-Cron, URL, système, administration ou WP-CLI"
+msgstr "Démarer les opérations par WP-Cron, URL, système, administration ou WP-CLI"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:497
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:499
msgid "Log report via email"
msgstr "Raport par courriel des fichiers journaux"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:502
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:504
msgid "Backup to Microsoft Azure"
msgstr "Sauvegarder vers Microsoft Azure"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:507
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:509
msgid "Backup as email"
msgstr "Sauvegarder vers E-mail"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:512
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:514
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Backup to S3 services (Amazon, Google Storage, Hosteurope and "
-#| "more)"
msgid "Backup to S3 services (Amazon, Google Storage, Hosteurope and more)"
-msgstr ""
-"Sauvegarde vers le service S3 (Amazon, Google Storage, Hosteurope et "
+msgstr "Sauvegarde vers le service S3 (Amazon, Google Storage, Hosteurope et plus)"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:527
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:529
msgid "Backup to FTP server"
msgstr "Sauvegarder vers serveur FTP"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:532
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:534
msgid "Backup to your web space"
msgstr "Sauvegarder vers votre espace Web"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:542 inc/pro/class-pro.php:112
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:542
+#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:112
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:152
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:544
msgid "Backup to Google Drive"
msgstr "Sauvegarde vers Google Drive"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:547 inc/pro/class-pro.php:93
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:547
+#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:93
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:131
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:549
msgid "Backup to Amazon Glacier"
msgstr "Sauvegarde vers Amazon Glacier"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:552
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:554
msgid "Custom API keys for DropBox and SugarSync"
msgstr "Clé d'API pour DropBox et SugarSync"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:557
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:559
msgid "XML database backup as PHPMyAdmin schema"
-msgstr ""
-"Sauvegarde de la base de données en XML comme un schéma pour PHPMyAdmin"
+msgstr "Sauvegarde de la base de données en XML comme un schéma pour PHPMyAdmin"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:562
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:564
msgid "Database backup as mysqldump per command line"
-msgstr ""
-"Sauvegarde de la base de données au format mysqldump en ligne de commande"
+msgstr "Sauvegarde de la base de données au format mysqldump en ligne de commande"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:567
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:569
msgid "Database backup for additional MySQL databases"
msgstr "Sauvegarde pour des bases de données supplémentaire de type MySQL"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:572
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:574
msgid "Import and export job settings as XML"
msgstr "Enregistrer et charger les paramètres des opérations au format XML"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:577
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:579
msgid "Wizard for system tests"
msgstr "Assistant pour les tests systèmes"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:582
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:584
msgid "Wizard for scheduled backup jobs"
msgstr "Assistant pour la programation des opérations de sauvegarde"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:587
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:589
msgid "Wizard to import settings and backup jobs"
-msgstr ""
-"Assistant pour le chargement des paramètres et des définitions des opérations"
+msgstr "Assistant pour le chargement des paramètres et des définitions des opérations"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:592
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:594
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to Dropbox"
msgstr "Sauvegarde différentielle des répertoires modifiés vers Dropbox"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:597
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:599
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to Rackspace Cloud Files"
-msgstr ""
-"Sauvegarde différentielle des répertoires modifiés vers Rackspace Cloud"
+msgstr "Sauvegarde différentielle des répertoires modifiés vers Rackspace Cloud"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:602
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:604
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to S3"
msgstr "Sauvegarde différentielle des répertoires modifiés vers le service S3"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:607
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:609
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to MS Azure"
msgstr "Sauvegarde différentielle des répertoires modifiés vers MS Azure"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:612
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:639
msgid "Premium support"
msgstr "Premium support"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:617
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:644
msgid "Automatic updates"
msgstr "Mise à jour automatique"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:624
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:651
msgid "GET PRO"
msgstr "Passer à la version PRO"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:182
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:158
msgid "No files could be found. (List will be generated during next backup.)"
-msgstr ""
-"Pas de fichier trouvé. (La liste sera construite à la prochaine sauvegarde)"
+msgstr "Pas de fichier trouvé. (La liste sera construite à la prochaine sauvegarde)"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:195 inc/class-page-backups.php:315
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:113 inc/class-page-jobs.php:177
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:125 inc/class-page-logs.php:204
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:195
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:315
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:113
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:177
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:125
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:204
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:168
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:274
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:151
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:232
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Effacer"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:229
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:203
msgid "Change destination"
msgstr "Modifier la destination"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:269 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:283
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347 inc/class-page-logs.php:136
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:269
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:283
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:136
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:241
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:163
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Heure"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:270
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:242
msgid "File"
msgstr "Fichier"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:272 inc/class-page-logs.php:140
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:272
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:140
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:244
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:167
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Taille"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:315
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:273
msgid ""
"You are about to delete this backup archive. \n"
" 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete."
@@ -2751,107 +3295,100 @@ msgstr ""
"Vous allez effacer cette archive de sauvegarde. \n"
" 'Annuler' pour arrêter, 'OK' pour effacer."
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:318 inc/class-page-jobs.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:318
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:330
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:206
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:281
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:285
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:768
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:779
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:234
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Télécharger"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:348
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:311
msgid "?"
msgstr "?"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:361 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:321
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:384 inc/class-page-jobs.php:318
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:361
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:321
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:384
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:318
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:164
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:317
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:190
msgid "%1$s at %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s à %2$s"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:377 inc/class-page-backups.php:417
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:35 inc/class-page-jobs.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:417
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:35
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:331
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:369
msgid "Sorry, you don't have permissions to do that."
msgstr "Désoler, vous n'avez pas le droit de faire cela."
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:441
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:433
msgid "Backup Files"
msgstr "Sauvegardes des fichiers"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:489
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%s Manage Backup Archives"
msgid "%s › Manage Backup Archives"
msgstr "%s Gestion des archives de sauvegarde"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:67
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%s Dashboard"
msgid "%s › Dashboard"
msgstr "%s Tableau de bord"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:74 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:83
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:74
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:83
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Planning backups"
msgstr "Plannification des sauvegardes"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
-msgid ""
-"Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation "
-"including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage "
-"service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server."
-msgstr ""
-"La sauvegarde peut être utilisée pour sauvegarder toute votre installation "
-"en incluant /wp-content/
et ensuite permet de les envoyer vers "
-"un service externe, si vous désirez que votre sauvegarde ne reste pas sur le "
-"même serveur."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
+msgid "Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server."
+msgstr "La sauvegarde peut être utilisée pour sauvegarder toute votre installation en incluant /wp-content/
et ensuite permet de les envoyer vers un service externe, si vous désirez que votre sauvegarde ne reste pas sur le même serveur."
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:76 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:85
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:76
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:85
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Restoring backups"
msgstr "Restauration d'une sauvegarde"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:77 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:86
-msgid ""
-"With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a "
-"tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
-msgstr ""
-"Avec une seule sauvegarde vous pouvez restaurer une installation. Utiliser "
-"un outil comme phpMyAdmin pour restaurer votre base de données à partir du "
-"fichier de sauvegarde."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:77
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:86
+msgid "With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
+msgstr "Avec une seule sauvegarde vous pouvez restaurer une installation. Utiliser un outil comme phpMyAdmin pour restaurer votre base de données à partir du fichier de sauvegarde."
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:78 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:87
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:78
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:87
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Ready to set up a backup job?"
msgstr "Prêt à définir une opération de sauvegarde?"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79
-msgid ""
-"Use one of the wizards to plan a backup, or use expert mode"
-"a> for full control over all options."
-msgstr ""
-"Utiliser l'un des assistants pour définir une sauvegarde, ou bien utliser le mode expert pour un contrôle complet de toutes les "
+msgid "Use one of the wizards to plan a backup, or use expert mode for full control over all options."
+msgstr "Utiliser l'un des assistants pour définir une sauvegarde, ou bien utliser le mode expert pour un contrôle complet de toutes les options."
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:89
-msgid ""
-"Please note: You are solely responsible for the security of your "
-"data; the authors of this plugin are not."
-msgstr ""
-"Veuillez noter: Vous êtes le seul responsable de la sécurité de vos "
-"données, les auteurs de cette extesion ne le sont en aucune manière."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:89
+msgid "Please note: You are solely responsible for the security of your data; the authors of this plugin are not."
+msgstr "Veuillez noter: Vous êtes le seul responsable de la sécurité de vos données, les auteurs de cette extesion ne le sont en aucune manière."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
-msgid ""
-"Use the short links in the First steps box to plan and "
-"schedule backup jobs."
-msgstr ""
-"Utiliser le raccourci dans le cartouche Premières étapes pour "
-"planifier vos sauvegardes."
+msgid "Use the short links in the First steps box to plan and schedule backup jobs."
+msgstr "Utiliser le raccourci dans le cartouche Premières étapes pour planifier vos sauvegardes."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:88
msgid "Add a new backup job and plan what you want to save."
-msgstr ""
-"Créer une opération de sauvegarde, puis définisser ce que "
-"vous voulez sauvegarder."
+msgstr "Créer une opération de sauvegarde, puis définisser ce que vous voulez sauvegarder."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:96
msgid "First Steps"
@@ -2861,7 +3398,8 @@ msgstr "Première étape"
msgid "Test the installation"
msgstr "Tester l'application"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:101 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:104
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:101
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:104
msgid "Create a Job"
msgstr "Créer une opération"
@@ -2882,11 +3420,8 @@ msgid "One click backup"
msgstr "Sauvegarde en un clic"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:117
-msgid ""
-"Generate a database backup of WordPress tables and download it right away!"
-msgstr ""
-"Générer une sauvegarde de la base de données de Wordpress et la télécharger "
+msgid "Generate a database backup of WordPress tables and download it right away!"
+msgstr "Générer une sauvegarde de la base de données de Wordpress et la télécharger immédiatement!"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:117
msgid "Download database backup"
@@ -2906,18 +3441,16 @@ msgid "RSS Error: %s"
msgstr "RSS Erreur: %s"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:132
-msgid ""
-"An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again "
-msgstr ""
-"Une erreur est survenue, ce qui signifie que le fil n'est pas disponible. "
-"Essayer de nouveau plus tard."
+msgid "An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again later."
+msgstr "Une erreur est survenue, ce qui signifie que le fil n'est pas disponible. Essayer de nouveau plus tard."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:146
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Sans titre"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:211 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:373
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:211
+#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:373
+#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:331
msgid "Start wizard"
msgstr "Démarrer l'assistant"
@@ -2927,7 +3460,6 @@ msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:222
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Settings"
msgid "Video: Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres"
@@ -2941,8 +3473,6 @@ msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:237
#, fuzzy
-#| msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
-#| msgid "Restoring backups"
msgid "Video: Restoring Backups"
msgstr "Restauration d'une sauvegarde"
@@ -2964,9 +3494,7 @@ msgstr "Support dédié au centre de support backwpup.com."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:258
msgctxt "Pro teaser box"
msgid "Differential backups to Google Drive and other cloud storage service."
-msgstr ""
-"Sauvegarde différentielle vers Google Drive et d'autres services de stockage "
-"de type cloud."
+msgstr "Sauvegarde différentielle vers Google Drive et d'autres services de stockage de type cloud."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:259
msgctxt "Pro teaser box"
@@ -2992,8 +3520,10 @@ msgstr "Obtenir la version pro de BackWPup"
msgid "Next scheduled jobs"
msgstr "Prochaines opérations"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:284 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:284
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:137
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:164
msgid "Job"
msgstr "Opération"
@@ -3001,7 +3531,8 @@ msgstr "Opération"
msgid "working since %d seconds"
msgstr "en cours depuis %d secondes."
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:309 inc/class-page-jobs.php:608
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:309
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:608
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "Abandonner"
@@ -3019,13 +3550,11 @@ msgstr "Résultats"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:366
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Cannot create folder: %1$s"
msgid "Could not open log folder: %s"
msgstr "Impossible de créer le répertoire : %1$s"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:389
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%d ERROR"
msgid "%d ERROR"
msgid_plural "%d ERRORS"
msgstr[0] "%d ERREUR"
@@ -3033,7 +3562,6 @@ msgstr[1] "%d ERREUR"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:392
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%d WARNING"
msgid "%d WARNING"
msgid_plural "%d WARNINGS"
msgstr[0] "%d AVERTISSEMENT"
@@ -3048,452 +3576,615 @@ msgid "Job with ID %d"
msgstr "Opération avec l'ID %d"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
msgid "Changes for job %s saved."
msgstr "Les modifications de l'opération %s sont enregistrées."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
msgid "Jobs overview"
msgstr "Vue générale des opérations"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222 inc/class-page-jobs.php:181
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:181
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
msgid "Run now"
msgstr "Lancer maintenant"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:325
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:334
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%1$s at %2$s"
msgid "%1$s › Job: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s à %2$s"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:328 inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:328
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:214
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:337
msgid "General"
msgstr "Général"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:328
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:337
msgid "Schedule"
msgstr "Programmation"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:343
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:352
msgid "To: %s"
msgstr "A: %s"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:378 inc/class-page-editjob.php:383
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:378
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:383
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:125
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
msgid "Job Name"
msgstr "Nom de l'opération"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:381
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:390
msgid "Please name this job."
msgstr "Nom de cette opération."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:397
msgid "Job Tasks"
msgstr "Taches de l'opération"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:391 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:254
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:391
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:254
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:254
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:400
msgid "This job is a …"
msgstr "Cette opération est une …"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:394 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:257
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:394
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:257
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:257
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:403
msgid "Job tasks"
msgstr "Taches de l'opération"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:412
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:421
msgid "Backup File Creation"
msgstr "Paramètres de création des sauvegardes"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:417 inc/class-page-editjob.php:420
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:402 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:417
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:420
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:402
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:402
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:426
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:429
msgid "Backup type"
msgstr "Type de sauvegarde"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:423
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:432
msgid "Synchronize file by file to destination"
msgstr "Synchroniser fichier par fichier vers la destination"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:428 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:413
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:428
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:413
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:413
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:437
msgid "Create a backup archive"
msgstr "Création de l'archive"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:436
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:445
msgid "Archive name"
msgstr "Nom de l'archive"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:439
-msgid ""
-"Note: In order for backup file tracking to work, the archive name "
-"must begin with %s."
-msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:454
msgid "Replacement patterns:"
msgstr "Critères de remplacement :"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:448
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:455
msgid "%d = Two digit day of the month, with leading zeros"
msgstr "%d = Numéro du mois avec deux chiffres, avec des zéros devant"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:449
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:456
msgid "%j = Day of the month, without leading zeros"
msgstr "%j = Jour du mois, sans zéro devant"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:450
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:457
msgid "%m = Day of the month, with leading zeros"
msgstr "%m = Jour du mois, avec des zéros devant"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:451
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:458
msgid "%n = Representation of the month (without leading zeros)"
msgstr "%n = Numéro du mois, sans zéro devant"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:452
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:459
msgid "%Y = Four digit representation for the year"
msgstr "%Y = L'année sur quatre chiffres"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:453
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:460
msgid "%y = Two digit representation of the year"
msgstr "%y = L'année sur deux chiffres"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:454
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:461
msgid "%a = Lowercase ante meridiem (am) and post meridiem (pm)"
msgstr "%a = Ante meridiem (am) et post meridiem (pm) en minuscule"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:455
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:462
msgid "%A = Uppercase ante meridiem (AM) and post meridiem (PM)"
msgstr "%A = Ante meridiem (am) et post meridiem (pm) en majuscule"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:456
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:463
msgid "%B = Swatch Internet Time"
msgstr "%B = Temps Internet"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:457
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:464
msgid "%g = Hour in 12-hour format, without leading zeros"
msgstr "%g = Heure au format 12, sans zéro devant"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:458
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:465
msgid "%G = Hour in 24-hour format, without leading zeros"
msgstr "%G = Heure au format 24, sans zéro devant"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:459
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:466
msgid "%h = Hour in 12-hour format, with leading zeros"
msgstr "%h = Heure au format 12, avec des zéros devant"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:460
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:467
msgid "%H = Hour in 24-hour format, with leading zeros"
msgstr "%H = Heure au format 24, avec des zéros devant"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:461
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:468
msgid "%i = Two digit representation of the minute"
msgstr "%i = Deux chiffres pour les minutes"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:462
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:469
msgid "%s = Two digit representation of the second"
msgstr "%s = Deux chiffres pour les secondes"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:468 inc/class-page-editjob.php:471
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:468
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:471
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:475
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:478
msgid "Archive Format"
msgstr "Format de l'archive"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:474 inc/class-page-editjob.php:476
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:426 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:476
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:426
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:426
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
msgid "Zip"
msgstr "Zip"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:477
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Disabled due to missing PHP function."
-msgid "Disabled due to missing %s PHP class."
-msgstr "Désactiver car les fonctions PHP ne sont pas disponibles."
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:479 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:433
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:479
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:433
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:433
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:486
msgid "Tar"
msgstr "Tar"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481 inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:437 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:437
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:437
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:488
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
msgid "Tar GZip"
msgstr "Tar GZip"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:484 inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:484
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:491
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:498
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Disabled due to missing PHP function."
msgid "Disabled due to missing %s PHP function."
msgstr "Désactiver car les fonctions PHP ne sont pas disponibles."
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:487 inc/class-page-editjob.php:489
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:444 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:487
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:489
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:444
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:444
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:494
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:497
msgid "Tar BZip2"
msgstr "Tar BZip2"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:497
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:533
msgid "Job Destination"
msgstr "Destinations de l'opération"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:501 inc/class-page-editjob.php:504
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:501
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:504
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:537
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:540
msgid "Where should your backup file be stored?"
msgstr "Où doit être mis votre fichier de sauvegarde ?"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:522
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:558
msgid "Log Files"
msgstr "Fichiers journaux"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:526
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:562
msgid "Send log to email address"
msgstr "Envoyer les journaux à l'adresse de courriel"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:529
-msgid ""
-"Leave empty to not have log sent. Or separate with , for more than one "
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:565
+msgid "Leave empty to not have log sent. Or separate with , for more than one receiver."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:533
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:569
msgid "Email FROM field"
msgstr "Champ émetteur du courriel"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:535
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:571
msgid "Your Name <mail@domain.tld>"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:539
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:575
msgid "Errors only"
msgstr "Erreurs seulement"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:544
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:580
msgid "Send email with log only when errors occur during job execution."
-msgstr ""
-"Envoyer les fichiers journaux uniquement quand une erreur est survenue dans "
-"le déroulement de l'opération."
+msgstr "Envoyer les fichiers journaux uniquement quand une erreur est survenue dans le déroulement de l'opération."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:555
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:591
msgid "Job Schedule"
msgstr "Programmation"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:559 inc/class-page-editjob.php:562
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:559
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:562
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:595
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:598
msgid "Start job"
msgstr "Démarrer l'opération"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:566
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:602
msgid "manually only"
msgstr "seulement manuellement"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:570
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:606
msgid "with WordPress cron"
msgstr "avec le cron de Wordpress"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:579
-msgid ""
-"with EasyCron.com"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:615
+msgid "with EasyCron.com"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:581
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:617
msgid "First setup API Key."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:590
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:626
msgid "with a link"
msgstr "avec un lien"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:591
-msgid ""
-"Copy the link for an external start. This option has to be activated to make "
-"the link work."
-msgstr ""
-"Copier le lien pour un lancement externe. Cette option doit être activée "
-"afin que le lien fonctionne."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:627
+msgid "Copy the link for an external start. This option has to be activated to make the link work."
+msgstr "Copier le lien pour un lancement externe. Cette option doit être activée afin que le lien fonctionne."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:598
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:634
msgid "Start job with CLI"
msgstr "Démarrer l'opération avec la CLI"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:601
-msgid ""
-"Use WP-CLI to run jobs from commandline."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:637
+msgid "Use WP-CLI to run jobs from commandline."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:606
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:642
msgid "Schedule execution time"
msgstr "Heure d'excution de la programmation"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:610 inc/class-page-editjob.php:613
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:610
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:613
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:646
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:649
msgid "Scheduler type"
msgstr "Type de programmation"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:617
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:653
msgid "basic"
msgstr "basique"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:621
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:657
msgid "advanced"
msgstr "avancés"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:650 inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:650
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:320
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:320
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:686
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:754
msgid "Scheduler"
msgstr "Programmation"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:655 inc/class-page-jobs.php:126
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:139 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:324
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:655
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:126
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:139
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:324
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:324
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:166
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:691
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:660 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:660
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:330
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:696
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "Heure"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:663 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:333
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:663
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:333
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:333
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:699
msgid "Minute"
msgstr "Minute"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:667 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:337
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:667
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:337
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:337
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:703
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "Mensuelle"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:669 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:339
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:669
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:339
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:339
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:705
msgid "on"
msgstr "le"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:679 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:349
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:679
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:349
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:349
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:715
msgid "weekly"
msgstr "Hebdomadaire"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:681 inc/class-page-editjob.php:788
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:681
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:788
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:351
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:351
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:717
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:824
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Dimanche"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:682 inc/class-page-editjob.php:789
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:682
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:789
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:352
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:352
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:825
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Lundi"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:683 inc/class-page-editjob.php:790
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:683
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:790
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:353
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:353
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:719
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:826
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Mardi"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:684 inc/class-page-editjob.php:791
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:684
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:791
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:354
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:354
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:720
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:827
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Mercredi"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:685 inc/class-page-editjob.php:792
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:685
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:792
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:355
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:355
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:721
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:828
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Jeudi"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:686 inc/class-page-editjob.php:793
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:686
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:793
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:356
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:356
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:722
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:829
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Vendredi"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:687 inc/class-page-editjob.php:794
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:687
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:794
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:357
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:357
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:723
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:830
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Samedi"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:697 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:697
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:367
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:733
msgid "daily"
msgstr "Quotidien"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:707 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:707
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:377
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:743
msgid "hourly"
msgstr "Toutes les heures"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:721
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:757
msgid "Minutes:"
msgstr "Minutes:"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:723 inc/class-page-editjob.php:736
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:748 inc/class-page-editjob.php:762
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:723
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:736
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:748
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:762
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:784
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:759
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:772
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:798
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:820
msgid "Any (*)"
msgstr "Toutes (*)"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:733
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:769
msgid "Hours:"
msgstr "Heures:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:746
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:782
msgid "Day of Month:"
msgstr "Jour dans le mois:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:760
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:796
msgid "Month:"
msgstr "Mois:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:766
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:802
msgid "January"
msgstr "Janvier"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:767
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:803
msgid "February"
msgstr "Février"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:768
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:804
msgid "March"
msgstr "Mars"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:769
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:805
msgid "April"
msgstr "Avril"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:770
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:806
msgid "May"
msgstr "Mai"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:771
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:807
msgid "June"
msgstr "Juin"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:772
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:808
msgid "July"
msgstr "Juillet"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:773
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:809
msgid "August"
msgstr "Aout"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:774
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:810
msgid "September"
msgstr "Septembre"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:775
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:811
msgid "October"
msgstr "Octobre"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:776
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:812
msgid "November"
msgstr "Novembre"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:777
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:813
msgid "December"
msgstr "Décembre"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:782
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:818
msgid "Day of Week:"
msgstr "Jour de la semaine:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:818
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:854
msgid "Save changes"
msgstr "Enregistrer les changements"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:905
-msgid ""
-"Working as Cron schedule:"
-msgstr ""
-"Lancé en tant qu'opération programmée Cron :"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:941
+msgid "Working as Cron schedule:"
+msgstr "Lancé en tant qu'opération programmée Cron :"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:914
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:950
msgid "ATTENTION: Job runs every %d minutes!"
msgstr "ATTENTION: Opération exécutée toutes les %d minutes!"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:918
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:954
msgid "ATTENTION: Can't calculate cron!"
msgstr "ATTENTION: Impossible de calculer cron!"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:921
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:957
msgid "Next runtime:"
msgstr "Prochaine exécution:"
@@ -3501,8 +4192,11 @@ msgstr "Prochaine exécution:"
msgid "No Jobs."
msgstr "Aucune opération."
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:127 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:67
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:127
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:67
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:473
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:67
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:473
msgid "Destinations"
msgstr "Destinations"
@@ -3514,11 +4208,15 @@ msgstr "Prochain exécution"
msgid "Last Run"
msgstr "Dernière exécution"
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:172 inc/class-page-logs.php:200
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:172
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:200
+#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:221
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:228
msgid "Job ID: %d"
msgstr "ID d'opération : %d"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:175
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:45
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Modifier"
@@ -3538,7 +4236,8 @@ msgstr "Pas nécessaire ou pas défini"
msgid "Running for: %s seconds"
msgstr "En cours depuis : %s secondes"
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:280 inc/class-page-jobs.php:289
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:280
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:289
msgid "Cron: %s"
msgstr "Cron: %s"
@@ -3588,23 +4287,20 @@ msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:454
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Job “%s” has started, but not responded for 10 seconds."
-msgid ""
-"Job \"%s\" has started, but not responded for 10 seconds. Please check information."
+msgid "Job \"%s\" has started, but not responded for 10 seconds. Please check information."
msgstr "L'opération \"%s\" a démarré, mais pas de réponse depuis 10 secondes."
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:459
msgid "Job \"%s\" started."
msgstr "Opération \"%s\" commencée."
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:471 inc/class-wp-cli.php:59
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:471
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:59
msgid "Job will be terminated."
msgstr "L'opération va être interrompue."
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%s Jobs"
msgid "%s › Jobs"
msgstr "%s Opérations"
@@ -3634,7 +4330,6 @@ msgstr "Fermer l'écran de travail"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:609
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "close"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "fermer"
@@ -3643,643 +4338,633 @@ msgid "Job completed"
msgstr "Fin de l'opération"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
-msgid ""
-"Job has done with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct "
-msgstr ""
-"L'opération s'est terminée avec des avertissements en %s seconds. Merci de "
-"les corriger pour une exécution correcte."
+msgid "Job has done with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct execution."
+msgstr "L'opération s'est terminée avec des avertissements en %s seconds. Merci de les corriger pour une exécution correcte."
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:113
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:138
msgid "No Logs."
msgstr "Aucun fichier journal!"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:138
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:165
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Statut"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:141
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:168
msgid "Runtime"
msgstr "Temps d'exécution"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:202
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:230
msgid "View"
msgstr "Voir"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:251
msgid "1 ERROR"
msgid_plural "%d ERRORS"
msgstr[0] "1 ERREUR"
msgstr[1] "%d ERREURS"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:225
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:254
msgid "1 WARNING"
msgid_plural "%d WARNINGS"
msgstr[0] "1 AVERTISSEMENT"
msgstr[1] "%d AVERTISSEMENTS"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:228
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:257
msgid "O.K."
msgstr "O.K."
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:246
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:275
msgid "Log only"
msgstr "Journaux seulement"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:391
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:440
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%s Logs"
msgid "%s › Logs"
msgstr "%s Fichiers journaux"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:422
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:471
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Log file folder"
msgid "Logfile not found!"
msgstr "Répertoire des fichiers journaux"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:61
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:88
msgid "Settings reset to default"
msgstr "Paramètres remis aux valeurs par défaut"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:104
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:194
msgid "Settings saved"
msgstr "Paramètres enregistrés"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:115
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:209
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%s Settings"
msgid "%s › Settings"
msgstr "%s Paramètres"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:220
msgid "Network"
msgstr "Réseau"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:221
msgid "API Keys"
msgstr "Clé API:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:222
msgid "Information"
msgstr "Information"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:135
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:241
msgid "Display Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres d'affichage"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:136
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:242
msgid "Do you want to see BackWPup in the WordPress admin bar?"
msgstr "Voir BackWPup dans la barre d'administration WordPress?"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:139
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:245
msgid "Admin bar"
msgstr "Barre d'administration"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:142
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:250
msgid "Admin Bar"
msgstr "Barre d'administration"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:145
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:258
msgid "Show BackWPup links in admin bar."
msgstr "Voir les liens BackWPup dans la barre d'administration."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:151 inc/class-page-settings.php:154
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:151
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:154
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:264
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:269
msgid "Folder sizes"
msgstr "Taille du répertoire"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:157
-msgid ""
-"Display folder sizes in the files tab when editing a job. (Might increase "
-"loading time of files tab.)"
-msgstr ""
-"Afficher la taille du répertoire dans l'onglet fichier lors de la "
-"modification d'une opération (Cela peut provoquer un affichage plus lent de "
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:277
+msgid "Display folder sizes in the files tab when editing a job. (Might increase loading time of files tab.)"
+msgstr "Afficher la taille du répertoire dans l'onglet fichier lors de la modification d'une opération (Cela peut provoquer un affichage plus lent de l'onglet)"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:163
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:286
msgid "Security"
msgstr "Sécurité"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:164
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:287
msgid "Security option for BackWPup"
msgstr "Option de sécurité pour BackWPup"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:167 inc/class-page-settings.php:170
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:167
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:170
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:290
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:295
msgid "Protect folders"
msgstr "Répertoires protégés"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:173
-msgid ""
-"Protect BackWPup folders ( Temp, Log and Backups ) with .htaccess"
-"code> and
-msgstr ""
-"Protéger les répertoires de BackWPup (Temporaire, Journaux et Sauvegardes) "
-"avec .htaccess
et index.php
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:304
+msgid "Protect BackWPup folders ( Temp, Log and Backups ) with .htaccess
and index.php
+msgstr "Protéger les répertoires de BackWPup (Temporaire, Journaux et Sauvegardes) avec .htaccess
et index.php
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:186
-msgid ""
-"Every time BackWPup runs a backup job, a log file is being generated. Choose "
-"where to store your log files and how many of them."
-msgstr ""
-"Chaque fois que BackWPUp exécute une opération de sauvegarde, un fichier "
-"journal est créé. Choissiez où vos fichiers journaux sont stockés et combien "
-"vous désirez en garder."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:321
+msgid "Every time BackWPup runs a backup job, a log file is being generated. Choose where to store your log files and how many of them."
+msgstr "Chaque fois que BackWPUp exécute une opération de sauvegarde, un fichier journal est créé. Choissiez où vos fichiers journaux sont stockés et combien vous désirez en garder."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:189
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:330
msgid "Log file folder"
msgstr "Répertoire des fichiers journaux"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:192
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:340
msgid "You can use absolute or relative path! Relative path is relative to %s."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:196
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:356
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Maximum file size"
msgid "Maximum log files"
msgstr "Taille maximum du fichier"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:199
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:363
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Maximum number of log files in folder"
msgid "Maximum log files in folder."
msgstr "Nombre maximum de fichiers journaux dans le répertoire"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:203 inc/class-page-settings.php:206
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:203
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:206
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:370
msgid "Compression"
msgstr "Compression"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:209
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:381
msgid "Compress log files with GZip."
msgstr "Compresser les fichiers journaux avec GZip."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:215 inc/class-page-settings.php:218
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:215
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:218
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:392
msgid "Logging Level"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:221
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:400
msgid "Normal (translated)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:404
msgid "Normal (not translated)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:223
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:408
msgid "Debug (translated)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:224
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:412
msgid "Debug (not translated)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:227
-msgid ""
-"Debug log has much more informations than normal logs. It is for support and "
-"should be handled carefully. For support is the best to use a not translated "
-"log file. Usage of not translated logs can reduce the PHP memory usage too."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:416
+msgid "Debug log has much more informations than normal logs. It is for support and should be handled carefully. For support is the best to use a not translated log file. Usage of not translated logs can reduce the PHP memory usage too."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:236
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:429
msgid "There are a couple of general options for backup jobs. Set them here."
-msgstr ""
-"Il y a un certain nombres d'options globales pour les opérations de "
-"sauvegarde. Définissez les ici."
+msgstr "Il y a un certain nombres d'options globales pour les opérations de sauvegarde. Définissez les ici."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:239
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:437
msgid "Maximum number of retries for job steps"
msgstr "Nombre d'essais maximum par étape d'opération"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:245
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:450
msgid "Maximum script execution time"
msgstr "Temps maximum d'exécution"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:248
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:455
msgid "Maximum PHP Script execution time"
msgstr "Temps maximum d'exécution d'un script PHP"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:251
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:462
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "seconds"
msgid "seconds."
msgstr "secondes"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:252
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:464
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Job will restart before hitting maximum execution time. It will not work "
-#| "with CLI and not on every step during execution. If "
has been defined, WordPress Cron will be "
-#| "used."
-msgid ""
-"Job will restart before hitting maximum execution time. Restarts will be "
-"disabled on CLI usage. If ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
has been defined, "
-"WordPress Cron will be used for restarts, so it can take a while. 0 means no "
-msgstr ""
-"L'opération sera relancée avant que le temps maximum d'éxécution ne soit "
-"atteint. Cela ne fonctionnera pas avec CLI et pas non plus pour toutes les "
-"étapes d'une opération. Si ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
a été défini, "
-"alors WordPress Cron sera utilisé."
+msgid "Job will restart before hitting maximum execution time. Restarts will be disabled on CLI usage. If ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
has been defined, WordPress Cron will be used for restarts, so it can take a while. 0 means no maximum."
+msgstr "L'opération sera relancée avant que le temps maximum d'éxécution ne soit atteint. Cela ne fonctionnera pas avec CLI et pas non plus pour toutes les étapes d'une opération. Si ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
a été défini, alors WordPress Cron sera utilisé."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:259
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:476
msgid "Key to start jobs externally with an URL"
msgstr "Clé pour lancer l'opération de manière externe avec une URL"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:263
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:484
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "empty = deactivated. Will be used to protect job starts from unauthorized "
-#| "person."
msgid "Will be used to protect job starts from unauthorized person."
-msgstr ""
-"vide = désactiver. Permet de limiter les personnes autorisées à lancer une "
+msgstr "vide = désactiver. Permet de limiter les personnes autorisées à lancer une opération."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:267 inc/class-page-settings.php:270
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:267
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:270
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:492
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:497
msgid "Reduce server load"
msgstr "Réduire la charge du serveur"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:273
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:505
msgid "disabled"
msgstr "inactif"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:274
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:509
msgid "minimum"
msgstr "minimum"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:275
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:513
msgid "medium"
msgstr "médium"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:276
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:517
msgid "maximum"
msgstr "maximum"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:279
-msgid ""
-"This adds short pauses to the process. Can be used to reduce the CPU load."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:521
+msgid "This adds short pauses to the process. Can be used to reduce the CPU load."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:284
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:530
msgid "Empty output on working"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:287 inc/class-page-settings.php:290
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:287
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:290
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:535
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:546
msgid "Enable an empty Output on backup working."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:292
-msgid ""
-"This do an empty output on job working. This can help in some situations or "
-"can brake the working. You must test it."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:549
+msgid "This do an empty output on job working. This can help in some situations or can brake the working. You must test it."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:297
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:558
msgid "Windows IIS compatibility"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:300 inc/class-page-settings.php:303
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:300
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:303
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:563
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:574
msgid "Enable compatibility with IIS on Windows."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:305
-msgid ""
-"There is a PHP bug (bug #43817), "
-"which is triggered on some versions of Windows and IIS. Checking this box "
-"will enable a workaround for that bug. Only enable if you are getting errors "
-"about “Permission denied” in your logs."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:577
+msgid "There is a PHP bug (bug #43817), which is triggered on some versions of Windows and IIS. Checking this box will enable a workaround for that bug. Only enable if you are getting errors about “Permission denied” in your logs."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:315
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:801
msgid "Authentication for %s
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:316
-msgid ""
-"If you protected your blog with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess), or "
-"you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php, then use the authentication methods "
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:808
+msgid "If you protected your blog with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess), or you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php, then use the authentication methods below."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:322 inc/class-page-settings.php:325
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:322
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:325
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:824
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:829
msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:329
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:841
msgid "Basic auth"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:845
msgid "WordPress User"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:331
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:849
msgid "Query argument"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:338
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:860
msgid "Basic Auth Username:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:344
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:877
msgid "Basic Auth Password:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:349 inc/class-page-settings.php:352
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:349
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:352
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:891
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:894
msgid "Select WordPress User"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:368
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:927
msgid "Query arg key=value:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387 inc/class-page-settings.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1066
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1070
msgid "Setting"
msgstr "Paramètres"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387 inc/class-page-settings.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1066
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1070
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Valeur"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:389
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1115
msgid "WordPress version"
msgstr "WordPress version"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:391
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1120
msgid "BackWPup version"
msgstr "BackWPup version"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:391
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1124
msgid "Get pro."
msgstr "Obtenir la version pro."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:393
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1126
msgid "BackWPup Pro version"
msgstr "BackWPup Pro version"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:401
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1131
msgid "PHP version"
msgstr "PHP version"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:402
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1141
msgid "MySQL version"
msgstr "MySQL version"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:405 inc/class-page-settings.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:405
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1145
msgid "cURL version"
msgstr "cURL version"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:406
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1149
msgid "cURL SSL version"
msgstr "cURL SSL version"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1152
msgid "unavailable"
msgstr "pas disponible"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:411
-msgid "WP-Cron url:"
-msgstr "WP-Cron url:"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:413
-msgid "Server self connect:"
-msgstr "Connexion au serveur:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:418
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1167
msgid "Not expected HTTP response:
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:420
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1174
msgid "WP Http Error: %s
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:422
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1180
msgid "Status-Code: %d
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:430
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1195
msgid "Content: %s
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:434
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1200
msgid "Response Test O.K."
msgstr "La réponse au test est positive."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:438
-msgid "Temp folder:"
-msgstr "Répertoire temporaire:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:440
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1212
msgid "Temp folder %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "Le répertoire temporaire '%s' n'existe pas."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:442
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1217
msgid "Temporary folder %s is not writable."
msgstr "Le répertoire temporaire '%s' n'est pas inscriptible."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:449
-msgid "Log folder:"
-msgstr "Répertoire des fichiers journaux:"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:451
-msgid "Logs folder %s not exist."
-msgstr "Répertoire des fichiers journaux %s n'existe pas."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:453
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1236
msgid "Log folder %s is not writable."
msgstr "Répertoire des fichiers journaux %s non inscriptible."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:458
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1244
msgid "Server"
msgstr "Serveur"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:459
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1248
msgid "Operating System"
msgstr "Système d'exploitation"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:460
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1252
msgid "PHP SAPI"
msgstr "PHP SAPI"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:461
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1260
msgid "Function Disabled"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:465
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1256
msgid "Current PHP user"
msgstr "Utilisateur PHP actuel"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:466
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1264
msgid "Maximum execution time"
msgstr "Temps maximum d'exécution"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:468 inc/class-page-settings.php:470
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:468
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:470
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1278
msgid "Alternative WP Cron"
msgstr "WP Cron de remplacement"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:468 inc/class-page-settings.php:472
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:468
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:472
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1280
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1288
msgid "On"
msgstr "On"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:470 inc/class-page-settings.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:470
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1282
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1290
msgid "Off"
msgstr "Off"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:472 inc/class-page-settings.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:472
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1286
msgid "Disabled WP Cron"
msgstr "WP Cron inactif"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:476 inc/class-page-settings.php:478
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:476
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:478
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1294
msgid "CHMOD Dir"
msgstr "CHMOD Dir"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:480
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1302
msgid "Server Time"
msgstr "Heure du serveur"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:481
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1307
msgid "Blog Time"
msgstr "Heure"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:482
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1311
msgid "Blog Timezone"
msgstr "Timezone du blog"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:483
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1315
msgid "Blog Time offset"
msgstr "Offset de temps du Blog"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:483
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1317
msgid "%s hours"
msgstr "%s heures"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:484
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1322
msgid "Blog language"
msgstr "Langue du Blog"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:485
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1326
msgid "MySQL Client encoding"
msgstr "Type d'encodage du client MySql"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:488
-msgid "Blog charset"
-msgstr "Type de codage du blog"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:489
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1330
msgid "PHP Memory limit"
msgstr "Limite mémoire de PHP"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:490
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1334
msgid "WP memory limit"
msgstr "Limite mémoire de WP"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:491
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1338
msgid "WP maximum memory limit"
msgstr "Limite mémoire maximum de WP"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:492
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1342
msgid "Memory in use"
msgstr "Mémoire utilisée"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:497
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1348
msgid "Disabled PHP Functions:"
msgstr "Interdire les fonctions PHP:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:502
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1353
msgid "Loaded PHP Extensions:"
msgstr "Extension PHP chargées:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:514
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1089
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "Enregistrer les changements"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:516
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1094
msgid "Reset all settings to default"
msgstr "Remettre toutes les valeurs des paramètres à leur valeur par défaut"
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:123
-msgid ""
-"With the upcoming major release, BackWPup will be requiring PHP version 5.3 "
-"or higher."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:23
+msgid "A job is already running."
+msgstr "Une opération est déjà en cours."
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:125
-msgid "Currently, you are running PHP version 5.2."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:127 inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:162
-msgid "Please urgently read here!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:132
-msgid "Don't show again."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:164
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup has determined, your installation is still running on the old PHP "
-"5.2 version."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:167
-msgid ""
-"In order to ensure a fast and secure development for BackWPup, we will most "
-"likely not support PHP version 5.2 in our next version."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:168
-msgid ""
-"No need to worry, your host can update your PHP version relatively quickly "
-"and without any problems."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:169
-msgid ""
-"Otherwise you can continue to stay on this last version and do not update "
-"the plugin in the future!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:173
-msgid ""
-"If the response from PHP 5.2 users is surprisingly high, we will eventually "
-"keep support for PHP 5.2 for a while."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:176
-msgid "Cheers!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:177
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "BackWPup News"
-msgid "Your BackWPup Team!"
-msgstr "Nouvelles de BackWPup"
-#. Translators: This is the anchor text for an HTML link pointing to BackWPup
-#. contact page
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:205
-msgid "contact us"
-msgstr ""
-#. Translators: %s is replaced by an HTML link with text "contact us" pointing
-#. to BackWPup contact page
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:207
-msgid "If you would like to have PHP 5.2 supported, please %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:208
-msgid "https://backwpup.com/php52/"
-msgstr "https://backwpup.com/php52/"
-#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:23
-msgid "A job is already running."
-msgstr "Une opération est déjà en cours."
-#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:35
-msgid "No job ID specified!"
-msgstr "Pas d'identifiant d'opération fourni!"
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:35
+msgid "No job ID specified!"
+msgstr "Pas d'identifiant d'opération fourni!"
#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:41
msgid "Job ID does not exist!"
@@ -4293,1472 +4978,597 @@ msgstr "Rien à abandonner!"
msgid "No job running"
msgstr "Pas d'opération en cours"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:23
-msgid "Auth Code:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:26
-msgid "Get auth code"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:33
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:294
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:299
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:30
-msgid "Login:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:37
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:306
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:56
-msgid "Folder:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:112
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to Dropbox …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:147
-msgid "Retrieving file list from Dropbox"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:161
-msgid "Upload changed files to Dropbox"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:183
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Dropbox"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:211
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Dropbox"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:226
-msgid "Folder %s deleted from Dropbox"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:243
-msgid "File %s deleted from Dropbox"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:19
-msgid "Absolute path to folder for backup files:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:41
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:321
-msgid "Oldest files will be deleted first."
-msgstr "Les fichiers les plus anciens seront supprimés en premier."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:87
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to folder …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:91
-msgid "Retrieving file list from folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:101
-msgid "Copy changed files to folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:115
-msgid "File %s copied"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:128
-msgid "Delete not existing files from folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:136
-msgid "Extra file %s copied"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:152
-msgid "File %s deleted from folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:210
-msgid "Empty folder %s deleted"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:17
-msgid "Hostname:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:25 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:23
-msgid "Username:"
-msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:33
-msgid "Folder on server:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:42
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:60
-msgid "Maximum number of backup files to keep in folder:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:41
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:282
-msgid ""
-"Looks like you haven’t set up any API keys yet. Head over to Settings | API-Keys and get Google Drive all set up, then come back "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:55
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:297
-msgid "Authenticate"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:62
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:302
-msgid "Reauthenticate"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:73
-msgid "Folder in Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:110
-msgid ""
-"Consider using trash to delete files. If trash is not enabled, files will be "
-"deleted permanently."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:167
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:191
-msgid "GDrive: Authenticated."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:171
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:195
-msgid "GDrive: No refresh token received. Try to Authenticate again!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:177
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:199
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:218
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:237
-msgid "GDrive API: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:440
-msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to Google Drive …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:468
-msgid "Uploading to Google Drive …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:530
-msgid "Could not create resumable file transfer to Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:574
-msgid "Can not resume transfer backup to Google Drive!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:641
-msgid "Error transfering file chunks to %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:642
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:668
-msgid "Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:716
-msgid "One file deleted from Google Drive"
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Google Drive"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:722
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1028
-msgid "Google Drive API: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:849
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to Google Drive …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:874
-msgid "Syncing changed files to Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:904
-msgid "File %s updated on Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:925
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:946
-msgid "File %s moved to trash in Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:949
-msgid "File %s deleted permanently in Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:995
-msgid "Extra file %s updated on Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1017
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:27
-msgid "Amazon Glacier"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:31
-msgid "Select a region:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:33
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:235
-msgid "Amazon Glacier Region"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:34
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:236
-msgid "US Standard"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:35
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:237
-msgid "US West (Northern California)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:36
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:238
-msgid "US West (Oregon)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:37
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:239
-msgid "EU (Ireland)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:38
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:240
-msgid "EU (Germany)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:39
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:241
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:40
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:242
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
-msgstr "Amazon S3: Asie et pacifique (Sydney)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:41
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:42
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:244
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:43
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:245
-msgid "South America (Sao Paulo)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:44
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:246
-msgid "China (Beijing)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:50
-msgid "Amazon Access Keys"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:69
-msgid "Vault"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:73
-msgid "Vault selection"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:85
-msgid "Create a new vault"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:92
-msgid "Glacier Backup settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:108
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:264
-msgid ""
-"Number of files to keep in folder. (Archives deleted before 3 months after "
-"they have been stored may cause extra costs when deleted.)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:172
-msgid "No vault found!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:211
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:299
-msgid "Vault %1$s created."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:213
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:301
-msgid "Vault %s could not be created."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:234
-msgid "Select an Amazon Glacier region:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:243
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:248
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:19 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:39
-msgid "Access Key:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:250
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:42
-msgid "Secret Key:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:252
-msgid "Vault:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:261
-msgid "New Vault:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:341
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:456
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:475
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:518
-msgid "AWS API: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:364
-msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to Amazon Glacier …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:377
-msgid "Connected to Glacier vault \"%1$s\" with %2$d archives and size of %3$d"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:379
-msgid "Glacier vault \"%s\" does not exist!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:385
-msgid "Starting upload to Amazon Glacier …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:438
-msgid "Archive ID: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:449 inc/pro/class-pro.php:92
-msgid "Glacier"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:508
-msgid "Cannot delete archive from %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:512
-msgid "One file deleted on vault."
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on vault"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:17
-msgid "Account Name:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:21
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:38
-msgid "Container:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:28
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:47
-msgid "Create container:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:30
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:49
-msgid "Folder in container:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:119
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files with Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:154
-msgid "Retrieving file list from MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:170
-msgid "Upload changed files to MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:182
-msgid "File %s uploaded to MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:208
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:221
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:224
-msgid "File %s deleted from MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:26
-msgid "API Key:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:29
-msgid "Select region:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:147
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files to Rackspace cloud …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:167
-msgid "Connected to Rackspace cloud files container %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:181
-msgid "Retrieving files list from Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:212
-msgid "Upload changed files to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:230
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:263
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:276
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:280
-msgid "File %s deleted from Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:17
-msgid "Select a S3 service:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:36
-msgid "or set an S3 Server URL:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:45
-msgid "Bucket:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:55
-msgid "New Bucket:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:57
-msgid "Folder in bucket:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:145
-msgid "Bucket %1$s created in %2$s."
-msgstr "Le panier %1$s dans %2$s a été créé."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:169
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files to S3 Service …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:203
-msgid "Retrieving file list from S3."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:265
-msgid "Upload changed files to S3."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:280
-msgid "File %s uploaded to S3."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:308
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to S3."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:321
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on S3"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:328
-msgid "File %s deleted from S3."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:24
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:82
-msgid "Sugarsync authenticate!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:34
-msgid "Root:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-export-jobs.php:12 inc/pro/class-export-jobs.php:23
-msgid "Export"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:27
-msgid "Check only WordPress Database tables"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:92
-msgid "Backup only WordPress Database tables"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:112
-msgid "Database connection"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:116
-msgid "Use WordPress database connection."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:120
-msgid "Host:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:123
-msgid "User:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:130
-msgid "Charset:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:141
-msgid "Database:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:169
-msgid "Database Backup type"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
-msgid "SQL File (with mysqli)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:174
-msgid "SQL File (with mysqldump)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:175
-msgid "XML File (phpMyAdmin schema)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:181
-msgid "Path to mysqldump file"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:190
-msgid ""
-"Path to mysqldump file, so a backup can be made with it. If it is correct "
-"and shell_exec is active, the backup will be generated with a "
-"system command. If shell_exec ist not active, this is disabled"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:580
-msgid "Added database backup \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:601
-msgid "%d. Try to backup MySQL system …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:608
-msgid ""
-"Executing of system commands not allowed. Please use backup with mysqli."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:613
-msgid "%s file not in open basedir of PHP."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:618
-msgid "%s file not found. Please correct the path for the mysqldump file."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:702
-msgctxt "Executed exec() command"
-msgid "CLI Exec: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:712
-msgid "Usage error."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:713
-msgid ""
-"MySQL Server Error. This could be an issue with permissions. Try using "
-"database backup with mysqli."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:714
-msgid "Error during consistency checks."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:715
-msgid "Not enough memory."
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:118
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:112
+msgid "PHP cURL extension must be installed to use the full plugin functionality."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:716
-msgid "Error during writing of SQL backup file."
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:122
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:67
+msgctxt "%1 = extension name, %2 = file suffix"
+msgid "We recommend to install the %1$s extension to generate %2$s archives."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:717
-msgid "Illegal table"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:146
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:136
+msgctxt "Link to PHP manual"
+msgid "Please disable the deprecated PHP safe mode."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:722
-msgid "mysqldump returned: (%d) %s"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:154
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:146
+msgid "We recommend to install the PHP FTP extension to use the FTP backup destination."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:735
-msgid "Can not create mysql backup with mysqldump command"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:174
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:164
+msgid "The HTTP response test result is an error: \"%s\"."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:781
-msgid "%d. Try to backup database as XML …"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:178
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:175
+msgid "The HTTP response test result is a wrong HTTP status: %s. It should be status 200."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:851
-msgctxt "Database Charset"
-msgid "Cannot set DB charset to %s"
-msgstr "Impossible de mettre le jeux de caractère à %s sur la base de données"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:880
-msgid "No tables for XML backup"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:191
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:220
+msgid "WP-Cron seems to be broken. But it is needed to run scheduled jobs."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:916
-msgid "Dump database create view \"%s\""
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:196
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:194
+msgid "All tests passed without errors."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:934
-msgid "Backup database structure \"%s\" to XML"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:202
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:239
+msgid "There are errors. Please correct them, or BackWPup cannot work."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:976
-msgid "Backup table \"%s\" data to XML"
-msgstr ""
+#. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
+#: inc/class-admin.php:381
+#: inc/class-admin.php:401
+#: inc/class-help.php:17
+#: inc/class-help.php:22
+#: inc/class-job.php:394
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:15
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:624
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:262
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:391
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:17
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:17
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:27
+#: inc/class-admin.php:510
+#: inc/class-admin.php:531
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1123
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:651
+#: inc/class-job.php:412
+msgid "http://backwpup.com"
+msgstr "http://backwpup.com"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:1044
-msgid "Added database XML dump \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
+#. Author URI of the plugin/theme
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:17
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:19
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:19
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:29
+msgid "http://inpsyde.com"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:1047
-msgid "Database XML backup done!"
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive-downloader.php:74
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:78
+msgid "Could not write data to file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:19
-msgid "Backup WordPress main files"
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive-downloader.php:102
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:122
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:137
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php:104
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:107
+msgid "File could not be opened for writing."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:23
-msgid "Backup blog content folder"
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:63
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1134
+msgid "Amazon S3: EU (London)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:27
-msgid "Backup blog plugins"
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:285
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:286
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:293
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step4_top.php:2
+msgid "Restore"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:31
-msgid "Backup blog themes"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:77
+msgid "You must run WordPress version %1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %2$s now."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:35
-msgid "Backup blog uploads folder"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:88
+msgid "We recommend to run a PHP version above %1$s to get the full plugin functionality. You are using version %2$s now."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
-msgid "Items to export:"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:100
+msgid "You must have the MySQLi extension installed and a MySQL server version of %1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %2$s now."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:13
-msgid "Nothing to configure"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:193
+msgid "Yeah!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:130
-msgid "No BackWPup Wizard Session found!"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:261
+msgid "There are some warnings. BackWPup will work, but with limitations."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:143 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:461
-msgid "Cancel"
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:104
+msgid "Cannot open FTP file for download."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:179 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:456
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:488
-msgid "Next ›"
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:64
+msgid "Could not read data from source file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:196 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:452
-msgid "‹ Previous"
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:69
+msgid "Could not write data into target file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:349
-msgctxt "Plugin Name"
-msgid "%s › Wizards"
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:96
+msgid "File could not be opened for reading."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:388
-msgctxt "Plugin Name"
-msgid "%s Wizard:"
+#. translators: $1 is the path of the local file where the backup will be stored
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:141
+msgid "%s is a directory not a file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:464
-msgid "Back to overview"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:102
+msgid "Multipart splits file into multiple chunks while uploading.
This is necessary for displaying the upload process and to transfer bigger files.
Don't work with Google or Dreamhost."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:111
-msgid "GDrive"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:408
+msgid "« Go back"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:164 inc/pro/class-pro.php:190
-msgid "Wizards"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:501
+msgid "Please wait …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:45
-msgid "Hash key"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:504
+msgid "Your download is being generated …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:46
-msgid ""
-"Hash Key for BackWPup. It will be used to have hashes in folder and file "
-"names. It must at least 6 chars long."
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:510
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:15
+msgid "Please enter your private key to decrypt your backup."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:49
-msgid "Hash key:"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:512
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:17
+msgid "The private key you entered was invalid. Please try again."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:73
-msgid "Dropbox API Keys"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:515
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:742
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:773
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:20
+msgid "Private Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:74
-msgid ""
-"If you want to set your own Dropbox API Keys, you can do it here. Leave "
-"empty for default."
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:522
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:25
+msgid "Submit"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:77
-msgid "Full Dropbox App key:"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:527
+msgid "Your download has been generated. It should begin downloading momentarily."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:88
-msgid "Full Dropbox App secret:"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:575
+msgid "Seems is not possible to store your private key, be sure the directory %s is writable."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:100
-msgid "Sandbox App key:"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:114
+msgid "Functions for bz2 compression not available."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:111
-msgid "Sandbox App secret:"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:311
+msgid "File name cannot be empty."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:131
-msgid "SugarSync API Keys"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:751
+msgid "Cannot open source file %s for archiving. Writing an empty file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:132
-msgid ""
-"If you want to set your own SugarSync API keys you can do that here. Leave "
-"empty for default."
+#. translators: $1 is the filename to add into the archive.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:1006
+msgid "Cannot open source file %s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:135
-msgid "Access Key ID:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:39
+msgid "Please enter a public key first, or generate a key pair."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:143
-msgid "Private Access Key:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:40
+msgid "Please enter your private key."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:154
-msgid "App ID:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:41
+msgid "Public key is valid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:175
-msgid "Google API Keys"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:42
+msgid "Public key is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:179
-msgid "Client ID:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:43
+msgid "Please download the private key before continuing. If you do not save it locally, you cannot decrypt your backups later."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:191
-msgid "Client secret:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:217
+msgid "Encryption"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:202
-msgid "Redirect URIs:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:593
+msgid "Here you can set your keys for encrypting your backups."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:206
-msgid "Add this URI in a new line to the field."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:601
+msgid "If you select symmetric encryption (default), you can generate a 256-bit key by clicking Generate Key
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:15
-msgid "Create a job"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:611
+msgid "If you select asymmetric encryption (more secure), you must have an RSA public/private key pair. You would enter the public key in the Public Key
field. If you do not have a key pair, click Generate Key Pair
and they will be generated for you."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:16
-msgid "Choose a job"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:621
+msgid "Note: You will be asked to download the keys for safe storage. We do not keep a copy of the private key, so if you lose this, your data cannot be decrypted!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:41
-msgid "Job Types"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:631
+msgid "You can also click Validate
to validate that you have the proper private key for the given public key."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:41
-msgid "Select a task for your job."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:642
+msgid "Encryption Type"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:61
-msgid "Archive Settings"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:649
+msgid "Symmetric (public key only)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:62
-msgid "Settings for the Backup Archive"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:655
+msgid "Asymmetric (public and private key)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:68
-msgid "Where would you like to store the backup file?"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:661
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:667
+msgid "Encryption Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:82 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:314
-msgid "Scheduling"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:672
+msgid "Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:82
-msgid "When would you like to start the job?"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:684
+msgid "Click below to generate a random key."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:255
-msgid "Select one or more tasks for your backup job."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:687
+msgid "Generate Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:315
-msgid "Activate scheduling"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:696
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:701
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:762
+msgid "Public Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:409
-msgid "Sync file by file to destination"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:704
+msgid "RSA Public Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:420
-msgid "Select a compression type for the backup archive"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:716
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:717
+msgid "Generate Key Pair"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:423
-msgid "Archive compression type"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:722
+msgid "Validate Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:427
-msgid ""
-"PHP Zip functions will be used if available (memory lees). Else PCLZip Class "
-"will used."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:723
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:748
+msgid "Validate"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:430 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:441
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:449
-msgid "Disabled because missing PHP function."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:735
+msgid "Enter your private key below to validate it will work with the provided public key."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:433 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:434
-msgid "Tar (fast and memory less) uncompressed"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:738
+msgid "The private key will not be stored, so you must still securely store it yourself."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:437 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:438
-msgid "A tared and GZipped archive (fast and memory less)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:754
+msgid "Your keys are being generated. Please hold a moment …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:445
-msgid "A tared and BZipped archive (fast and memory less)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:758
+msgid "Here are your keys. Please store them in a safe location."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:470
-msgid "Where to store the files"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:783
+msgid "Please download at least your private key above, as we will not store this key, and if you lose it, your backups cannot be decrypted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:661
-msgid "Wizard: %1$s"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:786
+msgid "Click the button below to use these keys and paste the public key into the RSA public key field above."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:680
-msgid "New job %s generated."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:790
+msgid "Use These Keys"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:692
-msgid "Create Job"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:955
+msgid "Experiencing an issue and need to contact BackWPup support? Click the link below to get debug information you can send to us."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:717 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:718
-msgid "Database Backup and XML Export (Daily)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:962
+msgid "Debug Info"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:735 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:736
-msgid "Database Check (Weekly)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:966
+msgid "Get Debug Info"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:760 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:761
-msgid "Backup all files"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:973
+msgid "You will find debug information below. Click the button to copy the debug info to send to support."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:775
-msgid "Essential files + list of plugins"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:981
+msgid "Note: Would you like faster, more streamlined support? Pro users can contact BackWPup from right within the plugin."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:776
-msgid "Backup essential files and folders, plus a list of installed plugins."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:988
+msgid "https://backwpup.com"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:791 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:792
-msgid "Custom configuration"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:989
+msgid "Get Pro"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:14
-msgid "XML job import"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1000
+msgid "Copy Debug Info"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:15
-msgid "Wizard for importing BackWPup jobs from an XML file"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1005
+msgid "Debug info copied to clipboard."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:32 inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:101
-msgid "Import"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1013
+msgid "Could not copy debug info. You can simply press ctrl+C to copy it."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:45
-msgid "Import File"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1156
+msgid "WP-Cron url"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:45
-msgid "Upload XML job file for import"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1160
+msgid "Server self connect"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:46
-msgid "Select items to import"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1166
+msgid "Not expected HTTP response:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:46
-msgid "Select which job should be imported or overwritten."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1170
+msgid "WP Http Error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:67
-msgid ""
-"Please upload your BackWPup job XML export file and we’ll import the "
-"jobs into BackWPup."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1178
+msgid "Status-Code: %d"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:69
-msgid "Choose a file from your computer:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1193
+msgid "Content: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:69
-msgid "Maximum size: %s"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1209
+msgid "Temp folder"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:92
-msgid "Import Jobs"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1225
+msgid "Log folder"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:95
-msgid "Import Type"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1231
+msgid "Log folder %s does not exist."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:96
-msgid "No Import"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1266
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1273
+msgid "%d seconds"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:99
-msgid "Overwrite"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1271
+msgid "BackWPup maximum script execution time"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:99
-msgid "Append"
+#: inc/class-download-file.php:135
+msgid "Invalid file name, seems file include invalid characters."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:114
-msgid "Import Config"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:614
+msgid "Restore from Folder"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:117
-msgid "Import BackWPup configuration"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:619
+msgid "Restore from Google Drive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:142
-msgid ""
-"File is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error could "
-"also caused by uploads being disabled in your php.ini or by post_max_size "
-"being defined as smaller than upload_max_filesize in php.ini."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:624
+msgid "Restore from Amazon S3"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:157
-msgid ""
-"The export file could not be found at %s
. This is likely due to "
-"an issue with permissions."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:629
+msgid "Restore from Dropbox"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:164
-msgid "Sorry, there has been a phrase error."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:634
+msgid "Restore from FTP"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:171
-msgid ""
-"This Export file (version %s) may not be supported by this version of the "
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:71
+msgid "Could not write data to file. Empty source file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:177
-msgid "This is not a BackWPup XML file"
+#: inc/class-job.php:332
+msgid "Encrypts the archive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:243
-msgid "Job %1$s with id %2$d imported"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1689
+msgid "No encryption key was provided. Aborting encryption."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:251
-msgid "BackWPup config imported"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1696
+msgid "%d. Trying to encrypt archive …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:14
-msgid "System Test"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1706
+msgid "Cannot open the archive for reading. Aborting encryption."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:15
-msgid "Wizard to test if BackWPup can work properly"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1712
+msgid "Cannot write the encrypted archive. Aborting encryption."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:32
-msgid "Run tests"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1769
+msgid "Encrypted %s of data."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:45
-msgid "Environment"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1773
+msgid "Unable to delete unencrypted archive."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:45
-msgid "System Environment"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1777
+msgid "Unable to rename encrypted archive."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:59
-msgid "Test if BackWPup can work without problems."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1782
+msgid "Archive has been successfully encrypted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:99
-msgid ""
-"You must run WordPress version 3.4 or higher to use this plugin. You are "
-"using version %s now."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2451
+msgid "exec command is not active."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:104
-msgid ""
-"You must run PHP version 5.2.6 or higher to use this plugin. You are using "
-"version %s now."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2456
+msgid "mysqldump binary not found."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:108
-msgid ""
-"We recommend to run a PHP version above 5.3.2 to get the full plugin "
-"functionality. You are using version %s now."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:448
+msgid "Note: In order for backup file tracking to work, %hash% must be included anywhere in the archive name."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:113
-msgid ""
-"You must have the MySQLi extension installed and a MySQL server version of "
-"5.0.7 or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %s now."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:452
+msgid "Preview: "
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:118
-msgid ""
-"PHP cURL extension must be installed to use the full plugin functionality."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:484
+msgid "ZipArchive PHP class is missing, so BackWPUp will use PclZip instead."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:122
-msgctxt "%1 = extension name, %2 = file suffix"
-msgid "We recommend to install the %1$s extension to generate %2$s archives."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:495
+msgid "Not supported yet by the automatic restore functionality"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:146
-msgctxt "Link to PHP manual"
-msgid "Please disable the deprecated PHP safe mode."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:506
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:511
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:520
+msgid "Encrypt Archive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:154
-msgid ""
-"We recommend to install the PHP FTP extension to use the FTP backup "
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:524
+msgid "You must generate your encryption key in BackWPup Settings before you can enable this option."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:174
-msgid "The HTTP response test result is an error: \"%s\"."
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:56
+msgid "Cannot open the archive for reading."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:178
-msgid ""
-"The HTTP response test result is a wrong HTTP status: %s. It should be "
-"status 200."
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:82
+msgid "Cannot write the encrypted archive."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:191
-msgid "WP-Cron seems to be broken. But it is needed to run scheduled jobs."
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:162
+msgid "Private key invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:196
-msgid "All tests passed without errors."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:321
+msgid "Could not log in to FTP server."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:199
-msgid ""
-"There is no error, but some warnings. BackWPup will work, but with "
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:735
+msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created! Parent directory may be not writable."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:202
-msgid "There are errors. Please correct them, or BackWPup cannot work."
+#: backwpup.php:573
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:573
+msgid "BackWPup requires PHP version %$1s with spl extension or greater and WordPress %$2s or greater."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/CronController.php:80
-msgid "Every %d days"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:7
+msgid "Uploading Archive..."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/FrontController.php:143
-msgid "%s needs your help"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:8
+msgid "Restoring: Directories ..."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/FrontController.php:144
-msgid "Help %s"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:9
+msgid "Restoring: Database ..."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:28
-msgid "Yes, I agree."
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:10
+msgid "Extracting Archive please be patient ..."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:45
-msgid "I have to think about that, ask me later."
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:11
+msgid "Downloading Archive..."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:62
-msgid "Please no. Don't ask me again."
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:12
+msgid "Database restored successfully."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:84
-msgid "More info"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:13
+msgid "Ops! There was an error during database restore. Please see the log for more information."
msgstr ""
-#. Plugin Name of the plugin/theme
-msgid "BackWPup Pro"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:17
+msgid "Restoring: "
msgstr ""
-#. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
-#: inc/class-admin.php:381 inc/class-admin.php:401 inc/class-help.php:17
-#: inc/class-help.php:22 inc/class-job.php:394 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:15
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:15 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:15
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:15 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:15
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:624 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:262 inc/class-page-settings.php:391
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:17 inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:16
-msgid "http://backwpup.com"
-msgstr "http://backwpup.com"
-#. Description of the plugin/theme
-msgid "WordPress Backup Plugin"
-msgstr ""
-#. Author of the plugin/theme
-msgid "Inpsyde GmbH"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:18
+msgid "No EventSource found in the brower. Cannot continue."
msgstr ""
-#. Author URI of the plugin/theme
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:17 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:17
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:17 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:17 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:19
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18 inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:18
-msgid "http://inpsyde.com"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:19
+msgid "Directories restored successfully."
msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Allows restricted access to Apps/BackWPup folder only."
-#~ msgstr "Autorise un accès restreint au répertoire Apps/BackWPup uniquement."
-#~ msgid "Allows full access to your entire Dropbox."
-#~ msgstr "Autoriser un accès complet à tout votre compte Dropbox"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Folder inside your Dropbox where your backup archives will be stored."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Le répertoire dans votre compte Dropbox où vos sauvegardes seront "
-#~ "déposées."
-#~ msgid "Older files will be deleted first. 0 = no files will be deleted."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Les fichiers les plus anciens seront supprimés en premier. 0 = pas de "
-#~ "suppression de fichier."
-#~ msgid "GreenQloud Storage Qloud"
-#~ msgstr "GreenQloud Storage Qloud"
-#~ msgid "Oldest files will be deleted first. 0 = no deletion"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Les fichiers les plus anciens seront supprimés en premier. 0 = pas de "
-#~ "suppression"
-#~ msgid "Method for creating ZIP-file archives"
-#~ msgstr "Méthode pour créer les archive ZIP"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This adds short pauses to the process. Can be used to reduce the CPU load."
-#~ "
Disabled = off
minimum = shortest sleep
medium = "
-#~ "middle between minimum and maximum
maximum = longest sleep
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ajoute une pause durant l'opération. Peut être utilisé pour réduire la "
-#~ "charge CPU.
Pas activer = pas de pause
minimum = petite "
-#~ "pause
médium = entre une patite pause et une grande
maximum = "
-#~ "une grande pause
-#~ msgid "Safe Mode"
-#~ msgstr "Safe Mode"
-#~ msgid "Support"
-#~ msgstr "Aide"
-#~ msgid "News"
-#~ msgstr "Nouveautés"
-#~ msgid "Google Storage (Interoperable Access)"
-#~ msgstr "Google Storage (Interoperable Access)"
-#~ msgid "Dynamically loaded documentation"
-#~ msgstr "Documentation mise à disposition dynamiquement "
-#~ msgid "ATTENTION: Job runs every %d hours!"
-#~ msgstr "ATTENTION: Opération exécutée toutes les %d heures!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "PHP Zip functions will be used if available (needs less memory). "
-#~ "Otherwise the PCLZip class will be used."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La fonction PHP Zip sera utilisée si elle est disponible (elle nécessite "
-#~ "moins de mémoire). Sinon la classe PCLZip sera utilisée."
-#~ msgid "A tarballed, not compressed archive (fast and less memory)"
-#~ msgstr "Une archive tar (rapide et nécessitant moins de mémoire)"
-#~ msgid "A tarballed, GZipped archive (fast and less memory)"
-#~ msgstr "Une archive tar puis GZIP (rapide et nécessitant moins de mémoire)"
-#~ msgid "A tarballed, BZipped archive (fast and less memory)"
-#~ msgstr "Une archive tar et BZip (rapide et nécessitant moins de mémoire)"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Email \"From\" field (Name < you@your-email-address.tld >)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Le champ \"From\" du courriel (Nom < you@your-email-address."
-#~ "tld >)"
-#~ msgctxt "Folder name"
-#~ msgid "Folder %s not readable"
-#~ msgstr "Le répertoire %s ne peut être lu"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "All images with -???x???. will be excluded. Use a plugin like Regenerate "
-#~ "Thumbnails to rebuild them after a restore."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Toutes les images avec -???x???. seront exclues. Utiliser une extension "
-#~ "comme Regenerate Thumbnails pour les refaire après la restauration."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If the WordPress root folder is not included in this backup job, check "
-#~ "this option to additionally include wp-config.php, robots.txt, ."
-#~ "htaccess, .htpasswd and favicon.ico into the backup. Your wp-config.php "
-#~ "will be included even if you placed it in the parent directory of your "
-#~ "root folder."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si le dossier racine de votre installation WordPress n'est pas inclu dans "
-#~ "l'opération de sauvegarde, valider cette option pour ajouter les fichiers "
-#~ "wp-config.php, robots.txt, .htaccess, .htpasswd et favicon.ico dans la "
-#~ "sauvegarde. Votre fichier wp-config.php sera inclu même si vous l'avez "
-#~ "mis dans le répertoire racine de votre installation."
-#~ msgid "%s Welcome"
-#~ msgstr "%s bienvenue"
-#~ msgid "Heads up! You have updated from version 2.x"
-#~ msgstr "Attention! Vous avez fais une mise à jour depuis une version 2.x"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please check your settings after updating from version "
-#~ "2.x:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Merci de vérifier vos paramètres après une mise à jour "
-#~ "depuis la version 2.x:"
-#~ msgid "Dropbox authentication must be re-entered"
-#~ msgstr "L'autorisation DropBox doit être faite de nouveau"
-#~ msgid "SugarSync authentication must be re-entered"
-#~ msgstr "L'autorisation SugarSync doit être faite de nouveau"
-#~ msgid "S3 Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Paramètres S3"
-#~ msgid "Google Storage is now a part of S3 service settings"
-#~ msgstr "Google Storage est maintenant dans les paramètre du service S3"
-#~ msgid "All your passwords"
-#~ msgstr "Tous vos mots de passe"
-#~ msgid "Please activate your license"
-#~ msgstr "Merci d'activer votre licence"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please go to your plugin page and active the license to have the "
-#~ "autoupdates enabled."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Merci d'aller sur la page de l'extension et d'activer votre licence pour "
-#~ "que la mise à jour automatique soit possible."
-#~ msgid "Email address to which Backups are sent."
-#~ msgstr "Adresses de courriel pour la réception de vos sauvegardes."
-#~ msgid "Name of email sender"
-#~ msgstr "Nom de l'émetteur du courriel"
-#~ msgid "Maximum number of files to keep in folder."
-#~ msgstr "Nombre maximum de fichiers dans le répertoire"
-#~ msgid "Bucket %s could not be created."
-#~ msgstr "Le panier %s ne peut pas être créé."
-#~ msgid "https://marketpress.com/support/forum/plugins/backwpup-pro/"
-#~ msgstr "https://marketpress.com/support/forum/plugins/backwpup-pro/"
-#~ msgid "Error while deleting file from Dropbox: %s"
-#~ msgstr "Erreur lors de la suppression du fichier sur Dropbox : %s"
-#~ msgid "Backup to an S3 Service v1"
-#~ msgstr "Sauvegarder vers le service S3 v1"
-#~ msgid "Pro Support"
-#~ msgstr "Pro Support"
-#~ msgid "http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup/"
-#~ msgstr "http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup/"
-#~ msgid "MarketPress"
-#~ msgstr "MarketPress"
-#~ msgid "http://marketpress.com/product/backwpup-pro/"
-#~ msgstr "http://marketpress.com/product/backwpup-pro/"
-#~ msgid "BackWPup Role"
-#~ msgstr "BackWPup Rôle"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Important: before updating, please back "
-#~ "up your database and files with %2$s. For help with updates, visit the Updating "
-#~ "WordPress Codex page."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Important: avant de faire la mise à jour, merci de faire une sauvegarde de la base et des fichiers avec %2$s. Pour avoir "
-#~ "de l'aide avec la mise à jour, visiter le site mise à jour de WordPress."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Important: before installing this plugin, please back up your database and files with %2$s."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Important: avant d'installer cette extension, merci de "
-#~ "faire une sauvegarde de la base et des fichiers avec "
-#~ "%2$s."
-#~ msgid "The HTTP response test get an error \"%s\""
-#~ msgstr "La réponse HTTP de test reçue est une erreur \"%s\""
-#~ msgid "The HTTP response test get a false http status (%s)"
-#~ msgstr "La réponse HTTP de test est un status http inconnu (%s)"
-#~ msgid "seconds. 0 = disabled."
-#~ msgstr "secondes. 0 = non actif."
-#~ msgid "Auto"
-#~ msgstr "Auto"
-#~ msgid "ZipArchive"
-#~ msgstr "Archive ZIP"
-#~ msgid "PclZip"
-#~ msgstr "PclZip"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Auto = Uses PHP class ZipArchive if available; otherwise uses PclZip.
ZipArchive = Uses less memory, but many open files at a time.
PclZip = Uses more memory, but only 2 open files at a time."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Auto = Utilise la classe PHP ZipArchive si elle est disponible, sinon "
-#~ "utilise PdZip.
ZipArchive = utlise moins de mémoire, mais plus de "
-#~ "fichiers ouverts en même temps.
PdZip = Utilise plus de mémoire mais "
-#~ "deux fichiers ouverts en même temps."
-#~ msgid "Creates an .sql database backup file"
-#~ msgstr "Créer une sauvegarde de la base de données au formart dump .sql"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "- Use site settings: retrieve the email settings of your site.
-PHP "
-#~ "mail(): needs more PHP memory"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "- Utiliser le paramètre général du site : prendre l'adresse de courriel "
-#~ "de votre site.
- PHP mail(): nécessite plus de mémoire pour PHP"
-#~ msgid "The BackWPup HTTP response header returns a false value: \"%s\""
-#~ msgstr "La réponse HTTP ne contient pas les bonnes informations : \"%s\""
diff --git a/languages/backwpup-it_IT.mo b/languages/backwpup-it_IT.mo
index 5309d88c..d8d54fdf 100644
Binary files a/languages/backwpup-it_IT.mo and b/languages/backwpup-it_IT.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/backwpup-it_IT.po b/languages/backwpup-it_IT.po
index ab260910..6e420977 100644
--- a/languages/backwpup-it_IT.po
+++ b/languages/backwpup-it_IT.po
@@ -1,176 +1,214 @@
-# Translation of BackWPup Pro in Italian
-# Copyright (C) 2017 Inpsyde GmbH
-# This file is distributed under the same license BackWPup Pro package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: backwpup-pro\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup-pro\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-06-11 17:58+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-11 21:16+0200\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: \n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
-"Language: it\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-09-17 09:46+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-09-17 10:47+0200\n"
+"Language: it_IT\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: ../inc/Pro\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;esc_html__;esc_attr__;esc_html_e;esc_attr_e;_x;esc_html_x;esc_attr_x\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: autoupdate.php\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: class-license-menu.php\n"
+#: class-license-menu.php:392
+#: class-license-menu.php:396
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1100
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1089
+msgid "Save Changes"
+msgstr "Salva le modifiche"
+#: class-license-menu.php:418
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:52
+msgid "API Key"
+msgstr "Chiave API"
-#: backwpup.php:275 inc/class-page-backups.php:276
+#: backwpup.php:275
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:276
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:243
+#: backwpup.php:286
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:286
msgid "Folder"
msgstr "Cartella"
#: backwpup.php:276
+#: backwpup.php:287
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:287
msgid "Backup to Folder"
msgstr "Backup su cartella"
#: backwpup.php:291
+#: backwpup.php:302
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:302
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Email"
#: backwpup.php:292
+#: backwpup.php:303
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:303
msgid "Backup sent via email"
msgstr "Backup inviato via mail"
#: backwpup.php:307
+#: backwpup.php:318
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:318
msgid "FTP"
msgstr ""
#: backwpup.php:308
+#: backwpup.php:319
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:319
msgid "Backup to FTP"
msgstr "Backup su FTP"
-#: backwpup.php:323 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:445
+#: backwpup.php:323
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:445
+#: backwpup.php:334
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:334
msgid "Dropbox"
msgstr ""
-#: backwpup.php:324 inc/class-page-about.php:519
+#: backwpup.php:324
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:519
+#: backwpup.php:335
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:335
msgid "Backup to Dropbox"
msgstr "Backup su Dropbox"
-#: backwpup.php:339 inc/class-destination-s3.php:41
+#: backwpup.php:339
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:41
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:42
+#: backwpup.php:350
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:350
msgid "S3 Service"
msgstr ""
#: backwpup.php:340
+#: backwpup.php:351
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:351
msgid "Backup to an S3 Service"
msgstr "Backup su un S3 Service"
#: backwpup.php:360
+#: backwpup.php:371
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:371
msgid "MS Azure"
msgstr ""
#: backwpup.php:361
+#: backwpup.php:372
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:372
msgid "Backup to Microsoft Azure (Blob)"
msgstr "Backup su Microsoft Azure (Blob)"
#: backwpup.php:376
+#: backwpup.php:387
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:387
msgid "RSC"
msgstr ""
-#: backwpup.php:377 inc/class-page-about.php:524
+#: backwpup.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:524
+#: backwpup.php:388
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:388
msgid "Backup to Rackspace Cloud Files"
msgstr "Backup su Rackspace Cloud Files"
#: backwpup.php:396
+#: backwpup.php:407
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:407
msgid "SugarSync"
msgstr ""
-#: backwpup.php:397 inc/class-page-about.php:539
+#: backwpup.php:397
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:539
+#: backwpup.php:408
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:408
msgid "Backup to SugarSync"
msgstr "Backup su SugarSync"
#: backwpup.php:422
+#: backwpup.php:433
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:433
msgid "PHP Version %1$s is to low, you need Version %2$s or above."
-msgstr ""
-"La versione in uso di PHP %1$s è troppo vecchia, hai bisogno della versione "
-"%2$s o superiore."
+msgstr "La versione in uso di PHP %1$s è troppo vecchia, hai bisogno della versione %2$s o superiore."
#: backwpup.php:432
+#: backwpup.php:443
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:443
msgid "Missing function \"%s\"."
msgstr "Funzione mancante \"%s\"."
#: backwpup.php:443
+#: backwpup.php:454
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:454
msgid "Missing class \"%s\"."
msgstr "Classe \"%s\" mancante."
#: backwpup.php:562
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup requires PHP version %$1s with spl extension or greater and "
-"WordPress %$2s or greater."
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup necessita della versione %$1s di PHP o superiore, con estensione "
-"spl; e della versione WordPress %$2s o superiore."
-#: inc/Pro/Restore/LogDownloader/DownloaderFactory.php:62
-msgid "Download Log"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:40
-msgid "Auth Code:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:49
-msgid "Get auth code"
-msgstr "Ottieni l'auth code"
+#: backwpup.php:573
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:573
+msgid "BackWPup requires PHP version %$1s with spl extension or greater and WordPress %$2s or greater."
+msgstr "BackWPup necessita della versione %$1s di PHP o superiore, con estensione spl; e della versione WordPress %$2s o superiore."
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:51
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:81
msgid "Create Account"
msgstr "Crea Account"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:56
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:414
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:424
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:30
-msgid "Login:"
-msgstr ""
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:57
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:101
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:425
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:31
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:83 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:45
msgid "Authenticated!"
msgstr "Autenticato!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:60
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:436
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:56
-msgid "Folder:"
-msgstr "Cartella:"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:76
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:45
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:134
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:456
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:45
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65 inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:182
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:171 inc/class-destination-folder.php:49
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:104 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:83
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:112 inc/class-destination-s3.php:198
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:182
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:171
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:104
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:112
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:198
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:229
msgid "Number of files to keep in folder."
msgstr "Numero di file da mantenere nella cartella"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:82
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:51 inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:75
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:51
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:75
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:148
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:461
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:56
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70 inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:187
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:187
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:65
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:183 inc/class-destination-folder.php:57
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:118 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:89
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:118 inc/class-destination-s3.php:214
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:183
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:57
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:89
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:214
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:104
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:462
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:245
msgid "Do not delete files while syncing to destination!"
-msgstr ""
-"Non eliminare i file durante la sincronizzazione verso la destinazione!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:190
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to Dropbox …"
-msgstr "%d. Provo a sincronizzare i file su Dropbox …"
+msgstr "Non eliminare i file durante la sincronizzazione verso la destinazione!"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:209
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:390
@@ -187,121 +225,49 @@ msgstr "%s disponibile sul tuo Dropbox"
msgid "Not Authenticated with Dropbox!"
msgstr "Non autenticato con Dropbox!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:234
-msgid "Retrieving file list from Dropbox"
-msgstr "Recupero la lista dei file da Dropbox"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:250
-msgid "Upload changed files to Dropbox"
-msgstr "Aggiornamento dei file cambiati su Dropbox"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:303
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Dropbox"
-msgstr "Il file %s è stato aggiornato su Dropbox"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:342
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Dropbox"
-msgstr "Il file extra %s è stato aggiornato su Dropbox"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:368
-msgid "Folder %s deleted from Dropbox"
-msgstr "La cartella %s è stata cancellata da Dropbox"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:392
-msgid "File %s deleted from Dropbox"
-msgstr "Il file %s è stato cancellato da Dropbox"
#. translators: the $1 is the error message
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:405
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:458
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:458
msgid "Dropbox API: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:16
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:18 inc/class-destination-email.php:39
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:18
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:39
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Indirizzo mail"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:29
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:30 inc/class-destination-email.php:52
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:30
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:52
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:56
msgid "Send test email"
msgstr "Invia mail di prova"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:21
-msgid "Absolute path to folder for backup files:"
-msgstr "Percorso assoluto della cartella per i file di backup:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:43
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:451
-msgid "Oldest files will be deleted first."
-msgstr "Saranno cancellati prima i file più vecchi."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:108
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to folder …"
-msgstr "%d. Provo a sincronizare i file con la cartella …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:117
-msgid "Retrieving file list from folder"
-msgstr "Recupero elenco dei file dalla cartella"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:128
-msgid "Copy changed files to folder"
-msgstr "Copia dei file modificati nella cartella"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:152
-msgid "File %s copied"
-msgstr "File %s copiato"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:166
-msgid "Delete not existing files from folder"
-msgstr "Elimina i file non esistenti dalla cartella"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:179
-msgid "Extra file %s copied"
-msgstr "File extra %s copiato"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:203
-msgid "File %s deleted from folder"
-msgstr "File %s cancellato dalla cartella"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:315
-msgid "Empty folder %s deleted"
-msgstr "Cartella vuota %s cancellata"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:29
-msgid "Hostname:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:35 inc/class-destination-email.php:124
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:35
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:124
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:56
msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Porta:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:41 inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:23
-msgid "Username:"
-msgstr ""
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:47
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:20
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:126 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:33
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:126
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:33
msgid "Password:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:53
-msgid "Folder on server:"
-msgstr "Cartella su server:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:70
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:60
-msgid "Maximum number of backup files to keep in folder:"
-msgstr "Massimo numero di file di backup da mantenere nella cartella:"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive-downloader.php:88
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php:64
#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:55
#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:89
#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:63
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive-downloader.php:102
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:122
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:137
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php:104
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:107
msgid "File could not be opened for writing."
msgstr "Non è possibile aprire il file in scrittura."
@@ -310,421 +276,130 @@ msgstr "Non è possibile aprire il file in scrittura."
#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:79
#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:100
#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:69
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive-downloader.php:74
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:78
msgid "Could not write data to file."
msgstr "Non è possibile scrivere il file di log."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:76
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:395
-msgid ""
-"Looks like you haven’t set up any API keys yet. Head over to Settings | API-Keys and get Google Drive all set up, then come back "
-msgstr ""
-"Sembra che tu non abbia ancora impostato tutte le chiavi API. Vai su impostazioni | API-Keys per ottenere tutte le impostazioni Google "
-"Drive, poi torna qui."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:93 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:72
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:93
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:72
msgid "Login"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:97
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:419
-msgid "Authenticate"
-msgstr "Autenticati"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:99
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:415
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:78
msgid "Not authenticated!"
msgstr "Non autenticato!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:106
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:429
-msgid "Reauthenticate"
-msgstr "Riautenticati"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:112
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:141 inc/class-destination-folder.php:27
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:82 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:66
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:95 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:81
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:141
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:82
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:66
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:95
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:81
msgid "Backup settings"
msgstr "Impostazioni Backup "
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:117
-msgid "Folder in Google Drive"
-msgstr "Cartella in Google Drive"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:125
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:162 inc/class-destination-folder.php:40
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:95 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:91
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:162
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:40
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:95
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:91
msgid "File Deletion"
msgstr "Cancellazione file"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:136
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:109
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:173 inc/class-destination-folder.php:51
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:106 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:85
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:114 inc/class-destination-s3.php:201
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:173
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:51
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:106
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:85
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:114
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:201
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:100
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Files belonging to this job are now tracked. Old "
-"backup archives which are untracked will not be automatically deleted."
-msgstr ""
-"Attenzione: I file appartenenti a questo processo ora sono "
-"tracciati. I vecchi archivi di backup che non sono tracciati non verranno "
-"automaticamente eliminati."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:160
-msgid ""
-"Consider using trash to delete files. If trash is not enabled, files will be "
-"deleted permanently."
-msgstr ""
-"Considerare l'utilizzo del cestino per eliminare i file. Se il cestino non è "
-"abilitato, i file verranno eliminati in modo permanente."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:226
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:269
-msgid "GDrive: Authenticated."
-msgstr "GDrive: Autenticato."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:231
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:274
-msgid "GDrive: No refresh token received. Try to Authenticate again!"
-msgstr ""
-"GDrive: Nessun token di aggiornamento ricevuto. Prova ad autenticarti di "
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:245
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:284
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:307
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:334
-msgid "GDrive API: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:655
-msgid "One file deleted from Google Drive"
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Google Drive"
-msgstr[0] "Un file eliminato da Google Drive"
-msgstr[1] "%d file eliminati da Google Drive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:682
-msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to Google Drive …"
-msgstr "%d. Provo a spedire il backup su Google Drive …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:699
-msgid "Uploading to Google Drive …"
-msgstr "Aggiornamento su Google Drive …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:767
-msgid "Could not create resumable file transfer to Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-"Impossibile creare il trasferimento del file ripristinato su Google Drive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:818
-msgid "Can not resume transfer backup to Google Drive!"
-msgstr "Impossibile riprendere il backup trasferito su Google Drive!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:890
-msgid "Error transfering file chunks to %s."
-msgstr "Errore trasferimento file su %s."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:891
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:935
-msgid "Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:232
+msgid "Warning: Files belonging to this job are now tracked. Old backup archives which are untracked will not be automatically deleted."
+msgstr "Attenzione: I file appartenenti a questo processo ora sono tracciati. I vecchi archivi di backup che non sono tracciati non verranno automaticamente eliminati."
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:903
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:470
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:228 inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:261
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:673 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:275
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:292 inc/class-destination-s3.php:825
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:228
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:261
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:673
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:275
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:292
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:825
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:940
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:905
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:843
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:958
msgid "Can not open source file for transfer."
msgstr "Non è possibile aprire il file sorgente per il trasferimento."
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:922
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:432 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:290
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:432
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:290
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:263
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:924
msgid "Backup transferred to %s"
msgstr "Backup trasferito su %s"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:928
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:438
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:930
msgid "Uploaded file size and local file size don't match."
-msgstr ""
-"La dimensione del file caricato e la dimensione del file locale non "
+msgstr "La dimensione del file caricato e la dimensione del file locale non corrispondono."
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:934
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:450
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:444
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:936
msgid "Error transfering backup to %s."
msgstr "Errore nel trasferimento del backup su %s."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:948
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1308
-msgid "Google Drive API: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1087
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to Google Drive …"
-msgstr "%d. Provo a sincronizzare i file su Google Drive …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1101
-msgid "Syncing changed files to Google Drive"
-msgstr "Sincronizzazione dei file cambiati su Google Drive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1144
-msgid "File %s updated on Google Drive"
-msgstr "Il file %s è stato aggiornato su Google Drive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1170
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Google Drive"
-msgstr "Il file %s è stato caricato su Google Drive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1194
-msgid "File %s moved to trash in Google Drive"
-msgstr "Il file %s è stato spostato nel cestino su Google Drive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1202
-msgid "File %s deleted permanently in Google Drive"
-msgstr "Il file %s è stato definitivamente eliminato su Google Drive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1263
-msgid "Extra file %s updated on Google Drive"
-msgstr "Il file extra %s è stato aggiornato su Google Drive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1293
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Google Drive"
-msgstr "Il file extra %s è stato caricato su Google Drive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:27
-msgid "Amazon Glacier"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:31
-msgid "Select a region:"
-msgstr "Seleziona la regione:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:33
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:235
-msgid "Amazon Glacier Region"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:34
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:236
-msgid "US Standard"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:35
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:237
-msgid "US West (Northern California)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:36
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:238
-msgid "US West (Oregon)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:37
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:239
-msgid "EU (Ireland)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:38
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:240
-msgid "EU (Germany)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:39
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:241
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:40
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:242
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:41
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:42
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:244
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:43
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:245
-msgid "South America (Sao Paulo)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:44
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:246
-msgid "China (Beijing)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:50
-msgid "Amazon Access Keys"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54 inc/class-destination-s3.php:90
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:90
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:121
msgid "Access Key"
msgstr "Chiave di Accesso"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61 inc/class-destination-s3.php:104
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:104
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:135
msgid "Secret Key"
msgstr "Chiave Segreta"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:69
-msgid "Vault"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:73
-msgid "Vault selection"
-msgstr "Selezione vault"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:85
-msgid "Create a new vault"
-msgstr "Crea un nuovo vault"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:92
-msgid "Glacier Backup settings"
-msgstr "Impostazioni Glacier Backup"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:96
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:76 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:105
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:105
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:184
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:215
msgid "File deletion"
msgstr "Eliminazione file"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:108
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:264
-msgid ""
-"Number of files to keep in folder. (Archives deleted before 3 months after "
-"they have been stored may cause extra costs when deleted.)"
-msgstr ""
-"Numero di file da tenere nella cartella. (Gli archivi cancellati prima di 3 "
-"mesi dopo che sono stati memorizzati possono causare costi aggiuntivi quando "
-"vengono cancellati)."
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:166
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:448 inc/class-destination-s3.php:353
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:448
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:353
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:359
msgid "Missing access key!"
msgstr "Chiave di accesso mancante!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168 inc/class-destination-s3.php:355
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:355
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:361
msgid "Missing secret access key!"
msgstr "Manca la secret access key!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:172
-msgid "No vault found!"
-msgstr "Nessun vault trovato!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:211
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:299
-msgid "Vault %1$s created."
-msgstr "Vault %1$s creato."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:213
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:301
-msgid "Vault %s could not be created."
-msgstr "Il Vault %s non può essere creato."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:234
-msgid "Select an Amazon Glacier region:"
-msgstr "Seleziona una regione per Amazon Glacier "
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:243
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:248
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:19
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:125
-msgid "Access Key:"
-msgstr "Chiave di Accesso:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:250
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:130
-msgid "Secret Key:"
-msgstr "Chiave Segreta:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:252
-msgid "Vault:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:261
-msgid "New Vault:"
-msgstr "Nuovo Vault"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:341
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:458
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:477
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:520
-msgid "AWS API: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:366
-msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to Amazon Glacier …"
-msgstr "%d. Provo a spedire il backup su Amazon Glacier …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:379
-msgid "Connected to Glacier vault \"%1$s\" with %2$d archives and size of %3$d"
-msgstr ""
-"Collegato al Glacier vault \"%1$s\" con %2$d archivi e dimensioni di %3$d"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:381
-msgid "Glacier vault \"%s\" does not exist!"
-msgstr "Glacier vault \"%s\" non esiste!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:387
-msgid "Starting upload to Amazon Glacier …"
-msgstr "Avvio aggiormaneto su Amazon Glacier …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:440
-msgid "Archive ID: %s"
-msgstr "ID Archivio: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:446 inc/class-destination-s3.php:954
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:446
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:954
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:972
msgid "Backup transferred to %s."
msgstr "Backup trasferito su %s."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:451 inc/Pro/class-pro.php:130
-msgid "Glacier"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:510
-msgid "Cannot delete archive from %s."
-msgstr "Impossibile eliminare l'archivio da %s."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:514
-msgid "One file deleted on vault."
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on vault"
-msgstr[0] "Un file eliminato su vault."
-msgstr[1] "%d file eliminati su vault."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:17
-msgid "Account Name:"
-msgstr "Nome account:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:21
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:38
-msgid "Container:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:28
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:47
-msgid "Create container:"
-msgstr "Crea container:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:30
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:49
-msgid "Folder in container:"
-msgstr "Cartella nel container:"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:99
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:128
msgid "MS Azure container \"%s\" created."
@@ -735,10 +410,6 @@ msgstr "Container MS Azure \"%s\" creato."
msgid "MS Azure container create: %s"
msgstr "Container MS Azure creato: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:119
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files with Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
-msgstr "%d. Provo a sincronizzare i file con Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:144
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:237
msgid "MS Azure container \"%s\" does not exist!"
@@ -749,250 +420,200 @@ msgstr "Il container MS Azure \"%s\" non esiste!"
msgid "Connected to MS Azure container \"%s\"."
msgstr "Connesso a MS Azure container \"%s\"."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:154
-msgid "Retrieving file list from MS Azure."
-msgstr "Recupero lista dei file da MS Azure."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:170
-msgid "Upload changed files to MS Azure."
-msgstr "Aggiorno i file modificati su MS Azure."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:182
-msgid "File %s uploaded to MS Azure."
-msgstr "File %s aggiornati su MS Azure."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:208
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to MS Azure."
-msgstr "File extra %s aggiornati su MS Azure."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:221
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on MS Azure."
-msgstr "Elimina i file inesistenti su MS Azure."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:224
-msgid "File %s deleted from MS Azure."
-msgstr "File %s eliminato da MS Azure."
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:233
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:296 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:352
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:296
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:352
msgid "Microsoft Azure API: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:26
-msgid "API Key:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:29
-msgid "Select region:"
-msgstr "Seleziona la regione:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:30 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:63
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:30
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:63
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:65
msgid "Rackspace Cloud Files Region"
msgstr "Regione dei files Rackspace Cloud"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:66
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:66
msgid "Dallas (DFW)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:67
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:67
msgid "Chicago (ORD)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:68
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:68
msgid "Sydney (SYD)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:69
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:69
msgid "London (LON)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:70
msgid "Northern Virginia (IAD)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:71
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:71
msgid "Hong Kong (HKG)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:158
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:158
msgid "Rackspace Cloud container \"%s\" created."
msgstr "Il container Rackspace Cloud \"%s\" è stato creato."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120 inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:172
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:292 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:162
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:277 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:317
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:172
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:292
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:162
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:277
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:317
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:362
msgid "Rackspace Cloud API: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:149
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files to Rackspace cloud …"
-msgstr "%d. Provo a sincronizare i file con Rackspace cloud …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:169
-msgid "Connected to Rackspace cloud files container %s."
-msgstr "Connesso a Rackspace cloud files container %s."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:183
-msgid "Retrieving files list from Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Recupero la lista dei file da Rackspace Cloud."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:214
-msgid "Upload changed files to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Aggiorno i file cambaiti su Rackspace Cloud."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:232
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Il file %s è stato aggiornato su Rackspace Cloud."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:265
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Il file extra %s è stato aggiornato su Rackspace Cloud."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:278
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Cancello i file non esistenti su Rackspace Cloud."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:282
-msgid "File %s deleted from Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Il file %s è stato eliminato su Rackspace Cloud."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:31
-msgid "Select a S3 service:"
-msgstr "Seleziona un servizio S3:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:32 inc/class-destination-s3.php:53
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:53
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:54
msgid "Amazon S3 Region"
msgstr "Regione Amazon S3"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:40 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1072
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:40
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1072
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1118
msgid "Amazon S3: US Standard"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:45 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1076
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1076
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1122
msgid "Amazon S3: US West (Northern California)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:53 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1080
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:53
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1080
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1126
msgid "Amazon S3: US West (Oregon)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:58 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1084
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:58
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1084
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1130
msgid "Amazon S3: EU (Ireland)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:63 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1088
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:63
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1088
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1134
msgid "Amazon S3: EU (London)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:68 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1092
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:68
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1092
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1138
msgid "Amazon S3: EU (Germany)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:73 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1096
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:73
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1096
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1142
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:78 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1100
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:78
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1100
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1146
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:83 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1104
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1104
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1150
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:88 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1108
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:88
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1108
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1154
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:93 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1112
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:93
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1112
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1158
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:98 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1116
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1116
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1162
msgid "Amazon S3: South America (Sao Paulo)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:103 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1120
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:103
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1120
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1166
msgid "Amazon S3: China (Beijing)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:108 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1124
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1124
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1170
msgid "Google Storage: EU"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:113 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1128
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:113
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1128
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1174
msgid "Google Storage: USA"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:118 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1132
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1132
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1178
msgid "Google Storage: Asia"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:123 inc/class-destination-s3.php:1136
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:123
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1136
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1182
msgid "Dream Host Cloud Storage"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:138
-msgid "Bucket:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:158
-msgid "New Bucket:"
-msgstr "Nuovo bucket:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:161
-msgid "Folder in bucket:"
-msgstr "Cartella nel Bucket:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:278
-msgid "Bucket %1$s created in %2$s."
-msgstr "Bucket %1$s creato in %2$s."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:285 inc/class-destination-s3.php:514
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:285
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:514
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:520
msgid " %s is not a valid bucket name."
msgstr " %s non è un nome bucket valido."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:353
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files to S3 Service …"
-msgstr "%d. Provo a sincronizzare i file su S3 Service …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:383 inc/class-destination-s3.php:785
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:383
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:785
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:803
msgid "Connected to S3 Bucket \"%1$s\" in %2$s"
msgstr "Connessio a S3 Bucket \"%1$s\" in %2$s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:391 inc/class-destination-s3.php:790
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:391
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:790
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:808
msgid "S3 Bucket \"%s\" does not exist!"
msgstr "S3 Bucket \"%s\" non esiste!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:405
-msgid "Retrieving file list from S3."
-msgstr "Recupero della lista file da S3."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:471
-msgid "Upload changed files to S3."
-msgstr "Aggiornamento dei file modificati su S3."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:521
-msgid "File %s uploaded to S3."
-msgstr "File %s caricato su S3."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:576
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to S3."
-msgstr "Il File extra %s è stato caricato su S3."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:599
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on S3"
-msgstr "Elimino i file non esistenti su S3."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:612
-msgid "File %s deleted from S3."
-msgstr "Il file %s è stato eliminato su S3."
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:623 inc/class-destination-s3.php:564
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:850 inc/class-destination-s3.php:918
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:977 inc/class-destination-s3.php:988
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:623
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:564
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:850
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:918
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:977
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:988
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:570
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:868
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:936
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:995
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1006
msgid "S3 Service API: %s"
msgstr ""
@@ -1001,11 +622,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Email address:"
msgstr "Indirizzo mail:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:24
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:82
-msgid "Sugarsync authenticate!"
-msgstr "Autenticazione Sugarsync!"
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:26
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:38
@@ -1020,1006 +636,393 @@ msgstr "Crea un account Sugarsync"
msgid "Delete Sugarsync authentication!"
msgstr "Elimina l'autenticazione Sugarsync!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:34
-msgid "Root:"
-msgstr ""
#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:41
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:64
msgid "No Syncfolders found!"
msgstr "Nessuna Syncfolders trovata!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-export-jobs.php:12 inc/Pro/class-export-jobs.php:23
-msgid "Export"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:35
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:35
msgid "Settings for database check"
msgstr "Impostazioni per il controllo database"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:27
-msgid "Check only WordPress Database tables"
-msgstr "Controlla solo le tabelle del database di WordPress"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:54
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:54
msgid "Try to repair defect table"
msgstr "Prova a riparare le tabelle rotte"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:108
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:108
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:60
msgid "Settings for database backup"
msgstr "Impostazione per il database backup"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:92
-msgid "Backup only WordPress Database tables"
-msgstr "Backup solo delle tabelle del database di WordPress"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:112
-msgid "Database connection"
-msgstr "Connessione database"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:116
-msgid "Use WordPress database connection."
-msgstr "Usa la connessione del database di WordPress"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:120
-msgid "Host:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:123
-msgid "User:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:130
-msgid "Charset:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:141
-msgid "Database:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:64
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:64
msgid "Tables to backup"
msgstr "Tabelle per il backup"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:66
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:66
msgid "all"
msgstr "tutte"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:141 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:67
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:103 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:73
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:57 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:329
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:404 inc/class-page-settings.php:848
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:141
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:67
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:103
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:73
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:57
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:329
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:404
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:848
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:837
msgid "none"
msgstr "nessuna"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:169
-msgid "Database Backup type"
-msgstr "Tipo di backup del database"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
-msgid "SQL File (with mysqli)"
-msgstr "SQL File (con mysqli)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:174
-msgid "SQL File (with mysqldump) "
-msgstr "SQL File (con mysqldump)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:175
-msgid "XML File (phpMyAdmin schema)"
-msgstr "XML database backup come PHPMyAdmin schema"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:181
-msgid "Path to mysqldump file"
-msgstr "Percorso del file mysqldump"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:190
-msgid ""
-"Path to mysqldump file, so a backup can be made with it. If it is correct "
-"and shell_exec is active, the backup will be generated with a "
-"system command. If shell_exec ist not active, this is disabled"
-msgstr ""
-"Inserisci il percorso del file mysqldump, in modo che il backup possa essere "
-"fatto utilizzarlo. Se è corretto e shell_exec è attiva, il backup "
-"verrà generato con un comando di sistema. Se shell_exec non è "
-"attivo, verrà disattivato"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:91
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:91
msgid "Backup file name"
msgstr "Nome file di backup"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:99
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:99
msgid "Backup file compression"
msgstr "Compressione file di backup"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:105 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:107
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:75 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:77
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:59 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:61
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:105
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:107
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:75
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:77
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:59
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:61
msgid "GZip"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:159
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:159
msgid "%d. Try to backup database …"
msgstr "%d. Provo ad eseguire il backup del database …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
msgid "Connected to database %1$s on %2$s"
msgstr "Connesso al database %1$s on %2$s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:187
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:187
msgid "No tables to backup."
msgstr "nessuna tabella per il backup"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:210
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:210
msgid "Backup database table \"%s\" with \"%s\" records"
msgstr "Esegui il backup della tabella del database \"%s\" con \"%s\" records"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:250
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:250
msgid "MySQL backup file not created"
msgstr "MySQL backup file non craeto"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:580
-msgid "Added database backup \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
-msgstr ""
-"Aggiunto il backup del database \"%1$s\" con %2$s sulla lista file di backup"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:767
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:767
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:260
msgid "Database backup done!"
msgstr "Backup del database effettuato!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:601
-msgid "%d. Try to backup MySQL system …"
-msgstr "%d. Provo ad eseguire il backup di MySQL system …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:608
-msgid ""
-"Executing of system commands not allowed. Please use backup with mysqli."
-msgstr ""
-"Esecuzione di comandi di sistema non consentita. Si prega di utilizzare il "
-"backup con mysqli."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:613
-msgid "%s file not in open basedir of PHP."
-msgstr "%s il file non è nella directory di base aperta di PHP."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:618
-msgid "%s file not found. Please correct the path for the mysqldump file."
-msgstr ""
-"il file % s non è stato trovato. Si prega di correggere il percorso per il "
-"file mysqldump."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:702
-msgctxt "Executed exec() command"
-msgid "CLI Exec: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:712
-msgid "Usage error."
-msgstr "Errore di utilizzo."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:713
-msgid ""
-"MySQL Server Error. This could be an issue with permissions. Try using "
-"database backup with mysqli."
-msgstr ""
-"Errore MySQL Server. Potrebbe essereci un problema con le autorizzazioni. "
-"Prova a utilizzare il backup del database con mysqli."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:714
-msgid "Error during consistency checks."
-msgstr "Errore durante i controlli di coerenza."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:715
-msgid "Not enough memory."
-msgstr "Memoria insufficiente."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:716
-msgid "Error during writing of SQL backup file."
-msgstr "Errore durante la scrittura del file backup SQL."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:717
-msgid "Illegal table"
-msgstr "Tabella illegittima"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:722
-msgid "mysqldump returned: (%d) %s"
-msgstr "mysqldump ha restituito: (%d) %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:735
-msgid "Can not create mysql backup with mysqldump command"
-msgstr "Impossibile creare il backup MySQL con il comando mysqldump "
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:474
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:474
msgid "Compressing file …"
msgstr "Compressione file …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:481
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:481
msgid "Compressing done."
msgstr "Compressione eseguita."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:764 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:254
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:764
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:254
msgid "Added database dump \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
-msgstr ""
-"Aggiunto il dump del database \"%1$s\" con %2$s per la lista dei file backup"
+msgstr "Aggiunto il dump del database \"%1$s\" con %2$s per la lista dei file backup"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:782
-msgid "%d. Try to backup database as XML …"
-msgstr "%d. Provo ad eseguire il backup del databse come XML …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:799 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:141
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:799
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:141
msgid "Can not open target file for writing."
msgstr "Non è possibile aprire il file per la scrittura."
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:832 inc/class-mysqldump.php:100
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:832
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:100
msgid "Cannot init MySQLi database connection"
msgstr "Non è possibile inizializzare la connessione al database MySQLi"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:838 inc/class-mysqldump.php:105
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:838
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:105
msgid "Setting of MySQLi connection timeout failed"
msgstr "Impostazione del timeout di connessione MySQLi fallita"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:844 inc/class-mysqldump.php:110
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:844
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:110
msgid "Cannot connect to MySQL database %1$d: %2$s"
msgstr "Impossibile connettersi al MySQL database %1$d: %2$s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:852
-msgctxt "Database Charset"
-msgid "Cannot set DB charset to %s"
-msgstr "Impossibile impostare il DB charset su %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:860 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:874
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:922 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:941
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:984 inc/class-mysqldump.php:153
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:165 inc/class-mysqldump.php:259
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:268 inc/class-mysqldump.php:288
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:297 inc/class-mysqldump.php:317
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:323 inc/class-mysqldump.php:368
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:400 inc/class-mysqldump.php:437
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:860
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:874
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:922
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:941
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:984
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:153
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:165
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:259
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:268
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:288
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:297
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:317
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:323
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:368
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:400
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:437
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:500
msgid "Database error %1$s for query %2$s"
msgstr "Errore database %1$s per la query %2$s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:881
-msgid "No tables for XML backup"
-msgstr "Nessuna tabella per XML backup"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:917
-msgid "Dump database create view \"%s\""
-msgstr "Il dump del database crea la vista \"%s\""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:935
-msgid "Backup database structure \"%s\" to XML"
-msgstr "Backup della struttura del databse \"%s\" su XML"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:977
-msgid "Backup table \"%s\" data to XML"
-msgstr "Backup della tabella dati \"%s\" su XML"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:1045
-msgid "Added database XML dump \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
-msgstr ""
-"Aggiunto il dump del database XML \"%1$s\" with %2$s alla lista file di "
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:1048
-msgid "Database XML backup done!"
-msgstr "Backup del database XML eseguito!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-file.php:19
-msgid "Backup WordPress main files"
-msgstr "Backup dei file principali di Wordpress"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-file.php:23
-msgid "Backup blog content folder"
-msgstr "Backup della cartella dei contenuti del blog"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-file.php:27
-msgid "Backup blog plugins"
-msgstr "Backup dei plugins del blog"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-file.php:31
-msgid "Backup blog themes"
-msgstr "Backup dei temi del blog"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-file.php:35
-msgid "Backup blog uploads folder"
-msgstr "Backup della cartella aggiornamenti del blog"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
-msgid "Items to export:"
-msgstr "Elementi da esportare:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:49
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:49
msgid "All content"
msgstr "Tutto il contenuto"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:50
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:50
msgid "Posts"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:51
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:51
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Pagine"
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:13
-msgid "Nothing to configure"
-msgstr "Nulla da configurare"
-#. Translators: $1 is the name of the plugin
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-restore.php:164
-msgid "%s › Restore"
-msgstr "%s › Ripristina"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:27
-msgid "E-mail address is required."
-msgstr "L'indirizzo mail è obbligatorio"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:43
-msgid "support@backwpup.com"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:51
-msgid "Message has been sent to support. We will get back to you shortly."
-msgstr "Il messaggio è stato inoltrato al supporto. A breve ti contatteremo."
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:84
-msgid "Contact BackWPup Support"
-msgstr "Contatta il supporto BackWPup"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:86
-msgid ""
-"Fill out the form below to contact BackWPup support. We will get back to you "
-"as soon as possible."
-msgstr ""
-"Compila il modulo sottostante per contattare il supporto BackWPup. Ti "
-"risponderemo il prima possibile."
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:94
-msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Nome:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:112
-msgid "E-mail adress:"
-msgstr "Indirizzo mail:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:122
-msgid "Subject:"
-msgstr "Oggetto:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:131
-msgid "Message:"
-msgstr "Messaggio:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:140
-msgid "Send debug info:"
-msgstr "Invia le informazioni di debug:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:149
-msgid "Select log to attach"
-msgstr "Seleziona il log da allegare"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:184
-msgid "Log folder not readable."
-msgstr "La cartella dei log non è leggibile"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:191
-msgid "Send Message"
-msgstr "Invia Messaggio"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:221 inc/class-page-jobs.php:172
+#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:221
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:172
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:228
msgid "Job ID: %d"
msgstr "ID Processo: %d"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:227
-msgid "1 error"
-msgid_plural "%d errors"
-msgstr[0] "1 errore"
-msgstr[1] "%d errori"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:233
-msgctxt "1 error and 1 warning"
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "e"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:236
-msgid "1 warning"
-msgid_plural "%d warnings"
-msgstr[0] "1 avviso"
-msgstr[1] "%d avvertimenti"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:241
-msgid "no errors"
-msgstr "nessun errore"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:150
-msgid "No BackWPup Wizard Session found!"
-msgstr "Nessuna sessione wizard di backup trovata!"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:163 inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:423
-msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Cancella"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:200 inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:418
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:451
-msgid "Next ›"
-msgstr "Successivo ›"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:216 inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:414
-msgid "‹ Previous"
-msgstr "‹ Precedente"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:307
-msgctxt "Plugin Name"
-msgid "%s › Wizards"
-msgstr "%s › Wizards"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:331 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:211
+#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:331
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:211
msgid "Start wizard"
msgstr "Avvia il wizard"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:346
-msgctxt "Plugin Name"
-msgid "%s Wizard:"
-msgstr "%s Wizard:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:426
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "Torna alla panoramica"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:131 inc/class-page-about.php:549
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:131
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:549
msgid "Backup to Amazon Glacier"
msgstr "Backup su Amazon Glacier"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:151
-msgid "GDrive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:152 inc/class-page-about.php:544
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:152
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:544
msgid "Backup to Google Drive"
msgstr "Backup su Google Drive"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:217 inc/Pro/class-pro.php:218
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:333
-msgid "Wizards"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:253
-msgid "Support"
-msgstr "Supporto"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:254
-msgid "Contact Support"
-msgstr "Contatta il supporto"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:285 inc/Pro/class-pro.php:286
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:345 views/pro/restore/steps/step4_top.php:2
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:285
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:286
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:345
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step4_top.php:2
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:293
msgid "Restore"
msgstr "Ripristina"
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:368
-msgid ""
-"If you are experiencing issues, the debug information shown below can help "
-"us to better investigate and solve it for you."
-msgstr ""
-"Se riscontri problemi, le informazioni di debug mostrate di seguito possono "
-"aiutarci a indagare e risolverlo."
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:374
-msgid ""
-"If you already have a support ticket open with BackWPup, then you can simply "
-"click the copy button below to copy the debug information, and paste it into "
-"a response to your ticket."
-msgstr ""
-"Se hai già un ticket di supporto aperto con BackWPup, puoi semplicemente "
-"fare clic sul pulsante di copia in basso per copiare le informazioni di "
-"debug e incollarle in risposta al ticket."
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:381
-msgid ""
-"If you have not yet opened a ticket, you may contact us directly by clicking here."
-msgstr ""
-"Se non hai ancora aperto un ticket, puoi contattarci direttamente facendo clic qui ."
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:45
-msgid "Hash key"
-msgstr "Chiave hash"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:46
-msgid ""
-"Hash Key for BackWPup. It will be used to have hashes in folder and file "
-"names. It must at least 6 chars long."
-msgstr ""
-"Chiave hash per BackWPup. Sarà utilizzata per avere una chiave nei nomi di "
-"file e cartelle. Deve contenere almeno 6 caratteri."
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:49
-msgid "Hash key:"
-msgstr "Chiave hash:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:73
-msgid "Dropbox API Keys"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:74
-msgid ""
-"If you want to set your own Dropbox API Keys, you can do it here. Leave "
-"empty for default."
-msgstr ""
-"Se si desidera impostare la propria chiave API di Dropbox, potete farlo qui. "
-"Lasciare vuoto per impostazione predefinita."
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:77
-msgid "Full Dropbox App key:"
-msgstr "Dropbox App key completa:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:88
-msgid "Full Dropbox App secret:"
-msgstr "Dropbox App secret completa:"
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:100
-msgid "Sandbox App key:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:111
-msgid "Sandbox App secret:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:131
-msgid "SugarSync API Keys"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:132
-msgid ""
-"If you want to set your own SugarSync API keys you can do that here. Leave "
-"empty for default."
-msgstr ""
-"Se si desidera impostare le proprie chiavi API SugarSync potete farlo qui. "
-"Lasciare vuoto per impostazione predefinita."
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:135
-msgid "Access Key ID:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:143
-msgid "Private Access Key:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:154
-msgid "App ID:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:175
-msgid "Google API Keys"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:179
-msgid "Client ID:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:191
-msgid "Client secret:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:202
-msgid "Redirect URIs:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:206
-msgid "Add this URI in a new line to the field."
-msgstr "Aggiungi questa URI in una nuova linea del campo."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:15
-msgid "Create a job"
-msgstr "Crea un processo"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:16
-msgid "Choose a job"
-msgstr "Scegli un processo"
#. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:17 inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:27 inc/class-admin.php:510
-#: inc/class-admin.php:531 inc/class-help.php:17 inc/class-help.php:22
-#: inc/class-job.php:412 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:15
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:15 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:15
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:15 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:15
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:651 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:262 inc/class-page-settings.php:1134
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:17
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:27
+#: inc/class-admin.php:510
+#: inc/class-admin.php:531
+#: inc/class-help.php:17
+#: inc/class-help.php:22
+#: inc/class-job.php:412
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:15
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:651
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:262
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1134
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1123
msgid "http://backwpup.com"
msgstr ""
#. Author URI of the plugin/theme
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:19 inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:29 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:17
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:17 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:17
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:17
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:19
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:29
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:17
msgid "http://inpsyde.com"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:41
-msgid "Job Types"
-msgstr "Tipi di processi"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:41
-msgid "Select a task for your job."
-msgstr "Seleziona un compito per il tuo processo"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:61
-msgid "Archive Settings"
-msgstr "Impostazioni dell'archivio"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:62
-msgid "Settings for the Backup Archive"
-msgstr "Impostazioni per l'archivio di backup"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:67 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:473
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:67
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:473
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:127
msgid "Destinations"
msgstr "Destinazioni"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:68
-msgid "Where would you like to store the backup file?"
-msgstr "Dove si desidera memorizzare il file di backup?"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:82 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:314
-msgid "Scheduling"
-msgstr "Programma"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:82
-msgid "When would you like to start the job?"
-msgstr "Quando vuoi avviare il processo?"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:254 inc/class-page-editjob.php:400
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:254
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:400
msgid "This job is a …"
msgstr "Questo processo è a …"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:255
-msgid "Select one or more tasks for your backup job."
-msgstr "Seleziona uno o più compiti per il processo di backup."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:257 inc/class-page-editjob.php:403
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:257
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:403
msgid "Job tasks"
msgstr "Compiti del processo"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:315
-msgid "Activate scheduling"
-msgstr "Attiva la programmazione"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:320 inc/class-page-editjob.php:686
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:320
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:686
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:754
msgid "Scheduler"
msgstr "Pianificatore"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:324 inc/class-page-editjob.php:691
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:126 inc/class-page-logs.php:166
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:324
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:691
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:126
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:166
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:330 inc/class-page-editjob.php:696
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:696
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "Ora"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:333 inc/class-page-editjob.php:699
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:333
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:699
msgid "Minute"
msgstr "Minuto"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:337 inc/class-page-editjob.php:703
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:337
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:703
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "Mensile"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:339 inc/class-page-editjob.php:705
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:339
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:705
msgid "on"
msgstr "su"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:349 inc/class-page-editjob.php:715
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:349
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:715
msgid "weekly"
msgstr "settimanale"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:351 inc/class-page-editjob.php:717
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:351
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:717
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:824
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Domenica"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:352 inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:352
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:825
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Lunedì"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:353 inc/class-page-editjob.php:719
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:353
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:719
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:826
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Martedì"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:354 inc/class-page-editjob.php:720
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:354
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:720
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:827
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Mercoledì"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:355 inc/class-page-editjob.php:721
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:355
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:721
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:828
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Giovedì"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:356 inc/class-page-editjob.php:722
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:356
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:722
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:829
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Venerdì"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:357 inc/class-page-editjob.php:723
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:357
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:723
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:830
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Sabato"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:367 inc/class-page-editjob.php:733
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:733
msgid "daily"
msgstr "quotidiano"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:377 inc/class-page-editjob.php:743
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:743
msgid "hourly"
msgstr "orario"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:402 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:426 inc/class-page-editjob.php:429
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:402
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:426
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:429
msgid "Backup type"
msgstr "Tipo di backup"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:409
-msgid "Sync file by file to destination"
-msgstr "Sincronizza i file verso la destinazione"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:413 inc/class-page-editjob.php:437
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:413
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:437
msgid "Create a backup archive"
msgstr "Crea un archivio di backup"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:420
-msgid "Select a compression type for the backup archive"
-msgstr "Seleziona un tipo di compressione per l'archivio di backup"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:423
-msgid "Archive compression type"
-msgstr "Tipo di compressione dell'archivio"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:426 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481 inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:426
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
msgid "Zip"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:427
-msgid ""
-"PHP Zip functions will be used if available (memory lees). Else PCLZip Class "
-"will used."
-msgstr ""
-"Le funzioni Zip PHP saranno utilizzate se disponibili. Altrimenti verrà "
-"utilizzata la calsse PCLZip."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:430 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:441
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:449
-msgid "Disabled because missing PHP function."
-msgstr "Disattivato perchè manca la funzione PHP."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:433 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:434
-msgid "Tar (fast and memory less) uncompressed"
-msgstr "Tar (veloce e meno memoria) non compresso "
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:433 inc/class-page-editjob.php:486
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:433
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:486
msgid "Tar"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:437 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:438
-msgid "A tared and GZipped archive (fast and memory less)"
-msgstr "Un archivio GZip e Tar (veloce e meno memoria)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:437 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:488 inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:437
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:488
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
msgid "Tar GZip"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:444 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:494 inc/class-page-editjob.php:497
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:444
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:494
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:497
msgid "Tar BZip2"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:445
-msgid "A tared and BZipped archive (fast and memory less)"
-msgstr "Un archivio BZip e Tar (veloce e meno memoria)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:470
-msgid "Where to store the files"
-msgstr "Dove salvare i file"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:661
-msgid "Wizard: %1$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:680
-msgid "New job %s generated."
-msgstr "Nuovo processo %s generato."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:692
-msgid "Create Job"
-msgstr "Crea processo"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:717 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:718
-msgid "Database Backup and XML Export (Daily)"
-msgstr "Backup del databse e XML Export (Quotidiana)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:735 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:736
-msgid "Database Check (Weekly)"
-msgstr "Controllo database (Settimanale)"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:745 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:746
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:745
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:746
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:107
msgid "Backup uploads folder"
msgstr "Esegui il backup della cartella uploads"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:760 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:761
-msgid "Backup all files"
-msgstr "Crea il backup di tutti i file"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:775
-msgid "Essential files + list of plugins"
-msgstr "File essenziali + lista dei plugins"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:776
-msgid "Backup essential files and folders, plus a list of installed plugins."
-msgstr ""
-"Esegui il backup dei file e delle cartelle essenziali, più una lista dei "
-"plugins istallati."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:791 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:792
-msgid "Custom configuration"
-msgstr "Configurazione custom"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:14
-msgid "XML job import"
-msgstr "import processo XML"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:15
-msgid "Wizard for importing BackWPup jobs from an XML file"
-msgstr "Wizard per l'importazione dei processi di BackWPup da un file XML"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:32 inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:101
-msgid "Import"
-msgstr "Importa"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:45
-msgid "Import File"
-msgstr "Importa file"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:45
-msgid "Upload XML job file for import"
-msgstr "Carica il processo XML per l'importazione"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:46
-msgid "Select items to import"
-msgstr "Seleziona gli elementi da importare"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:46
-msgid "Select which job should be imported or overwritten."
-msgstr "Seleziona quale processo deve essere importato o sovrascritto."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:67
-msgid ""
-"Please upload your BackWPup job XML export file and we’ll import the "
-"jobs into BackWPup."
-msgstr ""
-"Carica il file di esportazione XML del processo BackWPup e ’ "
-"importeremo i processi su BackWPup."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:69
-msgid "Choose a file from your computer:"
-msgstr "Scegli un file dal tuo computer"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:69
-msgid "Maximum size: %s"
-msgstr "Dimensione massima: %s"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:92
-msgid "Import Jobs"
-msgstr "Importa i processi"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:95
-msgid "Import Type"
-msgstr "Tipo di importazione"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:96
-msgid "No Import"
-msgstr "Nessuna importanzione"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:99
-msgid "Overwrite"
-msgstr "Sovrascrivi"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:99
-msgid "Append"
-msgstr "Appendi"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:114
-msgid "Import Config"
-msgstr "Importa Config"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:117
-msgid "Import BackWPup configuration"
-msgstr "Importa la configurazione di BackWPup"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:142
-msgid ""
-"File is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error could "
-"also caused by uploads being disabled in your php.ini or by post_max_size "
-"being defined as smaller than upload_max_filesize in php.ini."
-msgstr ""
-"Il file è vuoto. Si prega di caricare qualcosa di più sostanzioso. Questo "
-"errore potrebbe essere causato dall'impostazione disabilitata del "
-"caricamento nel tuo file php.ini, o il post_max_size potrebbe essere "
-"definito come inferiore rispetto upload_max_filesize sempre nel file php.ini."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:157
-msgid ""
-"The export file could not be found at %s
. This is likely due to "
-"an issue with permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"Il file di esportazione non è stato trovato in %s
. "
-"Probabilmente questo è dovuto a un problema con i permessi."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:164
-msgid "Sorry, there has been a phrase error."
-msgstr "Siamo spiacenti, c'è stato un errore di frase."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:171
-msgid ""
-"This Export file (version %s) may not be supported by this version of the "
-msgstr ""
-"Questo file di esportazione (versione %s) potrebbe non essere supportato da "
-"questa versione della funzione di importazione."
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:177
-msgid "This is not a BackWPup XML file"
-msgstr "Questo non è un file BackWPup XML"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:243
-msgid "Job %1$s with id %2$d imported"
-msgstr "Processo %1$s con id %2$d importato"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:251
-msgid "BackWPup config imported"
-msgstr "Importato BackWPup config "
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:25
-msgid "System Test"
-msgstr "Test del Sistema"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:26
-msgid "Wizard to test if BackWPup can work properly"
-msgstr "Wizard per testare se BackWPup può funzionare correttamente"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:39
-msgid "Run tests"
-msgstr "Avvia i test"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:50
-msgid "Environment"
-msgstr "Ambiente"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:51
-msgid "System Environment"
-msgstr "Ambiente di sistema"
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:64
-msgid "Test if BackWPup can work without problems."
-msgstr "Verifica se BackWPup può funzionare senza problemi."
-#: inc/class-admin-notice.php:121 inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:152
+#: inc/class-admin-notice.php:121
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:152
msgid "Don't show again"
msgstr "Non mostrare più"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:267 inc/class-help.php:24
+#: inc/class-admin.php:267
+#: inc/class-help.php:24
msgid "http://docs.backwpup.com"
msgstr ""
@@ -2035,8 +1038,10 @@ msgstr "Dashboard BackWPup "
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-admin.php:305 inc/class-adminbar.php:82
+#: inc/class-admin.php:305
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:82
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:216
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:215
msgid "Jobs"
msgstr "Processi"
@@ -2044,12 +1049,16 @@ msgstr "Processi"
msgid "Add new job"
msgstr "Aggiungi nuovo processo"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:355 inc/class-adminbar.php:98
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:377 inc/class-page-settings.php:218
+#: inc/class-admin.php:355
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:98
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:218
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:219
msgid "Logs"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-admin.php:380 inc/class-adminbar.php:106
+#: inc/class-admin.php:380
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:106
msgid "Backups"
msgstr ""
@@ -2061,14 +1070,14 @@ msgstr "Impostazioni"
msgid "About"
msgstr "Info"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:453 inc/class-admin.php:460
+#: inc/class-admin.php:453
+#: inc/class-admin.php:460
msgid "Cheating, huh?"
msgstr "Fai il furbo, eh?"
#: inc/class-admin.php:510
msgid "Get BackWPup Pro now."
-msgstr ""
-"Scarica ora la BackWPup Pro."
+msgstr "Scarica ora la BackWPup Pro."
#: inc/class-admin.php:531
msgid "version %s"
@@ -2094,7 +1103,8 @@ msgstr "In esecuzione"
msgid "Abort!"
msgstr "Annulla!"
-#: inc/class-adminbar.php:90 inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:90
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
msgid "Add new"
msgstr "Aggiungi nuovo"
@@ -2108,30 +1118,20 @@ msgid "Make BackWPup better!"
msgstr "Migliora BackWPup!"
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:108
-msgid ""
+msgid "https://inpsyde.com/en/jobs/?utm_source=BackWPup&utm_medium=Link&utm_campaign=BecomeAnInpsyder"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:118
msgid "We want to make BackWPup even stronger and its support much faster."
-msgstr ""
-"Vogliamo migliorare sempre di più BackWPup e dare un supporto sempre più "
+msgstr "Vogliamo migliorare sempre di più BackWPup e dare un supporto sempre più rapido."
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:126
-msgid ""
-"This is why we are looking for a talented developer who can work remotely "
-"and support us in BackWPup"
-msgstr ""
-"Questo è il motivo per cui cerchiamo sviluppatori di talento che possano "
-"lavorare da remoto e aiutarci con BackWPup"
+msgid "This is why we are looking for a talented developer who can work remotely and support us in BackWPup"
+msgstr "Questo è il motivo per cui cerchiamo sviluppatori di talento che possano lavorare da remoto e aiutarci con BackWPup"
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:133
msgid "and other exciting WordPress projects at our VIP partner agency."
-msgstr ""
-"e con altri interesanti progetti WordPress presso la nostra agenzia VIP "
+msgstr "e con altri interesanti progetti WordPress presso la nostra agenzia VIP partner."
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:145
msgid "Apply now!"
@@ -2151,8 +1151,10 @@ msgctxt "%s = Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s for archive not found"
msgstr "La cartella %s per l'archiviazione non è stata trovata"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:101 inc/class-create-archive.php:141
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:182 inc/class-mysqldump.php:133
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:101
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:141
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:182
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:133
msgid "Functions for gz compression not available"
msgstr "Non sono disponibili funzioni per la compressione gz"
@@ -2181,7 +1183,9 @@ msgid "Cannot open archive file"
msgstr "Impossibile aprire il file di archivio"
#. translators: The $1 is the tecnical error string from pclzip.
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:233 inc/class-create-archive.php:518
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:233
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:518
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:524
msgid "PclZip archive add error: %s"
msgstr "L'archivio PclZip aggiunge un errore: %s"
@@ -2195,106 +1199,126 @@ msgctxt "File to add to archive"
msgid "File %s does not exist or is not readable"
msgstr "Il file %s non esiste o non è leggibile"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:351 inc/class-create-archive.php:378
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:582 inc/class-create-archive.php:591
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:351
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:378
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:582
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:591
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:357
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:384
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:588
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:597
msgid "This archive method can only add one file"
msgstr "Questo metodo di archiviazione può aggiungere solo un file"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:446
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:452
msgid "ZIP archive cannot be closed correctly"
msgstr "Impossibile chiudere correttamente l'archivio ZIP "
#. translators: the $1 is the name of the archive.
#. translators: $1 is the name of the archive.
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:477 inc/class-create-archive.php:494
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:477
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:494
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:611
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:483
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:500
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:617
msgid "Cannot add \"%s\" to zip archive!"
msgstr "Impossibile aggiungere \"%s\" all'archivio zip!"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:548
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:554
msgid "Folder name cannot be empty"
msgstr "Il nome della cartella non può essere vuoto"
#. translators: $1 is the folder name
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:559
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:565
msgctxt "Folder path to add to archive"
msgid "Folder %s does not exist or is not readable"
msgstr "La cartella %s non esiste o non è leggibile"
+#. translators. $1 is the status returned by a call to a ZipArchive method.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:643
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:649
msgctxt "Text of ZipArchive status Message"
msgid "ZipArchive returns status: %s"
msgstr "L'archivio ZIP riporta lo stato: %s"
#. translators: $1 is the file name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:691
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:697
msgid "File name \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"Il nome file \"%1$s\" è troppo lungo per essere salvato nell'archivio %2$s !"
+msgstr "Il nome file \"%1$s\" è troppo lungo per essere salvato nell'archivio %2$s !"
#. translators: $1 is the file name to use in the archive.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:703
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:709
msgid "File path \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"Il nome cartella \"%1$s\" è troppo lungo per essere salvato nell'archivio "
-"%2$s !"
+msgstr "Il nome cartella \"%1$s\" è troppo lungo per essere salvato nell'archivio %2$s !"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:745
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:751
msgid "Cannot open source file %s for archiving. Writing an empty file."
msgstr "Non è possibile aprire il file %s. Verrà creato un file vuoto."
#. translators: $1 is the name of the folder. $2 is the archive name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:807
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:813
msgid "Folder name \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"Il nome file \"%1$s\" è troppo lungo per essere salvato nell'archivio %2$s !"
+msgstr "Il nome file \"%1$s\" è troppo lungo per essere salvato nell'archivio %2$s !"
#. translators: $1 is the name of the folder. $2 is the archive name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:822
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:828
msgid "Folder path \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"Il nome cartella \"%1$s\" è troppo lungo per essere salvato nell'archivio "
-"%2$s !"
+msgstr "Il nome cartella \"%1$s\" è troppo lungo per essere salvato nell'archivio %2$s !"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:890
-msgid ""
-"If %s will be added to your backup archive, the archive will be too large "
-"for operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting "
-"the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
-msgstr ""
-"Se %s verrà aggiunto al tuo archivio di backup, l'archivio sarà troppo "
-"grande per le operazioni con questa versione di PHP. considera l'ipotesi di "
-"suddividere il processo di backup in processi multipli con meno file "
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:968 inc/class-create-archive.php:969
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:896
+msgid "If %s will be added to your backup archive, the archive will be too large for operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
+msgstr "Se %s verrà aggiunto al tuo archivio di backup, l'archivio sarà troppo grande per le operazioni con questa versione di PHP. considera l'ipotesi di suddividere il processo di backup in processi multipli con meno file ciascuno."
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:968
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:969
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:974
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:975
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Sconosciuto"
#. translators: $1 is the filename to add into the archive.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:1000
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:1006
msgid "Cannot open source file %s."
msgstr "Impossibile aprire il file %s."
#: inc/class-cron.php:74
+#: inc/class-cron.php:73
msgid "Aborted, because no progress for one hour!"
msgstr "Annullato: nessuna progressione per un'ora!"
-#: inc/class-cron.php:108 inc/class-destination-folder.php:195
-#: inc/class-job.php:989 inc/class-job.php:1133 inc/class-job.php:1862
+#: inc/class-cron.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:195
+#: inc/class-job.php:989
+#: inc/class-job.php:1133
+#: inc/class-job.php:1862
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:446
+#: inc/class-cron.php:107
msgid "Could not open path: %s"
msgstr "Impossibile apripre la risorsa: %s"
#: inc/class-decrypter.php:53
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:56
msgid "Cannot open the archive for reading."
msgstr "Impossibile aprire il file di archivio"
#: inc/class-decrypter.php:77
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:82
msgid "Cannot write the encrypted archive."
msgstr "Impossibile accedere in scrittura al file di archivio."
#: inc/class-decrypter.php:182
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:162
msgid "Private key invalid."
msgstr "Chiave privata non valida. "
@@ -2310,12 +1334,14 @@ msgstr "Upload %s in corso"
msgid "Finishing upload session with a total of %s uploaded"
msgstr "Sessione di upload terminata con un totale di %s caricati"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:76 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:28
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:28
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:43
msgid "Authentication"
msgstr "Autenticazione"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:92 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:95
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:92
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:95
msgid "Delete Dropbox Authentication"
msgstr "Elimina l'autenticazione Dropbox"
@@ -2328,17 +1354,8 @@ msgid "Get Dropbox App auth code"
msgstr "Ottieni il Dropbox App auth code "
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:111
-msgid ""
-"A dedicated folder named BackWPup will be created inside of the Apps folder "
-"in your Dropbox. BackWPup will get read and write access to that folder "
-"only. You can specify a subfolder as your backup destination for this job in "
-"the destination field below."
-msgstr ""
-"Una cartella dedicata chiamata BackWPup verrà creata all'interno della "
-"cartella Applicazioni nel vostro Dropbox. BackWPup avrà permessi di lettura "
-"e scrittura solo per quella cartella. È possibile specificare una "
-"sottocartella come destinazione di backup per questo processo nel campo di "
-"destinazione sottostante."
+msgid "A dedicated folder named BackWPup will be created inside of the Apps folder in your Dropbox. BackWPup will get read and write access to that folder only. You can specify a subfolder as your backup destination for this job in the destination field below."
+msgstr "Una cartella dedicata chiamata BackWPup verrà creata all'interno della cartella Applicazioni nel vostro Dropbox. BackWPup avrà permessi di lettura e scrittura solo per quella cartella. È possibile specificare una sottocartella come destinazione di backup per questo processo nel campo di destinazione sottostante."
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:119
msgid "— OR —"
@@ -2353,33 +1370,16 @@ msgid "Get full Dropbox auth code "
msgstr "Ottieni l'intero Dropbox auth code "
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:131
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup will have full read and write access to your entire Dropbox. You "
-"can specify your backup destination wherever you want, just be aware that "
-"ANY files or folders inside of your Dropbox can be overridden or deleted by "
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup avrà accesso completo in lettura e scrittura a tutto Dropbox. È "
-"possibile specificare la destinazione di backup che vuoi usare, basta essere "
-"consapevoli che tutti i file o cartelle all'interno del vostro Dropbox "
-"possono essere sovrascritte o cancellate da BackWPup."
+msgid "BackWPup will have full read and write access to your entire Dropbox. You can specify your backup destination wherever you want, just be aware that ANY files or folders inside of your Dropbox can be overridden or deleted by BackWPup."
+msgstr "BackWPup avrà accesso completo in lettura e scrittura a tutto Dropbox. È possibile specificare la destinazione di backup che vuoi usare, basta essere consapevoli che tutti i file o cartelle all'interno del vostro Dropbox possono essere sovrascritte o cancellate da BackWPup."
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:145
msgid "Destination Folder"
msgstr "Cartella di destinazione"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:154
-msgid ""
-"Specify a subfolder where your backup archives will be stored. If you use "
-"the App option from above, this folder will be created inside of Apps/"
-"BackWPup. Otherwise it will be created at the root of your Dropbox. Already "
-"exisiting folders with the same name will not be overriden."
-msgstr ""
-"Specificare una sottocartella in cui verranno archiviati gli archivi di "
-"backup. Se si utilizza l'opzione App sopra, questa cartella viene creata "
-"all'interno di applicazioni / BackWPup. In caso contrario, verrà creata "
-"nella root del vostro Dropbox. Se esistono altre cartelle con lo stesso nome "
-"non verranno sovrascritte."
+msgid "Specify a subfolder where your backup archives will be stored. If you use the App option from above, this folder will be created inside of Apps/BackWPup. Otherwise it will be created at the root of your Dropbox. Already exisiting folders with the same name will not be overriden."
+msgstr "Specificare una sottocartella in cui verranno archiviati gli archivi di backup. Se si utilizza l'opzione App sopra, questa cartella viene creata all'interno di applicazioni / BackWPup. In caso contrario, verrà creata nella root del vostro Dropbox. Se esistono altre cartelle con lo stesso nome non verranno sovrascritte."
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:345
msgid "One file deleted from Dropbox"
@@ -2397,9 +1397,7 @@ msgstr "Caricamento su Dropbox …"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:43
msgid "To email address (separate with commas for multiple addresses)"
-msgstr ""
-"indirizzo mail destinatario (in caso di più indirizzi separali utilizzando "
-"la virgola)"
+msgstr "indirizzo mail destinatario (in caso di più indirizzi separali utilizzando la virgola)"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:61
msgid "Send email settings"
@@ -2493,11 +1491,13 @@ msgstr "Archivio BackWPup per %1$s: %2$s"
msgid "Backup archive: %s"
msgstr "Archivio backup: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:349 inc/class-destination-email.php:474
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:349
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:474
msgid "Error while sending email!"
msgstr "Errore durante l'invio della mail!"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:354 inc/class-destination-email.php:476
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:354
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:476
msgid "Email sent."
msgstr "Email inviata."
@@ -2506,14 +1506,11 @@ msgid "BackWPup archive sending TEST Message"
msgstr "Archivio BackWPup: invio in corso del messaggio di TEST"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:462
-msgid ""
-"If this message reaches your inbox, sending backup archives via email should "
-"work for you."
-msgstr ""
-"Se questo messaggio viene inviato correttamente, anche l'invio degli archivi "
-"di backup tramite e-mail dovrebbe funzionare."
+msgid "If this message reaches your inbox, sending backup archives via email should work for you."
+msgstr "Se questo messaggio viene inviato correttamente, anche l'invio degli archivi di backup tramite e-mail dovrebbe funzionare."
#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:96
msgid "File could not be opened for reading."
msgstr "Il file non può essere aperto in lettura."
@@ -2528,6 +1525,7 @@ msgstr[0] "Eliminato un file di backup"
msgstr[1] "Eliminato %d files di backup"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:81
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:104
msgid "Cannot open FTP file for download."
msgstr "Non è possibile accedere al file per il download."
@@ -2539,7 +1537,8 @@ msgstr "FTP server e login"
msgid "FTP server"
msgstr "Server FTP"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:63 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:46
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:63
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:46
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Nome utente"
@@ -2559,7 +1558,8 @@ msgstr "Impostazioni specifiche FTP"
msgid "Timeout for FTP connection"
msgstr "Timeout per la connesione FTP "
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:137 inc/class-page-logs.php:288
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:137
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:288
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "secondi"
@@ -2607,8 +1607,7 @@ msgstr "Impossibole connettersi via explicit SSL-FTP to server: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:468
msgid "PHP function to connect with explicit SSL-FTP to server does not exist!"
-msgstr ""
-"La funzione PHP per connettersi con explicit SSL-FTP to server non esiste!"
+msgstr "La funzione PHP per connettersi con explicit SSL-FTP to server non esiste!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:483
msgid "Connected to FTP server: %s"
@@ -2618,8 +1617,10 @@ msgstr "Connesso a FTP server: %s"
msgid "Cannot connect to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "Impossibile connettersi a FTP server: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:503 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:523
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:546 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:603
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:503
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:523
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:546
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:603
msgid "FTP client command: %s"
msgstr "Comando FTP client: %s"
@@ -2627,10 +1628,14 @@ msgstr "Comando FTP client: %s"
msgid "FTP server response: %s"
msgstr "Risposta FTP server: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:520 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:531
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:534 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:549
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:552 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:607
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:612 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:619
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:520
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:531
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:534
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:549
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:552
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:607
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:612
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:619
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:624
msgid "FTP server reply: %s"
msgstr "Replica di FTP server: %s"
@@ -2672,11 +1677,8 @@ msgid "Backup transferred to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "Backup trasferito sul server FTP: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:735
-msgid ""
-"FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created! Parent directory may be not writable."
-msgstr ""
-"Impossibile creare la cartella FTP \"%s\"! La cartella genitore potrebbe non "
-"avere accesso in scrittura."
+msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created! Parent directory may be not writable."
+msgstr "Impossibile creare la cartella FTP \"%s\"! La cartella genitore potrebbe non avere accesso in scrittura."
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:753
msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created!"
@@ -2702,11 +1704,13 @@ msgstr "Chiave di accesso"
msgid "Blob container"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:48 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:48
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:76
msgid "Container selection"
msgstr "Selezione container"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:59 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:88
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:88
msgid "Create a new container"
msgstr "Crae un nuovo container"
@@ -2740,15 +1744,13 @@ msgstr "Nessun container trovato!"
msgid "Rack Space Cloud Keys"
msgstr "Chiavi Rack Space Cloud"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:52
-msgid "API Key"
-msgstr "Chiave API"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:59
msgid "Select region"
msgstr "Seleziona regione"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:99 inc/class-destination-s3.php:171
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:99
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:171
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:202
msgid "Folder in bucket"
msgstr "Cartella nel bucket"
@@ -2791,119 +1793,130 @@ msgid "A container could not be found!"
msgstr "Non è possibile trovare un container!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:47
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:48
msgid "Select a S3 service"
msgstr "Seleziona un servizio S3"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:67
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:68
msgid "Or a S3 Server URL"
msgstr "O un URL di un Server S3 "
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:84
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:115
msgid "S3 Access Keys"
msgstr "Chiave di Accesso S3 "
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:114
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:145
msgid "S3 Bucket"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:120
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:151
msgid "Bucket selection"
msgstr "Selezione bucket"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:149
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:180
msgid "Create a new bucket"
msgstr "Crea un nuovo bucket"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:165
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:196
msgid "S3 Backup settings"
msgstr "Impostazioni S3 backup"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:222
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:86
msgid "Multipart Upload"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:233
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:98
msgid "Use multipart upload for uploading a file"
msgstr "Usa multipart upload per caricare un file"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:236
-msgid ""
-"Multipart splits file into multiple chunks while uploading. This is "
-"necessary for displaying the upload process and to transfer bigger files. "
-"Works without a problem on Amazon. Other services might have issues."
-msgstr ""
-"Multipart divide il file in più parti durante il caricamento. Ciò è "
-"necessario per visualizzare il processo di caricamento e per trasferire file "
-"di grandi dimensioni. Funziona senza problemi su Amazon. Altri servizi "
-"potrebbero avere problemi."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:246
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:252
msgid "Amazon specific settings"
msgstr "Impostazioni specifiche Amazon"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:251 inc/class-destination-s3.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:251
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:263
msgid "Amazon: Storage Class"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:260
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:266
msgid "Standard"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:264
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:270
msgid "Standard-Infrequent Access"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:272
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:278
msgid "Reduced Redundancy"
msgstr "Ridondanza Ridotta"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:280
-msgid "Server side encryption"
-msgstr "Codifica lato server"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:291
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:297
msgid "Save files encrypted (AES256) on server."
msgstr "Salva file criptati (AES256) sul server."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:361
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:367
msgid "No bucket found!"
msgstr "Nessun bucket trovato!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:511
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:517
msgid "Bucket %1$s created."
msgstr "Bucket %1$s creato."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:693
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:699
msgid "Storage Class: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:728
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:734
msgid "Cannot delete backup from %s."
msgstr "Impossibile eliminare il backup da %s."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:740
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:746
msgid "One file deleted on S3 Bucket."
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on S3 Bucket"
msgstr[0] "Un file cancellato su S3 Bucket."
msgstr[1] "%d files cancellati su S3 Bucket."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:762
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:777
msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to S3 Service …"
msgstr "%d. Prova spedizone file di backup su S3 Service …"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:799
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:817
msgid "Checking for not aborted multipart Uploads …"
msgstr "Controllo dei caricamenti … multipart non annullati "
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:812
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:830
msgid "Upload for %s aborted."
msgstr "Caricamento per %s annullato."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:818
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:836
msgid "Starting upload to S3 Service …"
msgstr "Inizio caricamento su S3 Service …"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:970
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:988
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to S3! (%1$d) %2$s"
msgstr "Impossibile trasferire il backup su S3! (%1$d) %2$s"
@@ -2976,14 +1989,8 @@ msgid "EasyCron"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-easycron.php:189
-msgid ""
-"Here you can setup your EasyCron.com API key to use this "
-msgstr ""
-"Qui puoi impostare la tua tuo EasyCron.com chiave API per "
-"utilizzare questo servizio."
+msgid "Here you can setup your EasyCron.com API key to use this service."
+msgstr "Qui puoi impostare la tua tuo EasyCron.com chiave API per utilizzare questo servizio."
#: inc/class-easycron.php:192
msgid "Api key:"
@@ -2994,23 +2001,16 @@ msgid "Trigger WordPress Cron:"
msgstr "Attiva Cron WordPress:"
#: inc/class-easycron.php:203
-msgid ""
-"If you check this box, a cron job will be created on EasyCron that all 5 "
-"Minutes calls the WordPress cron."
-msgstr ""
-"Se si seleziona questa casella, verrà creato un processo cron su EasyCron "
-"che ogni 5 minuti richiama il cron WordPress."
+msgid "If you check this box, a cron job will be created on EasyCron that all 5 Minutes calls the WordPress cron."
+msgstr "Se si seleziona questa casella, verrà creato un processo cron su EasyCron che ogni 5 minuti richiama il cron WordPress."
#: inc/class-file.php:142
msgid "Folder %1$s not allowed, please use another folder."
-msgstr ""
-"La cartella %1$s non è consentita, si prega di usare un'altra cartella."
+msgstr "La cartella %1$s non è consentita, si prega di usare un'altra cartella."
#: inc/class-file.php:147
msgid "Folder %1$s is not in open basedir, please use another folder."
-msgstr ""
-"La cartella %1$s non è nella directory base, si prega di usare un'altra "
+msgstr "La cartella %1$s non è nella directory base, si prega di usare un'altra cartella."
#: inc/class-file.php:153
msgid "Cannot create folder: %1$s"
@@ -3021,12 +2021,8 @@ msgid "Folder \"%1$s\" is not writable"
msgstr "La cartella \"%1$s\" non è accessibile in scrittura"
#: inc/class-file.php:195
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup will not backup folders and its sub folders when this file is "
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup non può eseguire il backup delle cartelle e relative sottocartelle "
-"quando questo file è dentro."
+msgid "BackWPup will not backup folders and its sub folders when this file is inside."
+msgstr "BackWPup non può eseguire il backup delle cartelle e relative sottocartelle quando questo file è dentro."
#: inc/class-help.php:15
msgid "Plugin Info"
@@ -3034,20 +2030,12 @@ msgstr "Informazioni Plugin"
#: inc/class-help.php:17
msgctxt "Plugin name and link; Plugin Version"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s version %2$s. A project by Inpsyde GmbH"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s versione %2$s. Realizzato da Inpsyde "
+msgid "%1$s version %2$s. A project by Inpsyde GmbH."
+msgstr "%1$s versione %2$s. Realizzato da Inpsyde GmbH."
#: inc/class-help.php:18
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is a free software, and you "
-"are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions."
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup viene fornito con NESSUNA GARANZIA. Questo è un software gratuito, "
-"e siete invitati a ridistribuirlo sotto certe condizioni."
+msgid "BackWPup comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is a free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions."
+msgstr "BackWPup viene fornito con NESSUNA GARANZIA. Questo è un software gratuito, e siete invitati a ridistribuirlo sotto certe condizioni."
#: inc/class-help.php:21
msgid "For more information:"
@@ -3135,12 +2123,15 @@ msgstr "[INFO] Processo BackWPup: %1$s"
msgid "[INFO] Runs with user: %1$s (%2$d) "
msgstr "[INFO] Funzionamento con utente: %1$s (%2$d) "
-#: inc/class-job.php:444 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:323
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:282 inc/class-page-jobs.php:291
+#: inc/class-job.php:444
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:323
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:282
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:291
msgid "Not scheduled!"
msgstr "Non programmato!"
-#: inc/class-job.php:448 inc/class-job.php:458
+#: inc/class-job.php:448
+#: inc/class-job.php:458
msgid "[INFO] Cron: %s; Next: %s "
msgstr "[INFO] Cron: %s; Prossimo: %s "
@@ -3217,23 +2208,20 @@ msgid "Could not write log file"
msgstr "Non è possibile scrivere il file di log"
#: inc/class-job.php:532
-msgid ""
-"No destination correctly defined for backup! Please correct job settings."
-msgstr ""
-"Nessuna destinazione definita correttamente per il backup! Correggi le "
-"impostazioni del processo."
+msgid "No destination correctly defined for backup! Please correct job settings."
+msgstr "Nessuna destinazione definita correttamente per il backup! Correggi le impostazioni del processo."
#: inc/class-job.php:628
msgid "Cannot write progress to working file. Job will be aborted."
-msgstr ""
-"Impossibile scrivere l'avanzamento del processo sul file in esecuzione. Il "
-"processo verrà interrotto."
+msgstr "Impossibile scrivere l'avanzamento del processo sul file in esecuzione. Il processo verrà interrotto."
-#: inc/class-job.php:700 inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
+#: inc/class-job.php:700
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
msgid "WARNING:"
msgstr "AVVISO:"
-#: inc/class-job.php:709 inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+#: inc/class-job.php:709
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
msgid "ERROR:"
msgstr "ERRORE:"
@@ -3259,23 +2247,17 @@ msgid_plural "%d old logs deleted"
msgstr[0] "Un log vecchio eliminato"
msgstr[1] "%d log vecchi eliminati"
-#: inc/class-job.php:1012 inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
-msgid ""
-"Job has ended with errors in %s seconds. You must resolve the errors for "
-"correct execution."
-msgstr ""
-"Il processo si è concluso con errori in %s secondi. È necessario risolvere "
-"gli errori per l'esecuzione corretta."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1012
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+msgid "Job has ended with errors in %s seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution."
+msgstr "Il processo si è concluso con errori in %s secondi. È necessario risolvere gli errori per l'esecuzione corretta."
#: inc/class-job.php:1014
-msgid ""
-"Job finished with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct "
-msgstr ""
-"Processo finito con avvisi in% s secondi. Si prega di risolverli per "
-"l'esecuzione corretta."
+msgid "Job finished with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct execution."
+msgstr "Processo finito con avvisi in% s secondi. Si prega di risolverli per l'esecuzione corretta."
-#: inc/class-job.php:1016 inc/class-page-jobs.php:788
+#: inc/class-job.php:1016
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:788
msgid "Job done in %s seconds."
msgstr "Processo eseguito in %s secondi."
@@ -3318,280 +2300,275 @@ msgstr "%d. Provo a creare l'archivio di backup …"
#: inc/class-job.php:1536
msgctxt "Archive compression method"
msgid "Compressing files as %s. Please be patient, this may take a moment."
-msgstr ""
-"Compressione file come %s. Si prega di pazientare, potrebbe richiedere "
-"qualche istante."
+msgstr "Compressione file come %s. Si prega di pazientare, potrebbe richiedere qualche istante."
#: inc/class-job.php:1543
+#: inc/class-job.php:1544
msgid "Adding Extra files to Archive"
msgstr "Aggiunti file extra all'archivio"
-#: inc/class-job.php:1554 inc/class-job.php:1614
+#: inc/class-job.php:1554
+#: inc/class-job.php:1614
+#: inc/class-job.php:1555
+#: inc/class-job.php:1626
msgid "Cannot create backup archive correctly. Aborting creation."
-msgstr ""
-"Impossibile creare correttamente il file d'archivio. Creazione annullata."
+msgstr "Impossibile creare correttamente il file d'archivio. Creazione annullata."
#: inc/class-job.php:1570
+#: inc/class-job.php:1571
msgid "Archiving Folder: %s"
msgstr "Cartella di archiviazione: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:1624
+#: inc/class-job.php:1636
msgid "Backup archive created."
msgstr "Archivio di backup creato."
#: inc/class-job.php:1638
-msgid ""
-"The Backup archive will be too large for file operations with this PHP "
-"Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple "
-"jobs with less files each."
-msgstr ""
-"L'archivio di backup è troppo grande per le operazioni sui file con questa "
-"versione di PHP. Si potrebbe prendere in considerazione la divisione del "
-"processo di backup in più processi con meno file ciascuno."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1650
+msgid "The Backup archive will be too large for file operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
+msgstr "L'archivio di backup è troppo grande per le operazioni sui file con questa versione di PHP. Si potrebbe prendere in considerazione la divisione del processo di backup in più processi con meno file ciascuno."
#: inc/class-job.php:1641
+#: inc/class-job.php:1653
msgid "Archive size is %s."
msgstr "La grandezza dell'archivio è %s."
#: inc/class-job.php:1644
+#: inc/class-job.php:1656
msgid "%1$d Files with %2$s in Archive."
msgstr "%1$d Files con %2$s nell'archivio."
#: inc/class-job.php:1677
+#: inc/class-job.php:1689
msgid "No encryption key was provided. Aborting encryption."
msgstr "Nessuna chiave di criptazione disponibile. Criptazione annullata."
#: inc/class-job.php:1684
+#: inc/class-job.php:1696
msgid "%d. Trying to encrypt archive …"
msgstr "%d. Criptazione dell'archivio in corso …"
#: inc/class-job.php:1694
+#: inc/class-job.php:1706
msgid "Cannot open the archive for reading. Aborting encryption."
msgstr "Impossibile aprire l'archivio in lettura. Criptazione annullata."
#: inc/class-job.php:1700
+#: inc/class-job.php:1712
msgid "Cannot write the encrypted archive. Aborting encryption."
-msgstr ""
-"Impossibile accedere in scrittura all'archivio criptato. Criptazione "
+msgstr "Impossibile accedere in scrittura all'archivio criptato. Criptazione annullata."
#: inc/class-job.php:1757
+#: inc/class-job.php:1769
msgid "Encrypted %s of data."
msgstr "%s dati criptati."
#: inc/class-job.php:1761
+#: inc/class-job.php:1773
msgid "Unable to delete unencrypted archive."
msgstr "Non è possibile eliminare l'archivio non criptato. "
#: inc/class-job.php:1765
+#: inc/class-job.php:1777
msgid "Unable to rename encrypted archive."
msgstr "Non è possibile rinominare l'archivio criptato."
#: inc/class-job.php:1770
+#: inc/class-job.php:1782
msgid "Archive has been successfully encrypted."
msgstr "L'archivio è stato criptato con successo."
#: inc/class-job.php:1819
+#: inc/class-job.php:1831
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s does not exist"
msgstr "La cartella %s non esiste"
#: inc/class-job.php:1825
+#: inc/class-job.php:1837
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s is not readable"
msgstr "La cartella \"%s\" non è leggibile!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1848
+#: inc/class-job.php:1860
msgid "Link \"%s\" not following."
msgstr "Link \"%s\" non funzionante."
#: inc/class-job.php:1850
+#: inc/class-job.php:1862
msgid "File \"%s\" is not readable!"
msgstr "Il file \"%s\" non è leggibile!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1854
-msgid ""
-"File size of “%s” cannot be retrieved. File might be too large and will not "
-"be added to queue."
-msgstr ""
-"La dimensione del file %s non può essere recuperata. Il file potrebbe essere "
-"troppo grande e non sarà aggiunto alla coda."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1866
+msgid "File size of “%s” cannot be retrieved. File might be too large and will not be added to queue."
+msgstr "La dimensione del file %s non può essere recuperata. Il file potrebbe essere troppo grande e non sarà aggiunto alla coda."
#: inc/class-job.php:1937
+#: inc/class-job.php:1949
msgid "%d. Trying to generate a manifest file …"
msgstr "%d. Provo a generare un manifest file …"
#: inc/class-job.php:1993
+#: inc/class-job.php:2005
msgid "You may have noticed the manifest.json file in this archive."
msgstr "Potresti aver notato il manifest.json file in questo archivio."
#: inc/class-job.php:1994
-msgid ""
-"manifest.json might be needed for later restoring a backup from this archive."
-msgstr ""
-"manifest.json potrebbe essere necessario per poi ripristinare un backup da "
-"questo archivio."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2006
+msgid "manifest.json might be needed for later restoring a backup from this archive."
+msgstr "manifest.json potrebbe essere necessario per poi ripristinare un backup da questo archivio."
#: inc/class-job.php:1995
-msgid ""
-"Please leave manifest.json untouched and in place. Otherwise it is safe to "
-"be ignored."
-msgstr ""
-"Si prega di lasciare manifest.json intatto e al suo posto. In caso contrario "
-"può essere ignorato."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2007
+msgid "Please leave manifest.json untouched and in place. Otherwise it is safe to be ignored."
+msgstr "Si prega di lasciare manifest.json intatto e al suo posto. In caso contrario può essere ignorato."
#: inc/class-job.php:2005
+#: inc/class-job.php:2017
msgid "Added manifest.json file with %1$s to backup file list."
msgstr "Aggiunto il file manifest.json con %1$s alla lista di backup dei file."
#: inc/class-job.php:2044
+#: inc/class-job.php:2056
msgid "Wrong BackWPup JobID"
msgstr "BackWPup JobID Errato"
#: inc/class-job.php:2057
+#: inc/class-job.php:2069
msgid "A BackWPup job is already running"
msgstr "Un processo di BackWPup è già in esecuzione"
#: inc/class-job.php:2439
+#: inc/class-job.php:2451
msgid "exec command is not active."
msgstr "il comando exec non è attivo."
#: inc/class-job.php:2444
+#: inc/class-job.php:2456
msgid "mysqldump binary not found."
msgstr "mysqldump binary non trovato."
