+#' @param job_queue Character of length 1, name of the AWS
+#' Batch job queue to use. There is no default for this argument,
+#' and a job queue must be created prior to running the controller.
+#' Please see for details.
+#' @param cpus Number of virtual CPUs to request per job. Can be `NULL`
+#' to go with the defaults in the job definition. Ignored if
+#' `container_overrides` is not `NULL`.
+#' @param gpus Number of GPUs to request per job. Can be `NULL`
+#' to go with the defaults in the job definition. Ignored if
+#' `container_overrides` is not `NULL`.
+#' @param memory Positive number, amount of memory to request per job.
+#' Choose the units of memory with the `memory_units` argument.
+#' Fargate instances can only be certain discrete values of mebibytes,
+#' so please choose `memory_units = "mebibytes"` in that case.
+#' The `memory` argument can be `NULL`
+#' to go with the defaults in the job definition. Ignored if
+#' `container_overrides` is not `NULL`.
+#' @param units_memory Character string, units of memory of the `memory`
+#' argument. Can be `"gigabytes"` or `"mebibytes"`.
+#' Fargate instances can only be certain discrete values of mebibytes,
+#' so please choose `memory_units = "mebibytes"` in that case.
+#' @param share_identifier `NULL` or character of length 1.
+#' For details, visit
+#' and the
+#' "AWS arguments" sections of this help file.
+#' @param scheduling_priority_override `NULL` or integer of length 1.
+#' For details, visit
+#' and the
+#' "AWS arguments" sections of this help file.
+#' @param parameters `NULL` or a nonempty list.
+#' For details, visit
+#' and the
+#' "AWS arguments" sections of this help file.
+#' @param container_overrides `NULL` or a nonempty named list of
+#' fields to override
+#' in the container specified in the job definition. Any overrides for the
+#' `command` field are ignored because `crew.aws.batch` needs to override
+#' the command to run the `crew` worker.
+#' For more details, visit
+#' and the
+#' "AWS arguments" sections of this help file.
+#' @param node_overrides `NULL` or a nonempty named list.
+#' For more details, visit
+#' and the
+#' "AWS arguments" sections of this help file.
+#' @param retry_strategy `NULL` or a nonempty named list.
+#' For more details, visit
+#' and the
+#' "AWS arguments" sections of this help file.
+#' @param propagate_tags `NULL` or a logical of length 1.
+#' For more details, visit
+#' and the
+#' "AWS arguments" sections of this help file.
+#' @param timeout `NULL` or a nonempty named list.
+#' For more details, visit
+#' and the
+#' "AWS arguments" sections of this help file.
+#' @param tags `NULL` or a nonempty named list.
+#' For more details, visit
+#' and the
+#' "AWS arguments" sections of this help file.
+#' @param eks_properties_override `NULL` or a nonempty named list.
+#' For more details, visit
+#' and the
+#' "AWS arguments" sections of this help file.
