diff --git a/R/crew_aws_batch_monitor.R b/R/crew_aws_batch_monitor.R
index 7e1beeb..a5729b2 100644
--- a/R/crew_aws_batch_monitor.R
+++ b/R/crew_aws_batch_monitor.R
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
#' @param job_queue Character of length 1, name of the AWS Batch
#' job queue.
#' @param job_definition Character of length 1, name of the AWS Batch
-#' job definition.
+#' job definition. The job definition might or might not exist
+#' at the time `crew_aws_batch_monitor()` is called. Either way is fine.
#' @param log_group Character of length 1,
#' AWS Batch CloudWatch log group to get job logs.
#' The default log group is often "/aws/batch/job", but not always.
diff --git a/README.Rmd b/README.Rmd
index 1852f70..527c6eb 100644
--- a/README.Rmd
+++ b/README.Rmd
@@ -93,46 +93,113 @@ str(groups$SecurityGroups[[1L]])
#> $ VpcId : chr "vpc-00000"
-# Job definition management
+# Job management
-You will most likely need to create custom job definitions for your use case. Typically this involves choosing a container image in [AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR)](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECR/latest/userguide/getting-started-cli.html) and specifying the resource requirements of jobs. AWS has documentation for The `paws.compute` package makes it straightforward to manage job definitions. Please see the AWS Batch functions at to register, describe, and deregister job definitions. To see how ECR image URLs work, visit .
+With `crew.aws.batch`, your `crew` controller automatically submits jobs to AWS Batch. These jobs may fail or linger for any number of reasons, which could impede work and increase costs. So before you use `crew_controller_aws_batch()`, please learn how to monitor and terminate AWS Batch jobs manually.
-To ["register" (create or overwrite) a job definition](https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/batch_register_job_definition/), use the R code below and replace the values with the ones you want.
+`crew.aws.batch` defines a "monitor" class to help you take control of jobs and job definitions. Create a monitor object with `crew_aws_batch_monitor()`. You will need to supply a job definition name and a job queue name.
-client <- paws.compute::batch()
- jobDefinitionName = "JOB_DEFINITION_NAME",
- type = "container",
- containerProperties = list(
- vcpus = 2,
- memory = 4000
- )
+monitor <- crew_aws_batch_monitor(
+ job_definition = "YOUR_JOB_DEFINITION_NAME",
+ job_queue = "YOUR_JOB_QUEUE_NAME"
-To collect information about existing job definitions, you can either ask for all job definitions,
+The job definition may or may not exist at this point. If it does not exist, you can register with `register()`, an oversimplified limited-scope method which creates container-based job definitions with the `"awslogs"` log driver (for CloudWatch).^[The log group supplied to `crew_aws_batch_monitor()` must be valid. The default is `"/aws/batch/log"`, which may not exist if your system administrator has a custom logging policy.] Below, your container image can be as simple as a Docker Hub identifier (like `"alpine:latest:`) or a full URI of an ECR image.^[For the `crew` controller, you will definitely want an image with R and `crew` installed. For the purposes of testing the monitor, `"alpine:latest"` will work.]
+ platform_capabilities = "EC2",
+ memory_units = "gigabytes",
+ memory = 8,
+ cpus = 2
+You can submit individual AWS Batch jobs to test your computing environment.
+job1 <- monitor$submit(name = "job1", command = c("echo", "hello\nworld"))
+job2 <- monitor$submit(name = "job2", command = c("echo", "job\nsubmitted"))
+#> # A tibble: 1 × 3
+#> name id arn
+#> 1 job2 c38d55ad-4a86-4371-9994-6ea8882f5726 arn:aws:batch:us-east-2:0…
+Method `status()` checks the status of an individual job.
+monitor$status(id = job2$id)
+#> # A tibble: 1 × 8
+#> name id arn status reason created started stopped
+#> 1 job2 c38d55ad-4a86-43… arn:… runnable NA 1.70e12 NA NA
+The `jobs()` method gets the status of all the jobs within the job queue and job definition you originally supplied to `crew_aws_batch_monitor()`. This may include many more jobs than the ones you submitted during the life cycle of the current `monitor` object.
+#> # A tibble: 2 × 8
+#> name id arn status reason created started stopped
+#> 1 job1 653df636-ac74-43… arn:… succeeded Essen… 1.70e12 1.70e12 1.70e12
+#> 2 job2 c38d55ad-4a86-43… arn:… runnable NA 1.70e12 NA NA
+The [job state](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/batch/latest/userguide/job_states.html) can be `"submitted"`, `"pending"`, `"runnable"`, `"starting"`, `"running"`, `"succeeded"`, or `"failed"`. The monitor has a method for each job state to get only the jobs with that state.