#: inc/class-job.php:2470
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGHUP: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2482
+msgctxt "SIGHUP: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Hangup detected on controlling terminal or death of controlling process"
-msgstr ""
-"Connessione saltata durante il controllo del terminale o il processo è stato "
+msgstr "Connessione saltata durante il controllo del terminale o il processo è stato terminato"
#: inc/class-job.php:2474
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGINT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2486
+msgctxt "SIGINT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Interrupt from keyboard"
msgstr "Interrotto da tastiera"
#: inc/class-job.php:2478
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGQUIT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2490
+msgctxt "SIGQUIT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Quit from keyboard"
msgstr "Esci da tastiera"
#: inc/class-job.php:2482
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGILL: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2494
+msgctxt "SIGILL: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Illegal Instruction"
msgstr "Istruzioni non valide"
#: inc/class-job.php:2486
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGABRT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2498
+msgctxt "SIGABRT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Abort signal from abort(3)"
msgstr "Segnale di annullamento da abort(3)"
#: inc/class-job.php:2490
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGBUS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2502
+msgctxt "SIGBUS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Bus error (bad memory access)"
msgstr "Errore bus (errore di accesso alla memoria)"
#: inc/class-job.php:2494
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGFPE: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2506
+msgctxt "SIGFPE: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Floating point exception"
msgstr "Eccezione floating point"
#: inc/class-job.php:2498
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSEGV: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2510
+msgctxt "SIGSEGV: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Invalid memory reference"
msgstr "Riferimento di memoria non valido"
#: inc/class-job.php:2502
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGTERM: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2514
+msgctxt "SIGTERM: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Termination signal"
msgstr "Segnale di terminazione"
#: inc/class-job.php:2506
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSTKFLT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2518
+msgctxt "SIGSTKFLT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Stack fault on coprocessor"
msgstr "Errore sullo stack del coprocessore"
#: inc/class-job.php:2510
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGUSR1: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2522
+msgctxt "SIGUSR1: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "User-defined signal 1"
msgstr "Segnale utente 1"
#: inc/class-job.php:2514
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGUSR2: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2526
+msgctxt "SIGUSR2: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "User-defined signal 2"
msgstr "Segnale utente 2"
#: inc/class-job.php:2518
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGURG: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2530
+msgctxt "SIGURG: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Urgent condition on socket"
msgstr "Condizione urgente sul socket"
#: inc/class-job.php:2522
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGXCPU: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2534
+msgctxt "SIGXCPU: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "CPU time limit exceeded"
msgstr "Superato il limite massimo di tempo della CPU"
#: inc/class-job.php:2526
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGXFSZ: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2538
+msgctxt "SIGXFSZ: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "File size limit exceeded"
msgstr "Superata la grandezza massima del file"
#: inc/class-job.php:2530
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGPWR: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2542
+msgctxt "SIGPWR: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Power failure"
msgstr "Errore di alimentazione"
#: inc/class-job.php:2534
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSYS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2546
+msgctxt "SIGSYS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Bad argument to routine"
msgstr "Parametri di routine errati"
#: inc/class-job.php:2541
+#: inc/class-job.php:2553
msgid "Signal \"%1$s\" (%2$s) is sent to script!"
msgstr "Il segnale \"%1$s\" (%2$s) è stato inviato allo script!"
-#: inc/class-job.php:2575 inc/class-job.php:2588
+#: inc/class-job.php:2575
+#: inc/class-job.php:2588
+#: inc/class-job.php:2587
+#: inc/class-job.php:2600
msgid "System: %s"
msgstr "Sistema: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:2603
+#: inc/class-job.php:2615
msgid "Exception caught in %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "Eccezione individuata in %1$s: %2$s"
@@ -3627,12 +2604,14 @@ msgstr "Tabella %1$s è una vista. Non controllata."
msgid "Table %1$s is not a MyISAM/InnoDB table. Not checked."
msgstr "La tabella %1$s non è nella tabella MyISAM/InnoDB. Non controllata."
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:124 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:127
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:124
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:127
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:129
msgid "Result of table check for %1$s is: %2$s"
msgstr "Risultato del controllo tabella per %1$s is: %2$s"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:135 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:137
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:135
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:137
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:139
msgid "Result of table repair for %1$s is: %2$s"
msgstr "Risultato della riparazione tabella per %1$s is: %2$s"
@@ -3686,12 +2665,8 @@ msgid "Extra folders to backup"
msgstr "Cartella extra per il backup"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:118
-msgid ""
-"Separate folder names with a line-break or a comma. Folders must be set with "
-"their absolute path!"
-msgstr ""
-"Separa i nomi delle cartelle con una linea o una virgola. Le cartelle devono "
-"essere impostate con il loro percorso assoluto!"
+msgid "Separate folder names with a line-break or a comma. Folders must be set with their absolute path!"
+msgstr "Separa i nomi delle cartelle con una linea o una virgola. Le cartelle devono essere impostate con il loro percorso assoluto!"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:123
msgid "Exclude from backup"
@@ -3710,12 +2685,8 @@ msgid "Exclude files/folders from backup"
msgstr "Escludi i/le file/cartelle dal backup"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:136
-msgid ""
-"Separate file / folder name parts with a line-break or a comma. For example /"
-msgstr ""
-"Separa i nomi dei/delle file/cartelle con una linea o una virgola. Per "
-"esempio /logs/,.log,.tmp"
+msgid "Separate file / folder name parts with a line-break or a comma. For example /logs/,.log,.tmp"
+msgstr "Separa i nomi dei/delle file/cartelle con una linea o una virgola. Per esempio /logs/,.log,.tmp"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:141
msgid "Special options"
@@ -3726,37 +2697,23 @@ msgid "Include special files"
msgstr "Includi i file speciali"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:147
-msgid ""
-"Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd, favicon."
-"ico, and Web.config from root if it is not included in backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Esegui il backup di wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, ."
-"htpasswd, favicon.ico e Web.config dalla root se non è incluso nel backup."
+msgid "Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd, favicon.ico, and Web.config from root if it is not included in backup."
+msgstr "Esegui il backup di wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd, favicon.ico e Web.config dalla root se non è incluso nel backup."
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:151
msgid "Use one folder above as WP install folder"
msgstr "Usa una cartella sopra come cartella di istallazione WP"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:154
-msgid ""
-"Use one folder above as WordPress install folder! That can be helpful, if "
-"you would backup files and folder that are not in the WordPress installation "
-"folder. Or if you made a \"Giving WordPress Its Own Directory"
-"\" installation. Excludes must be configured again."
-msgstr ""
-"Utilizzare una cartella sopra come cartella di installazione WordPress ! "
-"Questo può essere utile, se vuoi eseguire il backup di file e cartelle che "
-"non sono nella cartella di installazione di WordPress. Oppure, se hai fatto "
-"un'istallazione \"Giving WordPress Its Own Directory"
-"\". Gli \"Escludi\" devono essere configurati di nuovo."
+msgid "Use one folder above as WordPress install folder! That can be helpful, if you would backup files and folder that are not in the WordPress installation folder. Or if you made a \"Giving WordPress Its Own Directory\" installation. Excludes must be configured again."
+msgstr "Utilizzare una cartella sopra come cartella di installazione WordPress ! Questo può essere utile, se vuoi eseguire il backup di file e cartelle che non sono nella cartella di installazione di WordPress. Oppure, se hai fatto un'istallazione \"Giving WordPress Its Own Directory\". Gli \"Escludi\" devono essere configurati di nuovo."
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:238
msgid "%d. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …"
msgstr "%d. Provo a creare una lista di cartelle per il backup …"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:358 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:362
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:358
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:362
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:379
msgid "Added \"%s\" to backup file list"
msgstr "Aggiunti \"%s\" alla lista dei file di backup "
@@ -3789,7 +2746,8 @@ msgstr "Escludi dal file .donotbackup!"
msgid "XML export"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:14 inc/class-page-about.php:474
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:14
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:474
msgid "WordPress XML export"
msgstr ""
@@ -3801,28 +2759,34 @@ msgstr "Elementi da esportare"
msgid "XML Export file name"
msgstr "Nome del file XML Export"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:69 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:53
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:69
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:53
msgid "File compression"
msgstr "Compressione del file"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:79 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:81
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:64 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:66
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:79
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:81
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:64
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:66
msgid "BZip2"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:112
msgid "%d. Trying to create a WordPress export to XML file …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Provo a creare una esportazione di WordPress su XML file …"
+msgstr "%d. Provo a creare una esportazione di WordPress su XML file …"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:127
msgid "WP Export: Post type “%s” does not allow export."
msgstr "WP Export: Non è consentito esportare il tipo di post %s ."
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:172 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:186
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:215 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:236
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:269 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:289
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:378 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:387
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:172
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:186
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:215
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:236
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:269
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:289
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:378
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:387
msgid "WP Export file could not written."
msgstr "Il file WP Export non può essere scritto."
@@ -3846,24 +2810,18 @@ msgstr "ERRORE XML (%s): %s"
msgid "There was an error when reading this WXR file"
msgstr "C'è stato un errore durante la lettura del file WXR"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:444 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:451
-msgid ""
-"This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number"
-msgstr ""
-"Questo non sembra essere un fle WXR, numero di versione WXR mancante o non "
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:444
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:451
+msgid "This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number"
+msgstr "Questo non sembra essere un fle WXR, numero di versione WXR mancante o non valido"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:460
msgid "WP Export file is a valid WXR file."
msgstr "Il file WP Export è un file WXR valido."
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:462
-msgid ""
-"WP Export file can not be checked, because no XML extension is loaded, to "
-"ensure the file verification."
-msgstr ""
-"Il file WP Export non può essere verificato, in quanto è stato caricato "
-"senza estensione XML, per garantire la verifica dei file."
+msgid "WP Export file can not be checked, because no XML extension is loaded, to ensure the file verification."
+msgstr "Il file WP Export non può essere verificato, in quanto è stato caricato senza estensione XML, per garantire la verifica dei file."
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:500
msgid "Added XML export \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list."
@@ -3883,8 +2841,7 @@ msgstr "Nome del file della lista dei plugins"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:96
msgid "%d. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Provo a generare un file con i nomi dei plugin installati …"
+msgstr "%d. Provo a generare un file con i nomi dei plugin installati …"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:124
msgid "All plugin information:"
@@ -3904,9 +2861,7 @@ msgstr "Plugin disattivati:"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:148
msgid "Added plugin list file \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list."
-msgstr ""
-"Aggiunto il file lista plugin \"%1$s\" con %2$s sulla lista dei file di "
+msgstr "Aggiunto il file lista plugin \"%1$s\" con %2$s sulla lista dei file di backup."
#: inc/class-message-box.php:89
msgid "Dismiss"
@@ -3927,8 +2882,7 @@ msgstr "Impossibile aprire il file di backup SQL"
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:479
msgid "Start for table backup is not correctly set: %1$s"
-msgstr ""
-"L'inizio per il backup della tabella non è impostato correttamente: %1$s"
+msgstr "L'inizio per il backup della tabella non è impostato correttamente: %1$s"
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:483
msgid "Length for table backup is not correctly set: %1$s"
@@ -3938,7 +2892,8 @@ msgstr "La lunghezza per il backup tabella non è impostata correttamente: %1$s"
msgid "Error while writing file!"
msgstr "Errore durante la scrittura del file!"
-#: inc/class-option.php:176 inc/class-page-editjob.php:97
+#: inc/class-option.php:176
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:97
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
msgid "New Job"
msgstr "Nuovo processo"
@@ -3947,48 +2902,27 @@ msgstr "Nuovo processo"
msgid "Welcome to BackWPup Pro"
msgstr "Benvenuti su BackWPup Pro"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:372 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup’s job wizards make planning and scheduling your backup jobs a "
-msgstr ""
-"Il wizard di processo di BackWPup rende la pianificazione e la "
-"programmazione dei processi di backup un gioco da ragazzi."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:372
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
+msgid "BackWPup’s job wizards make planning and scheduling your backup jobs a breeze."
+msgstr "Il wizard di processo di BackWPup rende la pianificazione e la programmazione dei processi di backup un gioco da ragazzi."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:373 inc/class-page-about.php:386
-msgid ""
-"Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation "
-"including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage "
-"service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server. With a "
-"single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool "
-"like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
-msgstr ""
-"Usa i tuoi archivi di backup per salvare l'intera installazione di WordPress "
-"compreso /wp-content/
. Inviali ad un servizio di archiviazione "
-"esterno se non vuoi salvare i backup sullo stesso server. Con un unico "
-"archivio di backup è possibile ripristinare un'installazione. Utilizza uno "
-"strumento come phpMyAdmin per ripristinare i file di backup del database."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:373
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:386
+msgid "Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server. With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
+msgstr "Usa i tuoi archivi di backup per salvare l'intera installazione di WordPress compreso /wp-content/
. Inviali ad un servizio di archiviazione esterno se non vuoi salvare i backup sullo stesso server. Con un unico archivio di backup è possibile ripristinare un'installazione. Utilizza uno strumento come phpMyAdmin per ripristinare i file di backup del database."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:374
-msgid ""
-"Ready to set up a backup job? You can use the wizards or plan your backup in expert mode."
-msgstr ""
-"Sei pronto ad impostare un processo di backup? Puoi usare il wizards o pianificare il tuo backup in expert "
+msgid "Ready to set up a backup job? You can use the wizards or plan your backup in expert mode."
+msgstr "Sei pronto ad impostare un processo di backup? Puoi usare il wizards o pianificare il tuo backup in expert mode."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:384
msgid "Welcome to BackWPup"
msgstr "Benvenuto su BackWPup"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:387
-msgid ""
-"Ready to set up a backup job? Use one of the wizards to plan what you want "
-"to save."
-msgstr ""
-"Sei pronto ad impostare un processo di backup? Utilizza una delle procedure "
-"guidate (wizard) per pianificare ciò che si desidera salvare."
+msgid "Ready to set up a backup job? Use one of the wizards to plan what you want to save."
+msgstr "Sei pronto ad impostare un processo di backup? Utilizza una delle procedure guidate (wizard) per pianificare ciò che si desidera salvare."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:400
msgid "Save your database"
@@ -3999,33 +2933,17 @@ msgid "Save your database regularly"
msgstr "Salva il databse regolarmente"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:404
-msgid ""
-"With BackWPup you can schedule the database backup to run automatically. "
-"With a single backup file you can restore your database. You should set up a backup job, so you will never forget it. There is also "
-"an option to repair and optimize the database after each backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Con BackWPup è possibile pianificare il backup del database per avviarlo "
-"automaticamente. Con un singolo file di backup è possibile ripristinare il "
-"database. Puoi impostare un processo di backup , in modo "
-"da non dimenticarlo. C'è anche la possibilità di riparare e ottimizzare il "
-"database dopo ogni backup."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:409 inc/class-page-about.php:413
+msgid "With BackWPup you can schedule the database backup to run automatically. With a single backup file you can restore your database. You should set up a backup job, so you will never forget it. There is also an option to repair and optimize the database after each backup."
+msgstr "Con BackWPup è possibile pianificare il backup del database per avviarlo automaticamente. Con un singolo file di backup è possibile ripristinare il database. Puoi impostare un processo di backup , in modo da non dimenticarlo. C'è anche la possibilità di riparare e ottimizzare il database dopo ogni backup."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:413
msgid "WordPress XML Export"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:410
-msgid ""
-"You can choose the built-in WordPress export format in addition or exclusive "
-"to save your data. This works in automated backups too of course. The "
-"advantage is: you can import these files into a blog with the regular "
-"WordPress importer."
-msgstr ""
-"È possibile scegliere il formato di esportazione di WordPress in aggiunta o "
-"in esclusiva per salvare i dati. Questo funziona anche nei backup "
-"automatici. Il vantaggio principale è che puoi importare questi file in un "
-"blog con mediante le funzionalità di importazione di WordPress."
+msgid "You can choose the built-in WordPress export format in addition or exclusive to save your data. This works in automated backups too of course. The advantage is: you can import these files into a blog with the regular WordPress importer."
+msgstr "È possibile scegliere il formato di esportazione di WordPress in aggiunta o in esclusiva per salvare i dati. Questo funziona anche nei backup automatici. Il vantaggio principale è che puoi importare questi file in un blog con mediante le funzionalità di importazione di WordPress."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:418
msgid "Save all data from the webserver"
@@ -4036,39 +2954,26 @@ msgid "Save all files"
msgstr "Salva tutti i file"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:422
-msgid ""
-"You can backup all your attachments, also all system files, plugins and "
-"themes in a single file. You can create a job to update a "
-"backup copy of your file system only when files are changed."
-msgstr ""
-"Puoi eseguire il backup di tutti gli allegati, incluso i file di sistema, i "
-"plugin e i temi in un unico file. Puoi creare un processo"
-"a> per aggiornare una copia di backup del file system solo quando i file "
-"vengono modificati."
+msgid "You can backup all your attachments, also all system files, plugins and themes in a single file. You can create a job to update a backup copy of your file system only when files are changed."
+msgstr "Puoi eseguire il backup di tutti gli allegati, incluso i file di sistema, i plugin e i temi in un unico file. Puoi creare un processo per aggiornare una copia di backup del file system solo quando i file vengono modificati."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:427 inc/class-page-about.php:431
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:427
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:431
msgid "Security!"
msgstr "Sicurezza!"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:428
-msgid ""
-"By default everything is encrypted: connections to external services, local "
-"files and access to directories."
-msgstr ""
-"Per impostazione predefinita tutto è crittografato: le connessioni ai "
-"servizi esterni, i file locali e l'accesso alle directory."
+msgid "By default everything is encrypted: connections to external services, local files and access to directories."
+msgstr "Per impostazione predefinita tutto è crittografato: le connessioni ai servizi esterni, i file locali e l'accesso alle directory."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:436 inc/class-page-about.php:439
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:436
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:439
msgid "Cloud Support"
msgstr "Supporto cloud"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:440
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup supports multiple cloud services in parallel. This ensures backups "
-"are redundant."
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup supporta più servizi cloud in parallelo. In questo modo i backup "
-"sono ridondanti."
+msgid "BackWPup supports multiple cloud services in parallel. This ensures backups are redundant."
+msgstr "BackWPup supporta più servizi cloud in parallelo. In questo modo i backup sono ridondanti."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:446
msgid "Features / differences between Free and Pro"
@@ -4223,34 +3128,47 @@ msgid "GET PRO"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:177
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:158
msgid "No files could be found. (List will be generated during next backup.)"
-msgstr ""
-"Nessun file trovato. (Verrà generata la lista durante il prossimo backup)"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:190 inc/class-page-backups.php:325
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:113 inc/class-page-jobs.php:177
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:151 inc/class-page-logs.php:232
+msgstr "Nessun file trovato. (Verrà generata la lista durante il prossimo backup)"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:190
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:325
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:113
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:177
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:151
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:232
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:168
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:274
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Elimina"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:230
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:203
msgid "Change destination"
msgstr "Cambia destinazione"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:274 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:283
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347 inc/class-page-logs.php:163
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:274
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:283
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:163
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:241
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Tempo"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:275
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:242
msgid "File"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:277 inc/class-page-logs.php:167
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:277
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:167
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:244
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Dimensione"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:324
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:273
msgid ""
"You are about to delete this backup archive. \n"
" 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete."
@@ -4258,144 +3176,147 @@ msgstr ""
"Stai per eliminare questo archivio di backup.\n"
" 'Annulla' per annullare, 'OK' per confermare la cancellazione."
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:334 inc/class-page-backups.php:337
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:330 inc/class-page-logs.php:234
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:779 inc/class-page-settings.php:790
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:334
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:337
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:234
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:779
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:790
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:281
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:285
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:768
msgid "Download"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:311
msgid "?"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:390 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:321
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:384 inc/class-page-jobs.php:318
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:390
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:321
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:384
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:318
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:190
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:317
msgid "%1$s at %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s a %2$s"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:408 inc/class-page-backups.php:446
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:35 inc/class-page-jobs.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:408
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:446
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:35
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:331
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:369
msgid "Sorry, you don't have permissions to do that."
msgstr "Non hai i permessi per fare questo."
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:485
-msgid "Ops! Unfortunately the file doesn't exists. May be was deleted?"
-msgstr "Ops! Sfortunatamente il file non esiste. Forse è stato cancellato?"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:486
-msgid "404 - File Not Found."
-msgstr "404 - File non trovato."
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:488
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:408
msgid "« Go back"
msgstr "« Indietro"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:513
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:433
msgid "Backup Files"
msgstr "Files di backup"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:581
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:489
msgid "%s › Manage Backup Archives"
msgstr "%s › Gestisci gli archivi di backup"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:593
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:501
msgid "Please wait …"
msgstr "Attendere prego …"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:596
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:504
msgid "Your download is being generated …"
msgstr "Il tuo file è pronto …"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:602 views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:15
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:602
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:15
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:510
msgid "Please enter your private key to decrypt your backup."
msgstr "Inserisci la chiave privata per decriptare il tuo backup."
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:604 views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:17
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:604
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:17
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:512
msgid "The private key you entered was invalid. Please try again."
msgstr "La chiave privata inserita non è valida. Si prega di riprovare."
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:607 inc/class-page-settings.php:753
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:784 views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:20
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:607
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:753
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:784
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:20
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:515
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:742
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:773
msgid "Private Key"
msgstr "Chiave Privata"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:613 views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:25
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:613
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:25
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:522
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Esegui"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:618
-msgid ""
-"Your download has been generated. It should begin downloading momentarily."
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:527
+msgid "Your download has been generated. It should begin downloading momentarily."
msgstr "Il tuo file è pronto. Fra un attimo dovrebbe iniziare il download."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:67
msgid "%s › Dashboard"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:74 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:83
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:74
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:83
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Planning backups"
msgstr "Pianifica i backup"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
-msgid ""
-"Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation "
-"including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage "
-"service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server."
-msgstr ""
-"Usa i tuoi archivi di backup per salvare l'intera installazione di WordPress "
-"compreso / wp-content /
. Inviali ad un servizio di "
-"archiviazione esterno se non vuoi salvare i backup sullo stesso server."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
+msgid "Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server."
+msgstr "Usa i tuoi archivi di backup per salvare l'intera installazione di WordPress compreso / wp-content /
. Inviali ad un servizio di archiviazione esterno se non vuoi salvare i backup sullo stesso server."
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:76 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:85
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:76
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:85
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Restoring backups"
msgstr "Ripristino dei backup"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:77 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:86
-msgid ""
-"With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a "
-"tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
-msgstr ""
-"Con un unico archivio di backup è possibile di ripristinare "
-"un'installazione. Utilizzare uno strumento come phpMyAdmin per ripristinare "
-"i file di backup del database."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:77
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:86
+msgid "With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
+msgstr "Con un unico archivio di backup è possibile di ripristinare un'installazione. Utilizzare uno strumento come phpMyAdmin per ripristinare i file di backup del database."
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:78 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:87
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:78
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:87
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Ready to set up a backup job?"
msgstr "Sei pronto per impostare un processo di backup?"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79
-msgid ""
-"Use one of the wizards to plan a backup, or use expert mode"
-"a> for full control over all options."
-msgstr ""
-"Utilizzare una delle procedure guidate per pianificare un backup, o utilizza "
-"expert mode per il pieno controllo su tutte le opzioni."
+msgid "Use one of the wizards to plan a backup, or use expert mode for full control over all options."
+msgstr "Utilizzare una delle procedure guidate per pianificare un backup, o utilizza expert mode per il pieno controllo su tutte le opzioni."
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:89
-msgid ""
-"Please note: You are solely responsible for the security of your "
-"data; the authors of this plugin are not."
-msgstr ""
-" Nota: Sei il solo responsabile per la sicurezza dei dati; gli "
-"autori di questo plugin non hanno alcuna responsabilità. strong>"
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:89
+msgid "Please note: You are solely responsible for the security of your data; the authors of this plugin are not."
+msgstr " Nota: Sei il solo responsabile per la sicurezza dei dati; gli autori di questo plugin non hanno alcuna responsabilità. strong>"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
-msgid ""
-"Use the short links in the First steps box to plan and "
-"schedule backup jobs."
-msgstr ""
-"Utilizzare i collegamenti brevi in Primi passi strong> per "
-"pianificare e programmare i processi di backup."
+msgid "Use the short links in the First steps box to plan and schedule backup jobs."
+msgstr "Utilizzare i collegamenti brevi in Primi passi strong> per pianificare e programmare i processi di backup."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:88
msgid "Add a new backup job and plan what you want to save."
-msgstr ""
-"Aggiungi un nuovo processo di backup e programma ciò che "
-"vuoi salvare."
+msgstr "Aggiungi un nuovo processo di backup e programma ciò che vuoi salvare."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:96
msgid "First Steps"
@@ -4405,7 +3326,8 @@ msgstr "Primi passi"
msgid "Test the installation"
msgstr "Test dell'installazione"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:101 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:104
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:101
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:104
msgid "Create a Job"
msgstr "Crea un processo"
@@ -4426,11 +3348,8 @@ msgid "One click backup"
msgstr "Backup in un click"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:117
-msgid ""
-"Generate a database backup of WordPress tables and download it right away!"
-msgstr ""
-"Genera un database backup delle tabelle WordPress ed esegui subito il "
+msgid "Generate a database backup of WordPress tables and download it right away!"
+msgstr "Genera un database backup delle tabelle WordPress ed esegui subito il download!"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:117
msgid "Download database backup"
@@ -4450,12 +3369,8 @@ msgid "RSS Error: %s"
msgstr "Errore RSS: %s"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:132
-msgid ""
-"An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again "
-msgstr ""
-"Si è verificato un errore, questo significa che probabilmente il feed non è "
-"attivo. Riprovare più tardi."
+msgid "An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again later."
+msgstr "Si è verificato un errore, questo significa che probabilmente il feed non è attivo. Riprovare più tardi."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:146
msgid "Untitled"
@@ -4504,8 +3419,7 @@ msgstr "Backup differenziali su Google Drive e altri servizi di cloud storage."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:259
msgctxt "Pro teaser box"
msgid "Easy-peasy wizards to create and schedule backup jobs."
-msgstr ""
-"Wizard semplici e intuitivi per creare e pianificare i processi di backup."
+msgstr "Wizard semplici e intuitivi per creare e pianificare i processi di backup."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
msgctxt "Pro teaser box, link text"
@@ -4526,7 +3440,8 @@ msgstr "Ottieni subito BackWPup Pro"
msgid "Next scheduled jobs"
msgstr "Prossimi processi pianificati"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:284 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:284
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:164
msgid "Job"
msgstr "Processo"
@@ -4535,7 +3450,8 @@ msgstr "Processo"
msgid "working since %d seconds"
msgstr "in esecuzione da %d secondi"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:309 inc/class-page-jobs.php:608
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:309
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:608
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "Annulla"
@@ -4583,7 +3499,8 @@ msgstr "Cambiamenti per il processo %s salvati."
msgid "Jobs overview"
msgstr "Panoramica processi"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223 inc/class-page-jobs.php:181
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:181
msgid "Run now"
msgstr "Avvia ora"
@@ -4591,7 +3508,9 @@ msgstr "Avvia ora"
msgid "%1$s › Job: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s › Processo: %2$s"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:337 inc/class-page-settings.php:215
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:337
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:215
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:214
msgid "General"
msgstr "Generale"
@@ -4603,7 +3522,8 @@ msgstr "Programma"
msgid "To: %s"
msgstr "Su: %s"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:387 inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:125
msgid "Job Name"
msgstr "Nome del processo"
@@ -4629,12 +3549,8 @@ msgid "Archive name"
msgstr "Nome dell'archivio"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:448
-msgid ""
-"Note: In order for backup file tracking to work, %hash% must be "
-"included anywhere in the archive name."
-msgstr ""
-"Nota: Per il corretto tracciamento del file di backup, il valore "
-"%hash% deve necessariamente essere inserito nel nome dell'archivio."
+msgid "Note: In order for backup file tracking to work, %hash% must be included anywhere in the archive name."
+msgstr "Nota: Per il corretto tracciamento del file di backup, il valore %hash% deve necessariamente essere inserito nel nome dell'archivio."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:454
msgid "Replacement patterns:"
@@ -4700,7 +3616,8 @@ msgstr "%i = Rappresentazione a due cifre del minuto"
msgid "%s = Two digit representation of the second"
msgstr "%s = Rappresentazione a due cifre del secondo"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:475 inc/class-page-editjob.php:478
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:475
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:478
msgid "Archive Format"
msgstr "Formato dell'archivio"
@@ -4708,34 +3625,31 @@ msgstr "Formato dell'archivio"
msgid "ZipArchive PHP class is missing, so BackWPUp will use PclZip instead."
msgstr "Manca la classe PHP ZipArchive, quindi BackWPUp utilizzerà PclZip."
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:491 inc/class-page-editjob.php:498
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:491
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:498
msgid "Disabled due to missing %s PHP function."
msgstr "Disabilitato a causa della mancanza della funzione %s PHP ."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:495
msgid "Not supported yet by the automatic restore functionality"
-msgstr ""
-"La funzionalità automatica di ripristino non è ancora "
-"supportata "
+msgstr "La funzionalità automatica di ripristino non è ancora supportata "
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:506 inc/class-page-editjob.php:511
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:506
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:511
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:520
msgid "Encrypt Archive"
msgstr "Criptazione Archivio"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:524
-msgid ""
-"You must generate your encryption key in BackWPup Settings before you can "
-"enable this option."
-msgstr ""
-"È necessario generare la chiave di criptazione in Impostazioni BackWPup "
-"prima di poter abilitare questa opzione."
+msgid "You must generate your encryption key in BackWPup Settings before you can enable this option."
+msgstr "È necessario generare la chiave di criptazione in Impostazioni BackWPup prima di poter abilitare questa opzione."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:533
msgid "Job Destination"
msgstr "Destinazione processo"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:537 inc/class-page-editjob.php:540
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:537
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:540
msgid "Where should your backup file be stored?"
msgstr "Dove deve essere salvato il file di backup?"
@@ -4748,12 +3662,8 @@ msgid "Send log to email address"
msgstr "Invia il log all'indirizzo mail"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:565
-msgid ""
-"Leave empty to not have log sent. Or separate with , for more than one "
-msgstr ""
-"Lasciare vuoto per non inviare il log. Oppure separare con , per riceverne "
-"più di un destinatario."
+msgid "Leave empty to not have log sent. Or separate with , for more than one receiver."
+msgstr "Lasciare vuoto per non inviare il log. Oppure separare con , per riceverne più di un destinatario."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:569
msgid "Email FROM field"
@@ -4769,15 +3679,14 @@ msgstr "Solo errori"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:580
msgid "Send email with log only when errors occur during job execution."
-msgstr ""
-"Invia e-mail con log solo quando si verificano errori durante l'esecuzione "
-"del processo di backup."
+msgstr "Invia e-mail con log solo quando si verificano errori durante l'esecuzione del processo di backup."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:591
msgid "Job Schedule"
msgstr "Pianifica il processo"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:595 inc/class-page-editjob.php:598
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:595
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:598
msgid "Start job"
msgstr "Avvia il processo"
@@ -4790,12 +3699,8 @@ msgid "with WordPress cron"
msgstr "con il cron di WordPress"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:615
-msgid ""
-"with EasyCron.com"
-msgstr ""
-"con EasyCron.com"
+msgid "with EasyCron.com"
+msgstr "con EasyCron.com"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:617
msgid "First setup API Key."
@@ -4806,29 +3711,23 @@ msgid "with a link"
msgstr "con un link"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:627
-msgid ""
-"Copy the link for an external start. This option has to be activated to make "
-"the link work."
-msgstr ""
-"Copiare il link per un avvio esterno. Questa opzione deve essere attivata "
-"per far funzionare il collegamento."
+msgid "Copy the link for an external start. This option has to be activated to make the link work."
+msgstr "Copiare il link per un avvio esterno. Questa opzione deve essere attivata per far funzionare il collegamento."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:634
msgid "Start job with CLI"
msgstr "Avvia il processo con CLI"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:637
-msgid ""
-"Use WP-CLI to run jobs from commandline."
-msgstr ""
-"Usa WP-CLI per avviare processi da linea "
-"di comando."
+msgid "Use WP-CLI to run jobs from commandline."
+msgstr "Usa WP-CLI per avviare processi da linea di comando."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:642
msgid "Schedule execution time"
msgstr "Programma l'execution time"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:646 inc/class-page-editjob.php:649
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:646
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:649
msgid "Scheduler type"
msgstr "Tipo di pianificazione "
@@ -4844,8 +3743,10 @@ msgstr "avanzata"
msgid "Minutes:"
msgstr "Minuti:"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:759 inc/class-page-editjob.php:772
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:784 inc/class-page-editjob.php:798
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:759
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:772
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:784
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:798
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:820
msgid "Any (*)"
msgstr "Qualsiasi (*)"
@@ -4919,11 +3820,8 @@ msgid "Save changes"
msgstr "Salva cambiamenti"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:941
-msgid ""
-"Working as Cron schedule:"
-msgstr ""
-"Funziona come Cron "
+msgid "Working as Cron schedule:"
+msgstr "Funziona come Cron programmazione:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:950
msgid "ATTENTION: Job runs every %d minutes!"
@@ -4949,7 +3847,8 @@ msgstr "Prossimo avvio"
msgid "Last Run"
msgstr "Ultimo avvio"
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:175 views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:45
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:175
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:45
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Modifica"
@@ -4969,7 +3868,8 @@ msgstr "Non necessario o impostato"
msgid "Running for: %s seconds"
msgstr "In esecuzione da: %s secondi"
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:280 inc/class-page-jobs.php:289
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:280
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:289
msgid "Cron: %s"
msgstr ""
@@ -5011,28 +3911,22 @@ msgstr "Copia di"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:431
msgid "The job \"%s\" destination \"%s\" is not configured properly"
-msgstr ""
-"La destinazione \"%s\" del processo \"%s\" non è adeguatamente configurata"
+msgstr "La destinazione \"%s\" del processo \"%s\" non è adeguatamente configurata"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:436
msgid "The job \"%s\" needs properly configured destinations to run!"
-msgstr ""
-"Per l'avvio del processo \"%s\" devi configurare correttamente le "
+msgstr "Per l'avvio del processo \"%s\" devi configurare correttamente le destinazioni!"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:454
-msgid ""
-"Job \"%s\" has started, but not responded for 10 seconds. Please check information."
-msgstr ""
-"Il processo \"%s\" è stato avviato, ma non risponde da 10 secondi. Controlla "
+msgid "Job \"%s\" has started, but not responded for 10 seconds. Please check information."
+msgstr "Il processo \"%s\" è stato avviato, ma non risponde da 10 secondi. Controlla impostazioni."
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:459
msgid "Job \"%s\" started."
msgstr "Processo \"%s\" avviato."
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:471 inc/class-wp-cli.php:59
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:471
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:59
msgid "Job will be terminated."
msgstr "Il processo verrà terminato."
@@ -5073,12 +3967,8 @@ msgid "Job completed"
msgstr "Processo completato"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
-msgid ""
-"Job has done with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct "
-msgstr ""
-"Il processo è terminato con avvisi in %s secondi. Si prega di risolverli per "
-"la corretta esecuzione."
+msgid "Job has done with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct execution."
+msgstr "Il processo è terminato con avvisi in %s secondi. Si prega di risolverli per la corretta esecuzione."
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:138
msgid "No Logs."
@@ -5126,9 +4016,7 @@ msgstr "File di log non trovato!"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:39
msgid "Please enter a public key first, or generate a key pair."
-msgstr ""
-"Si prega di inserira prima una chiave pubblica o di generare una coppia di "
+msgstr "Si prega di inserira prima una chiave pubblica o di generare una coppia di chiavi."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:40
msgid "Please enter your private key."
@@ -5143,13 +4031,8 @@ msgid "Public key is invalid."
msgstr "La chiave pubblica non è valida."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:43
-msgid ""
-"Please download the private key before continuing. If you do not save it "
-"locally, you cannot decrypt your backups later."
-msgstr ""
-"Si prega di eseguire il download della chiave privata prima di continuare. "
-"Se non lo si salva localmente, non è possibile decriptare i backup in un "
-"secondo momento."
+msgid "Please download the private key before continuing. If you do not save it locally, you cannot decrypt your backups later."
+msgstr "Si prega di eseguire il download della chiave privata prima di continuare. Se non lo si salva localmente, non è possibile decriptare i backup in un secondo momento."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:88
msgid "Settings reset to default"
@@ -5160,6 +4043,7 @@ msgid "Settings saved"
msgstr "Impostazioni salvate"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:210
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:209
msgid "%s › Settings"
msgstr "%s › Impostazioni"
@@ -5168,14 +4052,17 @@ msgid "Encryption"
msgstr "Criptazione"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:219
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:220
msgid "Network"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:220
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:221
msgid "API Keys"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:221
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:222
msgid "Information"
msgstr "Informazioni"
@@ -5199,18 +4086,14 @@ msgstr "Barra di amministrazione"
msgid "Show BackWPup links in admin bar."
msgstr "Mostra il link di BackWPup nella barra di amministrazionea."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:264 inc/class-page-settings.php:269
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:264
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:269
msgid "Folder sizes"
msgstr "Dimensioni cartelle"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:277
-msgid ""
-"Display folder sizes in the files tab when editing a job. (Might increase "
-"loading time of files tab.)"
-msgstr ""
-"Visualizza le dimensioni della cartella nella scheda dei file durante la "
-"modifica di un processo. (Potrebbe aumentare il tempo di caricamento della "
-"scheda file)"
+msgid "Display folder sizes in the files tab when editing a job. (Might increase loading time of files tab.)"
+msgstr "Visualizza le dimensioni della cartella nella scheda dei file durante la modifica di un processo. (Potrebbe aumentare il tempo di caricamento della scheda file)"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:286
msgid "Security"
@@ -5220,25 +4103,18 @@ msgstr "Sicurezza"
msgid "Security option for BackWPup"
msgstr "Opzione di sicurezza per BackWPup"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:290 inc/class-page-settings.php:295
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:290
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:295
msgid "Protect folders"
msgstr "Proteggi le cartelle"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:304
-msgid ""
-"Protect BackWPup folders ( Temp, Log and Backups ) with .htaccess"
-"code> and
-msgstr ""
-"Proteggere le cartelle di BackWPup (Temp, log e backup) con .htaccess"
-"code> e
+msgid "Protect BackWPup folders ( Temp, Log and Backups ) with .htaccess
and index.php
+msgstr "Proteggere le cartelle di BackWPup (Temp, log e backup) con .htaccess
e index.php
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:321
-msgid ""
-"Every time BackWPup runs a backup job, a log file is being generated. Choose "
-"where to store your log files and how many of them."
-msgstr ""
-"Ogni volta che BackWPup esegue un processo di backup, viene generato un file "
-"di log. Scegliere dove memorizzare i file di log e quanti devono essere."
+msgid "Every time BackWPup runs a backup job, a log file is being generated. Choose where to store your log files and how many of them."
+msgstr "Ogni volta che BackWPup esegue un processo di backup, viene generato un file di log. Scegliere dove memorizzare i file di log e quanti devono essere."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:330
msgid "Log file folder"
@@ -5246,9 +4122,7 @@ msgstr "Cartella del file log"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:340
msgid "You can use absolute or relative path! Relative path is relative to %s."
-msgstr ""
-"È possibile utilizzare il percorso assoluto o relativo! Il percorso relativo "
-"è relativo a %s."
+msgstr "È possibile utilizzare il percorso assoluto o relativo! Il percorso relativo è relativo a %s."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:356
msgid "Maximum log files"
@@ -5258,7 +4132,8 @@ msgstr "Numero massimo di file di log"
msgid "Maximum log files in folder."
msgstr "Numero massimo di file di log nella cartella"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:367 inc/class-page-settings.php:370
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:370
msgid "Compression"
msgstr "Compressione"
@@ -5266,7 +4141,8 @@ msgstr "Compressione"
msgid "Compress log files with GZip."
msgstr "Comprimi i file di log con GZip."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387 inc/class-page-settings.php:392
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:392
msgid "Logging Level"
msgstr "Livello di log"
@@ -5287,20 +4163,12 @@ msgid "Debug (not translated)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:416
-msgid ""
-"Debug log has much more informations than normal logs. It is for support and "
-"should be handled carefully. For support is the best to use a not translated "
-"log file. Usage of not translated logs can reduce the PHP memory usage too."
-msgstr ""
-"Il registro di debug ha molte più informazioni del log normale. E' per il "
-"supporto e deve essere maneggiato con cura. Per il supporto è meglio "
-"utilizzare un file di log non tradotto. L'uso di registri non tradotti è in "
-"grado di ridurre l'eccessivo utilizzo della memoria PHP."
+msgid "Debug log has much more informations than normal logs. It is for support and should be handled carefully. For support is the best to use a not translated log file. Usage of not translated logs can reduce the PHP memory usage too."
+msgstr "Il registro di debug ha molte più informazioni del log normale. E' per il supporto e deve essere maneggiato con cura. Per il supporto è meglio utilizzare un file di log non tradotto. L'uso di registri non tradotti è in grado di ridurre l'eccessivo utilizzo della memoria PHP."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:429
msgid "There are a couple of general options for backup jobs. Set them here."
-msgstr ""
-"Ci sono un paio di opzioni generali per i processi di backup. Impostali qui."
+msgstr "Ci sono un paio di opzioni generali per i processi di backup. Impostali qui."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:437
msgid "Maximum number of retries for job steps"
@@ -5319,17 +4187,8 @@ msgid "seconds."
msgstr "secondi."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:464
-msgid ""
-"Job will restart before hitting maximum execution time. Restarts will be "
-"disabled on CLI usage. If ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
has been defined, "
-"WordPress Cron will be used for restarts, so it can take a while. 0 means no "
-msgstr ""
-"Il processo ripartirà prima di raggiungere il tempo massimo di esecuzione "
-"consentito. I riavvii verranno disabilitati sull'utilizzo CLI. Se "
è stato definito, il Cron di WordPress verrà "
-"utilizzato per il riavvio, quindi potrà impiegare un po' di tempo. 0 "
-"significa nessuna massimo."
+msgid "Job will restart before hitting maximum execution time. Restarts will be disabled on CLI usage. If ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
has been defined, WordPress Cron will be used for restarts, so it can take a while. 0 means no maximum."
+msgstr "Il processo ripartirà prima di raggiungere il tempo massimo di esecuzione consentito. I riavvii verranno disabilitati sull'utilizzo CLI. Se ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
è stato definito, il Cron di WordPress verrà utilizzato per il riavvio, quindi potrà impiegare un po' di tempo. 0 significa nessuna massimo."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:476
msgid "Key to start jobs externally with an URL"
@@ -5337,11 +4196,10 @@ msgstr "Chiave per iniziare i processi esternamente con un URL"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:484
msgid "Will be used to protect job starts from unauthorized person."
-msgstr ""
-"Saranno utilizzati per proteggere gli avvii dei processi da persone non "
+msgstr "Saranno utilizzati per proteggere gli avvii dei processi da persone non autorizzate."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:492 inc/class-page-settings.php:497
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:492
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:497
msgid "Reduce server load"
msgstr "Ridurre il carico del server"
@@ -5362,545 +4220,567 @@ msgid "maximum"
msgstr "massimo"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:521
-msgid ""
-"This adds short pauses to the process. Can be used to reduce the CPU load."
-msgstr ""
-"Questo aggiunge brevi pause al processo. Può essere utilizzato per ridurre "
-"il carico della CPU."
+msgid "This adds short pauses to the process. Can be used to reduce the CPU load."
+msgstr "Questo aggiunge brevi pause al processo. Può essere utilizzato per ridurre il carico della CPU."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:530
msgid "Empty output on working"
msgstr "Output vuoto sul processo di backup."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:535 inc/class-page-settings.php:546
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:535
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:546
msgid "Enable an empty Output on backup working."
msgstr "Abilita un output vuoto sul processo di backup."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:549
-msgid ""
-"This do an empty output on job working. This can help in some situations or "
-"can brake the working. You must test it."
-msgstr ""
-"Questo crea un output vuoto sul processo di backup. Questo può aiutare in "
-"alcune situazioni o può frenare il lavoro. È necessario verificarlo."
+msgid "This do an empty output on job working. This can help in some situations or can brake the working. You must test it."
+msgstr "Questo crea un output vuoto sul processo di backup. Questo può aiutare in alcune situazioni o può frenare il lavoro. È necessario verificarlo."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:558
msgid "Windows IIS compatibility"
msgstr "Compatibilità Windows IIS"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:563 inc/class-page-settings.php:574
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:563
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:574
msgid "Enable compatibility with IIS on Windows."
msgstr "Abilita la compatibilità con Windows IIS."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:577
-msgid ""
-"There is a PHP bug (bug #43817), "
-"which is triggered on some versions of Windows and IIS. Checking this box "
-"will enable a workaround for that bug. Only enable if you are getting errors "
-"about “Permission denied” in your logs."
-msgstr ""
-"Esiste un bug PHP (bug #43817), "
-"che si verifica in alcune versioni di Windows e IIS. Selezionando questa "
-"opzione verrà attivato un meccanismo di gestione di tale bug. Utilizza tale "
-"opzione solamente se stai rilevando errori del tipo “Permission "
-"denied” nei tuoi log."
+msgid "There is a PHP bug (bug #43817), which is triggered on some versions of Windows and IIS. Checking this box will enable a workaround for that bug. Only enable if you are getting errors about “Permission denied” in your logs."
+msgstr "Esiste un bug PHP (bug #43817), che si verifica in alcune versioni di Windows e IIS. Selezionando questa opzione verrà attivato un meccanismo di gestione di tale bug. Utilizza tale opzione solamente se stai rilevando errori del tipo “Permission denied” nei tuoi log."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:593
msgid "Here you can set your keys for encrypting your backups."
msgstr "Qui puoi impostare le tue chiavi per criptare i tuoi backup."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:601
-msgid ""
-"If you select symmetric encryption (default), you can generate a 256-bit key "
-"by clicking Generate Key
-msgstr ""
-"Selezionando la criptazione simmetrica (default), è possibile generare una "
-"chiave a 256 bit selezionando Genera Chiave
+msgid "If you select symmetric encryption (default), you can generate a 256-bit key by clicking Generate Key
+msgstr "Selezionando la criptazione simmetrica (default), è possibile generare una chiave a 256 bit selezionando Genera Chiave
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:611
-msgid ""
-"If you select asymmetric encryption (more secure), you must have an RSA "
-"public/private key pair. You would enter the public key in the Public "
field. If you do not have a key pair, click Generate Key "
and they will be generated for you."
-msgstr ""
-"Per utilizzare la criptazione asimmetrica (più sicura), devi avere una "
-"coppia di chiavi RSA, una pubblica e una privata. La chiave pubblica deve "
-"essere inserita nel campo Chiave Pubblica
. Se non hai una "
-"coppia di chiavi, seleziona Genera Chiavi
e una nuova coppia "
-"sarà generata."
+msgid "If you select asymmetric encryption (more secure), you must have an RSA public/private key pair. You would enter the public key in the Public Key
field. If you do not have a key pair, click Generate Key Pair
and they will be generated for you."
+msgstr "Per utilizzare la criptazione asimmetrica (più sicura), devi avere una coppia di chiavi RSA, una pubblica e una privata. La chiave pubblica deve essere inserita nel campo Chiave Pubblica
. Se non hai una coppia di chiavi, seleziona Genera Chiavi
e una nuova coppia sarà generata."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:621
-msgid ""
-"Note: You will be asked to download the keys for safe "
-"storage. We do not keep a copy of the private key, so if you lose this, your "
-"data cannot be decrypted!"
-msgstr ""
-"Nota: Ti verrà chiesto di eseguire il download delle "
-"chiavi. Non conserviamo una copia della chiave privata, quindi se la perdi, "
-"i tuoi dati non potranno più essere decifrati!"
+msgid "Note: You will be asked to download the keys for safe storage. We do not keep a copy of the private key, so if you lose this, your data cannot be decrypted!"
+msgstr "Nota: Ti verrà chiesto di eseguire il download delle chiavi. Non conserviamo una copia della chiave privata, quindi se la perdi, i tuoi dati non potranno più essere decifrati!"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:631
-msgid ""
-"You can also click Validate
to validate that you have the "
-"proper private key for the given public key."
-msgstr ""
-"Puoi anche fare clic su Verifica code> per verificare che la chiave "
-"privata sia appropriata per la chiave pubblica fornita."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:641
-msgid "Encryption is a pro-only feature."
-msgstr "La funzionalità di criptazione è disponibile solo nella versione Pro."
+msgid "You can also click
to validate that you have the proper private key for the given public key."
+msgstr "Puoi anche fare clic su Verifica code> per verificare che la chiave privata sia appropriata per la chiave pubblica fornita."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:645 inc/class-page-settings.php:999
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:645
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:999
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:988
msgid "https://backwpup.com"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:646 inc/class-page-settings.php:1000
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:646
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1000
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:989
msgid "Get Pro"
msgstr "Passa alla versione Pro."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:654
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:642
msgid "Encryption Type"
msgstr "Tipo di Criptazione"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:661
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:649
msgid "Symmetric (public key only)"
msgstr "Simmetrica (solo con chiave pubblica)"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:667
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:655
msgid "Asymmetric (public and private key)"
msgstr "Asimmetrica (con chiave pubblica e chiave privata)"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:673 inc/class-page-settings.php:679
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:673
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:679
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:661
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:667
msgid "Encryption Key"
msgstr "Chiave di criptazione"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:684
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:672
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Chiave"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:696
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:684
msgid "Click below to generate a random key."
msgstr "Fai clic qui sotto per generare una chiave casuale."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:699
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:687
msgid "Generate Key"
msgstr "Genera Chiave"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:708 inc/class-page-settings.php:713
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:708
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:713
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:773
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:696
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:701
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:762
msgid "Public Key"
msgstr "Chiave Pubblica"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:716
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:704
msgid "RSA Public Key"
msgstr "Chiave Pubblica RSA"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:728 inc/class-page-settings.php:729
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:728
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:729
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:716
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:717
msgid "Generate Key Pair"
msgstr "Genera Chiavi"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:734
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:722
msgid "Validate Key"
msgstr "Verifica Chiave"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:735 inc/class-page-settings.php:759
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:735
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:759
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:723
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:748
msgid "Validate"
msgstr "Verifica"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:746
-msgid ""
-"Enter your private key below to validate it will work with the provided "
-"public key."
-msgstr ""
-"Inserisci la tua chiave privata qui sotto per verificarne la compatibilità "
-"con la chiave pubblica fornita."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:735
+msgid "Enter your private key below to validate it will work with the provided public key."
+msgstr "Inserisci la tua chiave privata qui sotto per verificarne la compatibilità con la chiave pubblica fornita."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:749
-msgid ""
-"The private key will not be stored, so you must still securely store it "
-msgstr ""
-"La chiave privata non verrà memorizzata, quindi devi provvedere "
-"autonomamente a conservarla in un luogo sicuro."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:738
+msgid "The private key will not be stored, so you must still securely store it yourself."
+msgstr "La chiave privata non verrà memorizzata, quindi devi provvedere autonomamente a conservarla in un luogo sicuro."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:765
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:754
msgid "Your keys are being generated. Please hold a moment …"
msgstr "Le tue chiavi sono state generate. Attendere prego …"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:769
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:758
msgid "Here are your keys. Please store them in a safe location."
msgstr "Ecco le tue chiavi. Ricordati di conservarle in un posto sicuro."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:794
-msgid ""
-"Please download at least your private key above, as we will not store this "
-"key, and if you lose it, your backups cannot be decrypted."
-msgstr ""
-"Si prega di eseguire il download almeno della chiave privata qui sopra "
-"riportata, poichè il sistema non la memorizzerà, e se la perderai, i tuoi "
-"backup non potranno più essere decriptati."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:783
+msgid "Please download at least your private key above, as we will not store this key, and if you lose it, your backups cannot be decrypted."
+msgstr "Si prega di eseguire il download almeno della chiave privata qui sopra riportata, poichè il sistema non la memorizzerà, e se la perderai, i tuoi backup non potranno più essere decriptati."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:797
-msgid ""
-"Click the button below to use these keys and paste the public key into the "
-"RSA public key field above."
-msgstr ""
-"Premi il pulsante qui sotto per utilizzare queste chiavi e incolla la chiave "
-"pubblica nel campo chiave pubblica RSA qui sopra riportato."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:786
+msgid "Click the button below to use these keys and paste the public key into the RSA public key field above."
+msgstr "Premi il pulsante qui sotto per utilizzare queste chiavi e incolla la chiave pubblica nel campo chiave pubblica RSA qui sopra riportato."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:801
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:790
msgid "Use These Keys"
msgstr "Utilizza queste Chiavi"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:812
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:801
msgid "Authentication for
msgstr "Autenticazione per %s
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:819
-msgid ""
-"If you protected your blog with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess), or "
-"you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php, then use the authentication methods "
-msgstr ""
-"Se hai protetto il tuo blog con l'autenticazione di base HTTP (.htaccess), "
-"oppure utilizzi un plugin per garantire wp-cron.php, utilizza i metodi di "
-"autenticazione di seguito riportati."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:835 inc/class-page-settings.php:840
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:808
+msgid "If you protected your blog with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess), or you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php, then use the authentication methods below."
+msgstr "Se hai protetto il tuo blog con l'autenticazione di base HTTP (.htaccess), oppure utilizzi un plugin per garantire wp-cron.php, utilizza i metodi di autenticazione di seguito riportati."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:835
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:840
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:824
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:829
msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "Metodo di autenticazione"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:852
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:841
msgid "Basic auth"
msgstr "Autenticazione di base"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:856
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:845
msgid "WordPress User"
msgstr "Utente WordPress"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:860
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:849
msgid "Query argument"
msgstr "Argomento della query"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:871
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:860
msgid "Basic Auth Username:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:888
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:877
msgid "Basic Auth Password:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:902 inc/class-page-settings.php:905
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:902
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:905
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:891
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:894
msgid "Select WordPress User"
msgstr "Seleziona l'utente Wordpress"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:938
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:927
msgid "Query arg key=value:"
msgstr "Argomento query chiave=valore"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:966
-msgid ""
-"Experiencing an issue and need to contact BackWPup support? Click the link "
-"below to get debug information you can send to us."
-msgstr ""
-"Si è verificato un problema e hai bisogno di contattare il supporto "
-"BackWPup? Fai click sul link qui sotto per ottenere le informazioni di debug "
-"che puoi inviarci per aiutarti a risolvere il problema."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:955
+msgid "Experiencing an issue and need to contact BackWPup support? Click the link below to get debug information you can send to us."
+msgstr "Si è verificato un problema e hai bisogno di contattare il supporto BackWPup? Fai click sul link qui sotto per ottenere le informazioni di debug che puoi inviarci per aiutarti a risolvere il problema."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:973 inc/class-page-settings.php:1068
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:973
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1068
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:962
msgid "Debug Info"
msgstr "Informazioni di debug"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:977
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:966
msgid "Get Debug Info"
msgstr "Ottieni le informazioni di Debug"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:984
-msgid ""
-"You will find debug information below. Click the button to copy the debug "
-"info to send to support."
-msgstr ""
-"Qui sotto trovi le informazioni di Debug. Premi il pulsante per copiarle e "
-"poterle inviarle poi al supporto."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:973
+msgid "You will find debug information below. Click the button to copy the debug info to send to support."
+msgstr "Qui sotto trovi le informazioni di Debug. Premi il pulsante per copiarle e poterle inviarle poi al supporto."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1011
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1000
msgid "Copy Debug Info"
msgstr "Copia le informazioni di Debug"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1016
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1005
msgid "Debug info copied to clipboard."
msgstr "Informazioni di Debug copiate."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1024
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1013
msgid "Could not copy debug info. You can simply press ctrl+C to copy it."
-msgstr ""
-"Non è stato possibile copiare le informazioni di Debug. Puoi semplicemente "
-"premere ctrl+C per copiarle."
+msgstr "Non è stato possibile copiare le informazioni di Debug. Puoi semplicemente premere ctrl+C per copiarle."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1077 inc/class-page-settings.php:1081
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1077
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1081
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1066
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1070
msgid "Setting"
msgstr "Impostazione"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1077 inc/class-page-settings.php:1081
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1077
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1081
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1066
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1070
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Valore"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1100
-msgid "Save Changes"
-msgstr "Salva le modifiche"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1105
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1094
msgid "Reset all settings to default"
msgstr "Imposta tutti i valori a quelli di default"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1126
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1115
msgid "WordPress version"
msgstr "Versione WordPress"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1131
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1120
msgid "BackWPup version"
msgstr "Versione BackWPup "
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1135
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1124
msgid "Get pro."
msgstr "Ottieni Pro."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1137
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1126
msgid "BackWPup Pro version"
msgstr "Versione BackWPup Pro"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1142
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1131
msgid "PHP version"
msgstr "Versione PHP"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1152
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1141
msgid "MySQL version"
msgstr "Versione MySQL"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1156
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1145
msgid "cURL version"
msgstr "Versione cURL"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1160
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1149
msgid "cURL SSL version"
msgstr "Versione cURL SSL "
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1163
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1152
msgid "unavailable"
msgstr "Non disponibile"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1167
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1156
msgid "WP-Cron url"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1171
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1160
msgid "Server self connect"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1177
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1166
msgid "Not expected HTTP response:"
msgstr "Risposta HTTP non prevista:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1178
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1167
msgid "Not expected HTTP response:
msgstr "Risposta HTTP non prevista:
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1181
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1170
msgid "WP Http Error: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1185
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1174
msgid "WP Http Error: %s
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1189
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1178
msgid "Status-Code: %d"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1191
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1180
msgid "Status-Code: %d
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1204
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1193
msgid "Content: %s"
msgstr "Contenuto: %s"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1206
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1195
msgid "Content: %s
msgstr "Contenuto: %s
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1211
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1200
msgid "Response Test O.K."
msgstr "Risposta Test O.K."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1220
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1209
msgid "Temp folder"
msgstr "Cartella Temp"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1223
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1212
msgid "Temp folder %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "La cartella Temp %s non esiste."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1228
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1217
msgid "Temporary folder %s is not writable."
msgstr "La cartella temporanea %s non ha accesso in scrittura."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1236
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1225
msgid "Log folder"
msgstr "Cartella del log"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1242
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1231
msgid "Log folder %s does not exist."
msgstr "La cartella del log %s non esiste."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1247
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1236
msgid "Log folder %s is not writable."
msgstr "La cartella del log %s non ha accesso in scrittura"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1255
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1244
msgid "Server"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1259
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1248
msgid "Operating System"
msgstr "Sistema Operativo"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1263
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1252
msgid "PHP SAPI"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1267
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1256
msgid "Current PHP user"
msgstr "Utente PHP attuale"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1271
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1260
msgid "Function Disabled"
msgstr "Funzione disabilitata"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1275
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1264
msgid "Maximum execution time"
msgstr "Tempo di esecuzione massimo"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1277 inc/class-page-settings.php:1284
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1277
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1284
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1266
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1273
msgid "%d seconds"
msgstr "%d secondi"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1282
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1271
msgid "BackWPup maximum script execution time"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1289
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1278
msgid "Alternative WP Cron"
msgstr "WP cron alternativo"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1291 inc/class-page-settings.php:1299
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1291
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1299
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1280
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1288
msgid "On"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1293 inc/class-page-settings.php:1301
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1293
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1301
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1282
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1290
msgid "Off"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1297
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1286
msgid "Disabled WP Cron"
msgstr "Disabilita WP Cron"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1305
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1294
msgid "CHMOD Dir"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1313
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1302
msgid "Server Time"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1318
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1307
msgid "Blog Time"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1322
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1311
msgid "Blog Timezone"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1326
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1315
msgid "Blog Time offset"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1328
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1317
msgid "%s hours"
msgstr "%s ore"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1333
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1322
msgid "Blog language"
msgstr "Lingua del blog"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1337
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1326
msgid "MySQL Client encoding"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1341
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1330
msgid "PHP Memory limit"
msgstr "PHP limite della memoria"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1345
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1334
msgid "WP memory limit"
msgstr "WP limite della memoria"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1349
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1338
msgid "WP maximum memory limit"
msgstr "WP limite massimo della memoria"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1353
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1342
msgid "Memory in use"
msgstr "Memoria in uso"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1359
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1348
msgid "Disabled PHP Functions:"
msgstr "Funzioni PHP disabilitate:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1364
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1353
msgid "Loaded PHP Extensions:"
msgstr "Estensione PHP caricate:"
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:67
msgctxt "%1 = extension name, %2 = file suffix"
msgid "We recommend to install the %1$s extension to generate %2$s archives."
-msgstr ""
-"Si consiglia di installare l'estensione %1$s per generare gli archivi %2$s."
+msgstr "Si consiglia di installare l'estensione %1$s per generare gli archivi %2$s."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:77
-msgid ""
-"You must run WordPress version %1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are "
-"using version %2$s now."
-msgstr ""
-"Per usare questo plugin è necessario eseguire WordPress versione %1$s o "
-"superiore. Attualmente si utilizza la versione %2$s."
+msgid "You must run WordPress version %1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %2$s now."
+msgstr "Per usare questo plugin è necessario eseguire WordPress versione %1$s o superiore. Attualmente si utilizza la versione %2$s."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:88
-msgid ""
-"We recommend to run a PHP version above %1$s to get the full plugin "
-"functionality. You are using version %2$s now."
-msgstr ""
-"Si consiglia di usare una versione di PHP maggiore della %1$s per poter "
-"sfruttare a pieno il plug-in. Attualmente si sta utilizzando la versione "
+msgid "We recommend to run a PHP version above %1$s to get the full plugin functionality. You are using version %2$s now."
+msgstr "Si consiglia di usare una versione di PHP maggiore della %1$s per poter sfruttare a pieno il plug-in. Attualmente si sta utilizzando la versione %2$s."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:100
-msgid ""
-"You must have the MySQLi extension installed and a MySQL server version of "
-"%1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %2$s now."
-msgstr ""
-"È necessario avere l'estensione MySQLi installata e una versione server "
-"MySQL di %1$s o superiore per usare questo plugin. Ora si utilizza la "
-"versione %2$s."
+msgid "You must have the MySQLi extension installed and a MySQL server version of %1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %2$s now."
+msgstr "È necessario avere l'estensione MySQLi installata e una versione server MySQL di %1$s o superiore per usare questo plugin. Ora si utilizza la versione %2$s."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:112
-msgid ""
-"PHP cURL extension must be installed to use the full plugin functionality."
-msgstr ""
-"L'estensione PHP cURL deve essere istallata per usare le funzionalità del "
-"plugin in modo completo."
+msgid "PHP cURL extension must be installed to use the full plugin functionality."
+msgstr "L'estensione PHP cURL deve essere istallata per usare le funzionalità del plugin in modo completo."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:136
msgctxt "Link to PHP manual"
@@ -5908,24 +4788,16 @@ msgid "Please disable the deprecated PHP safe mode."
msgstr "Disabilita PHP safe mode poichè non più valida."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:146
-msgid ""
-"We recommend to install the PHP FTP extension to use the FTP backup "
-msgstr ""
-"Si raccomanda di istallare l'estensione PHP FTP per usare la destinazione di "
-"backup FTP."
+msgid "We recommend to install the PHP FTP extension to use the FTP backup destination."
+msgstr "Si raccomanda di istallare l'estensione PHP FTP per usare la destinazione di backup FTP."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:164
msgid "The HTTP response test result is an error: \"%s\"."
msgstr "C'è un errore nella risposta del test HTTP: \"%s\"."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:175
-msgid ""
-"The HTTP response test result is a wrong HTTP status: %s. It should be "
-"status 200."
-msgstr ""
-"La risposta del test HTTP riporta un stato errato HTTP: %s. Dovrebbe essere "
+msgid "The HTTP response test result is a wrong HTTP status: %s. It should be status 200."
+msgstr "La risposta del test HTTP riporta un stato errato HTTP: %s. Dovrebbe essere 200."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:193
msgid "Yeah!"
@@ -5937,20 +4809,15 @@ msgstr "Tutti i test sono stati passati senza errori."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:220
msgid "WP-Cron seems to be broken. But it is needed to run scheduled jobs."
-msgstr ""
-"WP-Cron sembra non funzionare. Ma è necessario per eseguire processi "
+msgstr "WP-Cron sembra non funzionare. Ma è necessario per eseguire processi pianificati."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:239
msgid "There are errors. Please correct them, or BackWPup cannot work."
-msgstr ""
-"Ci sono errori. Si prega di correggerli, o BackWPup non può funzionare."
+msgstr "Ci sono errori. Si prega di correggerli, o BackWPup non può funzionare."
#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:261
msgid "There are some warnings. BackWPup will work, but with limitations."
-msgstr ""
-"Non c'è alcun errore, ma alcune avvisi. BackWPup continuerà a funzionare, ma "
-"con limitazioni."
+msgstr "Non c'è alcun errore, ma alcune avvisi. BackWPup continuerà a funzionare, ma con limitazioni."
#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:23
msgid "A job is already running."
@@ -5997,12 +4864,8 @@ msgid "Database restored successfully."
msgstr "Il Database è stato ripristinato con successo."
#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:13
-msgid ""
-"Ops! There was an error during database restore. Please see the log for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Ops! Si è verificato un errore durante il ripristino del database. Si prega "
-"di esaminare i log per maggiori informazioni. "
+msgid "Ops! There was an error during database restore. Please see the log for more information."
+msgstr "Ops! Si è verificato un errore durante il ripristino del database. Si prega di esaminare i log per maggiori informazioni. "
#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:17
msgid "Restoring: "
@@ -6016,398 +4879,35 @@ msgstr "Nessun EventSource trovato nel browser. Impossibile continuare."
msgid "Directories restored successfully."
msgstr "Le Cartelle sono state ripristinate con successo."
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/CronController.php:80
-msgid "Every %d days"
-msgstr "Ogni %d giorni"
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/FrontController.php:143
-msgid "%s needs your help"
-msgstr "%s ha bisogno del tuo aiuto"
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/FrontController.php:144
-msgid "Help %s"
-msgstr "Aiuta %s"
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:28
-msgid "Yes, I agree."
-msgstr "Si, ho capito."
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:45
-msgid "I have to think about that, ask me later."
-msgstr "Ci devo pensare, chiedimelo più avanti."
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:62
-msgid "Please no. Don't ask me again."
-msgstr "No, grazie. Non chiedermelo più."
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:84
-msgid "More info"
-msgstr "Maggiori informazioni"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:37
-msgid "Select Archive"
-msgstr "Seleziona archivio"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:38
-msgid "or"
-msgstr "o"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:39
-msgid "Drop file here"
-msgstr "Trascina il file qui"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:42
-msgid "Supported archive format zip,tar,tar.gz,tar.bz2"
-msgstr "Formato di archivio supportato zip, tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_top.php:2
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Backup Upload"
-msgstr "Esegui il backup della cartella uploads"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_top.php:5
-msgid ""
-"Welcome to BackWPup Restore. This tool helps you to restore a backup of your "
-"WordPress installation. Each step of the restore process will be explained "
-"in this box to get you quickly running."
-msgstr ""
-"Benvenuto in BackWPup Restore. Questo strumento ti aiuta a ripristinare un "
-"backup della tua installazione di WordPress. Ogni fase del processo di "
-"ripristino verrà qui spiegata per farti rapidamente utilizzare la "
-"funzionalità di ripristino."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_top.php:10
-msgid ""
-"The first step is to upload a backup file. You can simply drag'n'drop a ZIP "
-"file of your backup into the box below or click on the `Select Archive` "
-"button and select the file using the file explorer."
-msgstr ""
-"Il primo passo è caricare un file di backup. Puoi semplicemente trascinare "
-"un file ZIP del tuo backup nella casella sottostante o fare clic sul "
-"pulsante \"Seleziona archivio\" e selezionare il file utilizzando il file "
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_top.php:14
-msgid ""
-"The upload of the file should start automatically and you will be lead to "
-"the next step."
-msgstr ""
-"Il caricamento del file dovrebbe essere avviato automaticamente e sarai "
-"guidato al passaggio successivo."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_top.php:17
-msgid "Note: Only backups done with BackWPup can be restored."
-msgstr "Nota: è possibile ripristinare solo i backup eseguiti con BackWPup."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:9
-msgid "Choose your restore strategy."
-msgstr "Scegli la tua strategia di ripristino."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:15
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:6
-msgid "Full Restore"
-msgstr "Ripristino Completo"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:21
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:16
-msgid "Database Only"
-msgstr "Solo Database"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:25
-msgid "Restore Database."
-msgstr "Ripristina il Database."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:31
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:54
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Continua"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:37
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be a problem with the archive. It is neither an archive nor a "
-"SQL file. Try again and repeat the upload."
-msgstr ""
-"Sembra esserci un problema con l'archivio. Non è né un archivio né un file "
-"SQL. Riprova e ripeti il caricamento."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:2
-msgid "Select Strategy"
-msgstr "Seleziona la strategia"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:4
-msgid ""
-"This page provides two options you can choose from. Your decision affects "
-"the behavior of the restore process and decides which files are going to be "
-msgstr ""
-"Questa pagina offre due opzioni tra cui è possibile scegliere. La decisione "
-"influisce sul comportamento del processo di ripristino e decide quali file "
-"verranno ripristinati."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:10
-msgid ""
-"This option restores everything. Your database as well as all files within "
-"the backup are restored. The backup usually holds files from your wp-"
-msgstr ""
-"Questa opzione ripristina tutto. Il database e tutti i file all'interno del "
-"backup vengono ripristinati. Il backup di solito contiene file dalla "
-"directory wp-content / code>."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:17
-msgid ""
-"The second option is a database only restore. Choosing this option will "
-"restore only the database dump. No files will be restored."
-msgstr ""
-"La seconda opzione è un ripristino solo del database. Scegliendo questa "
-"opzione si ripristinerà solo il dump del database. Nessun file verrà "
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:20
-msgid ""
-"Note: Only Full Restore can be done, if everything is also "
-"included in the zip file. If your zip file is only including a database, "
-"then only a Database only restore can be made."
-msgstr ""
-"Nota: è possibile eseguire solo il Ripristino completo strong>, "
-"se tutto è incluso anche nel file zip. Se il file zip include solo un "
-"database, può essere eseguito esclusivamente un ripristino Solo "
-"Database strong>."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:6
-msgid "Database Connection Settings."
-msgstr "impostazioni Connessione Database"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:13
-msgid "Database Host"
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:64
+msgid "Could not read data from source file."
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:19
-msgid "Database Name"
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:69
+msgid "Could not write data into target file."
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:25
-msgid "Database User"
+#. translators: $1 is the path of the local file where the backup will be stored
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:141
+msgid "%s is a directory not a file."
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:31
-msgid "Database Password"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:102
+msgid "Multipart splits file into multiple chunks while uploading.
This is necessary for displaying the upload process and to transfer bigger files.
Don't work with Google or Dreamhost."
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:39
-msgid "Database Charset"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:575
+msgid "Seems is not possible to store your private key, be sure the directory %s is writable."
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:49
-msgid "Test Connection"
-msgstr "Verifica la Connessione"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_top.php:2
-msgid "Database Settings"
-msgstr "Impostazioni Database"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_top.php:4
-msgid ""
-"Before the actually restore can take place you need to tell us some "
-"information about your database. Probably, these information are the same as "
-"your WordPress database. The restore will overwrite all information within "
-"this database. So make sure you choose the correct database."
-msgstr ""
-"Prima che il ripristino effettivo possa aver luogo, è necessario comunicarci "
-"alcune informazioni sul database. Probabilmente, queste informazioni sono le "
-"stesse del tuo database WordPress. Il ripristino sovrascriverà tutte le "
-"informazioni all'interno di questo database. Quindi assicurati di scegliere "
-"il database corretto."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_top.php:6
-msgid ""
-"You can use the Test Connection button below to test, you "
-"guessed it, your connection to the database.\n"
-"\t\t\t\tIf everything is fine a green message box will appear. Otherwise, a "
-"red message box will tell you more about the problem.\n"
-"\t\t\t\tYou can only continue when a working connection to the database "
-"could be established."
-msgstr ""
-"Puoi utilizzare il pulsante Verifica Connessione strong> qui "
-"sotto per testare, hai indovinato, la tua connessione al database.\n"
-"\t\t\t\tSe tutto va bene, verrà visualizzata una finestra di messaggio "
-"verde. Altrimenti, una finestra di messaggio rossa riporterà informazioni "
-"sul problemas riscontrato.\n"
-"\t\t\t\tÈ possibile continuare solo quando è possibile stabilire una "
-"connessione funzionante al database."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_top.php:13
-msgid ""
-"Having trouble getting your database connection settings? Go to documentation to get more information."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:981
+msgid "Note: Would you like faster, more streamlined support? Pro users can contact BackWPup from right within the plugin."
msgstr ""
-"Hai problemi ad ottenere le impostazioni di connessione del tuo database? Vai alla documentazione per ottenere ulteriori "
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step4_action.php:8
-msgid "Restore Progress."
-msgstr "Stato Avanzamento Ripristino."
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step4_action.php:20
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Start"
-msgstr "Inizio processo"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step4_top.php:5
-msgid ""
-"You reached the last step. Now you're ready to restore the data. Simply "
-"press the Start button and the restore starts."
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:71
+msgid "Could not write data to file. Empty source file."
msgstr ""
-"Hai raggiunto l'ultimo passaggio. Ora sei pronto per ripristinare i dati. "
-"Basta premere il pulsante Start strong> per avviare il "
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step5_top.php:2
-msgid "Success"
-msgstr "Successo"
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step5_top.php:5
-msgid "Your restore was successful and everything should be back to normal."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:452
+msgid "Preview: "
msgstr ""
-"Il tuo ripristino è andato a buon fine e tutto dovrebbe essere tornato alla "
-#. Plugin Name of the plugin/theme
-msgid "BackWPup Pro"
-msgstr "BackWPup Pro"
-#. Description of the plugin/theme
-msgid "WordPress Backup Plugin"
-msgstr "Esegui il backup dei plugins"
-#. Author of the plugin/theme
-msgid "Inpsyde GmbH"
-msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Disabled due to missing %s PHP class."
-#~ msgstr "Disabilitato a causa della mancanza della classe %s PHP ."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Note: Would you like faster, more streamlined support? "
-#~ "Pro users can contact BackWPup from right within the plugin."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Nota: Vorresti un supporto più rapido? Gli utenti Pro "
-#~ "possono contattare BackWPup direttamente dal plug-in."
-#~ msgid "Delete not existing files from Dropbox"
-#~ msgstr "Cancellati file non esistente da Dropbox"
-#~ msgid "SQL File (with mysqldump)"
-#~ msgstr "SQL File (con mysqldump)"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "No logs could be found. If you want to attach a log, please run a job first."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Impossibile trovare illog. Se desideri allegare un log, si prega si avviare prima un processo."
-#~ msgid "Download log"
-#~ msgstr "Download log"
-#~ msgid "Join us as beta tester!"
-#~ msgstr "Unisciti a noi come beta tester!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "To ensure that our releases are as bug-free as possible, we need you as a "
-#~ "beta tester!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Per assicurarci che le nuove versioni siano il pi\\ possibile prive di "
-#~ "difetti, abbiamo bisogno di come beta tester!"
-#~ msgid "ZIP archive cannot be closed correctly."
-#~ msgstr "Impossibile chiudere correttamente l'archivio ZIp."
-#~ msgid "Cannot open source file %s for archiving"
-#~ msgstr "Impossibile aprire il file di risorsa %s per l'archiviazione"
-#~ msgid "FTP: Login failure!"
-#~ msgstr "FTP: Login fallito!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With the upcoming major release, BackWPup will be requiring PHP version "
-#~ "5.3 or higher."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Con l'imminente release, BackWPup richiederà la versione di PHP 5.3 o "
-#~ "superiore."
-#~ msgid "Currently, you are running PHP version 5.2."
-#~ msgstr "Attualmente, hai la versione PHP 5.2."
-#~ msgid "Please urgently read here!"
-#~ msgstr "Pre favore, leggi qui al più presto."
-#~ msgid "Don't show again."
-#~ msgstr "Non mostrare di nuovo."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "BackWPup has determined, your installation is still running on the old "
-#~ "PHP 5.2 version."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "BackWPup ha riscontrato che nel sistema corrente è ancora una vecchia "
-#~ "versione di PHP, la 5.2."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "In order to ensure a fast and secure development for BackWPup, we will "
-#~ "most likely not support PHP version 5.2 in our next version."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Al fine di garantire uno sviluppo veloce e sicuro per BackWPup, molto "
-#~ "probabilmente non supporterremo PHP 5.2 nella prossima versione del "
-#~ "plugin."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "No need to worry, your host can update your PHP version relatively "
-#~ "quickly and without any problems."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Non preoccuparti, il tuo servizio hosting può aggiornare la propria "
-#~ "versione di PHP in tempi relativamente brevi e senza problemi."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Otherwise you can continue to stay on this last version and do not update "
-#~ "the plugin in the future!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "In caso contrario, è possibile continuare a rimanere su questa ultima "
-#~ "versione e non senza aggiornare il plug-in in futuro!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If the response from PHP 5.2 users is surprisingly high, we will "
-#~ "eventually keep support for PHP 5.2 for a while."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Se la risposta degli utenti PHP 5.2 è sorprendentemente alta, "
-#~ "continueremo il supporto per PHP 5.2 per un po' di tempo."
-#~ msgid "Cheers!"
-#~ msgstr "Salute!"
-#~ msgid "contact us"
-#~ msgstr "Contattaci"
-#~ msgid "If you would like to have PHP 5.2 supported, please %s."
-#~ msgstr "Se vorresti avere il supporto per PHP 5.2, %s."
-#~ msgid "or set an S3 Server URL:"
-#~ msgstr "o imposta l' URL del server S3"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You must run PHP version 5.2.6 or higher to use this plugin. You are "
-#~ "using version %s now."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "È necessario eseguire PHP versione 5.2.6 o superiore per usare questo "
-#~ "plugin. Ora si utilizza la versione %s."
-#~ msgid "Error while deleting file from Dropbox: %s"
-#~ msgstr "Errore durante l'eliminazione del file da Dropbox: %s"
-#~ msgid "To email address"
-#~ msgstr "All'indirizzo mail"
-#~ msgid " OR "
-#~ msgstr "OPPURE"
diff --git a/languages/backwpup-ja_JP.po b/languages/backwpup-ja_JP.po
index 7b1dcf25..34b3ff53 100644
--- a/languages/backwpup-ja_JP.po
+++ b/languages/backwpup-ja_JP.po
@@ -1,155 +1,228 @@
-# Translation of BackWPup Pro in Japanese
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the BackWPup Pro package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BackWPup Pro\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup-pro\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-29 20:03+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-05-29 20:05+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
-"Language: ja_JP\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-29 20:03+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-05-29 20:05+0200\n"
+"Language: ja_JP\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.1\n"
-#: backwpup.php:333 inc/class-page-backups.php:271
+#: backwpup.php:333
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:271
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:243
+#: backwpup.php:286
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:286
msgid "Folder"
msgstr "フォルダ"
#: backwpup.php:334
+#: backwpup.php:287
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:287
msgid "Backup to Folder"
msgstr "フォルダにバックアップ"
#: backwpup.php:349
+#: backwpup.php:302
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:302
msgid "Email"
msgstr "メール"
#: backwpup.php:350
+#: backwpup.php:303
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:303
msgid "Backup sent via email"
msgstr "メールでバックアップを送信"
#: backwpup.php:365
+#: backwpup.php:318
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:318
msgid "FTP"
msgstr "FTP"
#: backwpup.php:366
+#: backwpup.php:319
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:319
msgid "Backup to FTP"
msgstr "FTPにバックアップ"
-#: backwpup.php:381 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:293
+#: backwpup.php:381
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:293
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:445
+#: backwpup.php:334
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:334
msgid "Dropbox"
msgstr "Dropbox"
-#: backwpup.php:382 inc/class-page-about.php:517
+#: backwpup.php:382
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:517
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:519
+#: backwpup.php:335
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:335
msgid "Backup to Dropbox"
msgstr "Dropboxにバックアップ"
-#: backwpup.php:397 inc/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: backwpup.php:397
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:42
+#: backwpup.php:350
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:350
msgid "S3 Service"
msgstr "S3サービス"
#: backwpup.php:398
+#: backwpup.php:351
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:351
msgid "Backup to an S3 Service"
msgstr "S3サービスにバックアップ"
#: backwpup.php:416
+#: backwpup.php:371
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:371
msgid "MS Azure"
msgstr "MS Azure"
#: backwpup.php:417
+#: backwpup.php:372
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:372
msgid "Backup to Microsoft Azure (Blob)"
msgstr "Microsoft Azureにバックアップ ((Blob)"
#: backwpup.php:432
+#: backwpup.php:387
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:387
msgid "RSC"
msgstr "RSC"
-#: backwpup.php:433 inc/class-page-about.php:522
+#: backwpup.php:433
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:522
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:524
+#: backwpup.php:388
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:388
msgid "Backup to Rackspace Cloud Files"
msgstr "Rackspaceのクラウドファイルにバックアップ"
#: backwpup.php:450
+#: backwpup.php:407
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:407
msgid "SugarSync"
msgstr "SugarSync"
-#: backwpup.php:451 inc/class-page-about.php:537
+#: backwpup.php:451
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:537
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:539
+#: backwpup.php:408
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:408
msgid "Backup to SugarSync"
msgstr "SugarSyncにバックアップ"
#: backwpup.php:470
+#: backwpup.php:433
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:433
msgid "PHP Version %1$s is to low, you need Version %2$s or above."
msgstr "PHPのバージョン%1$sは低く、バージョン%2$s以上を必要とします。"
#: backwpup.php:477
+#: backwpup.php:443
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:443
msgid "Missing function \"%s\"."
msgstr "不足している関数\"%s\""
#: backwpup.php:486
+#: backwpup.php:454
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:454
msgid "Missing class \"%s\"."
msgstr "不足しているクラス\"%s\""
-#: inc/class-admin.php:215 inc/class-help.php:24
+#: inc/class-admin.php:215
+#: inc/class-help.php:24
+#: inc/class-admin.php:267
msgid "http://docs.backwpup.com"
msgstr "http://docs.backwpup.com"
#: inc/class-admin.php:215
+#: inc/class-admin.php:267
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "ドキュメンテーション"
#: inc/class-admin.php:227
+#: inc/class-admin.php:282
msgid "BackWPup Dashboard"
msgstr "BackWPup ダッシュボード"
#: inc/class-admin.php:227
+#: inc/class-admin.php:282
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "ダッシュボード"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:243 inc/class-adminbar.php:82
+#: inc/class-admin.php:243
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:82
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-admin.php:305
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:215
msgid "Jobs"
msgstr "ジョブ"
#: inc/class-admin.php:258
+#: inc/class-admin.php:330
msgid "Add new job"
msgstr "新規ジョブを追加"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:273 inc/class-adminbar.php:98
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:328 inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-admin.php:273
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:98
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:328
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-admin.php:355
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:219
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:377
msgid "Logs"
msgstr "ログ"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:288 inc/class-adminbar.php:106
+#: inc/class-admin.php:288
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:106
+#: inc/class-admin.php:380
msgid "Backups"
msgstr "バックアップ"
#: inc/class-admin.php:303
+#: inc/class-admin.php:405
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "設定"
#: inc/class-admin.php:316
+#: inc/class-admin.php:425
msgid "About"
msgstr "About"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:331 inc/class-admin.php:337
+#: inc/class-admin.php:331
+#: inc/class-admin.php:337
+#: inc/class-admin.php:453
+#: inc/class-admin.php:460
msgid "Cheating, huh?"
msgstr "Cheating, huh?"
#: inc/class-admin.php:381
+#: inc/class-admin.php:510
msgid "Get BackWPup Pro now."
msgstr "BackWPup Proを今すぐ入手"
#: inc/class-admin.php:401
+#: inc/class-admin.php:531
msgid "version %s"
msgstr "バージョン %s"
#: inc/class-admin.php:445
+#: inc/class-admin.php:576
msgid "Add BackWPup Role"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-admin.php:449
+#: inc/class-admin.php:581
msgid "— No additional role for BackWPup —"
msgstr ""
@@ -165,7 +238,8 @@ msgstr "今すぐ実行"
msgid "Abort!"
msgstr "中止!"
-#: inc/class-adminbar.php:90 inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:90
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
msgid "Add new"
msgstr "新規追加"
@@ -176,695 +250,915 @@ msgstr "今すぐ実行"
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:31
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:45
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "BackWPup jobs helper"
msgid "Make BackWPup better!"
msgstr "BackWPup ジョブヘルパー"
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:104
-msgid ""
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:108
+msgid "https://inpsyde.com/en/jobs/?utm_source=BackWPup&utm_medium=Link&utm_campaign=BecomeAnInpsyder"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:114
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:118
msgid "We want to make BackWPup even stronger and its support much faster."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:122
-msgid ""
-"This is why we are looking for a talented developer who can work remotely "
-"and support us in BackWPup"
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:126
+msgid "This is why we are looking for a talented developer who can work remotely and support us in BackWPup"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:129
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:133
msgid "and other exciting WordPress projects at our VIP partner agency."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:141
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:145
msgid "Apply now!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:148
#: inc/class-betatester-admin-notice.php:96
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:152
+#: inc/class-admin-notice.php:121
msgid "Don't show again"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:152
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:156
msgid "Work for Inpsyde"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-betatester-admin-notice.php:69
-msgid "Join us as beta tester!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-betatester-admin-notice.php:70
-msgid "https://backwpup.com/become-backwpup-beta-tester/"
-msgstr "https://backwpup.com/become-backwpup-beta-tester/"
-#: inc/class-betatester-admin-notice.php:77
-msgid ""
-"To ensure that our releases are as bug-free as possible, we need you as a "
-"beta tester!"
-msgstr ""
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:64
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:80
msgid "The file name of an archive cannot be empty."
msgstr "アーカイブのファイル名は空にできません。"
+#. translators: $1 is the file path
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:72
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:89
msgctxt "%s = Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s for archive not found"
msgstr "アーカイブ用のフォルダ %sが見つかりません。"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:78 inc/class-create-archive.php:110
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:123 inc/class-mysqldump.php:133
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:78
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:110
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:123
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:133
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:101
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:141
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:182
msgid "Functions for gz compression not available"
msgstr "利用できないgz圧縮の関数"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:85 inc/class-create-archive.php:129
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:85
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:129
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:195
msgid "Functions for bz2 compression not available"
msgstr "bz2圧縮するための関数が利用できません。"
+#. translators: $1 is a directory name
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:106
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:155
msgctxt "ZipArchive open() result"
msgid "Cannot create zip archive: %d"
msgstr "zipアーカイブを作成できません: %d"
+#. translators: the $1 is the type of the archive file
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:135
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:208
msgctxt "%s = file name"
msgid "Method to archive file %s not detected"
msgstr "アーカイブファイル%sの方法が見つかりません"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:140
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:215
msgid "Cannot open archive file"
msgstr "アーカイブファイルを開くことができません。"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:155 inc/class-create-archive.php:349
+#. translators: The $1 is the tecnical error string from pclzip.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:155
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:349
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:233
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:524
msgid "PclZip archive add error: %s"
msgstr "PclZipアーカイブの追加エラー: %s"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:165
-msgid "ZIP archive cannot be closed correctly."
-msgstr "ZIPアーカイブを正常に生成できません。"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:219
-msgid "File name cannot be empty"
-msgstr "ファイル名を空にできません。"
+#. translators: The $1 is the name of the file to add to the archive.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:228
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:326
msgctxt "File to add to archive"
msgid "File %s does not exist or is not readable"
msgstr "ファイル%sは存在しないか読み取れません"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:242 inc/class-create-archive.php:258
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:392 inc/class-create-archive.php:396
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:242
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:258
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:392
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:396
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:357
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:384
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:588
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:597
msgid "This archive method can only add one file"
msgstr "このアーカイブ方式は唯一つのファイルを追加することができます。"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:247 inc/class-create-archive.php:263
-msgid "Cannot open source file %s to archive"
-msgstr "アーカイブにソースファイル%sを開くことができません。"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:311
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:452
msgid "ZIP archive cannot be closed correctly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:329 inc/class-create-archive.php:338
+#. translators: the $1 is the name of the archive.
+#. translators: $1 is the name of the archive.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:329
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:338
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:407
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:483
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:500
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:617
msgid "Cannot add \"%s\" to zip archive!"
msgstr "zipアーカイブに\"%s\"を追加できません。"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:374
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:554
msgid "Folder name cannot be empty"
msgstr "フォルダ名を空にできません。"
+#. translators: $1 is the folder name
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:379
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:565
msgctxt "Folder path to add to archive"
msgid "Folder %s does not exist or is not readable"
msgstr "フォルダ%sは存在しないか読み取れません。"
+#. translators. $1 is the status returned by a call to a ZipArchive method.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:429
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:649
msgctxt "Text of ZipArchive status Message"
msgid "ZipArchive returns status: %s"
msgstr "Zipアーカイブが返すステータス: %s"
+#. translators: $1 is the file name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:459
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:697
msgid "File name \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ファイル名\"%1$s\"は%2$sアーカイブに正しく保存するには余りにも長すぎます!"
+#. translators: $1 is the file name to use in the archive.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:462
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:709
msgid "File path \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:474
-msgid "Cannot open source file %s for archiving"
-msgstr "アーカイブのソースファイルを%sを開くことができません。"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:479 inc/class-create-archive.php:480
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:579 inc/class-create-archive.php:580
+msgstr "ファイルパス\"%1$s\"は%2$sアーカイブに正しく保存するには余りにも長すぎます!"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:479
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:480
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:579
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:580
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:974
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:975
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "不明"
+#. translators: $1 is the name of the folder. $2 is the archive name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:570
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:813
msgid "Folder name \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "フォルダ名\"%1$s\"は%2$sアーカイブに正しく保存するには余りにも長すぎます!"
+#. translators: $1 is the name of the folder. $2 is the archive name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:573
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:828
msgid "Folder path \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "フォルダパス\"%1$s\"は%2$sアーカイブに正しく保存するには余りにも長すぎます!"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:654
-msgid ""
-"If %s will be added to your backup archive, the archive will be too large "
-"for operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting "
-"the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:896
+msgid "If %s will be added to your backup archive, the archive will be too large for operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-cron.php:69
+#: inc/class-cron.php:73
msgid "Aborted, because no progress for one hour!"
msgstr "終了。1時間進展なし!"
-#: inc/class-cron.php:101 inc/class-destination-folder.php:209
-#: inc/class-job.php:1003 inc/class-job.php:1141 inc/class-job.php:1740
+#: inc/class-cron.php:101
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:209
+#: inc/class-job.php:1003
+#: inc/class-job.php:1141
+#: inc/class-job.php:1740
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:445
+#: inc/class-cron.php:107
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:195
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:446
msgid "Could not open path: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:41 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:344
+#. translators: the $1 is the error message
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:41
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:344
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:253
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:405
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:458
msgid "Dropbox API: %s"
msgstr "Dropbox API: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55 inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:51
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:51
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:93
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:72
msgid "Login"
msgstr "ログイン"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:59 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:28
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:28
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:43
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:76
msgid "Authentication"
msgstr "認証"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:61 inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:57
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:61
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:57
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:295
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:99
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:415
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:78
msgid "Not authenticated!"
msgstr "認証されていません!"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:63
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:28
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:51
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:81
msgid "Create Account"
msgstr "アカウントを作成"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:65 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:65
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:45
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:34
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:59
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:300
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:31
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:101
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:425
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:57
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:83
msgid "Authenticated!"
msgstr "認証済み!"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:68
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:92
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:95
msgid "Delete Dropbox Authentication"
msgstr "Dropboxの認証を削除"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:75
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:102
msgid "App Access to Dropbox"
msgstr "Dropboxのアプリへのアクセス"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:78
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:110
msgid "Get Dropbox App auth code"
msgstr "Dropboxのアプリ認証コードを取得"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:79
-msgid ""
-"A dedicated folder named BackWPup will be created inside of the Apps folder "
-"in your Dropbox. BackWPup will get read and write access to that folder "
-"only. You can specify a subfolder as your backup destination for this job in "
-"the destination field below."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:111
+msgid "A dedicated folder named BackWPup will be created inside of the Apps folder in your Dropbox. BackWPup will get read and write access to that folder only. You can specify a subfolder as your backup destination for this job in the destination field below."
+msgstr "BackWPupという名前の専用のフォルダがDropboxの中でアプリフォルダ内に作成されます。BackWPupがそのフォルダのみへの読み取り及び書き込み権を取得します。以下の宛先フィールドで、このジョブのバックアップ先としてサブフォルダを指定することができます。"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:84
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:119
msgid "— OR —"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:87
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:122
msgid "Full Access to Dropbox"
msgstr "Dropboxへのフルアクセス"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:90
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:130
msgid "Get full Dropbox auth code "
msgstr "Dropboxフル認証コードを取得"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:91
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup will have full read and write access to your entire Dropbox. You "
-"can specify your backup destination wherever you want, just be aware that "
-"ANY files or folders inside of your Dropbox can be overridden or deleted by "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:98 inc/class-destination-folder.php:29
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:49 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:66
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:95 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:81
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:131
+msgid "BackWPup will have full read and write access to your entire Dropbox. You can specify your backup destination wherever you want, just be aware that ANY files or folders inside of your Dropbox can be overridden or deleted by BackWPup."
+msgstr "BackWPupは完全な読み取り権限を持っており、全体をDropboxへアクセスを書き込みます。好きな場所をショッピングのDropboxの内側の任意のファイルやフォルダを上書きまたはBackWPupによって削除されることに注意して、バックアップ先を指定することができます。"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:29
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:66
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:95
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:81
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:68
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:112
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:141
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:82
msgid "Backup settings"
msgstr "バックアップ設定"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:102
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:145
msgid "Destination Folder"
msgstr "コピー先フォルダー"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:106
-msgid ""
-"Specify a subfolder where your backup archives will be stored. If you use "
-"the App option from above, this folder will be created inside of Apps/"
-"BackWPup. Otherwise it will be created at the root of your Dropbox. Already "
-"exisiting folders with the same name will not be overriden."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:111 inc/class-destination-folder.php:39
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:59 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:91
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:154
+msgid "Specify a subfolder where your backup archives will be stored. If you use the App option from above, this folder will be created inside of Apps/BackWPup. Otherwise it will be created at the root of your Dropbox. Already exisiting folders with the same name will not be overriden."
+msgstr "バックアップアーカイブを保存するサブフォルダを指定してください。アプリケーションオプションを使用する場合は、このフォルダはアプリ/BackWPupの内部に作成されます。それ以外の場合は、Dropboxのルートに作成されます。すでに同じ名前の既存のフォルダは上書きされることはありません。"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:111
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:39
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:91
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:81
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:125
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:162
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:40
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:95
msgid "File Deletion"
msgstr "ファイルを削除"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:118 inc/class-destination-folder.php:46
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:66 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:83
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:112 inc/class-destination-s3.php:121
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:46
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:66
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:112
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:121
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:51
#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:43
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:90
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:323
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:45
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:73
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:73
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:134
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:456
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:45
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:182
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:76
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:229
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:171
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:104
msgid "Number of files to keep in folder."
msgstr "フォルダ内に保持するファイルの数"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:120 inc/class-destination-folder.php:48
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:68 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:85
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:114 inc/class-destination-s3.php:123
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:120
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:48
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:68
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:85
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:114
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:123
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:100
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:92
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:109
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Files belonging to this job are now tracked. Old "
-"backup archives which are untracked will not be automatically deleted."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:124 inc/class-destination-folder.php:52
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:72 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:89
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:118 inc/class-destination-s3.php:127
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:136
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:109
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:232
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:173
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:51
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:106
+msgid "Warning: Files belonging to this job are now tracked. Old backup archives which are untracked will not be automatically deleted."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:124
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:52
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:89
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:127
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:104
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:54
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:48 inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:44
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:48
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:44
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:98
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:328
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:56
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:78
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:78
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:65
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:148
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:462
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:56
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:187
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:82
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:51
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:75
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:65
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:245
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:183
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:57
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:118
msgid "Do not delete files while syncing to destination!"
msgstr "宛先への同期中にファイルを削除しない!"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:239
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:372
msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …"
msgstr "%d. Dropboxにバックアップファイルを送信中..."
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:256
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:127
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:209
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:390
msgid "Authenticated with Dropbox of user: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:262
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:133
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:217
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:398
msgid "%s available on your Dropbox"
msgstr "Dropboxに%sが利用可能"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:266
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:137
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:223
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:404
msgid "Not Authenticated with Dropbox!"
msgstr "Dropboxに認証されていません!"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:270
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:408
msgid "Uploading to Dropbox …"
msgstr "Dropboxへアップロード..."
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:283 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:286
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:283
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:286
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:260
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:663
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:924
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:290
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:432
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:263
msgid "Backup transferred to %s"
msgstr "バックアップで%sに転送"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:287
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:666
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:930
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:438
msgid "Uploaded file size and local file size don't match."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "アップロードされたファイルのサイズと、ローカルファイルサイズが一致しません。"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:292
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:668
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:448
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:936
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:450
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:444
msgid "Error transfering backup to %s."
msgstr "%sエラー転送するバックアップ。"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:337
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:345
msgid "One file deleted from Dropbox"
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Dropbox"
msgstr[0] "%d個のファイルをDropboxから削除しました。"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:520
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php:177
msgid "Beginning new file upload session"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:539
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php:199
msgid "Uploading %s of data"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:575
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php:244
msgid "Finishing upload session with a total of %s uploaded"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:38 inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:16
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:38
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:16
#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:18
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:39
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "メールアドレス"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:41
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:43
msgid "To email address (separate with commas for multiple addresses)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:47 inc/class-destination-email.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:47
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:49
#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:29
#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:30
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:29
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:30
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:52
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:56
msgid "Send test email"
msgstr "テストメールを送信"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:61
msgid "Send email settings"
msgstr "メール送信設定"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:57
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:65
msgid "Maximum file size"
msgstr "最大ファイルサイズ"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:69
msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:60
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:70
msgid "Maximum file size to be included in an email. 0 = unlimited"
msgstr "最大ファイルサイズはメールに含まれる。 0 =無制限"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:64
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:75
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Sender email address"
msgid "From email address"
msgstr "送信者のメールアドレス"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:70
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:83
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Sender name"
msgid "From name"
msgstr "送信者名"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:92
msgid "Sending method"
msgstr "送付方法"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:80
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:97
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Use site settings"
msgid "Use WordPress settings"
msgstr "サイトの設定を使用"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:81
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:98
msgid "PHP: mail()"
msgstr "PHP: mail()"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:82
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:99
msgid "Sendmail"
msgstr "Sendmail"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:100
msgid "SMTP"
msgstr "SMTP"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:89
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:108
msgid "Sendmail path"
msgstr "Sendmailのパス"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:95
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:119
msgid "SMTP host name"
msgstr "SMTPホスト名"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:98 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:31
#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:21
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:35
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:124
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:56
msgid "Port:"
msgstr "ポート:"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:102
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:136
msgid "SMTP secure connection"
msgstr "SMTP セキュア接続"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:106 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:67
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:103 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:73
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:57 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:329
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:404 inc/class-page-settings.php:328
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:106
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:67
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:103
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:73
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:57
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:329
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:404
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:328
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:141
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:837
msgid "none"
msgstr "なし"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:107
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:143
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:145
msgid "TLS"
msgstr "TLS"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:113
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:152
msgid "SMTP username"
msgstr "SMTPユーザ名"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:120
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:162
msgid "SMTP password"
msgstr "SMTPパスワード"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:199
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:243
msgid "%d. Try to send backup with email …"
msgstr "%d。メールでバックアップを送信中..."
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:204
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:248
msgid "Backup archive too big to be sent by email!"
msgstr "メールで送信するには大きすぎるバックアップアーカイブ!"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:211
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:255
msgid "Sending email to %s…"
msgstr "%sにメールを送信しています..."
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:289
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:333
msgid "BackWPup archive from %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$sからBackWPupアーカイブ: %2$s"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:292
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:336
msgid "Backup archive: %s"
msgstr "バックアップアーカイブ: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:306 inc/class-destination-email.php:430
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:306
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:430
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:349
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:474
msgid "Error while sending email!"
msgstr "メール送信エラー!"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:312 inc/class-destination-email.php:432
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:312
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:432
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:354
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:476
msgid "Email sent."
msgstr "メールを送信。"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:414
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:459
msgid "BackWPup archive sending TEST Message"
msgstr "BackWPupアーカイブにテストメッセージを送信"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:417
-msgid ""
-"If this message reaches your inbox, sending backup archives via email should "
-"work for you."
-msgstr ""
-"このメッセージが受信トレイに達するとメールを介してバックアップ アーカイブを送"
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:462
+msgid "If this message reaches your inbox, sending backup archives via email should work for you."
+msgstr "このメッセージが受信トレイに達するとメールを介してバックアップ アーカイブを送信するはずです。"
#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:33
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:32
msgid "Folder to store backups in"
msgstr "バックアップを格納するフォルダ"
#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:229
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:219
msgid "One backup file deleted"
msgid_plural "%d backup files deleted"
msgstr[0] "%d個のバックアップファイルを削除しました。"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:23
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:46
msgid "FTP server and login"
msgstr "FTPサーバーおよびログイン"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:50
msgid "FTP server"
msgstr "FTPサーバー"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:36 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:46
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:36
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:46
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:63
msgid "Username"
msgstr "ユーザー名"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:42
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:71
msgid "Password"
msgstr "パスワード"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:53
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:87
msgid "Folder to store files in"
msgstr "ファイルを格納するフォルダ"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:79
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:128
msgid "FTP specific settings"
msgstr "特定のFTP設定"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:133
msgid "Timeout for FTP connection"
msgstr "FTP接続のタイムアウト"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:87 inc/class-page-logs.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:87
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:257
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:466
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:288
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:137
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "秒"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:91
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:141
msgid "SSL-FTP connection"
msgstr "SSL-FTP接続"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:94
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:148
msgid "Use explicit SSL-FTP connection."
msgstr "明示的なSSL-FTP接続を使用"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:99
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:153
msgid "FTP Passive Mode"
msgstr "FTPパッシブモード"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:101
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:158
msgid "Use FTP Passive Mode."
msgstr "FTPパッシブモードを使用"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:179
-msgid "FTP: Login failure!"
-msgstr "FTP:ログイン失敗!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:203
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:433
msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to an FTP server …"
msgstr "%d. FTPサーバーにバックアップファイルを送信中..."
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:209
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:450
msgid "Connected via explicit SSL-FTP to server: %s"
msgstr "明示的なSSL-FTPを介してサーバーへ接続: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:211
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:458
msgid "Cannot connect via explicit SSL-FTP to server: %s"
msgstr "明示的なSSL-FTPを介してサーバーへ接続することはできません: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:217
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:468
msgid "PHP function to connect with explicit SSL-FTP to server does not exist!"
msgstr "明示的なSSL-FTPを介してサーバーへ接続するPHP関数は存在しません!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:225
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:483
msgid "Connected to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "FTPサーバーに接続: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:227
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:491
msgid "Cannot connect to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "FTPサーバーに接続できません: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:234 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:242
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:258 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:305
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:234
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:242
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:258
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:305
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:503
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:523
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:546
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:603
msgid "FTP client command: %s"
msgstr "FTPクライアントコマンド: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:236
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:513
msgid "FTP server response: %s"
msgstr "FTPサーバーの応答: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:240 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:245
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:248 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:261
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:263 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:308
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:310 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:314
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:240
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:245
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:248
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:261
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:263
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:310
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:314
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:316
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:520
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:531
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:534
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:549
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:552
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:607
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:612
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:619
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:624
msgid "FTP server reply: %s"
msgstr "FTPサーバーの応答: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:263
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:552
msgid "Error getting SYSTYPE"
msgstr "SYSTYPEの取得エラー"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:281
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:765
msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" created!"
msgstr "FTPフォルダ\"%s\"を作成しました。"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:285
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:753
msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created!"
msgstr "FTPフォルダ\"%s\"を作成できません!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:296
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:590
msgid "FTP current folder is: %s"
msgstr "現在のFTPフォルダは次のとおりです: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:607
msgid "Entering passive mode"
msgstr "パッシブモードで入る"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:310
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:612
msgid "Cannot enter passive mode"
msgstr "パッシブモードを入力することはできません。"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:314
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:619
msgid "Entering normal mode"
msgstr "ノーマルモードで入る"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:316
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:624
msgid "Cannot enter normal mode"
msgstr "ノーマルモードを入力することはできません。"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:320
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:631
msgid "Starting upload to FTP …"
msgstr "FTPへのアップロードを開始 …"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:332
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:649
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to FTP server!"
msgstr "FTPサーバーにバックアップを転送することはできません!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:337
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:656
msgid "Backup transferred to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "バックアップをFTPサーバーに転送する: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:344 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:271
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:289 inc/class-destination-s3.php:499
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:591 inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:653
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:344
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:271
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:289
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:499
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:591
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:653
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:468
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:226 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:259
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:226
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:259
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:292
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:905
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:470
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:228
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:261
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:275
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:843
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:958
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:673
msgid "Can not open source file for transfer."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:388
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:394
msgid "Cannot delete \"%s\" on FTP server!"
msgstr "\"%s\"をFTPサーバー上から削除できませんでした。"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:391
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:404
msgid "One file deleted on FTP server"
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on FTP server"
msgstr[0] "%d個のファイルをFTPサーバー上で削除しました。"
@@ -885,11 +1179,13 @@ msgstr "アクセスキー"
msgid "Blob container"
msgstr "Blobコンテナ"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:48 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:48
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:76
msgid "Container selection"
msgstr "コンテナ選択"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:59 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:88
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:88
msgid "Create a new container"
msgstr "新しいコンテナを作成"
@@ -897,59 +1193,82 @@ msgstr "新しいコンテナを作成"
msgid "Folder in container"
msgstr "コンテナ内のフォルダ"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:76 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:105
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:114 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:96
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:105
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:114
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:96
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:96
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:215
msgid "File deletion"
msgstr "ファイルの削除"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:128
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:99
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:99
msgid "MS Azure container \"%s\" created."
msgstr "MS Azureのコンテナは\"%s\"を作成しました。"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:131
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:102
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:102
msgid "MS Azure container create: %s"
msgstr "MS Azureのコンテナ作成: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:211
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:215
msgid "%d. Try sending backup to a Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
msgstr "%d. Microsoft Azure (Blob)にバックアップを送ってみてください..."
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:233
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:144
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:144
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:237
msgid "MS Azure container \"%s\" does not exist!"
msgstr "MS Azureのコンテナ\"%s\"は存在しません!"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:237
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:148
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:148
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:241
msgid "Connected to MS Azure container \"%s\"."
msgstr "MS Azureのコンテナ\"%s\"に接続されています。"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:240
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:244
msgid "Starting upload to MS Azure …"
msgstr "MS Azureにアップロード開始..."
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:292 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:348
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:292
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:348
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:233
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:233
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:296
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:352
msgid "Microsoft Azure API: %s"
msgstr "Microsoft Azure API: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:341
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:345
msgid "One file deleted on Microsoft Azure container."
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Microsoft Azure container."
msgstr[0] "%d個のファイルをMicrosoft Azureのコンテナ上で削除。"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:442
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:446
msgid "Missing account name!"
msgstr "アカウント名が見つかりません!"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:444 inc/class-destination-s3.php:222
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:444
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:222
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:166
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:166
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:448
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:359
msgid "Missing access key!"
msgstr "アクセスキーが見つかりません!"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:448
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:452
msgid "No container found!"
msgstr "コンテナが見つかりません!"
@@ -965,304 +1284,432 @@ msgstr "APIキー"
msgid "Select region"
msgstr "地域を選択してください。"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:63 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:65
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:63
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:65
#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:30
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:30
msgid "Rackspace Cloud Files Region"
msgstr "Rackspaceのクラウドファイル地域"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:66 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:66
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31
msgid "Dallas (DFW)"
msgstr "ダラス (DFW)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:67 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:67
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32
msgid "Chicago (ORD)"
msgstr "シカゴ (ORD)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:68 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:68
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33
msgid "Sydney (SYD)"
msgstr "シドニー (SYD)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:69 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:69
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34
msgid "London (LON)"
msgstr "ロンドン (LON)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:70 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35
msgid "Northern Virginia (IAD)"
msgstr "バージニア州北部(IAD)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:71 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:71
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36
msgid "Hong Kong (HKG)"
msgstr "香港 (HKG)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:99 inc/class-destination-s3.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:99
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:202
msgid "Folder in bucket"
msgstr "バケット内のフォルダ"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:158 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:158
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116
msgid "Rackspace Cloud container \"%s\" created."
msgstr "Rackspaceのクラウドコンテナ\"%s\"を作成しました。"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:162 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:274
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:314 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:359
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:170
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:162
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:274
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:314
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:359
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:170
#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:290
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:277
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:317
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:362
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:172
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:292
msgid "Rackspace Cloud API: %s"
msgstr "RackspaceのクラウドAPI: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:260
msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to Rackspace cloud …"
msgstr "%d. Rackspaceのクラウドにバックアップファイルを送信…"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:271
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:274
msgid "Connected to Rackspace cloud files container %s"
msgstr "Rackspaceのクラウドファイルコンテナ%sに接続"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:283
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:286
msgid "Upload to Rackspace cloud started …"
msgstr "開始したRackspaceのクラウドにアップロード…"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:302
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:305
msgid "Backup File transferred to RSC://"
msgstr "RSC://にバックアップファイルを転送"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:311
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to Rackspace cloud."
msgstr "Rackspaceクラウドにバックアップを転送できません。"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:353
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:356
msgid "One file deleted on Rackspace cloud container."
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Rackspace cloud container."
msgstr[0] "%d個のファイルをRackspaceのクラウドコンテナ上で削除しました。"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:466
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:469
msgid "Missing username!"
msgstr "ユーザー名が見つかりません!"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:468
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:471
msgid "Missing API Key!"
msgstr "APIキーが見つかりません!"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:472
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:475
msgid "A container could not be found!"
msgstr "コンテナが見つかりません!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:48
msgid "Select a S3 service"
msgstr "S3サービスを選択"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:33 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:18
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:33
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:54
msgid "Amazon S3 Region"
msgstr "Amazon S3の地域"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:34 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:19
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:34
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:19
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:40
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1118
msgid "Amazon S3: US Standard"
msgstr "Amazon S3: 米国標準"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:35 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:20
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:35
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:20
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1122
msgid "Amazon S3: US West (Northern California)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: 米国西部(北カリフォルニア)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:36 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:21
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:36
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:21
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:53
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1126
msgid "Amazon S3: US West (Oregon)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: 米国西部(オレゴン州)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:37 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:22
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:37
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:22
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:58
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1130
msgid "Amazon S3: EU (Ireland)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: EU(アイルランド)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:38 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:23
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:38
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:23
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:68
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1138
msgid "Amazon S3: EU (Germany)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: EU (ドイツ)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:39 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:24
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:39
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:24
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:73
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1142
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: アジア太平洋地域(東京都)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:40 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:25
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:40
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:25
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:78
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1146
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: アジア太平洋地域(東京都)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:41 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:26
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:41
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:26
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1150
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: アジア太平洋(シドニー)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:42 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:42
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:88
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1154
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: アジアパシフィック(シンガポール)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:43 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:28
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:43
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:28
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:93
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1158
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: アジア太平洋(シドニー)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:44 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:29
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:44
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:29
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1162
msgid "Amazon S3: South America (Sao Paulo)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: 南米(サンパウロ)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:45 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:30
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:45
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:30
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:103
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1166
msgid "Amazon S3: China (Beijing)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: 中国 (北京)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:46 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:46
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:31
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1170
msgid "Google Storage: EU"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:47 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:47
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:32
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:113
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1174
msgid "Google Storage: USA"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:48 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:33
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:48
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:33
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1178
msgid "Google Storage: Asia"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:49 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:34
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:49
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:34
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:123
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1182
msgid "Dream Host Cloud Storage"
msgstr "Dream Hostクラウドストレージ"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:68
msgid "Or a S3 Server URL"
msgstr "またはS3サーバのURL"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:61
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:115
msgid "S3 Access Keys"
msgstr "S3のアクセスキー"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:65 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:65
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:121
msgid "Access Key"
msgstr "アクセスキー"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:72 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:72
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:135
msgid "Secret Key"
msgstr "秘密鍵"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:80
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:145
msgid "S3 Bucket"
msgstr "S3バケット"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:84
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:151
msgid "Bucket selection"
msgstr "バケットの選択"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:97
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:180
msgid "Create a new bucket"
msgstr "新しいバケットを作成"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:104
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:196
msgid "S3 Backup settings"
msgstr "S3バックアップの設定"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:134
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:86
msgid "Multipart Upload"
msgstr "マルチパートアップロード"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:136
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:98
msgid "Use multipart upload for uploading a file"
msgstr "ファイのアップロードにマルチパートアップロードを使用"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:137
-msgid ""
-"Multipart splits file into multiple chunks while uploading. This is "
-"necessary for displaying the upload process and to transfer bigger files. "
-"Works without a problem on Amazon. Other services might have issues."
-msgstr ""
-"アップロードプロセスを表示するために必要であり、大きなファイルを転送する。 "
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:143
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:252
msgid "Amazon specific settings"
msgstr "Amazon特有の設定"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:147 inc/class-destination-s3.php:149
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:147
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:149
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:263
msgid "Amazon: Storage Class"
msgstr "Amazon: ストレージクラス"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:150
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:266
msgid "Standard"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:151
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:270
msgid "Standard-Infrequent Access"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:152
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:278
msgid "Reduced Redundancy"
msgstr "減少冗長性"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:157
-msgid "Server side encryption"
-msgstr "サーバー側の暗号化"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:161
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:297
msgid "Save files encrypted (AES256) on server."
msgstr "サーバー上でファイルを暗号化(AES256)して保存"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:224 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:224
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:361
msgid "Missing secret access key!"
msgstr "シークレットアクセスキーが見つかりません!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:230
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:367
msgid "No bucket found!"
msgstr "バケット見つかりません!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:346
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:517
msgid "Bucket %1$s created."
msgstr "バケット%1$sを作成しました。"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:348 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:147
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:348
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:147
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:285
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:520
msgid " %s is not a valid bucket name."
msgstr "%sは有効なバケット名ではありません。"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:389 inc/class-destination-s3.php:522
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:576 inc/class-destination-s3.php:610
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:670 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:337
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:389
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:522
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:576
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:610
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:670
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:337
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:623
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:570
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:868
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:936
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:995
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1006
msgid "S3 Service API: %s"
msgstr "S3サービスAPI: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:457
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:777
msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to S3 Service …"
msgstr "%d. S3サービスにバックアップファイルを送信..."
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:470 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:188
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:470
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:188
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:383
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:803
msgid "Connected to S3 Bucket \"%1$s\" in %2$s"
msgstr "S3バケットに接続済 \"%1$s \"%2$s"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:473 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:191
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:473
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:191
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:391
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:808
msgid "S3 Bucket \"%s\" does not exist!"
msgstr "S3バケット\"%s\"は存在しません!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:480
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:817
msgid "Checking for not aborted multipart Uploads …"
msgstr "マルチパートアップロードが中断されていないか確認 …"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:486
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:830
msgid "Upload for %s aborted."
msgstr "%sが中止されたためアップロードします。"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:492
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:836
msgid "Starting upload to S3 Service …"
msgstr "S3サービスへのアップロードを開始しています …"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:601 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:444
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:601
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:444
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:446
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:972
msgid "Backup transferred to %s."
msgstr "バックアップは%sに転送されます。"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:606
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:988
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to S3! (%1$d) %2$s"
msgstr "S3にバックアップを転送できません! (%1$d) %2$s"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:634
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:699
msgid "Storage Class: %s"
msgstr "ストレージクラス: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:660
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:734
msgid "Cannot delete backup from %s."
msgstr "%sからバックアップを削除できません。"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:664
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:746
msgid "One file deleted on S3 Bucket."
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on S3 Bucket"
msgstr[0] "%d個のファイルをS3バケット上で削除しました。"
@@ -1273,12 +1720,17 @@ msgstr "SugarSyncへログイン"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:30
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:17
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:17
msgid "Email address:"
msgstr "メールアドレス:"
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:33 inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:29
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:33
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:29
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:20
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:126
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:126
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:47
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:20
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "パスワード:"
@@ -1291,6 +1743,8 @@ msgstr "SugarSyncのを使用して認証!"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:136
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:26
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:26
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
msgid "Create Sugarsync account"
msgstr "SugarSyncアカウントを作成"
@@ -1298,6 +1752,8 @@ msgstr "SugarSyncアカウントを作成"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:132
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:32
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:94
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:32
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:94
msgid "Delete Sugarsync authentication!"
msgstr "SugarSyncの認証を削除!"
@@ -1311,6 +1767,7 @@ msgstr "同期フォルダの選択"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:64
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:41
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:41
msgid "No Syncfolders found!"
msgstr "Syncfoldersが見つかりませんでした!"
@@ -1319,36 +1776,44 @@ msgid "Folder in root"
msgstr "ルート内のフォルダ"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:230
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:233
msgid "%d. Try to send backup to SugarSync …"
msgstr "%d. SugarSyncは、バックアップを送信 …"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:237
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:240
msgid "Authenticated to SugarSync with nickname %s"
msgstr "ニックネーム%sはSugarSyncに認証"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:240
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:243
msgctxt "Available space on SugarSync"
msgid "Not enough disk space available on SugarSync. Available: %s."
msgstr "SugarSyncの上では利用できません十分なディスクスペース。利用可能: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:246
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:249
msgid "%s available at SugarSync"
msgstr "%s SugarSyncを利用可能です。"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:253
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:256
msgid "Starting upload to SugarSync …"
msgstr "SugarSyncへのアップロードを開始..."
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:263
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:266
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to SugarSync!"
msgstr "SugarSyncのにバックアップを転送することはできません!"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:302
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:305
msgid "One file deleted on SugarSync folder"
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on SugarSync folder"
msgstr[0] "%d個のファイルをSugarSyncのフォルダから削除しました。"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:311
msgid "SugarSync API: %s"
msgstr "SugarSync API: %s"
@@ -1361,10 +1826,7 @@ msgid "EasyCron"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-easycron.php:189
-msgid ""
-"Here you can setup your EasyCron.com API key to use this "
+msgid "Here you can setup your EasyCron.com API key to use this service."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-easycron.php:192
@@ -1376,31 +1838,32 @@ msgid "Trigger WordPress Cron:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-easycron.php:203
-msgid ""
-"If you check this box, a cron job will be created on EasyCron that all 5 "
-"Minutes calls the WordPress cron."
+msgid "If you check this box, a cron job will be created on EasyCron that all 5 Minutes calls the WordPress cron."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-file.php:138
+#: inc/class-file.php:142
msgid "Folder %1$s not allowed, please use another folder."
msgstr "フォルダ%1$sが許可されていません。別のフォルダを使用してください。"
#: inc/class-file.php:143
+#: inc/class-file.php:147
msgid "Folder %1$s is not in open basedir, please use another folder."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-file.php:149
+#: inc/class-file.php:153
msgid "Cannot create folder: %1$s"
msgstr "フォルダを作成することはできません: %1$s:"
#: inc/class-file.php:155
+#: inc/class-file.php:159
msgid "Folder \"%1$s\" is not writable"
msgstr "フォルダ\"%1$s\"は書き込み可能ではありません。"
#: inc/class-file.php:191
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup will not backup folders and its sub folders when this file is "
+#: inc/class-file.php:195
+msgid "BackWPup will not backup folders and its sub folders when this file is inside."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-help.php:15
@@ -1409,20 +1872,12 @@ msgstr "プラグイン情報"
#: inc/class-help.php:17
msgctxt "Plugin name and link; Plugin Version"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s version %2$s. A project by Inpsyde GmbH"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "%1$s version %2$s. A project by Inpsyde GmbH."
+msgstr "%1$sバージョン%2$s。Inpsyde社によるプロジェクト。"
#: inc/class-help.php:18
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is a free software, and you "
-"are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "BackWPup comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is a free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions."
+msgstr "BackWPupは完全に無保証です。これはフリーソフトウェアであり一定の条件の下で再配布を歓迎します。"
#: inc/class-help.php:21
msgid "For more information:"
@@ -1437,491 +1892,534 @@ msgid "Manual"
msgstr "マニュアル"
#: inc/class-install.php:84
+#: inc/class-install.php:90
msgid "BackWPup Admin"
msgstr "BackWPup 管理"
#: inc/class-install.php:98
+#: inc/class-install.php:105
msgid "BackWPup jobs checker"
msgstr "BackWPup ジョブチェッカー"
#: inc/class-install.php:112
+#: inc/class-install.php:120
msgid "BackWPup jobs helper"
msgstr "BackWPup ジョブヘルパー"
#: inc/class-job.php:263
+#: inc/class-job.php:269
msgid "Starting job"
msgstr "ジョブを開始"
#: inc/class-job.php:278
+#: inc/class-job.php:284
msgid "Job Start"
msgstr "ジョブを開始"
#: inc/class-job.php:298
+#: inc/class-job.php:304
msgid "Creates manifest file"
msgstr "マニフェストファイルを作成します。"
#: inc/class-job.php:320
+#: inc/class-job.php:326
msgid "Creates archive"
msgstr "アーカイブを作成"
#: inc/class-job.php:360
+#: inc/class-job.php:373
msgid "End of Job"
msgstr "ジョブ終了"
#: inc/class-job.php:377
+#: inc/class-job.php:395
msgid "BackWPup log for %1$s from %2$s at %3$s"
msgstr "BackWPup log for %1$s from %2$s at %3$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:394
+#: inc/class-job.php:412
msgctxt "Plugin name; Plugin Version; plugin url"
msgid "[INFO] %1$s %2$s; A project of Inpsyde GmbH"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:395
+#: inc/class-job.php:413
msgctxt "WordPress Version; Blog url"
msgid "[INFO] WordPress %1$s on %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:396
+#: inc/class-job.php:414
msgid "Normal"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:399
+#: inc/class-job.php:417
msgid "Debug"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:402
+#: inc/class-job.php:420
msgid "(translated)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:404
+#: inc/class-job.php:422
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "[INFO] curl ver.: %1$s; %2$s"
msgid "[INFO] Log Level: %1$s %2$s"
msgstr "[情報] curlバージョン: %1$s; %2$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:409
+#: inc/class-job.php:427
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job: %1$s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:412
+#: inc/class-job.php:430
msgid "[INFO] Runs with user: %1$s (%2$d) "
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:426 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:323
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:282 inc/class-page-jobs.php:291
+#: inc/class-job.php:426
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:323
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:282
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:291
+#: inc/class-job.php:444
msgid "Not scheduled!"
msgstr "スケジュールされていない!"
-#: inc/class-job.php:430 inc/class-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-job.php:430
+#: inc/class-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-job.php:448
+#: inc/class-job.php:458
msgid "[INFO] Cron: %s; Next: %s "
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:433
+#: inc/class-job.php:451
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job start with link is active"
msgstr "[情報]リンクをBackWPupジョブスタートが有効になっています。"
#: inc/class-job.php:435
+#: inc/class-job.php:453
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job start with EasyCron.com"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:443
+#: inc/class-job.php:461
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup no automatic job start configured"
msgstr "[情報] BackWPupの自動開始ジョブが設定されていません"
#: inc/class-job.php:447
+#: inc/class-job.php:465
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started from wp-cron"
msgstr "[情報] WP-CronからBackWPupジョブを起動"
#: inc/class-job.php:449
+#: inc/class-job.php:467
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started manually"
msgstr "[情報] BackWPup ジョブを手動で開始"
#: inc/class-job.php:451
+#: inc/class-job.php:469
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started from external url"
msgstr "[情報] 外部URLからBackWPupジョブを起動"
#: inc/class-job.php:453
+#: inc/class-job.php:471
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started form commandline interface"
-msgstr ""
-"[情報] BackWPupジョブはコマンドライン形式のインターフェイスを開始しました。"
+msgstr "[情報] BackWPupジョブはコマンドライン形式のインターフェイスを開始しました。"
#: inc/class-job.php:462
+#: inc/class-job.php:480
msgid "[INFO] PHP ver.:"
msgstr "[情報] PHPバージョン:"
#: inc/class-job.php:463
+#: inc/class-job.php:481
msgid "[INFO] Maximum PHP script execution time is %1$d seconds"
msgstr "[情報] PHPスクリプトの最大実行時間 %1$d seconds"
#: inc/class-job.php:467
+#: inc/class-job.php:485
msgid "[INFO] Script restart time is configured to %1$d seconds"
msgstr "[情報]スクリプト再起動時間は、%1$d秒に設定されています。"
#: inc/class-job.php:470
+#: inc/class-job.php:488
msgid "[INFO] MySQL ver.: %s"
msgstr "[情報] MySQL バージョン:%s"
#: inc/class-job.php:472
+#: inc/class-job.php:490
msgid "[INFO] Web Server: %s"
msgstr "[情報] Webサーバー: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:476
+#: inc/class-job.php:494
msgid "[INFO] curl ver.: %1$s; %2$s"
msgstr "[情報] curlバージョン: %1$s; %2$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:478
+#: inc/class-job.php:496
msgid "[INFO] Temp folder is: %s"
msgstr "[情報] Tempフォルダ: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:485
+#: inc/class-job.php:503
msgid "[INFO] Logfile is: %s"
msgstr "[情報] ログファイル: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:492
+#: inc/class-job.php:510
msgid "[INFO] Backup file is: %s"
msgstr "[情報] バックアップファイル: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:494
+#: inc/class-job.php:512
msgid "[INFO] Backup type is: %s"
msgstr "[情報] バックアップタイプ: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:502
+#: inc/class-job.php:520
msgid "Could not write log file"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:514
-msgid ""
-"No destination correctly defined for backup! Please correct job settings."
-msgstr ""
-"宛先が正しくバックアップ用に定義されていません! 適切なジョブ設定してくださ"
+#: inc/class-job.php:532
+msgid "No destination correctly defined for backup! Please correct job settings."
+msgstr "宛先が正しくバックアップ用に定義されていません! 適切なジョブ設定してください。"
#: inc/class-job.php:644
+#: inc/class-job.php:628
msgid "Cannot write progress to working file. Job will be aborted."
msgstr "進行作業をファイルに書き込みできません。ジョブを中止します。"
-#: inc/class-job.php:716 inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
+#: inc/class-job.php:716
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
+#: inc/class-job.php:700
msgid "WARNING:"
msgstr "警告:"
-#: inc/class-job.php:725 inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+#: inc/class-job.php:725
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+#: inc/class-job.php:709
msgid "ERROR:"
msgstr "エラー:"
#: inc/class-job.php:729
+#: inc/class-job.php:713
msgstr "非推奨:"
#: inc/class-job.php:732
+#: inc/class-job.php:716
msgstr "厳重注意:"
#: inc/class-job.php:737
+#: inc/class-job.php:721
msgstr "回復可能なエラー:"
#: inc/class-job.php:985
+#: inc/class-job.php:972
msgid "Aborted by user!"
msgstr "ユーザーによって中止されました。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1019
+#: inc/class-job.php:1005
msgid "One old log deleted"
msgid_plural "%d old logs deleted"
msgstr[0] "%d個の古いログを削除しました。"
-#: inc/class-job.php:1026 inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
-msgid ""
-"Job has ended with errors in %s seconds. You must resolve the errors for "
-"correct execution."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1026
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+#: inc/class-job.php:1012
+msgid "Job has ended with errors in %s seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution."
msgstr "ジョブは%s秒でエラー終了しました。エラーを解決する必要があります。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1028
-msgid ""
-"Job finished with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct "
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-job.php:1014
+msgid "Job finished with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct execution."
+msgstr "ジョブは%s秒で警告終了しました。正しく実行するために問題を解決してください。"
-#: inc/class-job.php:1030 inc/class-page-jobs.php:788
+#: inc/class-job.php:1030
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:788
+#: inc/class-job.php:1016
msgid "Job done in %s seconds."
msgstr "ジョブは%s秒で完了しました。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1074
+#: inc/class-job.php:1060
msgstr "成功"
#: inc/class-job.php:1076
+#: inc/class-job.php:1062
msgid "WARNING"
msgstr "警告"
#: inc/class-job.php:1079
+#: inc/class-job.php:1065
msgid "ERROR"
msgstr "エラー"
#: inc/class-job.php:1082
+#: inc/class-job.php:1068
msgid "[%3$s] BackWPup log %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "[%3$s] BackWPupログ %1$s: %2$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:1188
+#: inc/class-job.php:1180
msgid "Restart after %1$d seconds."
msgstr "%1$d秒後に再起動します。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1190
+#: inc/class-job.php:1182
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Restart after %1$d seconds."
msgid "Restart after getting signal."
msgstr "%1$d秒後に再起動します。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1363
+#: inc/class-job.php:1357
msgid "Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes."
msgstr "ジョブが5分以上無動作により再起動します。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1461
+#: inc/class-job.php:1455
msgid "Step aborted: too many attempts!"
msgstr "ステップを中止: 回数が多すぎます!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1532
+#: inc/class-job.php:1528
msgid "%d. Trying to create backup archive …"
msgstr "%d. バックアップアーカイブを作成中..."
#: inc/class-job.php:1540
+#: inc/class-job.php:1536
msgctxt "Archive compression method"
msgid "Compressing files as %s. Please be patient, this may take a moment."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%sにファイルを圧縮します。これは時間がかかる場合があります。しばらくお待ちください。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1547
+#: inc/class-job.php:1544
msgid "Adding Extra files to Archive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1559 inc/class-job.php:1619
+#: inc/class-job.php:1559
+#: inc/class-job.php:1619
+#: inc/class-job.php:1555
+#: inc/class-job.php:1626
msgid "Cannot create backup archive correctly. Aborting creation."
msgstr "バックアップアーカイブを正しく作成できません。作成を中止します。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1575
+#: inc/class-job.php:1571
msgid "Archiving Folder: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:1629
+#: inc/class-job.php:1636
msgid "Backup archive created."
msgstr "バックアップアーカイブを作成しました。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1643
-msgid ""
-"The Backup archive will be too large for file operations with this PHP "
-"Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple "
-"jobs with less files each."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1650
+msgid "The Backup archive will be too large for file operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:1646
+#: inc/class-job.php:1653
msgid "Archive size is %s."
msgstr "アーカイブのサイズは%sです。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1649
+#: inc/class-job.php:1656
msgid "%1$d Files with %2$s in Archive."
msgstr "アーカイブのサイズは%2$s、%1$d個のファイルです。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1698
+#: inc/class-job.php:1831
#, fuzzy
-#| msgctxt "Folder name"
-#| msgid "Folder %s not exists"
msgctxt "Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s does not exist"
msgstr "フォルダ%sは存在しません。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1703
+#: inc/class-job.php:1837
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Folder \"%s\" is not readable!"
msgctxt "Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s is not readable"
msgstr "フォルダ\"%s\"を読めません!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1725
+#: inc/class-job.php:1860
msgid "Link \"%s\" not following."
msgstr "リンク\"%s\"は次のようではない。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1727
+#: inc/class-job.php:1862
msgid "File \"%s\" is not readable!"
msgstr "ファイル\"%s\"が読めません!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1731
-msgid ""
-"File size of “%s” cannot be retrieved. File might be too large and will not "
-"be added to queue."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-job.php:1866
+msgid "File size of “%s” cannot be retrieved. File might be too large and will not be added to queue."
+msgstr "“%s”のファイルサイズを取得できません。ファイルが大きすぎる可能性があり、キューに追加されません。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1814
+#: inc/class-job.php:1949
msgid "%d. Trying to generate a manifest file …"
msgstr "%d. マニフェストファイルを生成 …"
#: inc/class-job.php:1870
+#: inc/class-job.php:2005
msgid "You may have noticed the manifest.json file in this archive."
msgstr "このアーカイブ内のmanifest.jsonファイルに気づいているかもしれません。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1871
-msgid ""
-"manifest.json might be needed for later restoring a backup from this archive."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-job.php:2006
+msgid "manifest.json might be needed for later restoring a backup from this archive."
+msgstr "manifest.jsonは、このアーカイブからバックアップを復元するために必要とする場合があります。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1872
-msgid ""
-"Please leave manifest.json untouched and in place. Otherwise it is safe to "
-"be ignored."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-job.php:2007
+msgid "Please leave manifest.json untouched and in place. Otherwise it is safe to be ignored."
+msgstr "manifest.jsonは手つかずの所定の位置に残してください。それ以外の場合は無視されても安全です。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1882
+#: inc/class-job.php:2017
msgid "Added manifest.json file with %1$s to backup file list."
-msgstr ""
-"バックアップファイルリストに %1$sのmanifest.jsonファイルを追加しました。"
+msgstr "バックアップファイルリストに %1$sのmanifest.jsonファイルを追加しました。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1921
+#: inc/class-job.php:2056
msgid "Wrong BackWPup JobID"
msgstr "間違ったジョブID"
#: inc/class-job.php:1934
+#: inc/class-job.php:2069
msgid "A BackWPup job is already running"
msgstr "バックアップジョブがすでに実行されています"
#: inc/class-job.php:2302
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGHUP: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2482
+msgctxt "SIGHUP: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Hangup detected on controlling terminal or death of controlling process"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2306
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGINT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2486
+msgctxt "SIGINT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Interrupt from keyboard"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2310
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGQUIT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2490
+msgctxt "SIGQUIT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Quit from keyboard"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2314
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGILL: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2494
+msgctxt "SIGILL: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Illegal Instruction"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2318
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGABRT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2498
+msgctxt "SIGABRT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Abort signal from abort(3)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2322
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGBUS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2502
+msgctxt "SIGBUS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Bus error (bad memory access)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2326
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGFPE: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2506
+msgctxt "SIGFPE: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Floating point exception"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2330
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSEGV: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2510
+msgctxt "SIGSEGV: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Invalid memory reference"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2334
+#: inc/class-job.php:2514
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Destinations"
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGTERM: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+msgctxt "SIGTERM: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Termination signal"
msgstr "宛先"
#: inc/class-job.php:2338
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSTKFLT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2518
+msgctxt "SIGSTKFLT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Stack fault on coprocessor"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2342
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGUSR1: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2522
+msgctxt "SIGUSR1: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "User-defined signal 1"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2346
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGUSR2: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2526
+msgctxt "SIGUSR2: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "User-defined signal 2"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2350
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGURG: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2530
+msgctxt "SIGURG: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Urgent condition on socket"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2354
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGXCPU: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2534
+msgctxt "SIGXCPU: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "CPU time limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2358
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGXFSZ: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2538
+msgctxt "SIGXFSZ: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "File size limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2362
+#: inc/class-job.php:2542
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "FTP: Login failure!"
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGPWR: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+msgctxt "SIGPWR: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Power failure"
msgstr "FTP:ログイン失敗!"
#: inc/class-job.php:2366
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSYS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2546
+msgctxt "SIGSYS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Bad argument to routine"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2373
+#: inc/class-job.php:2553
msgid "Signal \"%1$s\" (%2$s) is sent to script!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2407 inc/class-job.php:2420
+#: inc/class-job.php:2407
+#: inc/class-job.php:2420
+#: inc/class-job.php:2587
+#: inc/class-job.php:2600
msgid "System: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2435
+#: inc/class-job.php:2615
msgid "Exception caught in %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$sにキャッチされた例外: %2$s"
@@ -1933,7 +2431,9 @@ msgstr "DBチェック"
msgid "Check database tables"
msgstr "データベーステーブルをチェック"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:35 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:35
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16
msgid "Settings for database check"
msgstr "データベースチェックの設定"
@@ -1949,7 +2449,9 @@ msgstr "WordPressのデータベーステーブルのみチェック"
msgid "Repair"
msgstr "修復"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:54 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:54
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38
msgid "Try to repair defect table"
msgstr "欠陥テーブルを修復する"
@@ -1963,15 +2465,16 @@ msgstr "テーブル%1$sを見る。チェックされません。"
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:116
msgid "Table %1$s is not a MyISAM/InnoDB table. Not checked."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "テーブル%1$sはMyISAM/InnoDBのテーブルではありません。チェックされません。"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:124 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:127
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:124
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:127
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:129
msgid "Result of table check for %1$s is: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$sのテーブルチェックの結果:%2$s"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:135 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:137
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:135
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:137
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:139
msgid "Result of table repair for %1$s is: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$sのテーブルの修復の結果は次のとおりです: %2$s"
@@ -1992,61 +2495,92 @@ msgstr "DBバックアップ"
msgid "Database backup"
msgstr "データベースのバックアップ"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:60 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:60
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:108
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:108
msgid "Settings for database backup"
msgstr "データベースのバックアップの設定"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:64 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:64
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154
msgid "Tables to backup"
msgstr "バックアップするテーブル"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:66 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:66
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156
msgid "all"
msgstr "すべて"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:91 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:91
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195
msgid "Backup file name"
msgstr "バックアップファイル名"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:99 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:99
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201
msgid "Backup file compression"
msgstr "バックアップファイルの圧縮"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:105 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:107
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:75 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:77
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:59 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:61
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:105
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:107
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:75
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:77
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:59
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:61
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
msgid "GZip"
msgstr "GZip"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:159 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:159
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475
msgid "%d. Try to backup database …"
msgstr "%d. データベースをバックアップします …"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495
msgid "Connected to database %1$s on %2$s"
msgstr "%2$sのデータベース%1$sに接続"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:187 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:187
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510
msgid "No tables to backup."
msgstr "バックアップにノーとテーブル。"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:210 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:210
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536
msgid "Backup database table \"%s\" with \"%s\" records"
msgstr "データベーステーブルのバックアップ \"%s\"と\"%s\"レコード"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:250 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:250
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576
msgid "MySQL backup file not created"
msgstr "MySQLのバックアップファイルが作成されていません"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:254 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:763
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:254
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:763
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:764
msgid "Added database dump \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
-msgstr ""
-"データベースダンプをバックアップファイルの一覧に追加しました。\"%1$s\" %2$s"
+msgstr "データベースダンプをバックアップファイルの一覧に追加しました。\"%1$s\" %2$s"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:260 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:260
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:766
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:767
msgid "Database backup done!"
msgstr "データベースのバックアップが完了!"
@@ -2078,8 +2612,11 @@ msgstr "プラグインのバックアップ"
msgid "Backup themes"
msgstr "テーマのバックアップ"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:107 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:745
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:107
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:745
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:746
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:745
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:746
msgid "Backup uploads folder"
msgstr "アップロードフォルダのバックアップ"
@@ -2088,12 +2625,8 @@ msgid "Extra folders to backup"
msgstr "バックアップするその他のフォルダ"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:118
-msgid ""
-"Separate folder names with a line-break or a comma. Folders must be set with "
-"their absolute path!"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Separate folder names with a line-break or a comma. Folders must be set with their absolute path!"
+msgstr "フォルダ名を改行またはカンマで区切ります。フォルダは絶対パスで設定しなければなりません!"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:123
msgid "Exclude from backup"
@@ -2112,11 +2645,8 @@ msgid "Exclude files/folders from backup"
msgstr "バックアップから除外するファイル/フォルダ"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:136
-msgid ""
-"Separate file / folder name parts with a line-break or a comma. For example /"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Separate file / folder name parts with a line-break or a comma. For example /logs/,.log,.tmp"
+msgstr "ファイル/フォルダ名を改行またはカンマで区切ります。たとえば、/logs/,.log,.tmp"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:141
msgid "Special options"
@@ -2128,58 +2658,58 @@ msgstr "特殊ファイルを含める"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:147
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, .htaccess, .htpasswd and favicon.ico "
-#| "from root."
-msgid ""
-"Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd, favicon."
-"ico, and Web.config from root if it is not included in backup."
-msgstr ""
-"wp-config.php, robots.txt, .htaccess, .htpasswdやfaviconをバックアップする。"
+msgid "Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd, favicon.ico, and Web.config from root if it is not included in backup."
+msgstr "wp-config.php, robots.txt, .htaccess, .htpasswdやfaviconをバックアップする。"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:151
msgid "Use one folder above as WP install folder"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:154
-msgid ""
-"Use one folder above as WordPress install folder! That can be helpful, if "
-"you would backup files and folder that are not in the WordPress installation "
-"folder. Or if you made a \"Giving WordPress Its Own Directory"
-"\" installation. Excludes must be configured again."
+msgid "Use one folder above as WordPress install folder! That can be helpful, if you would backup files and folder that are not in the WordPress installation folder. Or if you made a \"Giving WordPress Its Own Directory\" installation. Excludes must be configured again."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:237
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:238
msgid "%d. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …"
msgstr "%d. バックアップするフォルダのリストを作成中..."
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:357 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:361
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:357
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:361
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:378
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:358
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:362
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:379
msgid "Added \"%s\" to backup file list"
msgstr "\"%s\"をリストに追加しました。"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:384
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:385
msgid "No files/folder for the backup."
msgstr "バックアップのためのファイル/フォルダはありません。"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:386
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:387
msgid "%1$d folders to backup."
msgstr "バックアップしたフォルダ数 %1$d"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:434
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:435
msgid "Folder \"%s\" is not readable!"
msgstr "フォルダ\"%s\"を読めません!"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:494
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:495
msgid "Path as set by user (symlink?): %s"
msgstr "ユーザーが設定したパスとして (シンボリックリンク?): %s"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:497
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:498
msgid "Exclude:"
msgstr "除外:"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:509
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:510
msgid "Excluded by .donotbackup file!"
msgstr ".donotbackupファイルによって除外!"
@@ -2187,7 +2717,9 @@ msgstr ".donotbackupファイルによって除外!"
msgid "XML export"
msgstr "XMLエクスポート"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:14 inc/class-page-about.php:472
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:14
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:472
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:474
msgid "WordPress XML export"
msgstr "WordPressのXMLエクスポート"
@@ -2195,15 +2727,21 @@ msgstr "WordPressのXMLエクスポート"
msgid "Items to export"
msgstr "エクスポートする項目"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:49 inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:49
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28
msgid "All content"
msgstr "すべてのコンテンツ"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:50 inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:50
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38
msgid "Posts"
msgstr "投稿"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:51 inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:51
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "ページ"
@@ -2211,12 +2749,15 @@ msgstr "ページ"
msgid "XML Export file name"
msgstr "XMLエクスポートファイル名"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:69 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:53
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:69
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:53
msgid "File compression"
msgstr "ファイルの圧縮"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:79 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:81
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:64 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:66
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:79
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:81
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:64
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:66
msgid "BZip2"
msgstr "BZip2"
@@ -2228,10 +2769,14 @@ msgstr "%d. XMLでWordPressのエクスポートファイルを作成中..."
msgid "WP Export: Post type “%s” does not allow export."
msgstr "WPエクスポート: 投稿タイプ“%s”はエクスポートを許可していません"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:172 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:186
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:215 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:236
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:269 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:289
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:378 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:387
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:172
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:186
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:215
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:236
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:269
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:289
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:378
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:387
msgid "WP Export file could not written."
msgstr "WPエクスポートファイルは書き込まれません。"
@@ -2255,11 +2800,10 @@ msgstr "XMLエラー(%s): %s"
msgid "There was an error when reading this WXR file"
msgstr "このWXRファイルを読み込む際にエラーが発生しました"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:444 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:451
-msgid ""
-"This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number"
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:444
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:451
+msgid "This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number"
+msgstr "これはWXRファイルでは、不足している/無効WXRのバージョン番号はありません"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:460
msgid "WP Export file is a valid WXR file."
@@ -2267,21 +2811,18 @@ msgstr "WPのエクスポートファイルは、正しい形式のファイル
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:462
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "WP Export file can not checked, because no XML extension loaded with the "
-#| "file can checked."
-msgid ""
-"WP Export file can not be checked, because no XML extension is loaded, to "
-"ensure the file verification."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "WP Export file can not be checked, because no XML extension is loaded, to ensure the file verification."
+msgstr "ファイルがロードされないXML拡張子がチェックできないので、WPのエクスポートファイルがチェックすることはできません。"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:474 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:474
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741
msgid "Compressing file …"
msgstr "ファイルを圧縮..."
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:481 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:481
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748
msgid "Compressing done."
msgstr "圧縮が完了しました。"
@@ -2321,15 +2862,15 @@ msgstr "使用中のプラグイン:"
msgid "Inactive plugins:"
msgstr "停止中のプラグイン:"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:141 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:798
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:141
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:798
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:799
msgid "Can not open target file for writing."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:148
msgid "Added plugin list file \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list."
-msgstr ""
-"バックアップファイルの一覧 %2$s プラグイン一覧ファイル\"%1$s\"を追加しまし"
+msgstr "バックアップファイルの一覧 %2$s プラグイン一覧ファイル\"%1$s\"を追加しました。"
#: inc/class-message-box.php:89
msgid "Dismiss"
@@ -2337,25 +2878,28 @@ msgstr ""
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:60
msgid "No MySQLi extension found. Please install it."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "MySQLi拡張モジュールが見つかりませんでした。それをインストールしてください。"
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:100 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:831
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:100
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:831
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:832
msgid "Cannot init MySQLi database connection"
msgstr "MySQLiのデータベース接続をinitにすることはできません"
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:105 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:837
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:105
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:837
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:838
msgid "Setting of MySQLi connection timeout failed"
msgstr "MySQLiの接続タイムアウトの設定に失敗しました"
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:110 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:843
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:110
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:843
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:844
msgid "Cannot connect to MySQL database %1$d: %2$s"
msgstr "MySQLデータベースに接続できません %1$d: %2$s"
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:117
#, fuzzy
-#| msgctxt "Database Charset"
-#| msgid "Cannot set DB charset to %s"
msgctxt "Database Charset"
msgid "Cannot set DB charset to %s error: %s"
msgstr "%sにDBの文字セットを設定することはできません。"
@@ -2364,27 +2908,38 @@ msgstr "%sにDBの文字セットを設定することはできません。"
msgid "Cannot open SQL backup file"
msgstr "SQLバックアップファイルを開くことができません"
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:153 inc/class-mysqldump.php:165
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:259 inc/class-mysqldump.php:268
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:288 inc/class-mysqldump.php:297
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:317 inc/class-mysqldump.php:323
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:368 inc/class-mysqldump.php:400
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:437 inc/class-mysqldump.php:500
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:859 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:873
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:921 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:940
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:153
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:165
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:259
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:268
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:288
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:297
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:317
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:323
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:368
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:400
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:437
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:500
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:859
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:873
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:921
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:940
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:983
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:860
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:874
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:922
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:941
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:984
msgid "Database error %1$s for query %2$s"
msgstr "クエリ%2$sのためのデータベースエラー%1$s"
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:479
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Start for table backup is not correctly set: %1$s "
msgid "Start for table backup is not correctly set: %1$s"
msgstr "テーブルのバックアップの開始が正しく設定されていません: %1$s"
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:483
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Length for table backup is not correctly set: %1$s "
msgid "Length for table backup is not correctly set: %1$s"
msgstr "テーブルのバックアップのための長さが正しく設定されていません: %1$s"
@@ -2392,315 +2947,339 @@ msgstr "テーブルのバックアップのための長さが正しく設定さ
msgid "Error while writing file!"
msgstr "ファイルへの書き込み中にエラーが発生しました。"
-#: inc/class-option.php:167 inc/class-page-editjob.php:97
+#: inc/class-option.php:167
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:97
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:383
+#: inc/class-option.php:176
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
msgid "New Job"
msgstr "新規ジョブ"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:369
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:371
msgid "Welcome to BackWPup Pro"
msgstr "BackWPup Proへようこそ"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:370 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup’s job wizards make planning and scheduling your backup jobs a "
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:370
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:372
+msgid "BackWPup’s job wizards make planning and scheduling your backup jobs a breeze."
+msgstr "BackWPupジョブウィザードの計画を作成しバックアップジョブをスケジュールします。"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:371 inc/class-page-about.php:384
-msgid ""
-"Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation "
-"including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage "
-"service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server. With a "
-"single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool "
-"like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
-msgstr ""
-"バックアップ アーカイブを使用して/wp-content/
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:371
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:384
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:373
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:386
+msgid "Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server. With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
+msgstr "バックアップ アーカイブを使用して/wp-content/
#: inc/class-page-about.php:372
-msgid ""
-"Ready to set up a backup job? You can use the wizards or plan your backup in expert mode."
-msgstr ""
-"バックアップジョブの設定準備ができましたか? ウィザードを使用するかエキスパートモードでバックアップを計画する"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:374
+msgid "Ready to set up a backup job? You can use the wizards or plan your backup in expert mode."
+msgstr "バックアップジョブの設定準備ができましたか? ウィザードを使用するかエキスパートモードでバックアップを計画することができます。"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:382
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:384
msgid "Welcome to BackWPup"
msgstr "BackWPupへようこそ"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:385
-msgid ""
-"Ready to set up a backup job? Use one of the wizards to plan what you want "
-"to save."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:387
+msgid "Ready to set up a backup job? Use one of the wizards to plan what you want to save."
+msgstr "バックアップジョブの準備はできましたか?ウィザードを使用して保存を計画します。"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:400
msgid "Save your database"
msgstr "データベースを保存します。"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:401
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:403
msgid "Save your database regularly"
msgstr "定期的にデータベースを保存します。"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:402
-msgid ""
-"With BackWPup you can schedule the database backup to run automatically. "
-"With a single backup file you can restore your database. You should set up a backup job, so you will never forget it. There is also "
-"an option to repair and optimize the database after each backup."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:407 inc/class-page-about.php:411
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:404
+msgid "With BackWPup you can schedule the database backup to run automatically. With a single backup file you can restore your database. You should set up a backup job, so you will never forget it. There is also an option to repair and optimize the database after each backup."
+msgstr "BackWPupを使用すると、データベースのバックアップを自動実行してスケジュールすることができます。単一のバックアップファイルを使用すると、データベースを復元することができます。バックアップジョブを設定する必要がありますので、それを決して忘れてはいけません。各バックアップ後にデータベースを修復、最適化するオプションもあります。"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:407
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:411
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:413
msgid "WordPress XML Export"
msgstr "WordPressのXMLエクスポート"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:408
-msgid ""
-"You can choose the built-in WordPress export format in addition or exclusive "
-"to save your data. This works in automated backups too of course. The "
-"advantage is: you can import these files into a blog with the regular "
-"WordPress importer."
-msgstr ""
-"ます。利点: 定期的にWordPress importerとブログにこれらのファイルをインポート"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:410
+msgid "You can choose the built-in WordPress export format in addition or exclusive to save your data. This works in automated backups too of course. The advantage is: you can import these files into a blog with the regular WordPress importer."
+msgstr "あなたのデータを保存するために追加または排他的にWordPressに組み込まれたエクスポート形式を選択することができます。もちろん、これは自動バックアップで動作します。利点: 定期的にWordPress importerとブログにこれらのファイルをインポートすることができます。"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:416
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:418
msgid "Save all data from the webserver"
msgstr "ウェブサーバーからすべてのデータを保存"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:419
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:421
msgid "Save all files"
msgstr "すべてのファイルを保存"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:420
-msgid ""
-"You can backup all your attachments, also all system files, plugins and "
-"themes in a single file. You can create a job to update a "
-"backup copy of your file system only when files are changed."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:425 inc/class-page-about.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:422
+msgid "You can backup all your attachments, also all system files, plugins and themes in a single file. You can create a job to update a backup copy of your file system only when files are changed."
+msgstr "すべての添付ファイル、またすべてのシステムファイル、プラグインとテーマを単一のファイルをバックアップすることができます。ファイルが変更されたときにのみ、ファイルシステムのバックアップコピーを更新するジョブを作成することができます。"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:425
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:427
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:431
msgid "Security!"
msgstr "セキュリティ!"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:426
-msgid ""
-"By default everything is encrypted: connections to external services, local "
-"files and access to directories."
-msgstr ""
-"外部サービス、ローカルファイルおよびディレクトリへの接続: デフォルトでは全て"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:434 inc/class-page-about.php:437
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:428
+msgid "By default everything is encrypted: connections to external services, local files and access to directories."
+msgstr "外部サービス、ローカルファイルおよびディレクトリへの接続: デフォルトでは全てが暗号化されています。"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:434
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:437
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:436
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:439
msgid "Cloud Support"
msgstr "クラウドのサポート"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:438
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup supports multiple cloud services in parallel. This ensures backups "
-"are redundant."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:440
+msgid "BackWPup supports multiple cloud services in parallel. This ensures backups are redundant."
+msgstr "BackWPupは、並行して複数のクラウドサービスをサポートします。これはバックアップが冗長であるようにします。"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:444
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:446
msgid "Features / differences between Free and Pro"
msgstr "特長 / 無料版とPro版の違い"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:449
msgid "Features"
msgstr "特長"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:448
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:450
msgid "FREE"
msgstr "無料"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:449
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:451
msgid "PRO"
msgstr "PRO"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:452
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:454
msgid "Complete database backup"
msgstr "完全なデータベースのバックアップ"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:457
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:459
msgid "Complete file backup"
msgstr "完全なファイルのバックアップ"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:462
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:464
msgid "Database check"
msgstr "データベースチェック"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:467
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:469
msgid "Data compression"
msgstr "データ圧縮"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:477
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:479
msgid "List of installed plugins"
msgstr "インストールされたプラグインの一覧"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:482
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:484
msgid "Backup archives management"
msgstr "バックアップアーカイブの管理"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:487
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:489
msgid "Log file management"
msgstr "ログファイルの管理"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:492
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:494
msgid "Start jobs per WP-Cron, URL, system, backend or WP-CLI"
msgstr "WP-Cron、URL、システム、バックエンドまたはWP-CLIでジョブを開始"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:497
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:499
msgid "Log report via email"
msgstr "メール経由でレポートをログに記録"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:502
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:504
msgid "Backup to Microsoft Azure"
msgstr "Microsoft Azureにバックアップ"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:507
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:509
msgid "Backup as email"
msgstr "メールでバックアップ"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:512
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:514
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Backup to S3 services (Amazon, Google Storage, Hosteurope and "
-#| "more)"
msgid "Backup to S3 services (Amazon, Google Storage, Hosteurope and more)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "S3サービス(Amazon、Googleストレージ、Hosteurope等)にバックアップ"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:527
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:529
msgid "Backup to FTP server"
msgstr "FTPサーバーにバックアップ"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:532
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:534
msgid "Backup to your web space"
msgstr "ウェブスペースにバックアップ"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:542 inc/pro/class-pro.php:112
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:542
+#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:112
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:152
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:544
msgid "Backup to Google Drive"
msgstr "Google Driveにバックアップ"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:547 inc/pro/class-pro.php:93
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:547
+#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:93
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:131
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:549
msgid "Backup to Amazon Glacier"
msgstr "Amazon Glacierにバックアップ"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:552
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:554
msgid "Custom API keys for DropBox and SugarSync"
msgstr "DropBoxとSugarSyncのカスタムAPIキー"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:557
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:559
msgid "XML database backup as PHPMyAdmin schema"
msgstr "PHPMyAdminのスキーマなどのXMLデータベースのバックアップ"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:562
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:564
msgid "Database backup as mysqldump per command line"
msgstr "mysqldumpコマンドラインあたりのデータベースのバックアップ"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:567
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:569
msgid "Database backup for additional MySQL databases"
msgstr "追加のMySQLデータベース用のデータベースのバックアップ"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:572
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:574
msgid "Import and export job settings as XML"
msgstr "XMLのインポートおよびエクスポートジョブの設定"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:577
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:579
msgid "Wizard for system tests"
msgstr "システムテストのためのウィザード"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:582
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:584
msgid "Wizard for scheduled backup jobs"
msgstr "スケジュールされたバックアップジョブのウィザード"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:587
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:589
msgid "Wizard to import settings and backup jobs"
msgstr "設定およびバックアップジョブをインポートするウィザード"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:592
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:594
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to Dropbox"
msgstr "Dropboxに変更されたディレクトリの差分バックアップ"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:597
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:599
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to Rackspace Cloud Files"
msgstr "Rackspace Cloud Filesに変更されたディレクトリの差分バックアップ"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:602
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:604
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to S3"
msgstr "S3に変更されたディレクトリの差分バックアップ"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:607
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:609
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to MS Azure"
msgstr "MS Azureに変更されたディレクトリの差分バックアップ"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:612
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:639
msgid "Premium support"
msgstr "プレミアムサポート"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:617
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:644
msgid "Automatic updates"
msgstr "backwpup.com から自動更新"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:624
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:651
msgid "GET PRO"
msgstr "GET PRO"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:182
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:158
msgid "No files could be found. (List will be generated during next backup.)"
-msgstr ""
-"ファイルが見つかりませんでした。 (リストは次のバックアップ時に生成されます)"
+msgstr "ファイルが見つかりませんでした。 (リストは次のバックアップ時に生成されます)"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:195 inc/class-page-backups.php:315
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:113 inc/class-page-jobs.php:177
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:125 inc/class-page-logs.php:204
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:195
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:315
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:113
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:177
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:125
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:204
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:168
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:274
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:151
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:232
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "削除"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:229
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:203
msgid "Change destination"
msgstr "先を変更"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:269 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:283
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347 inc/class-page-logs.php:136
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:269
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:283
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:136
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:241
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:163
msgid "Time"
msgstr "時間"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:270
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:242
msgid "File"
msgstr "ファイル"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:272 inc/class-page-logs.php:140
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:272
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:140
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:244
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:167
msgid "Size"
msgstr "サイズ"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:315
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:273
msgid ""
"You are about to delete this backup archive. \n"
" 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete."
@@ -2708,107 +3287,100 @@ msgstr ""
"'キャンセル'で中止 'OK'で削除します。"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:318 inc/class-page-jobs.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:318
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:330
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:206
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:281
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:285
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:768
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:779
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:234
msgid "Download"
msgstr "ダウンロード"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:348
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:311
msgid "?"
msgstr "?"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:361 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:321
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:384 inc/class-page-jobs.php:318
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:361
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:321
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:384
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:318
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:164
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:317
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:190
msgid "%1$s at %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s %2$s"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:377 inc/class-page-backups.php:417
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:35 inc/class-page-jobs.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:417
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:35
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:331
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:369
msgid "Sorry, you don't have permissions to do that."
msgstr "申し訳ありませんが、それを行うための権限がありません。"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:441
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:433
msgid "Backup Files"
msgstr "バックアップファイル"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:489
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%s Manage Backup Archives"
msgid "%s › Manage Backup Archives"
msgstr "%s バックアップアーカイブの管理"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:67
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%s Dashboard"
msgid "%s › Dashboard"
msgstr "%s ダッシュボード"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:74 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:83
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:74
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:83
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Planning backups"
msgstr "バックアップ計画"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
-msgid ""
-"Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation "
-"including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage "
-"service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
+msgid "Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server."
+msgstr "/wp-content/
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:76 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:85
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:76
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:85
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Restoring backups"
msgstr "バックアップの復元"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:77 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:86
-msgid ""
-"With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a "
-"tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:77
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:86
+msgid "With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
+msgstr "単一のバックアップアーカイブを使用して復元することができます。データベースのバックアップファイルを復元するにはAdminerやphpMyAdminのようなツールやプラグインを使用してください。"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:78 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:87
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:78
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:87
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Ready to set up a backup job?"
msgstr "バックアップジョブの準備はできましたか?"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79
-msgid ""
-"Use one of the wizards to plan a backup, or use expert mode"
-"a> for full control over all options."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Use one of the wizards to plan a backup, or use expert mode for full control over all options."