+crew_options_aws_batch <- function(
+ job_definition,
+ job_queue,
+ cpus = NULL,
+ gpus = NULL,
+ memory = NULL,
+ memory_units = "gigabytes",
+ config = list(),
+ credentials = list(),
+ endpoint = NULL,
+ region = NULL,
+ share_identifier = NULL,
+ scheduling_priority_override = NULL,
+ parameters = NULL,
+ container_overrides = NULL,
+ node_overrides = NULL,
+ retry_strategy = NULL,
+ propagate_tags = NULL,
+ timeout = NULL,
+ tags = NULL,
+ eks_properties_override = NULL
+) {
+ crew::crew_assert(
+ job_definition,
+ is.character(.),
+ length(.) == 1L,
+ !anyNA(.),
+ nzchar(.),
+ message = "job_definition must be a valid nonempty character string"
+ )
+ crew::crew_assert(
+ job_queue,
+ is.character(.),
+ length(.) == 1L,
+ !anyNA(.),
+ nzchar(.),
+ message = "job_queue must be a valid nonempty character string"
+ )
+ crew::crew_assert(
+ memory_units,
+ is.character(.),
+ length(.) == 1L,
+ !anyNA(.),
+ nzchar(.),
+ . %in% c("gigabytes", "mebibytes"),
+ message = "memory_units must be \"gigabytes\" or \"mebibytes\""
+ )
+ crew::crew_assert(
+ cpus %|||% 1,
+ is.numeric(.),
+ length(.) == 1L,
+ is.finite(.),
+ . > 0,
+ message = "cpus must be NULL or a single positive number"
+ )
+ crew::crew_assert(
+ gpus %|||% 0,
+ is.numeric(.),
+ length(.) == 1L,
+ is.finite(.),
+ . >= 0,
+ message = "gpus must be NULL or a single non-negative number"
+ )
+ crew::crew_assert(
+ memory %|||% 0,
+ is.numeric(.),
+ length(.) == 1L,
+ is.finite(.),
+ . >= 0,
+ message = "memory must be NULL or a single positive number"
+ )
+ container_overrides <- container_overrides %|||% make_container_overrides(
+ cpus = cpus,
+ gpus = gpus,
+ memory = memory,
+ memory_units = memory_units
+ )
+ structure(
+ list(
+ job_definition = job_definition,
+ job_queue = job_queue,
+ config = config,
+ credentials = credentials,
+ endpoint = endpoint,
+ region = region,
+ share_identifier = share_identifier,
+ scheduling_priority_override = scheduling_priority_override,
+ parameters = parameters,
+ container_overrides = container_overrides,
+ node_overrides = node_overrides,
+ retry_strategy = retry_strategy,
+ propagate_tags = propagate_tags,
+ timeout = timeout,
+ tags = tags,
+ eks_properties_override = eks_properties_override
+ ),
+ class = c("crew_options_aws_batch", "crew_options")
+ )
+make_container_overrides <- function(
+ cpus = cpus,
+ gpus = gpus,
+ memory = memory,
+ memory_units = memory_units
+) {
+ if (!is.null(memory) && identical(memory_units, "gigabytes")) {
+ memory <- memory * ((5L ^ 9L) / (2L ^ 11L))
+ }
+ resources <- list()
+ if (!is.null(memory)) {
+ memory <- as.character(round(memory))
+ resources$memory <- list(value = memory, type = "MEMORY")
+ }
+ if (!is.null(cpus)) {
+ resources$cpus <- list(value = as.character(cpus), type = "VCPU")
+ }
+ if (!is.null(gpus)) {
+ resources$gpus <- list(value = as.character(gpus), type = "GPU")
+ }
+ out <- list()
+ if (length(resources)) {
+ out$resourceRequirements <- resources
+ }
+ out
diff --git a/_pkgdown.yml b/_pkgdown.yml
index 2f7b8a6..37c3503 100644
--- a/_pkgdown.yml
+++ b/_pkgdown.yml
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ reference:
- title: AWS Batch launcher plugin
- 'crew_controller_aws_batch'
+ - 'crew_options_aws_batch'
- 'crew_launcher_aws_batch'
- 'crew_class_launcher_aws_batch'
- title: AWS Batch monitor
diff --git a/man/crew_class_definition_aws_batch.Rd b/man/crew_class_definition_aws_batch.Rd
index c309d2c..fa77254 100644
--- a/man/crew_class_definition_aws_batch.Rd
+++ b/man/crew_class_definition_aws_batch.Rd
@@ -262,10 +262,10 @@ Submit an AWS Batch job with the given job definition.
