Below is a list of test cases currently covered by automated scripts for the EngageSphere application.
The tests cover both the API and Graphical User Interface (GUI.)
The GUI tests cover integrated frontend tests, accessibility (a11y) tests, and component tests.
Below is the list of all the API tests.
cypress/e2e/api/ (14 tests)
└─ EngageSphere API
├─ General
│ ├─ returns the correct status and body structure
│ └─ returns an empty array of customers when in an empty page
├─ Pagination
│ ├─ paginates the customer list correctly
│ └─ filters limit of customers correctly
├─ Size filtering
│ └─ filters customers by size correctly
├─ Industry filtering
│ └─ filters customers by industry correctly
└─ Error scenarios
├─ handles invalid requests gracefully (e.g., negative page)
├─ handles invalid requests gracefully (e.g., negative limit)
├─ handles invalid requests gracefully (e.g., page=0)
├─ handles invalid requests gracefully (e.g., limit=0)
├─ handles invalid requests gracefully (e.g., page as a string)
├─ handles invalid requests gracefully (e.g., limit as a boolean)
├─ handles invalid requests gracefully (e.g., unsupported size)
└─ handles invalid requests gracefully (e.g., unsupported industry)
Below are the three kinds of GUI tests:
Below is a list of all the frontend integrated and a11y tests.
cypress/e2e/gui/ (28 tests)
├─ EngageSphere Frontend
│ ├─ Filtering
│ │ ├─ keeps the filters when coming back from the customer details view
│ │ ├─ re-enables the input field when coming back from an empty state filter to a non-empty one
│ │ ├─ By size
│ │ │ ├─ filters by All
│ │ │ ├─ filters by Small
│ │ │ ├─ filters by Medium
│ │ │ ├─ filters by Enterprise
│ │ │ ├─ filters by Large Enterprise
│ │ │ └─ filters by Very Large Enterprise
│ │ └─ By industry
│ │ ├─ filters by All
│ │ ├─ filters by Logistics
│ │ ├─ filters by Retail
│ │ ├─ filters by Technology
│ │ ├─ filters by HR
│ │ └─ filters by Finance
│ ├─ Pagination
│ │ ├─ persists the limit of items per page in the local storage when changing the limit
│ │ └─ triggers the correct request when clicking the Next and Prev buttons
│ └─ Customer details
│ └─ goes back to the customers list when clicking the "Back" button
├─ EngageSphere Frontend - empty state
│ ├─ shows the image of an empty box and the text "No customers available." when there are no customers in the database
│ └─ disables the name text input field when there are no customers in the database
├─ EngageSphere Frontend - A11y
│ ├─ With customers
│ │ ├─ Customers table
│ │ │ ├─ finds no a11y issues in light mode
│ │ │ └─ finds no a11y issues in dark mode
│ │ └─ Customer details and address
│ │ ├─ finds no a11y issues in light mode
│ │ └─ finds no a11y issues in dark mode
│ └─ Without customers (empty state)
│ ├─ finds no a11y issues in light mode
│ └─ finds no a11y issues in dark mode
├─ EngageSphere Frontend - Loading fallback
│ └─ shows a Loading... fallback element before the initial customers' fetch
└─ Cookie consent
├─ accepts the cookies
└─ declines the cookies
Below is a list of all the component tests.
frontend/src/components/Button/ (2 tests)
└─ <Button />
├─ renders with a sample text
└─ renders with an icon and text
frontend/src/components/CookieConsent/ (2 tests)
└─ <CookieConsent />
├─ renders in light mode and finds no a11y issues
└─ renders in dark mode and finds no a11y issues
frontend/src/components/CustomerDetails/ (4 tests)
└─ <CustomerDetails />
├─ renders with contact details
├─ renders a fallback paragraph ('No contact info available') when contact details are not available
├─ shows and hides customer address
└─ renders a fallback paragraph ('No address available') when address is not available
frontend/src/components/DownloadCSV/ (1 test)
└─ <DownloadCSV />
└─ correctly downloads a list of customers as a CSV file
frontend/src/components/Footer/ (1 test)
└─ <Footer />
└─ renders with the right text and links
frontend/src/components/Greeting/ (3 tests)
└─ <Greeting />
├─ renders "Hi there" when no name is provided
├─ renders "Hi Joe" when name is provided
└─ renders the easteregg
frontend/src/components/Header/ (2 tests)
└─ <Header />
├─ renders with heading, theme's toggle, and a text input field
└─ changes to the dark mode then back to light mode
frontend/src/components/Input/ (3 tests)
└─ <Input />
├─ renders enabled
├─ renders disabled
└─ limits the input data to 40 characters
frontend/src/components/Messenger/ (6 tests)
└─ <Messenger />
├─ Light mode
│ ├─ opens and closes the messenger and finds no a11y issue
│ ├─ makes sure all fields are mandatory and the first one is focused
│ ├─ shows and hides a success message when successfully submitting the form
│ └─ clears all form fields when filling them, closing the messenger, and opening it again
└─ Dark mode
├─ finds on a11y issues with the bubble button
└─ successfully submits the form and finds no a11y issue
frontend/src/components/Pagination/ (5 tests)
└─ <Pagination />
├─ renders in the middle page (both Prev and Next buttons are enabled)
├─ renders in the first of two pages (Prev button is disabled)
├─ renders in the last of two pages (Next button is disabled)
├─ renders the Prev and Next buttons disabled when there is only one page
└─ renders with a limit of 50 items per page
frontend/src/components/Table/ (6 tests)
├─ <Table />
│ ├─ shows a list of customers when there's data in the database
│ ├─ sorts by Size in descending order by default
│ ├─ sorts by Size in ascending order
│ ├─ sorts by Number of employees in descending order
│ └─ sorts by Number of employees in ascending order
└─ <Table /> mobile
└─ shows the Company name and Action columns, and hides the ID, Industry, Number of Employees, and Size columns
The above lists of test cases were created with the find-cypress-specs
library, using the below commands:
npx find-cypress-specs --names # Get the list of all e2e tests
npx find-cypress-specs --names --component # Get the list of all component tests