+#> # A tibble: 1 × 8
+#> name id arn status reason created started stopped
+#> 1 job1 653df636-ac74-43… arn:… succeeded NA 1.70e12 1.70e12 1.70e12
+In addition, there is an `active()` method for just states `"submitted"`, `"pending"`, `"runnable"`, `"starting"`, and `"running"`, and there is an `inactive()` method for just the `"succeeded"` and `"failed"` states.
+#> # A tibble: 1 × 8
+#> name id arn status reason created started stopped
+#> 1 job1 653df636-ac74-43… arn:… succeeded NA 1.70e12 1.70e12 1.70e12
+To terminate a job, use the `terminate()` method. This has the effect of both canceling and terminating the job, although you may not see the change right away if the job is currently `"runnable"`. Manually terminated jobs are listed as failed.
+monitor$terminate(id = job2$id)
-or just the a specific version of a specific job definition.
+To get the CloudWatch logs of a job, use the `log()` method. This method returns a `tibble` with the log messages and numeric timestamps.
+log <- monitor$log(id = job1$id)
+#> # A tibble: 2 × 3
+#> message timestamp ingestion_time
+#> 1 hello 1702068378163 1702068378245
+#> 2 world 1702068378163 1702068378245
-To delete a job definition, specify the name and version of the job definition (or the full [Amazon Resource Name](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference-arns.html), or ARN).
+If the log messages are too long to conveniently view in the `tibble`, you can print them to your screen with `cat()` or `writeLines()`.
+#> hello
+#> world
-# Package usage
+# Using `crew` with AWS Batch workers
-To start using `crew.aws.batch`, first create a controller object. Also supply the names of your job queue and job definition, as well as any optional flags and settings you may need.
+To start using `crew.aws.batch` in earnest, first create a controller object. Also supply the names of your job queue and job definition, as well as any optional flags and settings you may need. If you do not already have a job definition, the "monitor" object above can help you create one (see above).
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e0fa6ae..54af395 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -110,64 +110,146 @@ str(groups$SecurityGroups[[1L]])
#> $ VpcId : chr "vpc-00000"
-# Job definition management
-You will most likely need to create custom job definitions for your use
-case. Typically this involves choosing a container image in [AWS Elastic
-Container Registry
-and specifying the resource requirements of jobs. AWS has documentation
-for The `paws.compute` package makes it straightforward to manage job
-definitions. Please see the AWS Batch functions at
- to register,
-describe, and deregister job definitions. To see how ECR image URLs
-work, visit
-To [“register” (create or overwrite) a job
-use the R code below and replace the values with the ones you want.
+# Job management
+With `crew.aws.batch`, your `crew` controller automatically submits jobs
+to AWS Batch. These jobs may fail or linger for any number of reasons,
+which could impede work and increase costs. So before you use
+`crew_controller_aws_batch()`, please learn how to monitor and terminate
+AWS Batch jobs manually.
+`crew.aws.batch` defines a “monitor” class to help you take control of
+jobs and job definitions. Create a monitor object with
+`crew_aws_batch_monitor()`. You will need to supply a job definition
+name and a job queue name.
``` r
-client <- paws.compute::batch()
- jobDefinitionName = "JOB_DEFINITION_NAME",
- type = "container",
- containerProperties = list(
- vcpus = 2,
- memory = 4000
- )
+monitor <- crew_aws_batch_monitor(
+ job_definition = "YOUR_JOB_DEFINITION_NAME",
+ job_queue = "YOUR_JOB_QUEUE_NAME"
-To collect information about existing job definitions, you can either
-ask for all job definitions,
+The job definition may or may not exist at this point. If it does not
+exist, you can register with `register()`, an oversimplified
+limited-scope method which creates container-based job definitions with
+the `"awslogs"` log driver (for CloudWatch).[^3] Below, your container
+image can be as simple as a Docker Hub identifier (like
+`"alpine:latest:`) or a full URI of an ECR image.[^4]
``` r
+ platform_capabilities = "EC2",
+ memory_units = "gigabytes",
+ memory = 8,
+ cpus = 2
-or just the a specific version of a specific job definition.
+You can submit individual AWS Batch jobs to test your computing
``` r
+job1 <- monitor$submit(name = "job1", command = c("echo", "hello\nworld"))
+job2 <- monitor$submit(name = "job2", command = c("echo", "job\nsubmitted"))
+#> # A tibble: 1 × 3
+#> name id arn
+#> 1 job2 c38d55ad-4a86-4371-9994-6ea8882f5726 arn:aws:batch:us-east-2:0…
-To delete a job definition, specify the name and version of the job
-definition (or the full [Amazon Resource
-or ARN).
+Method `status()` checks the status of an individual job.