command = c("sleep", "300"),
name = paste0("crew-aws-batch-job-", crew::crew_random_name()),
- memory_units = "gigabytes",
- memory = NULL,
cpus = NULL,
gpus = NULL,
+ memory_units = "gigabytes",
+ memory = NULL,
seconds_timeout = NULL,
share_identifier = NULL,
scheduling_priority_override = NULL,
@@ -284,6 +284,12 @@ with each term in its own character string.}
\item{\code{name}}{Character of length 1 with the job name.}
+\item{\code{cpus}}{Positive numeric of length 1, number of virtual
+CPUs to request for each job.}
+\item{\code{gpus}}{Positive numeric of length 1, number of GPUs to
+request for each job.}
\item{\code{memory_units}}{Character of length 1,
either \code{"gigabytes"} or \code{"mebibytes"} to set the units of the
\code{memory} argument. \code{"gigabytes"} is simpler for EC2 jobs, but
@@ -294,12 +300,6 @@ mebibytes (MiB). for details, read
\item{\code{memory}}{Positive numeric of length 1, amount of memory to request
for each job.}
-\item{\code{cpus}}{Positive numeric of length 1, number of virtual
-CPUs to request for each job.}
-\item{\code{gpus}}{Positive numeric of length 1, number of GPUs to
-request for each job.}
\item{\code{seconds_timeout}}{Optional positive numeric of length 1,
number of seconds until a job times out.}
diff --git a/man/crew_options_aws_batch.Rd b/man/crew_options_aws_batch.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2761eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/crew_options_aws_batch.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/crew_options_aws_batch.R
+\title{AWS Batch options}
+ job_definition,
+ job_queue,
+ cpus = NULL,
+ gpus = NULL,
+ memory = NULL,
+ memory_units = "gigabytes",
+ config = list(),
+ credentials = list(),
+ endpoint = NULL,
+ region = NULL,
+ share_identifier = NULL,
+ scheduling_priority_override = NULL,
+ parameters = NULL,
+ container_overrides = NULL,
+ node_overrides = NULL,
+ retry_strategy = NULL,
+ propagate_tags = NULL,
+ timeout = NULL,
+ tags = NULL,
+ eks_properties_override = NULL
+\item{job_definition}{Character of length 1, name of the AWS
+Batch job definition to use. There is no default for this argument,
+and a job definition must be created prior to running the controller.
+Please see \url{https://docs.aws.amazon.com/batch/} for details.
+To create a job definition, you will need to create a Docker-compatible
+image which can run R and \code{crew}. You may which to inherit
+from the images at \url{https://github.com/rocker-org/rocker-versioned2}.}
+\item{job_queue}{Character of length 1, name of the AWS
+Batch job queue to use. There is no default for this argument,
+and a job queue must be created prior to running the controller.
+Please see \url{https://docs.aws.amazon.com/batch/} for details.}
+\item{cpus}{Number of virtual CPUs to request per job. Can be \code{NULL}
+to go with the defaults in the job definition. Ignored if
+\code{container_overrides} is not \code{NULL}.}
+\item{gpus}{Number of GPUs to request per job. Can be \code{NULL}
+to go with the defaults in the job definition. Ignored if
+\code{container_overrides} is not \code{NULL}.}
+\item{memory}{Positive number, amount of memory to request per job.
+Choose the units of memory with the \code{memory_units} argument.
+Fargate instances can only be certain discrete values of mebibytes,
+so please choose \code{memory_units = "mebibytes"} in that case.
+The \code{memory} argument can be \code{NULL}
+to go with the defaults in the job definition. Ignored if
+\code{container_overrides} is not \code{NULL}.}
+\item{share_identifier}{\code{NULL} or character of length 1.
+For details, visit
+\url{https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/batch_submit_job/} and the
+"AWS arguments" sections of this help file.}
+\item{scheduling_priority_override}{\code{NULL} or integer of length 1.
+For details, visit
+\url{https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/batch_submit_job/} and the
+"AWS arguments" sections of this help file.}
+\item{parameters}{\code{NULL} or a nonempty list.