+msgstr "バックアップを計画するか、すべてのオプションを完全に制御するためには、のエキスパートモードを使用するためのウィザードのいずれかを使WordPress用します。"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:89
-msgid ""
-"Please note: You are solely responsible for the security of your "
-"data; the authors of this plugin are not."
-msgstr ""
-"注意: データのセキュリティの確保は自己責任です。プラグイン作者は責任"
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:89
+msgid "Please note: You are solely responsible for the security of your data; the authors of this plugin are not."
+msgstr "注意: データのセキュリティの確保は自己責任です。プラグイン作者は責任を負いません。"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
-msgid ""
-"Use the short links in the First steps box to plan and "
-"schedule backup jobs."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Use the short links in the First steps box to plan and schedule backup jobs."
+msgstr "バックアップジョブを計画し、スケジュールするために、ファーストステップボックスでリンクをクリックしてください。"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:88
msgid "Add a new backup job and plan what you want to save."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "新しいバックアップジョブを追加して保存したいものを計画します。"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:96
msgid "First Steps"
@@ -2818,7 +3390,8 @@ msgstr "最初のステップ"
msgid "Test the installation"
msgstr "インストールをテスト"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:101 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:104
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:101
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:104
msgid "Create a Job"
msgstr "ジョブを作成"
@@ -2839,10 +3412,8 @@ msgid "One click backup"
msgstr "1クリックバックアップ"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:117
-msgid ""
-"Generate a database backup of WordPress tables and download it right away!"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Generate a database backup of WordPress tables and download it right away!"
+msgstr "のテーブルのデータベースのバックアップを生成し、すぐにそれをダウンロード!"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:117
msgid "Download database backup"
@@ -2862,18 +3433,16 @@ msgid "RSS Error: %s"
msgstr "RSSエラー: %s"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:132
-msgid ""
-"An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again "
-msgstr ""
+msgid "An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again later."
+msgstr "エラーはおそらく供給が停止していることを意味します。時間を置いて再試行してください。"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:146
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "無題"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:211 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:373
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:211
+#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:373
+#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:331
msgid "Start wizard"
msgstr "ウィザードを開始"
@@ -2883,7 +3452,6 @@ msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:222
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Settings"
msgid "Video: Settings"
msgstr "設定"
@@ -2897,8 +3465,6 @@ msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:237
#, fuzzy
-#| msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
-#| msgid "Restoring backups"
msgid "Video: Restoring Backups"
msgstr "バックアップの復元"
@@ -2914,9 +3480,6 @@ msgstr "アクセスを取得:"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:257
#, fuzzy
-#| msgctxt "Pro teaser box"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "First-class dedicated support at MarketPress Helpdesk."
msgctxt "Pro teaser box"
msgid "First-class dedicated support at backwpup.com."
msgstr "ヘルプデスクのファーストクラス専用サポート。"
@@ -2929,8 +3492,7 @@ msgstr "Googleドライブや他のクラウドストレージサービスへの
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:259
msgctxt "Pro teaser box"
msgid "Easy-peasy wizards to create and schedule backup jobs."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "バックアップジョブを作成しスケジュールするための非常に単純なウィザード。"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
msgctxt "Pro teaser box, link text"
@@ -2951,8 +3513,10 @@ msgstr "BackWPup Proをゲット"
msgid "Next scheduled jobs"
msgstr "次にスケジュールされたジョブ"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:284 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:284
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:137
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:164
msgid "Job"
msgstr "ジョブ"
@@ -2960,7 +3524,8 @@ msgstr "ジョブ"
msgid "working since %d seconds"
msgstr "%d秒以降に作業"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:309 inc/class-page-jobs.php:608
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:309
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:608
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "中止"
@@ -2978,20 +3543,17 @@ msgstr "結果"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:366
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Cannot create folder: %1$s"
msgid "Could not open log folder: %s"
msgstr "フォルダを作成することはできません: %1$s:"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:389
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%d ERROR"
msgid "%d ERROR"
msgid_plural "%d ERRORS"
msgstr[0] "%d件のエラー"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:392
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%d WARNING"
msgid "%d WARNING"
msgid_plural "%d WARNINGS"
msgstr[0] "%d件の警告"
@@ -3005,449 +3567,615 @@ msgid "Job with ID %d"
msgstr "ジョブID %d"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
msgid "Changes for job %s saved."
msgstr "ジョブ %s を保存しました。"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
msgid "Jobs overview"
msgstr "ジョブの概要"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222 inc/class-page-jobs.php:181
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:181
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
msgid "Run now"
msgstr "今すぐ実行"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:325
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:334
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%1$s at %2$s"
msgid "%1$s › Job: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s %2$s"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:328 inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:328
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:214
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:337
msgid "General"
msgstr "一般"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:328
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:337
msgid "Schedule"
msgstr "スケジュール"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:343
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:352
msgid "To: %s"
msgstr "宛先: %s"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:378 inc/class-page-editjob.php:383
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:378
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:383
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:125
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
msgid "Job Name"
msgstr "ジョブ名"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:381
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:390
msgid "Please name this job."
msgstr "このジョブの名前"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:397
msgid "Job Tasks"
msgstr "ジョブタスク"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:391 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:254
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:391
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:254
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:254
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:400
msgid "This job is a …"
msgstr "このジョブは …"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:394 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:257
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:394
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:257
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:257
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:403
msgid "Job tasks"
msgstr "ジョブタスク"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:412
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:421
msgid "Backup File Creation"
msgstr "バックアップファイルの作成"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:417 inc/class-page-editjob.php:420
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:402 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:417
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:420
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:402
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:402
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:426
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:429
msgid "Backup type"
msgstr "バックアップの種類"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:423
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:432
msgid "Synchronize file by file to destination"
msgstr "宛先にファイルして、ファイルを同期"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:428 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:413
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:428
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:413
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:413
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:437
msgid "Create a backup archive"
msgstr "バックアップアーカイブを作成"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:436
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:445
msgid "Archive name"
msgstr "アーカイブ名"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:439
-msgid ""
-"Note: In order for backup file tracking to work, the archive name "
-"must begin with %s."
-msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:454
msgid "Replacement patterns:"
msgstr "置換パターン:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:448
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:455
msgid "%d = Two digit day of the month, with leading zeros"
msgstr "%d = 先行ゼロを2つの月の桁の日"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:449
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:456
msgid "%j = Day of the month, without leading zeros"
msgstr "%j = 先行ゼロなしの月の日"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:450
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:457
msgid "%m = Day of the month, with leading zeros"
msgstr "%m = 先行ゼロと日"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:451
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:458
msgid "%n = Representation of the month (without leading zeros)"
msgstr "%n = 月の表現 (先行ゼロなし)"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:452
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:459
msgid "%Y = Four digit representation for the year"
msgstr "%Y = 年を4桁表記"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:453
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:460
msgid "%y = Two digit representation of the year"
msgstr "%y = 年を2桁表記"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:454
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:461
msgid "%a = Lowercase ante meridiem (am) and post meridiem (pm)"
msgstr "%a = 小文字の午前(am)と午後(pm)"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:455
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:462
msgid "%A = Uppercase ante meridiem (AM) and post meridiem (PM)"
msgstr "%A = 大文字の午前午後(AM)と午後(PM)"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:456
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:463
msgid "%B = Swatch Internet Time"
msgstr "%B =スウォッチインターネットタイム"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:457
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:464
msgid "%g = Hour in 12-hour format, without leading zeros"
msgstr "%g = 先行ゼロなしで12時間形式"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:458
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:465
msgid "%G = Hour in 24-hour format, without leading zeros"
msgstr "%G = 先行ゼロなしで24時間形式"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:459
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:466
msgid "%h = Hour in 12-hour format, with leading zeros"
msgstr "%h = 先行ゼロを12時間形式"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:460
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:467
msgid "%H = Hour in 24-hour format, with leading zeros"
msgstr "先行ゼロと24時間形式の% h =時間、"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:461
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:468
msgid "%i = Two digit representation of the minute"
msgstr "%i = 2桁表現"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:462
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:469
msgid "%s = Two digit representation of the second"
msgstr "%s = 秒の2桁表現"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:468 inc/class-page-editjob.php:471
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:468
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:471
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:475
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:478
msgid "Archive Format"
msgstr "アーカイブ形式"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:474 inc/class-page-editjob.php:476
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:426 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:476
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:426
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:426
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
msgid "Zip"
msgstr "Zip"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:477
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Disabled due to missing PHP function."
-msgid "Disabled due to missing %s PHP class."
-msgstr "起因するPHPの関数の欠落に無効。"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:479 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:433
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:479
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:433
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:433
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:486
msgid "Tar"
msgstr "Tar"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481 inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:437 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:437
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:437
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:488
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
msgid "Tar GZip"
msgstr "Tar GZip"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:484 inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:484
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:491
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:498
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Disabled due to missing PHP function."
msgid "Disabled due to missing %s PHP function."
msgstr "起因するPHPの関数の欠落に無効。"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:487 inc/class-page-editjob.php:489
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:444 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:487
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:489
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:444
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:444
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:494
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:497
msgid "Tar BZip2"
msgstr "Tar BZip2"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:497
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:533
msgid "Job Destination"
msgstr "ジョブの伝送先"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:501 inc/class-page-editjob.php:504
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:501
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:504
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:537
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:540
msgid "Where should your backup file be stored?"
msgstr "バックアップファイルの保存方法"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:522
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:558
msgid "Log Files"
msgstr "ログファイル"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:526
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:562
msgid "Send log to email address"
msgstr "ログの送信先メールアドレス"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:529
-msgid ""
-"Leave empty to not have log sent. Or separate with , for more than one "
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:565
+msgid "Leave empty to not have log sent. Or separate with , for more than one receiver."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:533
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:569
msgid "Email FROM field"
msgstr "メールのタイトル"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:535
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:571
msgid "Your Name <mail@domain.tld>"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:539
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:575
msgid "Errors only"
msgstr "エラー"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:544
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:580
msgid "Send email with log only when errors occur during job execution."
msgstr "ジョブの実行中にエラーが発生した場合にのみログをメールで送信"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:555
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:591
msgid "Job Schedule"
msgstr "ジョブスケジュール"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:559 inc/class-page-editjob.php:562
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:559
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:562
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:595
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:598
msgid "Start job"
msgstr "ジョブの開始方法"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:566
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:602
msgid "manually only"
msgstr "手動"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:570
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:606
msgid "with WordPress cron"
msgstr "WordPressのcron"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:579
-msgid ""
-"with EasyCron.com"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:615
+msgid "with EasyCron.com"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:581
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:617
msgid "First setup API Key."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:590
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:626
msgid "with a link"
msgstr "リンク"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:591
-msgid ""
-"Copy the link for an external start. This option has to be activated to make "
-"the link work."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:627
+msgid "Copy the link for an external start. This option has to be activated to make the link work."
+msgstr "外部スタート用のリンクをコピー。このオプションは、リンクを動作させるために活性化されなければなりません。"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:598
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:634
msgid "Start job with CLI"
msgstr "CLIを使用してジョブを開始"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:601
-msgid ""
-"Use WP-CLI to run jobs from commandline."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:637
+msgid "Use WP-CLI to run jobs from commandline."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:606
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:642
msgid "Schedule execution time"
msgstr "実行時間をスケジュール"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:610 inc/class-page-editjob.php:613
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:610
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:613
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:646
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:649
msgid "Scheduler type"
msgstr "スケジューラタイプ"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:617
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:653
msgid "basic"
msgstr "基本"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:621
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:657
msgid "advanced"
msgstr "高度"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:650 inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:650
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:320
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:320
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:686
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:754
msgid "Scheduler"
msgstr "スケジューラ"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:655 inc/class-page-jobs.php:126
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:139 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:324
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:655
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:126
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:139
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:324
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:324
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:166
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:691
msgid "Type"
msgstr "タイプ"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:660 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:660
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:330
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:696
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "時間"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:663 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:333
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:663
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:333
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:333
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:699
msgid "Minute"
msgstr "分"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:667 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:337
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:667
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:337
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:337
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:703
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "毎月"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:669 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:339
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:669
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:339
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:339
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:705
msgid "on"
msgstr "実行日"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:679 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:349
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:679
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:349
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:349
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:715
msgid "weekly"
msgstr "毎週"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:681 inc/class-page-editjob.php:788
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:681
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:788
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:351
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:351
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:717
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:824
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "日曜日"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:682 inc/class-page-editjob.php:789
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:682
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:789
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:352
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:352
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:825
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "月曜日"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:683 inc/class-page-editjob.php:790
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:683
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:790
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:353
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:353
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:719
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:826
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "火曜日"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:684 inc/class-page-editjob.php:791
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:684
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:791
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:354
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:354
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:720
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:827
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "水曜日"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:685 inc/class-page-editjob.php:792
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:685
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:792
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:355
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:355
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:721
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:828
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "木曜日"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:686 inc/class-page-editjob.php:793
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:686
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:793
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:356
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:356
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:722
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:829
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "金曜日"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:687 inc/class-page-editjob.php:794
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:687
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:794
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:357
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:357
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:723
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:830
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "土曜日"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:697 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:697
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:367
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:733
msgid "daily"
msgstr "毎日"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:707 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:707
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:377
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:743
msgid "hourly"
msgstr "毎時"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:721
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:757
msgid "Minutes:"
msgstr "分:"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:723 inc/class-page-editjob.php:736
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:748 inc/class-page-editjob.php:762
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:723
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:736
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:748
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:762
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:784
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:759
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:772
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:798
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:820
msgid "Any (*)"
msgstr "全て (*)"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:733
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:769
msgid "Hours:"
msgstr "時間:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:746
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:782
msgid "Day of Month:"
msgstr "日:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:760
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:796
msgid "Month:"
msgstr "月:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:766
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:802
msgid "January"
msgstr "1月"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:767
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:803
msgid "February"
msgstr "2月"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:768
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:804
msgid "March"
msgstr "3月"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:769
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:805
msgid "April"
msgstr "4月"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:770
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:806
msgid "May"
msgstr "5月"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:771
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:807
msgid "June"
msgstr "6月"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:772
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:808
msgid "July"
msgstr "7月"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:773
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:809
msgid "August"
msgstr "8月"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:774
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:810
msgid "September"
msgstr "9月"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:775
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:811
msgid "October"
msgstr "10月"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:776
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:812
msgid "November"
msgstr "11月"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:777
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:813
msgid "December"
msgstr "12月"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:782
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:818
msgid "Day of Week:"
msgstr "曜日:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:818
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:854
msgid "Save changes"
msgstr "変更を保存"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:905
-msgid ""
-"Working as Cron schedule:"
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:941
+msgid "Working as Cron schedule:"
+msgstr "Cronとして働くスケジュール:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:914
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:950
msgid "ATTENTION: Job runs every %d minutes!"
msgstr "注意: ジョブを%d分ごとに実行!"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:918
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:954
msgid "ATTENTION: Can't calculate cron!"
msgstr "注意: cronを計算できません!"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:921
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:957
msgid "Next runtime:"
msgstr "次の実行時間:"
@@ -3455,8 +4183,11 @@ msgstr "次の実行時間:"
msgid "No Jobs."
msgstr "ジョブがありません。"
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:127 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:67
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:127
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:67
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:473
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:67
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:473
msgid "Destinations"
msgstr "宛先"
@@ -3468,11 +4199,15 @@ msgstr "次回の実行"
msgid "Last Run"
msgstr "前回の実行"
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:172 inc/class-page-logs.php:200
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:172
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:200
+#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:221
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:228
msgid "Job ID: %d"
msgstr "ジョブID: %d"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:175
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:45
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "編集"
@@ -3492,7 +4227,8 @@ msgstr "不要または設定されていません。"
msgid "Running for: %s seconds"
msgstr "実行中: %s秒"
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:280 inc/class-page-jobs.php:289
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:280
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:289
msgid "Cron: %s"
msgstr "Cron: %s"
@@ -3542,23 +4278,20 @@ msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:454
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Job “%s” has started, but not responded for 10 seconds."
-msgid ""
-"Job \"%s\" has started, but not responded for 10 seconds. Please check information."
+msgid "Job \"%s\" has started, but not responded for 10 seconds. Please check information."
msgstr "ジョブ“%s”を開始しましたが、10秒間応答しませんでした。"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:459
msgid "Job \"%s\" started."
msgstr "ジョブ\"%s\"を開始しました。"
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:471 inc/class-wp-cli.php:59
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:471
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:59
msgid "Job will be terminated."
msgstr "ジョブが終了しました。"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%s Jobs"
msgid "%s › Jobs"
msgstr "%sのジョブ"
@@ -3588,7 +4321,6 @@ msgstr "画面を閉じる"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:609
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "close"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "閉じる"
@@ -3597,2103 +4329,1235 @@ msgid "Job completed"
msgstr "ジョブ完了"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
-msgid ""
-"Job has done with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct "
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Job has done with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct execution."
+msgstr "ジョブは%s秒で警告しています。正しく実行するために問題を解決してください。"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:113
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:138
msgid "No Logs."
msgstr "ログはありません。"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:138
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:165
msgid "Status"
msgstr "ステータス"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:141
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:168
msgid "Runtime"
msgstr "処理時間"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:202
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:230
msgid "View"
msgstr "表示"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:251
msgid "1 ERROR"
msgid_plural "%d ERRORS"
msgstr[0] "1件のエラー"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:225
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:254
msgid "1 WARNING"
msgid_plural "%d WARNINGS"
msgstr[0] "1件の警告"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:228
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:257
msgid "O.K."
msgstr "正常終了"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:246
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:275
msgid "Log only"
msgstr "ログのみ"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:391
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:440
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%s Logs"
msgid "%s › Logs"
msgstr "%sのログ"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:422
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:471
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Log file folder"
msgid "Logfile not found!"
msgstr "ファイルフォルダのログ"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:61
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:88
msgid "Settings reset to default"
msgstr "設定をデフォルトにリセットしました。"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:104
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:194
msgid "Settings saved"
msgstr "設定を保存しました。"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:115
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:209
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%s Settings"
msgid "%s › Settings"
msgstr "%sの設定"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:220
msgid "Network"
msgstr "ネットワーク"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:221
msgid "API Keys"
msgstr "APIキー"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:222
msgid "Information"
msgstr "情報"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:135
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:241
msgid "Display Settings"
msgstr "表示設定"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:136
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:242
msgid "Do you want to see BackWPup in the WordPress admin bar?"
msgstr "WordPressの管理バーにBackWPupを表示しますか?"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:139
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:245
msgid "Admin bar"
msgstr "管理バー"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:142
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:250
msgid "Admin Bar"
msgstr "管理バー"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:145
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:258
msgid "Show BackWPup links in admin bar."
msgstr "管理バーにBackWPupリンクを表示。"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:151 inc/class-page-settings.php:154
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:151
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:154
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:264
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:269
msgid "Folder sizes"
msgstr "フォルダサイズ"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:157
-msgid ""
-"Display folder sizes in the files tab when editing a job. (Might increase "
-"loading time of files tab.)"
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:277
+msgid "Display folder sizes in the files tab when editing a job. (Might increase loading time of files tab.)"
+msgstr "ジョブを編集するときにファイルタブでフォルダのサイズを表示する。(ファイルタブのロード時間を増加する可能性があります。)"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:163
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:286
msgid "Security"
msgstr "セキュリティー"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:164
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:287
msgid "Security option for BackWPup"
msgstr "BackWPupのセキュリティオプション"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:167 inc/class-page-settings.php:170
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:167
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:170
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:290
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:295
msgid "Protect folders"
msgstr "フォルダを保護"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:173
-msgid ""
-"Protect BackWPup folders ( Temp, Log and Backups ) with .htaccess"
-"code> and
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:304
+msgid "Protect BackWPup folders ( Temp, Log and Backups ) with .htaccess
and index.php
+msgstr "BackWPupフォルダ(TEMP・ログおよびバックアップ)を.htaccessファイル
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:186
-msgid ""
-"Every time BackWPup runs a backup job, a log file is being generated. Choose "
-"where to store your log files and how many of them."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:321
+msgid "Every time BackWPup runs a backup job, a log file is being generated. Choose where to store your log files and how many of them."
+msgstr "BackWPupのバックアップジョブを実行するたびにログファイルが生成されます。ログファイルをどのように保存するか指定します"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:189
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:330
msgid "Log file folder"
msgstr "ファイルフォルダのログ"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:192
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:340
msgid "You can use absolute or relative path! Relative path is relative to %s."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:196
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:356
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Maximum file size"
msgid "Maximum log files"
msgstr "最大ファイルサイズ"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:199
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:363
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Maximum number of log files in folder"
msgid "Maximum log files in folder."
msgstr "フォルダ内のログファイルの最大数"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:203 inc/class-page-settings.php:206
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:203
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:206
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:370
msgid "Compression"
msgstr "圧縮"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:209
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:381
msgid "Compress log files with GZip."
msgstr "gzipでログファイルを圧縮"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:215 inc/class-page-settings.php:218
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:215
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:218
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:392
msgid "Logging Level"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:221
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:400
msgid "Normal (translated)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:404
msgid "Normal (not translated)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:223
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:408
msgid "Debug (translated)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:224
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:412
msgid "Debug (not translated)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:227
-msgid ""
-"Debug log has much more informations than normal logs. It is for support and "
-"should be handled carefully. For support is the best to use a not translated "
-"log file. Usage of not translated logs can reduce the PHP memory usage too."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:416
+msgid "Debug log has much more informations than normal logs. It is for support and should be handled carefully. For support is the best to use a not translated log file. Usage of not translated logs can reduce the PHP memory usage too."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:236
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:429
msgid "There are a couple of general options for backup jobs. Set them here."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "バックアップジョブの一般的なオプションがいくつかあります。ここではそれらを設定します。"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:239
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:437
msgid "Maximum number of retries for job steps"
msgstr "ジョブの最大再試行回数"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:245
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:450
msgid "Maximum script execution time"
msgstr "最大スクリプト実行時間"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:248
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:455
msgid "Maximum PHP Script execution time"
msgstr "最大のPHPスクリプトの実行時間"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:251
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:462
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "seconds"
msgid "seconds."
msgstr "秒"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:252
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:464
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Job will restart before hitting maximum execution time. It will not work "
-#| "with CLI and not on every step during execution. If "
has been defined, WordPress Cron will be "
-#| "used."
-msgid ""
-"Job will restart before hitting maximum execution time. Restarts will be "
-"disabled on CLI usage. If ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
has been defined, "
-"WordPress Cron will be used for restarts, so it can take a while. 0 means no "
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Job will restart before hitting maximum execution time. Restarts will be disabled on CLI usage. If ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
has been defined, WordPress Cron will be used for restarts, so it can take a while. 0 means no maximum."
+msgstr "ジョブを最大実行時間を実行前に再起動します。これはCLIを使用せず実行中のすべての段階で動作しません。ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:259
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:476
msgid "Key to start jobs externally with an URL"
msgstr "URLで外部からジョブを開始するキー"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:263
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:484
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "empty = deactivated. Will be used to protect job starts from unauthorized "
-#| "person."
msgid "Will be used to protect job starts from unauthorized person."
msgstr "空 = 無効。不正なジョブの開始を保護するために使用される。"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:267 inc/class-page-settings.php:270
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:267
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:270
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:492
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:497
msgid "Reduce server load"
msgstr "サーバーの負荷を軽減"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:273
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:505
msgid "disabled"
msgstr "無効"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:274
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:509
msgid "minimum"
msgstr "最小"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:275
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:513
msgid "medium"
msgstr "中"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:276
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:517
msgid "maximum"
msgstr "最大"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:279
-msgid ""
-"This adds short pauses to the process. Can be used to reduce the CPU load."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:521
+msgid "This adds short pauses to the process. Can be used to reduce the CPU load."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:284
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:530
msgid "Empty output on working"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:287 inc/class-page-settings.php:290
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:287
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:290
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:535
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:546
msgid "Enable an empty Output on backup working."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:292
-msgid ""
-"This do an empty output on job working. This can help in some situations or "
-"can brake the working. You must test it."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:549
+msgid "This do an empty output on job working. This can help in some situations or can brake the working. You must test it."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:297
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:558
msgid "Windows IIS compatibility"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:300 inc/class-page-settings.php:303
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:300
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:303
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:563
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:574
msgid "Enable compatibility with IIS on Windows."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:305
-msgid ""
-"There is a PHP bug (bug #43817), "
-"which is triggered on some versions of Windows and IIS. Checking this box "
-"will enable a workaround for that bug. Only enable if you are getting errors "
-"about “Permission denied” in your logs."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:577
+msgid "There is a PHP bug (bug #43817), which is triggered on some versions of Windows and IIS. Checking this box will enable a workaround for that bug. Only enable if you are getting errors about “Permission denied” in your logs."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:315
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:801
msgid "Authentication for %s
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:316
-msgid ""
-"If you protected your blog with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess), or "
-"you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php, then use the authentication methods "
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:808
+msgid "If you protected your blog with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess), or you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php, then use the authentication methods below."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:322 inc/class-page-settings.php:325
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:322
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:325
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:824
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:829
msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:329
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:841
msgid "Basic auth"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:845
msgid "WordPress User"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:331
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:849
msgid "Query argument"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:338
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:860
msgid "Basic Auth Username:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:344
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:877
msgid "Basic Auth Password:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:349 inc/class-page-settings.php:352
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:349
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:352
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:891
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:894
msgid "Select WordPress User"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:368
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:927
msgid "Query arg key=value:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387 inc/class-page-settings.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1066
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1070
msgid "Setting"
msgstr "設定"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387 inc/class-page-settings.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1066
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1070
msgid "Value"
msgstr "値"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:389
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1115
msgid "WordPress version"
msgstr "WordPressのバージョン"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:391
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1120
msgid "BackWPup version"
msgstr "BackWPupのバージョン"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:391
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1124
msgid "Get pro."
msgstr "Get pro."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:393
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1126
msgid "BackWPup Pro version"
msgstr "BackWPup Pro版"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:401
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1131
msgid "PHP version"
msgstr "PHPのバージョン"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:402
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1141
msgid "MySQL version"
msgstr "MySQLのバージョン"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:405 inc/class-page-settings.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:405
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1145
msgid "cURL version"
msgstr "cURLのバージョン"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:406
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1149
msgid "cURL SSL version"
msgstr "cURL SSLのバージョン"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1152
msgid "unavailable"
msgstr "利用不可"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:411
-msgid "WP-Cron url:"
-msgstr "WP-CronのURL:"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:413
-msgid "Server self connect:"
-msgstr "サーバーの自己接続:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:418
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1167
msgid "Not expected HTTP response:
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:420
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1174
msgid "WP Http Error: %s
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:422
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1180
msgid "Status-Code: %d
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:430
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1195
msgid "Content: %s
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:434
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1200
msgid "Response Test O.K."
msgstr "応答テストO.K."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:438
-msgid "Temp folder:"
-msgstr "Tempフォルダ:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:440
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1212
msgid "Temp folder %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "Tempフォルダ%sは存在しません。"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:442
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1217
msgid "Temporary folder %s is not writable."
msgstr "一時フォルダ%sは書き込み可能ではありません。"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:449
-msgid "Log folder:"
-msgstr "ログ用フォルダ:"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:451
-msgid "Logs folder %s not exist."
-msgstr "Logsフォルダー%sは存在しません。"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:453
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1236
msgid "Log folder %s is not writable."
msgstr "ログフォルダ%sは書き込み可能ではありません。"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:458
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1244
msgid "Server"
msgstr "サーバー"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:459
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1248
msgid "Operating System"
msgstr "オペレーティングシステム"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:460
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1252
msgid "PHP SAPI"
msgstr "PHP SAPI"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:461
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1260
msgid "Function Disabled"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:465
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1256
msgid "Current PHP user"
msgstr "現在のPHPユーザ"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:466
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1264
msgid "Maximum execution time"
msgstr "最大実行時間"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:468 inc/class-page-settings.php:470
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:468
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:470
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1278
msgid "Alternative WP Cron"
msgstr "代替WP cron"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:468 inc/class-page-settings.php:472
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:468
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:472
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1280
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1288
msgid "On"
msgstr "オン"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:470 inc/class-page-settings.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:470
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1282
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1290
msgid "Off"
msgstr "オフ"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:472 inc/class-page-settings.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:472
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1286
msgid "Disabled WP Cron"
msgstr "WP Cron無効"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:476 inc/class-page-settings.php:478
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:476
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:478
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1294
msgid "CHMOD Dir"
msgstr "CHMOD ディレクトリ"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:480
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1302
msgid "Server Time"
msgstr "サーバー時間"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:481
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1307
msgid "Blog Time"
msgstr "ブログタイム"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:482
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1311
msgid "Blog Timezone"
msgstr "ブログタイムゾーン"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:483
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1315
msgid "Blog Time offset"
msgstr "ブログタイムオフセット"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:483
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1317
msgid "%s hours"
msgstr "%s時間"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:484
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1322
msgid "Blog language"
msgstr "ブログ言語"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:485
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1326
msgid "MySQL Client encoding"
msgstr "MySQL クライアントエンコーディング"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:488
-msgid "Blog charset"
-msgstr "ブログの文字コード"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:489
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1330
msgid "PHP Memory limit"
msgstr "PHPのメモリ制限"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:490
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1334
msgid "WP memory limit"
msgstr "WPメモリ制限"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:491
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1338
msgid "WP maximum memory limit"
msgstr "WPの最大メモリ制限"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:492
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1342
msgid "Memory in use"
msgstr "使用中のメモリ"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:497
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1348
msgid "Disabled PHP Functions:"
msgstr "PHP関数が無効:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:502
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1353
msgid "Loaded PHP Extensions:"
msgstr "ロードされたPHP Extensions:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:514
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1089
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "変更を保存"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:516
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1094
msgid "Reset all settings to default"
msgstr "すべての設定をデフォルトにリセット"
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:123
-msgid ""
-"With the upcoming major release, BackWPup will be requiring PHP version 5.3 "
-"or higher."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:23
+msgid "A job is already running."
+msgstr "ジョブがすでに実行されています。"
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:125
-msgid "Currently, you are running PHP version 5.2."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:35
+msgid "No job ID specified!"
+msgstr "ジョブIDが指定されていません!"
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:127 inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:162
-msgid "Please urgently read here!"
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:41
+msgid "Job ID does not exist!"
+msgstr "ジョブIDが存在しません!"
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:132
-msgid "Don't show again."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:54
+msgid "Nothing to abort!"
+msgstr "何も中止しない!"
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:164
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup has determined, your installation is still running on the old PHP "
-"5.2 version."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:105
+msgid "No job running"
+msgstr "実行中のジョブがありません。"
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:167
-msgid ""
-"In order to ensure a fast and secure development for BackWPup, we will most "
-"likely not support PHP version 5.2 in our next version."
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:118
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:112
+msgid "PHP cURL extension must be installed to use the full plugin functionality."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:168
-msgid ""
-"No need to worry, your host can update your PHP version relatively quickly "
-"and without any problems."
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:122
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:67
+msgctxt "%1 = extension name, %2 = file suffix"
+msgid "We recommend to install the %1$s extension to generate %2$s archives."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:169
-msgid ""
-"Otherwise you can continue to stay on this last version and do not update "
-"the plugin in the future!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:173
-msgid ""
-"If the response from PHP 5.2 users is surprisingly high, we will eventually "
-"keep support for PHP 5.2 for a while."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:176
-msgid "Cheers!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:177
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "BackWPup News"
-msgid "Your BackWPup Team!"
-msgstr "BackWPupニュース"
-#. Translators: This is the anchor text for an HTML link pointing to BackWPup
-#. contact page
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:205
-msgid "contact us"
-msgstr ""
-#. Translators: %s is replaced by an HTML link with text "contact us" pointing
-#. to BackWPup contact page
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:207
-msgid "If you would like to have PHP 5.2 supported, please %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:208
-msgid "https://backwpup.com/php52/"
-msgstr "https://backwpup.com/php52/"
-#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:23
-msgid "A job is already running."
-msgstr "ジョブがすでに実行されています。"
-#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:35
-msgid "No job ID specified!"
-msgstr "ジョブIDが指定されていません!"
-#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:41
-msgid "Job ID does not exist!"
-msgstr "ジョブIDが存在しません!"
-#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:54
-msgid "Nothing to abort!"
-msgstr "何も中止しない!"
-#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:105
-msgid "No job running"
-msgstr "実行中のジョブがありません。"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:23
-msgid "Auth Code:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:26
-msgid "Get auth code"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:33
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:294
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:299
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:30
-msgid "Login:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:37
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:306
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:56
-msgid "Folder:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:112
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to Dropbox …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:147
-msgid "Retrieving file list from Dropbox"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:161
-msgid "Upload changed files to Dropbox"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:183
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Dropbox"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:211
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Dropbox"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:226
-msgid "Folder %s deleted from Dropbox"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:243
-msgid "File %s deleted from Dropbox"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:19
-msgid "Absolute path to folder for backup files:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:41
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:321
-msgid "Oldest files will be deleted first."
-msgstr "古いファイルは最初に削除されます。"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:87
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to folder …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:91
-msgid "Retrieving file list from folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:101
-msgid "Copy changed files to folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:115
-msgid "File %s copied"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:128
-msgid "Delete not existing files from folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:136
-msgid "Extra file %s copied"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:152
-msgid "File %s deleted from folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:210
-msgid "Empty folder %s deleted"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:17
-msgid "Hostname:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:25 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:23
-msgid "Username:"
-msgstr "ユーザー名:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:33
-msgid "Folder on server:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:42
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:60
-msgid "Maximum number of backup files to keep in folder:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:41
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:282
-msgid ""
-"Looks like you haven’t set up any API keys yet. Head over to Settings | API-Keys and get Google Drive all set up, then come back "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:55
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:297
-msgid "Authenticate"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:62
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:302
-msgid "Reauthenticate"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:73
-msgid "Folder in Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:110
-msgid ""
-"Consider using trash to delete files. If trash is not enabled, files will be "
-"deleted permanently."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:167
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:191
-msgid "GDrive: Authenticated."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:171
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:195
-msgid "GDrive: No refresh token received. Try to Authenticate again!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:177
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:199
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:218
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:237
-msgid "GDrive API: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:440
-msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to Google Drive …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:468
-msgid "Uploading to Google Drive …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:530
-msgid "Could not create resumable file transfer to Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:574
-msgid "Can not resume transfer backup to Google Drive!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:641
-msgid "Error transfering file chunks to %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:642
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:668
-msgid "Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:716
-msgid "One file deleted from Google Drive"
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Google Drive"
-msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:722
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1028
-msgid "Google Drive API: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:849
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to Google Drive …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:874
-msgid "Syncing changed files to Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:904
-msgid "File %s updated on Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:925
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:946
-msgid "File %s moved to trash in Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:949
-msgid "File %s deleted permanently in Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:995
-msgid "Extra file %s updated on Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1017
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:27
-msgid "Amazon Glacier"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:31
-msgid "Select a region:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:33
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:235
-msgid "Amazon Glacier Region"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:34
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:236
-msgid "US Standard"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:35
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:237
-msgid "US West (Northern California)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:36
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:238
-msgid "US West (Oregon)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:37
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:239
-msgid "EU (Ireland)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:38
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:240
-msgid "EU (Germany)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:39
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:241
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:40
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:242
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
-msgstr "Amazon S3: アジア太平洋(シドニー)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:41
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:42
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:244
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:43
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:245
-msgid "South America (Sao Paulo)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:44
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:246
-msgid "China (Beijing)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:50
-msgid "Amazon Access Keys"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:69
-msgid "Vault"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:73
-msgid "Vault selection"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:85
-msgid "Create a new vault"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:92
-msgid "Glacier Backup settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:108
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:264
-msgid ""
-"Number of files to keep in folder. (Archives deleted before 3 months after "
-"they have been stored may cause extra costs when deleted.)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:172
-msgid "No vault found!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:211
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:299
-msgid "Vault %1$s created."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:213
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:301
-msgid "Vault %s could not be created."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:234
-msgid "Select an Amazon Glacier region:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:243
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:248
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:19 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:39
-msgid "Access Key:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:250
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:42
-msgid "Secret Key:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:252
-msgid "Vault:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:261
-msgid "New Vault:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:341
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:456
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:475
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:518
-msgid "AWS API: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:364
-msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to Amazon Glacier …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:377
-msgid "Connected to Glacier vault \"%1$s\" with %2$d archives and size of %3$d"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:379
-msgid "Glacier vault \"%s\" does not exist!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:385
-msgid "Starting upload to Amazon Glacier …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:438
-msgid "Archive ID: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:449 inc/pro/class-pro.php:92
-msgid "Glacier"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:508
-msgid "Cannot delete archive from %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:512
-msgid "One file deleted on vault."
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on vault"
-msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:17
-msgid "Account Name:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:21
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:38
-msgid "Container:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:28
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:47
-msgid "Create container:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:30
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:49
-msgid "Folder in container:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:119
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files with Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:154
-msgid "Retrieving file list from MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:170
-msgid "Upload changed files to MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:182
-msgid "File %s uploaded to MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:208
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:221
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:224
-msgid "File %s deleted from MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:26
-msgid "API Key:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:29
-msgid "Select region:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:147
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files to Rackspace cloud …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:167
-msgid "Connected to Rackspace cloud files container %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:181
-msgid "Retrieving files list from Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:212
-msgid "Upload changed files to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:230
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:263
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:276
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:280
-msgid "File %s deleted from Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:17
-msgid "Select a S3 service:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:36
-msgid "or set an S3 Server URL:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:45
-msgid "Bucket:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:55
-msgid "New Bucket:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:57
-msgid "Folder in bucket:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:145
-msgid "Bucket %1$s created in %2$s."
-msgstr "バケット%1$sは%2$sで作成しました。"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:169
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files to S3 Service …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:203
-msgid "Retrieving file list from S3."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:265
-msgid "Upload changed files to S3."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:280
-msgid "File %s uploaded to S3."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:308
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to S3."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:321
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on S3"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:328
-msgid "File %s deleted from S3."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:24
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:82
-msgid "Sugarsync authenticate!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:34
-msgid "Root:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-export-jobs.php:12 inc/pro/class-export-jobs.php:23
-msgid "Export"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:27
-msgid "Check only WordPress Database tables"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:92
-msgid "Backup only WordPress Database tables"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:112
-msgid "Database connection"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:116
-msgid "Use WordPress database connection."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:120
-msgid "Host:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:123
-msgid "User:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:130
-msgid "Charset:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:141
-msgid "Database:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:169
-msgid "Database Backup type"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
-msgid "SQL File (with mysqli)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:174
-msgid "SQL File (with mysqldump)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:175
-msgid "XML File (phpMyAdmin schema)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:181
-msgid "Path to mysqldump file"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:190
-msgid ""
-"Path to mysqldump file, so a backup can be made with it. If it is correct "
-"and shell_exec is active, the backup will be generated with a "
-"system command. If shell_exec ist not active, this is disabled"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:580
-msgid "Added database backup \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:601
-msgid "%d. Try to backup MySQL system …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:608
-msgid ""
-"Executing of system commands not allowed. Please use backup with mysqli."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:613
-msgid "%s file not in open basedir of PHP."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:618
-msgid "%s file not found. Please correct the path for the mysqldump file."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:702
-msgctxt "Executed exec() command"
-msgid "CLI Exec: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:712
-msgid "Usage error."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:713
-msgid ""
-"MySQL Server Error. This could be an issue with permissions. Try using "
-"database backup with mysqli."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:714
-msgid "Error during consistency checks."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:715
-msgid "Not enough memory."
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:146
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:136
+msgctxt "Link to PHP manual"
+msgid "Please disable the deprecated PHP safe mode."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:716
-msgid "Error during writing of SQL backup file."
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:154
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:146
+msgid "We recommend to install the PHP FTP extension to use the FTP backup destination."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:717
-msgid "Illegal table"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:174
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:164
+msgid "The HTTP response test result is an error: \"%s\"."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:722
-msgid "mysqldump returned: (%d) %s"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:178
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:175
+msgid "The HTTP response test result is a wrong HTTP status: %s. It should be status 200."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:735
-msgid "Can not create mysql backup with mysqldump command"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:191
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:220
+msgid "WP-Cron seems to be broken. But it is needed to run scheduled jobs."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:781
-msgid "%d. Try to backup database as XML …"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:196
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:194
+msgid "All tests passed without errors."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:851
-msgctxt "Database Charset"
-msgid "Cannot set DB charset to %s"
-msgstr "%sにDBの文字セットを設定することはできません。"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:880
-msgid "No tables for XML backup"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:202
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:239
+msgid "There are errors. Please correct them, or BackWPup cannot work."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:916
-msgid "Dump database create view \"%s\""
-msgstr ""
+#. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
+#: inc/class-admin.php:381
+#: inc/class-admin.php:401
+#: inc/class-help.php:17
+#: inc/class-help.php:22
+#: inc/class-job.php:394
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:15
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:624
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:262
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:391
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:17
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:17
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:27
+#: inc/class-admin.php:510
+#: inc/class-admin.php:531
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1123
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:651
+#: inc/class-job.php:412
+msgid "http://backwpup.com"
+msgstr "http://backwpup.com"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:934
-msgid "Backup database structure \"%s\" to XML"
-msgstr ""
+#. Author URI of the plugin/theme
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:17
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:19
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:19
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:29
+msgid "http://inpsyde.com"
+msgstr "http://inpsyde.com"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:976
-msgid "Backup table \"%s\" data to XML"
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive-downloader.php:74
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:78
+msgid "Could not write data to file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:1044
-msgid "Added database XML dump \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive-downloader.php:102
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:122
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:137
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php:104
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:107
+msgid "File could not be opened for writing."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:1047
-msgid "Database XML backup done!"
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:63
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1134
+msgid "Amazon S3: EU (London)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:19
-msgid "Backup WordPress main files"
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:285
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:286
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:293
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step4_top.php:2
+msgid "Restore"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:23
-msgid "Backup blog content folder"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:77
+msgid "You must run WordPress version %1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %2$s now."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:27
-msgid "Backup blog plugins"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:88
+msgid "We recommend to run a PHP version above %1$s to get the full plugin functionality. You are using version %2$s now."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:31
-msgid "Backup blog themes"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:100
+msgid "You must have the MySQLi extension installed and a MySQL server version of %1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %2$s now."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:35
-msgid "Backup blog uploads folder"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:193
+msgid "Yeah!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
-msgid "Items to export:"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:261
+msgid "There are some warnings. BackWPup will work, but with limitations."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:13
-msgid "Nothing to configure"
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:104
+msgid "Cannot open FTP file for download."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:130
-msgid "No BackWPup Wizard Session found!"
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:64
+msgid "Could not read data from source file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:143 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:461
-msgid "Cancel"
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:69
+msgid "Could not write data into target file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:179 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:456
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:488
-msgid "Next ›"
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:96
+msgid "File could not be opened for reading."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:196 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:452
-msgid "‹ Previous"
+#. translators: $1 is the path of the local file where the backup will be stored
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:141
+msgid "%s is a directory not a file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:349
-msgctxt "Plugin Name"
-msgid "%s › Wizards"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:102
+msgid "Multipart splits file into multiple chunks while uploading.
This is necessary for displaying the upload process and to transfer bigger files.
Don't work with Google or Dreamhost."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:388
-msgctxt "Plugin Name"
-msgid "%s Wizard:"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:408
+msgid "« Go back"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:464
-msgid "Back to overview"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:501
+msgid "Please wait …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:111
-msgid "GDrive"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:504
+msgid "Your download is being generated …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:164 inc/pro/class-pro.php:190
-msgid "Wizards"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:510
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:15
+msgid "Please enter your private key to decrypt your backup."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:45
-msgid "Hash key"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:512
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:17
+msgid "The private key you entered was invalid. Please try again."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:46
-msgid ""
-"Hash Key for BackWPup. It will be used to have hashes in folder and file "
-"names. It must at least 6 chars long."
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:515
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:742
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:773
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:20
+msgid "Private Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:49
-msgid "Hash key:"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:522
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:25
+msgid "Submit"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:73
-msgid "Dropbox API Keys"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:527
+msgid "Your download has been generated. It should begin downloading momentarily."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:74
-msgid ""
-"If you want to set your own Dropbox API Keys, you can do it here. Leave "
-"empty for default."
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:575
+msgid "Seems is not possible to store your private key, be sure the directory %s is writable."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:77
-msgid "Full Dropbox App key:"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:114
+msgid "Functions for bz2 compression not available."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:88
-msgid "Full Dropbox App secret:"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:311
+msgid "File name cannot be empty."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:100
-msgid "Sandbox App key:"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:751
+msgid "Cannot open source file %s for archiving. Writing an empty file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:111
-msgid "Sandbox App secret:"
+#. translators: $1 is the filename to add into the archive.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:1006
+msgid "Cannot open source file %s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:131
-msgid "SugarSync API Keys"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:39
+msgid "Please enter a public key first, or generate a key pair."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:132
-msgid ""
-"If you want to set your own SugarSync API keys you can do that here. Leave "
-"empty for default."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:40
+msgid "Please enter your private key."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:135
-msgid "Access Key ID:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:41
+msgid "Public key is valid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:143
-msgid "Private Access Key:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:42
+msgid "Public key is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:154
-msgid "App ID:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:43
+msgid "Please download the private key before continuing. If you do not save it locally, you cannot decrypt your backups later."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:175
-msgid "Google API Keys"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:217
+msgid "Encryption"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:179
-msgid "Client ID:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:593
+msgid "Here you can set your keys for encrypting your backups."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:191
-msgid "Client secret:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:601
+msgid "If you select symmetric encryption (default), you can generate a 256-bit key by clicking Generate Key
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:202
-msgid "Redirect URIs:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:611
+msgid "If you select asymmetric encryption (more secure), you must have an RSA public/private key pair. You would enter the public key in the Public Key
field. If you do not have a key pair, click Generate Key Pair
and they will be generated for you."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:206
-msgid "Add this URI in a new line to the field."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:621
+msgid "Note: You will be asked to download the keys for safe storage. We do not keep a copy of the private key, so if you lose this, your data cannot be decrypted!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:15
-msgid "Create a job"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:631
+msgid "You can also click Validate
to validate that you have the proper private key for the given public key."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:16
-msgid "Choose a job"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:642
+msgid "Encryption Type"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:41
-msgid "Job Types"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:649
+msgid "Symmetric (public key only)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:41
-msgid "Select a task for your job."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:655
+msgid "Asymmetric (public and private key)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:61
-msgid "Archive Settings"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:661
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:667
+msgid "Encryption Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:62
-msgid "Settings for the Backup Archive"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:672
+msgid "Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:68
-msgid "Where would you like to store the backup file?"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:684
+msgid "Click below to generate a random key."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:82 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:314
-msgid "Scheduling"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:687
+msgid "Generate Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:82
-msgid "When would you like to start the job?"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:696
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:701
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:762
+msgid "Public Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:255
-msgid "Select one or more tasks for your backup job."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:704
+msgid "RSA Public Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:315
-msgid "Activate scheduling"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:716
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:717
+msgid "Generate Key Pair"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:409
-msgid "Sync file by file to destination"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:722
+msgid "Validate Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:420
-msgid "Select a compression type for the backup archive"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:723
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:748
+msgid "Validate"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:423
-msgid "Archive compression type"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:735
+msgid "Enter your private key below to validate it will work with the provided public key."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:427
-msgid ""
-"PHP Zip functions will be used if available (memory lees). Else PCLZip Class "
-"will used."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:738
+msgid "The private key will not be stored, so you must still securely store it yourself."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:430 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:441
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:449
-msgid "Disabled because missing PHP function."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:754
+msgid "Your keys are being generated. Please hold a moment …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:433 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:434
-msgid "Tar (fast and memory less) uncompressed"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:758
+msgid "Here are your keys. Please store them in a safe location."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:437 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:438
-msgid "A tared and GZipped archive (fast and memory less)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:783
+msgid "Please download at least your private key above, as we will not store this key, and if you lose it, your backups cannot be decrypted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:445
-msgid "A tared and BZipped archive (fast and memory less)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:786
+msgid "Click the button below to use these keys and paste the public key into the RSA public key field above."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:470
-msgid "Where to store the files"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:790
+msgid "Use These Keys"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:661
-msgid "Wizard: %1$s"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:955
+msgid "Experiencing an issue and need to contact BackWPup support? Click the link below to get debug information you can send to us."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:680
-msgid "New job %s generated."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:962
+msgid "Debug Info"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:692
-msgid "Create Job"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:966
+msgid "Get Debug Info"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:717 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:718
-msgid "Database Backup and XML Export (Daily)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:973
+msgid "You will find debug information below. Click the button to copy the debug info to send to support."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:735 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:736
-msgid "Database Check (Weekly)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:981
+msgid "Note: Would you like faster, more streamlined support? Pro users can contact BackWPup from right within the plugin."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:760 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:761
-msgid "Backup all files"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:988
+msgid "https://backwpup.com"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:775
-msgid "Essential files + list of plugins"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:989
+msgid "Get Pro"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:776
-msgid "Backup essential files and folders, plus a list of installed plugins."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1000
+msgid "Copy Debug Info"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:791 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:792
-msgid "Custom configuration"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1005
+msgid "Debug info copied to clipboard."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:14
-msgid "XML job import"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1013
+msgid "Could not copy debug info. You can simply press ctrl+C to copy it."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:15
-msgid "Wizard for importing BackWPup jobs from an XML file"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1156
+msgid "WP-Cron url"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:32 inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:101
-msgid "Import"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1160
+msgid "Server self connect"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:45
-msgid "Import File"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1166
+msgid "Not expected HTTP response:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:45
-msgid "Upload XML job file for import"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1170
+msgid "WP Http Error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:46
-msgid "Select items to import"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1178
+msgid "Status-Code: %d"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:46
-msgid "Select which job should be imported or overwritten."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1193
+msgid "Content: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:67
-msgid ""
-"Please upload your BackWPup job XML export file and we’ll import the "
-"jobs into BackWPup."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1209
+msgid "Temp folder"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:69
-msgid "Choose a file from your computer:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1225
+msgid "Log folder"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:69
-msgid "Maximum size: %s"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1231
+msgid "Log folder %s does not exist."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:92
-msgid "Import Jobs"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1266
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1273
+msgid "%d seconds"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:95
-msgid "Import Type"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1271
+msgid "BackWPup maximum script execution time"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:96
-msgid "No Import"
+#: inc/class-download-file.php:135
+msgid "Invalid file name, seems file include invalid characters."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:99
-msgid "Overwrite"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:614
+msgid "Restore from Folder"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:99
-msgid "Append"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:619
+msgid "Restore from Google Drive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:114
-msgid "Import Config"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:624
+msgid "Restore from Amazon S3"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:117
-msgid "Import BackWPup configuration"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:629
+msgid "Restore from Dropbox"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:142
-msgid ""
-"File is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error could "
-"also caused by uploads being disabled in your php.ini or by post_max_size "
-"being defined as smaller than upload_max_filesize in php.ini."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:634
+msgid "Restore from FTP"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:157
-msgid ""
-"The export file could not be found at %s
. This is likely due to "
-"an issue with permissions."
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:71
+msgid "Could not write data to file. Empty source file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:164
-msgid "Sorry, there has been a phrase error."
+#: inc/class-job.php:332
+msgid "Encrypts the archive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:171
-msgid ""
-"This Export file (version %s) may not be supported by this version of the "
+#: inc/class-job.php:1689
+msgid "No encryption key was provided. Aborting encryption."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:177
-msgid "This is not a BackWPup XML file"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1696
+msgid "%d. Trying to encrypt archive …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:243
-msgid "Job %1$s with id %2$d imported"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1706
+msgid "Cannot open the archive for reading. Aborting encryption."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:251
-msgid "BackWPup config imported"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1712
+msgid "Cannot write the encrypted archive. Aborting encryption."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:14
-msgid "System Test"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1769
+msgid "Encrypted %s of data."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:15
-msgid "Wizard to test if BackWPup can work properly"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1773
+msgid "Unable to delete unencrypted archive."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:32
-msgid "Run tests"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1777
+msgid "Unable to rename encrypted archive."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:45
-msgid "Environment"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1782
+msgid "Archive has been successfully encrypted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:45
-msgid "System Environment"
+#: inc/class-job.php:2451
+msgid "exec command is not active."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:59
-msgid "Test if BackWPup can work without problems."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2456
+msgid "mysqldump binary not found."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:99
-msgid ""
-"You must run WordPress version 3.4 or higher to use this plugin. You are "
-"using version %s now."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:448
+msgid "Note: In order for backup file tracking to work, %hash% must be included anywhere in the archive name."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:104
-msgid ""
-"You must run PHP version 5.2.6 or higher to use this plugin. You are using "
-"version %s now."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:452
+msgid "Preview: "
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:108
-msgid ""
-"We recommend to run a PHP version above 5.3.2 to get the full plugin "
-"functionality. You are using version %s now."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:484
+msgid "ZipArchive PHP class is missing, so BackWPUp will use PclZip instead."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:113
-msgid ""
-"You must have the MySQLi extension installed and a MySQL server version of "
-"5.0.7 or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %s now."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:495
+msgid "Not supported yet by the automatic restore functionality"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:118
-msgid ""
-"PHP cURL extension must be installed to use the full plugin functionality."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:506
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:511
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:520
+msgid "Encrypt Archive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:122
-msgctxt "%1 = extension name, %2 = file suffix"
-msgid "We recommend to install the %1$s extension to generate %2$s archives."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:524
+msgid "You must generate your encryption key in BackWPup Settings before you can enable this option."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:146
-msgctxt "Link to PHP manual"
-msgid "Please disable the deprecated PHP safe mode."
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:56
+msgid "Cannot open the archive for reading."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:154
-msgid ""
-"We recommend to install the PHP FTP extension to use the FTP backup "
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:82
+msgid "Cannot write the encrypted archive."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:174
-msgid "The HTTP response test result is an error: \"%s\"."
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:162
+msgid "Private key invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:178
-msgid ""
-"The HTTP response test result is a wrong HTTP status: %s. It should be "
-"status 200."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:321
+msgid "Could not log in to FTP server."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:191
-msgid "WP-Cron seems to be broken. But it is needed to run scheduled jobs."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:735
+msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created! Parent directory may be not writable."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:196
-msgid "All tests passed without errors."
+#: backwpup.php:573
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:573
+msgid "BackWPup requires PHP version %$1s with spl extension or greater and WordPress %$2s or greater."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:199
-msgid ""
-"There is no error, but some warnings. BackWPup will work, but with "
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:7
+msgid "Uploading Archive..."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:202
-msgid "There are errors. Please correct them, or BackWPup cannot work."
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:8
+msgid "Restoring: Directories ..."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/CronController.php:80
-msgid "Every %d days"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:9
+msgid "Restoring: Database ..."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/FrontController.php:143
-msgid "%s needs your help"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:10
+msgid "Extracting Archive please be patient ..."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/FrontController.php:144
-msgid "Help %s"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:11
+msgid "Downloading Archive..."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:28
-msgid "Yes, I agree."
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:12
+msgid "Database restored successfully."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:45
-msgid "I have to think about that, ask me later."
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:13
+msgid "Ops! There was an error during database restore. Please see the log for more information."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:62
-msgid "Please no. Don't ask me again."
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:17
+msgid "Restoring: "
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:84
-msgid "More info"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:18
+msgid "No EventSource found in the brower. Cannot continue."
msgstr ""
-#. Plugin Name of the plugin/theme
-msgid "BackWPup Pro"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:19
+msgid "Directories restored successfully."
msgstr ""
-#. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
-#: inc/class-admin.php:381 inc/class-admin.php:401 inc/class-help.php:17
-#: inc/class-help.php:22 inc/class-job.php:394 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:15
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:15 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:15
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:15 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:15
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:624 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:262 inc/class-page-settings.php:391
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:17 inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:16
-msgid "http://backwpup.com"
-msgstr "http://backwpup.com"
-#. Description of the plugin/theme
-msgid "WordPress Backup Plugin"
-msgstr "WordPressのバックアッププラグイン"
-#. Author of the plugin/theme
-msgid "Inpsyde GmbH"
-msgstr "Inpsyde社"
-#. Author URI of the plugin/theme
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:17 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:17
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:17 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:17 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:19
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18 inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:18
-msgid "http://inpsyde.com"
-msgstr "http://inpsyde.com"
-#~ msgid "Allows restricted access to Apps/BackWPup folder only."
-#~ msgstr "アプリ/BackWPupフォルダのみに制限したアクセスを許可します。"
-#~ msgid "Allows full access to your entire Dropbox."
-#~ msgstr "Dropboxへのフルアクセスを許可します。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Folder inside your Dropbox where your backup archives will be stored."
-#~ msgstr "バックアップアーカイブを保存するDropboxの内部フォルダ。"
-#~ msgid "Older files will be deleted first. 0 = no files will be deleted."
-#~ msgstr "古いファイルから順に削除されます。 0 = ファイルを削除しない。"
-#~ msgid "GreenQloud Storage Qloud"
-#~ msgstr "GreenQloudストレージQloud"
-#~ msgid "Oldest files will be deleted first. 0 = no deletion"
-#~ msgstr "古いファイルは削除されます。 0 = 削除しない"
-#~ msgid "Method for creating ZIP-file archives"
-#~ msgstr "ZIPファイルアーカイブの作成方法"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This adds short pauses to the process. Can be used to reduce the CPU load."
-#~ "
Disabled = off
minimum = shortest sleep
medium = "
-#~ "middle between minimum and maximum
maximum = longest sleep
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "これはプロセスに短い休止を追加します。CPU負荷を軽減するために使用すること"
-#~ "ができます。
無効 = オフ
最小 = 最短スリープ
中 = 最小値と"
-#~ "最大値の間の中間
最大 = 最長スリープ
-#~ msgid "Safe Mode"
-#~ msgstr "セーフモード"
-#~ msgid "Support"
-#~ msgstr "サポート"
-#~ msgid "News"
-#~ msgstr "ニュース"
-#~ msgid "Google Storage (Interoperable Access)"
-#~ msgstr "Googleストレージ(相互運用可能なアクセス)"
-#~ msgid "Dynamically loaded documentation"
-#~ msgstr "動的ドキュメントをロード"
-#~ msgid "ATTENTION: Job runs every %d hours!"
-#~ msgstr "注意: ジョブを%d時間ごとに実行!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "PHP Zip functions will be used if available (needs less memory). "
-#~ "Otherwise the PCLZip class will be used."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "可能であればPHPジップ機能が使用されます。(少ないメモリを必要)そうでなけれ"
-#~ "ばPCLZipクラスを使用します。"
-#~ msgid "A tarballed, not compressed archive (fast and less memory)"
-#~ msgstr "TARボールで圧縮されていないアーカイブ(高速かつ少ないメモリ)"
-#~ msgid "A tarballed, GZipped archive (fast and less memory)"
-#~ msgstr "TARボール、gzip圧縮されたアーカイブ(高速かつ少ないメモリ)"
-#~ msgid "A tarballed, BZipped archive (fast and less memory)"
-#~ msgstr "TARボール、bzipで圧縮されたアーカイブ(高速かつ少ないメモリ)"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Email \"From\" field (Name < you@your-email-address.tld >)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "フィールド\"から\"メール (名前 < you@your-email-address.tld "
-#~ ">)"
-#~ msgctxt "Folder name"
-#~ msgid "Folder %s not readable"
-#~ msgstr "フォルダ%sが読めません。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "All images with -???x???. will be excluded. Use a plugin like Regenerate "
-#~ "Thumbnails to rebuild them after a restore."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "全ての画像 - ???x???除外されます。復元後にそれらを再構築するために"
-#~ "\"Regenerate Thumbnails\"のようなプラグインを使用してください。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If the WordPress root folder is not included in this backup job, check "
-#~ "this option to additionally include wp-config.php, robots.txt, ."
-#~ "htaccess, .htpasswd and favicon.ico into the backup. Your wp-config.php "
-#~ "will be included even if you placed it in the parent directory of your "
-#~ "root folder."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "WordPressのルートフォルダーが、このバックアップ ジョブに含まれていない場合"
-#~ "はこのオプションをチェックすることでfavicon.ico、.htpasswd htaccess、"
-#~ "robots.txt、wp-config.php をバックアップに含めます。ルートフォルダーの親"
-#~ "ディレクトリに配置した場合もwp-config.phpが含まれます"
-#~ msgid "%s Welcome"
-#~ msgstr "%s へようこそ"
-#~ msgid "Heads up! You have updated from version 2.x"
-#~ msgstr "バージョン2.xから更新しました。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please check your settings after updating from version "
-#~ "2.x:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "バージョン2.xからアップデートした後、設定を確認してくだ"
-#~ "さい:"
-#~ msgid "Dropbox authentication must be re-entered"
-#~ msgstr "Dropboxの認証は再入力する必要があります。"
-#~ msgid "SugarSync authentication must be re-entered"
-#~ msgstr "SugarSyncの認証を再入力する必要があります。"
-#~ msgid "S3 Settings"
-#~ msgstr "S3の設定"
-#~ msgid "Google Storage is now a part of S3 service settings"
-#~ msgstr "Googleストレージは現在S3サービス設定の一部です。"
-#~ msgid "All your passwords"
-#~ msgstr "すべてのパスワード"
-#~ msgid "Please activate your license"
-#~ msgstr "ライセンスを有効にしてください。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please go to your plugin page and active the license to have the "
-#~ "autoupdates enabled."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "プラグインのページに移動し、自動更新のライセンスを有効にしてください。"
-#~ msgid "Email address to which Backups are sent."
-#~ msgstr "バックアップ送信先のメールアドレス"
-#~ msgid "Name of email sender"
-#~ msgstr "メール送信者の名前"
-#~ msgid "Maximum number of files to keep in folder."
-#~ msgstr "フォルダ内に保持するファイルの最大数"
-#~ msgid "Bucket %s could not be created."
-#~ msgstr "バケットの%sを作成できませんでした。"
-#~ msgid "https://marketpress.com/support/forum/plugins/backwpup-pro/"
-#~ msgstr "https://marketpress.com/support/forum/plugins/backwpup-pro/"
-#~ msgid "Error while deleting file from Dropbox: %s"
-#~ msgstr "Dropboxからファイルを削除する際にエラーが発生しました: %s"
-#~ msgid "Backup to an S3 Service v1"
-#~ msgstr "S3のサービスV1にバックアップ"
-#~ msgid "Pro Support"
-#~ msgstr "プロサポート"
-#~ msgid "http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup/"
-#~ msgstr "http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup/"
-#~ msgid "MarketPress"
-#~ msgstr "MarketPress"
-#~ msgid "http://marketpress.com/product/backwpup-pro/"
-#~ msgstr "http://marketpress.com/product/backwpup-pro/"
-#~ msgid "BackWPup Role"
-#~ msgstr "BackWPup Role"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Important: before updating, please back "
-#~ "up your database and files with %2$s. For help with updates, visit the Updating "
-#~ "WordPress Codex page."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "更新する前に%2$s"
-#~ "a>でデータベースやファイルをバックアップしてくださ"
-#~ "い。更新プログラムのヘルプは、WordPressコーデックスのアップデートページを参照して"
-#~ "ください。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Important: before installing this plugin, please back up your database and files with %2$s."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "重要: このプラグインをインストールする前に%2$sでデータベースとファイルをバックアップしてください。"
-#~ msgid "The HTTP response test get an error \"%s\""
-#~ msgstr "HTTPレスポンステスト、エラー\"%s\"を取得"
-#~ msgid "The HTTP response test get a false http status (%s)"
-#~ msgstr "HTTP応答テストは偽HTTPステータス(%s)を取得"
-#~ msgid "seconds. 0 = disabled."
-#~ msgstr "秒 0 = 無効"
-#~ msgid "Auto"
-#~ msgstr "自動"
-#~ msgid "ZipArchive"
-#~ msgstr "Zipアーカイブ"
-#~ msgid "PclZip"
-#~ msgstr "PclZip"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Auto = Uses PHP class ZipArchive if available; otherwise uses PclZip.
ZipArchive = Uses less memory, but many open files at a time.
PclZip = Uses more memory, but only 2 open files at a time."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "自動 = PHPクラスのZipArchiveを可能な場合に使用します。それ以外の場合PclZip"
-#~ "を使用します。
ZipArchive = 低メモリですが、多くのファイルを同時に開"
-#~ "きます。
PclZip = 多くのメモリを使用しますが、一度に2つ同時にファイル"
-#~ "を開きます。"
-#~ msgid "Creates an .sql database backup file"
-#~ msgstr "SQLデータベースのバックアップファイルを作成します"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "- Use site settings: retrieve the email settings of your site.
-PHP "
-#~ "mail(): needs more PHP memory"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "- Useサイトの設定:サイト
- PHP mail()のメール設定を取得する:より多く"
-#~ "のPHPのメモリが必要"
-#~ msgid "The BackWPup HTTP response header returns a false value: \"%s\""
-#~ msgstr "BackWPupのHTTPレスポンスヘッダはfalseの値を返します: \"%s\""
diff --git a/languages/backwpup-pt_BR.po b/languages/backwpup-pt_BR.po
index 64f41ffb..d6c2dc73 100644
--- a/languages/backwpup-pt_BR.po
+++ b/languages/backwpup-pt_BR.po
@@ -1,155 +1,228 @@
-# Translation of BackWPup Pro in Portuguese (Brazil)
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the BackWPup Pro package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BackWPup Pro\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup-pro\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-29 20:06+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-05-29 20:07+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
-"Language: pt_BR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-29 20:06+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-05-29 20:07+0200\n"
+"Language: pt_BR\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.1\n"
-#: backwpup.php:333 inc/class-page-backups.php:271
+#: backwpup.php:333
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:271
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:243
+#: backwpup.php:286
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:286
msgid "Folder"
msgstr "Pasta"
#: backwpup.php:334
+#: backwpup.php:287
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:287
msgid "Backup to Folder"
msgstr "Backup para Pasta"
#: backwpup.php:349
+#: backwpup.php:302
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:302
msgid "Email"
msgstr ""
#: backwpup.php:350
+#: backwpup.php:303
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:303
msgid "Backup sent via email"
msgstr ""
#: backwpup.php:365
+#: backwpup.php:318
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:318
msgid "FTP"
msgstr "FTP"
#: backwpup.php:366
+#: backwpup.php:319
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:319
msgid "Backup to FTP"
msgstr "Backup para FTP"
-#: backwpup.php:381 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:293
+#: backwpup.php:381
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:293
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:445
+#: backwpup.php:334
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:334
msgid "Dropbox"
msgstr "Dropbox"
-#: backwpup.php:382 inc/class-page-about.php:517
+#: backwpup.php:382
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:517
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:519
+#: backwpup.php:335
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:335
msgid "Backup to Dropbox"
msgstr "Backup para Dropbox"
-#: backwpup.php:397 inc/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: backwpup.php:397
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:42
+#: backwpup.php:350
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:350
msgid "S3 Service"
msgstr "Serviço S3"
#: backwpup.php:398
+#: backwpup.php:351
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:351
msgid "Backup to an S3 Service"
msgstr ""
#: backwpup.php:416
+#: backwpup.php:371
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:371
msgid "MS Azure"
msgstr "MS Azure"
#: backwpup.php:417
+#: backwpup.php:372
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:372
msgid "Backup to Microsoft Azure (Blob)"
msgstr "Backup para Microsoft Azure (Blob)"
#: backwpup.php:432
+#: backwpup.php:387
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:387
msgid "RSC"
msgstr "RSC"
-#: backwpup.php:433 inc/class-page-about.php:522
+#: backwpup.php:433
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:522
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:524
+#: backwpup.php:388
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:388
msgid "Backup to Rackspace Cloud Files"
msgstr "Backup para arquivos em nuvem da Rackspace"
#: backwpup.php:450
+#: backwpup.php:407
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:407
msgid "SugarSync"
msgstr "SugarSync"
-#: backwpup.php:451 inc/class-page-about.php:537
+#: backwpup.php:451
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:537
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:539
+#: backwpup.php:408
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:408
msgid "Backup to SugarSync"
msgstr "Backup para SugarSync"
#: backwpup.php:470
+#: backwpup.php:433
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:433
msgid "PHP Version %1$s is to low, you need Version %2$s or above."
msgstr ""
#: backwpup.php:477
+#: backwpup.php:443
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:443
msgid "Missing function \"%s\"."
msgstr ""
#: backwpup.php:486
+#: backwpup.php:454
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:454
msgid "Missing class \"%s\"."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-admin.php:215 inc/class-help.php:24
+#: inc/class-admin.php:215
+#: inc/class-help.php:24
+#: inc/class-admin.php:267
msgid "http://docs.backwpup.com"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-admin.php:215
+#: inc/class-admin.php:267
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentação"
#: inc/class-admin.php:227
+#: inc/class-admin.php:282
msgid "BackWPup Dashboard"
msgstr "Painel do BackWPup"
#: inc/class-admin.php:227
+#: inc/class-admin.php:282
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "Painel"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:243 inc/class-adminbar.php:82
+#: inc/class-admin.php:243
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:82
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-admin.php:305
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:215
msgid "Jobs"
msgstr "Serviços"
#: inc/class-admin.php:258
+#: inc/class-admin.php:330
msgid "Add new job"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-admin.php:273 inc/class-adminbar.php:98
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:328 inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-admin.php:273
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:98
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:328
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-admin.php:355
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:219
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:377
msgid "Logs"
msgstr "Logs"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:288 inc/class-adminbar.php:106
+#: inc/class-admin.php:288
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:106
+#: inc/class-admin.php:380
msgid "Backups"
msgstr "Backups"
#: inc/class-admin.php:303
+#: inc/class-admin.php:405
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Configurações"
#: inc/class-admin.php:316
+#: inc/class-admin.php:425
msgid "About"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-admin.php:331 inc/class-admin.php:337
+#: inc/class-admin.php:331
+#: inc/class-admin.php:337
+#: inc/class-admin.php:453
+#: inc/class-admin.php:460
msgid "Cheating, huh?"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-admin.php:381
+#: inc/class-admin.php:510
msgid "Get BackWPup Pro now."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-admin.php:401
+#: inc/class-admin.php:531
msgid "version %s"
msgstr "Versão %s"
#: inc/class-admin.php:445
+#: inc/class-admin.php:576
msgid "Add BackWPup Role"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-admin.php:449
+#: inc/class-admin.php:581
msgid "— No additional role for BackWPup —"
msgstr ""
@@ -165,7 +238,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Abort!"
msgstr "Encerrar!"
-#: inc/class-adminbar.php:90 inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:90
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
msgid "Add new"
msgstr ""
@@ -176,673 +250,914 @@ msgstr "Executar agora"
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:31
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:45
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "BackWPup jobs helper"
msgid "Make BackWPup better!"
msgstr "Auxiliador de tarefas do BackWPup"
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:104
-msgid ""
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:108
+msgid "https://inpsyde.com/en/jobs/?utm_source=BackWPup&utm_medium=Link&utm_campaign=BecomeAnInpsyder"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:114
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:118
msgid "We want to make BackWPup even stronger and its support much faster."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:122
-msgid ""
-"This is why we are looking for a talented developer who can work remotely "
-"and support us in BackWPup"
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:126
+msgid "This is why we are looking for a talented developer who can work remotely and support us in BackWPup"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:129
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:133
msgid "and other exciting WordPress projects at our VIP partner agency."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:141
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:145
msgid "Apply now!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:148
#: inc/class-betatester-admin-notice.php:96
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:152
+#: inc/class-admin-notice.php:121
msgid "Don't show again"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:152
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:156
msgid "Work for Inpsyde"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-betatester-admin-notice.php:69
-msgid "Join us as beta tester!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-betatester-admin-notice.php:70
-msgid "https://backwpup.com/become-backwpup-beta-tester/"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-betatester-admin-notice.php:77
-msgid ""
-"To ensure that our releases are as bug-free as possible, we need you as a "
-"beta tester!"
-msgstr ""
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:64
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:80
msgid "The file name of an archive cannot be empty."
msgstr ""
+#. translators: $1 is the file path
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:72
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:89
msgctxt "%s = Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s for archive not found"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:78 inc/class-create-archive.php:110
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:123 inc/class-mysqldump.php:133
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:78
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:110
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:123
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:133
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:101
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:141
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:182
msgid "Functions for gz compression not available"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:85 inc/class-create-archive.php:129
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:85
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:129
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:195
msgid "Functions for bz2 compression not available"
msgstr ""
+#. translators: $1 is a directory name
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:106
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:155
msgctxt "ZipArchive open() result"
msgid "Cannot create zip archive: %d"
msgstr ""
+#. translators: the $1 is the type of the archive file
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:135
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:208
msgctxt "%s = file name"
msgid "Method to archive file %s not detected"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:140
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:215
msgid "Cannot open archive file"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:155 inc/class-create-archive.php:349
+#. translators: The $1 is the tecnical error string from pclzip.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:155
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:349
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:233
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:524
msgid "PclZip archive add error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:165
-msgid "ZIP archive cannot be closed correctly."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:219
-msgid "File name cannot be empty"
-msgstr ""
+#. translators: The $1 is the name of the file to add to the archive.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:228
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:326
msgctxt "File to add to archive"
msgid "File %s does not exist or is not readable"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:242 inc/class-create-archive.php:258
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:392 inc/class-create-archive.php:396
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:242
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:258
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:392
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:396
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:357
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:384
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:588
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:597
msgid "This archive method can only add one file"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:247 inc/class-create-archive.php:263
-msgid "Cannot open source file %s to archive"
-msgstr ""
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:311
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:452
msgid "ZIP archive cannot be closed correctly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:329 inc/class-create-archive.php:338
+#. translators: the $1 is the name of the archive.
+#. translators: $1 is the name of the archive.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:329
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:338
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:407
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:483
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:500
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:617
msgid "Cannot add \"%s\" to zip archive!"
msgstr "Não é possível adicionar \"%s\" ao arquivo zip!"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:374
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:554
msgid "Folder name cannot be empty"
msgstr ""
+#. translators: $1 is the folder name
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:379
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:565
msgctxt "Folder path to add to archive"
msgid "Folder %s does not exist or is not readable"
msgstr ""
+#. translators. $1 is the status returned by a call to a ZipArchive method.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:429
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:649
msgctxt "Text of ZipArchive status Message"
msgid "ZipArchive returns status: %s"
msgstr ""
+#. translators: $1 is the file name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:459
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:697
msgid "File name \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
msgstr ""
+#. translators: $1 is the file name to use in the archive.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:462
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:709
msgid "File path \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:474
-msgid "Cannot open source file %s for archiving"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:479 inc/class-create-archive.php:480
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:579 inc/class-create-archive.php:580
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:479
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:480
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:579
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:580
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:974
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:975
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Desconhecido"
+#. translators: $1 is the name of the folder. $2 is the archive name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:570
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:813
msgid "Folder name \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
msgstr ""
+#. translators: $1 is the name of the folder. $2 is the archive name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:573
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:828
msgid "Folder path \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:654
-msgid ""
-"If %s will be added to your backup archive, the archive will be too large "
-"for operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting "
-"the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:896
+msgid "If %s will be added to your backup archive, the archive will be too large for operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-cron.php:69
+#: inc/class-cron.php:73
msgid "Aborted, because no progress for one hour!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-cron.php:101 inc/class-destination-folder.php:209
-#: inc/class-job.php:1003 inc/class-job.php:1141 inc/class-job.php:1740
+#: inc/class-cron.php:101
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:209
+#: inc/class-job.php:1003
+#: inc/class-job.php:1141
+#: inc/class-job.php:1740
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:445
+#: inc/class-cron.php:107
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:195
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:446
msgid "Could not open path: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:41 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:344
+#. translators: the $1 is the error message
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:41
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:344
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:253
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:405
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:458
msgid "Dropbox API: %s"
msgstr "API do Dropbox: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55 inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:51
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:51
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:93
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:72
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Login"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:59 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:28
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:28
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:43
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:76
msgid "Authentication"
msgstr "Autenticação"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:61 inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:57
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:61
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:57
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:295
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:99
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:415
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:78
msgid "Not authenticated!"
msgstr "Não autenticado!"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:63
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:28
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:51
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:81
msgid "Create Account"
msgstr "Criar Conta"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:65 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:65
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:45
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:34
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:59
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:300
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:31
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:101
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:425
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:57
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:83
msgid "Authenticated!"
msgstr "Autenticado!"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:68
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:92
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:95
msgid "Delete Dropbox Authentication"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:75
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:102
msgid "App Access to Dropbox"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:78
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:110
msgid "Get Dropbox App auth code"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:79
-msgid ""
-"A dedicated folder named BackWPup will be created inside of the Apps folder "
-"in your Dropbox. BackWPup will get read and write access to that folder "
-"only. You can specify a subfolder as your backup destination for this job in "
-"the destination field below."
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:111
+msgid "A dedicated folder named BackWPup will be created inside of the Apps folder in your Dropbox. BackWPup will get read and write access to that folder only. You can specify a subfolder as your backup destination for this job in the destination field below."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:84
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:119
msgid "— OR —"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:87
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:122
msgid "Full Access to Dropbox"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:90
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:130
msgid "Get full Dropbox auth code "
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:91
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup will have full read and write access to your entire Dropbox. You "
-"can specify your backup destination wherever you want, just be aware that "
-"ANY files or folders inside of your Dropbox can be overridden or deleted by "
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:131
+msgid "BackWPup will have full read and write access to your entire Dropbox. You can specify your backup destination wherever you want, just be aware that ANY files or folders inside of your Dropbox can be overridden or deleted by BackWPup."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:98 inc/class-destination-folder.php:29
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:49 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:66
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:95 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:81
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:29
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:66
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:95
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:81
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:68
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:112
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:141
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:82
msgid "Backup settings"
msgstr "Configurações de Backup"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:102
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:145
msgid "Destination Folder"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:106
-msgid ""
-"Specify a subfolder where your backup archives will be stored. If you use "
-"the App option from above, this folder will be created inside of Apps/"
-"BackWPup. Otherwise it will be created at the root of your Dropbox. Already "
-"exisiting folders with the same name will not be overriden."
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:154
+msgid "Specify a subfolder where your backup archives will be stored. If you use the App option from above, this folder will be created inside of Apps/BackWPup. Otherwise it will be created at the root of your Dropbox. Already exisiting folders with the same name will not be overriden."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:111 inc/class-destination-folder.php:39
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:59 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:91
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:111
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:39
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:91
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:81
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:125
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:162
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:40
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:95
msgid "File Deletion"
msgstr "Exclusão de arquivo"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:118 inc/class-destination-folder.php:46
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:66 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:83
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:112 inc/class-destination-s3.php:121
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:46
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:66
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:112
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:121
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:51
#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:43
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:90
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:323
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:45
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:73
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:73
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:134
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:456
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:45
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:182
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:76
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:229
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:171
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:104
msgid "Number of files to keep in folder."
msgstr "Número de arquivos para manter na pasta."
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:120 inc/class-destination-folder.php:48
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:68 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:85
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:114 inc/class-destination-s3.php:123
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:120
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:48
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:68
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:85
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:114
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:123
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:100
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:92
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:109
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Files belonging to this job are now tracked. Old "
-"backup archives which are untracked will not be automatically deleted."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:124 inc/class-destination-folder.php:52
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:72 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:89
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:118 inc/class-destination-s3.php:127
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:136
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:109
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:232
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:173
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:51
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:106
+msgid "Warning: Files belonging to this job are now tracked. Old backup archives which are untracked will not be automatically deleted."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:124
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:52
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:89
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:127
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:104
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:54
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:48 inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:44
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:48
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:44
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:98
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:328
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:56
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:78
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:78
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:65
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:148
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:462
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:56
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:187
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:82
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:51
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:75
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:65
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:245
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:183
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:57
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:118
msgid "Do not delete files while syncing to destination!"
msgstr "Não exclua arquivos durante a sincronização de destino!"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:239
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:372
msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:256
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:127
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:209
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:390
msgid "Authenticated with Dropbox of user: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:262
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:133
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:217
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:398
msgid "%s available on your Dropbox"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:266
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:137
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:223
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:404
msgid "Not Authenticated with Dropbox!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:270
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:408
msgid "Uploading to Dropbox …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:283 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:286
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:283
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:286
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:260
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:663
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:924
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:290
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:432
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:263
msgid "Backup transferred to %s"
msgstr "Backup transferido para %s"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:287
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:666
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:930
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:438
msgid "Uploaded file size and local file size don't match."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:292
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:668
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:448
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:936
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:450
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:444
msgid "Error transfering backup to %s."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:337
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:345
msgid "One file deleted from Dropbox"
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Dropbox"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:520
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php:177
msgid "Beginning new file upload session"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:539
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php:199
msgid "Uploading %s of data"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:575
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php:244
msgid "Finishing upload session with a total of %s uploaded"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:38 inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:16
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:38
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:16
#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:18
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:39
msgid "Email address"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:41
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:43
msgid "To email address (separate with commas for multiple addresses)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:47 inc/class-destination-email.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:47
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:49
#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:29
#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:30
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:29
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:30
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:52
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:56
msgid "Send test email"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:61
msgid "Send email settings"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:57
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:65
msgid "Maximum file size"
msgstr "Tamanho máximo do arquivo"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:69
msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:60
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:70
msgid "Maximum file size to be included in an email. 0 = unlimited"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:64
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:75
msgid "From email address"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:70
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:83
msgid "From name"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:92
msgid "Sending method"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:80
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:97
msgid "Use WordPress settings"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:81
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:98
msgid "PHP: mail()"
msgstr "PHP: mail()"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:82
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:99
msgid "Sendmail"
msgstr "Sendmail"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:100
msgid "SMTP"
msgstr "SMTP"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:89
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:108
msgid "Sendmail path"
msgstr "Caminho do sendmail"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:95
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:119
msgid "SMTP host name"
msgstr "Nome do host de SMTP"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:98 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:31
#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:21
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:35
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:124
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:56
msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Porta:"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:102
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:136
msgid "SMTP secure connection"
msgstr "Conexão segura de SMTP"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:106 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:67
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:103 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:73
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:57 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:329
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:404 inc/class-page-settings.php:328
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:106
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:67
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:103
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:73
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:57
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:329
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:404
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:328
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:141
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:837
msgid "none"
msgstr "nenhum"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:107
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:143
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:145
msgid "TLS"
msgstr "TLS"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:113
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:152
msgid "SMTP username"
msgstr "Usuário SMTP"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:120
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:162
msgid "SMTP password"
msgstr "Senha SMTP"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:199
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:243
msgid "%d. Try to send backup with email …"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:204
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:248
msgid "Backup archive too big to be sent by email!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:211
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:255
msgid "Sending email to %s…"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:289
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:333
msgid "BackWPup archive from %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "Aquivo de BackWPup de %1$s: %2$s"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:292
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:336
msgid "Backup archive: %s"
msgstr "Arquivo de backup: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:306 inc/class-destination-email.php:430
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:306
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:430
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:349
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:474
msgid "Error while sending email!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:312 inc/class-destination-email.php:432
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:312
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:432
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:354
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:476
msgid "Email sent."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:414
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:459
msgid "BackWPup archive sending TEST Message"
msgstr "Enviando Mensagem de Teste de Arquivo do BackWPup"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:417
-msgid ""
-"If this message reaches your inbox, sending backup archives via email should "
-"work for you."
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:462
+msgid "If this message reaches your inbox, sending backup archives via email should work for you."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:33
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:32
msgid "Folder to store backups in"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:229
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:219
msgid "One backup file deleted"
msgid_plural "%d backup files deleted"
msgstr[0] "Um arquivo de backup eliminado"
msgstr[1] "%d arquivos de backup deletados"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:23
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:46
msgid "FTP server and login"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:50
msgid "FTP server"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:36 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:46
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:36
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:46
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:63
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Nome de Usuário"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:42
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:71
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Senha"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:53
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:87
msgid "Folder to store files in"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:79
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:128
msgid "FTP specific settings"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:133
msgid "Timeout for FTP connection"
msgstr "Tempo limite de conexão FTP"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:87 inc/class-page-logs.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:87
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:257
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:466
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:288
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:137
msgid "seconds"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:91
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:141
msgid "SSL-FTP connection"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:94
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:148
msgid "Use explicit SSL-FTP connection."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:99
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:153
msgid "FTP Passive Mode"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:101
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:158
msgid "Use FTP Passive Mode."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:179
-msgid "FTP: Login failure!"
-msgstr "FTP: falha de login!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:203
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:433
msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to an FTP server …"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:209
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:450
msgid "Connected via explicit SSL-FTP to server: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:211
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:458
msgid "Cannot connect via explicit SSL-FTP to server: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:217
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:468
msgid "PHP function to connect with explicit SSL-FTP to server does not exist!"
-msgstr ""
-"Função PHP para se conectar com SSL-FTP explícito ao servidor não existe!"
+msgstr "Função PHP para se conectar com SSL-FTP explícito ao servidor não existe!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:225
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:483
msgid "Connected to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "Conectado ao servidor FTP: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:227
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:491
msgid "Cannot connect to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "Não é possível conectar ao servidor FTP: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:234 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:242
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:258 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:305
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:234
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:242
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:258
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:305
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:503
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:523
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:546
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:603
msgid "FTP client command: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:236
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:513
msgid "FTP server response: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:240 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:245
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:248 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:261
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:263 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:308
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:310 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:314
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:240
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:245
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:248
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:261
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:263
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:310
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:314
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:316
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:520
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:531
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:534
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:549
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:552
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:607
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:612
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:619
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:624
msgid "FTP server reply: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:263
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:552
msgid "Error getting SYSTYPE"
msgstr "Erro ao obter SYSTYPE"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:281
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:765
msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" created!"
msgstr "Pasta FTP \"%s\" criada!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:285
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:753
msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created!"
msgstr "Pasta FTP \"%s\" não pode ser criada!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:296
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:590
msgid "FTP current folder is: %s"
msgstr "Pasta FTP atual é: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:607
msgid "Entering passive mode"
msgstr "Entrando no modo passivo"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:310
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:612
msgid "Cannot enter passive mode"
msgstr "Não foi possível entrar no modo passivo"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:314
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:619
msgid "Entering normal mode"
msgstr "Entrando no modo normal"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:316
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:624
msgid "Cannot enter normal mode"
msgstr "Não foi possível entrar no modo passível"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:320
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:631
msgid "Starting upload to FTP …"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:332
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:649
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to FTP server!"
msgstr "Não foi possível transferir o backup para o servidor FTP!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:337
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:656
msgid "Backup transferred to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "Backup transferidos para o servidor FTP: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:344 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:271
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:289 inc/class-destination-s3.php:499
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:591 inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:653
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:344
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:271
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:289
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:499
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:591
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:653
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:468
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:226 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:259
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:226
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:259
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:292
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:905
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:470
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:228
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:261
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:275
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:843
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:958
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:673
msgid "Can not open source file for transfer."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:388
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:394
msgid "Cannot delete \"%s\" on FTP server!"
msgstr "Não foi possível excluir \"%s\" no servidor FTP!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:391
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:404
msgid "One file deleted on FTP server"
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on FTP server"
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -864,11 +1179,13 @@ msgstr "Chave de acesso"
msgid "Blob container"
msgstr "Repositório Blob"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:48 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:48
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:76
msgid "Container selection"
msgstr "Seleção de Repositório"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:59 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:88
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:88
msgid "Create a new container"
msgstr "Criar novo repositório"
@@ -876,60 +1193,83 @@ msgstr "Criar novo repositório"
msgid "Folder in container"
msgstr "Pasta no repositório"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:76 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:105
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:114 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:96
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:105
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:114
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:96
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:96
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:215
msgid "File deletion"
msgstr "Exclusão de arquivo"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:128
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:99
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:99
msgid "MS Azure container \"%s\" created."
msgstr "Repositório \"%s\" da MS Azure criado."
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:131
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:102
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:102
msgid "MS Azure container create: %s"
msgstr "Criar repositório MS Azure: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:211
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:215
msgid "%d. Try sending backup to a Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:233
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:144
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:144
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:237
msgid "MS Azure container \"%s\" does not exist!"
msgstr "Repositório \"%s\" da MS Azure não existe!"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:237
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:148
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:148
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:241
msgid "Connected to MS Azure container \"%s\"."
msgstr "Conectado ao repositório \"%s\" da MS Azure."
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:240
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:244
msgid "Starting upload to MS Azure …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:292 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:348
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:292
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:348
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:233
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:233
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:296
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:352
msgid "Microsoft Azure API: %s"
msgstr "API Microsoft Azure: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:341
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:345
msgid "One file deleted on Microsoft Azure container."
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Microsoft Azure container."
msgstr[0] "Um arquivo foi excluído do repositório da Microsoft Azure."
msgstr[1] "%d arquivos foram excluídos do repositório da Microsoft Azure."
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:442
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:446
msgid "Missing account name!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:444 inc/class-destination-s3.php:222
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:444
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:222
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:166
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:166
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:448
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:359
msgid "Missing access key!"
msgstr "Falta a chave de acesso!"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:448
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:452
msgid "No container found!"
msgstr ""
@@ -945,302 +1285,433 @@ msgstr "Chave API"
msgid "Select region"
msgstr "Selecione a região"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:63 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:65
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:63
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:65
#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:30
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:30
msgid "Rackspace Cloud Files Region"
msgstr "Região do Rackspace Cloud Files"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:66 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:66
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31
msgid "Dallas (DFW)"
msgstr "Dallas (DFW)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:67 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:67
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32
msgid "Chicago (ORD)"
msgstr "Chicago (ORD)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:68 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:68
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33
msgid "Sydney (SYD)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:69 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:69
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34
msgid "London (LON)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:70 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35
msgid "Northern Virginia (IAD)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:71 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:71
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36
msgid "Hong Kong (HKG)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:99 inc/class-destination-s3.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:99
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:202
msgid "Folder in bucket"
msgstr "Pasta no Repositório"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:158 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:158
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116
msgid "Rackspace Cloud container \"%s\" created."
msgstr "Repositório \"%s\" da Rackspace Cloud criado"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:162 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:274
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:314 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:359
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:170
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:162
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:274
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:314
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:359
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:170
#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:290
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:277
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:317
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:362
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:172
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:292
msgid "Rackspace Cloud API: %s"
msgstr "API Rackspace Cloud: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:260
msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to Rackspace cloud …"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:271
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:274
msgid "Connected to Rackspace cloud files container %s"
msgstr "Conectado ao repositório \"%s\" em nuvem da Rackspace"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:283
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:286
msgid "Upload to Rackspace cloud started …"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:302
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:305
msgid "Backup File transferred to RSC://"
msgstr "Arquivo de backup transferido para RSC: / /"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:311
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to Rackspace cloud."
msgstr "Não foi possível transferir o backup para o nuvem da Rackspace."
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:353
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:356
msgid "One file deleted on Rackspace cloud container."
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Rackspace cloud container."
msgstr[0] "Um arquivo foi excluído do repositório em nuvem da Rackspace"
msgstr[1] "%d arquivos foram excluídos da nuvem da Rackspace"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:466
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:469
msgid "Missing username!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:468
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:471
msgid "Missing API Key!"
msgstr "Faltando chave API!"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:472
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:475
msgid "A container could not be found!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:48
msgid "Select a S3 service"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:33 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:18
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:33
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:54
msgid "Amazon S3 Region"
msgstr "Região de Amazon S3"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:34 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:19
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:34
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:19
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:40
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1118
msgid "Amazon S3: US Standard"
msgstr "Amazon S3: EUA padrão"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:35 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:20
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:35
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:20
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1122
msgid "Amazon S3: US West (Northern California)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Oeste dos EUA (Norte da Califórnia)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:36 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:21
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:36
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:21
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:53
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1126
msgid "Amazon S3: US West (Oregon)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Oeste dos EUA (Oregon)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:37 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:22
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:37
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:22
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:58
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1130
msgid "Amazon S3: EU (Ireland)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Europa (Irlanda)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:38 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:23
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:38
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:23
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:68
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1138
msgid "Amazon S3: EU (Germany)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:39 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:24
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:39
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:24
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:73
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1142
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Ásia-Pacífico (Tóquio)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:40 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:25
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:40
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:25
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:78
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1146
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Ásia-Pacífico (Tóquio)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:41 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:26
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:41
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:26
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1150
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Ásia-Pacífico (Sidnei)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:42 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:42
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:88
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1154
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Ásia-Pacífico (Singapura)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:43 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:28
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:43
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:28
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:93
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1158
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Ásia-Pacífico (Sidnei)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:44 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:29
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:44
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:29
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1162
msgid "Amazon S3: South America (Sao Paulo)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Ámérica do Sul (São Paulo)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:45 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:30
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:45
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:30
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:103
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1166
msgid "Amazon S3: China (Beijing)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:46 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:46
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:31
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1170
msgid "Google Storage: EU"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:47 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:47
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:32
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:113
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1174
msgid "Google Storage: USA"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:48 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:33
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:48
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:33
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1178
msgid "Google Storage: Asia"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:49 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:34
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:49
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:34
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:123
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1182
msgid "Dream Host Cloud Storage"
msgstr "Armazenamento em nuvem da Dream Host"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:68
msgid "Or a S3 Server URL"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:61
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:115
msgid "S3 Access Keys"
msgstr "Chaves de Acesso S3"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:65 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:65
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:121
msgid "Access Key"
msgstr "Chave de acesso"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:72 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:72
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:135
msgid "Secret Key"
msgstr "Chave Secreta"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:80
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:145
msgid "S3 Bucket"
msgstr "Repositório S3"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:84
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:151
msgid "Bucket selection"
msgstr "Seleção de Repositório"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:97
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:180
msgid "Create a new bucket"
msgstr "Criar novo repositório"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:104
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:196
msgid "S3 Backup settings"
msgstr "Configurações do S3 Backup"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:134
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:86
msgid "Multipart Upload"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:136
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:98
msgid "Use multipart upload for uploading a file"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:137
-msgid ""
-"Multipart splits file into multiple chunks while uploading. This is "
-"necessary for displaying the upload process and to transfer bigger files. "
-"Works without a problem on Amazon. Other services might have issues."
-msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:143
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:252
msgid "Amazon specific settings"
msgstr "Configurações específicas de Amazon"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:147 inc/class-destination-s3.php:149
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:147
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:149
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:263
msgid "Amazon: Storage Class"
msgstr "Amazon: Classe de Armazenamento"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:150
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:266
msgid "Standard"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:151
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:270
msgid "Standard-Infrequent Access"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:152
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:278
msgid "Reduced Redundancy"
msgstr "Redundância reduzida"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:157
-msgid "Server side encryption"
-msgstr "Criptografia do lado do servidor (Server side)"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:161
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:297
msgid "Save files encrypted (AES256) on server."
msgstr "Salve arquivos criptografados (AES256) no servidor."
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:224 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:224
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:361
msgid "Missing secret access key!"
msgstr "Falta a chave de acesso secreto!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:230
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:367
msgid "No bucket found!"
msgstr "Nenhum repositório encontrado!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:346
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:517
msgid "Bucket %1$s created."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:348 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:147
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:348
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:147
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:285
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:520
msgid " %s is not a valid bucket name."
msgstr "%s não é um nome válido para repositório."
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:389 inc/class-destination-s3.php:522
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:576 inc/class-destination-s3.php:610
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:670 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:337
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:389
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:522
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:576
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:610
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:670
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:337
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:623
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:570
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:868
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:936
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:995
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1006
msgid "S3 Service API: %s"
msgstr "API de Serviço S3: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:457
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:777
msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to S3 Service …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:470 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:188
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:470
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:188
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:383
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:803
msgid "Connected to S3 Bucket \"%1$s\" in %2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:473 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:191
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:473
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:191
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:391
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:808
msgid "S3 Bucket \"%s\" does not exist!"
msgstr "Repositório \"%s\" da S3 não existe!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:480
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:817
msgid "Checking for not aborted multipart Uploads …"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:486
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:830
msgid "Upload for %s aborted."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:492
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:836
msgid "Starting upload to S3 Service …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:601 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:444
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:601
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:444
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:446
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:972
msgid "Backup transferred to %s."
msgstr "Backup transferido para %s."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:606
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:988
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to S3! (%1$d) %2$s"
msgstr "Não é possível transferir o backup para a S3! (%1$d) %2$s"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:634
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:699
msgid "Storage Class: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:660
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:734
msgid "Cannot delete backup from %s."
msgstr "Não é possível excluir backup de %s."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:664
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:746
msgid "One file deleted on S3 Bucket."
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on S3 Bucket"
msgstr[0] "Um arquivo excluído no repositório da S3."
@@ -1252,12 +1723,17 @@ msgstr "Login de SugarSync"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:30
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:17
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:17
msgid "Email address:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:33 inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:29
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:33
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:29
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:20
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:126
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:126
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:47
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:20
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Senha:"
@@ -1270,6 +1746,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:136
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:26
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:26
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
msgid "Create Sugarsync account"
msgstr ""
@@ -1277,6 +1755,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:132
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:32
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:94
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:32
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:94
msgid "Delete Sugarsync authentication!"
msgstr "Excluir autenticação com SugarSync!"
@@ -1290,6 +1770,7 @@ msgstr "Seleção de pasta da Sync"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:64
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:41
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:41
msgid "No Syncfolders found!"
msgstr "Não foram encontradas Syncfolder!"
@@ -1298,37 +1779,45 @@ msgid "Folder in root"
msgstr "Pasta na raiz"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:230
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:233
msgid "%d. Try to send backup to SugarSync …"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:237
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:240
msgid "Authenticated to SugarSync with nickname %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:240
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:243
msgctxt "Available space on SugarSync"
msgid "Not enough disk space available on SugarSync. Available: %s."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:246
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:249
msgid "%s available at SugarSync"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:253
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:256
msgid "Starting upload to SugarSync …"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:263
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:266
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to SugarSync!"
msgstr "Não foi possível transferir backup para SugarSync!"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:302
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:305
msgid "One file deleted on SugarSync folder"
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on SugarSync folder"
msgstr[0] "Um arquivo excluído na pasta SugarSync"
msgstr[1] "%d arquivos excluídos na pasta da SugarSync"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:311
msgid "SugarSync API: %s"
msgstr "API da SugarSync: %s"
@@ -1341,10 +1830,7 @@ msgid "EasyCron"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-easycron.php:189
-msgid ""
-"Here you can setup your EasyCron.com API key to use this "
+msgid "Here you can setup your EasyCron.com API key to use this service."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-easycron.php:192
@@ -1356,31 +1842,32 @@ msgid "Trigger WordPress Cron:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-easycron.php:203
-msgid ""
-"If you check this box, a cron job will be created on EasyCron that all 5 "
-"Minutes calls the WordPress cron."
+msgid "If you check this box, a cron job will be created on EasyCron that all 5 Minutes calls the WordPress cron."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-file.php:138
+#: inc/class-file.php:142
msgid "Folder %1$s not allowed, please use another folder."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-file.php:143
+#: inc/class-file.php:147
msgid "Folder %1$s is not in open basedir, please use another folder."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-file.php:149
+#: inc/class-file.php:153
msgid "Cannot create folder: %1$s"
msgstr "Não é possível criar a pasta: %1$s"
#: inc/class-file.php:155
+#: inc/class-file.php:159
msgid "Folder \"%1$s\" is not writable"
msgstr "Pasta \"%1$s\" não é gravável"
#: inc/class-file.php:191
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup will not backup folders and its sub folders when this file is "
+#: inc/class-file.php:195
+msgid "BackWPup will not backup folders and its sub folders when this file is inside."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-help.php:15
@@ -1389,15 +1876,11 @@ msgstr "Informação do plugin"
#: inc/class-help.php:17
msgctxt "Plugin name and link; Plugin Version"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s version %2$s. A project by Inpsyde GmbH"
+msgid "%1$s version %2$s. A project by Inpsyde GmbH."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-help.php:18
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is a free software, and you "
-"are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions."
+msgid "BackWPup comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is a free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-help.php:21
@@ -1413,474 +1896,533 @@ msgid "Manual"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-install.php:84
+#: inc/class-install.php:90
msgid "BackWPup Admin"
msgstr "BackWPup Admin"
#: inc/class-install.php:98
+#: inc/class-install.php:105
msgid "BackWPup jobs checker"
msgstr "Verificador de tarefas do BackWPup"
#: inc/class-install.php:112
+#: inc/class-install.php:120
msgid "BackWPup jobs helper"
msgstr "Auxiliador de tarefas do BackWPup"
#: inc/class-job.php:263
+#: inc/class-job.php:269
msgid "Starting job"
msgstr "Iniciando tarefa"
#: inc/class-job.php:278
+#: inc/class-job.php:284
msgid "Job Start"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:298
+#: inc/class-job.php:304
msgid "Creates manifest file"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:320
+#: inc/class-job.php:326
msgid "Creates archive"
msgstr "Cria o arquivo"
#: inc/class-job.php:360
+#: inc/class-job.php:373
msgid "End of Job"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:377
+#: inc/class-job.php:395
msgid "BackWPup log for %1$s from %2$s at %3$s"
msgstr "Log do BackWPup para %1$s de %2$s em %3$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:394
+#: inc/class-job.php:412
msgctxt "Plugin name; Plugin Version; plugin url"
msgid "[INFO] %1$s %2$s; A project of Inpsyde GmbH"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:395
+#: inc/class-job.php:413
msgctxt "WordPress Version; Blog url"
msgid "[INFO] WordPress %1$s on %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:396
+#: inc/class-job.php:414
msgid "Normal"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:399
+#: inc/class-job.php:417
msgid "Debug"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:402
+#: inc/class-job.php:420
msgid "(translated)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:404
+#: inc/class-job.php:422
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "[INFO] curl ver.: %1$s; %2$s"
msgid "[INFO] Log Level: %1$s %2$s"
msgstr "[INFO] Versão do curl: %1$s; %2$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:409
+#: inc/class-job.php:427
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job: %1$s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:412
+#: inc/class-job.php:430
msgid "[INFO] Runs with user: %1$s (%2$d) "
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:426 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:323
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:282 inc/class-page-jobs.php:291
+#: inc/class-job.php:426
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:323
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:282
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:291
+#: inc/class-job.php:444
msgid "Not scheduled!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:430 inc/class-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-job.php:430
+#: inc/class-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-job.php:448
+#: inc/class-job.php:458
msgid "[INFO] Cron: %s; Next: %s "
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:433
+#: inc/class-job.php:451
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job start with link is active"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:435
+#: inc/class-job.php:453
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job start with EasyCron.com"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:443
+#: inc/class-job.php:461
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup no automatic job start configured"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:447
+#: inc/class-job.php:465
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started from wp-cron"
msgstr "[INFO] Tarefa do BackWPup começou do wp-cron"
#: inc/class-job.php:449
+#: inc/class-job.php:467
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started manually"
msgstr "[INFO] Tarefa do BackWPup começou manualmente"
#: inc/class-job.php:451
+#: inc/class-job.php:469
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started from external url"
msgstr "[INFO] Tarefa do BackWPup começou de uma URL externa"
#: inc/class-job.php:453
+#: inc/class-job.php:471
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started form commandline interface"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:462
+#: inc/class-job.php:480
msgid "[INFO] PHP ver.:"
msgstr "[INFO] Versão do PHP:"
#: inc/class-job.php:463
+#: inc/class-job.php:481
msgid "[INFO] Maximum PHP script execution time is %1$d seconds"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:467
+#: inc/class-job.php:485
msgid "[INFO] Script restart time is configured to %1$d seconds"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:470
+#: inc/class-job.php:488
msgid "[INFO] MySQL ver.: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] Versão do MySQL: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:472
+#: inc/class-job.php:490
msgid "[INFO] Web Server: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:476
+#: inc/class-job.php:494
msgid "[INFO] curl ver.: %1$s; %2$s"
msgstr "[INFO] Versão do curl: %1$s; %2$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:478
+#: inc/class-job.php:496
msgid "[INFO] Temp folder is: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] Pasta temporária é: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:485
+#: inc/class-job.php:503
msgid "[INFO] Logfile is: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:492
+#: inc/class-job.php:510
msgid "[INFO] Backup file is: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] Arquivo de backup é: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:494
+#: inc/class-job.php:512
msgid "[INFO] Backup type is: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] Tipo de backup é: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:502
+#: inc/class-job.php:520
msgid "Could not write log file"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:514
-msgid ""
-"No destination correctly defined for backup! Please correct job settings."
+#: inc/class-job.php:532
+msgid "No destination correctly defined for backup! Please correct job settings."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:644
+#: inc/class-job.php:628
msgid "Cannot write progress to working file. Job will be aborted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:716 inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
+#: inc/class-job.php:716
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
+#: inc/class-job.php:700
msgid "WARNING:"
msgstr "AVISO:"
-#: inc/class-job.php:725 inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+#: inc/class-job.php:725
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+#: inc/class-job.php:709
msgid "ERROR:"
msgstr "ERRO:"
#: inc/class-job.php:729
+#: inc/class-job.php:713
#: inc/class-job.php:732
+#: inc/class-job.php:716
#: inc/class-job.php:737
+#: inc/class-job.php:721
#: inc/class-job.php:985
+#: inc/class-job.php:972
msgid "Aborted by user!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:1019
+#: inc/class-job.php:1005
msgid "One old log deleted"
msgid_plural "%d old logs deleted"
msgstr[0] "Um antigo log foi excluídos"
msgstr[1] "%d antigos logs foram excluídos"
-#: inc/class-job.php:1026 inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
-msgid ""
-"Job has ended with errors in %s seconds. You must resolve the errors for "
-"correct execution."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1026
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+#: inc/class-job.php:1012
+msgid "Job has ended with errors in %s seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:1028
-msgid ""
-"Job finished with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct "
+#: inc/class-job.php:1014
+msgid "Job finished with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct execution."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1030 inc/class-page-jobs.php:788
+#: inc/class-job.php:1030
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:788
+#: inc/class-job.php:1016
msgid "Job done in %s seconds."
msgstr "Tarefa feita em %s segundos."
#: inc/class-job.php:1074
+#: inc/class-job.php:1060
msgstr "SUCESSO"
#: inc/class-job.php:1076
+#: inc/class-job.php:1062
msgid "WARNING"
msgstr "AVISO"
#: inc/class-job.php:1079
+#: inc/class-job.php:1065
msgid "ERROR"
msgstr "ERRO!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1082
+#: inc/class-job.php:1068
msgid "[%3$s] BackWPup log %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "[%3$s] Log do BackWPup %1$s: %2$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:1188
+#: inc/class-job.php:1180
msgid "Restart after %1$d seconds."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:1190
+#: inc/class-job.php:1182
msgid "Restart after getting signal."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:1363
+#: inc/class-job.php:1357
msgid "Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:1461
+#: inc/class-job.php:1455
msgid "Step aborted: too many attempts!"
msgstr "Etapa anulada: muitas tentativas!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1532
+#: inc/class-job.php:1528
msgid "%d. Trying to create backup archive …"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:1540
+#: inc/class-job.php:1536
msgctxt "Archive compression method"
msgid "Compressing files as %s. Please be patient, this may take a moment."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:1547
+#: inc/class-job.php:1544
msgid "Adding Extra files to Archive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1559 inc/class-job.php:1619
+#: inc/class-job.php:1559
+#: inc/class-job.php:1619
+#: inc/class-job.php:1555
+#: inc/class-job.php:1626
msgid "Cannot create backup archive correctly. Aborting creation."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:1575
+#: inc/class-job.php:1571
msgid "Archiving Folder: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:1629
+#: inc/class-job.php:1636
msgid "Backup archive created."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:1643
-msgid ""
-"The Backup archive will be too large for file operations with this PHP "
-"Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple "
-"jobs with less files each."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1650
+msgid "The Backup archive will be too large for file operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:1646
+#: inc/class-job.php:1653
msgid "Archive size is %s."
msgstr "Tamanho do arquivo é %s."
#: inc/class-job.php:1649
+#: inc/class-job.php:1656
msgid "%1$d Files with %2$s in Archive."
msgstr "%1$d arquivos com %2$s em Arquivo."
#: inc/class-job.php:1698
+#: inc/class-job.php:1831
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "S3 Bucket \"%s\" does not exist!"
msgctxt "Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s does not exist"
msgstr "Repositório \"%s\" da S3 não existe!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1703
+#: inc/class-job.php:1837
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Folder \"%s\" is not readable!"
msgctxt "Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s is not readable"
msgstr "A pasta \"%s\" não pode ser lida!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1725
+#: inc/class-job.php:1860
msgid "Link \"%s\" not following."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:1727
+#: inc/class-job.php:1862
msgid "File \"%s\" is not readable!"
msgstr "Arquivo \"%s\" não é legível!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1731
-msgid ""
-"File size of “%s” cannot be retrieved. File might be too large and will not "
-"be added to queue."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1866
+msgid "File size of “%s” cannot be retrieved. File might be too large and will not be added to queue."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:1814
+#: inc/class-job.php:1949
msgid "%d. Trying to generate a manifest file …"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:1870
+#: inc/class-job.php:2005
msgid "You may have noticed the manifest.json file in this archive."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:1871
-msgid ""
-"manifest.json might be needed for later restoring a backup from this archive."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2006
+msgid "manifest.json might be needed for later restoring a backup from this archive."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:1872
-msgid ""
-"Please leave manifest.json untouched and in place. Otherwise it is safe to "
-"be ignored."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2007
+msgid "Please leave manifest.json untouched and in place. Otherwise it is safe to be ignored."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:1882
+#: inc/class-job.php:2017
msgid "Added manifest.json file with %1$s to backup file list."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:1921
+#: inc/class-job.php:2056
msgid "Wrong BackWPup JobID"
msgstr "ID de tarefa (JobID) do BackWPup errado. "
#: inc/class-job.php:1934
+#: inc/class-job.php:2069
msgid "A BackWPup job is already running"
msgstr "Uma tarefa do BackWPup já está em execução"
#: inc/class-job.php:2302
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGHUP: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2482
+msgctxt "SIGHUP: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Hangup detected on controlling terminal or death of controlling process"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2306
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGINT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2486
+msgctxt "SIGINT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Interrupt from keyboard"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2310
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGQUIT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2490
+msgctxt "SIGQUIT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Quit from keyboard"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2314
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGILL: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2494
+msgctxt "SIGILL: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Illegal Instruction"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2318
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGABRT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2498
+msgctxt "SIGABRT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Abort signal from abort(3)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2322
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGBUS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2502
+msgctxt "SIGBUS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Bus error (bad memory access)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2326
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGFPE: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2506
+msgctxt "SIGFPE: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Floating point exception"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2330
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSEGV: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2510
+msgctxt "SIGSEGV: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Invalid memory reference"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2334
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGTERM: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2514
+msgctxt "SIGTERM: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Termination signal"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2338
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSTKFLT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2518
+msgctxt "SIGSTKFLT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Stack fault on coprocessor"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2342
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGUSR1: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2522
+msgctxt "SIGUSR1: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "User-defined signal 1"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2346
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGUSR2: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2526
+msgctxt "SIGUSR2: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "User-defined signal 2"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2350
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGURG: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2530
+msgctxt "SIGURG: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Urgent condition on socket"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2354
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGXCPU: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2534
+msgctxt "SIGXCPU: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "CPU time limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2358
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGXFSZ: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2538
+msgctxt "SIGXFSZ: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "File size limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2362
+#: inc/class-job.php:2542
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "FTP: Login failure!"
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGPWR: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+msgctxt "SIGPWR: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Power failure"
msgstr "FTP: falha de login!"
#: inc/class-job.php:2366
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSYS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2546
+msgctxt "SIGSYS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Bad argument to routine"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2373
+#: inc/class-job.php:2553
msgid "Signal \"%1$s\" (%2$s) is sent to script!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2407 inc/class-job.php:2420
+#: inc/class-job.php:2407
+#: inc/class-job.php:2420
+#: inc/class-job.php:2587
+#: inc/class-job.php:2600
msgid "System: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2435
+#: inc/class-job.php:2615
msgid "Exception caught in %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "Exceção detectada em %1$s: %2$s"
@@ -1892,7 +2434,9 @@ msgstr "Verificar Banco de Dados"
msgid "Check database tables"
msgstr "Verificar as tabelas do banco de dados"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:35 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:35
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16
msgid "Settings for database check"
msgstr "Verificar configurações para banco de dados"
@@ -1908,7 +2452,9 @@ msgstr "Verificar apenas tabelas do banco de dados do WordPress"
msgid "Repair"
msgstr "Reparar"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:54 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:54
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38
msgid "Try to repair defect table"
msgstr "Tentar arrumar tabela com defeitos"
@@ -1924,12 +2470,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Table %1$s is not a MyISAM/InnoDB table. Not checked."
msgstr "A tabela %1$s não é uma tabela MyISAM/InnoDB. Não verificada."
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:124 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:127
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:124
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:127
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:129
msgid "Result of table check for %1$s is: %2$s"
msgstr "Resultado da verificação da tabela para %1$s é: %2$s"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:135 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:137
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:135
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:137
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:139
msgid "Result of table repair for %1$s is: %2$s"
msgstr "Resultado do reparo da tabela para %1$s é: %2$s"
@@ -1950,60 +2498,92 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Database backup"
msgstr "Backup de banco de dados"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:60 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:60
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:108
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:108
msgid "Settings for database backup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:64 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:64
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154
msgid "Tables to backup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:66 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:66
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156
msgid "all"
msgstr "todos"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:91 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:91
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195
msgid "Backup file name"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:99 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:99
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201
msgid "Backup file compression"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:105 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:107
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:75 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:77
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:59 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:61
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:105
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:107
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:75
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:77
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:59
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:61
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
msgid "GZip"
msgstr "GZip"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:159 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:159
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475
msgid "%d. Try to backup database …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495
msgid "Connected to database %1$s on %2$s"
msgstr "Conectado ao banco de dados %1$s em %2$s"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:187 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:187
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510
msgid "No tables to backup."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:210 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:210
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536
msgid "Backup database table \"%s\" with \"%s\" records"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:250 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:250
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576
msgid "MySQL backup file not created"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:254 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:763
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:254
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:763
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:764
msgid "Added database dump \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:260 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:260
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:766
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:767
msgid "Database backup done!"
msgstr ""
@@ -2035,8 +2615,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Backup themes"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:107 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:745
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:107
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:745
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:746
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:745
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:746
msgid "Backup uploads folder"
msgstr ""
@@ -2045,9 +2628,7 @@ msgid "Extra folders to backup"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:118
-msgid ""
-"Separate folder names with a line-break or a comma. Folders must be set with "
-"their absolute path!"
+msgid "Separate folder names with a line-break or a comma. Folders must be set with their absolute path!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:123
@@ -2067,9 +2648,7 @@ msgid "Exclude files/folders from backup"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:136
-msgid ""
-"Separate file / folder name parts with a line-break or a comma. For example /"
+msgid "Separate file / folder name parts with a line-break or a comma. For example /logs/,.log,.tmp"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:141
@@ -2081,9 +2660,7 @@ msgid "Include special files"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:147
-msgid ""
-"Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd, favicon."
-"ico, and Web.config from root if it is not included in backup."
+msgid "Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd, favicon.ico, and Web.config from root if it is not included in backup."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:151
@@ -2091,44 +2668,50 @@ msgid "Use one folder above as WP install folder"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:154
-msgid ""
-"Use one folder above as WordPress install folder! That can be helpful, if "
-"you would backup files and folder that are not in the WordPress installation "
-"folder. Or if you made a \"Giving WordPress Its Own Directory"
-"\" installation. Excludes must be configured again."
+msgid "Use one folder above as WordPress install folder! That can be helpful, if you would backup files and folder that are not in the WordPress installation folder. Or if you made a \"Giving WordPress Its Own Directory\" installation. Excludes must be configured again."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:237
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:238
msgid "%d. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:357 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:361
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:357
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:361
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:378
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:358
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:362
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:379
msgid "Added \"%s\" to backup file list"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:384
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:385
msgid "No files/folder for the backup."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:386
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:387
msgid "%1$d folders to backup."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:434
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:435
msgid "Folder \"%s\" is not readable!"
msgstr "A pasta \"%s\" não pode ser lida!"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:494
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:495
msgid "Path as set by user (symlink?): %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:497
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:498
msgid "Exclude:"
msgstr "Excluir:"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:509
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:510
msgid "Excluded by .donotbackup file!"
msgstr ""
@@ -2136,7 +2719,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "XML export"
msgstr "Exportar XML"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:14 inc/class-page-about.php:472
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:14
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:472
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:474
msgid "WordPress XML export"
msgstr "Exportar XML do WordPress"
@@ -2144,15 +2729,21 @@ msgstr "Exportar XML do WordPress"
msgid "Items to export"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:49 inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:49
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28
msgid "All content"
msgstr "Todo o conteúdo"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:50 inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:50
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38
msgid "Posts"
msgstr "Posts"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:51 inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:51
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Páginas"
@@ -2160,12 +2751,15 @@ msgstr "Páginas"
msgid "XML Export file name"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:69 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:53
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:69
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:53
msgid "File compression"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:79 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:81
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:64 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:66
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:79
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:81
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:64
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:66
msgid "BZip2"
msgstr "BZip2"
@@ -2177,10 +2771,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "WP Export: Post type “%s” does not allow export."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:172 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:186
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:215 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:236
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:269 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:289
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:378 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:387
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:172
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:186
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:215
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:236
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:269
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:289
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:378
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:387
msgid "WP Export file could not written."
msgstr ""
@@ -2204,9 +2802,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "There was an error when reading this WXR file"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:444 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:451
-msgid ""
-"This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:444
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:451
+msgid "This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:460
@@ -2214,16 +2812,18 @@ msgid "WP Export file is a valid WXR file."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:462
-msgid ""
-"WP Export file can not be checked, because no XML extension is loaded, to "
-"ensure the file verification."
+msgid "WP Export file can not be checked, because no XML extension is loaded, to ensure the file verification."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:474 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:474
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741
msgid "Compressing file …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:481 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:481
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748
msgid "Compressing done."
msgstr ""
@@ -2263,7 +2863,9 @@ msgstr "Plugins ativos: "
msgid "Inactive plugins:"
msgstr "Plugins inativos: "
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:141 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:798
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:141
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:798
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:799
msgid "Can not open target file for writing."
msgstr ""
@@ -2279,21 +2881,26 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "No MySQLi extension found. Please install it."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:100 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:831
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:100
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:831
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:832
msgid "Cannot init MySQLi database connection"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:105 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:837
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:105
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:837
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:838
msgid "Setting of MySQLi connection timeout failed"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:110 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:843
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:110
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:843
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:844
msgid "Cannot connect to MySQL database %1$d: %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:117
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Cannot connect to FTP server: %s"
msgctxt "Database Charset"
msgid "Cannot set DB charset to %s error: %s"
msgstr "Não é possível conectar ao servidor FTP: %s"
@@ -2302,15 +2909,28 @@ msgstr "Não é possível conectar ao servidor FTP: %s"
msgid "Cannot open SQL backup file"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:153 inc/class-mysqldump.php:165
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:259 inc/class-mysqldump.php:268
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:288 inc/class-mysqldump.php:297
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:317 inc/class-mysqldump.php:323
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:368 inc/class-mysqldump.php:400
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:437 inc/class-mysqldump.php:500
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:859 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:873
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:921 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:940
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:153
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:165
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:259
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:268
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:288
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:297
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:317
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:323
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:368
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:400
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:437
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:500
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:859
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:873
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:921
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:940
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:983
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:860
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:874
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:922
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:941
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:984
msgid "Database error %1$s for query %2$s"
msgstr "Erro %1$s no banco de dados para pesquisa como %2$s"
@@ -2326,303 +2946,380 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Error while writing file!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-option.php:167 inc/class-page-editjob.php:97
+#: inc/class-option.php:167
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:97
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:383
+#: inc/class-option.php:176
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
msgid "New Job"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:369
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:371
msgid "Welcome to BackWPup Pro"
msgstr "Bem-vindo ao BackWPup Pro"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:370 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup’s job wizards make planning and scheduling your backup jobs a "
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:370
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:372
+msgid "BackWPup’s job wizards make planning and scheduling your backup jobs a breeze."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:371 inc/class-page-about.php:384
-msgid ""
-"Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation "
-"including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage "
-"service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server. With a "
-"single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool "
-"like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:371
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:384
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:373
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:386
+msgid "Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server. With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:372
-msgid ""
-"Ready to set up a backup job? You can use the wizards or plan your backup in expert mode."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:374
+msgid "Ready to set up a backup job? You can use the wizards or plan your backup in expert mode."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:382
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:384
msgid "Welcome to BackWPup"
msgstr "Bem-vindo ao BackWPup"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:385
-msgid ""
-"Ready to set up a backup job? Use one of the wizards to plan what you want "
-"to save."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:387
+msgid "Ready to set up a backup job? Use one of the wizards to plan what you want to save."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:400
msgid "Save your database"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:401
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:403
msgid "Save your database regularly"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:402
-msgid ""
-"With BackWPup you can schedule the database backup to run automatically. "
-"With a single backup file you can restore your database. You should set up a backup job, so you will never forget it. There is also "
-"an option to repair and optimize the database after each backup."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:404
+msgid "With BackWPup you can schedule the database backup to run automatically. With a single backup file you can restore your database. You should set up a backup job, so you will never forget it. There is also an option to repair and optimize the database after each backup."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:407 inc/class-page-about.php:411
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:407
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:411
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:413
msgid "WordPress XML Export"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:408
-msgid ""
-"You can choose the built-in WordPress export format in addition or exclusive "
-"to save your data. This works in automated backups too of course. The "
-"advantage is: you can import these files into a blog with the regular "
-"WordPress importer."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:410
+msgid "You can choose the built-in WordPress export format in addition or exclusive to save your data. This works in automated backups too of course. The advantage is: you can import these files into a blog with the regular WordPress importer."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:416
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:418
msgid "Save all data from the webserver"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:419
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:421
msgid "Save all files"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:420
-msgid ""
-"You can backup all your attachments, also all system files, plugins and "
-"themes in a single file. You can create a job to update a "
-"backup copy of your file system only when files are changed."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:422
+msgid "You can backup all your attachments, also all system files, plugins and themes in a single file. You can create a job to update a backup copy of your file system only when files are changed."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:425 inc/class-page-about.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:425
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:427
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:431
msgid "Security!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:426
-msgid ""
-"By default everything is encrypted: connections to external services, local "
-"files and access to directories."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:428
+msgid "By default everything is encrypted: connections to external services, local files and access to directories."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:434 inc/class-page-about.php:437
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:434
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:437
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:436
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:439
msgid "Cloud Support"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:438
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup supports multiple cloud services in parallel. This ensures backups "
-"are redundant."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:440
+msgid "BackWPup supports multiple cloud services in parallel. This ensures backups are redundant."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:444
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:446
msgid "Features / differences between Free and Pro"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:449
msgid "Features"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:448
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:450
msgid "FREE"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:449
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:451
msgid "PRO"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:452
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:454
msgid "Complete database backup"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:457
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:459
msgid "Complete file backup"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:462
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:464
msgid "Database check"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:467
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:469
msgid "Data compression"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:477
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:479
msgid "List of installed plugins"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:482
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:484
msgid "Backup archives management"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:487
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:489
msgid "Log file management"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:492
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:494
msgid "Start jobs per WP-Cron, URL, system, backend or WP-CLI"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:497
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:499
msgid "Log report via email"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:502
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:504
msgid "Backup to Microsoft Azure"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:507
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:509
msgid "Backup as email"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:512
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:514
msgid "Backup to S3 services (Amazon, Google Storage, Hosteurope and more)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:527
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:529
msgid "Backup to FTP server"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:532
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:534
msgid "Backup to your web space"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:542 inc/pro/class-pro.php:112
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:542
+#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:112
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:152
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:544
msgid "Backup to Google Drive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:547 inc/pro/class-pro.php:93
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:547
+#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:93
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:131
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:549
msgid "Backup to Amazon Glacier"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:552
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:554
msgid "Custom API keys for DropBox and SugarSync"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:557
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:559
msgid "XML database backup as PHPMyAdmin schema"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:562
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:564
msgid "Database backup as mysqldump per command line"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:567
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:569
msgid "Database backup for additional MySQL databases"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:572
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:574
msgid "Import and export job settings as XML"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:577
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:579
msgid "Wizard for system tests"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:582
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:584
msgid "Wizard for scheduled backup jobs"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:587
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:589
msgid "Wizard to import settings and backup jobs"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:592
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:594
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to Dropbox"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:597
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:599
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to Rackspace Cloud Files"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:602
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:604
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to S3"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:607
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:609
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to MS Azure"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:612
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:639
msgid "Premium support"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:617
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:644
msgid "Automatic updates"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-about.php:624
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:651
msgid "GET PRO"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:182
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:158
msgid "No files could be found. (List will be generated during next backup.)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:195 inc/class-page-backups.php:315
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:113 inc/class-page-jobs.php:177
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:125 inc/class-page-logs.php:204
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:195
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:315
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:113
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:177
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:125
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:204
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:168
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:274
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:151
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:232
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Excluir"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:229
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:203
msgid "Change destination"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:269 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:283
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347 inc/class-page-logs.php:136
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:269
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:283
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:136
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:241
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:163
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Tempo"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:270
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:242
msgid "File"
msgstr "Arquivo"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:272 inc/class-page-logs.php:140
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:272
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:140
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:244
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:167
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Tamanho"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:315
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:273
msgid ""
"You are about to delete this backup archive. \n"
" 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:318 inc/class-page-jobs.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:318
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:330
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:206
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:281
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:285
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:768
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:779
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:234
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Baixar"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:348
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:311
msgid "?"
msgstr "?"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:361 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:321
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:384 inc/class-page-jobs.php:318
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:361
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:321
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:384
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:318
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:164
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:317
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:190
msgid "%1$s at %2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:377 inc/class-page-backups.php:417
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:35 inc/class-page-jobs.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:417
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:35
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:331
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:369
msgid "Sorry, you don't have permissions to do that."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:441
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:433
msgid "Backup Files"
msgstr ""
@@ -2632,54 +3329,48 @@ msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:67
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "BackWPup Dashboard"
msgid "%s › Dashboard"
msgstr "Painel do BackWPup"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:74 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:83
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:74
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:83
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Planning backups"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
-msgid ""
-"Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation "
-"including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage "
-"service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
+msgid "Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:76 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:85
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:76
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:85
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Restoring backups"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:77 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:86
-msgid ""
-"With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a "
-"tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:77
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:86
+msgid "With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:78 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:87
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:78
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:87
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Ready to set up a backup job?"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79
-msgid ""
-"Use one of the wizards to plan a backup, or use expert mode"
-"a> for full control over all options."
+msgid "Use one of the wizards to plan a backup, or use expert mode for full control over all options."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:89
-msgid ""
-"Please note: You are solely responsible for the security of your "
-"data; the authors of this plugin are not."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:89
+msgid "Please note: You are solely responsible for the security of your data; the authors of this plugin are not."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
-msgid ""
-"Use the short links in the First steps box to plan and "
-"schedule backup jobs."
+msgid "Use the short links in the First steps box to plan and schedule backup jobs."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:88
@@ -2694,7 +3385,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Test the installation"
msgstr "Teste a instalação"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:101 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:104
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:101
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:104
msgid "Create a Job"
msgstr "Criar um serviço"
@@ -2715,8 +3407,7 @@ msgid "One click backup"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:117
-msgid ""
-"Generate a database backup of WordPress tables and download it right away!"
+msgid "Generate a database backup of WordPress tables and download it right away!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:117
@@ -2737,16 +3428,16 @@ msgid "RSS Error: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:132
-msgid ""
-"An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again "
+msgid "An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again later."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:146
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:211 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:373
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:211
+#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:373
+#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:331
msgid "Start wizard"
msgstr ""
@@ -2756,7 +3447,6 @@ msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:222
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Settings"
msgid "Video: Settings"
msgstr "Configurações"
@@ -2816,8 +3506,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Next scheduled jobs"
msgstr "Próximos serviços agendados"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:284 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:284
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:137
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:164
msgid "Job"
msgstr "Serviço"
@@ -2825,7 +3517,8 @@ msgstr "Serviço"
msgid "working since %d seconds"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:309 inc/class-page-jobs.php:608
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:309
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:608
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "Encerrar"
@@ -2843,7 +3536,6 @@ msgstr "Resultado"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:366
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Cannot create folder: %1$s"
msgid "Could not open log folder: %s"
msgstr "Não é possível criar a pasta: %1$s"
@@ -2868,440 +3560,613 @@ msgid "Job with ID %d"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
msgid "Changes for job %s saved."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
msgid "Jobs overview"
msgstr "Resumo dos serviços"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222 inc/class-page-jobs.php:181
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:181
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
msgid "Run now"
msgstr "Executar agora"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:325
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:334
msgid "%1$s › Job: %2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:328 inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:328
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:214
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:337
msgid "General"
msgstr "Geral"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:328
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:337
msgid "Schedule"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:343
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:352
msgid "To: %s"
msgstr "Para: %s"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:378 inc/class-page-editjob.php:383
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:378
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:383
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:125
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
msgid "Job Name"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:381
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:390
msgid "Please name this job."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:397
msgid "Job Tasks"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:391 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:254
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:391
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:254
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:254
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:400
msgid "This job is a …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:394 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:257
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:394
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:257
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:257
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:403
msgid "Job tasks"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:412
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:421
msgid "Backup File Creation"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:417 inc/class-page-editjob.php:420
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:402 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:417
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:420
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:402
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:402
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:426
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:429
msgid "Backup type"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:423
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:432
msgid "Synchronize file by file to destination"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:428 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:413
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:428
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:413
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:413
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:437
msgid "Create a backup archive"
msgstr "Criar um arquivo de backup"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:436
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:445
msgid "Archive name"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:439
-msgid ""
-"Note: In order for backup file tracking to work, the archive name "
-"must begin with %s."
-msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:454
msgid "Replacement patterns:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:448
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:455
msgid "%d = Two digit day of the month, with leading zeros"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:449
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:456
msgid "%j = Day of the month, without leading zeros"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:450
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:457
msgid "%m = Day of the month, with leading zeros"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:451
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:458
msgid "%n = Representation of the month (without leading zeros)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:452
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:459
msgid "%Y = Four digit representation for the year"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:453
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:460
msgid "%y = Two digit representation of the year"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:454
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:461
msgid "%a = Lowercase ante meridiem (am) and post meridiem (pm)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:455
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:462
msgid "%A = Uppercase ante meridiem (AM) and post meridiem (PM)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:456
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:463
msgid "%B = Swatch Internet Time"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:457
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:464
msgid "%g = Hour in 12-hour format, without leading zeros"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:458
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:465
msgid "%G = Hour in 24-hour format, without leading zeros"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:459
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:466
msgid "%h = Hour in 12-hour format, with leading zeros"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:460
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:467
msgid "%H = Hour in 24-hour format, with leading zeros"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:461
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:468
msgid "%i = Two digit representation of the minute"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:462
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:469
msgid "%s = Two digit representation of the second"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:468 inc/class-page-editjob.php:471
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:468
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:471
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:475
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:478
msgid "Archive Format"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:474 inc/class-page-editjob.php:476
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:426 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:476
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:426
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:426
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
msgid "Zip"
msgstr "Zip"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:477
-msgid "Disabled due to missing %s PHP class."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:479 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:433
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:479
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:433
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:433
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:486
msgid "Tar"
msgstr "Tar"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481 inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:437 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:437
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:437
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:488
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
msgid "Tar GZip"
msgstr "Tar GZip"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:484 inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:484
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:491
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:498
msgid "Disabled due to missing %s PHP function."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:487 inc/class-page-editjob.php:489
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:444 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:487
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:489
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:444
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:444
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:494
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:497
msgid "Tar BZip2"
msgstr "Tas BZip2"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:497
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:533
msgid "Job Destination"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:501 inc/class-page-editjob.php:504
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:501
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:504
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:537
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:540
msgid "Where should your backup file be stored?"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:522
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:558
msgid "Log Files"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:526
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:562
msgid "Send log to email address"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:529
-msgid ""
-"Leave empty to not have log sent. Or separate with , for more than one "
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:565
+msgid "Leave empty to not have log sent. Or separate with , for more than one receiver."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:533
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:569
msgid "Email FROM field"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:535
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:571
msgid "Your Name <mail@domain.tld>"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:539
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:575
msgid "Errors only"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:544
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:580
msgid "Send email with log only when errors occur during job execution."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:555
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:591
msgid "Job Schedule"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:559 inc/class-page-editjob.php:562
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:559
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:562
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:595
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:598
msgid "Start job"
msgstr "Iniciar serviço"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:566
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:602
msgid "manually only"
msgstr "Manualmente apenas"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:570
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:606
msgid "with WordPress cron"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:579
-msgid ""
-"with EasyCron.com"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:615
+msgid "with EasyCron.com"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:581
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:617
msgid "First setup API Key."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:590
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:626
msgid "with a link"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:591
-msgid ""
-"Copy the link for an external start. This option has to be activated to make "
-"the link work."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:627
+msgid "Copy the link for an external start. This option has to be activated to make the link work."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:598
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:634
msgid "Start job with CLI"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:601
-msgid ""
-"Use WP-CLI to run jobs from commandline."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:637
+msgid "Use WP-CLI to run jobs from commandline."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:606
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:642
msgid "Schedule execution time"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:610 inc/class-page-editjob.php:613
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:610
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:613
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:646
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:649
msgid "Scheduler type"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:617
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:653
msgid "basic"
msgstr "báscio"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:621
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:657
msgid "advanced"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:650 inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:650
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:320
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:320
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:686
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:754
msgid "Scheduler"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:655 inc/class-page-jobs.php:126
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:139 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:324
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:655
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:126
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:139
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:324
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:324
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:166
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:691
msgid "Type"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:660 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:660
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:330
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:696
msgid "Hour"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:663 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:333
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:663
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:333
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:333
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:699
msgid "Minute"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:667 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:337
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:667
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:337
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:337
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:703
msgid "monthly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:669 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:339
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:669
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:339
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:339
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:705
msgid "on"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:679 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:349
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:679
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:349
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:349
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:715
msgid "weekly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:681 inc/class-page-editjob.php:788
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:681
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:788
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:351
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:351
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:717
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:824
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:682 inc/class-page-editjob.php:789
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:682
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:789
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:352
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:352
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:825
msgid "Monday"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:683 inc/class-page-editjob.php:790
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:683
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:790
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:353
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:353
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:719
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:826
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:684 inc/class-page-editjob.php:791
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:684
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:791
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:354
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:354
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:720
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:827
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:685 inc/class-page-editjob.php:792
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:685
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:792
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:355
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:355
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:721
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:828
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:686 inc/class-page-editjob.php:793
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:686
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:793
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:356
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:356
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:722
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:829
msgid "Friday"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:687 inc/class-page-editjob.php:794
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:687
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:794
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:357
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:357
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:723
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:830
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:697 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:697
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:367
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:733
msgid "daily"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:707 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:707
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:377
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:743
msgid "hourly"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:721
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:757
msgid "Minutes:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:723 inc/class-page-editjob.php:736
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:748 inc/class-page-editjob.php:762
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:723
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:736
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:748
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:762
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:784
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:759
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:772
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:798
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:820
msgid "Any (*)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:733
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:769
msgid "Hours:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:746
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:782
msgid "Day of Month:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:760
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:796
msgid "Month:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:766
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:802
msgid "January"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:767
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:803
msgid "February"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:768
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:804
msgid "March"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:769
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:805
msgid "April"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:770
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:806
msgid "May"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:771
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:807
msgid "June"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:772
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:808
msgid "July"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:773
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:809
msgid "August"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:774
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:810
msgid "September"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:775
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:811
msgid "October"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:776
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:812
msgid "November"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:777
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:813
msgid "December"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:782
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:818
msgid "Day of Week:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:818
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:854
msgid "Save changes"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:905
-msgid ""
-"Working as Cron schedule:"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:941
+msgid "Working as Cron schedule:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:914
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:950
msgid "ATTENTION: Job runs every %d minutes!"
msgstr "ATENÇÃO: os serviços são executados a cada %d minutos!"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:918
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:954
msgid "ATTENTION: Can't calculate cron!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:921
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:957
msgid "Next runtime:"
msgstr ""
@@ -3309,8 +4174,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "No Jobs."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:127 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:67
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:127
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:67
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:473
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:67
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:473
msgid "Destinations"
msgstr ""
@@ -3322,11 +4190,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Last Run"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:172 inc/class-page-logs.php:200
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:172
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:200
+#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:221
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:228
msgid "Job ID: %d"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:175
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:45
msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""
@@ -3346,7 +4218,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Running for: %s seconds"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:280 inc/class-page-jobs.php:289
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:280
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:289
msgid "Cron: %s"
msgstr ""
@@ -3395,16 +4268,15 @@ msgid "The job \"%s\" needs properly configured destinations to run!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:454
-msgid ""
-"Job \"%s\" has started, but not responded for 10 seconds. Please check information."
+msgid "Job \"%s\" has started, but not responded for 10 seconds. Please check information."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:459
msgid "Job \"%s\" started."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:471 inc/class-wp-cli.php:59
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:471
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:59
msgid "Job will be terminated."
msgstr ""
@@ -3445,1865 +4317,1231 @@ msgid "Job completed"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
-msgid ""
-"Job has done with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct "
+msgid "Job has done with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct execution."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:113
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:138
msgid "No Logs."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:138
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:165
msgid "Status"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:141
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:168
msgid "Runtime"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:202
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:230
msgid "View"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:251
msgid "1 ERROR"
msgid_plural "%d ERRORS"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:225
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:254
msgid "1 WARNING"
msgid_plural "%d WARNINGS"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:228
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:257
msgid "O.K."
msgstr "OK."
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:246
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:275
msgid "Log only"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:391
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:440
msgid "%s › Logs"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:422
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:471
msgid "Logfile not found!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:61
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:88
msgid "Settings reset to default"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:104
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:194
msgid "Settings saved"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:115
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:209
msgid "%s › Settings"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:220
msgid "Network"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:221
msgid "API Keys"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:222
msgid "Information"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:135
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:241
msgid "Display Settings"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:136
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:242
msgid "Do you want to see BackWPup in the WordPress admin bar?"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:139
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:245
msgid "Admin bar"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:142
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:250
msgid "Admin Bar"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:145
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:258
msgid "Show BackWPup links in admin bar."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:151 inc/class-page-settings.php:154
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:151
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:154
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:264
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:269
msgid "Folder sizes"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:157
-msgid ""
-"Display folder sizes in the files tab when editing a job. (Might increase "
-"loading time of files tab.)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:277
+msgid "Display folder sizes in the files tab when editing a job. (Might increase loading time of files tab.)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:163
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:286
msgid "Security"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:164
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:287
msgid "Security option for BackWPup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:167 inc/class-page-settings.php:170
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:167
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:170
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:290
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:295
msgid "Protect folders"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:173
-msgid ""
-"Protect BackWPup folders ( Temp, Log and Backups ) with .htaccess"
-"code> and
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:304
+msgid "Protect BackWPup folders ( Temp, Log and Backups ) with .htaccess
and index.php
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:186
-msgid ""
-"Every time BackWPup runs a backup job, a log file is being generated. Choose "
-"where to store your log files and how many of them."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:321
+msgid "Every time BackWPup runs a backup job, a log file is being generated. Choose where to store your log files and how many of them."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:189
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:330
msgid "Log file folder"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:192
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:340
msgid "You can use absolute or relative path! Relative path is relative to %s."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:196
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:356
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Maximum file size"
msgid "Maximum log files"
msgstr "Tamanho máximo do arquivo"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:199
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:363
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Number of files to keep in folder."
msgid "Maximum log files in folder."
msgstr "Número de arquivos para manter na pasta."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:203 inc/class-page-settings.php:206
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:203
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:206
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:370
msgid "Compression"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:209
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:381
msgid "Compress log files with GZip."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:215 inc/class-page-settings.php:218
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:215
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:218
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:392
msgid "Logging Level"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:221
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:400
msgid "Normal (translated)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:404
msgid "Normal (not translated)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:223
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:408
msgid "Debug (translated)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:224
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:412
msgid "Debug (not translated)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:227
-msgid ""
-"Debug log has much more informations than normal logs. It is for support and "
-"should be handled carefully. For support is the best to use a not translated "
-"log file. Usage of not translated logs can reduce the PHP memory usage too."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:416
+msgid "Debug log has much more informations than normal logs. It is for support and should be handled carefully. For support is the best to use a not translated log file. Usage of not translated logs can reduce the PHP memory usage too."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:236
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:429
msgid "There are a couple of general options for backup jobs. Set them here."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:239
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:437
msgid "Maximum number of retries for job steps"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:245
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:450
msgid "Maximum script execution time"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:248
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:455
msgid "Maximum PHP Script execution time"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:251
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:462
msgid "seconds."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:252
-msgid ""
-"Job will restart before hitting maximum execution time. Restarts will be "
-"disabled on CLI usage. If ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
has been defined, "
-"WordPress Cron will be used for restarts, so it can take a while. 0 means no "
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:464
+msgid "Job will restart before hitting maximum execution time. Restarts will be disabled on CLI usage. If ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
has been defined, WordPress Cron will be used for restarts, so it can take a while. 0 means no maximum."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:259
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:476
msgid "Key to start jobs externally with an URL"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:263
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:484
msgid "Will be used to protect job starts from unauthorized person."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:267 inc/class-page-settings.php:270
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:267
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:270
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:492
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:497
msgid "Reduce server load"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:273
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:505
msgid "disabled"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:274
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:509
msgid "minimum"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:275
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:513
msgid "medium"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:276
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:517
msgid "maximum"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:279
-msgid ""
-"This adds short pauses to the process. Can be used to reduce the CPU load."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:521
+msgid "This adds short pauses to the process. Can be used to reduce the CPU load."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:284
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:530
msgid "Empty output on working"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:287 inc/class-page-settings.php:290
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:287
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:290
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:535
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:546
msgid "Enable an empty Output on backup working."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:292
-msgid ""
-"This do an empty output on job working. This can help in some situations or "
-"can brake the working. You must test it."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:549
+msgid "This do an empty output on job working. This can help in some situations or can brake the working. You must test it."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:297
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:558
msgid "Windows IIS compatibility"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:300 inc/class-page-settings.php:303
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:300
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:303
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:563
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:574
msgid "Enable compatibility with IIS on Windows."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:305
-msgid ""
-"There is a PHP bug (bug #43817), "
-"which is triggered on some versions of Windows and IIS. Checking this box "
-"will enable a workaround for that bug. Only enable if you are getting errors "
-"about “Permission denied” in your logs."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:577
+msgid "There is a PHP bug (bug #43817), which is triggered on some versions of Windows and IIS. Checking this box will enable a workaround for that bug. Only enable if you are getting errors about “Permission denied” in your logs."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:315
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:801
msgid "Authentication for %s
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:316
-msgid ""
-"If you protected your blog with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess), or "
-"you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php, then use the authentication methods "
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:808
+msgid "If you protected your blog with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess), or you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php, then use the authentication methods below."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:322 inc/class-page-settings.php:325
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:322
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:325
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:824
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:829
msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:329
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:841
msgid "Basic auth"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:845
msgid "WordPress User"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:331
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:849
msgid "Query argument"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:338
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:860
msgid "Basic Auth Username:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:344
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:877
msgid "Basic Auth Password:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:349 inc/class-page-settings.php:352
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:349
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:352
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:891
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:894
msgid "Select WordPress User"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:368
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:927
msgid "Query arg key=value:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387 inc/class-page-settings.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1066
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1070
msgid "Setting"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387 inc/class-page-settings.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1066
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1070
msgid "Value"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:389
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1115
msgid "WordPress version"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:391
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1120
msgid "BackWPup version"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:391
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1124
msgid "Get pro."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:393
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1126
msgid "BackWPup Pro version"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:401
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1131
msgid "PHP version"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:402
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1141
msgid "MySQL version"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:405 inc/class-page-settings.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:405
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1145
msgid "cURL version"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:406
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1149
msgid "cURL SSL version"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1152
msgid "unavailable"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:411
-msgid "WP-Cron url:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:413
-msgid "Server self connect:"
-msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:418
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1167
msgid "Not expected HTTP response:
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:420
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1174
msgid "WP Http Error: %s
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:422
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1180
msgid "Status-Code: %d
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:430
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1195
msgid "Content: %s
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:434
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1200
msgid "Response Test O.K."
msgstr "Teste de Resposta: OK"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:438
-msgid "Temp folder:"
-msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:440
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1212
msgid "Temp folder %s doesn't exist."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:442
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1217
msgid "Temporary folder %s is not writable."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:449
-msgid "Log folder:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:451
-msgid "Logs folder %s not exist."
-msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:453
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1236
msgid "Log folder %s is not writable."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:458
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1244
msgid "Server"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:459
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1248
msgid "Operating System"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:460
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1252
msgid "PHP SAPI"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:461
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1260
msgid "Function Disabled"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:465
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1256
msgid "Current PHP user"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:466
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1264
msgid "Maximum execution time"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:468 inc/class-page-settings.php:470
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:468
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:470
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1278
msgid "Alternative WP Cron"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:468 inc/class-page-settings.php:472
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:468
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:472
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1280
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1288
msgid "On"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:470 inc/class-page-settings.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:470
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1282
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1290
msgid "Off"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:472 inc/class-page-settings.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:472
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1286
msgid "Disabled WP Cron"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:476 inc/class-page-settings.php:478
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:476
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:478
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1294
msgid "CHMOD Dir"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:480
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1302
msgid "Server Time"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:481
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1307
msgid "Blog Time"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:482
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1311
msgid "Blog Timezone"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:483
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1315
msgid "Blog Time offset"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:483
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1317
msgid "%s hours"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:484
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1322
msgid "Blog language"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:485
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1326
msgid "MySQL Client encoding"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:488
-msgid "Blog charset"
-msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:489
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1330
msgid "PHP Memory limit"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:490
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1334
msgid "WP memory limit"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:491
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1338
msgid "WP maximum memory limit"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:492
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1342
msgid "Memory in use"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:497
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1348
msgid "Disabled PHP Functions:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:502
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1353
msgid "Loaded PHP Extensions:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:514
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1089
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:516
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1094
msgid "Reset all settings to default"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:123
-msgid ""
-"With the upcoming major release, BackWPup will be requiring PHP version 5.3 "
-"or higher."
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:23
+msgid "A job is already running."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:125
-msgid "Currently, you are running PHP version 5.2."
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:35
+msgid "No job ID specified!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:127 inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:162
-msgid "Please urgently read here!"
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:41
+msgid "Job ID does not exist!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:132
-msgid "Don't show again."
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:54
+msgid "Nothing to abort!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:164
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup has determined, your installation is still running on the old PHP "
-"5.2 version."
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:105
+msgid "No job running"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:167
-msgid ""
-"In order to ensure a fast and secure development for BackWPup, we will most "
-"likely not support PHP version 5.2 in our next version."
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:118
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:112
+msgid "PHP cURL extension must be installed to use the full plugin functionality."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:168
-msgid ""
-"No need to worry, your host can update your PHP version relatively quickly "
-"and without any problems."
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:122
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:67
+msgctxt "%1 = extension name, %2 = file suffix"
+msgid "We recommend to install the %1$s extension to generate %2$s archives."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:169
-msgid ""
-"Otherwise you can continue to stay on this last version and do not update "
-"the plugin in the future!"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:146
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:136
+msgctxt "Link to PHP manual"
+msgid "Please disable the deprecated PHP safe mode."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:173
-msgid ""
-"If the response from PHP 5.2 users is surprisingly high, we will eventually "
-"keep support for PHP 5.2 for a while."
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:154
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:146
+msgid "We recommend to install the PHP FTP extension to use the FTP backup destination."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:176
-msgid "Cheers!"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:174
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:164
+msgid "The HTTP response test result is an error: \"%s\"."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:177
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "BackWPup Admin"
-msgid "Your BackWPup Team!"
-msgstr "BackWPup Admin"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:178
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:175
+msgid "The HTTP response test result is a wrong HTTP status: %s. It should be status 200."
+msgstr ""
-#. Translators: This is the anchor text for an HTML link pointing to BackWPup
-#. contact page
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:205
-msgid "contact us"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:191
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:220
+msgid "WP-Cron seems to be broken. But it is needed to run scheduled jobs."
msgstr ""
-#. Translators: %s is replaced by an HTML link with text "contact us" pointing
-#. to BackWPup contact page
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:207
-msgid "If you would like to have PHP 5.2 supported, please %s."
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:196
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:194
+msgid "All tests passed without errors."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:208
-msgid "https://backwpup.com/php52/"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:202
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:239
+msgid "There are errors. Please correct them, or BackWPup cannot work."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:23
-msgid "A job is already running."
+#. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
+#: inc/class-admin.php:381
+#: inc/class-admin.php:401
+#: inc/class-help.php:17
+#: inc/class-help.php:22
+#: inc/class-job.php:394
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:15
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:624
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:262
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:391
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:17
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:17
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:27
+#: inc/class-admin.php:510
+#: inc/class-admin.php:531
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1123
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:651
+#: inc/class-job.php:412
+msgid "http://backwpup.com"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:35
-msgid "No job ID specified!"
+#. Author URI of the plugin/theme
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:17
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:19
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:19
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:29
+msgid "http://inpsyde.com"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:41
-msgid "Job ID does not exist!"
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive-downloader.php:74
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:78
+msgid "Could not write data to file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:54
-msgid "Nothing to abort!"
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive-downloader.php:102
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:122
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:137
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php:104
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:107
+msgid "File could not be opened for writing."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:105
-msgid "No job running"
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:63
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1134
+msgid "Amazon S3: EU (London)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:23
-msgid "Auth Code:"
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:285
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:286
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:293
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step4_top.php:2
+msgid "Restore"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:26
-msgid "Get auth code"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:77
+msgid "You must run WordPress version %1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %2$s now."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:33
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:294
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:299
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:30
-msgid "Login:"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:88
+msgid "We recommend to run a PHP version above %1$s to get the full plugin functionality. You are using version %2$s now."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:37
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:306
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:56
-msgid "Folder:"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:100
+msgid "You must have the MySQLi extension installed and a MySQL server version of %1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %2$s now."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:112
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to Dropbox …"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:193
+msgid "Yeah!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:147
-msgid "Retrieving file list from Dropbox"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:261
+msgid "There are some warnings. BackWPup will work, but with limitations."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:161
-msgid "Upload changed files to Dropbox"
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:104
+msgid "Cannot open FTP file for download."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:183
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Dropbox"
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:64
+msgid "Could not read data from source file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:211
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Dropbox"
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:69
+msgid "Could not write data into target file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:226
-msgid "Folder %s deleted from Dropbox"
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:96
+msgid "File could not be opened for reading."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:243
-msgid "File %s deleted from Dropbox"
+#. translators: $1 is the path of the local file where the backup will be stored
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:141
+msgid "%s is a directory not a file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:19
-msgid "Absolute path to folder for backup files:"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:102
+msgid "Multipart splits file into multiple chunks while uploading.
This is necessary for displaying the upload process and to transfer bigger files.
Don't work with Google or Dreamhost."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:41
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:321
-msgid "Oldest files will be deleted first."
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:408
+msgid "« Go back"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:87
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to folder …"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:501
+msgid "Please wait …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:91
-msgid "Retrieving file list from folder"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:504
+msgid "Your download is being generated …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:101
-msgid "Copy changed files to folder"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:510
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:15
+msgid "Please enter your private key to decrypt your backup."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:115
-msgid "File %s copied"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:512
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:17
+msgid "The private key you entered was invalid. Please try again."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:128
-msgid "Delete not existing files from folder"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:515
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:742
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:773
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:20
+msgid "Private Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:136
-msgid "Extra file %s copied"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:522
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:25
+msgid "Submit"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:152
-msgid "File %s deleted from folder"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:527
+msgid "Your download has been generated. It should begin downloading momentarily."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:210
-msgid "Empty folder %s deleted"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:575
+msgid "Seems is not possible to store your private key, be sure the directory %s is writable."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:17
-msgid "Hostname:"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:114
+msgid "Functions for bz2 compression not available."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:25 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:23
-msgid "Username:"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:311
+msgid "File name cannot be empty."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:33
-msgid "Folder on server:"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:751
+msgid "Cannot open source file %s for archiving. Writing an empty file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:42
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:60
-msgid "Maximum number of backup files to keep in folder:"
+#. translators: $1 is the filename to add into the archive.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:1006
+msgid "Cannot open source file %s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:41
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:282
-msgid ""
-"Looks like you haven’t set up any API keys yet. Head over to Settings | API-Keys and get Google Drive all set up, then come back "
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:39
+msgid "Please enter a public key first, or generate a key pair."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:55
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:297
-msgid "Authenticate"
-msgstr "Autenticar"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:40
+msgid "Please enter your private key."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:62
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:302
-msgid "Reauthenticate"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:41
+msgid "Public key is valid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:73
-msgid "Folder in Google Drive"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:42
+msgid "Public key is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:110
-msgid ""
-"Consider using trash to delete files. If trash is not enabled, files will be "
-"deleted permanently."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:43
+msgid "Please download the private key before continuing. If you do not save it locally, you cannot decrypt your backups later."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:167
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:191
-msgid "GDrive: Authenticated."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:217
+msgid "Encryption"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:171
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:195
-msgid "GDrive: No refresh token received. Try to Authenticate again!"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:593
+msgid "Here you can set your keys for encrypting your backups."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:177
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:199
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:218
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:237
-msgid "GDrive API: %s"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:601
+msgid "If you select symmetric encryption (default), you can generate a 256-bit key by clicking Generate Key
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:440
-msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to Google Drive …"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:611
+msgid "If you select asymmetric encryption (more secure), you must have an RSA public/private key pair. You would enter the public key in the Public Key
field. If you do not have a key pair, click Generate Key Pair
and they will be generated for you."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:468
-msgid "Uploading to Google Drive …"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:621
+msgid "Note: You will be asked to download the keys for safe storage. We do not keep a copy of the private key, so if you lose this, your data cannot be decrypted!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:530
-msgid "Could not create resumable file transfer to Google Drive"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:631
+msgid "You can also click Validate
to validate that you have the proper private key for the given public key."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:574
-msgid "Can not resume transfer backup to Google Drive!"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:642
+msgid "Encryption Type"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:641
-msgid "Error transfering file chunks to %s."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:649
+msgid "Symmetric (public key only)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:642
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:668
-msgid "Google Drive"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:655
+msgid "Asymmetric (public and private key)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:716
-msgid "One file deleted from Google Drive"
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Google Drive"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:661
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:667
+msgid "Encryption Key"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:722
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1028
-msgid "Google Drive API: %s"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:672
+msgid "Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:849
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to Google Drive …"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:684
+msgid "Click below to generate a random key."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:874
-msgid "Syncing changed files to Google Drive"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:687
+msgid "Generate Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:904
-msgid "File %s updated on Google Drive"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:696
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:701
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:762
+msgid "Public Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:925
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Google Drive"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:704
+msgid "RSA Public Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:946
-msgid "File %s moved to trash in Google Drive"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:716
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:717
+msgid "Generate Key Pair"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:949
-msgid "File %s deleted permanently in Google Drive"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:722
+msgid "Validate Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:995
-msgid "Extra file %s updated on Google Drive"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:723
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:748
+msgid "Validate"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1017
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Google Drive"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:735
+msgid "Enter your private key below to validate it will work with the provided public key."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:27
-msgid "Amazon Glacier"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:738
+msgid "The private key will not be stored, so you must still securely store it yourself."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:31
-msgid "Select a region:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:754
+msgid "Your keys are being generated. Please hold a moment …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:33
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:235
-msgid "Amazon Glacier Region"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:758
+msgid "Here are your keys. Please store them in a safe location."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:34
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:236
-msgid "US Standard"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:783
+msgid "Please download at least your private key above, as we will not store this key, and if you lose it, your backups cannot be decrypted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:35
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:237
-msgid "US West (Northern California)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:786
+msgid "Click the button below to use these keys and paste the public key into the RSA public key field above."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:36
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:238
-msgid "US West (Oregon)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:790
+msgid "Use These Keys"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:37
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:239
-msgid "EU (Ireland)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:955
+msgid "Experiencing an issue and need to contact BackWPup support? Click the link below to get debug information you can send to us."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:38
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:240
-msgid "EU (Germany)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:962
+msgid "Debug Info"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:39
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:241
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:966
+msgid "Get Debug Info"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:40
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:242
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
-msgstr "Amazon S3: Ásia-Pacífico (Sidnei)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:973
+msgid "You will find debug information below. Click the button to copy the debug info to send to support."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:41
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:981
+msgid "Note: Would you like faster, more streamlined support? Pro users can contact BackWPup from right within the plugin."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:42
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:244
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:988
+msgid "https://backwpup.com"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:43
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:245
-msgid "South America (Sao Paulo)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:989
+msgid "Get Pro"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:44
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:246
-msgid "China (Beijing)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1000
+msgid "Copy Debug Info"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:50
-msgid "Amazon Access Keys"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1005
+msgid "Debug info copied to clipboard."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:69
-msgid "Vault"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1013
+msgid "Could not copy debug info. You can simply press ctrl+C to copy it."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:73
-msgid "Vault selection"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1156
+msgid "WP-Cron url"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:85
-msgid "Create a new vault"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1160
+msgid "Server self connect"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:92
-msgid "Glacier Backup settings"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1166
+msgid "Not expected HTTP response:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:108
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:264
-msgid ""
-"Number of files to keep in folder. (Archives deleted before 3 months after "
-"they have been stored may cause extra costs when deleted.)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1170
+msgid "WP Http Error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:172
-msgid "No vault found!"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1178
+msgid "Status-Code: %d"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:211
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:299
-msgid "Vault %1$s created."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1193
+msgid "Content: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:213
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:301
-msgid "Vault %s could not be created."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1209
+msgid "Temp folder"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:234
-msgid "Select an Amazon Glacier region:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1225
+msgid "Log folder"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:243
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1231
+msgid "Log folder %s does not exist."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:248
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:19 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:39
-msgid "Access Key:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1266
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1273
+msgid "%d seconds"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:250
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:42
-msgid "Secret Key:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1271
+msgid "BackWPup maximum script execution time"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:252
-msgid "Vault:"
+#: inc/class-download-file.php:135
+msgid "Invalid file name, seems file include invalid characters."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:261
-msgid "New Vault:"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:614
+msgid "Restore from Folder"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:341
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:456
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:475
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:518
-msgid "AWS API: %s"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:619
+msgid "Restore from Google Drive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:364
-msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to Amazon Glacier …"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:624
+msgid "Restore from Amazon S3"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:377
-msgid "Connected to Glacier vault \"%1$s\" with %2$d archives and size of %3$d"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:629
+msgid "Restore from Dropbox"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:379
-msgid "Glacier vault \"%s\" does not exist!"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:634
+msgid "Restore from FTP"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:385
-msgid "Starting upload to Amazon Glacier …"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:71
+msgid "Could not write data to file. Empty source file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:438
-msgid "Archive ID: %s"
+#: inc/class-job.php:332
+msgid "Encrypts the archive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:449 inc/pro/class-pro.php:92
-msgid "Glacier"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1689
+msgid "No encryption key was provided. Aborting encryption."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:508
-msgid "Cannot delete archive from %s."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1696
+msgid "%d. Trying to encrypt archive …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:512
-msgid "One file deleted on vault."