``` r
+monitor$status(id = job2$id)
+#> # A tibble: 1 × 8
+#> name id arn status reason created started stopped
+#> 1 job2 c38d55ad-4a86-43… arn:… runnable NA 1.70e12 NA NA
-# Package usage
+The `jobs()` method gets the status of all the jobs within the job queue
+and job definition you originally supplied to
+`crew_aws_batch_monitor()`. This may include many more jobs than the
+ones you submitted during the life cycle of the current `monitor`
+``` r
+#> # A tibble: 2 × 8
+#> name id arn status reason created started stopped
+#> 1 job1 653df636-ac74-43… arn:… succeeded Essen… 1.70e12 1.70e12 1.70e12
+#> 2 job2 c38d55ad-4a86-43… arn:… runnable NA 1.70e12 NA NA
-To start using `crew.aws.batch`, first create a controller object. Also
-supply the names of your job queue and job definition, as well as any
-optional flags and settings you may need.
+The [job
+can be `"submitted"`, `"pending"`, `"runnable"`, `"starting"`,
+`"running"`, `"succeeded"`, or `"failed"`. The monitor has a method for
+each job state to get only the jobs with that state.
+``` r
+#> # A tibble: 1 × 8
+#> name id arn status reason created started stopped
+#> 1 job1 653df636-ac74-43… arn:… succeeded NA 1.70e12 1.70e12 1.70e12
+In addition, there is an `active()` method for just states
+`"submitted"`, `"pending"`, `"runnable"`, `"starting"`, and `"running"`,
+and there is an `inactive()` method for just the `"succeeded"` and
+`"failed"` states.
+``` r
+#> # A tibble: 1 × 8
+#> name id arn status reason created started stopped
+#> 1 job1 653df636-ac74-43… arn:… succeeded NA 1.70e12 1.70e12 1.70e12
+To terminate a job, use the `terminate()` method. This has the effect of
+both canceling and terminating the job, although you may not see the
+change right away if the job is currently `"runnable"`. Manually
+terminated jobs are listed as failed.
+``` r
+monitor$terminate(id = job2$id)
+To get the CloudWatch logs of a job, use the `log()` method. This method
+returns a `tibble` with the log messages and numeric timestamps.
+``` r
+log <- monitor$log(id = job1$id)
+#> # A tibble: 2 × 3
+#> message timestamp ingestion_time
+#> 1 hello 1702068378163 1702068378245
+#> 2 world 1702068378163 1702068378245
+If the log messages are too long to conveniently view in the `tibble`,
+you can print them to your screen with `cat()` or `writeLines()`.
+``` r
+#> hello
+#> world
+# Using `crew` with AWS Batch workers
+To start using `crew.aws.batch` in earnest, first create a controller
+object. Also supply the names of your job queue and job definition, as
+well as any optional flags and settings you may need. If you do not
+already have a job definition, the “monitor” object above can help you
+create one (see above).
``` r
@@ -255,7 +337,7 @@ By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.
To cite package 'crew.aws.batch' in publications use:
- Landau WM (2023). _crew.aws.batch: A Crew Launcher Plugin for AWS
+ Landau WM (????). _crew.aws.batch: A Crew Launcher Plugin for AWS
Batch_. R package version,
@@ -265,7 +347,6 @@ A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
title = {crew.aws.batch: A Crew Launcher Plugin for AWS Batch},
author = {William Michael Landau},
- year = {2023},
note = {R package version,
url = {https://wlandau.github.io/crew.aws.batch/},
@@ -281,3 +362,11 @@ https://github.com/wlandau/crew.aws.batch},
TLS encryption turned on (default:
`tls = crew_tls(mode = "automatic")`). Please understand and comply
with all the security policies of your organization.
+[^3]: The log group supplied to `crew_aws_batch_monitor()` must be
+ valid. The default is `"/aws/batch/log"`, which may not exist if
+ your system administrator has a custom logging policy.
+[^4]: For the `crew` controller, you will definitely want an image with
+ R and `crew` installed. For the purposes of testing the monitor,
+ `"alpine:latest"` will work.
diff --git a/man/crew_aws_batch_monitor.Rd b/man/crew_aws_batch_monitor.Rd
index 39778eb..92aa3c7 100644
--- a/man/crew_aws_batch_monitor.Rd
+++ b/man/crew_aws_batch_monitor.Rd
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ crew_aws_batch_monitor(
job queue.}
\item{job_definition}{Character of length 1, name of the AWS Batch
-job definition.}
+job definition. The job definition might or might not exist
+at the time \code{crew_aws_batch_monitor()} is called. Either way is fine.}
\item{log_group}{Character of length 1,
AWS Batch CloudWatch log group to get job logs.