For each figure, we need to check it visually and also check the code. For each of those checks, there is a general section and then possibly a figure-type specific section.
All of these rules are meant to be occasionally broken.
- no text or data cut off at edges
- all text in Avenir Book.
- no bold text anywhere in figure, except Title
- standard colors for regions, income groups, rural/urban and gender
- has gridlines for dominant (value) axis, not for years or countries or regions axis (generally), both for scatter
- Axis text labels (e.g. region names) are close enough to plot area / data points.
- Axis value (not year) labels have commas if numbers > 1,000 (
does this if no scaling needed)
- title, note and source end in a period, unless source ends with URL - subtitle does not.
- all captions in sentence case (This is sentence case. This Is Not Sentence Case. NOR IS THIS.)
- subtitle is of form [indicator name][, by dimensions][, year] (denominator)
- subtitle denominator matches units on dominant axis (esp. thousands, millions, billions, etc.)
- subtitle year is mentioned - if year is MRV, has standard form
- note explains how a subset of countries was selected, if necessary
- source is in standard form
- Low-income, Lower-middle-income, etc in titles; otherwise Low income, Lower middle income, etc on axis labels & legends
- Only familiar acronyms used without explanation: WDI, international organisations (IMF, WHO, IEA, etc.)
- Half page maps should be fully expanded
- Choropleth bins - continuous variable: Under 20, 20-40, 40-60, 60 and over - uses 'en dash' not hyphen
- Choropleth bins - discrete variable: Up to 19, 20-39, 40-59, 60 and over - uses 'en dash' not hyphen
- no colors hard coded - background "neutral" color (e.g. for percent cols) should be
- regions, income groups, rural/urban and gender use standard colors/fills
- No font families, colors, sizes or hard coded (search for "Avenir" for legacy uses). Family should bestyle$family
: fix old examples where it is extracted from theme -
- scatters, etc - size, stroke and (potentially) shape use standards -
- bubble charts/maps - size relative togg_max_point_size
- line charts - size is set, uses standards -
- reference lines - size, linetype and color set using style (reference) -
- uses if appropriate for line-connected-dots
- uses
- uses
for outside-plot-area legend - uses
to turn on x axis title
- for years axis, uses bracketed_breaks() to ensure limits labelled
- for nonyears axis, uses ones(), thousands(), millions() or millions() as appropriate to convert or add commas
- uses
to assemble subtitle