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on vault"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:17
-msgid "Account Name:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:21
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:38
-msgid "Container:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:28
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:47
-msgid "Create container:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:30
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:49
-msgid "Folder in container:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:119
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files with Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:154
-msgid "Retrieving file list from MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:170
-msgid "Upload changed files to MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:182
-msgid "File %s uploaded to MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:208
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:221
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:224
-msgid "File %s deleted from MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:26
-msgid "API Key:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:29
-msgid "Select region:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:147
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files to Rackspace cloud …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:167
-msgid "Connected to Rackspace cloud files container %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:181
-msgid "Retrieving files list from Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:212
-msgid "Upload changed files to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:230
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:263
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:276
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:280
-msgid "File %s deleted from Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:17
-msgid "Select a S3 service:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:36
-msgid "or set an S3 Server URL:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:45
-msgid "Bucket:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:55
-msgid "New Bucket:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:57
-msgid "Folder in bucket:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:145
-msgid "Bucket %1$s created in %2$s."
-msgstr "Repositório %1$s criado em %2$s."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:169
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files to S3 Service …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:203
-msgid "Retrieving file list from S3."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:265
-msgid "Upload changed files to S3."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:280
-msgid "File %s uploaded to S3."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:308
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to S3."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:321
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on S3"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:328
-msgid "File %s deleted from S3."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:24
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:82
-msgid "Sugarsync authenticate!"
-msgstr "Autenticar SugarSync!"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:34
-msgid "Root:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-export-jobs.php:12 inc/pro/class-export-jobs.php:23
-msgid "Export"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:27
-msgid "Check only WordPress Database tables"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:92
-msgid "Backup only WordPress Database tables"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:112
-msgid "Database connection"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:116
-msgid "Use WordPress database connection."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:120
-msgid "Host:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:123
-msgid "User:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:130
-msgid "Charset:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:141
-msgid "Database:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:169
-msgid "Database Backup type"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
-msgid "SQL File (with mysqli)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:174
-msgid "SQL File (with mysqldump)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:175
-msgid "XML File (phpMyAdmin schema)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:181
-msgid "Path to mysqldump file"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:190
-msgid ""
-"Path to mysqldump file, so a backup can be made with it. If it is correct "
-"and shell_exec is active, the backup will be generated with a "
-"system command. If shell_exec ist not active, this is disabled"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:580
-msgid "Added database backup \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:601
-msgid "%d. Try to backup MySQL system …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:608
-msgid ""
-"Executing of system commands not allowed. Please use backup with mysqli."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:613
-msgid "%s file not in open basedir of PHP."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:618
-msgid "%s file not found. Please correct the path for the mysqldump file."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:702
-msgctxt "Executed exec() command"
-msgid "CLI Exec: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:712
-msgid "Usage error."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:713
-msgid ""
-"MySQL Server Error. This could be an issue with permissions. Try using "
-"database backup with mysqli."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:714
-msgid "Error during consistency checks."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:715
-msgid "Not enough memory."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:716
-msgid "Error during writing of SQL backup file."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:717
-msgid "Illegal table"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:722
-msgid "mysqldump returned: (%d) %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:735
-msgid "Can not create mysql backup with mysqldump command"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:781
-msgid "%d. Try to backup database as XML …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:851
-msgctxt "Database Charset"
-msgid "Cannot set DB charset to %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:880
-msgid "No tables for XML backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:916
-msgid "Dump database create view \"%s\""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:934
-msgid "Backup database structure \"%s\" to XML"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:976
-msgid "Backup table \"%s\" data to XML"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:1044
-msgid "Added database XML dump \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:1047
-msgid "Database XML backup done!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:19
-msgid "Backup WordPress main files"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:23
-msgid "Backup blog content folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:27
-msgid "Backup blog plugins"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:31
-msgid "Backup blog themes"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:35
-msgid "Backup blog uploads folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
-msgid "Items to export:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:13
-msgid "Nothing to configure"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:130
-msgid "No BackWPup Wizard Session found!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:143 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:461
-msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:179 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:456
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:488
-msgid "Next ›"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:196 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:452
-msgid "‹ Previous"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:349
-msgctxt "Plugin Name"
-msgid "%s › Wizards"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:388
-msgctxt "Plugin Name"
-msgid "%s Wizard:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:464
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:111
-msgid "GDrive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:164 inc/pro/class-pro.php:190
-msgid "Wizards"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:45
-msgid "Hash key"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:46
-msgid ""
-"Hash Key for BackWPup. It will be used to have hashes in folder and file "
-"names. It must at least 6 chars long."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:49
-msgid "Hash key:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:73
-msgid "Dropbox API Keys"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:74
-msgid ""
-"If you want to set your own Dropbox API Keys, you can do it here. Leave "
-"empty for default."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:77
-msgid "Full Dropbox App key:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:88
-msgid "Full Dropbox App secret:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:100
-msgid "Sandbox App key:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:111
-msgid "Sandbox App secret:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:131
-msgid "SugarSync API Keys"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:132
-msgid ""
-"If you want to set your own SugarSync API keys you can do that here. Leave "
-"empty for default."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:135
-msgid "Access Key ID:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:143
-msgid "Private Access Key:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:154
-msgid "App ID:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:175
-msgid "Google API Keys"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:179
-msgid "Client ID:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:191
-msgid "Client secret:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:202
-msgid "Redirect URIs:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:206
-msgid "Add this URI in a new line to the field."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:15
-msgid "Create a job"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:16
-msgid "Choose a job"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:41
-msgid "Job Types"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:41
-msgid "Select a task for your job."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:61
-msgid "Archive Settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:62
-msgid "Settings for the Backup Archive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:68
-msgid "Where would you like to store the backup file?"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:82 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:314
-msgid "Scheduling"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:82
-msgid "When would you like to start the job?"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:255
-msgid "Select one or more tasks for your backup job."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:315
-msgid "Activate scheduling"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:409
-msgid "Sync file by file to destination"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:420
-msgid "Select a compression type for the backup archive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:423
-msgid "Archive compression type"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:427
-msgid ""
-"PHP Zip functions will be used if available (memory lees). Else PCLZip Class "
-"will used."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:430 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:441
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:449
-msgid "Disabled because missing PHP function."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:433 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:434
-msgid "Tar (fast and memory less) uncompressed"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:437 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:438
-msgid "A tared and GZipped archive (fast and memory less)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:445
-msgid "A tared and BZipped archive (fast and memory less)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:470
-msgid "Where to store the files"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:661
-msgid "Wizard: %1$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:680
-msgid "New job %s generated."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:692
-msgid "Create Job"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:717 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:718
-msgid "Database Backup and XML Export (Daily)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:735 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:736
-msgid "Database Check (Weekly)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:760 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:761
-msgid "Backup all files"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:775
-msgid "Essential files + list of plugins"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:776
-msgid "Backup essential files and folders, plus a list of installed plugins."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:791 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:792
-msgid "Custom configuration"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:14
-msgid "XML job import"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1706
+msgid "Cannot open the archive for reading. Aborting encryption."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:15
-msgid "Wizard for importing BackWPup jobs from an XML file"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1712
+msgid "Cannot write the encrypted archive. Aborting encryption."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:32 inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:101
-msgid "Import"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1769
+msgid "Encrypted %s of data."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:45
-msgid "Import File"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1773
+msgid "Unable to delete unencrypted archive."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:45
-msgid "Upload XML job file for import"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1777
+msgid "Unable to rename encrypted archive."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:46
-msgid "Select items to import"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1782
+msgid "Archive has been successfully encrypted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:46
-msgid "Select which job should be imported or overwritten."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2451
+msgid "exec command is not active."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:67
-msgid ""
-"Please upload your BackWPup job XML export file and we’ll import the "
-"jobs into BackWPup."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:69
-msgid "Choose a file from your computer:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:69
-msgid "Maximum size: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:92
-msgid "Import Jobs"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:95
-msgid "Import Type"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:96
-msgid "No Import"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:99
-msgid "Overwrite"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:99
-msgid "Append"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:114
-msgid "Import Config"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:117
-msgid "Import BackWPup configuration"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:142
-msgid ""
-"File is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error could "
-"also caused by uploads being disabled in your php.ini or by post_max_size "
-"being defined as smaller than upload_max_filesize in php.ini."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:157
-msgid ""
-"The export file could not be found at %s
. This is likely due to "
-"an issue with permissions."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:164
-msgid "Sorry, there has been a phrase error."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:171
-msgid ""
-"This Export file (version %s) may not be supported by this version of the "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:177
-msgid "This is not a BackWPup XML file"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:243
-msgid "Job %1$s with id %2$d imported"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:251
-msgid "BackWPup config imported"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:14
-msgid "System Test"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:15
-msgid "Wizard to test if BackWPup can work properly"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:32
-msgid "Run tests"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:45
-msgid "Environment"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:45
-msgid "System Environment"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:59
-msgid "Test if BackWPup can work without problems."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2456
+msgid "mysqldump binary not found."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:99
-msgid ""
-"You must run WordPress version 3.4 or higher to use this plugin. You are "
-"using version %s now."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:448
+msgid "Note: In order for backup file tracking to work, %hash% must be included anywhere in the archive name."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:104
-msgid ""
-"You must run PHP version 5.2.6 or higher to use this plugin. You are using "
-"version %s now."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:452
+msgid "Preview: "
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:108
-msgid ""
-"We recommend to run a PHP version above 5.3.2 to get the full plugin "
-"functionality. You are using version %s now."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:484
+msgid "ZipArchive PHP class is missing, so BackWPUp will use PclZip instead."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:113
-msgid ""
-"You must have the MySQLi extension installed and a MySQL server version of "
-"5.0.7 or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %s now."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:495
+msgid "Not supported yet by the automatic restore functionality"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:118
-msgid ""
-"PHP cURL extension must be installed to use the full plugin functionality."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:506
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:511
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:520
+msgid "Encrypt Archive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:122
-msgctxt "%1 = extension name, %2 = file suffix"
-msgid "We recommend to install the %1$s extension to generate %2$s archives."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:524
+msgid "You must generate your encryption key in BackWPup Settings before you can enable this option."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:146
-msgctxt "Link to PHP manual"
-msgid "Please disable the deprecated PHP safe mode."
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:56
+msgid "Cannot open the archive for reading."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:154
-msgid ""
-"We recommend to install the PHP FTP extension to use the FTP backup "
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:82
+msgid "Cannot write the encrypted archive."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:174
-msgid "The HTTP response test result is an error: \"%s\"."
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:162
+msgid "Private key invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:178
-msgid ""
-"The HTTP response test result is a wrong HTTP status: %s. It should be "
-"status 200."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:321
+msgid "Could not log in to FTP server."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:191
-msgid "WP-Cron seems to be broken. But it is needed to run scheduled jobs."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:735
+msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created! Parent directory may be not writable."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:196
-msgid "All tests passed without errors."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:199
-msgid ""
-"There is no error, but some warnings. BackWPup will work, but with "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:202
-msgid "There are errors. Please correct them, or BackWPup cannot work."
+#: backwpup.php:573
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:573
+msgid "BackWPup requires PHP version %$1s with spl extension or greater and WordPress %$2s or greater."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/CronController.php:80
-msgid "Every %d days"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:7
+msgid "Uploading Archive..."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/FrontController.php:143
-msgid "%s needs your help"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:8
+msgid "Restoring: Directories ..."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/FrontController.php:144
-msgid "Help %s"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:9
+msgid "Restoring: Database ..."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:28
-msgid "Yes, I agree."
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:10
+msgid "Extracting Archive please be patient ..."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:45
-msgid "I have to think about that, ask me later."
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:11
+msgid "Downloading Archive..."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:62
-msgid "Please no. Don't ask me again."
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:12
+msgid "Database restored successfully."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:84
-msgid "More info"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:13
+msgid "Ops! There was an error during database restore. Please see the log for more information."
msgstr ""
-#. Plugin Name of the plugin/theme
-msgid "BackWPup Pro"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:17
+msgid "Restoring: "
msgstr ""
-#. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
-#: inc/class-admin.php:381 inc/class-admin.php:401 inc/class-help.php:17
-#: inc/class-help.php:22 inc/class-job.php:394 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:15
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:15 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:15
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:15 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:15
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:624 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:262 inc/class-page-settings.php:391
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:17 inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:16
-msgid "http://backwpup.com"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:18
+msgid "No EventSource found in the brower. Cannot continue."
msgstr ""
-#. Description of the plugin/theme
-msgid "WordPress Backup Plugin"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:19
+msgid "Directories restored successfully."
msgstr ""
-#. Author of the plugin/theme
-msgid "Inpsyde GmbH"
-msgstr ""
-#. Author URI of the plugin/theme
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:17 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:17
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:17 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:17 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:19
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18 inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:18
-msgid "http://inpsyde.com"
-msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Oldest files will be deleted first. 0 = no deletion"
-#~ msgstr "Arquivos mais antigos serão excluídos primeiro. 0 = sem exclusão"
-#~ msgid "News"
-#~ msgstr "Novidades"
-#~ msgid "Google Storage (Interoperable Access)"
-#~ msgstr "Armazenamento Google (acesso interoperável)"
-#~ msgid "Hosteurope Cloud Storage"
-#~ msgstr "Armazenamento em nuvem Hosteurope"
-#~ msgid "ATTENTION: Job runs every %d hours!"
-#~ msgstr "ATENÇÃO: os serviços são executados a cada %d horas!"
-#~ msgid "Bucket %s could not be created."
-#~ msgstr "Repositório %s não pode ser criado."
diff --git a/languages/backwpup-pt_PT.po b/languages/backwpup-pt_PT.po
index 07e6f7cd..ead3b831 100644
--- a/languages/backwpup-pt_PT.po
+++ b/languages/backwpup-pt_PT.po
@@ -1,157 +1,228 @@
-# Translation of BackWPup Pro in Portuguese (Portugal)
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the BackWPup Pro package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BackWPup Pro\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup-pro\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-29 20:07+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-05-29 20:09+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
-"Language: pt_PT\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-29 20:07+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-05-29 20:09+0200\n"
+"Language: pt_PT\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.1\n"
-#: backwpup.php:333 inc/class-page-backups.php:271
+#: backwpup.php:333
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:271
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:243
+#: backwpup.php:286
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:286
msgid "Folder"
msgstr "Pasta"
#: backwpup.php:334
+#: backwpup.php:287
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:287
msgid "Backup to Folder"
msgstr "Cópia de segurança para pasta"
#: backwpup.php:349
+#: backwpup.php:302
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:302
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Email"
#: backwpup.php:350
+#: backwpup.php:303
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:303
msgid "Backup sent via email"
msgstr "Cópia de segurança enviada por email"
#: backwpup.php:365
+#: backwpup.php:318
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:318
msgid "FTP"
msgstr "FTP"
#: backwpup.php:366
+#: backwpup.php:319
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:319
msgid "Backup to FTP"
msgstr "Cópia de segurança para FTP"
-#: backwpup.php:381 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:293
+#: backwpup.php:381
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:293
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:445
+#: backwpup.php:334
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:334
msgid "Dropbox"
msgstr "Dropbox"
-#: backwpup.php:382 inc/class-page-about.php:517
+#: backwpup.php:382
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:517
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:519
+#: backwpup.php:335
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:335
msgid "Backup to Dropbox"
msgstr "Cópia de segurança para Dropbox"
-#: backwpup.php:397 inc/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: backwpup.php:397
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:42
+#: backwpup.php:350
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:350
msgid "S3 Service"
msgstr "Serviço S3"
#: backwpup.php:398
+#: backwpup.php:351
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:351
msgid "Backup to an S3 Service"
msgstr "Cópia de segurança para um Serviço S3"
#: backwpup.php:416
+#: backwpup.php:371
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:371
msgid "MS Azure"
msgstr "MS Azure"
#: backwpup.php:417
+#: backwpup.php:372
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:372
msgid "Backup to Microsoft Azure (Blob)"
msgstr "Cópia de segurança para Microsoft Azure (blob)"
#: backwpup.php:432
+#: backwpup.php:387
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:387
msgid "RSC"
msgstr "RSC"
-#: backwpup.php:433 inc/class-page-about.php:522
+#: backwpup.php:433
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:522
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:524
+#: backwpup.php:388
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:388
msgid "Backup to Rackspace Cloud Files"
msgstr "Cópia de segurança para Rackspace Cloud Files"
#: backwpup.php:450
+#: backwpup.php:407
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:407
msgid "SugarSync"
msgstr "SugarSync"
-#: backwpup.php:451 inc/class-page-about.php:537
+#: backwpup.php:451
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:537
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:539
+#: backwpup.php:408
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:408
msgid "Backup to SugarSync"
msgstr "Cópia de segurança para SugarSync"
#: backwpup.php:470
+#: backwpup.php:433
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:433
msgid "PHP Version %1$s is to low, you need Version %2$s or above."
-msgstr ""
-"A versão %1$s do PHP é incompatível, necessita da versão %2$s ou superior."
+msgstr "A versão %1$s do PHP é incompatível, necessita da versão %2$s ou superior."
#: backwpup.php:477
+#: backwpup.php:443
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:443
msgid "Missing function \"%s\"."
msgstr "Função \"%s\" em falta."
#: backwpup.php:486
+#: backwpup.php:454
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:454
msgid "Missing class \"%s\"."
msgstr "Classe \"%s\" em falta."
-#: inc/class-admin.php:215 inc/class-help.php:24
+#: inc/class-admin.php:215
+#: inc/class-help.php:24
+#: inc/class-admin.php:267
msgid "http://docs.backwpup.com"
msgstr "http://docs.backwpup.com"
#: inc/class-admin.php:215
+#: inc/class-admin.php:267
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentação"
#: inc/class-admin.php:227
+#: inc/class-admin.php:282
msgid "BackWPup Dashboard"
msgstr "Painel do BackWPup"
#: inc/class-admin.php:227
+#: inc/class-admin.php:282
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "Painel"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:243 inc/class-adminbar.php:82
+#: inc/class-admin.php:243
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:82
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-admin.php:305
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:215
msgid "Jobs"
msgstr "Tarefas"
#: inc/class-admin.php:258
+#: inc/class-admin.php:330
msgid "Add new job"
msgstr "Adicionar nova tarefa"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:273 inc/class-adminbar.php:98
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:328 inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-admin.php:273
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:98
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:328
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-admin.php:355
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:219
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:377
msgid "Logs"
msgstr "Registos"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:288 inc/class-adminbar.php:106
+#: inc/class-admin.php:288
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:106
+#: inc/class-admin.php:380
msgid "Backups"
msgstr "Cópias de segurança"
#: inc/class-admin.php:303
+#: inc/class-admin.php:405
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Definições"
#: inc/class-admin.php:316
+#: inc/class-admin.php:425
msgid "About"
msgstr "Sobre"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:331 inc/class-admin.php:337
+#: inc/class-admin.php:331
+#: inc/class-admin.php:337
+#: inc/class-admin.php:453
+#: inc/class-admin.php:460
msgid "Cheating, huh?"
msgstr "A fazer batota?"
#: inc/class-admin.php:381
+#: inc/class-admin.php:510
msgid "Get BackWPup Pro now."
-msgstr ""
-"Obter o BackWPup Pro agora."
+msgstr "Obter o BackWPup Pro agora."
#: inc/class-admin.php:401
+#: inc/class-admin.php:531
msgid "version %s"
msgstr "versão %s"
#: inc/class-admin.php:445
+#: inc/class-admin.php:576
msgid "Add BackWPup Role"
msgstr "Adicionar função do BackWPup"
#: inc/class-admin.php:449
+#: inc/class-admin.php:581
msgid "— No additional role for BackWPup —"
msgstr "— Sem função adicional do BackWPup —"
@@ -167,7 +238,8 @@ msgstr "Em execução agora"
msgid "Abort!"
msgstr "Abortar!"
-#: inc/class-adminbar.php:90 inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:90
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
msgid "Add new"
msgstr "Adicionar nova"
@@ -178,707 +250,914 @@ msgstr "Executar agora"
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:31
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:45
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "BackWPup jobs helper"
msgid "Make BackWPup better!"
msgstr "Ajudante de tarefas do BackWPup"
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:104
-msgid ""
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:108
+msgid "https://inpsyde.com/en/jobs/?utm_source=BackWPup&utm_medium=Link&utm_campaign=BecomeAnInpsyder"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:114
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:118
msgid "We want to make BackWPup even stronger and its support much faster."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:122
-msgid ""
-"This is why we are looking for a talented developer who can work remotely "
-"and support us in BackWPup"
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:126
+msgid "This is why we are looking for a talented developer who can work remotely and support us in BackWPup"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:129
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:133
msgid "and other exciting WordPress projects at our VIP partner agency."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:141
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:145
msgid "Apply now!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:148
#: inc/class-betatester-admin-notice.php:96
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:152
+#: inc/class-admin-notice.php:121
msgid "Don't show again"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:152
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:156
msgid "Work for Inpsyde"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-betatester-admin-notice.php:69
-msgid "Join us as beta tester!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-betatester-admin-notice.php:70
-msgid "https://backwpup.com/become-backwpup-beta-tester/"
-msgstr "https://backwpup.com/become-backwpup-beta-tester/"
-#: inc/class-betatester-admin-notice.php:77
-msgid ""
-"To ensure that our releases are as bug-free as possible, we need you as a "
-"beta tester!"
-msgstr ""
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:64
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:80
msgid "The file name of an archive cannot be empty."
msgstr "O nome do ficheiro de arquivo não pode ser em branco."
+#. translators: $1 is the file path
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:72
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:89
msgctxt "%s = Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s for archive not found"
msgstr "Não foi encontrada a pasta %s para arquivar"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:78 inc/class-create-archive.php:110
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:123 inc/class-mysqldump.php:133
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:78
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:110
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:123
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:133
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:101
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:141
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:182
msgid "Functions for gz compression not available"
msgstr "As funções para compressão gz não estão disponíveis"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:85 inc/class-create-archive.php:129
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:85
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:129
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:195
msgid "Functions for bz2 compression not available"
msgstr "As funções para compressão bz2 não estão disponíveis"
+#. translators: $1 is a directory name
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:106
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:155
msgctxt "ZipArchive open() result"
msgid "Cannot create zip archive: %d"
msgstr "Não é possível criar o ficheiro de arquivo zip: %d"
+#. translators: the $1 is the type of the archive file
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:135
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:208
msgctxt "%s = file name"
msgid "Method to archive file %s not detected"
msgstr "Não foi detectado o método para arquivar o ficheiro %s"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:140
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:215
msgid "Cannot open archive file"
msgstr "Não é possível abrir o ficheiro de arquivo"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:155 inc/class-create-archive.php:349
+#. translators: The $1 is the tecnical error string from pclzip.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:155
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:349
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:233
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:524
msgid "PclZip archive add error: %s"
msgstr "Erro ao adicionar para o ficheiro de arquivo PclZip: %s"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:165
-msgid "ZIP archive cannot be closed correctly."
-msgstr "Não foi possível fechar correctamente o ficheiro de arquivo ZIP."
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:219
-msgid "File name cannot be empty"
-msgstr "O nome do ficheiro não pode ser deixado em branco"
+#. translators: The $1 is the name of the file to add to the archive.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:228
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:326
msgctxt "File to add to archive"
msgid "File %s does not exist or is not readable"
msgstr "O ficheiro %s não existe ou não é legível"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:242 inc/class-create-archive.php:258
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:392 inc/class-create-archive.php:396
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:242
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:258
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:392
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:396
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:357
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:384
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:588
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:597
msgid "This archive method can only add one file"
msgstr "Este método de arquivo só permite adicionar um ficheiro"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:247 inc/class-create-archive.php:263
-msgid "Cannot open source file %s to archive"
-msgstr "Não é possível abrir o ficheiro de origem %s para arquivar"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:311
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:452
msgid "ZIP archive cannot be closed correctly"
msgstr "Não foi possível fechar correctamente o ficheiro de arquivo ZIP"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:329 inc/class-create-archive.php:338
+#. translators: the $1 is the name of the archive.
+#. translators: $1 is the name of the archive.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:329
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:338
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:407
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:483
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:500
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:617
msgid "Cannot add \"%s\" to zip archive!"
msgstr "Não foi possível adicionar \"%s\" ao ficheiro de arquivo zip!"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:374
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:554
msgid "Folder name cannot be empty"
msgstr "O nome da pasta não pode estar em branco"
+#. translators: $1 is the folder name
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:379
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:565
msgctxt "Folder path to add to archive"
msgid "Folder %s does not exist or is not readable"
msgstr "A pasta %s não existe ou não é legível"
+#. translators. $1 is the status returned by a call to a ZipArchive method.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:429
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:649
msgctxt "Text of ZipArchive status Message"
msgid "ZipArchive returns status: %s"
msgstr "O ZipArchive devolveu o estado: %s"
+#. translators: $1 is the file name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:459
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:697
msgid "File name \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"O nome do ficheiro \"%1$s\" é demasiado comprido para ser guardado "
-"correctamente no ficheiro de arquivo %2$s!"
+msgstr "O nome do ficheiro \"%1$s\" é demasiado comprido para ser guardado correctamente no ficheiro de arquivo %2$s!"
+#. translators: $1 is the file name to use in the archive.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:462
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:709
msgid "File path \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"O caminho do ficheiro \"%1$s\" é demasiado comprido para ser guardado "
-"correctamente no ficheiro de arquivo %2$s!"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:474
-msgid "Cannot open source file %s for archiving"
-msgstr "Não é possível abrir o ficheiro %s para arquivar"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:479 inc/class-create-archive.php:480
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:579 inc/class-create-archive.php:580
+msgstr "O caminho do ficheiro \"%1$s\" é demasiado comprido para ser guardado correctamente no ficheiro de arquivo %2$s!"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:479
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:480
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:579
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:580
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:974
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:975
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Desconhecido"
+#. translators: $1 is the name of the folder. $2 is the archive name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:570
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:813
msgid "Folder name \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"O nome da pasta \"%1$s\" é demasiado comprido para ser guardado "
-"correctamente no ficheiro de arquivo %2$s!"
+msgstr "O nome da pasta \"%1$s\" é demasiado comprido para ser guardado correctamente no ficheiro de arquivo %2$s!"
+#. translators: $1 is the name of the folder. $2 is the archive name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:573
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:828
msgid "Folder path \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"O caminho da pasta \"%1$s\" é demasiado comprido para ser guardado "
-"correctamente no ficheiro de arquivo %2$s!"
+msgstr "O caminho da pasta \"%1$s\" é demasiado comprido para ser guardado correctamente no ficheiro de arquivo %2$s!"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:654
-msgid ""
-"If %s will be added to your backup archive, the archive will be too large "
-"for operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting "
-"the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
-msgstr ""
-"Se %s for adicionado ao seu ficheiro de arquivo da cópia de segurança, o "
-"arquivo será demasiado grande para operações com esta versão de PHP. Poderá "
-"considerar dividir a tarefa de cópia de segurança em múltiplas tarefas com "
-"menos ficheiros em cada."
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:896
+msgid "If %s will be added to your backup archive, the archive will be too large for operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
+msgstr "Se %s for adicionado ao seu ficheiro de arquivo da cópia de segurança, o arquivo será demasiado grande para operações com esta versão de PHP. Poderá considerar dividir a tarefa de cópia de segurança em múltiplas tarefas com menos ficheiros em cada."
#: inc/class-cron.php:69
+#: inc/class-cron.php:73
msgid "Aborted, because no progress for one hour!"
msgstr "Abortado, por não haver qualquer progresso ao fim de uma hora!"
-#: inc/class-cron.php:101 inc/class-destination-folder.php:209
-#: inc/class-job.php:1003 inc/class-job.php:1141 inc/class-job.php:1740
+#: inc/class-cron.php:101
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:209
+#: inc/class-job.php:1003
+#: inc/class-job.php:1141
+#: inc/class-job.php:1740
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:445
+#: inc/class-cron.php:107
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:195
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:446
msgid "Could not open path: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:41 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:344
+#. translators: the $1 is the error message
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:41
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:344
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:253
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:405
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:458
msgid "Dropbox API: %s"
msgstr "API da Dropbox: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55 inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:51
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:51
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:93
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:72
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Iniciar sessão"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:59 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:28
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:28
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:43
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:76
msgid "Authentication"
msgstr "Autenticação"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:61 inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:57
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:61
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:57
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:295
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:99
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:415
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:78
msgid "Not authenticated!"
msgstr "Não autenticado!"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:63
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:28
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:51
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:81
msgid "Create Account"
msgstr "Criar conta"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:65 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:65
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:45
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:34
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:59
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:300
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:31
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:101
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:425
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:57
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:83
msgid "Authenticated!"
msgstr "Autenticado!"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:68
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:92
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:95
msgid "Delete Dropbox Authentication"
msgstr "Eliminar autenticação da Dropbox"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:75
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:102
msgid "App Access to Dropbox"
msgstr "Acesso à aplicação da Dropbox"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:78
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:110
msgid "Get Dropbox App auth code"
msgstr "Obter código de autenticação para a aplicação Dropbox"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:79
-msgid ""
-"A dedicated folder named BackWPup will be created inside of the Apps folder "
-"in your Dropbox. BackWPup will get read and write access to that folder "
-"only. You can specify a subfolder as your backup destination for this job in "
-"the destination field below."
-msgstr ""
-"Será criada uma pasta dedicada com nome BackWPup na pasta Aplicações da sua "
-"Dropbox. O BackWPup terá acesso de leitura e gravação apenas nesta pasta. No "
-"campo abaixo pode especificar uma subpasta como destino da sua cópia de "
-"segurança para esta tarefa."
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:111
+msgid "A dedicated folder named BackWPup will be created inside of the Apps folder in your Dropbox. BackWPup will get read and write access to that folder only. You can specify a subfolder as your backup destination for this job in the destination field below."
+msgstr "Será criada uma pasta dedicada com nome BackWPup na pasta Aplicações da sua Dropbox. O BackWPup terá acesso de leitura e gravação apenas nesta pasta. No campo abaixo pode especificar uma subpasta como destino da sua cópia de segurança para esta tarefa."
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:84
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:119
msgid "— OR —"
msgstr "— OU —"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:87
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:122
msgid "Full Access to Dropbox"
msgstr "Acesso completo à Dropbox"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:90
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:130
msgid "Get full Dropbox auth code "
msgstr "Obter código de autenticação para toda a Dropbox"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:91
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup will have full read and write access to your entire Dropbox. You "
-"can specify your backup destination wherever you want, just be aware that "
-"ANY files or folders inside of your Dropbox can be overridden or deleted by "
-msgstr ""
-"O BackWPup terá acesso completo de leitura e gravação a toda a sua Dropbox. "
-"Pode especificar o destino da sua cópia de segurança quando quiser, esteja "
-"consciente que QUAISQUER ficheiros ou pastas dentro da sua Dropbox poderão "
-"ser substituídos ou eliminados pelo BackWPup."
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:98 inc/class-destination-folder.php:29
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:49 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:66
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:95 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:81
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:131
+msgid "BackWPup will have full read and write access to your entire Dropbox. You can specify your backup destination wherever you want, just be aware that ANY files or folders inside of your Dropbox can be overridden or deleted by BackWPup."
+msgstr "O BackWPup terá acesso completo de leitura e gravação a toda a sua Dropbox. Pode especificar o destino da sua cópia de segurança quando quiser, esteja consciente que QUAISQUER ficheiros ou pastas dentro da sua Dropbox poderão ser substituídos ou eliminados pelo BackWPup."
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:29
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:66
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:95
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:81
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:68
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:112
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:141
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:82
msgid "Backup settings"
msgstr "Definições da cópia de segurança"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:102
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:145
msgid "Destination Folder"
msgstr "Pasta de destino"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:106
-msgid ""
-"Specify a subfolder where your backup archives will be stored. If you use "
-"the App option from above, this folder will be created inside of Apps/"
-"BackWPup. Otherwise it will be created at the root of your Dropbox. Already "
-"exisiting folders with the same name will not be overriden."
-msgstr ""
-"Especifique uma subpasta onde os ficheiros de arquivo de cópia de segurança "
-"serão guardados. Se utilizar a opção Aplicação acima, esta pasta será criada "
-"dentro da pasta Aplicações/BackWPup. Caso contrário a pasta será criada na "
-"raiz da sua Dropbox. As pastas já existentes com o mesmo nome não serão "
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:111 inc/class-destination-folder.php:39
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:59 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:91
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:154
+msgid "Specify a subfolder where your backup archives will be stored. If you use the App option from above, this folder will be created inside of Apps/BackWPup. Otherwise it will be created at the root of your Dropbox. Already exisiting folders with the same name will not be overriden."
+msgstr "Especifique uma subpasta onde os ficheiros de arquivo de cópia de segurança serão guardados. Se utilizar a opção Aplicação acima, esta pasta será criada dentro da pasta Aplicações/BackWPup. Caso contrário a pasta será criada na raiz da sua Dropbox. As pastas já existentes com o mesmo nome não serão substituídas."
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:111
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:39
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:91
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:81
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:125
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:162
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:40
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:95
msgid "File Deletion"
msgstr "Eliminação de ficheiros"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:118 inc/class-destination-folder.php:46
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:66 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:83
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:112 inc/class-destination-s3.php:121
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:46
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:66
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:112
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:121
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:51
#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:43
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:90
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:323
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:45
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:73
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:73
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:134
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:456
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:45
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:182
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:76
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:229
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:171
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:104
msgid "Number of files to keep in folder."
msgstr "Número de ficheiros a manter na pasta."
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:120 inc/class-destination-folder.php:48
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:68 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:85
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:114 inc/class-destination-s3.php:123
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:120
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:48
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:68
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:85
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:114
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:123
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:100
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:92
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:109
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Files belonging to this job are now tracked. Old "
-"backup archives which are untracked will not be automatically deleted."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:124 inc/class-destination-folder.php:52
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:72 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:89
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:118 inc/class-destination-s3.php:127
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:136
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:109
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:232
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:173
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:51
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:106
+msgid "Warning: Files belonging to this job are now tracked. Old backup archives which are untracked will not be automatically deleted."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:124
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:52
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:89
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:127
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:104
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:54
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:48 inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:44
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:48
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:44
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:98
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:328
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:56
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:78
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:78
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:65
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:148
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:462
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:56
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:187
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:82
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:51
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:75
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:65
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:245
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:183
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:57
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:118
msgid "Do not delete files while syncing to destination!"
msgstr "No eliminar ficheiros durante a sincronização com o destino!"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:239
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:372
msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Tentar enviar o ficheiro da cópia de segurança para a Dropbox "
+msgstr "%d. Tentar enviar o ficheiro da cópia de segurança para a Dropbox …"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:256
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:127
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:209
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:390
msgid "Authenticated with Dropbox of user: %s"
msgstr "Autenticado com Dropbox do utilizador: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:262
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:133
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:217
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:398
msgid "%s available on your Dropbox"
msgstr "%s disponível na sua Dropbox"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:266
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:137
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:223
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:404
msgid "Not Authenticated with Dropbox!"
msgstr "Não autenticado com Dropbox!"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:270
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:408
msgid "Uploading to Dropbox …"
msgstr "A carregar para a Dropbox …"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:283 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:286
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:283
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:286
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:260
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:663
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:924
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:290
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:432
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:263
msgid "Backup transferred to %s"
msgstr "Cópia de segurança transferida para %s"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:287
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:666
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:930
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:438
msgid "Uploaded file size and local file size don't match."
-msgstr ""
-"Os tamanhos do ficheiro local e do ficheiro carregado não correspondem."
+msgstr "Os tamanhos do ficheiro local e do ficheiro carregado não correspondem."
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:292
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:668
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:448
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:936
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:450
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:444
msgid "Error transfering backup to %s."
msgstr "Erro ao transferir cópia de segurança para %s."
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:337
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:345
msgid "One file deleted from Dropbox"
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Dropbox"
msgstr[0] "Foi eliminado um ficheiro da Dropbox"
msgstr[1] "Foram eliminados %d ficheiros da Dropbox"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:520
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php:177
msgid "Beginning new file upload session"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:539
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php:199
msgid "Uploading %s of data"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:575
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php:244
msgid "Finishing upload session with a total of %s uploaded"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:38 inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:16
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:38
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:16
#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:18
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:39
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Endereço de email"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:41
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:43
msgid "To email address (separate with commas for multiple addresses)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:47 inc/class-destination-email.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:47
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:49
#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:29
#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:30
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:29
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:30
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:52
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:56
msgid "Send test email"
msgstr "Enviar email de teste"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:61
msgid "Send email settings"
msgstr "Definições do envio de email"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:57
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:65
msgid "Maximum file size"
msgstr "Tamanho máximo do ficheiro"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:69
msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:60
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:70
msgid "Maximum file size to be included in an email. 0 = unlimited"
msgstr "Tamanho máximo do ficheiro a incluir num email. 0 = ilimitado"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:64
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:75
msgid "From email address"
msgstr "Endereço de email do remetente"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:70
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:83
msgid "From name"
msgstr "Nome do remetente"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:92
msgid "Sending method"
msgstr "Método de envio"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:80
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:97
msgid "Use WordPress settings"
msgstr "Utilizar definições do WordPress"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:81
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:98
msgid "PHP: mail()"
msgstr "PHP: mail()"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:82
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:99
msgid "Sendmail"
msgstr "Sendmail"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:100
msgid "SMTP"
msgstr "SMTP"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:89
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:108
msgid "Sendmail path"
msgstr "Caminho do Sendmail"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:95
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:119
msgid "SMTP host name"
msgstr "Nome do servidor SMTP"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:98 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:31
#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:21
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:35
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:124
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:56
msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Porta:"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:102
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:136
msgid "SMTP secure connection"
msgstr "Ligação segura SMTP"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:106 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:67
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:103 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:73
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:57 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:329
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:404 inc/class-page-settings.php:328
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:106
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:67
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:103
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:73
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:57
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:329
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:404
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:328
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:141
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:837
msgid "none"
msgstr "nenhuma"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:107
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:143
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:145
msgid "TLS"
msgstr "TLS"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:113
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:152
msgid "SMTP username"
msgstr "Nome do utilizador de SMTP"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:120
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:162
msgid "SMTP password"
msgstr "Senha de SMTP"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:199
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:243
msgid "%d. Try to send backup with email …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Tentar enviar o ficheiro da cópia de segurança por email …"
+msgstr "%d. Tentar enviar o ficheiro da cópia de segurança por email …"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:204
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:248
msgid "Backup archive too big to be sent by email!"
-msgstr ""
-"O ficheiro de arquivo da cópia de segurança é demasiado grande para enviar "
-"por email!"
+msgstr "O ficheiro de arquivo da cópia de segurança é demasiado grande para enviar por email!"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:211
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:255
msgid "Sending email to %s…"
msgstr "A enviar email para %s…"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:289
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:333
msgid "BackWPup archive from %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "Ficheiro de arquivo da cópia de segurança BackWPup de %1$s: %2$s"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:292
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:336
msgid "Backup archive: %s"
msgstr "Ficheiro arquivo da cópia de segurança: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:306 inc/class-destination-email.php:430
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:306
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:430
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:349
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:474
msgid "Error while sending email!"
msgstr "Erro ao enviar email!"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:312 inc/class-destination-email.php:432
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:312
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:432
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:354
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:476
msgid "Email sent."
msgstr "Email enviado."
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:414
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:459
msgid "BackWPup archive sending TEST Message"
msgstr "Mensagem de TESTE de envio de ficheiros de arquivo do BackWPup"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:417
-msgid ""
-"If this message reaches your inbox, sending backup archives via email should "
-"work for you."
-msgstr ""
-"Se esta mensagem chegou ao seu email, o envio de ficheiros de arquivo de "
-"cópia de segurança deverá funcionar correctamente."
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:462
+msgid "If this message reaches your inbox, sending backup archives via email should work for you."
+msgstr "Se esta mensagem chegou ao seu email, o envio de ficheiros de arquivo de cópia de segurança deverá funcionar correctamente."
#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:33
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:32
msgid "Folder to store backups in"
msgstr "Pasta onde guardar cópias de segurança"
#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:229
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:219
msgid "One backup file deleted"
msgid_plural "%d backup files deleted"
msgstr[0] "Foi eliminado um ficheiro de cópia de segurança"
msgstr[1] "Foram eliminados %d ficheiros de cópia de segurança"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:23
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:46
msgid "FTP server and login"
msgstr "Servidor e utilizador de FTP"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:50
msgid "FTP server"
msgstr "Servidor de FTP"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:36 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:46
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:36
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:46
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:63
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Nome de utilizador"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:42
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:71
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Senha"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:53
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:87
msgid "Folder to store files in"
msgstr "Pasta onde guardar ficheiros"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:79
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:128
msgid "FTP specific settings"
msgstr "Definições específicas de FTP"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:133
msgid "Timeout for FTP connection"
msgstr "Tempo de espera para ligação FTP"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:87 inc/class-page-logs.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:87
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:257
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:466
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:288
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:137
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "segundos"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:91
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:141
msgid "SSL-FTP connection"
msgstr "Ligação SSL-FTP"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:94
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:148
msgid "Use explicit SSL-FTP connection."
msgstr "Utilizar ligação SSL-FTP explícito."
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:99
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:153
msgid "FTP Passive Mode"
msgstr "Modo passivo de FTP"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:101
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:158
msgid "Use FTP Passive Mode."
msgstr "Utilizar FTP em modo passivo."
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:179
-msgid "FTP: Login failure!"
-msgstr "FTP: Falha no início de sessão!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:203
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:433
msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to an FTP server …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Tentar enviar o ficheiro da cópia de segurança para um serviror de "
-"FTP …"
+msgstr "%d. Tentar enviar o ficheiro da cópia de segurança para um serviror de FTP …"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:209
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:450
msgid "Connected via explicit SSL-FTP to server: %s"
msgstr "Ligado por SSL-FTP explícito ao servidor: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:211
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:458
msgid "Cannot connect via explicit SSL-FTP to server: %s"
msgstr "Não é possível ligar por SSL-FTP explícito ao servidor: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:217
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:468
msgid "PHP function to connect with explicit SSL-FTP to server does not exist!"
msgstr "Não existe a função PHP para ligar ao servidor por SSL-FTP explícito!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:225
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:483
msgid "Connected to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "Ligado ao servidor FTP: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:227
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:491
msgid "Cannot connect to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "Não é possível ligar ao servidor FTP: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:234 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:242
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:258 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:305
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:234
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:242
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:258
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:305
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:503
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:523
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:546
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:603
msgid "FTP client command: %s"
msgstr "Comando de cliente FTP: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:236
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:513
msgid "FTP server response: %s"
msgstr "Resposta do servidor FTP: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:240 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:245
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:248 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:261
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:263 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:308
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:310 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:314
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:240
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:245
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:248
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:261
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:263
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:310
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:314
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:316
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:520
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:531
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:534
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:549
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:552
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:607
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:612
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:619
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:624
msgid "FTP server reply: %s"
msgstr "Resposta do servidor FTP: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:263
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:552
msgid "Error getting SYSTYPE"
msgstr "Ocorreu um erro ao obter o SYSTYPE"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:281
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:765
msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" created!"
msgstr "Foi criada a pasta \"%s\" no servidor FTP!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:285
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:753
msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created!"
msgstr "Não é possível criar a pasta \"%s\" no servidor FTP!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:296
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:590
msgid "FTP current folder is: %s"
msgstr "A pasta actual no servidor FTP é: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:607
msgid "Entering passive mode"
msgstr "A entrar em modo passivo"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:310
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:612
msgid "Cannot enter passive mode"
msgstr "Não é possível entrar em modo passivo"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:314
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:619
msgid "Entering normal mode"
msgstr "A entrar em modo normal"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:316
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:624
msgid "Cannot enter normal mode"
msgstr "Não é possível entrar em modo normal"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:320
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:631
msgid "Starting upload to FTP …"
msgstr "A começar a carregar para o FTP …"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:332
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:649
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to FTP server!"
msgstr "Não é possível transferir a cópia de segurança para o servidor FTP!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:337
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:656
msgid "Backup transferred to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "Cópia de segurança transferida para o servidor FTP: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:344 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:271
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:289 inc/class-destination-s3.php:499
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:591 inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:653
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:344
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:271
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:289
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:499
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:591
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:653
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:468
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:226 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:259
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:226
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:259
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:292
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:905
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:470
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:228
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:261
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:275
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:843
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:958
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:673
msgid "Can not open source file for transfer."
msgstr "Não é possível abrir o ficheiro de origem para transferir."
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:388
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:394
msgid "Cannot delete \"%s\" on FTP server!"
msgstr "Não é possível eliminar \"%s\" do servidor FTP!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:391
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:404
msgid "One file deleted on FTP server"
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on FTP server"
msgstr[0] "Foi eliminado um ficheiro do servidor FTP"
@@ -900,11 +1179,13 @@ msgstr "Chave de acesso"
msgid "Blob container"
msgstr "Blob container"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:48 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:48
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:76
msgid "Container selection"
msgstr "Selecção do container"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:59 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:88
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:88
msgid "Create a new container"
msgstr "Criar um novo container"
@@ -912,62 +1193,83 @@ msgstr "Criar um novo container"
msgid "Folder in container"
msgstr "Pasta no container"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:76 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:105
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:114 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:96
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:105
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:114
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:96
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:96
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:215
msgid "File deletion"
msgstr "Eliminação de ficheiros"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:128
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:99
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:99
msgid "MS Azure container \"%s\" created."
msgstr "Foi criado o container \"%s\" do MS Azure"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:131
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:102
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:102
msgid "MS Azure container create: %s"
msgstr "Criar container do MS Azure: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:211
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:215
msgid "%d. Try sending backup to a Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Tentar enviar o ficheiro da cópia de segurança para o Microsoft Azure "
-"(Blob) …"
+msgstr "%d. Tentar enviar o ficheiro da cópia de segurança para o Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:233
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:144
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:144
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:237
msgid "MS Azure container \"%s\" does not exist!"
msgstr "O container \"%s\" do MS Azure não existe!"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:237
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:148
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:148
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:241
msgid "Connected to MS Azure container \"%s\"."
msgstr "Ligado ao container \"%s\" do MS Azure."
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:240
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:244
msgid "Starting upload to MS Azure …"
msgstr "A começar a carregar para o MS Azure …"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:292 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:348
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:292
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:348
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:233
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:233
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:296
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:352
msgid "Microsoft Azure API: %s"
msgstr "API do Microsoft Azure: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:341
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:345
msgid "One file deleted on Microsoft Azure container."
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Microsoft Azure container."
msgstr[0] "Foi eliminado um ficheiro do container do Microsoft Azure"
msgstr[1] "Foram eliminados %d ficheiros do container do Microsoft Azure"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:442
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:446
msgid "Missing account name!"
msgstr "Nome de conta em falta!"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:444 inc/class-destination-s3.php:222
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:444
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:222
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:166
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:166
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:448
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:359
msgid "Missing access key!"
msgstr "Chave de acesso em falta!"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:448
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:452
msgid "No container found!"
msgstr "Nenhum container encontrado!"
@@ -983,309 +1285,432 @@ msgstr "Chave de API"
msgid "Select region"
msgstr "Seleccionar região"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:63 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:65
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:63
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:65
#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:30
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:30
msgid "Rackspace Cloud Files Region"
msgstr "Região do Rackspace Cloud Files"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:66 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:66
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31
msgid "Dallas (DFW)"
msgstr "Dallas (DFW)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:67 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:67
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32
msgid "Chicago (ORD)"
msgstr "Chicago (ORD)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:68 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:68
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33
msgid "Sydney (SYD)"
msgstr "Sidney (SYD)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:69 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:69
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34
msgid "London (LON)"
msgstr "Londres (LON)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:70 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35
msgid "Northern Virginia (IAD)"
msgstr "Virgínia do Norte (IAD)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:71 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:71
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36
msgid "Hong Kong (HKG)"
msgstr "Hong Kong (HKG)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:99 inc/class-destination-s3.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:99
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:202
msgid "Folder in bucket"
msgstr "Pasta no bucket"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:158 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:158
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116
msgid "Rackspace Cloud container \"%s\" created."
msgstr "Foi criado o container \"%s\" do Rackspace Cloud."
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:162 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:274
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:314 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:359
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:170
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:162
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:274
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:314
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:359
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:170
#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:290
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:277
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:317
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:362
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:172
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:292
msgid "Rackspace Cloud API: %s"
msgstr "API do Rackspace Cloud : %s"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:260
msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to Rackspace cloud …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. A tentar enviar o ficheiro da cópia de segurança para o Rackspace Cloud "
+msgstr "%d. A tentar enviar o ficheiro da cópia de segurança para o Rackspace Cloud …"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:271
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:274
msgid "Connected to Rackspace cloud files container %s"
msgstr "Ligado ao container \"%s\" do Rackspace Cloud Files."
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:283
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:286
msgid "Upload to Rackspace cloud started …"
msgstr "A começar a carregar para o Rackspace Cloud …"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:302
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:305
msgid "Backup File transferred to RSC://"
msgstr "Ficheiro de cópia de segurança transferido para RSC://"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:311
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to Rackspace cloud."
msgstr "Não é possível transferir a cópia de segurança para o Rackspace Cloud."
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:353
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:356
msgid "One file deleted on Rackspace cloud container."
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Rackspace cloud container."
msgstr[0] "Foi eliminado um ficheiro do container do Rackspace Cloud"
msgstr[1] "Foram eliminados %d ficheiros do container do Rackspace Cloud"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:466
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:469
msgid "Missing username!"
msgstr "Nome de utilizador em falta!"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:468
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:471
msgid "Missing API Key!"
msgstr "Chave de API em falta!"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:472
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:475
msgid "A container could not be found!"
msgstr "Não foi possível encontrar um container!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:48
msgid "Select a S3 service"
msgstr "Seleccione um Serviço S3"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:33 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:18
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:33
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:54
msgid "Amazon S3 Region"
msgstr "Região do Amazon S3"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:34 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:19
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:34
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:19
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:40
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1118
msgid "Amazon S3: US Standard"
msgstr "Amazon S3: EUA Standard"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:35 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:20
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:35
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:20
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1122
msgid "Amazon S3: US West (Northern California)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: EUA Oeste (Norte da Califórnia)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:36 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:21
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:36
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:21
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:53
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1126
msgid "Amazon S3: US West (Oregon)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: EUA Oeste (Oregon)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:37 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:22
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:37
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:22
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:58
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1130
msgid "Amazon S3: EU (Ireland)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Europa (Irlanda)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:38 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:23
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:38
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:23
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:68
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1138
msgid "Amazon S3: EU (Germany)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Europa (Alemanha)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:39 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:24
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:39
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:24
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:73
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1142
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Ásia Pacífico (Seul)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:40 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:25
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:40
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:25
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:78
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1146
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Ásia Pacífico (Tóquio)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:41 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:26
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:41
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:26
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1150
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Ásia Pacífico (Seul)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:42 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:42
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:88
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1154
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Ásia Pacífico (Singapura)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:43 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:28
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:43
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:28
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:93
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1158
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Ásia Pacífico (Sidney)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:44 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:29
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:44
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:29
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1162
msgid "Amazon S3: South America (Sao Paulo)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: América do Sul (São Paulo)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:45 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:30
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:45
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:30
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:103
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1166
msgid "Amazon S3: China (Beijing)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: China (Pequim)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:46 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:46
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:31
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1170
msgid "Google Storage: EU"
msgstr "Google Storage: UE"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:47 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:47
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:32
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:113
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1174
msgid "Google Storage: USA"
msgstr "Google Storage: EUA"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:48 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:33
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:48
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:33
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1178
msgid "Google Storage: Asia"
msgstr "Google Storage: Ásia"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:49 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:34
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:49
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:34
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:123
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1182
msgid "Dream Host Cloud Storage"
msgstr "Dream Host Cloud Storage"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:68
msgid "Or a S3 Server URL"
msgstr "Ou o URL dum servidor S3"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:61
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:115
msgid "S3 Access Keys"
msgstr "Chaves de acesso S3"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:65 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:65
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:121
msgid "Access Key"
msgstr "Chave de acesso"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:72 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:72
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:135
msgid "Secret Key"
msgstr "Chave secreta"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:80
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:145
msgid "S3 Bucket"
msgstr "Bucket S3"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:84
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:151
msgid "Bucket selection"
msgstr "Selecção do bucket"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:97
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:180
msgid "Create a new bucket"
msgstr "Criar um novo bucket"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:104
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:196
msgid "S3 Backup settings"
msgstr "Definições de cópia de segurança em S3"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:134
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:86
msgid "Multipart Upload"
msgstr "Carregamento de múltiplas partes"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:136
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:98
msgid "Use multipart upload for uploading a file"
msgstr "Utilizar o carregamento de múltiplas partes ao carregar um ficheiro"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:137
-msgid ""
-"Multipart splits file into multiple chunks while uploading. This is "
-"necessary for displaying the upload process and to transfer bigger files. "
-"Works without a problem on Amazon. Other services might have issues."
-msgstr ""
-"O sistema de múltiplas partes divide em várias parcelas fazer o "
-"carregamento. isto é necessário para mostrar o processo de carregamento e "
-"para transferir ficheiros grandes. Funciona sem problemas na Amazon. Outros "
-"serviços poderão ter problemas."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:143
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:252
msgid "Amazon specific settings"
msgstr "Definições específicas da Amazon"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:147 inc/class-destination-s3.php:149
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:147
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:149
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:263
msgid "Amazon: Storage Class"
msgstr "Amazon: Categoria de alojamento"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:150
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:266
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Standard"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:151
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:270
msgid "Standard-Infrequent Access"
msgstr "Standard – Acesso ocasional"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:152
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:278
msgid "Reduced Redundancy"
msgstr "Redundância reduzida"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:157
-msgid "Server side encryption"
-msgstr "Encriptação no servidor"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:161
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:297
msgid "Save files encrypted (AES256) on server."
msgstr "Guardar ficheiros encriptados (AES256) no servidor."
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:224 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:224
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:361
msgid "Missing secret access key!"
msgstr "Chave de acesso secreta não encontrada!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:230
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:367
msgid "No bucket found!"
msgstr "Nenhum bucket encontrado!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:346
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:517
msgid "Bucket %1$s created."
msgstr "Bucket %1$s criado."
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:348 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:147
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:348
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:147
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:285
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:520
msgid " %s is not a valid bucket name."
msgstr "%s não é um nome de bucket válido."
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:389 inc/class-destination-s3.php:522
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:576 inc/class-destination-s3.php:610
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:670 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:337
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:389
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:522
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:576
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:610
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:670
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:337
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:623
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:570
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:868
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:936
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:995
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1006
msgid "S3 Service API: %s"
msgstr "API do Serviço S3: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:457
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:777
msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to S3 Service …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. A tentar enviar o ficheiro da cópia de segurança para o Serviço S3 "
+msgstr "%d. A tentar enviar o ficheiro da cópia de segurança para o Serviço S3 …"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:470 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:188
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:470
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:188
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:383
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:803
msgid "Connected to S3 Bucket \"%1$s\" in %2$s"
msgstr "Ligado ao bucket S3 \"%1$s\" em %2$s"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:473 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:191
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:473
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:191
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:391
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:808
msgid "S3 Bucket \"%s\" does not exist!"
msgstr "O bucket S3 \"%s\" não existe!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:480
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:817
msgid "Checking for not aborted multipart Uploads …"
-msgstr ""
-"A verificar carregamentos não abortados de múltiplas partes …"
+msgstr "A verificar carregamentos não abortados de múltiplas partes …"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:486
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:830
msgid "Upload for %s aborted."
msgstr "Foi abortado o carregamento de %s."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:492
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:836
msgid "Starting upload to S3 Service …"
msgstr "A começar a carregar para o Serviço S3 …"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:601 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:444
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:601
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:444
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:446
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:972
msgid "Backup transferred to %s."
msgstr "Cópia de segurança transferida para %s."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:606
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:988
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to S3! (%1$d) %2$s"
msgstr "Não é possível transferir a cópia de segurança para o S3! (%1$d) %2$s"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:634
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:699
msgid "Storage Class: %s"
msgstr "Categoria de alojamento: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:660
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:734
msgid "Cannot delete backup from %s."
msgstr "Não é possível eliminar cópia de segurança de %s."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:664
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:746
msgid "One file deleted on S3 Bucket."
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on S3 Bucket"
msgstr[0] "Foi eliminado um ficheiro do bucket S3"
@@ -1297,12 +1722,17 @@ msgstr "Iniciar sessão no SugarSync"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:30
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:17
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:17
msgid "Email address:"
msgstr "Endereço de email:"
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:33 inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:29
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:33
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:29
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:20
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:126
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:126
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:47
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:20
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Senha:"
@@ -1315,6 +1745,8 @@ msgstr "Autenticar com o SugarSync!"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:136
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:26
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:26
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
msgid "Create Sugarsync account"
msgstr "Criar uma conta SugarSync"
@@ -1322,6 +1754,8 @@ msgstr "Criar uma conta SugarSync"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:132
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:32
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:94
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:32
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:94
msgid "Delete Sugarsync authentication!"
msgstr "Eliminar autenticação do SugarSync!"
@@ -1335,6 +1769,7 @@ msgstr "Selecção das pastas a sincronizar"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:64
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:41
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:41
msgid "No Syncfolders found!"
msgstr "Sem pastas para sincronizar!"
@@ -1343,39 +1778,45 @@ msgid "Folder in root"
msgstr "Pasta na raíz"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:230
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:233
msgid "%d. Try to send backup to SugarSync …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Tentar enviar o ficheiro da cópia de segurança para o SugarSync "
+msgstr "%d. Tentar enviar o ficheiro da cópia de segurança para o SugarSync …"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:237
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:240
msgid "Authenticated to SugarSync with nickname %s"
msgstr "Autenticado no SugarSync com o nome %s"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:240
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:243
msgctxt "Available space on SugarSync"
msgid "Not enough disk space available on SugarSync. Available: %s."
msgstr "Sem espaço disponível suficiente no SugarSync. Disponível: %s."
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:246
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:249
msgid "%s available at SugarSync"
msgstr "%s disponível no SugarSync"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:253
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:256
msgid "Starting upload to SugarSync …"
msgstr "A começar a carregar para o SugarSync …"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:263
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:266
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to SugarSync!"
msgstr "Não é possível transferir a cópia de segurança para o SugarSync!"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:302
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:305
msgid "One file deleted on SugarSync folder"
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on SugarSync folder"
msgstr[0] "Foi eliminado um ficheiro da pasta do SugarSync"
msgstr[1] "Foram eliminados %d ficheiros da pasta do SugarSync"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:311
msgid "SugarSync API: %s"
msgstr "API do SugarSync: %s"
@@ -1388,14 +1829,8 @@ msgid "EasyCron"
msgstr "EasyCron"
#: inc/class-easycron.php:189
-msgid ""
-"Here you can setup your EasyCron.com API key to use this "
-msgstr ""
-"Aqui pode definir a sua chave de API do EasyCron.com "
-"para utilizar este serviço."
+msgid "Here you can setup your EasyCron.com API key to use this service."
+msgstr "Aqui pode definir a sua chave de API do EasyCron.com para utilizar este serviço."
#: inc/class-easycron.php:192
msgid "Api key:"
@@ -1406,38 +1841,33 @@ msgid "Trigger WordPress Cron:"
msgstr "Activar o WordPress Cron:"
#: inc/class-easycron.php:203
-msgid ""
-"If you check this box, a cron job will be created on EasyCron that all 5 "
-"Minutes calls the WordPress cron."
-msgstr ""
-"Se seleccionar esta opção, será criada uma tarefa de cron no EasyCron que a "
-"cada 5 minutos activa o WordPress cron."
+msgid "If you check this box, a cron job will be created on EasyCron that all 5 Minutes calls the WordPress cron."
+msgstr "Se seleccionar esta opção, será criada uma tarefa de cron no EasyCron que a cada 5 minutos activa o WordPress cron."
#: inc/class-file.php:138
+#: inc/class-file.php:142
msgid "Folder %1$s not allowed, please use another folder."
msgstr "A pasta %1$s não é permitida, por favor utilize outra pasta."
#: inc/class-file.php:143
+#: inc/class-file.php:147
msgid "Folder %1$s is not in open basedir, please use another folder."
-msgstr ""
-"A pasta %1$s não está dentro da pasta especificada em open_basedir, por "
-"favor utilize outra pasta."
+msgstr "A pasta %1$s não está dentro da pasta especificada em open_basedir, por favor utilize outra pasta."
#: inc/class-file.php:149
+#: inc/class-file.php:153
msgid "Cannot create folder: %1$s"
msgstr "Não é possível criar a pasta: %1$s"
#: inc/class-file.php:155
+#: inc/class-file.php:159
msgid "Folder \"%1$s\" is not writable"
msgstr "A pasta \"%1$s\" não permite gravação"
#: inc/class-file.php:191
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup will not backup folders and its sub folders when this file is "
-msgstr ""
-"O BackWPup não fará cópia de segurança de pastas e subpastas que contenham "
-"este ficheiro."
+#: inc/class-file.php:195
+msgid "BackWPup will not backup folders and its sub folders when this file is inside."
+msgstr "O BackWPup não fará cópia de segurança de pastas e subpastas que contenham este ficheiro."
#: inc/class-help.php:15
msgid "Plugin Info"
@@ -1445,20 +1875,12 @@ msgstr "Informação do plugin"
#: inc/class-help.php:17
msgctxt "Plugin name and link; Plugin Version"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s version %2$s. A project by Inpsyde GmbH"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s versão %2$s. Um projecto de Inpsyde "
+msgid "%1$s version %2$s. A project by Inpsyde GmbH."
+msgstr "%1$s versão %2$s. Um projecto de Inpsyde GmbH."
#: inc/class-help.php:18
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is a free software, and you "
-"are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions."
-msgstr ""
-"O BackWPup é distribuido SEM NENHUMA GARANTIA. Isto é um software gratuito, "
-"é livre de o redistribuir sob algumas condições."
+msgid "BackWPup comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is a free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions."
+msgstr "O BackWPup é distribuido SEM NENHUMA GARANTIA. Isto é um software gratuito, é livre de o redistribuir sob algumas condições."
#: inc/class-help.php:21
msgid "For more information:"
@@ -1473,509 +1895,536 @@ msgid "Manual"
msgstr "Manual"
#: inc/class-install.php:84
+#: inc/class-install.php:90
msgid "BackWPup Admin"
msgstr "Administrador do BackWPup"
#: inc/class-install.php:98
+#: inc/class-install.php:105
msgid "BackWPup jobs checker"
msgstr "Verificador de tarefas do BackWPup"
#: inc/class-install.php:112
+#: inc/class-install.php:120
msgid "BackWPup jobs helper"
msgstr "Ajudante de tarefas do BackWPup"
#: inc/class-job.php:263
+#: inc/class-job.php:269
msgid "Starting job"
msgstr "A iniciar a tarefa"
#: inc/class-job.php:278
+#: inc/class-job.php:284
msgid "Job Start"
msgstr "Início da tarefa"
#: inc/class-job.php:298
+#: inc/class-job.php:304
msgid "Creates manifest file"
msgstr "Cria ficheiro manifest"
#: inc/class-job.php:320
+#: inc/class-job.php:326
msgid "Creates archive"
msgstr "Cria ficheiro de arquivo"
#: inc/class-job.php:360
+#: inc/class-job.php:373
msgid "End of Job"
msgstr "Fim da tarefa"
#: inc/class-job.php:377
+#: inc/class-job.php:395
msgid "BackWPup log for %1$s from %2$s at %3$s"
msgstr "Registo do BackWPup para %1$s em %2$s às %3$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:394
+#: inc/class-job.php:412
msgctxt "Plugin name; Plugin Version; plugin url"
msgid "[INFO] %1$s %2$s; A project of Inpsyde GmbH"
msgstr "[INFO] %1$s %2$s; Um projecto de Inpsyde GmbH"
#: inc/class-job.php:395
+#: inc/class-job.php:413
msgctxt "WordPress Version; Blog url"
msgid "[INFO] WordPress %1$s on %2$s"
msgstr "[INFO] WordPress %1$s em %2$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:396
+#: inc/class-job.php:414
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normal"
#: inc/class-job.php:399
+#: inc/class-job.php:417
msgid "Debug"
msgstr "Depuração"
#: inc/class-job.php:402
+#: inc/class-job.php:420
msgid "(translated)"
msgstr "(traduzido)"
#: inc/class-job.php:404
+#: inc/class-job.php:422
msgid "[INFO] Log Level: %1$s %2$s"
msgstr "[INFO] Nível de registo: %1$s %2$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:409
+#: inc/class-job.php:427
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job: %1$s"
msgstr "[INFO] Tarefa do BackWPup: %1$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:412
+#: inc/class-job.php:430
msgid "[INFO] Runs with user: %1$s (%2$d) "
msgstr "[INFO] Executado pelo utilizador: %1$s (%2$d) "
-#: inc/class-job.php:426 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:323
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:282 inc/class-page-jobs.php:291
+#: inc/class-job.php:426
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:323
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:282
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:291
+#: inc/class-job.php:444
msgid "Not scheduled!"
msgstr "Não agendado!"
-#: inc/class-job.php:430 inc/class-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-job.php:430
+#: inc/class-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-job.php:448
+#: inc/class-job.php:458
msgid "[INFO] Cron: %s; Next: %s "
msgstr "[INFO] Cron: %s; Próximo: %s "
#: inc/class-job.php:433
+#: inc/class-job.php:451
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job start with link is active"
msgstr "[INFO] Tarefa do BackWPup iniciada com ligação"
#: inc/class-job.php:435
+#: inc/class-job.php:453
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job start with EasyCron.com"
msgstr "[INFO] Tarefa do BackWPup iniciada com o EasyCron.com"
#: inc/class-job.php:443
+#: inc/class-job.php:461
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup no automatic job start configured"
msgstr "[INFO] Tarefa do BackWPup sem início automático configurado"
#: inc/class-job.php:447
+#: inc/class-job.php:465
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started from wp-cron"
msgstr "[INFO] Tarefa do BackWPup iniciada com o wp-cron"
#: inc/class-job.php:449
+#: inc/class-job.php:467
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started manually"
msgstr "[INFO] Tarefa do BackWPup iniciada manualmente"
#: inc/class-job.php:451
+#: inc/class-job.php:469
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started from external url"
msgstr "[INFO] Tarefa do BackWPup iniciada com um URL externo"
#: inc/class-job.php:453
+#: inc/class-job.php:471
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started form commandline interface"
-msgstr ""
-"[INFO] Tarefa do BackWPup iniciada com a interface da linha de comandos"
+msgstr "[INFO] Tarefa do BackWPup iniciada com a interface da linha de comandos"
#: inc/class-job.php:462
+#: inc/class-job.php:480
msgid "[INFO] PHP ver.:"
msgstr "[INFO] Versão de PHP:"
#: inc/class-job.php:463
+#: inc/class-job.php:481
msgid "[INFO] Maximum PHP script execution time is %1$d seconds"
msgstr "[INFO] Tempo máximo de execução de scripts PHP é %1$d segundos"
#: inc/class-job.php:467
+#: inc/class-job.php:485
msgid "[INFO] Script restart time is configured to %1$d seconds"
-msgstr ""
-"[INFO] O tempo para reiniciar script está configurado para %1$d segundos"
+msgstr "[INFO] O tempo para reiniciar script está configurado para %1$d segundos"
#: inc/class-job.php:470
+#: inc/class-job.php:488
msgid "[INFO] MySQL ver.: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] Versão de MySQL: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:472
+#: inc/class-job.php:490
msgid "[INFO] Web Server: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] Servidor web: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:476
+#: inc/class-job.php:494
msgid "[INFO] curl ver.: %1$s; %2$s"
msgstr "[INFO] Versão de curl: %1$s; %2$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:478
+#: inc/class-job.php:496
msgid "[INFO] Temp folder is: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] A pasta temporária é: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:485
+#: inc/class-job.php:503
msgid "[INFO] Logfile is: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] O ficheiro de registo é: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:492
+#: inc/class-job.php:510
msgid "[INFO] Backup file is: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] O ficheiro de cópia de segurança é: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:494
+#: inc/class-job.php:512
msgid "[INFO] Backup type is: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] O tipo de cópia de segurança é: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:502
+#: inc/class-job.php:520
msgid "Could not write log file"
msgstr "Não foi possível gravar o ficheiro de registo"
#: inc/class-job.php:514
-msgid ""
-"No destination correctly defined for backup! Please correct job settings."
-msgstr ""
-"Sem destino correctamente definido para cópia de segurança! Por favor "
-"corrija as definições da tarefa."
+#: inc/class-job.php:532
+msgid "No destination correctly defined for backup! Please correct job settings."
+msgstr "Sem destino correctamente definido para cópia de segurança! Por favor corrija as definições da tarefa."
#: inc/class-job.php:644
+#: inc/class-job.php:628
msgid "Cannot write progress to working file. Job will be aborted."
-msgstr ""
-"Não é possível gravar o progresso no ficheiro em execução. A tarefa será "
+msgstr "Não é possível gravar o progresso no ficheiro em execução. A tarefa será abortada."
-#: inc/class-job.php:716 inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
+#: inc/class-job.php:716
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
+#: inc/class-job.php:700
msgid "WARNING:"
msgstr "AVISO:"
-#: inc/class-job.php:725 inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+#: inc/class-job.php:725
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+#: inc/class-job.php:709
msgid "ERROR:"
msgstr "ERRO:"
#: inc/class-job.php:729
+#: inc/class-job.php:713
msgstr "OBSOLETO:"
#: inc/class-job.php:732
+#: inc/class-job.php:716
#: inc/class-job.php:737
+#: inc/class-job.php:721
#: inc/class-job.php:985
+#: inc/class-job.php:972
msgid "Aborted by user!"
msgstr "Abortado pelo utilizador!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1019
+#: inc/class-job.php:1005
msgid "One old log deleted"
msgid_plural "%d old logs deleted"
msgstr[0] "Foi eliminado um registo antigo"
msgstr[1] "Foram eliminados %d registos antigos"
-#: inc/class-job.php:1026 inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
-msgid ""
-"Job has ended with errors in %s seconds. You must resolve the errors for "
-"correct execution."
-msgstr ""
-"A tarefa foi concluída com erros em %s segundos. Tem de resolver os erros "
-"para uma execução correcta."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1026
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+#: inc/class-job.php:1012
+msgid "Job has ended with errors in %s seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution."
+msgstr "A tarefa foi concluída com erros em %s segundos. Tem de resolver os erros para uma execução correcta."
#: inc/class-job.php:1028
-msgid ""
-"Job finished with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct "
-msgstr ""
-"A tarefa foi concluída com avisos em %s segundos. Por favor resolva-os para "
-"uma execução correcta."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1014
+msgid "Job finished with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct execution."
+msgstr "A tarefa foi concluída com avisos em %s segundos. Por favor resolva-os para uma execução correcta."
-#: inc/class-job.php:1030 inc/class-page-jobs.php:788
+#: inc/class-job.php:1030
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:788
+#: inc/class-job.php:1016
msgid "Job done in %s seconds."
msgstr "Tarefa executada em %s segundos."
#: inc/class-job.php:1074
+#: inc/class-job.php:1060
msgstr "SUCESSO"
#: inc/class-job.php:1076
+#: inc/class-job.php:1062
msgid "WARNING"
msgstr "AVISO"
#: inc/class-job.php:1079
+#: inc/class-job.php:1065
msgid "ERROR"
msgstr "ERRO"
#: inc/class-job.php:1082
+#: inc/class-job.php:1068
msgid "[%3$s] BackWPup log %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "[%3$s] Registo do BackWPup de %1$s: %2$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:1188
+#: inc/class-job.php:1180
msgid "Restart after %1$d seconds."
msgstr "Reiniciar após %1$d segundos."
#: inc/class-job.php:1190
+#: inc/class-job.php:1182
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Restart after %1$d seconds."
msgid "Restart after getting signal."
msgstr "Reiniciar após %1$d segundos."
#: inc/class-job.php:1363
+#: inc/class-job.php:1357
msgid "Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes."
msgstr "A tarefa reiniciou devido a inactividade durante mais de 5 minutos."
#: inc/class-job.php:1461
+#: inc/class-job.php:1455
msgid "Step aborted: too many attempts!"
msgstr "Passo abortado: demasiadas tentativas!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1532
+#: inc/class-job.php:1528
msgid "%d. Trying to create backup archive …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. A tentar criar o ficheiro de arquivo da cópia de segurança …"
+msgstr "%d. A tentar criar o ficheiro de arquivo da cópia de segurança …"
#: inc/class-job.php:1540
+#: inc/class-job.php:1536
msgctxt "Archive compression method"
msgid "Compressing files as %s. Please be patient, this may take a moment."
-msgstr ""
-"A comprimir ficheiros como %s. Por favor tenha paciência, isto pode demorar "
-"algum tempo."
+msgstr "A comprimir ficheiros como %s. Por favor tenha paciência, isto pode demorar algum tempo."
#: inc/class-job.php:1547
+#: inc/class-job.php:1544
msgid "Adding Extra files to Archive"
msgstr "A adicionar ficheiros extra ao ficheiro de arquivo"
-#: inc/class-job.php:1559 inc/class-job.php:1619
+#: inc/class-job.php:1559
+#: inc/class-job.php:1619
+#: inc/class-job.php:1555
+#: inc/class-job.php:1626
msgid "Cannot create backup archive correctly. Aborting creation."
-msgstr ""
-"Não é possível criar o ficheiro de arquivo da cópia de segurança "
-"correctamente. A abortar a criação do ficheiro."
+msgstr "Não é possível criar o ficheiro de arquivo da cópia de segurança correctamente. A abortar a criação do ficheiro."
#: inc/class-job.php:1575
+#: inc/class-job.php:1571
msgid "Archiving Folder: %s"
msgstr "A arquivar a pasta: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:1629
+#: inc/class-job.php:1636
msgid "Backup archive created."
msgstr "Foi criado o ficheiro de arquivo da cópia de segurança."
#: inc/class-job.php:1643
-msgid ""
-"The Backup archive will be too large for file operations with this PHP "
-"Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple "
-"jobs with less files each."
-msgstr ""
-"O ficheiro de arquivo da cópia de segurança será demasiado grande para "
-"operações com ficheiros nesta versão do PHP. Deve considerar dividir a cópia "
-"de segurança em múltiplas tarefas com menos ficheiros cada."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1650
+msgid "The Backup archive will be too large for file operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
+msgstr "O ficheiro de arquivo da cópia de segurança será demasiado grande para operações com ficheiros nesta versão do PHP. Deve considerar dividir a cópia de segurança em múltiplas tarefas com menos ficheiros cada."
#: inc/class-job.php:1646
+#: inc/class-job.php:1653
msgid "Archive size is %s."
msgstr "O tamanho do ficheiro de arquivo é de %s."
#: inc/class-job.php:1649
+#: inc/class-job.php:1656
msgid "%1$d Files with %2$s in Archive."
msgstr "Foram arquivados %1$d ficheiros somando um total de %2$s."
#: inc/class-job.php:1698
+#: inc/class-job.php:1831
#, fuzzy
-#| msgctxt "Folder name"
-#| msgid "Folder %s not exists"
msgctxt "Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s does not exist"
msgstr "A pasta %s não existe"
#: inc/class-job.php:1703
+#: inc/class-job.php:1837
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Folder \"%s\" is not readable!"
msgctxt "Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s is not readable"
msgstr "A pasta %s não é legível!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1725
+#: inc/class-job.php:1860
msgid "Link \"%s\" not following."
msgstr "Ligação \"%s\" não utilizada."
#: inc/class-job.php:1727
+#: inc/class-job.php:1862
msgid "File \"%s\" is not readable!"
msgstr "O ficheiro \"%s\" não pode ser lido!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1731
-msgid ""
-"File size of “%s” cannot be retrieved. File might be too large and will not "
-"be added to queue."
-msgstr ""
-"Não é possível obter o tamanho do ficheiro \"%s\". O ficheiro deve ser "
-"demasiado grande e não será adicionado à fila."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1866
+msgid "File size of “%s” cannot be retrieved. File might be too large and will not be added to queue."
+msgstr "Não é possível obter o tamanho do ficheiro \"%s\". O ficheiro deve ser demasiado grande e não será adicionado à fila."
#: inc/class-job.php:1814
+#: inc/class-job.php:1949
msgid "%d. Trying to generate a manifest file …"
msgstr "%d. A tentar criar um ficheiro manifest …"
#: inc/class-job.php:1870
+#: inc/class-job.php:2005
msgid "You may have noticed the manifest.json file in this archive."
-msgstr ""
-"Poderá ter reparado na presença do ficheiro manifest.json neste ficheiro de "
+msgstr "Poderá ter reparado na presença do ficheiro manifest.json neste ficheiro de arquivo."
#: inc/class-job.php:1871
-msgid ""
-"manifest.json might be needed for later restoring a backup from this archive."
-msgstr ""
-"O manifest.json poderá ser necessário mais tarde para restaurar a partir "
-"deste ficheiro de arquivo."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2006
+msgid "manifest.json might be needed for later restoring a backup from this archive."
+msgstr "O manifest.json poderá ser necessário mais tarde para restaurar a partir deste ficheiro de arquivo."
#: inc/class-job.php:1872
-msgid ""
-"Please leave manifest.json untouched and in place. Otherwise it is safe to "
-"be ignored."
-msgstr ""
-"Por favor, deixe o ficheiro manifest.json intacto e no lugar. Caso contrário "
-"pode ignorá-lo em segurança."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2007
+msgid "Please leave manifest.json untouched and in place. Otherwise it is safe to be ignored."
+msgstr "Por favor, deixe o ficheiro manifest.json intacto e no lugar. Caso contrário pode ignorá-lo em segurança."
#: inc/class-job.php:1882
+#: inc/class-job.php:2017
msgid "Added manifest.json file with %1$s to backup file list."
-msgstr ""
-"Foi adicionado o ficheiro manifest.json com \"%1$s\" à lista de ficheiros da "
-"cópia de segurança."
+msgstr "Foi adicionado o ficheiro manifest.json com \"%1$s\" à lista de ficheiros da cópia de segurança."
#: inc/class-job.php:1921
+#: inc/class-job.php:2056
msgid "Wrong BackWPup JobID"
msgstr "ID da tarefa do BackWPup errado"
#: inc/class-job.php:1934
+#: inc/class-job.php:2069
msgid "A BackWPup job is already running"
msgstr "Já está a ser executada uma tarefa do BackWPup"
#: inc/class-job.php:2302
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGHUP: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2482
+msgctxt "SIGHUP: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Hangup detected on controlling terminal or death of controlling process"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2306
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGINT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2486
+msgctxt "SIGINT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Interrupt from keyboard"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2310
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGQUIT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2490
+msgctxt "SIGQUIT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Quit from keyboard"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2314
+#: inc/class-job.php:2494
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Video: Introduction"
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGILL: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+msgctxt "SIGILL: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Illegal Instruction"
msgstr "Vídeo: Introdução"
#: inc/class-job.php:2318
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGABRT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2498
+msgctxt "SIGABRT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Abort signal from abort(3)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2322
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGBUS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2502
+msgctxt "SIGBUS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Bus error (bad memory access)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2326
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGFPE: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2506
+msgctxt "SIGFPE: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Floating point exception"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2330
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSEGV: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2510
+msgctxt "SIGSEGV: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Invalid memory reference"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2334
+#: inc/class-job.php:2514
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Destinations"
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGTERM: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+msgctxt "SIGTERM: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Termination signal"
msgstr "Destinos"
#: inc/class-job.php:2338
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSTKFLT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2518
+msgctxt "SIGSTKFLT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Stack fault on coprocessor"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2342
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGUSR1: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2522
+msgctxt "SIGUSR1: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "User-defined signal 1"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2346
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGUSR2: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2526
+msgctxt "SIGUSR2: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "User-defined signal 2"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2350
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGURG: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2530
+msgctxt "SIGURG: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Urgent condition on socket"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2354
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGXCPU: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2534
+msgctxt "SIGXCPU: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "CPU time limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2358
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGXFSZ: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2538
+msgctxt "SIGXFSZ: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "File size limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2362
+#: inc/class-job.php:2542
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "FTP: Login failure!"
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGPWR: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+msgctxt "SIGPWR: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Power failure"
msgstr "FTP: Falha no início de sessão!"
#: inc/class-job.php:2366
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSYS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2546
+msgctxt "SIGSYS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Bad argument to routine"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2373
+#: inc/class-job.php:2553
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Signal \"%s\" is sent to script!"
msgid "Signal \"%1$s\" (%2$s) is sent to script!"
msgstr "Sinal \"%s\" enviado para o script!"
-#: inc/class-job.php:2407 inc/class-job.php:2420
+#: inc/class-job.php:2407
+#: inc/class-job.php:2420
+#: inc/class-job.php:2587
+#: inc/class-job.php:2600
msgid "System: %s"
msgstr "Sistema: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:2435
+#: inc/class-job.php:2615
msgid "Exception caught in %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "Ocorreu excepção em %1$s: %2$s"
@@ -1987,7 +2436,9 @@ msgstr "Verificação BD"
msgid "Check database tables"
msgstr "Verificação das tabelas da base de dados"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:35 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:35
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16
msgid "Settings for database check"
msgstr "Definições da verificação da base de dados"
@@ -2003,7 +2454,9 @@ msgstr "Verificar apenas as tabelas da base de dados do WordPress"
msgid "Repair"
msgstr "Reparar"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:54 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:54
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38
msgid "Try to repair defect table"
msgstr "Tentar reparar tabela com erros"
@@ -2019,12 +2472,14 @@ msgstr "A tabela %1$s é uma vista. Não verificada."
msgid "Table %1$s is not a MyISAM/InnoDB table. Not checked."
msgstr "A tabela %1$s não é uma tabela MyISAM/InnoDB. Não verificada."
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:124 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:127
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:124
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:127
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:129
msgid "Result of table check for %1$s is: %2$s"
msgstr "Resultado da verificação da tabela %1$s é: %2$s"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:135 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:137
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:135
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:137
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:139
msgid "Result of table repair for %1$s is: %2$s"
msgstr "Resultado da reparação da tabela %1$s é: %2$s"
@@ -2045,62 +2500,92 @@ msgstr "Base de dados"
msgid "Database backup"
msgstr "Cópia de segurança da base de dados"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:60 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:60
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:108
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:108
msgid "Settings for database backup"
msgstr "Definições da cópia de segurança da base de dados"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:64 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:64
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154
msgid "Tables to backup"
msgstr "Tabelas a incluir na cópia de segurança"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:66 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:66
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156
msgid "all"
msgstr "todas"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:91 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:91
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195
msgid "Backup file name"
msgstr "Nome do ficheiro de cópia de segurança"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:99 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:99
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201
msgid "Backup file compression"
msgstr "Compressão do ficheiro de cópia de segurança"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:105 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:107
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:75 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:77
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:59 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:61
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:105
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:107
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:75
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:77
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:59
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:61
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
msgid "GZip"
msgstr "GZip"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:159 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:159
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475
msgid "%d. Try to backup database …"
msgstr "%d. Tentar fazer a cópia de segurança da base de dados …"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495
msgid "Connected to database %1$s on %2$s"
msgstr "Ligado à base de dados %1$s em %2$s"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:187 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:187
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510
msgid "No tables to backup."
msgstr "Nenhuma tabela para incluir na cópia de segurança."
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:210 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:210
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536
msgid "Backup database table \"%s\" with \"%s\" records"
msgstr "Cópia de segurança da tabela \"%s\" com \"%s\" registos"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:250 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:250
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576
msgid "MySQL backup file not created"
msgstr "Não foi criado o ficheiro da cópia de segurança do MySQL"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:254 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:763
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:254
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:763
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:764
msgid "Added database dump \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
-msgstr ""
-"Foi adicionado o ficheiro dump da base de dados \"%1$s\" com %2$s à lista de "
-"ficheiros da cópia de segurança."
+msgstr "Foi adicionado o ficheiro dump da base de dados \"%1$s\" com %2$s à lista de ficheiros da cópia de segurança."
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:260 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:260
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:766
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:767
msgid "Database backup done!"
msgstr "Foi concluída a cópia de segurança da base de dados!"
@@ -2132,8 +2617,11 @@ msgstr "Cópia de segurança de plugins"
msgid "Backup themes"
msgstr "Cópia de segurança de temas"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:107 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:745
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:107
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:745
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:746
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:745
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:746
msgid "Backup uploads folder"
msgstr "Cópia de segurança da pasta de carregamentos"
@@ -2142,12 +2630,8 @@ msgid "Extra folders to backup"
msgstr "Pastas adicionais a incluir na cópia de segurança"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:118
-msgid ""
-"Separate folder names with a line-break or a comma. Folders must be set with "
-"their absolute path!"
-msgstr ""
-"Separar nomes de pastas com quebra de linha ou vírgula. As pastas têm que "
-"ser definidas com o seu caminho absoluto!"
+msgid "Separate folder names with a line-break or a comma. Folders must be set with their absolute path!"
+msgstr "Separar nomes de pastas com quebra de linha ou vírgula. As pastas têm que ser definidas com o seu caminho absoluto!"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:123
msgid "Exclude from backup"
@@ -2166,12 +2650,8 @@ msgid "Exclude files/folders from backup"
msgstr "Excluir ficheiros/pastas da cópia de segurança"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:136
-msgid ""
-"Separate file / folder name parts with a line-break or a comma. For example /"
-msgstr ""
-"Separar nomes de ficheiros/pastas com quebra de linha ou vírgula. Por "
-"exemplo /logs/,.log,.tmp"
+msgid "Separate file / folder name parts with a line-break or a comma. For example /logs/,.log,.tmp"
+msgstr "Separar nomes de ficheiros/pastas com quebra de linha ou vírgula. Por exemplo /logs/,.log,.tmp"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:141
msgid "Special options"
@@ -2183,68 +2663,58 @@ msgstr "Incluir ficheiros especiais"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:147
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd and "
-#| "favicon.ico from root if it is not included in backup."
-msgid ""
-"Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd, favicon."
-"ico, and Web.config from root if it is not included in backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Copiar os ficheiros da raíz wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.con, ."
-"htaccess, .htpasswd e favicon.ico, caso não esteja incluído na cópia de "
+msgid "Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd, favicon.ico, and Web.config from root if it is not included in backup."
+msgstr "Copiar os ficheiros da raíz wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.con, .htaccess, .htpasswd e favicon.ico, caso não esteja incluído na cópia de segurança."
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:151
msgid "Use one folder above as WP install folder"
msgstr "Utilize uma pasta acima da pasta de instalação WP"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:154
-msgid ""
-"Use one folder above as WordPress install folder! That can be helpful, if "
-"you would backup files and folder that are not in the WordPress installation "
-"folder. Or if you made a \"Giving WordPress Its Own Directory"
-"\" installation. Excludes must be configured again."
-msgstr ""
-"Utilize uma pasta acima da pasta de instalação do WordPress. Isto pode ser "
-"útil caso queira incluir ficheiros e pastas que não estejam na pasta de "
-"instalação do WordPress, ou caso tenha feito uma instalação numa sub-"
-"pasta. As exclusões terão que ser configuradas novamente."
+msgid "Use one folder above as WordPress install folder! That can be helpful, if you would backup files and folder that are not in the WordPress installation folder. Or if you made a \"Giving WordPress Its Own Directory\" installation. Excludes must be configured again."
+msgstr "Utilize uma pasta acima da pasta de instalação do WordPress. Isto pode ser útil caso queira incluir ficheiros e pastas que não estejam na pasta de instalação do WordPress, ou caso tenha feito uma instalação numa sub-pasta. As exclusões terão que ser configuradas novamente."
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:237
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:238
msgid "%d. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. A tentar criar uma lista das pastas a incluir na cópia de segurança "
+msgstr "%d. A tentar criar uma lista das pastas a incluir na cópia de segurança …"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:357 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:361
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:357
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:361
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:378
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:358
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:362
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:379
msgid "Added \"%s\" to backup file list"
-msgstr ""
-"Foi adicionado o ficheiro \"%s\" à lista de ficheiros da cópia de segurança."
+msgstr "Foi adicionado o ficheiro \"%s\" à lista de ficheiros da cópia de segurança."
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:384
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:385
msgid "No files/folder for the backup."
msgstr "Sem ficheiros/pastas para incluir na cópia de segurança."
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:386
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:387
msgid "%1$d folders to backup."
msgstr "%1$d pastas a incluir na cópia de segurança."
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:434
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:435
msgid "Folder \"%s\" is not readable!"
msgstr "A pasta %s não é legível!"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:494
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:495
msgid "Path as set by user (symlink?): %s"
msgstr "Caminho conforme definido pelo utilizador (symlink?): %s"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:497
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:498
msgid "Exclude:"
msgstr "Excluir:"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:509
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:510
msgid "Excluded by .donotbackup file!"
msgstr "Excluído através do ficheiro .donotbackup!"
@@ -2252,7 +2722,9 @@ msgstr "Excluído através do ficheiro .donotbackup!"
msgid "XML export"
msgstr "Exportação XML"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:14 inc/class-page-about.php:472
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:14
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:472
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:474
msgid "WordPress XML export"
msgstr "Exportação do WordPress em XML"
@@ -2260,15 +2732,21 @@ msgstr "Exportação do WordPress em XML"
msgid "Items to export"
msgstr "Itens a exportar"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:49 inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:49
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28
msgid "All content"
msgstr "Todo o conteúdo"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:50 inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:50
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38
msgid "Posts"
msgstr "Artigos"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:51 inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:51
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Páginas"
@@ -2276,12 +2754,15 @@ msgstr "Páginas"
msgid "XML Export file name"
msgstr "Nome do ficheiro de exportação em XML"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:69 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:53
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:69
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:53
msgid "File compression"
msgstr "Compressão do ficheiro"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:79 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:81
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:64 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:66
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:79
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:81
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:64
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:66
msgid "BZip2"
msgstr "BZip2"
@@ -2293,10 +2774,14 @@ msgstr "%d. A tentar exportar o WordPress para um ficheiro XML …"
msgid "WP Export: Post type “%s” does not allow export."
msgstr "Exportação do WP: O tipo de artigo \"%s\" não permite exportação."
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:172 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:186
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:215 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:236
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:269 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:289
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:378 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:387
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:172
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:186
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:215
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:236
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:269
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:289
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:378
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:387
msgid "WP Export file could not written."
msgstr "Não foi possível gravar o ficheiro de exportação do WP"
@@ -2320,38 +2805,34 @@ msgstr "ERRO DE XML (%s): %s"
msgid "There was an error when reading this WXR file"
msgstr "Ocorreu um erro ao ler este ficheiro WXR"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:444 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:451
-msgid ""
-"This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number"
-msgstr ""
-"Este não parece ser um ficheiro WXR, o número da versão de WXR em falta ou "
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:444
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:451
+msgid "This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number"
+msgstr "Este não parece ser um ficheiro WXR, o número da versão de WXR em falta ou inválido"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:460
msgid "WP Export file is a valid WXR file."
msgstr "O ficheiro exportação do WP é um ficheiro WXR válido."
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:462
-msgid ""
-"WP Export file can not be checked, because no XML extension is loaded, to "
-"ensure the file verification."
-msgstr ""
-"O ficheiro exportação do WP não pôde ser verificado, porque não está "
-"carregada nenhuma extensão XML que permite a verificação."
+msgid "WP Export file can not be checked, because no XML extension is loaded, to ensure the file verification."
+msgstr "O ficheiro exportação do WP não pôde ser verificado, porque não está carregada nenhuma extensão XML que permite a verificação."
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:474 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:474
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741
msgid "Compressing file …"
msgstr "A comprimir ficheiro …"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:481 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:481
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748
msgid "Compressing done."
msgstr "Compressão concluída."
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:500
msgid "Added XML export \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list."
-msgstr ""
-"Foi adicionado o ficheiro de exportação em XML \"%1$s\" com %2$s à lista de "
-"ficheiros da cópia de segurança."
+msgstr "Foi adicionado o ficheiro de exportação em XML \"%1$s\" com %2$s à lista de ficheiros da cópia de segurança."
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:13
msgid "Plugins"
@@ -2367,9 +2848,7 @@ msgstr "Nome do ficheiro da lista de plugins"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:96
msgid "%d. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. A tentar criar um ficheiro com os nomes dos plugins instalados "
+msgstr "%d. A tentar criar um ficheiro com os nomes dos plugins instalados …"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:124
msgid "All plugin information:"
@@ -2387,15 +2866,15 @@ msgstr "Plugins activos:"
msgid "Inactive plugins:"
msgstr "Plugins inactivos:"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:141 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:798
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:141
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:798
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:799
msgid "Can not open target file for writing."
msgstr "Não é possível abrir o ficheiro de destino para gravação."
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:148
msgid "Added plugin list file \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list."
-msgstr ""
-"Foi adicionado o ficheiro com lista dos plugins \"%1$s\" com %2$s à lista de "
-"ficheiros da cópia de segurança."
+msgstr "Foi adicionado o ficheiro com lista dos plugins \"%1$s\" com %2$s à lista de ficheiros da cópia de segurança."
#: inc/class-message-box.php:89
msgid "Dismiss"
@@ -2405,374 +2884,403 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "No MySQLi extension found. Please install it."
msgstr "Extensão MySQLi não encontrada. Por favor instale-a."
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:100 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:831
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:100
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:831
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:832
msgid "Cannot init MySQLi database connection"
msgstr "Não é possível iniciar MySQLi para ligar à base de dados"
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:105 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:837
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:105
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:837
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:838
msgid "Setting of MySQLi connection timeout failed"
msgstr "Falhou ao definir o tempo de espera da ligação MySQLi"
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:110 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:843
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:110
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:843
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:844
msgid "Cannot connect to MySQL database %1$d: %2$s"
msgstr "Não é possível ligar à base de dados MySQL %1$d: %2$s"
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:117
msgctxt "Database Charset"
msgid "Cannot set DB charset to %s error: %s"
-msgstr ""
-"Não é possível definir a selecção de caracteres da base de dados para %s, "
-"foi devolvido o seguinte erro: %s"
+msgstr "Não é possível definir a selecção de caracteres da base de dados para %s, foi devolvido o seguinte erro: %s"
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:146
msgid "Cannot open SQL backup file"
msgstr "Não é possível abrir o ficheiro SQL da cópia de segurança"
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:153 inc/class-mysqldump.php:165
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:259 inc/class-mysqldump.php:268
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:288 inc/class-mysqldump.php:297
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:317 inc/class-mysqldump.php:323
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:368 inc/class-mysqldump.php:400
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:437 inc/class-mysqldump.php:500
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:859 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:873
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:921 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:940
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:153
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:165
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:259
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:268
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:288
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:297
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:317
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:323
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:368
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:400
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:437
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:500
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:859
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:873
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:921
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:940
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:983
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:860
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:874
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:922
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:941
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:984
msgid "Database error %1$s for query %2$s"
msgstr "Erro %1$s da base de dados para a query %2$s"
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:479
msgid "Start for table backup is not correctly set: %1$s"
-msgstr ""
-"O início da tabela da cópia de segurança não está definido correctamente: "
+msgstr "O início da tabela da cópia de segurança não está definido correctamente: %1$s"
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:483
msgid "Length for table backup is not correctly set: %1$s"
-msgstr ""
-"O tamanho da tabela da cópia de segurança não está definido correctamente: "
+msgstr "O tamanho da tabela da cópia de segurança não está definido correctamente: %1$s"
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:561
msgid "Error while writing file!"
msgstr "Erro ao gravar ficheiro!"
-#: inc/class-option.php:167 inc/class-page-editjob.php:97
+#: inc/class-option.php:167
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:97
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:383
+#: inc/class-option.php:176
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
msgid "New Job"
msgstr "Nova tarefa"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:369
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:371
msgid "Welcome to BackWPup Pro"
msgstr "Bem-vindo ao BackWPup Pro"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:370 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup’s job wizards make planning and scheduling your backup jobs a "
-msgstr ""
-"Os assistentes de tarefas do BackWPup tornam mais fácil o planeamento e "
-"agendamento das suas tarefas de cópia de segurança."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:370
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:372
+msgid "BackWPup’s job wizards make planning and scheduling your backup jobs a breeze."
+msgstr "Os assistentes de tarefas do BackWPup tornam mais fácil o planeamento e agendamento das suas tarefas de cópia de segurança."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:371 inc/class-page-about.php:384
-msgid ""
-"Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation "
-"including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage "
-"service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server. With a "
-"single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool "
-"like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
-msgstr ""
-"Utilize os seus ficheiros arquivo de cópia de segurança para guardar toda a "
-"sua instalação do WordPress, incluindo a pasta /wp-content/
. "
-"Transfira-os para um serviço de alojamento externo caso não pretenda guardar "
-"as cópias de segurança no mesmo servidor. Pode restaurar uma instalação "
-"apenas com um ficheiro de arquivo de cópia de segurança. Utilize uma "
-"ferramenta como o phpMyAdmin ou um plugin como o Adminer para restaurar os "
-"ficheiros de cópia de segurança da sua base de dados."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:371
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:384
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:373
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:386
+msgid "Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server. With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
+msgstr "Utilize os seus ficheiros arquivo de cópia de segurança para guardar toda a sua instalação do WordPress, incluindo a pasta /wp-content/
. Transfira-os para um serviço de alojamento externo caso não pretenda guardar as cópias de segurança no mesmo servidor. Pode restaurar uma instalação apenas com um ficheiro de arquivo de cópia de segurança. Utilize uma ferramenta como o phpMyAdmin ou um plugin como o Adminer para restaurar os ficheiros de cópia de segurança da sua base de dados."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:372
-msgid ""
-"Ready to set up a backup job? You can use the wizards or plan your backup in expert mode."
-msgstr ""
-"Pronto para definir uma tarefa de cópia de segurança? "
-"Pode utilizar os assistentes ou planear a sua cópia de "
-"segurança em modo avançado."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:374
+msgid "Ready to set up a backup job? You can use the wizards or plan your backup in expert mode."
+msgstr "Pronto para definir uma tarefa de cópia de segurança? Pode utilizar os assistentes ou planear a sua cópia de segurança em modo avançado."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:382
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:384
msgid "Welcome to BackWPup"
msgstr "Bem-vindo ao BackWPup"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:385
-msgid ""
-"Ready to set up a backup job? Use one of the wizards to plan what you want "
-"to save."
-msgstr ""
-"Pronto para definir uma tarefa de cópia de segurança? Utilize um dos "
-"assistentes para planear o que pretende guardar."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:387
+msgid "Ready to set up a backup job? Use one of the wizards to plan what you want to save."
+msgstr "Pronto para definir uma tarefa de cópia de segurança? Utilize um dos assistentes para planear o que pretende guardar."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:400
msgid "Save your database"
msgstr "Guarde a sua base de dados"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:401
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:403
msgid "Save your database regularly"
msgstr "Guarde a sua base de dados regularmente"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:402
-msgid ""
-"With BackWPup you can schedule the database backup to run automatically. "
-"With a single backup file you can restore your database. You should set up a backup job, so you will never forget it. There is also "
-"an option to repair and optimize the database after each backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Com o BackWPup pode agendar a cópia de segurança da base de dados para ser "
-"executada automaticamente. Com um único ficheiro de cópia de segurança pode "
-"restaurar a base de dados. Deverá definir uma tarefa de cópia "
-"de segurança, assim nunca se esquecerá. Também tem a opção de raparar e "
-"optimizar a base de dados depois de cada cópia de segurança."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:407 inc/class-page-about.php:411
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:404
+msgid "With BackWPup you can schedule the database backup to run automatically. With a single backup file you can restore your database. You should set up a backup job, so you will never forget it. There is also an option to repair and optimize the database after each backup."
+msgstr "Com o BackWPup pode agendar a cópia de segurança da base de dados para ser executada automaticamente. Com um único ficheiro de cópia de segurança pode restaurar a base de dados. Deverá definir uma tarefa de cópia de segurança, assim nunca se esquecerá. Também tem a opção de raparar e optimizar a base de dados depois de cada cópia de segurança."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:407
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:411
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:413
msgid "WordPress XML Export"
msgstr "Exportação do WordPress em XML"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:408
-msgid ""
-"You can choose the built-in WordPress export format in addition or exclusive "
-"to save your data. This works in automated backups too of course. The "
-"advantage is: you can import these files into a blog with the regular "
-"WordPress importer."
-msgstr ""
-"Pode escolher adicionalmente ou exclusivamente o formato de exportação "
-"incorporado no WordPress para guardar os seus dados. Isto também funciona em "
-"cópias de segurança automatizadas, naturalmente. A vantagem é: pode importar "
-"estes ficheiros para um blog com o importador do WordPress."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:410
+msgid "You can choose the built-in WordPress export format in addition or exclusive to save your data. This works in automated backups too of course. The advantage is: you can import these files into a blog with the regular WordPress importer."
+msgstr "Pode escolher adicionalmente ou exclusivamente o formato de exportação incorporado no WordPress para guardar os seus dados. Isto também funciona em cópias de segurança automatizadas, naturalmente. A vantagem é: pode importar estes ficheiros para um blog com o importador do WordPress."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:416
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:418
msgid "Save all data from the webserver"
msgstr "Guardar todos os dados do servidor web"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:419
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:421
msgid "Save all files"
msgstr "Guardar todos os ficheiros"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:420
-msgid ""
-"You can backup all your attachments, also all system files, plugins and "
-"themes in a single file. You can create a job to update a "
-"backup copy of your file system only when files are changed."
-msgstr ""
-"Pode fazer cópia de segurança de todos os seus anexos, todos os ficheiros do "
-"sistema, plugins e temas, tudo num único ficheiro. Pode criar "
-"uma tarefa para actualizar uma cópia de segurança do seu sistema de "
-"ficheiros apenas quando alguns ficheiros forem alterados."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:425 inc/class-page-about.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:422
+msgid "You can backup all your attachments, also all system files, plugins and themes in a single file. You can create a job to update a backup copy of your file system only when files are changed."
+msgstr "Pode fazer cópia de segurança de todos os seus anexos, todos os ficheiros do sistema, plugins e temas, tudo num único ficheiro. Pode criar uma tarefa para actualizar uma cópia de segurança do seu sistema de ficheiros apenas quando alguns ficheiros forem alterados."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:425
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:427
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:431
msgid "Security!"
msgstr "Segurança!"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:426
-msgid ""
-"By default everything is encrypted: connections to external services, local "
-"files and access to directories."
-msgstr ""
-"Por omissão tudo é encriptado: ligações a serviços externos, ficheiros "
-"locais e acesso às pastas."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:434 inc/class-page-about.php:437
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:428
+msgid "By default everything is encrypted: connections to external services, local files and access to directories."
+msgstr "Por omissão tudo é encriptado: ligações a serviços externos, ficheiros locais e acesso às pastas."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:434
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:437
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:436
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:439
msgid "Cloud Support"
msgstr "Suporte de nuvem"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:438
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup supports multiple cloud services in parallel. This ensures backups "
-"are redundant."
-msgstr ""
-"O BackWPup suporta múltiplos serviços de núvem em paralelo. Assim é "
-"assegurada a redundância das cópias de segurança."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:440
+msgid "BackWPup supports multiple cloud services in parallel. This ensures backups are redundant."
+msgstr "O BackWPup suporta múltiplos serviços de núvem em paralelo. Assim é assegurada a redundância das cópias de segurança."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:444
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:446
msgid "Features / differences between Free and Pro"
msgstr "Recursos / diferenças entre Gratuito e Pro"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:449
msgid "Features"
msgstr "Recursos"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:448
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:450
msgid "FREE"
msgstr "GRATUITO"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:449
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:451
msgid "PRO"
msgstr "PRO"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:452
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:454
msgid "Complete database backup"
msgstr "Cópia de segurança completa da base de dados"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:457
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:459
msgid "Complete file backup"
msgstr "Cópia de segurança completa dos ficheiros"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:462
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:464
msgid "Database check"
msgstr "Verificação da base de dados"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:467
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:469
msgid "Data compression"
msgstr "Compressão de dados"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:477
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:479
msgid "List of installed plugins"
msgstr "Lista de plugins instalados"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:482
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:484
msgid "Backup archives management"
msgstr "Gestão de ficheiros de arquivo de cópia de segurança"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:487
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:489
msgid "Log file management"
msgstr "Gestão de ficheiros de registo"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:492
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:494
msgid "Start jobs per WP-Cron, URL, system, backend or WP-CLI"
msgstr "Iniciar tarefas com o WP-Cron, URL, sistema, administração ou WP-CLI"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:497
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:499
msgid "Log report via email"
msgstr "Relatório de registo por email"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:502
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:504
msgid "Backup to Microsoft Azure"
msgstr "Cópia de segurança para Microsoft Azure"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:507
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:509
msgid "Backup as email"
msgstr "Cópia de segurança por email"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:512
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:514
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Backup to S3 services (Amazon, Google Storage, Hosteurope and "
-#| "more)"
msgid "Backup to S3 services (Amazon, Google Storage, Hosteurope and more)"
-msgstr ""
-"Cópia de segurança para Serviços S3 (Amazon, Google Storage, "
-"Hosteurope e outros)"
+msgstr "Cópia de segurança para Serviços S3 (Amazon, Google Storage, Hosteurope e outros)"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:527
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:529
msgid "Backup to FTP server"
msgstr "Cópia de segurança para servidor FTP"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:532
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:534
msgid "Backup to your web space"
msgstr "Cópia de segurança para o teu serviço de alojamento"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:542 inc/pro/class-pro.php:112
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:542
+#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:112
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:152
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:544
msgid "Backup to Google Drive"
msgstr "Cópia de segurança para Google Drive"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:547 inc/pro/class-pro.php:93
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:547
+#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:93
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:131
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:549
msgid "Backup to Amazon Glacier"
msgstr "Cópia de segurança para Amazon Glacier"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:552
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:554
msgid "Custom API keys for DropBox and SugarSync"
msgstr "Chaves de API personalizadas para Dropbox e SugarSync"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:557
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:559
msgid "XML database backup as PHPMyAdmin schema"
-msgstr ""
-"Cópia de segurança da base de dados em XML como estrutura do phpMyAdmin"
+msgstr "Cópia de segurança da base de dados em XML como estrutura do phpMyAdmin"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:562
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:564
msgid "Database backup as mysqldump per command line"
-msgstr ""
-"Cópia de segurança da base de dados por mysqldump através da linha de "
+msgstr "Cópia de segurança da base de dados por mysqldump através da linha de comandos"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:567
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:569
msgid "Database backup for additional MySQL databases"
msgstr "Cópia de segurança de bases de dados MySQL adicionais"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:572
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:574
msgid "Import and export job settings as XML"
msgstr "Importar e exportar definições de tarefas em XML"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:577
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:579
msgid "Wizard for system tests"
msgstr "Assistente para testes do sistema"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:582
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:584
msgid "Wizard for scheduled backup jobs"
msgstr "Assistente para agendar tarefas de cópia de segurança"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:587
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:589
msgid "Wizard to import settings and backup jobs"
msgstr "Assistente para importar definições e tarefas de cópia de segurança"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:592
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:594
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to Dropbox"
msgstr "Cópia de segurança diferencial de directórios alterados para a Dropbox"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:597
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:599
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to Rackspace Cloud Files"
-msgstr ""
-"Cópia de segurança diferencial de directórios alterados para o Rackspace "
-"Cloud Files"
+msgstr "Cópia de segurança diferencial de directórios alterados para o Rackspace Cloud Files"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:602
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:604
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to S3"
msgstr "Cópia de segurança diferencial de directórios alterados para o S3"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:607
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:609
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to MS Azure"
-msgstr ""
-"Cópia de segurança diferencial de directórios alterados para o MS Azure"
+msgstr "Cópia de segurança diferencial de directórios alterados para o MS Azure"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:612
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:639
msgid "Premium support"
msgstr "Suporte Premium"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:617
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:644
msgid "Automatic updates"
msgstr "Actualização automática"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:624
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:651
msgid "GET PRO"
msgstr "OBTER PRO"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:182
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:158
msgid "No files could be found. (List will be generated during next backup.)"
-msgstr ""
-"Não foram encontrados ficheiros. (A lista será gerada durante a próxima "
-"cópia de segurança.)"
+msgstr "Não foram encontrados ficheiros. (A lista será gerada durante a próxima cópia de segurança.)"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:195 inc/class-page-backups.php:315
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:113 inc/class-page-jobs.php:177
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:125 inc/class-page-logs.php:204
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:195
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:315
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:113
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:177
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:125
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:204
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:168
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:274
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:151
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:232
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Eliminar"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:229
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:203
msgid "Change destination"
msgstr "Mudar destino"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:269 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:283
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347 inc/class-page-logs.php:136
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:269
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:283
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:136
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:241
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:163
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Data"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:270
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:242
msgid "File"
msgstr "Ficheiro"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:272 inc/class-page-logs.php:140
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:272
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:140
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:244
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:167
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Tamanho"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:315
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:273
msgid ""
"You are about to delete this backup archive. \n"
" 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete."
@@ -2780,27 +3288,43 @@ msgstr ""
"Está prestes a eliminar este ficheiro de arquivo de cópia de segurança. \n"
" 'Cancelar' para parar, 'OK' para eliminar."
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:318 inc/class-page-jobs.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:318
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:330
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:206
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:281
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:285
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:768
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:779
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:234
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Descarregar"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:348
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:311
msgid "?"
msgstr "?"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:361 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:321
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:384 inc/class-page-jobs.php:318
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:361
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:321
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:384
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:318
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:164
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:317
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:190
msgid "%1$s at %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s às %2$s"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:377 inc/class-page-backups.php:417
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:35 inc/class-page-jobs.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:417
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:35
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:331
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:369
msgid "Sorry, you don't have permissions to do that."
msgstr "Desculpe, não tem permissões para fazer isso."
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:441
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:433
msgid "Backup Files"
msgstr "Ficheiros de cópias de segurança"
@@ -2812,71 +3336,50 @@ msgstr "%s › Gerir ficheiros de arquivo de cópias de segurança"
msgid "%s › Dashboard"
msgstr "%s › Painel"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:74 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:83
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:74
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:83
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Planning backups"
msgstr "Planeamento de cópias de segurança"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
-msgid ""
-"Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation "
-"including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage "
-"service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server."
-msgstr ""
-"Utilize os seus ficheiros arquivo de cópia de segurança para guardar toda a "
-"sua instalação do WordPress, incluindo a pasta /wp-content/
. "
-"Transfira-os para um serviço de alojamento externo caso não pretenda guardar "
-"as cópias de segurança no mesmo servidor."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
+msgid "Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server."
+msgstr "Utilize os seus ficheiros arquivo de cópia de segurança para guardar toda a sua instalação do WordPress, incluindo a pasta /wp-content/
. Transfira-os para um serviço de alojamento externo caso não pretenda guardar as cópias de segurança no mesmo servidor."
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:76 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:85
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:76
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:85
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Restoring backups"
msgstr "Restauro de cópias de segurança"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:77 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:86
-msgid ""
-"With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a "
-"tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
-msgstr ""
-"Pode restaurar uma instalação com apenas um ficheiro de arquivo de cópia de "
-"segurança. Utilize uma ferramenta como o phpMyAdmin ou um plugin como o Adminer "
-"para restaurar os ficheiros de cópia de segurança da sua base de dados."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:77
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:86
+msgid "With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
+msgstr "Pode restaurar uma instalação com apenas um ficheiro de arquivo de cópia de segurança. Utilize uma ferramenta como o phpMyAdmin ou um plugin como o Adminer para restaurar os ficheiros de cópia de segurança da sua base de dados."
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:78 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:87
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:78
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:87
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Ready to set up a backup job?"
msgstr "Pronto para definir uma tarefa de cópia de segurança?"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79
-msgid ""
-"Use one of the wizards to plan a backup, or use expert mode"
-"a> for full control over all options."
-msgstr ""
-"Utilize um dos assistentes para planear uma cópia de segurança, ou utilize o "
-"modo avançado para controlo pleno sobre todas as opções."
+msgid "Use one of the wizards to plan a backup, or use expert mode for full control over all options."
+msgstr "Utilize um dos assistentes para planear uma cópia de segurança, ou utilize o modo avançado para controlo pleno sobre todas as opções."
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:89
-msgid ""
-"Please note: You are solely responsible for the security of your "
-"data; the authors of this plugin are not."
-msgstr ""
-"Por favor note que: Você é o único responsável pela segurança dos "
-"seus dados; os autores deste plugin não são."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:89
+msgid "Please note: You are solely responsible for the security of your data; the authors of this plugin are not."
+msgstr "Por favor note que: Você é o único responsável pela segurança dos seus dados; os autores deste plugin não são."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
-msgid ""
-"Use the short links in the First steps box to plan and "
-"schedule backup jobs."
-msgstr ""
-"Utilize as ligações na caixa Primeiros passos para planear "
-"e agendar tarefas de cópia de segurança."
+msgid "Use the short links in the First steps box to plan and schedule backup jobs."
+msgstr "Utilize as ligações na caixa Primeiros passos para planear e agendar tarefas de cópia de segurança."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:88
msgid "Add a new backup job and plan what you want to save."
-msgstr ""
-"Adicione uma nova tarefa de cópia de segurança e defina o "
-"que deseja guardar."
+msgstr "Adicione uma nova tarefa de cópia de segurança e defina o que deseja guardar."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:96
msgid "First Steps"
@@ -2886,7 +3389,8 @@ msgstr "Primeiros passos"
msgid "Test the installation"
msgstr "Testar a instalação"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:101 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:104
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:101
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:104
msgid "Create a Job"
msgstr "Criar uma tarefa"
@@ -2907,11 +3411,8 @@ msgid "One click backup"
msgstr "Cópia de segurança com um clique"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:117
-msgid ""
-"Generate a database backup of WordPress tables and download it right away!"
-msgstr ""
-"Gera uma cópia de segurança das tabelas da base de dados do WordPress e "
-"descarrega-a imediatamente!"
+msgid "Generate a database backup of WordPress tables and download it right away!"
+msgstr "Gera uma cópia de segurança das tabelas da base de dados do WordPress e descarrega-a imediatamente!"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:117
msgid "Download database backup"
@@ -2931,18 +3432,16 @@ msgid "RSS Error: %s"
msgstr "Erro do RSS: %s"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:132
-msgid ""
-"An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again "
-msgstr ""
-"Ocorreu um erro, provavelmente o feed não está online. Por favor tente mais "
+msgid "An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again later."
+msgstr "Ocorreu um erro, provavelmente o feed não está online. Por favor tente mais tarde."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:146
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Sem título"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:211 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:373
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:211
+#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:373
+#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:331
msgid "Start wizard"
msgstr "Iniciar o assistente"
@@ -2984,9 +3483,7 @@ msgstr "Suporte dedicado de primeira classe no backwpup.com."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:258
msgctxt "Pro teaser box"
msgid "Differential backups to Google Drive and other cloud storage service."
-msgstr ""
-"Cópias de segurança diferenciais para a Google Drive e outros serviços de "
-"alojamento em núvem."
+msgstr "Cópias de segurança diferenciais para a Google Drive e outros serviços de alojamento em núvem."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:259
msgctxt "Pro teaser box"
@@ -3012,8 +3509,10 @@ msgstr "Obter o BackWPup Pro agora"
msgid "Next scheduled jobs"
msgstr "Próximas tarefas agendadas"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:284 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:284
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:137
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:164
msgid "Job"
msgstr "Tarefa"
@@ -3021,7 +3520,8 @@ msgstr "Tarefa"
msgid "working since %d seconds"
msgstr "em execução há %d segundos"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:309 inc/class-page-jobs.php:608
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:309
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:608
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "Abortar"
@@ -3039,13 +3539,11 @@ msgstr "Resultado"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:366
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Could not write log file"
msgid "Could not open log folder: %s"
msgstr "Não foi possível gravar o ficheiro de registo"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:389
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%d ERROR"
msgid "%d ERROR"
msgid_plural "%d ERRORS"
msgstr[0] "%d ERRO"
@@ -3053,7 +3551,6 @@ msgstr[1] "%d ERRO"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:392
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%d WARNING"
msgid "%d WARNING"
msgid_plural "%d WARNINGS"
msgstr[0] "%d AVISO"
@@ -3068,452 +3565,613 @@ msgid "Job with ID %d"
msgstr "Tarefa com ID %d"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
msgid "Changes for job %s saved."
msgstr "Foram guardadas as alterações para a tarefa %s."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
msgid "Jobs overview"
msgstr "Vista geral das tarefas"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222 inc/class-page-jobs.php:181
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:181
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
msgid "Run now"
msgstr "Executar agora"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:325
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:334
msgid "%1$s › Job: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s › Tarefa: %2$s"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:328 inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:328
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:214
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:337
msgid "General"
msgstr "Geral"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:328
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:337
msgid "Schedule"
msgstr "Agenda"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:343
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:352
msgid "To: %s"
msgstr "Para: %s"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:378 inc/class-page-editjob.php:383
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:378
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:383
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:125
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
msgid "Job Name"
msgstr "Nome da tarefa"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:381
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:390
msgid "Please name this job."
msgstr "Por favor dê um nome a esta tarefa."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:397
msgid "Job Tasks"
msgstr "Sub-tarefas"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:391 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:254
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:391
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:254
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:254
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:400
msgid "This job is a …"
msgstr "Esta tarefa inclui …"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:394 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:257
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:394
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:257
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:257
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:403
msgid "Job tasks"
msgstr "Sub-tarefas"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:412
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:421
msgid "Backup File Creation"
msgstr "Criação do ficheiro de cópia de segurança"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:417 inc/class-page-editjob.php:420
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:402 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:417
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:420
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:402
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:402
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:426
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:429
msgid "Backup type"
msgstr "Tipo de cópia de segurança"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:423
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:432
msgid "Synchronize file by file to destination"
msgstr "Sincronizar ficheiro a ficheiro com o destino"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:428 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:413
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:428
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:413
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:413
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:437
msgid "Create a backup archive"
msgstr "Cria um ficheiro de arquivo de cópia de segurança"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:436
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:445
msgid "Archive name"
msgstr "Nome do ficheiro de arquivo"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:439
-msgid ""
-"Note: In order for backup file tracking to work, the archive name "
-"must begin with %s."
-msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:454
msgid "Replacement patterns:"
msgstr "Padrões de substituição"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:448
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:455
msgid "%d = Two digit day of the month, with leading zeros"
msgstr "%d = Dia do mês com dois dígitos, com zeros à esquerda"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:449
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:456
msgid "%j = Day of the month, without leading zeros"
msgstr "%j = Dia do mês, sem zeros à esquerda"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:450
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:457
msgid "%m = Day of the month, with leading zeros"
msgstr "%m = Dia do mês, com zeros à esquerda"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:451
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:458
msgid "%n = Representation of the month (without leading zeros)"
msgstr "%n = Representação do mês (sem zeros à esquerda)"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:452
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:459
msgid "%Y = Four digit representation for the year"
msgstr "%Y = Ano representado com quatro dígitos"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:453
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:460
msgid "%y = Two digit representation of the year"
msgstr "%y = Ano representado com dois dígitos"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:454
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:461
msgid "%a = Lowercase ante meridiem (am) and post meridiem (pm)"
msgstr "%a = Ante meridiem (am) e post meridiem (pm) em minúsculas"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:455
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:462
msgid "%A = Uppercase ante meridiem (AM) and post meridiem (PM)"
msgstr "%A = Ante meridiem (am) e post meridiem (pm) em maiúsculas"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:456
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:463
msgid "%B = Swatch Internet Time"
msgstr "%B = Hora da internet Swatch"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:457
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:464
msgid "%g = Hour in 12-hour format, without leading zeros"
msgstr "%g = Hora em formato de 12 horas, sem zeros à esquerda"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:458
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:465
msgid "%G = Hour in 24-hour format, without leading zeros"
msgstr "%G = Hora em formato de 24 horas, sem zeros à esquerda"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:459
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:466
msgid "%h = Hour in 12-hour format, with leading zeros"
msgstr "%h = Hora em formato de 12 horas, com zeros à esquerda"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:460
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:467
msgid "%H = Hour in 24-hour format, with leading zeros"
msgstr "%H = Hora em formato de 24 horas, com zeros à esquerda"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:461
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:468
msgid "%i = Two digit representation of the minute"
msgstr "%i = Minutos representados com dois dígitos"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:462
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:469
msgid "%s = Two digit representation of the second"
msgstr "%s = Segundos representados com dois dígitos"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:468 inc/class-page-editjob.php:471
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:468
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:471
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:475
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:478
msgid "Archive Format"
msgstr "Formato do ficheiro de arquivo"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:474 inc/class-page-editjob.php:476
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:426 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:476
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:426
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:426
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
msgid "Zip"
msgstr "Zip"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:477
-msgid "Disabled due to missing %s PHP class."
-msgstr "Desactivado devido à falta da classe PHP %s."
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:479 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:433
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:479
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:433
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:433
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:486
msgid "Tar"
msgstr "Tar"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481 inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:437 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:437
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:437
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:488
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
msgid "Tar GZip"
msgstr "Tar GZip"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:484 inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:484
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:491
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:498
msgid "Disabled due to missing %s PHP function."
msgstr "Desactivado devido à falta da função PHP %s."
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:487 inc/class-page-editjob.php:489
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:444 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:487
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:489
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:444
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:444
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:494
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:497
msgid "Tar BZip2"
msgstr "Tar BZip2"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:497
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:533
msgid "Job Destination"
msgstr "Destino da tarefa"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:501 inc/class-page-editjob.php:504
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:501
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:504
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:537
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:540
msgid "Where should your backup file be stored?"
msgstr "Onde deverá ser alojado o seu ficheiro de cópia de segurança?"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:522
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:558
msgid "Log Files"
msgstr "Ficheiros de registo"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:526
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:562
msgid "Send log to email address"
msgstr "Enviar registo para endereço de email"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:529
-msgid ""
-"Leave empty to not have log sent. Or separate with , for more than one "
-msgstr ""
-"Deixe em branco para não enviar o registo. Separe com vírgulas para enviar "
-"para mais do que um destinatário."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:565
+msgid "Leave empty to not have log sent. Or separate with , for more than one receiver."
+msgstr "Deixe em branco para não enviar o registo. Separe com vírgulas para enviar para mais do que um destinatário."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:533
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:569
msgid "Email FROM field"
msgstr "Email do REMETENTE"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:535
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:571
msgid "Your Name <mail@domain.tld>"
msgstr "Nome <email@dominio.tld>"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:539
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:575
msgid "Errors only"
msgstr "Somente erros"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:544
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:580
msgid "Send email with log only when errors occur during job execution."
-msgstr ""
-"Enviar email com registo apenas quando ocorrerem erros durante a execução da "
+msgstr "Enviar email com registo apenas quando ocorrerem erros durante a execução da tarefa."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:555
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:591
msgid "Job Schedule"
msgstr "Agenda de tarefas"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:559 inc/class-page-editjob.php:562
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:559
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:562
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:595
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:598
msgid "Start job"
msgstr "Iniciar tarefa"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:566
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:602
msgid "manually only"
msgstr "apenas manualmente"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:570
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:606
msgid "with WordPress cron"
msgstr "com o cron do WordPress"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:579
-msgid ""
-"with EasyCron.com"
-msgstr ""
-"com o EasyCron.com"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:615
+msgid "with EasyCron.com"
+msgstr "com o EasyCron.com"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:581
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:617
msgid "First setup API Key."
msgstr "Primeiro defina a Chave de API."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:590
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:626
msgid "with a link"
msgstr "com uma ligação"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:591
-msgid ""
-"Copy the link for an external start. This option has to be activated to make "
-"the link work."
-msgstr ""
-"Copie a ligação para iniciar a partir do exterior. Esta opção tem que estar "
-"activada para que a ligação funcione."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:627
+msgid "Copy the link for an external start. This option has to be activated to make the link work."
+msgstr "Copie a ligação para iniciar a partir do exterior. Esta opção tem que estar activada para que a ligação funcione."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:598
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:634
msgid "Start job with CLI"
msgstr "Iniciar tarefa com CLI"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:601
-msgid ""
-"Use WP-CLI to run jobs from commandline."
-msgstr ""
-"Utilize a WP-CLI para executar tarefas "
-"através da linha de comandos."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:637
+msgid "Use WP-CLI to run jobs from commandline."
+msgstr "Utilize a WP-CLI para executar tarefas através da linha de comandos."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:606
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:642
msgid "Schedule execution time"
msgstr "Calendário da execução"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:610 inc/class-page-editjob.php:613
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:610
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:613
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:646
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:649
msgid "Scheduler type"
msgstr "Tipo de calendário"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:617
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:653
msgid "basic"
msgstr "básico"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:621
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:657
msgid "advanced"
msgstr "avançado"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:650 inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:650
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:320
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:320
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:686
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:754
msgid "Scheduler"
msgstr "Calendário"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:655 inc/class-page-jobs.php:126
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:139 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:324
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:655
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:126
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:139
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:324
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:324
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:166
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:691
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:660 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:660
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:330
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:696
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "Hora"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:663 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:333
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:663
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:333
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:333
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:699
msgid "Minute"
msgstr "Minuto"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:667 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:337
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:667
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:337
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:337
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:703
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "mensal"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:669 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:339
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:669
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:339
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:339
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:705
msgid "on"
msgstr "dia"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:679 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:349
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:679
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:349
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:349
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:715
msgid "weekly"
msgstr "semanal"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:681 inc/class-page-editjob.php:788
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:681
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:788
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:351
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:351
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:717
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:824
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Domingo"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:682 inc/class-page-editjob.php:789
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:682
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:789
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:352
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:352
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:825
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Segunda"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:683 inc/class-page-editjob.php:790
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:683
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:790
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:353
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:353
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:719
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:826
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Terça"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:684 inc/class-page-editjob.php:791
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:684
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:791
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:354
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:354
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:720
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:827
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Quarta"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:685 inc/class-page-editjob.php:792
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:685
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:792
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:355
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:355
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:721
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:828
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Quinta"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:686 inc/class-page-editjob.php:793
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:686
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:793
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:356
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:356
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:722
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:829
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Sexta"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:687 inc/class-page-editjob.php:794
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:687
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:794
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:357
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:357
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:723
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:830
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Sábado"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:697 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:697
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:367
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:733
msgid "daily"
msgstr "diário"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:707 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:707
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:377
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:743
msgid "hourly"
msgstr "horário"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:721
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:757
msgid "Minutes:"
msgstr "Minutos:"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:723 inc/class-page-editjob.php:736
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:748 inc/class-page-editjob.php:762
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:723
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:736
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:748
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:762
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:784
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:759
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:772
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:798
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:820
msgid "Any (*)"
msgstr "Qualquer (*)"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:733
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:769
msgid "Hours:"
msgstr "Horas:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:746
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:782
msgid "Day of Month:"
msgstr "Dia do mês:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:760
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:796
msgid "Month:"
msgstr "Mês:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:766
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:802
msgid "January"
msgstr "Janeiro"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:767
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:803
msgid "February"
msgstr "Fevereiro"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:768
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:804
msgid "March"
msgstr "Março"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:769
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:805
msgid "April"
msgstr "Abril"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:770
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:806
msgid "May"
msgstr "Maio"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:771
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:807
msgid "June"
msgstr "Junho"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:772
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:808
msgid "July"
msgstr "Julho"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:773
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:809
msgid "August"
msgstr "Agosto"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:774
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:810
msgid "September"
msgstr "Setembro"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:775
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:811
msgid "October"
msgstr "Outubro"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:776
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:812
msgid "November"
msgstr "Novembro"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:777
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:813
msgid "December"
msgstr "Dezembro"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:782
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:818
msgid "Day of Week:"
msgstr "Dia da semana:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:818
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:854
msgid "Save changes"
msgstr "Guardar alterações"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:905
-msgid ""
-"Working as Cron schedule:"
-msgstr ""
-"A funcionar com agendamento do Cron:"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:941
+msgid "Working as Cron schedule:"
+msgstr "A funcionar com agendamento do Cron:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:914
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:950
msgid "ATTENTION: Job runs every %d minutes!"
msgstr "ATENÇÃO: A tarefa é executada a cada %d minutos!"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:918
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:954
msgid "ATTENTION: Can't calculate cron!"
msgstr "ATENÇÃO: Não é possível fazer o cálculo do cron!"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:921
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:957
msgid "Next runtime:"
msgstr "Próxima execução:"
@@ -3521,8 +4179,11 @@ msgstr "Próxima execução:"
msgid "No Jobs."
msgstr "Sem tarefas."
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:127 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:67
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:127
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:67
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:473
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:67
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:473
msgid "Destinations"
msgstr "Destinos"
@@ -3534,11 +4195,15 @@ msgstr "Próxima execução"
msgid "Last Run"
msgstr "Última execução"
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:172 inc/class-page-logs.php:200
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:172
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:200
+#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:221
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:228
msgid "Job ID: %d"
msgstr "ID da tarefa: %d"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:175
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:45
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editar"
@@ -3558,7 +4223,8 @@ msgstr "Desnecessário ou não definido"
msgid "Running for: %s seconds"
msgstr "Em execução há: %s segundos"
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:280 inc/class-page-jobs.php:289
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:280
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:289
msgid "Cron: %s"
msgstr "Cron: %s"
@@ -3600,29 +4266,23 @@ msgstr "Cópia de"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:431
msgid "The job \"%s\" destination \"%s\" is not configured properly"
-msgstr ""
-"A tarefa \"%s\" que tem como destino \"%s\" não está configurada "
+msgstr "A tarefa \"%s\" que tem como destino \"%s\" não está configurada correctamente"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:436
msgid "The job \"%s\" needs properly configured destinations to run!"
-msgstr ""
-"A tarefa \"%s\" tem que ter um destino configurado correctamente para poder "
+msgstr "A tarefa \"%s\" tem que ter um destino configurado correctamente para poder funcionar!"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:454
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Job “%s” has started, but not responded for 10 seconds."
-msgid ""
-"Job \"%s\" has started, but not responded for 10 seconds. Please check information."
+msgid "Job \"%s\" has started, but not responded for 10 seconds. Please check information."
msgstr "A tarefa \"%s\" foi iniciada, mas não respondeu durante 10 segundos."
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:459
msgid "Job \"%s\" started."
msgstr "Tarefa \"%s\" iniciada."
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:471 inc/class-wp-cli.php:59
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:471
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:59
msgid "Job will be terminated."
msgstr "A tarefa será interrompida."
@@ -3663,628 +4323,619 @@ msgid "Job completed"
msgstr "Tarefa concluída"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
-msgid ""
-"Job has done with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct "
-msgstr ""
-"A tarefa foi concluída com avisos em %s segundos. Por favor resolva-os para "
-"uma execução correcta."
+msgid "Job has done with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct execution."
+msgstr "A tarefa foi concluída com avisos em %s segundos. Por favor resolva-os para uma execução correcta."
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:113
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:138
msgid "No Logs."
msgstr "Sem registos."
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:138
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:165
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Estado"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:141
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:168
msgid "Runtime"
msgstr "Tempo de execução"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:202
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:230
msgid "View"
msgstr "Ver"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:251
msgid "1 ERROR"
msgid_plural "%d ERRORS"
msgstr[0] "1 ERRO"
msgstr[1] "%d ERROS"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:225
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:254
msgid "1 WARNING"
msgid_plural "%d WARNINGS"
msgstr[0] "1 AVISO"
msgstr[1] "%d AVISOS"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:228
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:257
msgid "O.K."
msgstr "O.K."
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:246
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:275
msgid "Log only"
msgstr "Apenas o registo"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:391
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:440
msgid "%s › Logs"
msgstr "%s › Registos"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:422
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:471
msgid "Logfile not found!"
msgstr "Ficheiro de registo não encontrado!"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:61
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:88
msgid "Settings reset to default"
msgstr "Definições repostas para os valores por omissão"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:104
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:194
msgid "Settings saved"
msgstr "Definições guardadas"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:115
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:209
msgid "%s › Settings"
msgstr "%s › Definições"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:220
msgid "Network"
msgstr "Rede"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:221
msgid "API Keys"
msgstr "Chaves de API"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:222
msgid "Information"
msgstr "Informações"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:135
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:241
msgid "Display Settings"
msgstr "Definições de visualização"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:136
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:242
msgid "Do you want to see BackWPup in the WordPress admin bar?"
msgstr "Quer ver o BackWPup na barra de administração do WordPress?"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:139
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:245
msgid "Admin bar"
msgstr "Barra de administração"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:142
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:250
msgid "Admin Bar"
msgstr "Barra de administração"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:145
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:258
msgid "Show BackWPup links in admin bar."
msgstr "Mostrar ligações do BackWPup na barra de administração."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:151 inc/class-page-settings.php:154
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:151
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:154
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:264
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:269
msgid "Folder sizes"
msgstr "Tamanho das pastas"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:157
-msgid ""
-"Display folder sizes in the files tab when editing a job. (Might increase "
-"loading time of files tab.)"
-msgstr ""
-"Mostrar tamanho das pastas no separador dos ficheiros quando editar uma "
-"tarefa. (Pode aumentar o tempo de carregamento do separador dos ficheiros.)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:277
+msgid "Display folder sizes in the files tab when editing a job. (Might increase loading time of files tab.)"
+msgstr "Mostrar tamanho das pastas no separador dos ficheiros quando editar uma tarefa. (Pode aumentar o tempo de carregamento do separador dos ficheiros.)"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:163
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:286
msgid "Security"
msgstr "Segurança"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:164
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:287
msgid "Security option for BackWPup"
msgstr "Opção de segurança do BackWPup"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:167 inc/class-page-settings.php:170
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:167
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:170
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:290
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:295
msgid "Protect folders"
msgstr "Proteger pastas"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:173
-msgid ""
-"Protect BackWPup folders ( Temp, Log and Backups ) with .htaccess"
-"code> and
-msgstr ""
-"Proteger pastas do BackWPup (temp, registo e cópias de segurança) com."
e index.php
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:304
+msgid "Protect BackWPup folders ( Temp, Log and Backups ) with .htaccess
and index.php
+msgstr "Proteger pastas do BackWPup (temp, registo e cópias de segurança) com.htaccess
e index.php
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:186
-msgid ""
-"Every time BackWPup runs a backup job, a log file is being generated. Choose "
-"where to store your log files and how many of them."
-msgstr ""
-"Cada vez que o BackWPup executa uma tarefa de cópia de segurança, é gerado "
-"um ficheiro de registo. Escolha onde guardar os seus ficheiros de registo e "
-"quantos quer manter."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:321
+msgid "Every time BackWPup runs a backup job, a log file is being generated. Choose where to store your log files and how many of them."
+msgstr "Cada vez que o BackWPup executa uma tarefa de cópia de segurança, é gerado um ficheiro de registo. Escolha onde guardar os seus ficheiros de registo e quantos quer manter."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:189
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:330
msgid "Log file folder"
msgstr "Pasta de ficheiros de registo"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:192
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:340
msgid "You can use absolute or relative path! Relative path is relative to %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Pode utilizar caminho relativo ou absoluto! O caminho relativo, é relativo à "
-"pasta definida por %s."
+msgstr "Pode utilizar caminho relativo ou absoluto! O caminho relativo, é relativo à pasta definida por %s."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:196
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:356
msgid "Maximum log files"
msgstr "Máximo de ficheiros de registo"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:199
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:363
msgid "Maximum log files in folder."
msgstr "Máximo de ficheiros de registos a manter na pasta."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:203 inc/class-page-settings.php:206
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:203
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:206
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:370
msgid "Compression"
msgstr "Compressão"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:209
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:381
msgid "Compress log files with GZip."
msgstr "Comprimir ficheiros de registo com GZip."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:215 inc/class-page-settings.php:218
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:215
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:218
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:392
msgid "Logging Level"
msgstr "Nível de registo"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:221
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:400
msgid "Normal (translated)"
msgstr "Normal (traduzido)"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:404
msgid "Normal (not translated)"
msgstr "Normal (não traduzido)"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:223
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:408
msgid "Debug (translated)"
msgstr "Depuração (traduzido)"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:224
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:412
msgid "Debug (not translated)"
msgstr "Depuração (não traduzido)"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:227
-msgid ""
-"Debug log has much more informations than normal logs. It is for support and "
-"should be handled carefully. For support is the best to use a not translated "
-"log file. Usage of not translated logs can reduce the PHP memory usage too."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:416
+msgid "Debug log has much more informations than normal logs. It is for support and should be handled carefully. For support is the best to use a not translated log file. Usage of not translated logs can reduce the PHP memory usage too."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:236
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:429
msgid "There are a couple of general options for backup jobs. Set them here."
-msgstr ""
-"Há algumas opções genéricas para as tarefas de cópia de segurança. Defina-as "
+msgstr "Há algumas opções genéricas para as tarefas de cópia de segurança. Defina-as aqui."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:239
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:437
msgid "Maximum number of retries for job steps"
msgstr "Número máximo de tentativas dos passos das tarefas."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:245
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:450
msgid "Maximum script execution time"
msgstr "Tempo máximo de execução do script"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:248
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:455
msgid "Maximum PHP Script execution time"
msgstr "Tempo máximo de execução do script PHP"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:251
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:462
msgid "seconds."
msgstr "segundos."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:252
-msgid ""
-"Job will restart before hitting maximum execution time. Restarts will be "
-"disabled on CLI usage. If ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
has been defined, "
-"WordPress Cron will be used for restarts, so it can take a while. 0 means no "
-msgstr ""
-"A tarefa será reiniciada após ultrapassar o tempo máximo de execução. O "
-"reinício será desactivado na utilização com CLI. Se tiver definido "
, será utilizado o WordPress Cron para "
-"reiniciar, isto poderá levar algum tempo. 0 significa sem máximo."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:464
+msgid "Job will restart before hitting maximum execution time. Restarts will be disabled on CLI usage. If ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
has been defined, WordPress Cron will be used for restarts, so it can take a while. 0 means no maximum."
+msgstr "A tarefa será reiniciada após ultrapassar o tempo máximo de execução. O reinício será desactivado na utilização com CLI. Se tiver definido ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
, será utilizado o WordPress Cron para reiniciar, isto poderá levar algum tempo. 0 significa sem máximo."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:259
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:476
msgid "Key to start jobs externally with an URL"
msgstr "Chave para iniciar tarefas a partir do exterior com um URL"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:263
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:484
msgid "Will be used to protect job starts from unauthorized person."
-msgstr ""
-"Será utilizado para impedir o início de tarefas por alguém sem autorização."
+msgstr "Será utilizado para impedir o início de tarefas por alguém sem autorização."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:267 inc/class-page-settings.php:270
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:267
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:270
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:492
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:497
msgid "Reduce server load"
msgstr "Reduzir carga do servidor"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:273
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:505
msgid "disabled"
msgstr "desactivado"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:274
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:509
msgid "minimum"
msgstr "mínimo"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:275
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:513
msgid "medium"
msgstr "médio"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:276
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:517
msgid "maximum"
msgstr "máximo"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:279
-msgid ""
-"This adds short pauses to the process. Can be used to reduce the CPU load."
-msgstr ""
-"Isto adiciona pequenas pausas ao processo. Pode ser utilizado para reduzir a "
-"carga do CPU."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:521
+msgid "This adds short pauses to the process. Can be used to reduce the CPU load."
+msgstr "Isto adiciona pequenas pausas ao processo. Pode ser utilizado para reduzir a carga do CPU."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:284
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:530
msgid "Empty output on working"
msgstr "Espaços durante a execução"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:287 inc/class-page-settings.php:290
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:287
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:290
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:535
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:546
msgid "Enable an empty Output on backup working."
-msgstr ""
-"Permitir a introdução de espaços durante a execução da cópia de segurança."
+msgstr "Permitir a introdução de espaços durante a execução da cópia de segurança."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:292
-msgid ""
-"This do an empty output on job working. This can help in some situations or "
-"can brake the working. You must test it."
-msgstr ""
-"Esta opção produz espaçamentos durante a execução da tarefa. Isto pode "
-"ajudar em algumas situações, ou pode prejudicar a execução. Deve testar "
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:549
+msgid "This do an empty output on job working. This can help in some situations or can brake the working. You must test it."
+msgstr "Esta opção produz espaçamentos durante a execução da tarefa. Isto pode ajudar em algumas situações, ou pode prejudicar a execução. Deve testar primeiro."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:297
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:558
msgid "Windows IIS compatibility"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:300 inc/class-page-settings.php:303
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:300
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:303
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:563
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:574
msgid "Enable compatibility with IIS on Windows."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:305
-msgid ""
-"There is a PHP bug (bug #43817), "
-"which is triggered on some versions of Windows and IIS. Checking this box "
-"will enable a workaround for that bug. Only enable if you are getting errors "
-"about “Permission denied” in your logs."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:577
+msgid "There is a PHP bug (bug #43817), which is triggered on some versions of Windows and IIS. Checking this box will enable a workaround for that bug. Only enable if you are getting errors about “Permission denied” in your logs."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:315
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:801
msgid "Authentication for %s
msgstr "Autenticação para %s
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:316
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:808
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "If you protected your blog with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess), or "
-#| "you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php, than use the authentication "
-#| "methods below."
-msgid ""
-"If you protected your blog with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess), or "
-"you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php, then use the authentication methods "
-msgstr ""
-"Se o seu blog está protegido com autenticação básica HTTP (.htaccess), ou se "
-"utilizou algum plugin para proteger o wp-cron.php, então utilize os métodos "
-"de autenticação abaixo."
+msgid "If you protected your blog with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess), or you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php, then use the authentication methods below."
+msgstr "Se o seu blog está protegido com autenticação básica HTTP (.htaccess), ou se utilizou algum plugin para proteger o wp-cron.php, então utilize os métodos de autenticação abaixo."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:322 inc/class-page-settings.php:325
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:322
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:325
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:824
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:829
msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "Método de autenticação"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:329
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:841
msgid "Basic auth"
msgstr "Autenticação básica"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:845
msgid "WordPress User"
msgstr "Utilizador do WordPress"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:331
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:849
msgid "Query argument"
msgstr "Argumento de query"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:338
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:860
msgid "Basic Auth Username:"
msgstr "Nome de utilizador da autenticação básica:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:344
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:877
msgid "Basic Auth Password:"
msgstr "Senha da autenticação básica:"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:349 inc/class-page-settings.php:352
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:349
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:352
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:891
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:894
msgid "Select WordPress User"
msgstr "Seleccione um utilizador do WordPress"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:368
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:927
msgid "Query arg key=value:"
msgstr "Chave do argumento de query=valor:"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387 inc/class-page-settings.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1066
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1070
msgid "Setting"
msgstr "Definição"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387 inc/class-page-settings.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1066
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1070
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Valor"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:389
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1115
msgid "WordPress version"
msgstr "Versão do WordPress"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:391
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1120
msgid "BackWPup version"
msgstr "Versão do BackWPup"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:391
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1124
msgid "Get pro."
msgstr "Obter a versão pro."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:393
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1126
msgid "BackWPup Pro version"
msgstr "Versão do BackWPup Pro"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:401
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1131
msgid "PHP version"
msgstr "Versão do PHP"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:402
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1141
msgid "MySQL version"
msgstr "Versão do MySQL"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:405 inc/class-page-settings.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:405
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1145
msgid "cURL version"
msgstr "Versão do cURL"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:406
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1149
msgid "cURL SSL version"
msgstr "Versão do cURL SSL"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1152
msgid "unavailable"
msgstr "indisponível"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:411
-msgid "WP-Cron url:"
-msgstr "URL do WP-Cron:"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:413
-msgid "Server self connect:"
-msgstr "Ligação ao próprio servidor:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:418
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1167
msgid "Not expected HTTP response:
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:420
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1174
msgid "WP Http Error: %s
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:422
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1180
msgid "Status-Code: %d
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:430
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1195
msgid "Content: %s
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:434
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1200
msgid "Response Test O.K."
msgstr "Teste de resposta O.K."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:438
-msgid "Temp folder:"
-msgstr "Pasta temporária:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:440
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1212
msgid "Temp folder %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "A pasta temporária %s não existe."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:442
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1217
msgid "Temporary folder %s is not writable."
msgstr "A pasta temporária %s não permite gravação."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:449
-msgid "Log folder:"
-msgstr "Pasta de registo:"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:451
-msgid "Logs folder %s not exist."
-msgstr "A pasta de registos %s não existe."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:453
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1236
msgid "Log folder %s is not writable."
msgstr "A pasta de registos %s não permite gravação."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:458
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1244
msgid "Server"
msgstr "Servidor"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:459
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1248
msgid "Operating System"
msgstr "Sistema operativo"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:460
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1252
msgid "PHP SAPI"
msgstr "PHP SAPI"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:461
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1260
msgid "Function Disabled"
msgstr "Função desactivada"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:465
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1256
msgid "Current PHP user"
msgstr "Utilizador actual de PHP"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:466
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1264
msgid "Maximum execution time"
msgstr "Tempo máximo de execução"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:468 inc/class-page-settings.php:470
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:468
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:470
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1278
msgid "Alternative WP Cron"
msgstr "WP Cron alternativo"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:468 inc/class-page-settings.php:472
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:468
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:472
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1280
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1288
msgid "On"
msgstr "Ligado"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:470 inc/class-page-settings.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:470
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1282
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1290
msgid "Off"
msgstr "Desligado"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:472 inc/class-page-settings.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:472
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1286
msgid "Disabled WP Cron"
msgstr "WP Cron desactivado"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:476 inc/class-page-settings.php:478
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:476
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:478
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1294
msgid "CHMOD Dir"
msgstr "CHMOD Dir"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:480
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1302
msgid "Server Time"
msgstr "Hora do servidor"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:481
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1307
msgid "Blog Time"
msgstr "Hora do blog"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:482
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1311
msgid "Blog Timezone"
msgstr "Fuso horário do blog"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:483
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1315
msgid "Blog Time offset"
msgstr "Acerto da hora do blog"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:483
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1317
msgid "%s hours"
msgstr "%s horas"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:484
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1322
msgid "Blog language"
msgstr "Idioma do blog"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:485
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1326
msgid "MySQL Client encoding"
msgstr "Codificação do cliente MySQL"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:488
-msgid "Blog charset"
-msgstr "Selecção de caracteres do blog"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:489
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1330
msgid "PHP Memory limit"
msgstr "Limite de memória do PHP"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:490
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1334
msgid "WP memory limit"
msgstr "Limite de memória do WP"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:491
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1338
msgid "WP maximum memory limit"
msgstr "Limite máximo de memória do WP"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:492
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1342
msgid "Memory in use"
msgstr "Memória em utilização"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:497
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1348
msgid "Disabled PHP Functions:"
msgstr "Funções do PHP desactivadas:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:502
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1353
msgid "Loaded PHP Extensions:"
msgstr "Extensões do PHP carregadas:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:514
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1089
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "Guardar alterações"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:516
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1094
msgid "Reset all settings to default"
msgstr "Repor todas as definições para os valores por omissão"
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:123
-msgid ""
-"With the upcoming major release, BackWPup will be requiring PHP version 5.3 "
-"or higher."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:125
-msgid "Currently, you are running PHP version 5.2."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:127 inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:162
-msgid "Please urgently read here!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:132
-msgid "Don't show again."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:164
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup has determined, your installation is still running on the old PHP "
-"5.2 version."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:167
-msgid ""
-"In order to ensure a fast and secure development for BackWPup, we will most "
-"likely not support PHP version 5.2 in our next version."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:168
-msgid ""
-"No need to worry, your host can update your PHP version relatively quickly "
-"and without any problems."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:169
-msgid ""
-"Otherwise you can continue to stay on this last version and do not update "
-"the plugin in the future!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:173
-msgid ""
-"If the response from PHP 5.2 users is surprisingly high, we will eventually "
-"keep support for PHP 5.2 for a while."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:176
-msgid "Cheers!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:177
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "BackWPup News"
-msgid "Your BackWPup Team!"
-msgstr "Notícias do BackWPup"
-#. Translators: This is the anchor text for an HTML link pointing to BackWPup
-#. contact page
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:205
-msgid "contact us"
-msgstr ""
-#. Translators: %s is replaced by an HTML link with text "contact us" pointing
-#. to BackWPup contact page
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:207
-msgid "If you would like to have PHP 5.2 supported, please %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:208
-msgid "https://backwpup.com/php52/"
-msgstr "https://backwpup.com/php52/"
#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:23
msgid "A job is already running."
msgstr "Já está a ser executada uma tarefa."
@@ -4305,1533 +4956,597 @@ msgstr "Nada para abortar!"
msgid "No job running"
msgstr "Nenhuma tarefa em execução"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:23
-msgid "Auth Code:"
-msgstr "Código de autenticação:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:26
-msgid "Get auth code"
-msgstr "Obter código de autenticação"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:33
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:294
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:299
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:30
-msgid "Login:"
-msgstr "Iniciar sessão:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:37
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:306
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:56
-msgid "Folder:"
-msgstr "Pasta:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:112
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to Dropbox …"
-msgstr "%d. Tentar sincronizar ficheiros com a Dropbox …"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:147
-msgid "Retrieving file list from Dropbox"
-msgstr "A obter a lista de ficheiros da Dropbox."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:161
-msgid "Upload changed files to Dropbox"
-msgstr "Carregar ficheiros alterados para a Dropbox"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:183
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Dropbox"
-msgstr "O ficheiro %s foi carregado para a Dropbox"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:211
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Dropbox"
-msgstr "Ficheiro %s extra carregado para a Dropbox."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:226
-msgid "Folder %s deleted from Dropbox"
-msgstr "A pasta %s foi eliminada da Dropbox"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:243
-msgid "File %s deleted from Dropbox"
-msgstr "O ficheiro %s foi eliminado da Dropbox"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:19
-msgid "Absolute path to folder for backup files:"
-msgstr "Caminho absoluto da pasta dos ficheiros de cópia de segurança:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:41
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:321
-msgid "Oldest files will be deleted first."
-msgstr "Os ficheiros mais antigos serão eliminados primeiro."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:87
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to folder …"
-msgstr "%d. Tentar sincronizar ficheiros com a pasta …"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:91
-msgid "Retrieving file list from folder"
-msgstr "A obter a lista de ficheiros da pasta."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:101
-msgid "Copy changed files to folder"
-msgstr "Copiar ficheiros alterados para a pasta"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:115
-msgid "File %s copied"
-msgstr "O ficheiro %s foi copiado"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:128
-msgid "Delete not existing files from folder"
-msgstr "Eliminar ficheiros não existentes da pasta."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:136
-msgid "Extra file %s copied"
-msgstr "Ficheiro %s extra copiado."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:152
-msgid "File %s deleted from folder"
-msgstr "O ficheiro %s foi eliminado da pasta"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:210
-msgid "Empty folder %s deleted"
-msgstr "A pasta vazia %s foi eliminada"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:17
-msgid "Hostname:"
-msgstr "Nome do servidor:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:25 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:23
-msgid "Username:"
-msgstr "Nome de utilizador:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:33
-msgid "Folder on server:"
-msgstr "Pasta no servidor:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:42
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:60
-msgid "Maximum number of backup files to keep in folder:"
-msgstr "Número máximo de ficheiros de cópia de segurança a manter na pasta:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:41
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:282
-msgid ""
-"Looks like you haven’t set up any API keys yet. Head over to Settings | API-Keys and get Google Drive all set up, then come back "
-msgstr ""
-"Parece que ainda não definiu quaisquer chaves de API. Visite a página Definições | Chaves de API e configure a Google Drive, "
-"depois volte a esta página."
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:118
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:112
+msgid "PHP cURL extension must be installed to use the full plugin functionality."
+msgstr "A extensão cURL do PHP tem que estar instalada para utilizar todas as funcionalidades do plugin."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:55
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:297
-msgid "Authenticate"
-msgstr "Autenticar"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:122
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:67
+msgctxt "%1 = extension name, %2 = file suffix"
+msgid "We recommend to install the %1$s extension to generate %2$s archives."
+msgstr "Recomendamos que instale a extensão %1$s para gerar ficheiros %2$s."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:62
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:302
-msgid "Reauthenticate"
-msgstr "Autenticar de novo"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:146
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:136
+msgctxt "Link to PHP manual"
+msgid "Please disable the deprecated PHP safe mode."
+msgstr "Por favor desactive o modo de segurança do PHP obsoleto."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:73
-msgid "Folder in Google Drive"
-msgstr "Pasta na Google Drive"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:154
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:146
+msgid "We recommend to install the PHP FTP extension to use the FTP backup destination."
+msgstr "Recomendamos que instale extensão FTP do PHP para utilizar FTP como destino de cópia de segurança."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:110
-msgid ""
-"Consider using trash to delete files. If trash is not enabled, files will be "
-"deleted permanently."
-msgstr ""
-"Considere a utilização do lixo para eliminar ficheiros. Se o lixo não "
-"estiver activo, os ficheiros serão eliminados permanentemente."
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:174
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:164
+msgid "The HTTP response test result is an error: \"%s\"."
+msgstr "O resultado do teste de resposta HTTP é um erro: \"%s\"."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:167
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:191
-msgid "GDrive: Authenticated."
-msgstr "GDrive: Autenticado."
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:178
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:175
+msgid "The HTTP response test result is a wrong HTTP status: %s. It should be status 200."
+msgstr "O resultado do teste de resposta HTTP é um estado de HTTP errado: %s. Deverá ser o estado 200."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:171
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:195
-msgid "GDrive: No refresh token received. Try to Authenticate again!"
-msgstr "GDrive: nenhum refresh token recebido. Tente autenticar de novo!"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:191
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:220
+msgid "WP-Cron seems to be broken. But it is needed to run scheduled jobs."
+msgstr "O WP-Cron parece não funcionar. É necessário para executar as tarefas agendadas."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:177
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:199
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:218
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:237
-msgid "GDrive API: %s"
-msgstr "API da GDrive: %s"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:196
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:194
+msgid "All tests passed without errors."
+msgstr "Todos os testes passaram sem erros."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:440
-msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to Google Drive …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Tentar enviar o ficheiro da cópia de segurança para a Google Drive "
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:202
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:239
+msgid "There are errors. Please correct them, or BackWPup cannot work."
+msgstr "Ocorreram erros. Por favor corrija-os, ou o BackWPup não poderá funcionar."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:468
-msgid "Uploading to Google Drive …"
-msgstr "A carregar para a Google Drive …"
+#. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
+#: inc/class-admin.php:381
+#: inc/class-admin.php:401
+#: inc/class-help.php:17
+#: inc/class-help.php:22
+#: inc/class-job.php:394
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:15
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:624
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:262
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:391
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:17
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:17
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:27
+#: inc/class-admin.php:510
+#: inc/class-admin.php:531
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1123
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:651
+#: inc/class-job.php:412
+msgid "http://backwpup.com"
+msgstr "http://backwpup.com"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:530
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Can not resume transfer backup to Google Drive!"
-msgid "Could not create resumable file transfer to Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-"Não é possível retomar a transferência da cópia de segurança para a Google "
+#. Author URI of the plugin/theme
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:17
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:19
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:19
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:29
+msgid "http://inpsyde.com"
+msgstr "http://inpsyde.com"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:574
-msgid "Can not resume transfer backup to Google Drive!"
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive-downloader.php:74
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:78
+msgid "Could not write data to file."
msgstr ""
-"Não é possível retomar a transferência da cópia de segurança para a Google "
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:641
-msgid "Error transfering file chunks to %s."
-msgstr "Erro ao transferir parte do ficheiro para %s."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:642
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:668
-msgid "Google Drive"
-msgstr "Google Drive"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:716
-msgid "One file deleted from Google Drive"
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Google Drive"
-msgstr[0] "Foi eliminado um ficheiro da Google Drive"
-msgstr[1] "Foram eliminados %d ficheiros da Google Drive"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:722
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1028
-msgid "Google Drive API: %s"
-msgstr "API da Google Drive: %s"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:849
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to Google Drive …"
-msgstr "%d. Tentar sincronizar ficheiros com a Google Drive …"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:874
-msgid "Syncing changed files to Google Drive"
-msgstr "A sincronizar os ficheiros alterados com o Google Drive"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:904
-msgid "File %s updated on Google Drive"
-msgstr "O ficheiro %s foi actualizado na Google Drive"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:925
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Google Drive"
-msgstr "O ficheiro %s foi carregado para a Google Drive"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:946
-msgid "File %s moved to trash in Google Drive"
-msgstr "O ficheiro %s foi movido para o lixo na Google Drive"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:949
-msgid "File %s deleted permanently in Google Drive"
-msgstr "O ficheiro %s foi eliminado permanentemente na Google Drive"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:995
-msgid "Extra file %s updated on Google Drive"
-msgstr "Ficheiro %s extra actualizado na Google Drive."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1017
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Google Drive"
-msgstr "Ficheiro %s extra carregado para a Google Drive."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:27
-msgid "Amazon Glacier"
-msgstr "Amazon Glacier"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:31
-msgid "Select a region:"
-msgstr "Seleccione uma região:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:33
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:235
-msgid "Amazon Glacier Region"
-msgstr "Região do Amazon Glacier"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:34
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:236
-msgid "US Standard"
-msgstr "EUA Standard"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:35
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:237
-msgid "US West (Northern California)"
-msgstr "EUA Oeste (Norte da Califórnia)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:36
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:238
-msgid "US West (Oregon)"
-msgstr "EUA Oeste (Oregon)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:37
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:239
-msgid "EU (Ireland)"
-msgstr "UE (Irlanda)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:38
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:240
-msgid "EU (Germany)"
-msgstr "UE (Alemanha)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:39
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:241
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
-msgstr "Ásia Pacífico (Tóquio)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:40
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:242
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
-msgstr "Ásia Pacífico (Seul)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:41
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"
-msgstr "Ásia Pacífico (Seul)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:42
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:244
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
-msgstr "Ásia Pacífico (Sidney)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:43
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:245
-msgid "South America (Sao Paulo)"
-msgstr "América do Sul (São Paulo)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:44
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:246
-msgid "China (Beijing)"
-msgstr "China (Pequim)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:50
-msgid "Amazon Access Keys"
-msgstr "Chaves de acesso da Amazon"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:69
-msgid "Vault"
-msgstr "Cofre"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:73
-msgid "Vault selection"
-msgstr "Selecção do cofre"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:85
-msgid "Create a new vault"
-msgstr "Criar um novo cofre"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:92
-msgid "Glacier Backup settings"
-msgstr "Definições de cópia de segurança do Glacier"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:108
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:264
-msgid ""
-"Number of files to keep in folder. (Archives deleted before 3 months after "
-"they have been stored may cause extra costs when deleted.)"
-msgstr ""
-"Número de ficheiros a manter na pasta. (Eliminar ficheiros de arquivo "
-"alojados há menos de 3 meses poderá originar custos acrescidos ao serem "
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:172
-msgid "No vault found!"
