gRPC-Web-Rx is a TypeScript library that integrates gRPC-Web with RxJS. gRPC-Web-Rx provides a convenience from
operator that you can use to wrap your gRPC call to obtain an Observable
of the response. Currently unary and server streaming RPCs are supported.
gRPC Call Type | Input and Output Types |
Unary | Request => Observable<Response> |
Server streaming | Request => Observable<Response> |
Client streaming | Not yet supported by gRPC-Web |
Bidirectional streaming | Not yet supported by gRPC-Web |
You can install the grpc-web-rx
module via npm:
npm i grpc-web-rx
Let's look at a hypothetical Todo service, defined using Protocol Buffers as:
syntax = "proto3";
package wisetime.todo.v1;
service TodoService {
// Use this unary RPC to create todo items.
rpc CreateTodo(CreateTodoRequest) returns (Todo);
// Subscribe to this server streaming RPC to receive todo list updates.
rpc WatchTodos(WatchTodosRequest) returns (stream TodoList);
message Todo {
string id = 1;
string title = 2;
bool completed = 3;
message CreateTodoRequest {
string title = 1;
message WatchTodosRequest {}
message TodoList {
repeated Todo todos = 1;
In order to use gRPC-Web, we need to generate the client library from using protoc and the gRPC-Web protoc plugin:
protoc -I=src/protobuf src/protobuf/todo.proto \
--js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary:src/generated \
The from
operator executes a gRPC call and provides an Observable
of the response.
import { from } from "grpc-web-rx"
import { CreateTodoRequest, WatchTodoRequest } from "./generated/todo_pb"
import { TodoServiceClient } from "./generated/TodoServiceClientPb"
const client = new TodoServiceClient("http://localhost:8080")
// An example unary call.
from(() => client.createTodo(new CreateTodoRequest().setTitle("Buy milk")))
response => console.log(`Todo created with ID: ${}`),
error => console.error(`Received error status code: ${error.code}`)
// An example server streaming call: Subscribing to an update stream.
from(() => client.watchTodos(new WatchTodosRequest()))
next: todos => console.log(`Received updated todo list: ${todos}`),
error: error => console.error(`Received error status code: ${error.code}`),
complete: () => console.log("Notification stream has ended")
gRPC-Web-Rx also provides a retry
operator for retrying calls that fail with a non-OK gRPC Status.
In the following example, we configure a RetryPolicy
that will retry calls that fail with status code PERMISSION_DENIED
. The call is retried up to 3 times with an initial delay of 200ms. The delay increases exponentially for each subsequent attempt. In this example, the refreshIdToken()
function is called before each attempt.
import Grpc from "grpc-web"
import { from, retry, withExponentialDelay } from "grpc-web-rx"
import { CreateTodoRequest } from "./generated/todo_pb"
const policy = {
shouldRetry: error => error.code == Grpc.StatusCode.PERMISSION_DENIED,
maxRetries: 3,
beforeRetry: withExponentialDelay(200)(refreshIdToken()),
from(() => client.createTodo(new CreateTodoRequest().setTitle("Very important task!")))
response => console.log(`Todo created with ID: ${}`),
error => console.error(`Received error status code: ${error.code}`)
You will need to install the following tools to work on gRPC-Web-Rx:
- protoc
- protoc-gen-grpc-web
- Docker is needed to run a local Envoy proxy for integration tests
Run tests by executing the following command:
$ make test-local
This starts a local gRPC node server together with an Envoy proxy (via Docker) where the tests will be run against.