+For details, visit
+\url{https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/batch_submit_job/} and the
+"AWS arguments" sections of this help file.}
+\item{container_overrides}{\code{NULL} or a nonempty named list of
+fields to override
+in the container specified in the job definition. Any overrides for the
+\code{command} field are ignored because \code{crew.aws.batch} needs to override
+the command to run the \code{crew} worker.
+For more details, visit
+\url{https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/batch_submit_job/} and the
+"AWS arguments" sections of this help file.}
+\item{node_overrides}{\code{NULL} or a nonempty named list.
+For more details, visit
+\url{https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/batch_submit_job/} and the
+"AWS arguments" sections of this help file.}
+\item{retry_strategy}{\code{NULL} or a nonempty named list.
+For more details, visit
+\url{https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/batch_submit_job/} and the
+"AWS arguments" sections of this help file.}
+\item{propagate_tags}{\code{NULL} or a logical of length 1.
+For more details, visit
+\url{https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/batch_submit_job/} and the
+"AWS arguments" sections of this help file.}
+\item{timeout}{\code{NULL} or a nonempty named list.
+For more details, visit
+\url{https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/batch_submit_job/} and the
+"AWS arguments" sections of this help file.}
+\item{tags}{\code{NULL} or a nonempty named list.
+For more details, visit
+\url{https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/batch_submit_job/} and the
+"AWS arguments" sections of this help file.}
+\item{eks_properties_override}{\code{NULL} or a nonempty named list.
+For more details, visit
+\url{https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/batch_submit_job/} and the
+"AWS arguments" sections of this help file.}
+\item{units_memory}{Character string, units of memory of the \code{memory}
+argument. Can be \code{"gigabytes"} or \code{"mebibytes"}.
+Fargate instances can only be certain discrete values of mebibytes,
+so please choose \code{memory_units = "mebibytes"} in that case.}
+A classed list of options for the controller.
+Options for the AWS Batch controller.
diff --git a/tests/definition/test-definition.R b/tests/definition/test-definition.R
index 3f74e65..0b92967 100644
--- a/tests/definition/test-definition.R
+++ b/tests/definition/test-definition.R
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ test_that("submit a job", {
job <- x$submit(
command = c("sleep", "1"),
memory_units = "mebibytes",
- memory = 128,
+ memory = 500,
cpus = 1,
seconds_timeout = 60,
tags = c("crew_aws_batch_1", "crew_aws_batch_2"),
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-crew_options_aws_batch.R b/tests/testthat/test-crew_options_aws_batch.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..572e02b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-crew_options_aws_batch.R
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+test_that("basic options", {
+ out <- crew_options_aws_batch(
+ job_definition = "x",
+ job_queue = "y"
+ )
+ expect_s3_class(out, c("crew_options_aws_batch", "crew_options"))
+ expect_equal(out$job_definition, "x")
+ expect_equal(out$job_queue, "y")
+test_that("cpu and memory", {
+ out <- crew_options_aws_batch(
+ job_definition = "x",
+ job_queue = "y",
+ cpus = 0.5,
+ memory = 2,
+ memory_units = "gigabytes"
+ )
+ expect_s3_class(out, c("crew_options_aws_batch", "crew_options"))
+ expect_equal(out$job_definition, "x")
+ expect_equal(out$job_queue, "y")
+ expect_equal(
+ out$container_overrides,
+ list(
+ resourceRequirements = list(
+ memory = list(value = "1907", type = "MEMORY"),
+ cpus = list(value = "0.5", type = "VCPU")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+test_that("gpus", {
+ out <- crew_options_aws_batch(
+ job_definition = "x",
+ job_queue = "y",
+ gpus = 2
+ )
+ expect_s3_class(out, c("crew_options_aws_batch", "crew_options"))
+ expect_equal(out$job_definition, "x")
+ expect_equal(out$job_queue, "y")
+ expect_equal(
+ out$container_overrides,
+ list(
+ resourceRequirements = list(
+ gpus = list(value = "2", type = "GPU")
+ )
+ )
+ )