-msgstr "Nenhum cofre encontrado!"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:211
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:299
-msgid "Vault %1$s created."
-msgstr "Cofre %1$s criado."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:213
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:301
-msgid "Vault %s could not be created."
-msgstr "Não foi possível criar o cofre %s."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:234
-msgid "Select an Amazon Glacier region:"
-msgstr "Seleccione uma região do Amazon Glacier:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:243
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
-msgstr "Ásia Pacífico (Singapura)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:248
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:19 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:39
-msgid "Access Key:"
-msgstr "Chave de acesso:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:250
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:42
-msgid "Secret Key:"
-msgstr "Chave secreta:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:252
-msgid "Vault:"
-msgstr "Cofre:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:261
-msgid "New Vault:"
-msgstr "Novo cofre:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:341
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:456
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:475
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:518
-msgid "AWS API: %s"
-msgstr "API do AWS: %s"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:364
-msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to Amazon Glacier …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. A tentar enviar o ficheiro da cópia de segurança para o Amazon "
-"Glacier …"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:377
-msgid "Connected to Glacier vault \"%1$s\" with %2$d archives and size of %3$d"
-msgstr ""
-"Ligado ao cofre \"%1$s\" do Glacier com %2$d ficheiros de arquivo e com o "
-"tamanho de %3$d"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:379
-msgid "Glacier vault \"%s\" does not exist!"
-msgstr "O cofre \"%s\" do Glacier não existe!"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:385
-msgid "Starting upload to Amazon Glacier …"
-msgstr "A começar a carregar para o Amazon Glacier …"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:438
-msgid "Archive ID: %s"
-msgstr "ID do ficheiro de arquivo: %s"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:449 inc/pro/class-pro.php:92
-msgid "Glacier"
-msgstr "Glacier"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:508
-msgid "Cannot delete archive from %s."
-msgstr "Não é possível eliminar ficheiro de arquivo de %s."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:512
-msgid "One file deleted on vault."
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on vault"
-msgstr[0] "Foi eliminado um ficheiro do cofre"
-msgstr[1] "Foram eliminados %d ficheiros do cofre"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:17
-msgid "Account Name:"
-msgstr "Nome de conta:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:21
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:38
-msgid "Container:"
-msgstr "Container:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:28
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:47
-msgid "Create container:"
-msgstr "Criar container:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:30
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:49
-msgid "Folder in container:"
-msgstr "Pasta no container:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:119
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files with Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. A tentar sincronizar ficheiros com o Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:154
-msgid "Retrieving file list from MS Azure."
-msgstr "A obter a lista de ficheiros do MS Azure."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:170
-msgid "Upload changed files to MS Azure."
-msgstr "Carregar ficheiros alterados para o MS Azure."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:182
-msgid "File %s uploaded to MS Azure."
-msgstr "O ficheiro %s foi carregado para o MS Azure"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:208
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to MS Azure."
-msgstr "Ficheiro %s extra carregado para o Microsoft Azure."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:221
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on MS Azure."
-msgstr "Eliminar ficheiros não existentes no MS Azure."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:224
-msgid "File %s deleted from MS Azure."
-msgstr "O ficheiro %s foi eliminado do MS Azure."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:26
-msgid "API Key:"
-msgstr "Chave de API:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:29
-msgid "Select region:"
-msgstr "Seleccionar região:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:147
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files to Rackspace cloud …"
-msgstr "%d. A tentar sincronizar ficheiros com o Rackspace Cloud …"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:167
-msgid "Connected to Rackspace cloud files container %s."
-msgstr "Ligado ao container \"%s\" do Rackspace Cloud Files."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:181
-msgid "Retrieving files list from Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "A obter a lista de ficheiros do Rackspace Cloud."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:212
-msgid "Upload changed files to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Carregar ficheiros alterados para o Rackspace Cloud."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:230
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "O ficheiro %s foi carregado para o Rackspace Cloud"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:263
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Ficheiro %s extra carregado para o Rackspace Cloud."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:276
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Eliminar ficheiros não existentes no Rackspace Cloud."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:280
-msgid "File %s deleted from Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "O ficheiro %s foi eliminado da Rackspace Cloud."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:17
-msgid "Select a S3 service:"
-msgstr "Seleccione um Serviço S3:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:36
-msgid "or set an S3 Server URL:"
-msgstr "ou defina um URL dum servidor S3"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:45
-msgid "Bucket:"
-msgstr "Bucket:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:55
-msgid "New Bucket:"
-msgstr "Novo bucket:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:57
-msgid "Folder in bucket:"
-msgstr "Pasta no bucket:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:145
-msgid "Bucket %1$s created in %2$s."
-msgstr "O bucket %1$s foi criado em %2$s."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:169
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files to S3 Service …"
-msgstr "%d. A tentar sincronizar ficheiros com o Serviço S3 …"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:203
-msgid "Retrieving file list from S3."
-msgstr "A obter a lista de ficheiros de S3."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:265
-msgid "Upload changed files to S3."
-msgstr "Carregar ficheiros alterados para o S3."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:280
-msgid "File %s uploaded to S3."
-msgstr "O ficheiro %s foi carregado para o S3"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:308
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to S3."
-msgstr "Ficheiro %s extra carregado para o S3."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:321
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on S3"
-msgstr "Eliminar ficheiros não existentes em S3."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:328
-msgid "File %s deleted from S3."
-msgstr "O ficheiro %s foi eliminado de S3"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:24
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:82
-msgid "Sugarsync authenticate!"
-msgstr "Autenticação SugarSync!"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:34
-msgid "Root:"
-msgstr "Raiz:"
-#: inc/pro/class-export-jobs.php:12 inc/pro/class-export-jobs.php:23
-msgid "Export"
-msgstr "Exportar"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:27
-msgid "Check only WordPress Database tables"
-msgstr "Verificar apenas as tabelas da base de dados do WordPress"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:92
-msgid "Backup only WordPress Database tables"
-msgstr "Cópia de segurança apenas das tabelas da base de dados do WordPress"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:112
-msgid "Database connection"
-msgstr "Ligação à base de dados"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:116
-msgid "Use WordPress database connection."
-msgstr "Utilizar ligação à base de dados do WordPress."
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:120
-msgid "Host:"
-msgstr "Servidor:"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:123
-msgid "User:"
-msgstr "Utilizador:"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:130
-msgid "Charset:"
-msgstr "Conjunto de caracteres:"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:141
-msgid "Database:"
-msgstr "Base de dados:"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:169
-msgid "Database Backup type"
-msgstr "Tipo de cópia de segurança da base de dados"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
-msgid "SQL File (with mysqli)"
-msgstr "Ficheiro SQL (com mysqli)"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:174
-msgid "SQL File (with mysqldump)"
-msgstr "Ficheiro SQL (com mysqldump)"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:175
-msgid "XML File (phpMyAdmin schema)"
-msgstr "Ficheiro XML (estrutura phpMyAdmin)"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:181
-msgid "Path to mysqldump file"
-msgstr "Caminho para ficheiro mysqldump"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:190
-msgid ""
-"Path to mysqldump file, so a backup can be made with it. If it is correct "
-"and shell_exec is active, the backup will be generated with a "
-"system command. If shell_exec ist not active, this is disabled"
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive-downloader.php:102
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:122
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:137
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php:104
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:107
+msgid "File could not be opened for writing."
msgstr ""
-"Caminho para o ficheiro mysqldump, para que possa ser feita uma cópia de "
-"segurança. Se estiver correcto e o shell_exec estiver activo, a "
-"cópia de segurança será gerada com um comando do sistema. Se o "
-"shell_exec não estiver activo, esta opção manter-se-á desactivada."
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:580
-msgid "Added database backup \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:63
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1134
+msgid "Amazon S3: EU (London)"
msgstr ""
-"Foi adicionada a cópia de segurança da base de dados \"%1$s\" com %2$s à "
-"lista de ficheiros da cópia de segurança."
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:601
-msgid "%d. Try to backup MySQL system …"
-msgstr "%d. Tentar fazer a cópia de segurança do sistema MySQL …"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:608
-msgid ""
-"Executing of system commands not allowed. Please use backup with mysqli."
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:285
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:286
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:293
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step4_top.php:2
+msgid "Restore"
msgstr ""
-"Não é permitida a execução de comandos do sistema. Por favor, execute a "
-"cópia de segurança com mysqli."
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:613
-msgid "%s file not in open basedir of PHP."
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:77
+msgid "You must run WordPress version %1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %2$s now."
msgstr ""
-"O ficheiro %1$s não está dentro da pasta especificada em open_basedir no PHP."
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:618
-msgid "%s file not found. Please correct the path for the mysqldump file."
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:88
+msgid "We recommend to run a PHP version above %1$s to get the full plugin functionality. You are using version %2$s now."
msgstr ""
-"Não foi encontrado o ficheiro %s. Por favor corrija o caminho para o "
-"ficheiro mysqldump."
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:702
-msgctxt "Executed exec() command"
-msgid "CLI Exec: %s"
-msgstr "CLI executado: %s"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:712
-msgid "Usage error."
-msgstr "Erro de utilização."
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:713
-msgid ""
-"MySQL Server Error. This could be an issue with permissions. Try using "
-"database backup with mysqli."
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:100
+msgid "You must have the MySQLi extension installed and a MySQL server version of %1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %2$s now."
msgstr ""
-"Erro do servidor MySQL. Isto poderá ser um problema de permissões. Tente "
-"fazer uma cópia de segurança da base dados com mysqli."
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:714
-msgid "Error during consistency checks."
-msgstr "Ocorreu um erro ao verificar consistência."
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:715
-msgid "Not enough memory."
-msgstr "Sem memória suficiente."
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:716
-msgid "Error during writing of SQL backup file."
-msgstr "Erro ao gravar o ficheiro de cópia de segurança SQL."
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:717
-msgid "Illegal table"
-msgstr "Tabela ilegal"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:722
-msgid "mysqldump returned: (%d) %s"
-msgstr "O mysqldump devolveu: (%d) %s"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:735
-msgid "Can not create mysql backup with mysqldump command"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:193
+msgid "Yeah!"
msgstr ""
-"Não é possível criar cópia de segurança do MySQL com o comando mysqldump"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:781
-msgid "%d. Try to backup database as XML …"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:261
+msgid "There are some warnings. BackWPup will work, but with limitations."
msgstr ""
-"%d. Tentar fazer a cópia de segurança da base de dados em XML …"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:851
-msgctxt "Database Charset"
-msgid "Cannot set DB charset to %s"
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:104
+msgid "Cannot open FTP file for download."
msgstr ""
-"Não é possível definir a selecção de caracteres da base de dados para %s"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:880
-msgid "No tables for XML backup"
-msgstr "Nenhuma tabela para cópia de segurança em XML"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:916
-msgid "Dump database create view \"%s\""
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:64
+msgid "Could not read data from source file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:934
-msgid "Backup database structure \"%s\" to XML"
-msgstr "Cópia de segurança da estrutura da base de dados \"%s\" para XML"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:976
-msgid "Backup table \"%s\" data to XML"
-msgstr "Cópia de segurança dos dados da tabela \"%s\" para XML"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:1044
-msgid "Added database XML dump \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:69
+msgid "Could not write data into target file."
msgstr ""
-"Foi adicionado o ficheiro dump em XML da base de dados \"%1$s\" com %2$s à "
-"lista de ficheiros da cópia de segurança."
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:1047
-msgid "Database XML backup done!"
-msgstr "Foi concluída a cópia de segurança da base de dados em XML!"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:19
-msgid "Backup WordPress main files"
-msgstr "Cópia de segurança dos ficheiros principais do WordPress"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:23
-msgid "Backup blog content folder"
-msgstr "Cópia de segurança da pasta de conteúdos do blog"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:27
-msgid "Backup blog plugins"
-msgstr "Cópia de segurança dos plugins do blog"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:31
-msgid "Backup blog themes"
-msgstr "Cópia de segurança dos temas do blog"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:35
-msgid "Backup blog uploads folder"
-msgstr "Cópia de segurança da pasta de carregamentos do blog"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
-msgid "Items to export:"
-msgstr "Itens a exportar:"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:13
-msgid "Nothing to configure"
-msgstr "Nada para configurar"
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:130
-msgid "No BackWPup Wizard Session found!"
-msgstr "Nenhuma sessão de assistente do BackWPup encontrada!"
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:143 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:461
-msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Cancelar"
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:179 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:456
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:488
-msgid "Next ›"
-msgstr "Seguinte ›"
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:196 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:452
-msgid "‹ Previous"
-msgstr "‹ Anterior"
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:349
-msgctxt "Plugin Name"
-msgid "%s › Wizards"
-msgstr "%s › Assistentes"
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:388
-msgctxt "Plugin Name"
-msgid "%s Wizard:"
-msgstr "Assistente do %s:"
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:464
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "Voltar à vista geral"
-#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:111
-msgid "GDrive"
-msgstr "GDrive"
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:96
+msgid "File could not be opened for reading."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:164 inc/pro/class-pro.php:190
-msgid "Wizards"
-msgstr "Assistentes"
+#. translators: $1 is the path of the local file where the backup will be stored
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:141
+msgid "%s is a directory not a file."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:45
-msgid "Hash key"
-msgstr "Chave hash"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:102
+msgid "Multipart splits file into multiple chunks while uploading.
This is necessary for displaying the upload process and to transfer bigger files.
Don't work with Google or Dreamhost."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:46
-msgid ""
-"Hash Key for BackWPup. It will be used to have hashes in folder and file "
-"names. It must at least 6 chars long."
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:408
+msgid "« Go back"
msgstr ""
-"Chave hasg para o BackWPup. Será utilizada para ter hashes em nomes de "
-"pastas e de ficheiros. Tem que ter pelo menos 6 caracteres de comprimento."
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:49
-msgid "Hash key:"
-msgstr "Chave hash:"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:501
+msgid "Please wait …"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:73
-msgid "Dropbox API Keys"
-msgstr "Chaves de API da Dropbox"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:504
+msgid "Your download is being generated …"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:74
-msgid ""
-"If you want to set your own Dropbox API Keys, you can do it here. Leave "
-"empty for default."
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:510
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:15
+msgid "Please enter your private key to decrypt your backup."
msgstr ""
-"Se quiser definir as suas próprias chaves de API da Dropbox, pode fazê-lo "
-"aqui. Deixe em branco para valores por omissão."
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:77
-msgid "Full Dropbox App key:"
-msgstr "Chave da aplicação Dropbox completa:"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:512
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:17
+msgid "The private key you entered was invalid. Please try again."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:88
-msgid "Full Dropbox App secret:"
-msgstr "Segredo da aplicação Dropbox completa:"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:515
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:742
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:773
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:20
+msgid "Private Key"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:100
-msgid "Sandbox App key:"
-msgstr "Chave da aplicação Sandbox:"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:522
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:25
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:111
-msgid "Sandbox App secret:"
-msgstr "Segredo da aplicação Sandbox:"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:527
+msgid "Your download has been generated. It should begin downloading momentarily."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:131
-msgid "SugarSync API Keys"
-msgstr "Chaves de API de SugarSync"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:575
+msgid "Seems is not possible to store your private key, be sure the directory %s is writable."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:132
-msgid ""
-"If you want to set your own SugarSync API keys you can do that here. Leave "
-"empty for default."
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:114
+msgid "Functions for bz2 compression not available."
msgstr ""
-"Se quiser definir as suas próprias chaves de API de SugarSync, pode fazê-lo "
-"aqui. Deixe em branco para valores por omissão."
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:135
-msgid "Access Key ID:"
-msgstr "ID da chave de acesso:"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:311
+msgid "File name cannot be empty."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:143
-msgid "Private Access Key:"
-msgstr "Chave de acesso privada:"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:751
+msgid "Cannot open source file %s for archiving. Writing an empty file."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:154
-msgid "App ID:"
-msgstr "ID da app:"
+#. translators: $1 is the filename to add into the archive.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:1006
+msgid "Cannot open source file %s."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:175
-msgid "Google API Keys"
-msgstr "Chaves de API do Google"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:39
+msgid "Please enter a public key first, or generate a key pair."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:179
-msgid "Client ID:"
-msgstr "ID do cliente:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:40
+msgid "Please enter your private key."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:191
-msgid "Client secret:"
-msgstr "Segredo do cliente:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:41
+msgid "Public key is valid."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:202
-msgid "Redirect URIs:"
-msgstr "URIs de redireccionamento:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:42
+msgid "Public key is invalid."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:206
-msgid "Add this URI in a new line to the field."
-msgstr "Adicionar este URI ao campo numa nova linha."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:43
+msgid "Please download the private key before continuing. If you do not save it locally, you cannot decrypt your backups later."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:15
-msgid "Create a job"
-msgstr "Criar uma tarefa"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:217
+msgid "Encryption"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:16
-msgid "Choose a job"
-msgstr "Escolher uma tarefa"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:593
+msgid "Here you can set your keys for encrypting your backups."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:41
-msgid "Job Types"
-msgstr "Tipos de tarefas"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:601
+msgid "If you select symmetric encryption (default), you can generate a 256-bit key by clicking Generate Key
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:41
-msgid "Select a task for your job."
-msgstr "Seleccione uma subtarefa para a sua tarefa de cópia de segurança."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:611
+msgid "If you select asymmetric encryption (more secure), you must have an RSA public/private key pair. You would enter the public key in the Public Key
field. If you do not have a key pair, click Generate Key Pair
and they will be generated for you."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:61
-msgid "Archive Settings"
-msgstr "Definições do ficheiro de arquivo"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:621
+msgid "Note: You will be asked to download the keys for safe storage. We do not keep a copy of the private key, so if you lose this, your data cannot be decrypted!"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:62
-msgid "Settings for the Backup Archive"
-msgstr "Definições do ficheiro de arquivo de cópia de segurança"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:631
+msgid "You can also click Validate
to validate that you have the proper private key for the given public key."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:68
-msgid "Where would you like to store the backup file?"
-msgstr "Onde gostaria de guardar o ficheiro da cópia de segurança?"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:642
+msgid "Encryption Type"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:82 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:314
-msgid "Scheduling"
-msgstr "Agendamento"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:649
+msgid "Symmetric (public key only)"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:82
-msgid "When would you like to start the job?"
-msgstr "Quando gostaria de iniciar a tarefa?"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:655
+msgid "Asymmetric (public and private key)"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:255
-msgid "Select one or more tasks for your backup job."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:661
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:667
+msgid "Encryption Key"
msgstr ""
-"Seleccione uma ou mais subtarefas para a sua tarefa de cópia de segurança."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:315
-msgid "Activate scheduling"
-msgstr "Activar agendamento"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:672
+msgid "Key"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:409
-msgid "Sync file by file to destination"
-msgstr "Sincronizar ficheiro a ficheiro com o destino"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:684
+msgid "Click below to generate a random key."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:420
-msgid "Select a compression type for the backup archive"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:687
+msgid "Generate Key"
msgstr ""
-"Seleccione um tipo de compressão para o ficheiro de arquivo da cópia de "
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:423
-msgid "Archive compression type"
-msgstr "Tipo de compressão do ficheiro de arquivo"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:696
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:701
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:762
+msgid "Public Key"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:427
-msgid ""
-"PHP Zip functions will be used if available (memory lees). Else PCLZip Class "
-"will used."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:704
+msgid "RSA Public Key"
msgstr ""
-"As funções PHP Zip serão utilizadas caso estejam disponíveis (precisam de "
-"menos memória). Caso contrário será utilizada a classe PCLZip."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:430 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:441
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:449
-msgid "Disabled because missing PHP function."
-msgstr "Desactivado devido à falta de uma função PHP."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:716
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:717
+msgid "Generate Key Pair"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:433 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:434
-msgid "Tar (fast and memory less) uncompressed"
-msgstr "Tar (rápido e menos memória) sem compressão"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:722
+msgid "Validate Key"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:437 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:438
-msgid "A tared and GZipped archive (fast and memory less)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:723
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:748
+msgid "Validate"
msgstr ""
-"Um ficheiro de arquivo com compressão Tar GZip (rápido e menos memória)"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:445
-msgid "A tared and BZipped archive (fast and memory less)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:735
+msgid "Enter your private key below to validate it will work with the provided public key."
msgstr ""
-"Um ficheiro de arquivo com compressão Tar BZip (rápido e menos memória)"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:470
-msgid "Where to store the files"
-msgstr "Onde alojar os ficheiros"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:738
+msgid "The private key will not be stored, so you must still securely store it yourself."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:661
-msgid "Wizard: %1$s"
-msgstr "Assistente: %1$s"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:754
+msgid "Your keys are being generated. Please hold a moment …"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:680
-msgid "New job %s generated."
-msgstr "Foi gerada a nova tarefa %s."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:758
+msgid "Here are your keys. Please store them in a safe location."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:692
-msgid "Create Job"
-msgstr "Criar tarefa"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:783
+msgid "Please download at least your private key above, as we will not store this key, and if you lose it, your backups cannot be decrypted."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:717 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:718
-msgid "Database Backup and XML Export (Daily)"
-msgstr "Cópia de segurança da base de dados e exportação em XML (diário)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:786
+msgid "Click the button below to use these keys and paste the public key into the RSA public key field above."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:735 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:736
-msgid "Database Check (Weekly)"
-msgstr "Verificação da base de dados (semanal)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:790
+msgid "Use These Keys"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:760 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:761
-msgid "Backup all files"
-msgstr "Cópia de segurança de todos os ficheiros"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:955
+msgid "Experiencing an issue and need to contact BackWPup support? Click the link below to get debug information you can send to us."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:775
-msgid "Essential files + list of plugins"
-msgstr "Ficheiros essenciais + lista de plugins"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:962
+msgid "Debug Info"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:776
-msgid "Backup essential files and folders, plus a list of installed plugins."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:966
+msgid "Get Debug Info"
msgstr ""
-"Cópia de segurança dos ficheiros e pastas essenciais, bem como uma lista dos "
-"plugins instalados."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:791 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:792
-msgid "Custom configuration"
-msgstr "Configuração personalizada"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:973
+msgid "You will find debug information below. Click the button to copy the debug info to send to support."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:14
-msgid "XML job import"
-msgstr "Importação de tarefas em XML"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:981
+msgid "Note: Would you like faster, more streamlined support? Pro users can contact BackWPup from right within the plugin."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:15
-msgid "Wizard for importing BackWPup jobs from an XML file"
-msgstr "Assistente para importar tarefas do BackWPup a partir dum ficheiro XML"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:988
+msgid "https://backwpup.com"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:32 inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:101
-msgid "Import"
-msgstr "Importar"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:989
+msgid "Get Pro"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:45
-msgid "Import File"
-msgstr "Importar ficheiro"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1000
+msgid "Copy Debug Info"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:45
-msgid "Upload XML job file for import"
-msgstr "Carregue o ficheiro de tarefas em XML para importar"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1005
+msgid "Debug info copied to clipboard."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:46
-msgid "Select items to import"
-msgstr "Seleccione itens a importar"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1013
+msgid "Could not copy debug info. You can simply press ctrl+C to copy it."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:46
-msgid "Select which job should be imported or overwritten."
-msgstr "Seleccione que tarefas deverão ser importadas ou substituídas."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1156
+msgid "WP-Cron url"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:67
-msgid ""
-"Please upload your BackWPup job XML export file and we’ll import the "
-"jobs into BackWPup."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1160
+msgid "Server self connect"
msgstr ""
-"Por favor carregue o seu ficheiro de tarefas do BackWPup exportadas em XML e "
-"importaremos as tarefas para o BackWPup."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:69
-msgid "Choose a file from your computer:"
-msgstr "Escolha um ficheiro do seu computador:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1166
+msgid "Not expected HTTP response:"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:69
-msgid "Maximum size: %s"
-msgstr "Tamanho máximo: %s"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1170
+msgid "WP Http Error: %s"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:92
-msgid "Import Jobs"
-msgstr "Importar tarefas"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1178
+msgid "Status-Code: %d"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:95
-msgid "Import Type"
-msgstr "Tipo de importação"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1193
+msgid "Content: %s"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:96
-msgid "No Import"
-msgstr "Não importar"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1209
+msgid "Temp folder"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:99
-msgid "Overwrite"
-msgstr "Substituir"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1225
+msgid "Log folder"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:99
-msgid "Append"
-msgstr "Acrescentar"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1231
+msgid "Log folder %s does not exist."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:114
-msgid "Import Config"
-msgstr "Importar configuração"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1266
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1273
+msgid "%d seconds"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:117
-msgid "Import BackWPup configuration"
-msgstr "Importar configuração do BackWPup"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1271
+msgid "BackWPup maximum script execution time"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:142
-msgid ""
-"File is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error could "
-"also caused by uploads being disabled in your php.ini or by post_max_size "
-"being defined as smaller than upload_max_filesize in php.ini."
+#: inc/class-download-file.php:135
+msgid "Invalid file name, seems file include invalid characters."
msgstr ""
-"O ficheiro está vazio. Por favor carregue algo mais substancial. Este erro "
-"também pode ser causado devido aos carregamentos estarem desactivados no seu "
-"php.ini, ou porque o valor de post_max_size é inferior ao "
-"upload_max_filesize no php.ini."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:157
-msgid ""
-"The export file could not be found at %s
. This is likely due to "
-"an issue with permissions."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:614
+msgid "Restore from Folder"
msgstr ""
-"O ficheiro de exportação não foi encontrado em %s
. Isto é "
-"provavelmente um problema de permissões."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:164
-msgid "Sorry, there has been a phrase error."
-msgstr "Desculpe, ocorreu um erro de frase."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:619
+msgid "Restore from Google Drive"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:171
-msgid ""
-"This Export file (version %s) may not be supported by this version of the "
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:624
+msgid "Restore from Amazon S3"
msgstr ""
-"Este ficheiro de exportação (versão %s) poderá não ser suportado por esta "
-"versão do importador."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:177
-msgid "This is not a BackWPup XML file"
-msgstr "Este não é um ficheiro de XML do BackWPup"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:629
+msgid "Restore from Dropbox"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:243
-msgid "Job %1$s with id %2$d imported"
-msgstr "A tarefa %1$s com ID %2$d foi importada"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:634
+msgid "Restore from FTP"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:251
-msgid "BackWPup config imported"
-msgstr "Configurações do BackWPup importadas"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:71
+msgid "Could not write data to file. Empty source file."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:14
-msgid "System Test"
-msgstr "Teste do sistema"
+#: inc/class-job.php:332
+msgid "Encrypts the archive"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:15
-msgid "Wizard to test if BackWPup can work properly"
-msgstr "Assistente para testar se o BackWPup está a funcionar correctamente"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1689
+msgid "No encryption key was provided. Aborting encryption."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:32
-msgid "Run tests"
-msgstr "Executar testes"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1696
+msgid "%d. Trying to encrypt archive …"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:45
-msgid "Environment"
-msgstr "Ambiente"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1706
+msgid "Cannot open the archive for reading. Aborting encryption."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:45
-msgid "System Environment"
-msgstr "Ambiente do sistema"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1712
+msgid "Cannot write the encrypted archive. Aborting encryption."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:59
-msgid "Test if BackWPup can work without problems."
-msgstr "Testar se o BackWPup funciona sem problemas."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1769
+msgid "Encrypted %s of data."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:99
-msgid ""
-"You must run WordPress version 3.4 or higher to use this plugin. You are "
-"using version %s now."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1773
+msgid "Unable to delete unencrypted archive."
msgstr ""
-"Tem que utilizar o WordPress versão 3.4 ou superior para poder utilizar este "
-"plugin. Actualmente está a utilizar a versão %s."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:104
-msgid ""
-"You must run PHP version 5.2.6 or higher to use this plugin. You are using "
-"version %s now."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1777
+msgid "Unable to rename encrypted archive."
msgstr ""
-"Tem que utilizar o PHP versão 5.2.6 ou superior para poder utilizar este "
-"plugin. Actualmente está a utilizar a versão %s."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:108
-msgid ""
-"We recommend to run a PHP version above 5.3.2 to get the full plugin "
-"functionality. You are using version %s now."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1782
+msgid "Archive has been successfully encrypted."
msgstr ""
-"Recomendamos que utilize uma versão do PHP superior a 5.3.2 para obter todas "
-"as funções do plugin. Actualmente está a utilizar a versão %s."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:113
-msgid ""
-"You must have the MySQLi extension installed and a MySQL server version of "
-"5.0.7 or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %s now."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2451
+msgid "exec command is not active."
msgstr ""
-"Tem que ter a extensão MySQLi instalada e um servidor MySQL versão 5.0.7 ou "
-"superior para poder utilizar este plugin. Actualmente está a utilizar a "
-"versão %s."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:118
-msgid ""
-"PHP cURL extension must be installed to use the full plugin functionality."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2456
+msgid "mysqldump binary not found."
msgstr ""
-"A extensão cURL do PHP tem que estar instalada para utilizar todas as "
-"funcionalidades do plugin."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:122
-msgctxt "%1 = extension name, %2 = file suffix"
-msgid "We recommend to install the %1$s extension to generate %2$s archives."
-msgstr "Recomendamos que instale a extensão %1$s para gerar ficheiros %2$s."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:448
+msgid "Note: In order for backup file tracking to work, %hash% must be included anywhere in the archive name."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:146
-msgctxt "Link to PHP manual"
-msgid "Please disable the deprecated PHP safe mode."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:452
+msgid "Preview: "
msgstr ""
-"Por favor desactive o modo de segurança do PHP obsoleto."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:154
-msgid ""
-"We recommend to install the PHP FTP extension to use the FTP backup "
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:484
+msgid "ZipArchive PHP class is missing, so BackWPUp will use PclZip instead."
msgstr ""
-"Recomendamos que instale extensão FTP do PHP para utilizar FTP como destino "
-"de cópia de segurança."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:174
-msgid "The HTTP response test result is an error: \"%s\"."
-msgstr "O resultado do teste de resposta HTTP é um erro: \"%s\"."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:495
+msgid "Not supported yet by the automatic restore functionality"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:178
-msgid ""
-"The HTTP response test result is a wrong HTTP status: %s. It should be "
-"status 200."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:506
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:511
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:520
+msgid "Encrypt Archive"
msgstr ""
-"O resultado do teste de resposta HTTP é um estado de HTTP errado: %s. Deverá "
-"ser o estado 200."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:191
-msgid "WP-Cron seems to be broken. But it is needed to run scheduled jobs."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:524
+msgid "You must generate your encryption key in BackWPup Settings before you can enable this option."
msgstr ""
-"O WP-Cron parece não funcionar. É necessário para executar as tarefas "
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:196
-msgid "All tests passed without errors."
-msgstr "Todos os testes passaram sem erros."
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:56
+msgid "Cannot open the archive for reading."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:199
-msgid ""
-"There is no error, but some warnings. BackWPup will work, but with "
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:82
+msgid "Cannot write the encrypted archive."
msgstr ""
-"Não ocorreu nenhum erro, mas tem alguns avisos. O backWPup vai funcionar, "
-"mas com limitações."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:202
-msgid "There are errors. Please correct them, or BackWPup cannot work."
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:162
+msgid "Private key invalid."
msgstr ""
-"Ocorreram erros. Por favor corrija-os, ou o BackWPup não poderá funcionar."
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/CronController.php:80
-msgid "Every %d days"
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:321
+msgid "Could not log in to FTP server."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/FrontController.php:143
-msgid "%s needs your help"
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:735
+msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created! Parent directory may be not writable."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/FrontController.php:144
-msgid "Help %s"
+#: backwpup.php:573
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:573
+msgid "BackWPup requires PHP version %$1s with spl extension or greater and WordPress %$2s or greater."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:28
-msgid "Yes, I agree."
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:7
+msgid "Uploading Archive..."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:45
-msgid "I have to think about that, ask me later."
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:8
+msgid "Restoring: Directories ..."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:62
-msgid "Please no. Don't ask me again."
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:9
+msgid "Restoring: Database ..."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:84
-msgid "More info"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:10
+msgid "Extracting Archive please be patient ..."
msgstr ""
-#. Plugin Name of the plugin/theme
-msgid "BackWPup Pro"
-msgstr "BackWPup Pro"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:11
+msgid "Downloading Archive..."
+msgstr ""
-#. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
-#: inc/class-admin.php:381 inc/class-admin.php:401 inc/class-help.php:17
-#: inc/class-help.php:22 inc/class-job.php:394 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:15
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:15 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:15
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:15 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:15
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:624 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:262 inc/class-page-settings.php:391
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:17 inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:16
-msgid "http://backwpup.com"
-msgstr "http://backwpup.com"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:12
+msgid "Database restored successfully."
+msgstr ""
-#. Description of the plugin/theme
-msgid "WordPress Backup Plugin"
-msgstr "Plugin de cópia de segurança do WordPress"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:13
+msgid "Ops! There was an error during database restore. Please see the log for more information."
+msgstr ""
-#. Author of the plugin/theme
-msgid "Inpsyde GmbH"
-msgstr "Inpsyde GmbH"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:17
+msgid "Restoring: "
+msgstr ""
-#. Author URI of the plugin/theme
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:17 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:17
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:17 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:17 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:19
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18 inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:18
-msgid "http://inpsyde.com"
-msgstr "http://inpsyde.com"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:18
+msgid "No EventSource found in the brower. Cannot continue."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "To email address"
-#~ msgstr "Endereço de email do destinatário"
-#~ msgctxt "MarketPress URL part, should be .de for German languages"
-#~ msgid "marketpress.com"
-#~ msgstr "marketpress.com"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Whoops! The license key you have entered appears not to "
-#~ "be valid. You can always get your valid key from your Downloads page at "
-#~ "%s. Automatic updates for this plugin have been disabled until you enter "
-#~ "a valid key."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ups! A chave de licença que introduziu parece não ser "
-#~ "válida. Pode sempre obter a sua chave válida a partir da sua página "
-#~ "Downloads em %s. As actualizações automáticas para este plugin foram "
-#~ "desactivadas até que introduza uma chave válida."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "All is fine. You are using a valid license key from %s "
-#~ "for this plugin. If you need to enter a new key, just override the "
-#~ "current one and save."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Está tudo bem. Está a utilizar uma chave de licença "
-#~ "válida de %s para este plugin. Se precisar de introduzir uma nova chave, "
-#~ "substitua a actual e guarde as alterações."
-#~ msgid "Enter a valid license key from %s below."
-#~ msgstr "Introduza uma chave de licença válida de %s abaixo."
-#~ msgid "Help! I need to retrieve my key."
-#~ msgstr "Ajuda! Preciso de recuperar a minha chave."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Whoops! The license key you have entered appears not to "
-#~ "be valid. Automatic updates for this plugin have been disabled until you "
-#~ "enter a valid key."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ups! A chave de licença que introduziu parece não ser "
-#~ "válida. As actualizações automáticas para este plugin foram desactivadas "
-#~ "até que introduza uma chave válida."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "All is fine. You are using a valid license key from %s "
-#~ "for this plugin. If you need to enter a new key, just override the "
-#~ "current one and save. Or just delete it to make it "
-#~ "disappear."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Está tudo bem. Está a utilizar uma chave de licença "
-#~ "válida de %s para este plugin. Se precisar de introduzir uma nova chave, "
-#~ "substitua a actual e guarde as alterações. Ou simplesmente elimine-a para a fazer desaparecer."
-#~ msgid "Your license status"
-#~ msgstr "Estado da sua licença"
-#~ msgid "License key has been deleted."
-#~ msgstr "A chave de licença foi eliminada."
-#~ msgid "License activated successfully."
-#~ msgstr "A licença foi activada com sucesso."
-#~ msgid "License cannot be activated."
-#~ msgstr "A licença não pode ser activada."
-#~ msgid "The license key you have entered is not correct."
-#~ msgstr "A chave de licença que introduziu não está correcta."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You have reached the limit of URLs included in your license. Please "
-#~ "update your license at %s."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Atingiu o limite de URLs incluídos na sua licença. Por favor actualize a "
-#~ "sua licença em %s."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Something went wrong. Please try again later or contact the support staff "
-#~ "at %s."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Algo correu mal. Por favor tente de novo ou contacte o suporte em %s."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Your license does not appear to be valid for this plugin. Please update "
-#~ "your license at %s."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "A sua licença não parece ser válida para este plugin. Por favor actualize "
-#~ "a sua licença em %s."
-#~ msgid "https://marketpress.com/product/backwpup-pro"
-#~ msgstr "https://marketpress.com/product/backwpup-pro"
-#~ msgctxt "BackWPup News RSS Feed URL"
-#~ msgid "https://marketpress.com/tag/backwpup/feed/"
-#~ msgstr "https://marketpress.com/tag/backwpup/feed/"
-#~ msgid "GreenQloud Storage Qloud"
-#~ msgstr "GreenQloud Storage Qloud"
-#~ msgid "Safe Mode"
-#~ msgstr "Modo de segurança"
-#~ msgid "License Key"
-#~ msgstr "Chave da licença"
-#~ msgid "Activate"
-#~ msgstr "Activar"
-#~ msgid "Support"
-#~ msgstr "Suporte"
-#~ msgid "News"
-#~ msgstr "Notícias"
-#~ msgid "Loading Menu ..."
-#~ msgstr "A carregar menu ..."
-#~ msgid "Could not connect to remote host. Please try again later."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Não foi possível ligar ao servidor remoto. Por favor, tente de novo mais "
-#~ "tarde."
-#~ msgid "Loading Content ..."
-#~ msgstr "A carregar conteúdo ..."
-#~ msgid "Google Storage (Interoperable Access)"
-#~ msgstr "Google Storage (Acesso interoperável)"
-#~ msgid "Hosteurope Cloud Storage"
-#~ msgstr "Hosteurope Cloud Storage"
-#~ msgid "Dynamically loaded documentation"
-#~ msgstr "Documentação carregada dinamicamente"
-#~ msgid "ATTENTION: Job runs every %d hours!"
-#~ msgstr "ATENÇÃO: A tarefa é executada a cada %d horas!"
-#~ msgctxt "Folder name"
-#~ msgid "Folder %s not readable"
-#~ msgstr "A pasta %s não pode ser lida"
-#~ msgid "Please activate your license"
-#~ msgstr "Por favor active a sua licença"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please go to your plugin page and active the license to have the "
-#~ "autoupdates enabled."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Por favor vá à sua página do plugin e active a licença para activar "
-#~ "actualizações automáticas."
-#~ msgid "Bucket %s could not be created."
-#~ msgstr "Não foi possível criar o bucket %s."
-#~ msgid "https://marketpress.com/support/forum/plugins/backwpup-pro/"
-#~ msgstr "https://marketpress.com/support/forum/plugins/backwpup-pro/"
-#~ msgid "Error while deleting file from Dropbox: %s"
-#~ msgstr "Erro ao eliminar o ficheiro da Dropbox: %s"
-#~ msgid "Pro Support"
-#~ msgstr "Suporte pro"
-#~ msgid "http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup/"
-#~ msgstr "http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup/"
-#~ msgid "MarketPress"
-#~ msgstr "MarketPress"
-#~ msgid "http://marketpress.com/product/backwpup-pro/"
-#~ msgstr "http://marketpress.com/product/backwpup-pro/"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Important: before updating, please back "
-#~ "up your database and files with %2$s. For help with updates, visit the Updating "
-#~ "WordPress Codex page."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Importante: antes de actualizar, por favor faça uma cópia de segurança dos seus ficheiros e base de dados com "
-#~ "o %2$s. Para "
-#~ "mais ajuda com as actualizações, visite a página do Codex sobre actualização do "
-#~ "WordPress."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Important: before installing this plugin, please back up your database and files with %2$s."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Importante: antes de instalar este plugin, por favor faça uma cópia de segurança dos seus ficheiros e base de "
-#~ "dados com o "
-#~ "%2$s."
-#~ msgctxt "%s = Remote Code"
-#~ msgid "Could not connect to remote host, code %d. Please try again later."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Não foi possível ligar ao servidor remoto, código %d. Por favor, tente de "
-#~ "novo mais tarde."
-#~ msgid "Could not find content for this page. Please try again later."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Não foi possível encontrar conteúdo para esta página. Por favor, tente de "
-#~ "novo mais tarde."
-#~ msgid "The BackWPup HTTP response header returns a false value: \"%s\""
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "O cabeçalho de resposta HTTP do BackWPup devolveu um valor falso: \"%s\""
-#~ msgid "Google Drive API: could not create resumable file"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Google Drive API: não foi possível criar um ficheiro que possa ser "
-#~ "retomado"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:19
+msgid "Directories restored successfully."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/backwpup-ru_RU.mo b/languages/backwpup-ru_RU.mo
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/languages/backwpup-ru_RU.po b/languages/backwpup-ru_RU.po
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 0c9c6724..29c77a75
--- a/languages/backwpup-ru_RU.po
+++ b/languages/backwpup-ru_RU.po
@@ -1,157 +1,228 @@
-# Translation of BackWPup Pro in Russian
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the BackWPup Pro package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BackWPup Pro\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup-pro\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-29 20:09+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-05-29 20:11+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
-"Language: ru_RU\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
-"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-29 20:09+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-05-29 20:11+0200\n"
+"Language: ru_RU\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.1\n"
-#: backwpup.php:333 inc/class-page-backups.php:271
+#: backwpup.php:333
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:271
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:243
+#: backwpup.php:286
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:286
msgid "Folder"
msgstr "Папка"
#: backwpup.php:334
+#: backwpup.php:287
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:287
msgid "Backup to Folder"
msgstr "Резервное копирование в папку"
#: backwpup.php:349
+#: backwpup.php:302
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:302
msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-mail"
#: backwpup.php:350
+#: backwpup.php:303
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:303
msgid "Backup sent via email"
msgstr "Отправка резервной копии по email"
#: backwpup.php:365
+#: backwpup.php:318
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:318
msgid "FTP"
msgstr "FTP"
#: backwpup.php:366
+#: backwpup.php:319
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:319
msgid "Backup to FTP"
msgstr "Резервное копирование на FTP"
-#: backwpup.php:381 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:293
+#: backwpup.php:381
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:293
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:445
+#: backwpup.php:334
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:334
msgid "Dropbox"
msgstr "Dropbox"
-#: backwpup.php:382 inc/class-page-about.php:517
+#: backwpup.php:382
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:517
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:519
+#: backwpup.php:335
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:335
msgid "Backup to Dropbox"
msgstr "Резервное копирование на Dropbox"
-#: backwpup.php:397 inc/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: backwpup.php:397
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:42
+#: backwpup.php:350
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:350
msgid "S3 Service"
msgstr "Сервис S3"
#: backwpup.php:398
+#: backwpup.php:351
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:351
msgid "Backup to an S3 Service"
msgstr "Резервное копирование на сервис S3"
#: backwpup.php:416
+#: backwpup.php:371
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:371
msgid "MS Azure"
msgstr "MS Azure"
#: backwpup.php:417
+#: backwpup.php:372
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:372
msgid "Backup to Microsoft Azure (Blob)"
msgstr "Резервное копирование на Microsoft Azure (Blob)"
#: backwpup.php:432
+#: backwpup.php:387
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:387
msgid "RSC"
msgstr "RSC"
-#: backwpup.php:433 inc/class-page-about.php:522
+#: backwpup.php:433
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:522
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:524
+#: backwpup.php:388
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:388
msgid "Backup to Rackspace Cloud Files"
msgstr "Резервное копирование на Rackspace Cloud Files"
#: backwpup.php:450
+#: backwpup.php:407
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:407
msgid "SugarSync"
msgstr "SugarSync"
-#: backwpup.php:451 inc/class-page-about.php:537
+#: backwpup.php:451
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:537
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:539
+#: backwpup.php:408
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:408
msgid "Backup to SugarSync"
msgstr "Резервное копирование на SugarSync"
#: backwpup.php:470
+#: backwpup.php:433
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:433
msgid "PHP Version %1$s is to low, you need Version %2$s or above."
msgstr "Версия PHP %1$s - устарела, Вам нужна Версия %2$s или выше."
#: backwpup.php:477
+#: backwpup.php:443
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:443
msgid "Missing function \"%s\"."
msgstr "Отсутствует функция \"%s\"."
#: backwpup.php:486
+#: backwpup.php:454
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:454
msgid "Missing class \"%s\"."
msgstr "Отсутствует класс \"%s\"."
-#: inc/class-admin.php:215 inc/class-help.php:24
+#: inc/class-admin.php:215
+#: inc/class-help.php:24
+#: inc/class-admin.php:267
msgid "http://docs.backwpup.com"
msgstr "http://docs.backwpup.com"
#: inc/class-admin.php:215
+#: inc/class-admin.php:267
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Документация"
#: inc/class-admin.php:227
+#: inc/class-admin.php:282
msgid "BackWPup Dashboard"
msgstr "Панель инструментов BackWPup "
#: inc/class-admin.php:227
+#: inc/class-admin.php:282
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "Панель инструментов"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:243 inc/class-adminbar.php:82
+#: inc/class-admin.php:243
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:82
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-admin.php:305
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:215
msgid "Jobs"
msgstr "Задания"
#: inc/class-admin.php:258
+#: inc/class-admin.php:330
msgid "Add new job"
msgstr "Добавить новое задание"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:273 inc/class-adminbar.php:98
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:328 inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-admin.php:273
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:98
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:328
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-admin.php:355
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:219
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:377
msgid "Logs"
msgstr "Журналы"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:288 inc/class-adminbar.php:106
+#: inc/class-admin.php:288
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:106
+#: inc/class-admin.php:380
msgid "Backups"
msgstr "Резервные копии"
#: inc/class-admin.php:303
+#: inc/class-admin.php:405
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Настройки"
#: inc/class-admin.php:316
+#: inc/class-admin.php:425
msgid "About"
msgstr "О программе"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:331 inc/class-admin.php:337
+#: inc/class-admin.php:331
+#: inc/class-admin.php:337
+#: inc/class-admin.php:453
+#: inc/class-admin.php:460
msgid "Cheating, huh?"
msgstr "Обман, да?"
#: inc/class-admin.php:381
+#: inc/class-admin.php:510
msgid "Get BackWPup Pro now."
-msgstr ""
-"Получить BackWPup Pro сейчас."
+msgstr "Получить BackWPup Pro сейчас."
#: inc/class-admin.php:401
+#: inc/class-admin.php:531
msgid "version %s"
msgstr "версия %s"
#: inc/class-admin.php:445
+#: inc/class-admin.php:576
msgid "Add BackWPup Role"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-admin.php:449
+#: inc/class-admin.php:581
msgid "— No additional role for BackWPup —"
msgstr ""
@@ -167,7 +238,8 @@ msgstr "Сейчас выполняется"
msgid "Abort!"
msgstr "Прекратить!"
-#: inc/class-adminbar.php:90 inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:90
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
msgid "Add new"
msgstr "Добавить"
@@ -178,368 +250,478 @@ msgstr "Запустить сейчас"
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:31
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:45
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "BackWPup jobs helper"
msgid "Make BackWPup better!"
msgstr "Помощник заданий BackWPup"
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:104
-msgid ""
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:108
+msgid "https://inpsyde.com/en/jobs/?utm_source=BackWPup&utm_medium=Link&utm_campaign=BecomeAnInpsyder"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:114
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:118
msgid "We want to make BackWPup even stronger and its support much faster."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:122
-msgid ""
-"This is why we are looking for a talented developer who can work remotely "
-"and support us in BackWPup"
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:126
+msgid "This is why we are looking for a talented developer who can work remotely and support us in BackWPup"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:129
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:133
msgid "and other exciting WordPress projects at our VIP partner agency."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:141
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:145
msgid "Apply now!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:148
#: inc/class-betatester-admin-notice.php:96
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:152
+#: inc/class-admin-notice.php:121
msgid "Don't show again"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:152
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:156
msgid "Work for Inpsyde"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-betatester-admin-notice.php:69
-msgid "Join us as beta tester!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-betatester-admin-notice.php:70
-msgid "https://backwpup.com/become-backwpup-beta-tester/"
-msgstr "https://backwpup.com/become-backwpup-beta-tester/"
-#: inc/class-betatester-admin-notice.php:77
-msgid ""
-"To ensure that our releases are as bug-free as possible, we need you as a "
-"beta tester!"
-msgstr ""
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:64
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:80
msgid "The file name of an archive cannot be empty."
msgstr "Имя файла архива не может быть пустым."
+#. translators: $1 is the file path
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:72
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:89
msgctxt "%s = Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s for archive not found"
msgstr "Папка %s для архива не найдена"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:78 inc/class-create-archive.php:110
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:123 inc/class-mysqldump.php:133
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:78
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:110
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:123
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:133
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:101
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:141
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:182
msgid "Functions for gz compression not available"
msgstr "Функции для GZ-сжатия не доступны"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:85 inc/class-create-archive.php:129
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:85
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:129
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:195
msgid "Functions for bz2 compression not available"
msgstr "Функции для BZ2-сжатия не доступны"
+#. translators: $1 is a directory name
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:106
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:155
msgctxt "ZipArchive open() result"
msgid "Cannot create zip archive: %d"
msgstr "Невозможно создать ZIP-архив: %d"
+#. translators: the $1 is the type of the archive file
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:135
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:208
msgctxt "%s = file name"
msgid "Method to archive file %s not detected"
msgstr "Метод для архивного файла %s не обнаружен"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:140
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:215
msgid "Cannot open archive file"
msgstr "Не удается открыть файл архива"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:155 inc/class-create-archive.php:349
+#. translators: The $1 is the tecnical error string from pclzip.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:155
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:349
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:233
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:524
msgid "PclZip archive add error: %s"
msgstr "Ошибка добавления в архив PclZip: %s"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:165
-msgid "ZIP archive cannot be closed correctly."
-msgstr "ZIP-архив не может быть правильно закрыт."
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:219
-msgid "File name cannot be empty"
-msgstr "Имя файла не может быть пустым"
+#. translators: The $1 is the name of the file to add to the archive.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:228
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:326
msgctxt "File to add to archive"
msgid "File %s does not exist or is not readable"
msgstr "Файл %s не существует или не читается"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:242 inc/class-create-archive.php:258
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:392 inc/class-create-archive.php:396
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:242
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:258
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:392
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:396
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:357
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:384
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:588
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:597
msgid "This archive method can only add one file"
msgstr "Этот метод архивации позволяет добавить только один файл"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:247 inc/class-create-archive.php:263
-msgid "Cannot open source file %s to archive"
-msgstr "Не удается открыть исходный файл %s в архиве"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:311
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:452
msgid "ZIP archive cannot be closed correctly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:329 inc/class-create-archive.php:338
+#. translators: the $1 is the name of the archive.
+#. translators: $1 is the name of the archive.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:329
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:338
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:407
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:483
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:500
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:617
msgid "Cannot add \"%s\" to zip archive!"
msgstr "Невозможно добавить \"%s\" в ZIP-архив!"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:374
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:554
msgid "Folder name cannot be empty"
msgstr "Имя папки не может быть пустым"
+#. translators: $1 is the folder name
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:379
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:565
msgctxt "Folder path to add to archive"
msgid "Folder %s does not exist or is not readable"
msgstr "Папка %s не существует или не читается"
+#. translators. $1 is the status returned by a call to a ZipArchive method.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:429
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:649
msgctxt "Text of ZipArchive status Message"
msgid "ZipArchive returns status: %s"
msgstr "ZipArchive возвращает статус: %s"
+#. translators: $1 is the file name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:459
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:697
msgid "File name \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"Имя файла \"%1$s\" слишком длинное, чтобы правильно его сохранить в %2$s "
+msgstr "Имя файла \"%1$s\" слишком длинное, чтобы правильно его сохранить в %2$s архиве!"
+#. translators: $1 is the file name to use in the archive.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:462
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:709
msgid "File path \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"Путь к файлу \"%1$s\" слишком длинный, чтобы правильно его сохранить в %2$s "
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:474
-msgid "Cannot open source file %s for archiving"
-msgstr "Не удается открыть исходный файл %s для архивирования"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:479 inc/class-create-archive.php:480
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:579 inc/class-create-archive.php:580
+msgstr "Путь к файлу \"%1$s\" слишком длинный, чтобы правильно его сохранить в %2$s архиве!"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:479
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:480
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:579
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:580
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:974
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:975
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Неизвестен"
+#. translators: $1 is the name of the folder. $2 is the archive name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:570
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:813
msgid "Folder name \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"Имя папки \"%1$s\" слишком длинное, чтобы правильно его сохранить в %2$s "
+msgstr "Имя папки \"%1$s\" слишком длинное, чтобы правильно его сохранить в %2$s архиве!"
+#. translators: $1 is the name of the folder. $2 is the archive name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:573
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:828
msgid "Folder path \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
-msgstr ""
-"Путь к папке \"%1$s\" слишком длинный, чтобы правильно его сохранить в %2$s "
+msgstr "Путь к папке \"%1$s\" слишком длинный, чтобы правильно его сохранить в %2$s архиве!"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:654
-msgid ""
-"If %s will be added to your backup archive, the archive will be too large "
-"for operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting "
-"the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:896
+msgid "If %s will be added to your backup archive, the archive will be too large for operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-cron.php:69
+#: inc/class-cron.php:73
msgid "Aborted, because no progress for one hour!"
msgstr "Прервано, т.к. 2 часа небыло никаких действий!"
-#: inc/class-cron.php:101 inc/class-destination-folder.php:209
-#: inc/class-job.php:1003 inc/class-job.php:1141 inc/class-job.php:1740
+#: inc/class-cron.php:101
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:209
+#: inc/class-job.php:1003
+#: inc/class-job.php:1141
+#: inc/class-job.php:1740
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:445
+#: inc/class-cron.php:107
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:195
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:446
msgid "Could not open path: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:41 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:344
+#. translators: the $1 is the error message
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:41
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:344
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:253
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:405
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:458
msgid "Dropbox API: %s"
msgstr "Dropbox API: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55 inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:51
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:51
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:93
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:72
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Логин"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:59 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:28
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:28
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:43
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:76
msgid "Authentication"
msgstr "Идентификация"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:61 inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:57
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:61
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:57
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:295
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:99
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:415
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:78
msgid "Not authenticated!"
msgstr "Не выполнена проверка подлинности!"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:63
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:28
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:51
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:81
msgid "Create Account"
msgstr "Регистрация"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:65 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:65
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:45
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:34
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:59
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:300
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:31
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:101
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:425
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:57
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:83
msgid "Authenticated!"
msgstr "Проверка подлинности выполнена!"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:68
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:92
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:95
msgid "Delete Dropbox Authentication"
msgstr "Удалить аутентификацию Dropbox"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:75
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:102
msgid "App Access to Dropbox"
msgstr "Доступ приложения на Dropbox"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:78
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:110
msgid "Get Dropbox App auth code"
msgstr "Получить код аутентификации приложения к Dropbox:"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:79
-msgid ""
-"A dedicated folder named BackWPup will be created inside of the Apps folder "
-"in your Dropbox. BackWPup will get read and write access to that folder "
-"only. You can specify a subfolder as your backup destination for this job in "
-"the destination field below."
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:111
+msgid "A dedicated folder named BackWPup will be created inside of the Apps folder in your Dropbox. BackWPup will get read and write access to that folder only. You can specify a subfolder as your backup destination for this job in the destination field below."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:84
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:119
msgid "— OR —"
msgstr "— ИЛИ —"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:87
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:122
msgid "Full Access to Dropbox"
msgstr "Полный доступ на Dropbox"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:90
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:130
msgid "Get full Dropbox auth code "
msgstr "Получить код полного доступа к Dropbox"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:91
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup will have full read and write access to your entire Dropbox. You "
-"can specify your backup destination wherever you want, just be aware that "
-"ANY files or folders inside of your Dropbox can be overridden or deleted by "
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup будет иметь полный доступ на чтение и запись ко всему Вашему "
-"Dropbox. Вы можете задать место хранения, где Вы захотите, просто знайте, "
-"что ЛЮБЫЕ файлы или папки в Вашем Dropbox могут быть перезаписаны или "
-"удалены BackWPup."
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:98 inc/class-destination-folder.php:29
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:49 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:66
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:95 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:81
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:131
+msgid "BackWPup will have full read and write access to your entire Dropbox. You can specify your backup destination wherever you want, just be aware that ANY files or folders inside of your Dropbox can be overridden or deleted by BackWPup."
+msgstr "BackWPup будет иметь полный доступ на чтение и запись ко всему Вашему Dropbox. Вы можете задать место хранения, где Вы захотите, просто знайте, что ЛЮБЫЕ файлы или папки в Вашем Dropbox могут быть перезаписаны или удалены BackWPup."
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:29
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:66
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:95
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:81
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:68
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:112
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:141
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:82
msgid "Backup settings"
msgstr "Настройки резервного копирования"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:102
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:145
msgid "Destination Folder"
msgstr "Папка назначения"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:106
-msgid ""
-"Specify a subfolder where your backup archives will be stored. If you use "
-"the App option from above, this folder will be created inside of Apps/"
-"BackWPup. Otherwise it will be created at the root of your Dropbox. Already "
-"exisiting folders with the same name will not be overriden."
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:154
+msgid "Specify a subfolder where your backup archives will be stored. If you use the App option from above, this folder will be created inside of Apps/BackWPup. Otherwise it will be created at the root of your Dropbox. Already exisiting folders with the same name will not be overriden."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:111 inc/class-destination-folder.php:39
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:59 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:91
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:111
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:39
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:91
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:81
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:125
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:162
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:40
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:95
msgid "File Deletion"
msgstr "Удаление файлов"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:118 inc/class-destination-folder.php:46
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:66 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:83
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:112 inc/class-destination-s3.php:121
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:46
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:66
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:112
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:121
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:51
#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:43
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:90
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:323
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:45
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:73
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:73
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:134
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:456
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:45
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:182
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:76
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:229
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:171
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:104
msgid "Number of files to keep in folder."
msgstr "Количество файлов для хранения в папке."
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:120 inc/class-destination-folder.php:48
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:68 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:85
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:114 inc/class-destination-s3.php:123
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:120
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:48
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:68
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:85
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:114
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:123
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:100
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:92
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:109
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Files belonging to this job are now tracked. Old "
-"backup archives which are untracked will not be automatically deleted."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:124 inc/class-destination-folder.php:52
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:72 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:89
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:118 inc/class-destination-s3.php:127
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:136
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:109
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:232
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:173
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:51
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:106
+msgid "Warning: Files belonging to this job are now tracked. Old backup archives which are untracked will not be automatically deleted."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:124
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:52
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:89
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:127
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:104
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:54
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:48 inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:44
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:48
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:44
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:98
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:328
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:56
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:78
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:78
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:65
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:148
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:462
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:56
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:187
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:82
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:51
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:75
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:65
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:245
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:183
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:57
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:118
msgid "Do not delete files while syncing to destination!"
msgstr "Не удалять файлы при синхронизации на месте хранения!"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:239
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:372
msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …"
msgstr "%d. Попытка отправки файла резервной копии на Dropbox …"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:256
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:127
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:209
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:390
msgid "Authenticated with Dropbox of user: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:262
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:133
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:217
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:398
msgid "%s available on your Dropbox"
msgstr "%s доступно на Вашем Dropbox"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:266
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:137
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:223
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:404
msgid "Not Authenticated with Dropbox!"
msgstr "Не прошла проверка подлинности на Dropbox!"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:270
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:408
msgid "Uploading to Dropbox …"
msgstr "Загрузка на Dropbox …"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:283 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:286
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:283
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:286
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:260
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:663
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:924
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:290
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:432
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:263
msgid "Backup transferred to %s"
msgstr "Резервные копии переданы %s"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:287
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:666
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:930
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:438
msgid "Uploaded file size and local file size don't match."
msgstr "Размер загруженного файла и размер локального файла не одинаковые."
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:292
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:668
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:448
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:936
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:450
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:444
msgid "Error transfering backup to %s."
msgstr "Ошибка при передаче резервной копии на %s."
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:337
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:345
msgid "One file deleted from Dropbox"
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Dropbox"
msgstr[0] "Удален %d файл на Dropbox"
@@ -547,168 +729,220 @@ msgstr[1] "%d файла удалено на Dropbox"
msgstr[2] "%d файлов удалено на Dropbox"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:520
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php:177
msgid "Beginning new file upload session"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:539
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php:199
msgid "Uploading %s of data"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:575
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php:244
msgid "Finishing upload session with a total of %s uploaded"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:38 inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:16
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:38
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:16
#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:18
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:39
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "E-mail адрес"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:41
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:43
msgid "To email address (separate with commas for multiple addresses)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:47 inc/class-destination-email.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:47
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:49
#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:29
#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:30
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:29
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:30
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:52
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:56
msgid "Send test email"
msgstr "Отправить тестовое сообщение"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:61
msgid "Send email settings"
msgstr "почтовые настройки отправки"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:57
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:65
msgid "Maximum file size"
msgstr "Максимальный размер файла"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:69
msgid "MB"
msgstr "МБ"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:60
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:70
msgid "Maximum file size to be included in an email. 0 = unlimited"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:64
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:75
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Sender email address"
msgid "From email address"
msgstr "E-mail адрес отправителя:"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:70
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:83
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Sender name"
msgid "From name"
msgstr "Имя отправителя"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:92
msgid "Sending method"
msgstr "Метод отправки"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:80
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:97
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Use site settings"
msgid "Use WordPress settings"
msgstr "Использовать настройки сайта"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:81
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:98
msgid "PHP: mail()"
msgstr "PHP: mail()"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:82
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:99
msgid "Sendmail"
msgstr "Sendmail"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:100
msgid "SMTP"
msgstr "SMTP"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:89
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:108
msgid "Sendmail path"
msgstr "Путь Sendmail"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:95
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:119
msgid "SMTP host name"
msgstr "Имя хоста SMTP"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:98 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:31
#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:21
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:35
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:124
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:56
msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Порт:"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:102
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:136
msgid "SMTP secure connection"
msgstr "SMTP безопасное соединение"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:106 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:67
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:103 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:73
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:57 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:329
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:404 inc/class-page-settings.php:328
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:106
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:67
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:103
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:73
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:57
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:329
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:404
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:328
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:141
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:837
msgid "none"
msgstr "нет"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:107
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:143
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:145
msgid "TLS"
msgstr "TLS"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:113
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:152
msgid "SMTP username"
msgstr "Имя пользователя SMTP"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:120
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:162
msgid "SMTP password"
msgstr "Пароль SMTP"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:199
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:243
msgid "%d. Try to send backup with email …"
msgstr "%d. Попытка отправки файла резервной копии по email …"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:204
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:248
msgid "Backup archive too big to be sent by email!"
msgstr "Архив слишком большой для отправки по почте!"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:211
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:255
msgid "Sending email to %s…"
msgstr "Отправка e-mail %s…"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:289
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:333
msgid "BackWPup archive from %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "BackWPup архив из %1$s: %2$s"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:292
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:336
msgid "Backup archive: %s"
msgstr "Архив: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:306 inc/class-destination-email.php:430
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:306
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:430
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:349
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:474
msgid "Error while sending email!"
msgstr "Ошибка при отправке почты!"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:312 inc/class-destination-email.php:432
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:312
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:432
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:354
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:476
msgid "Email sent."
msgstr "Email отправлен."
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:414
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:459
msgid "BackWPup archive sending TEST Message"
msgstr "Отправка тестового сообщения BackWPup "
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:417
-msgid ""
-"If this message reaches your inbox, sending backup archives via email should "
-"work for you."
-msgstr ""
-"Если это сообщение попало в Ваш почтовый ящик, отправка архивов по "
-"электронной почте, должно работать для Вас."
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:462
+msgid "If this message reaches your inbox, sending backup archives via email should work for you."
+msgstr "Если это сообщение попало в Ваш почтовый ящик, отправка архивов по электронной почте, должно работать для Вас."
#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:33
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:32
msgid "Folder to store backups in"
msgstr "Папка для хранения резервных копий"
#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:229
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:219
msgid "One backup file deleted"
msgid_plural "%d backup files deleted"
msgstr[0] "%d резервный файл удален"
@@ -716,158 +950,219 @@ msgstr[1] "%d резервных файла удалено"
msgstr[2] "%d резервных файлов удалено"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:23
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:46
msgid "FTP server and login"
msgstr "Сервер FTP и логин"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:50
msgid "FTP server"
msgstr "Сервер FTP"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:36 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:46
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:36
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:46
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:63
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Имя пользователя"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:42
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:71
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Пароль"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:53
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:87
msgid "Folder to store files in"
msgstr "Папка для хранения резервных копий в"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:79
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:128
msgid "FTP specific settings"
msgstr "Специальные параметры FTP"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:133
msgid "Timeout for FTP connection"
msgstr "Тайм-аут для FTP-соединения "
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:87 inc/class-page-logs.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:87
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:257
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:466
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:288
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:137
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "сек."
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:91
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:141
msgid "SSL-FTP connection"
msgstr "Соединение SSL-FTP"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:94
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:148
msgid "Use explicit SSL-FTP connection."
msgstr "Использовать явно-заданное соединение SSL-FTP."
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:99
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:153
msgid "FTP Passive Mode"
msgstr "Пассивный режим FTP"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:101
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:158
msgid "Use FTP Passive Mode."
msgstr "Использовать пассивный режим FTP."
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:179
-msgid "FTP: Login failure!"
-msgstr "FTP: Вход не выполнен!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:203
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:433
msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to an FTP server …"
msgstr "%d. Попытка отправки файла резервной копии на FTP-сервер …"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:209
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:450
msgid "Connected via explicit SSL-FTP to server: %s"
msgstr "Подключен по явно-заданному SSL-FTP к серверу: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:211
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:458
msgid "Cannot connect via explicit SSL-FTP to server: %s"
msgstr "Не удается подключиться по явно-заданному SSL-FTP к серверу: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:217
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:468
msgid "PHP function to connect with explicit SSL-FTP to server does not exist!"
-msgstr ""
-"PHP функции для подключения по явно-заданному SSL-FTP к серверу не "
+msgstr "PHP функции для подключения по явно-заданному SSL-FTP к серверу не существует!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:225
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:483
msgid "Connected to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "Подключен к FTP-серверу: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:227
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:491
msgid "Cannot connect to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "Не удается подключиться к FTP-серверу: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:234 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:242
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:258 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:305
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:234
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:242
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:258
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:305
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:503
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:523
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:546
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:603
msgid "FTP client command: %s"
msgstr "Команда FTP-клиента: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:236
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:513
msgid "FTP server response: %s"
msgstr "Ответ FTP-сервера: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:240 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:245
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:248 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:261
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:263 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:308
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:310 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:314
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:240
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:245
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:248
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:261
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:263
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:310
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:314
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:316
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:520
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:531
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:534
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:549
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:552
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:607
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:612
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:619
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:624
msgid "FTP server reply: %s"
msgstr "Ответ FTP-сервера: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:263
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:552
msgid "Error getting SYSTYPE"
msgstr "Ошибка при получении SYSTYPE"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:281
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:765
msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" created!"
msgstr "Папка FTP \"%s\" создана!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:285
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:753
msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created!"
msgstr "Папка FTP \"%s\" не может быть создана!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:296
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:590
msgid "FTP current folder is: %s"
msgstr "Текущая папка FTP: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:607
msgid "Entering passive mode"
msgstr "Вход в пассивный режим"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:310
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:612
msgid "Cannot enter passive mode"
msgstr "Невозможно войти в пассивном режиме"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:314
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:619
msgid "Entering normal mode"
msgstr "Вход в нормальный режим"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:316
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:624
msgid "Cannot enter normal mode"
msgstr "Не возможно войти в нормальный режим"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:320
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:631
msgid "Starting upload to FTP …"
msgstr "Начинаю загрузку на FTP …"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:332
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:649
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to FTP server!"
msgstr "Невозможно передать резервную копию на FTP-сервер!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:337
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:656
msgid "Backup transferred to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "Резервная копия передана FTP-сервер: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:344 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:271
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:289 inc/class-destination-s3.php:499
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:591 inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:653
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:344
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:271
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:289
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:499
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:591
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:653
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:468
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:226 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:259
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:226
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:259
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:292
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:905
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:470
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:228
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:261
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:275
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:843
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:958
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:673
msgid "Can not open source file for transfer."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:388
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:394
msgid "Cannot delete \"%s\" on FTP server!"
msgstr "Не возможно удалить \"%s\" на FTP-сервере!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:391
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:404
msgid "One file deleted on FTP server"
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on FTP server"
msgstr[0] "Удален %d файл на FTP-сервере"
@@ -890,11 +1185,13 @@ msgstr "Ключ доступа"
msgid "Blob container"
msgstr "Контейнер Blob"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:48 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:48
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:76
msgid "Container selection"
msgstr "Выбор контейнера"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:59 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:88
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:88
msgid "Create a new container"
msgstr "Создать новый контейнер"
@@ -902,46 +1199,62 @@ msgstr "Создать новый контейнер"
msgid "Folder in container"
msgstr "Папка в контейнере"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:76 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:105
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:114 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:96
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:105
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:114
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:96
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:96
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:215
msgid "File deletion"
msgstr "Удаление файлов"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:128
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:99
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:99
msgid "MS Azure container \"%s\" created."
msgstr "Контейнер MS Azure \"%s\" создан."
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:131
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:102
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:102
msgid "MS Azure container create: %s"
msgstr "Создать контейнер MS Azure: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:211
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:215
msgid "%d. Try sending backup to a Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Попытка отправить резервную копию в Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
+msgstr "%d. Попытка отправить резервную копию в Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:233
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:144
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:144
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:237
msgid "MS Azure container \"%s\" does not exist!"
msgstr "Контейнер MS Azure \"%s\" не существует!"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:237
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:148
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:148
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:241
msgid "Connected to MS Azure container \"%s\"."
msgstr "Подключен к контейнеру MS Azure \"%s\""
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:240
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:244
msgid "Starting upload to MS Azure …"
msgstr "Начинаю загрузку в MS Azure …"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:292 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:348
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:292
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:348
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:233
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:233
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:296
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:352
msgid "Microsoft Azure API: %s"
msgstr "Microsoft Azure API: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:341
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:345
msgid "One file deleted on Microsoft Azure container."
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Microsoft Azure container."
msgstr[0] "%d файл удален в контейнере Microsoft Azure "
@@ -949,15 +1262,21 @@ msgstr[1] "%d файла удалено в контейнере Microsoft Azure
msgstr[2] "%d файлов удалено в контейнере Microsoft Azure "
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:442
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:446
msgid "Missing account name!"
msgstr "Отсутствует имя учетной записи!"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:444 inc/class-destination-s3.php:222
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:444
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:222
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:166
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:166
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:448
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:359
msgid "Missing access key!"
msgstr "Отсутствует ключ доступа!"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:448
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:452
msgid "No container found!"
msgstr "Контейнер не найден!"
@@ -973,71 +1292,104 @@ msgstr "API ключей"
msgid "Select region"
msgstr "Выберите регион"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:63 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:65
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:63
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:65
#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:30
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:30
msgid "Rackspace Cloud Files Region"
msgstr "Регион Rackspace Cloud Files"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:66 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:66
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31
msgid "Dallas (DFW)"
msgstr "Dallas (DFW)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:67 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:67
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32
msgid "Chicago (ORD)"
msgstr "Chicago (ORD)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:68 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:68
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33
msgid "Sydney (SYD)"
msgstr "Sydney (SYD)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:69 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:69
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34
msgid "London (LON)"
msgstr "London (LON)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:70 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35
msgid "Northern Virginia (IAD)"
msgstr "Northern Virginia (IAD)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:71 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:71
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36
msgid "Hong Kong (HKG)"
msgstr "Гонконг (HKG)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:99 inc/class-destination-s3.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:99
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:202
msgid "Folder in bucket"
msgstr "Папки в bucket"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:158 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:158
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116
msgid "Rackspace Cloud container \"%s\" created."
msgstr "Контейнер Rackspace Cloud \"%s\" создан."
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:162 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:274
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:314 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:359
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:170
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:162
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:274
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:314
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:359
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:170
#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:290
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:277
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:317
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:362
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:172
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:292
msgid "Rackspace Cloud API: %s"
msgstr "Rackspace Cloud API: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:260
msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to Rackspace cloud …"
msgstr "%d. Попытка отправить резервную копию на Rackspace cloud …"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:271
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:274
msgid "Connected to Rackspace cloud files container %s"
msgstr "Подключено к контейнеру Rackspace cloud files %s"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:283
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:286
msgid "Upload to Rackspace cloud started …"
msgstr "Загрузка на Rackspace Cloud началось …"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:302
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:305
msgid "Backup File transferred to RSC://"
msgstr "Файлы резервной копии переданы на RSC://"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:311
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to Rackspace cloud."
msgstr "Невозможно передать резервные копии на Rackspace Cloud."
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:353
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:356
msgid "One file deleted on Rackspace cloud container."
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Rackspace cloud container."
msgstr[0] "%d файл удален из контейнера Rackspace cloud"
@@ -1045,231 +1397,329 @@ msgstr[1] "%d файла удалено из контейнера Rackspace clo
msgstr[2] "%d файлов удалено из контейнера Rackspace cloud"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:466
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:469
msgid "Missing username!"
msgstr "Отсутствует имя пользователя!"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:468
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:471
msgid "Missing API Key!"
msgstr "Отсутствует ключ API!"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:472
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:475
msgid "A container could not be found!"
msgstr "Контейнер не может быть найден!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:48
msgid "Select a S3 service"
msgstr "Выбор сервиса S3"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:33 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:18
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:33
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:54
msgid "Amazon S3 Region"
msgstr "Регион Amazon S3"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:34 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:19
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:34
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:19
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:40
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1118
msgid "Amazon S3: US Standard"
msgstr "Amazon S3: США стандарт"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:35 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:20
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:35
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:20
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1122
msgid "Amazon S3: US West (Northern California)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Запад США (Северная Калифорния)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:36 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:21
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:36
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:21
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:53
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1126
msgid "Amazon S3: US West (Oregon)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Запад США (Орегон)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:37 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:22
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:37
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:22
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:58
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1130
msgid "Amazon S3: EU (Ireland)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: ЕС (Ирландия)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:38 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:23
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:38
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:23
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:68
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1138
msgid "Amazon S3: EU (Germany)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: ЕС (Германия)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:39 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:24
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:39
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:24
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:73
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1142
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион (Токио)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:40 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:25
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:40
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:25
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:78
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1146
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион (Токио)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:41 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:26
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:41
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:26
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1150
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион (Сидней)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:42 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:42
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:88
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1154
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион (Сингапур)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:43 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:28
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:43
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:28
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:93
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1158
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион (Сидней)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:44 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:29
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:44
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:29
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1162
msgid "Amazon S3: South America (Sao Paulo)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Южная Америка (Сан-Паулу)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:45 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:30
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:45
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:30
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:103
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1166
msgid "Amazon S3: China (Beijing)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Китай (Пекин)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:46 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:46
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:31
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1170
msgid "Google Storage: EU"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:47 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:47
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:32
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:113
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1174
msgid "Google Storage: USA"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:48 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:33
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:48
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:33
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1178
msgid "Google Storage: Asia"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:49 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:34
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:49
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:34
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:123
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1182
msgid "Dream Host Cloud Storage"
msgstr "Dream Host Cloud Storage"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:68
msgid "Or a S3 Server URL"
msgstr "Или URL S3-сервера"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:61
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:115
msgid "S3 Access Keys"
msgstr "Ключи доступа S3"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:65 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:65
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:121
msgid "Access Key"
msgstr "Ключ доступа"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:72 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:72
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:135
msgid "Secret Key"
msgstr "Секретный ключ"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:80
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:145
msgid "S3 Bucket"
msgstr "S3 Bucket"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:84
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:151
msgid "Bucket selection"
msgstr "Выбор bucket"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:97
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:180
msgid "Create a new bucket"
msgstr "Создать новый bucket"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:104
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:196
msgid "S3 Backup settings"
msgstr "Настройки S3 Backup"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:134
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:86
msgid "Multipart Upload"
msgstr "Загрузка несколькими частями"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:136
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:98
msgid "Use multipart upload for uploading a file"
msgstr "Использовать загрузку частями для загрузки файла"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:137
-msgid ""
-"Multipart splits file into multiple chunks while uploading. This is "
-"necessary for displaying the upload process and to transfer bigger files. "
-"Works without a problem on Amazon. Other services might have issues."
-msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:143
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:252
msgid "Amazon specific settings"
msgstr "Специальные настройки Amazon"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:147 inc/class-destination-s3.php:149
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:147
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:149
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:263
msgid "Amazon: Storage Class"
msgstr "Amazon: Класс хранилища"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:150
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:266
msgid "Standard"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:151
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:270
msgid "Standard-Infrequent Access"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:152
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:278
msgid "Reduced Redundancy"
msgstr "Уменьшение резервирования"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:157
-msgid "Server side encryption"
-msgstr "Шифрование на стороне сервера"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:161
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:297
msgid "Save files encrypted (AES256) on server."
msgstr "Сохранить зашифрованные файлы на стороне сервера (AES256)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:224 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:224
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:361
msgid "Missing secret access key!"
msgstr "Отсутствует секретный ключ доступа!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:230
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:367
msgid "No bucket found!"
msgstr "Bucket не найден!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:346
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:517
msgid "Bucket %1$s created."
msgstr "Bucket %1$s создан."
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:348 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:147
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:348
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:147
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:285
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:520
msgid " %s is not a valid bucket name."
msgstr " %s недопустимое имя bucket "
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:389 inc/class-destination-s3.php:522
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:576 inc/class-destination-s3.php:610
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:670 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:337
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:389
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:522
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:576
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:610
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:670
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:337
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:623
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:570
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:868
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:936
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:995
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1006
msgid "S3 Service API: %s"
msgstr "API сервиса S3: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:457
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:777
msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to S3 Service …"
msgstr "%d. Попытка отправить файл резервной копии на сервис S3 …"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:470 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:188
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:470
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:188
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:383
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:803
msgid "Connected to S3 Bucket \"%1$s\" in %2$s"
msgstr "Подключено к S3 Bucket \"%1$s\" in %2$s"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:473 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:191
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:473
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:191
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:391
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:808
msgid "S3 Bucket \"%s\" does not exist!"
msgstr "S3 Bucket \"%s\" не существует!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:480
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:817
msgid "Checking for not aborted multipart Uploads …"
msgstr "Проверка на непрерывность загрузки частями …;"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:486
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:830
msgid "Upload for %s aborted."
msgstr "Загрузка %s прервана."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:492
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:836
msgid "Starting upload to S3 Service …"
msgstr "Начало загрузки на сервис S3 …"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:601 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:444
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:601
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:444
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:446
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:972
msgid "Backup transferred to %s."
msgstr "Передано %s резервной копии"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:606
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:988
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to S3! (%1$d) %2$s"
msgstr "Невозможно передать резервные копии на S3! (%1$d) %2$s"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:634
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:699
msgid "Storage Class: %s"
msgstr "Класс хранилища: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:660
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:734
msgid "Cannot delete backup from %s."
msgstr "Не удается удалить резервные копии из '%s'."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:664
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:746
msgid "One file deleted on S3 Bucket."
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on S3 Bucket"
msgstr[0] "%d файл удален в Bucket S3"
@@ -1282,12 +1732,17 @@ msgstr "Логин Sugarsync"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:30
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:17
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:17
msgid "Email address:"
msgstr "Email адрес:"
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:33 inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:29
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:33
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:29
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:20
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:126
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:126
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:47
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:20
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Пароль:"
@@ -1300,6 +1755,8 @@ msgstr "Авторизация на SugarSync!"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:136
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:26
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:26
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
msgid "Create Sugarsync account"
msgstr "Создать учетную запись SugarSync "
@@ -1307,6 +1764,8 @@ msgstr "Создать учетную запись SugarSync "
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:132
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:32
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:94
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:32
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:94
msgid "Delete Sugarsync authentication!"
msgstr "Удалить идентентификацию SugarSync !"
@@ -1320,6 +1779,7 @@ msgstr "Выбор папки синхронизации"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:64
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:41
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:41
msgid "No Syncfolders found!"
msgstr "Папка синхронизации не найдена!"
@@ -1328,31 +1788,38 @@ msgid "Folder in root"
msgstr "Папка в корневом каталоге"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:230
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:233
msgid "%d. Try to send backup to SugarSync …"
msgstr "%d. Попытка отправить файл резервной копии на SugarSync …"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:237
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:240
msgid "Authenticated to SugarSync with nickname %s"
msgstr "Авторизация на SugarSync с ником %s"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:240
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:243
msgctxt "Available space on SugarSync"
msgid "Not enough disk space available on SugarSync. Available: %s."
msgstr "Не достаточно места на SugarSync. Доступно: %s."
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:246
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:249
msgid "%s available at SugarSync"
msgstr "%s aдоступно на SugarSync"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:253
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:256
msgid "Starting upload to SugarSync …"
msgstr "Начло загрузки в SugarSync …"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:263
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:266
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to SugarSync!"
msgstr "Невозможно передать резервную копию на SugarSync!"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:302
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:305
msgid "One file deleted on SugarSync folder"
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on SugarSync folder"
msgstr[0] "Удален %d файл на FTP-сервере"
@@ -1360,6 +1827,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Удалено %d файла на FTP-сервере"
msgstr[2] "Удалено %d файлов на FTP-сервере"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:311
msgid "SugarSync API: %s"
msgstr "SugarSync API: %s"
@@ -1372,10 +1840,7 @@ msgid "EasyCron"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-easycron.php:189
-msgid ""
-"Here you can setup your EasyCron.com API key to use this "
+msgid "Here you can setup your EasyCron.com API key to use this service."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-easycron.php:192
@@ -1387,31 +1852,32 @@ msgid "Trigger WordPress Cron:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-easycron.php:203
-msgid ""
-"If you check this box, a cron job will be created on EasyCron that all 5 "
-"Minutes calls the WordPress cron."
+msgid "If you check this box, a cron job will be created on EasyCron that all 5 Minutes calls the WordPress cron."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-file.php:138
+#: inc/class-file.php:142
msgid "Folder %1$s not allowed, please use another folder."
msgstr "Папка %1$s не доступна, просьба использовть другую папку."
#: inc/class-file.php:143
+#: inc/class-file.php:147
msgid "Folder %1$s is not in open basedir, please use another folder."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-file.php:149
+#: inc/class-file.php:153
msgid "Cannot create folder: %1$s"
msgstr "Невозможно создать папку: %1$s"
#: inc/class-file.php:155
+#: inc/class-file.php:159
msgid "Folder \"%1$s\" is not writable"
msgstr "Папка \"%1$s\" не доступна для записи"
#: inc/class-file.php:191
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup will not backup folders and its sub folders when this file is "
+#: inc/class-file.php:195
+msgid "BackWPup will not backup folders and its sub folders when this file is inside."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-help.php:15
@@ -1420,19 +1886,12 @@ msgstr "Информация о плагине"
#: inc/class-help.php:17
msgctxt "Plugin name and link; Plugin Version"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s version %2$s. A project by Inpsyde GmbH"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s версия %2$s. Проект Inpsyde GmbH. "
+msgid "%1$s version %2$s. A project by Inpsyde GmbH."
+msgstr "%1$s версия %2$s. Проект Inpsyde GmbH. "
#: inc/class-help.php:18
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is a free software, and you "
-"are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions."
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup поставляется БЕЗ ВСЯКИХ ГАРАНТИЙ. Это свободное программное "
-"обеспечение, и Вы можете распространять ее при определенных условиях."
+msgid "BackWPup comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is a free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions."
+msgstr "BackWPup поставляется БЕЗ ВСЯКИХ ГАРАНТИЙ. Это свободное программное обеспечение, и Вы можете распространять ее при определенных условиях."
#: inc/class-help.php:21
msgid "For more information:"
@@ -1447,495 +1906,536 @@ msgid "Manual"
msgstr "Справочник"
#: inc/class-install.php:84
+#: inc/class-install.php:90
msgid "BackWPup Admin"
msgstr "Администратор BackWPup"
#: inc/class-install.php:98
+#: inc/class-install.php:105
msgid "BackWPup jobs checker"
msgstr "Проверка заданий BackWPup"
#: inc/class-install.php:112
+#: inc/class-install.php:120
msgid "BackWPup jobs helper"
msgstr "Помощник заданий BackWPup"
#: inc/class-job.php:263
+#: inc/class-job.php:269
msgid "Starting job"
msgstr "Запуск задания"
#: inc/class-job.php:278
+#: inc/class-job.php:284
msgid "Job Start"
msgstr "Запуск задания"
#: inc/class-job.php:298
+#: inc/class-job.php:304
msgid "Creates manifest file"
msgstr "Создает файл манифеста"
#: inc/class-job.php:320
+#: inc/class-job.php:326
msgid "Creates archive"
msgstr "Создает архив"
#: inc/class-job.php:360
+#: inc/class-job.php:373
msgid "End of Job"
msgstr "Конец задания"
#: inc/class-job.php:377
+#: inc/class-job.php:395
msgid "BackWPup log for %1$s from %2$s at %3$s"
msgstr "Журнал BackWPup для %1$s из %2$s в %3$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:394
+#: inc/class-job.php:412
msgctxt "Plugin name; Plugin Version; plugin url"
msgid "[INFO] %1$s %2$s; A project of Inpsyde GmbH"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:395
+#: inc/class-job.php:413
msgctxt "WordPress Version; Blog url"
msgid "[INFO] WordPress %1$s on %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:396
+#: inc/class-job.php:414
msgid "Normal"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:399
+#: inc/class-job.php:417
msgid "Debug"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:402
+#: inc/class-job.php:420
msgid "(translated)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:404
+#: inc/class-job.php:422
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "[INFO] curl ver.: %1$s; %2$s"
msgid "[INFO] Log Level: %1$s %2$s"
msgstr "[INFO] curl вер.: %1$s; %2$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:409
+#: inc/class-job.php:427
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job: %1$s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:412
+#: inc/class-job.php:430
msgid "[INFO] Runs with user: %1$s (%2$d) "
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:426 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:323
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:282 inc/class-page-jobs.php:291
+#: inc/class-job.php:426
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:323
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:282
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:291
+#: inc/class-job.php:444
msgid "Not scheduled!"
msgstr "Не запланировано!"
-#: inc/class-job.php:430 inc/class-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-job.php:430
+#: inc/class-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-job.php:448
+#: inc/class-job.php:458
msgid "[INFO] Cron: %s; Next: %s "
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:433
+#: inc/class-job.php:451
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job start with link is active"
msgstr "[INFO] Задание BackWPup запущено из активной ссылки"
#: inc/class-job.php:435
+#: inc/class-job.php:453
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job start with EasyCron.com"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:443
+#: inc/class-job.php:461
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup no automatic job start configured"
msgstr "[INFO] Автоматический запуск задания BackWPup не настроен"
#: inc/class-job.php:447
+#: inc/class-job.php:465
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started from wp-cron"
msgstr "[INFO] Задание BackWPupзапущено из wp-cron"
#: inc/class-job.php:449
+#: inc/class-job.php:467
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started manually"
msgstr "[INFO] Задание BackWPup запущено вручную"
#: inc/class-job.php:451
+#: inc/class-job.php:469
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started from external url"
msgstr "[INFO] Задание BackWPup запущено из внешнего url"
#: inc/class-job.php:453
+#: inc/class-job.php:471
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started form commandline interface"
msgstr "[INFO] Задание BackWPup запущено из интерфейса командной строки"
#: inc/class-job.php:462
+#: inc/class-job.php:480
msgid "[INFO] PHP ver.:"
msgstr "[INFO] PHP вер.:"
#: inc/class-job.php:463
+#: inc/class-job.php:481
msgid "[INFO] Maximum PHP script execution time is %1$d seconds"
msgstr "[INFO] Максимальное время исполнения сценария PHP %1$d сек."
#: inc/class-job.php:467
+#: inc/class-job.php:485
msgid "[INFO] Script restart time is configured to %1$d seconds"
msgstr "[INFO] Время перезапуска сценария установлено в %1$d сек."
#: inc/class-job.php:470
+#: inc/class-job.php:488
msgid "[INFO] MySQL ver.: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] MySQL вер.: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:472
+#: inc/class-job.php:490
msgid "[INFO] Web Server: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] Web сервер: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:476
+#: inc/class-job.php:494
msgid "[INFO] curl ver.: %1$s; %2$s"
msgstr "[INFO] curl вер.: %1$s; %2$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:478
+#: inc/class-job.php:496
msgid "[INFO] Temp folder is: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] Временная папка: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:485
+#: inc/class-job.php:503
msgid "[INFO] Logfile is: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] Журнал: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:492
+#: inc/class-job.php:510
msgid "[INFO] Backup file is: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] Файл резервной копии: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:494
+#: inc/class-job.php:512
msgid "[INFO] Backup type is: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] Тип резервной копии: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:502
+#: inc/class-job.php:520
msgid "Could not write log file"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:514
-msgid ""
-"No destination correctly defined for backup! Please correct job settings."
-msgstr ""
-"Не определено место хранения для резервных копий! Пожалуйста, исправьте "
-"настройки задания."
+#: inc/class-job.php:532
+msgid "No destination correctly defined for backup! Please correct job settings."
+msgstr "Не определено место хранения для резервных копий! Пожалуйста, исправьте настройки задания."
#: inc/class-job.php:644
+#: inc/class-job.php:628
msgid "Cannot write progress to working file. Job will be aborted."
-msgstr ""
-"Не удается записать ход выполнения в рабочий файл. Задание будет прервано."
+msgstr "Не удается записать ход выполнения в рабочий файл. Задание будет прервано."
-#: inc/class-job.php:716 inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
+#: inc/class-job.php:716
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
+#: inc/class-job.php:700
msgid "WARNING:"
-#: inc/class-job.php:725 inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+#: inc/class-job.php:725
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+#: inc/class-job.php:709
msgid "ERROR:"
msgstr "ОШИБКА:"
#: inc/class-job.php:729
+#: inc/class-job.php:713
msgstr "УСТАРЕЛО:"
#: inc/class-job.php:732
+#: inc/class-job.php:716
#: inc/class-job.php:737
+#: inc/class-job.php:721
#: inc/class-job.php:985
+#: inc/class-job.php:972
msgid "Aborted by user!"
msgstr "Прервано пользователем!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1019
+#: inc/class-job.php:1005
msgid "One old log deleted"
msgid_plural "%d old logs deleted"
msgstr[0] "Удален %d резервный файл "
msgstr[1] "Удалено %d резервных файлов"
msgstr[2] "Удалено %d резервных файлов"
-#: inc/class-job.php:1026 inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
-msgid ""
-"Job has ended with errors in %s seconds. You must resolve the errors for "
-"correct execution."
-msgstr ""
-"Задание завершилось с ошибками за %s сек. Вы должны устранить ошибки для "
-"правильного выполнения."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1026
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+#: inc/class-job.php:1012
+msgid "Job has ended with errors in %s seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution."
+msgstr "Задание завершилось с ошибками за %s сек. Вы должны устранить ошибки для правильного выполнения."
#: inc/class-job.php:1028
-msgid ""
-"Job finished with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct "
-msgstr ""
-"Задание выполнено с предупреждениями за %s сек. Пожалуйста, устраните их для "
-"правильного выполнения."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1014
+msgid "Job finished with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct execution."
+msgstr "Задание выполнено с предупреждениями за %s сек. Пожалуйста, устраните их для правильного выполнения."
-#: inc/class-job.php:1030 inc/class-page-jobs.php:788
+#: inc/class-job.php:1030
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:788
+#: inc/class-job.php:1016
msgid "Job done in %s seconds."
msgstr "Задание выполнено за %s сек."
#: inc/class-job.php:1074
+#: inc/class-job.php:1060
msgstr "УСПЕШНО"
#: inc/class-job.php:1076
+#: inc/class-job.php:1062
msgid "WARNING"
#: inc/class-job.php:1079
+#: inc/class-job.php:1065
msgid "ERROR"
msgstr "ОШИБКА"
#: inc/class-job.php:1082
+#: inc/class-job.php:1068
msgid "[%3$s] BackWPup log %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "[%3$s] журнал BackWPup %1$s: %2$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:1188
+#: inc/class-job.php:1180
msgid "Restart after %1$d seconds."
msgstr "Перезапуск через %1$d сек."
#: inc/class-job.php:1190
+#: inc/class-job.php:1182
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Restart after %1$d seconds."
msgid "Restart after getting signal."
msgstr "Перезапуск через %1$d сек."
#: inc/class-job.php:1363
+#: inc/class-job.php:1357
msgid "Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes."
msgstr "Задание перезапущено из-за неактивности в течение более 5 минут."
#: inc/class-job.php:1461
+#: inc/class-job.php:1455
msgid "Step aborted: too many attempts!"
msgstr "Шаг прерван: слишком много попыток!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1532
+#: inc/class-job.php:1528
msgid "%d. Trying to create backup archive …"
msgstr "%d. Попытка создать архив резервной копии …"
#: inc/class-job.php:1540
+#: inc/class-job.php:1536
msgctxt "Archive compression method"
msgid "Compressing files as %s. Please be patient, this may take a moment."
-msgstr ""
-"Сжатие файлов с использованием %s. Пожалуйста, будьте терпеливы это может "
-"занять некоторое время."
+msgstr "Сжатие файлов с использованием %s. Пожалуйста, будьте терпеливы это может занять некоторое время."
#: inc/class-job.php:1547
+#: inc/class-job.php:1544
msgid "Adding Extra files to Archive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1559 inc/class-job.php:1619
+#: inc/class-job.php:1559
+#: inc/class-job.php:1619
+#: inc/class-job.php:1555
+#: inc/class-job.php:1626
msgid "Cannot create backup archive correctly. Aborting creation."
msgstr "Невозможно правильно создать резервный архив. Произошло прерывание."
#: inc/class-job.php:1575
+#: inc/class-job.php:1571
msgid "Archiving Folder: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:1629
+#: inc/class-job.php:1636
msgid "Backup archive created."
msgstr "Резервная копия создана."
#: inc/class-job.php:1643
-msgid ""
-"The Backup archive will be too large for file operations with this PHP "
-"Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple "
-"jobs with less files each."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1650
+msgid "The Backup archive will be too large for file operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:1646
+#: inc/class-job.php:1653
msgid "Archive size is %s."
msgstr "Размер архива %s."
#: inc/class-job.php:1649
+#: inc/class-job.php:1656
msgid "%1$d Files with %2$s in Archive."
msgstr "%1$d файлов с %2$s в архиве."
#: inc/class-job.php:1698
+#: inc/class-job.php:1831
#, fuzzy
-#| msgctxt "Folder name"
-#| msgid "Folder %s not exists"
msgctxt "Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s does not exist"
msgstr "Папка %s не существует"
#: inc/class-job.php:1703
+#: inc/class-job.php:1837
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Folder \"%s\" is not readable!"
msgctxt "Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s is not readable"
msgstr "Папка \"%s\" недоступна для чтения!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1725
+#: inc/class-job.php:1860
msgid "Link \"%s\" not following."
msgstr "Не корректная ссылка \"%s\"."
#: inc/class-job.php:1727
+#: inc/class-job.php:1862
msgid "File \"%s\" is not readable!"
msgstr "Файл \"%s\" не доступен для чтения!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1731
-msgid ""
-"File size of “%s” cannot be retrieved. File might be too large and will not "
-"be added to queue."
-msgstr ""
-"Размер файла “%s” не может быть восстановлен. Возможно файл слишком большой "
-"и не будут добавлен в очередь."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1866
+msgid "File size of “%s” cannot be retrieved. File might be too large and will not be added to queue."
+msgstr "Размер файла “%s” не может быть восстановлен. Возможно файл слишком большой и не будут добавлен в очередь."
#: inc/class-job.php:1814
+#: inc/class-job.php:1949
msgid "%d. Trying to generate a manifest file …"
msgstr "%d. Попытка создать файл манифеста …"
#: inc/class-job.php:1870
+#: inc/class-job.php:2005
msgid "You may have noticed the manifest.json file in this archive."
msgstr "Обратите внимание на файл manifest.json в этом архиве."
#: inc/class-job.php:1871
-msgid ""
-"manifest.json might be needed for later restoring a backup from this archive."
-msgstr ""
-"manifest.json может понадобиться для последующего восстановления резервной "
-"копии из этого архива."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2006
+msgid "manifest.json might be needed for later restoring a backup from this archive."
+msgstr "manifest.json может понадобиться для последующего восстановления резервной копии из этого архива."
#: inc/class-job.php:1872
-msgid ""
-"Please leave manifest.json untouched and in place. Otherwise it is safe to "
-"be ignored."
-msgstr ""
-"Пожалуйста, оставьте manifest.json нетронутым и на месте. В противном случае "
-"сохранность будет нарушена."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2007
+msgid "Please leave manifest.json untouched and in place. Otherwise it is safe to be ignored."
+msgstr "Пожалуйста, оставьте manifest.json нетронутым и на месте. В противном случае сохранность будет нарушена."
#: inc/class-job.php:1882
+#: inc/class-job.php:2017
msgid "Added manifest.json file with %1$s to backup file list."
msgstr "Добавлен файл manifest.json с %1$s в список файлов резервных копий."
#: inc/class-job.php:1921
+#: inc/class-job.php:2056
msgid "Wrong BackWPup JobID"
msgstr "Неправильный BackWPup JobID"
#: inc/class-job.php:1934
+#: inc/class-job.php:2069
msgid "A BackWPup job is already running"
msgstr "Задание BackWPup уже запущено"
#: inc/class-job.php:2302
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGHUP: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2482
+msgctxt "SIGHUP: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Hangup detected on controlling terminal or death of controlling process"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2306
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGINT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2486
+msgctxt "SIGINT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Interrupt from keyboard"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2310
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGQUIT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2490
+msgctxt "SIGQUIT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Quit from keyboard"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2314
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGILL: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2494
+msgctxt "SIGILL: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Illegal Instruction"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2318
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGABRT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2498
+msgctxt "SIGABRT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Abort signal from abort(3)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2322
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGBUS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2502
+msgctxt "SIGBUS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Bus error (bad memory access)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2326
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGFPE: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2506
+msgctxt "SIGFPE: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Floating point exception"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2330
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSEGV: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2510
+msgctxt "SIGSEGV: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Invalid memory reference"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2334
+#: inc/class-job.php:2514
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Destinations"
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGTERM: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+msgctxt "SIGTERM: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Termination signal"
msgstr "Место"
#: inc/class-job.php:2338
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSTKFLT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2518
+msgctxt "SIGSTKFLT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Stack fault on coprocessor"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2342
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGUSR1: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2522
+msgctxt "SIGUSR1: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "User-defined signal 1"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2346
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGUSR2: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2526
+msgctxt "SIGUSR2: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "User-defined signal 2"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2350
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGURG: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2530
+msgctxt "SIGURG: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Urgent condition on socket"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2354
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGXCPU: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2534
+msgctxt "SIGXCPU: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "CPU time limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2358
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGXFSZ: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2538
+msgctxt "SIGXFSZ: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "File size limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2362
+#: inc/class-job.php:2542
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "FTP: Login failure!"
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGPWR: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+msgctxt "SIGPWR: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Power failure"
msgstr "FTP: Вход не выполнен!"
#: inc/class-job.php:2366
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSYS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2546
+msgctxt "SIGSYS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Bad argument to routine"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2373
+#: inc/class-job.php:2553
msgid "Signal \"%1$s\" (%2$s) is sent to script!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2407 inc/class-job.php:2420
+#: inc/class-job.php:2407
+#: inc/class-job.php:2420
+#: inc/class-job.php:2587
+#: inc/class-job.php:2600
msgid "System: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2435
+#: inc/class-job.php:2615
msgid "Exception caught in %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "Исключения в %1$s: %2$s"
@@ -1947,7 +2447,9 @@ msgstr "Проверка БД"
msgid "Check database tables"
msgstr "Проверка таблиц базы данных"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:35 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:35
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16
msgid "Settings for database check"
msgstr "Настройки проверки базы данных"
@@ -1963,7 +2465,9 @@ msgstr "Проверка только таблиц базы данных Wordpre
msgid "Repair"
msgstr "Восстановление"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:54 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:54
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38
msgid "Try to repair defect table"
msgstr "Попытка восстановить дефектную таблицу "
@@ -1979,12 +2483,14 @@ msgstr "Таблица %1$sпросматривается. Не проверен
msgid "Table %1$s is not a MyISAM/InnoDB table. Not checked."
msgstr "Таблица %1$s не является таблицей MyISAM/InnoDB. Не проверяется."
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:124 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:127
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:124
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:127
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:129
msgid "Result of table check for %1$s is: %2$s"
msgstr "Результат проверки таблиц для %1$s: %2$s"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:135 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:137
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:135
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:137
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:139
msgid "Result of table repair for %1$s is: %2$s"
msgstr "Результат восстановления таблицы для %1$s: %2$s"
@@ -2005,60 +2511,92 @@ msgstr "Архив БД"
msgid "Database backup"
msgstr "Резервное копирование базы данных"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:60 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:60
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:108
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:108
msgid "Settings for database backup"
msgstr "Настройки резервного копирования баз данных"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:64 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:64
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154
msgid "Tables to backup"
msgstr "Таблицы для резервного копирования"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:66 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:66
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156
msgid "all"
msgstr "все"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:91 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:91
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195
msgid "Backup file name"
msgstr "Имя файла резервной копии"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:99 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:99
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201
msgid "Backup file compression"
msgstr "Сжатие файла резервной копии"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:105 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:107
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:75 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:77
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:59 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:61
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:105
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:107
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:75
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:77
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:59
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:61
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
msgid "GZip"
msgstr "GZip"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:159 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:159
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475
msgid "%d. Try to backup database …"
msgstr "%d. Попытка резервного копирования базы данных …"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495
msgid "Connected to database %1$s on %2$s"
msgstr "Подключение к базе данных %1$s на %2$s"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:187 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:187
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510
msgid "No tables to backup."
msgstr "Нет таблиц для резервного копирования."
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:210 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:210
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536
msgid "Backup database table \"%s\" with \"%s\" records"
msgstr "Резервная копия таблицы базы данных \"%s\" с \"%s\" записями"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:250 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:250
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576
msgid "MySQL backup file not created"
msgstr "Файл резервной копии MySQL не создан"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:254 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:763
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:254
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:763
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:764
msgid "Added database dump \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
msgstr "Добавлен дамп базы данных \"%1$s\" с %2$s в список файлов базы данных"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:260 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:260
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:766
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:767
msgid "Database backup done!"
msgstr "Резервное копирование базы данных выполнено!"
@@ -2090,8 +2628,11 @@ msgstr "Плагины"
msgid "Backup themes"
msgstr "Темы"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:107 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:745
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:107
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:745
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:746
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:745
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:746
msgid "Backup uploads folder"
msgstr "Папка загрузок"
@@ -2100,9 +2641,7 @@ msgid "Extra folders to backup"
msgstr "Дополнительные папки для резервного копирования"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:118
-msgid ""
-"Separate folder names with a line-break or a comma. Folders must be set with "
-"their absolute path!"
+msgid "Separate folder names with a line-break or a comma. Folders must be set with their absolute path!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:123
@@ -2122,9 +2661,7 @@ msgid "Exclude files/folders from backup"
msgstr "Исключение файлов/папок из резервной копии"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:136
-msgid ""
-"Separate file / folder name parts with a line-break or a comma. For example /"
+msgid "Separate file / folder name parts with a line-break or a comma. For example /logs/,.log,.tmp"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:141
@@ -2137,60 +2674,58 @@ msgstr "Включить специальные файлы"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:147
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, .htaccess, .htpasswd and favicon.ico "
-#| "from root."
-msgid ""
-"Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd, favicon."
-"ico, and Web.config from root if it is not included in backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Резервное копирование wp-config.php, robots.txt, .htaccess, .htpasswd и "
-"favicon.ico из корневого каталога."
+msgid "Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd, favicon.ico, and Web.config from root if it is not included in backup."
+msgstr "Резервное копирование wp-config.php, robots.txt, .htaccess, .htpasswd и favicon.ico из корневого каталога."
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:151
msgid "Use one folder above as WP install folder"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:154
-msgid ""
-"Use one folder above as WordPress install folder! That can be helpful, if "
-"you would backup files and folder that are not in the WordPress installation "
-"folder. Or if you made a \"Giving WordPress Its Own Directory"
-"\" installation. Excludes must be configured again."
+msgid "Use one folder above as WordPress install folder! That can be helpful, if you would backup files and folder that are not in the WordPress installation folder. Or if you made a \"Giving WordPress Its Own Directory\" installation. Excludes must be configured again."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:237
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:238
msgid "%d. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Попытка сделать список папок для резервного копирования …"
+msgstr "%d. Попытка сделать список папок для резервного копирования …"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:357 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:361
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:357
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:361
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:378
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:358
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:362
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:379
msgid "Added \"%s\" to backup file list"
msgstr "Добавлено \"%s\" в список файлов резервного копирования"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:384
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:385
msgid "No files/folder for the backup."
msgstr "Нет файлов/папок для резервного копирования."
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:386
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:387
msgid "%1$d folders to backup."
msgstr "%1$d папок для резервного копирования."
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:434
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:435
msgid "Folder \"%s\" is not readable!"
msgstr "Папка \"%s\" недоступна для чтения!"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:494
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:495
msgid "Path as set by user (symlink?): %s"
msgstr "Путь, заданный пользователем (символическая ссылка?): %s"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:497
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:498
msgid "Exclude:"
msgstr "Исключить:"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:509
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:510
msgid "Excluded by .donotbackup file!"
msgstr "Исключен файл .donotbackup!"
@@ -2198,7 +2733,9 @@ msgstr "Исключен файл .donotbackup!"
msgid "XML export"
msgstr "XML экспорт"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:14 inc/class-page-about.php:472
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:14
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:472
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:474
msgid "WordPress XML export"
msgstr "XML экспорт WordPress"
@@ -2206,15 +2743,21 @@ msgstr "XML экспорт WordPress"
msgid "Items to export"
msgstr "Объекты для экспорта"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:49 inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:49
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28
msgid "All content"
msgstr "Всё содержимое"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:50 inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:50
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38
msgid "Posts"
msgstr "Записи"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:51 inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:51
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Страницы"
@@ -2222,12 +2765,15 @@ msgstr "Страницы"
msgid "XML Export file name"
msgstr "Имя экспортируемого XML-файла "
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:69 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:53
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:69
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:53
msgid "File compression"
msgstr "Сжатие файла"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:79 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:81
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:64 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:66
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:79
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:81
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:64
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:66
msgid "BZip2"
msgstr "BZip2"
@@ -2239,10 +2785,14 @@ msgstr "%d. Попытка создать экспорт WordPress в XML фай
msgid "WP Export: Post type “%s” does not allow export."
msgstr "Экспорт WP: Тип записи “%s” непозволяет экспорт."
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:172 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:186
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:215 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:236
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:269 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:289
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:378 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:387
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:172
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:186
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:215
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:236
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:269
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:289
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:378
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:387
msgid "WP Export file could not written."
msgstr "Экспортный файл WP не может быть записан."
@@ -2266,9 +2816,9 @@ msgstr "ОШИБКА XML (%s): %s"
msgid "There was an error when reading this WXR file"
msgstr "Ошибка при чтении файла WXR"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:444 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:451
-msgid ""
-"This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:444
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:451
+msgid "This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number"
msgstr "Кажется это файл WXR, пропущенный/неверный номер версии WXR"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:460
@@ -2277,20 +2827,18 @@ msgstr "Экспортный файл WP - допустимый файл WXR."
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:462
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "WP Export file can not checked, because no XML extension loaded with the "
-#| "file can checked."
-msgid ""
-"WP Export file can not be checked, because no XML extension is loaded, to "
-"ensure the file verification."
-msgstr ""
-"Экспортный файл WP нельзя проверить, потому что не загружено XML расширение."
+msgid "WP Export file can not be checked, because no XML extension is loaded, to ensure the file verification."
+msgstr "Экспортный файл WP нельзя проверить, потому что не загружено XML расширение."
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:474 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:474
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741
msgid "Compressing file …"
msgstr "Сжатие файла …"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:481 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:481
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748
msgid "Compressing done."
msgstr "Сжатие выполнено."
@@ -2330,15 +2878,15 @@ msgstr "Активные плагины:"
msgid "Inactive plugins:"
msgstr "Неактивные плагины:"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:141 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:798
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:141
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:798
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:799
msgid "Can not open target file for writing."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:148
msgid "Added plugin list file \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list."
-msgstr ""
-"Добавлен файл списка плагинов \"%1$s\" с %2$s в список файлов резервных "
+msgstr "Добавлен файл списка плагинов \"%1$s\" с %2$s в список файлов резервных копий."
#: inc/class-message-box.php:89
msgid "Dismiss"
@@ -2348,22 +2896,26 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "No MySQLi extension found. Please install it."
msgstr "Расширение MySQLi не найдено. Пожалуйста, установите его."
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:100 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:831
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:100
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:831
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:832
msgid "Cannot init MySQLi database connection"
msgstr "Невозможно подключиться к базе данных MySQLi"
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:105 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:837
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:105
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:837
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:838
msgid "Setting of MySQLi connection timeout failed"
msgstr "Установка тайм-аута соединения MySQLi не удалось"
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:110 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:843
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:110
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:843
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:844
msgid "Cannot connect to MySQL database %1$d: %2$s"
msgstr "Невозможно подключиться к базе данных MySQL %1$d: %2$s"
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:117
#, fuzzy
-#| msgctxt "Database Charset"
-#| msgid "Cannot set DB charset to %s"
msgctxt "Database Charset"
msgid "Cannot set DB charset to %s error: %s"
msgstr "Невозможно установить кодировку для БД %s"
@@ -2372,27 +2924,38 @@ msgstr "Невозможно установить кодировку для БД
msgid "Cannot open SQL backup file"
msgstr "Невозможно открыть файл резервной копии SQL "
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:153 inc/class-mysqldump.php:165
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:259 inc/class-mysqldump.php:268
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:288 inc/class-mysqldump.php:297
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:317 inc/class-mysqldump.php:323
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:368 inc/class-mysqldump.php:400
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:437 inc/class-mysqldump.php:500
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:859 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:873
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:921 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:940
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:153
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:165
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:259
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:268
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:288
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:297
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:317
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:323
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:368
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:400
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:437
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:500
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:859
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:873
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:921
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:940
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:983
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:860
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:874
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:922
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:941
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:984
msgid "Database error %1$s for query %2$s"
msgstr "Ошибка базы данных %1$s для запроса %2$s"
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:479
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Start for table backup is not correctly set: %1$s "
msgid "Start for table backup is not correctly set: %1$s"
msgstr "Начало резервной копии таблицы установлено неправильно: %1$s "
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:483
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Length for table backup is not correctly set: %1$s "
msgid "Length for table backup is not correctly set: %1$s"
msgstr "Длина резервной копии таблицы установлена неправильно: %1$s "
@@ -2400,318 +2963,339 @@ msgstr "Длина резервной копии таблицы установл
msgid "Error while writing file!"
msgstr "Ошибка при записи файла!"
-#: inc/class-option.php:167 inc/class-page-editjob.php:97
+#: inc/class-option.php:167
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:97
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:383
+#: inc/class-option.php:176
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
msgid "New Job"
msgstr "Новое задание"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:369
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:371
msgid "Welcome to BackWPup Pro"
msgstr "Добро пожаловать в BackWPup Pro"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:370 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup’s job wizards make planning and scheduling your backup jobs a "
-msgstr ""
-"Мастер заданий BackWPup создаёт план и расписание резервного копирования на "
-"одном дыхании."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:370
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:372
+msgid "BackWPup’s job wizards make planning and scheduling your backup jobs a breeze."
+msgstr "Мастер заданий BackWPup создаёт план и расписание резервного копирования на одном дыхании."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:371 inc/class-page-about.php:384
-msgid ""
-"Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation "
-"including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage "
-"service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server. With a "
-"single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool "
-"like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
-msgstr ""
-"Используйте архивы резервных копий, чтобы сохранить все установки WordPress "
. Отправьте их на внешний сервис резервного "
-"копирования, если Вы не хотите сохранять резервные копии на том же сервере. "
-"Используйте такие инструменты как phpMyAdmin или плагин Adminer для "
-"восстановления файлов резервной копии базы данных."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:371
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:384
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:373
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:386
+msgid "Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server. With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
+msgstr "Используйте архивы резервных копий, чтобы сохранить все установки WordPress включая/wp-content/
. Отправьте их на внешний сервис резервного копирования, если Вы не хотите сохранять резервные копии на том же сервере. Используйте такие инструменты как phpMyAdmin или плагин Adminer для восстановления файлов резервной копии базы данных."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:372
-msgid ""
-"Ready to set up a backup job? You can use the wizards or plan your backup in expert mode."
-msgstr ""
-"Готовы настроить задание резервного копирования? Вы "
-"можете использовать мастер или запланировать резервное "
-"копирование в экспертном режиме."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:374
+msgid "Ready to set up a backup job? You can use the wizards or plan your backup in expert mode."
+msgstr "Готовы настроить задание резервного копирования? Вы можете использовать мастер или запланировать резервное копирование в экспертном режиме."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:382
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:384
msgid "Welcome to BackWPup"
msgstr "Добро пожаловать в BackWPup"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:385
-msgid ""
-"Ready to set up a backup job? Use one of the wizards to plan what you want "
-"to save."
-msgstr ""
-"Готовы настроить задание резервного копирования? Используйте мастер, чтобы "
-"запланировать, что Вы хотите сохранить."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:387
+msgid "Ready to set up a backup job? Use one of the wizards to plan what you want to save."
+msgstr "Готовы настроить задание резервного копирования? Используйте мастер, чтобы запланировать, что Вы хотите сохранить."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:400
msgid "Save your database"
msgstr "Сохранять базу данных"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:401
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:403
msgid "Save your database regularly"
msgstr "Сохранять базу данных регулярно"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:402
-msgid ""
-"With BackWPup you can schedule the database backup to run automatically. "
-"With a single backup file you can restore your database. You should set up a backup job, so you will never forget it. There is also "
-"an option to repair and optimize the database after each backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Используя BackWPup Вы можете запланировать автоматический запуск резервного "
-"копирования базы данных. Используя один архивный файл, Вы можете "
-"восстановить базу данных. Создайте задание резервного "
-"копирования, и Вы никогда не забудете о нем. Существует также "
-"возможность восстановления и оптимизации базы данных после каждого "
-"резервного копирования."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:407 inc/class-page-about.php:411
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:404
+msgid "With BackWPup you can schedule the database backup to run automatically. With a single backup file you can restore your database. You should set up a backup job, so you will never forget it. There is also an option to repair and optimize the database after each backup."
+msgstr "Используя BackWPup Вы можете запланировать автоматический запуск резервного копирования базы данных. Используя один архивный файл, Вы можете восстановить базу данных. Создайте задание резервного копирования, и Вы никогда не забудете о нем. Существует также возможность восстановления и оптимизации базы данных после каждого резервного копирования."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:407
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:411
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:413
msgid "WordPress XML Export"
msgstr "Экспорт XML WordPress "
#: inc/class-page-about.php:408
-msgid ""
-"You can choose the built-in WordPress export format in addition or exclusive "
-"to save your data. This works in automated backups too of course. The "
-"advantage is: you can import these files into a blog with the regular "
-"WordPress importer."
-msgstr ""
-"Вы можете выбрать встроенный формат экспорта WordPress в дополнение или "
-"исключительно для сохранения ваших данных. Автоматическое резервное "
-"копирование конечно тоже работает. Преимущество состоит в том: вы можете "
-"импортировать эти файлы в блог, используя стандартный импортер WordPress."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:410
+msgid "You can choose the built-in WordPress export format in addition or exclusive to save your data. This works in automated backups too of course. The advantage is: you can import these files into a blog with the regular WordPress importer."
+msgstr "Вы можете выбрать встроенный формат экспорта WordPress в дополнение или исключительно для сохранения ваших данных. Автоматическое резервное копирование конечно тоже работает. Преимущество состоит в том: вы можете импортировать эти файлы в блог, используя стандартный импортер WordPress."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:416
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:418
msgid "Save all data from the webserver"
msgstr "Сохранить все данные с веб-сервера"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:419
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:421
msgid "Save all files"
msgstr "Сохранить все файлы"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:420
-msgid ""
-"You can backup all your attachments, also all system files, plugins and "
-"themes in a single file. You can create a job to update a "
-"backup copy of your file system only when files are changed."
-msgstr ""
-"Вы можете создать резервную копию всех Ваших вложений, а также всех "
-"системных файлов, плагинов и тем в одном файле. Вы можете создать задание для обновления резервной копии файловой системы "
-"только тогда, когда файлы изменены."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:425 inc/class-page-about.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:422
+msgid "You can backup all your attachments, also all system files, plugins and themes in a single file. You can create a job to update a backup copy of your file system only when files are changed."
+msgstr "Вы можете создать резервную копию всех Ваших вложений, а также всех системных файлов, плагинов и тем в одном файле. Вы можете создать задание для обновления резервной копии файловой системы только тогда, когда файлы изменены."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:425
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:427
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:431
msgid "Security!"
msgstr "Безопасность превыше всего!"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:426
-msgid ""
-"By default everything is encrypted: connections to external services, local "
-"files and access to directories."
-msgstr ""
-"По умолчанию все зашифровано: подключение к внешним услугам, локальным "
-"файлам и доступ к каталогам."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:434 inc/class-page-about.php:437
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:428
+msgid "By default everything is encrypted: connections to external services, local files and access to directories."
+msgstr "По умолчанию все зашифровано: подключение к внешним услугам, локальным файлам и доступ к каталогам."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:434
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:437
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:436
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:439
msgid "Cloud Support"
msgstr "Поддержка облака"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:438
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup supports multiple cloud services in parallel. This ensures backups "
-"are redundant."
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup поддерживает несколько облачных сервисов параллельно. Это "
-"гарантирует, что резервные копии являются избыточными."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:440
+msgid "BackWPup supports multiple cloud services in parallel. This ensures backups are redundant."
+msgstr "BackWPup поддерживает несколько облачных сервисов параллельно. Это гарантирует, что резервные копии являются избыточными."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:444
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:446
msgid "Features / differences between Free and Pro"
msgstr "Возможности / различия между Free и Pro"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:449
msgid "Features"
msgstr "Возможности"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:448
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:450
msgid "FREE"
msgstr "FREE"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:449
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:451
msgid "PRO"
msgstr "PRO"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:452
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:454
msgid "Complete database backup"
msgstr "Полное резервное копирование базы данных"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:457
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:459
msgid "Complete file backup"
msgstr "Полное резервное копирование файлов"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:462
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:464
msgid "Database check"
msgstr "Проверка база данных "
#: inc/class-page-about.php:467
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:469
msgid "Data compression"
msgstr "Сжатие данных"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:477
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:479
msgid "List of installed plugins"
msgstr "Список установленных плагинов"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:482
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:484
msgid "Backup archives management"
msgstr "Управление резервными копиями "
#: inc/class-page-about.php:487
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:489
msgid "Log file management"
msgstr "Управление файлами журналов"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:492
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:494
msgid "Start jobs per WP-Cron, URL, system, backend or WP-CLI"
msgstr "Запуск заданий в WP-Cron, URL, системе, бэкенд или WP-CLI"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:497
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:499
msgid "Log report via email"
msgstr "Отчет журнала по email"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:502
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:504
msgid "Backup to Microsoft Azure"
msgstr "Резервное копирование на Microsoft Azure"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:507
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:509
msgid "Backup as email"
msgstr "Резервное копирование как email"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:512
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:514
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Backup to S3 services (Amazon, Google Storage, Hosteurope and "
-#| "more)"
msgid "Backup to S3 services (Amazon, Google Storage, Hosteurope and more)"
-msgstr ""
-"Резервное копирование на сервис S3 услуг (Amazon, Google Storage, "
-"Hosteurope и др.)"
+msgstr "Резервное копирование на сервис S3 услуг (Amazon, Google Storage, Hosteurope и др.)"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:527
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:529
msgid "Backup to FTP server"
msgstr "Резервное копирование на FTP-сервер"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:532
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:534
msgid "Backup to your web space"
msgstr "Резервное копирование в Ваше веб-пространство"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:542 inc/pro/class-pro.php:112
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:542
+#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:112
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:152
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:544
msgid "Backup to Google Drive"
msgstr "Резервное копирование на Google Диск"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:547 inc/pro/class-pro.php:93
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:547
+#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:93
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:131
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:549
msgid "Backup to Amazon Glacier"
msgstr "Резервное копирование на Amazon Glacier"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:552
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:554
msgid "Custom API keys for DropBox and SugarSync"
msgstr "Пользовательские ключи API для DropBox и SugarSync"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:557
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:559
msgid "XML database backup as PHPMyAdmin schema"
msgstr "XML резервной копии базы данных, как PHPMyAdmin схемы"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:562
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:564
msgid "Database backup as mysqldump per command line"
msgstr "Резервное копирование базы данных, как mysqldump в командной строке"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:567
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:569
msgid "Database backup for additional MySQL databases"
msgstr "Резервное копирование базы данных для дополнительных баз данных MySQL"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:572
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:574
msgid "Import and export job settings as XML"
msgstr "Импорт и экспорт настроек заданий как XML"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:577
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:579
msgid "Wizard for system tests"
msgstr "Мастер для проверки системы"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:582
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:584
msgid "Wizard for scheduled backup jobs"
msgstr "Мастер для запланированных заданий резервного копирования"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:587
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:589
msgid "Wizard to import settings and backup jobs"
msgstr "Мастер импорта настроек и заданий резервного копирования"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:592
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:594
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to Dropbox"
msgstr "Дифференциальное резервное копирование измененных каталогов Dropbox"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:597
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:599
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to Rackspace Cloud Files"
-msgstr ""
-"Дифференциальное резервное копирование измененных каталогов Файлов Rackspace "
+msgstr "Дифференциальное резервное копирование измененных каталогов Файлов Rackspace Cloud"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:602
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:604
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to S3"
msgstr "Дифференциальное резервное копирование измененных каталогов S3"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:607
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:609
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to MS Azure"
msgstr "Дифференциальное резервное копирование измененных каталогов MS Azure"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:612
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:639
msgid "Premium support"
msgstr "Премиум-поддержка"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:617
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:644
msgid "Automatic updates"
msgstr "Автоматическое обновление"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:624
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:651
msgid "GET PRO"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:182
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:158
msgid "No files could be found. (List will be generated during next backup.)"
-msgstr ""
-"Файлы не найдены. (Список будет сформирован в течение следующего резервного "
+msgstr "Файлы не найдены. (Список будет сформирован в течение следующего резервного копирования.)"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:195 inc/class-page-backups.php:315
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:113 inc/class-page-jobs.php:177
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:125 inc/class-page-logs.php:204
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:195
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:315
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:113
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:177
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:125
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:204
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:168
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:274
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:151
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:232
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Удалить"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:229
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:203
msgid "Change destination"
msgstr "Изменение места хранения"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:269 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:283
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347 inc/class-page-logs.php:136
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:269
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:283
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:136
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:241
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:163
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Время"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:270
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:242
msgid "File"
msgstr "Файл"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:272 inc/class-page-logs.php:140
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:272
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:140
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:244
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:167
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Размер"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:315
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:273
msgid ""
"You are about to delete this backup archive. \n"
" 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete."
@@ -2719,110 +3303,100 @@ msgstr ""
"Вы собираетесь удалить этот архив. \n"
" «Отмена» — оставить, «ОК» — удалить."
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:318 inc/class-page-jobs.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:318
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:330
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:206
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:281
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:285
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:768
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:779
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:234
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Загрузить"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:348
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:311
msgid "?"
msgstr "?"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:361 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:321
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:384 inc/class-page-jobs.php:318
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:361
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:321
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:384
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:318
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:164
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:317
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:190
msgid "%1$s at %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s в %2$s"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:377 inc/class-page-backups.php:417
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:35 inc/class-page-jobs.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:417
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:35
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:331
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:369
msgid "Sorry, you don't have permissions to do that."
msgstr "Извините, у вас нет прав, чтобы сделать это."
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:441
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:433
msgid "Backup Files"
msgstr "Резервные копии файлов"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:489
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%s Manage Backup Archives"
msgid "%s › Manage Backup Archives"
msgstr "Управление резервными копиями %s "
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:67
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%s Dashboard"
msgid "%s › Dashboard"
msgstr "Панель инструментов %s"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:74 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:83
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:74
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:83
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Planning backups"
msgstr "Планирование резервного копирования"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
-msgid ""
-"Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation "
-"including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage "
-"service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server."
-msgstr ""
-"Используйте архивы резервных копий, чтобы сохранить все установки WordPress "
. Отправьте их на внешний сервис резервного "
-"копирования, если Вы не хотите сохранять резервные копии на том же сервере. "
-"Используйте такие инструменты как phpMyAdmin или плагин Adminer для "
-"восстановления файлов резервной копии базы данных."
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:76 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:85
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
+msgid "Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server."
+msgstr "Используйте архивы резервных копий, чтобы сохранить все установки WordPress включая/wp-content/
. Отправьте их на внешний сервис резервного копирования, если Вы не хотите сохранять резервные копии на том же сервере. Используйте такие инструменты как phpMyAdmin или плагин Adminer для восстановления файлов резервной копии базы данных."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:76
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:85
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Restoring backups"
msgstr "Восстановление резервных копий"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:77 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:86
-msgid ""
-"With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a "
-"tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
-msgstr ""
-"С помощью одного архива резервной копии Вы можете восстановить установку. "
-"Используйте такие инструменты как PhpMyAdmin или плагин Adminer для "
-"восстановления файлов резервной копии базы данных."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:77
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:86
+msgid "With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
+msgstr "С помощью одного архива резервной копии Вы можете восстановить установку. Используйте такие инструменты как PhpMyAdmin или плагин Adminer для восстановления файлов резервной копии базы данных."
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:78 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:87
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:78
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:87
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Ready to set up a backup job?"
msgstr "Готовы настроить задание резервного копирования?"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79
-msgid ""
-"Use one of the wizards to plan a backup, or use expert mode"
-"a> for full control over all options."
-msgstr ""
-"Используйте один из мастеров для планирования резервного копирования, или "
-"используйте экспертный режим для полного контроля над "
-"всеми опциями."
+msgid "Use one of the wizards to plan a backup, or use expert mode for full control over all options."
+msgstr "Используйте один из мастеров для планирования резервного копирования, или используйте экспертный режим для полного контроля над всеми опциями."
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:89
-msgid ""
-"Please note: You are solely responsible for the security of your "
-"data; the authors of this plugin are not."
-msgstr ""
-"Обратите внимание: Вы несете полную ответственность за безопасность "
-"ваших данных, а не авторы этого плагина."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:89
+msgid "Please note: You are solely responsible for the security of your data; the authors of this plugin are not."
+msgstr "Обратите внимание: Вы несете полную ответственность за безопасность ваших данных, а не авторы этого плагина."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
-msgid ""
-"Use the short links in the First steps box to plan and "
-"schedule backup jobs."
-msgstr ""
-"Используйте короткие ссылки в разделе Первые шаги, чтобы "
-"запланировать расписание резервного копирования."
+msgid "Use the short links in the First steps box to plan and schedule backup jobs."
+msgstr "Используйте короткие ссылки в разделе Первые шаги, чтобы запланировать расписание резервного копирования."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:88
msgid "Add a new backup job and plan what you want to save."
-msgstr ""
-"Добавьте новое задание резервного копирования и "
-"запланируйте то, что Вы хотите сохранить."
+msgstr "Добавьте новое задание резервного копирования и запланируйте то, что Вы хотите сохранить."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:96
msgid "First Steps"
@@ -2832,7 +3406,8 @@ msgstr "Первые шаги"
msgid "Test the installation"
msgstr "Тестирование установки"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:101 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:104
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:101
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:104
msgid "Create a Job"
msgstr "Создать задание"
@@ -2853,11 +3428,8 @@ msgid "One click backup"
msgstr "Резервная копия в один клик"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:117
-msgid ""
-"Generate a database backup of WordPress tables and download it right away!"
-msgstr ""
-"Создать резервную копию базы данных таблиц WordPress и скачать её прямо "
+msgid "Generate a database backup of WordPress tables and download it right away!"
+msgstr "Создать резервную копию базы данных таблиц WordPress и скачать её прямо сейчас!"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:117
msgid "Download database backup"
@@ -2877,18 +3449,16 @@ msgid "RSS Error: %s"
msgstr "Ошибка RSS: %s"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:132
-msgid ""
-"An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again "
-msgstr ""
-"Произошла ошибка, которая, вероятно, означает, что канал не работает. "
-"Попробуйте еще раз позже."
+msgid "An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again later."
+msgstr "Произошла ошибка, которая, вероятно, означает, что канал не работает. Попробуйте еще раз позже."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:146
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Без названия"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:211 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:373
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:211
+#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:373
+#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:331
msgid "Start wizard"
msgstr "Запуск мастера"
@@ -2898,7 +3468,6 @@ msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:222
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Settings"
msgid "Video: Settings"
msgstr "Настройки"
@@ -2912,8 +3481,6 @@ msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:237
#, fuzzy
-#| msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
-#| msgid "Restoring backups"
msgid "Video: Restoring Backups"
msgstr "Восстановление резервных копий"
@@ -2930,22 +3497,17 @@ msgstr "Получить доступ к:"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:257
msgctxt "Pro teaser box"
msgid "First-class dedicated support at backwpup.com."
-msgstr ""
-"Первоклассная профессиональная служба поддержки на "
+msgstr "Первоклассная профессиональная служба поддержки на backwpup.com."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:258
msgctxt "Pro teaser box"
msgid "Differential backups to Google Drive and other cloud storage service."
-msgstr ""
-"Дифференциальное резервное копирование на Google Диск и другие облачные "
-"сервисы хранения."
+msgstr "Дифференциальное резервное копирование на Google Диск и другие облачные сервисы хранения."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:259
msgctxt "Pro teaser box"
msgid "Easy-peasy wizards to create and schedule backup jobs."
-msgstr ""
-"Простой мастер для создания и планирования заданий резервного копирования."
+msgstr "Простой мастер для создания и планирования заданий резервного копирования."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
msgctxt "Pro teaser box, link text"
@@ -2966,8 +3528,10 @@ msgstr "Получить BackWPup Pro сейчас"
msgid "Next scheduled jobs"
msgstr "Следующее запланированное задание"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:284 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:284
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:137
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:164
msgid "Job"
msgstr "Задание"
@@ -2975,7 +3539,8 @@ msgstr "Задание"
msgid "working since %d seconds"
msgstr "работает %d сек."
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:309 inc/class-page-jobs.php:608
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:309
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:608
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "Прервать"
@@ -2993,13 +3558,11 @@ msgstr "Результат"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:366
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Cannot create folder: %1$s"
msgid "Could not open log folder: %s"
msgstr "Невозможно создать папку: %1$s"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:389
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%d ERROR"
msgid "%d ERROR"
msgid_plural "%d ERRORS"
msgstr[0] "%d ОШИБКА"
@@ -3008,7 +3571,6 @@ msgstr[2] "%d ОШИБКА"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:392
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%d WARNING"
msgid "%d WARNING"
msgid_plural "%d WARNINGS"
msgstr[0] "%d ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ"
@@ -3024,449 +3586,615 @@ msgid "Job with ID %d"
msgstr "Задание с ID %d"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
msgid "Changes for job %s saved."
msgstr "Изменения для задания %s сохранены."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
msgid "Jobs overview"
msgstr "Обзор заданий"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222 inc/class-page-jobs.php:181
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:181
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
msgid "Run now"
msgstr "Запустить сейчас"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:325
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:334
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%1$s at %2$s"
msgid "%1$s › Job: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s в %2$s"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:328 inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:328
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:214
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:337
msgid "General"
msgstr "Общие"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:328
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:337
msgid "Schedule"
msgstr "Расписание"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:343
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:352
msgid "To: %s"
msgstr "На: %s"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:378 inc/class-page-editjob.php:383
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:378
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:383
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:125
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
msgid "Job Name"
msgstr "Название задания"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:381
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:390
msgid "Please name this job."
msgstr "Пожалуйста, назовите это задание."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:397
msgid "Job Tasks"
msgstr "Задачи"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:391 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:254
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:391
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:254
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:254
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:400
msgid "This job is a …"
msgstr "Это задание …"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:394 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:257
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:394
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:257
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:257
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:403
msgid "Job tasks"
msgstr "Задачи"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:412
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:421
msgid "Backup File Creation"
msgstr "Создание резервной копии"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:417 inc/class-page-editjob.php:420
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:402 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:417
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:420
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:402
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:402
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:426
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:429
msgid "Backup type"
msgstr "Тип резервного копирования"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:423
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:432
msgid "Synchronize file by file to destination"
msgstr "Синхронизация файла за файлом в место хранения"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:428 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:413
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:428
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:413
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:413
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:437
msgid "Create a backup archive"
msgstr "Создать архив"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:436
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:445
msgid "Archive name"
msgstr "Имя архива"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:439
-msgid ""
-"Note: In order for backup file tracking to work, the archive name "
-"must begin with %s."
-msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:454
msgid "Replacement patterns:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:448
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:455
msgid "%d = Two digit day of the month, with leading zeros"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:449
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:456
msgid "%j = Day of the month, without leading zeros"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:450
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:457
msgid "%m = Day of the month, with leading zeros"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:451
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:458
msgid "%n = Representation of the month (without leading zeros)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:452
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:459
msgid "%Y = Four digit representation for the year"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:453
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:460
msgid "%y = Two digit representation of the year"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:454
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:461
msgid "%a = Lowercase ante meridiem (am) and post meridiem (pm)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:455
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:462
msgid "%A = Uppercase ante meridiem (AM) and post meridiem (PM)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:456
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:463
msgid "%B = Swatch Internet Time"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:457
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:464
msgid "%g = Hour in 12-hour format, without leading zeros"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:458
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:465
msgid "%G = Hour in 24-hour format, without leading zeros"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:459
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:466
msgid "%h = Hour in 12-hour format, with leading zeros"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:460
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:467
msgid "%H = Hour in 24-hour format, with leading zeros"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:461
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:468
msgid "%i = Two digit representation of the minute"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:462
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:469
msgid "%s = Two digit representation of the second"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:468 inc/class-page-editjob.php:471
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:468
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:471
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:475
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:478
msgid "Archive Format"
msgstr "Формат архива"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:474 inc/class-page-editjob.php:476
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:426 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:476
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:426
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:426
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
msgid "Zip"
msgstr "Zip"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:477
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Disabled due to missing PHP function."
-msgid "Disabled due to missing %s PHP class."
-msgstr "Отключено из-за отсутствия функции PHP."
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:479 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:433
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:479
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:433
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:433
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:486
msgid "Tar"
msgstr "Tar"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481 inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:437 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:437
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:437
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:488
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
msgid "Tar GZip"
msgstr "Tar GZip"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:484 inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:484
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:491
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:498
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Disabled due to missing PHP function."
msgid "Disabled due to missing %s PHP function."
msgstr "Отключено из-за отсутствия функции PHP."
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:487 inc/class-page-editjob.php:489
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:444 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:487
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:489
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:444
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:444
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:494
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:497
msgid "Tar BZip2"
msgstr "Tar BZip2"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:497
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:533
msgid "Job Destination"
msgstr "Место храненения"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:501 inc/class-page-editjob.php:504
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:501
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:504
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:537
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:540
msgid "Where should your backup file be stored?"
msgstr "Где хранятся файл резервной копии?"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:522
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:558
msgid "Log Files"
msgstr "Файлы журналов"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:526
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:562
msgid "Send log to email address"
msgstr "Отправить журнал по адресу e-mail"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:529
-msgid ""
-"Leave empty to not have log sent. Or separate with , for more than one "
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:565
+msgid "Leave empty to not have log sent. Or separate with , for more than one receiver."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:533
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:569
msgid "Email FROM field"
msgstr "Поле ОТ Email "
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:535
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:571
msgid "Your Name <mail@domain.tld>"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:539
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:575
msgid "Errors only"
msgstr "Только ошибки"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:544
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:580
msgid "Send email with log only when errors occur during job execution."
-msgstr ""
-"Отправить email с журналом только при наличии ошибок в выполнении задания."
+msgstr "Отправить email с журналом только при наличии ошибок в выполнении задания."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:555
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:591
msgid "Job Schedule"
msgstr "Расписание заданий"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:559 inc/class-page-editjob.php:562
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:559
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:562
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:595
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:598
msgid "Start job"
msgstr "Запуск задания"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:566
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:602
msgid "manually only"
msgstr "только вручную"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:570
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:606
msgid "with WordPress cron"
msgstr "используя WordPress Cron"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:579
-msgid ""
-"with EasyCron.com"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:615
+msgid "with EasyCron.com"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:581
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:617
msgid "First setup API Key."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:590
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:626
msgid "with a link"
msgstr "используя ссылку"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:591
-msgid ""
-"Copy the link for an external start. This option has to be activated to make "
-"the link work."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:627
+msgid "Copy the link for an external start. This option has to be activated to make the link work."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:598
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:634
msgid "Start job with CLI"
msgstr "Запуск задания с использованием CLI"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:601
-msgid ""
-"Use WP-CLI to run jobs from commandline."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:637
+msgid "Use WP-CLI to run jobs from commandline."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:606
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:642
msgid "Schedule execution time"
msgstr "Расписание времени исполнения"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:610 inc/class-page-editjob.php:613
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:610
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:613
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:646
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:649
msgid "Scheduler type"
msgstr "Тип расписания"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:617
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:653
msgid "basic"
msgstr "основной"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:621
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:657
msgid "advanced"
msgstr "расширенный"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:650 inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:650
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:320
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:320
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:686
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:754
msgid "Scheduler"
msgstr "Планировщик"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:655 inc/class-page-jobs.php:126
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:139 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:324
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:655
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:126
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:139
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:324
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:324
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:166
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:691
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Тип"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:660 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:660
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:330
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:696
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "час"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:663 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:333
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:663
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:333
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:333
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:699
msgid "Minute"
msgstr "минута"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:667 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:337
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:667
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:337
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:337
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:703
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "ежемесячно"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:669 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:339
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:669
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:339
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:339
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:705
msgid "on"
msgstr "в"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:679 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:349
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:679
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:349
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:349
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:715
msgid "weekly"
msgstr "еженедельно"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:681 inc/class-page-editjob.php:788
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:681
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:788
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:351
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:351
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:717
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:824
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Воскресенье"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:682 inc/class-page-editjob.php:789
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:682
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:789
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:352
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:352
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:825
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Понедельник"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:683 inc/class-page-editjob.php:790
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:683
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:790
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:353
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:353
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:719
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:826
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Вторник"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:684 inc/class-page-editjob.php:791
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:684
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:791
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:354
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:354
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:720
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:827
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Среда"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:685 inc/class-page-editjob.php:792
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:685
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:792
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:355
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:355
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:721
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:828
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Четверг"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:686 inc/class-page-editjob.php:793
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:686
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:793
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:356
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:356
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:722
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:829
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Пятница"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:687 inc/class-page-editjob.php:794
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:687
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:794
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:357
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:357
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:723
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:830
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Суббота"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:697 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:697
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:367
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:733
msgid "daily"
msgstr "ежедневно"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:707 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:707
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:377
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:743
msgid "hourly"
msgstr "каждый час"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:721
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:757
msgid "Minutes:"
msgstr "Минуты:"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:723 inc/class-page-editjob.php:736
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:748 inc/class-page-editjob.php:762
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:723
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:736
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:748
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:762
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:784
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:759
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:772
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:798
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:820
msgid "Any (*)"
msgstr "Любой (*)"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:733
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:769
msgid "Hours:"
msgstr "Часы:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:746
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:782
msgid "Day of Month:"
msgstr "День месяца:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:760
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:796
msgid "Month:"
msgstr "Месяц:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:766
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:802
msgid "January"
msgstr "Январь"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:767
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:803
msgid "February"
msgstr "Февраль"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:768
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:804
msgid "March"
msgstr "Март"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:769
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:805
msgid "April"
msgstr "Апрель"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:770
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:806
msgid "May"
msgstr "Май"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:771
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:807
msgid "June"
msgstr "Июнь"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:772
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:808
msgid "July"
msgstr "Июль"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:773
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:809
msgid "August"
msgstr "Август"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:774
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:810
msgid "September"
msgstr "Сентябрь"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:775
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:811
msgid "October"
msgstr "Октябрь"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:776
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:812
msgid "November"
msgstr "Ноябрь"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:777
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:813
msgid "December"
msgstr "Декабрь"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:782
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:818
msgid "Day of Week:"
msgstr "День недели:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:818
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:854
msgid "Save changes"
msgstr "Сохранить изменения"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:905
-msgid ""
-"Working as Cron schedule:"
-msgstr ""
-"Работает как расписание Cron"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:941
+msgid "Working as Cron schedule:"
+msgstr "Работает как расписание Cron:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:914
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:950
msgid "ATTENTION: Job runs every %d minutes!"
msgstr "ВНИМАНИЕ: Задание выполняется каждые %d мин.!"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:918
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:954
msgid "ATTENTION: Can't calculate cron!"
msgstr "ВНИМАНИЕ: невозможно рассчитать Cron!"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:921
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:957
msgid "Next runtime:"
msgstr "Следующее время выполнения:"
@@ -3474,8 +4202,11 @@ msgstr "Следующее время выполнения:"
msgid "No Jobs."
msgstr "Нет заданий."
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:127 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:67
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:127
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:67
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:473
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:67
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:473
msgid "Destinations"
msgstr "Место"
@@ -3487,11 +4218,15 @@ msgstr "Следующий запуск"
msgid "Last Run"
msgstr "Последний запуск"
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:172 inc/class-page-logs.php:200
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:172
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:200
+#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:221
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:228
msgid "Job ID: %d"
msgstr "ID задания: %d"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:175
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:45
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Изменить"
@@ -3511,7 +4246,8 @@ msgstr "Не требуется или установлен"
msgid "Running for: %s seconds"
msgstr "Выполняется в течение: %s сек."
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:280 inc/class-page-jobs.php:289
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:280
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:289
msgid "Cron: %s"
msgstr "Cron: %s"
@@ -3561,23 +4297,20 @@ msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:454
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Job “%s” has started, but not responded for 10 seconds."
-msgid ""
-"Job \"%s\" has started, but not responded for 10 seconds. Please check information."
+msgid "Job \"%s\" has started, but not responded for 10 seconds. Please check information."
msgstr "Задание “%s” запущено, но не отвечает 10 секунд."
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:459
msgid "Job \"%s\" started."
msgstr "Задание \"%s\" запущено."
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:471 inc/class-wp-cli.php:59
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:471
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:59
msgid "Job will be terminated."
msgstr "Задание будет прервано."
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%s Jobs"
msgid "%s › Jobs"
msgstr "Задания %s"
@@ -3607,7 +4340,6 @@ msgstr "Закрыть рабочий экран"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:609
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "close"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "закрыть"
@@ -3616,30 +4348,31 @@ msgid "Job completed"
msgstr "Задание завершено"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
-msgid ""
-"Job has done with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct "
-msgstr ""
-"Задание выполнено с предупреждениями за %s сек. Пожалуйста, устраните их для "
-"правильного выполнения."
+msgid "Job has done with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct execution."
+msgstr "Задание выполнено с предупреждениями за %s сек. Пожалуйста, устраните их для правильного выполнения."
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:113
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:138
msgid "No Logs."
msgstr "Нет журналов."
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:138
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:165
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Состояние"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:141
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:168
msgid "Runtime"
msgstr "Время выполнения"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:202
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:230
msgid "View"
msgstr "Показать"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:251
msgid "1 ERROR"
msgid_plural "%d ERRORS"
msgstr[0] "%d ОШИБКА"
@@ -3647,6 +4380,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%d ОШИБКИ"
msgstr[2] "%d ОШИБОК"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:225
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:254
msgid "1 WARNING"
msgid_plural "%d WARNINGS"
msgstr[0] "%d ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ"
@@ -3654,2021 +4388,1197 @@ msgstr[1] "%d ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ"
msgstr[2] "%d ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЙ"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:228
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:257
msgid "O.K."
msgstr "O.K."
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:246
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:275
msgid "Log only"
msgstr "Только журнал"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:391
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:440
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%s Logs"
msgid "%s › Logs"
msgstr "Журналы %s "
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:422
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:471
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Log file folder"
msgid "Logfile not found!"
msgstr "Папка файлов журналов"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:61
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:88
msgid "Settings reset to default"
msgstr "Настройки сброшены по умолчанию"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:104
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:194
msgid "Settings saved"
msgstr "Настройки сохранены"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:115
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:209
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%s Settings"
msgid "%s › Settings"
msgstr "Настройки %s "
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:220
msgid "Network"
msgstr "Сеть"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:221
msgid "API Keys"
msgstr "Ключи API"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:222
msgid "Information"
msgstr "Информация"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:135
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:241
msgid "Display Settings"
msgstr "Настройки отображения"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:136
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:242
msgid "Do you want to see BackWPup in the WordPress admin bar?"
msgstr "Вы хотите, видеть BackWPup на панели администратора WordPress?"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:139
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:245
msgid "Admin bar"
msgstr "Панель администратора"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:142
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:250
msgid "Admin Bar"
msgstr "Панель администратора"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:145
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:258
msgid "Show BackWPup links in admin bar."
msgstr "Показать ссылки BackWPup в панели администратора."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:151 inc/class-page-settings.php:154
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:151
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:154
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:264
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:269
msgid "Folder sizes"
msgstr "Размер папок"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:157
-msgid ""
-"Display folder sizes in the files tab when editing a job. (Might increase "
-"loading time of files tab.)"
-msgstr ""
-"Показать размеры папок на вкладке Файлы, если задание отредактировано. "
-"(Может увеличить время загрузки вкладки Файлы.)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:277
+msgid "Display folder sizes in the files tab when editing a job. (Might increase loading time of files tab.)"
+msgstr "Показать размеры папок на вкладке Файлы, если задание отредактировано. (Может увеличить время загрузки вкладки Файлы.)"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:163
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:286
msgid "Security"
msgstr "Безопасность"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:164
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:287
msgid "Security option for BackWPup"
msgstr "Параметр безопасности для BackWPup"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:167 inc/class-page-settings.php:170
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:167
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:170
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:290
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:295
msgid "Protect folders"
msgstr "Защита папок"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:173
-msgid ""
-"Protect BackWPup folders ( Temp, Log and Backups ) with .htaccess"
-"code> and
-msgstr ""
-"Защитить папки BackWPup ( Temp, Log и Backups ), используя .htaccess"
-"code> и
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:304
+msgid "Protect BackWPup folders ( Temp, Log and Backups ) with .htaccess
and index.php
+msgstr "Защитить папки BackWPup ( Temp, Log и Backups ), используя .htaccess
и index.php
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:186
-msgid ""
-"Every time BackWPup runs a backup job, a log file is being generated. Choose "
-"where to store your log files and how many of them."
-msgstr ""
-"Каждый раз, когда запускается задание резервного копирования BackWPup, "
-"генерируется файл журнала. Выберите место для хранения файлов журнала и их "
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:321
+msgid "Every time BackWPup runs a backup job, a log file is being generated. Choose where to store your log files and how many of them."
+msgstr "Каждый раз, когда запускается задание резервного копирования BackWPup, генерируется файл журнала. Выберите место для хранения файлов журнала и их количество."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:189
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:330
msgid "Log file folder"
msgstr "Папка файлов журналов"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:192
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:340
msgid "You can use absolute or relative path! Relative path is relative to %s."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:196
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:356
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Maximum file size"
msgid "Maximum log files"
msgstr "Максимальный размер файла"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:199
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:363
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Maximum number of log files in folder"
msgid "Maximum log files in folder."
msgstr "Максимальное количество файлов журналов в папке"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:203 inc/class-page-settings.php:206
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:203
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:206
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:370
msgid "Compression"
msgstr "Сжатие"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:209
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:381
msgid "Compress log files with GZip."
msgstr "Сжатие файлов журналов с помощью GZip."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:215 inc/class-page-settings.php:218
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:215
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:218
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:392
msgid "Logging Level"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:221
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:400
msgid "Normal (translated)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:404
msgid "Normal (not translated)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:223
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:408
msgid "Debug (translated)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:224
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:412
msgid "Debug (not translated)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:227
-msgid ""
-"Debug log has much more informations than normal logs. It is for support and "
-"should be handled carefully. For support is the best to use a not translated "
-"log file. Usage of not translated logs can reduce the PHP memory usage too."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:416
+msgid "Debug log has much more informations than normal logs. It is for support and should be handled carefully. For support is the best to use a not translated log file. Usage of not translated logs can reduce the PHP memory usage too."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:236
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:429
msgid "There are a couple of general options for backup jobs. Set them here."
-msgstr ""
-"Есть несколько общих параметров заданий резервного копирования. Установите "
-"их здесь."
+msgstr "Есть несколько общих параметров заданий резервного копирования. Установите их здесь."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:239
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:437
msgid "Maximum number of retries for job steps"
msgstr "Макс. повторов для шагов задания"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:245
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:450
msgid "Maximum script execution time"
msgstr "Максимальное время выполнения скрипта"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:248
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:455
msgid "Maximum PHP Script execution time"
msgstr "Максимальное время выполнения скрипта PHP"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:251
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:462
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "seconds"
msgid "seconds."
msgstr "сек."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:252
-msgid ""
-"Job will restart before hitting maximum execution time. Restarts will be "
-"disabled on CLI usage. If ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
has been defined, "
-"WordPress Cron will be used for restarts, so it can take a while. 0 means no "
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:464
+msgid "Job will restart before hitting maximum execution time. Restarts will be disabled on CLI usage. If ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
has been defined, WordPress Cron will be used for restarts, so it can take a while. 0 means no maximum."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:259
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:476
msgid "Key to start jobs externally with an URL"
msgstr "Ключ для запуска задания, используя внешний URL"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:263
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:484
msgid "Will be used to protect job starts from unauthorized person."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:267 inc/class-page-settings.php:270
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:267
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:270
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:492
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:497
msgid "Reduce server load"
msgstr "Снизить нагрузку на сервер"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:273
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:505
msgid "disabled"
msgstr "выключено"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:274
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:509
msgid "minimum"
msgstr "минимум"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:275
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:513
msgid "medium"
msgstr "средний"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:276
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:517
msgid "maximum"
msgstr "максимум"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:279
-msgid ""
-"This adds short pauses to the process. Can be used to reduce the CPU load."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:521
+msgid "This adds short pauses to the process. Can be used to reduce the CPU load."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:284
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:530
msgid "Empty output on working"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:287 inc/class-page-settings.php:290
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:287
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:290
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:535
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:546
msgid "Enable an empty Output on backup working."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:292
-msgid ""
-"This do an empty output on job working. This can help in some situations or "
-"can brake the working. You must test it."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:549
+msgid "This do an empty output on job working. This can help in some situations or can brake the working. You must test it."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:297
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:558
msgid "Windows IIS compatibility"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:300 inc/class-page-settings.php:303
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:300
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:303
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:563
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:574
msgid "Enable compatibility with IIS on Windows."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:305
-msgid ""
-"There is a PHP bug (bug #43817), "
-"which is triggered on some versions of Windows and IIS. Checking this box "
-"will enable a workaround for that bug. Only enable if you are getting errors "
-"about “Permission denied” in your logs."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:577
+msgid "There is a PHP bug (bug #43817), which is triggered on some versions of Windows and IIS. Checking this box will enable a workaround for that bug. Only enable if you are getting errors about “Permission denied” in your logs."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:315
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:801
msgid "Authentication for %s
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:316
-msgid ""
-"If you protected your blog with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess), or "
-"you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php, then use the authentication methods "
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:808
+msgid "If you protected your blog with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess), or you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php, then use the authentication methods below."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:322 inc/class-page-settings.php:325
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:322
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:325
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:824
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:829
msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:329
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:841
msgid "Basic auth"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:845
msgid "WordPress User"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:331
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:849
msgid "Query argument"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:338
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:860
msgid "Basic Auth Username:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:344
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:877
msgid "Basic Auth Password:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:349 inc/class-page-settings.php:352
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:349
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:352
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:891
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:894
msgid "Select WordPress User"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:368
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:927
msgid "Query arg key=value:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387 inc/class-page-settings.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1066
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1070
msgid "Setting"
msgstr "Настройки"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387 inc/class-page-settings.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1066
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1070
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Значение"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:389
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1115
msgid "WordPress version"
msgstr "Версия WordPress "
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:391
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1120
msgid "BackWPup version"
msgstr "Версия BackWPup "
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:391
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1124
msgid "Get pro."
msgstr "Получить pro."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:393
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1126
msgid "BackWPup Pro version"
msgstr "Версия BackWPup Pro"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:401
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1131
msgid "PHP version"
msgstr "Версия PHP "
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:402
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1141
msgid "MySQL version"
msgstr "Версия MySQL"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:405 inc/class-page-settings.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:405
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1145
msgid "cURL version"
msgstr "Версия cURL"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:406
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1149
msgid "cURL SSL version"
msgstr "Версия cURL SSL"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1152
msgid "unavailable"
msgstr "недоступно"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:411
-msgid "WP-Cron url:"
-msgstr "WP-Cron url:"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:413
-msgid "Server self connect:"
-msgstr "Самостоятельное подключение сервера:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:418
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1167
msgid "Not expected HTTP response:
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:420
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1174
msgid "WP Http Error: %s
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:422
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1180
msgid "Status-Code: %d
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:430
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1195
msgid "Content: %s
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:434
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1200
msgid "Response Test O.K."
msgstr "Ответ теста O.K."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:438
-msgid "Temp folder:"
-msgstr "Временная папка:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:440
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1212
msgid "Temp folder %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "Временная папка %s не существует."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:442
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1217
msgid "Temporary folder %s is not writable."
msgstr "Временная папка %s не доступна для записи."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:449
-msgid "Log folder:"
-msgstr "Папка журналов:"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:451
-msgid "Logs folder %s not exist."
-msgstr "Папка журналов %s не существует."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:453
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1236
msgid "Log folder %s is not writable."
msgstr "Папка журналов %s не доступна для записи."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:458
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1244
msgid "Server"
msgstr "Сервер"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:459
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1248
msgid "Operating System"
msgstr "Операционная система"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:460
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1252
msgid "PHP SAPI"
msgstr "PHP SAPI"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:461
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1260
msgid "Function Disabled"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:465
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1256
msgid "Current PHP user"
msgstr "Текущий пользователь PHP"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:466
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1264
msgid "Maximum execution time"
msgstr "Максимальное время выполнения "
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:468 inc/class-page-settings.php:470
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:468
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:470
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1278
msgid "Alternative WP Cron"
msgstr "Альтернативный WP Cron"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:468 inc/class-page-settings.php:472
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:468
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:472
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1280
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1288
msgid "On"
msgstr "Вкл."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:470 inc/class-page-settings.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:470
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1282
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1290
msgid "Off"
msgstr "Выкл."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:472 inc/class-page-settings.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:472
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1286
msgid "Disabled WP Cron"
msgstr "Откл. WP Cron"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:476 inc/class-page-settings.php:478
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:476
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:478
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1294
msgid "CHMOD Dir"
msgstr "Каталог CHMOD"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:480
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1302
msgid "Server Time"
msgstr "Время на сервере"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:481
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1307
msgid "Blog Time"
msgstr "Время блога"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:482
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1311
msgid "Blog Timezone"
msgstr "Часовой пояс блога"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:483
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1315
msgid "Blog Time offset"
msgstr "Смещение времени блога"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:483
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1317
msgid "%s hours"
msgstr "%s час."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:484
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1322
msgid "Blog language"
msgstr "Язык блога"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:485
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1326
msgid "MySQL Client encoding"
msgstr "Клиент кодирования MySQL "
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:488
-msgid "Blog charset"
-msgstr "Кодировка блога"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:489
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1330
msgid "PHP Memory limit"
msgstr "Лимит памяти PHP "
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:490
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1334
msgid "WP memory limit"
msgstr "Лимит памяти WP"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:491
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1338
msgid "WP maximum memory limit"
msgstr "Максимальный лимит памяти WP "
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:492
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1342
msgid "Memory in use"
msgstr "Используемая память"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:497
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1348
msgid "Disabled PHP Functions:"
msgstr "Отключенные функции PHP:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:502
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1353
msgid "Loaded PHP Extensions:"
msgstr "Загруженные расширения PHP:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:514
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1089
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "Сохранить изменения"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:516
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1094
msgid "Reset all settings to default"
msgstr "Сброс всех настроек по умолчанию"
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:123
-msgid ""
-"With the upcoming major release, BackWPup will be requiring PHP version 5.3 "
-"or higher."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:23
+msgid "A job is already running."
+msgstr "Задание уже выполняется."
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:125
-msgid "Currently, you are running PHP version 5.2."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:35
+msgid "No job ID specified!"
+msgstr "ID задания не указан!"
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:127 inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:162
-msgid "Please urgently read here!"
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:41
+msgid "Job ID does not exist!"
+msgstr "ID задания не существует!"
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:132
-msgid "Don't show again."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:54
+msgid "Nothing to abort!"
+msgstr "Нечего отменять!"
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:164
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup has determined, your installation is still running on the old PHP "
-"5.2 version."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:105
+msgid "No job running"
+msgstr "Нет выполняющихся заданий"
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:167
-msgid ""
-"In order to ensure a fast and secure development for BackWPup, we will most "
-"likely not support PHP version 5.2 in our next version."
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:118
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:112
+msgid "PHP cURL extension must be installed to use the full plugin functionality."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:168
-msgid ""
-"No need to worry, your host can update your PHP version relatively quickly "
-"and without any problems."
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:122
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:67
+msgctxt "%1 = extension name, %2 = file suffix"
+msgid "We recommend to install the %1$s extension to generate %2$s archives."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:169
-msgid ""
-"Otherwise you can continue to stay on this last version and do not update "
-"the plugin in the future!"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:146
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:136
+msgctxt "Link to PHP manual"
+msgid "Please disable the deprecated PHP safe mode."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:173
-msgid ""
-"If the response from PHP 5.2 users is surprisingly high, we will eventually "
-"keep support for PHP 5.2 for a while."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:176
-msgid "Cheers!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:177
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "BackWPup News"
-msgid "Your BackWPup Team!"
-msgstr "Новости BackWPup"
-#. Translators: This is the anchor text for an HTML link pointing to BackWPup
-#. contact page
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:205
-msgid "contact us"
-msgstr ""
-#. Translators: %s is replaced by an HTML link with text "contact us" pointing
-#. to BackWPup contact page
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:207
-msgid "If you would like to have PHP 5.2 supported, please %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:208
-msgid "https://backwpup.com/php52/"
-msgstr "https://backwpup.com/php52/"
-#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:23
-msgid "A job is already running."
-msgstr "Задание уже выполняется."
-#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:35
-msgid "No job ID specified!"
-msgstr "ID задания не указан!"
-#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:41
-msgid "Job ID does not exist!"
-msgstr "ID задания не существует!"
-#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:54
-msgid "Nothing to abort!"
-msgstr "Нечего отменять!"
