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e2 docs custom effects

Divran edited this page Apr 22, 2021 · 3 revisions

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Effect = effect()

Creates and returns new effect (1 ops)

Effect = Effect:setOrigin(Vector Pos)

Sets the origin of the effect (1 ops)

Effect = Effect:setStart(Vector Pos)

Sets the start of the effect (1 ops)

Effect = Effect:setMagnitude(Number Mag)

Sets the magnitude of the effect (1 ops)

Effect = Effect:setAngles(Angle Ang)

Sets the angle of the effect (1 ops)

Effect = Effect:setScale(Number Scale)

Sets the scale of the effect (1 ops)

Effect = Effect:setEntity(Entity Ent)

Sets the entity of the effect (1 ops)

Effect = Effect:setNormal(Vector Norm)

Sets the normalized direction vector of the effect (1 ops)

Effect = Effect:setSurfaceProp(Number Prop)

Sets the surface property index of the effect (1 ops)

Effect = Effect:setRadius(Number Radius)

Sets the radius of the effect (1 ops)

Effect = Effect:setMaterialIndex(Number Index)

Sets the material index of the effect (1 ops)

Effect = Effect:setHitBox(Number Index)

Sets the hit box index of the effect (1 ops)

Effect = Effect:setFlags(Number Flags)

Sets the flags of the effect (1 ops)

Effect = Effect:setEntIndex(Number Index)

Sets the entity of the effect via its index (1 ops)

Effect = Effect:setDamageType(Number Index)

Sets the damage type of the effect. See DMG_ Enums on GMod Wiki (1 ops)

Effect = Effect:setColor(Number Index)

Sets the color of the effect. Color is represented by a byte (1 ops)

Effect = Effect:setAttachment(Number Index)

Creates new attachment ID for the effect (1 ops)

Effect:play(String Name)

Plays the effect with given name (eg. watersplash) (1 ops)

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