Zip file for testing:
- Smoke test the All Products Block and confirm products are still displayed.
- Smoke test Cart/Checkout Blocks and confirm the Blocks render and show cart contents.
Featured Product block: Add the ability to reset to a previously set custom background image (5886)
- Add a Featured Product block to a page, post, or template. Select a product that has a product image.
- In the block toolbar, click Replace and add custom background media.
- The button to Reset the image should become available in the block toolbar.
- Clicking the Reset button should remove the custom media.
- The original product image should show again.
Correctly load JS translations from WC core #6036
- Go to Settings > General > Language (/wp-admin/options-general.php) and select a language which has WC core translation at 100% but WC Blocks' at 0%. (I tested with Català).
- Go to the updates screen (/wp-admin/update-core.php), scroll down and update the language translations.
- Visit the Cart or Checkout block in the frontend and verify all texts are translated.
Try to memoize/cache filter results so that we don't call third party filters too often #5143
These instructions use WooCommerce Subscriptions as this is known to use several filters in different places.
- Install WooCommerce Subscriptions and create a subscription product.
- Add it to the cart.
- Go to the Cart block and ensure it shows the details of the subscription product under the line item.
- Ensure you can still successfully check out and you are charged the amount you expect to be based on the item price in the database, what is displayed in the Cart block and what is displayed in the Checkout block.
Checkout: Missing country error for virtual orders (edge case) #6050
- WC settings > General - set default customer location to "no location by default"
- Create a downloadable, virtual product
- Go to the store as a logged out guest in incognito mode
- Add the virtual/downloadable product to your cart
- Go to checkout
- Fill out billing address
- Place order. It should succeed.
- Check order details. Shipping should match billing address.
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