-#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:105
-msgid "No job running"
-msgstr "Нет выполняющихся заданий"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:23
-msgid "Auth Code:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:26
-msgid "Get auth code"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:33
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:294
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:299
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:30
-msgid "Login:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:37
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:306
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:56
-msgid "Folder:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:112
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to Dropbox …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:147
-msgid "Retrieving file list from Dropbox"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:161
-msgid "Upload changed files to Dropbox"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:183
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Dropbox"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:211
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Dropbox"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:226
-msgid "Folder %s deleted from Dropbox"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:243
-msgid "File %s deleted from Dropbox"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:19
-msgid "Absolute path to folder for backup files:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:41
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:321
-msgid "Oldest files will be deleted first."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:87
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to folder …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:91
-msgid "Retrieving file list from folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:101
-msgid "Copy changed files to folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:115
-msgid "File %s copied"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:128
-msgid "Delete not existing files from folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:136
-msgid "Extra file %s copied"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:152
-msgid "File %s deleted from folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:210
-msgid "Empty folder %s deleted"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:17
-msgid "Hostname:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:25 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:23
-msgid "Username:"
-msgstr "Имя пользователя:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:33
-msgid "Folder on server:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:42
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:60
-msgid "Maximum number of backup files to keep in folder:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:41
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:282
-msgid ""
-"Looks like you haven’t set up any API keys yet. Head over to Settings | API-Keys and get Google Drive all set up, then come back "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:55
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:297
-msgid "Authenticate"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:62
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:302
-msgid "Reauthenticate"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:73
-msgid "Folder in Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:110
-msgid ""
-"Consider using trash to delete files. If trash is not enabled, files will be "
-"deleted permanently."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:167
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:191
-msgid "GDrive: Authenticated."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:171
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:195
-msgid "GDrive: No refresh token received. Try to Authenticate again!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:177
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:199
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:218
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:237
-msgid "GDrive API: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:440
-msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to Google Drive …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:468
-msgid "Uploading to Google Drive …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:530
-msgid "Could not create resumable file transfer to Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:574
-msgid "Can not resume transfer backup to Google Drive!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:641
-msgid "Error transfering file chunks to %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:642
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:668
-msgid "Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:716
-msgid "One file deleted from Google Drive"
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Google Drive"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:722
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1028
-msgid "Google Drive API: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:849
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to Google Drive …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:874
-msgid "Syncing changed files to Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:904
-msgid "File %s updated on Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:925
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:946
-msgid "File %s moved to trash in Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:949
-msgid "File %s deleted permanently in Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:995
-msgid "Extra file %s updated on Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1017
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:27
-msgid "Amazon Glacier"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:31
-msgid "Select a region:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:33
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:235
-msgid "Amazon Glacier Region"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:34
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:236
-msgid "US Standard"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:35
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:237
-msgid "US West (Northern California)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:36
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:238
-msgid "US West (Oregon)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:37
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:239
-msgid "EU (Ireland)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:38
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:240
-msgid "EU (Germany)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:39
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:241
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:40
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:242
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
-msgstr "Amazon S3: Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион (Сидней)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:41
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:42
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:244
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:43
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:245
-msgid "South America (Sao Paulo)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:44
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:246
-msgid "China (Beijing)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:50
-msgid "Amazon Access Keys"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:69
-msgid "Vault"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:73
-msgid "Vault selection"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:85
-msgid "Create a new vault"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:92
-msgid "Glacier Backup settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:108
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:264
-msgid ""
-"Number of files to keep in folder. (Archives deleted before 3 months after "
-"they have been stored may cause extra costs when deleted.)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:172
-msgid "No vault found!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:211
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:299
-msgid "Vault %1$s created."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:213
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:301
-msgid "Vault %s could not be created."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:234
-msgid "Select an Amazon Glacier region:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:243
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:248
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:19 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:39
-msgid "Access Key:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:250
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:42
-msgid "Secret Key:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:252
-msgid "Vault:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:261
-msgid "New Vault:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:341
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:456
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:475
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:518
-msgid "AWS API: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:364
-msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to Amazon Glacier …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:377
-msgid "Connected to Glacier vault \"%1$s\" with %2$d archives and size of %3$d"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:379
-msgid "Glacier vault \"%s\" does not exist!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:385
-msgid "Starting upload to Amazon Glacier …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:438
-msgid "Archive ID: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:449 inc/pro/class-pro.php:92
-msgid "Glacier"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:508
-msgid "Cannot delete archive from %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:512
-msgid "One file deleted on vault."
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on vault"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:17
-msgid "Account Name:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:21
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:38
-msgid "Container:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:28
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:47
-msgid "Create container:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:30
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:49
-msgid "Folder in container:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:119
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files with Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:154
-msgid "Retrieving file list from MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:170
-msgid "Upload changed files to MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:182
-msgid "File %s uploaded to MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:208
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:221
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:224
-msgid "File %s deleted from MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:26
-msgid "API Key:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:29
-msgid "Select region:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:147
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files to Rackspace cloud …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:167
-msgid "Connected to Rackspace cloud files container %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:181
-msgid "Retrieving files list from Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:212
-msgid "Upload changed files to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:230
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:263
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:276
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:280
-msgid "File %s deleted from Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:17
-msgid "Select a S3 service:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:36
-msgid "or set an S3 Server URL:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:45
-msgid "Bucket:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:55
-msgid "New Bucket:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:57
-msgid "Folder in bucket:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:145
-msgid "Bucket %1$s created in %2$s."
-msgstr "Bucket %1$s в %2$s создан."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:169
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files to S3 Service …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:203
-msgid "Retrieving file list from S3."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:265
-msgid "Upload changed files to S3."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:280
-msgid "File %s uploaded to S3."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:308
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to S3."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:321
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on S3"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:328
-msgid "File %s deleted from S3."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:24
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:82
-msgid "Sugarsync authenticate!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:34
-msgid "Root:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-export-jobs.php:12 inc/pro/class-export-jobs.php:23
-msgid "Export"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:27
-msgid "Check only WordPress Database tables"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:92
-msgid "Backup only WordPress Database tables"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:112
-msgid "Database connection"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:116
-msgid "Use WordPress database connection."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:120
-msgid "Host:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:123
-msgid "User:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:130
-msgid "Charset:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:141
-msgid "Database:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:169
-msgid "Database Backup type"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
-msgid "SQL File (with mysqli)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:174
-msgid "SQL File (with mysqldump)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:175
-msgid "XML File (phpMyAdmin schema)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:181
-msgid "Path to mysqldump file"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:190
-msgid ""
-"Path to mysqldump file, so a backup can be made with it. If it is correct "
-"and shell_exec is active, the backup will be generated with a "
-"system command. If shell_exec ist not active, this is disabled"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:580
-msgid "Added database backup \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:601
-msgid "%d. Try to backup MySQL system …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:608
-msgid ""
-"Executing of system commands not allowed. Please use backup with mysqli."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:613
-msgid "%s file not in open basedir of PHP."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:618
-msgid "%s file not found. Please correct the path for the mysqldump file."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:702
-msgctxt "Executed exec() command"
-msgid "CLI Exec: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:712
-msgid "Usage error."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:713
-msgid ""
-"MySQL Server Error. This could be an issue with permissions. Try using "
-"database backup with mysqli."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:714
-msgid "Error during consistency checks."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:715
-msgid "Not enough memory."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:716
-msgid "Error during writing of SQL backup file."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:717
-msgid "Illegal table"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:722
-msgid "mysqldump returned: (%d) %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:735
-msgid "Can not create mysql backup with mysqldump command"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:154
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:146
+msgid "We recommend to install the PHP FTP extension to use the FTP backup destination."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:781
-msgid "%d. Try to backup database as XML …"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:174
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:164
+msgid "The HTTP response test result is an error: \"%s\"."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:851
-msgctxt "Database Charset"
-msgid "Cannot set DB charset to %s"
-msgstr "Невозможно установить кодировку для БД %s"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:880
-msgid "No tables for XML backup"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:178
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:175
+msgid "The HTTP response test result is a wrong HTTP status: %s. It should be status 200."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:916
-msgid "Dump database create view \"%s\""
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:191
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:220
+msgid "WP-Cron seems to be broken. But it is needed to run scheduled jobs."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:934
-msgid "Backup database structure \"%s\" to XML"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:196
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:194
+msgid "All tests passed without errors."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:976
-msgid "Backup table \"%s\" data to XML"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:202
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:239
+msgid "There are errors. Please correct them, or BackWPup cannot work."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:1044
-msgid "Added database XML dump \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
-msgstr ""
+#. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
+#: inc/class-admin.php:381
+#: inc/class-admin.php:401
+#: inc/class-help.php:17
+#: inc/class-help.php:22
+#: inc/class-job.php:394
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:15
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:624
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:262
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:391
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:17
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:17
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:27
+#: inc/class-admin.php:510
+#: inc/class-admin.php:531
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1123
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:651
+#: inc/class-job.php:412
+msgid "http://backwpup.com"
+msgstr "http://backwpup.com"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:1047
-msgid "Database XML backup done!"
+#. Author URI of the plugin/theme
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:17
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:19
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:19
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:29
+msgid "http://inpsyde.com"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:19
-msgid "Backup WordPress main files"
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive-downloader.php:74
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:78
+msgid "Could not write data to file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:23
-msgid "Backup blog content folder"
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive-downloader.php:102
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:122
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:137
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php:104
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:107
+msgid "File could not be opened for writing."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:27
-msgid "Backup blog plugins"
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:63
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1134
+msgid "Amazon S3: EU (London)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:31
-msgid "Backup blog themes"
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:285
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:286
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:293
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step4_top.php:2
+msgid "Restore"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:35
-msgid "Backup blog uploads folder"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:77
+msgid "You must run WordPress version %1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %2$s now."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
-msgid "Items to export:"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:88
+msgid "We recommend to run a PHP version above %1$s to get the full plugin functionality. You are using version %2$s now."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:13
-msgid "Nothing to configure"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:100
+msgid "You must have the MySQLi extension installed and a MySQL server version of %1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %2$s now."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:130
-msgid "No BackWPup Wizard Session found!"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:193
+msgid "Yeah!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:143 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:461
-msgid "Cancel"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:261
+msgid "There are some warnings. BackWPup will work, but with limitations."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:179 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:456
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:488
-msgid "Next ›"
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:104
+msgid "Cannot open FTP file for download."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:196 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:452
-msgid "‹ Previous"
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:64
+msgid "Could not read data from source file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:349
-msgctxt "Plugin Name"
-msgid "%s › Wizards"
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:69
+msgid "Could not write data into target file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:388
-msgctxt "Plugin Name"
-msgid "%s Wizard:"
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:96
+msgid "File could not be opened for reading."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:464
-msgid "Back to overview"
+#. translators: $1 is the path of the local file where the backup will be stored
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:141
+msgid "%s is a directory not a file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:111
-msgid "GDrive"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:102
+msgid "Multipart splits file into multiple chunks while uploading.
This is necessary for displaying the upload process and to transfer bigger files.
Don't work with Google or Dreamhost."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:164 inc/pro/class-pro.php:190
-msgid "Wizards"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:408
+msgid "« Go back"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:45
-msgid "Hash key"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:501
+msgid "Please wait …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:46
-msgid ""
-"Hash Key for BackWPup. It will be used to have hashes in folder and file "
-"names. It must at least 6 chars long."
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:504
+msgid "Your download is being generated …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:49
-msgid "Hash key:"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:510
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:15
+msgid "Please enter your private key to decrypt your backup."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:73
-msgid "Dropbox API Keys"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:512
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:17
+msgid "The private key you entered was invalid. Please try again."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:74
-msgid ""
-"If you want to set your own Dropbox API Keys, you can do it here. Leave "
-"empty for default."
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:515
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:742
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:773
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:20
+msgid "Private Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:77
-msgid "Full Dropbox App key:"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:522
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:25
+msgid "Submit"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:88
-msgid "Full Dropbox App secret:"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:527
+msgid "Your download has been generated. It should begin downloading momentarily."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:100
-msgid "Sandbox App key:"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:575
+msgid "Seems is not possible to store your private key, be sure the directory %s is writable."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:111
-msgid "Sandbox App secret:"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:114
+msgid "Functions for bz2 compression not available."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:131
-msgid "SugarSync API Keys"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:311
+msgid "File name cannot be empty."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:132
-msgid ""
-"If you want to set your own SugarSync API keys you can do that here. Leave "
-"empty for default."
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:751
+msgid "Cannot open source file %s for archiving. Writing an empty file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:135
-msgid "Access Key ID:"
+#. translators: $1 is the filename to add into the archive.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:1006
+msgid "Cannot open source file %s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:143
-msgid "Private Access Key:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:39
+msgid "Please enter a public key first, or generate a key pair."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:154
-msgid "App ID:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:40
+msgid "Please enter your private key."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:175
-msgid "Google API Keys"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:41
+msgid "Public key is valid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:179
-msgid "Client ID:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:42
+msgid "Public key is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:191
-msgid "Client secret:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:43
+msgid "Please download the private key before continuing. If you do not save it locally, you cannot decrypt your backups later."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:202
-msgid "Redirect URIs:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:217
+msgid "Encryption"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:206
-msgid "Add this URI in a new line to the field."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:593
+msgid "Here you can set your keys for encrypting your backups."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:15
-msgid "Create a job"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:601
+msgid "If you select symmetric encryption (default), you can generate a 256-bit key by clicking Generate Key
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:16
-msgid "Choose a job"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:611
+msgid "If you select asymmetric encryption (more secure), you must have an RSA public/private key pair. You would enter the public key in the Public Key
field. If you do not have a key pair, click Generate Key Pair
and they will be generated for you."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:41
-msgid "Job Types"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:621
+msgid "Note: You will be asked to download the keys for safe storage. We do not keep a copy of the private key, so if you lose this, your data cannot be decrypted!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:41
-msgid "Select a task for your job."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:631
+msgid "You can also click Validate
to validate that you have the proper private key for the given public key."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:61
-msgid "Archive Settings"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:642
+msgid "Encryption Type"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:62
-msgid "Settings for the Backup Archive"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:649
+msgid "Symmetric (public key only)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:68
-msgid "Where would you like to store the backup file?"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:655
+msgid "Asymmetric (public and private key)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:82 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:314
-msgid "Scheduling"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:661
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:667
+msgid "Encryption Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:82
-msgid "When would you like to start the job?"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:672
+msgid "Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:255
-msgid "Select one or more tasks for your backup job."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:684
+msgid "Click below to generate a random key."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:315
-msgid "Activate scheduling"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:687
+msgid "Generate Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:409
-msgid "Sync file by file to destination"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:696
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:701
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:762
+msgid "Public Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:420
-msgid "Select a compression type for the backup archive"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:704
+msgid "RSA Public Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:423
-msgid "Archive compression type"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:716
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:717
+msgid "Generate Key Pair"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:427
-msgid ""
-"PHP Zip functions will be used if available (memory lees). Else PCLZip Class "
-"will used."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:722
+msgid "Validate Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:430 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:441
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:449
-msgid "Disabled because missing PHP function."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:723
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:748
+msgid "Validate"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:433 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:434
-msgid "Tar (fast and memory less) uncompressed"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:735
+msgid "Enter your private key below to validate it will work with the provided public key."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:437 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:438
-msgid "A tared and GZipped archive (fast and memory less)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:738
+msgid "The private key will not be stored, so you must still securely store it yourself."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:445
-msgid "A tared and BZipped archive (fast and memory less)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:754
+msgid "Your keys are being generated. Please hold a moment …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:470
-msgid "Where to store the files"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:758
+msgid "Here are your keys. Please store them in a safe location."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:661
-msgid "Wizard: %1$s"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:783
+msgid "Please download at least your private key above, as we will not store this key, and if you lose it, your backups cannot be decrypted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:680
-msgid "New job %s generated."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:786
+msgid "Click the button below to use these keys and paste the public key into the RSA public key field above."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:692
-msgid "Create Job"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:790
+msgid "Use These Keys"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:717 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:718
-msgid "Database Backup and XML Export (Daily)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:955
+msgid "Experiencing an issue and need to contact BackWPup support? Click the link below to get debug information you can send to us."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:735 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:736
-msgid "Database Check (Weekly)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:962
+msgid "Debug Info"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:760 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:761
-msgid "Backup all files"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:966
+msgid "Get Debug Info"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:775
-msgid "Essential files + list of plugins"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:973
+msgid "You will find debug information below. Click the button to copy the debug info to send to support."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:776
-msgid "Backup essential files and folders, plus a list of installed plugins."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:981
+msgid "Note: Would you like faster, more streamlined support? Pro users can contact BackWPup from right within the plugin."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:791 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:792
-msgid "Custom configuration"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:988
+msgid "https://backwpup.com"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:14
-msgid "XML job import"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:989
+msgid "Get Pro"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:15
-msgid "Wizard for importing BackWPup jobs from an XML file"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1000
+msgid "Copy Debug Info"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:32 inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:101
-msgid "Import"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1005
+msgid "Debug info copied to clipboard."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:45
-msgid "Import File"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1013
+msgid "Could not copy debug info. You can simply press ctrl+C to copy it."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:45
-msgid "Upload XML job file for import"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1156
+msgid "WP-Cron url"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:46
-msgid "Select items to import"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1160
+msgid "Server self connect"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:46
-msgid "Select which job should be imported or overwritten."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1166
+msgid "Not expected HTTP response:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:67
-msgid ""
-"Please upload your BackWPup job XML export file and we’ll import the "
-"jobs into BackWPup."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1170
+msgid "WP Http Error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:69
-msgid "Choose a file from your computer:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1178
+msgid "Status-Code: %d"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:69
-msgid "Maximum size: %s"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1193
+msgid "Content: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:92
-msgid "Import Jobs"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1209
+msgid "Temp folder"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:95
-msgid "Import Type"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1225
+msgid "Log folder"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:96
-msgid "No Import"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1231
+msgid "Log folder %s does not exist."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:99
-msgid "Overwrite"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1266
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1273
+msgid "%d seconds"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:99
-msgid "Append"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1271
+msgid "BackWPup maximum script execution time"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:114
-msgid "Import Config"
+#: inc/class-download-file.php:135
+msgid "Invalid file name, seems file include invalid characters."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:117
-msgid "Import BackWPup configuration"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:614
+msgid "Restore from Folder"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:142
-msgid ""
-"File is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error could "
-"also caused by uploads being disabled in your php.ini or by post_max_size "
-"being defined as smaller than upload_max_filesize in php.ini."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:619
+msgid "Restore from Google Drive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:157
-msgid ""
-"The export file could not be found at %s
. This is likely due to "
-"an issue with permissions."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:624
+msgid "Restore from Amazon S3"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:164
-msgid "Sorry, there has been a phrase error."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:629
+msgid "Restore from Dropbox"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:171
-msgid ""
-"This Export file (version %s) may not be supported by this version of the "
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:634
+msgid "Restore from FTP"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:177
-msgid "This is not a BackWPup XML file"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:71
+msgid "Could not write data to file. Empty source file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:243
-msgid "Job %1$s with id %2$d imported"
+#: inc/class-job.php:332
+msgid "Encrypts the archive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:251
-msgid "BackWPup config imported"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1689
+msgid "No encryption key was provided. Aborting encryption."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:14
-msgid "System Test"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1696
+msgid "%d. Trying to encrypt archive …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:15
-msgid "Wizard to test if BackWPup can work properly"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1706
+msgid "Cannot open the archive for reading. Aborting encryption."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:32
-msgid "Run tests"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1712
+msgid "Cannot write the encrypted archive. Aborting encryption."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:45
-msgid "Environment"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1769
+msgid "Encrypted %s of data."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:45
-msgid "System Environment"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1773
+msgid "Unable to delete unencrypted archive."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:59
-msgid "Test if BackWPup can work without problems."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1777
+msgid "Unable to rename encrypted archive."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:99
-msgid ""
-"You must run WordPress version 3.4 or higher to use this plugin. You are "
-"using version %s now."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1782
+msgid "Archive has been successfully encrypted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:104
-msgid ""
-"You must run PHP version 5.2.6 or higher to use this plugin. You are using "
-"version %s now."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2451
+msgid "exec command is not active."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:108
-msgid ""
-"We recommend to run a PHP version above 5.3.2 to get the full plugin "
-"functionality. You are using version %s now."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2456
+msgid "mysqldump binary not found."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:113
-msgid ""
-"You must have the MySQLi extension installed and a MySQL server version of "
-"5.0.7 or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %s now."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:448
+msgid "Note: In order for backup file tracking to work, %hash% must be included anywhere in the archive name."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:118
-msgid ""
-"PHP cURL extension must be installed to use the full plugin functionality."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:452
+msgid "Preview: "
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:122
-msgctxt "%1 = extension name, %2 = file suffix"
-msgid "We recommend to install the %1$s extension to generate %2$s archives."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:484
+msgid "ZipArchive PHP class is missing, so BackWPUp will use PclZip instead."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:146
-msgctxt "Link to PHP manual"
-msgid "Please disable the deprecated PHP safe mode."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:495
+msgid "Not supported yet by the automatic restore functionality"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:154
-msgid ""
-"We recommend to install the PHP FTP extension to use the FTP backup "
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:506
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:511
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:520
+msgid "Encrypt Archive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:174
-msgid "The HTTP response test result is an error: \"%s\"."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:524
+msgid "You must generate your encryption key in BackWPup Settings before you can enable this option."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:178
-msgid ""
-"The HTTP response test result is a wrong HTTP status: %s. It should be "
-"status 200."
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:56
+msgid "Cannot open the archive for reading."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:191
-msgid "WP-Cron seems to be broken. But it is needed to run scheduled jobs."
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:82
+msgid "Cannot write the encrypted archive."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:196
-msgid "All tests passed without errors."
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:162
+msgid "Private key invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:199
-msgid ""
-"There is no error, but some warnings. BackWPup will work, but with "
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:321
+msgid "Could not log in to FTP server."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:202
-msgid "There are errors. Please correct them, or BackWPup cannot work."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:735
+msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created! Parent directory may be not writable."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/CronController.php:80
-msgid "Every %d days"
+#: backwpup.php:573
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:573
+msgid "BackWPup requires PHP version %$1s with spl extension or greater and WordPress %$2s or greater."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/FrontController.php:143
-msgid "%s needs your help"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:7
+msgid "Uploading Archive..."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/FrontController.php:144
-msgid "Help %s"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:8
+msgid "Restoring: Directories ..."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:28
-msgid "Yes, I agree."
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:9
+msgid "Restoring: Database ..."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:45
-msgid "I have to think about that, ask me later."
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:10
+msgid "Extracting Archive please be patient ..."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:62
-msgid "Please no. Don't ask me again."
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:11
+msgid "Downloading Archive..."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:84
-msgid "More info"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:12
+msgid "Database restored successfully."
msgstr ""
-#. Plugin Name of the plugin/theme
-msgid "BackWPup Pro"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:13
+msgid "Ops! There was an error during database restore. Please see the log for more information."
msgstr ""
-#. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
-#: inc/class-admin.php:381 inc/class-admin.php:401 inc/class-help.php:17
-#: inc/class-help.php:22 inc/class-job.php:394 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:15
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:15 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:15
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:15 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:15
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:624 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:262 inc/class-page-settings.php:391
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:17 inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:16
-msgid "http://backwpup.com"
-msgstr "http://backwpup.com"
-#. Description of the plugin/theme
-msgid "WordPress Backup Plugin"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:17
+msgid "Restoring: "
msgstr ""
-#. Author of the plugin/theme
-msgid "Inpsyde GmbH"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:18
+msgid "No EventSource found in the brower. Cannot continue."
msgstr ""
-#. Author URI of the plugin/theme
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:17 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:17
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:17 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:17 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:19
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18 inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:18
-msgid "http://inpsyde.com"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:19
+msgid "Directories restored successfully."
msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Allows restricted access to Apps/BackWPup folder only."
-#~ msgstr "Позволяет только ограниченный доступ к папке Apps/BackWPup."
-#~ msgid "Allows full access to your entire Dropbox."
-#~ msgstr "Позволяет полный доступ ко всему Вашему Dropbox."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Folder inside your Dropbox where your backup archives will be stored."
-#~ msgstr "Папка в Dropbox, где будут храниться Ваши резервные архивы."
-#~ msgid "GreenQloud Storage Qloud"
-#~ msgstr "GreenQloud Storage Qloud"
-#~ msgid "Method for creating ZIP-file archives"
-#~ msgstr "Метод создания ZIP архива"
-#~ msgid "Safe Mode"
-#~ msgstr "Безопасный режим"
-#~ msgid "Support"
-#~ msgstr "Поддержка"
-#~ msgid "News"
-#~ msgstr "Новости"
-#~ msgid "Google Storage (Interoperable Access)"
-#~ msgstr "Google Storage (доступ в режиме совместимости)"
-#~ msgid "Dynamically loaded documentation"
-#~ msgstr "Динамически загружаемая документация"
-#~ msgid "ATTENTION: Job runs every %d hours!"
-#~ msgstr "ВНИМАНИЕ: Задание выполняется каждые %d час(а)!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "PHP Zip functions will be used if available (needs less memory). "
-#~ "Otherwise the PCLZip class will be used."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Если доступна, будет использоваться функция PHP Zip (требует меньше "
-#~ "памяти). В противном случае будет использоваться класс PCLZip."
-#~ msgid "A tarballed, not compressed archive (fast and less memory)"
-#~ msgstr "Tarball файл, а не сжатый архив (быстрый и меньше памяти)"
-#~ msgid "A tarballed, GZipped archive (fast and less memory)"
-#~ msgstr "Tarball файл, GZipped архив (быстрый и меньше памяти)"
-#~ msgid "A tarballed, BZipped archive (fast and less memory)"
-#~ msgstr "Tarball файл, BZipped архив (быстрый и меньше памяти)"
-#~ msgctxt "Folder name"
-#~ msgid "Folder %s not readable"
-#~ msgstr "Папка %s не доступна для чтения"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "All images with -???x???. will be excluded. Use a plugin like Regenerate "
-#~ "Thumbnails to rebuild them after a restore."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Все изображения с -???x???. будут исключены. Используйте плагин типа "
-#~ "Regenerate Thumbnails, чтобы переустановить их после восстановления."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If the WordPress root folder is not included in this backup job, check "
-#~ "this option to additionally include wp-config.php, robots.txt, ."
-#~ "htaccess, .htpasswd and favicon.ico into the backup. Your wp-config.php "
-#~ "will be included even if you placed it in the parent directory of your "
-#~ "root folder."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Если корневая папка WordPress не включена в это задание резервного "
-#~ "копирования, выберите этот параметр, чтобы дополнительно включать wp-"
-#~ "config.php, robots.txt, .htaccess, .htpasswd и favicon.ico в резервную "
-#~ "копию. Ваш wp-config.php будет включен, даже если Вы поместили его в "
-#~ "родительский каталог корневой папке."
-#~ msgid "%s Welcome"
-#~ msgstr " Добро пожаловать в %s"
-#~ msgid "Heads up! You have updated from version 2.x"
-#~ msgstr "Внимание! Вы обновились с версии 2.x"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please check your settings after updating from version "
-#~ "2.x:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Пожалуйста, проверьте Ваши настройки после обновления "
-#~ "с версии 2.x:"
-#~ msgid "Dropbox authentication must be re-entered"
-#~ msgstr "Аутентификация Dropbox, должны быть проведена заново"
-#~ msgid "SugarSync authentication must be re-entered"
-#~ msgstr "Аутентификации SugarSync должна быть проведена заново"
-#~ msgid "S3 Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Настройки S3"
-#~ msgid "Google Storage is now a part of S3 service settings"
-#~ msgstr "Google Storage является теперь частью настроек сервиса S3"
-#~ msgid "All your passwords"
-#~ msgstr "Все ваши пароли"
-#~ msgid "Please activate your license"
-#~ msgstr "Вам необходимо активировать лицензию"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please go to your plugin page and active the license to have the "
-#~ "autoupdates enabled."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Пожалуйста, перейдите на страницу плагина и активируйте лицензию, чтобы "
-#~ "автообновление было включено."
-#~ msgid "Maximum number of files to keep in folder."
-#~ msgstr "Максимальное количество файло в папке."
-#~ msgid "Bucket %s could not be created."
-#~ msgstr "Bucket %s не может быть создан."
-#~ msgid "https://marketpress.com/support/forum/plugins/backwpup-pro/"
-#~ msgstr "https://marketpress.com/support/forum/plugins/backwpup-pro/"
-#~ msgid "Error while deleting file from Dropbox: %s"
-#~ msgstr "Ошибка при удалении файлов на Dropbox: %s"
-#~ msgid "Backup to an S3 Service v1"
-#~ msgstr "Резервное копирование на сервис S3 v1"
-#~ msgid "Pro Support"
-#~ msgstr "Поддержка Pro "
-#~ msgid "http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup/"
-#~ msgstr "http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup/"
-#~ msgid "MarketPress"
-#~ msgstr "MarketPress"
-#~ msgid "http://marketpress.com/product/backwpup-pro/"
-#~ msgstr "http://marketpress.com/product/backwpup-pro/"
-#~ msgid "BackWPup Role"
-#~ msgstr "Роль BackWPup"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Important: before updating, please back "
-#~ "up your database and files with %2$s. For help with updates, visit the Updating "
-#~ "WordPress Codex page."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Важно:перед обновлением, пожалуйста сохраните базу данных и файлов используя %2$s. Для получения справки о "
-#~ "обновлениях, посетите страницу Updating WordPress Codex."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Important: before installing this plugin, please back up your database and files with %2$s."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Важно: перед установкой плагина, пожалуйста сохраните базу данных и файлы используя %2$s."
-#~ msgid "The HTTP response test get an error \"%s\""
-#~ msgstr "Ответ теста HTTP дает ошибку \"%s\""
-#~ msgid "The HTTP response test get a false http status (%s)"
-#~ msgstr "Ответ теста HTTP дает ложный http статус (%s)"
-#~ msgid "seconds. 0 = disabled."
-#~ msgstr "сек. 0 = выкл."
-#~ msgid "Auto"
-#~ msgstr "Авто"
-#~ msgid "ZipArchive"
-#~ msgstr "ZipArchive"
-#~ msgid "PclZip"
-#~ msgstr "PclZip"
-#~ msgid "Creates an .sql database backup file"
-#~ msgstr "Создает файл резервной копии базы данных .sql"
-#~ msgid "The BackWPup HTTP response header returns a false value: \"%s\""
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "HTTP заголовок ответа BackWPup HTTP возвращает значение false: \"%s\""
diff --git a/languages/backwpup-sv_SE.po b/languages/backwpup-sv_SE.po
index 9846b6e8..73b61161 100644
--- a/languages/backwpup-sv_SE.po
+++ b/languages/backwpup-sv_SE.po
@@ -1,155 +1,228 @@
-# Translation of BackWPup Pro in Swedish
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the BackWPup Pro package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BackWPup Pro\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup-pro\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-29 20:11+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-05-29 20:13+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
-"Language: sv_SE\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-29 20:11+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-05-29 20:13+0200\n"
+"Language: sv_SE\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.1\n"
-#: backwpup.php:333 inc/class-page-backups.php:271
+#: backwpup.php:333
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:271
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:243
+#: backwpup.php:286
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:286
msgid "Folder"
msgstr "Mapp"
#: backwpup.php:334
+#: backwpup.php:287
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:287
msgid "Backup to Folder"
msgstr "Backup till mapp"
#: backwpup.php:349
+#: backwpup.php:302
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:302
msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-post"
#: backwpup.php:350
+#: backwpup.php:303
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:303
msgid "Backup sent via email"
msgstr "Backup skickas via e-post"
#: backwpup.php:365
+#: backwpup.php:318
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:318
msgid "FTP"
msgstr "FTP"
#: backwpup.php:366
+#: backwpup.php:319
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:319
msgid "Backup to FTP"
msgstr "Backup till FTP"
-#: backwpup.php:381 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:293
+#: backwpup.php:381
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:293
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:445
+#: backwpup.php:334
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:334
msgid "Dropbox"
msgstr "Dropbox"
-#: backwpup.php:382 inc/class-page-about.php:517
+#: backwpup.php:382
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:517
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:519
+#: backwpup.php:335
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:335
msgid "Backup to Dropbox"
msgstr "Backup till Dropbox"
-#: backwpup.php:397 inc/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: backwpup.php:397
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:42
+#: backwpup.php:350
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:350
msgid "S3 Service"
msgstr "S3-tjänst"
#: backwpup.php:398
+#: backwpup.php:351
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:351
msgid "Backup to an S3 Service"
msgstr "Backup till en S3-tjänst"
#: backwpup.php:416
+#: backwpup.php:371
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:371
msgid "MS Azure"
msgstr "MS Azure"
#: backwpup.php:417
+#: backwpup.php:372
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:372
msgid "Backup to Microsoft Azure (Blob)"
msgstr "Backup till Microsoft Azure (Blob)"
#: backwpup.php:432
+#: backwpup.php:387
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:387
msgid "RSC"
msgstr "RSC"
-#: backwpup.php:433 inc/class-page-about.php:522
+#: backwpup.php:433
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:522
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:524
+#: backwpup.php:388
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:388
msgid "Backup to Rackspace Cloud Files"
msgstr "Backup till Rackspace Cloud Files"
#: backwpup.php:450
+#: backwpup.php:407
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:407
msgid "SugarSync"
msgstr "SugarSync"
-#: backwpup.php:451 inc/class-page-about.php:537
+#: backwpup.php:451
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:537
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:539
+#: backwpup.php:408
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:408
msgid "Backup to SugarSync"
msgstr "Backup till SugarSync"
#: backwpup.php:470
+#: backwpup.php:433
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:433
msgid "PHP Version %1$s is to low, you need Version %2$s or above."
msgstr "PHP-version %1$s är för gammal, du behöver Version %2$s eller senare."
#: backwpup.php:477
+#: backwpup.php:443
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:443
msgid "Missing function \"%s\"."
msgstr "Saknad funktion \"%s\"."
#: backwpup.php:486
+#: backwpup.php:454
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:454
msgid "Missing class \"%s\"."
msgstr "Saknad klass \"%s\"."
-#: inc/class-admin.php:215 inc/class-help.php:24
+#: inc/class-admin.php:215
+#: inc/class-help.php:24
+#: inc/class-admin.php:267
msgid "http://docs.backwpup.com"
msgstr "http://docs.backwpup.com"
#: inc/class-admin.php:215
+#: inc/class-admin.php:267
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentation"
#: inc/class-admin.php:227
+#: inc/class-admin.php:282
msgid "BackWPup Dashboard"
msgstr "BackWPup Panel"
#: inc/class-admin.php:227
+#: inc/class-admin.php:282
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "Panel"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:243 inc/class-adminbar.php:82
+#: inc/class-admin.php:243
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:82
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-admin.php:305
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:215
msgid "Jobs"
msgstr "Jobb"
#: inc/class-admin.php:258
+#: inc/class-admin.php:330
msgid "Add new job"
msgstr "Skapa nytt jobb"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:273 inc/class-adminbar.php:98
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:328 inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-admin.php:273
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:98
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:328
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-admin.php:355
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:219
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:377
msgid "Logs"
msgstr "Loggar"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:288 inc/class-adminbar.php:106
+#: inc/class-admin.php:288
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:106
+#: inc/class-admin.php:380
msgid "Backups"
msgstr "Backuper"
#: inc/class-admin.php:303
+#: inc/class-admin.php:405
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Inställningar"
#: inc/class-admin.php:316
+#: inc/class-admin.php:425
msgid "About"
msgstr "Om"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:331 inc/class-admin.php:337
+#: inc/class-admin.php:331
+#: inc/class-admin.php:337
+#: inc/class-admin.php:453
+#: inc/class-admin.php:460
msgid "Cheating, huh?"
msgstr "Fuskar du, va?"
#: inc/class-admin.php:381
+#: inc/class-admin.php:510
msgid "Get BackWPup Pro now."
msgstr "Skaffa BackWPup Pro nu."
#: inc/class-admin.php:401
+#: inc/class-admin.php:531
msgid "version %s"
msgstr "version %s"
#: inc/class-admin.php:445
+#: inc/class-admin.php:576
msgid "Add BackWPup Role"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-admin.php:449
+#: inc/class-admin.php:581
msgid "— No additional role for BackWPup —"
msgstr ""
@@ -165,7 +238,8 @@ msgstr "Körs Nu"
msgid "Abort!"
msgstr "Avbryt!"
-#: inc/class-adminbar.php:90 inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:90
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
msgid "Add new"
msgstr "Lägg till nytt"
@@ -176,685 +250,917 @@ msgstr "Kör Nu"
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:31
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:45
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "BackWPup jobs helper"
msgid "Make BackWPup better!"
msgstr "BackWPup jobbassistent"
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:104
-msgid ""
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:108
+msgid "https://inpsyde.com/en/jobs/?utm_source=BackWPup&utm_medium=Link&utm_campaign=BecomeAnInpsyder"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:114
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:118
msgid "We want to make BackWPup even stronger and its support much faster."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:122
-msgid ""
-"This is why we are looking for a talented developer who can work remotely "
-"and support us in BackWPup"
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:126
+msgid "This is why we are looking for a talented developer who can work remotely and support us in BackWPup"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:129
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:133
msgid "and other exciting WordPress projects at our VIP partner agency."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:141
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:145
msgid "Apply now!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:148
#: inc/class-betatester-admin-notice.php:96
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:152
+#: inc/class-admin-notice.php:121
msgid "Don't show again"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:152
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:156
msgid "Work for Inpsyde"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-betatester-admin-notice.php:69
-msgid "Join us as beta tester!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-betatester-admin-notice.php:70
-msgid "https://backwpup.com/become-backwpup-beta-tester/"
-msgstr "https://backwpup.com/become-backwpup-beta-tester/"
-#: inc/class-betatester-admin-notice.php:77
-msgid ""
-"To ensure that our releases are as bug-free as possible, we need you as a "
-"beta tester!"
-msgstr ""
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:64
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:80
msgid "The file name of an archive cannot be empty."
msgstr "Ett arkivs filnamn får inte vara blankt."
+#. translators: $1 is the file path
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:72
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:89
msgctxt "%s = Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s for archive not found"
msgstr "Mapp %s för arkiv ej funnen"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:78 inc/class-create-archive.php:110
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:123 inc/class-mysqldump.php:133
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:78
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:110
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:123
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:133
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:101
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:141
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:182
msgid "Functions for gz compression not available"
msgstr "Funktioner för gz-kompression ej tillgängliga"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:85 inc/class-create-archive.php:129
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:85
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:129
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:195
msgid "Functions for bz2 compression not available"
msgstr "Funktioner för bz2-kompression ej tillgängliga"
+#. translators: $1 is a directory name
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:106
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:155
msgctxt "ZipArchive open() result"
msgid "Cannot create zip archive: %d"
msgstr "Kan ej skapa ZIP-arkiv: %d"
+#. translators: the $1 is the type of the archive file
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:135
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:208
msgctxt "%s = file name"
msgid "Method to archive file %s not detected"
msgstr "Arkiveringsmetod för fil %s ej funnen"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:140
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:215
msgid "Cannot open archive file"
msgstr "Kan ej öppna arkivfil"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:155 inc/class-create-archive.php:349
+#. translators: The $1 is the tecnical error string from pclzip.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:155
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:349
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:233
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:524
msgid "PclZip archive add error: %s"
msgstr "Fel vid lägg till i PclZip-arkiv: %s"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:165
-msgid "ZIP archive cannot be closed correctly."
-msgstr "ZIP-arkivet kan inte stängas korrekt."
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:219
-msgid "File name cannot be empty"
-msgstr "Filnamn får inte vara blankt."
+#. translators: The $1 is the name of the file to add to the archive.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:228
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:326
msgctxt "File to add to archive"
msgid "File %s does not exist or is not readable"
msgstr "Fil %s existerar ej eller är ej läsbar"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:242 inc/class-create-archive.php:258
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:392 inc/class-create-archive.php:396
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:242
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:258
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:392
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:396
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:357
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:384
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:588
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:597
msgid "This archive method can only add one file"
msgstr "Denna arkiveringsmetod kan endast lägga till en fil"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:247 inc/class-create-archive.php:263
-msgid "Cannot open source file %s to archive"
-msgstr "Kan ej öppna källfil %s till arkiv"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:311
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:452
msgid "ZIP archive cannot be closed correctly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:329 inc/class-create-archive.php:338
+#. translators: the $1 is the name of the archive.
+#. translators: $1 is the name of the archive.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:329
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:338
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:407
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:483
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:500
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:617
msgid "Cannot add \"%s\" to zip archive!"
msgstr "Kan ej lägga till \"%s\" till ZIP-arkiv!"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:374
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:554
msgid "Folder name cannot be empty"
msgstr "Mappnamn får ej vara blankt"
+#. translators: $1 is the folder name
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:379
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:565
msgctxt "Folder path to add to archive"
msgid "Folder %s does not exist or is not readable"
msgstr "Mapp %s existerar ej eller är ej läsbar"
+#. translators. $1 is the status returned by a call to a ZipArchive method.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:429
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:649
msgctxt "Text of ZipArchive status Message"
msgid "ZipArchive returns status: %s"
msgstr "ZipArchive returnerar status: %s"
+#. translators: $1 is the file name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:459
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:697
msgid "File name \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
msgstr "Filnamn \"%1$s\" är för långt för att sparas korrekt i arkiv %2$s!"
+#. translators: $1 is the file name to use in the archive.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:462
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:709
msgid "File path \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
msgstr "Filsökväg \"%1$s\" är för lång för att sparas korrekt i arkiv %2$s!"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:474
-msgid "Cannot open source file %s for archiving"
-msgstr "Kan ej öppna källfil %s för arkivering"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:479 inc/class-create-archive.php:480
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:579 inc/class-create-archive.php:580
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:479
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:480
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:579
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:580
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:974
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:975
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Okänt"
+#. translators: $1 is the name of the folder. $2 is the archive name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:570
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:813
msgid "Folder name \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
msgstr "Mappnamn \"%1$s\" är för långt för att sparas korrekt i arkiv %2$s!"
+#. translators: $1 is the name of the folder. $2 is the archive name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:573
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:828
msgid "Folder path \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
msgstr "Mappsökväg \"%1$s\" är för lång för att sparas korrekt i arkiv %2$s!"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:654
-msgid ""
-"If %s will be added to your backup archive, the archive will be too large "
-"for operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting "
-"the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:896
+msgid "If %s will be added to your backup archive, the archive will be too large for operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-cron.php:69
+#: inc/class-cron.php:73
msgid "Aborted, because no progress for one hour!"
msgstr "Avbröts, p.g.a. inga framsteg på en timme!"
-#: inc/class-cron.php:101 inc/class-destination-folder.php:209
-#: inc/class-job.php:1003 inc/class-job.php:1141 inc/class-job.php:1740
+#: inc/class-cron.php:101
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:209
+#: inc/class-job.php:1003
+#: inc/class-job.php:1141
+#: inc/class-job.php:1740
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:445
+#: inc/class-cron.php:107
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:195
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:446
msgid "Could not open path: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:41 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:344
+#. translators: the $1 is the error message
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:41
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:344
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:253
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:405
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:458
msgid "Dropbox API: %s"
msgstr "API för Dropbox: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55 inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:51
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:51
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:93
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:72
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Logga in"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:59 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:28
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:28
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:43
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:76
msgid "Authentication"
msgstr "Autentisering"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:61 inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:57
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:61
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:57
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:295
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:99
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:415
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:78
msgid "Not authenticated!"
msgstr "Ej autentiserad!"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:63
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:28
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:51
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:81
msgid "Create Account"
msgstr "Skapa Konto"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:65 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:65
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:45
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:34
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:59
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:300
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:31
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:101
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:425
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:57
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:83
msgid "Authenticated!"
msgstr "Autentiserad!"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:68
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:92
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:95
msgid "Delete Dropbox Authentication"
msgstr "Ta bort Dropbox-autentisering"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:75
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:102
msgid "App Access to Dropbox"
msgstr "App-åtkomst till Dropbox"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:78
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:110
msgid "Get Dropbox App auth code"
msgstr "Skaffa Dropbox App-autentiseringskod"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:79
-msgid ""
-"A dedicated folder named BackWPup will be created inside of the Apps folder "
-"in your Dropbox. BackWPup will get read and write access to that folder "
-"only. You can specify a subfolder as your backup destination for this job in "
-"the destination field below."
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:111
+msgid "A dedicated folder named BackWPup will be created inside of the Apps folder in your Dropbox. BackWPup will get read and write access to that folder only. You can specify a subfolder as your backup destination for this job in the destination field below."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:84
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:119
msgid "— OR —"
msgstr "— ELLER —"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:87
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:122
msgid "Full Access to Dropbox"
msgstr "Fullständig Åtkomst till Dropbox"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:90
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:130
msgid "Get full Dropbox auth code "
msgstr "Skaffa en fullständig autentiseringskod för Dropbox"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:91
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup will have full read and write access to your entire Dropbox. You "
-"can specify your backup destination wherever you want, just be aware that "
-"ANY files or folders inside of your Dropbox can be overridden or deleted by "
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup kommer att ha fullständiga läs- och skrivrättigheter till hela din "
-"Dropbox. Du kan specificera ditt backup-mål var du vill, var bara medveten "
-"om att ALLA filer och mappar i din Dropbox kan skrivas över eller tas bort "
-"av BackWPup."
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:98 inc/class-destination-folder.php:29
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:49 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:66
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:95 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:81
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:131
+msgid "BackWPup will have full read and write access to your entire Dropbox. You can specify your backup destination wherever you want, just be aware that ANY files or folders inside of your Dropbox can be overridden or deleted by BackWPup."
+msgstr "BackWPup kommer att ha fullständiga läs- och skrivrättigheter till hela din Dropbox. Du kan specificera ditt backup-mål var du vill, var bara medveten om att ALLA filer och mappar i din Dropbox kan skrivas över eller tas bort av BackWPup."
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:29
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:66
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:95
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:81
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:68
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:112
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:141
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:82
msgid "Backup settings"
msgstr "Backup-inställningar"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:102
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:145
msgid "Destination Folder"
msgstr "Målmapp"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:106
-msgid ""
-"Specify a subfolder where your backup archives will be stored. If you use "
-"the App option from above, this folder will be created inside of Apps/"
-"BackWPup. Otherwise it will be created at the root of your Dropbox. Already "
-"exisiting folders with the same name will not be overriden."
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:154
+msgid "Specify a subfolder where your backup archives will be stored. If you use the App option from above, this folder will be created inside of Apps/BackWPup. Otherwise it will be created at the root of your Dropbox. Already exisiting folders with the same name will not be overriden."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:111 inc/class-destination-folder.php:39
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:59 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:91
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:111
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:39
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:91
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:81
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:125
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:162
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:40
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:95
msgid "File Deletion"
msgstr "Filborttagning"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:118 inc/class-destination-folder.php:46
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:66 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:83
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:112 inc/class-destination-s3.php:121
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:46
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:66
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:112
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:121
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:51
#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:43
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:90
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:323
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:45
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:73
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:73
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:134
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:456
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:45
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:182
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:76
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:229
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:171
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:104
msgid "Number of files to keep in folder."
msgstr "Antal filer att lagra i mapp."
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:120 inc/class-destination-folder.php:48
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:68 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:85
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:114 inc/class-destination-s3.php:123
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:120
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:48
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:68
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:85
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:114
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:123
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:100
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:92
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:109
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Files belonging to this job are now tracked. Old "
-"backup archives which are untracked will not be automatically deleted."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:124 inc/class-destination-folder.php:52
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:72 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:89
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:118 inc/class-destination-s3.php:127
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:136
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:109
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:232
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:173
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:51
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:106
+msgid "Warning: Files belonging to this job are now tracked. Old backup archives which are untracked will not be automatically deleted."
+msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:124
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:52
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:89
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:127
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:104
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:54
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:48 inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:44
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:48
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:44
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:98
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:328
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:56
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:78
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:78
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:65
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:148
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:462
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:56
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:187
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:82
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:51
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:75
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:65
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:245
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:183
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:57
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:118
msgid "Do not delete files while syncing to destination!"
msgstr "Ta ej bort filer medans synkning mot målmapp sker!"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:239
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:372
msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …"
msgstr "%d. Försök skicka backup-fil till Dropbox …"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:256
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:127
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:209
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:390
msgid "Authenticated with Dropbox of user: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:262
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:133
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:217
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:398
msgid "%s available on your Dropbox"
msgstr "%s tillgängligt i din Dropbox"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:266
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:137
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:223
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:404
msgid "Not Authenticated with Dropbox!"
msgstr "Ej Autentiserad hos Dropbox!"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:270
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:408
msgid "Uploading to Dropbox …"
msgstr "Laddar upp till Dropbox …"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:283 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:286
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:283
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:286
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:260
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:663
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:924
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:290
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:432
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:263
msgid "Backup transferred to %s"
msgstr "Backup överförd till %s"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:287
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:666
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:930
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:438
msgid "Uploaded file size and local file size don't match."
msgstr "Uppladdad filstorlek och lokal filstorlek matchar ej."
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:292
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:668
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:448
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:936
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:450
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:444
msgid "Error transfering backup to %s."
msgstr "Fel vid överföring av backup-fil %s."
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:337
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:345
msgid "One file deleted from Dropbox"
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Dropbox"
msgstr[0] "En fil borttagen från Dropbox"
msgstr[1] "%d filer borttagna från Dropbox"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:520
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php:177
msgid "Beginning new file upload session"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:539
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php:199
msgid "Uploading %s of data"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:575
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php:244
msgid "Finishing upload session with a total of %s uploaded"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:38 inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:16
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:38
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:16
#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:18
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:39
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "E-postadress"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:41
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:43
msgid "To email address (separate with commas for multiple addresses)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:47 inc/class-destination-email.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:47
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:49
#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:29
#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:30
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:29
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:30
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:52
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:56
msgid "Send test email"
msgstr "Skicka e-posttest"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:61
msgid "Send email settings"
msgstr "Inställningar för att skicka e-post"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:57
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:65
msgid "Maximum file size"
msgstr "Maximal filstorlek"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:69
msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:60
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:70
msgid "Maximum file size to be included in an email. 0 = unlimited"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:64
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:75
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Sender email address"
msgid "From email address"
msgstr "Avsändares e-postadress"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:70
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:83
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Sender name"
msgid "From name"
msgstr "Avsändares namn"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:92
msgid "Sending method"
msgstr "Metod för att skicka e-post"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:80
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:97
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Use site settings"
msgid "Use WordPress settings"
msgstr "Använd webbplatsens inställningar"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:81
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:98
msgid "PHP: mail()"
msgstr "PHP: mail()"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:82
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:99
msgid "Sendmail"
msgstr "Sendmail"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:100
msgid "SMTP"
msgstr "SMTP"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:89
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:108
msgid "Sendmail path"
msgstr "Sendmail sökväg"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:95
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:119
msgid "SMTP host name"
msgstr "SMTP värdnamn"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:98 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:31
#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:21
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:35
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:124
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:56
msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Port:"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:102
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:136
msgid "SMTP secure connection"
msgstr "SMTP säker anslutning"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:106 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:67
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:103 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:73
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:57 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:329
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:404 inc/class-page-settings.php:328
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:106
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:67
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:103
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:73
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:57
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:329
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:404
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:328
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:141
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:837
msgid "none"
msgstr "inget"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:107
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:143
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:145
msgid "TLS"
msgstr "TLS"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:113
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:152
msgid "SMTP username"
msgstr "SMTP användarnamn"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:120
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:162
msgid "SMTP password"
msgstr "SMTP lösenord"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:199
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:243
msgid "%d. Try to send backup with email …"
msgstr "%d. Försök att skicka backup via e-post …"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:204
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:248
msgid "Backup archive too big to be sent by email!"
msgstr "Backup-arkiv för stort för att skickas med e-post!"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:211
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:255
msgid "Sending email to %s…"
msgstr "Skickar e-post till %s…"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:289
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:333
msgid "BackWPup archive from %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "BackWPup-arkiv från %1$s: %2$s"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:292
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:336
msgid "Backup archive: %s"
msgstr "Backup-arkiv: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:306 inc/class-destination-email.php:430
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:306
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:430
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:349
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:474
msgid "Error while sending email!"
msgstr "Fel när e-post skulle skickas!"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:312 inc/class-destination-email.php:432
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:312
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:432
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:354
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:476
msgid "Email sent."
msgstr "E-post skickad."
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:414
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:459
msgid "BackWPup archive sending TEST Message"
msgstr "BackWPup-arkiv skickar TEST-meddelande"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:417
-msgid ""
-"If this message reaches your inbox, sending backup archives via email should "
-"work for you."
-msgstr ""
-"Om detta meddelande når din inkorg så borde det fungera för dig att skicka "
-"backup-arkiv också."
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:462
+msgid "If this message reaches your inbox, sending backup archives via email should work for you."
+msgstr "Om detta meddelande når din inkorg så borde det fungera för dig att skicka backup-arkiv också."
#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:33
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:32
msgid "Folder to store backups in"
msgstr "Mapp att spara backup-filer i"
#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:229
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:219
msgid "One backup file deleted"
msgid_plural "%d backup files deleted"
msgstr[0] "En backup-fil togs bort"
msgstr[1] "%d backup-filer togs bort"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:23
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:46
msgid "FTP server and login"
msgstr "FTP-server och inloggning"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:50
msgid "FTP server"
msgstr "FTP-server"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:36 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:46
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:36
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:46
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:63
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Användarnamn"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:42
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:71
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Lösenord"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:53
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:87
msgid "Folder to store files in"
msgstr "Mapp att lagra filer i"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:79
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:128
msgid "FTP specific settings"
msgstr "FTP-specifika inställningar"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:133
msgid "Timeout for FTP connection"
msgstr "Tidsgräns för FTP-anslutning"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:87 inc/class-page-logs.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:87
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:257
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:466
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:288
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:137
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "sekunder"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:91
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:141
msgid "SSL-FTP connection"
msgstr "SSL-FTP-anslutning"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:94
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:148
msgid "Use explicit SSL-FTP connection."
msgstr "Använd explicit SSL-FTP-anslutning"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:99
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:153
msgid "FTP Passive Mode"
msgstr "Passivt Läge för FTP"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:101
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:158
msgid "Use FTP Passive Mode."
msgstr "Använd Passivt Läge för FTP."
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:179
-msgid "FTP: Login failure!"
-msgstr "FTP: Inloggning misslyckades!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:203
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:433
msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to an FTP server …"
msgstr "%d. Försök skicka backup-filen till en FTP-server …"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:209
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:450
msgid "Connected via explicit SSL-FTP to server: %s"
msgstr "Ansluten via explicit SSL-FTP till server: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:211
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:458
msgid "Cannot connect via explicit SSL-FTP to server: %s"
msgstr "Kan ej ansluta via explicit SSL-FTP till server: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:217
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:468
msgid "PHP function to connect with explicit SSL-FTP to server does not exist!"
-msgstr ""
-"PHP-funktion för att ansluta med explicit SSL-FTP till servern finns ej!"
+msgstr "PHP-funktion för att ansluta med explicit SSL-FTP till servern finns ej!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:225
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:483
msgid "Connected to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "Ansluten till FTP-server: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:227
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:491
msgid "Cannot connect to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "Kan ej ansluta till FTP-server: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:234 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:242
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:258 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:305
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:234
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:242
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:258
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:305
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:503
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:523
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:546
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:603
msgid "FTP client command: %s"
msgstr "FTP-klient kommando: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:236
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:513
msgid "FTP server response: %s"
msgstr "FTP-server svar: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:240 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:245
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:248 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:261
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:263 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:308
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:310 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:314
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:240
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:245
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:248
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:261
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:263
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:310
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:314
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:316
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:520
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:531
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:534
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:549
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:552
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:607
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:612
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:619
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:624
msgid "FTP server reply: %s"
msgstr "FTP-server svar: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:263
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:552
msgid "Error getting SYSTYPE"
msgstr "Fel vid förfrågan om SYSTYPE"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:281
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:765
msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" created!"
msgstr "FTP-mapp \"%s\" skapad!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:285
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:753
msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created!"
msgstr "FTP-mapp \"%s\" kan ej skapas!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:296
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:590
msgid "FTP current folder is: %s"
msgstr "Aktuell FTP-mapp är: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:607
msgid "Entering passive mode"
msgstr "Övergår till passivt läge"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:310
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:612
msgid "Cannot enter passive mode"
msgstr "Kan ej övergå till passivt läge"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:314
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:619
msgid "Entering normal mode"
msgstr "Övergår till normalt läge"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:316
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:624
msgid "Cannot enter normal mode"
msgstr "Kan ej övergå till normalt läge"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:320
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:631
msgid "Starting upload to FTP …"
msgstr "Påbörjar uppladdning till FTP …"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:332
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:649
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to FTP server!"
msgstr "Kan ej överföra backup-fil till FTP-server!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:337
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:656
msgid "Backup transferred to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "Backup-fil överförd till FTP-server: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:344 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:271
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:289 inc/class-destination-s3.php:499
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:591 inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:653
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:344
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:271
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:289
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:499
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:591
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:653
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:468
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:226 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:259
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:226
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:259
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:292
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:905
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:470
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:228
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:261
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:275
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:843
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:958
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:673
msgid "Can not open source file for transfer."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:388
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:394
msgid "Cannot delete \"%s\" on FTP server!"
msgstr "Kan ej ta bort \"%s\" från FTP-server!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:391
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:404
msgid "One file deleted on FTP server"
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on FTP server"
msgstr[0] "En fil borttagen från FTP-server"
@@ -876,11 +1182,13 @@ msgstr "Åtkomstnyckel"
msgid "Blob container"
msgstr "Blob-behållare"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:48 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:48
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:76
msgid "Container selection"
msgstr "Behållarval"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:59 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:88
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:88
msgid "Create a new container"
msgstr "Skapa en ny behållare"
@@ -888,61 +1196,83 @@ msgstr "Skapa en ny behållare"
msgid "Folder in container"
msgstr "Mapp i behållare"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:76 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:105
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:114 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:96
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:105
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:114
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:96
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:96
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:215
msgid "File deletion"
msgstr "Filborttagning"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:128
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:99
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:99
msgid "MS Azure container \"%s\" created."
msgstr "MS Azure-behållare \"%s\" skapad."
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:131
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:102
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:102
msgid "MS Azure container create: %s"
msgstr "MS Azure-behållare skapad: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:211
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:215
msgid "%d. Try sending backup to a Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Försök skicka backupen till en Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
+msgstr "%d. Försök skicka backupen till en Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:233
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:144
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:144
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:237
msgid "MS Azure container \"%s\" does not exist!"
msgstr "MS Azure-behållare \"%s\" existerar ej!"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:237
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:148
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:148
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:241
msgid "Connected to MS Azure container \"%s\"."
msgstr "Ansluten till MS Azure-behållare \"%s\"."
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:240
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:244
msgid "Starting upload to MS Azure …"
msgstr "Påbörjar uppladdning till MS Azure …"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:292 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:348
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:292
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:348
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:233
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:233
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:296
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:352
msgid "Microsoft Azure API: %s"
msgstr "API för Microsoft Azure: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:341
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:345
msgid "One file deleted on Microsoft Azure container."
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Microsoft Azure container."
msgstr[0] "En fil borttagen från Microsoft Azure-behållare."
msgstr[1] "%d filer borttagna från Microsoft Azure-behållare."
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:442
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:446
msgid "Missing account name!"
msgstr "Kontonamn saknas!"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:444 inc/class-destination-s3.php:222
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:444
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:222
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:166
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:166
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:448
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:359
msgid "Missing access key!"
msgstr "Saknad åtkomstnyckel!"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:448
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:452
msgid "No container found!"
msgstr "Ingen behållare hittades!"
@@ -958,305 +1288,434 @@ msgstr "API-nyckel"
msgid "Select region"
msgstr "Välj region"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:63 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:65
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:63
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:65
#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:30
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:30
msgid "Rackspace Cloud Files Region"
msgstr "Filregion för Rackspace Cloud Files"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:66 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:66
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31
msgid "Dallas (DFW)"
msgstr "Dallas (DFW)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:67 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:67
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32
msgid "Chicago (ORD)"
msgstr "Chicago (ORD)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:68 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:68
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33
msgid "Sydney (SYD)"
msgstr "Sydney (SYD)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:69 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:69
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34
msgid "London (LON)"
msgstr "London (LON)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:70 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35
msgid "Northern Virginia (IAD)"
msgstr "Northern Virginia (IAD)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:71 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:71
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36
msgid "Hong Kong (HKG)"
msgstr "Hong Kong (HKG)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:99 inc/class-destination-s3.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:99
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:202
msgid "Folder in bucket"
msgstr "Mapp i hink"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:158 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:158
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116
msgid "Rackspace Cloud container \"%s\" created."
msgstr "Rackspace Cloud-behållare \"%s\" skapad."
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:162 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:274
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:314 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:359
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:170
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:162
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:274
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:314
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:359
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:170
#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:290
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:277
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:317
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:362
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:172
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:292
msgid "Rackspace Cloud API: %s"
msgstr "API för Rackspace Cloud: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:260
msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to Rackspace cloud …"
msgstr "%d. Försöker skicka backup-fil till Rackspace Cloud …"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:271
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:274
msgid "Connected to Rackspace cloud files container %s"
msgstr "Ansluten till Rackspace Cloud Files behållare %s"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:283
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:286
msgid "Upload to Rackspace cloud started …"
msgstr "Uppladdning till Rackspace Cloud påbörjad …"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:302
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:305
msgid "Backup File transferred to RSC://"
msgstr "Backup-arkiv överfört till RSC://"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:311
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to Rackspace cloud."
msgstr "Kan ej överföra backup-fil till Rackspace Cloud."
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:353
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:356
msgid "One file deleted on Rackspace cloud container."
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Rackspace cloud container."
msgstr[0] "En fil borttagen från Rackspace Cloud-behållare."
msgstr[1] "%d filer borttagna från Rackspace Cloud-behållare."
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:466
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:469
msgid "Missing username!"
msgstr "Användarnamn saknas!"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:468
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:471
msgid "Missing API Key!"
msgstr "API-nyckel saknas!"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:472
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:475
msgid "A container could not be found!"
msgstr "Ingen behållare kunde hittas!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:48
msgid "Select a S3 service"
msgstr "Välj en S3-tjänst"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:33 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:18
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:33
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:54
msgid "Amazon S3 Region"
msgstr "Amazon S3-region"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:34 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:19
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:34
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:19
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:40
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1118
msgid "Amazon S3: US Standard"
msgstr "Amazon S3: US Standard"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:35 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:20
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:35
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:20
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1122
msgid "Amazon S3: US West (Northern California)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: US Väst (Norra Kalifornien)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:36 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:21
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:36
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:21
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:53
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1126
msgid "Amazon S3: US West (Oregon)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: US Väst (Oregon)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:37 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:22
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:37
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:22
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:58
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1130
msgid "Amazon S3: EU (Ireland)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: EU (Irland)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:38 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:23
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:38
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:23
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:68
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1138
msgid "Amazon S3: EU (Germany)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: EU (Tyskland)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:39 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:24
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:39
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:24
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:73
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1142
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asien Stilla Havet (Tokyo)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:40 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:25
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:40
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:25
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:78
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1146
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asien Stilla Havet (Tokyo)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:41 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:26
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:41
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:26
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1150
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asien Stilla Havet (Sydney)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:42 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:42
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:88
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1154
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asien Stilla Havet (Singapore)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:43 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:28
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:43
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:28
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:93
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1158
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asien Stilla Havet (Sydney)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:44 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:29
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:44
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:29
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1162
msgid "Amazon S3: South America (Sao Paulo)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Sydamerika (Sao Paulo)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:45 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:30
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:45
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:30
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:103
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1166
msgid "Amazon S3: China (Beijing)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Kina (Beijing)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:46 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:46
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:31
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1170
msgid "Google Storage: EU"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:47 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:47
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:32
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:113
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1174
msgid "Google Storage: USA"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:48 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:33
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:48
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:33
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1178
msgid "Google Storage: Asia"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:49 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:34
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:49
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:34
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:123
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1182
msgid "Dream Host Cloud Storage"
msgstr "Dream Host Molnlagring"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:68
msgid "Or a S3 Server URL"
msgstr "Eller en S3-server URL"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:61
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:115
msgid "S3 Access Keys"
msgstr "S3 Åtkomstnycklar"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:65 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:65
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:121
msgid "Access Key"
msgstr "Åtkomstnyckel"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:72 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:72
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:135
msgid "Secret Key"
msgstr "Hemlig Nyckel"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:80
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:145
msgid "S3 Bucket"
msgstr "S3-hink"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:84
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:151
msgid "Bucket selection"
msgstr "Hinkval"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:97
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:180
msgid "Create a new bucket"
msgstr "Skapa en ny hink"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:104
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:196
msgid "S3 Backup settings"
msgstr "S3 Backup-inställningar"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:134
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:86
msgid "Multipart Upload"
msgstr "Flerdelsuppladdning (multipart)"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:136
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:98
msgid "Use multipart upload for uploading a file"
msgstr "Använd flerdelsuppladdning (multipart) för att ladda upp en fil"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:137
-msgid ""
-"Multipart splits file into multiple chunks while uploading. This is "
-"necessary for displaying the upload process and to transfer bigger files. "
-"Works without a problem on Amazon. Other services might have issues."
-msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:143
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:252
msgid "Amazon specific settings"
msgstr "Inställningar specifika för Amazon"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:147 inc/class-destination-s3.php:149
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:147
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:149
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:263
msgid "Amazon: Storage Class"
msgstr "Amazon: Lagringsklass"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:150
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:266
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "US Standard"
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "US Standard"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:151
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:270
msgid "Standard-Infrequent Access"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:152
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:278
msgid "Reduced Redundancy"
msgstr "Reducerad Redundans"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:157
-msgid "Server side encryption"
-msgstr "Kryptering på servern"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:161
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:297
msgid "Save files encrypted (AES256) on server."
msgstr "Spara filer krypterade (AES256) på servern."
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:224 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:224
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:361
msgid "Missing secret access key!"
msgstr "Saknad hemlig åtkomstnyckel!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:230
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:367
msgid "No bucket found!"
msgstr "Ingen hink hittades!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:346
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:517
msgid "Bucket %1$s created."
msgstr "Hink %1$s skapad."
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:348 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:147
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:348
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:147
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:285
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:520
msgid " %s is not a valid bucket name."
msgstr "%s är ej ett giltigt hinknamn."
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:389 inc/class-destination-s3.php:522
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:576 inc/class-destination-s3.php:610
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:670 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:337
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:389
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:522
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:576
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:610
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:670
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:337
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:623
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:570
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:868
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:936
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:995
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1006
msgid "S3 Service API: %s"
msgstr "API för S3-tjänst: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:457
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:777
msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to S3 Service …"
msgstr "%d. Försöker skicka backup-fil till S3-tjänst …"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:470 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:188
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:470
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:188
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:383
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:803
msgid "Connected to S3 Bucket \"%1$s\" in %2$s"
msgstr "Ansluten till S3-hink \"%1$s\" i %2$s"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:473 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:191
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:473
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:191
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:391
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:808
msgid "S3 Bucket \"%s\" does not exist!"
msgstr "Amazon S3-hink \"%s\" existerar ej!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:480
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:817
msgid "Checking for not aborted multipart Uploads …"
-msgstr ""
-"Söker efter ej avbrutna flerdelsuppladdningar (multipart) …"
+msgstr "Söker efter ej avbrutna flerdelsuppladdningar (multipart) …"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:486
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:830
msgid "Upload for %s aborted."
msgstr "Uppladdning för %s avbruten."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:492
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:836
msgid "Starting upload to S3 Service …"
msgstr "Påbörjar uppladdning till S3-tjänst …"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:601 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:444
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:601
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:444
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:446
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:972
msgid "Backup transferred to %s."
msgstr "Backup-fil överförd till %s."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:606
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:988
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to S3! (%1$d) %2$s"
msgstr "Kan ej överföra backup-fil till S3! (%1$d) %2$s"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:634
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:699
msgid "Storage Class: %s"
msgstr "Lagringsklass: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:660
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:734
msgid "Cannot delete backup from %s."
msgstr "Kan ej ta bort backup-fil från %s."
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:664
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:746
msgid "One file deleted on S3 Bucket."
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on S3 Bucket"
msgstr[0] "En fil borttagen från S3-hink."
@@ -1268,12 +1727,17 @@ msgstr "SugarSync Inloggning"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:30
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:17
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:17
msgid "Email address:"
msgstr "E-postadress:"
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:33 inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:29
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:33
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:29
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:20
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:126
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:126
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:47
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:20
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Lösenord:"
@@ -1286,6 +1750,8 @@ msgstr "Autentisera med SugarSync!"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:136
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:26
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:26
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
msgid "Create Sugarsync account"
msgstr "Skapa SugarSync-konto"
@@ -1293,6 +1759,8 @@ msgstr "Skapa SugarSync-konto"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:132
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:32
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:94
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:32
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:94
msgid "Delete Sugarsync authentication!"
msgstr "Ta bort SugarSync autentisering!"
@@ -1306,6 +1774,7 @@ msgstr "Synka mappval"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:64
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:41
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:41
msgid "No Syncfolders found!"
msgstr "Inga Synkmappar hittades!"
@@ -1314,38 +1783,45 @@ msgid "Folder in root"
msgstr "Mapp i rot"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:230
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:233
msgid "%d. Try to send backup to SugarSync …"
msgstr "%d. Försök skicka backup-fil till SugarSync …"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:237
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:240
msgid "Authenticated to SugarSync with nickname %s"
msgstr "Autentiserad hos SugarSync med smeknamn %s"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:240
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:243
msgctxt "Available space on SugarSync"
msgid "Not enough disk space available on SugarSync. Available: %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Ej tillräckligt med diskutrymme tillgängligt hos SugarSync. Tillgängligt: %s."
+msgstr "Ej tillräckligt med diskutrymme tillgängligt hos SugarSync. Tillgängligt: %s."
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:246
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:249
msgid "%s available at SugarSync"
msgstr "%s tillgängligt hos SugarSync"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:253
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:256
msgid "Starting upload to SugarSync …"
msgstr "Påbörjar uppladdning till SugarSync …"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:263
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:266
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to SugarSync!"
msgstr "Kan ej överföra backkup-filen till SugarSync!"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:302
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:305
msgid "One file deleted on SugarSync folder"
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on SugarSync folder"
msgstr[0] "En fil borttagen från SugarSync-mapp"
msgstr[1] "%d filer borttagna från SugarSync-mapp"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:311
msgid "SugarSync API: %s"
msgstr "API för SugarSync: %s"
@@ -1358,10 +1834,7 @@ msgid "EasyCron"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-easycron.php:189
-msgid ""
-"Here you can setup your EasyCron.com API key to use this "
+msgid "Here you can setup your EasyCron.com API key to use this service."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-easycron.php:192
@@ -1373,31 +1846,32 @@ msgid "Trigger WordPress Cron:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-easycron.php:203
-msgid ""
-"If you check this box, a cron job will be created on EasyCron that all 5 "
-"Minutes calls the WordPress cron."
+msgid "If you check this box, a cron job will be created on EasyCron that all 5 Minutes calls the WordPress cron."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-file.php:138
+#: inc/class-file.php:142
msgid "Folder %1$s not allowed, please use another folder."
msgstr "Mapp %1$s tillåts ej, vänligen använd en annan mapp."
#: inc/class-file.php:143
+#: inc/class-file.php:147
msgid "Folder %1$s is not in open basedir, please use another folder."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-file.php:149
+#: inc/class-file.php:153
msgid "Cannot create folder: %1$s"
msgstr "Kan ej skapa mapp: %1$s"
#: inc/class-file.php:155
+#: inc/class-file.php:159
msgid "Folder \"%1$s\" is not writable"
msgstr "Mapp \"%1$s\" är ej skrivbar"
#: inc/class-file.php:191
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup will not backup folders and its sub folders when this file is "
+#: inc/class-file.php:195
+msgid "BackWPup will not backup folders and its sub folders when this file is inside."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-help.php:15
@@ -1406,20 +1880,12 @@ msgstr "Tilläggsinfo"
#: inc/class-help.php:17
msgctxt "Plugin name and link; Plugin Version"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s version %2$s. A project by Inpsyde GmbH"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s version %2$s. Ett projekt från Inpsyde "
+msgid "%1$s version %2$s. A project by Inpsyde GmbH."
+msgstr "%1$s version %2$s. Ett projekt från Inpsyde GmbH."
#: inc/class-help.php:18
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is a free software, and you "
-"are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions."
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup kommer HELT UTAN GARANTIER. Detta är en gratis mjukvara, och du är "
-"välkommen att distribuera den vidare med vissa förbehåll."
+msgid "BackWPup comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is a free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions."
+msgstr "BackWPup kommer HELT UTAN GARANTIER. Detta är en gratis mjukvara, och du är välkommen att distribuera den vidare med vissa förbehåll."
#: inc/class-help.php:21
msgid "For more information:"
@@ -1434,491 +1900,535 @@ msgid "Manual"
msgstr "Manual"
#: inc/class-install.php:84
+#: inc/class-install.php:90
msgid "BackWPup Admin"
msgstr "BackWPup Admin"
#: inc/class-install.php:98
+#: inc/class-install.php:105
msgid "BackWPup jobs checker"
msgstr "BackWPup jobbkontrollant"
#: inc/class-install.php:112
+#: inc/class-install.php:120
msgid "BackWPup jobs helper"
msgstr "BackWPup jobbassistent"
#: inc/class-job.php:263
+#: inc/class-job.php:269
msgid "Starting job"
msgstr "Påbörjar jobb"
#: inc/class-job.php:278
+#: inc/class-job.php:284
msgid "Job Start"
msgstr "Jobbstart"
#: inc/class-job.php:298
+#: inc/class-job.php:304
msgid "Creates manifest file"
msgstr "Skapar manifest-fil"
#: inc/class-job.php:320
+#: inc/class-job.php:326
msgid "Creates archive"
msgstr "Skapar arkiv"
#: inc/class-job.php:360
+#: inc/class-job.php:373
msgid "End of Job"
msgstr "Jobb Slut"
#: inc/class-job.php:377
+#: inc/class-job.php:395
msgid "BackWPup log for %1$s from %2$s at %3$s"
msgstr "BackWPup-lobb för %1$s från %2$s vid %3$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:394
+#: inc/class-job.php:412
msgctxt "Plugin name; Plugin Version; plugin url"
msgid "[INFO] %1$s %2$s; A project of Inpsyde GmbH"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:395
+#: inc/class-job.php:413
msgctxt "WordPress Version; Blog url"
msgid "[INFO] WordPress %1$s on %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:396
+#: inc/class-job.php:414
msgid "Normal"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:399
+#: inc/class-job.php:417
msgid "Debug"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:402
+#: inc/class-job.php:420
msgid "(translated)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:404
+#: inc/class-job.php:422
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "[INFO] curl ver.: %1$s; %2$s"
msgid "[INFO] Log Level: %1$s %2$s"
msgstr "[INFO] curl-ver.: %1$s; %2$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:409
+#: inc/class-job.php:427
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job: %1$s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:412
+#: inc/class-job.php:430
msgid "[INFO] Runs with user: %1$s (%2$d) "
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:426 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:323
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:282 inc/class-page-jobs.php:291
+#: inc/class-job.php:426
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:323
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:282
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:291
+#: inc/class-job.php:444
msgid "Not scheduled!"
msgstr "Ej schemalagt!"
-#: inc/class-job.php:430 inc/class-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-job.php:430
+#: inc/class-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-job.php:448
+#: inc/class-job.php:458
msgid "[INFO] Cron: %s; Next: %s "
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:433
+#: inc/class-job.php:451
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job start with link is active"
msgstr "[INFO] BackWPup jobbstart via länk är aktivt"
#: inc/class-job.php:435
+#: inc/class-job.php:453
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job start with EasyCron.com"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:443
+#: inc/class-job.php:461
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup no automatic job start configured"
msgstr "[INFO] BackWPup ingen automatisk jobbstart är konfigurerad"
#: inc/class-job.php:447
+#: inc/class-job.php:465
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started from wp-cron"
msgstr "[INFO] BackWPup jobb startat från wp-cron"
#: inc/class-job.php:449
+#: inc/class-job.php:467
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started manually"
msgstr "[INFO] BackWPup jobb startat manuellt"
#: inc/class-job.php:451
+#: inc/class-job.php:469
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started from external url"
msgstr "[INFO] BackWPup jobb startat från extern url"
#: inc/class-job.php:453
+#: inc/class-job.php:471
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started form commandline interface"
msgstr "[INFO] BackWPup jobb startat från kommandorad"
#: inc/class-job.php:462
+#: inc/class-job.php:480
msgid "[INFO] PHP ver.:"
msgstr "[INFO] PHP-ver.:"
#: inc/class-job.php:463
+#: inc/class-job.php:481
msgid "[INFO] Maximum PHP script execution time is %1$d seconds"
msgstr "[INFO] Maximal körtid för PHP-skript är %1$d sekunder"
#: inc/class-job.php:467
+#: inc/class-job.php:485
msgid "[INFO] Script restart time is configured to %1$d seconds"
msgstr "[INFO] Tid för omstart av skript är konfigurerad till %1$d sekunder"
#: inc/class-job.php:470
+#: inc/class-job.php:488
msgid "[INFO] MySQL ver.: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] MySQL-ver.: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:472
+#: inc/class-job.php:490
msgid "[INFO] Web Server: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] Webbserver: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:476
+#: inc/class-job.php:494
msgid "[INFO] curl ver.: %1$s; %2$s"
msgstr "[INFO] curl-ver.: %1$s; %2$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:478
+#: inc/class-job.php:496
msgid "[INFO] Temp folder is: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] Temp-mapp är: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:485
+#: inc/class-job.php:503
msgid "[INFO] Logfile is: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] Loggfil är: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:492
+#: inc/class-job.php:510
msgid "[INFO] Backup file is: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] Backup-fil är: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:494
+#: inc/class-job.php:512
msgid "[INFO] Backup type is: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] Backup-typ är: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:502
+#: inc/class-job.php:520
msgid "Could not write log file"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:514
-msgid ""
-"No destination correctly defined for backup! Please correct job settings."
-msgstr ""
-"Inget mål har definierats korrekt för backupen! Vänligen åtgärda "
+#: inc/class-job.php:532
+msgid "No destination correctly defined for backup! Please correct job settings."
+msgstr "Inget mål har definierats korrekt för backupen! Vänligen åtgärda jobbinställningarna."
#: inc/class-job.php:644
+#: inc/class-job.php:628
msgid "Cannot write progress to working file. Job will be aborted."
msgstr "Kan ej skriva förlopp till arbetsfil. Jobbet kommer att avbrytas."
-#: inc/class-job.php:716 inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
+#: inc/class-job.php:716
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
+#: inc/class-job.php:700
msgid "WARNING:"
msgstr "VARNING:"
-#: inc/class-job.php:725 inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+#: inc/class-job.php:725
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+#: inc/class-job.php:709
msgid "ERROR:"
msgstr "FEL:"
#: inc/class-job.php:729
+#: inc/class-job.php:713
msgstr "TAGET UR BRUK:"
#: inc/class-job.php:732
+#: inc/class-job.php:716
msgstr "STRIKT NOTIS:"
#: inc/class-job.php:737
+#: inc/class-job.php:721
#: inc/class-job.php:985
+#: inc/class-job.php:972
msgid "Aborted by user!"
msgstr "Avbröts av användare!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1019
+#: inc/class-job.php:1005
msgid "One old log deleted"
msgid_plural "%d old logs deleted"
msgstr[0] "En gammal loggfil borttagen"
msgstr[1] "%d gamla loggfiler borttagna"
-#: inc/class-job.php:1026 inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
-msgid ""
-"Job has ended with errors in %s seconds. You must resolve the errors for "
-"correct execution."
-msgstr ""
-"Jobb har avslutats med fel på %s sekunder. Du måste åtgärda felen för "
-"korrekt exekvering."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1026
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+#: inc/class-job.php:1012
+msgid "Job has ended with errors in %s seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution."
+msgstr "Jobb har avslutats med fel på %s sekunder. Du måste åtgärda felen för korrekt exekvering."
#: inc/class-job.php:1028
-msgid ""
-"Job finished with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct "
-msgstr ""
-"Jobb har slutförts med varningar på %s sekunder. Vänligen åtgärda "
-"varningarna för korrekt exekvering."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1014
+msgid "Job finished with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct execution."
+msgstr "Jobb har slutförts med varningar på %s sekunder. Vänligen åtgärda varningarna för korrekt exekvering."
-#: inc/class-job.php:1030 inc/class-page-jobs.php:788
+#: inc/class-job.php:1030
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:788
+#: inc/class-job.php:1016
msgid "Job done in %s seconds."
msgstr "Jobb slutfört på %s sekunder."
#: inc/class-job.php:1074
+#: inc/class-job.php:1060
msgstr "LYCKADES"
#: inc/class-job.php:1076
+#: inc/class-job.php:1062
msgid "WARNING"
msgstr "VARNING"
#: inc/class-job.php:1079
+#: inc/class-job.php:1065
msgid "ERROR"
msgstr "FEL"
#: inc/class-job.php:1082
+#: inc/class-job.php:1068
msgid "[%3$s] BackWPup log %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "[%3$s] BackWPup logg %1$s: %2$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:1188
+#: inc/class-job.php:1180
msgid "Restart after %1$d seconds."
msgstr "Starta om efter %1$d sekunder."
#: inc/class-job.php:1190
+#: inc/class-job.php:1182
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Restart after %1$d seconds."
msgid "Restart after getting signal."
msgstr "Starta om efter %1$d sekunder."
#: inc/class-job.php:1363
+#: inc/class-job.php:1357
msgid "Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes."
msgstr "Jobb startas om p.g.a. längre än 5 minuters inaktivitet."
#: inc/class-job.php:1461
+#: inc/class-job.php:1455
msgid "Step aborted: too many attempts!"
msgstr "Steg skippas: för många försök!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1532
+#: inc/class-job.php:1528
msgid "%d. Trying to create backup archive …"
msgstr "%d. Försöker skapa backup-arkiv …"
#: inc/class-job.php:1540
+#: inc/class-job.php:1536
msgctxt "Archive compression method"
msgid "Compressing files as %s. Please be patient, this may take a moment."
msgstr "Komprimerar filer som %s. Ha tålamod, detta kan ta en stund.."
#: inc/class-job.php:1547
+#: inc/class-job.php:1544
msgid "Adding Extra files to Archive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1559 inc/class-job.php:1619
+#: inc/class-job.php:1559
+#: inc/class-job.php:1619
+#: inc/class-job.php:1555
+#: inc/class-job.php:1626
msgid "Cannot create backup archive correctly. Aborting creation."
msgstr "Kan ej skapa backup-arkiv korrekt. Avbryter skapande."
#: inc/class-job.php:1575
+#: inc/class-job.php:1571
msgid "Archiving Folder: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:1629
+#: inc/class-job.php:1636
msgid "Backup archive created."
msgstr "Backup-arkiv skapat."
#: inc/class-job.php:1643
-msgid ""
-"The Backup archive will be too large for file operations with this PHP "
-"Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple "
-"jobs with less files each."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1650
+msgid "The Backup archive will be too large for file operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:1646
+#: inc/class-job.php:1653
msgid "Archive size is %s."
msgstr "Arkivstorlek är %s."
#: inc/class-job.php:1649
+#: inc/class-job.php:1656
msgid "%1$d Files with %2$s in Archive."
msgstr "%1$d Filer med %2$s i Arkiv."
#: inc/class-job.php:1698
+#: inc/class-job.php:1831
#, fuzzy
-#| msgctxt "Folder name"
-#| msgid "Folder %s not exists"
msgctxt "Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s does not exist"
msgstr "Mapp %s existerar ej"
#: inc/class-job.php:1703
+#: inc/class-job.php:1837
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Folder \"%s\" is not readable!"
msgctxt "Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s is not readable"
msgstr "Mappen \"%s\" är ej läsbar!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1725
+#: inc/class-job.php:1860
msgid "Link \"%s\" not following."
msgstr "Länk \"%s\" är bruten."
#: inc/class-job.php:1727
+#: inc/class-job.php:1862
msgid "File \"%s\" is not readable!"
msgstr "Fil \"%s\" är ej läsbar!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1731
-msgid ""
-"File size of “%s” cannot be retrieved. File might be too large and will not "
-"be added to queue."
-msgstr ""
-"Filstorlek på “%s” kan ej hämtas. Filen kan vara för stor och läggs därför "
-"ej till kön."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1866
+msgid "File size of “%s” cannot be retrieved. File might be too large and will not be added to queue."
+msgstr "Filstorlek på “%s” kan ej hämtas. Filen kan vara för stor och läggs därför ej till kön."
#: inc/class-job.php:1814
+#: inc/class-job.php:1949
msgid "%d. Trying to generate a manifest file …"
msgstr "%d. Försöker skapa en manifest-fil …"
#: inc/class-job.php:1870
+#: inc/class-job.php:2005
msgid "You may have noticed the manifest.json file in this archive."
msgstr "Du har kanske noterat filen manifest.json i detta arkiv."
#: inc/class-job.php:1871
-msgid ""
-"manifest.json might be needed for later restoring a backup from this archive."
-msgstr ""
-"manifest.json kan behövas senare för återställning av backup från detta "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2006
+msgid "manifest.json might be needed for later restoring a backup from this archive."
+msgstr "manifest.json kan behövas senare för återställning av backup från detta arkiv."
#: inc/class-job.php:1872
-msgid ""
-"Please leave manifest.json untouched and in place. Otherwise it is safe to "
-"be ignored."
-msgstr ""
-"Vänligen lämna manifest.json på sin plats och orörd. I annat fall kan den "
-"säkert ignoreras."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2007
+msgid "Please leave manifest.json untouched and in place. Otherwise it is safe to be ignored."
+msgstr "Vänligen lämna manifest.json på sin plats och orörd. I annat fall kan den säkert ignoreras."
#: inc/class-job.php:1882
+#: inc/class-job.php:2017
msgid "Added manifest.json file with %1$s to backup file list."
msgstr "Lade med %1$s filen manifest.json till backup-fillistan."
#: inc/class-job.php:1921
+#: inc/class-job.php:2056
msgid "Wrong BackWPup JobID"
msgstr "Fel BackWPup Jobb-ID"
#: inc/class-job.php:1934
+#: inc/class-job.php:2069
msgid "A BackWPup job is already running"
msgstr "Ett BackWPup-jobb körs redan"
#: inc/class-job.php:2302
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGHUP: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2482
+msgctxt "SIGHUP: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Hangup detected on controlling terminal or death of controlling process"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2306
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGINT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2486
+msgctxt "SIGINT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Interrupt from keyboard"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2310
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGQUIT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2490
+msgctxt "SIGQUIT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Quit from keyboard"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2314
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGILL: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2494
+msgctxt "SIGILL: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Illegal Instruction"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2318
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGABRT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2498
+msgctxt "SIGABRT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Abort signal from abort(3)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2322
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGBUS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2502
+msgctxt "SIGBUS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Bus error (bad memory access)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2326
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGFPE: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2506
+msgctxt "SIGFPE: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Floating point exception"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2330
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSEGV: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2510
+msgctxt "SIGSEGV: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Invalid memory reference"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2334
+#: inc/class-job.php:2514
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Destinations"
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGTERM: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+msgctxt "SIGTERM: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Termination signal"
msgstr "Målmappar"
#: inc/class-job.php:2338
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSTKFLT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2518
+msgctxt "SIGSTKFLT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Stack fault on coprocessor"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2342
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGUSR1: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2522
+msgctxt "SIGUSR1: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "User-defined signal 1"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2346
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGUSR2: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2526
+msgctxt "SIGUSR2: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "User-defined signal 2"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2350
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGURG: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2530
+msgctxt "SIGURG: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Urgent condition on socket"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2354
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGXCPU: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2534
+msgctxt "SIGXCPU: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "CPU time limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2358
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGXFSZ: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2538
+msgctxt "SIGXFSZ: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "File size limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2362
+#: inc/class-job.php:2542
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "FTP: Login failure!"
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGPWR: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+msgctxt "SIGPWR: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Power failure"
msgstr "FTP: Inloggning misslyckades!"
#: inc/class-job.php:2366
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSYS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2546
+msgctxt "SIGSYS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Bad argument to routine"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2373
+#: inc/class-job.php:2553
msgid "Signal \"%1$s\" (%2$s) is sent to script!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2407 inc/class-job.php:2420
+#: inc/class-job.php:2407
+#: inc/class-job.php:2420
+#: inc/class-job.php:2587
+#: inc/class-job.php:2600
msgid "System: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-job.php:2435
+#: inc/class-job.php:2615
msgid "Exception caught in %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "Undantag uppfångat i %1$s: %2$s"
@@ -1930,7 +2440,9 @@ msgstr "DB-kontroll"
msgid "Check database tables"
msgstr "Kontroll av databastabeller"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:35 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:35
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16
msgid "Settings for database check"
msgstr "Inställningar för databaskontroll"
@@ -1946,7 +2458,9 @@ msgstr "Kontrollera endast WordPress databastabeller"
msgid "Repair"
msgstr "Reparera"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:54 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:54
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38
msgid "Try to repair defect table"
msgstr "Försök reparera skadad tabell"
@@ -1962,12 +2476,14 @@ msgstr "Tabell %1$s är en vy. Ej kontrollerad."
msgid "Table %1$s is not a MyISAM/InnoDB table. Not checked."
msgstr "Tabell %1$s är ingen MyISAM/InnoDB-tabell. Ej kontrollerad."
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:124 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:127
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:124
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:127
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:129
msgid "Result of table check for %1$s is: %2$s"
msgstr "Resultat av tabellkontroll för %1$s är: %2$s"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:135 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:137
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:135
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:137
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:139
msgid "Result of table repair for %1$s is: %2$s"
msgstr "Resultat av tabellreparation för %1$s är: %2$s"
@@ -1988,60 +2504,92 @@ msgstr "DB-backup"
msgid "Database backup"
msgstr "Databas-backup"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:60 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:60
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:108
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:108
msgid "Settings for database backup"
msgstr "Inställningar för databas-backup"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:64 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:64
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154
msgid "Tables to backup"
msgstr "Tabeller att ta backup på"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:66 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:66
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156
msgid "all"
msgstr "alla"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:91 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:91
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195
msgid "Backup file name"
msgstr "Filnamn för backup"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:99 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:99
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201
msgid "Backup file compression"
msgstr "Komprimeringsmetod för backupfil"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:105 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:107
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:75 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:77
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:59 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:61
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:105
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:107
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:75
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:77
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:59
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:61
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
msgid "GZip"
msgstr "GZip"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:159 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:159
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475
msgid "%d. Try to backup database …"
msgstr "%d. Försök ta backup på databas …"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495
msgid "Connected to database %1$s on %2$s"
msgstr "Ansluten till databas %1$s på %2$s"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:187 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:187
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510
msgid "No tables to backup."
msgstr "Inga tabeller att ta backup på"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:210 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:210
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536
msgid "Backup database table \"%s\" with \"%s\" records"
msgstr "Ta backup på databastabell \"%s\" med \"%s\" poster"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:250 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:250
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576
msgid "MySQL backup file not created"
msgstr "MySQL-backupfil skapades ej"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:254 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:763
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:254
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:763
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:764
msgid "Added database dump \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
msgstr "Lade till databasdumpning \"%1$s\" med %2$s till backup-fillista"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:260 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:260
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:766
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:767
msgid "Database backup done!"
msgstr "Databas-backup klar!"
@@ -2073,8 +2621,11 @@ msgstr "Ta backup på tillägg"
msgid "Backup themes"
msgstr "Ta backup på teman"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:107 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:745
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:107
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:745
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:746
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:745
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:746
msgid "Backup uploads folder"
msgstr "Ta backup på mapp för uppladdning"
@@ -2083,9 +2634,7 @@ msgid "Extra folders to backup"
msgstr "Ytterligare mappar att ta backup på"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:118
-msgid ""
-"Separate folder names with a line-break or a comma. Folders must be set with "
-"their absolute path!"
+msgid "Separate folder names with a line-break or a comma. Folders must be set with their absolute path!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:123
@@ -2105,9 +2654,7 @@ msgid "Exclude files/folders from backup"
msgstr "Exkludera filer/mappar från backup"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:136
-msgid ""
-"Separate file / folder name parts with a line-break or a comma. For example /"
+msgid "Separate file / folder name parts with a line-break or a comma. For example /logs/,.log,.tmp"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:141
@@ -2120,59 +2667,58 @@ msgstr "Inkludera speciella filer"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:147
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, .htaccess, .htpasswd and favicon.ico "
-#| "from root."
-msgid ""
-"Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd, favicon."
-"ico, and Web.config from root if it is not included in backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Ta backup på wp-config.php, robots.txt, .htaccess, .htpasswd samt favicon."
-"ico från roten."
+msgid "Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd, favicon.ico, and Web.config from root if it is not included in backup."
+msgstr "Ta backup på wp-config.php, robots.txt, .htaccess, .htpasswd samt favicon.ico från roten."
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:151
msgid "Use one folder above as WP install folder"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:154
-msgid ""
-"Use one folder above as WordPress install folder! That can be helpful, if "
-"you would backup files and folder that are not in the WordPress installation "
-"folder. Or if you made a \"Giving WordPress Its Own Directory"
-"\" installation. Excludes must be configured again."
+msgid "Use one folder above as WordPress install folder! That can be helpful, if you would backup files and folder that are not in the WordPress installation folder. Or if you made a \"Giving WordPress Its Own Directory\" installation. Excludes must be configured again."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:237
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:238
msgid "%d. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …"
msgstr "%d. Försöker skapa en lista över mappar att ta backup på …"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:357 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:361
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:357
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:361
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:378
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:358
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:362
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:379
msgid "Added \"%s\" to backup file list"
msgstr "Lade till \"%s\" till listan över filer att ta backup på"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:384
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:385
msgid "No files/folder for the backup."
msgstr "Inga filer/mappar att ta backup på."
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:386
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:387
msgid "%1$d folders to backup."
msgstr "%1$d mappar att ta backup på."
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:434
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:435
msgid "Folder \"%s\" is not readable!"
msgstr "Mappen \"%s\" är ej läsbar!"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:494
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:495
msgid "Path as set by user (symlink?): %s"
msgstr "Sökväg som den satts av användaren (symlink?): %s"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:497
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:498
msgid "Exclude:"
msgstr "Exkludera:"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:509
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:510
msgid "Excluded by .donotbackup file!"
msgstr "Exkluderas av filen .donotbackup!"
@@ -2180,7 +2726,9 @@ msgstr "Exkluderas av filen .donotbackup!"
msgid "XML export"
msgstr "XML-export"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:14 inc/class-page-about.php:472
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:14
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:472
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:474
msgid "WordPress XML export"
msgstr "WordPress XML-export"
@@ -2188,15 +2736,21 @@ msgstr "WordPress XML-export"
msgid "Items to export"
msgstr "Objekt att exportera"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:49 inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:49
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28
msgid "All content"
msgstr "Allt innehåll"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:50 inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:50
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38
msgid "Posts"
msgstr "Inlägg"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:51 inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:51
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Sidor"
@@ -2204,12 +2758,15 @@ msgstr "Sidor"
msgid "XML Export file name"
msgstr "Filnamn för XML-export"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:69 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:53
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:69
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:53
msgid "File compression"
msgstr "Filkomprimering"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:79 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:81
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:64 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:66
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:79
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:81
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:64
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:66
msgid "BZip2"
msgstr "BZip2"
@@ -2221,10 +2778,14 @@ msgstr "%d. Försöker skapa en WordPress XML-export-fil …"
msgid "WP Export: Post type “%s” does not allow export."
msgstr "WP-export: Inläggstyp “%s” tillåter ej export."
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:172 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:186
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:215 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:236
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:269 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:289
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:378 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:387
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:172
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:186
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:215
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:236
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:269
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:289
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:378
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:387
msgid "WP Export file could not written."
msgstr "WP-exportfil kunde ej skrivas."
@@ -2248,9 +2809,9 @@ msgstr "XML FEL (%s): %s"
msgid "There was an error when reading this WXR file"
msgstr "Ett fel uppstod vid läsning av denna WXR-fil"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:444 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:451
-msgid ""
-"This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:444
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:451
+msgid "This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number"
msgstr "Detta verkar ej vara en WXR-fil, saknar/ogiltigt WXR versionsnummer"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:460
@@ -2259,21 +2820,18 @@ msgstr "WP-exportfil är en giltig WXR-fil."
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:462
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "WP Export file can not checked, because no XML extension loaded with the "
-#| "file can checked."
-msgid ""
-"WP Export file can not be checked, because no XML extension is loaded, to "
-"ensure the file verification."
-msgstr ""
-"WP-exportfil kan ej kontrolleras, p.g.a. att inget XML-filltillägg laddat "
-"med filen kan kontrolleras."
+msgid "WP Export file can not be checked, because no XML extension is loaded, to ensure the file verification."
+msgstr "WP-exportfil kan ej kontrolleras, p.g.a. att inget XML-filltillägg laddat med filen kan kontrolleras."
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:474 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:474
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741
msgid "Compressing file …"
msgstr "Komprimerar fil …"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:481 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:481
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748
msgid "Compressing done."
msgstr "Komprimering klar."
@@ -2295,8 +2853,7 @@ msgstr "Tilläggslistans filnamn"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:96
msgid "%d. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …"
-msgstr ""
-"%d. Föröker generera en fil med namn på installerade tillägg …"
+msgstr "%d. Föröker generera en fil med namn på installerade tillägg …"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:124
msgid "All plugin information:"
@@ -2314,14 +2871,15 @@ msgstr "Aktiva tillägg:"
msgid "Inactive plugins:"
msgstr "Inaktiva tillägg:"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:141 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:798
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:141
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:798
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:799
msgid "Can not open target file for writing."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:148
msgid "Added plugin list file \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list."
-msgstr ""
-"Lade till lista över tillägg \"%1$s\" med %2$s till fillista för backup."
+msgstr "Lade till lista över tillägg \"%1$s\" med %2$s till fillista för backup."
#: inc/class-message-box.php:89
msgid "Dismiss"
@@ -2331,22 +2889,26 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "No MySQLi extension found. Please install it."
msgstr "Ingen MySQLi-utökning funnen. Vänligen installera denna."
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:100 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:831
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:100
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:831
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:832
msgid "Cannot init MySQLi database connection"
msgstr "Kan ej initiera MySQLi databasanslutning"
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:105 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:837
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:105
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:837
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:838
msgid "Setting of MySQLi connection timeout failed"
msgstr "MySQLi-anslutningens tidsgräns kunde inte sättas"
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:110 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:843
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:110
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:843
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:844
msgid "Cannot connect to MySQL database %1$d: %2$s"
msgstr "Kan ej ansluta till MySQL-databas %1$d: %2$s"
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:117
#, fuzzy
-#| msgctxt "Database Charset"
-#| msgid "Cannot set DB charset to %s"
msgctxt "Database Charset"
msgid "Cannot set DB charset to %s error: %s"
msgstr "Kan ej sätta DB teckenuppsättning till %s"
@@ -2355,27 +2917,38 @@ msgstr "Kan ej sätta DB teckenuppsättning till %s"
msgid "Cannot open SQL backup file"
msgstr "Kan ej öppna SQL backup-fil"
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:153 inc/class-mysqldump.php:165
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:259 inc/class-mysqldump.php:268
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:288 inc/class-mysqldump.php:297
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:317 inc/class-mysqldump.php:323
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:368 inc/class-mysqldump.php:400
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:437 inc/class-mysqldump.php:500
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:859 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:873
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:921 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:940
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:153
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:165
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:259
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:268
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:288
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:297
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:317
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:323
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:368
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:400
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:437
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:500
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:859
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:873
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:921
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:940
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:983
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:860
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:874
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:922
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:941
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:984
msgid "Database error %1$s for query %2$s"
msgstr "Databasfel %1$s för fråga %2$s"
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:479
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Start for table backup is not correctly set: %1$s "
msgid "Start for table backup is not correctly set: %1$s"
msgstr "Start för tabellbackup är ej korrekt satt: %1$s "
#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:483
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Length for table backup is not correctly set: %1$s "
msgid "Length for table backup is not correctly set: %1$s"
msgstr "Längd för tabellbackup är ej korrekt satt: %1$s "
@@ -2383,312 +2956,339 @@ msgstr "Längd för tabellbackup är ej korrekt satt: %1$s "
msgid "Error while writing file!"
msgstr "Fel när fil skrevs!"
-#: inc/class-option.php:167 inc/class-page-editjob.php:97
+#: inc/class-option.php:167
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:97
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:383
+#: inc/class-option.php:176
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
msgid "New Job"
msgstr "Nytt Jobb"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:369
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:371
msgid "Welcome to BackWPup Pro"
msgstr "Välkommen till BackWPup Pro"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:370 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup’s job wizards make planning and scheduling your backup jobs a "
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup:s jobbguider gör planering och schemaläggning av dina backup-jobb "
-"till en lätt match."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:370
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:372
+msgid "BackWPup’s job wizards make planning and scheduling your backup jobs a breeze."
+msgstr "BackWPup:s jobbguider gör planering och schemaläggning av dina backup-jobb till en lätt match."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:371 inc/class-page-about.php:384
-msgid ""
-"Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation "
-"including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage "
-"service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server. With a "
-"single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool "
-"like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
-msgstr ""
-"Använd dina backup-arkiv för att spara hela din WordPress-installation "
-"inklusive /wp-content/
. Spara dem till en extern lagringstjänst "
-"om du inte vill lagra backup-filerna på samma server. Du kan återskapa en "
-"installation från ett enskilt backup-arkiv. Använd ett verktyg som "
-"phpMyAdmin eller ett tillägg som Adminer för att återställa dina databas-"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:371
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:384
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:373
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:386
+msgid "Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server. With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
+msgstr "Använd dina backup-arkiv för att spara hela din WordPress-installation inklusive /wp-content/
. Spara dem till en extern lagringstjänst om du inte vill lagra backup-filerna på samma server. Du kan återskapa en installation från ett enskilt backup-arkiv. Använd ett verktyg som phpMyAdmin eller ett tillägg som Adminer för att återställa dina databas-backup-filer."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:372
-msgid ""
-"Ready to set up a backup job? You can use the wizards or plan your backup in expert mode."
-msgstr ""
-"Redo att konfigurera ett backup-jobb? Du kan använda guiderna eller planera din backup i expertläget."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:374
+msgid "Ready to set up a backup job? You can use the wizards or plan your backup in expert mode."
+msgstr "Redo att konfigurera ett backup-jobb? Du kan använda guiderna eller planera din backup i expertläget."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:382
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:384
msgid "Welcome to BackWPup"
msgstr "Välkommen till BackWPup"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:385
-msgid ""
-"Ready to set up a backup job? Use one of the wizards to plan what you want "
-"to save."
-msgstr ""
-"Redo att konfigurera ett backup-jobb? Använd en av guiderna för att planera "
-"vad du vill spara."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:387
+msgid "Ready to set up a backup job? Use one of the wizards to plan what you want to save."
+msgstr "Redo att konfigurera ett backup-jobb? Använd en av guiderna för att planera vad du vill spara."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:400
msgid "Save your database"
msgstr "Spara din databas"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:401
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:403
msgid "Save your database regularly"
msgstr "Spara din databas regelbundet"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:402
-msgid ""
-"With BackWPup you can schedule the database backup to run automatically. "
-"With a single backup file you can restore your database. You should set up a backup job, so you will never forget it. There is also "
-"an option to repair and optimize the database after each backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Med BackWPup kan du schemalägga databas-backupen för automatisk körning. Du "
-"kan återställa din databas från en enskild backup-fil. Du bör konfigurera ett backup-jobb, så att du inte glömmer det. Det finns "
-"också möjlighet att reparera och optimera databasen efter varje backup."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:407 inc/class-page-about.php:411
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:404
+msgid "With BackWPup you can schedule the database backup to run automatically. With a single backup file you can restore your database. You should set up a backup job, so you will never forget it. There is also an option to repair and optimize the database after each backup."
+msgstr "Med BackWPup kan du schemalägga databas-backupen för automatisk körning. Du kan återställa din databas från en enskild backup-fil. Du bör konfigurera ett backup-jobb, så att du inte glömmer det. Det finns också möjlighet att reparera och optimera databasen efter varje backup."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:407
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:411
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:413
msgid "WordPress XML Export"
msgstr "WordPress XML-export"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:408
-msgid ""
-"You can choose the built-in WordPress export format in addition or exclusive "
-"to save your data. This works in automated backups too of course. The "
-"advantage is: you can import these files into a blog with the regular "
-"WordPress importer."
-msgstr ""
-"Du kan välja det inbyggda WordPress-exportformatet, utöver eller "
-"uteslutande, för att spara din data. Detta fungerar naturligtvis även för "
-"automatiska backuper. Fördelen är att du kan importera dessa filer till en "
-"blogg med WordPress vanliga importverktyg. "
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:410
+msgid "You can choose the built-in WordPress export format in addition or exclusive to save your data. This works in automated backups too of course. The advantage is: you can import these files into a blog with the regular WordPress importer."
+msgstr "Du kan välja det inbyggda WordPress-exportformatet, utöver eller uteslutande, för att spara din data. Detta fungerar naturligtvis även för automatiska backuper. Fördelen är att du kan importera dessa filer till en blogg med WordPress vanliga importverktyg. "
#: inc/class-page-about.php:416
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:418
msgid "Save all data from the webserver"
msgstr "Spara all data från webbservern"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:419
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:421
msgid "Save all files"
msgstr "Spara alla filer"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:420
-msgid ""
-"You can backup all your attachments, also all system files, plugins and "
-"themes in a single file. You can create a job to update a "
-"backup copy of your file system only when files are changed."
-msgstr ""
-"Du kan ta backup på alla dina bilagor, samt alla systemfiler, tillägg och "
-"teman i en enda fil. Du kan skapa ett jobb som uppdaterar "
-"en backup av ditt filsystem endast när filer ändras."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:425 inc/class-page-about.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:422
+msgid "You can backup all your attachments, also all system files, plugins and themes in a single file. You can create a job to update a backup copy of your file system only when files are changed."
+msgstr "Du kan ta backup på alla dina bilagor, samt alla systemfiler, tillägg och teman i en enda fil. Du kan skapa ett jobb som uppdaterar en backup av ditt filsystem endast när filer ändras."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:425
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:427
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:431
msgid "Security!"
msgstr "Säkerhet!"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:426
-msgid ""
-"By default everything is encrypted: connections to external services, local "
-"files and access to directories."
-msgstr ""
-"Allting krypteras som standard: anslutningar till externa tjänster, lokala "
-"filer samt tillgång till kataloger."
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:434 inc/class-page-about.php:437
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:428
+msgid "By default everything is encrypted: connections to external services, local files and access to directories."
+msgstr "Allting krypteras som standard: anslutningar till externa tjänster, lokala filer samt tillgång till kataloger."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:434
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:437
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:436
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:439
msgid "Cloud Support"
msgstr "Moln-stöd"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:438
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup supports multiple cloud services in parallel. This ensures backups "
-"are redundant."
-msgstr ""
-"BackWPup stöder flera molntjänster parallellt. Detta säkerställer redundanta "
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:440
+msgid "BackWPup supports multiple cloud services in parallel. This ensures backups are redundant."
+msgstr "BackWPup stöder flera molntjänster parallellt. Detta säkerställer redundanta backuper."
#: inc/class-page-about.php:444
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:446
msgid "Features / differences between Free and Pro"
msgstr "Funktioner / Skillnader mellan Gratis och Pro"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:449
msgid "Features"
msgstr "Funktioner"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:448
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:450
msgid "FREE"
msgstr "GRATIS"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:449
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:451
msgid "PRO"
msgstr "PRO"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:452
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:454
msgid "Complete database backup"
msgstr "Fullständig databas-backup"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:457
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:459
msgid "Complete file backup"
msgstr "Fullständig fil-backup"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:462
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:464
msgid "Database check"
msgstr "Databaskontroll"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:467
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:469
msgid "Data compression"
msgstr "Datakomprimering"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:477
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:479
msgid "List of installed plugins"
msgstr "Lista över installerade tillägg"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:482
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:484
msgid "Backup archives management"
msgstr "Hantering av backup-arkiv"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:487
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:489
msgid "Log file management"
msgstr "Hantering av loggfil"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:492
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:494
msgid "Start jobs per WP-Cron, URL, system, backend or WP-CLI"
msgstr "Starta jobb via WP-Cron, URL, System, Backend eller WP-CLI"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:497
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:499
msgid "Log report via email"
msgstr "Loggrapport via e-post"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:502
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:504
msgid "Backup to Microsoft Azure"
msgstr "Backup till Microsoft Azure"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:507
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:509
msgid "Backup as email"
msgstr "Backup som e-post"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:512
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:514
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Backup to S3 services (Amazon, Google Storage, Hosteurope and "
-#| "more)"
msgid "Backup to S3 services (Amazon, Google Storage, Hosteurope and more)"
-msgstr ""
-"Backup till S3-tjänster (Amazon, Google Storage, Hosteurope och "
+msgstr "Backup till S3-tjänster (Amazon, Google Storage, Hosteurope och fler)"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:527
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:529
msgid "Backup to FTP server"
msgstr "Backup till FTP-server"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:532
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:534
msgid "Backup to your web space"
msgstr "Backup till ditt webbutrymme"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:542 inc/pro/class-pro.php:112
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:542
+#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:112
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:152
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:544
msgid "Backup to Google Drive"
msgstr "Backup till Google Drive"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:547 inc/pro/class-pro.php:93
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:547
+#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:93
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:131
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:549
msgid "Backup to Amazon Glacier"
msgstr "Backup till Amazon Glacier"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:552
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:554
msgid "Custom API keys for DropBox and SugarSync"
msgstr "Anpassade API-nycklar för DropBox och SugarSync"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:557
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:559
msgid "XML database backup as PHPMyAdmin schema"
msgstr "XML databas-backup som PHPMyAdmin schema"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:562
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:564
msgid "Database backup as mysqldump per command line"
msgstr "Databas-backup som mysqldump per kommandorad"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:567
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:569
msgid "Database backup for additional MySQL databases"
msgstr "Databas-backup för ytterligare MySQL-databaser"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:572
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:574
msgid "Import and export job settings as XML"
msgstr "Importera och exportera jobbinställningar som XML"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:577
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:579
msgid "Wizard for system tests"
msgstr "Guide för systemtest"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:582
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:584
msgid "Wizard for scheduled backup jobs"
msgstr "Guide för schemalagda backup-jobb"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:587
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:589
msgid "Wizard to import settings and backup jobs"
msgstr "Guide för import av inställningar och backup-jobb"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:592
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:594
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to Dropbox"
msgstr "Differentiell backup av ändrade kataloger till Dropbox"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:597
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:599
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to Rackspace Cloud Files"
msgstr "Differentiell backup av ändrade kataloger till Rackspace Cloud Files"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:602
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:604
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to S3"
msgstr "Differentiell backup av ändrade kataloger till S3"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:607
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:609
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to MS Azure"
msgstr "Differentiell backup av ändrade kataloger till MS Azure"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:612
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:639
msgid "Premium support"
msgstr "Premium support"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:617
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:644
msgid "Automatic updates"
msgstr "Automatisk uppdatering"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:624
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:651
msgid "GET PRO"
msgstr "SKAFFA PRO"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:182
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:158
msgid "No files could be found. (List will be generated during next backup.)"
-msgstr ""
-"Inga filer kunde hittas. (Lista kommer att genereras vid nästa backup.)"
+msgstr "Inga filer kunde hittas. (Lista kommer att genereras vid nästa backup.)"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:195 inc/class-page-backups.php:315
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:113 inc/class-page-jobs.php:177
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:125 inc/class-page-logs.php:204
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:195
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:315
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:113
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:177
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:125
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:204
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:168
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:274
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:151
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:232
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Ta Bort"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:229
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:203
msgid "Change destination"
msgstr "Ändra mål"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:269 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:283
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347 inc/class-page-logs.php:136
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:269
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:283
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:136
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:241
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:163
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Tid"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:270
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:242
msgid "File"
msgstr "Fil"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:272 inc/class-page-logs.php:140
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:272
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:140
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:244
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:167
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Storlek"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:315
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:273
msgid ""
"You are about to delete this backup archive. \n"
" 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete."
@@ -2696,106 +3296,100 @@ msgstr ""
"Du håller på att ta bort detta backup-arkiv. \n"
" 'Avbryt' för att avbryta, 'OK' för att ta bort."
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:318 inc/class-page-jobs.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:318
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:330
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:206
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:281
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:285
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:768
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:779
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:234
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Ladda Ned"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:348
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:311
msgid "?"
msgstr "?"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:361 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:321
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:384 inc/class-page-jobs.php:318
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:361
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:321
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:384
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:318
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:164
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:317
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:190
msgid "%1$s at %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s vid %2$s"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:377 inc/class-page-backups.php:417
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:35 inc/class-page-jobs.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:417
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:35
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:331
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:369
msgid "Sorry, you don't have permissions to do that."
msgstr "Ledsen, du har ej tillstånd att göra det där."
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:441
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:433
msgid "Backup Files"
msgstr "Backup-filer"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:489
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%s Manage Backup Archives"
msgid "%s › Manage Backup Archives"
msgstr "%s Hantera Backup-arkiv"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:67
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%s Dashboard"
msgid "%s › Dashboard"
msgstr "%s Panel"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:74 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:83
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:74
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:83
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Planning backups"
msgstr "Planering av backuper"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
-msgid ""
-"Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation "
-"including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage "
-"service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server."
-msgstr ""
-"Använd dina backup-arkiv för att spara hela din WordPress-installation "
-"inklusive /wp-content/
. Spara dem till en extern lagringstjänst "
-"om du inte vill lagra backuperna på samma server."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
+msgid "Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server."
+msgstr "Använd dina backup-arkiv för att spara hela din WordPress-installation inklusive /wp-content/
. Spara dem till en extern lagringstjänst om du inte vill lagra backuperna på samma server."
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:76 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:85
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:76
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:85
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Restoring backups"
msgstr "Återställning av backuper"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:77 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:86
-msgid ""
-"With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a "
-"tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
-msgstr ""
-"Du kan återställa en installation från ett enskilt backup-arkiv. Använd et "
-"verktyg som phpMyAdmin eller ett tillägg som Adminer för att återställa dina "
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:77
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:86
+msgid "With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
+msgstr "Du kan återställa en installation från ett enskilt backup-arkiv. Använd et verktyg som phpMyAdmin eller ett tillägg som Adminer för att återställa dina databas-backupfiler."
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:78 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:87
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:78
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:87
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Ready to set up a backup job?"
msgstr "Redo att konfigurera ett backup-jobb?"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79
-msgid ""
-"Use one of the wizards to plan a backup, or use expert mode"
-"a> for full control over all options."
-msgstr ""
-"Använd en av guiderna för att planera en backup, eller använd expertläget för full kontroll över alla alternativ."
+msgid "Use one of the wizards to plan a backup, or use expert mode for full control over all options."
+msgstr "Använd en av guiderna för att planera en backup, eller använd expertläget för full kontroll över alla alternativ."
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:89
-msgid ""
-"Please note: You are solely responsible for the security of your "
-"data; the authors of this plugin are not."
-msgstr ""
-"Observera: Du är själv ansvarig för din datas säkerhet; skaparna av "
-"detta tillägg är det ej."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:89
+msgid "Please note: You are solely responsible for the security of your data; the authors of this plugin are not."
+msgstr "Observera: Du är själv ansvarig för din datas säkerhet; skaparna av detta tillägg är det ej."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
-msgid ""
-"Use the short links in the First steps box to plan and "
-"schedule backup jobs."
-msgstr ""
-"Använd de korta länkarna i rutan Börja här för att planera "
-"och schemalägga backup-jobb."
+msgid "Use the short links in the First steps box to plan and schedule backup jobs."
+msgstr "Använd de korta länkarna i rutan Börja här för att planera och schemalägga backup-jobb."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:88
msgid "Add a new backup job and plan what you want to save."
-msgstr ""
-"Lägg till ett nytt backup-jobb och planera vad du vill "
+msgstr "Lägg till ett nytt backup-jobb och planera vad du vill spara."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:96
msgid "First Steps"
@@ -2805,7 +3399,8 @@ msgstr "Börja Här"
msgid "Test the installation"
msgstr "Testa installationen"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:101 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:104
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:101
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:104
msgid "Create a Job"
msgstr "Skapa ett Jobb"
@@ -2826,10 +3421,8 @@ msgid "One click backup"
msgstr "Backup på ett klick"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:117
-msgid ""
-"Generate a database backup of WordPress tables and download it right away!"
-msgstr ""
-"Generera en databas-backup av WordPress tabeller och ladda ned den direkt!"
+msgid "Generate a database backup of WordPress tables and download it right away!"
+msgstr "Generera en databas-backup av WordPress tabeller och ladda ned den direkt!"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:117
msgid "Download database backup"
@@ -2849,18 +3442,16 @@ msgid "RSS Error: %s"
msgstr "RSS-fel: %s"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:132
-msgid ""
-"An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again "
-msgstr ""
-"Ett fel har uppstått, vilket antagligen betyder att nyhetsflödet är nere. "
-"Försök igen senare."
+msgid "An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again later."
+msgstr "Ett fel har uppstått, vilket antagligen betyder att nyhetsflödet är nere. Försök igen senare."
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:146
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Utan titel"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:211 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:373
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:211
+#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:373
+#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:331
msgid "Start wizard"
msgstr "Kör guide"
@@ -2870,7 +3461,6 @@ msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:222
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Archive Settings"
msgid "Video: Settings"
msgstr "Arkivinställningar"
@@ -2884,8 +3474,6 @@ msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:237
#, fuzzy
-#| msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
-#| msgid "Restoring backups"
msgid "Video: Restoring Backups"
msgstr "Återställning av backuper"
@@ -2933,8 +3521,10 @@ msgstr "Skaffa BackWPup Pro nu"
msgid "Next scheduled jobs"
msgstr "Nästkommande schemalagda jobb"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:284 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:284
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:137
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:164
msgid "Job"
msgstr "Jobb"
@@ -2942,7 +3532,8 @@ msgstr "Jobb"
msgid "working since %d seconds"
msgstr "arbetar sedan %d sekunder"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:309 inc/class-page-jobs.php:608
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:309
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:608
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "Avbryt"
@@ -2960,7 +3551,6 @@ msgstr "Resultat"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:366
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Cannot create folder: %1$s"
msgid "Could not open log folder: %s"
msgstr "Kan ej skapa mapp: %1$s"
@@ -2985,447 +3575,615 @@ msgid "Job with ID %d"
msgstr "Jobb med ID %d"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
msgid "Changes for job %s saved."
msgstr "Ändringar i jobb %s sparade."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
msgid "Jobs overview"
msgstr "Jobböversikt"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222 inc/class-page-jobs.php:181
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:181
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
msgid "Run now"
msgstr "Kör nu"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:325
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:334
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%1$s at %2$s"
msgid "%1$s › Job: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s vid %2$s"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:328 inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:328
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:214
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:337
msgid "General"
msgstr "Generellt"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:328
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:337
msgid "Schedule"
msgstr "Tidsplan"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:343
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:352
msgid "To: %s"
msgstr "Till: %s"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:378 inc/class-page-editjob.php:383
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:378
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:383
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:125
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
msgid "Job Name"
msgstr "Jobbnamn"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:381
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:390
msgid "Please name this job."
msgstr "Vänligen namnge detta jobb."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:397
msgid "Job Tasks"
msgstr "Jobbets Arbetsuppgifter"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:391 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:254
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:391
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:254
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:254
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:400
msgid "This job is a …"
msgstr "Detta jobb är en …"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:394 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:257
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:394
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:257
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:257
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:403
msgid "Job tasks"
msgstr "Jobbets arbetsuppgifter"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:412
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:421
msgid "Backup File Creation"
msgstr "Skapande Av Backup-fil"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:417 inc/class-page-editjob.php:420
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:402 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:417
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:420
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:402
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:402
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:426
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:429
msgid "Backup type"
msgstr "Backup-typ"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:423
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:432
msgid "Synchronize file by file to destination"
msgstr "Synkronisera fil för fil med mål"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:428 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:413
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:428
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:413
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:413
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:437
msgid "Create a backup archive"
msgstr "Skapa backup-arkiv"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:436
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:445
msgid "Archive name"
msgstr "Arkivnamn"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:439
-msgid ""
-"Note: In order for backup file tracking to work, the archive name "
-"must begin with %s."
-msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:454
msgid "Replacement patterns:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:448
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:455
msgid "%d = Two digit day of the month, with leading zeros"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:449
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:456
msgid "%j = Day of the month, without leading zeros"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:450
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:457
msgid "%m = Day of the month, with leading zeros"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:451
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:458
msgid "%n = Representation of the month (without leading zeros)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:452
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:459
msgid "%Y = Four digit representation for the year"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:453
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:460
msgid "%y = Two digit representation of the year"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:454
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:461
msgid "%a = Lowercase ante meridiem (am) and post meridiem (pm)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:455
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:462
msgid "%A = Uppercase ante meridiem (AM) and post meridiem (PM)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:456
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:463
msgid "%B = Swatch Internet Time"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:457
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:464
msgid "%g = Hour in 12-hour format, without leading zeros"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:458
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:465
msgid "%G = Hour in 24-hour format, without leading zeros"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:459
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:466
msgid "%h = Hour in 12-hour format, with leading zeros"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:460
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:467
msgid "%H = Hour in 24-hour format, with leading zeros"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:461
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:468
msgid "%i = Two digit representation of the minute"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:462
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:469
msgid "%s = Two digit representation of the second"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:468 inc/class-page-editjob.php:471
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:468
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:471
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:475
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:478
msgid "Archive Format"
msgstr "Arkivformat"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:474 inc/class-page-editjob.php:476
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:426 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:476
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:426
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:426
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
msgid "Zip"
msgstr "Zip"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:477
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Disabled due to missing PHP function."
-msgid "Disabled due to missing %s PHP class."
-msgstr "Deaktiverat p.g.a. saknad PHP-funktion."
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:479 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:433
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:479
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:433
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:433
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:486
msgid "Tar"
msgstr "Tar"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481 inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:437 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:437
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:437
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:488
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
msgid "Tar GZip"
msgstr "Tar GZip"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:484 inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:484
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:491
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:498
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Disabled due to missing PHP function."
msgid "Disabled due to missing %s PHP function."
msgstr "Deaktiverat p.g.a. saknad PHP-funktion."
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:487 inc/class-page-editjob.php:489
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:444 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:487
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:489
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:444
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:444
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:494
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:497
msgid "Tar BZip2"
msgstr "Tar BZip2"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:497
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:533
msgid "Job Destination"
msgstr "Jobbmål"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:501 inc/class-page-editjob.php:504
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:501
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:504
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:537
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:540
msgid "Where should your backup file be stored?"
msgstr "Var skall dina backup-filer lagras?"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:522
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:558
msgid "Log Files"
msgstr "Loggfiler"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:526
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:562
msgid "Send log to email address"
msgstr "Skicka logg till e-postadress"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:529
-msgid ""
-"Leave empty to not have log sent. Or separate with , for more than one "
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:565
+msgid "Leave empty to not have log sent. Or separate with , for more than one receiver."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:533
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:569
msgid "Email FROM field"
msgstr "E-postmeddelandets FRÅN-fält"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:535
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:571
msgid "Your Name <mail@domain.tld>"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:539
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:575
msgid "Errors only"
msgstr "Endast fel"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:544
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:580
msgid "Send email with log only when errors occur during job execution."
msgstr "Skicka e-post med logg endast om fel uppstår under jobbkörning."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:555
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:591
msgid "Job Schedule"
msgstr "Jobbtidsplan"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:559 inc/class-page-editjob.php:562
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:559
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:562
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:595
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:598
msgid "Start job"
msgstr "Starta jobb"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:566
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:602
msgid "manually only"
msgstr "endast manuellt"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:570
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:606
msgid "with WordPress cron"
msgstr "med WordPress cron"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:579
-msgid ""
-"with EasyCron.com"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:615
+msgid "with EasyCron.com"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:581
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:617
msgid "First setup API Key."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:590
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:626
msgid "with a link"
msgstr "via en länk"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:591
-msgid ""
-"Copy the link for an external start. This option has to be activated to make "
-"the link work."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:627
+msgid "Copy the link for an external start. This option has to be activated to make the link work."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:598
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:634
msgid "Start job with CLI"
msgstr "Starta jobb med CLI"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:601
-msgid ""
-"Use WP-CLI to run jobs from commandline."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:637
+msgid "Use WP-CLI to run jobs from commandline."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:606
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:642
msgid "Schedule execution time"
msgstr "Schemalägg körtid"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:610 inc/class-page-editjob.php:613
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:610
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:613
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:646
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:649
msgid "Scheduler type"
msgstr "Typ av schemaläggare"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:617
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:653
msgid "basic"
msgstr "enkel"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:621
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:657
msgid "advanced"
msgstr "avancerad"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:650 inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:650
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:320
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:320
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:686
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:754
msgid "Scheduler"
msgstr "Schemaläggare"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:655 inc/class-page-jobs.php:126
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:139 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:324
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:655
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:126
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:139
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:324
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:324
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:166
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:691
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typ"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:660 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:660
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:330
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:696
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "Timme"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:663 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:333
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:663
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:333
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:333
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:699
msgid "Minute"
msgstr "Minut"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:667 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:337
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:667
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:337
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:337
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:703
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "månatlig"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:669 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:339
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:669
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:339
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:339
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:705
msgid "on"
msgstr "på"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:679 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:349
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:679
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:349
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:349
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:715
msgid "weekly"
msgstr "veckolig"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:681 inc/class-page-editjob.php:788
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:681
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:788
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:351
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:351
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:717
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:824
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Söndag"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:682 inc/class-page-editjob.php:789
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:682
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:789
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:352
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:352
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:825
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Måndag"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:683 inc/class-page-editjob.php:790
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:683
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:790
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:353
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:353
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:719
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:826
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Tisdag"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:684 inc/class-page-editjob.php:791
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:684
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:791
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:354
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:354
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:720
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:827
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Onsdag"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:685 inc/class-page-editjob.php:792
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:685
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:792
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:355
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:355
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:721
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:828
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Torsdag"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:686 inc/class-page-editjob.php:793
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:686
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:793
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:356
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:356
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:722
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:829
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Fredag"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:687 inc/class-page-editjob.php:794
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:687
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:794
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:357
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:357
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:723
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:830
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Lördag"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:697 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:697
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:367
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:733
msgid "daily"
msgstr "dagligen"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:707 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:707
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:377
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:743
msgid "hourly"
msgstr "timvis"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:721
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:757
msgid "Minutes:"
msgstr "Minuter:"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:723 inc/class-page-editjob.php:736
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:748 inc/class-page-editjob.php:762
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:723
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:736
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:748
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:762
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:784
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:759
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:772
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:798
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:820
msgid "Any (*)"
msgstr "Alla (*)"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:733
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:769
msgid "Hours:"
msgstr "Timmar:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:746
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:782
msgid "Day of Month:"
msgstr "Dag i Månad:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:760
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:796
msgid "Month:"
msgstr "Månad:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:766
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:802
msgid "January"
msgstr "Januari"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:767
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:803
msgid "February"
msgstr "Februari"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:768
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:804
msgid "March"
msgstr "Mars"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:769
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:805
msgid "April"
msgstr "April"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:770
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:806
msgid "May"
msgstr "Maj"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:771
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:807
msgid "June"
msgstr "Juni"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:772
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:808
msgid "July"
msgstr "Juli"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:773
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:809
msgid "August"
msgstr "Augusti"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:774
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:810
msgid "September"
msgstr "September"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:775
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:811
msgid "October"
msgstr "Oktober"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:776
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:812
msgid "November"
msgstr "November"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:777
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:813
msgid "December"
msgstr "December"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:782
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:818
msgid "Day of Week:"
msgstr "Veckodag:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:818
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:854
msgid "Save changes"
msgstr "Spara ändringar"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:905
-msgid ""
-"Working as Cron schedule:"
-msgstr ""
-"Arbetar som Cron tidsplan:"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:941
+msgid "Working as Cron schedule:"
+msgstr "Arbetar som Cron tidsplan:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:914
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:950
msgid "ATTENTION: Job runs every %d minutes!"
msgstr "OBSERVERA: Jobb körs med %d minuters intervall!"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:918
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:954
msgid "ATTENTION: Can't calculate cron!"
msgstr "OBSERVERA: Kan ej beräkna cron!"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:921
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:957
msgid "Next runtime:"
msgstr "Nästa körtid:"
@@ -3433,8 +4191,11 @@ msgstr "Nästa körtid:"
msgid "No Jobs."
msgstr "Inga Jobb."
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:127 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:67
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:127
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:67
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:473
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:67
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:473
msgid "Destinations"
msgstr "Målmappar"
@@ -3446,11 +4207,15 @@ msgstr "Nästa Körning"
msgid "Last Run"
msgstr "Senaste Körning"
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:172 inc/class-page-logs.php:200
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:172
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:200
+#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:221
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:228
msgid "Job ID: %d"
msgstr "Jobb-ID: %d"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:175
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:45
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Redigera"
@@ -3470,7 +4235,8 @@ msgstr "Ej behövd eller satt"
msgid "Running for: %s seconds"
msgstr "Körtid hittils: %s sekunder"
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:280 inc/class-page-jobs.php:289
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:280
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:289
msgid "Cron: %s"
msgstr "Cron: %s"
@@ -3520,23 +4286,20 @@ msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:454
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Job “%s” has started, but not responded for 10 seconds."
-msgid ""
-"Job \"%s\" has started, but not responded for 10 seconds. Please check information."
+msgid "Job \"%s\" has started, but not responded for 10 seconds. Please check information."
msgstr "Jobb “%s” har påbörjats, men har ej svarat på 10 sekunder."
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:459
msgid "Job \"%s\" started."
msgstr "Jobb \"%s\" har påbörjats."
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:471 inc/class-wp-cli.php:59
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:471
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:59
msgid "Job will be terminated."
msgstr "Jobbet kommer att avbrytas."
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%s Jobs"
msgid "%s › Jobs"
msgstr "%s Jobb"
@@ -3566,7 +4329,6 @@ msgstr "Stäng arbetsskärm"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:609
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "close"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "stäng"
@@ -3575,617 +4337,624 @@ msgid "Job completed"
msgstr "Jobb slutfört"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
-msgid ""
-"Job has done with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct "
-msgstr ""
-"Jobb slutfört med varningar på %s sekunder. Vänligen åtgärda varningarna för "
-"korrekt exekvering."
+msgid "Job has done with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct execution."
+msgstr "Jobb slutfört med varningar på %s sekunder. Vänligen åtgärda varningarna för korrekt exekvering."
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:113
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:138
msgid "No Logs."
msgstr "Inga Loggar."
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:138
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:165
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Status"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:141
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:168
msgid "Runtime"
msgstr "Körtid"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:202
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:230
msgid "View"
msgstr "Visa"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:251
msgid "1 ERROR"
msgid_plural "%d ERRORS"
msgstr[0] "1 FEL"
msgstr[1] "%d FEL"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:225
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:254
msgid "1 WARNING"
msgid_plural "%d WARNINGS"
msgstr[0] "1 VARNING"
msgstr[1] "%d VARNINGAR"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:228
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:257
msgid "O.K."
msgstr "O.K."
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:246
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:275
msgid "Log only"
msgstr "Endast logg"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:391
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:440
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%s Logs"
msgid "%s › Logs"
msgstr "%s Loggar"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:422
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:471
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Log file folder"
msgid "Logfile not found!"
msgstr "Loggfilsmapp"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:61
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:88
msgid "Settings reset to default"
msgstr "Inställningar återställda till förvalda."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:104
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:194
msgid "Settings saved"
msgstr "Inställningar sparade"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:115
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:209
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%s Settings"
msgid "%s › Settings"
msgstr "%s Inställningar"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:220
msgid "Network"
msgstr "Nätverk"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:221
msgid "API Keys"
msgstr "API-nycklar"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:222
msgid "Information"
msgstr "Information"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:135
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:241
msgid "Display Settings"
msgstr "Visningsinställningar"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:136
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:242
msgid "Do you want to see BackWPup in the WordPress admin bar?"
msgstr "Vill du se BackWPup i WordPress verktygsrad?"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:139
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:245
msgid "Admin bar"
msgstr "Verktygsrad"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:142
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:250
msgid "Admin Bar"
msgstr "Verktygsrad"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:145
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:258
msgid "Show BackWPup links in admin bar."
msgstr "Visa BackWPup-länkar i verktygsraden."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:151 inc/class-page-settings.php:154
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:151
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:154
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:264
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:269
msgid "Folder sizes"
msgstr "Mappstorlekar"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:157
-msgid ""
-"Display folder sizes in the files tab when editing a job. (Might increase "
-"loading time of files tab.)"
-msgstr ""
-"Visa mappstorlekar i filtabben när ett jobb redigeras (kan öka "
-"laddningstiden för filtabben). "
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:277
+msgid "Display folder sizes in the files tab when editing a job. (Might increase loading time of files tab.)"
+msgstr "Visa mappstorlekar i filtabben när ett jobb redigeras (kan öka laddningstiden för filtabben). "
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:163
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:286
msgid "Security"
msgstr "Säkerhet"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:164
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:287
msgid "Security option for BackWPup"
msgstr "Säkerhetsalternativ för BackWPup"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:167 inc/class-page-settings.php:170
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:167
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:170
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:290
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:295
msgid "Protect folders"
msgstr "Projektmappar"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:173
-msgid ""
-"Protect BackWPup folders ( Temp, Log and Backups ) with .htaccess"
-"code> and
-msgstr ""
-"Skydda BackWPup-mappar (Temp, Log och Backups) med .htaccess
-"och index.php
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:304
+msgid "Protect BackWPup folders ( Temp, Log and Backups ) with .htaccess
and index.php
+msgstr "Skydda BackWPup-mappar (Temp, Log och Backups) med .htaccess
och index.php
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:186
-msgid ""
-"Every time BackWPup runs a backup job, a log file is being generated. Choose "
-"where to store your log files and how many of them."
-msgstr ""
-"Varje gång BackWPup kör ett backup-jobb så genereras en loggfil. Välj var "
-"dina loggfiler skall lagras, samt hur många."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:321
+msgid "Every time BackWPup runs a backup job, a log file is being generated. Choose where to store your log files and how many of them."
+msgstr "Varje gång BackWPup kör ett backup-jobb så genereras en loggfil. Välj var dina loggfiler skall lagras, samt hur många."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:189
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:330
msgid "Log file folder"
msgstr "Loggfilsmapp"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:192
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:340
msgid "You can use absolute or relative path! Relative path is relative to %s."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:196
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:356
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Maximum file size"
msgid "Maximum log files"
msgstr "Maximal filstorlek"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:199
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:363
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Maximum number of log files in folder"
msgid "Maximum log files in folder."
msgstr "Maximalt antal loggfiler i mapp"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:203 inc/class-page-settings.php:206
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:203
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:206
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:370
msgid "Compression"
msgstr "Komprimering"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:209
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:381
msgid "Compress log files with GZip."
msgstr "Komprimera loggfiler med Gzip."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:215 inc/class-page-settings.php:218
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:215
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:218
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:392
msgid "Logging Level"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:221
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:400
msgid "Normal (translated)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:404
msgid "Normal (not translated)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:223
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:408
msgid "Debug (translated)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:224
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:412
msgid "Debug (not translated)"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:227
-msgid ""
-"Debug log has much more informations than normal logs. It is for support and "
-"should be handled carefully. For support is the best to use a not translated "
-"log file. Usage of not translated logs can reduce the PHP memory usage too."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:416
+msgid "Debug log has much more informations than normal logs. It is for support and should be handled carefully. For support is the best to use a not translated log file. Usage of not translated logs can reduce the PHP memory usage too."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:236
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:429
msgid "There are a couple of general options for backup jobs. Set them here."
-msgstr ""
-"Det finns några generella alternativ för backup-jobb. Gör dessa val här."
+msgstr "Det finns några generella alternativ för backup-jobb. Gör dessa val här."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:239
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:437
msgid "Maximum number of retries for job steps"
msgstr "Maximalt antal försök för jobbsteg"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:245
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:450
msgid "Maximum script execution time"
msgstr "Maximal skriptkörningstid"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:248
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:455
msgid "Maximum PHP Script execution time"
msgstr "Maximal körningstid för PHP-skript"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:251
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:462
#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "seconds"
msgid "seconds."
msgstr "sekunder"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:252
-msgid ""
-"Job will restart before hitting maximum execution time. Restarts will be "
-"disabled on CLI usage. If ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
has been defined, "
-"WordPress Cron will be used for restarts, so it can take a while. 0 means no "
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:464
+msgid "Job will restart before hitting maximum execution time. Restarts will be disabled on CLI usage. If ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
has been defined, WordPress Cron will be used for restarts, so it can take a while. 0 means no maximum."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:259
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:476
msgid "Key to start jobs externally with an URL"
msgstr "Nyckel för att starta jobb externt via en URL"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:263
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:484
msgid "Will be used to protect job starts from unauthorized person."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:267 inc/class-page-settings.php:270
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:267
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:270
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:492
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:497
msgid "Reduce server load"
msgstr "Reducera serverbelastning"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:273
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:505
msgid "disabled"
msgstr "deaktiverat"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:274
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:509
msgid "minimum"
msgstr "minimum"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:275
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:513
msgid "medium"
msgstr "medium"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:276
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:517
msgid "maximum"
msgstr "maximum"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:279
-msgid ""
-"This adds short pauses to the process. Can be used to reduce the CPU load."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:521
+msgid "This adds short pauses to the process. Can be used to reduce the CPU load."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:284
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:530
msgid "Empty output on working"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:287 inc/class-page-settings.php:290
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:287
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:290
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:535
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:546
msgid "Enable an empty Output on backup working."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:292
-msgid ""
-"This do an empty output on job working. This can help in some situations or "
-"can brake the working. You must test it."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:549
+msgid "This do an empty output on job working. This can help in some situations or can brake the working. You must test it."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:297
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:558
msgid "Windows IIS compatibility"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:300 inc/class-page-settings.php:303
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:300
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:303
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:563
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:574
msgid "Enable compatibility with IIS on Windows."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:305
-msgid ""
-"There is a PHP bug (bug #43817), "
-"which is triggered on some versions of Windows and IIS. Checking this box "
-"will enable a workaround for that bug. Only enable if you are getting errors "
-"about “Permission denied” in your logs."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:577
+msgid "There is a PHP bug (bug #43817), which is triggered on some versions of Windows and IIS. Checking this box will enable a workaround for that bug. Only enable if you are getting errors about “Permission denied” in your logs."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:315
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:801
msgid "Authentication for %s
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:316
-msgid ""
-"If you protected your blog with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess), or "
-"you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php, then use the authentication methods "
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:808
+msgid "If you protected your blog with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess), or you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php, then use the authentication methods below."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:322 inc/class-page-settings.php:325
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:322
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:325
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:824
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:829
msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:329
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:841
msgid "Basic auth"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:845
msgid "WordPress User"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:331
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:849
msgid "Query argument"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:338
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:860
msgid "Basic Auth Username:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:344
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:877
msgid "Basic Auth Password:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:349 inc/class-page-settings.php:352
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:349
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:352
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:891
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:894
msgid "Select WordPress User"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:368
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:927
msgid "Query arg key=value:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387 inc/class-page-settings.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1066
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1070
msgid "Setting"
msgstr "Inställning"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387 inc/class-page-settings.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1066
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1070
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Värde"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:389
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1115
msgid "WordPress version"
msgstr "WordPress-version"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:391
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1120
msgid "BackWPup version"
msgstr "BackWPup-version"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:391
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1124
msgid "Get pro."
msgstr "Skaffa pro."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:393
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1126
msgid "BackWPup Pro version"
msgstr "BackWPup Pro-version"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:401
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1131
msgid "PHP version"
msgstr "PHP-version"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:402
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1141
msgid "MySQL version"
msgstr "MySQL-version"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:405 inc/class-page-settings.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:405
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1145
msgid "cURL version"
msgstr "cURL-version"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:406
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1149
msgid "cURL SSL version"
msgstr "cURL SSL-version"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1152
msgid "unavailable"
msgstr "ej tillgänglig"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:411
-msgid "WP-Cron url:"
-msgstr "WP-Cron url:"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:413
-msgid "Server self connect:"
-msgstr "Server självanslutning:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:418
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1167
msgid "Not expected HTTP response:
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:420
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1174
msgid "WP Http Error: %s
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:422
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1180
msgid "Status-Code: %d
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:430
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1195
msgid "Content: %s
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:434
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1200
msgid "Response Test O.K."
msgstr "Svarstest O.K."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:438
-msgid "Temp folder:"
-msgstr "Temp-mapp:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:440
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1212
msgid "Temp folder %s doesn't exist."
msgstr "Temp-mapp %s existerar ej."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:442
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1217
msgid "Temporary folder %s is not writable."
msgstr "Temporär mapp %s är ej skrivbar."
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:449
-msgid "Log folder:"
-msgstr "Logg-mapp:"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:451
-msgid "Logs folder %s not exist."
-msgstr "Logg-mapp %s existerar ej."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:453
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1236
msgid "Log folder %s is not writable."
msgstr "Logg-mapp %s är ej skrivbar."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:458
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1244
msgid "Server"
msgstr "Server"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:459
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1248
msgid "Operating System"
msgstr "Operativsystem"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:460
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1252
msgid "PHP SAPI"
msgstr "PHP SAPI"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:461
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1260
msgid "Function Disabled"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:465
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1256
msgid "Current PHP user"
msgstr "Nuvarande PHP-användare"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:466
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1264
msgid "Maximum execution time"
msgstr "Maximal exekveringstid"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:468 inc/class-page-settings.php:470
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:468
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:470
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1278
msgid "Alternative WP Cron"
msgstr "Alternativ WP Cron"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:468 inc/class-page-settings.php:472
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:468
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:472
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1280
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1288
msgid "On"
msgstr "På"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:470 inc/class-page-settings.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:470
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1282
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1290
msgid "Off"
msgstr "Av"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:472 inc/class-page-settings.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:472
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1286
msgid "Disabled WP Cron"
msgstr "Deaktiverad WP Cron"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:476 inc/class-page-settings.php:478
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:476
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:478
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1294
msgid "CHMOD Dir"
msgstr "CHMOD Katalog"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:480
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1302
msgid "Server Time"
msgstr "Servertid"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:481
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1307
msgid "Blog Time"
msgstr "Bloggtid"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:482
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1311
msgid "Blog Timezone"
msgstr "Bloggens Tidszon"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:483
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1315
msgid "Blog Time offset"
msgstr "Bloggens Tidsutjämning"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:483
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1317
msgid "%s hours"
msgstr "%s timmar"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:484
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1322
msgid "Blog language"
msgstr "Bloggspråk"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:485
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1326
msgid "MySQL Client encoding"
msgstr "MySQL Klientkodning"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:488
-msgid "Blog charset"
-msgstr "Bloggens teckenuppsättning"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:489
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1330
msgid "PHP Memory limit"
msgstr "PHP Minnesgräns"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:490
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1334
msgid "WP memory limit"
msgstr "WP minnesgräns"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:491
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1338
msgid "WP maximum memory limit"
msgstr "WP maximal minnesanvändning"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:492
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1342
msgid "Memory in use"
msgstr "Minne som används"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:497
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1348
msgid "Disabled PHP Functions:"
msgstr "Deaktiverade PHP-funktioner:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:502
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1353
msgid "Loaded PHP Extensions:"
msgstr "Laddade PHP-utökningar:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:514
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1089
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "Spara Ändringar"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:516
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1094
msgid "Reset all settings to default"
msgstr "Återställ alla inställningar till förvalda"
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:123
-msgid ""
-"With the upcoming major release, BackWPup will be requiring PHP version 5.3 "
-"or higher."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:125
-msgid "Currently, you are running PHP version 5.2."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:127 inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:162
-msgid "Please urgently read here!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:132
-msgid "Don't show again."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:164
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup has determined, your installation is still running on the old PHP "
-"5.2 version."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:167
-msgid ""
-"In order to ensure a fast and secure development for BackWPup, we will most "
-"likely not support PHP version 5.2 in our next version."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:168
-msgid ""
-"No need to worry, your host can update your PHP version relatively quickly "
-"and without any problems."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:169
-msgid ""
-"Otherwise you can continue to stay on this last version and do not update "
-"the plugin in the future!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:173
-msgid ""
-"If the response from PHP 5.2 users is surprisingly high, we will eventually "
-"keep support for PHP 5.2 for a while."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:176
-msgid "Cheers!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:177
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "BackWPup News"
-msgid "Your BackWPup Team!"
-msgstr "BackWPup Nyheter"
-#. Translators: This is the anchor text for an HTML link pointing to BackWPup
-#. contact page
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:205
-msgid "contact us"
-msgstr ""
-#. Translators: %s is replaced by an HTML link with text "contact us" pointing
-#. to BackWPup contact page
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:207
-msgid "If you would like to have PHP 5.2 supported, please %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-php-admin-notice.php:208
-msgid "https://backwpup.com/php52/"
-msgstr "https://backwpup.com/php52/"
#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:23
msgid "A job is already running."
msgstr "Ett jobb körs redan."
@@ -4206,1512 +4975,597 @@ msgstr "Ingenting att avbryta!"
msgid "No job running"
msgstr "Inget jobb körs"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:23
-msgid "Auth Code:"
-msgstr "Autentiseringskod:"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:118
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:112
+msgid "PHP cURL extension must be installed to use the full plugin functionality."
+msgstr "PHP cURL-utökningen måste finnas installerad för att du skall kunna använda tilläggets fulla funktionalitet."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:26
-msgid "Get auth code"
-msgstr "Skaffa autentiseringskod"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:122
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:67
+msgctxt "%1 = extension name, %2 = file suffix"
+msgid "We recommend to install the %1$s extension to generate %2$s archives."
+msgstr "Vi rekemmederar att du installerar utökningen %1$s för generering av %2$s-arkiv."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:33
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:294
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:299
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:30
-msgid "Login:"
-msgstr "Inloggning:"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:146
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:136
+msgctxt "Link to PHP manual"
+msgid "Please disable the deprecated PHP safe mode."
+msgstr "Vänligen deaktivera PHP Safe-Mode som är taget ur bruk."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:37
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:306
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:56
-msgid "Folder:"
-msgstr "Mapp:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:112
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to Dropbox …"
-msgstr "%d. Försök synka filer mot Dropbox …"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:147
-msgid "Retrieving file list from Dropbox"
-msgstr "Hämtar fillista från Dropbox"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:154
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:146
+msgid "We recommend to install the PHP FTP extension to use the FTP backup destination."
+msgstr "Vi rekommenderar att du installerar FTP-utökningen för PHP om du vill använda FTP som mål för backupen."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:161
-msgid "Upload changed files to Dropbox"
-msgstr "Ladda upp ändrade filer till Dropbox"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:174
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:164
+msgid "The HTTP response test result is an error: \"%s\"."
+msgstr "HTTP-svarstestet resulterade i ett fel: \"%s\"."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:183
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Dropbox"
-msgstr "Fil %s uppladdad till Dropbox"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:178
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:175
+msgid "The HTTP response test result is a wrong HTTP status: %s. It should be status 200."
+msgstr "HTTP-svarstestet resulterade i en felaktig HTTP-status: %s. Det skall vara status 200."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:211
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Dropbox"
-msgstr "Extrafil %s uppladdad till Dropbox"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:191
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:220
+msgid "WP-Cron seems to be broken. But it is needed to run scheduled jobs."
+msgstr "WP-Cron verkar ej fungera. Men det behövs för körning av schemalagda jobb."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:226
-msgid "Folder %s deleted from Dropbox"
-msgstr "Mapp %s borttagen från Dropbox"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:196
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:194
+msgid "All tests passed without errors."
+msgstr "Alla test passerade utan fel."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:243
-msgid "File %s deleted from Dropbox"
-msgstr "Fil %s borttagen från Dropbox"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:202
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:239
+msgid "There are errors. Please correct them, or BackWPup cannot work."
+msgstr "Det finns fel. Vänligen åtgärda dem, annars kommer BackWPup ej att fungera."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:19
-msgid "Absolute path to folder for backup files:"
-msgstr "Absolut sökväg till mapp för backup-filer:"
+#. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
+#: inc/class-admin.php:381
+#: inc/class-admin.php:401
+#: inc/class-help.php:17
+#: inc/class-help.php:22
+#: inc/class-job.php:394
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:15
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:624
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:262
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:391
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:17
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:17
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:27
+#: inc/class-admin.php:510
+#: inc/class-admin.php:531
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1123
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:651
+#: inc/class-job.php:412
+msgid "http://backwpup.com"
+msgstr "http://backwpup.com"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:41
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:321
-msgid "Oldest files will be deleted first."
+#. Author URI of the plugin/theme
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:17
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:19
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:19
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:29
+msgid "http://inpsyde.com"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:87
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to folder …"
-msgstr "%d. Försök att synka filer till mapp …"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:91
-msgid "Retrieving file list from folder"
-msgstr "Hämtar fillista från mapp"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:101
-msgid "Copy changed files to folder"
-msgstr "Kopiera ändrade filer till mapp"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:115
-msgid "File %s copied"
-msgstr "Fil %s kopierad"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:128
-msgid "Delete not existing files from folder"
-msgstr "Ta bort icke-existerande filer från mapp"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:136
-msgid "Extra file %s copied"
-msgstr "Extrafil %s kopierad"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:152
-msgid "File %s deleted from folder"
-msgstr "Fil %s borttagen från mapp"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:210
-msgid "Empty folder %s deleted"
-msgstr "Tom mapp %s borttagen"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:17
-msgid "Hostname:"
-msgstr "Värdnamn:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:25 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:23
-msgid "Username:"
-msgstr "Användarnamn:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:33
-msgid "Folder on server:"
-msgstr "Mapp på server:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:42
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:60
-msgid "Maximum number of backup files to keep in folder:"
-msgstr "Maximalt antal backup-filer att lagra i mapp:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:41
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:282
-msgid ""
-"Looks like you haven’t set up any API keys yet. Head over to Settings | API-Keys and get Google Drive all set up, then come back "
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive-downloader.php:74
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:78
+msgid "Could not write data to file."
msgstr ""
-"Det verkar inte som att du har skapat några API-nycklar ännu. Gör ett besök "
-"på Inställningar | API-nycklar och konfigurera Google "
-"Drive ordentligt. Kom sen tillbaks hit."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:55
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:297
-msgid "Authenticate"
-msgstr "Autentisera"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:62
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:302
-msgid "Reauthenticate"
-msgstr "Återautentisera"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:73
-msgid "Folder in Google Drive"
-msgstr "Mapp på Google Drive"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:110
-msgid ""
-"Consider using trash to delete files. If trash is not enabled, files will be "
-"deleted permanently."
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive-downloader.php:102
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:122
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:137
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php:104
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:107
+msgid "File could not be opened for writing."
msgstr ""
-"Överväg att använda papperskorgen vid borttagning av filer. Om papperskorgen "
-"ej är aktiverad så tas filerna bort permanent."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:167
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:191
-msgid "GDrive: Authenticated."
-msgstr "GDrive: Autentiserad."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:171
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:195
-msgid "GDrive: No refresh token received. Try to Authenticate again!"
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:63
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1134
+msgid "Amazon S3: EU (London)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:177
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:199
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:218
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:237
-msgid "GDrive API: %s"
-msgstr "GDrive API: %s"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:440
-msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to Google Drive …"
-msgstr "%d. Försök skicka backup-fil till Google Drive …"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:468
-msgid "Uploading to Google Drive …"
-msgstr "Laddar upp till Google Drive …"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:530
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Can not resume transfer backup to Google Drive!"
-msgid "Could not create resumable file transfer to Google Drive"
-msgstr "Kan ej återuppta överföring av backup till Google Drive!"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:574
-msgid "Can not resume transfer backup to Google Drive!"
-msgstr "Kan ej återuppta överföring av backup till Google Drive!"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:641
-msgid "Error transfering file chunks to %s."
-msgstr "Fel vid överföring av fildelar till %s."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:642
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:668
-msgid "Google Drive"
-msgstr "Google Drive"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:716
-msgid "One file deleted from Google Drive"
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Google Drive"
-msgstr[0] "En fil borttagen från Google Drive"
-msgstr[1] "%d filer borttagna från Google Drive"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:722
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1028
-msgid "Google Drive API: %s"
-msgstr "Google Drive API: %s"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:849
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to Google Drive …"
-msgstr "%d. Försök synka filer mot Google Drive …"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:874
-msgid "Syncing changed files to Google Drive"
-msgstr "Synkar ändrade filer mot Google Drive"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:904
-msgid "File %s updated on Google Drive"
-msgstr "Fil %s uppdaterad på Google Drive"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:925
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Google Drive"
-msgstr "Fil %s uppladdad till Google Drive"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:946
-msgid "File %s moved to trash in Google Drive"
-msgstr "Fil %s flyttad till papperskorgen i Google Drive"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:949
-msgid "File %s deleted permanently in Google Drive"
-msgstr "Fil %s permanent borttagen från Google Drive"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:995
-msgid "Extra file %s updated on Google Drive"
-msgstr "Extrafil %s uppdaterad på Google Drive"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1017
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Google Drive"
-msgstr "Extrafil %s uppladdad till Google Drive"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:27
-msgid "Amazon Glacier"
-msgstr "Amazon Glacier"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:31
-msgid "Select a region:"
-msgstr "Välj en region:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:33
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:235
-msgid "Amazon Glacier Region"
-msgstr "Amazon Glacier-region"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:34
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:236
-msgid "US Standard"
-msgstr "US Standard"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:35
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:237
-msgid "US West (Northern California)"
-msgstr "US Väst (Norra Kalifornien)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:36
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:238
-msgid "US West (Oregon)"
-msgstr "US Väst (Oregon)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:37
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:239
-msgid "EU (Ireland)"
-msgstr "EU (Irland)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:38
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:240
-msgid "EU (Germany)"
-msgstr "EU (Tyskland)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:39
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:241
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
-msgstr "Asien Stilla Havet (Tokyo)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:40
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:242
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
-msgstr "Asien Stilla Havet (Sydney)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:41
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"
-msgstr "Asien Stilla Havet (Tokyo)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:42
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:244
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
-msgstr "Asien Stilla Havet (Sydney)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:43
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:245
-msgid "South America (Sao Paulo)"
-msgstr "Sydamerika (Sao Paulo)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:44
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:246
-msgid "China (Beijing)"
-msgstr "Kina (Beijing)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:50
-msgid "Amazon Access Keys"
-msgstr "Amazon Åtkomstnycklar"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:69
-msgid "Vault"
-msgstr "Valv"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:73
-msgid "Vault selection"
-msgstr "Valvval"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:85
-msgid "Create a new vault"
-msgstr "Skapa ett nytt valv"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:92
-msgid "Glacier Backup settings"
-msgstr "Glacier Backup-inställningar"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:108
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:264
-msgid ""
-"Number of files to keep in folder. (Archives deleted before 3 months after "
-"they have been stored may cause extra costs when deleted.)"
-msgstr ""
-"Antal filer att lagra i mapp. (Arkiv som tas bort tidigare än 3 månader "
-"efter att de sparats kan orsaka extra kostnader vid borttagning.)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:172
-msgid "No vault found!"
-msgstr "Inget valv hittades!"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:211
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:299
-msgid "Vault %1$s created."
-msgstr "Valv %1$s skapat."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:213
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:301
-msgid "Vault %s could not be created."
-msgstr "Valv %s kunde ej skapas."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:234
-msgid "Select an Amazon Glacier region:"
-msgstr "Välj en Amazon Glacier-region:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:243
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
-msgstr "Asien Stilla Havet (Singapore)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:248
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:19 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:39
-msgid "Access Key:"
-msgstr "Åtkomstnyckel:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:250
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:42
-msgid "Secret Key:"
-msgstr "Hemlig Nyckel:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:252
-msgid "Vault:"
-msgstr "Valv:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:261
-msgid "New Vault:"
-msgstr "Nytt Valv:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:341
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:456
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:475
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:518
-msgid "AWS API: %s"
-msgstr "AWS API: %s"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:364
-msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to Amazon Glacier …"
-msgstr "%d. Försöker skicka backup-fil till Amazon Glacier …"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:377
-msgid "Connected to Glacier vault \"%1$s\" with %2$d archives and size of %3$d"
-msgstr ""
-"Ansluten till Glacier-valv \"%1$s\" med %2$d arkiv och en storlek på %3$d"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:379
-msgid "Glacier vault \"%s\" does not exist!"
-msgstr "Glacier-valv \"%s\" existerar ej!"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:385
-msgid "Starting upload to Amazon Glacier …"
-msgstr "Påbörjar uppladdning till Amazon Glacier …"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:438
-msgid "Archive ID: %s"
-msgstr "Arkiv-ID: %s"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:449 inc/pro/class-pro.php:92
-msgid "Glacier"
-msgstr "Glacier"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:508
-msgid "Cannot delete archive from %s."
-msgstr "Kan ej ta bort arkiv från %s."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:512
-msgid "One file deleted on vault."
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on vault"
-msgstr[0] "En fil borttagen från valv."
-msgstr[1] "%d filer borttagna från valv"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:17
-msgid "Account Name:"
-msgstr "Kontonamn:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:21
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:38
-msgid "Container:"
-msgstr "Behållare:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:28
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:47
-msgid "Create container:"
-msgstr "Skapa behållare:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:30
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:49
-msgid "Folder in container:"
-msgstr "Mapp i behållare:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:119
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files with Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
-msgstr "%d. Försöker synka filer mot Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:154
-msgid "Retrieving file list from MS Azure."
-msgstr "Hämtar fillista från MS Azure."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:170
-msgid "Upload changed files to MS Azure."
-msgstr "Ladda upp ändrade filer till MS Azure."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:182
-msgid "File %s uploaded to MS Azure."
-msgstr "Fil %s uppladdad till MS Azure."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:208
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to MS Azure."
-msgstr "Extrafil %s uppladdad till MS Azure."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:221
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on MS Azure."
-msgstr "Ta bort icke-existerande filer från MS Azure."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:224
-msgid "File %s deleted from MS Azure."
-msgstr "Fil %s borttagen från MS Azure."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:26
-msgid "API Key:"
-msgstr "API-nyckel"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:29
-msgid "Select region:"
-msgstr "Väj region:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:147
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files to Rackspace cloud …"
-msgstr "%d. Försöker synka filer mot Rackspace Cloud …"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:167
-msgid "Connected to Rackspace cloud files container %s."
