This folder contains all the required scripts to deploy the projects.
These scripts were tested with ansible 2.9.10, higher versions should work but lower versions might not.
- Make sure you can compile the bot
- Prepare a linux server to deploy to, tested on ubuntu 16.04.
- Set the your server ip to your
, for example:
Host scammer-detector-bot
User ubuntu
- Get your bot token from Discord, and set it on the bot.env config file, consider copying the template for that bot.env.template.
- Set the proper config on the application.conf to set the details for the servers that you will install the bot on.
- Make sure to give enough permissions to the bot on the channel you set on the previous config file, otherwise, you won't get any messages.
Execute the following commands to deploy the application:
- If your server has password-less sudo:
ansible-playbook -i production-hosts.ini bot-server.yml
- Otherwise:
ansible-playbook -i production-hosts.ini --ask-become-pass bot-server.yml
Once your bot is running, update and go to[YOUR_BOT_CLIENT_ID]&scope=bot