There are few steps you need to follow to implement PayUMoney SDK:
Open file android/app/build.gradle in your flutter project and update minSdkVersion under "defaultConfig" to 21 (if greater than leave)
Open AndroidManifest.xml located at android/app/src/main and add following code:
<manifest xmlns:android=""
xmlns:tools="" <--- paste here
also add this code:
tools:replace="android:label" <-- Paste here
<-- No additional steps required for iOS -->
Run this command in project terminal to add dependency
flutter pub add payumoney_pro_unofficial
or add manually to pubspecs.yaml
payumoney_pro_unofficial: ^0.0.9
Get latest packages
flutter pub get
Import package to by adding this line at the top
import 'package:payumoney_pro_unofficial/payumoney_pro_unofficial.dart';
Copy and paste this code
Future<void> initializePayment() async{
final response= await PayumoneyProUnofficial.payUParams(
email: '<Customer Email>',
firstName: '<Customer Name>',
merchantName: '<Merchant Name>',
isProduction: true,
merchantKey: '<Merchant Key>',
merchantSalt: '<Merchant Salt Version 1>',
amount: '<Amount in Rs>',
hashUrl:'<Checksum URL to generate dynamic hashes>', //nodejs code is included. Host the code and update its url here.
productInfo: '<Product Name>',
transactionId: '<Unique ID>',
showLogs:false, // true for debugging, false for production
userCredentials:'<Merchant Key>:' + '<Customer Email or User ID>',
userPhoneNumber: phone
if (response['status'] == PayUParams.success)
if (response['status'] == PayUParams.failed)
//Implement Your Success Logic
handlePaymentFailure(String errorMessage){
//Implement Your Failed Payment Logic
Tested Devices:
Device Name | Status |
iPhoneX | ✅ |
iPhone 11 | ✅ |
iPhone 12 | ✅ |
iPhone 12 mini | ✅ |
Google Pixel | ✅ |
Android Emulator(v10) | ✅ |
Always make sure you validate Phone number(Must be 10 Digits) else payment page might not appear.
Avoid hardcoded credentials.
Always generate unique transaction id for each transaction.
Store Transaction & Details to database for later analysis or usage.
For any issue please write to [email protected]
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