-msgstr "Ansluten till Rackspace Cloud Files behållare %s."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:181
-msgid "Retrieving files list from Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Hämtar fillista från Rackspace Cloud."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:212
-msgid "Upload changed files to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Ladda upp ändrade filer till Rackspace Cloud."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:230
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Fil %s uppladdad till Rackspace Cloud."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:263
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Extrafil %s uppladdad till Rackspace Cloud."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:276
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Ta bort icke-existerande filer från Rackspace Cloud."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:280
-msgid "File %s deleted from Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "Fil %s borttagen från Rackspace Cloud."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:17
-msgid "Select a S3 service:"
-msgstr "Välj en S3-tjänst:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:36
-msgid "or set an S3 Server URL:"
-msgstr "eller ange en URL till en S3-server:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:45
-msgid "Bucket:"
-msgstr "Hink:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:55
-msgid "New Bucket:"
-msgstr "Ny Hink: "
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:57
-msgid "Folder in bucket:"
-msgstr "Mapp i hink:"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:145
-msgid "Bucket %1$s created in %2$s."
-msgstr "Hink %1$s skapad i %2$s."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:169
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files to S3 Service …"
-msgstr "%d. Försöker synka filer mot S3-tjänst …"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:203
-msgid "Retrieving file list from S3."
-msgstr "Hämtar fillista från S3."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:265
-msgid "Upload changed files to S3."
-msgstr "Ladda upp ändrade filer till S3."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:280
-msgid "File %s uploaded to S3."
-msgstr "Fil %s uppladdad till S3."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:308
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to S3."
-msgstr "Extrafil %s uppladdad till S3."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:321
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on S3"
-msgstr "Ta bort icke-existerande filer från S3"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:328
-msgid "File %s deleted from S3."
-msgstr "Fil %s borttagen från S3."
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:24
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:82
-msgid "Sugarsync authenticate!"
-msgstr "SugarSync-autentisera!"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:34
-msgid "Root:"
-msgstr "Rot:"
-#: inc/pro/class-export-jobs.php:12 inc/pro/class-export-jobs.php:23
-msgid "Export"
-msgstr "Exportera"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:27
-msgid "Check only WordPress Database tables"
-msgstr "Kontrollera endast WordPress databastabeller"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:92
-msgid "Backup only WordPress Database tables"
-msgstr "Ta endast backup på WordPress databastabeller"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:112
-msgid "Database connection"
-msgstr "Databaskoppling"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:116
-msgid "Use WordPress database connection."
-msgstr "Använd WordPress databaskoppling."
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:120
-msgid "Host:"
-msgstr "Värd:"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:123
-msgid "User:"
-msgstr "Användare: "
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:130
-msgid "Charset:"
-msgstr "Teckenuppsättning: "
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:141
-msgid "Database:"
-msgstr "Databas:"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:169
-msgid "Database Backup type"
-msgstr "Typ av Databas-backup"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
-msgid "SQL File (with mysqli)"
-msgstr "SQL-fil (med mysqli)"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:174
-msgid "SQL File (with mysqldump)"
-msgstr "SQL-fil (med mysqldump)"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:175
-msgid "XML File (phpMyAdmin schema)"
-msgstr "XML-fil (phpMyAdmin schema)"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:181
-msgid "Path to mysqldump file"
-msgstr "Sökväg till mysqldump-fil"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:190
-msgid ""
-"Path to mysqldump file, so a backup can be made with it. If it is correct "
-"and shell_exec is active, the backup will be generated with a "
-"system command. If shell_exec ist not active, this is disabled"
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:285
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:286
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:293
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step4_top.php:2
+msgid "Restore"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:580
-msgid "Added database backup \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
-msgstr "Lade till databas-backup \"%1$s\" med %2$s till fillista för backup"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:601
-msgid "%d. Try to backup MySQL system …"
-msgstr "%d. Försök ta backup på MySQL-system …"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:608
-msgid ""
-"Executing of system commands not allowed. Please use backup with mysqli."
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:77
+msgid "You must run WordPress version %1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %2$s now."
msgstr ""
-"Exekvering av systemkommandon är ej tillåtet. Vänligen använd mysqli för "
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:613
-msgid "%s file not in open basedir of PHP."
-msgstr "Fil %s ej i PHP:s open basedir."
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:618
-msgid "%s file not found. Please correct the path for the mysqldump file."
-msgstr "Fil %s hittades ej. Vänligen korrigera sökvägen för mysqldump-filen."
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:702
-msgctxt "Executed exec() command"
-msgid "CLI Exec: %s"
-msgstr "CLI Exec: %s"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:712
-msgid "Usage error."
-msgstr "Användningsfel."
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:713
-msgid ""
-"MySQL Server Error. This could be an issue with permissions. Try using "
-"database backup with mysqli."
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:88
+msgid "We recommend to run a PHP version above %1$s to get the full plugin functionality. You are using version %2$s now."
msgstr ""
-"MySQL-serverfel. Detta kan vara ett problem med tillstånd. Försök använda "
-"mysqli för databas-backup."
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:714
-msgid "Error during consistency checks."
-msgstr "Fel vid konsistenskontroller."
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:715
-msgid "Not enough memory."
-msgstr "Ej tillräckligt med minne."
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:716
-msgid "Error during writing of SQL backup file."
-msgstr "Fel vid skrivning av SQL-backup-fil."
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:717
-msgid "Illegal table"
-msgstr "Ogiltig tabell"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:722
-msgid "mysqldump returned: (%d) %s"
-msgstr "mysqldump returnerade: (%d) %s"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:735
-msgid "Can not create mysql backup with mysqldump command"
-msgstr "Kan ej skapa mysql-backup med kommandot mysqldump"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:781
-msgid "%d. Try to backup database as XML …"
-msgstr "%d. Försök ta backup på databas som XML …"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:851
-msgctxt "Database Charset"
-msgid "Cannot set DB charset to %s"
-msgstr "Kan ej sätta DB teckenuppsättning till %s"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:880
-msgid "No tables for XML backup"
-msgstr "Inga tabeller för XML-backup"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:916
-msgid "Dump database create view \"%s\""
-msgstr "Dump av databas till CREATE VIEW \"%s\""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:934
-msgid "Backup database structure \"%s\" to XML"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:100
+msgid "You must have the MySQLi extension installed and a MySQL server version of %1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %2$s now."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:976
-msgid "Backup table \"%s\" data to XML"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:193
+msgid "Yeah!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:1044
-msgid "Added database XML dump \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
-msgstr "Lade till databas XML-dump \"%1$s\" med %2$s till fillista för backup"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:1047
-msgid "Database XML backup done!"
-msgstr "Databas XML-backup klar!"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:19
-msgid "Backup WordPress main files"
-msgstr "Ta backup på WordPress huvudfiler"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:23
-msgid "Backup blog content folder"
-msgstr "Ta backup på bloggens innehållsmapp"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:27
-msgid "Backup blog plugins"
-msgstr "Ta backup på bloggens tillägg"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:31
-msgid "Backup blog themes"
-msgstr "Ta backup på bloggens teman"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:35
-msgid "Backup blog uploads folder"
-msgstr "Ta backup på bloggens uppladdningsmapp"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
-msgid "Items to export:"
-msgstr "Objekt att exportera:"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:13
-msgid "Nothing to configure"
-msgstr "Inget att konfigurera"
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:130
-msgid "No BackWPup Wizard Session found!"
-msgstr "Ingen Session funnen för BackWPup-guiden!"
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:143 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:461
-msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Avbryt"
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:179 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:456
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:488
-msgid "Next ›"
-msgstr "Nästa ›"
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:196 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:452
-msgid "‹ Previous"
-msgstr "‹ Föregående"
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:349
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgctxt "Plugin Name"
-#| msgid "%s Wizards"
-msgctxt "Plugin Name"
-msgid "%s › Wizards"
-msgstr "%s Guider"
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:388
-msgctxt "Plugin Name"
-msgid "%s Wizard:"
-msgstr "%s Guide:"
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:464
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "Tillbaks till översikt"
-#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:111
-msgid "GDrive"
-msgstr "GDrive"
-#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:164 inc/pro/class-pro.php:190
-msgid "Wizards"
-msgstr "Guider"
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:45
-msgid "Hash key"
-msgstr "Hash-nyckel"
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:46
-msgid ""
-"Hash Key for BackWPup. It will be used to have hashes in folder and file "
-"names. It must at least 6 chars long."
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:261
+msgid "There are some warnings. BackWPup will work, but with limitations."
msgstr ""
-"Hash-nyckel för BackWPup. Den kommer att användas för att hasha mapp- och "
-"filnamn. Nyckeln måste vara minst 6 tecken lång."
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:49
-msgid "Hash key:"
-msgstr "Hash-nyckel:"
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:73
-msgid "Dropbox API Keys"
-msgstr "Dropbox API-nycklar"
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:74
-msgid ""
-"If you want to set your own Dropbox API Keys, you can do it here. Leave "
-"empty for default."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:104
+msgid "Cannot open FTP file for download."
msgstr ""
-"Om du vill sätta dina egna Dropbox API-nycklar så kan du göra det här. Lämna "
-"tomt för standard."
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:77
-msgid "Full Dropbox App key:"
-msgstr "Fullständig Dropbox App-nyckel:"
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:88
-msgid "Full Dropbox App secret:"
-msgstr "Fullständig Dropbox App-hemlighet:"
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:100
-msgid "Sandbox App key:"
-msgstr "Sandbox App-nyckel:"
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:111
-msgid "Sandbox App secret:"
-msgstr "Sandbox App-hemlighet:"
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:131
-msgid "SugarSync API Keys"
-msgstr "SugarSync API-nycklar"
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:132
-msgid ""
-"If you want to set your own SugarSync API keys you can do that here. Leave "
-"empty for default."
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:64
+msgid "Could not read data from source file."
msgstr ""
-"Om du vill sätta dina egna SugarSync API-nycklar så kan du göra det här. "
-"Lämna tomt för standard."
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:135
-msgid "Access Key ID:"
-msgstr "Åtkomstnyckel-ID:"
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:143
-msgid "Private Access Key:"
-msgstr "Privat Åtkomstnyckel:"
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:154
-msgid "App ID:"
-msgstr "App-ID:"
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:175
-msgid "Google API Keys"
-msgstr "Google API-nycklar"
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:179
-msgid "Client ID:"
-msgstr "Klient-ID:"
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:191
-msgid "Client secret:"
-msgstr "Klienthemlighet:"
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:202
-msgid "Redirect URIs:"
-msgstr "Omdirigera URI:er:"
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:206
-msgid "Add this URI in a new line to the field."
-msgstr "Lägg denna URI på en ny rad i fältet."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:15
-msgid "Create a job"
-msgstr "Skapa ett jobb"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:16
-msgid "Choose a job"
-msgstr "Välj ett jobb"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:41
-msgid "Job Types"
-msgstr "Jobbtyper"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:41
-msgid "Select a task for your job."
-msgstr "Välj en arbetsuppgift åt ditt jobb."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:61
-msgid "Archive Settings"
-msgstr "Arkivinställningar"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:62
-msgid "Settings for the Backup Archive"
-msgstr "Inställningar för Backup-arkivet"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:68
-msgid "Where would you like to store the backup file?"
-msgstr "Var vill du lagra backup-filen?"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:82 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:314
-msgid "Scheduling"
-msgstr "Schemaläggning"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:82
-msgid "When would you like to start the job?"
-msgstr "När vill du köra jobbet?"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:255
-msgid "Select one or more tasks for your backup job."
-msgstr "Välj en eller fler arbetsuppgifter åt ditt backup-jobb."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:315
-msgid "Activate scheduling"
-msgstr "Aktivera schemaläggning"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:409
-msgid "Sync file by file to destination"
-msgstr "Synka fil för fil mot mål"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:420
-msgid "Select a compression type for the backup archive"
-msgstr "Välj en komprimeringstyp för backup-arkivet"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:423
-msgid "Archive compression type"
-msgstr "Komprimeringstyp för arkiv"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:427
-msgid ""
-"PHP Zip functions will be used if available (memory lees). Else PCLZip Class "
-"will used."
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:69
+msgid "Could not write data into target file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:430 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:441
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:449
-msgid "Disabled because missing PHP function."
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:96
+msgid "File could not be opened for reading."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:433 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:434
-msgid "Tar (fast and memory less) uncompressed"
+#. translators: $1 is the path of the local file where the backup will be stored
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:141
+msgid "%s is a directory not a file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:437 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:438
-msgid "A tared and GZipped archive (fast and memory less)"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:102
+msgid "Multipart splits file into multiple chunks while uploading.
This is necessary for displaying the upload process and to transfer bigger files.
Don't work with Google or Dreamhost."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:445
-msgid "A tared and BZipped archive (fast and memory less)"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:408
+msgid "« Go back"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:470
-msgid "Where to store the files"
-msgstr "Var filerna skall lagras"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:661
-msgid "Wizard: %1$s"
-msgstr "Guide: %1$s"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:680
-msgid "New job %s generated."
-msgstr "Nytt jobb %s genererat."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:692
-msgid "Create Job"
-msgstr "Skapa Jobb"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:717 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:718
-msgid "Database Backup and XML Export (Daily)"
-msgstr "Databas-backup samt XML-export (Dagligen)"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:735 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:736
-msgid "Database Check (Weekly)"
-msgstr "Databaskontroll (Veckolig)"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:760 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:761
-msgid "Backup all files"
-msgstr "Ta backup på alla filer"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:775
-msgid "Essential files + list of plugins"
-msgstr "Nödvändiga filer + lista över tillägg"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:776
-msgid "Backup essential files and folders, plus a list of installed plugins."
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:501
+msgid "Please wait …"
msgstr ""
-"Ta backup på nödvändiga filer och mappar, plus en lista över installerade "
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:791 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:792
-msgid "Custom configuration"
-msgstr "Anpassad konfiguration"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:14
-msgid "XML job import"
-msgstr "Import av XML-jobb"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:15
-msgid "Wizard for importing BackWPup jobs from an XML file"
-msgstr "Guide för import av BackWPup-jobb från en XML-fil"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:32 inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:101
-msgid "Import"
-msgstr "Import"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:45
-msgid "Import File"
-msgstr "Importfil"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:45
-msgid "Upload XML job file for import"
-msgstr "Ladda upp XML-jobbfil för import"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:46
-msgid "Select items to import"
-msgstr "Välj objekt att importera"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:46
-msgid "Select which job should be imported or overwritten."
-msgstr "Välj vilket jobb som skall importeras eller skrivas över."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:67
-msgid ""
-"Please upload your BackWPup job XML export file and we’ll import the "
-"jobs into BackWPup."
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:504
+msgid "Your download is being generated …"
msgstr ""
-"Vänligen ladda upp din XML-exportfil för BackWPup-jobb så importerar vi "
-"jobben till BackWPup ."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:69
-msgid "Choose a file from your computer:"
-msgstr "Välj en fil från din dator:"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:69
-msgid "Maximum size: %s"
-msgstr "Maximal storlek: %s"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:92
-msgid "Import Jobs"
-msgstr "Importera Jobb"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:95
-msgid "Import Type"
-msgstr "Importtyp"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:96
-msgid "No Import"
-msgstr "Ingen Import"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:510
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:15
+msgid "Please enter your private key to decrypt your backup."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:99
-msgid "Overwrite"
-msgstr "Skriv över"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:512
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:17
+msgid "The private key you entered was invalid. Please try again."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:99
-msgid "Append"
-msgstr "Tillfoga"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:515
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:742
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:773
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:20
+msgid "Private Key"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:114
-msgid "Import Config"
-msgstr "Importkonfiguration"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:522
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:25
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:117
-msgid "Import BackWPup configuration"
-msgstr "Importera BackWPup-konfiguration"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:527
+msgid "Your download has been generated. It should begin downloading momentarily."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:142
-msgid ""
-"File is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error could "
-"also caused by uploads being disabled in your php.ini or by post_max_size "
-"being defined as smaller than upload_max_filesize in php.ini."
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:575
+msgid "Seems is not possible to store your private key, be sure the directory %s is writable."
msgstr ""
-"Filen är tom. Vänligen ladda upp något mer substantiellt. Detta fel kan "
-"också uppstå om uppladdning är deaktiverat i din php.ini eller om "
-"post_max_size är mindre än upload_max_filesize i php.ini."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:157
-msgid ""
-"The export file could not be found at %s
. This is likely due to "
-"an issue with permissions."
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:114
+msgid "Functions for bz2 compression not available."
msgstr ""
-"Exportfilen kunde inte hittas i %s
. Detta beror troligen på ett "
-"problem med tillstånd."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:164
-msgid "Sorry, there has been a phrase error."
-msgstr "Ursäkta, ett begreppsfel uppstod."
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:311
+msgid "File name cannot be empty."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:171
-msgid ""
-"This Export file (version %s) may not be supported by this version of the "
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:751
+msgid "Cannot open source file %s for archiving. Writing an empty file."
msgstr ""
-"Denna exportfil (version %s) kanske inte stöds i denna version av "
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:177
-msgid "This is not a BackWPup XML file"
-msgstr "Detta är ej en BackWPup XML-fil"
+#. translators: $1 is the filename to add into the archive.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:1006
+msgid "Cannot open source file %s."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:243
-msgid "Job %1$s with id %2$d imported"
-msgstr "Jobb %1$s med ID %2$d importerad"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:39
+msgid "Please enter a public key first, or generate a key pair."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:251
-msgid "BackWPup config imported"
-msgstr "BackWPup-konfiguration importerad"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:40
+msgid "Please enter your private key."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:14
-msgid "System Test"
-msgstr "Systemtest"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:41
+msgid "Public key is valid."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:15
-msgid "Wizard to test if BackWPup can work properly"
-msgstr "Guide för att testa om BackWPup kan köras korrekt."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:42
+msgid "Public key is invalid."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:32
-msgid "Run tests"
-msgstr "Kör testen"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:43
+msgid "Please download the private key before continuing. If you do not save it locally, you cannot decrypt your backups later."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:45
-msgid "Environment"
-msgstr "Miljö"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:217
+msgid "Encryption"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:45
-msgid "System Environment"
-msgstr "Systemmiljö"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:593
+msgid "Here you can set your keys for encrypting your backups."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:59
-msgid "Test if BackWPup can work without problems."
-msgstr "Testa om BackWPup kan köras utan problem."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:601
+msgid "If you select symmetric encryption (default), you can generate a 256-bit key by clicking Generate Key
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:99
-msgid ""
-"You must run WordPress version 3.4 or higher to use this plugin. You are "
-"using version %s now."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:611
+msgid "If you select asymmetric encryption (more secure), you must have an RSA public/private key pair. You would enter the public key in the Public Key
field. If you do not have a key pair, click Generate Key Pair
and they will be generated for you."
msgstr ""
-"Du måste köra WordPress version 3.4 eller senare för att använda detta "
-"tillägg. Du använder version %s just nu."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:104
-msgid ""
-"You must run PHP version 5.2.6 or higher to use this plugin. You are using "
-"version %s now."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:621
+msgid "Note: You will be asked to download the keys for safe storage. We do not keep a copy of the private key, so if you lose this, your data cannot be decrypted!"
msgstr ""
-"Du måste köra PHP version 5.2.6 eller senare för att använda detta tillägg. "
-"Du använder version %s just nu."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:108
-msgid ""
-"We recommend to run a PHP version above 5.3.2 to get the full plugin "
-"functionality. You are using version %s now."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:631
+msgid "You can also click Validate
to validate that you have the proper private key for the given public key."
msgstr ""
-"Vi rekommenderar att du kör en PHP-version senare än 5.3.2 för att få "
-"tillgång till tilläggets hela funktionalitet. Du använder version %s just nu."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:113
-msgid ""
-"You must have the MySQLi extension installed and a MySQL server version of "
-"5.0.7 or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %s now."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:642
+msgid "Encryption Type"
msgstr ""
-"Du måste ha MySQLi-utökningen installerad, samt version 5.0.7 av MySQL-"
-"server eller senare för att kunna använda detta tillägg. Du använder version "
-"%s just nu."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:118
-msgid ""
-"PHP cURL extension must be installed to use the full plugin functionality."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:649
+msgid "Symmetric (public key only)"
msgstr ""
-"PHP cURL-utökningen måste finnas installerad för att du skall kunna använda "
-"tilläggets fulla funktionalitet."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:122
-msgctxt "%1 = extension name, %2 = file suffix"
-msgid "We recommend to install the %1$s extension to generate %2$s archives."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:655
+msgid "Asymmetric (public and private key)"
msgstr ""
-"Vi rekemmederar att du installerar utökningen %1$s för generering av %2$s-"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:146
-msgctxt "Link to PHP manual"
-msgid "Please disable the deprecated PHP safe mode."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:661
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:667
+msgid "Encryption Key"
msgstr ""
-"Vänligen deaktivera PHP Safe-Mode som är taget ur bruk."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:154
-msgid ""
-"We recommend to install the PHP FTP extension to use the FTP backup "
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:672
+msgid "Key"
msgstr ""
-"Vi rekommenderar att du installerar FTP-utökningen för PHP om du vill "
-"använda FTP som mål för backupen."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:174
-msgid "The HTTP response test result is an error: \"%s\"."
-msgstr "HTTP-svarstestet resulterade i ett fel: \"%s\"."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:684
+msgid "Click below to generate a random key."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:178
-msgid ""
-"The HTTP response test result is a wrong HTTP status: %s. It should be "
-"status 200."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:687
+msgid "Generate Key"
msgstr ""
-"HTTP-svarstestet resulterade i en felaktig HTTP-status: %s. Det skall vara "
-"status 200."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:191
-msgid "WP-Cron seems to be broken. But it is needed to run scheduled jobs."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:696
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:701
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:762
+msgid "Public Key"
msgstr ""
-"WP-Cron verkar ej fungera. Men det behövs för körning av schemalagda jobb."
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:196
-msgid "All tests passed without errors."
-msgstr "Alla test passerade utan fel."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:704
+msgid "RSA Public Key"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:199
-msgid ""
-"There is no error, but some warnings. BackWPup will work, but with "
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:716
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:717
+msgid "Generate Key Pair"
msgstr ""
-"Inget fel, men några varningar. BackWPup kommer att fungera, men med "
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:202
-msgid "There are errors. Please correct them, or BackWPup cannot work."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:722
+msgid "Validate Key"
msgstr ""
-"Det finns fel. Vänligen åtgärda dem, annars kommer BackWPup ej att fungera."
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/CronController.php:80
-msgid "Every %d days"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:723
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:748
+msgid "Validate"
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/FrontController.php:143
-msgid "%s needs your help"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:735
+msgid "Enter your private key below to validate it will work with the provided public key."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/FrontController.php:144
-msgid "Help %s"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:738
+msgid "The private key will not be stored, so you must still securely store it yourself."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:28
-msgid "Yes, I agree."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:754
+msgid "Your keys are being generated. Please hold a moment …"
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:45
-msgid "I have to think about that, ask me later."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:758
+msgid "Here are your keys. Please store them in a safe location."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:62
-msgid "Please no. Don't ask me again."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:783
+msgid "Please download at least your private key above, as we will not store this key, and if you lose it, your backups cannot be decrypted."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:84
-msgid "More info"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:786
+msgid "Click the button below to use these keys and paste the public key into the RSA public key field above."
msgstr ""
-#. Plugin Name of the plugin/theme
-msgid "BackWPup Pro"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:790
+msgid "Use These Keys"
msgstr ""
-#. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
-#: inc/class-admin.php:381 inc/class-admin.php:401 inc/class-help.php:17
-#: inc/class-help.php:22 inc/class-job.php:394 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:15
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:15 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:15
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:15 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:15
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:624 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:262 inc/class-page-settings.php:391
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:17 inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:16
-msgid "http://backwpup.com"
-msgstr "http://backwpup.com"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:955
+msgid "Experiencing an issue and need to contact BackWPup support? Click the link below to get debug information you can send to us."
+msgstr ""
-#. Description of the plugin/theme
-msgid "WordPress Backup Plugin"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:962
+msgid "Debug Info"
msgstr ""
-#. Author of the plugin/theme
-msgid "Inpsyde GmbH"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:966
+msgid "Get Debug Info"
msgstr ""
-#. Author URI of the plugin/theme
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:17 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:17
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:17 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:17 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:19
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18 inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:18
-msgid "http://inpsyde.com"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:973
+msgid "You will find debug information below. Click the button to copy the debug info to send to support."
msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Allows restricted access to Apps/BackWPup folder only."
-#~ msgstr "Tillåter begränsad åtkomst till mappen Apps/BackWPup endast."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:981
+msgid "Note: Would you like faster, more streamlined support? Pro users can contact BackWPup from right within the plugin."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Allows full access to your entire Dropbox."
-#~ msgstr "Tillåter full åtkomst till hela din Dropbox."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:988
+msgid "https://backwpup.com"
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Folder inside your Dropbox where your backup archives will be stored."
-#~ msgstr "Mapp i din Dropbox där dina backup-arkiv skall lagras."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:989
+msgid "Get Pro"
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "GreenQloud Storage Qloud"
-#~ msgstr "GreenQloud Storage Qloud"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1000
+msgid "Copy Debug Info"
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Method for creating ZIP-file archives"
-#~ msgstr "Metod för att skapa ZIP-arkivfiler"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1005
+msgid "Debug info copied to clipboard."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Safe Mode"
-#~ msgstr "Felsäkert läge"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1013
+msgid "Could not copy debug info. You can simply press ctrl+C to copy it."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "(Oldest files will be deleted first.)"
-#~ msgstr "(Äldsta filerna tas bort först.)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1156
+msgid "WP-Cron url"
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "License Key"
-#~ msgstr "Licensnyckel"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1160
+msgid "Server self connect"
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Activate"
-#~ msgstr "Aktivera"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1166
+msgid "Not expected HTTP response:"
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Support"
-#~ msgstr "Support"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1170
+msgid "WP Http Error: %s"
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "News"
-#~ msgstr "Nyheter"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1178
+msgid "Status-Code: %d"
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Loading Menu ..."
-#~ msgstr "Laddar Meny ..."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1193
+msgid "Content: %s"
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Could not connect to remote host. Please try again later."
-#~ msgstr "Kunde ej ansluta till fjärrvärd. Vänligen försök igen senare."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1209
+msgid "Temp folder"
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Loading Content ..."
-#~ msgstr "Laddar Innehåll ..."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1225
+msgid "Log folder"
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Google Storage (Interoperable Access)"
-#~ msgstr "Google Storage (Interoperabel Åtkomst)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1231
+msgid "Log folder %s does not exist."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Hosteurope Cloud Storage"
-#~ msgstr "Hosteurope Molnlagring"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1266
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1273
+msgid "%d seconds"
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Dynamically loaded documentation"
-#~ msgstr "Dynamiskt laddad dokumentation"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1271
+msgid "BackWPup maximum script execution time"
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "ATTENTION: Job runs every %d hours!"
-#~ msgstr "OBSERVERA: Jobb körs med %d timmars intervall!"
+#: inc/class-download-file.php:135
+msgid "Invalid file name, seems file include invalid characters."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "PHP Zip functions will be used if available (needs less memory). "
-#~ "Otherwise the PCLZip class will be used."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "PHP Zip-funktioner kommer att användas om tillgängliga (kräver mindre "
-#~ "minne). I annat fall kommer PCLZip-klassen att användas."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:614
+msgid "Restore from Folder"
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "A tarballed, not compressed archive (fast and less memory)"
-#~ msgstr "Ett Tar-arkiv, ej komprimerat (snabbt och mindre minneskrävande)"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:619
+msgid "Restore from Google Drive"
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "A tarballed, GZipped archive (fast and less memory)"
-#~ msgstr "Ett Tar Gz-arkiv (snabbt och mindre minneskrävande)"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:624
+msgid "Restore from Amazon S3"
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "A tarballed, BZipped archive (fast and less memory)"
-#~ msgstr "Ett Tar Bz-arkiv (snabbt och mindre minneskrävande)"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:629
+msgid "Restore from Dropbox"
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgctxt "Folder name"
-#~ msgid "Folder %s not readable"
-#~ msgstr "Mapp %s är ej läsbar"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:634
+msgid "Restore from FTP"
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "All images with -???x???. will be excluded. Use a plugin like Regenerate "
-#~ "Thumbnails to rebuild them after a restore."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Alla bilder med -???x???. kommer att exkluderas. Använd ett tillägg som "
-#~ "Regenerate Thumbnails för att återskapa dem efter en återställning."
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:71
+msgid "Could not write data to file. Empty source file."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If the WordPress root folder is not included in this backup job, check "
-#~ "this option to additionally include wp-config.php, robots.txt, ."
-#~ "htaccess, .htpasswd and favicon.ico into the backup. Your wp-config.php "
-#~ "will be included even if you placed it in the parent directory of your "
-#~ "root folder."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Om WordPress rotmapp ej inkluderas i detta backup-jobb, markera detta "
-#~ "alternativ för att också inkludera wp-config.php, robots.txt, .htaccess, ."
-#~ "htpasswd samt favicon.ico i backupen. Din wp-config.php kommer att "
-#~ "inkluderas även om du placerat den ett steg upp från rotmappen."
+#: inc/class-job.php:332
+msgid "Encrypts the archive"
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "%s Welcome"
-#~ msgstr "%s Välkommen"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1689
+msgid "No encryption key was provided. Aborting encryption."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Heads up! You have updated from version 2.x"
-#~ msgstr "Observera! Du har uppdaterat från version 2.x"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1696
+msgid "%d. Trying to encrypt archive …"
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please check your settings after updating from version "
-#~ "2.x:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Vänligen kontrollera dina inställningar efter "
-#~ "uppdatering från version 2.x:"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1706
+msgid "Cannot open the archive for reading. Aborting encryption."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Dropbox authentication must be re-entered"
-#~ msgstr "Dropbox-autentisering måste anges igen"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1712
+msgid "Cannot write the encrypted archive. Aborting encryption."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "SugarSync authentication must be re-entered"
-#~ msgstr "SugarSync-autentisering måste anges igen"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1769
+msgid "Encrypted %s of data."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "S3 Settings"
-#~ msgstr "S3-inställningar"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1773
+msgid "Unable to delete unencrypted archive."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Google Storage is now a part of S3 service settings"
-#~ msgstr "Google Storage är nu en del av inställningarna för S3"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1777
+msgid "Unable to rename encrypted archive."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "All your passwords"
-#~ msgstr "Alla dina lösenord"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1782
+msgid "Archive has been successfully encrypted."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Please activate your license"
-#~ msgstr "Vänligen aktivera din licens"
+#: inc/class-job.php:2451
+msgid "exec command is not active."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please go to your plugin page and active the license to have the "
-#~ "autoupdates enabled."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Vänligen gå till sidan för tillägg och aktivera licensen för att "
-#~ "möjliggöra auto-uppdateringar."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2456
+msgid "mysqldump binary not found."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Maximum number of files to keep in folder."
-#~ msgstr "Maximalt antal filer att lagra i mapp."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:448
+msgid "Note: In order for backup file tracking to work, %hash% must be included anywhere in the archive name."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Bucket %s could not be created."
-#~ msgstr "Hink %s kunde ej skapas."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:452
+msgid "Preview: "
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "https://marketpress.com/support/forum/plugins/backwpup-pro/"
-#~ msgstr "https://marketpress.com/support/forum/plugins/backwpup-pro/"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:484
+msgid "ZipArchive PHP class is missing, so BackWPUp will use PclZip instead."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Error while deleting file from Dropbox: %s"
-#~ msgstr "Fel vid borttagning av fil från Dropbox: %s"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:495
+msgid "Not supported yet by the automatic restore functionality"
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Backup to an S3 Service v1"
-#~ msgstr "Backup till en S3-tjänst v1"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:506
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:511
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:520
+msgid "Encrypt Archive"
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Pro Support"
-#~ msgstr "Pro Support"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:524
+msgid "You must generate your encryption key in BackWPup Settings before you can enable this option."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup/"
-#~ msgstr "http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup/"
-#~ msgid "MarketPress"
-#~ msgstr "MarketPress"
-#~ msgid "http://marketpress.com/product/backwpup-pro/"
-#~ msgstr "http://marketpress.com/product/backwpup-pro/"
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:56
+msgid "Cannot open the archive for reading."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "BackWPup Role"
-#~ msgstr "BackWPup Roll"
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:82
+msgid "Cannot write the encrypted archive."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Important: before updating, please back "
-#~ "up your database and files with %2$s. For help with updates, visit the Updating "
-#~ "WordPress Codex page."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Viktigt: innan du uppdaterar, vänligen ta backup på din databas och dina filer med %2$s. För hjälp med "
-#~ "uppdateringar, besök Codex-sidan Updating WordPress."
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:162
+msgid "Private key invalid."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Important: before installing this plugin, please back up your database and files with %2$s."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Viktigt: innan du installerar detta tillägg, vänligen ta backup på din databas och dina filer med %2$s."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:321
+msgid "Could not log in to FTP server."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgctxt "%s = Remote Code"
-#~ msgid "Could not connect to remote host, code %d. Please try again later."
-#~ msgstr "Kunde ej ansluta till fjärrvärd %d. Vänligen försök igen senare."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:735
+msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created! Parent directory may be not writable."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Could not find content for this page. Please try again later."
-#~ msgstr "Kunde ej hitta sidans innehåll. Vänligen försök igen senare."
+#: backwpup.php:573
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:573
+msgid "BackWPup requires PHP version %$1s with spl extension or greater and WordPress %$2s or greater."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Delete not existing files from Dropbox"
-#~ msgstr "Ta bort icke-existerande filer från Dropbox"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:7
+msgid "Uploading Archive..."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The HTTP response test get an error \"%s\""
-#~ msgstr "HTTP-svarstestet resulterade i följande fel \"%s\""
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:8
+msgid "Restoring: Directories ..."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The HTTP response test get a false http status (%s)"
-#~ msgstr "En falsk http-status mottogs vid HTTP-svarstestet (%s)"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:9
+msgid "Restoring: Database ..."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "seconds. 0 = disabled."
-#~ msgstr "sekunder. 0 = deaktiverat."
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:10
+msgid "Extracting Archive please be patient ..."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Auto"
-#~ msgstr "Auto"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:11
+msgid "Downloading Archive..."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "ZipArchive"
-#~ msgstr "ZipArchive"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:12
+msgid "Database restored successfully."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "PclZip"
-#~ msgstr "PclZip"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:13
+msgid "Ops! There was an error during database restore. Please see the log for more information."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Creates an .sql database backup file"
-#~ msgstr "Skapar en .sql databas-backupfil"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:17
+msgid "Restoring: "
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The BackWPup HTTP response header returns a false value: \"%s\""
-#~ msgstr "BackWPup:s HTTP-svarshuvud returnerar ett falskt värde: \"%s\""
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:18
+msgid "No EventSource found in the brower. Cannot continue."
+msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Google Drive API: could not create resumable file"
-#~ msgstr "Google Drive API: kunde ej skapa återupptagningsbar fil"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:19
+msgid "Directories restored successfully."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/backwpup-zh_CN.mo b/languages/backwpup-zh_CN.mo
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/languages/backwpup-zh_CN.po b/languages/backwpup-zh_CN.po
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index a9b66eda..c4a3ab2f
--- a/languages/backwpup-zh_CN.po
+++ b/languages/backwpup-zh_CN.po
@@ -1,230 +1,270 @@
-# Translation of Plugins - BackWPup – WordPress Backup Plugin - Development (trunk) in Chinese (China)
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Plugins - BackWPup – WordPress Backup Plugin - Development (trunk) package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Plugins - BackWPup – WordPress Backup Plugin - "
-"Development (trunk)\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: Plugins - BackWPup – WordPress Backup Plugin - Development (trunk)\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup-pro\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-07-11 11:48:46+00:00\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-09-19 09:24+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
-"Language: zh_CN\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-07-11 11:48:46+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-09-19 09:24+0200\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.3\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Poedit-Flags-xgettext: --add-comments=translators:\n"
"X-Poedit-WPHeader: backwpup.php\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_n:1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;esc_attr__;"
+"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_n:1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;esc_attr__;esc_attr_e;esc_attr_x:1,2c;esc_html__;esc_html_e;esc_html_x:1,2c;_n_noop:1,2;_nx_noop:3c,1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: *.js\n"
-#: assets/templates/admin-notices/beta-tester.php:3
-msgid ""
-"To ensure that our releases are as bug-free as possible, we need you as a "
-"beta tester!"
-msgstr "为了确保我们的版本尽可能的免费,我们需要你作为一个测试!"
-#: assets/templates/admin-notices/independence-day.php:3
-msgid ""
-"Get your 30% Independence Day discount for BackWPup Pro! Only available "
-"until July 5th, 2017."
-msgstr "为你的BackWPup Pro提供30%的独立日折扣!直到2017年7月5日。"
-#: assets/templates/admin-notices/rate-us.php:3
-msgid ""
-"Are you happy with BackWPup? If you are satisfied with our free plugin and "
-"support, then please make us even happier and just take 30 seconds to leave "
-"a positive rating. :) We would really appreciate that and it will motivate "
-"our team to develop even more cool features for BackWPup!"
-msgstr ""
-#: backwpup.php:128
-msgid "Make Us Happy and Give Your Rating"
-msgstr "给出你的评价让我们开心"
-#: backwpup.php:129
-msgid "https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup/reviews/"
-msgstr "https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup/reviews/"
-#: backwpup.php:138
-msgid "Save Now!"
-msgstr "现在保存!"
-#: backwpup.php:139
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: backwpup.php:145
-msgid "Join Us as a Beta Tester"
-msgstr "加入我们成为测试者"
-#: backwpup.php:146
-msgid "https://backwpup.com/become-backwpup-beta-tester/"
-msgstr ""
-#: backwpup.php:339 inc/class-page-backups.php:271
+#: backwpup.php:339
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:271
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:243
+#: backwpup.php:286
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:286
msgid "Folder"
msgstr "文件夹"
#: backwpup.php:340
+#: backwpup.php:287
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:287
msgid "Backup to Folder"
msgstr "备份到 当前服务器"
#: backwpup.php:355
+#: backwpup.php:302
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:302
msgid "Email"
msgstr "邮箱"
#: backwpup.php:356
+#: backwpup.php:303
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:303
msgid "Backup sent via email"
msgstr "通过电子邮件发送备份"
#: backwpup.php:371
+#: backwpup.php:318
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:318
msgid "FTP"
msgstr "FTP"
#: backwpup.php:372
+#: backwpup.php:319
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:319
msgid "Backup to FTP"
msgstr "备份到 FTP"
-#: backwpup.php:387 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:286
+#: backwpup.php:387
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:286
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:445
+#: backwpup.php:334
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:334
msgid "Dropbox"
msgstr "Dropbox"
-#: backwpup.php:388 inc/class-page-about.php:517
+#: backwpup.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:517
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:519
+#: backwpup.php:335
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:335
msgid "Backup to Dropbox"
msgstr "备份到 Dropbox"
-#: backwpup.php:403 inc/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: backwpup.php:403
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:42
+#: backwpup.php:350
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:350
msgid "S3 Service"
msgstr "S3 服务"
#: backwpup.php:404
+#: backwpup.php:351
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:351
msgid "Backup to an S3 Service"
msgstr "备份到 S3 服务器"
#: backwpup.php:422
+#: backwpup.php:371
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:371
msgid "MS Azure"
msgstr "MS Azure"
#: backwpup.php:423
+#: backwpup.php:372
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:372
msgid "Backup to Microsoft Azure (Blob)"
msgstr "备份到 Microsoft Azure (Blob)"
#: backwpup.php:438
+#: backwpup.php:387
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:387
msgid "RSC"
msgstr "RSC"
-#: backwpup.php:439 inc/class-page-about.php:522
+#: backwpup.php:439
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:522
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:524
+#: backwpup.php:388
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:388
msgid "Backup to Rackspace Cloud Files"
msgstr "备份到Rackspace云文件"
#: backwpup.php:456
+#: backwpup.php:407
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:407
msgid "SugarSync"
msgstr "SugarSync"
-#: backwpup.php:457 inc/class-page-about.php:537
+#: backwpup.php:457
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:537
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:539
+#: backwpup.php:408
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:408
msgid "Backup to SugarSync"
msgstr "备份到 SugarSync"
#: backwpup.php:476
+#: backwpup.php:433
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:433
msgid "PHP Version %1$s is to low, you need Version %2$s or above."
msgstr "PHP版本%1$s是低的,您需要版本%2$s或以上。"
#: backwpup.php:483
+#: backwpup.php:443
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:443
msgid "Missing function \"%s\"."
msgstr "缺失“% s”函数。"
#: backwpup.php:492
+#: backwpup.php:454
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:454
msgid "Missing class \"%s\"."
msgstr "失踪的类“% s”。"
-#: inc/class-admin-notice.php:117 inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:152
+#: inc/class-admin-notice.php:117
+#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:152
+#: inc/class-admin-notice.php:121
msgid "Don't show again"
msgstr "不要再显示"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:220 inc/class-help.php:24
+#: inc/class-admin.php:220
+#: inc/class-help.php:24
+#: inc/class-admin.php:267
msgid "http://docs.backwpup.com"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-admin.php:220
+#: inc/class-admin.php:267
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "文档"
#: inc/class-admin.php:232
+#: inc/class-admin.php:282
msgid "BackWPup Dashboard"
msgstr "BackWPup 仪表盘"
#: inc/class-admin.php:232
+#: inc/class-admin.php:282
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "仪表盘"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:248 inc/class-adminbar.php:82
+#: inc/class-admin.php:248
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:82
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:119
+#: inc/class-admin.php:305
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:215
msgid "Jobs"
msgstr "计划"
#: inc/class-admin.php:263
+#: inc/class-admin.php:330
msgid "Add new job"
msgstr "添加新作业"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:278 inc/class-adminbar.php:98
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:328 inc/class-page-settings.php:119
+#: inc/class-admin.php:278
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:98
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:328
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:119
+#: inc/class-admin.php:355
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:219
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:377
msgid "Logs"
msgstr "日志"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:293 inc/class-adminbar.php:106
+#: inc/class-admin.php:293
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:106
+#: inc/class-admin.php:380
msgid "Backups"
msgstr "备份"
#: inc/class-admin.php:308
+#: inc/class-admin.php:405
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "设置"
#: inc/class-admin.php:321
+#: inc/class-admin.php:425
msgid "About"
msgstr "关于"
-#: inc/class-admin.php:336 inc/class-admin.php:342
+#: inc/class-admin.php:336
+#: inc/class-admin.php:342
+#: inc/class-admin.php:453
+#: inc/class-admin.php:460
msgid "Cheating, huh?"
msgstr "作弊,是吧?"
#: inc/class-admin.php:386
+#: inc/class-admin.php:510
msgid "Get BackWPup Pro now."
msgstr "现在得到BackWPup Pro。"
#. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
-#: inc/class-admin.php:386 inc/class-admin.php:406 inc/class-help.php:17
-#: inc/class-help.php:22 inc/class-job.php:394 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:15
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:15 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:15
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:15 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:15
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:624 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:262 inc/class-page-settings.php:514
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:17 inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
+#: inc/class-admin.php:386
+#: inc/class-admin.php:406
+#: inc/class-help.php:17
+#: inc/class-help.php:22
+#: inc/class-job.php:394
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:15
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:15
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:624
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:262
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:514
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:17
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:17
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:27
+#: inc/class-admin.php:510
+#: inc/class-admin.php:531
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1123
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:651
+#: inc/class-job.php:412
msgid "http://backwpup.com"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-admin.php:406
+#: inc/class-admin.php:531
msgid "version %s"
msgstr "版本 %s"
#: inc/class-admin.php:450
+#: inc/class-admin.php:576
msgid "Add BackWPup Role"
msgstr "添加BackWPup作用"
#: inc/class-admin.php:454
+#: inc/class-admin.php:581
msgid "— No additional role for BackWPup —"
msgstr "没有额外的角色来做回球和mdash;"
@@ -240,7 +280,8 @@ msgstr "正在执行"
msgid "Abort!"
msgstr "终止!"
-#: inc/class-adminbar.php:90 inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
+#: inc/class-adminbar.php:90
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
msgid "Add new"
msgstr "添加新的"
@@ -254,9 +295,7 @@ msgid "Make BackWPup better!"
msgstr "让BackWPup更好!"
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:108
-msgid ""
+msgid "https://inpsyde.com/en/jobs/?utm_source=BackWPup&utm_medium=Link&utm_campaign=BecomeAnInpsyder"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:118
@@ -264,9 +303,7 @@ msgid "We want to make BackWPup even stronger and its support much faster."
msgstr "我们想让BackWPup更强大,它的支持更快。"
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:126
-msgid ""
-"This is why we are looking for a talented developer who can work remotely "
-"and support us in BackWPup"
+msgid "This is why we are looking for a talented developer who can work remotely and support us in BackWPup"
msgstr "这就是为什么我们在寻找一个能远程工作并支持我们的优秀开发者"
#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:133
@@ -282,629 +319,869 @@ msgid "Work for Inpsyde"
msgstr "为Inpsyde工作"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:64
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:80
msgid "The file name of an archive cannot be empty."
msgstr "存档文件名不能为空"
+#. translators: $1 is the file path
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:72
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:89
msgctxt "%s = Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s for archive not found"
msgstr "用来存档的文件夹 %s 不存在"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:78 inc/class-create-archive.php:110
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:123 inc/class-mysqldump.php:133
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:78
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:110
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:123
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:133
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:101
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:141
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:182
msgid "Functions for gz compression not available"
msgstr "gz 压缩功能无法使用"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:85 inc/class-create-archive.php:129
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:85
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:129
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:195
msgid "Functions for bz2 compression not available"
msgstr "bz2 压缩功能无法使用"
+#. translators: $1 is a directory name
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:106
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:155
msgctxt "ZipArchive open() result"
msgid "Cannot create zip archive: %d"
msgstr "无法创建 ZIP 存档: %d"
+#. translators: the $1 is the type of the archive file
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:135
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:208
msgctxt "%s = file name"
msgid "Method to archive file %s not detected"
msgstr "没有检测到文件存档方法 %s "
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:140
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:215
msgid "Cannot open archive file"
msgstr "无法打开存档文件"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:155 inc/class-create-archive.php:349
+#. translators: The $1 is the tecnical error string from pclzip.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:155
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:349
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:233
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:524
msgid "PclZip archive add error: %s"
msgstr "PclZip 存档添加出错: %s"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:165
-msgid "ZIP archive cannot be closed correctly."
-msgstr "ZIP归档不能正确地关闭。"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:219
-msgid "File name cannot be empty"
-msgstr "文件名不能为空"
+#. translators: The $1 is the name of the file to add to the archive.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:228
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:326
msgctxt "File to add to archive"
msgid "File %s does not exist or is not readable"
msgstr "文件%s不存在或不可读"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:242 inc/class-create-archive.php:258
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:392 inc/class-create-archive.php:396
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:242
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:258
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:392
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:396
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:357
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:384
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:588
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:597
msgid "This archive method can only add one file"
msgstr "这种归档方法只能添加一个文件"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:247 inc/class-create-archive.php:263
-msgid "Cannot open source file %s to archive"
-msgstr "无法打开资源文件到 %s 到存档"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:311
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:452
msgid "ZIP archive cannot be closed correctly"
msgstr "ZIP归档不能正确地关闭"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:329 inc/class-create-archive.php:338
+#. translators: the $1 is the name of the archive.
+#. translators: $1 is the name of the archive.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:329
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:338
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:407
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:483
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:500
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:617
msgid "Cannot add \"%s\" to zip archive!"
msgstr "无法添加 \"%s\" 到 ZIP 存档!"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:374
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:554
msgid "Folder name cannot be empty"
msgstr "文件夹名称不能为空"
+#. translators: $1 is the folder name
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:379
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:565
msgctxt "Folder path to add to archive"
msgid "Folder %s does not exist or is not readable"
msgstr "文件夹 %s 不存在或不可读"
+#. translators. $1 is the status returned by a call to a ZipArchive method.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:429
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:649
msgctxt "Text of ZipArchive status Message"
msgid "ZipArchive returns status: %s"
msgstr "Zip 存档返回状态:%s"
+#. translators: $1 is the file name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:459
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:697
msgid "File name \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
msgstr "文件名“%1$s”太长,不能正确保存在%2$s存档!"
+#. translators: $1 is the file name to use in the archive.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:462
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:709
msgid "File path \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
msgstr "文件路径“%1$s”太长,不能正确保存在%2$s存档!"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:474
-msgid "Cannot open source file %s for archiving"
-msgstr "不能打开源文件%s进行存档"
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:479 inc/class-create-archive.php:480
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:579 inc/class-create-archive.php:580
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:479
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:480
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:579
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:580
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:974
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:975
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "未知"
+#. translators: $1 is the name of the folder. $2 is the archive name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:570
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:813
msgid "Folder name \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
msgstr "文件夹名称“%1$s”太长,不能正确保存在%2$s存档!\t"
+#. translators: $1 is the name of the folder. $2 is the archive name.
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:573
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:828
msgid "Folder path \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
msgstr "文件夹的路径“%1$s”太长,不能正确保存在%2$s存档!"
#: inc/class-create-archive.php:654
-msgid ""
-"If %s will be added to your backup archive, the archive will be too large "
-"for operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting "
-"the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:896
+msgid "If %s will be added to your backup archive, the archive will be too large for operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
+msgstr "如果将%s添加到备份存档,那么将会对该PHP版本的操作进行太大的操作。您可能希望考虑将备份作业拆分为多个作业,每个作业的文件较少。"
#: inc/class-cron.php:69
+#: inc/class-cron.php:73
msgid "Aborted, because no progress for one hour!"
msgstr "失败了,因为一小时都没有进步!"
-#: inc/class-cron.php:101 inc/class-destination-folder.php:209
-#: inc/class-job.php:1003 inc/class-job.php:1141 inc/class-job.php:1740
+#: inc/class-cron.php:101
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:209
+#: inc/class-job.php:1003
+#: inc/class-job.php:1141
+#: inc/class-job.php:1740
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:446
+#: inc/class-cron.php:107
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:195
msgid "Could not open path: %s"
msgstr "不能打开路径:%s"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:36 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:337
+#. translators: the $1 is the error message
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:36
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:337
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:252
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:405
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:458
msgid "Dropbox API: %s"
msgstr "Dropbox-API: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:50 inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:51
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:50
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:51
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:93
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:72
msgid "Login"
msgstr "登录"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:54 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:28
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:28
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:43
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:76
msgid "Authentication"
msgstr "认证"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:56 inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:57
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:56
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:57
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:295
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:99
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:415
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:78
msgid "Not authenticated!"
msgstr "未通过身份验证"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:58
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:28
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:51
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:81
msgid "Create Account"
msgstr "创建账户"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:60 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:60
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:45
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:34
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:59
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:300
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:31
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:101
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:425
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:57
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:83
msgid "Authenticated!"
msgstr "已认证"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:63
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:92
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:95
msgid "Delete Dropbox Authentication"
msgstr "删除Dropbox身份验证"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:70
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:102
msgid "App Access to Dropbox"
msgstr "应用程序访问Dropbox"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:73
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:110
msgid "Get Dropbox App auth code"
msgstr "获得Dropbox App auth代码"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:74
-msgid ""
-"A dedicated folder named BackWPup will be created inside of the Apps folder "
-"in your Dropbox. BackWPup will get read and write access to that folder "
-"only. You can specify a subfolder as your backup destination for this job in "
-"the destination field below."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:111
+msgid "A dedicated folder named BackWPup will be created inside of the Apps folder in your Dropbox. BackWPup will get read and write access to that folder only. You can specify a subfolder as your backup destination for this job in the destination field below."
+msgstr "一个名为BackWPup的专用文件夹将在你的Dropbox的应用文件夹内创建。BackWPup只会读取和写入访问该文件夹的权限。您可以在下面的目标字段中指定子文件夹作为此作业的备份目的地。"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:79
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:119
msgid "— OR —"
msgstr "— 或 —"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:82
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:122
msgid "Full Access to Dropbox"
msgstr "Dropbox的完全访问权"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:85
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:130
msgid "Get full Dropbox auth code "
msgstr "获得完整的Dropbox auth代码 "
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:86
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup will have full read and write access to your entire Dropbox. You "
-"can specify your backup destination wherever you want, just be aware that "
-"ANY files or folders inside of your Dropbox can be overridden or deleted by "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:93 inc/class-destination-folder.php:29
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:49 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:66
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:95 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:81
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:131
+msgid "BackWPup will have full read and write access to your entire Dropbox. You can specify your backup destination wherever you want, just be aware that ANY files or folders inside of your Dropbox can be overridden or deleted by BackWPup."
+msgstr "BackWPup将会对你的整个Dropbox进行全面的读写访问。你可以在你想要的地方指定你的备份目的地,只要知道你的Dropbox内的任何文件或文件夹都可以被BackWPup覆盖或删除。"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:93
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:29
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:66
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:95
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:81
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:68
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:112
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:141
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:82
msgid "Backup settings"
msgstr "Backup 设置"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:97
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:145
msgid "Destination Folder"
msgstr "目标文件夹"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:101
-msgid ""
-"Specify a subfolder where your backup archives will be stored. If you use "
-"the App option from above, this folder will be created inside of Apps/"
-"BackWPup. Otherwise it will be created at the root of your Dropbox. Already "
-"exisiting folders with the same name will not be overriden."
-msgstr ""
-"程序/ BackWPup中创建。否则,它将在你的Dropbox的根目录下创建。已经存在相同名称"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:106 inc/class-destination-folder.php:39
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:59 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:91
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:154
+msgid "Specify a subfolder where your backup archives will be stored. If you use the App option from above, this folder will be created inside of Apps/BackWPup. Otherwise it will be created at the root of your Dropbox. Already exisiting folders with the same name will not be overriden."
+msgstr "指定存储备份档案的子文件夹。如果你使用上面的应用程序选项,这个文件夹将在应用程序/ BackWPup中创建。否则,它将在你的Dropbox的根目录下创建。已经存在相同名称的文件夹将不会是overriden。"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:106
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:39
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:91
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:81
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:125
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:162
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:40
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:95
msgid "File Deletion"
msgstr "文件删除"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:113 inc/class-destination-folder.php:46
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:66 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:83
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:112 inc/class-destination-s3.php:121
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:113
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:46
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:66
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:112
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:121
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:51
#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:43
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:90
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:323
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:45
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:73
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:73
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:134
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:456
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:65
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:45
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:182
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:76
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:229
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:171
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:104
msgid "Number of files to keep in folder."
msgstr "存储到文件夹中的文件数"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:115 inc/class-destination-folder.php:48
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:68 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:85
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:114 inc/class-destination-s3.php:123
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:115
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:48
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:68
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:85
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:114
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:123
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:100
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:92
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:109
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Files belonging to this job are now tracked. Old "
-"backup archives which are untracked will not be automatically deleted."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:119 inc/class-destination-folder.php:52
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:72 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:89
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:118 inc/class-destination-s3.php:127
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:136
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:109
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:232
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:173
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:51
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:106
+msgid "Warning: Files belonging to this job are now tracked. Old backup archives which are untracked will not be automatically deleted."
+msgstr "警告:该作业的文件现在被跟踪。未跟踪的旧备份档案不会自动删除."
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:119
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:52
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:89
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:127
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:104
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:54
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:48 inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:44
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:48
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:44
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:98
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:328
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:56
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:78
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:78
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:65
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:148
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:462
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:56
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:187
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:82
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-folder.php:51
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:75
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:65
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:245
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:183
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:57
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:118
msgid "Do not delete files while syncing to destination!"
msgstr "在同步到目的地时,不要删除文件!"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:234
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:372
msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …"
msgstr "%d. 正在发送备份文件到 Dropbox …"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:251
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:125
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:209
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:390
msgid "Authenticated with Dropbox of user: %s"
msgstr "认证的用户: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:257
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:131
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:217
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:398
msgid "%s available on your Dropbox"
msgstr "Dropbox 可用空间剩余 %s "
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:261
#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:135
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:223
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:404
msgid "Not Authenticated with Dropbox!"
msgstr "不验证Dropbox !"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:265
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:408
msgid "Uploading to Dropbox …"
msgstr "上传到Dropbox …"
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:276 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:286
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:276
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:286
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:260
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:663
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:924
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:290
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:432
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:263
msgid "Backup transferred to %s"
msgstr "备份传输进度 %s"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:280
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:666
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:930
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:438
msgid "Uploaded file size and local file size don't match."
msgstr "上传的文件大小和本地文件大小不匹配。"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:285
#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:668
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:448
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:936
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:450
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:444
msgid "Error transfering backup to %s."
msgstr "错误的备份到磁带 %s。"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:330
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:345
msgid "One file deleted from Dropbox"
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Dropbox"
msgstr[0] "%d个文件在Dropbox上删除"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:517
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php:177
msgid "Beginning new file upload session"
msgstr "开始新文件上载会话"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:537
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php:199
msgid "Uploading %s of data"
msgstr "上传数据的%s"
#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:575
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php:244
msgid "Finishing upload session with a total of %s uploaded"
msgstr "完成上载会话,并上传了%s"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:38 inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:16
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:38
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:16
#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:18
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:39
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "电子邮件地址"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:41
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:43
msgid "To email address (separate with commas for multiple addresses)"
msgstr "电子邮件地址(多个地址用逗号分隔)"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:47 inc/class-destination-email.php:49
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:47
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:49
#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:29
#: inc/pro/class-destination-email.php:30
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:29
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-email.php:30
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:52
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:56
msgid "Send test email"
msgstr "发送测试邮件"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:61
msgid "Send email settings"
msgstr "发送电子邮件设置"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:57
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:65
msgid "Maximum file size"
msgstr "最大文件大小"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:69
msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:60
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:70
msgid "Maximum file size to be included in an email. 0 = unlimited"
msgstr "最大文件大小包括在电子邮件中。0 =无限"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:64
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:75
msgid "From email address"
msgstr "发件人邮箱地址"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:70
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:83
msgid "From name"
msgstr "发件名称"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:92
msgid "Sending method"
msgstr "发送邮件的方式"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:80
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:97
msgid "Use WordPress settings"
msgstr "使用WordPress设置"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:81
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:98
msgid "PHP: mail()"
msgstr "PHP函数:mail()"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:82
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:99
msgid "Sendmail"
msgstr "Sendmail"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:100
msgid "SMTP"
msgstr "SMTP"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:89
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:108
msgid "Sendmail path"
msgstr "Sendmail的路径"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:95
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:119
msgid "SMTP host name"
msgstr "SMTP 主机名"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:98 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:31
#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:21
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:35
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:124
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:56
msgid "Port:"
msgstr "端口:"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:102
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:136
msgid "SMTP secure connection"
msgstr "SMTP 加密连接"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:106 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:67
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:103 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:73
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:57 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:329
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:404 inc/class-page-settings.php:330
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:106
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:67
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:103
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:73
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:57
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:329
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:404
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:330
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:141
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:837
msgid "none"
msgstr "无"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:107
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:143
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:145
msgid "TLS"
msgstr "TLS"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:113
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:152
msgid "SMTP username"
msgstr "SMTP 用户名"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:120
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:162
msgid "SMTP password"
msgstr "SMTP 密码"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:199
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:243
msgid "%d. Try to send backup with email …"
msgstr "%d. 尝试用电子邮件发送备份 …"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:204
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:248
msgid "Backup archive too big to be sent by email!"
msgstr "备份档案太大,不能通过电子邮件发送!"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:211
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:255
msgid "Sending email to %s…"
msgstr "发送邮件给%s…"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:289
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:333
msgid "BackWPup archive from %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "BackWPup 存档来自 %1$s: %2$s"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:292
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:336
msgid "Backup archive: %s"
msgstr "备份存档:%s"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:306 inc/class-destination-email.php:430
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:306
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:430
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:349
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:474
msgid "Error while sending email!"
msgstr "发送邮件时发生了错误!"
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:312 inc/class-destination-email.php:432
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:312
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:432
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:354
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:476
msgid "Email sent."
msgstr "电子邮件发送。"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:414
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:459
msgid "BackWPup archive sending TEST Message"
msgstr "BackWPup 存档发送测试消息"
#: inc/class-destination-email.php:417
-msgid ""
-"If this message reaches your inbox, sending backup archives via email should "
-"work for you."
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:462
+msgid "If this message reaches your inbox, sending backup archives via email should work for you."
msgstr "如果这个消息到达你的收件箱,通过电子邮件发送备份档案应该为你工作。"
#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:33
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:32
msgid "Folder to store backups in"
msgstr "存放备份的文件夹"
#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:229
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:219
msgid "One backup file deleted"
msgid_plural "%d backup files deleted"
msgstr[0] "%d个备份文件删除 "
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:23
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:46
msgid "FTP server and login"
msgstr "FTP 服务器和登录"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:50
msgid "FTP server"
msgstr "FTP 服务器"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:36 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:46
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:36
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:46
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:63
msgid "Username"
msgstr "用户名"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:42
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:71
msgid "Password"
msgstr "密码"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:53
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:87
msgid "Folder to store files in"
msgstr "存放文件的文件夹"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:79
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:128
msgid "FTP specific settings"
msgstr "FTP 设置"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:133
msgid "Timeout for FTP connection"
msgstr "FTP连接超时"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:87 inc/class-page-logs.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:87
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:257
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:288
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:137
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "秒"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:91
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:141
msgid "SSL-FTP connection"
msgstr "SSL-FTP 连接"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:94
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:148
msgid "Use explicit SSL-FTP connection."
msgstr "使用明文 SSL-FTP 连接"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:99
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:153
msgid "FTP Passive Mode"
msgstr "FTP 被动传输模式"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:101
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:158
msgid "Use FTP Passive Mode."
msgstr "使用 FTP 被动传输模式"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:179
-msgid "FTP: Login failure!"
-msgstr "FTP: 登录失败"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:203
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:433
msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to an FTP server …"
msgstr "%d. 开始发送备份文件到 FTP 服务器 … …"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:209
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:450
msgid "Connected via explicit SSL-FTP to server: %s"
msgstr "SSL-FTP 明文连接到服务器:%s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:211
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:458
msgid "Cannot connect via explicit SSL-FTP to server: %s"
msgstr "使用明文 SSL-FTP 连接失败:%s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:217
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:468
msgid "PHP function to connect with explicit SSL-FTP to server does not exist!"
msgstr "明文连接 SSL-FTP 的PHP参数不支持"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:225
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:483
msgid "Connected to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "连接FTP服务器: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:227
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:491
msgid "Cannot connect to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "无法连接到 FTP 服务器:%s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:234 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:242
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:258 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:305
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:234
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:242
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:258
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:305
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:503
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:523
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:546
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:603
msgid "FTP client command: %s"
msgstr "FTP 客户端命令:%s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:236
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:513
msgid "FTP server response: %s"
msgstr "FTP 服务器回应:%s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:240 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:245
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:248 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:261
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:263 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:308
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:310 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:314
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:240
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:245
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:248
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:261
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:263
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:310
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:314
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:316
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:520
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:531
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:534
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:549
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:552
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:607
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:612
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:619
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:624
msgid "FTP server reply: %s"
msgstr "FTP 服务器回应:%s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:263
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:552
msgid "Error getting SYSTYPE"
msgstr "错误获得SYSTYPE"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:281
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:765
msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" created!"
msgstr "FTP 文件夹 \"%s\" 已完成!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:285
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:753
msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created!"
msgstr "FTP 文件夹 \"%s\" 创建失败!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:296
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:590
msgid "FTP current folder is: %s"
msgstr "FTP 传输当前文件名: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:607
msgid "Entering passive mode"
msgstr "切换到被动模式"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:310
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:612
msgid "Cannot enter passive mode"
msgstr "无法切换到被动模式"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:314
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:619
msgid "Entering normal mode"
msgstr "切换普通模式"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:316
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:624
msgid "Cannot enter normal mode"
msgstr "无法切换到普通模式"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:320
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:631
msgid "Starting upload to FTP …"
msgstr "开始上传到FTP..."
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:332
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:649
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to FTP server!"
msgstr "无法发送备份文件到 FTP 服务器!"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:337
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:656
msgid "Backup transferred to FTP server: %s"
msgstr "备份传送到FTP服务器: %s"
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:344 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:271
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:289 inc/class-destination-s3.php:499
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:591 inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:653
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:344
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:271
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:289
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:499
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:591
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:653
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:468
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:226 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:259
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:226
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:259
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:292
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:905
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:470
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:228
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:261
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:275
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:843
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:958
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:673
msgid "Can not open source file for transfer."
msgstr "不能打开源文件进行传输。"
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:388
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:394
msgid "Cannot delete \"%s\" on FTP server!"
msgstr "无法删除 FTP 服务器的 \"%s\""
#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:391
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:404
msgid "One file deleted on FTP server"
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on FTP server"
msgstr[0] "%d一个文件在FTP服务器上删除"
@@ -925,11 +1202,13 @@ msgstr "Access key"
msgid "Blob container"
msgstr "Blob 容器"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:48 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:48
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:76
msgid "Container selection"
msgstr "容器选择"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:59 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:88
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:59
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:88
msgid "Create a new container"
msgstr "新建容器"
@@ -937,59 +1216,82 @@ msgstr "新建容器"
msgid "Folder in container"
msgstr "容器内部文件夹"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:76 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:105
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:114 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:96
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:105
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:114
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:96
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:96
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:215
msgid "File deletion"
msgstr "文件删除"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:128
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:99
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:99
msgid "MS Azure container \"%s\" created."
msgstr "MS Azure 容器 \"%s\" 已创建。"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:131
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:102
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:102
msgid "MS Azure container create: %s"
msgstr "MS Azure 容器创建:%s"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:211
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:215
msgid "%d. Try sending backup to a Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
msgstr "%d. 开始发送备份文件到 Microsoft Azure (Blob)… …"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:233
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:144
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:144
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:237
msgid "MS Azure container \"%s\" does not exist!"
msgstr "MS Azure 容器 \"%s\" 不存在!"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:237
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:148
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:148
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:241
msgid "Connected to MS Azure container \"%s\"."
msgstr "已连接到 MS Azure 容器 \"%s\"."
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:240
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:244
msgid "Starting upload to MS Azure …"
msgstr "开始上传文件到 Microsoft Azure … …"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:292 inc/class-destination-msazure.php:348
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:292
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:348
#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:233
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-msazure.php:233
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:296
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:352
msgid "Microsoft Azure API: %s"
msgstr "Microsoft Azure API: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:341
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:345
msgid "One file deleted on Microsoft Azure container."
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Microsoft Azure container."
msgstr[0] "微软Azure容器中删除的%d个文件。"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:442
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:446
msgid "Missing account name!"
msgstr "缺少帐户名!"
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:444 inc/class-destination-s3.php:222
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:444
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:222
#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:166
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:166
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:448
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:359
msgid "Missing access key!"
msgstr "缺少 access key!"
#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:448
+#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:452
msgid "No container found!"
msgstr "未发现容器!"
@@ -1005,299 +1307,430 @@ msgstr "API Key"
msgid "Select region"
msgstr "选择地区"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:63 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:65
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:63
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:65
#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:30
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:30
msgid "Rackspace Cloud Files Region"
msgstr "Rackspace Cloud 文件区"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:66 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:66
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:31
msgid "Dallas (DFW)"
msgstr "Dallas (DFW)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:67 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:67
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:32
msgid "Chicago (ORD)"
msgstr "Chicago (ORD)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:68 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:68
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:33
msgid "Sydney (SYD)"
msgstr "悉尼 (SYD)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:69 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:69
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:34
msgid "London (LON)"
msgstr "伦敦 (LON)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:70 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:70
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:35
msgid "Northern Virginia (IAD)"
msgstr "北弗吉尼亚 (IAD)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:71 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:71
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:36
msgid "Hong Kong (HKG)"
msgstr "香港 (HKG)"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:99 inc/class-destination-s3.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:99
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:202
msgid "Folder in bucket"
msgstr "Bucket 内部文件夹"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:158 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:158
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:116
msgid "Rackspace Cloud container \"%s\" created."
msgstr "Rackspace Cloud 容器 \"%s\" 已创建。"
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:162 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:274
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:314 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:359
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:170
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:162
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:274
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:314
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:359
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:170
#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:290
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:277
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:317
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:362
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:120
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:172
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-rsc.php:292
msgid "Rackspace Cloud API: %s"
msgstr "Rackspace Cloud API: %s"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:260
msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to Rackspace cloud …"
msgstr "%d. 正在尝试发送备份文件到 Rackspace cloud……"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:271
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:274
msgid "Connected to Rackspace cloud files container %s"
msgstr "已连接到 Rackspace Cloud 容器 %s"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:283
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:286
msgid "Upload to Rackspace cloud started …"
msgstr "已开始上传到 Rackspace Cloud …"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:302
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:305
msgid "Backup File transferred to RSC://"
msgstr "备份文件转移到RSC://"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:311
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to Rackspace cloud."
msgstr "无法发送备份文件到 Rackspace cloud"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:353
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:356
msgid "One file deleted on Rackspace cloud container."
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Rackspace cloud container."
msgstr[0] "%d个文件在Rackspace云容器中删除"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:466
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:469
msgid "Missing username!"
msgstr "缺少用户名!"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:468
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:471
msgid "Missing API Key!"
msgstr "缺少 API Key!"
#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:472
+#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:475
msgid "A container could not be found!"
msgstr "未发现容器!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:48
msgid "Select a S3 service"
msgstr "选择一个 S3 服务器"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:33 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:18
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:33
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:54
msgid "Amazon S3 Region"
msgstr "Amazon S3 地区"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:34 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:19
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:34
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:19
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:40
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1118
msgid "Amazon S3: US Standard"
msgstr "Amazon S3: US Standard"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:35 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:20
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:35
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:20
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:45
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1122
msgid "Amazon S3: US West (Northern California)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: US West (Northern California)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:36 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:21
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:36
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:21
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:53
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1126
msgid "Amazon S3: US West (Oregon)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: US West (Oregon)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:37 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:22
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:37
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:22
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:58
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1130
msgid "Amazon S3: EU (Ireland)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: EU (Ireland)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:38 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:23
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:38
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:23
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:68
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1138
msgid "Amazon S3: EU (Germany)"
msgstr "Amazon S3:欧盟(德国)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:39 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:24
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:39
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:24
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:73
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1142
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: 亚太(孟买)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:40 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:25
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:40
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:25
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:78
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1146
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:41 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:26
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:41
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:26
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1150
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
msgstr "Amazon S3:亚太(首尔)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:42 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:42
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:27
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:88
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1154
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:43 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:28
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:43
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:28
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:93
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1158
msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:44 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:29
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:44
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:29
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:98
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1162
msgid "Amazon S3: South America (Sao Paulo)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: South America (Sao Paulo)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:45 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:30
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:45
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:30
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:103
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1166
msgid "Amazon S3: China (Beijing)"
msgstr "Amazon S3: 中国(北京)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:46 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:31
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:46
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:31
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:108
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1170
msgid "Google Storage: EU"
msgstr "Google存储:欧盟"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:47 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:32
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:47
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:32
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:113
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1174
msgid "Google Storage: USA"
msgstr "Google存储:美国"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:48 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:33
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:48
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:33
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:118
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1178
msgid "Google Storage: Asia"
msgstr "Google存储:亚洲"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:49 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:34
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:49
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:34
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:123
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1182
msgid "Dream Host Cloud Storage"
msgstr "Dream Host 云存储"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:68
msgid "Or a S3 Server URL"
msgstr "或者一个 S3 服务器 URL"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:61
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:115
msgid "S3 Access Keys"
msgstr "S3 Access Keys"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:65 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:65
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:54
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:121
msgid "Access Key"
msgstr "Access Key"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:72 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:72
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:61
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:135
msgid "Secret Key"
msgstr "Secret Key"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:80
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:145
msgid "S3 Bucket"
msgstr "S3 Bucket"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:84
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:151
msgid "Bucket selection"
msgstr "Bucket 选择"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:97
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:180
msgid "Create a new bucket"
msgstr "新建一个存储库(Bucket)"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:104
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:196
msgid "S3 Backup settings"
msgstr "S3 备份设置"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:134
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:86
msgid "Multipart Upload"
msgstr "多部分上传"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:136
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:98
msgid "Use multipart upload for uploading a file"
msgstr "使用多部分上传来上传文件"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:137
-msgid ""
-"Multipart splits file into multiple chunks while uploading. This is "
-"necessary for displaying the upload process and to transfer bigger files. "
-"Works without a problem on Amazon. Other services might have issues."
-msgstr ""
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:143
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:252
msgid "Amazon specific settings"
msgstr "Amazon 特定设置"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:147 inc/class-destination-s3.php:149
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:147
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:149
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:263
msgid "Amazon: Storage Class"
msgstr "Amazon:存储类"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:150
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:266
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "标准"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:151
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:270
msgid "Standard-Infrequent Access"
msgstr "Standard-Infrequent访问"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:152
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:278
msgid "Reduced Redundancy"
msgstr "减少冗余"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:157
-msgid "Server side encryption"
-msgstr "服务器端加密"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:161
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:297
msgid "Save files encrypted (AES256) on server."
msgstr "在服务器上加密保存文件(AES256)"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:224 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:224
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:168
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:361
msgid "Missing secret access key!"
msgstr "缺少 secret access key!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:230
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:367
msgid "No bucket found!"
msgstr "没有找到 Bucket!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:346
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:517
msgid "Bucket %1$s created."
msgstr "存储库(Bucket)%1$s已创建"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:348 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:147
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:348
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:147
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:285
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:520
msgid " %s is not a valid bucket name."
msgstr "%s 不是一个有效的 Bucket 名称"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:389 inc/class-destination-s3.php:522
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:576 inc/class-destination-s3.php:610
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:670 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:337
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:389
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:522
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:576
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:610
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:670
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:337
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:623
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:570
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:868
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:936
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:995
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1006
msgid "S3 Service API: %s"
msgstr "S3服务 API:%s"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:457
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:777
msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to S3 Service …"
msgstr "%d. 开始发送备份文件到 S3 服务器…"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:470 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:188
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:470
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:188
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:383
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:803
msgid "Connected to S3 Bucket \"%1$s\" in %2$s"
msgstr "已连接到 S3 Bucket \"%1$s\" in %2$s"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:473 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:191
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:473
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:191
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:391
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:808
msgid "S3 Bucket \"%s\" does not exist!"
msgstr "S3 Bucket \"%s\" 不存在!"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:480
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:817
msgid "Checking for not aborted multipart Uploads …"
msgstr "检查未中止的多部分上传 …"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:486
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:830
msgid "Upload for %s aborted."
msgstr "上传为%s中止。"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:492
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:836
msgid "Starting upload to S3 Service …"
msgstr "开始上传文件到 S3 服务器 …"
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:601 inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:444
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:601
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:444
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-glacier.php:446
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:972
msgid "Backup transferred to %s."
msgstr "备份已转移到 %s"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:606
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:988
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to S3! (%1$d) %2$s"
msgstr "无法发送文件到 S3 服务器! (%1$d) %2$s"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:634
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:699
msgid "Storage Class: %s"
msgstr "存储类:%s"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:660
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:734
msgid "Cannot delete backup from %s."
msgstr "无法从 %s 删除备份"
#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:664
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:746
msgid "One file deleted on S3 Bucket."
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on S3 Bucket"
msgstr[0] "%d 在 S3 Bucket 中删除了 1 个文件"
@@ -1308,12 +1741,17 @@ msgstr "SugarSync 登录"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:30
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:17
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:17
msgid "Email address:"
msgstr "电子邮件地址:"
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:33 inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:29
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:33
+#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:29
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:20
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:126
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:126
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-ftp.php:47
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:20
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "密码:"
@@ -1326,6 +1764,8 @@ msgstr "Sugarsync验证!"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:136
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:26
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:26
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
msgid "Create Sugarsync account"
msgstr "创建 SugarSync 账户"
@@ -1333,6 +1773,8 @@ msgstr "创建 SugarSync 账户"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:132
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:32
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:94
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:32
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:94
msgid "Delete Sugarsync authentication!"
msgstr "删除 SugarSync 认证!"
@@ -1346,6 +1788,7 @@ msgstr "选择同步文件夹"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:64
#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:41
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:41
msgid "No Syncfolders found!"
msgstr "没有找到同步文件夹!"
@@ -1354,36 +1797,44 @@ msgid "Folder in root"
msgstr "根目录的文件夹"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:230
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:233
msgid "%d. Try to send backup to SugarSync …"
msgstr "%d. 开始发送备份文件到 SugarSync …"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:237
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:240
msgid "Authenticated to SugarSync with nickname %s"
msgstr "SugarSync 用户昵称 %s 已认证"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:240
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:243
msgctxt "Available space on SugarSync"
msgid "Not enough disk space available on SugarSync. Available: %s."
msgstr "你的 SugarSync 没有足够的可用磁盘空间。可供选择:%s"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:246
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:249
msgid "%s available at SugarSync"
msgstr "SugarSync 可用空间剩余 %s"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:253
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:256
msgid "Starting upload to SugarSync …"
msgstr "开始上传文件到 SugarSync …"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:263
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:266
msgid "Cannot transfer backup to SugarSync!"
msgstr "无法上传文件到 SugarSync !"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:302
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:305
msgid "One file deleted on SugarSync folder"
msgid_plural "%d files deleted on SugarSync folder"
msgstr[0] "在SugarSync文件夹中删除了%d个文件"
#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:308
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:311
msgid "SugarSync API: %s"
msgstr "SugarSync API:%s"
@@ -1396,13 +1847,8 @@ msgid "EasyCron"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-easycron.php:189
-msgid ""
-"Here you can setup your EasyCron.com API key to use this "
-msgstr ""
-"在这里你可以设置你的EasyCron.com API键使用此服务。"
+msgid "Here you can setup your EasyCron.com API key to use this service."
+msgstr "在这里你可以设置你的EasyCron.com API键使用此服务。"
#: inc/class-easycron.php:192
msgid "Api key:"
@@ -1413,33 +1859,32 @@ msgid "Trigger WordPress Cron:"
msgstr "触发WordPress Cron:"
#: inc/class-easycron.php:203
-msgid ""
-"If you check this box, a cron job will be created on EasyCron that all 5 "
-"Minutes calls the WordPress cron."
-msgstr ""
-"WordPress cron。"
+msgid "If you check this box, a cron job will be created on EasyCron that all 5 Minutes calls the WordPress cron."
+msgstr "如果你选中这个盒子,就会在EasyCron上创建一个cron作业,所有5分钟都调用WordPress cron。"
#: inc/class-file.php:140
+#: inc/class-file.php:142
msgid "Folder %1$s not allowed, please use another folder."
msgstr "文件夹%1$s不允许,请使用另一个文件夹。"
#: inc/class-file.php:145
+#: inc/class-file.php:147
msgid "Folder %1$s is not in open basedir, please use another folder."
msgstr "文件夹%1$s不在打开的basedir,请使用另一个文件夹。"
#: inc/class-file.php:151
+#: inc/class-file.php:153
msgid "Cannot create folder: %1$s"
msgstr "无法创建文件夹: %1$s"
#: inc/class-file.php:157
+#: inc/class-file.php:159
msgid "Folder \"%1$s\" is not writable"
msgstr "文件夹 \"%1$s\" 不可写"
#: inc/class-file.php:193
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup will not backup folders and its sub folders when this file is "
+#: inc/class-file.php:195
+msgid "BackWPup will not backup folders and its sub folders when this file is inside."
msgstr "当这个文件在里面时,BackWPup不会备份文件夹和它的子文件夹。"
#: inc/class-help.php:15
@@ -1448,16 +1893,11 @@ msgstr "插件信息"
#: inc/class-help.php:17
msgctxt "Plugin name and link; Plugin Version"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s version %2$s. A project by Inpsyde GmbH"
-msgstr ""
-"%1$s 版本 %2$s. 项目by Inpsyde GmbH."
+msgid "%1$s version %2$s. A project by Inpsyde GmbH."
+msgstr "%1$s 版本 %2$s. 项目by Inpsyde GmbH."
#: inc/class-help.php:18
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is a free software, and you "
-"are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions."
+msgid "BackWPup comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is a free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions."
msgstr "BackWPup 绝对没有担保。这是自由软件,欢迎你在一定条件下重新发布它。"
#: inc/class-help.php:21
@@ -1473,467 +1913,528 @@ msgid "Manual"
msgstr "手册"
#: inc/class-install.php:84
+#: inc/class-install.php:90
msgid "BackWPup Admin"
msgstr "BackWPup 管理"
#: inc/class-install.php:98
+#: inc/class-install.php:105
msgid "BackWPup jobs checker"
msgstr "BackWPup 计划检查"
#: inc/class-install.php:112
+#: inc/class-install.php:120
msgid "BackWPup jobs helper"
msgstr "BackWPup 计划帮助"
#: inc/class-job.php:263
+#: inc/class-job.php:269
msgid "Starting job"
msgstr "启动计划"
#: inc/class-job.php:278
+#: inc/class-job.php:284
msgid "Job Start"
msgstr "计划启动"
#: inc/class-job.php:298
+#: inc/class-job.php:304
msgid "Creates manifest file"
msgstr "创建清单文件"
#: inc/class-job.php:320
+#: inc/class-job.php:326
msgid "Creates archive"
msgstr "创建存档"
#: inc/class-job.php:360
+#: inc/class-job.php:373
msgid "End of Job"
msgstr "结束工作"
#: inc/class-job.php:377
+#: inc/class-job.php:395
msgid "BackWPup log for %1$s from %2$s at %3$s"
msgstr "BackWPup 日志文件 %1$s 来自 %2$s %3$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:394
+#: inc/class-job.php:412
msgctxt "Plugin name; Plugin Version; plugin url"
msgid "[INFO] %1$s %2$s; A project of Inpsyde GmbH"
msgstr "[INFO]%1$s %2$ s;Inpsyde GmbH是一家高水平的企业"
#: inc/class-job.php:395
+#: inc/class-job.php:413
msgctxt "WordPress Version; Blog url"
msgid "[INFO] WordPress %1$s on %2$s"
msgstr "[INFO] WordPress %1$s on %2$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:396
+#: inc/class-job.php:414
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "普通"
#: inc/class-job.php:399
+#: inc/class-job.php:417
msgid "Debug"
msgstr "调试"
#: inc/class-job.php:402
+#: inc/class-job.php:420
msgid "(translated)"
msgstr "(翻译)"
#: inc/class-job.php:404
+#: inc/class-job.php:422
msgid "[INFO] Log Level: %1$s %2$s"
msgstr "[信息]日志级别: %1$s %2$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:409
+#: inc/class-job.php:427
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job: %1$s"
msgstr "[INFO] BackWPup 计划: %1$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:412
+#: inc/class-job.php:430
msgid "[INFO] Runs with user: %1$s (%2$d) "
msgstr "[INFO]与用户一起运行:%1$s(%2$d)"
-#: inc/class-job.php:426 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:323
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:282 inc/class-page-jobs.php:291
+#: inc/class-job.php:426
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:323
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:282
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:291
+#: inc/class-job.php:444
msgid "Not scheduled!"
msgstr "预定!"
-#: inc/class-job.php:430 inc/class-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-job.php:430
+#: inc/class-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-job.php:448
+#: inc/class-job.php:458
msgid "[INFO] Cron: %s; Next: %s "
msgstr "[INFO] Cron: %s; 下一个: %s "
#: inc/class-job.php:433
+#: inc/class-job.php:451
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job start with link is active"
msgstr "[INFO]BackWPup job start with link是活动的"
#: inc/class-job.php:435
+#: inc/class-job.php:453
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job start with EasyCron.com"
msgstr "[INFO]BackWPup job从EasyCron.com开始"
#: inc/class-job.php:443
+#: inc/class-job.php:461
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup no automatic job start configured"
msgstr "[INFO]BackWPup没有自动开始配置"
#: inc/class-job.php:447
+#: inc/class-job.php:465
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started from wp-cron"
msgstr "[INFO] BackWPup 计划已根据 wp-cron 启动"
#: inc/class-job.php:449
+#: inc/class-job.php:467
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started manually"
msgstr "[INFO] BackWPup 计划已手动启动"
#: inc/class-job.php:451
+#: inc/class-job.php:469
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started from external url"
msgstr "[INFO] BackWPup 计划已从外部 URL 启动"
#: inc/class-job.php:453
+#: inc/class-job.php:471
msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started form commandline interface"
msgstr "[INFO] BackWPup 计划已从命令行界面启动"
#: inc/class-job.php:462
+#: inc/class-job.php:480
msgid "[INFO] PHP ver.:"
msgstr "[INFO] PHP 版本:"
#: inc/class-job.php:463
+#: inc/class-job.php:481
msgid "[INFO] Maximum PHP script execution time is %1$d seconds"
msgstr "[INFO]最大的PHP脚本执行时间是%1$d秒"
#: inc/class-job.php:467
+#: inc/class-job.php:485
msgid "[INFO] Script restart time is configured to %1$d seconds"
msgstr "[INFO]脚本重启时间配置为%1$d秒"
#: inc/class-job.php:470
+#: inc/class-job.php:488
msgid "[INFO] MySQL ver.: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] MySQL 版本:%s"
#: inc/class-job.php:472
+#: inc/class-job.php:490
msgid "[INFO] Web Server: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] 网站服务器: %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:476
+#: inc/class-job.php:494
msgid "[INFO] curl ver.: %1$s; %2$s"
msgstr "[INFO] curl 版本:%1$s; %2$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:478
+#: inc/class-job.php:496
msgid "[INFO] Temp folder is: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] 临时文件夹是:%s"
#: inc/class-job.php:485
+#: inc/class-job.php:503
msgid "[INFO] Logfile is: %s"
msgstr "[INFO]日志文件是:%s"
#: inc/class-job.php:492
+#: inc/class-job.php:510
msgid "[INFO] Backup file is: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] 备份文件是:%s"
#: inc/class-job.php:494
+#: inc/class-job.php:512
msgid "[INFO] Backup type is: %s"
msgstr "[INFO] 备份类型是:%s"
#: inc/class-job.php:502
+#: inc/class-job.php:520
msgid "Could not write log file"
msgstr "不能写日志文件"
#: inc/class-job.php:514
-msgid ""
-"No destination correctly defined for backup! Please correct job settings."
+#: inc/class-job.php:532
+msgid "No destination correctly defined for backup! Please correct job settings."
msgstr "没有正确定义备份的目的地!"
#: inc/class-job.php:644
+#: inc/class-job.php:628
msgid "Cannot write progress to working file. Job will be aborted."
msgstr "不能将进度写入工作文件。工作将会中止。"
-#: inc/class-job.php:716 inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
+#: inc/class-job.php:716
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
+#: inc/class-job.php:700
msgid "WARNING:"
msgstr "警告:"
-#: inc/class-job.php:725 inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+#: inc/class-job.php:725
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+#: inc/class-job.php:709
msgid "ERROR:"
msgstr "错误:"
#: inc/class-job.php:729
+#: inc/class-job.php:713
msgstr "弃用:"
#: inc/class-job.php:732
+#: inc/class-job.php:716
msgstr "严格注意:"
#: inc/class-job.php:737
+#: inc/class-job.php:721
msgstr "可恢复的错误:"
#: inc/class-job.php:985
+#: inc/class-job.php:972
msgid "Aborted by user!"
msgstr "由用户中止!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1019
+#: inc/class-job.php:1005
msgid "One old log deleted"
msgid_plural "%d old logs deleted"
msgstr[0] "%d一个旧的日志删除"
-#: inc/class-job.php:1026 inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
-msgid ""
-"Job has ended with errors in %s seconds. You must resolve the errors for "
-"correct execution."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1026
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
+#: inc/class-job.php:1012
+msgid "Job has ended with errors in %s seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution."
msgstr "计划已结束,用时 %s 秒,有错误。为正确执行,请解决这些错误。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1028
-msgid ""
-"Job finished with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct "
+#: inc/class-job.php:1014
+msgid "Job finished with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct execution."
msgstr "在%s秒内完成警告工作。请将其解析为正确执行。"
-#: inc/class-job.php:1030 inc/class-page-jobs.php:788
+#: inc/class-job.php:1030
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:788
+#: inc/class-job.php:1016
msgid "Job done in %s seconds."
msgstr "计划已完成,用时 %s 秒"
#: inc/class-job.php:1074
+#: inc/class-job.php:1060
msgstr "成功"
#: inc/class-job.php:1076
+#: inc/class-job.php:1062
msgid "WARNING"
msgstr "警告"
#: inc/class-job.php:1079
+#: inc/class-job.php:1065
msgid "ERROR"
msgstr "错误"
#: inc/class-job.php:1082
+#: inc/class-job.php:1068
msgid "[%3$s] BackWPup log %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "[%3$s] BackWPup 日志 %1$s: %2$s"
#: inc/class-job.php:1188
+#: inc/class-job.php:1180
msgid "Restart after %1$d seconds."
msgstr "在%1$d秒后重启。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1190
+#: inc/class-job.php:1182
msgid "Restart after getting signal."
msgstr "重启后得到的信号。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1363
+#: inc/class-job.php:1357
msgid "Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes."
msgstr "工作重新开始,因为活动时间超过5分钟。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1461
+#: inc/class-job.php:1455
msgid "Step aborted: too many attempts!"
msgstr "步骤中止:尝试次数过多!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1532
+#: inc/class-job.php:1528
msgid "%d. Trying to create backup archive …"
msgstr "%d. 正在尝试创建备份存档 …"
#: inc/class-job.php:1540
+#: inc/class-job.php:1536
msgctxt "Archive compression method"
msgid "Compressing files as %s. Please be patient, this may take a moment."
msgstr "压缩文件%s。请耐心点,这可能需要一点时间。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1547
+#: inc/class-job.php:1544
msgid "Adding Extra files to Archive"
msgstr "向归档添加额外的文件"
-#: inc/class-job.php:1559 inc/class-job.php:1619
+#: inc/class-job.php:1559
+#: inc/class-job.php:1619
+#: inc/class-job.php:1555
+#: inc/class-job.php:1626
msgid "Cannot create backup archive correctly. Aborting creation."
msgstr "不能正确创建备份存档。流产的创造。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1575
+#: inc/class-job.php:1571
msgid "Archiving Folder: %s"
msgstr "归档文件夹:%s"
#: inc/class-job.php:1629
+#: inc/class-job.php:1636
msgid "Backup archive created."
msgstr "备份存档已创建"
#: inc/class-job.php:1643
-msgid ""
-"The Backup archive will be too large for file operations with this PHP "
-"Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple "
-"jobs with less files each."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-job.php:1650
+msgid "The Backup archive will be too large for file operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
+msgstr "使用这个PHP版本的备份存档文件将会太大。您可能希望考虑将备份作业拆分为多个作业,每个作业的文件较少。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1646
+#: inc/class-job.php:1653
msgid "Archive size is %s."
msgstr "存档大小为 %s"
#: inc/class-job.php:1649
+#: inc/class-job.php:1656
msgid "%1$d Files with %2$s in Archive."
msgstr "%1$d 文件和 %2$s 在存档中"
#: inc/class-job.php:1698
+#: inc/class-job.php:1831
msgctxt "Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s does not exist"
msgstr "文件夹%s不存在"
#: inc/class-job.php:1703
+#: inc/class-job.php:1837
msgctxt "Folder name"
msgid "Folder %s is not readable"
msgstr "文件夹 \"%s\" 不可读!"
#: inc/class-job.php:1725
+#: inc/class-job.php:1860
msgid "Link \"%s\" not following."
msgstr "链接不遵循“%s”。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1727
+#: inc/class-job.php:1862
msgid "File \"%s\" is not readable!"
msgstr "文件 \"%s\" 不可读"
#: inc/class-job.php:1731
-msgid ""
-"File size of “%s” cannot be retrieved. File might be too large and will not "
-"be added to queue."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1866
+msgid "File size of “%s” cannot be retrieved. File might be too large and will not be added to queue."
msgstr "无法检索“%s”的文件大小。文件可能太大,不能添加到队列中。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1814
+#: inc/class-job.php:1949
msgid "%d. Trying to generate a manifest file …"
msgstr "%d。试图生成一个清单文件 …"
#: inc/class-job.php:1870
+#: inc/class-job.php:2005
msgid "You may have noticed the manifest.json file in this archive."
msgstr "你可能已经注意到了这个清单。这个存档中的json文件。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1871
-msgid ""
-"manifest.json might be needed for later restoring a backup from this archive."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2006
+msgid "manifest.json might be needed for later restoring a backup from this archive."
msgstr "清单。稍后可能需要json来从这个存档中恢复备份。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1872
-msgid ""
-"Please leave manifest.json untouched and in place. Otherwise it is safe to "
-"be ignored."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2007
+msgid "Please leave manifest.json untouched and in place. Otherwise it is safe to be ignored."
msgstr "请把清单。json未受影响。否则,被忽视是安全的。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1882
+#: inc/class-job.php:2017
msgid "Added manifest.json file with %1$s to backup file list."
msgstr "添加清单。带有%1$s到备份文件列表的json文件。"
#: inc/class-job.php:1921
+#: inc/class-job.php:2056
msgid "Wrong BackWPup JobID"
msgstr "错误的 BackWPup 计划 ID"
#: inc/class-job.php:1934
+#: inc/class-job.php:2069
msgid "A BackWPup job is already running"
msgstr "一个 BackWPup 备份计划已在执行"
#: inc/class-job.php:2302
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGHUP: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2482
+msgctxt "SIGHUP: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Hangup detected on controlling terminal or death of controlling process"
msgstr "在控制终端或控制过程的死亡中被发现"
#: inc/class-job.php:2306
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGINT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2486
+msgctxt "SIGINT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Interrupt from keyboard"
msgstr "从键盘中断"
#: inc/class-job.php:2310
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGQUIT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2490
+msgctxt "SIGQUIT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Quit from keyboard"
msgstr "戒烟从键盘"
#: inc/class-job.php:2314
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGILL: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2494
+msgctxt "SIGILL: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Illegal Instruction"
msgstr "非法指令"
#: inc/class-job.php:2318
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGABRT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2498
+msgctxt "SIGABRT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Abort signal from abort(3)"
msgstr "中止信号从中止(3)"
#: inc/class-job.php:2322
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGBUS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2502
+msgctxt "SIGBUS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Bus error (bad memory access)"
msgstr "总线错误(错误的内存访问)"
#: inc/class-job.php:2326
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGFPE: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2506
+msgctxt "SIGFPE: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Floating point exception"
msgstr "浮点数异常错误"
#: inc/class-job.php:2330
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSEGV: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2510
+msgctxt "SIGSEGV: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Invalid memory reference"
msgstr "无效的内存引用"
#: inc/class-job.php:2334
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGTERM: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2514
+msgctxt "SIGTERM: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Termination signal"
msgstr "终止信号"
#: inc/class-job.php:2338
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSTKFLT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2518
+msgctxt "SIGSTKFLT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Stack fault on coprocessor"
msgstr "堆栈断层对协处理器"
#: inc/class-job.php:2342
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGUSR1: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2522
+msgctxt "SIGUSR1: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "User-defined signal 1"
msgstr "用户定义的信号1"
#: inc/class-job.php:2346
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGUSR2: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2526
+msgctxt "SIGUSR2: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "User-defined signal 2"
msgstr "用户定义的信号2"
#: inc/class-job.php:2350
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGURG: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2530
+msgctxt "SIGURG: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Urgent condition on socket"
msgstr "紧急条件套接字"
#: inc/class-job.php:2354
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGXCPU: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2534
+msgctxt "SIGXCPU: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "CPU time limit exceeded"
msgstr "CPU时间限制超过"
#: inc/class-job.php:2358
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGXFSZ: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2538
+msgctxt "SIGXFSZ: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "File size limit exceeded"
msgstr "文件大小超过限制"
#: inc/class-job.php:2362
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGPWR: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2542
+msgctxt "SIGPWR: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Power failure"
msgstr "电源故障"
#: inc/class-job.php:2366
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSYS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
+#: inc/class-job.php:2546
+msgctxt "SIGSYS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
msgid "Bad argument to routine"
msgstr "坏参数常规"
#: inc/class-job.php:2373
+#: inc/class-job.php:2553
msgid "Signal \"%1$s\" (%2$s) is sent to script!"
msgstr "信号\"%1$s\" (%2$s)被发送到脚本!"
-#: inc/class-job.php:2407 inc/class-job.php:2420
+#: inc/class-job.php:2407
+#: inc/class-job.php:2420
+#: inc/class-job.php:2587
+#: inc/class-job.php:2600
msgid "System: %s"
msgstr "系统:%s"
#: inc/class-job.php:2435
+#: inc/class-job.php:2615
msgid "Exception caught in %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "异常发生于 %1$s: %2$s"
@@ -1946,14 +2447,23 @@ msgid "Check database tables"
msgstr "检查数据表"
#. Author URI of the plugin/theme
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:17 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:17
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:17 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:17 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:19
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18 inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:18
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:17
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:19
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:19
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:29
msgid "http://inpsyde.com"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:35 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:35
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16
msgid "Settings for database check"
msgstr "数据库检查设置"
@@ -1969,7 +2479,9 @@ msgstr "只检查wordpress本身的数据表"
msgid "Repair"
msgstr "修复"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:54 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:54
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38
msgid "Try to repair defect table"
msgstr "尝试修复数据表"
@@ -1985,12 +2497,14 @@ msgstr "数据表 %1$s 是一个view,不用检查。"
msgid "Table %1$s is not a MyISAM/InnoDB table. Not checked."
msgstr "数据表 %1$s 不是一个有效的 MyISAM/InnoDB 表,不进行检查。"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:124 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:127
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:124
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:127
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:129
msgid "Result of table check for %1$s is: %2$s"
msgstr "检查数据表 %1$s 结果:%2$s"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:135 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:137
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:135
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:137
#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:139
msgid "Result of table repair for %1$s is: %2$s"
msgstr "修复数据表 %1$s 结果::%2$s"
@@ -2011,60 +2525,92 @@ msgstr "备份数据库"
msgid "Database backup"
msgstr "备份数据库"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:60 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:60
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:108
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:108
msgid "Settings for database backup"
msgstr "设置数据库备份"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:64 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:64
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154
msgid "Tables to backup"
msgstr "选择数据表"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:66 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:66
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156
msgid "all"
msgstr "全选"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:91 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:91
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195
msgid "Backup file name"
msgstr "备份文件名"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:99 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:99
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201
msgid "Backup file compression"
msgstr "备份文件压缩"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:105 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:107
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:75 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:77
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:59 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:61
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:105
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:107
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:75
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:77
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:59
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:61
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
msgid "GZip"
msgstr "GZip"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:159 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:159
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475
msgid "%d. Try to backup database …"
msgstr "%d.要备份的数据库 …"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495
msgid "Connected to database %1$s on %2$s"
msgstr "已连接 %1$s 数据库在主机 %2$s "
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:187 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:187
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510
msgid "No tables to backup."
msgstr "选择数据表"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:210 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:210
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536
msgid "Backup database table \"%s\" with \"%s\" records"
msgstr "备份数据库表“%s”与“%s”记录"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:250 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:250
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576
msgid "MySQL backup file not created"
msgstr "不创建MySQL备份文件"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:254 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:763
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:254
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:763
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:764
msgid "Added database dump \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
msgstr "添加转储数据表列表 \"%1$s\" ,大小 %2$s"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:260 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:260
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:766
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:767
msgid "Database backup done!"
msgstr "数据库备份完成了!"
@@ -2096,8 +2642,11 @@ msgstr "备份插件"
msgid "Backup themes"
msgstr "备份主题"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:107 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:745
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:107
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:745
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:746
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:745
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:746
msgid "Backup uploads folder"
msgstr "备份上传文件夹"
@@ -2106,12 +2655,8 @@ msgid "Extra folders to backup"
msgstr "排除文件夹"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:118
-msgid ""
-"Separate folder names with a line-break or a comma. Folders must be set with "
-"their absolute path!"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Separate folder names with a line-break or a comma. Folders must be set with their absolute path!"
+msgstr "多个文件夹用英文逗号隔开,或者一行一个文件夹名称。必须设置为文件夹的绝对路径!"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:123
msgid "Exclude from backup"
@@ -2130,9 +2675,7 @@ msgid "Exclude files/folders from backup"
msgstr "排除文件后缀"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:136
-msgid ""
-"Separate file / folder name parts with a line-break or a comma. For example /"
+msgid "Separate file / folder name parts with a line-break or a comma. For example /logs/,.log,.tmp"
msgstr "使用英文逗号分隔多个文件/文件名,或者一行一个。例如 /logs/,.log,.tmp"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:141
@@ -2144,35 +2687,23 @@ msgid "Include special files"
msgstr "包含特殊文件"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:147
-msgid ""
-"Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd, favicon."
-"ico, and Web.config from root if it is not included in backup."
-msgstr ""
-"备份 wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd, favicon."
-"ico, and Web.config from root if it is not included in backup."
+msgid "Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd, favicon.ico, and Web.config from root if it is not included in backup."
+msgstr "备份 wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd, favicon.ico, and Web.config from root if it is not included in backup."
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:151
msgid "Use one folder above as WP install folder"
msgstr "使用一个文件夹作为WP安装文件夹"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:154
-msgid ""
-"Use one folder above as WordPress install folder! That can be helpful, if "
-"you would backup files and folder that are not in the WordPress installation "
-"folder. Or if you made a \"Giving WordPress Its Own Directory"
-"\" installation. Excludes must be configured again."
-msgstr ""
-"装文件夹中,那将是有帮助的。或者你给WordPress提供了自己的目录\" 安装。排"
+msgid "Use one folder above as WordPress install folder! That can be helpful, if you would backup files and folder that are not in the WordPress installation folder. Or if you made a \"Giving WordPress Its Own Directory\" installation. Excludes must be configured again."
+msgstr "使用一个文件夹作为WordPress安装文件夹!如果你备份文件和文件夹不在WordPress的安装文件夹中,那将是有帮助的。或者你给WordPress提供了自己的目录\" 安装。排除必须再次配置。"
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:238
msgid "%d. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …"
msgstr "%d. 正在创建需要备份的文件列表 …"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:358 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:362
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:358
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:362
#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:379
msgid "Added \"%s\" to backup file list"
msgstr "已添加 \"%s\" 到备份文件列表"
@@ -2205,7 +2736,9 @@ msgstr "排除在外。donotbackup文件!"
msgid "XML export"
msgstr "XML 输出"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:14 inc/class-page-about.php:472
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:14
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:472
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:474
msgid "WordPress XML export"
msgstr "WordPress XML 输出"
@@ -2213,15 +2746,21 @@ msgstr "WordPress XML 输出"
msgid "Items to export"
msgstr "要输出的项目"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:49 inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:49
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28
msgid "All content"
msgstr "所有内容"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:50 inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:50
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38
msgid "Posts"
msgstr "文章"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:51 inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:51
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "页面"
@@ -2229,12 +2768,15 @@ msgstr "页面"
msgid "XML Export file name"
msgstr "XML 输出文件名"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:69 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:53
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:69
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:53
msgid "File compression"
msgstr "文件压缩"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:79 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:81
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:64 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:66
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:79
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:81
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:64
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:66
msgid "BZip2"
msgstr "BZip2"
@@ -2246,10 +2788,14 @@ msgstr "%d. 正在尝试创建 WordPress 输出到 XML 文件…"
msgid "WP Export: Post type “%s” does not allow export."
msgstr "WP输出:Post类型“%s”不允许导出。"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:172 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:186
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:215 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:236
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:269 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:289
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:378 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:387
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:172
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:186
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:215
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:236
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:269
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:289
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:378
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:387
msgid "WP Export file could not written."
msgstr "WP Export file could not written."
@@ -2273,9 +2819,9 @@ msgstr "XML错误 (%s): %s"
msgid "There was an error when reading this WXR file"
msgstr "读取这个WXR文件时出现错误"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:444 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:451
-msgid ""
-"This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:444
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:451
+msgid "This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number"
msgstr "这看起来并不是WXR文件,丢失/无效WXR版本号"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:460
@@ -2283,16 +2829,18 @@ msgid "WP Export file is a valid WXR file."
msgstr "WP导出文件是有效的WXR文件。"
#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:462
-msgid ""
-"WP Export file can not be checked, because no XML extension is loaded, to "
-"ensure the file verification."
+msgid "WP Export file can not be checked, because no XML extension is loaded, to ensure the file verification."
msgstr "无法检查WP导出文件,因为没有加载XML扩展,以确保文件验证。"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:474 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:474
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741
msgid "Compressing file …"
msgstr "压缩文件 …"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:481 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:481
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748
msgid "Compressing done."
msgstr "压缩了。"
@@ -2332,7 +2880,9 @@ msgstr "已启用的插件:"
msgid "Inactive plugins:"
msgstr "未启用的插件:"
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:141 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:798
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:141
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:798
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:799
msgid "Can not open target file for writing."
msgstr "无法打开目标文件的书写。"
@@ -2348,15 +2898,21 @@ msgstr "驳回"
msgid "No MySQLi extension found. Please install it."
msgstr "没有发现 MySQLi 扩展,请安装它。"
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:100 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:831
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:100
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:831
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:832
msgid "Cannot init MySQLi database connection"
msgstr "无法初始化MySQLi数据库连接"
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:105 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:837
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:105
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:837
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:838
msgid "Setting of MySQLi connection timeout failed"
msgstr "MySQLi连接超时设置失败"
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:110 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:843
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:110
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:843
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:844
msgid "Cannot connect to MySQL database %1$d: %2$s"
msgstr "无法连接到 MySQL 数据库 %1$d:%2$s"
@@ -2369,15 +2925,28 @@ msgstr "无法将DB charset设置为%s错误:%s"
msgid "Cannot open SQL backup file"
msgstr "不能打开SQL备份文件"
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:153 inc/class-mysqldump.php:165
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:259 inc/class-mysqldump.php:268
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:288 inc/class-mysqldump.php:297
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:317 inc/class-mysqldump.php:323
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:368 inc/class-mysqldump.php:400
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:437 inc/class-mysqldump.php:500
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:859 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:873
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:921 inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:940
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:153
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:165
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:259
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:268
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:288
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:297
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:317
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:323
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:368
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:400
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:437
+#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:500
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:859
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:873
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:921
+#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:940
#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:983
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:860
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:874
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:922
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:941
+#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:984
msgid "Database error %1$s for query %2$s"
msgstr "数据库错误 %1$s 查询 %2$s"
@@ -2393,290 +2962,338 @@ msgstr "表备份的长度没有正确设置:%1$s"
msgid "Error while writing file!"
msgstr "写入文件时出错!"
-#: inc/class-option.php:167 inc/class-page-editjob.php:97
+#: inc/class-option.php:167
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:97
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:383
+#: inc/class-option.php:176
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
msgid "New Job"
msgstr "新计划"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:369
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:371
msgid "Welcome to BackWPup Pro"
msgstr "欢迎升级到 BackWPup 专业版"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:370 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup’s job wizards make planning and scheduling your backup jobs a "
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:370
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:372
+msgid "BackWPup’s job wizards make planning and scheduling your backup jobs a breeze."
msgstr "BackWPup的工作向导制定计划并安排您的备份工作。"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:371 inc/class-page-about.php:384
-msgid ""
-"Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation "
-"including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage "
-"service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server. With a "
-"single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool "
-"like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:371
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:384
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:373
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:386
+msgid "Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server. With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
+msgstr "使用备份存档保存整个WordPress的安装,包括/wp-content/
#: inc/class-page-about.php:372
-msgid ""
-"Ready to set up a backup job? You can use the wizards or plan your backup in expert mode."
-msgstr ""
-"准备好设置备份作业 ?您可以使用向导或"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:374
+msgid "Ready to set up a backup job? You can use the wizards or plan your backup in expert mode."
+msgstr "准备好设置备份作业 ?您可以使用向导或在专家模式下计划备份。"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:382
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:384
msgid "Welcome to BackWPup"
msgstr "欢迎使用 BackWPup"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:385
-msgid ""
-"Ready to set up a backup job? Use one of the wizards to plan what you want "
-"to save."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:387
+msgid "Ready to set up a backup job? Use one of the wizards to plan what you want to save."
msgstr "准备好设置备份作业了吗?使用一个向导来计划你想要保存的东西。"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:400
msgid "Save your database"
msgstr "保存你的数据库"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:401
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:403
msgid "Save your database regularly"
msgstr "定期保存数据库"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:402
-msgid ""
-"With BackWPup you can schedule the database backup to run automatically. "
-"With a single backup file you can restore your database. You should set up a backup job, so you will never forget it. There is also "
-"an option to repair and optimize the database after each backup."
-msgstr ""
-"通过 BackWPup,你可以定期自动备份数据库,还可以通过一个简单的备份文件来恢复数"
-"据库。你应该 添加一个备份计划,这样你永远不会忘记它。当"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:407 inc/class-page-about.php:411
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:404
+msgid "With BackWPup you can schedule the database backup to run automatically. With a single backup file you can restore your database. You should set up a backup job, so you will never forget it. There is also an option to repair and optimize the database after each backup."
+msgstr "通过 BackWPup,你可以定期自动备份数据库,还可以通过一个简单的备份文件来恢复数据库。你应该 添加一个备份计划,这样你永远不会忘记它。当然,你还可以在每次备份数据库时修复和优化它。"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:407
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:411
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:413
msgid "WordPress XML Export"
msgstr "WordPress XML 输出"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:408
-msgid ""
-"You can choose the built-in WordPress export format in addition or exclusive "
-"to save your data. This works in automated backups too of course. The "
-"advantage is: you can import these files into a blog with the regular "
-"WordPress importer."
-msgstr ""
-"你可以选择内置的 WordPress 导出格式来保存数据。这样做的好处:你可以通过正规"
-"的 WordPress 导入接口将这些文件导入网站。 "
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:410
+msgid "You can choose the built-in WordPress export format in addition or exclusive to save your data. This works in automated backups too of course. The advantage is: you can import these files into a blog with the regular WordPress importer."
+msgstr "你可以选择内置的 WordPress 导出格式来保存数据。这样做的好处:你可以通过正规的 WordPress 导入接口将这些文件导入网站。 "
#: inc/class-page-about.php:416
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:418
msgid "Save all data from the webserver"
msgstr "从网络服务器中保存所有的数据"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:419
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:421
msgid "Save all files"
msgstr "保存所有文件"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:420
-msgid ""
-"You can backup all your attachments, also all system files, plugins and "
-"themes in a single file. You can create a job to update a "
-"backup copy of your file system only when files are changed."
-msgstr ""
-"以创建一个job ,只在文件更改时才更新文件系统的备份副"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:425 inc/class-page-about.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:422
+msgid "You can backup all your attachments, also all system files, plugins and themes in a single file. You can create a job to update a backup copy of your file system only when files are changed."
+msgstr "您可以备份所有的附件,也可以在一个文件中备份所有的系统文件、插件和主题。您可以创建一个job ,只在文件更改时才更新文件系统的备份副本。"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:425
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:427
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:431
msgid "Security!"
msgstr "安全!"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:426
-msgid ""
-"By default everything is encrypted: connections to external services, local "
-"files and access to directories."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:428
+msgid "By default everything is encrypted: connections to external services, local files and access to directories."
msgstr "默认情况下,一切都是加密进行的:连接到外部服务,访问本地文件和目录。"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:434 inc/class-page-about.php:437
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:434
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:437
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:436
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:439
msgid "Cloud Support"
msgstr "云支持"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:438
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup supports multiple cloud services in parallel. This ensures backups "
-"are redundant."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:440
+msgid "BackWPup supports multiple cloud services in parallel. This ensures backups are redundant."
msgstr "BackWPup 支持多个云服务并行。这可确保备份是多余的。"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:444
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:446
msgid "Features / differences between Free and Pro"
msgstr "免费版和专业版的差异"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:449
msgid "Features"
msgstr "特点"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:448
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:450
msgid "FREE"
msgstr "免费版"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:449
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:451
msgid "PRO"
msgstr "专业版"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:452
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:454
msgid "Complete database backup"
msgstr "数据库备份"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:457
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:459
msgid "Complete file backup"
msgstr "文件备份"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:462
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:464
msgid "Database check"
msgstr "数据库检查"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:467
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:469
msgid "Data compression"
msgstr "数据压缩"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:477
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:479
msgid "List of installed plugins"
msgstr "已安装的插件列表"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:482
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:484
msgid "Backup archives management"
msgstr "备份存档管理"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:487
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:489
msgid "Log file management"
msgstr "日志文件管理"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:492
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:494
msgid "Start jobs per WP-Cron, URL, system, backend or WP-CLI"
msgstr "根据 WP-Cron, URL, 系统, 后端 或 WP-CLI 启动计划"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:497
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:499
msgid "Log report via email"
msgstr "通过邮件发送日志通告"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:502
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:504
msgid "Backup to Microsoft Azure"
msgstr "备份到 Microsoft Azure"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:507
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:509
msgid "Backup as email"
msgstr "备份到 电子邮件"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:512
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:514
msgid "Backup to S3 services (Amazon, Google Storage, Hosteurope and more)"
msgstr "备份到S3服务(Amazon、谷歌存储、Hosteurope等)"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:527
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:529
msgid "Backup to FTP server"
msgstr "备份到 FTP 服务器"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:532
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:534
msgid "Backup to your web space"
msgstr "备份到你的网站空间"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:542 inc/pro/class-pro.php:115
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:542
+#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:115
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:152
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:544
msgid "Backup to Google Drive"
msgstr "备份到Google Drive"
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:547 inc/pro/class-pro.php:96
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:547
+#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:96
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:131
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:549
msgid "Backup to Amazon Glacier"
msgstr "备份到Amazon Glacier"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:552
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:554
msgid "Custom API keys for DropBox and SugarSync"
msgstr "自定义 DropBox 和 SugarSync 的 API keys"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:557
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:559
msgid "XML database backup as PHPMyAdmin schema"
msgstr "XML 数据库备份为 PHPMyAdmin 架构"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:562
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:564
msgid "Database backup as mysqldump per command line"
msgstr "使用命令行进行 MySQL 数据库转储备份"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:567
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:569
msgid "Database backup for additional MySQL databases"
msgstr "备份其他 MySQL 数据库"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:572
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:574
msgid "Import and export job settings as XML"
msgstr "导入和导出计划设置为 XML 文件"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:577
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:579
msgid "Wizard for system tests"
msgstr "系统测试向导"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:582
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:584
msgid "Wizard for scheduled backup jobs"
msgstr "定时备份计划向导"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:587
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:589
msgid "Wizard to import settings and backup jobs"
msgstr "导入设置和备份计划向导"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:592
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:594
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to Dropbox"
msgstr "差异备份更改目录到 Dropbox"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:597
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:599
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to Rackspace Cloud Files"
msgstr "差异备份更改目录到 Rackspace Cloud Files"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:602
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:604
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to S3"
msgstr "差异备份更改目录到 S3"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:607
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:609
msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to MS Azure"
msgstr "差异备份更改目录到 MS Azure"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:612
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:639
msgid "Premium support"
msgstr "付费支持"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:617
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:644
msgid "Automatic updates"
msgstr "自动更新"
#: inc/class-page-about.php:624
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:651
msgid "GET PRO"
msgstr "获取专业版"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:182
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:158
msgid "No files could be found. (List will be generated during next backup.)"
msgstr "没有备份文件(文件列表将在下次备份时创建)"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:195 inc/class-page-backups.php:315
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:113 inc/class-page-jobs.php:177
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:125 inc/class-page-logs.php:204
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:195
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:315
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:113
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:177
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:125
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:204
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:168
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:274
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:151
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:232
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "删除"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:229
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:203
msgid "Change destination"
msgstr "更改目的地"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:269 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:283
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347 inc/class-page-logs.php:136
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:269
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:283
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:136
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:241
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:163
msgid "Time"
msgstr "时间"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:270
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:242
msgid "File"
msgstr "文件"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:272 inc/class-page-logs.php:140
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:272
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:140
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:244
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:167
msgid "Size"
msgstr "大小"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:315
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:273
msgid ""
"You are about to delete this backup archive. \n"
" 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete."
@@ -2684,31 +3301,48 @@ msgstr ""
"你确认要删除这个存档吗? \n"
" 'Cancel' 就取消, 'OK' 就删除。"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:318 inc/class-page-jobs.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:318
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:330
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:206
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:281
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:285
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:768
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:779
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:234
msgid "Download"
msgstr "下载"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:348
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:311
msgid "?"
msgstr "?"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:360 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:321
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:384 inc/class-page-jobs.php:318
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:360
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:321
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:384
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:318
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:164
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:317
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:190
msgid "%1$s at %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s %2$s"
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:376 inc/class-page-backups.php:416
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:35 inc/class-page-jobs.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:376
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:416
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:35
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:331
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:369
msgid "Sorry, you don't have permissions to do that."
msgstr "抱歉,你没有权限进行操作。"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:440
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:433
msgid "Backup Files"
msgstr "备份文件"
#: inc/class-page-backups.php:488
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:489
msgid "%s › Manage Backup Archives"
msgstr "%s › 管理备份档案"
@@ -2716,52 +3350,45 @@ msgstr "%s › 管理备份档案"
msgid "%s › Dashboard"
msgstr "%s ›仪表盘"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:74 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:83
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:74
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:83
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Planning backups"
msgstr "计划备份"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
-msgid ""
-"Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation "
-"including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage "
-"service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
+msgid "Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:76 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:85
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:76
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:85
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Restoring backups"
msgstr "恢复备份"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:77 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:86
-msgid ""
-"With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a "
-"tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:77
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:86
+msgid "With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:78 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:87
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:78
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:87
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Ready to set up a backup job?"
msgstr "准备好设置备份作业了吗?"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79
-msgid ""
-"Use one of the wizards to plan a backup, or use expert mode"
-"a> for full control over all options."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Use one of the wizards to plan a backup, or use expert mode for full control over all options."
+msgstr "使用其中一个向导来计划备份,或者使用专家模式来完全控制所有选项。"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:89
-msgid ""
-"Please note: You are solely responsible for the security of your "
-"data; the authors of this plugin are not."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:89
+msgid "Please note: You are solely responsible for the security of your data; the authors of this plugin are not."
msgstr "请注意:您只负责您的数据的安全性;这个插件的作者不是。"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
-msgid ""
-"Use the short links in the First steps box to plan and "
-"schedule backup jobs."
+msgid "Use the short links in the First steps box to plan and schedule backup jobs."
msgstr "使用的第一步框中的短链接来计划和调度备份作业。"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:88
@@ -2776,7 +3403,8 @@ msgstr "第一步"
msgid "Test the installation"
msgstr "测试安装"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:101 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:104
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:101
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:104
msgid "Create a Job"
msgstr "创建备份计划"
@@ -2797,8 +3425,7 @@ msgid "One click backup"
msgstr "一键备份"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:117
-msgid ""
-"Generate a database backup of WordPress tables and download it right away!"
+msgid "Generate a database backup of WordPress tables and download it right away!"
msgstr "马上生成 WordPress 数据库备份和下载!"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:117
@@ -2819,16 +3446,16 @@ msgid "RSS Error: %s"
msgstr "RSS错误: %s"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:132
-msgid ""
-"An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again "
+msgid "An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again later."
msgstr "发生了错误,这可能意味着提要被删除。稍后再试。"
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:146
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "无标题的"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:211 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:373
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:211
+#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:373
+#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:331
msgid "Start wizard"
msgstr "启动向导"
@@ -2896,8 +3523,10 @@ msgstr "得到BackWPup Pro现在"
msgid "Next scheduled jobs"
msgstr "下一个预定计划"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:284 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:284
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:137
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:164
msgid "Job"
msgstr "计划已完成"
@@ -2905,7 +3534,8 @@ msgstr "计划已完成"
msgid "working since %d seconds"
msgstr "运行自从 %d 秒"
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:309 inc/class-page-jobs.php:608
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:309
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:608
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "中止"
@@ -2944,441 +3574,613 @@ msgid "Job with ID %d"
msgstr "作业ID%d"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
msgid "Changes for job %s saved."
msgstr "计划 %s 更改已经保存"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
msgid "Jobs overview"
msgstr "计划概况"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222 inc/class-page-jobs.php:181
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:181
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
msgid "Run now"
msgstr "马上执行"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:325
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:334
msgid "%1$s › Job: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s ›作业: %2$s"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:328 inc/class-page-settings.php:119
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:328
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:119
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:214
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:337
msgid "General"
msgstr "一般"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:328
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:337
msgid "Schedule"
msgstr "时间表"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:343
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:352
msgid "To: %s"
msgstr "备份到:%s"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:378 inc/class-page-editjob.php:383
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:378
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:383
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:125
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
msgid "Job Name"
msgstr "计划名称"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:381
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:390
msgid "Please name this job."
msgstr "计划名称"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:388
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:397
msgid "Job Tasks"
msgstr "计划任务"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:391 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:254
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:391
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:254
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:254
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:400
msgid "This job is a …"
msgstr "计划任务是"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:394 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:257
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:394
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:257
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:257
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:403
msgid "Job tasks"
msgstr "计划任务"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:412
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:421
msgid "Backup File Creation"
msgstr "创建备份文件"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:417 inc/class-page-editjob.php:420
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:402 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:417
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:420
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:402
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:402
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:426
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:429
msgid "Backup type"
msgstr "备份类型"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:423
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:432
msgid "Synchronize file by file to destination"
msgstr "同步文件到目的地"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:428 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:413
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:428
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:413
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:413
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:437
msgid "Create a backup archive"
msgstr "创建备份存档"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:436
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:445
msgid "Archive name"
msgstr "存档名称"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:439
-msgid ""
-"Note: In order for backup file tracking to work, the archive name "
-"must begin with %s."
-msgstr "注释:为了备份文件跟踪工作,存档名称必须以%s开头。"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:454
msgid "Replacement patterns:"
msgstr "替换模式:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:448
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:455
msgid "%d = Two digit day of the month, with leading zeros"
msgstr "%d = 天(两位数,带前缀0,例如 03)"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:449
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:456
msgid "%j = Day of the month, without leading zeros"
msgstr "%j = 天(不带前缀0,例如 3)"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:450
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:457
msgid "%m = Day of the month, with leading zeros"
msgstr "%m = 天(两位数,带前缀0,如 03)"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:451
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:458
msgid "%n = Representation of the month (without leading zeros)"
msgstr "%n = 月份(不带前缀0)"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:452
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:459
msgid "%Y = Four digit representation for the year"
msgstr "%Y = 年份(四位数 如 2013)"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:453
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:460
msgid "%y = Two digit representation of the year"
msgstr "%Y = 年份(两位数 如 13)"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:454
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:461
msgid "%a = Lowercase ante meridiem (am) and post meridiem (pm)"
msgstr "%a = 小写字母 上午(am)和 下午(pm)"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:455
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:462
msgid "%A = Uppercase ante meridiem (AM) and post meridiem (PM)"
msgstr "%A = 大写字母 上午(AM)和 下午(PM)"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:456
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:463
msgid "%B = Swatch Internet Time"
msgstr "%B = 同步网络时间"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:457
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:464
msgid "%g = Hour in 12-hour format, without leading zeros"
msgstr "%g = 时(12小时制,不带前缀0)"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:458
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:465
msgid "%G = Hour in 24-hour format, without leading zeros"
msgstr "%G = 时(24小时制,不带前缀0)"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:459
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:466
msgid "%h = Hour in 12-hour format, with leading zeros"
msgstr "%h = 时(12小时制,带前缀0)"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:460
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:467
msgid "%H = Hour in 24-hour format, with leading zeros"
msgstr "%H = 时(24小时制,带前缀0)"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:461
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:468
msgid "%i = Two digit representation of the minute"
msgstr "%i = 分(两位数,带前缀0)"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:462
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:469
msgid "%s = Two digit representation of the second"
msgstr "%s = 秒(两位数,带前缀0)"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:468 inc/class-page-editjob.php:471
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:468
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:471
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:475
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:478
msgid "Archive Format"
msgstr "存档格式"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:474 inc/class-page-editjob.php:476
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:426 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:474
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:476
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:426
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:426
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
msgid "Zip"
msgstr "Zip"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:477
-msgid "Disabled due to missing %s PHP class."
-msgstr "由于缺少%s PHP类而禁用。"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:479 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:433
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:479
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:433
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:433
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:486
msgid "Tar"
msgstr "Tar"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481 inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:437 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:437
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:437
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:488
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
msgid "Tar GZip"
msgstr "Tar GZip"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:484 inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:484
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:491
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:498
msgid "Disabled due to missing %s PHP function."
msgstr "由于缺少了%s PHP函数而禁用。"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:487 inc/class-page-editjob.php:489
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:444 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:487
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:489
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:444
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:444
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:494
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:497
msgid "Tar BZip2"
msgstr "Tar BZip2"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:497
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:533
msgid "Job Destination"
msgstr "目的地"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:501 inc/class-page-editjob.php:504
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:501
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:504
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:537
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:540
msgid "Where should your backup file be stored?"
msgstr "应该在哪里存储你的备份文件?"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:522
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:558
msgid "Log Files"
msgstr "日志文件"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:526
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:562
msgid "Send log to email address"
msgstr "发送日志到电子邮件地址"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:529
-msgid ""
-"Leave empty to not have log sent. Or separate with , for more than one "
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:565
+msgid "Leave empty to not have log sent. Or separate with , for more than one receiver."
msgstr "让空不具有日志发送。或者与多个接收器分开。"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:533
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:569
msgid "Email FROM field"
msgstr "电子邮件域"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:535
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:571
msgid "Your Name <mail@domain.tld>"
msgstr "你的名字 <mail@domain.tld>"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:539
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:575
msgid "Errors only"
msgstr "仅出错时"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:544
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:580
msgid "Send email with log only when errors occur during job execution."
msgstr "只在作业执行期间出现错误时发送带有日志的电子邮件。"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:555
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:591
msgid "Job Schedule"
msgstr "计划时间表"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:559 inc/class-page-editjob.php:562
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:559
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:562
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:595
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:598
msgid "Start job"
msgstr "启动计划"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:566
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:602
msgid "manually only"
msgstr "手动执行"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:570
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:606
msgid "with WordPress cron"
msgstr "通过 WordPress cron 定时执行"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:579
-msgid ""
-"with EasyCron.com"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:615
+msgid "with EasyCron.com"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:581
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:617
msgid "First setup API Key."
msgstr "首先安装 API Key."
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:590
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:626
msgid "with a link"
msgstr "点击链接执行"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:591
-msgid ""
-"Copy the link for an external start. This option has to be activated to make "
-"the link work."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:627
+msgid "Copy the link for an external start. This option has to be activated to make the link work."
msgstr "复制链接来外部启动。此选项已被激活,以使链接工作。"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:598
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:634
msgid "Start job with CLI"
msgstr "使用 CLI 启动计划"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:601
-msgid ""
-"Use WP-CLI to run jobs from commandline."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:637
+msgid "Use WP-CLI to run jobs from commandline."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:606
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:642
msgid "Schedule execution time"
msgstr "计划执行时间"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:610 inc/class-page-editjob.php:613
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:610
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:613
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:646
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:649
msgid "Scheduler type"
msgstr "计划类型"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:617
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:653
msgid "basic"
msgstr "基本"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:621
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:657
msgid "advanced"
msgstr "高级"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:650 inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:650
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:320
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:320
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:686
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:754
msgid "Scheduler"
msgstr "设定时间"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:655 inc/class-page-jobs.php:126
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:139 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:324
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:655
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:126
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:139
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:324
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:324
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:166
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:691
msgid "Type"
msgstr "类型"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:660 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:660
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:330
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:330
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:696
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "小时"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:663 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:333
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:663
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:333
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:333
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:699
msgid "Minute"
msgstr "分钟"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:667 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:337
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:667
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:337
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:337
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:703
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "每个月一次"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:669 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:339
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:669
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:339
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:339
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:705
msgid "on"
msgstr "在"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:679 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:349
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:679
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:349
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:349
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:715
msgid "weekly"
msgstr "每周一次"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:681 inc/class-page-editjob.php:788
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:681
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:788
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:351
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:351
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:717
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:824
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "星期天"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:682 inc/class-page-editjob.php:789
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:682
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:789
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:352
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:352
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:825
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "星期一"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:683 inc/class-page-editjob.php:790
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:683
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:790
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:353
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:353
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:719
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:826
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "星期二"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:684 inc/class-page-editjob.php:791
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:684
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:791
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:354
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:354
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:720
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:827
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "星期三"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:685 inc/class-page-editjob.php:792
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:685
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:792
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:355
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:355
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:721
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:828
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "星期四"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:686 inc/class-page-editjob.php:793
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:686
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:793
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:356
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:356
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:722
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:829
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "星期五"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:687 inc/class-page-editjob.php:794
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:687
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:794
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:357
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:357
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:723
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:830
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "星期六"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:697 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:697
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:367
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:733
msgid "daily"
msgstr "每天一次"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:707 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:707
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:377
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:377
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:743
msgid "hourly"
msgstr "每小时一次"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:721
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:757
msgid "Minutes:"
msgstr "分:"
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:723 inc/class-page-editjob.php:736
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:748 inc/class-page-editjob.php:762
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:723
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:736
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:748
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:762
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:784
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:759
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:772
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:798
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:820
msgid "Any (*)"
msgstr "全部 (*)"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:733
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:769
msgid "Hours:"
msgstr "小时:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:746
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:782
msgid "Day of Month:"
msgstr "天"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:760
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:796
msgid "Month:"
msgstr "月:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:766
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:802
msgid "January"
msgstr "1月"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:767
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:803
msgid "February"
msgstr "2月"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:768
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:804
msgid "March"
msgstr "3月"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:769
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:805
msgid "April"
msgstr "4月"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:770
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:806
msgid "May"
msgstr "5月"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:771
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:807
msgid "June"
msgstr "6月"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:772
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:808
msgid "July"
msgstr "7月"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:773
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:809
msgid "August"
msgstr "8月"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:774
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:810
msgid "September"
msgstr "9月"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:775
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:811
msgid "October"
msgstr "10月"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:776
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:812
msgid "November"
msgstr "11月"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:777
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:813
msgid "December"
msgstr "12月"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:782
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:818
msgid "Day of Week:"
msgstr "周:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:818
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:854
msgid "Save changes"
msgstr "保存更改"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:905
-msgid ""
-"Working as Cron schedule:"
-msgstr ""
-"根据 Cron 时间表执行:"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:941
+msgid "Working as Cron schedule:"
+msgstr "根据 Cron 时间表执行:"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:914
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:950
msgid "ATTENTION: Job runs every %d minutes!"
msgstr "警告:计划将会 %d 分钟执行一次!"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:918
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:954
msgid "ATTENTION: Can't calculate cron!"
msgstr "注意:无法计算时间!"
#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:921
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:957
msgid "Next runtime:"
msgstr "预定时间:"
@@ -3386,8 +4188,11 @@ msgstr "预定时间:"
msgid "No Jobs."
msgstr "没有计划"
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:127 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:67
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:127
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:67
#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:473
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:67
+#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:473
msgid "Destinations"
msgstr "目的地"
@@ -3399,12 +4204,16 @@ msgstr "下次执行"
msgid "Last Run"
msgstr "最近执行"
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:172 inc/class-page-logs.php:200
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:172
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:200
#: inc/pro/class-page-support.php:221
+#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:221
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:228
msgid "Job ID: %d"
msgstr "作业ID:%d"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:175
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:45
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "编辑"
@@ -3424,7 +4233,8 @@ msgstr "不需要或设置"
msgid "Running for: %s seconds"
msgstr "执行:%s 秒"
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:280 inc/class-page-jobs.php:289
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:280
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:289
msgid "Cron: %s"
msgstr "定时: %s"
@@ -3473,16 +4283,15 @@ msgid "The job \"%s\" needs properly configured destinations to run!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:454
-msgid ""
-"Job \"%s\" has started, but not responded for 10 seconds. Please check information."
+msgid "Job \"%s\" has started, but not responded for 10 seconds. Please check information."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:459
msgid "Job \"%s\" started."
msgstr "计划 \"%s\" 已开始"
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:471 inc/class-wp-cli.php:59
+#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:471
+#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:59
msgid "Job will be terminated."
msgstr "计划将被终止"
@@ -3523,590 +4332,706 @@ msgid "Job completed"
msgstr "作业完成了"
#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
-msgid ""
-"Job has done with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct "
+msgid "Job has done with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct execution."
msgstr "计划已完成,用时 %s 秒,有警告。为正确执行,请解决这些警告。"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:113
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:138
msgid "No Logs."
msgstr "没有日志"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:138
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:165
msgid "Status"
msgstr "状态"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:141
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:168
msgid "Runtime"
msgstr "用时"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:202
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:230
msgid "View"
msgstr "查看"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:222
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:251
msgid "1 ERROR"
msgid_plural "%d ERRORS"
msgstr[0] "%d错误"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:225
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:254
msgid "1 WARNING"
msgid_plural "%d WARNINGS"
msgstr[0] "%d警告"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:228
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:257
msgid "O.K."
msgstr "O.K."
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:246
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:275
msgid "Log only"
msgstr "仅日志"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:391
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:440
msgid "%s › Logs"
msgstr "%s ›日志"
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:422
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:471
msgid "Logfile not found!"
msgstr "日志文件未找到!"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:63
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:88
msgid "Settings reset to default"
msgstr "重置为默认设置"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:106
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:194
msgid "Settings saved"
msgstr "设置已保存"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:117
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:209
msgid "%s › Settings"
msgstr "%s › 设置"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:119
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:220
msgid "Network"
msgstr "网络"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:119
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:221
msgid "API Keys"
msgstr "API Keys"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:119
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:222
msgid "Information"
msgstr "详情"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:137
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:241
msgid "Display Settings"
msgstr "显示设置"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:138
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:242
msgid "Do you want to see BackWPup in the WordPress admin bar?"
msgstr "想在顶部管理栏显示 BackWPup 吗?"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:141
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:245
msgid "Admin bar"
msgstr "顶部管理栏"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:144
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:250
msgid "Admin Bar"
msgstr "顶部管理栏"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:147
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:258
msgid "Show BackWPup links in admin bar."
msgstr "在顶部管理栏显示 BackWPup 链接"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:153 inc/class-page-settings.php:156
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:153
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:156
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:264
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:269
msgid "Folder sizes"
msgstr "文件夹大小"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:159
-msgid ""
-"Display folder sizes in the files tab when editing a job. (Might increase "
-"loading time of files tab.)"
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:277
+msgid "Display folder sizes in the files tab when editing a job. (Might increase loading time of files tab.)"
+msgstr "编辑工作时,在files选项卡中显示文件夹大小。(可能增加文件标签的加载时间。)"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:165
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:286
msgid "Security"
msgstr "安全性"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:166
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:287
msgid "Security option for BackWPup"
msgstr "BackWPup 插件安全"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:169 inc/class-page-settings.php:172
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:169
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:172
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:290
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:295
msgid "Protect folders"
msgstr "保护文件夹"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:175
-msgid ""
-"Protect BackWPup folders ( Temp, Log and Backups ) with .htaccess"
-"code> and
-msgstr ""
和 index.php
保护 BackWPup 目录下的文"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:304
+msgid "Protect BackWPup folders ( Temp, Log and Backups ) with .htaccess
and index.php
+msgstr "通过.htaccess
和 index.php
保护 BackWPup 目录下的文件夹"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:188
-msgid ""
-"Every time BackWPup runs a backup job, a log file is being generated. Choose "
-"where to store your log files and how many of them."
-msgstr ""
-"每次 BackWPup 执行备份计划都会生成日志文件。选择存放日志文件的目录和日志数"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:321
+msgid "Every time BackWPup runs a backup job, a log file is being generated. Choose where to store your log files and how many of them."
+msgstr "每次 BackWPup 执行备份计划都会生成日志文件。选择存放日志文件的目录和日志数量。"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:191
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:330
msgid "Log file folder"
msgstr "日志路径"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:194
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:340
msgid "You can use absolute or relative path! Relative path is relative to %s."
msgstr "您可以使用绝对或相对路径!相对路径是相对的 %s."
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:198
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:356
msgid "Maximum log files"
msgstr "最大日志文件"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:201
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:363
msgid "Maximum log files in folder."
msgstr "最大日志文件的文件夹。"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:205 inc/class-page-settings.php:208
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:205
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:208
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:370
msgid "Compression"
msgstr "压缩"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:211
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:381
msgid "Compress log files with GZip."
msgstr "用 Gzip 压缩日志文件"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:217 inc/class-page-settings.php:220
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:217
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:220
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:392
msgid "Logging Level"
msgstr "日志级别"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:223
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:400
msgid "Normal (translated)"
msgstr "正常(翻译)"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:224
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:404
msgid "Normal (not translated)"
msgstr "正常无(翻译)"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:225
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:408
msgid "Debug (translated)"
msgstr "调试 (翻译)"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:226
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:412
msgid "Debug (not translated)"
msgstr "调试 (无翻译)"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:229
-msgid ""
-"Debug log has much more informations than normal logs. It is for support and "
-"should be handled carefully. For support is the best to use a not translated "
-"log file. Usage of not translated logs can reduce the PHP memory usage too."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:416
+msgid "Debug log has much more informations than normal logs. It is for support and should be handled carefully. For support is the best to use a not translated log file. Usage of not translated logs can reduce the PHP memory usage too."
+msgstr "调试日志比普通日志有更多的信息。它是为了支持,应该小心处理。对于支持,最好使用未翻译的日志文件。未翻译日志的使用也可以减少PHP内存的使用。"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:238
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:429
msgid "There are a couple of general options for backup jobs. Set them here."
msgstr "下面是备份计划的基本选项,请进行设置。"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:241
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:437
msgid "Maximum number of retries for job steps"
msgstr "失败重试次数"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:247
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:450
msgid "Maximum script execution time"
msgstr "最大脚本执行时间"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:250
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:455
msgid "Maximum PHP Script execution time"
msgstr "最大的PHP脚本执行时"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:253
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:462
msgid "seconds."
msgstr "秒"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:254
-msgid ""
-"Job will restart before hitting maximum execution time. Restarts will be "
-"disabled on CLI usage. If ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
has been defined, "
-"WordPress Cron will be used for restarts, so it can take a while. 0 means no "
-msgstr ""
,那么WordPress Cron将被用于重新启动,因此它"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:464
+msgid "Job will restart before hitting maximum execution time. Restarts will be disabled on CLI usage. If ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
has been defined, WordPress Cron will be used for restarts, so it can take a while. 0 means no maximum."
+msgstr "在达到最大执行时间之前,作业将重新启动。重新启动将禁用CLI的使用。如果已经定义了ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
,那么WordPress Cron将被用于重新启动,因此它可以花一段时间。0表示没有最大。"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:261
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:476
msgid "Key to start jobs externally with an URL"
msgstr "通过URL启动计划的key"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:265
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:484
msgid "Will be used to protect job starts from unauthorized person."
msgstr "将用于保护工作从未经授权的人开始。"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:269 inc/class-page-settings.php:272
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:269
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:272
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:492
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:497
msgid "Reduce server load"
msgstr "减少服务器负载"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:275
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:505
msgid "disabled"
msgstr "禁用"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:276
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:509
msgid "minimum"
msgstr "轻微"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:277
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:513
msgid "medium"
msgstr "中等"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:278
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:517
msgid "maximum"
msgstr "极限"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:281
-msgid ""
-"This adds short pauses to the process. Can be used to reduce the CPU load."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:521
+msgid "This adds short pauses to the process. Can be used to reduce the CPU load."
msgstr "这增加了进程的短暂停顿。可以用于减少CPU负载。"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:286
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:530
msgid "Empty output on working"
msgstr "空输出工作"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:289 inc/class-page-settings.php:292
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:289
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:292
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:535
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:546
msgid "Enable an empty Output on backup working."
msgstr "在备份工作上启用空输出。"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:294
-msgid ""
-"This do an empty output on job working. This can help in some situations or "
-"can brake the working. You must test it."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:549
+msgid "This do an empty output on job working. This can help in some situations or can brake the working. You must test it."
+msgstr "这将在作业工作中执行空输出。这在某些情况下会有所帮助,或者可以阻止工作。你必须测试它。"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:299
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:558
msgid "Windows IIS compatibility"
msgstr "Windows IIS兼容性"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:302 inc/class-page-settings.php:305
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:302
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:305
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:563
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:574
msgid "Enable compatibility with IIS on Windows."
msgstr "支持与IIS在Windows上的兼容性。"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:307
-msgid ""
-"There is a PHP bug (bug #43817), "
-"which is triggered on some versions of Windows and IIS. Checking this box "
-"will enable a workaround for that bug. Only enable if you are getting errors "
-"about “Permission denied” in your logs."
-msgstr ""
-"有一个PHP错误(错误# 43817 ),这是触"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:577
+msgid "There is a PHP bug (bug #43817), which is triggered on some versions of Windows and IIS. Checking this box will enable a workaround for that bug. Only enable if you are getting errors about “Permission denied” in your logs."
+msgstr "有一个PHP错误(错误# 43817 ),这是触发一些版本的Windows和IIS。检查这个框将为这个bug提供一个工作区。只有在你发现错误的时候才允许;在你的日志中,允许拒绝。"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:317
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:801
msgid "Authentication for %s
msgstr "身份验证%s
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:318
-msgid ""
-"If you protected your blog with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess), or "
-"you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php, then use the authentication methods "
-msgstr ""
-"如果您使用HTTP基本身份验证(. htaccess)保护您的博客,或者使用插件来保护wp - "
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:324 inc/class-page-settings.php:327
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:808
+msgid "If you protected your blog with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess), or you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php, then use the authentication methods below."
+msgstr "如果您使用HTTP基本身份验证(. htaccess)保护您的博客,或者使用插件来保护wp - cron。然后使用下面的认证方法。"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:324
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:327
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:824
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:829
msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "身份验证方法"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:331
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:841
msgid "Basic auth"
msgstr "基本认证"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:332
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:845
msgid "WordPress User"
msgstr "WordPress用户"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:333
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:849
msgid "Query argument"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:340
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:860
msgid "Basic Auth Username:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:346
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:877
msgid "Basic Auth Password:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:351 inc/class-page-settings.php:354
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:351
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:354
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:891
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:894
msgid "Select WordPress User"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:370
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:927
msgid "Query arg key=value:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:391
-msgid ""
-"Experiencing an issue and need to contact BackWPup support? Click the link "
-"below to get debug information you can send to us."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:955
+msgid "Experiencing an issue and need to contact BackWPup support? Click the link below to get debug information you can send to us."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:397 inc/class-page-settings.php:461
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:397
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:461
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:962
msgid "Debug Info"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:398
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:966
msgid "Get Debug Info"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:403
-msgid ""
-"You will find debug information below. Click the button to copy the debug "
-"info to send to support."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:973
+msgid "You will find debug information below. Click the button to copy the debug info to send to support."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:407
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:988
msgid "https://backwpup.com"
msgstr "https://backwpup.com"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:408
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:989
msgid "Get Pro"
msgstr "获取专业版"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:415
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1000
msgid "Copy Debug Info"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:419
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1005
msgid "Debug info copied to clipboard."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:422
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1013
msgid "Could not copy debug info. You can simply press ctrl+C to copy it."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:470 inc/class-page-settings.php:471
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:470
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:471
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1066
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1070
msgid "Setting"
msgstr "设置"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:470 inc/class-page-settings.php:471
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:470
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:471
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1066
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1070
msgid "Value"
msgstr "值"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:487
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1089
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "保存更改"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:489
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1094
msgid "Reset all settings to default"
msgstr "重置"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:506
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1115
msgid "WordPress version"
msgstr "WordPress 版本"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:511
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1120
msgid "BackWPup version"
msgstr "BackWPup 版本"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:515
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1124
msgid "Get pro."
msgstr "获取专业版"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:517
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1126
msgid "BackWPup Pro version"
msgstr "BackWPup Pro 版本"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:522
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1131
msgid "PHP version"
msgstr "PHP 版本"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:532
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1141
msgid "MySQL version"
msgstr "MySQL 版本"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:536
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1145
msgid "cURL version"
msgstr "cURL 版本"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:540
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1149
msgid "cURL SSL version"
msgstr "cURL SSL 版本"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:543
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1152
msgid "unavailable"
msgstr "无法使用"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:547
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1156
msgid "WP-Cron url"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:551
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1160
msgid "Server self connect"
msgstr "服务器自连接:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:557
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1166
msgid "Not expected HTTP response:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:558
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1167
msgid "Not expected HTTP response:
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:560
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1170
msgid "WP Http Error: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:561
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1174
msgid "WP Http Error: %s
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:563
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1178
msgid "Status-Code: %d"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:564
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1180
msgid "Status-Code: %d
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:573
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1193
msgid "Content: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:574
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1195
msgid "Content: %s
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:577
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1200
msgid "Response Test O.K."
msgstr "响应测试成功"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:586
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1209
msgid "Temp folder"
msgstr "临时文件夹:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:588
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1212
msgid "Temp folder %s doesn't exist."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:590
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1217
msgid "Temporary folder %s is not writable."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:596
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1225
msgid "Log folder"
msgstr "BackWPup 日志文件夹不存在或不可写!"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:599
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1231
msgid "Log folder %s does not exist."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:601
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1236
msgid "Log folder %s is not writable."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:607
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1244
msgid "Server"
msgstr "服务器"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:611
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1248
msgid "Operating System"
msgstr "操作系统"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:615
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1252
msgid "PHP SAPI"
msgstr "PHP SAPI"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:619
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1256
msgid "Current PHP user"
msgstr "当前 PHP 用户"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:623
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1260
msgid "Function Disabled"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:627
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1264
msgid "Maximum execution time"
msgstr "最大的执行时间"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:629
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1266
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1273
msgid "%d seconds"
msgstr "用时:%d 秒"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:634
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1278
msgid "Alternative WP Cron"
msgstr "替换 WP-Cron"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:636 inc/class-page-settings.php:644
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:636
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:644
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1280
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1288
msgid "On"
msgstr "开启"
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:638 inc/class-page-settings.php:646
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:638
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:646
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1282
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1290
msgid "Off"
msgstr "关闭"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:642
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1286
msgid "Disabled WP Cron"
msgstr "禁用 WP-Cron"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:650
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1294
msgid "CHMOD Dir"
msgstr "目录权限"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:658
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1302
msgid "Server Time"
msgstr "服务器时间"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:663
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1307
msgid "Blog Time"
msgstr "网站时间"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:667
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1311
msgid "Blog Timezone"
msgstr "网站时区"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:671
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1315
msgid "Blog Time offset"
msgstr "网站时间偏移"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:673
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1317
msgid "%s hours"
msgstr "%s 小时"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:678
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1322
msgid "Blog language"
msgstr "网站语言"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:682
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1326
msgid "MySQL Client encoding"
msgstr "MySQL 客户端编码"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:686
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1330
msgid "PHP Memory limit"
msgstr "PHP 内存限制"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:690
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1334
msgid "WP memory limit"
msgstr "WP 内存限制"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:694
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1338
msgid "WP maximum memory limit"
msgstr "WP 最大内存限制"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:698
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1342
msgid "Memory in use"
msgstr "已用内存"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:704
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1348
msgid "Disabled PHP Functions:"
msgstr "禁用 PHP 函数:"
#: inc/class-page-settings.php:709
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1353
msgid "Loaded PHP Extensions:"
msgstr "加载的 PHP 扩展:"
@@ -4130,1664 +5055,476 @@ msgstr "没有放弃!"
msgid "No job running"
msgstr "没有计划在执行"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:23
-msgid "Auth Code:"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:118
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:112
+msgid "PHP cURL extension must be installed to use the full plugin functionality."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:26
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Get Dropbox App auth code"
-msgid "Get auth code"
-msgstr "获得Dropbox App auth代码"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:122
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:67
+msgctxt "%1 = extension name, %2 = file suffix"
+msgid "We recommend to install the %1$s extension to generate %2$s archives."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:33
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:294
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:299
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:30
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Login"
-msgid "Login:"
-msgstr "登录"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:146
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:136
+msgctxt "Link to PHP manual"
+msgid "Please disable the deprecated PHP safe mode."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:37
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:306
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:56
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Folder"
-msgid "Folder:"
-msgstr "文件夹"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:154
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:146
+msgid "We recommend to install the PHP FTP extension to use the FTP backup destination."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:110
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …"
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to Dropbox …"
-msgstr "%d. 正在发送备份文件到 Dropbox …"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:174
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:164
+msgid "The HTTP response test result is an error: \"%s\"."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:145
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "One file deleted from Dropbox"
-#| msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Dropbox"
-msgid "Retrieving file list from Dropbox"
-msgstr "%d个文件在Dropbox上删除"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:159
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "App Access to Dropbox"
-msgid "Upload changed files to Dropbox"
-msgstr "应用程序访问Dropbox"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:178
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:175
+msgid "The HTTP response test result is a wrong HTTP status: %s. It should be status 200."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:182
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Full Access to Dropbox"
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Dropbox"
-msgstr "Dropbox的完全访问权"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:191
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:220
+msgid "WP-Cron seems to be broken. But it is needed to run scheduled jobs."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:210
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "One file deleted from Dropbox"
-#| msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Dropbox"
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Dropbox"
-msgstr "%d个文件在Dropbox上删除"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:196
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:194
+msgid "All tests passed without errors."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:225
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "One file deleted from Dropbox"
-#| msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Dropbox"
-msgid "Folder %s deleted from Dropbox"
-msgstr "%d个文件在Dropbox上删除"
+#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:202
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:239
+msgid "There are errors. Please correct them, or BackWPup cannot work."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-dropbox.php:242
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "One file deleted from Dropbox"
-#| msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Dropbox"
-msgid "File %s deleted from Dropbox"
-msgstr "%d个文件在Dropbox上删除"
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive-downloader.php:74
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php:72
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:78
+msgid "Could not write data to file."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:19
-msgid "Absolute path to folder for backup files:"
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-gdrive-downloader.php:102
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:122
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:137
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php:104
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:107
+msgid "File could not be opened for writing."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:41
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:321
-msgid "Oldest files will be deleted first."
+#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:63
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1134
+msgid "Amazon S3: EU (London)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:87
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …"
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to folder …"
-msgstr "%d. 正在发送备份文件到 Dropbox …"
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:285
+#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:286
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:293
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step4_top.php:2
+msgid "Restore"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:91
-msgid "Retrieving file list from folder"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:77
+msgid "You must run WordPress version %1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %2$s now."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:101
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Log file folder"
-msgid "Copy changed files to folder"
-msgstr "日志路径"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:88
+msgid "We recommend to run a PHP version above %1$s to get the full plugin functionality. You are using version %2$s now."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:115
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "File compression"
-msgid "File %s copied"
-msgstr "文件压缩"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:100
+msgid "You must have the MySQLi extension installed and a MySQL server version of %1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %2$s now."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:128
-msgid "Delete not existing files from folder"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:193
+msgid "Yeah!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:136
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Adding Extra files to Archive"
-msgid "Extra file %s copied"
-msgstr "向归档添加额外的文件"
+#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:261
+msgid "There are some warnings. BackWPup will work, but with limitations."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:152
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "One file deleted from Dropbox"
-#| msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Dropbox"
-msgid "File %s deleted from folder"
-msgstr "%d个文件在Dropbox上删除"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-folder.php:210
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Sync folder selection"
-msgid "Empty folder %s deleted"
-msgstr "选择同步文件夹"
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:104
+msgid "Cannot open FTP file for download."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:17
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "SMTP host name"
-msgid "Hostname:"
-msgstr "SMTP 主机名"
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:64
+msgid "Could not read data from source file."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:25 inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:23
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Username"
-msgid "Username:"
-msgstr "用户名"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:33
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Folder in root"
-msgid "Folder on server:"
-msgstr "根目录的文件夹"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-ftp.php:42
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:60
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Number of files to keep in folder."
-msgid "Maximum number of backup files to keep in folder:"
-msgstr "存储到文件夹中的文件数"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:41
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:282
-msgid ""
-"Looks like you haven’t set up any API keys yet. Head over to Settings | API-Keys and get Google Drive all set up, then come back "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:55
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:297
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Authenticated!"
-msgid "Authenticate"
-msgstr "已认证"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:62
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:302
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Authenticated!"
-msgid "Reauthenticate"
-msgstr "已认证"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:73
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Folder in root"
-msgid "Folder in Google Drive"
-msgstr "根目录的文件夹"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:110
-msgid ""
-"Consider using trash to delete files. If trash is not enabled, files will be "
-"deleted permanently."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:167
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:191
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Authenticated!"
-msgid "GDrive: Authenticated."
-msgstr "已认证"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:171
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:195
-msgid "GDrive: No refresh token received. Try to Authenticate again!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:177
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:199
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:218
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:237
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Dropbox API: %s"
-msgid "GDrive API: %s"
-msgstr "Dropbox-API: %s"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:440
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …"
-msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to Google Drive …"
-msgstr "%d. 正在发送备份文件到 Dropbox …"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:468
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Uploading to Dropbox …"
-msgid "Uploading to Google Drive …"
-msgstr "上传到Dropbox …"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:530
-msgid "Could not create resumable file transfer to Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:574
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Cannot transfer backup to FTP server!"
-msgid "Can not resume transfer backup to Google Drive!"
-msgstr "无法发送备份文件到 FTP 服务器!"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:641
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Error transfering backup to %s."
-msgid "Error transfering file chunks to %s."
-msgstr "错误的备份到磁带 %s。"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:642
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:668
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Backup to Google Drive"
-msgid "Google Drive"
-msgstr "备份到Google Drive"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:716
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "One file deleted from Dropbox"
-#| msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Dropbox"
-msgid "One file deleted from Google Drive"
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Google Drive"
-msgstr[0] "%d个文件在Dropbox上删除"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:722
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1028
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "S3 Service API: %s"
-msgid "Google Drive API: %s"
-msgstr "S3服务 API:%s"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:849
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …"
-msgid "%d. Try to sync files to Google Drive …"
-msgstr "%d. 正在发送备份文件到 Dropbox …"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:874
-msgid "Syncing changed files to Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:904
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Backup to Google Drive"
-msgid "File %s updated on Google Drive"
-msgstr "备份到Google Drive"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:925
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Backup to Google Drive"
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Google Drive"
-msgstr "备份到Google Drive"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:946
-msgid "File %s moved to trash in Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:949
-msgid "File %s deleted permanently in Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:995
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Backup to Google Drive"
-msgid "Extra file %s updated on Google Drive"
-msgstr "备份到Google Drive"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-gdrive.php:1017
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Backup to Google Drive"
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Google Drive"
-msgstr "备份到Google Drive"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:27
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Backup to Amazon Glacier"
-msgid "Amazon Glacier"
-msgstr "备份到Amazon Glacier"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:31
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Select region"
-msgid "Select a region:"
-msgstr "选择地区"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:33
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:235
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Amazon S3 Region"
-msgid "Amazon Glacier Region"
-msgstr "Amazon S3 地区"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:34
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:236
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Standard"
-msgid "US Standard"
-msgstr "标准"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:35
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:237
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Amazon S3: US West (Northern California)"
-msgid "US West (Northern California)"
-msgstr "Amazon S3: US West (Northern California)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:36
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:238
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Amazon S3: US West (Oregon)"
-msgid "US West (Oregon)"
-msgstr "Amazon S3: US West (Oregon)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:37
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:239
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Amazon S3: EU (Ireland)"
-msgid "EU (Ireland)"
-msgstr "Amazon S3: EU (Ireland)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:38
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:240
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Amazon S3: EU (Germany)"
-msgid "EU (Germany)"
-msgstr "Amazon S3:欧盟(德国)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:39
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:241
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
-msgstr "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:40
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:242
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
-msgstr "Amazon S3:亚太(首尔)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:41
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"
-msgstr "Amazon S3: 亚太(孟买)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:42
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:244
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
-msgstr "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:43
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:245
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Amazon S3: South America (Sao Paulo)"
-msgid "South America (Sao Paulo)"
-msgstr "Amazon S3: South America (Sao Paulo)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:44
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:246
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Amazon S3: China (Beijing)"
-msgid "China (Beijing)"
-msgstr "Amazon S3: 中国(北京)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:50
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "S3 Access Keys"
-msgid "Amazon Access Keys"
-msgstr "S3 Access Keys"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:69
-msgid "Vault"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:73
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Bucket selection"
-msgid "Vault selection"
-msgstr "Bucket 选择"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:85
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Create a new bucket"
-msgid "Create a new vault"
-msgstr "新建一个存储库(Bucket)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:92
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Backup settings"
-msgid "Glacier Backup settings"
-msgstr "Backup 设置"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:108
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:264
-msgid ""
-"Number of files to keep in folder. (Archives deleted before 3 months after "
-"they have been stored may cause extra costs when deleted.)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:172
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "No bucket found!"
-msgid "No vault found!"
-msgstr "没有找到 Bucket!"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:211
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:299
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Bucket %1$s created."
-msgid "Vault %1$s created."
-msgstr "存储库(Bucket)%1$s已创建"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:213
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:301
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created!"
-msgid "Vault %s could not be created."
-msgstr "FTP 文件夹 \"%s\" 创建失败!"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:234
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Backup to Amazon Glacier"
-msgid "Select an Amazon Glacier region:"
-msgstr "备份到Amazon Glacier"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:243
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
-msgid "Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
-msgstr "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:248
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:19 inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:39
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Access Key"
-msgid "Access Key:"
-msgstr "Access Key"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:250
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:42
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Secret Key"
-msgid "Secret Key:"
-msgstr "Secret Key"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:252
-msgid "Vault:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:261
-msgid "New Vault:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:341
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:456
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:475
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:518
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "SugarSync API: %s"
-msgid "AWS API: %s"
-msgstr "SugarSync API:%s"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:364
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to S3 Service …"
-msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to Amazon Glacier …"
-msgstr "%d. 开始发送备份文件到 S3 服务器…"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:377
-msgid "Connected to Glacier vault \"%1$s\" with %2$d archives and size of %3$d"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:379
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "S3 Bucket \"%s\" does not exist!"
-msgid "Glacier vault \"%s\" does not exist!"
-msgstr "S3 Bucket \"%s\" 不存在!"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:385
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Starting upload to MS Azure …"
-msgid "Starting upload to Amazon Glacier …"
-msgstr "开始上传文件到 Microsoft Azure … …"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:438
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Archive size is %s."
-msgid "Archive ID: %s"
-msgstr "存档大小为 %s"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:449 inc/pro/class-pro.php:95
-msgid "Glacier"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:508
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Cannot delete backup from %s."
-msgid "Cannot delete archive from %s."
-msgstr "无法从 %s 删除备份"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-glacier.php:512
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "One file deleted on S3 Bucket."
-#| msgid_plural "%d files deleted on S3 Bucket"
-msgid "One file deleted on vault."
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on vault"
-msgstr[0] "%d 在 S3 Bucket 中删除了 1 个文件"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:17
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Account name"
-msgid "Account Name:"
-msgstr "账户名称"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:21
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:38
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Blob container"
-msgid "Container:"
-msgstr "Blob 容器"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:28
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:47
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Create a new container"
-msgid "Create container:"
-msgstr "新建容器"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:30
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:49
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Folder in container"
-msgid "Folder in container:"
-msgstr "容器内部文件夹"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:119
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%d. Try sending backup to a Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files with Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
-msgstr "%d. 开始发送备份文件到 Microsoft Azure (Blob)… …"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:154
-msgid "Retrieving file list from MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:170
-msgid "Upload changed files to MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:182
-msgid "File %s uploaded to MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:208
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:221
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on MS Azure."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-msazure.php:224
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "One file deleted on S3 Bucket."
-#| msgid_plural "%d files deleted on S3 Bucket"
-msgid "File %s deleted from MS Azure."
-msgstr "%d 在 S3 Bucket 中删除了 1 个文件"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:26
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "API Key"
-msgid "API Key:"
-msgstr "API Key"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:29
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Select region"
-msgid "Select region:"
-msgstr "选择地区"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:147
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to Rackspace cloud …"
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files to Rackspace cloud …"
-msgstr "%d. 正在尝试发送备份文件到 Rackspace cloud……"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:167
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Connected to Rackspace cloud files container %s"
-msgid "Connected to Rackspace cloud files container %s."
-msgstr "已连接到 Rackspace Cloud 容器 %s"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:181
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "One file deleted on Rackspace cloud container."
-#| msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Rackspace cloud container."
-msgid "Retrieving files list from Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "%d个文件在Rackspace云容器中删除"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:212
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to Rackspace Cloud Files"
-msgid "Upload changed files to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "差异备份更改目录到 Rackspace Cloud Files"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:230
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Backup to Rackspace Cloud Files"
-msgid "File %s uploaded to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "备份到Rackspace云文件"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:263
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Cannot transfer backup to Rackspace cloud."
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "无法发送备份文件到 Rackspace cloud"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:276
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "One file deleted on Rackspace cloud container."
-#| msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Rackspace cloud container."
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "%d个文件在Rackspace云容器中删除"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-rsc.php:280
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "One file deleted on Rackspace cloud container."
-#| msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Rackspace cloud container."
-msgid "File %s deleted from Rackspace Cloud."
-msgstr "%d个文件在Rackspace云容器中删除"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:17
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Select a S3 service"
-msgid "Select a S3 service:"
-msgstr "选择一个 S3 服务器"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:36
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Or a S3 Server URL"
-msgid "or set an S3 Server URL:"
-msgstr "或者一个 S3 服务器 URL"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:45
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "S3 Bucket"
-msgid "Bucket:"
-msgstr "S3 Bucket"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:55
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "S3 Bucket"
-msgid "New Bucket:"
-msgstr "S3 Bucket"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:57
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Folder in bucket"
-msgid "Folder in bucket:"
-msgstr "Bucket 内部文件夹"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:145
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Bucket %1$s created."
-msgid "Bucket %1$s created in %2$s."
-msgstr "存储库(Bucket)%1$s已创建"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:169
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to S3 Service …"
-msgid "%d. Trying to sync files to S3 Service …"
-msgstr "%d. 开始发送备份文件到 S3 服务器…"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:203
-msgid "Retrieving file list from S3."
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:69
+msgid "Could not write data into target file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:265
-msgid "Upload changed files to S3."
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:96
+msgid "File could not be opened for reading."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:280
-msgid "File %s uploaded to S3."
+#. translators: $1 is the path of the local file where the backup will be stored
+#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:141
+msgid "%s is a directory not a file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:308
-msgid "Extra file %s uploaded to S3."
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:102
+msgid "Multipart splits file into multiple chunks while uploading.
This is necessary for displaying the upload process and to transfer bigger files.
Don't work with Google or Dreamhost."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:321
-msgid "Delete nonexistent files on S3"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:408
+msgid "« Go back"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-s3.php:328
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "One file deleted from Dropbox"
-#| msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Dropbox"
-msgid "File %s deleted from S3."
-msgstr "%d个文件在Dropbox上删除"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:24
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:82
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Delete Sugarsync authentication!"
-msgid "Sugarsync authenticate!"
-msgstr "删除 SugarSync 认证!"
-#: inc/pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:34
-msgid "Root:"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:501
+msgid "Please wait …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-export-jobs.php:12 inc/pro/class-export-jobs.php:23
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "XML export"
-msgid "Export"
-msgstr "XML 输出"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:27
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Check WordPress database tables only"
-msgid "Check only WordPress Database tables"
-msgstr "只检查wordpress本身的数据表"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:92
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Check WordPress database tables only"
-msgid "Backup only WordPress Database tables"
-msgstr "只检查wordpress本身的数据表"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:112
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Database check"
-msgid "Database connection"
-msgstr "数据库检查"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:116
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Check WordPress database tables only"
-msgid "Use WordPress database connection."
-msgstr "只检查wordpress本身的数据表"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:120
-msgid "Host:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:123
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Username"
-msgid "User:"
-msgstr "用户名"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:130
-msgid "Charset:"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:504
+msgid "Your download is being generated …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:141
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Database check"
-msgid "Database:"
-msgstr "数据库检查"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:169
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Database backup"
-msgid "Database Backup type"
-msgstr "备份数据库"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
-msgid "SQL File (with mysqli)"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:510
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:15
+msgid "Please enter your private key to decrypt your backup."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:174
-msgid "SQL File (with mysqldump)"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:512
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:17
+msgid "The private key you entered was invalid. Please try again."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:175
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "XML database backup as PHPMyAdmin schema"
-msgid "XML File (phpMyAdmin schema)"
-msgstr "XML 数据库备份为 PHPMyAdmin 架构"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:181
-msgid "Path to mysqldump file"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:515
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:742
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:773
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:20
+msgid "Private Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:190
-msgid ""
-"Path to mysqldump file, so a backup can be made with it. If it is correct "
-"and shell_exec is active, the backup will be generated with a "
-"system command. If shell_exec ist not active, this is disabled"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:522
+#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:25
+msgid "Submit"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:580
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Added database dump \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
-msgid "Added database backup \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
-msgstr "添加转储数据表列表 \"%1$s\" ,大小 %2$s"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:601
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%d. Try to backup database …"
-msgid "%d. Try to backup MySQL system …"
-msgstr "%d.要备份的数据库 …"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:608
-msgid ""
-"Executing of system commands not allowed. Please use backup with mysqli."
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:527
+msgid "Your download has been generated. It should begin downloading momentarily."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:613
-msgid "%s file not in open basedir of PHP."
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:575
+msgid "Seems is not possible to store your private key, be sure the directory %s is writable."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:618
-msgid "%s file not found. Please correct the path for the mysqldump file."
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:114
+msgid "Functions for bz2 compression not available."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:702
-msgctxt "Executed exec() command"
-msgid "CLI Exec: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:712
-msgid "Usage error."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:713
-msgid ""
-"MySQL Server Error. This could be an issue with permissions. Try using "
-"database backup with mysqli."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:714
-msgid "Error during consistency checks."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:715
-msgid "Not enough memory."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:716
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Error while writing file!"
-msgid "Error during writing of SQL backup file."
-msgstr "写入文件时出错!"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:717
-msgid "Illegal table"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:722
-msgid "mysqldump returned: (%d) %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:735
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Database backup as mysqldump per command line"
-msgid "Can not create mysql backup with mysqldump command"
-msgstr "使用命令行进行 MySQL 数据库转储备份"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:781
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%d. Try to backup database …"
-msgid "%d. Try to backup database as XML …"
-msgstr "%d.要备份的数据库 …"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:851
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgctxt "Database Charset"
-#| msgid "Cannot set DB charset to %s error: %s"
-msgctxt "Database Charset"
-msgid "Cannot set DB charset to %s"
-msgstr "无法将DB charset设置为%s错误:%s"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:880
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "No tables to backup."
-msgid "No tables for XML backup"
-msgstr "选择数据表"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:916
-msgid "Dump database create view \"%s\""
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:934
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Backup database table \"%s\" with \"%s\" records"
-msgid "Backup database structure \"%s\" to XML"
-msgstr "备份数据库表“%s”与“%s”记录"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:976
-msgid "Backup table \"%s\" data to XML"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:1044
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Added database dump \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
-msgid "Added database XML dump \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
-msgstr "添加转储数据表列表 \"%1$s\" ,大小 %2$s"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:1047
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Database backup done!"
-msgid "Database XML backup done!"
-msgstr "数据库备份完成了!"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:19
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Backup WordPress install folder"
-msgid "Backup WordPress main files"
-msgstr "备份WordPress安装文件夹"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:23
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Backup content folder"
-msgid "Backup blog content folder"
-msgstr "备份 wp-content 文件夹"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:27
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Backup plugins"
-msgid "Backup blog plugins"
-msgstr "备份插件"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:31
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Backup themes"
-msgid "Backup blog themes"
-msgstr "备份主题"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-file.php:35
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Backup uploads folder"
-msgid "Backup blog uploads folder"
-msgstr "备份上传文件夹"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Items to export"
-msgid "Items to export:"
-msgstr "要输出的项目"
-#: inc/pro/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:13
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Nothing to abort!"
-msgid "Nothing to configure"
-msgstr "没有放弃!"
-#: inc/pro/class-page-support.php:27
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Email address"
-msgid "E-mail address is required."
-msgstr "电子邮件地址"
-#: inc/pro/class-page-support.php:43
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "https://backwpup.com"
-msgid "support@backwpup.com"
-msgstr "https://backwpup.com"
-#: inc/pro/class-page-support.php:51
-msgid "Message has been sent to support. We will get back to you shortly."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-support.php:84
-msgid "Contact BackWPup Support"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-support.php:86
-msgid ""
-"Fill out the form below to contact BackWPup support. We will get back to you "
-"as soon as possible."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-support.php:94
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Job Name"
-msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "计划名称"
-#: inc/pro/class-page-support.php:112
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Email address:"
-msgid "E-mail adress:"
-msgstr "电子邮件地址:"
-#: inc/pro/class-page-support.php:122
-msgid "Subject:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-support.php:131
-msgid "Message:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-support.php:140
-msgid "Send debug info:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-support.php:149
-msgid "Select log to attach"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-support.php:184
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgctxt "Folder name"
-#| msgid "Folder %s is not readable"
-msgid "Log folder not readable."
-msgstr "文件夹 \"%s\" 不可读!"
-#: inc/pro/class-page-support.php:191
-msgid "Send Message"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-support.php:227
-msgid "1 error"
-msgid_plural "%d errors"
-msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-support.php:233
-msgctxt "1 error and 1 warning"
-msgid "and"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-support.php:236
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Warnings:"
-msgid "1 warning"
-msgid_plural "%d warnings"
-msgstr[0] "警告:"
-#: inc/pro/class-page-support.php:241
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Errors:"
-msgid "no errors"
-msgstr "错误:"
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:130
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "BackWPup Pro version"
-msgid "No BackWPup Wizard Session found!"
-msgstr "BackWPup Pro 版本"
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:143 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:461
-msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:179 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:456
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:488
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Next Run"
-msgid "Next ›"
-msgstr "下次执行"
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:196 inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:452
-msgid "‹ Previous"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:349
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "%s › Dashboard"
-msgctxt "Plugin Name"
-msgid "%s › Wizards"
-msgstr "%s ›仪表盘"
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:388
-msgctxt "Plugin Name"
-msgid "%s Wizard:"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:311
+msgid "File name cannot be empty."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-page-wizard.php:464
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Jobs overview"
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "计划概况"
-#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:114
-msgid "GDrive"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:751
+msgid "Cannot open source file %s for archiving. Writing an empty file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:167 inc/pro/class-pro.php:204
-msgid "Wizards"
+#. translators: $1 is the filename to add into the archive.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:1006
+msgid "Cannot open source file %s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:180
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Cloud Support"
-msgid "Support"
-msgstr "云支持"
-#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:180
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Cloud Support"
-msgid "Contact Support"
-msgstr "云支持"
-#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:231
-msgid ""
-"If you are experiencing issues, the debug information shown below can help "
-"us to better investigate and solve it for you."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:39
+msgid "Please enter a public key first, or generate a key pair."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:232
-msgid ""
-"If you already have a support ticket open with BackWPup, then you can simply "
-"click the copy button below to copy the debug information, and paste it into "
-"a response to your ticket."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:40
+msgid "Please enter your private key."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-pro.php:233
-msgid ""
-"If you have not yet opened a ticket, you may contact us directly by clicking here."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:41
+msgid "Public key is valid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:45
-msgid "Hash key"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:42
+msgid "Public key is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:46
-msgid ""
-"Hash Key for BackWPup. It will be used to have hashes in folder and file "
-"names. It must at least 6 chars long."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:43
+msgid "Please download the private key before continuing. If you do not save it locally, you cannot decrypt your backups later."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:49
-msgid "Hash key:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:217
+msgid "Encryption"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:73
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Dropbox API: %s"
-msgid "Dropbox API Keys"
-msgstr "Dropbox-API: %s"
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:74
-msgid ""
-"If you want to set your own Dropbox API Keys, you can do it here. Leave "
-"empty for default."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:593
+msgid "Here you can set your keys for encrypting your backups."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:77
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Get Dropbox App auth code"
-msgid "Full Dropbox App key:"
-msgstr "获得Dropbox App auth代码"
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:88
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Get Dropbox App auth code"
-msgid "Full Dropbox App secret:"
-msgstr "获得Dropbox App auth代码"
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:100
-msgid "Sandbox App key:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:601
+msgid "If you select symmetric encryption (default), you can generate a 256-bit key by clicking Generate Key
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:111
-msgid "Sandbox App secret:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:611
+msgid "If you select asymmetric encryption (more secure), you must have an RSA public/private key pair. You would enter the public key in the Public Key
field. If you do not have a key pair, click Generate Key Pair
and they will be generated for you."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:131
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "SugarSync API: %s"
-msgid "SugarSync API Keys"
-msgstr "SugarSync API:%s"
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:132
-msgid ""
-"If you want to set your own SugarSync API keys you can do that here. Leave "
-"empty for default."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:621
+msgid "Note: You will be asked to download the keys for safe storage. We do not keep a copy of the private key, so if you lose this, your data cannot be decrypted!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:135
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Access Key"
-msgid "Access Key ID:"
-msgstr "Access Key"
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:143
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Access Key"
-msgid "Private Access Key:"
-msgstr "Access Key"
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:154
-msgid "App ID:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:631
+msgid "You can also click Validate
to validate that you have the proper private key for the given public key."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:175
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "API Keys"
-msgid "Google API Keys"
-msgstr "API Keys"
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:179
-msgid "Client ID:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:642
+msgid "Encryption Type"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:191
-msgid "Client secret:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:649
+msgid "Symmetric (public key only)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:202
-msgid "Redirect URIs:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:655
+msgid "Asymmetric (public and private key)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:206
-msgid "Add this URI in a new line to the field."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:661
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:667
+msgid "Encryption Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:15
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Create a Job"
-msgid "Create a job"
-msgstr "创建备份计划"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:16
-msgid "Choose a job"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:672
+msgid "Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:41
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Job Tasks"
-msgid "Job Types"
-msgstr "计划任务"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:41
-msgid "Select a task for your job."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:684
+msgid "Click below to generate a random key."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:61
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Video: Settings"
-msgid "Archive Settings"
-msgstr "视频:设置"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:62
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Settings for database backup"
-msgid "Settings for the Backup Archive"
-msgstr "设置数据库备份"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:68
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Where should your backup file be stored?"
-msgid "Where would you like to store the backup file?"
-msgstr "应该在哪里存储你的备份文件?"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:82 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:314
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Schedule"
-msgid "Scheduling"
-msgstr "时间表"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:82
-msgid "When would you like to start the job?"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:687
+msgid "Generate Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:255
-msgid "Select one or more tasks for your backup job."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:696
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:701
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:762
+msgid "Public Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:315
-msgid "Activate scheduling"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:704
+msgid "RSA Public Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:409
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Synchronize file by file to destination"
-msgid "Sync file by file to destination"
-msgstr "同步文件到目的地"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:420
-msgid "Select a compression type for the backup archive"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:716
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:717
+msgid "Generate Key Pair"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:423
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "File compression"
-msgid "Archive compression type"
-msgstr "文件压缩"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:427
-msgid ""
-"PHP Zip functions will be used if available (memory lees). Else PCLZip Class "
-"will used."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:722
+msgid "Validate Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:430 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:441
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:449
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Disabled due to missing %s PHP function."
-msgid "Disabled because missing PHP function."
-msgstr "由于缺少了%s PHP函数而禁用。"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:433 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:434
-msgid "Tar (fast and memory less) uncompressed"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:723
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:748
+msgid "Validate"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:437 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:438
-msgid "A tared and GZipped archive (fast and memory less)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:735
+msgid "Enter your private key below to validate it will work with the provided public key."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:445
-msgid "A tared and BZipped archive (fast and memory less)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:738
+msgid "The private key will not be stored, so you must still securely store it yourself."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:470
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Folder to store files in"
-msgid "Where to store the files"
-msgstr "存放文件的文件夹"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:661
-msgid "Wizard: %1$s"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:754
+msgid "Your keys are being generated. Please hold a moment …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:680
-msgid "New job %s generated."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:758
+msgid "Here are your keys. Please store them in a safe location."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:692
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Create a Job"
-msgid "Create Job"
-msgstr "创建备份计划"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:717 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:718
-msgid "Database Backup and XML Export (Daily)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:783
+msgid "Please download at least your private key above, as we will not store this key, and if you lose it, your backups cannot be decrypted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:735 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:736
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Database check"
-msgid "Database Check (Weekly)"
-msgstr "数据库检查"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:760 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:761
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Backup Files"
-msgid "Backup all files"
-msgstr "备份文件"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:775
-msgid "Essential files + list of plugins"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:786
+msgid "Click the button below to use these keys and paste the public key into the RSA public key field above."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:776
-msgid "Backup essential files and folders, plus a list of installed plugins."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:790
+msgid "Use These Keys"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:791 inc/pro/class-wizard-job.php:792
-msgid "Custom configuration"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:981
+msgid "Note: Would you like faster, more streamlined support? Pro users can contact BackWPup from right within the plugin."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:14
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "XML export"
-msgid "XML job import"
-msgstr "XML 输出"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:15
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Wizard to import settings and backup jobs"
-msgid "Wizard for importing BackWPup jobs from an XML file"
-msgstr "导入设置和备份计划向导"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:32 inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:101
-msgid "Import"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1271
+msgid "BackWPup maximum script execution time"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:45
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Log Files"
-msgid "Import File"
-msgstr "日志文件"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:45
-msgid "Upload XML job file for import"
+#: inc/class-download-file.php:135
+msgid "Invalid file name, seems file include invalid characters."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:46
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Items to export"
-msgid "Select items to import"
-msgstr "要输出的项目"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:46
-msgid "Select which job should be imported or overwritten."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:614
+msgid "Restore from Folder"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:67
-msgid ""
-"Please upload your BackWPup job XML export file and we’ll import the "
-"jobs into BackWPup."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:69
-msgid "Choose a file from your computer:"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:619
+msgid "Restore from Google Drive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:69
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Maximum file size"
-msgid "Maximum size: %s"
-msgstr "最大文件大小"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:92
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "No Jobs."
-msgid "Import Jobs"
-msgstr "没有计划"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:95
-msgid "Import Type"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:96
-msgid "No Import"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:99
-msgid "Overwrite"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:624
+msgid "Restore from Amazon S3"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:99
-msgid "Append"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:629
+msgid "Restore from Dropbox"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:114
-msgid "Import Config"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:634
+msgid "Restore from FTP"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:117
-msgid "Import BackWPup configuration"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:71
+msgid "Could not write data to file. Empty source file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:142
-msgid ""
-"File is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error could "
-"also caused by uploads being disabled in your php.ini or by post_max_size "
-"being defined as smaller than upload_max_filesize in php.ini."
+#: inc/class-job.php:332
+msgid "Encrypts the archive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:157
-msgid ""
-"The export file could not be found at %s
. This is likely due to "
-"an issue with permissions."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1689
+msgid "No encryption key was provided. Aborting encryption."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:164
-msgid "Sorry, there has been a phrase error."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1696
+msgid "%d. Trying to encrypt archive …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:171
-msgid ""
-"This Export file (version %s) may not be supported by this version of the "
+#: inc/class-job.php:1706
+msgid "Cannot open the archive for reading. Aborting encryption."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:177
-msgid "This is not a BackWPup XML file"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1712
+msgid "Cannot write the encrypted archive. Aborting encryption."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:243
-msgid "Job %1$s with id %2$d imported"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1769
+msgid "Encrypted %s of data."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:251
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Backup file name"
-msgid "BackWPup config imported"
-msgstr "备份文件名"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:14
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "System: %s"
-msgid "System Test"
-msgstr "系统:%s"
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:15
-msgid "Wizard to test if BackWPup can work properly"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1773
+msgid "Unable to delete unencrypted archive."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:32
-msgid "Run tests"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1777
+msgid "Unable to rename encrypted archive."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:45
-msgid "Environment"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1782
+msgid "Archive has been successfully encrypted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:45
-msgid "System Environment"
+#: inc/class-job.php:2451
+msgid "exec command is not active."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:59
-msgid "Test if BackWPup can work without problems."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2456
+msgid "mysqldump binary not found."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:99
-msgid ""
-"You must run WordPress version 3.4 or higher to use this plugin. You are "
-"using version %s now."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:448
+msgid "Note: In order for backup file tracking to work, %hash% must be included anywhere in the archive name."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:104
-msgid ""
-"You must run PHP version 5.2.6 or higher to use this plugin. You are using "
-"version %s now."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:452
+msgid "Preview: "
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:108
-msgid ""
-"We recommend to run a PHP version above 5.3.2 to get the full plugin "
-"functionality. You are using version %s now."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:484
+msgid "ZipArchive PHP class is missing, so BackWPUp will use PclZip instead."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:113
-msgid ""
-"You must have the MySQLi extension installed and a MySQL server version of "
-"5.0.7 or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %s now."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:495
+msgid "Not supported yet by the automatic restore functionality"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:118
-msgid ""
-"PHP cURL extension must be installed to use the full plugin functionality."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:506
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:511
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:520
+msgid "Encrypt Archive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:122
-msgctxt "%1 = extension name, %2 = file suffix"
-msgid "We recommend to install the %1$s extension to generate %2$s archives."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:524
+msgid "You must generate your encryption key in BackWPup Settings before you can enable this option."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:146
-msgctxt "Link to PHP manual"
-msgid "Please disable the deprecated PHP safe mode."
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:56
+msgid "Cannot open the archive for reading."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:154
-msgid ""
-"We recommend to install the PHP FTP extension to use the FTP backup "
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:82
+msgid "Cannot write the encrypted archive."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:174
-msgid "The HTTP response test result is an error: \"%s\"."
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:162
+msgid "Private key invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:178
-msgid ""
-"The HTTP response test result is a wrong HTTP status: %s. It should be "
-"status 200."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:321
+msgid "Could not log in to FTP server."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:191
-msgid "WP-Cron seems to be broken. But it is needed to run scheduled jobs."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:735
+msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created! Parent directory may be not writable."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:196
-msgid "All tests passed without errors."
+#: backwpup.php:573
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:573
+msgid "BackWPup requires PHP version %$1s with spl extension or greater and WordPress %$2s or greater."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:199
-msgid ""
-"There is no error, but some warnings. BackWPup will work, but with "
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:7
+msgid "Uploading Archive..."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:202
-msgid "There are errors. Please correct them, or BackWPup cannot work."
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:8
+msgid "Restoring: Directories ..."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/CronController.php:80
-msgid "Every %d days"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:9
+msgid "Restoring: Database ..."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/FrontController.php:143
-msgid "%s needs your help"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:10
+msgid "Extracting Archive please be patient ..."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/FrontController.php:144
-msgid "Help %s"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:11
+msgid "Downloading Archive..."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:28
-msgid "Yes, I agree."
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:12
+msgid "Database restored successfully."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:45
-msgid "I have to think about that, ask me later."
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:13
+msgid "Ops! There was an error during database restore. Please see the log for more information."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:62
-msgid "Please no. Don't ask me again."
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:17
+msgid "Restoring: "
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:84
-msgid "More info"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:18
+msgid "No EventSource found in the brower. Cannot continue."
msgstr ""
-#. Plugin Name of the plugin/theme
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "BackWPup"
-msgid "BackWPup Pro"
-msgstr "BackWPup"
-#. Description of the plugin/theme
-msgid "WordPress Backup Plugin"
-msgstr "WordPress Backup 插件"
-#. Author of the plugin/theme
-msgid "Inpsyde GmbH"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:19
+msgid "Directories restored successfully."
msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Join us as beta tester!"
-#~ msgstr "加入我们的测试吧!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "We want to celebrate our 4 millionth download! And we want to say thank "
-#~ "you! With an amazing 40% BackWPup discount on BackWPup PRO from April "
-#~ "25th to May 1st, 2017!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "我们要庆祝我们的第4百万次下载!我们想说谢谢!从4月25日到2017年5月1日,在"
-#~ "BackWPup PRO上有令人惊叹的40%的BackWPup折扣。"
-#~ msgid "Get an amazing discount with coupon code \"4million\""
-#~ msgstr "用优惠券代码“四百万”获得惊人的折扣"
-#~ msgid "Don't show again."
-#~ msgstr "不要再显示。"
diff --git a/languages/backwpup.pot b/languages/backwpup.pot
index ab4d74c7..75b65105 100644
--- a/languages/backwpup.pot
+++ b/languages/backwpup.pot
@@ -1,4180 +1,2772 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2018 BackWPup Pro
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the BackWPup Pro package.
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Inpsyde GmbH
+# This file is distributed under a proprietary license.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: BackWPup Pro\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/backwpup-pro\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-06-11 14:05:59+00:00\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: BackWPUp\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"Last-Translator: \n"
+"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME
This is necessary for displaying the upload process and to transfer bigger files.
Don't work with Google or Dreamhost."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-s3.php:623 inc/class-destination-s3.php:564
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:850 inc/class-destination-s3.php:918
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:977 inc/class-destination-s3.php:988
-msgid "S3 Service API: %s"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:115
+msgid "S3 Access Keys"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:17
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:30
-msgid "Email address:"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:121
+msgid "Access Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:24
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:82
-msgid "Sugarsync authenticate!"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:135
+msgid "Secret Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:26
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:98
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:38
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:136
-msgid "Create Sugarsync account"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:145
+msgid "S3 Bucket"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:32
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:94
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:46
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:132
-msgid "Delete Sugarsync authentication!"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:151
+msgid "Bucket selection"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:34
-msgid "Root:"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:180
+msgid "Create a new bucket"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-destination-sugarsync.php:41
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:64
-msgid "No Syncfolders found!"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:196
+msgid "S3 Backup settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-export-jobs.php:12 inc/Pro/class-export-jobs.php:23
-msgid "Export"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:252
+msgid "Amazon specific settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:16 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:35
-msgid "Settings for database check"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:257
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:263
+msgid "Amazon: Storage Class"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:27
-msgid "Check only WordPress Database tables"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:266
+msgid "Standard"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:38 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:54
-msgid "Try to repair defect table"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:270
+msgid "Standard-Infrequent Access"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:87 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:108
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:60
-msgid "Settings for database backup"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:278
+msgid "Reduced Redundancy"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:92
-msgid "Backup only WordPress Database tables"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:297
+msgid "Save files encrypted (AES256) on server."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:112
-msgid "Database connection"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:361
+msgid "Missing secret access key!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:116
-msgid "Use WordPress database connection."
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:367
+msgid "No bucket found!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:120
-msgid "Host:"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:517
+msgid "Bucket %1$s created."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:123
-msgid "User:"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:520
+msgid " %s is not a valid bucket name."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:130
-msgid "Charset:"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:570
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:868
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:936
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:995
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1006
+msgid "S3 Service API: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:141
-msgid "Database:"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:699
+msgid "Storage Class: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:154 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:64
-msgid "Tables to backup"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:734
+msgid "Cannot delete backup from %s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:156 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:66
-msgid "all"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:746
+msgid "One file deleted on S3 Bucket."
+msgid_plural "%d files deleted on S3 Bucket"
+msgstr[0] ""
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:777
+msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to S3 Service …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:157 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:205
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:141 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:67
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:103 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:73
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:57 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:329
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:404 inc/class-page-settings.php:848
-msgid "none"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:803
+msgid "Connected to S3 Bucket \"%1$s\" in %2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:169
-msgid "Database Backup type"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:808
+msgid "S3 Bucket \"%s\" does not exist!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
-msgid "SQL File (with mysqli)"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:817
+msgid "Checking for not aborted multipart Uploads …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:174
-msgid "SQL File (with mysqldump) "
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:830
+msgid "Upload for %s aborted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:175
-msgid "XML File (phpMyAdmin schema)"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:836
+msgid "Starting upload to S3 Service …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:181
-msgid "Path to mysqldump file"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:972
+msgid "Backup transferred to %s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:190
-msgid ""
-"Path to mysqldump file, so a backup can be made with it. If it is correct "
-"and shell_exec is active, the backup will be generated with a "
-"system command. If shell_exec ist not active, this is disabled"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:988
+msgid "Cannot transfer backup to S3! (%1$d) %2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:195 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:91
-msgid "Backup file name"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1118
+msgid "Amazon S3: US Standard"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:201 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:99
-msgid "Backup file compression"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1122
+msgid "Amazon S3: US West (Northern California)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:207 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:209
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:105 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:107
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:75 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:77
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:59 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:61
-msgid "GZip"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1126
+msgid "Amazon S3: US West (Oregon)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:475 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:159
-msgid "%d. Try to backup database …"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1130
+msgid "Amazon S3: EU (Ireland)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:495 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
-msgid "Connected to database %1$s on %2$s"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1134
+msgid "Amazon S3: EU (London)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:510 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:187
-msgid "No tables to backup."
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1138
+msgid "Amazon S3: EU (Germany)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:536 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:210
-msgid "Backup database table \"%s\" with \"%s\" records"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1142
+msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:576 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:250
-msgid "MySQL backup file not created"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1146
+msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:580
-msgid "Added database backup \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1150
+msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:586 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:767
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:260
-msgid "Database backup done!"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1154
+msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:601
-msgid "%d. Try to backup MySQL system …"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1158
+msgid "Amazon S3: Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:608
-msgid ""
-"Executing of system commands not allowed. Please use backup with mysqli."
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1162
+msgid "Amazon S3: South America (Sao Paulo)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:613
-msgid "%s file not in open basedir of PHP."
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1166
+msgid "Amazon S3: China (Beijing)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:618
-msgid "%s file not found. Please correct the path for the mysqldump file."
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1170
+msgid "Google Storage: EU"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:702
-msgctxt "Executed exec() command"
-msgid "CLI Exec: %s"
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1174
+msgid "Google Storage: USA"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:712
-msgid "Usage error."
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1178
+msgid "Google Storage: Asia"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:713
-msgid ""
-"MySQL Server Error. This could be an issue with permissions. Try using "
-"database backup with mysqli."
+#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:1182
+msgid "Dream Host Cloud Storage"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:714
-msgid "Error during consistency checks."
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:39
+msgid "Email address"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:715
-msgid "Not enough memory."
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:43
+msgid "To email address (separate with commas for multiple addresses)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:716
-msgid "Error during writing of SQL backup file."
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:52
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:56
+msgid "Send test email"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:717
-msgid "Illegal table"
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:61
+msgid "Send email settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:722
-msgid "mysqldump returned: (%d) %s"
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:65
+msgid "Maximum file size"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:735
-msgid "Can not create mysql backup with mysqldump command"
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:69
+msgid "MB"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:741 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:474
-msgid "Compressing file …"
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:70
+msgid "Maximum file size to be included in an email. 0 = unlimited"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:748 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:481
-msgid "Compressing done."
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:75
+msgid "From email address"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:764 inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:254
-msgid "Added database dump \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:83
+msgid "From name"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:782
-msgid "%d. Try to backup database as XML …"
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:92
+msgid "Sending method"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:799 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:141
-msgid "Can not open target file for writing."
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:97
+msgid "Use WordPress settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:832 inc/class-mysqldump.php:100
-msgid "Cannot init MySQLi database connection"
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:98
+msgid "PHP: mail()"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:838 inc/class-mysqldump.php:105
-msgid "Setting of MySQLi connection timeout failed"
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:99
+msgid "Sendmail"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:844 inc/class-mysqldump.php:110
-msgid "Cannot connect to MySQL database %1$d: %2$s"
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:100
+msgid "SMTP"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:852
-msgctxt "Database Charset"
-msgid "Cannot set DB charset to %s"
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:108
+msgid "Sendmail path"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:860 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:874
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:922 inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:941
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:984 inc/class-mysqldump.php:153
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:165 inc/class-mysqldump.php:259
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:268 inc/class-mysqldump.php:288
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:297 inc/class-mysqldump.php:317
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:323 inc/class-mysqldump.php:368
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:400 inc/class-mysqldump.php:437
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:500
-msgid "Database error %1$s for query %2$s"
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:119
+msgid "SMTP host name"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:881
-msgid "No tables for XML backup"
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:124
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:56
+msgid "Port:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:917
-msgid "Dump database create view \"%s\""
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:136
+msgid "SMTP secure connection"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:935
-msgid "Backup database structure \"%s\" to XML"
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:143
+msgid "SSL"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:977
-msgid "Backup table \"%s\" data to XML"
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:145
+msgid "TLS"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:1045
-msgid "Added database XML dump \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:152
+msgid "SMTP username"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:1048
-msgid "Database XML backup done!"
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:162
+msgid "SMTP password"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-file.php:19
-msgid "Backup WordPress main files"
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:243
+msgid "%d. Try to send backup with email …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-file.php:23
-msgid "Backup blog content folder"
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:248
+msgid "Backup archive too big to be sent by email!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-file.php:27
-msgid "Backup blog plugins"
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:255
+msgid "Sending email to %s…"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-file.php:31
-msgid "Backup blog themes"
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:333
+msgid "BackWPup archive from %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-file.php:35
-msgid "Backup blog uploads folder"
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:336
+msgid "Backup archive: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17
-msgid "Items to export:"
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:349
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:474
+msgid "Error while sending email!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:28 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:49
-msgid "All content"
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:354
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:476
+msgid "Email sent."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:38 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:50
-msgid "Posts"
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:459
+msgid "BackWPup archive sending TEST Message"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:48 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:51
-msgid "Pages"
+#: inc/class-destination-email.php:462
+msgid "If this message reaches your inbox, sending backup archives via email should work for you."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:13
-msgid "Nothing to configure"
+#: inc/class-option.php:176
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:97
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
+msgid "New Job"
msgstr ""
-#. Translators: $1 is the name of the plugin
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-restore.php:164
-msgid "%s › Restore"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:158
+msgid "No files could be found. (List will be generated during next backup.)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:27
-msgid "E-mail address is required."
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:203
+msgid "Change destination"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:43
-msgid "support@backwpup.com"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:241
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:283
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:163
+msgid "Time"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:51
-msgid "Message has been sent to support. We will get back to you shortly."
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:242
+msgid "File"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:84
-msgid "Contact BackWPup Support"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:243
+#: backwpup.php:286
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:286
+msgid "Folder"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:86
-msgid ""
-"Fill out the form below to contact BackWPup support. We will get back to you "
-"as soon as possible."
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:244
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:167
+msgid "Size"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:94
-msgid "Name:"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:273
+msgid ""
+"You are about to delete this backup archive. \n"
+" 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:112
-msgid "E-mail adress:"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:293
+msgid "Restore"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:122
-msgid "Subject:"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:311
+msgid "?"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:131
-msgid "Message:"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:408
+msgid "« Go back"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:140
-msgid "Send debug info:"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:433
+msgid "Backup Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:149
-msgid "Select log to attach"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:489
+msgid "%s › Manage Backup Archives"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:184
-msgid "Log folder not readable."
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:501
+msgid "Please wait …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:191
-msgid "Send Message"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:504
+msgid "Your download is being generated …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:221 inc/class-page-jobs.php:172
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:228
-msgid "Job ID: %d"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:510
+msgid "Please enter your private key to decrypt your backup."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:227
-msgid "1 error"
-msgid_plural "%d errors"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:233
-msgctxt "1 error and 1 warning"
-msgid "and"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:512
+msgid "The private key you entered was invalid. Please try again."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:236
-msgid "1 warning"
-msgid_plural "%d warnings"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-support.php:241
-msgid "no errors"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:515
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:742
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:773
+msgid "Private Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:150
-msgid "No BackWPup Wizard Session found!"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:522
+msgid "Submit"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:163 inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:423
-msgid "Cancel"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:527
+msgid "Your download has been generated. It should begin downloading momentarily."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:200 inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:418
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:451
-msgid "Next ›"
+#: inc/class-page-backups.php:575
+msgid "Seems is not possible to store your private key, be sure the directory %s is writable."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:216 inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:414
-msgid "‹ Previous"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php:177
+msgid "Beginning new file upload session"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:307
-msgctxt "Plugin Name"
-msgid "%s › Wizards"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php:199
+msgid "Uploading %s of data"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:331 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:211
-msgid "Start wizard"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php:244
+msgid "Finishing upload session with a total of %s uploaded"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:346
-msgctxt "Plugin Name"
-msgid "%s Wizard:"
+#: inc/class-help.php:15
+msgid "Plugin Info"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-page-wizard.php:426
-msgid "Back to overview"
+#: inc/class-help.php:17
+msgctxt "Plugin name and link; Plugin Version"
+msgid "%1$s version %2$s. A project by Inpsyde GmbH."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:131 inc/class-page-about.php:549
-msgid "Backup to Amazon Glacier"
+#: inc/class-help.php:18
+msgid "BackWPup comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is a free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:151
-msgid "GDrive"
+#: inc/class-help.php:21
+msgid "For more information:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:152 inc/class-page-about.php:544
-msgid "Backup to Google Drive"
+#: inc/class-help.php:23
+msgid "Plugin on wordpress.org"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:217 inc/Pro/class-pro.php:218
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:333
-msgid "Wizards"
+#: inc/class-help.php:24
+msgid "Manual"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:253
-msgid "Support"
+#: inc/class-cron.php:73
+msgid "Aborted, because no progress for one hour!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:254
-msgid "Contact Support"
+#: inc/class-cron.php:107
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:195
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:446
+msgid "Could not open path: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:285 inc/Pro/class-pro.php:286
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:345 views/pro/restore/steps/step4_top.php:2
-msgid "Restore"
+#: inc/class-easycron.php:179
+msgid "EasyCron.com API returns (%s): %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:368
-msgid ""
-"If you are experiencing issues, the debug information shown below can help "
-"us to better investigate and solve it for you."
+#: inc/class-easycron.php:188
+msgid "EasyCron"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:374
-msgid ""
-"If you already have a support ticket open with BackWPup, then you can simply "
-"click the copy button below to copy the debug information, and paste it into "
-"a response to your ticket."
+#: inc/class-easycron.php:189
+msgid "Here you can setup your EasyCron.com API key to use this service."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-pro.php:381
-msgid ""
-"If you have not yet opened a ticket, you may contact us directly by clicking here."
+#: inc/class-easycron.php:192
+msgid "Api key:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:45
-msgid "Hash key"
+#: inc/class-easycron.php:200
+msgid "Trigger WordPress Cron:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:46
-msgid ""
-"Hash Key for BackWPup. It will be used to have hashes in folder and file "
-"names. It must at least 6 chars long."
+#: inc/class-easycron.php:203
+msgid "If you check this box, a cron job will be created on EasyCron that all 5 Minutes calls the WordPress cron."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:49
-msgid "Hash key:"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:13
+msgid "Plugins"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:73
-msgid "Dropbox API Keys"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:14
+msgid "Installed plugins list"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:74
-msgid ""
-"If you want to set your own Dropbox API Keys, you can do it here. Leave "
-"empty for default."
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:45
+msgid "Plugin list file name"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:77
-msgid "Full Dropbox App key:"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:96
+msgid "%d. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:88
-msgid "Full Dropbox App secret:"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:124
+msgid "All plugin information:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:100
-msgid "Sandbox App key:"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:126
+msgid "from %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:111
-msgid "Sandbox App secret:"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:128
+msgid "Active plugins:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:131
-msgid "SugarSync API Keys"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:134
+msgid "Inactive plugins:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:132
-msgid ""
-"If you want to set your own SugarSync API keys you can do that here. Leave "
-"empty for default."
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:141
+msgid "Can not open target file for writing."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:135
-msgid "Access Key ID:"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:148
+msgid "Added plugin list file \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:143
-msgid "Private Access Key:"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:80
+msgid "The file name of an archive cannot be empty."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:154
-msgid "App ID:"
+#. translators: $1 is the file path
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:89
+msgctxt "%s = Folder name"
+msgid "Folder %s for archive not found"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:175
-msgid "Google API Keys"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:114
+msgid "Functions for bz2 compression not available."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:179
-msgid "Client ID:"
+#. translators: $1 is a directory name
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:155
+msgctxt "ZipArchive open() result"
+msgid "Cannot create zip archive: %d"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:191
-msgid "Client secret:"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:195
+msgid "Functions for bz2 compression not available"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:202
-msgid "Redirect URIs:"
+#. translators: the $1 is the type of the archive file
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:208
+msgctxt "%s = file name"
+msgid "Method to archive file %s not detected"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-settings-apikeys.php:206
-msgid "Add this URI in a new line to the field."
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:215
+msgid "Cannot open archive file"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:15
-msgid "Create a job"
+#. translators: The $1 is the tecnical error string from pclzip.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:233
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:524
+msgid "PclZip archive add error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:16
-msgid "Choose a job"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:311
+msgid "File name cannot be empty."
msgstr ""
-#. #-#-#-#-# backwpup.pot (BackWPup Pro #-#-#-#-#
-#. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:17 inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:16
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:27 inc/class-admin.php:510
-#: inc/class-admin.php:531 inc/class-help.php:17 inc/class-help.php:22
-#: inc/class-job.php:412 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:15
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:15 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:15
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:15 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:15
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:651 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:260
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:262 inc/class-page-settings.php:1134
-msgid "http://backwpup.com"
+#. translators: The $1 is the name of the file to add to the archive.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:326
+msgctxt "File to add to archive"
+msgid "File %s does not exist or is not readable"
msgstr ""
-#. #-#-#-#-# backwpup.pot (BackWPup Pro #-#-#-#-#
-#. Author URI of the plugin/theme
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:19 inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:18
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:29 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:17
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:17 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:17
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:17 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:17
-msgid "http://inpsyde.com"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:357
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:384
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:588
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:597
+msgid "This archive method can only add one file"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:41
-msgid "Job Types"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:452
+msgid "ZIP archive cannot be closed correctly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:41
-msgid "Select a task for your job."
+#. translators: the $1 is the name of the archive.
+#. translators: $1 is the name of the archive.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:483
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:500
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:617
+msgid "Cannot add \"%s\" to zip archive!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:61
-msgid "Archive Settings"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:554
+msgid "Folder name cannot be empty"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:62
-msgid "Settings for the Backup Archive"
+#. translators: $1 is the folder name
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:565
+msgctxt "Folder path to add to archive"
+msgid "Folder %s does not exist or is not readable"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:67 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:473
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:127
-msgid "Destinations"
+#. translators. $1 is the status returned by a call to a ZipArchive method.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:649
+msgctxt "Text of ZipArchive status Message"
+msgid "ZipArchive returns status: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:68
-msgid "Where would you like to store the backup file?"
+#. translators: $1 is the file name.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:697
+msgid "File name \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:82 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:314
-msgid "Scheduling"
+#. translators: $1 is the file name to use in the archive.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:709
+msgid "File path \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:82
-msgid "When would you like to start the job?"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:751
+msgid "Cannot open source file %s for archiving. Writing an empty file."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:254 inc/class-page-editjob.php:400
-msgid "This job is a …"
+#. translators: $1 is the name of the folder. $2 is the archive name.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:813
+msgid "Folder name \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:255
-msgid "Select one or more tasks for your backup job."
+#. translators: $1 is the name of the folder. $2 is the archive name.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:828
+msgid "Folder path \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:257 inc/class-page-editjob.php:403
-msgid "Job tasks"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:896
+msgid "If %s will be added to your backup archive, the archive will be too large for operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:315
-msgid "Activate scheduling"
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:974
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:975
+msgid "Unknown"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:320 inc/class-page-editjob.php:686
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:754
-msgid "Scheduler"
+#. translators: $1 is the filename to add into the archive.
+#: inc/class-create-archive.php:1006
+msgid "Cannot open source file %s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:324 inc/class-page-editjob.php:691
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:126 inc/class-page-logs.php:166
-msgid "Type"
+#. translators: the $1 is the error message
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:55
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:458
+msgid "Dropbox API: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:330 inc/class-page-editjob.php:696
-msgid "Hour"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:72
+msgid "Login"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:333 inc/class-page-editjob.php:699
-msgid "Minute"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:76
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:28
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:43
+msgid "Authentication"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:337 inc/class-page-editjob.php:703
-msgid "monthly"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:78
+msgid "Not authenticated!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:339 inc/class-page-editjob.php:705
-msgid "on"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:81
+msgid "Create Account"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:349 inc/class-page-editjob.php:715
-msgid "weekly"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:83
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:45
+msgid "Authenticated!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:351 inc/class-page-editjob.php:717
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:824
-msgid "Sunday"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:92
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:95
+msgid "Delete Dropbox Authentication"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:352 inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:825
-msgid "Monday"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:102
+msgid "App Access to Dropbox"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:353 inc/class-page-editjob.php:719
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:826
-msgid "Tuesday"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:110
+msgid "Get Dropbox App auth code"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:354 inc/class-page-editjob.php:720
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:827
-msgid "Wednesday"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:111
+msgid "A dedicated folder named BackWPup will be created inside of the Apps folder in your Dropbox. BackWPup will get read and write access to that folder only. You can specify a subfolder as your backup destination for this job in the destination field below."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:355 inc/class-page-editjob.php:721
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:828
-msgid "Thursday"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:119
+msgid "— OR —"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:356 inc/class-page-editjob.php:722
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:829
-msgid "Friday"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:122
+msgid "Full Access to Dropbox"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:357 inc/class-page-editjob.php:723
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:830
-msgid "Saturday"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:130
+msgid "Get full Dropbox auth code "
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:367 inc/class-page-editjob.php:733
-msgid "daily"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:131
+msgid "BackWPup will have full read and write access to your entire Dropbox. You can specify your backup destination wherever you want, just be aware that ANY files or folders inside of your Dropbox can be overridden or deleted by BackWPup."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:377 inc/class-page-editjob.php:743
-msgid "hourly"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:145
+msgid "Destination Folder"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:402 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:405
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:426 inc/class-page-editjob.php:429
-msgid "Backup type"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:154
+msgid "Specify a subfolder where your backup archives will be stored. If you use the App option from above, this folder will be created inside of Apps/BackWPup. Otherwise it will be created at the root of your Dropbox. Already exisiting folders with the same name will not be overriden."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:409
-msgid "Sync file by file to destination"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:162
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:40
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:95
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:91
+msgid "File Deletion"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:413 inc/class-page-editjob.php:437
-msgid "Create a backup archive"
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:345
+msgid "One file deleted from Dropbox"
+msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Dropbox"
+msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:420
-msgid "Select a compression type for the backup archive"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:372
+msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:423
-msgid "Archive compression type"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:390
+msgid "Authenticated with Dropbox of user: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:426 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:429
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481 inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
-msgid "Zip"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:398
+msgid "%s available on your Dropbox"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:427
-msgid ""
-"PHP Zip functions will be used if available (memory lees). Else PCLZip Class "
-"will used."
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:404
+msgid "Not Authenticated with Dropbox!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:430 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:441
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:449
-msgid "Disabled because missing PHP function."
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:408
+msgid "Uploading to Dropbox …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:433 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:434
-msgid "Tar (fast and memory less) uncompressed"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:438
+msgid "Uploaded file size and local file size don't match."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:433 inc/class-page-editjob.php:486
-msgid "Tar"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:444
+msgid "Error transfering backup to %s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:437 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:438
-msgid "A tared and GZipped archive (fast and memory less)"
+#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:445
+#: backwpup.php:334
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:334
+msgid "Dropbox"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:437 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:440
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:488 inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
-msgid "Tar GZip"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:39
+msgid "Please enter a public key first, or generate a key pair."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:444 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:447
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:494 inc/class-page-editjob.php:497
-msgid "Tar BZip2"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:40
+msgid "Please enter your private key."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:445
-msgid "A tared and BZipped archive (fast and memory less)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:41
+msgid "Public key is valid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:470
-msgid "Where to store the files"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:42
+msgid "Public key is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:661
-msgid "Wizard: %1$s"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:43
+msgid "Please download the private key before continuing. If you do not save it locally, you cannot decrypt your backups later."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:680
-msgid "New job %s generated."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:88
+msgid "Settings reset to default"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:692
-msgid "Create Job"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:194
+msgid "Settings saved"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:717 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:718
-msgid "Database Backup and XML Export (Daily)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:209
+msgid "%s › Settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:735 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:736
-msgid "Database Check (Weekly)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:214
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:337
+msgid "General"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:745 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:746
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:107
-msgid "Backup uploads folder"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:217
+msgid "Encryption"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:760 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:761
-msgid "Backup all files"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:220
+msgid "Network"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:775
-msgid "Essential files + list of plugins"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:221
+msgid "API Keys"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:776
-msgid "Backup essential files and folders, plus a list of installed plugins."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:222
+msgid "Information"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:791 inc/Pro/class-wizard-job.php:792
-msgid "Custom configuration"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:241
+msgid "Display Settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:14
-msgid "XML job import"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:242
+msgid "Do you want to see BackWPup in the WordPress admin bar?"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:15
-msgid "Wizard for importing BackWPup jobs from an XML file"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:245
+msgid "Admin bar"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:32 inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:101
-msgid "Import"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:250
+msgid "Admin Bar"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:45
-msgid "Import File"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:258
+msgid "Show BackWPup links in admin bar."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:45
-msgid "Upload XML job file for import"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:264
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:269
+msgid "Folder sizes"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:46
-msgid "Select items to import"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:277
+msgid "Display folder sizes in the files tab when editing a job. (Might increase loading time of files tab.)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:46
-msgid "Select which job should be imported or overwritten."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:286
+msgid "Security"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:67
-msgid ""
-"Please upload your BackWPup job XML export file and we’ll import the "
-"jobs into BackWPup."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:287
+msgid "Security option for BackWPup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:69
-msgid "Choose a file from your computer:"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:290
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:295
+msgid "Protect folders"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:69
-msgid "Maximum size: %s"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:304
+msgid "Protect BackWPup folders ( Temp, Log and Backups ) with .htaccess
and index.php
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:92
-msgid "Import Jobs"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:321
+msgid "Every time BackWPup runs a backup job, a log file is being generated. Choose where to store your log files and how many of them."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:95
-msgid "Import Type"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:330
+msgid "Log file folder"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:96
-msgid "No Import"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:340
+msgid "You can use absolute or relative path! Relative path is relative to %s."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:99
-msgid "Overwrite"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:356
+msgid "Maximum log files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:99
-msgid "Append"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:363
+msgid "Maximum log files in folder."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:114
-msgid "Import Config"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:367
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:370
+msgid "Compression"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:117
-msgid "Import BackWPup configuration"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:381
+msgid "Compress log files with GZip."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:142
-msgid ""
-"File is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error could "
-"also caused by uploads being disabled in your php.ini or by post_max_size "
-"being defined as smaller than upload_max_filesize in php.ini."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:392
+msgid "Logging Level"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:157
-msgid ""
-"The export file could not be found at %s
. This is likely due to "
-"an issue with permissions."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:400
+msgid "Normal (translated)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:164
-msgid "Sorry, there has been a phrase error."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:404
+msgid "Normal (not translated)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:171
-msgid ""
-"This Export file (version %s) may not be supported by this version of the "
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:408
+msgid "Debug (translated)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:177
-msgid "This is not a BackWPup XML file"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:412
+msgid "Debug (not translated)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:243
-msgid "Job %1$s with id %2$d imported"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:416
+msgid "Debug log has much more informations than normal logs. It is for support and should be handled carefully. For support is the best to use a not translated log file. Usage of not translated logs can reduce the PHP memory usage too."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-jobimport.php:251
-msgid "BackWPup config imported"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:429
+msgid "There are a couple of general options for backup jobs. Set them here."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:25
-msgid "System Test"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:437
+msgid "Maximum number of retries for job steps"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:26
-msgid "Wizard to test if BackWPup can work properly"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:450
+msgid "Maximum script execution time"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:39
-msgid "Run tests"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:455
+msgid "Maximum PHP Script execution time"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:50
-msgid "Environment"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:462
+msgid "seconds."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:51
-msgid "System Environment"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:464
+msgid "Job will restart before hitting maximum execution time. Restarts will be disabled on CLI usage. If ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
has been defined, WordPress Cron will be used for restarts, so it can take a while. 0 means no maximum."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/Pro/class-wizard-systemtest.php:64
-msgid "Test if BackWPup can work without problems."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:476
+msgid "Key to start jobs externally with an URL"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-admin-notice.php:121 inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:152
-msgid "Don't show again"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:484
+msgid "Will be used to protect job starts from unauthorized person."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-admin.php:267 inc/class-help.php:24
-msgid "http://docs.backwpup.com"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:492
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:497
+msgid "Reduce server load"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-admin.php:267
-msgid "Documentation"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:505
+msgid "disabled"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-admin.php:282
-msgid "BackWPup Dashboard"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:509
+msgid "minimum"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-admin.php:282
-msgid "Dashboard"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:513
+msgid "medium"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-admin.php:305 inc/class-adminbar.php:82
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:216
-msgid "Jobs"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:517
+msgid "maximum"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-admin.php:330
-msgid "Add new job"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:521
+msgid "This adds short pauses to the process. Can be used to reduce the CPU load."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-admin.php:355 inc/class-adminbar.php:98
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:377 inc/class-page-settings.php:218
-msgid "Logs"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:530
+msgid "Empty output on working"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-admin.php:380 inc/class-adminbar.php:106
-msgid "Backups"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:535
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:546
+msgid "Enable an empty Output on backup working."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-admin.php:405
-msgid "Settings"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:549
+msgid "This do an empty output on job working. This can help in some situations or can brake the working. You must test it."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-admin.php:425
-msgid "About"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:558
+msgid "Windows IIS compatibility"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-admin.php:453 inc/class-admin.php:460
-msgid "Cheating, huh?"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:563
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:574
+msgid "Enable compatibility with IIS on Windows."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-admin.php:510
-msgid "Get BackWPup Pro now."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:577
+msgid "There is a PHP bug (bug #43817), which is triggered on some versions of Windows and IIS. Checking this box will enable a workaround for that bug. Only enable if you are getting errors about “Permission denied” in your logs."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-admin.php:531
-msgid "version %s"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:593
+msgid "Here you can set your keys for encrypting your backups."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-admin.php:576
-msgid "Add BackWPup Role"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:601
+msgid "If you select symmetric encryption (default), you can generate a 256-bit key by clicking Generate Key
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-admin.php:581
-msgid "— No additional role for BackWPup —"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:611
+msgid "If you select asymmetric encryption (more secure), you must have an RSA public/private key pair. You would enter the public key in the Public Key
field. If you do not have a key pair, click Generate Key Pair
and they will be generated for you."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-adminbar.php:51
-msgid "running"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:621
+msgid "Note: You will be asked to download the keys for safe storage. We do not keep a copy of the private key, so if you lose this, your data cannot be decrypted!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-adminbar.php:67
-msgid "Now Running"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:631
+msgid "You can also click Validate
to validate that you have the proper private key for the given public key."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-adminbar.php:73
-msgid "Abort!"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:642
+msgid "Encryption Type"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-adminbar.php:90 inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
-msgid "Add new"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:649
+msgid "Symmetric (public key only)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-adminbar.php:128
-msgid "Run Now"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:655
+msgid "Asymmetric (public and private key)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:31
-#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:45
-msgid "Make BackWPup better!"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:661
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:667
+msgid "Encryption Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:108
-msgid ""
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:672
+msgid "Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:118
-msgid "We want to make BackWPup even stronger and its support much faster."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:684
+msgid "Click below to generate a random key."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:126
-msgid ""
-"This is why we are looking for a talented developer who can work remotely "
-"and support us in BackWPup"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:687
+msgid "Generate Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:133
-msgid "and other exciting WordPress projects at our VIP partner agency."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:696
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:701
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:762
+msgid "Public Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:145
-msgid "Apply now!"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:704
+msgid "RSA Public Key"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php:156
-msgid "Work for Inpsyde"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:716
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:717
+msgid "Generate Key Pair"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:80
-msgid "The file name of an archive cannot be empty."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:722
+msgid "Validate Key"
msgstr ""
-#. translators: $1 is the file path
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:89
-msgctxt "%s = Folder name"
-msgid "Folder %s for archive not found"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:723
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:748
+msgid "Validate"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:101 inc/class-create-archive.php:141
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:182 inc/class-mysqldump.php:133
-msgid "Functions for gz compression not available"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:735
+msgid "Enter your private key below to validate it will work with the provided public key."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:114
-msgid "Functions for bz2 compression not available."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:738
+msgid "The private key will not be stored, so you must still securely store it yourself."
msgstr ""
-#. translators: $1 is a directory name
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:155
-msgctxt "ZipArchive open() result"
-msgid "Cannot create zip archive: %d"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:754
+msgid "Your keys are being generated. Please hold a moment …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:195
-msgid "Functions for bz2 compression not available"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:758
+msgid "Here are your keys. Please store them in a safe location."
msgstr ""
-#. translators: the $1 is the type of the archive file
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:208
-msgctxt "%s = file name"
-msgid "Method to archive file %s not detected"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:783
+msgid "Please download at least your private key above, as we will not store this key, and if you lose it, your backups cannot be decrypted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:215
-msgid "Cannot open archive file"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:786
+msgid "Click the button below to use these keys and paste the public key into the RSA public key field above."
msgstr ""
-#. translators: The $1 is the tecnical error string from pclzip.
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:233 inc/class-create-archive.php:518
-msgid "PclZip archive add error: %s"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:790
+msgid "Use These Keys"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:311
-msgid "File name cannot be empty."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:801
+msgid "Authentication for %s
msgstr ""
-#. translators: The $1 is the name of the file to add to the archive.
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:326
-msgctxt "File to add to archive"
-msgid "File %s does not exist or is not readable"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:808
+msgid "If you protected your blog with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess), or you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php, then use the authentication methods below."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:351 inc/class-create-archive.php:378
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:582 inc/class-create-archive.php:591
-msgid "This archive method can only add one file"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:824
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:829
+msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:446
-msgid "ZIP archive cannot be closed correctly"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:841
+msgid "Basic auth"
msgstr ""
-#. translators: the $1 is the name of the archive.
-#. translators: $1 is the name of the archive.
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:477 inc/class-create-archive.php:494
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:611
-msgid "Cannot add \"%s\" to zip archive!"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:845
+msgid "WordPress User"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:548
-msgid "Folder name cannot be empty"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:849
+msgid "Query argument"
msgstr ""
-#. translators: $1 is the folder name
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:559
-msgctxt "Folder path to add to archive"
-msgid "Folder %s does not exist or is not readable"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:860
+msgid "Basic Auth Username:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:643
-msgctxt "Text of ZipArchive status Message"
-msgid "ZipArchive returns status: %s"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:877
+msgid "Basic Auth Password:"
msgstr ""
-#. translators: $1 is the file name.
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:691
-msgid "File name \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:891
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:894
+msgid "Select WordPress User"
msgstr ""
-#. translators: $1 is the file name to use in the archive.
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:703
-msgid "File path \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:927
+msgid "Query arg key=value:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:745
-msgid "Cannot open source file %s for archiving. Writing an empty file."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:955
+msgid "Experiencing an issue and need to contact BackWPup support? Click the link below to get debug information you can send to us."
msgstr ""
-#. translators: $1 is the name of the folder. $2 is the archive name.
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:807
-msgid "Folder name \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:962
+msgid "Debug Info"
msgstr ""
-#. translators: $1 is the name of the folder. $2 is the archive name.
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:822
-msgid "Folder path \"%1$s\" is too long to be saved correctly in %2$s archive!"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:966
+msgid "Get Debug Info"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:890
-msgid ""
-"If %s will be added to your backup archive, the archive will be too large "
-"for operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting "
-"the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:973
+msgid "You will find debug information below. Click the button to copy the debug info to send to support."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:968 inc/class-create-archive.php:969
-msgid "Unknown"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:981
+msgid "Note: Would you like faster, more streamlined support? Pro users can contact BackWPup from right within the plugin."
msgstr ""
-#. translators: $1 is the filename to add into the archive.
-#: inc/class-create-archive.php:1000
-msgid "Cannot open source file %s."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:988
+msgid "https://backwpup.com"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-cron.php:74
-msgid "Aborted, because no progress for one hour!"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:989
+msgid "Get Pro"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-cron.php:108 inc/class-destination-folder.php:195
-#: inc/class-job.php:989 inc/class-job.php:1133 inc/class-job.php:1862
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:446
-msgid "Could not open path: %s"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1000
+msgid "Copy Debug Info"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-decrypter.php:53
-msgid "Cannot open the archive for reading."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1005
+msgid "Debug info copied to clipboard."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-decrypter.php:77
-msgid "Cannot write the encrypted archive."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1013
+msgid "Could not copy debug info. You can simply press ctrl+C to copy it."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-decrypter.php:182
-msgid "Private key invalid."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1066
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1070
+msgid "Setting"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php:177
-msgid "Beginning new file upload session"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1066
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1070
+msgid "Value"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php:199
-msgid "Uploading %s of data"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1089
+msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php:244
-msgid "Finishing upload session with a total of %s uploaded"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1094
+msgid "Reset all settings to default"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:76 inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:28
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:43
-msgid "Authentication"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1115
+msgid "WordPress version"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:92 inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:95
-msgid "Delete Dropbox Authentication"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1120
+msgid "BackWPup version"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:102
-msgid "App Access to Dropbox"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1124
+msgid "Get pro."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:110
-msgid "Get Dropbox App auth code"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1126
+msgid "BackWPup Pro version"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:111
-msgid ""
-"A dedicated folder named BackWPup will be created inside of the Apps folder "
-"in your Dropbox. BackWPup will get read and write access to that folder "
-"only. You can specify a subfolder as your backup destination for this job in "
-"the destination field below."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1131
+msgid "PHP version"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:119
-msgid "— OR —"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1141
+msgid "MySQL version"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:122
-msgid "Full Access to Dropbox"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1145
+msgid "cURL version"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:130
-msgid "Get full Dropbox auth code "
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1149
+msgid "cURL SSL version"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:131
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup will have full read and write access to your entire Dropbox. You "
-"can specify your backup destination wherever you want, just be aware that "
-"ANY files or folders inside of your Dropbox can be overridden or deleted by "
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1152
+msgid "unavailable"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:145
-msgid "Destination Folder"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1156
+msgid "WP-Cron url"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:154
-msgid ""
-"Specify a subfolder where your backup archives will be stored. If you use "
-"the App option from above, this folder will be created inside of Apps/"
-"BackWPup. Otherwise it will be created at the root of your Dropbox. Already "
-"exisiting folders with the same name will not be overriden."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1160
+msgid "Server self connect"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:345
-msgid "One file deleted from Dropbox"
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Dropbox"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:372
-msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1166
+msgid "Not expected HTTP response:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-dropbox.php:408
-msgid "Uploading to Dropbox …"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1167
+msgid "Not expected HTTP response:
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:43
-msgid "To email address (separate with commas for multiple addresses)"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1170
+msgid "WP Http Error: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:61
-msgid "Send email settings"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1174
+msgid "WP Http Error: %s
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:65
-msgid "Maximum file size"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1178
+msgid "Status-Code: %d"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:69
-msgid "MB"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1180
+msgid "Status-Code: %d
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:70
-msgid "Maximum file size to be included in an email. 0 = unlimited"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1193
+msgid "Content: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:75
-msgid "From email address"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1195
+msgid "Content: %s
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:83
-msgid "From name"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1200
+msgid "Response Test O.K."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:92
-msgid "Sending method"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1209
+msgid "Temp folder"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:97
-msgid "Use WordPress settings"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1212
+msgid "Temp folder %s doesn't exist."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:98
-msgid "PHP: mail()"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1217
+msgid "Temporary folder %s is not writable."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:99
-msgid "Sendmail"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1225
+msgid "Log folder"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:100
-msgid "SMTP"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1231
+msgid "Log folder %s does not exist."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:108
-msgid "Sendmail path"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1236
+msgid "Log folder %s is not writable."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:119
-msgid "SMTP host name"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1244
+msgid "Server"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:136
-msgid "SMTP secure connection"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1248
+msgid "Operating System"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:143
-msgid "SSL"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1252
+msgid "PHP SAPI"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:145
-msgid "TLS"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1256
+msgid "Current PHP user"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:152
-msgid "SMTP username"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1260
+msgid "Function Disabled"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:162
-msgid "SMTP password"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1264
+msgid "Maximum execution time"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:243
-msgid "%d. Try to send backup with email …"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1266
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1273
+msgid "%d seconds"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:248
-msgid "Backup archive too big to be sent by email!"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1271
+msgid "BackWPup maximum script execution time"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:255
-msgid "Sending email to %s…"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1278
+msgid "Alternative WP Cron"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:333
-msgid "BackWPup archive from %1$s: %2$s"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1280
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1288
+msgid "On"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:336
-msgid "Backup archive: %s"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1282
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1290
+msgid "Off"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:349 inc/class-destination-email.php:474
-msgid "Error while sending email!"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1286
+msgid "Disabled WP Cron"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:354 inc/class-destination-email.php:476
-msgid "Email sent."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1294
+msgid "CHMOD Dir"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:459
-msgid "BackWPup archive sending TEST Message"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1302
+msgid "Server Time"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-email.php:462
-msgid ""
-"If this message reaches your inbox, sending backup archives via email should "
-"work for you."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1307
+msgid "Blog Time"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php:49
-msgid "File could not be opened for reading."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1311
+msgid "Blog Timezone"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:32
-msgid "Folder to store backups in"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1315
+msgid "Blog Time offset"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:219
-msgid "One backup file deleted"
-msgid_plural "%d backup files deleted"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1317
+msgid "%s hours"
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php:81
-msgid "Cannot open FTP file for download."
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1322
+msgid "Blog language"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:46
-msgid "FTP server and login"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1326
+msgid "MySQL Client encoding"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:50
-msgid "FTP server"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1330
+msgid "PHP Memory limit"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:63 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:46
-msgid "Username"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1334
+msgid "WP memory limit"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:71
-msgid "Password"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1338
+msgid "WP maximum memory limit"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:87
-msgid "Folder to store files in"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1342
+msgid "Memory in use"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:128
-msgid "FTP specific settings"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1348
+msgid "Disabled PHP Functions:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:133
-msgid "Timeout for FTP connection"
+#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1353
+msgid "Loaded PHP Extensions:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:137 inc/class-page-logs.php:288
-msgid "seconds"
+#: inc/class-download-file.php:135
+msgid "Invalid file name, seems file include invalid characters."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:141
-msgid "SSL-FTP connection"
+#: inc/class-message-box.php:89
+msgid "Dismiss"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:148
-msgid "Use explicit SSL-FTP connection."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:371
+msgid "Welcome to BackWPup Pro"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:153
-msgid "FTP Passive Mode"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:372
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
+msgid "BackWPup’s job wizards make planning and scheduling your backup jobs a breeze."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:158
-msgid "Use FTP Passive Mode."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:373
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:386
+msgid "Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server. With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:321
-msgid "Could not log in to FTP server."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:374
+msgid "Ready to set up a backup job? You can use the wizards or plan your backup in expert mode."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:394
-msgid "Cannot delete \"%s\" on FTP server!"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:384
+msgid "Welcome to BackWPup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:404
-msgid "One file deleted on FTP server"
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on FTP server"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:433
-msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to an FTP server …"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:387
+msgid "Ready to set up a backup job? Use one of the wizards to plan what you want to save."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:450
-msgid "Connected via explicit SSL-FTP to server: %s"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:400
+msgid "Save your database"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:458
-msgid "Cannot connect via explicit SSL-FTP to server: %s"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:403
+msgid "Save your database regularly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:468
-msgid "PHP function to connect with explicit SSL-FTP to server does not exist!"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:404
+msgid "With BackWPup you can schedule the database backup to run automatically. With a single backup file you can restore your database. You should set up a backup job, so you will never forget it. There is also an option to repair and optimize the database after each backup."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:483
-msgid "Connected to FTP server: %s"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:409
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:413
+msgid "WordPress XML Export"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:491
-msgid "Cannot connect to FTP server: %s"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:410
+msgid "You can choose the built-in WordPress export format in addition or exclusive to save your data. This works in automated backups too of course. The advantage is: you can import these files into a blog with the regular WordPress importer."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:503 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:523
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:546 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:603
-msgid "FTP client command: %s"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:418
+msgid "Save all data from the webserver"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:513
-msgid "FTP server response: %s"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:421
+msgid "Save all files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:520 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:531
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:534 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:549
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:552 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:607
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:612 inc/class-destination-ftp.php:619
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:624
-msgid "FTP server reply: %s"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:422
+msgid "You can backup all your attachments, also all system files, plugins and themes in a single file. You can create a job to update a backup copy of your file system only when files are changed."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:552
-msgid "Error getting SYSTYPE"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:427
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:431
+msgid "Security!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:590
-msgid "FTP current folder is: %s"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:428
+msgid "By default everything is encrypted: connections to external services, local files and access to directories."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:607
-msgid "Entering passive mode"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:436
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:439
+msgid "Cloud Support"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:612
-msgid "Cannot enter passive mode"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:440
+msgid "BackWPup supports multiple cloud services in parallel. This ensures backups are redundant."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:619
-msgid "Entering normal mode"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:446
+msgid "Features / differences between Free and Pro"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:624
-msgid "Cannot enter normal mode"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:449
+msgid "Features"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:631
-msgid "Starting upload to FTP …"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:450
+msgid "FREE"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:649
-msgid "Cannot transfer backup to FTP server!"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:451
+msgid "PRO"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:656
-msgid "Backup transferred to FTP server: %s"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:454
+msgid "Complete database backup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:735
-msgid ""
-"FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created! Parent directory may be not writable."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:459
+msgid "Complete file backup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:753
-msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created!"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:464
+msgid "Database check"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:765
-msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" created!"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:469
+msgid "Data compression"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:25
-msgid "MS Azure access keys"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:479
+msgid "List of installed plugins"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:29
-msgid "Account name"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:484
+msgid "Backup archives management"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:36
-msgid "Access key"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:489
+msgid "Log file management"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:44
-msgid "Blob container"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:494
+msgid "Start jobs per WP-Cron, URL, system, backend or WP-CLI"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:48 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:76
-msgid "Container selection"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:499
+msgid "Log report via email"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:59 inc/class-destination-rsc.php:88
-msgid "Create a new container"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:504
+msgid "Backup to Microsoft Azure"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:70
-msgid "Folder in container"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:509
+msgid "Backup as email"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:215
-msgid "%d. Try sending backup to a Microsoft Azure (Blob) …"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:514
+msgid "Backup to S3 services (Amazon, Google Storage, Hosteurope and more)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:244
-msgid "Starting upload to MS Azure …"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:519
+#: backwpup.php:335
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:335
+msgid "Backup to Dropbox"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:345
-msgid "One file deleted on Microsoft Azure container."
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Microsoft Azure container."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:446
-msgid "Missing account name!"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:524
+#: backwpup.php:388
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:388
+msgid "Backup to Rackspace Cloud Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-msazure.php:452
-msgid "No container found!"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:529
+msgid "Backup to FTP server"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:42
-msgid "Rack Space Cloud Keys"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:534
+msgid "Backup to your web space"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:52
-msgid "API Key"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:539
+#: backwpup.php:408
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:408
+msgid "Backup to SugarSync"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:59
-msgid "Select region"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:544
+msgid "Backup to Google Drive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:99 inc/class-destination-s3.php:171
-msgid "Folder in bucket"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:549
+msgid "Backup to Amazon Glacier"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:260
-msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to Rackspace cloud …"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:554
+msgid "Custom API keys for DropBox and SugarSync"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:274
-msgid "Connected to Rackspace cloud files container %s"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:559
+msgid "XML database backup as PHPMyAdmin schema"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:286
-msgid "Upload to Rackspace cloud started …"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:564
+msgid "Database backup as mysqldump per command line"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:305
-msgid "Backup File transferred to RSC://"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:569
+msgid "Database backup for additional MySQL databases"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:311
-msgid "Cannot transfer backup to Rackspace cloud."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:574
+msgid "Import and export job settings as XML"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:356
-msgid "One file deleted on Rackspace cloud container."
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on Rackspace cloud container."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:469
-msgid "Missing username!"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:579
+msgid "Wizard for system tests"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:471
-msgid "Missing API Key!"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:584
+msgid "Wizard for scheduled backup jobs"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-rsc.php:475
-msgid "A container could not be found!"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:589
+msgid "Wizard to import settings and backup jobs"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:47
-msgid "Select a S3 service"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:594
+msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to Dropbox"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:67
-msgid "Or a S3 Server URL"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:599
+msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to Rackspace Cloud Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:84
-msgid "S3 Access Keys"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:604
+msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to S3"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:114
-msgid "S3 Bucket"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:609
+msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to MS Azure"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:120
-msgid "Bucket selection"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:614
+msgid "Restore from Folder"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:149
-msgid "Create a new bucket"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:619
+msgid "Restore from Google Drive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:165
-msgid "S3 Backup settings"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:624
+msgid "Restore from Amazon S3"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:222
-msgid "Multipart Upload"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:629
+msgid "Restore from Dropbox"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:233
-msgid "Use multipart upload for uploading a file"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:634
+msgid "Restore from FTP"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:236
-msgid ""
-"Multipart splits file into multiple chunks while uploading. This is "
-"necessary for displaying the upload process and to transfer bigger files. "
-"Works without a problem on Amazon. Other services might have issues."
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:639
+msgid "Premium support"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:246
-msgid "Amazon specific settings"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:644
+msgid "Automatic updates"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:251 inc/class-destination-s3.php:257
-msgid "Amazon: Storage Class"
+#: inc/class-page-about.php:651
+msgid "GET PRO"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:260
-msgid "Standard"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:13
+msgid "DB Backup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:264
-msgid "Standard-Infrequent Access"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:14
+msgid "Database backup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:272
-msgid "Reduced Redundancy"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:60
+msgid "Settings for database backup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:280
-msgid "Server side encryption"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:64
+msgid "Tables to backup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:291
-msgid "Save files encrypted (AES256) on server."
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:66
+msgid "all"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:361
-msgid "No bucket found!"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:91
+msgid "Backup file name"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:511
-msgid "Bucket %1$s created."
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:99
+msgid "Backup file compression"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:693
-msgid "Storage Class: %s"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:159
+msgid "%d. Try to backup database …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:728
-msgid "Cannot delete backup from %s."
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:173
+msgid "Connected to database %1$s on %2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:740
-msgid "One file deleted on S3 Bucket."
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on S3 Bucket"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:762
-msgid "%d. Trying to send backup file to S3 Service …"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:187
+msgid "No tables to backup."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:799
-msgid "Checking for not aborted multipart Uploads …"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:210
+msgid "Backup database table \"%s\" with \"%s\" records"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:812
-msgid "Upload for %s aborted."
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:250
+msgid "MySQL backup file not created"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:818
-msgid "Starting upload to S3 Service …"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:254
+msgid "Added database dump \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-s3.php:970
-msgid "Cannot transfer backup to S3! (%1$d) %2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:22
-msgid "Sugarsync Login"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:37
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:120
-msgid "Authenticate with Sugarsync!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:52
-msgid "SugarSync Root"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:56
-msgid "Sync folder selection"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:85
-msgid "Folder in root"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:233
-msgid "%d. Try to send backup to SugarSync …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:240
-msgid "Authenticated to SugarSync with nickname %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:243
-msgctxt "Available space on SugarSync"
-msgid "Not enough disk space available on SugarSync. Available: %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:249
-msgid "%s available at SugarSync"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:256
-msgid "Starting upload to SugarSync …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:266
-msgid "Cannot transfer backup to SugarSync!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:305
-msgid "One file deleted on SugarSync folder"
-msgid_plural "%d files deleted on SugarSync folder"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:311
-msgid "SugarSync API: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-download-file.php:135
-msgid "Invalid file name, seems file include invalid characters."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-easycron.php:179
-msgid "EasyCron.com API returns (%s): %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-easycron.php:188
-msgid "EasyCron"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-easycron.php:189
-msgid ""
-"Here you can setup your EasyCron.com API key to use this "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-easycron.php:192
-msgid "Api key:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-easycron.php:200
-msgid "Trigger WordPress Cron:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-easycron.php:203
-msgid ""
-"If you check this box, a cron job will be created on EasyCron that all 5 "
-"Minutes calls the WordPress cron."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-file.php:142
-msgid "Folder %1$s not allowed, please use another folder."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-file.php:147
-msgid "Folder %1$s is not in open basedir, please use another folder."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-file.php:153
-msgid "Cannot create folder: %1$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-file.php:159
-msgid "Folder \"%1$s\" is not writable"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-file.php:195
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup will not backup folders and its sub folders when this file is "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-help.php:15
-msgid "Plugin Info"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-help.php:17
-msgctxt "Plugin name and link; Plugin Version"
-msgid ""
-"%1$s version %2$s. A project by Inpsyde GmbH"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-help.php:18
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is a free software, and you "
-"are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-help.php:21
-msgid "For more information:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-help.php:23
-msgid "Plugin on wordpress.org"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-help.php:24
-msgid "Manual"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-install.php:90
-msgid "BackWPup Admin"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-install.php:105
-msgid "BackWPup jobs checker"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-install.php:120
-msgid "BackWPup jobs helper"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:269
-msgid "Starting job"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:284
-msgid "Job Start"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:304
-msgid "Creates manifest file"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:326
-msgid "Creates archive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:332
-msgid "Encrypts the archive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:373
-msgid "End of Job"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:395
-msgid "BackWPup log for %1$s from %2$s at %3$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:412
-msgctxt "Plugin name; Plugin Version; plugin url"
-msgid "[INFO] %1$s %2$s; A project of Inpsyde GmbH"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:413
-msgctxt "WordPress Version; Blog url"
-msgid "[INFO] WordPress %1$s on %2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:414
-msgid "Normal"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:417
-msgid "Debug"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:420
-msgid "(translated)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:422
-msgid "[INFO] Log Level: %1$s %2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:427
-msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job: %1$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:430
-msgid "[INFO] Runs with user: %1$s (%2$d) "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:444 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:323
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:282 inc/class-page-jobs.php:291
-msgid "Not scheduled!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:448 inc/class-job.php:458
-msgid "[INFO] Cron: %s; Next: %s "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:451
-msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job start with link is active"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:453
-msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job start with EasyCron.com"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:461
-msgid "[INFO] BackWPup no automatic job start configured"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:465
-msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started from wp-cron"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:467
-msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started manually"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:469
-msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started from external url"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:471
-msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started form commandline interface"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:480
-msgid "[INFO] PHP ver.:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:481
-msgid "[INFO] Maximum PHP script execution time is %1$d seconds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:485
-msgid "[INFO] Script restart time is configured to %1$d seconds"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:488
-msgid "[INFO] MySQL ver.: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:490
-msgid "[INFO] Web Server: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:494
-msgid "[INFO] curl ver.: %1$s; %2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:496
-msgid "[INFO] Temp folder is: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:503
-msgid "[INFO] Logfile is: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:510
-msgid "[INFO] Backup file is: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:512
-msgid "[INFO] Backup type is: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:520
-msgid "Could not write log file"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:532
-msgid ""
-"No destination correctly defined for backup! Please correct job settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:628
-msgid "Cannot write progress to working file. Job will be aborted."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:700 inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
-msgid "WARNING:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:709 inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
-msgid "ERROR:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:713
-msgid "DEPRECATED:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:716
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:721
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:972
-msgid "Aborted by user!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1005
-msgid "One old log deleted"
-msgid_plural "%d old logs deleted"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1012 inc/class-page-jobs.php:784
-msgid ""
-"Job has ended with errors in %s seconds. You must resolve the errors for "
-"correct execution."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1014
-msgid ""
-"Job finished with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1016 inc/class-page-jobs.php:788
-msgid "Job done in %s seconds."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1060
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1062
-msgid "WARNING"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1065
-msgid "ERROR"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1068
-msgid "[%3$s] BackWPup log %1$s: %2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1180
-msgid "Restart after %1$d seconds."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1182
-msgid "Restart after getting signal."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1357
-msgid "Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1455
-msgid "Step aborted: too many attempts!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1528
-msgid "%d. Trying to create backup archive …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1536
-msgctxt "Archive compression method"
-msgid "Compressing files as %s. Please be patient, this may take a moment."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1543
-msgid "Adding Extra files to Archive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1554 inc/class-job.php:1614
-msgid "Cannot create backup archive correctly. Aborting creation."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1570
-msgid "Archiving Folder: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1624
-msgid "Backup archive created."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1638
-msgid ""
-"The Backup archive will be too large for file operations with this PHP "
-"Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple "
-"jobs with less files each."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1641
-msgid "Archive size is %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1644
-msgid "%1$d Files with %2$s in Archive."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1677
-msgid "No encryption key was provided. Aborting encryption."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1684
-msgid "%d. Trying to encrypt archive …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1694
-msgid "Cannot open the archive for reading. Aborting encryption."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1700
-msgid "Cannot write the encrypted archive. Aborting encryption."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1757
-msgid "Encrypted %s of data."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1761
-msgid "Unable to delete unencrypted archive."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1765
-msgid "Unable to rename encrypted archive."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1770
-msgid "Archive has been successfully encrypted."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1819
-msgctxt "Folder name"
-msgid "Folder %s does not exist"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1825
-msgctxt "Folder name"
-msgid "Folder %s is not readable"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1848
-msgid "Link \"%s\" not following."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1850
-msgid "File \"%s\" is not readable!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1854
-msgid ""
-"File size of “%s” cannot be retrieved. File might be too large and will not "
-"be added to queue."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1937
-msgid "%d. Trying to generate a manifest file …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1993
-msgid "You may have noticed the manifest.json file in this archive."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1994
-msgid ""
-"manifest.json might be needed for later restoring a backup from this archive."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:1995
-msgid ""
-"Please leave manifest.json untouched and in place. Otherwise it is safe to "
-"be ignored."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2005
-msgid "Added manifest.json file with %1$s to backup file list."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2044
-msgid "Wrong BackWPup JobID"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2057
-msgid "A BackWPup job is already running"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2439
-msgid "exec command is not active."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2444
-msgid "mysqldump binary not found."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2470
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGHUP: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
-msgid "Hangup detected on controlling terminal or death of controlling process"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2474
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGINT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
-msgid "Interrupt from keyboard"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2478
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGQUIT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
-msgid "Quit from keyboard"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2482
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGILL: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
-msgid "Illegal Instruction"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2486
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGABRT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
-msgid "Abort signal from abort(3)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2490
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGBUS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
-msgid "Bus error (bad memory access)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2494
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGFPE: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
-msgid "Floating point exception"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2498
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSEGV: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
-msgid "Invalid memory reference"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2502
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGTERM: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
-msgid "Termination signal"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2506
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSTKFLT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
-msgid "Stack fault on coprocessor"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2510
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGUSR1: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
-msgid "User-defined signal 1"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2514
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGUSR2: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
-msgid "User-defined signal 2"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2518
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGURG: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
-msgid "Urgent condition on socket"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2522
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGXCPU: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
-msgid "CPU time limit exceeded"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2526
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGXFSZ: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
-msgid "File size limit exceeded"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2530
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGPWR: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
-msgid "Power failure"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2534
-msgctxt ""
-"SIGSYS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for "
-msgid "Bad argument to routine"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2541
-msgid "Signal \"%1$s\" (%2$s) is sent to script!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2575 inc/class-job.php:2588
-msgid "System: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-job.php:2603
-msgid "Exception caught in %1$s: %2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:13
-msgid "DB Check"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:14
-msgid "Check database tables"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:39
-msgid "WordPress tables only"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:44
-msgid "Check WordPress database tables only"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:49
-msgid "Repair"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:79
-msgid "%d. Trying to check database …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:111
-msgid "Table %1$s is a view. Not checked."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:116
-msgid "Table %1$s is not a MyISAM/InnoDB table. Not checked."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:124 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:127
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:129
-msgid "Result of table check for %1$s is: %2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:135 inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:137
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:139
-msgid "Result of table repair for %1$s is: %2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:145
-msgid "Database check done!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:148
-msgid "No tables to check."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:13
-msgid "DB Backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:14
-msgid "Database backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:13
-msgid "Files"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:14
-msgid "File backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:71
-msgid "Folders to backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:75
-msgid "Backup WordPress install folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:83
-msgid "Backup content folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:91
-msgid "Backup plugins"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:99
-msgid "Backup themes"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:115
-msgid "Extra folders to backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:118
-msgid ""
-"Separate folder names with a line-break or a comma. Folders must be set with "
-"their absolute path!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:123
-msgid "Exclude from backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:127
-msgid "Thumbnails in uploads"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:129
-msgid "Don't backup thumbnails from the site's uploads folder."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:133
-msgid "Exclude files/folders from backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:136
-msgid ""
-"Separate file / folder name parts with a line-break or a comma. For example /"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:141
-msgid "Special options"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:145
-msgid "Include special files"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:147
-msgid ""
-"Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd, favicon."
-"ico, and Web.config from root if it is not included in backup."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:151
-msgid "Use one folder above as WP install folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:154
-msgid ""
-"Use one folder above as WordPress install folder! That can be helpful, if "
-"you would backup files and folder that are not in the WordPress installation "
-"folder. Or if you made a \"Giving WordPress Its Own Directory"
-"\" installation. Excludes must be configured again."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:238
-msgid "%d. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:358 inc/class-jobtype-file.php:362
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:379
-msgid "Added \"%s\" to backup file list"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:385
-msgid "No files/folder for the backup."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:387
-msgid "%1$d folders to backup."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:435
-msgid "Folder \"%s\" is not readable!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:495
-msgid "Path as set by user (symlink?): %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:498
-msgid "Exclude:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:510
-msgid "Excluded by .donotbackup file!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:13
-msgid "XML export"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:14 inc/class-page-about.php:474
-msgid "WordPress XML export"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:46
-msgid "Items to export"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:61
-msgid "XML Export file name"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:69 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:53
-msgid "File compression"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:79 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:81
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:64 inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:66
-msgid "BZip2"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:112
-msgid "%d. Trying to create a WordPress export to XML file …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:127
-msgid "WP Export: Post type “%s” does not allow export."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:172 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:186
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:215 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:236
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:269 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:289
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:378 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:387
-msgid "WP Export file could not written."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:402
-msgid "Check WP Export file …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:422
-msgid "XML WARNING (%s): %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:425
-msgid "XML RECOVERABLE (%s): %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:428
-msgid "XML ERROR (%s): %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:438
-msgid "There was an error when reading this WXR file"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:444 inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:451
-msgid ""
-"This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:460
-msgid "WP Export file is a valid WXR file."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:462
-msgid ""
-"WP Export file can not be checked, because no XML extension is loaded, to "
-"ensure the file verification."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php:500
-msgid "Added XML export \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:13
-msgid "Plugins"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:14
-msgid "Installed plugins list"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:45
-msgid "Plugin list file name"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:96
-msgid "%d. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:124
-msgid "All plugin information:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:126
-msgid "from %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:128
-msgid "Active plugins:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:134
-msgid "Inactive plugins:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php:148
-msgid "Added plugin list file \"%1$s\" with %2$s to backup file list."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-message-box.php:89
-msgid "Dismiss"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:60
-msgid "No MySQLi extension found. Please install it."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:117
-msgctxt "Database Charset"
-msgid "Cannot set DB charset to %s error: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:146
-msgid "Cannot open SQL backup file"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:479
-msgid "Start for table backup is not correctly set: %1$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:483
-msgid "Length for table backup is not correctly set: %1$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-mysqldump.php:561
-msgid "Error while writing file!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-option.php:176 inc/class-page-editjob.php:97
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
-msgid "New Job"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:371
-msgid "Welcome to BackWPup Pro"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:372 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup’s job wizards make planning and scheduling your backup jobs a "
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:373 inc/class-page-about.php:386
-msgid ""
-"Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation "
-"including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage "
-"service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server. With a "
-"single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool "
-"like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:374
-msgid ""
-"Ready to set up a backup job? You can use the wizards or plan your backup in expert mode."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:384
-msgid "Welcome to BackWPup"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:387
-msgid ""
-"Ready to set up a backup job? Use one of the wizards to plan what you want "
-"to save."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:400
-msgid "Save your database"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:403
-msgid "Save your database regularly"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:404
-msgid ""
-"With BackWPup you can schedule the database backup to run automatically. "
-"With a single backup file you can restore your database. You should set up a backup job, so you will never forget it. There is also "
-"an option to repair and optimize the database after each backup."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:409 inc/class-page-about.php:413
-msgid "WordPress XML Export"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:410
-msgid ""
-"You can choose the built-in WordPress export format in addition or exclusive "
-"to save your data. This works in automated backups too of course. The "
-"advantage is: you can import these files into a blog with the regular "
-"WordPress importer."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:418
-msgid "Save all data from the webserver"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:421
-msgid "Save all files"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:422
-msgid ""
-"You can backup all your attachments, also all system files, plugins and "
-"themes in a single file. You can create a job to update a "
-"backup copy of your file system only when files are changed."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:427 inc/class-page-about.php:431
-msgid "Security!"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:428
-msgid ""
-"By default everything is encrypted: connections to external services, local "
-"files and access to directories."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:436 inc/class-page-about.php:439
-msgid "Cloud Support"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:440
-msgid ""
-"BackWPup supports multiple cloud services in parallel. This ensures backups "
-"are redundant."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:446
-msgid "Features / differences between Free and Pro"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:449
-msgid "Features"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:450
-msgid "FREE"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:451
-msgid "PRO"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:454
-msgid "Complete database backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:459
-msgid "Complete file backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:464
-msgid "Database check"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:469
-msgid "Data compression"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:479
-msgid "List of installed plugins"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:484
-msgid "Backup archives management"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:489
-msgid "Log file management"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:494
-msgid "Start jobs per WP-Cron, URL, system, backend or WP-CLI"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:499
-msgid "Log report via email"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:504
-msgid "Backup to Microsoft Azure"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:509
-msgid "Backup as email"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:514
-msgid "Backup to S3 services (Amazon, Google Storage, Hosteurope and more)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:529
-msgid "Backup to FTP server"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:534
-msgid "Backup to your web space"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:554
-msgid "Custom API keys for DropBox and SugarSync"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:559
-msgid "XML database backup as PHPMyAdmin schema"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:564
-msgid "Database backup as mysqldump per command line"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:569
-msgid "Database backup for additional MySQL databases"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:574
-msgid "Import and export job settings as XML"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:579
-msgid "Wizard for system tests"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:584
-msgid "Wizard for scheduled backup jobs"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:589
-msgid "Wizard to import settings and backup jobs"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:594
-msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to Dropbox"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:599
-msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to Rackspace Cloud Files"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:604
-msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to S3"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:609
-msgid "Differential backup of changed directories to MS Azure"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:614
-msgid "Restore from Folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:619
-msgid "Restore from Google Drive"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:624
-msgid "Restore from Amazon S3"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:629
-msgid "Restore from Dropbox"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:634
-msgid "Restore from FTP"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:639
-msgid "Premium support"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:644
-msgid "Automatic updates"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-about.php:651
-msgid "GET PRO"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:177
-msgid "No files could be found. (List will be generated during next backup.)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:190 inc/class-page-backups.php:325
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:113 inc/class-page-jobs.php:177
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:151 inc/class-page-logs.php:232
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:230
-msgid "Change destination"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:274 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:283
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347 inc/class-page-logs.php:163
-msgid "Time"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:275
-msgid "File"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:277 inc/class-page-logs.php:167
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:324
-msgid ""
-"You are about to delete this backup archive. \n"
-" 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:334 inc/class-page-backups.php:337
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:330 inc/class-page-logs.php:234
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:779 inc/class-page-settings.php:790
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:377
-msgid "?"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:390 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:321
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:384 inc/class-page-jobs.php:318
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:190
-msgid "%1$s at %2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:408 inc/class-page-backups.php:446
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:35 inc/class-page-jobs.php:398
-msgid "Sorry, you don't have permissions to do that."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:485
-msgid "Ops! Unfortunately the file doesn't exists. May be was deleted?"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:486
-msgid "404 - File Not Found."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:488
-msgid "« Go back"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:513
-msgid "Backup Files"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:581
-msgid "%s › Manage Backup Archives"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:593
-msgid "Please wait …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:596
-msgid "Your download is being generated …"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:602 views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:15
-msgid "Please enter your private key to decrypt your backup."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:604 views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:17
-msgid "The private key you entered was invalid. Please try again."
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php:260
+msgid "Database backup done!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:607 inc/class-page-settings.php:753
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:784 views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:20
-msgid "Private Key"
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:32
+msgid "Folder to store backups in"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:613 views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:25
-msgid "Submit"
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-destination-folder.php:219
+msgid "One backup file deleted"
+msgid_plural "%d backup files deleted"
+msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/class-page-backups.php:618
-msgid ""
-"Your download has been generated. It should begin downloading momentarily."
+#: inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php:71
+msgid "Could not write data to file. Empty source file."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:67
msgid "%s › Dashboard"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:74 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:83
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:74
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:83
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Planning backups"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
-msgid ""
-"Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation "
-"including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage "
-"service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:75
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
+msgid "Use your backup archives to save your entire WordPress installation including /wp-content/
. Push them to an external storage service if you don’t want to save the backups on the same server."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:76 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:85
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:76
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:85
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Restoring backups"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:77 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:86
-msgid ""
-"With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a "
-"tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:77
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:86
+msgid "With a single backup archive you are able to restore an installation. Use a tool like phpMyAdmin to restore your database backup files."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:78 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:87
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:78
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:87
msgctxt "Dashboard heading"
msgid "Ready to set up a backup job?"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79
-msgid ""
-"Use one of the wizards to plan a backup, or use expert mode"
-"a> for full control over all options."
+msgid "Use one of the wizards to plan a backup, or use expert mode for full control over all options."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:89
-msgid ""
-"Please note: You are solely responsible for the security of your "
-"data; the authors of this plugin are not."
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:79
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:89
+msgid "Please note: You are solely responsible for the security of your data; the authors of this plugin are not."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:84
-msgid ""
-"Use the short links in the First steps box to plan and "
-"schedule backup jobs."
+msgid "Use the short links in the First steps box to plan and schedule backup jobs."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:88
@@ -4189,7 +2781,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Test the installation"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:101 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:104
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:101
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:104
msgid "Create a Job"
msgstr ""
@@ -4210,8 +2803,7 @@ msgid "One click backup"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:117
-msgid ""
-"Generate a database backup of WordPress tables and download it right away!"
+msgid "Generate a database backup of WordPress tables and download it right away!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:117
@@ -4232,15 +2824,17 @@ msgid "RSS Error: %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:132
-msgid ""
-"An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again "
+msgid "An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again later."
msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:146
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:211
+msgid "Start wizard"
+msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:217
msgid "Video: Introduction"
msgstr ""
@@ -4305,7 +2899,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Next scheduled jobs"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:284 inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:284
+#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:347
#: inc/class-page-logs.php:164
msgid "Job"
msgstr ""
@@ -4314,10 +2909,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "working since %d seconds"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:309 inc/class-page-jobs.php:608
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:325
msgid "Edit Job"
msgstr ""
@@ -4338,1569 +2929,1449 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%d ERROR"
msgid_plural "%d ERRORS"
msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:392
msgid "%d WARNING"
msgid_plural "%d WARNINGS"
msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
#: inc/class-page-backwpup.php:395
msgid "OK"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:98
-msgid "Job with ID %d"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
-msgid "Changes for job %s saved."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
-msgid "Jobs overview"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223 inc/class-page-jobs.php:181
-msgid "Run now"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:334
-msgid "%1$s › Job: %2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:337 inc/class-page-settings.php:215
-msgid "General"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:337
-msgid "Schedule"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:352
-msgid "To: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:387 inc/class-page-editjob.php:392
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:125
-msgid "Job Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:390
-msgid "Please name this job."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:397
-msgid "Job Tasks"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:421
-msgid "Backup File Creation"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:432
-msgid "Synchronize file by file to destination"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:445
-msgid "Archive name"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:448
-msgid ""
-"Note: In order for backup file tracking to work, %hash% must be "
-"included anywhere in the archive name."
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:454
-msgid "Replacement patterns:"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:455
-msgid "%d = Two digit day of the month, with leading zeros"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:456
-msgid "%j = Day of the month, without leading zeros"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:457
-msgid "%m = Day of the month, with leading zeros"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:458
-msgid "%n = Representation of the month (without leading zeros)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:459
-msgid "%Y = Four digit representation for the year"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:460
-msgid "%y = Two digit representation of the year"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:461
-msgid "%a = Lowercase ante meridiem (am) and post meridiem (pm)"
-msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:462
-msgid "%A = Uppercase ante meridiem (AM) and post meridiem (PM)"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:13
+msgid "DB Check"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:463
-msgid "%B = Swatch Internet Time"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:14
+msgid "Check database tables"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:464
-msgid "%g = Hour in 12-hour format, without leading zeros"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:35
+msgid "Settings for database check"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:465
-msgid "%G = Hour in 24-hour format, without leading zeros"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:39
+msgid "WordPress tables only"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:466
-msgid "%h = Hour in 12-hour format, with leading zeros"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:44
+msgid "Check WordPress database tables only"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:467
-msgid "%H = Hour in 24-hour format, with leading zeros"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:49
+msgid "Repair"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:468
-msgid "%i = Two digit representation of the minute"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:54
+msgid "Try to repair defect table"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:469
-msgid "%s = Two digit representation of the second"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:79
+msgid "%d. Trying to check database …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:475 inc/class-page-editjob.php:478
-msgid "Archive Format"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:111
+msgid "Table %1$s is a view. Not checked."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:484
-msgid "ZipArchive PHP class is missing, so BackWPUp will use PclZip instead."
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:116
+msgid "Table %1$s is not a MyISAM/InnoDB table. Not checked."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:491 inc/class-page-editjob.php:498
-msgid "Disabled due to missing %s PHP function."
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:124
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:127
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:129
+msgid "Result of table check for %1$s is: %2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:495
-msgid "Not supported yet by the automatic restore functionality"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:135
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:137
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:139
+msgid "Result of table repair for %1$s is: %2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:506 inc/class-page-editjob.php:511
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:520
-msgid "Encrypt Archive"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:145
+msgid "Database check done!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:524
-msgid ""
-"You must generate your encryption key in BackWPup Settings before you can "
-"enable this option."
+#: inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php:148
+msgid "No tables to check."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:533
-msgid "Job Destination"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:13
+msgid "Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:537 inc/class-page-editjob.php:540
-msgid "Where should your backup file be stored?"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:14
+msgid "File backup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:558
-msgid "Log Files"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:71
+msgid "Folders to backup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:562
-msgid "Send log to email address"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:75
+msgid "Backup WordPress install folder"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:565
-msgid ""
-"Leave empty to not have log sent. Or separate with , for more than one "
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:83
+msgid "Backup content folder"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:569
-msgid "Email FROM field"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:91
+msgid "Backup plugins"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:571
-msgid "Your Name <mail@domain.tld>"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:99
+msgid "Backup themes"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:575
-msgid "Errors only"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:107
+msgid "Backup uploads folder"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:580
-msgid "Send email with log only when errors occur during job execution."
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:115
+msgid "Extra folders to backup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:591
-msgid "Job Schedule"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:118
+msgid "Separate folder names with a line-break or a comma. Folders must be set with their absolute path!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:595 inc/class-page-editjob.php:598
-msgid "Start job"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:123
+msgid "Exclude from backup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:602
-msgid "manually only"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:127
+msgid "Thumbnails in uploads"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:606
-msgid "with WordPress cron"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:129
+msgid "Don't backup thumbnails from the site's uploads folder."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:615
-msgid ""
-"with EasyCron.com"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:133
+msgid "Exclude files/folders from backup"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:617
-msgid "First setup API Key."
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:136
+msgid "Separate file / folder name parts with a line-break or a comma. For example /logs/,.log,.tmp"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:626
-msgid "with a link"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:141
+msgid "Special options"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:627
-msgid ""
-"Copy the link for an external start. This option has to be activated to make "
-"the link work."
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:145
+msgid "Include special files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:634
-msgid "Start job with CLI"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:147
+msgid "Backup wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, .htpasswd, favicon.ico, and Web.config from root if it is not included in backup."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:637
-msgid ""
-"Use WP-CLI to run jobs from commandline."
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:151
+msgid "Use one folder above as WP install folder"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:642
-msgid "Schedule execution time"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:154
+msgid "Use one folder above as WordPress install folder! That can be helpful, if you would backup files and folder that are not in the WordPress installation folder. Or if you made a \"Giving WordPress Its Own Directory\" installation. Excludes must be configured again."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:646 inc/class-page-editjob.php:649
-msgid "Scheduler type"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:238
+msgid "%d. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:653
-msgid "basic"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:358
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:362
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:379
+msgid "Added \"%s\" to backup file list"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:657
-msgid "advanced"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:385
+msgid "No files/folder for the backup."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:757
-msgid "Minutes:"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:387
+msgid "%1$d folders to backup."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:759 inc/class-page-editjob.php:772
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:784 inc/class-page-editjob.php:798
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:820
-msgid "Any (*)"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:435
+msgid "Folder \"%s\" is not readable!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:769
-msgid "Hours:"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:495
+msgid "Path as set by user (symlink?): %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:782
-msgid "Day of Month:"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:498
+msgid "Exclude:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:796
-msgid "Month:"
+#: inc/class-jobtype-file.php:510
+msgid "Excluded by .donotbackup file!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:802
-msgid "January"
+#: inc/class-job.php:269
+msgid "Starting job"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:803
-msgid "February"
+#: inc/class-job.php:284
+msgid "Job Start"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:804
-msgid "March"
+#: inc/class-job.php:304
+msgid "Creates manifest file"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:805
-msgid "April"
+#: inc/class-job.php:326
+msgid "Creates archive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:806
-msgid "May"
+#: inc/class-job.php:332
+msgid "Encrypts the archive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:807
-msgid "June"
+#: inc/class-job.php:373
+msgid "End of Job"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:808
-msgid "July"
+#: inc/class-job.php:395
+msgid "BackWPup log for %1$s from %2$s at %3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:809
-msgid "August"
+#: inc/class-job.php:412
+msgctxt "Plugin name; Plugin Version; plugin url"
+msgid "[INFO] %1$s %2$s; A project of Inpsyde GmbH"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:810
-msgid "September"
+#: inc/class-job.php:413
+msgctxt "WordPress Version; Blog url"
+msgid "[INFO] WordPress %1$s on %2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:811
-msgid "October"
+#: inc/class-job.php:414
+msgid "Normal"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:812
-msgid "November"
+#: inc/class-job.php:417
+msgid "Debug"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:813
-msgid "December"
+#: inc/class-job.php:420
+msgid "(translated)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:818
-msgid "Day of Week:"
+#: inc/class-job.php:422
+msgid "[INFO] Log Level: %1$s %2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:854
-msgid "Save changes"
+#: inc/class-job.php:427
+msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job: %1$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:941
-msgid ""
-"Working as Cron schedule:"
+#: inc/class-job.php:430
+msgid "[INFO] Runs with user: %1$s (%2$d) "
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:950
-msgid "ATTENTION: Job runs every %d minutes!"
+#: inc/class-job.php:448
+#: inc/class-job.php:458
+msgid "[INFO] Cron: %s; Next: %s "
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:954
-msgid "ATTENTION: Can't calculate cron!"
+#: inc/class-job.php:451
+msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job start with link is active"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:957
-msgid "Next runtime:"
+#: inc/class-job.php:453
+msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job start with EasyCron.com"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:100
-msgid "No Jobs."
+#: inc/class-job.php:461
+msgid "[INFO] BackWPup no automatic job start configured"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:128
-msgid "Next Run"
+#: inc/class-job.php:465
+msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started from wp-cron"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:129
-msgid "Last Run"
+#: inc/class-job.php:467
+msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started manually"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:175 views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:45
-msgid "Edit"
+#: inc/class-job.php:469
+msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started from external url"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:176
-msgid "Copy"
+#: inc/class-job.php:471
+msgid "[INFO] BackWPup job started form commandline interface"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:189
-msgid "Last log"
+#: inc/class-job.php:480
+msgid "[INFO] PHP ver.:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:251
-msgid "Not needed or set"
+#: inc/class-job.php:481
+msgid "[INFO] Maximum PHP script execution time is %1$d seconds"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:273
-msgid "Running for: %s seconds"
+#: inc/class-job.php:485
+msgid "[INFO] Script restart time is configured to %1$d seconds"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:280 inc/class-page-jobs.php:289
-msgid "Cron: %s"
+#: inc/class-job.php:488
+msgid "[INFO] MySQL ver.: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:280
-msgid "%1$s at %2$s by WP-Cron"
+#: inc/class-job.php:490
+msgid "[INFO] Web Server: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:289
-msgid "%1$s at %2$s by EasyCron"
+#: inc/class-job.php:494
+msgid "[INFO] curl ver.: %1$s; %2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:295
-msgid "External link"
+#: inc/class-job.php:496
+msgid "[INFO] Temp folder is: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:298
-msgid "Inactive"
+#: inc/class-job.php:503
+msgid "[INFO] Logfile is: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:320
-msgid "Runtime: %d seconds"
+#: inc/class-job.php:510
+msgid "[INFO] Backup file is: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:324
-msgid "not yet"
+#: inc/class-job.php:512
+msgid "[INFO] Backup type is: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:330
-msgid "Download last backup"
+#: inc/class-job.php:520
+msgid "Could not write log file"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:339
-msgid "Log"
+#: inc/class-job.php:532
+msgid "No destination correctly defined for backup! Please correct job settings."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:384
-msgid "Copy of"
+#: inc/class-job.php:628
+msgid "Cannot write progress to working file. Job will be aborted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:431
-msgid "The job \"%s\" destination \"%s\" is not configured properly"
+#: inc/class-job.php:713
+msgid "DEPRECATED:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:436
-msgid "The job \"%s\" needs properly configured destinations to run!"
+#: inc/class-job.php:716
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:454
-msgid ""
-"Job \"%s\" has started, but not responded for 10 seconds. Please check information."
+#: inc/class-job.php:721
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:459
-msgid "Job \"%s\" started."
+#: inc/class-job.php:972
+msgid "Aborted by user!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:471 inc/class-wp-cli.php:59
-msgid "Job will be terminated."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1005
+msgid "One old log deleted"
+msgid_plural "%d old logs deleted"
+msgstr[0] ""
+#: inc/class-job.php:1014
+msgid "Job finished with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct execution."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:584
-msgid "%s › Jobs"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1060
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:604
-msgid "Job currently running: %s"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1062
+msgid "WARNING"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:605
-msgid "Warnings:"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1065
+msgid "ERROR"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:606
-msgid "Errors:"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1068
+msgid "[%3$s] BackWPup log %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:607
-msgid "Log of running job"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1180
+msgid "Restart after %1$d seconds."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:607
-msgid "Display working log"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1182
+msgid "Restart after getting signal."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:609
-msgid "Close working screen"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1357
+msgid "Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:609
-msgid "Close"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1455
+msgid "Step aborted: too many attempts!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:782
-msgid "Job completed"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1528
+msgid "%d. Trying to create backup archive …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-jobs.php:786
-msgid ""
-"Job has done with warnings in %s seconds. Please resolve them for correct "
+#: inc/class-job.php:1536
+msgctxt "Archive compression method"
+msgid "Compressing files as %s. Please be patient, this may take a moment."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:138
-msgid "No Logs."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1544
+msgid "Adding Extra files to Archive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:165
-msgid "Status"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1555
+#: inc/class-job.php:1626
+msgid "Cannot create backup archive correctly. Aborting creation."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:168
-msgid "Runtime"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1571
+msgid "Archiving Folder: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:230
-msgid "View"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1636
+msgid "Backup archive created."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:251
-msgid "1 ERROR"
-msgid_plural "%d ERRORS"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/class-job.php:1650
+msgid "The Backup archive will be too large for file operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:254
-msgid "1 WARNING"
-msgid_plural "%d WARNINGS"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
+#: inc/class-job.php:1653
+msgid "Archive size is %s."
+msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:257
-msgid "O.K."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1656
+msgid "%1$d Files with %2$s in Archive."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:275
-msgid "Log only"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1689
+msgid "No encryption key was provided. Aborting encryption."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:440
-msgid "%s › Logs"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1696
+msgid "%d. Trying to encrypt archive …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-logs.php:471
-msgid "Logfile not found!"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1706
+msgid "Cannot open the archive for reading. Aborting encryption."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:39
-msgid "Please enter a public key first, or generate a key pair."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1712
+msgid "Cannot write the encrypted archive. Aborting encryption."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:40
-msgid "Please enter your private key."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1769
+msgid "Encrypted %s of data."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:41
-msgid "Public key is valid."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1773
+msgid "Unable to delete unencrypted archive."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:42
-msgid "Public key is invalid."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1777
+msgid "Unable to rename encrypted archive."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:43
-msgid ""
-"Please download the private key before continuing. If you do not save it "
-"locally, you cannot decrypt your backups later."
+#: inc/class-job.php:1782
+msgid "Archive has been successfully encrypted."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:88
-msgid "Settings reset to default"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1831
+msgctxt "Folder name"
+msgid "Folder %s does not exist"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:194
-msgid "Settings saved"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1837
+msgctxt "Folder name"
+msgid "Folder %s is not readable"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:210
-msgid "%s › Settings"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1860
+msgid "Link \"%s\" not following."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:217
-msgid "Encryption"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1862
+msgid "File \"%s\" is not readable!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:219
-msgid "Network"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1866
+msgid "File size of “%s” cannot be retrieved. File might be too large and will not be added to queue."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:220
-msgid "API Keys"
+#: inc/class-job.php:1949
+msgid "%d. Trying to generate a manifest file …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:221
-msgid "Information"
+#: inc/class-job.php:2005
+msgid "You may have noticed the manifest.json file in this archive."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:241
-msgid "Display Settings"
+#: inc/class-job.php:2006
+msgid "manifest.json might be needed for later restoring a backup from this archive."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:242
-msgid "Do you want to see BackWPup in the WordPress admin bar?"
+#: inc/class-job.php:2007
+msgid "Please leave manifest.json untouched and in place. Otherwise it is safe to be ignored."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:245
-msgid "Admin bar"
+#: inc/class-job.php:2017
+msgid "Added manifest.json file with %1$s to backup file list."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:250
-msgid "Admin Bar"
+#: inc/class-job.php:2056
+msgid "Wrong BackWPup JobID"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:258
-msgid "Show BackWPup links in admin bar."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2069
+msgid "A BackWPup job is already running"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:264 inc/class-page-settings.php:269
-msgid "Folder sizes"
+#: inc/class-job.php:2451
+msgid "exec command is not active."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:277
-msgid ""
-"Display folder sizes in the files tab when editing a job. (Might increase "
-"loading time of files tab.)"
+#: inc/class-job.php:2456
+msgid "mysqldump binary not found."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:286
-msgid "Security"
+#: inc/class-job.php:2482
+msgctxt "SIGHUP: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
+msgid "Hangup detected on controlling terminal or death of controlling process"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:287
-msgid "Security option for BackWPup"
+#: inc/class-job.php:2486
+msgctxt "SIGINT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
+msgid "Interrupt from keyboard"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:290 inc/class-page-settings.php:295
-msgid "Protect folders"
+#: inc/class-job.php:2490
+msgctxt "SIGQUIT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
+msgid "Quit from keyboard"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:304
-msgid ""
-"Protect BackWPup folders ( Temp, Log and Backups ) with .htaccess"
-"code> and
+#: inc/class-job.php:2494
+msgctxt "SIGILL: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
+msgid "Illegal Instruction"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:321
-msgid ""
-"Every time BackWPup runs a backup job, a log file is being generated. Choose "
-"where to store your log files and how many of them."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2498
+msgctxt "SIGABRT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
+msgid "Abort signal from abort(3)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:330
-msgid "Log file folder"
+#: inc/class-job.php:2502
+msgctxt "SIGBUS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
+msgid "Bus error (bad memory access)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:340
-msgid "You can use absolute or relative path! Relative path is relative to %s."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2506
+msgctxt "SIGFPE: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
+msgid "Floating point exception"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:356
-msgid "Maximum log files"
+#: inc/class-job.php:2510
+msgctxt "SIGSEGV: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
+msgid "Invalid memory reference"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:363
-msgid "Maximum log files in folder."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2514
+msgctxt "SIGTERM: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
+msgid "Termination signal"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:367 inc/class-page-settings.php:370
-msgid "Compression"
+#: inc/class-job.php:2518
+msgctxt "SIGSTKFLT: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
+msgid "Stack fault on coprocessor"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:381
-msgid "Compress log files with GZip."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2522
+msgctxt "SIGUSR1: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
+msgid "User-defined signal 1"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:387 inc/class-page-settings.php:392
-msgid "Logging Level"
+#: inc/class-job.php:2526
+msgctxt "SIGUSR2: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
+msgid "User-defined signal 2"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:400
-msgid "Normal (translated)"
+#: inc/class-job.php:2530
+msgctxt "SIGURG: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
+msgid "Urgent condition on socket"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:404
-msgid "Normal (not translated)"
+#: inc/class-job.php:2534
+msgctxt "SIGXCPU: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
+msgid "CPU time limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:408
-msgid "Debug (translated)"
+#: inc/class-job.php:2538
+msgctxt "SIGXFSZ: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
+msgid "File size limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:412
-msgid "Debug (not translated)"
+#: inc/class-job.php:2542
+msgctxt "SIGPWR: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
+msgid "Power failure"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:416
-msgid ""
-"Debug log has much more informations than normal logs. It is for support and "
-"should be handled carefully. For support is the best to use a not translated "
-"log file. Usage of not translated logs can reduce the PHP memory usage too."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2546
+msgctxt "SIGSYS: Please see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html for details"
+msgid "Bad argument to routine"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:429
-msgid "There are a couple of general options for backup jobs. Set them here."
+#: inc/class-job.php:2553
+msgid "Signal \"%1$s\" (%2$s) is sent to script!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:437
-msgid "Maximum number of retries for job steps"
+#: inc/class-job.php:2587
+#: inc/class-job.php:2600
+msgid "System: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:450
-msgid "Maximum script execution time"
+#: inc/class-job.php:2615
+msgid "Exception caught in %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:455
-msgid "Maximum PHP Script execution time"
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:138
+msgid "No Logs."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:462
-msgid "seconds."
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:165
+msgid "Status"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:464
-msgid ""
-"Job will restart before hitting maximum execution time. Restarts will be "
-"disabled on CLI usage. If ALTERNATE_WP_CRON
has been defined, "
-"WordPress Cron will be used for restarts, so it can take a while. 0 means no "
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:168
+msgid "Runtime"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:476
-msgid "Key to start jobs externally with an URL"
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:230
+msgid "View"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:484
-msgid "Will be used to protect job starts from unauthorized person."
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:251
+msgid "1 ERROR"
+msgid_plural "%d ERRORS"
+msgstr[0] ""
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:254
+msgid "1 WARNING"
+msgid_plural "%d WARNINGS"
+msgstr[0] ""
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:257
+msgid "O.K."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:492 inc/class-page-settings.php:497
-msgid "Reduce server load"
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:275
+msgid "Log only"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:505
-msgid "disabled"
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:288
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:137
+msgid "seconds"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:509
-msgid "minimum"
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:440
+msgid "%s › Logs"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:513
-msgid "medium"
+#: inc/class-page-logs.php:471
+msgid "Logfile not found!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:517
-msgid "maximum"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:98
+msgid "Job with ID %d"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:521
-msgid ""
-"This adds short pauses to the process. Can be used to reduce the CPU load."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
+msgid "Changes for job %s saved."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:530
-msgid "Empty output on working"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:223
+msgid "Jobs overview"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:535 inc/class-page-settings.php:546
-msgid "Enable an empty Output on backup working."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:334
+msgid "%1$s › Job: %2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:549
-msgid ""
-"This do an empty output on job working. This can help in some situations or "
-"can brake the working. You must test it."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:337
+msgid "Schedule"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:558
-msgid "Windows IIS compatibility"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:352
+msgid "To: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:563 inc/class-page-settings.php:574
-msgid "Enable compatibility with IIS on Windows."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:390
+msgid "Please name this job."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:577
-msgid ""
-"There is a PHP bug (bug #43817), "
-"which is triggered on some versions of Windows and IIS. Checking this box "
-"will enable a workaround for that bug. Only enable if you are getting errors "
-"about “Permission denied” in your logs."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:397
+msgid "Job Tasks"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:593
-msgid "Here you can set your keys for encrypting your backups."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:400
+msgid "This job is a …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:601
-msgid ""
-"If you select symmetric encryption (default), you can generate a 256-bit key "
-"by clicking Generate Key
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:403
+msgid "Job tasks"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:611
-msgid ""
-"If you select asymmetric encryption (more secure), you must have an RSA "
-"public/private key pair. You would enter the public key in the Public "
field. If you do not have a key pair, click Generate Key "
and they will be generated for you."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:421
+msgid "Backup File Creation"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:621
-msgid ""
-"Note: You will be asked to download the keys for safe "
-"storage. We do not keep a copy of the private key, so if you lose this, your "
-"data cannot be decrypted!"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:426
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:429
+msgid "Backup type"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:631
-msgid ""
-"You can also click Validate
to validate that you have the "
-"proper private key for the given public key."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:432
+msgid "Synchronize file by file to destination"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:641
-msgid "Encryption is a pro-only feature."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:437
+msgid "Create a backup archive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:645 inc/class-page-settings.php:999
-msgid "https://backwpup.com"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:445
+msgid "Archive name"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:646 inc/class-page-settings.php:1000
-msgid "Get Pro"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:448
+msgid "Note: In order for backup file tracking to work, %hash% must be included anywhere in the archive name."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:654
-msgid "Encryption Type"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:452
+msgid "Preview: "
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:661
-msgid "Symmetric (public key only)"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:454
+msgid "Replacement patterns:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:667
-msgid "Asymmetric (public and private key)"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:455
+msgid "%d = Two digit day of the month, with leading zeros"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:673 inc/class-page-settings.php:679
-msgid "Encryption Key"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:456
+msgid "%j = Day of the month, without leading zeros"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:684
-msgid "Key"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:457
+msgid "%m = Day of the month, with leading zeros"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:696
-msgid "Click below to generate a random key."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:458
+msgid "%n = Representation of the month (without leading zeros)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:699
-msgid "Generate Key"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:459
+msgid "%Y = Four digit representation for the year"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:708 inc/class-page-settings.php:713
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:773
-msgid "Public Key"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:460
+msgid "%y = Two digit representation of the year"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:716
-msgid "RSA Public Key"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:461
+msgid "%a = Lowercase ante meridiem (am) and post meridiem (pm)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:728 inc/class-page-settings.php:729
-msgid "Generate Key Pair"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:462
+msgid "%A = Uppercase ante meridiem (AM) and post meridiem (PM)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:734
-msgid "Validate Key"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:463
+msgid "%B = Swatch Internet Time"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:735 inc/class-page-settings.php:759
-msgid "Validate"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:464
+msgid "%g = Hour in 12-hour format, without leading zeros"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:746
-msgid ""
-"Enter your private key below to validate it will work with the provided "
-"public key."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:465
+msgid "%G = Hour in 24-hour format, without leading zeros"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:749
-msgid ""
-"The private key will not be stored, so you must still securely store it "
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:466
+msgid "%h = Hour in 12-hour format, with leading zeros"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:765
-msgid "Your keys are being generated. Please hold a moment …"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:467
+msgid "%H = Hour in 24-hour format, with leading zeros"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:769
-msgid "Here are your keys. Please store them in a safe location."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:468
+msgid "%i = Two digit representation of the minute"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:794
-msgid ""
-"Please download at least your private key above, as we will not store this "
-"key, and if you lose it, your backups cannot be decrypted."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:469
+msgid "%s = Two digit representation of the second"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:797
-msgid ""
-"Click the button below to use these keys and paste the public key into the "
-"RSA public key field above."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:475
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:478
+msgid "Archive Format"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:801
-msgid "Use These Keys"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:481
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:483
+msgid "Zip"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:812
-msgid "Authentication for %s
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:484
+msgid "ZipArchive PHP class is missing, so BackWPUp will use PclZip instead."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:819
-msgid ""
-"If you protected your blog with HTTP basic authentication (.htaccess), or "
-"you use a Plugin to secure wp-cron.php, then use the authentication methods "
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:486
+msgid "Tar"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:835 inc/class-page-settings.php:840
-msgid "Authentication method"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:488
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:490
+msgid "Tar GZip"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:852
-msgid "Basic auth"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:491
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:498
+msgid "Disabled due to missing %s PHP function."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:856
-msgid "WordPress User"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:494
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:497
+msgid "Tar BZip2"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:860
-msgid "Query argument"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:495
+msgid "Not supported yet by the automatic restore functionality"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:871
-msgid "Basic Auth Username:"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:506
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:511
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:520
+msgid "Encrypt Archive"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:888
-msgid "Basic Auth Password:"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:524
+msgid "You must generate your encryption key in BackWPup Settings before you can enable this option."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:902 inc/class-page-settings.php:905
-msgid "Select WordPress User"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:533
+msgid "Job Destination"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:938
-msgid "Query arg key=value:"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:537
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:540
+msgid "Where should your backup file be stored?"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:966
-msgid ""
-"Experiencing an issue and need to contact BackWPup support? Click the link "
-"below to get debug information you can send to us."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:558
+msgid "Log Files"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:973 inc/class-page-settings.php:1068
-msgid "Debug Info"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:562
+msgid "Send log to email address"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:977
-msgid "Get Debug Info"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:565
+msgid "Leave empty to not have log sent. Or separate with , for more than one receiver."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:984
-msgid ""
-"You will find debug information below. Click the button to copy the debug "
-"info to send to support."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:569
+msgid "Email FROM field"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1011
-msgid "Copy Debug Info"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:571
+msgid "Your Name <mail@domain.tld>"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1016
-msgid "Debug info copied to clipboard."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:575
+msgid "Errors only"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1024
-msgid "Could not copy debug info. You can simply press ctrl+C to copy it."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:580
+msgid "Send email with log only when errors occur during job execution."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1077 inc/class-page-settings.php:1081
-msgid "Setting"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:591
+msgid "Job Schedule"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1077 inc/class-page-settings.php:1081
-msgid "Value"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:595
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:598
+msgid "Start job"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1100
-msgid "Save Changes"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:602
+msgid "manually only"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1105
-msgid "Reset all settings to default"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:606
+msgid "with WordPress cron"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1126
-msgid "WordPress version"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:615
+msgid "with EasyCron.com"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1131
-msgid "BackWPup version"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:617
+msgid "First setup API Key."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1135
-msgid "Get pro."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:626
+msgid "with a link"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1137
-msgid "BackWPup Pro version"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:627
+msgid "Copy the link for an external start. This option has to be activated to make the link work."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1142
-msgid "PHP version"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:634
+msgid "Start job with CLI"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1152
-msgid "MySQL version"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:637
+msgid "Use WP-CLI to run jobs from commandline."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1156
-msgid "cURL version"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:642
+msgid "Schedule execution time"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1160
-msgid "cURL SSL version"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:646
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:649
+msgid "Scheduler type"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1163
-msgid "unavailable"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:653
+msgid "basic"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1167
-msgid "WP-Cron url"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:657
+msgid "advanced"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1171
-msgid "Server self connect"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:686
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:754
+msgid "Scheduler"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1177
-msgid "Not expected HTTP response:"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:696
+msgid "Hour"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1178
-msgid "Not expected HTTP response:
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:699
+msgid "Minute"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1181
-msgid "WP Http Error: %s"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:703
+msgid "monthly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1185
-msgid "WP Http Error: %s
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:705
+msgid "on"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1189
-msgid "Status-Code: %d"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:715
+msgid "weekly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1191
-msgid "Status-Code: %d
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:717
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:824
+msgid "Sunday"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1204
-msgid "Content: %s"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:718
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:825
+msgid "Monday"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1206
-msgid "Content: %s
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:719
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:826
+msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1211
-msgid "Response Test O.K."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:720
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:827
+msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1220
-msgid "Temp folder"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:721
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:828
+msgid "Thursday"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1223
-msgid "Temp folder %s doesn't exist."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:722
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:829
+msgid "Friday"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1228
-msgid "Temporary folder %s is not writable."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:723
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:830
+msgid "Saturday"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1236
-msgid "Log folder"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:733
+msgid "daily"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1242
-msgid "Log folder %s does not exist."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:743
+msgid "hourly"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1247
-msgid "Log folder %s is not writable."
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:757
+msgid "Minutes:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1255
-msgid "Server"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:759
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:772
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:784
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:798
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:820
+msgid "Any (*)"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1259
-msgid "Operating System"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:769
+msgid "Hours:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1263
-msgid "PHP SAPI"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:782
+msgid "Day of Month:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1267
-msgid "Current PHP user"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:796
+msgid "Month:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1271
-msgid "Function Disabled"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:802
+msgid "January"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1275
-msgid "Maximum execution time"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:803
+msgid "February"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1277 inc/class-page-settings.php:1284
-msgid "%d seconds"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:804
+msgid "March"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1282
-msgid "BackWPup maximum script execution time"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:805
+msgid "April"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1289
-msgid "Alternative WP Cron"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:806
+msgid "May"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1291 inc/class-page-settings.php:1299
-msgid "On"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:807
+msgid "June"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1293 inc/class-page-settings.php:1301
-msgid "Off"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:808
+msgid "July"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1297
-msgid "Disabled WP Cron"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:809
+msgid "August"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1305
-msgid "CHMOD Dir"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:810
+msgid "September"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1313
-msgid "Server Time"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:811
+msgid "October"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1318
-msgid "Blog Time"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:812
+msgid "November"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1322
-msgid "Blog Timezone"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:813
+msgid "December"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1326
-msgid "Blog Time offset"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:818
+msgid "Day of Week:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1328
-msgid "%s hours"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:854
+msgid "Save changes"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1333
-msgid "Blog language"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:941
+msgid "Working as Cron schedule:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1337
-msgid "MySQL Client encoding"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:950
+msgid "ATTENTION: Job runs every %d minutes!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1341
-msgid "PHP Memory limit"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:954
+msgid "ATTENTION: Can't calculate cron!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1345
-msgid "WP memory limit"
+#: inc/class-page-editjob.php:957
+msgid "Next runtime:"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1349
-msgid "WP maximum memory limit"
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:56
+msgid "Cannot open the archive for reading."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1353
-msgid "Memory in use"
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:82
+msgid "Cannot write the encrypted archive."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1359
-msgid "Disabled PHP Functions:"
+#: inc/class-decrypter.php:162
+msgid "Private key invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-page-settings.php:1364
-msgid "Loaded PHP Extensions:"
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:46
+msgid "FTP server and login"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:67
-msgctxt "%1 = extension name, %2 = file suffix"
-msgid "We recommend to install the %1$s extension to generate %2$s archives."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:50
+msgid "FTP server"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:77
-msgid ""
-"You must run WordPress version %1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are "
-"using version %2$s now."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:71
+msgid "Password"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:88
-msgid ""
-"We recommend to run a PHP version above %1$s to get the full plugin "
-"functionality. You are using version %2$s now."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:87
+msgid "Folder to store files in"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:100
-msgid ""
-"You must have the MySQLi extension installed and a MySQL server version of "
-"%1$s or higher to use this plugin. You are using version %2$s now."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:128
+msgid "FTP specific settings"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:112
-msgid ""
-"PHP cURL extension must be installed to use the full plugin functionality."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:133
+msgid "Timeout for FTP connection"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:136
-msgctxt "Link to PHP manual"
-msgid "Please disable the deprecated PHP safe mode."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:141
+msgid "SSL-FTP connection"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:146
-msgid ""
-"We recommend to install the PHP FTP extension to use the FTP backup "
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:148
+msgid "Use explicit SSL-FTP connection."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:164
-msgid "The HTTP response test result is an error: \"%s\"."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:153
+msgid "FTP Passive Mode"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:175
-msgid ""
-"The HTTP response test result is a wrong HTTP status: %s. It should be "
-"status 200."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:158
+msgid "Use FTP Passive Mode."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:193
-msgid "Yeah!"
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:321
+msgid "Could not log in to FTP server."
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:194
-msgid "All tests passed without errors."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:394
+msgid "Cannot delete \"%s\" on FTP server!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:220
-msgid "WP-Cron seems to be broken. But it is needed to run scheduled jobs."
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:404
+msgid "One file deleted on FTP server"
+msgid_plural "%d files deleted on FTP server"
+msgstr[0] ""
-#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:239
-msgid "There are errors. Please correct them, or BackWPup cannot work."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:433
+msgid "%d. Try to send backup file to an FTP server …"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-system-tests-runner.php:261
-msgid "There are some warnings. BackWPup will work, but with limitations."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:450
+msgid "Connected via explicit SSL-FTP to server: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:23
-msgid "A job is already running."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:458
+msgid "Cannot connect via explicit SSL-FTP to server: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:35
-msgid "No job ID specified!"
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:468
+msgid "PHP function to connect with explicit SSL-FTP to server does not exist!"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:41
-msgid "Job ID does not exist!"
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:483
+msgid "Connected to FTP server: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:54
-msgid "Nothing to abort!"
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:491
+msgid "Cannot connect to FTP server: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/class-wp-cli.php:105
-msgid "No job running"
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:503
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:523
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:546
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:603
+msgid "FTP client command: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:7
-msgid "Uploading Archive..."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:513
+msgid "FTP server response: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:8
-msgid "Restoring: Directories ..."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:520
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:531
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:534
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:549
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:552
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:607
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:612
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:619
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:624
+msgid "FTP server reply: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:9
-msgid "Restoring: Database ..."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:552
+msgid "Error getting SYSTYPE"
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:10
-msgid "Extracting Archive please be patient ..."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:590
+msgid "FTP current folder is: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:11
-msgid "Downloading Archive..."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:607
+msgid "Entering passive mode"
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:12
-msgid "Database restored successfully."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:612
+msgid "Cannot enter passive mode"
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:13
-msgid ""
-"Ops! There was an error during database restore. Please see the log for more "
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:619
+msgid "Entering normal mode"
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:17
-msgid "Restoring: "
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:624
+msgid "Cannot enter normal mode"
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:18
-msgid "No EventSource found in the brower. Cannot continue."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:631
+msgid "Starting upload to FTP …"
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:19
-msgid "Directories restored successfully."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:649
+msgid "Cannot transfer backup to FTP server!"
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/CronController.php:80
-msgid "Every %d days"
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:656
+msgid "Backup transferred to FTP server: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/FrontController.php:143
-msgid "%s needs your help"
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:735
+msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created! Parent directory may be not writable."
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/FrontController.php:144
-msgid "Help %s"
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:753
+msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" cannot be created!"
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:28
-msgid "Yes, I agree."
+#: inc/class-destination-ftp.php:765
+msgid "FTP Folder \"%s\" created!"
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:45
-msgid "I have to think about that, ask me later."
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:22
+msgid "Sugarsync Login"
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:62
-msgid "Please no. Don't ask me again."
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:30
+msgid "Email address:"
msgstr ""
-#: vendor/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Template/Buttons.php:84
-msgid "More info"
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:33
+msgid "Password:"
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:37
-msgid "Select Archive"
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:37
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:120
+msgid "Authenticate with Sugarsync!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:38
-msgid "or"
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:38
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:136
+msgid "Create Sugarsync account"
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:39
-msgid "Drop file here"
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:46
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:132
+msgid "Delete Sugarsync authentication!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_action.php:42
-msgid "Supported archive format zip,tar,tar.gz,tar.bz2"
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:52
+msgid "SugarSync Root"
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_top.php:2
-msgid "Backup Upload"
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:56
+msgid "Sync folder selection"
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_top.php:5
-msgid ""
-"Welcome to BackWPup Restore. This tool helps you to restore a backup of your "
-"WordPress installation. Each step of the restore process will be explained "
-"in this box to get you quickly running."
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:64
+msgid "No Syncfolders found!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_top.php:10
-msgid ""
-"The first step is to upload a backup file. You can simply drag'n'drop a ZIP "
-"file of your backup into the box below or click on the `Select Archive` "
-"button and select the file using the file explorer."
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:85
+msgid "Folder in root"
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_top.php:14
-msgid ""
-"The upload of the file should start automatically and you will be lead to "
-"the next step."
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:233
+msgid "%d. Try to send backup to SugarSync …"
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step1_top.php:17
-msgid "Note: Only backups done with BackWPup can be restored."
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:240
+msgid "Authenticated to SugarSync with nickname %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:9
-msgid "Choose your restore strategy."
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:243
+msgctxt "Available space on SugarSync"
+msgid "Not enough disk space available on SugarSync. Available: %s."
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:15
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:6
-msgid "Full Restore"
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:249
+msgid "%s available at SugarSync"
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:21
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:16
-msgid "Database Only"
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:256
+msgid "Starting upload to SugarSync …"
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:25
-msgid "Restore Database."
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:266
+msgid "Cannot transfer backup to SugarSync!"
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:31
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:54
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr ""
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:305
+msgid "One file deleted on SugarSync folder"
+msgid_plural "%d files deleted on SugarSync folder"
+msgstr[0] ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_action.php:37
-msgid ""
-"There seems to be a problem with the archive. It is neither an archive nor a "
-"SQL file. Try again and repeat the upload."
+#: inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php:311
+msgid "SugarSync API: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:2
-msgid "Select Strategy"
+#: backwpup.php:287
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:287
+msgid "Backup to Folder"
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:4
-msgid ""
-"This page provides two options you can choose from. Your decision affects "
-"the behavior of the restore process and decides which files are going to be "
+#: backwpup.php:302
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:302
+msgid "Email"
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:10
-msgid ""
-"This option restores everything. Your database as well as all files within "
-"the backup are restored. The backup usually holds files from your wp-"
+#: backwpup.php:303
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:303
+msgid "Backup sent via email"
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:17
-msgid ""
-"The second option is a database only restore. Choosing this option will "
-"restore only the database dump. No files will be restored."
+#: backwpup.php:318
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:318
+msgid "FTP"
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step2_top.php:20
-msgid ""
-"Note: Only Full Restore can be done, if everything is also "
-"included in the zip file. If your zip file is only including a database, "
-"then only a Database only restore can be made."
+#: backwpup.php:319
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:319
+msgid "Backup to FTP"
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:6
-msgid "Database Connection Settings."
+#: backwpup.php:351
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:351
+msgid "Backup to an S3 Service"
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:13
-msgid "Database Host"
+#: backwpup.php:371
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:371
+msgid "MS Azure"
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:19
-msgid "Database Name"
+#: backwpup.php:372
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:372
+msgid "Backup to Microsoft Azure (Blob)"
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:25
-msgid "Database User"
+#: backwpup.php:387
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:387
+msgid "RSC"
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:31
-msgid "Database Password"
+#: backwpup.php:407
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:407
+msgid "SugarSync"
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:39
-msgid "Database Charset"
+#: backwpup.php:433
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:433
+msgid "PHP Version %1$s is to low, you need Version %2$s or above."
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_action.php:49
-msgid "Test Connection"
+#: backwpup.php:443
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:443
+msgid "Missing function \"%s\"."
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_top.php:2
-msgid "Database Settings"
+#: backwpup.php:454
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:454
+msgid "Missing class \"%s\"."
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_top.php:4
-msgid ""
-"Before the actually restore can take place you need to tell us some "
-"information about your database. Probably, these information are the same as "
-"your WordPress database. The restore will overwrite all information within "
-"this database. So make sure you choose the correct database."
+#: backwpup.php:573
+#: vendor_dist/backwpup.php:573
+msgid "BackWPup requires PHP version %$1s with spl extension or greater and WordPress %$2s or greater."
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_top.php:6
-msgid ""
-"You can use the Test Connection button below to test, you "
-"guessed it, your connection to the database.\n"
-"\t\t\t\tIf everything is fine a green message box will appear. Otherwise, a "
-"red message box will tell you more about the problem.\n"
-"\t\t\t\tYou can only continue when a working connection to the database "
-"could be established."
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:7
+msgid "Uploading Archive..."
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step3_top.php:13
-msgid ""
-"Having trouble getting your database connection settings? Go to documentation to get more information."
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:8
+msgid "Restoring: Directories ..."
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step4_action.php:8
-msgid "Restore Progress."
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:9
+msgid "Restoring: Database ..."
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step4_action.php:20
-msgid "Start"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:10
+msgid "Extracting Archive please be patient ..."
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step4_top.php:5
-msgid ""
-"You reached the last step. Now you're ready to restore the data. Simply "
-"press the Start button and the restore starts."
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:11
+msgid "Downloading Archive..."
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step5_top.php:2
-msgid "Success"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:12
+msgid "Database restored successfully."
msgstr ""
-#: views/pro/restore/steps/step5_top.php:5
-msgid "Your restore was successful and everything should be back to normal."
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:13
+msgid "Ops! There was an error during database restore. Please see the log for more information."
msgstr ""
-#. Plugin Name of the plugin/theme
-msgid "BackWPup Pro"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:17
+msgid "Restoring: "
msgstr ""
-#. Description of the plugin/theme
-msgid "WordPress Backup Plugin"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:18
+msgid "No EventSource found in the brower. Cannot continue."
msgstr ""
-#. Author of the plugin/theme
-msgid "Inpsyde GmbH"
+#: vendor/inpsyde/backwpup-restore-shared/inc/localize-restore-api.php:19
+msgid "Directories restored successfully."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/vendor/autoload.php b/vendor/autoload.php
index 0259d406..0015c38d 100644
--- a/vendor/autoload.php
+++ b/vendor/autoload.php
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
require_once __DIR__ . '/composer/autoload_real.php';
-return ComposerAutoloaderInit60d0ebfd52f1976313219c1674abb3d8::getLoader();
+return ComposerAutoloaderInit37cb09134d372658514673099c06afe0::getLoader();
diff --git a/vendor/christian-riesen/base32/.scrutinizer.yml b/vendor/christian-riesen/base32/.scrutinizer.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index cf8b9954..00000000
--- a/vendor/christian-riesen/base32/.scrutinizer.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
- - "composer install --prefer-dist"
- php_mess_detector: true
- php_code_sniffer: true
- php_analyzer: true
- sensiolabs_security_checker: true
- php_code_coverage: true
- php_cpd: true
- php_pdepend:
- excluded_dirs: [vendor/, tests/*]
- excluded_paths: [vendor/]
diff --git a/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php b/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php
index dc02dfb1..95f7e097 100644
--- a/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php
+++ b/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ private function findFileWithExtension($class, $ext)
$subPath = $class;
while (false !== $lastPos = strrpos($subPath, '\\')) {
$subPath = substr($subPath, 0, $lastPos);
- $search = $subPath.'\\';
+ $search = $subPath . '\\';
if (isset($this->prefixDirsPsr4[$search])) {
$pathEnd = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . substr($logicalPathPsr4, $lastPos + 1);
foreach ($this->prefixDirsPsr4[$search] as $dir) {
diff --git a/vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php b/vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php
index a8a5b2eb..3c13d15d 100644
--- a/vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php
+++ b/vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php
@@ -970,79 +970,6 @@
'Aws\\WorkSpaces\\Exception\\WorkSpacesException' => $vendorDir . '/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/Aws/WorkSpaces/Exception/WorkSpacesException.php',
'Aws\\WorkSpaces\\WorkSpacesClient' => $vendorDir . '/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/Aws/WorkSpaces/WorkSpacesClient.php',
'BackWPup' => $baseDir . '/backwpup.php',
- 'BackWPup_Admin' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-admin.php',
- 'BackWPup_Admin_Notice' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-admin-notice.php',
- 'BackWPup_Adminbar' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-adminbar.php',
- 'BackWPup_Autoload' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-autoload.php',
- 'BackWPup_Become_Inpsyder_Widget' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php',
- 'BackWPup_Create_Archive' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-create-archive.php',
- 'BackWPup_Create_Archive_Exception' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-create-archive-exception.php',
- 'BackWPup_Cron' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-cron.php',
- 'BackWPup_Decrypter' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-decrypter.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Connect_Exception' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-destination-connect-exception.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Connect_Interface' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-destination-connect-interface.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Download_Exception' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-destination-download-exception.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Downloader' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-destination-downloader.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Downloader_Factory' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-destination-downloader-factory.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Dropbox' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-destination-dropbox.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Dropbox_API' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Dropbox_API_Exception' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-destination-dropbox-api-exception.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Dropbox_API_Request_Exception' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-destination-dropbox-api-request-exception.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Dropbox_Downloader' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Email' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-destination-email.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Factory' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-destination-factory.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Folder' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-destination-folder.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Folder_Downloader' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Ftp' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-destination-ftp.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Ftp_Connect' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-destination-ftp-connect.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Ftp_Downloader' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_MSAzure' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-destination-msazure.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_RSC' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-destination-rsc.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_S3' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-destination-s3.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_S3_Downloader' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destinations' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-destinations.php',
- 'BackWPup_Directory' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-directory.php',
- 'BackWPup_Dismissible_Notice_Option' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-dismissible-notice-option.php',
- 'BackWPup_Download_File' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-download-file.php',
- 'BackWPup_Download_File_Interface' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-download-file-interface.php',
- 'BackWPup_EasyCron' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-easycron.php',
- 'BackWPup_Encryption' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-encryption.php',
- 'BackWPup_Encryption_Fallback' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-encryption-fallback.php',
- 'BackWPup_Encryption_Mcrypt' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-encryption-mcrypt.php',
- 'BackWPup_Encryption_OpenSSL' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-encryption-openssl.php',
- 'BackWPup_Factory_Exception' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-factory-exception.php',
- 'BackWPup_Factory_Interface' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-factory-interface.php',
- 'BackWPup_File' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-file.php',
- 'BackWPup_Help' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-help.php',
- 'BackWPup_Install' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-install.php',
- 'BackWPup_Job' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-job.php',
- 'BackWPup_JobType_DBCheck' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php',
- 'BackWPup_JobType_DBDump' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php',
- 'BackWPup_JobType_File' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-jobtype-file.php',
- 'BackWPup_JobType_WPEXP' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php',
- 'BackWPup_JobType_WPPlugin' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php',
- 'BackWPup_JobTypes' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-jobtypes.php',
- 'BackWPup_Message_Box' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-message-box.php',
- 'BackWPup_MySQLDump' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-mysqldump.php',
- 'BackWPup_MySQLDump_Exception' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-mysqldump.php',
- 'BackWPup_Option' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-option.php',
- 'BackWPup_Page_About' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-page-about.php',
- 'BackWPup_Page_BackWPup' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-page-backwpup.php',
- 'BackWPup_Page_Backups' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-page-backups.php',
- 'BackWPup_Page_Editjob' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-page-editjob.php',
- 'BackWPup_Page_Jobs' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-page-jobs.php',
- 'BackWPup_Page_Logs' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-page-logs.php',
- 'BackWPup_Page_Settings' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-page-settings.php',
- 'BackWPup_Path_Fixer' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-path-fixer.php',
- 'BackWPup_Recursive_Directory' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-recursive-directory.php',
- 'BackWPup_Sanitize_Path' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-sanitize-path.php',
- 'BackWPup_System_Requirements' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-system-requirements.php',
- 'BackWPup_System_Tests' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-system-tests.php',
- 'BackWPup_System_Tests_Runner' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-system-tests-runner.php',
- 'BackWPup_WP_CLI' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-wp-cli.php',
'Base32\\Base32' => $vendorDir . '/christian-riesen/base32/src/Base32.php',
'Console_Getopt' => $vendorDir . '/pear/console_getopt/Console/Getopt.php',
'Firebase\\JWT\\BeforeValidException' => $vendorDir . '/firebase/php-jwt/src/BeforeValidException.php',
@@ -1487,26 +1414,6 @@
'HTTP_Request2_ResponseTest' => $vendorDir . '/pear/http_request2/tests/Request2/ResponseTest.php',
'HTTP_Request2_SOCKS5' => $vendorDir . '/pear/http_request2/HTTP/Request2/SOCKS5.php',
'HTTP_Request2_SocketWrapper' => $vendorDir . '/pear/http_request2/HTTP/Request2/SocketWrapper.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\BackWPupTest' => $baseDir . '/tests/php/unit/inc/PluginAutoloader.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\BackWPupTestCase' => $baseDir . '/tests/php/BackWPupTestCase.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\BackWPup_Create_ArchiveTest' => $baseDir . '/tests/php/unit/inc/BackWPup_Create_ArchiveTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\BackWPup_Destination_Downloader_FactoryTest' => $baseDir . '/tests/php/unit/inc/BackWPup_Destination_Downloader_FactoryTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\BackWPup_Destination_DropboxTest' => $baseDir . '/tests/php/unit/inc/BackWPup_Destination_DropboxTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\BackWPup_Download_FileTest' => $baseDir . '/tests/php/unit/inc/BackWPup_Download_FileTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\BackWPup_FileTest' => $baseDir . '/tests/php/unit/inc/BackWPup_FileTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\BackWPup_ProTest' => $baseDir . '/tests/php/unit/inc/pro/BackWPup_ProTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\BackWPup_Pro_Destination_FolderTest' => $baseDir . '/tests/php/unit/inc/pro/BackWPup_Pro_Destination_FolderTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\BackWPup_System_TestingTest' => $baseDir . '/tests/php/unit/inc/BackWPup_System_TestingTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\CleanJsonRequestStringTest' => $baseDir . '/tests/php/unit/inc/CleanJsonRequestStringTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\Create_Archive_TarBz2_Test' => $baseDir . '/tests/php/unit/Create_Archive_TarBz2_Test.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\IsJsonTest' => $baseDir . '/tests/php/unit/inc/IsJsonTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\NotificatorTest' => $baseDir . '/tests/php/unit/inc/pro/restore/NotificatorTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\RestoreContainerTest' => $baseDir . '/tests/php/unit/inc/pro/restore/functions/RestoreContainerTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\RestoreRegistryContainerTest' => $baseDir . '/tests/php/unit/inc/pro/restore/functions/RestoreRegistryContainerTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\SanitizePathTest' => $baseDir . '/tests/php/unit/inc/SanitizePathTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\StringToBoolAndBoolToStringTest' => $baseDir . '/tests/php/unit/inc/StringToBoolAndBoolToStringTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\TemplateLoaderTest' => $baseDir . '/tests/php/unit/inc/pro/restore/TemplateLoaderTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\unit\\inc\\BackWPup_Encryption_OpenSSLTest' => $baseDir . '/tests/php/unit/inc/BackWPup_Encryption_OpenSSLTest.php',
'Inpsyde_PhoneHome_ActionController' => $vendorDir . '/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/ActionController.php',
'Inpsyde_PhoneHome_Configuration' => $vendorDir . '/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Configuration.php',
'Inpsyde_PhoneHome_Consent' => $vendorDir . '/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Consent/Consent.php',
diff --git a/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php b/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php
index e070de9e..704231e6 100644
--- a/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php
+++ b/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// autoload_real.php @generated by Composer
-class ComposerAutoloaderInit60d0ebfd52f1976313219c1674abb3d8
+class ComposerAutoloaderInit37cb09134d372658514673099c06afe0
private static $loader;
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ public static function getLoader()
return self::$loader;
- spl_autoload_register(array('ComposerAutoloaderInit60d0ebfd52f1976313219c1674abb3d8', 'loadClassLoader'), true, true);
+ spl_autoload_register(array('ComposerAutoloaderInit37cb09134d372658514673099c06afe0', 'loadClassLoader'), true, true);
self::$loader = $loader = new \Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader();
- spl_autoload_unregister(array('ComposerAutoloaderInit60d0ebfd52f1976313219c1674abb3d8', 'loadClassLoader'));
+ spl_autoload_unregister(array('ComposerAutoloaderInit37cb09134d372658514673099c06afe0', 'loadClassLoader'));
$includePaths = require __DIR__ . '/include_paths.php';
$includePaths[] = get_include_path();
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public static function getLoader()
if ($useStaticLoader) {
require_once __DIR__ . '/autoload_static.php';
- call_user_func(\Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInit60d0ebfd52f1976313219c1674abb3d8::getInitializer($loader));
+ call_user_func(\Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInit37cb09134d372658514673099c06afe0::getInitializer($loader));
} else {
$map = require __DIR__ . '/autoload_namespaces.php';
foreach ($map as $namespace => $path) {
@@ -52,19 +52,19 @@ public static function getLoader()
if ($useStaticLoader) {
- $includeFiles = Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInit60d0ebfd52f1976313219c1674abb3d8::$files;
+ $includeFiles = Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInit37cb09134d372658514673099c06afe0::$files;
} else {
$includeFiles = require __DIR__ . '/autoload_files.php';
foreach ($includeFiles as $fileIdentifier => $file) {
- composerRequire60d0ebfd52f1976313219c1674abb3d8($fileIdentifier, $file);
+ composerRequire37cb09134d372658514673099c06afe0($fileIdentifier, $file);
return $loader;
-function composerRequire60d0ebfd52f1976313219c1674abb3d8($fileIdentifier, $file)
+function composerRequire37cb09134d372658514673099c06afe0($fileIdentifier, $file)
if (empty($GLOBALS['__composer_autoload_files'][$fileIdentifier])) {
require $file;
diff --git a/vendor/composer/autoload_static.php b/vendor/composer/autoload_static.php
index c6cbc6d0..457a58bf 100644
--- a/vendor/composer/autoload_static.php
+++ b/vendor/composer/autoload_static.php
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
namespace Composer\Autoload;
-class ComposerStaticInit60d0ebfd52f1976313219c1674abb3d8
+class ComposerStaticInit37cb09134d372658514673099c06afe0
public static $files = array (
'2c102faa651ef8ea5874edb585946bce' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/swift_required.php',
@@ -1156,79 +1156,6 @@ class ComposerStaticInit60d0ebfd52f1976313219c1674abb3d8
'Aws\\WorkSpaces\\Exception\\WorkSpacesException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/Aws/WorkSpaces/Exception/WorkSpacesException.php',
'Aws\\WorkSpaces\\WorkSpacesClient' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/Aws/WorkSpaces/WorkSpacesClient.php',
'BackWPup' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/backwpup.php',
- 'BackWPup_Admin' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-admin.php',
- 'BackWPup_Admin_Notice' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-admin-notice.php',
- 'BackWPup_Adminbar' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-adminbar.php',
- 'BackWPup_Autoload' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-autoload.php',
- 'BackWPup_Become_Inpsyder_Widget' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-become-inpsyder-widget.php',
- 'BackWPup_Create_Archive' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-create-archive.php',
- 'BackWPup_Create_Archive_Exception' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-create-archive-exception.php',
- 'BackWPup_Cron' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-cron.php',
- 'BackWPup_Decrypter' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-decrypter.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Connect_Exception' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-destination-connect-exception.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Connect_Interface' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-destination-connect-interface.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Download_Exception' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-destination-download-exception.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Downloader' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-destination-downloader.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Downloader_Factory' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-destination-downloader-factory.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Dropbox' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-destination-dropbox.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Dropbox_API' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-destination-dropbox-api.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Dropbox_API_Exception' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-destination-dropbox-api-exception.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Dropbox_API_Request_Exception' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-destination-dropbox-api-request-exception.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Dropbox_Downloader' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-destination-dropbox-downloader.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Email' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-destination-email.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Factory' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-destination-factory.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Folder' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-destination-folder.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Folder_Downloader' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-destination-folder-downloader.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Ftp' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-destination-ftp.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Ftp_Connect' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-destination-ftp-connect.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_Ftp_Downloader' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-destination-ftp-downloader.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_MSAzure' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-destination-msazure.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_RSC' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-destination-rsc.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_S3' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-destination-s3.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_S3_Downloader' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-destination-s3-downloader.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-destination-sugarsync.php',
- 'BackWPup_Destinations' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-destinations.php',
- 'BackWPup_Directory' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-directory.php',
- 'BackWPup_Dismissible_Notice_Option' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-dismissible-notice-option.php',
- 'BackWPup_Download_File' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-download-file.php',
- 'BackWPup_Download_File_Interface' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-download-file-interface.php',
- 'BackWPup_EasyCron' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-easycron.php',
- 'BackWPup_Encryption' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-encryption.php',
- 'BackWPup_Encryption_Fallback' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-encryption-fallback.php',
- 'BackWPup_Encryption_Mcrypt' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-encryption-mcrypt.php',
- 'BackWPup_Encryption_OpenSSL' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-encryption-openssl.php',
- 'BackWPup_Factory_Exception' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-factory-exception.php',
- 'BackWPup_Factory_Interface' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-factory-interface.php',
- 'BackWPup_File' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-file.php',
- 'BackWPup_Help' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-help.php',
- 'BackWPup_Install' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-install.php',
- 'BackWPup_Job' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-job.php',
- 'BackWPup_JobType_DBCheck' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php',
- 'BackWPup_JobType_DBDump' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php',
- 'BackWPup_JobType_File' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-jobtype-file.php',
- 'BackWPup_JobType_WPEXP' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php',
- 'BackWPup_JobType_WPPlugin' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php',
- 'BackWPup_JobTypes' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-jobtypes.php',
- 'BackWPup_Message_Box' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-message-box.php',
- 'BackWPup_MySQLDump' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-mysqldump.php',
- 'BackWPup_MySQLDump_Exception' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-mysqldump.php',
- 'BackWPup_Option' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-option.php',
- 'BackWPup_Page_About' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-page-about.php',
- 'BackWPup_Page_BackWPup' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-page-backwpup.php',
- 'BackWPup_Page_Backups' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-page-backups.php',
- 'BackWPup_Page_Editjob' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-page-editjob.php',
- 'BackWPup_Page_Jobs' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-page-jobs.php',
- 'BackWPup_Page_Logs' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-page-logs.php',
- 'BackWPup_Page_Settings' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-page-settings.php',
- 'BackWPup_Path_Fixer' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-path-fixer.php',
- 'BackWPup_Recursive_Directory' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-recursive-directory.php',
- 'BackWPup_Sanitize_Path' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-sanitize-path.php',
- 'BackWPup_System_Requirements' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-system-requirements.php',
- 'BackWPup_System_Tests' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-system-tests.php',
- 'BackWPup_System_Tests_Runner' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-system-tests-runner.php',
- 'BackWPup_WP_CLI' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-wp-cli.php',
'Base32\\Base32' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/christian-riesen/base32/src/Base32.php',
'Console_Getopt' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/pear/console_getopt/Console/Getopt.php',
'Firebase\\JWT\\BeforeValidException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/firebase/php-jwt/src/BeforeValidException.php',
@@ -1673,26 +1600,6 @@ class ComposerStaticInit60d0ebfd52f1976313219c1674abb3d8
'HTTP_Request2_ResponseTest' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/pear/http_request2/tests/Request2/ResponseTest.php',
'HTTP_Request2_SOCKS5' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/pear/http_request2/HTTP/Request2/SOCKS5.php',
'HTTP_Request2_SocketWrapper' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/pear/http_request2/HTTP/Request2/SocketWrapper.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\BackWPupTest' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/tests/php/unit/inc/PluginAutoloader.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\BackWPupTestCase' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/tests/php/BackWPupTestCase.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\BackWPup_Create_ArchiveTest' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/tests/php/unit/inc/BackWPup_Create_ArchiveTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\BackWPup_Destination_Downloader_FactoryTest' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/tests/php/unit/inc/BackWPup_Destination_Downloader_FactoryTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\BackWPup_Destination_DropboxTest' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/tests/php/unit/inc/BackWPup_Destination_DropboxTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\BackWPup_Download_FileTest' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/tests/php/unit/inc/BackWPup_Download_FileTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\BackWPup_FileTest' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/tests/php/unit/inc/BackWPup_FileTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\BackWPup_ProTest' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/tests/php/unit/inc/pro/BackWPup_ProTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\BackWPup_Pro_Destination_FolderTest' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/tests/php/unit/inc/pro/BackWPup_Pro_Destination_FolderTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\BackWPup_System_TestingTest' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/tests/php/unit/inc/BackWPup_System_TestingTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\CleanJsonRequestStringTest' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/tests/php/unit/inc/CleanJsonRequestStringTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\Create_Archive_TarBz2_Test' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/tests/php/unit/Create_Archive_TarBz2_Test.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\IsJsonTest' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/tests/php/unit/inc/IsJsonTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\NotificatorTest' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/tests/php/unit/inc/pro/restore/NotificatorTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\RestoreContainerTest' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/tests/php/unit/inc/pro/restore/functions/RestoreContainerTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\RestoreRegistryContainerTest' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/tests/php/unit/inc/pro/restore/functions/RestoreRegistryContainerTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\SanitizePathTest' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/tests/php/unit/inc/SanitizePathTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\StringToBoolAndBoolToStringTest' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/tests/php/unit/inc/StringToBoolAndBoolToStringTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\TemplateLoaderTest' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/tests/php/unit/inc/pro/restore/TemplateLoaderTest.php',
- 'Inpsyde\\BackWPup\\Tests\\unit\\inc\\BackWPup_Encryption_OpenSSLTest' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/tests/php/unit/inc/BackWPup_Encryption_OpenSSLTest.php',
'Inpsyde_PhoneHome_ActionController' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/ActionController.php',
'Inpsyde_PhoneHome_Configuration' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Configuration.php',
'Inpsyde_PhoneHome_Consent' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/inpsyde/phone-home-client/src/Consent/Consent.php',
@@ -2583,11 +2490,11 @@ class ComposerStaticInit60d0ebfd52f1976313219c1674abb3d8
public static function getInitializer(ClassLoader $loader)
return \Closure::bind(function () use ($loader) {
- $loader->prefixLengthsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInit60d0ebfd52f1976313219c1674abb3d8::$prefixLengthsPsr4;
- $loader->prefixDirsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInit60d0ebfd52f1976313219c1674abb3d8::$prefixDirsPsr4;
- $loader->prefixesPsr0 = ComposerStaticInit60d0ebfd52f1976313219c1674abb3d8::$prefixesPsr0;
- $loader->fallbackDirsPsr0 = ComposerStaticInit60d0ebfd52f1976313219c1674abb3d8::$fallbackDirsPsr0;
- $loader->classMap = ComposerStaticInit60d0ebfd52f1976313219c1674abb3d8::$classMap;
+ $loader->prefixLengthsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInit37cb09134d372658514673099c06afe0::$prefixLengthsPsr4;
+ $loader->prefixDirsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInit37cb09134d372658514673099c06afe0::$prefixDirsPsr4;
+ $loader->prefixesPsr0 = ComposerStaticInit37cb09134d372658514673099c06afe0::$prefixesPsr0;
+ $loader->fallbackDirsPsr0 = ComposerStaticInit37cb09134d372658514673099c06afe0::$fallbackDirsPsr0;
+ $loader->classMap = ComposerStaticInit37cb09134d372658514673099c06afe0::$classMap;
}, null, ClassLoader::class);
diff --git a/vendor/composer/installed.json b/vendor/composer/installed.json
index d49e2b7f..540e1231 100644
--- a/vendor/composer/installed.json
+++ b/vendor/composer/installed.json
@@ -910,27 +910,27 @@
"name": "pear/pear-core-minimal",
- "version": "v1.10.3",
- "version_normalized": "",
+ "version": "v1.10.6",
+ "version_normalized": "",
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